May15th, 2015

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The Patrika

Friday, May 15th, 2015


Abbotsforward New Concepts Report Provides Focus for the Future


bbotsford City Council received a New Concepts Report, completing the second stage of Abbotsforward, the Official Community Plan (OCP) update project. The report summarizes the stage two community engagement results, highlighting the extensive community consultation that took place, with more than 4,000 interactions with residents. “Resident participation was very broad, representing all areas and demographics of the City, which gives a great sense of where people want us to focus,” said Abbotsford Mayor, Henry Braun. “One of the key features of this report is that it begins to paint a picture of the city that Abbotsford could become, and provides seven

key ideas for the future of three, which will use the Abbotsford that the new “Big Ideas” to develop OCP will focus on.” approaches to how Abbotsford grows and uses The report outlines seven land. Abbotsforward staff “Big Ideas” for the new will be out in the comOCP: · Create a City Cenmunity over the summer tre · Establish Distinct Neighbourhoods · Make to share the “Big Ideas” Walking, Cycling, and through a summer fair and Transit Delightful · Design neighbourhood walks, and Places for People · Foster in the fall to receive input Natural Beauty · Enhance for developing growth sceAgricultural Integrity · narios through more road shows, citizen circles, and Make it Work stakeholder workshops. The New Concepts Report also provides results The New Concepts Report from the online survey can be viewed at www.abthat asked residents to their priorities port . for Abbotsford’s future. Residents’ top priorities include Parks & Environment, Jobs, Transportation & Infrastructure and Housing.

More information about the Abbotsforward OCP update project, including the speaker event videos, can be accessed at www. Latest The next step of Abbots- updates are available via forward is the start of stage Twitter: @abbotsforward.

Bharathi Sandhu, BBA Financial Advisor

Raymond James Ltd. Suite 200-2881 Garden Street, Abbotsford BC V2T 4X1 604-855-0654 |

Member - Canadian Investor Protection Fund.


Friday, May 15th, 2015

The Patrika 


B.C. names Climate Leadership Team


remier Christy Clark today introduced the team providing government with expert advice and recommendations as British Columbia begins developing a new

climate action plan that the best actions to keep us will build on its climate on track toward meeting our greenhouse gas reducsuccesses. tion targets. Thank you “ We’re taking the next to the team members for step in climate leadership accepting the challenge of by engaging with British helping B.C. develop our Columbians on new clinew Climate Leadership mate actions to support a Plan.” growing economy,” said Premier Christy Clark. The Climate Leadership “The Climate Leadership Team’s mandate, to be Team brings together lead- fulfilled by Nov. 30, 2015, ers from the business, aca- is to provide advice and demic and environmental recommendations on: communities, as well as • how to maintain B.C.’s First Nations and local climate leadership; governments, to consider • updates to the current Climate Action Plan as well as new programs and policies required to meet B.C.’s greenhouse gas reduction targets while maintaining strong economic growth and successfully implementing the BC Jobs cont’d on page 23



The Patrika

Friday, May 15th, 2015


albrtf coxF dy hYrfnIjnk nqIjy albrtf dIaF 5 meI nUM hoeIaF 29vIaF ivDfn sBf coxF ipCly 44 sflF qoN ies sUby AuWpr rfj kr rhI pI[ sI[ pfrtI nUM krfrI hfr idMdy hoey aYn[ zI[ pI[ pfrtI ny rfj swqf sMBflx dI iqafrI kr leI hY. aYn[ zI[ pI[ ny kwul 87 sItF ivwcoN 53 sItF nfl bhumq pRfpq kIqI hY ivroDI pfrtI vfeIlzrojL nUM 20 sItF imlIaF hn, jdoN ik ipCly cfr dhfikaF 1971 qoN vI vwD smF albrtf sUby AuWpr rfj kr vflI pI[ sI[ pfrtI nUM isrPL 11 sItF hI imlIaF hn. jsitn trUzo dI agvfeI ivwc knyzf dI rfjswqf df supnf lYx vflI ilbrl pfrtI isrPL 1 sIt hI jhfsl kr skI ijwQy pI[ sI[ pfrtI ny iehnF coxf dOrfn afpxI hoNd Kqm hox dy iknfry lY aFdI hY AuWQy rfj Bfg aMdr hux pMjfbI BfeIcfry dI igxqI vI nf mfqr hI idKfeI dyvygI. isrP kYlgrI grIn vya qoN sfbkf mMqrI mnmIq Buwlr hI iek pMjfbI ichrf dubfrf ijwq ky albrtf asMblI ivwc pYr rwKx Xogf hoieaf hY jdoN ik aYzimMtn qoN qF iblkuwl sPfeI hI ho geI hY. kYlgrI dy hlkf mYkfl ivwc iqMn pMjfbI AumIdvfr sn pr aYn[ zI[ pI[ dI hnyrI awgy iqMnoN hI itwk nf sky. aYn[ zI[ pI[ dy jyqU AumIdvfr ierPfn sLbIr nUM 3783 votF imlIaF jdoN ik vfeIlzrojL dy hYpI mfn nUM 3363, pI[ sI[ dI jgdIp shoqf nUM 2319 aqy ilbrl dy aivnfsL KMgUVf nUM 2206 votF hI imlIaF. iesy qrHF kYlgrI krfs qoN aYn[ zI[ pI[ dy irkfrzo mfirMzf nUM 4602, puils cIP dI nOkrI Cwz ky cox lVn afey irwk hYnsn nUM 4502 vfeIlzrojL dy moiejL mihmUd nUM 2062 aqy ilbrl pfrtI dI sIt qoN afpxy blbUqy AuWpr aqy afpxI tIm dy sihXog sdkf isrPL 15 idnF dy cox pRcfr dOrfn hI mnjoq igwl 1191 votF lY jf sikaf hY. kYlgrI grIn hlkf qoN pMjfbI mUl df AumIdvfr albrtf df sfbkf mMqrI mnmIq Buwlr ijwqx ivwc kfmXfb ho igaf hY afpxy ivroDI AumIdvfr aYn[ zI[ pI[ dy zfn munro qoN 844 votF vwD lY ky albrtf asMblI ivwc bYTx Xogf ho igaf hY. Aus dI pfrtI dI srkfr nf hox kfrn hux Auh isrPL mMqrI nhIN sgoN aYm[ aYl[ ey[ vjoN hI pMjfbIaF dI sLfn bxygf. cYstmIar rOkIivAU qoN vI mukfblf bVf sKq sI pI pfrtI dy jyqU AumIdvfr nUM 6985 votF peIaF jdoN ik vfeIlzrojL dI lIlf afhIr nUM 6958 pRfpq kridaF isrPL 27 votF dI Gft kfrn hfr df mUMh dyKxf ipaf. aYn[ zI[ pI[ dy ivlIam jymjL nUM 3510 aqy pMjfbI mUl

dy bfgI AumIdvfr jYmI lYl nUM 942 votF hI imlIaF. aYzimMtn dy hlkf mYinMg qoN ijwQoN ipClI vjfrq mOky pItr sMDU aYm[ aYl[ ey[ huMdf sI pr ies vfr Auh gurcrn grcf koloN nfmInysLn hI hfr igaf sI. nfmInysLn ijwq ky gurcrn grcf vI pI[ sI[ pfrtI leI ieh sIt bcf nf sikaf. Aus nUM isrPL 2579 votF hI peIaF jdoN ik aYn[ zI[ pI[ dI hYdr svIt nUM 12270 votF imlIaF. imwl krIk qoN puurfxI vjLfrq df ihwsf jIn ijEvzskI vI 3849 votF pRfpq kr ky hfr kbUldf hoieaf afpxy mwuK ivroDI idnIs vflrz nUM imlIaF 9023 votF nUM qsdIk kr igaf. jdoN ik ilbrl dy hrpRIq isMG nUM 1916 votF hI imlIaF. aYlrslI qoN aYn[ zI[ pI[ dy rfz nUM 11023 votF imlIaF jdoN ik nyVly ivroDI pMjfbI mUl dy hrmn kMdolf 3542 votF hI imlIaF. iesy qrHF imlvuwzjL qoN suhyl kfdrI nUM 2931 votF hI imlIaF jdoN ik ijwqx vfly nUM 9927 imlIaF. albrtf sUby dI pRImIar bxn jf rhI rycl nOtlI ny 13597 votF lYNidaF afpxy mwuK ivroDI nUM 11355 votF dy Prk nlf hrfieaf. iesy qrHF vfeIlzrojL pfrtI dy muKI brfienjIn 869 votF dy Prk nfl Port mYkmrI vflI sIt ijwqI. albrtf dy pRImIar rhy ijm pRYNits ny BfvyN sIt qF ijwq leI sI pr Aus ny Ausy mOky afpxf asqIPf idMidaF rfjnIqI qoN iknfrf krn df PYslf ilaf. ilbrl dy ihwsy isrPL iewk sIt zf:svYn vflI hI afeI hY. hfrn vflI pI[ sI [srkfr dI imafd hfly iewk sfl bfkI sI pr ijwm aqy Ausdy slfhkfrF ny iehI soicaf sI ik vfeIlzrojL pfrtI qF Kqm hI kr idwqI hY. ies leI smyN qoN pihlF coxf krvf ky agly 4 sfl leI byiPkr ho jfvFgy. Pyr ieh qF Auh gwl hoeI, bhuqf KFdI QoiVEN vI jfdI hY. 1935 qoN hI lgfqfr 80 sfl albrtf rfj ivc sWjy pWKI rfjnIqI df rfj irhf hY. pMj pfrtIaF jo sfrIaF hI pMjsWj ipCfKVI amIrF pWKI sn rfj krdIaF rhIaF. 1971 ivc kMjLrvyitv pfrtI ny sosLl krYizt qoN sWqf KohI sI. hux albrtf ivc sqf dI qbdIlI hoeI hY. ieh vyKx vflI gWl hY ik hux KWby pWKI aYn zI pI ikMnf icr ikMnI vfr sqf pRfpq krygI jdoN ik hux qk sfrIaF hI pfrtIaF afpo afpxy smyN vWzy bhumWq nfl hmysLf hI ijWqdIaF rhIaF hn. albrtf vfsIaF ny hmysLf hI jyqU pfrtI nMU vzy bhumq nfl rfj sqf sONpI hY. aYWn zI pI dI ijWq kOmI rfjnIqI hoxI asrdfr hovygI.

mylf mfvF DIaF df BYxf nMU ieh jfx ky KusLI hovygI ik zyv kYNzl pfrk aYbtsPorz ivc 17 meI idn aYqvfr nMU ‘mylf mfvF DIaF df’ iek vjy dupihr qoN 6 vjy sLfm qk mnfieaf jf irhf hY. koeI itkt nhIN hovygf. pRbMDk BYxf vloN cfh pkOVy dI syvf hovygI. pRbMDkF BYxf dI shfieqf leI mfiek shfieqf afpxI mrjLI anusfr hovygI. pMjfbI hrmnipafrf igWDf pfieaf jfvygf. BYxf nMU KuWlHf sWdf idWqf jFdf hY ik ies smyN igWDy df anMd mfnx leI huMm- humf ky afE! hor jfxkfrI leI; suKjIq kOr: 778-809-8085, srbjIq brfV: 604-864-6168, gurpRIq: 604-825-2195, crnjIq kOr: 604-556-7391, amrjIq iQMd: 604-3002170, prmjIq kOr idAul: 604-552-1676


The Patrika

Friday, May 15th, 2015



Vaping : Its Potential Health Hazards


By: Dr Hardyal Singh Aulakh

efore we start examining the issue at hand, let us look at a few relevant vocabulary terms. First of all, let’s see what an e-cigarette is. An e-cigarette is popularly known as “e-cig”, the abbreviation of “e-cigarette” or “electronic cigarette” which is a battery-operated device used to simulate or mimic the experience of normal cigarette smoking. It has a cartridge with a heater to vaporize liquid nicotine - a highly toxic alkaloid (C10 H14 N2), found in tobacco and considered an insecticide - instead of a hookah that burns tobacco for its smoke to be inhaled and then exhaled. Now, a hookah is a tobacco pipe of Eastern origin. It has a long, flexible tube by which the tobacco smoke is drawn through a jar of water and thus cooled before being inhaled. Now, what does “vape” mean? It simply means an ecigarette or a similar device used for smoking marijuana. And “marijuana” – pronounced as “mar-uh-wah-nuh” means “the dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant, used in cigarettes as a narcotic or hallucinogen”. “Hemp” may mean “bhung”in Punjabi and “gaanja” in Hindi. E-Cigarettes may also be known as ENDS (electronic nicotine delivery systems), and as vapour pens. Now, let us look at the trend of “vaping” among teenagers and its potential health hazards, if any, in the long term. Let this be clear to all that some teenagers from almost every community, irrespective of their religious affiliations, are into vaping. So, as of now, almost no community is immune from it. Our goal through this write-up is to create a general awareness about the issue and see how we can reduce the risk of disease and death, caused by tobacco or nicotine through vaping.

of internet searches for the products in recent years. A study by U.S. researchers showed a several hundred-fold increase,

Until British Columbia has its own regulation in place, governing the use and business of e-cigarettes, there are no age restrictions to purchasing e-cigarettes. So, they will be easily available to youth and young adults. And also there are no restrictions on e-cigarette marketing and promotion as yet.

that contains nicotine

between 2008 and 2010, in searches for the vaping devices over other smoking alternatives such as, nicotine patches. Another U.S. study revealed that in 2012, eight per cent of the general population had tried vaping whereas about a third of smokers reported having tried the devices. You might think that anything that would help smokers quit would be wholeheartedly welcomed by the public health field. But addiction treatment specialists, public health officials and tobacco control advocates in North America are wondering whether e-cigarettes are useful smoking-cessation aids or whether they are tobacco business’s latest attempt to retain, and expand market share by getting a new generation of customers - teenagers - hooked on nicotine. Like conventional cigarettes, should the vaping devices, be barred from restaurants, workplaces and other indoor settings? Or, are they sufficiently different -- and sufficiently safe for users and the people around them -- to merit more lax regulatory treatment? Would less stringent rules for e-cigarettes “renormalize” smoking, undoing decades of anti-tobacco efforts by rendering the act of smoking -- or simulated smoking -- cool again? Don’t you think youth who start by vaping graduate to smoking regular cigarettes? As of now, there are no immediate answers.

In the face of the uncertainty -- and exploding sales -- governments have been forced to respond. But the international regulatory It is generally believed that traditional approach to e-cigarettes resembles a patchcigarette smoking is more harmful than e- work quilt. cigarettes, though the safety of e-cigarettes Health Canada would not give The Canadian and the vapour they emit, has not been sci- Press an on-the-record interview about how entifically demonstrated or established yet. e-cigarettes are regulated in this country. But However, local, provincial, federal, and inter- two officials involved with the file did outline national public health authorities seem con- the legislative lay of the land, speaking on cerned about health and safety risks because the condition of anonymity. e-cigarette parts – liquid and vapour – have In Canada, e-cigarettes that are sold with been found to include harmful and cancernicotine, may fall under the jurisdiction of the causing components. And an excessive use Food and Drugs Act,” says Health Canada. of e-cigarettes and ingestion of e-liquids is And under that Act, a manufacturer must responsible for cases of nicotine poisoning, apply to Health Canada for authorization etc. The exhaled (second-hand) vapour may to bring a new product to market. But, to also contain harmful chemicals. In fact, indate, Health Canada has not approved any depth studies are suggested to further assess e-cigarettes under the Food and Drug Act, the e-cigarette hazards for both the users and say the officials, which means that it is not those exposed to vapour. legal in Canada to sell e-cigarettes with juice In this context, a Health Canada official said the department has taken “hundreds” of actions related to sales of e-cigarettes and nicotine, seizing some products, writing letters to inform merchants they must stop selling the combined products and working How burgeoning e-cigarette popularity is with Canada Border Services Agency to stop can be judged from the exponential growth the import of products.



The Patrika

Friday, May 15th, 2015


Display highlights South Asian contribution to First World War “Duty, Honour and Izzat”, an exhibit outlining the often overlooked contribution of South Asian soldiers on the battlefields of the First World War, was on display at the B.C.’s Parliament Buildings on May 11.

Many of the descendants of Canadian and South Asian veterans have found their way to B.C. since that war, and closing a circle, have come together again as part of this province’s rich multicultural community.

The exhibit tells the story of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who travelled around the globe, far from their homes, to fight against a common enemy. These brave soldiers fought, lived and died beside Canadians, British, French and other allied troops in battles such as Ypres and Neuve Chappelle.


The display was made possible through Community and Employer Partnership funding from the Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation, and travelled around the Lower Mainland on display in the fall of 2014.

“This exhibit is a great tool to educate and inspire the public by highlighting the valour of these soldiers. I’m proud my ministry helped contribute to its creation, and its continuing mission to shine a light on an important part of history.”

Minister of Technology, Innovation and Citizens Services Amrik Virk –

“The shared sacrifice of Canadian and South Asian soldiers is a story that needs to be told more often. These men fought and bled together, and I think they would be proud their descendants are still working together to build a prosperous future Visitors enjoyed historical illustration, here in B.C.” descriptions and photographs showing the diverse nature and geography of the Minister of Social Development and South Asian soldiers of the era. Social Innovation Michelle Stilwell –

88 vfr KUndfn krn vflf afl ieMzIaf ipMglvfVf sRI aMimRqsr df syvfdfr- jgjIvn igwl jgjIvn igwl puwqr s: brijMdr isMG igwl ipMz kwsoafxf qihsIl jLIrf (ijLlHf iPro j L p u r ) invfsI ny pM j fb Ky q IbfVI XUnIvristI luiDafxf qoN (BSC. Agriculture) KyqIbfVI krn AuprMq Auh sfl 1995 ivwc kYnyzf cly gey. AuWQy jf ik Auh rYWz krfs (Red-Cross) susfietI dy mYNbr bxy aqy mrIjLF dy Bly leI KUndfn krn df PYslf ilaf. hux qwk Auh 88 vfr KUndfn kr cwuky hn. KUndfn krky 400 mrIjLF df Blf kr cwuky hn. AuhnF ny bVy hI Bly df kMm krky ivdysLF ivc pMjfbIaF df nfm rOsLn kIqf hY. AuhnF ny anykF nOjvfnF, irsLqydfr, BYx-BrfvF nUM KUndfn lihr nfl joiVaf. Auh ipMglvfVf, sRI aMimRqsr leI lgfqfr (Canada, U.S.A, Australia) qoN dfn iekwTf krky Byj rhy hn aqy pMjfb af kr ipMglvfVy ivwc hwQIN syvf vI krdy hn. zf:ieMdrjIq kOr muwK syivkf ipMglvfVf sRI aMimRqsr aqy smwucI tIm vwlo AuhnF nUM ipMglvfVy phuMcx qoN inwGI jI afieaf aqy ardfs kIqI ik pRmfqmf sdf AuhnF nUM cVHdI klf ivwc rwKy.

lYxI cfhIdI hY jo ik lok aqy dysL BlfeI dy kMm kr rhy hn. ibmfrIaF dy Xwug ivwc sfnUM vwD qoN vwD KUndfn ivwc afpxf Xogdfn pfAuxf cfhIdf hY. awj dy smyN ivwc bhuq hI vwzI loV hY KUn dI, ikAuNik iBafnk rog (kYNsr, idl df dOrf, aDrMg, sLUgr afid) kudrqI afPqF (aYksIzYNt, hVH, zf: ieMdrjIq kOr ny afiKaf ik sfnUM BUcfl afid) df tfkrf krn leI KUn dI sfiraF nUM aijhy smfj syvI iensfnF qoN syD bhuq loV hY hspqflF dy blwz bYNkF ivwc. PAGE 6

The Patrika

Friday, May 15th, 2015



Innovative technology supports British Columbians’ health


ew technology specifically geared to support independence for those with physical and cognitive disabilities is under development at CanAssist, thanks to $3 million in funding from the Ministry of Health.

nounced today for people with disabilities across the province, as well as their families and health teams.”

“The research and technology being developed at CanAssist helps remove barriers to independent living for people with disabilities,” said Social Development and Social Innovation Minister Michelle Stilwell. “By supporting CanAssist, government is making our communities more accessible and inclusive for all British Columbians.”

system, which support those living with early stages of dementia, as well as their family members and caregivers.

“I applaud CanAssist’s work to develop and adapt technologies to specifically meet the needs of B.C.’s aging popula“We can all relate to the importance of tion, especially those living with demenpersonal independence, which is why tia and their caregivers” said Parliamengovernment is committed to ensuring tary Secretary for Seniors Darryl Plecas. supports for people with disabilities In March 2014, CanAssist received and seniors,” said Health Minister $2-million in funding for the CanStayTerry Lake. “Funding the development of Home program, which will result in a technology to support independence so suite of innovative technologies that suppeople can stay safely and comfortably port vulnerable B.C. seniors and others at home puts patients’ needs first and to stay in their homes longer, enhancing contributes to a better quality of life.” their well-being and quality of life, while CanAssist is operated through the Uni- at the same time reducing pressure on the versity of Victoria and is dedicated to province’s health system. These needs helping people with disabilities improve in conjunction with a focus on building their quality of life, with a focus on pro- primary and community care support are moting independence and inclusion. As part of the province’s strategic service part of this work, their team develops priorities for health. innovative technologies and programs Examples of technologies CanAssist has to meet needs that are not currently ad- developed include a wandering deterdressed by existing services. rent system and a phone in monitoring

This latest funding for CanAssist is intended to develop an innovative technology that will begin benefiting thousands of people throughout the province by 2016. Funding will also be used to launch a new online service for individuals and organizations looking for information about existing and emerging technologies that help people with a range of disabilities.

“In my work with clients with dementia and their families, I saw how the use of a technology system with individualized messages could proactively decrease the instances of night time wandering,” said Cheryl Beach, director of community initiatives with Island Health. “Bringing the idea to CanAssist and then overseeing its use to help keep those with dementia safer is very satisfying.”

Previous technologies developed were done on a smaller scale for a specific region of the province. CanStayHome increases accessibility and sees the development of technologies for seniors’ use throughout the province. This latest funding brings the total Ministry “It’s wonderful to see how the partnerof Health support to the University of ship between CanAssist at the University Victoria for CanAssist to $10.5 million of Victoria and the B.C. Ministry of since 2011. Health has flourished over the years. With the ministry’s support, CanAssist Accessibility 2024 is a 10-year plan and has developed significant experience a shared commitment between governwithin the health sector and in working ment, businesses and communities for with each of the province’s five health making B.C. the most progressive place authorities,” said Dr. Valerie Kuehne, in Canada for people with disabilities. vice-president, academic and provost, Funding for CanAssist supports incluUniversity of Victoria. “We look forward sive communities, a key building block to seeing the benefits of the funding an- identified in Accessibility 2024.


The Patrika


mukqI dI iewCf nhIN amrjIq iZwloN dbVIKfnf

mukqI qoN inrvfx pd ‘c kfPI aMqr hY gOqm buwD dy inrvfx pd df arQ hY ijAuNdy jIa icMqfmukq ho jfxf, afpxIaF KfihsF nUM Gtf ky mwD mfrg df rsqf cu x nf, ikAu N i k bkO l sL f ier: ‘KfihsyN kwd sy jb bVI hoNgI, inwq neIN musLikly KVI hoNgI.’ iehnUM iswDI-sfdI BfsLf ivwc kih skdy hF ik cfdr dyK ky pYr psfrn vflf ivakqI hI inrvfx pd nUM pRfpq ho skdf hY.

dUjy pfsy sfzy Drm (ihMdU, iswK afid) ‘c mukqI df arQ hY ik hmysLF leI afpxy vjUd df KLfqmf. ‘ab kI vfr bKLsL bMdy ko bhur nf Bvjl Pyrf..’ Auh ies sMsfr nUM Bvjl (zr df smuMdr) kihMdy hn ik hy rwbf, aYqkI bKLsL dy, mYN muV ky nhIN ies dunIaf ‘qy afAuNdf ikMnI qrsXog hflq hY ijs rMgly sMsfr qoN jfx nUM idl nhIN krdf, vfr-vfr iewQy afAux nUM jIa krdf hY, Aus nUM Dfrimk lok JUT kihMdy hn, pr qrksLIl sLfier kihMdf hY ‘mukqI dI iewCf nhIN, afvfgvx dI lflsf hY, myry mn ivwc XugF-XugFqrF qwk BRmx dI lflsf hY.’


Friday, May 15th, 2015


afiKr Dfrimk lok ijLMdgI qoN aYnf ikAuN zrdy hn? Auh mrnf swc aqy ijAuxf JUT ikAuN kihMdy hn, jdoN ik ieh sMsfr iewk atwl swcfeI hY, ieh jwg rcnf sB swcI hY? mOq ijLMdgI df iewk pirvrqn hY, aMq nhIN. ‘ijMdgI iewk hfdsf hY, aOr aYsf hfdsf, mOq sy BI Kqm ijs kf islislf hoqf nhIN’. (zf[iekbfl)

Dfrimk lok ardfs krdy hn ik ies nUM (mr gey) afpxy crnF ‘c invfs bKLsI, afvfgvx dy cwkrF ‘coN mukq krIN, qF AunHF dy mn ‘c iewk zr huMdf hY, jo AuhnF dy sMskfrf ny AunHF ‘c Biraf huMdf hY ihMdU gRMQ Bgvq purfx ‘c iliKaf hY ik jdoN bwcf grB ‘c 6 mhIinaF df huMdf hY, AudoN iehdy srIr ‘c bfhroN rUh pRvysL krdI hY awj dy ivigafnk Xuwg ‘c koeI aigafnI hI ies gwl nMU qslIm kr skdf hY rUh XUnfnI BfsLf df sLbd hY; ijs df Bfv hY sfh sfh qF bwcf afpxI mfqf dy srIr ‘c pihlF hI tukiVaF ‘c lY irhf huMdf hY awj kwlH klon ivDI rfhI isrPL nr jF mfdf dy mfs dy tukVy qoN bwcf iqafr kr

ilaf jFdf hY, ikAuNik srIr df hr sYWl afpxy-afp ‘c sMpUrn huMdf hY ivigafn anusfr ijLMdgI kdy vI KLqm nhIN huMdI, isrP rUp bdldI hY sfzy dfdy, pVdfdy nkVdfdy sfzy ‘c ivcr rhy hn. ivigafn anusfr qyrHvIN pIVHI qwk jf ky vI mnwuK dy nYx-nksL afpxI qy r H v I pIVH I vfly dfdy - dfdI, nfnf-nfnI nfl iml skdy hn mukqI dI mMg krn vfly asl ‘c BFjvfdI huMdy hn AuhnF nUM sMGrsL krnf iksy isKfieaf nhIN huMdf prlok aqy agly-ipCly jnm dI klpnf vI mnwuK dy mn dy zr dI hI kfZ hY mnwuK cUhy qoN lY ky sLyr hfQI qwk dIaF jUnF iesy jnm ‘c hI Bog jFdf hY ikrqI mnwuK dy mn ‘c kdy mukqI vrgy sMklp pYdf nhIN huMdy ieh isrPL sYLqfn aqy ivhlV lokF dy hI Purny hn, ikAuNik ivhnf mn sdf hI sLYqfn df crKf huMdf hY ieh mukqI aqy zr df ibjins kr ky hI awj Dfrimk lokF ‘c amIr bxn dI hoV lwgI hoeI hY.

ribMdr nfQ tYgor gurUdyv ribMdr nfQ tYgor df jnm 7 meI 1861 eIsvI nU M ipqf sRI dvyNdr nfQ tYgor dy Gr mfqf sRImqI sLrDf dyvI dI kwuKoN jorfsfkomfnsn kolkfqf (bMgfl) ivKy hoieaf. muZlI iswiKaf pRfpq krn leI Auh pihlF ErIaYNtl sYmInfr skUl ‘c dfKl hoey. iPr afpxy Brf sqyNdr nfQ tYgor (ieMzIan isvl srivsjL ivwc sLfml hox vflf pihlF BfrqI) nfl ieMglYNz cly gey aqy 1878 ‘c pbilk skUl birgstn ieMglYz ivKy dfKlf lY ilaf. pr tYgor jI afpxI pVHfeI pUrI kIiqaF bgYr hI bMgfl ivKy vfps af gey. gurUdyv ribMdr nfQ tYgor iewk mhfn kvI hox dy nfl-nfl AuWGy iswiKaf sLfsqrI, dysL Bgq, lyKk aqy mfnvvfdI ivcfrF dy DfrnI sn. gurUdyv ribMdr nfQ tYgor nUM sMsfr pRiswD rcnf ‘gIqFjlI’ leI sMn 1913 ‘c nobyl purskfr imilaf. Auh sfihq dy Kyqr ‘c nobl purskfr pRfpq krn vfly eysLIaf dy pihly ivakqI sn. Bfrq df rfsL t rI gIq ‘jn-

gx-mn’ vI AunHF dI ‘gIqFjlI’ rcnf ivwcoN hI ilaf igaf hY. sMn 1914 ‘c nfeIthuwz dI AupfDI nfl snmfinq kIqf igaf. tYgor ny bw i caF leI vI sfihq dI rcnf kIqI. gurUdyv rfibMdr nfQ tYgor ny afpxIaF rcnfvF df mfiDam afpxI mF-bolI bMgflI nUM hI bxfieaf. nfvl, nftk, iekFgIaF, khfxIaF aqy inbMDF dI rcnf vI kIqI. AunHF dIaF mwuK rcnfvf gIqFjlI (kfiv-sMgRih), gorf(nfvl) aqy zfk-Gr(nftk) hn. Auh pRikrqI dy bhuq vwzy AupfsLk sn. gurUdyv ribMdr nfQ tYgor qqkflIn iswiKaf pRxflI qoN bhuq icMqq sn. Auh bwicaF nUM iswiKaf mF-bolI rfhIN dyx dy hwk ‘c sn. gurUdyv BfrqI siwBaqf nUM bhuq mhwqqf idMdy sn. sMn 1901 ‘c AunHF ‘sLFqI inkyqn’ nFa df skUl sQfpq krky afpxf supnf sfkfr kIqf. iewQy iswiKaf muPq idwqI jfdI sI aqy pfTkRm ‘c vwK-vwK klfvF nUM ivsLysL QF idwqI jfFdI sI. nfl hI ividafrQIaF nUM kudrq dy sihj BrpUr vfqfvrx ‘c rwiKaf jFdf sI. sMn 1921 ‘c iewQy ivsLv BfrqI XUnIvristI

bx geI. gurUdyv ribMdr nfQ tYgor ny afpxIaF rcnfvF rfhIN rfsLtrI aMdoln afjLfdI dy Gol ‘c pUrf-pUrf Xogdfn pfieaf. jilHafvfly bfg dy KUnI sfky qoN pRBfivq ho ky AunHF afpxy rsfly ivsLv BfrqI ‘c lyK ilK ky Bfrq dy kony-kony ‘c suwqI jnqf nUM hlUx ky jgfieaf. nf-imlvrqx aMdoln ‘qy aml kridaF AunHF aMgryjL srkfr nUM ‘sr’ df iKqfb vfps kr idwqf. mhfqmf gFDI AunHF nUM siqkfr nfl ‘gurUdyv’ kih ky pukfrdy sn. 13 julfeI 1941 nUM tYgor jI ibmfr ho gey. afKr 7 agsq 1941 nUM ivlwKx sKLsLIaq dy mflk buwDIjIvI gurUdyv ribMdr nfQ tYgor smfj nUM afpxIaF invyklIaF syvfvF pRdfn krky ies PfnI dunIaf nUM sdf leI alivdf kih gey . Bfvy N aw j gurUdyv ribMdr nfQ tYgor ies dunIaF ‘c nhIN hn, pRMqU AunHF dIaF iswiKafvF hmysLf sfzf mfrg drsLn krdIaf rihxgIaF. awj smwucf rfsLtr gurUdyv ribMdr nfQ tYgor nUM Xfd kr irhf hY.

The Patrika

Friday, May 15th, 2015


ieMglYNz ‘c knjLrvyitv ijwqy brqfnIaf dIaF afm coxF ivwc pRDfn mMqrI zyivz kYmrOn dI agvfeI vflI kMjLrvyitv pfrtI ny spwsLt bhumq pRfpq krky isafsI ivsLlysLkF, cox srvyKxF qy rfey sLumfrIaF dy Auh sfry aMdfjLy gLlq sfbq kr idwqy ijnHF anusfr ies vfr iksy vI pfrtI nUM bhumq imlx dIaF sMBfvnfvF nhIN sn. 650 sItF vflI brqfnvI sMsd leI kMjLrvyitv pfrtI ny 330 sItf ijwq ky ijwQy spwsLt bhumq hfsl kIqf, AuWQy pRmwuK ivroDI lybr pfrtI kyvl 232 sItF hI pRfpq kr skI hY. zyivz kYmrOn anusfr ieh kMjLrvyitv pfrtI dI ipClI iewk pIVHI dI sB qoN vwzI ijwq hY. gLOrqlb hY ik 2010 dIaF coxF smyN ies nUM 307 aqy lybr fpfrtI nUM 270 sItF imlIaF sn. AunHF coxF ivwc ilbrl zYmokrYitk pfrtI nUM 57 sItf imlIaf sn aqy kMjLrvyitv pfrtI ny ies nfl rl ky srkfr bxfeI sI pr ies vfr ilbrl zYmokrYitk pfrtI kyvl 8 sItF ‘qy hI ismt geI. ienHF cox dy nqIijaF dI iewk hYrfnIjnk pr mhwqvpUrn gwl ieh ik ipCly sfl vwKry skftlYNz dy mwudy ‘qy krvfeI geI rfiesLumfrI ivwc hfr Kfx vflI skOitsL nYsLnl pfrtI ny hux ies iKwqy dIaF 59 sItF ivcoN 56 ‘qy kbjLf krky hUMJf Pyr ijwq pRfpq kIqI hY. lybr pfrtI nUM sB qoN vwzf Jtkf skftlYNz ivwc hI lwigaf hY. iewQoN Aus ny 2010 dIaF coxF ivwc 41 sItF ijwqIaF sn pr

ies vfr ies dy hwQ inrfsLqf hI lwgI hY. skftlYNz qoN ielfvf lybr pfrtI ieMglYNz ivw c vI afpxf afDFr mjL b U q krn ivwc sPl nhIN ho skI. cox lV rhIaF mwuK pfrtIaF qoN ielfvf bfkI pfrtIaF zYmokrYitk XUnIinst nUM 8, isnPyn nUM 4, vflys aqy sosLl zYmokrYitk lybr pfrtI nUM 3-3, XUnIinst pfrtI nUM do aqy XUky ieMzIpYNzys qy grIn pfrtI nUM 1-1 sIt hI imlI hY. brqfnIaf dIaF coxF ivwc AuWQoN dy mUl bfisLMidaF qoN ielfvf prvfsI votr vI kfPLI pRBfvI hMudy hn. ipClI pfrlImYNt ivwc 11 isafhPfm aqy 16 eyisLafeI mUl dy sMsd mYNbr sn jdoN ik ies vfr vI ieh igxqI sMqusLtIjnk hI rhI hY BfvyN ik eysLIafeI aOrqF dI igxqI afty ivwc lUx dy brfbr hI hY. BfrqI mUl dy votr BfvyN rvfieqI qOr ‘qy lybr pfrtI nfl rhy hn pr ipCly 10 ku sflF qoN AunHF df Jukfa kMjLrvyitv pfrtI vwl hoieaf hY. ies pfrtI ny pihlI vfr AuWqrI afierlYNz qoN iek iswK-amndIp isMG Bogl nUM AumIdvfr bxfieaf sI pr Auh ijwq pRfpq nhIN kr sikaf. ienHF coxF ivc ijwq pRfpq krn vfly BfrqI mUl dy AuWGy AumIdvfrF ivwcoN ienPoiss dy sihbfnI nfrfien mUrqI dy dfmfd irsLI sUnk, vYlyrI vfjL, kYQ vfjL, sImf mlhoqrf, pRIqI ptyl aqy virMdr sLrmf sLfml hn.

pRDfn mMqrI zyivz kYmrOn dI agvfeI vflI kMjLrvyitv pfrtI dy dUjI vfr muV swqf ivwc afAux nfl brqfnIaf dIaF kOmI aqy kOmFqrI nIqIaF ivwc bdlfa hox dI koeI sMBfvnf nhIN jfpdI. ijwq qoN bfad kYmrOn ny spwsLt kIqf hY ik Auh brqfnIaf dI eykqf aqy aKMzqf bxfeI rwKxgy. ies qrHF AunHF vwKry skftlYNz dy hmfieqIaF nUM afpxf sMdysL dy idwqf hY pr dujy pfsy ipCly sfl hoeI rfiesLumfrI ivwc hfr jfx vflI skfitsLt nYsLnl pfrtI vwloN ies coxF ivwc hUMJf Pyr ijwq pRfpq krn nfl ies mwudy dy muV AuBrn dIaF sMBfvnfvF qoN ienkfr nhIN kIqf jf skdf. ijLkrXog hY ik ies pfrtI ny rfiesLumfrI ivwc hfr jfx dy bfvjUd afjLfdI dI afpxI mMg qoN iknfrfksLI nhIN sI kIqI. hux ies Kyqr dIaF 59 ivwcoN 56 sItF ‘qy kfbjL hox bfad ieh muV do sflF bfad rfiesuLmfrI krvfAux dI mMg kr skdI hY. ienHF cox nqIijaF nfl brqfnIaf dy XUrpIn ivwc bxy rihx ‘qy vI pRsLnicMnH lwg igaf hY. cox nqIijaF qoN bfad lybr pfrtI dy muKI aYWz imlIbYNz aqy ilbrl pfrtI dy nyqf ink klyg ny asqIPf dy idwqf hY qF jo pfrtIaF nUM mjLbUq krn leI nvyN ichry awgy afAux. zyivz kYmrOn Bfrq leI cMgy brqfnvI pRDfn mMqrI sfbq hoey hn aqy AunHF dI ijwq dovF mulkF dy afpsI sbMDF nUM hor mjLbUq krn ivwc shfeI hoxI XkInI jfpdI hY.


pMjwbI lyKk mMc dI meI mIitMg mW-idvs nUM smrpx

pMjwbI lyKk mMc dI mwisk iek`qrqw 10 meI 2015 nUM inaUtn lwiebRyrI srI ivc hoeI[ lyKk mMc dy swihq icMqn ih`sy ivc fw. rwjvMq isMG iclwnw ny kYnyfw ivc pMjwbI lyKkW dIAW pusqkW nUM pbilk blwiebRyrIAW, skUlW, kwljW qy XUnIvristIAW dIAW lwiebRyrIAW ivc phuMcwaux dy Awpxy pRwjYkt bwry jwxkwrI id`qI[ auhnW ny swry lyKkW nUM s`dw id`qw ik auh AwpxIAW pusqkW ieMfIAw bu`k vrl`f stor qy auhnW kol phuMcwaux[ jW auhnW nUM 604-593-5967 qy sMprk kr lYx[ meI mhIny dI ieh mIitMg mW-idvs nUM smrpx kIqI geI[ suSIl kOr jI dw sunyhw qy kivqw dI SmUlIAq kridAW “mW dw idn” jrnYl isMG syKw horW pVIH[ AmRIk plwhI, rwjvMq bwgVI, ruipMdr rUpI, AmrjIq kOr SWq, gurcrn t`lyvwlIAw dw gIq “AMmVI dw ivhVw” pyS kIqI[ inrml ig`l, Avqwr kOr, b^iSMdr, jgjIq sMDU, suirMdr shoqw, ndIm prmwr ny Awpxw klwm aurdU ivc pyS kIqw, jsbIr mwn, surjIq klsI, Zzlgo pwl iF`loN ny Zzl sWJI kIqI[ AmrjIq isMG rYxw, AimRq kOr mwn, juigMdr SmSyr, drSn isMG mwn, nC`qr isMG brwV, Ajmyr rofy, fw. rwjvMq isMG iclwnw, AmrIk dUhVy qy vrnn qoN iCMdw iF`loN ny iSrkq kIqI[AMgryz isMG brwV, fw. rxjIq isMG pnUM qy igAwn isMG kotlI ny vI hwzrI luAweI[ pMjwbI lyKk mMc dI AglI mIitMg 14 jUn nUM hox dI sUcnw id`qI[




The Patrika 

Friday, May 15th, 2015

The Patrika

Friday, May 15th, 2015


Harry Bains and Bruce Ralston New Democat statement on cuts to Omni TV Punjbi news broadcasts Bruce Ralston, New Democrat multiculturalism spokesperson and MLA for Surrey-Whalley, and Harry Bains,

ing concern. Many nonEnglish speakers watch Omni news for coverage of local and international issues in their own language. Also important is the fact that many follow local and federal politics through these news services. It is in the public interest to ensure we have these services continued.”


sMq bfbf mMgl isMG nfnksr dI CyvIN brsI 15 meI nMU mhfn syvf dy puMj aqy axQwk syvfdfr sMq bfbf mMgl isMG jI nfnksr klyrF vfilaF dI CyvIN brsI nMU smripq aKMz pfT sfihb jI 15 meI idn sLuwkrvfr nUM afrMB kIqy jfxgy aqy 17 meI idn aYqvfr nUM sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI dy Bog gurduafrf sfihb bfbf bMdf isMG bhfdr ivKy 10 vjy pYxgy, smUh sfD sMgq nUM bynqI kIqI jFdI hY. smyN isr phuMcx dI ikRpflqf krnI. smUh ielfkf invfsI sfD sMgq vwloN Pon nMbr- 778-246-4633, 778-344-5044, 778-551-3090

“The CRTC originally licensed the Omni TV stations to ensure Canadians of linguistic diversity and different MLA for Surrey-Newton, made the following joint statement on the recently announced cuts to Omni TV’s Mandarin, Cantonese and Punjabi language news services. “In the month that we celebrate Asian Heritage Month, it sad to learn about cuts that will severely impact the way Asian and South Asian communities access news in their own language,” said Ralston. “These news broadcasts are a vital link to Punjabi, Mandarin and Cantonese elders who do not speak English as a first language. They are also important for young people who are learning the language. News is the glue that binds communities and Omni TV’s services have been an essential and vital service for many years.” “The decision by Rogers to cut Omni TV’s ethnic news service has drawn criticism from the communities affected,” said Bains. “This is a worry-

cultural backgrounds have full access to programming and news. The lack of coverage will have a negative effect on Canada’s multicultural communities, particularly as they begin to get cut off from what is happening in local, provincial, and national level news, ” said Bains. “ Canadians need answers about the cutting of local news production, the loss of jobs and a valuable service to all communities. I hope Rogers will reconsider this decision and find a way to restore these services,” said Ralston. PAGE 11

The Patrika


Friday, May 15th, 2015


iBRsLtfcfr-murdfbfd, iBRsLtfcfr-ijLMdfbfd jdoN Bfrq dI pfrlImYNt ivwc ies gwl qoN hMgfmyy ho rhy sn ik iBRsLtfcfr dy dfgI iniqn gzkrI nUM mMqrI dy ahudy qoN asqIPf dyxf cfhIdf hY, EdoN krnftkf ivwc ies qoN vwzf nftk cwl irhf sI. Bfrq dy sB qoN vwD iBRsLt igxy jFdy isafsI afgUaF ivwc mMnI jfx vflI qfiml nfzU dI sfbkf muwK mMqrI jYlilqf nUM iBRsLtfcfr dy kys ivwc imlI hoeI sjLf AuWqy kftf mfr ky bygunfhI df srtIiPkyt dy idwqf igaf. hux Auh iPr muwK mMqrI bx jfvygI. iewk vfrI pihlF vI Aus nUM sjLf hoeI sI qy sjLf kfrn Auh cox lVn dy aXog krfr idwqI geI sI, pr jdoN coxF ivwc Aus dI pfrtI nUM bhu-sMmqI iml geI, ies bIbI nUM muwK mMqrI dy ahudy dI shuM cuwkx df mOkf dy idwqf igaf sI. ijs gvrnr bIbI ny ieh mOkf bKisLaf sI, Auh Kud suprIm kort dI jwj vjoN syvf kr cuwkI sI iPr Auh PYslf suprIm kort ny plt idwqf sI. jYlilqf nUM muwK mMqrI dI kursI aqy gvrnrI dI kursI jWj bIbI nMU CwzxI pY geI. pr kuJ icr ipwCoN Auh AuWprlI adflq qoN brI ho geI aqy iewk vfrI iPr muwK


mMqrI bx geI sI. hux vI ieho kuJ hox lwgf hY. ipCly sfl adflq vwloN dosLI Tihrfey jfx AuWqy kursI CwzxI peI sI, hux iPr jf ky kursI AuWqy bYT jfvygI. ies vfrI df kys ieh hY ik jYlilqf ny iBRsLtfcfr dI isKr kr CwzI sI. Aus ny qy Aus dI shylI sLsLI klf ny afpxy muqbMny puwqr dy ivafh mOky byqhfsLf iqMn kroV ruipaf Krc kIqf sI aqy ies kMm leI Aus rfj dI srkfrI msLInrI keI idn ruwJI rhI sI. iPr smF bdl igaf. coxF ivwc hfr geI qF Aus dy iKlfP iBRsLtfcfr dy kys bxn lwg pey. iPlpfeIn dy rfsLtrpqI mfrkos dI pqnI iemolzf dy Gr iksy vkq vwjy Cfpy ivwc do hjLfr dy krIb sYNzl PVy gey sn aqy jdoN jYlilqf dy Gr vwjy Cfpy ivwc vI Aus dy lwgBg hjfrF hI sYNzl aqy sfVIaF dy Zyr inkly qF Aus nUM vI ‘Bfrq dI iemylzf mfrkos’ kih ky mIzIaf pysL krdf irhf sI. jfiedfdF dI igxqI hoeI qF lyKf lfAux vfsqy keI srkfrI ivBfgF dIaF tImF df psInf inkl igaf sI.

qfiml nfzU ivwc jYlilqf df dbdbf hox kfrn gvfh nhIN sn Bugq rhy. suprIm kort dy hukm AuWqy Aus df kys nfl dy rfj krnftkf ivwc qbdIl ho igaf. EQy lMmy smyN 13 sfl qwk ies dI suxvfeI hox ipwCoN jYlilqf nUM sjLf ho geI. jYlilqf ny awgy apIl kr idwqI. hfeI kort ny Aus nUM brI krky iPr muwK mMqrI bxn df mOkf bKsL idwqf hY. srkfrI vkIl kihMdf hY ik Aus nUM dlIl pysL krn df mOkf hI nhIN idwqf igaf. Aus dI gwl koeI nhIN sux irhf. hr pfsy jsLn df mfhOl hY qy ies mfhOl dy ngfrKfny ivwc qUqI dI afvfjL iksy nhIN suxnI. jYlilqf jsLn mnf rhI hY. Aus df hwk bxdf hY. ies qoN pihlF keI

sI bwJdf, pr idn Zilaf nhIN sI ik iBRsLtfcfr dy iewk kys ivwcoN bIbI jYlilqf dy brI hox dI KLbr af geI qy KVy pYr Aus KLbr dy nfl Bfrq dy pRDfn mMqrI modI vwloN jYlilqf nUM vDfeI df ibafn vI mIzIaf pysL krn lwg ipaf. svyry iBRsLtfcfr dy iKlfPL Bfrq srkfr aYlfn krdI hY. sLfm Zlx qwk Aus srkfr df muKI iewk ieho ijhI bIbI nUM vDfeI dy irhf hY, ijhVI iBRsLtfcfr dy dosLF hyT iewk vfr nhIN, do vfrI sjLf dI hwkdfr aYlfnI jf cuwkI hY qy bfad ivwc brI sfnUM ies gwl nfl bhuqI hYrfnI nhIN ho geI hY. adflq dy ivwc iksy kfnUMnI hoeI ik bIbI jYlilqf iewk vfrI iPr nukqy nfl brI ho jfx nfl lokF ivwc sjLf hox dy bfad brI ho geI hY, Aus bfry rfey nhIN bdl jfxI. Auh kfnUMn dy keI pwqx qr skdI hY. hYrfnI sfnUM dysL dy pRDfn mMqrI pihlF iBRsLtfcfr dy dosL hyT nirMdr modI dy ivhfr qoN hoeI hY. krnftkf dy muwK mMqrI dI kursI qoN Bfrq dy lokF vwloN cuxy gey sdn lok AuTfey gey XydIXurwpf nUM Bfjpf ny KUMjy sBf ivwc dysL dI srkfr ny kfly Dn ibTfieaf sI qy nirMdr modI ny af ky bry iewk ibwl ieh kih ky pysL kIqf sI bhfl kIqf sI. kuJ lokF nUM Aus vyly ik lVfeI ivdysLF ivwcoN kflf Dn vfps vI iKJ cVHI sI. hux nirMdr modI vwloN ilafAux qwk sImq nhIN, iBRsLtfcfr jYlilqf nUM vDfeI dyxI dUsrf mOkf hY. df Kurf nwpx aqy ies bfry hr mOky ies qoN sfP huMdf hY ik iBRsLtfcfr dy sKLq stYNz lYx dI hY. sfnUM EdoN vI ivroD dIaF isrP gWlF hI hn asl ies BfsLnbfjLI df bhuqf Brosf nhIN ivwc ies nfl koeI ivroD nhIN hY. hor cor PVy jfx qy jylH jfx ipwCoN bfhr afAux dy ikwsy vfpr cuwky hn. sMnH AuWqy PVy gey cor Cuwt jfx nfl ies dysL dy kfnUMn dI Auh lMmI bFh iewk qrHF nfl luMjI sfbq ho jFdI hY, ijhVI ies dysL dy grIb lokF dI grdn nwpx vfsqy AUT dI DOx vFg lMmI hoeI jFdI hY. ies dy bfvjUd ieh ikhf jf irhf hY ik dysL df kfnUMn hr nfgirk leI brfbr hY. aml ivwc eydF nhIN huMdf. ijs dy kol pYsf hovy aqy Auh mihMgy vkIl pysL kr skdf hovy, Aus nUM kfnUMn rfh dy dyNdf hY.

The Patrika

Friday, May 15th, 2015



drsLn isMG sMGf dIaF bolIaF igw D y ivw c gfey jFdy gIqF nU M bo l IaF afiKaf jFdf hY . ies dIaF do pRmwuK vMngIaF huMdIaF hn. lVIdfr bolI aqy twpf. twpf iewk quk vflI bolI nUM ikhf jFdf hY, ies nUM ‘iekihrIaF bolIaF’ jF ‘do sqry totky’ vI ikhf jFdf hY. iewk bolI aqy twpy df PLrk ieh hY ik bolI lMbI hMudI hY aqy hr bolI dIaF afKLrI do sqrF ijs nUM ‘qoVf’ jF ‘pMc lfeIn’ ikhf jFdf hY asl ivwc iewk sMpUrn twpf huMdf hY. iewk cMgI bolI dI KLUbI ieh huMdI hY ik ies dI bolI sfdI afm lokF dy smJ afAux vflI, gfeI jfx vflI aqy spwsLt Bfv vflI hoxI cfhIdI hY. ies df afKrI qoVf jF twpf mn nUM tuMbx vflf aqy iswDf ihrdy ivwc Auqrn vflf hoxf cfhIdf hY. mYN smJdf hF pMjfbI BfsLf jdoN sLurU hoeI Aus dy nfl hI pMjfbI dI ies vMngI dI vI sLurUafq ho geI hovygI. afm qOr ‘qy bolIaf igwDy, BMgVy ivwc pfeIaF jfdIaF hn. ikAuNik igwDf, BMgVf ivafh sLfdI aqy sLfdI aqy KusLI dy smfgmF ivwc pfieaf jFdf hY. so jfihr hY ik ienHF KusLI dy mOikaF Aupr bolIaF vI pYNdIaF hn.

mU M h o N - mU M h cw l dIaF af rhIaF hn, awj lok gIqF vFg AunHF dy rcnhfry dy nF df iksy nUM pqf nhIN iesy krky Auh lok bolIaF bx jFdIaF hn. ipCly smyN ivwc bhuq sfry lyKkF ny bolIaF ilKIaF hn aqy afpxIaF bolIaF nUM smyN-smyN isr KusLI dy smfgmF, iqAuhfrF aqy mMc Aupr afpxI afvfjL ivwc gfieaf hY.

pwCm qF hY nf zuwbx df, lok qrn leI afAuNdy.

iPr cONh AuglF dI tfkI.

ivdy s L F ivw c af ky ikvy N lo k I pU r b aqy pw C m dy vw K ry qO r gL l q-mlq qrIikaF nfl vI qrIikaF df Auh mulFkx vI ienHF pwky hox leI ivafh krfAuNdy hn bolIaF ivwc krdf hY: aqy kfnUMn df mjLfk AuzfAuNdy hn:

pUrb dy ivwc KusLI jy hovy, mUMh imwTf ny krdy. pwCm dy ivwc mUMh kOVf, Clkf ky boql lIVy igwly krdy. kOilaF nUM mYl lwgjU ipCly do dhfikaF qoN kYnyzf vsdf lokI qyl cox qoN zrdy. drsLn isMG sMGf AuWqrI amrIkf dy mMc Aupr afpxIaF bolIaF AusdIaf bolIaF ivwc ivaMg bhuq gf ky suxn vfilaF dI BrpUr blvfn hY. Aus ny smyN-smyN isr vfh vfh Kwtdf afieaf hY. ies smfijk kurIqIaF aqy af rhIaF pusqk dIaF bolIaf AunHF bolIaF qbdIlIaF nU M bVI cM g I qrH F nUM sMBflx df iewk Xqn hY. drsLn inBfieaf hY. nsLy Kfx aqy nisLaF isMG sMGf dIaf bolIaF sfdIaF, dI qskrI ivwc peI jvfnI ikvyN afpxy afp nUM brbfd kr rhI hY. kwiqaf krUM qyrI rUM Aus Aupr BrpUr tkor kIqI hY: vy sfrI rfq kwiqaf krUM. mfr mrweIaf hUitMg sUitMg, spwsLt Bfv aqy sMgIqk lYa isr cVH ky jd bolI. ivwc ilKIaF jfx krky hr mMc kMnF qwk ny afeIaF jUMaF, ‘qy mkbUlIaq hfsl krdIaF jfeIey isr ProlI. hn. ienHF bolIaF ivwc Ausny ijwQy beI gwBrU iQVk gey, pM j fb dIaF gw l F kIqIaF hn Kyz rhy ny KUn dI holI. AuQy Ausny afpxI apxfeI DrqI awKrF nfl ikqfb hY bxdI kYnyzf nUM vI afpxIaF bolIaF df ibn awKrF qoN kfpI ivsLf bxfieaf hY. pMjfbI pwCm pwkI ho jy ilKq jdoN vI bhu q sfrIaF bo l IaF aY s IaF vwl kmfeIaF krn leI afAuNdy Pyr jfey jy CfpI mkbUl ho cuwkIaF hn ik Auh hn, ies bfry Auh ilKdf hY: ihwk df rumfl bxdI

glvwkVIaF jo pfAuNdIaF bfhF AuhI mfrn jwPy. ijhVy hwQ svfgq krdy, AuhIE mfrn Dwky. iemIgrysLn jd iml jFdI, lokI jFdy cwky. (beI) ivafh dIaF do iksmF, iewk kwcy iewk pwky.

mYN Aus ipMz df tIcr sI. vy qUM ijwQy ptvfrI. byrI qoVidaF cyqy af geI. ipClI mulfhjydfrI icwTIaF Auh ilKdI. PLon kry ptvfrI. zfktr lok afpxI ijLMdgI dy qIh-qIh sfl pVHfeI krky qF ikqy afpxy ikwqy dy Xog bxdy hn pr tUxy twly vfly bfby rfqo rfq AunHF nUM mfq dy idMdy hn.

zfktr lok vI afey kYnyzf. pMz ikqfbF pVH ky. keI vfr irsLqy ijs AumId nfl tIky mUhry tUxy twly. kIqy jFdy hn. jd Auh mksd ajy vI KVdy aVky. hwl nhIN huMdf idKdf qF irsLqy igwdVisMgI sfD ny idMdy. idMdy pihr dy qVky. kwc vFg tuwtdy hn. nI puVIaF sfD dIaF. BUaf kol BqIjI jd dI, bol peIaF isr cVHky. nYnI bx ky afeI. ivdysLF ivwc gurduafiraf ivwc BUaf BqIjI ny rl ky sI, qwpV aqy kursIaF dy mfmly jo iPr aYsI ryl bxfeI. AuTy qF AunHF Aupr vI drsLn isMG pihlF kIqf PuwPV iswDf, sMGf ny ivaMg kIqf. iPr PuwPV dI mfeI. nYnI mukr geI jd krn lwgy do hwQF nfl vwjdI qfVI. kuVmfeI. iewk nfl vwjdf QwpV. ivdysLF ivwc af ky ipClIaF iZwz Brn leI aMn cfhIdf. mulfhjydfrIaF nUM vI afpxIaF guV hovy jF sLwkr. bolIaF df ivsLf bxf ky bfKUbI vy qyrI myrI nhIN inBxI. inBfieaf hY. mYN kursI qUM qwpV.

mohn igwl ies qoN ibnF nUMh sws dI lVfeI, kwuK ivwc kuVIaF nUM mfrnf, ivhlVF dy vfry inafry aqy busL qy lfdyn dI lVfeI afid nUM Ausny kfmXfbI nfl afpxIaF bolIaF df ivsLF bxfieaf hY. kYnyzf ivwc rihx krky goiraf dy swiBafcfr dy ibMb vI Aus dIaF bolIaF dy ivsLy bxy hn. kuJ ku AudfhrnF bolIaF dy aMqly twipaF dIaF: ‘beI jwt sLrfbI nUM, sYNtf nfnk vrgf lwgy. ‘nI zlIey brP dIey, qUM pfxI ivwc Krnf.’ ‘imwTIey jlybIey nI, qYnUM bwqIaF dMdF dI mfr.’ ‘pfs vI qMU PylH vrgI, bhuqf mfx krI nf nkly.’ ‘suPny lfidn dy, jfrj busL nUM afAuNdy.’ ‘ruwKF ny ikrfieaf mMgxf, jy qUM icVIey aflHxf pfieaf.’ drsLn isMG sMGf dIaF bolIaF sfdI bo l I sM g Iqk lY a ivw c sfzy afs pfs dy ivisL a F nU M lY ky ilKIaF geIaF hn. sfzy swiBafcfrk ivrsy nUM ieh amIr krdIaF hn. bhuq sfrIaF bolIaF ivwc aYsy alMkfr aqy qulnvF vrqIaF hn ik Auh bolIaF qF hYn blik sfihqk kivqf dIaF KusLboeI vI prdfn krdIaF hn.


The Patrika




ew Democrat MP Fin Donnelly (New Westminster-Coquitlam) made the following statement on the adoption of the NDP motion to ensure federal covenant with veterans is honoured. “Canadians recognize that the federal government has a moral, social, legal and fiduciary obligation to the women and men who courageously serve our country. With the adoption of its motion, the NDP is proud to have obtained a commitment from the government to honour this implicit social covenant and provide financial compensation and support services to past and active members of the Canadian Armed Forces who have been injured or disabled,


Friday, May 15th, 2015


and to families of soldiers who have died in service. The Conservative government has been failing veterans for years. The commitment they made today is overdue. The Conservatives must change their approach to ensure that the government honours its commitment to take care of veterans and their families instead of wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars in court denying their obligation. The NDP is ready to put this standalone covenant at the service of veterans. We are pleased that all parties supported our motion to guarantee the rights and dignity of veterans. The NDP will continue to defend the rights of veterans.”

SFU team wins best student prize in 48-hour appathon

A team of Simon Fraser University computing science students has won a 48-hour “appathon” during which they conceived and built an app to help Canadian high school students compare the costs of a post-secondary education anywhere in the country.

The graduate students only learned about the appathon on the day it began, and joined in several hours late. They spent what remained of the first 24 hours brainstorming about what they could do with the data sets, and then spent the second 24 Canadian Open Data Experi- hours building the app. ence (CODE) 2015, hosted by Team member Sabharwal is an the federal government, invited international student from India software developers, graphic de- studying at SFU for a master’s signers, students and interested degree in computing science, individuals to create an app us- specializing in natural language ing Government of Canada open processing. He used big-data and data available on the CODE site. data-visualization skills learned The competition also encouraged during a Mitacs internship at participants to mash up these Worksafe BC to more quickly federal data sets with provincial, build the team’s app. territorial and municipal data found on the site’s Open Government across Canada page.

which they’re now hosting online. The app includes a map of post-secondary institutions in Canada and charts showing the number of post-secondary institutions by province, their program costs, and average local rents. Users can click on, or drag their selections, then download the results. The CODE competition attracted 125 submissions and 1,300 participants from across Canada.

SFU computing science professor Fred Popowich says managing Canada’s big data capabilities is critical to the country’s competitive advantage, and there is a growing need for education “At a glance, users can view the and training in the field. average rent and tuition fee for Last fall, SFU launched Canaany program and institution in da’s first Professional Master’s the country,” he says. “Other Program in Big Data in a bid to apps currently on the market help meet the demand for big only permit students to compare data specialists. One of the team members, Jonathan Bhaskar, is a two or three institutions.” The SFU team hunkered down student in the program.

SFU team members Jonathan Bhaskar, Bradley Ellert, Jasneet Sabharwal and Maryam Siahbani won the $5,000 prize for Best Student Team for High School Down, Where Next? in residence to create the app,

Friday, May 15th, 2015

The Patrika



zfktr alok sUd nhIN rhy Swn-ey-^wlsw Kyf mylw 2015

hrmn ipafry aqy AuWGy pMjfbI zfktr alok sUd bIqy idnI aYbtsPorz ‘c svrgvfs ho gey hn. 51 sflf zfktr sUd pMjfb qoN PgvfVf sLihr nfl sbMDq sn aqy mYzIkl kflj aMimRqsr qoN zfktrI dI pVfeI krn mgroN 1993 qoN kYnyzf ‘c pRYkits kr rhy sn. torFto aqy inAUPONzlYNz qoN mgroN sMn 2004 qoN Auh aYbtsPorz ‘c glYz ivn mYzIkl klIink clf rhy sn. zfktr sUd afpxy ipwCy mfqf-ipqf, supqnI aqy bwicaF nUM Cwz gey hn. zfktr sfihb df aM i qm sM s kfr PryjLr irvr iPAUnrl hom aY b tsPo r z ivKy aY q vfr 17 meI nUM idny 11 vjy hovygf aqy aMiqm ardfs gurduafrf Kflsf dIvfn susfietI, sfAUQ PryjLr vya aYbtsPorz ‘c dupihr 1 vjy hovygI. aMiqm drsLnF leI puwjx vfly lokF dI vwzI

igxqI nUM iDafn ‘c rwKidaF gurduafrf Kflsf dIvfn susfietI aYbtsPorz qoN 10 vjy qoN lY ky 10[30 vjy qwk PryjLr irvr iPAUnrl hom aYbtsPorz leI bwsF df vI pRbMD hY. sMskfr mgroN bwsF rfhIN sMgqF vfips gurduafrf sfihb phuMcfieaf jfvygf, qF ik pfrikMg dI musLikl nf afvy. zfktr alok sUd dy akfl clfxy ‘qy kYnyzf dy zfktr BfeIcfry qoN ielfvf gurduafrf sfihbfnF dy mMidrF dy pRbMDkF qoN ielfvf smfj sy v I sKL s L I aqF vlo N zU M G y hY. hor jfxkfrI leI Pon duwK df pRgtfvf kIqf igaf nMbr;604-853-7574

Swn-ey-Kwlsw AkYfmI pMjwbI BweIcwry dI ie`k nwmvr Dwrimk sMsQw hY jo pMjwbI, gurbwxI, kIrqn, qblw Aqy gqkw klwsW dIAW syvwvW rwhIN b`icAW nMU AwpxI mWbolI pMjwbI, Drm, ivrsy Aqy siBAwcwr nwl joVn dI syvw kr rhI hY[ ies qoN ielwvw AkYfmI v`loN hr swl ‘Swny Kwlsw Kyf mylw’ vI AXoijq kIqw jWdw hY jo ik swrw idn c`lx vwlw ie`k pirvwrk Aqy sWJw BweIcwrk pRogrwm hY ijs iv`c b`cy, bzurg, bIbIAW Aqy mrd v`K-v`K KyfW iv`c ih`sw lYky mnorMjn krdy hn[ ies swl ieh pRogrwm 17 meI, 2015 idn AYqvwr nMU klgIDr pwrk (nyVy gurduAwrw swihb klgIDr drbwr), AYbtsPorf ivKy svyry 10 vjy qoN Swm 6 vjy q`k hovygw[ hor KyfW dy nwl-nwl Ko-Ko, r`sw-kSI Aqy

vwlIbwl ivSyS iK`c dw kyNdr hoxgIAW[ nrisMGy qy ngwirAW dI cot ‘qy gqkw tImW v`loN zOhr idKwey jwxgy[ b`icAW leI bwauNisMg kYsls, kOtn kYNfIAW Aqy hor bwl KyfW hoxgIAW[ sMgqW leI cwh-pwxI Aqy lMgr dw pRbMD hovygw[ smu`cy pMjwbI BweIcwry, Dwrimk qy smwijk sMsQwvW nMU ies pirvwrk pRogrwm iv`c pirvwrW Aqy sbMDIAW smyq SmUlIAq krn leI hwridk s`dw id`qw jWdw hY[swirAW nMU isr ‘qy sohxIAW dsqwrW Aqy bIbIAW nMU isr F`k ky Awaux leI bynqI kIqI jWdI hY[ TIk 10 vjy phuMcx vwly b`icAW nMU ‘tYblt’ Aqy hor ienwm ij`qx leI frwA itktW id`qIAW jwxgIAW[ vDyry jwxkwrI leI www. jW 778-808-7042 ‘qy sMprk kro[

jVqOlI ipMz dy mfqf hrbMs kOr iZwloN svrgvfs ijLlHf luiDafxf dy iklf rfeypur nyVly ipMz jVqOlI nfl sMbMiDq mfqf hrbMs kor iZwloN bIqI 10 meI nUM aYbtsPorz ivKy acfnk akfl clfxf kr gey. Auh 66 virHaF dy sn mfqf hrbMs kOr iZwloN df aMiqm sMskfr 16 meI idn sLinwcrvfr nUM dupihr 2 vjy PryjLr irvr iPAUnl hfl 2061 irvrsfeIz roz aYbtsPorz ivKy hovygf AuprMq AunHF nimq rKfey gey sRI sihj pfT dy Bog sLfm 4 vjy gurduafrf sfihb bfbf bMdf isMG bhfdr iswK susfietI aYbtsPorz ivKy pfey jfxgy. pirvfr nfl duwK sFJf krn leI hrijMdr isMG BMgU 604-825-4091 jF blI isMG sLokr nfl 604719-8701 qy sMprk kIqf jf skdf hY.


The Patrika



slmfn Kfn df kwc-swc

iPlm aiBnyqf slmfn Kfn bfry iqMn idnF aMdr dy adflqI hukm sfhmxy afey hn. pihlF, Aus nUM gLYr-ierfdqn kql df dosLI krfr dy ky pMj sfl vI bfmusLwkq kYd dI sjLf suxfey jfx bfry aqy dUjf Aus dI sjLf muawql krky Aus nUM jylH qoN bfhr rwKy jfx bfry. ienHF hukmF df sbMD 13 sfl pihlF Bfv 28 sqMbr 2002 nUM slmfn vwloN muMbeI dI iewk bykrI dy PuwtpfQ AuWqy suwqy kfimaF AuWpr afpxI lYNzkrUjLr gwzI cVHfey jfx dy kys nfl hY. ies hfdsy ivwc iewk kfmf mfiraf igaf sI aqy cfr hor jKLmI ho gey sn. muMbeI dI sYsLn adflq dy PYsly anusfr slmfn nsLy ivwc Duwq ho ky gwzI clf irhf sI, hfdsy dy bfvjUd Aus ny pIVqF dI mdd nhIN kIqI aqy iensfnI PrjL nhIN inBfey. aYzIsLnl sYsLn jwj jI zbilAU dysLpFzy dy sLbdF ivwc “jo sbUq sfhmxy afey, AunHF dI ibnfa ‘qy slmfn nUM 10 sfl dI kYd dI sjLf vI idwqI jf skdI hY, pr adflq pMj sflF dI sjLf munfisb smJdI hY.” ienHF hukmF ivwc ieh vI ikhf igaf, “slmfn ny glqI qF kI mMnxI, pIVqF nUM hspqfl phuMcfAux jF AunHF leI zfktrI shfieqf sMBv bxfAux vrgy kdm vI nhIN cuwky. iesy leI nrmfeI df hwkdfr nhIN.” aijhIaF gMBIr itwpxIaF dy bfvjUd bMbeI hfeI kort dy jsits aBY iQpsy ny sLYsn adflq dy PLYsly iKlfPL apIl suxvfeI leI dfKLl kr leI, slmfn dI sjLf muawql kr idwqI aqy apIl dI suxvfeI qwk Aus nUM jLmfnq AuWqy Cwzx dy hukm idwqy. PLfijLl jwj ny afpxy hukmF ivwc ikhf ik jdoN sjLf iKlfPL apIl suxvfeI leI pRvfn ho cwukI hY, AudoN dosLI


nUM jylH ivwc rwKy jfx dI koeI quk nhIN. Aus ny slmfn nUM jylH Byjy jfx dI srkfrI iDr dI mMg nUM rwd kridaF ikhf ik Aus nUM jylH Byjxf Aus dy iensfnI hwkF AuWqy Cfpf hovygf.

dovF adflqI hukmF dI qfrIP hoeI hY, pr vwK-vwK pwKF qoN. keI kfnUMnI mfihrF df dfavf hY ik hfeI kort dy jsits iQpsy ny lokfeI dI soc qoN Ault jf ky aqy isrPL kfnUMnI qkfijLaF nUM sfhmxy rwK ky slmfn dI sjLf muawql kIqI aqy Aus nUM jylH nf Byjy jfx dI hdfieq idwqI. AunHF df ieh kdm dlyrfnf aqy kfnUMnI nukqf ingfh qoN iblkwul drwusq hY. jy slmfn nUM jylH Byj idwqf jFdf, pr bfad ivwc Aus dI apIl mnjLUr ho jFdI hY qF Aus dI ‘jylH Xfqrf’ Aus nfl nfiensfPI mMnI jfxI sI. dUjy pfsy jwj dysLpFzy dy pRsLMskF df kihxf hY ik iesqgfsfpwK (Bfv pulIs) vwloN kys kmjLor bxfey jfx, aihm sbUq ‘gfieb’ hox aqy mhwqvpUrn gvfhF dy muwkrn dy bfvjUd jo kuJ vI AuplwbD sI, Aus dI bfrIkbInI nfl puxCfx krky jwj ny slmfn nUM dosLI krfr idwqf aqy ieh sfbq kIqf ik kfnUMn dIaF njLrF ivc sB brfbr hn. PLOjdfrI inaF pRxflI dy afpxy dsqUr vI hn aqy ivroDfBfs vI. kfnUMn dIaF njLrF ivwc hr bMdf brfbr hox dy sMklp dy bfvjUd aksr ‘vwzy’hI sfbq huMdy hn. CoitaF dI suxvfeI ‘vwizaF’ vFg nhIN huMdI. Auh afpxy bcfa leI nfmvr qy dfinsLvr vkIlF dI tIm nhIN jutf skdy. muPq kfnUMnI shfieqf dy nF ‘qy imlx vflI mdd bhuqI vfr nf qF mukwdimaF

dI rPqfr qyjL krdI hY aqy nf hI pYrvI nUM inwgrqf bKLsLdI hY. nYsLnl kRfeImjL irkfrzjL ibEro dy aMkiVaF anusfr dysL dIaF jylHF ivwc 2[78 lwK bMdI aijhy hn ijnHF dIaF apIlF suxvfeI aDIn hox dy bfvjUd Auh jylHF ivwc hn. 20 hjLfr bMdI aijhy vI hn ijnHF dIaF jmfnqF dyx leI koeI awgy nf afAux kfrn AunHF nUM jylHF ivwc rulxf pY irhf hY. aijhy bNMidaF dy iensfnI hwkF bfry srkfr vI KfmosL hY aqy iensfnI hwkF leI lVn vflIaF hor iDrF vI. dUjy pfsy slmfn df mfmlf aijhf hY ik iewk sMgIn jurm df dosLI krfr idwqy jfx dy bfvjUd Aus nUM iewk GMty leI vI jylH nhIN jfxf ipaf. Aus kol aijhy vkIl sn ijhVy kfnUMn dI hr kuMzI qy GuMzI df jvfb jfxdy hn. aijhy aflm ivwc slmfn kys bfry ieh Dfrnf bxnI suBfivk hI hY ik Auh dOlq dy bl nfl jylH jfxoN bc igaf. aijhI soc afm hox dI iewk vjHf ieh vI hY ik jdoN vI svfl amIr qy grIb df hovygf, bhuigxqI dI hmdrdI gLrIb nfl hI huMdI hY. pr mOjUdf mfmly ivwc iqMn idnF aMdr jo kuJ vfpiraf, Aus ny aijhI soc nUM pkyrf krn ivwc vwzI BUimkf inBfeI hY. slmfn df injI aks ikMnf vI cMgf ikAuN nf hovy, ‘ihwt aYNz rn’ kys ivwc Aus df kfr-ivhfr nfiekF vflf nhIN sI. iesy leI jdoN Aus nUM sjLf hoeI sI qF pihlf pRqIkrm ieho sI ik adflqI cfl mwTI hI sI, pr aMq ivwc inaF hoieaf hY. hux Aus dI sjLf muawqlI kfnUMnI pwKF qoN ikMnI vI jfiejL ikAuN nf hovy, ies ny ‘inaF dy qrfjU ivwc sB brfbr’ dy pYgfm nUM kuJ iPwkf jLrUr bxf idwqf hY. ieh ies kys df sB qoN aPsosnfk pihlU hY.

Friday, May 15th, 2015

sLRI 108 rvI sLMkr ivruWD qrksLIlF vloN sLFqmeI mujLfhrf aYbtsPorz ivc 18 meI nMU qrksLIl sWiBafcfrk susfietI vloN sLRI 108 rvI sLMkr dy ivruWD 18 meI nMU aYbtsPorz ‘c igafn svIt hfAUs ‘qy sLFqmeI mujLfhrf krn df aYlfn kIqf igaf hY. susfietI df dfavf hY ik rvI sLMkr ‘PrI sLFqI’ dy nF ‘qy lokF nMU guMmrfh krdf hY. lokF nMU jfgrq krn leI qrksLIlF vloN iek lWK zflr dI rkm dI pysLksL hY jo vI bfbf afpxIaF krfmfqF nMU isWD krky ivKfvy. ieh vI dWisaf igaf hY ik aYzimMtn ivc hPqf Br rvI sLMkr ivruWD jfgrUk lokF vloN sLFqmeI mujLfhrf kIqf igaf. qrksLIlF dy pRDfn avqfr isMG igWl, jgrUp isMG, gurmyl isMG aqy gurmIq isMG vloN lokF nMU apIl kIqI geI hY ik 18 meI nMU svyry 5 vjy aYbtsPoz dy igafn svIt hfAus aqy 1 jUn nMU afrIaf bYNkuiet hfl srI ‘qy sLFqI pUrvk mujLfhry ivc huMm humf ky pujo. hor jfxkfrI 604-728-7011, 778-9087785, 778-708-5785 aqy 778-3442929 qoN pRfpq kr skdy ho.

The Patrika

Friday, May 15th, 2015



afjLfd Bfrq ‘c ajy vI aMgryjLF dIaF nIqIaF krky hI svfrfj dI loV hY

pUrn cMd srIn

kbjLfkfrIaf qoN mukqI hfsl krn leI sfzf pihlf sMGrsL 10 meI, 1857 nUM sLUrU hoieaf sI, jo ik asPl ho igaf. Aus qoN bfad aMgryjLF dI gulfmI qoN inklx ‘c pUry 90 vryH lwg gey. ienHF 90 virHaF ‘c aMgryjLF ny sfzy ‘qy hkUmq krn leI aijhy kfnUMn bxfey ik asIN kdy vI afqm-inrBr nf ho skIey aqy nf hI kdy eykqf dy sUqr ‘c bwJ skIey.

ivwc iesfeI imsLnrIaF dIaF srgrmIaF nUM vI AuqsLfihq kIqf igaf. KyqI Kyqr df ivsQfr aijhy ZMg nfl kIqf igaf ik iksfn afpxIaF PslF vycx leI hI AugfAux, Kurfk smwgrI dIaf loVF pUrIaF krn leI nhIN. ies qrHF aMgryjL snaqkfrF dy ihsfb nfl PslF AugfeIaF jfx lwgIaF.

ijvyN aMgryjLF ny idhfqI afriQkqf nUM AujfiVaf, Ausy qrHF asIN vI ipMz vfsIaF nUM mjbur kIqf ik Auh sLihrF ‘c af ky vsx aqy ‘dysI sfhbF’ dI cfkrI krn. mOjUdf srkfr ny ipMzF ‘c snwaqF lfAux dI gwl qF kIqI hY pr ipCly iewk sfl dOrfn ieh kIVI dI cfly hI qurI hY.

snawqF clf skx, Ausy qrHF asIN vI iksFnF nUM AuhI PslF AugfAux leI ikhf, jo sfzy AudXogF leI shfiek hox. ieh hn sfzIaF ‘kYsL krfps’ Bfv nkdI PslF. nqIjy vjoN Kfx pIx dIaF cIjLF GtdIaF geIaF. iesy krky sfnUM ‘PUz sikAuirtI’ vrgIaf gwlF socx leI mjbUr hoxf ipaf.

jgIrdfrI ivvsQf nUM vI eynf mjLbUq kr idwqf qF jo ienHF kfnUMnF ‘coN iewk ieh sI ik BfrqIaF ‘qy BfrI iksfn dI hYsIaq Kyq mjLdUr qoN ijLafdf nf vD sky. tYks lfey jfx. tYks nf dyx dI sUrq ‘c AunHF dI ‘dysI sfhbF’ dI krfmfq jfiedfd ‘qy kbjLf kr ilaf jfvy. aijhy kfnUMn bxy, ijnHF nfl iksfn, kfrIgr, aKIr 15 agsq, 1947 nUM sfnUM afjLfdI imlI aqy klfkfr aqy mjLdUr kMgfl huMdy gey. pyNzU KyqrF ‘c kFgrs dy hwQF ‘c swqf dI zor af geI. ieh AuhI jo Coty-Coty kfrKfny, AudXog-DMdy sn, Auh nsLt kFgrs sI, ijs dI sQfpnf 1885 ‘c iewk aMgryjL huMdy gey. kwpVf snawqF qoN lY ky lohf aqy brqn lfrz ihAUm ny hI kIqI sI. afjLfdI qoN bfad afid nfl sbMDq hor CotIaF snawqF nUM hr sMBv kFgrsI srkfr ny jo kfnUMn bxfey, Auh qkrIbn nuksfn phuMcfieaf igaf qF ik pyNzU afriQkqf dI Ausy qrHF dy sn, ijvyN ik aMgryjLF ny sfnUM gulfm rwKx leI bxfey sn. iewk swcfeI ieh vI hY ik bhuqy rIV dI hwzI twut jfvy. kfnUMn awj qwk nhIN bdly gey aqy bdlx dy nFa Psl Krfb hox ‘qy iksfn kol sLfhUkfr dy cuMgl ‘c ‘qy isrP pocf-pfcI hI njLr afAuNdI hY. Psx qoN ibnf hor koeI cfrf nhIN sI. ieh sLfhUkfr sB qoN pihlF ienkm tYks dI hI gwl lY lE. awgoN aMgryjLF dy JolIcuwk sn. kFgrs ny vI aMgryjLF vFg jnqf ‘qy eynf tYks iswiKaf pRxflI nUM ieMj bxfieaf igaf ik DnfZ lokF lfieaf ik lokF ny ies nUM adf nf krn ‘c hI BlfeI dIaF sMqfnF hI pVH-ilK skx aqy AuWc iswiKaf smJI. ies qrHF kfly Dn dI afriQkqf df jnm leI ieMglYNz jfxf jLrUrI ho jfvy. ies dy nfl hI hoieaf. pihlF aMgryjL sfzI kmfeI ivdysL iljFdy BfrqI BfsLfvF ‘qy aMgryjLI df glbf bxfAux leI sn, hux asIN Kud hI ivdysLI bYNkF ‘c afpxI kmfeI sfry qrIky apxfey gey. iewQoN qwk ik ies kMm jmHF krfAuNdy hF.

Psl Krfb hox ‘qy sLfhUkfrF dy cuMgl ivwc Psx aqy mfmUlI ijhf krjLf Auqfrn leI vI bMDk bxy rihx vflI purfxI prMprf nf isrPL awj vI cflU hY sgoN sLfhUkfr dy nfl-nfl bYNk vI af gey hn. ijwQoN qwk iswiKaf nIqI df sbMD hY, ieh vI aMgryjLF dI nIqI dI hI nkl hY. ijvyN aMgryjLF dI isrPL DnfZ lokF nUM iswiKaf dyx dI nIqI sI, Ausy qrHF kFgrs ny vI pbilk skUlF df aijhf jfl PYlfieaf ik Aus ivwc grIb kdy jf hI nf skx. srkfrI skUlF df imafr suDfrn dI koisLsL vI iesy leI hI nhIN hoeI. koeI vI ieh vyKx dI koisLsL nhIN krdf ik idhfqI skUlF df kI hfl hY. ijwQy pbilk skUlF ‘c nrsrI ‘c dfKilaF leI mfrfmfrI rihMdI hY, AuQy ipMzF dy skUlF ‘c mwKIaF iBxkdIaF hn. ijvyN aMgryjLF vyly aMgryjLI df glbf sI aqy aMgryjLI pVHy nUM hI piVHaf-iliKaf mMinaf jFdf sI, Ausy qrHF sfzy BfrqI hfkmF ny vI BfrqI BfsLfvF nUM hIxqf dI sLRyxI qwk ilaf KVHf kIqf hY. hux hfl ieh hY ik aMgryjLI ibnF sfzf kMm cwl hI nhIN skdf. awj vI AuWc iswiKaf leI ivdysF ‘c pVHfeI nUM qrjIh idwqI jfdI hY.

ajokI hkIkq


awj dy sB qoN cricq muwdy dI gwl krIey qF siQqI hor vI mfVI hY. ieh mwudf KyqIbfVI dy Kyqr df hY. ijvyN aMgryjL Bfrq ivwc AunHF PslF dI hI pYdfvfr krvfAuNdy sn, ijnHF nUM KrId ky Auh afpxIaF

ieh iksfn hI jfxdf hY ik Aus nUM bYNkF qoN krjLf imlxf ikMnf musLikl hY. sLihrF ‘c mkfn aqy vfhn sbMDI krjLy dyx leI bYNkF ‘c afpsI hoV lwgI rihMdI hY, jdoN ik ipMzF ‘c iksfn nUM isrPL kuJ mhIinaF df krjLf imldf hY. Aus dI jLmIn dI kImq ikMnI vI hovy, krjLy vjoN Aus nUM iek inrDfrq rkm qoN vwD nhIN iml skdI. iesy qrHF bImf kMpnIaF sLihrF ‘c lokF dy ipwCy BwjIaF iPrdIaF hn pr iksfn dI Psl Krfb ho jfvy qF koeI bImf nhIN, BwuKmrI dI nObq af jFdI hY. ipMzF ivcly Coty kMm-DMidaF leI sbiszIaF qF idwqIaF jFdIaF hn pr ieh vI lokF nUM byGr krn df kfrn hI bxdIaF hn ikAuNik kMmDMdy cldy nhIN aqy krjLy cukfAux dy zr qoN lok ipMz Cwz ky ikqy sLihr ‘c jf ky nOkrI krn lwgdy hn. ieh plfien eynf iBafnk ho cwuikaf hY ik rukx df nFa hI nhIN lYNdf. sfzf iksfn mOjUdf smyN sfzIaF mfVIaF KyqI nIqIaF df isLkfr ho igaf hY. iksfnI dIaF loVF muqfibk AudXog ivksq krn dI vI loV nhIN smJI geI. jfgIrdfrI pRQf vI isrPL kfgjLF ‘c hI bMd hoeI hY. jfpdf hY ik ijvyN afjLfdI dy eyny sflF bfad vI asIN gulfm hI bxy hoey hF. aijhf nf huMdf qF lokF nUM svrfj dI vfpsI vrgy nfary lfAux dI loV nf pYNdI.

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The Patrika


Friday, May 15th, 2015


Walk For Life 2015 Brings Together People of All Backgrounds and how this event recognizes the value of life.” Everett has been involved with Walk For Life since 1998. The annual fundraiser has strongly impacted many people throughout Abbotsford and the surrounding region.


s the weather gets warmer, citizens of Abbotsford gear up for the 26th annual Walk for Life. On June 6, 2015, Advokate Life and Education Services will be hosting its notable event at Mill Lake Park. Participants will walk or run either 4k or 8k courses to help fund the varied initiatives of Advokate, including


pregnancy support, community education, and advocacy for vulnerable people groups. “I think one of the most important issues that humanity faces is the value of life,” said Everett VanEe, a vehicle accident survivor who was left with a brain injury. “I participate in Walk for Life because I believe in Advokate

Rachel Hargrave and her family have been participating in the Walk For Life for over 25 years–before she was even born. As Advokate’s Youth Outreach Coordinator, Rachel says, “I became more involved as I learned about the beauty and importance in advocating for all members of the public. I want to help bring about a culture that values every member of our society–caring for women, children, and all who are vulnerable.”

Abbotsford local Harry Hildebrandt has been raising between $6,000-$10,000 towards the Walk For Life for the past six years. Harry believes in the community event and notes, “I fundraise because I am passionate about giving all children a chance at life. The Walk for Life means we are saving a life that might have been terminated.”

This fun family-orientated community event will feature a BBQ, face painting, balloons, bouncy castles, and prizes. All festivities will begin at 12pm, with the walk and run starting at 1:30pm. For more information on Walk For Life or to donate to the cause, go to

The Patrika

Friday, May 15th, 2015




Conversations Along The Way Ground-breaking open dialogue event a huge success

unique and ground breaking open dialogue event entitled Conversations Along the Way by the 100 Year Journey Project took place on Friday May 8 at City Hall, Centre Stage in Surrey, B.C. Premier Christy Clark started the event with inspiring words that South Asian pioneer stories matter, offer inspiration, and need to be included in the fabric of our province and country. “I was pleased to be part of honouring the South Asian pioneers who have given so much to our province,” said Premier Christy Clark. “It’s essential that we remember and retell their stories, and take inspiration from them as we work together to build an even better British Columbia.” The event featured a panel of special guests representing the intergenerational stories of the community: Avtar Bains and Buncy Pagely whose pioneer family stories were included in the 100 Year Journey publication, Barinder Bhullar who provided a first genera-

tion Canadian perspective and 100 Year Journey project founder Rana Vig. The event was moderated by Sharad Khare of Khare Communications and Imagination Dialogue and included insightful comments and questions from the audience. Audio and video from the event were digitally captured, to be edited for distribution through various channels including schools where interest in the 100 Year Journey project has been tremendous. Rana Vig, founder of the 100 Year Journey project, remarked: “It’s rewarding to see the incredible excitement from educators and students that have embraced this project. At its core, we are preserving and sharing information about the valuable contributions made by the South Asian pioneers. I’m confident that by sharing these stories, all Canadians will gain a better understanding of the South Asian community and the contributions that they have made to this great country.”


The Patrika


Friday, May 15th, 2015


vYnkUvr ivwc qIaF lwgx

ivafihaF vrgy CVy ny iewQy.

lwgx do do vfrI

CiVaF vrgy ivafhy.



awKF rihMdIaF sdf hI qwqIaF

ipE pwuqrF dy vwKry dysL

BfvyN mOsm TMzf.

nf kuVIaF df pyky jfxf

zyt Pyt df nf koeI cwkr,

drsLn isMG sMGf

nf shury asvfrI

sVkF ‘qy ho jfey.

Pyr nfm qy afrI

mylf qIaF df, lY gey luwt vpfrI.

nyitv ieMzIan pihlF af gey.

pwitaf zflr df

mylf qIaF df[[[[[[[

hux aKvfAuNdy qfey.

Cwz cwilaf srdfrI.

jd afAuNdI hY ipMzoN icwTI


mYN qfey nUM Pqih bulfeI. qfieaf afKdf hfey.


bfpU idsy inrfsLf

beI zflr suMGV igaf

sLrfbI qfey nUM kI koeI smJfey.

iekwiTaF ho ky afeIaF igwDy ivwc

lY bwukl ivwc kihMdf AudoN

jd ilaf gorI nfl pMgf.

sLrfbI qfey nUM[[[[[[[[[[

ieko ijhIaF muitafrF

puwqr bIbf myrf


gorf gorI jfx sVk ‘qy


rMg ibrMgy sUt AunHF dy

mYN vhutI ieMzIaf qoN qyrI

mrn mrn nf kiraf kr vy

iewk CqrI ‘dy Qwly .

af atfrI gwzIaF KVIaF

mMgvfAuxI sLyrf.

jy mrnf qF mrjf

iKVkI ivcdI dyKky nUMh ny

Ault idsLf ivwc mUMh

sws dy qfeIN suxfieaf

burky ivwcoN ikhf iksy ny pwg dy pycF nUM

vYnkUvr ivwc mINh inwq pYNdf huMdI bwly bwly

nI buwZy bfry kI krdy, sLrm hXf nf afieaf. ***** pwCm qF hY nF zuwbx df

iekwiTaF rihx nUM idl krdf ey mYnUM lY jf qUM mYN sfrI rfq kwiqaf krUM kwiqaf krUM qyrI rUM.

hyT jfpfnI kfrF. lfl bwqI ‘coN lMG cwlIaF

iewk dysI iewk hY prvfsI vwKo vwKrI BfsLf.

jd husn dIaF srkfrF


ipwCy AunHF dy afAuNdf pulsIaf

aYWn[ zI[ pI[ nUM ipwCy kIqf

lfeItF Aus jgfeIaF

mUhry ilbrl lfeI.

nI tuwt pYxy mfmy ny,

aYWn[ zI[ pI[ ivwc jwt sI

itktF hwQ PVfeIaF.

afpxf dUjf bfxIaf BfeI


bws pfs hux kMm nI krdy

zfktr lok vI afey kYnyzf

bfby dyx duhfeI

pMz ikqfbF pVHky

qur qur ky hux bfby Qwky

lok qrn leI afAuuNdy


keI qF DoxI cfhuMx grIbI

awgf bws df ipwCf trwk df

keI iksmq ajLmfAuNdy

kI pwCm dI sLYlI

awqvfd ny drsLn vrgy

AuNJ qF myrf nF hY drsLn

kIqy keI mjbur

mYN aKvfvF zYnI

igwdVisMgI sfD ny idMdy

mOjLF pwCm dIaF,

suxn vfly nUM pvy BulyKf

idMdy pihr dy qVky

Cwz jwt nUM bfxIaf kIqf,

Kwtf imwTf dyx srUr.

ieh nr hY jF nfrI ,

nI puVIaF sFD dIaF

qrs gey gMinaF nUM.


pihlF kYNcI vflF Auqy

bol peIaF isr cVHky .



tIky mUhry tUxy twly ajy vI KVHdy aVky.

QwikafN nINd nf afeI vft idaF BMinaF nUM

ibnF hwzIEN mIt hY imldf ijE KyqF ‘coN gMZf. cfr ku zflr hovx koly dysI bxy lPMgf.

pMj irvr vfly idMdy itktF lY itkt qUM cVHjf. dunIaF pYsy dI lfhu bImy nfl krjLf. ***** ilaf goiraf qyrf gfrzn guwz idaF Augxo vINz htfvF jy pYsy qUM kYsL dy dyvy. bxky mornI afvF vy cYWk qyrI bfAUNs ho geI kI mYN jmHF krfvF. *****

The Patrika

Friday, May 15th, 2015



pfiksqfn ivwc iewk hor KUnI kFz dihsLqgrdI qy pfiksqfn df pnIrI aqy mflI df irsLqf bx cuwkf hY. ies nUM pfiksqfn dy hfkmF ny iksy smyN aPgfinsqfn dy iKlfP vrqx vfsqy isrijaf sI. bfad ivwc Auh ies DfV nUM sMBfl nhIN sn skdy qy AunHF ny Bfrq dy iKlfP vrqxI sLurU kr idwqI. ies cwkr ivwc dihsLq df ijhVf bIj Auh aPgfinsqfn qy ihMdusqfn ivwc bIjx lwgy rhy sn, Aus dIaF klmF Kud AunHF dy ivhVy ivwc vI puMgr peIaF. afm lokF qoN lY ky kflj ividafrQIaF qwk aftomYitk bMdUkF aqy msLIngMnF lY ky cwlx ivwc sLfn smJx lwg pey. dysL ivwc kwtVpMQIpuxf vDdf igaf.

dI rfjDfnI mMny jFdy hn. krfcI ivwc vwKrI gwl ieh vI hY ik vMz vyly Bfrq dy ihMdI-BfsLI KyqrF qoN ihjrq krky gey hoey Auh lok EQy bVI vwzI igxqI ivwc vsdy hn, ijnHF nUM awDI sdI qoN vwD smF lMGx dy bfad vI brfbr dy pfiksqfnI nhIN mMinaf jFdf aqy muhfjr kihky ivqkry df isLkfr bxfieaf jFdf hY. AunHF nfl keI hor BfeIcfiraF dy lokF df tkrfa vI rihMdf hY. krfcI Aus dysL dy kfiedy-afjLm muhMmd alI ijnfh dy bcpn df sLihr vI hY. iPr vI ijhVI vfrdfq nfl ies vkq krfcI sdmy ivwc hY, Aus df sbMD muhfjr lokF dI hoxI nfl nhIN, sgoN iewk hor vrqfry nfl juVdf hY, ijhVf dihsLqgrdI df iewk awj pfiksqfn ivwc ieh siQqI hor rUp jLfhr krdf hY. hY ik krfcI nyVy iewk bws Gyr ky pMjfh dy krIb lok mfr idwqy bhuqy lok ieh nhIN jfxdy ik gey hn. krfcI koeI pCVy hoey pfiksqfn nUM bxfAux vflf muhMmd ielfky df Cotf-motf ksbf nhIN. alI ijnfh muslmfnF dy sLIaf Aus dI pfiksqfn ivwc AuhI Kfs iPrky ivwcoN sI. Aus dy bfad QF hY, ijhVI Bfrq ivwc muMbeI dy pfiksqfn ivwc iewk idn ieho sLihr dI hY. muMbeI aqy krfcI ijhf vI afieaf, jdoN ieslfm dy dovyN afpo afpxy dysL ivwc kfrobfr pYrokfrF ivcfly vMzIaF pYx lwg

peIaF. pihlF kfdIafnI lokF dy iKlfP bMdUkF cuwk leIaF qy AunHF dy kql kIqy jfx lwg pey. ijhVf awj kqlyafm hoieaf hY, Auh vI sLIaf BfeIcfry dy lokF df hoieaf hY aqy krn vfly bMidaF bfry iKafl kIqf jFdf hY ik Auh qihrIky qfiblfn dy pfiksqfnI DVy nfl juVy hoey sn, ijs nUM ierfk ivwc dihsLqgrdI clf rhy afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ vfilaF df krIbI mMinaf jFdf hY. afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ vfly ierfk ivwc sLIaf qy XfjIdI musilm lokF df kqlyafm kr rhy hn. AunHF vFg hI qihrIky qfilbfn pfiksqfn vfly vI sLIaf muslmfnF dy KUn df ipafsf hoieaf ipaf hY. iksy vyly pRDfn mMqrI nvfjL sLrIP dy bfp df nFa ies gwl qoN cricq irhf sI ik Auh sLIaf lokF dy iKlfP dihsLqvfdI lihr nUM hvf dy irhf hY, pr awj ijhVy kfqlF ny sLIaf lokF df kql kIqf hY, Auh qF nvfjL sLrIP dy vI ipwCy pey hoey hn.

hfly iqMn idn pihlF dI gwl hY, pfiksqfnI kbjLy vfly ksLmIr qoN iewk hYlIkfptr izwgx dI KLbr afeI sI. qfilbfn ny ikhf sI ik ieh hYlIkfptr AunHF ny zyigaf hY, pr POj aqy dysL dy srkfr df kihxf sI ik qfilbfn eynI vfrdfq krn jogy nhIN. ies dy bfad qfilbfn vwloN iewk sI[ zI[ jfrI krky ivKfieaf igaf ik Auh ieh kfrf vI kr skdy hn. hfly ipCly hPqy AunHF ny ieh dfavf kIqf sI ik AunHF dy kol hux imjLfiel qy Aus dI qknIk vI af cuwkI hY. hYlIkfptr dy izwgx dI Gtnf dy bfad AunHF ieh vI ikhf ik asl ivwc Auh nvfjL sLrIP df hYlIkfptr zygxf cfhuMdy sn, pr aMdfjLy dI glqI nfl dUsrf izwg ipaf sI. ieh dfavf TIk jF glq hox dy sMbMD ivwc dovF iDrF df afpo afpxf pwK sI, pr mfmlf qF gMBIr hY hI sI. iewk hPqf vI bIqx idwqy bgYr AunHF ny krfcI ivwc eyzI vwzI vfrdfq krky ieh dwsx df Xqn kIqf hY ik Auh afpxy dysL

dI srkfr aqy POj nUM cuxOqI dy skdy hn. ies nfl Aus kfrobfr dy pwK qoN mhwqvpUrn sLihr ivwc vI dihsL q vD skdI hY aqy ijhVy sLIaf lokF dy kql krn dI Gtnf hoeI hY, AunHF ivwc vI hor ijLafdf dihsLq dI lihr dOV skdI hY. pfiksqfn dI srkfr df ieh dfavf irhf hY ik Auh dihsLqgrdI dy iKlfP lVfeI lV rhI hY, pr nqIjy ies lVfeI ivwc Aus dy pwK ivwc kdy vI jFdy idKfeI nhIN idwqy. bhuq sfry lokF df iKafl hY ik dihsLqgrdI vwl ivroD dI Aus dI nIqI isrP sMsfr dIaF qfkqF awgy ivKfvf krn qy ies ivwcoN zflrF dI Kyp lYx qwk dI hY, aml ivwc Auh ieho ijhf koeI kMm nhIN krdI. jy Aus dI nIqI swcmuwc dihsLqgrdI dy ivroD dI hovy qF koeI asr idsxf cfhIdf hY. ieho ijhf kuJ nhIN idsdf. krfcI dI Gtnf nfl ieho pwK hor AuWBr afieaf hY. hux pfiksqfn srkfr nUM iewk rMg hoxf cfhIdf hY.


The Patrika


Friday, May 15th, 2015


Paramedics and medical experts encourage window safety to protect young children


s the weather warms u p , B C E m e rg e n cy Health Services (BCEHS) and BC Children’s Hospital are reminding parents and caregivers of young children to make sure their window and balcony safety locks are in place. In 2013, BC Children’s Hospital cared for 21 children who fell throug windows or off balconies. Paramedics see the critical injuries that result from falls from windows and balconies, most often including broken bones and facial and head trauma. “If you look after young children or have kids visiting your home, window and door safety locks are your best friend,” said BCEHS Unit Chief Marilyn Oberg. “Little children move quickly and sometimes without reason or warning, so ensuring security locks are in place is a simple


and effective safety measure first, which can lead to serious injuries. for the warmer months.” “With temperatures rising, we often see an increase in falls from windows, and young children are particularly vulnerable to these falls,” said Dr. Ash Singhal, pediatric neurosurgeon and medical director, BC Children’s Hospital Trauma Program. “Many of the injuries can be quite severe, including skull fractures and brain injuries and potentially cause long term effects for the child.”

Safety tips to prevent falls from windows:

(four inches). Children can fit through spaces as small as 12 centimetres (five inches) wide. In either case, ensure there is a safe release option in case of a house fire.

ported by the Provincial Health Services Authority. For more information, visit BC Children’s Hospital, an agency of the Provincial Health Services Authority, provides expert care for the province’s most seriously ill or injured children, including newborns and adolescents. BC Children’s is an academic health centre affiliated with the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, and the Child & Family Research Institute. For more information, visit www.

• Don’t underestimate a child’s mobility; children begin climbing before they • Don’t leave children uncan walk. attended on balconies or decks. Move furniture or • Move household items planters away from the away from windows to edges as kids can climb up discourage children from and over. climbing to peer out. Toddlers may use anything as • Talk to your children about a step stool to get higher. the dangers of opening and playing near windows, parWhile it might be tempting to • Be aware that window ticularly on upper floors of screens will not prevent leave a window open a crack to The Provincial Health Services the home. children from falling let in somefresh air during the Authority (PHSA) plans, manthrough - they keep bugs BCEHS governs the emer- ages and evaluates selected warmer months, remember that out, not children in. young children are innately gency medical services system specialty and province-wide curious and natural climbers, • Install window guards on in BC and provides residents, health care services across and do not understand the risk windows above the ground visitors and health care profes- BC, working with the five of their actions. They can be level. These act as a gate in sionals with pre-hospital emer- geographic health authorities strong enough to widen an gency and inter-facility pa- to deliver province-wide solufront of the window. unlocked window. Toddlers tient transfer services. BCEHS tions that improve the health have a high centre of gravity, • Or, fasten the windows, oversees the BC Ambulance of British Columbians. For so that they cannot open Service and the BC Patient more information, visit www. so even leaning on a screen more than 10 centimetres Transfer Network and is sup- can cause a fall, likely head-

The Patrika

Friday, May 15th, 2015


Plan, including to supporting the conversation on how and the best way for us to define a lowthe liquefied the province can continue to prosper carbon future.” n a t u r a l g a s while taking its climate leadership to To ensure timely development, the folstrategy; the next level.” lowing timeline has been established actions to achieve GHG reductions “Local governments have played a by government: required across the industrial sec- significant role in the success of B.C.’s tor, transportation sector and built climate actions to date,” said Surrey July 2015 – A draft framework for the environment; Mayor Linda Hepner. “As a member Climate Leadership Plan will be proof the Climate Leadership Team, I duced, with a 30-day public consultahow to further the Province’s plan to represent the interests of my tion on the resulting discussion paper. government-to-government relacity and all municipalities throughout tionships with First Nations while October 2015 – The Climate Leaderthe province as we develop B.C.’s new constructively finding climate soluship Team will present its recommenClimate Leadership Plan.” tions; and dations to government. “As chair of the Climate Leadership how to further the Province’s colTeam, I look forward to working with laboration with local governments the team members and consulting with within the context of mutuallyBritish Columbians to ensure a wide beneficial climate actions.

cont’d from page 3

“Today’s Climate Leadership Team announcement sends another signal to the world that B.C. is open for business in the booming global new climate economy,” said Merran Smith, executive director, Clean Energy Canada and fellow, Simon Fraser University’s Centre for Dialogue. “I look forward

PAGE 23 December 2015 – A draft Climate Leadership Plan will be prepared, and a 30-day public consultation will take place. March 2016 – The final Climate Leadership Plan will be released publicly. “British Columbia is known around the world for our climate leadership,” said Environment Minister Mary Polak. “The Climate Leadership Team will help provide us with the tools necessary to maintain and enhance our leadership, and help move B.C.’s climate agenda forward.”

range of views are considered, while developing a new plan we can be proud of,” said Mike Bernier, Parliamentary Secretary for Energy Literacy and the Environment for the Minister of Environment. “I’m confident the work of the team will stimulate a real debate about B.C.’s future climate change direction,

First Nation, Province partner on natural gas pipeline


ake Babine is the latest First Nation in northern B.C. to welcome benefits from natural gas pipeline development and the emerging LNG sector by signing a pipeline benefits agreement with the Province.

Lake Babine Nation has traditional territory along the proposed route for TransCanada’s Prince Rupert Gas Transmission (PRGT) natural gas pipeline project. The agreement signed with the Province ensures the economic growth generated by the pipeline, and a liquefied natural gas (LNG) export industry in B.C., will benefit their membership. If the proposed project proceeds, Lake Babine Nation will receive approximately $3.56 million in one-time payments from the Province as milestones are reached: $324,000 when the agreement takes effect, $1.62 million as construction begins, and $1.62 million when the

pipeline is operating. Lake Babine Nation is also entitled to a share of $10 million a year in ongoing benefits for First Nations along the pipeline route.

to help grow the LNG industry.” Quick Facts:

Located in several communities on Babine Lake and in and around Burns Pipeline benefits agree- Lake, Lake Babine Nation ments with First Nations has approximately 2,440 are part of the B.C. gov- members. ernment’s comprehensive plan to partner with First The Province issued enNations on LNG opportu- vironmental assessment nities, which also includes certificates for the proposed PRGT project in fall developing skills training 2014. In addition to meetand environmental stewing conditions set out in ardship projects. respective environmental Quotes: assessment certificates, the Rich Coleman, Minister project requires various of Natural Gas Develop- federal, provincial and local government permits to ment – proceed. “Sharing the benefits of natural gas pipeline proj- The Province has achieved ects with First Nations agreements with 28 First offers them resources to Nations regarding various partner in economic devel- proposed pipeline routes. opment and complements Pipeline benefits agreeindustry impact benefit ments between the Provagreements that provide ince and First Nations are jobs and business oppor- separate from industry tunities. These partner- benefit agreements. Indusships are a powerful way try proponents are working for government and First directly with First Nations Nations to work together on their own agreements.


The Patrika

PAGE 24 qusIN pfxI nf GVy dy ivwc pfAuNdy


kYnyzf ‘c sLONkIn gwBrU.

hrbMs kOr ‘bYNs’ ijnHF ipMzF dy gwBrU amlI. KFdy nsLy qF sLrfb dy ny afdI. pwt hoey muV nf vsy. AunHF ipMzF dI hoeI brbfdI. ***** prdysLoN jf ky mwul puafAuNdy. muwl qfrky pRdysLI DIaF afeIaF. veI nisLaF ny rol idwqIaF. iewQy vwizaF GrF dIaf jfeIaF. ***** afAuNidaF muMizaF jFidaF muMizaf. gwl KVH ky jwtI dI jfeIN sux vy. mrdF df Xuwg bIiqaf. sLurU ho igaf aOrqF df hux vy. ***** afAuNidaF muMizaF jFidaF muMizaF gwl sux jLrf ku kMn krky. vy rfj afieaf qIvIaF df. hux vsxf pAU aOrq bx ky vy. ***** sux vy gwBrUaF gwl qUM smJ lY. bYTI nf ZfxI dy ivwc jf ky. vlYqI rMnF vFg muMizaF mYN vI rwKI af. zMzy nUM afr lf ky. ***** sux lE pMjfb idE muMizE gwBrUE.

sLgn rihq ivafh

mnmohn isMG iZwloN

BFzy mFjdy qy rotIaF pkfAuNdy[[[[[ sfzf iewk prm imwqr aqy aMimRqsr dy ivwc sFJ pfAu, pr ‘nf sLgn nf ilPfPf, ***** isafsI afgU hrbIr isMG sMDU ny afpxI bws ivafh df afnMd mfixE.’ af nI kuVIey jfh nI kuVIey, pRoPYsr bytI df ivafh bhuq hI sfdy Aus ny iksy swjx, dosq jF irsLqydfr aYvyN qx nf skIrIaF df qfxf, ZMg nfl kIqf hY. ies ivafh dI crcf

kuJ aKLbfrF ivc vI hoeI. ies ivafh dI KLbr ny lokF nMU iewk cMgf qy sfrQk DIey mF nhIN iksy ny bx jfxf. sunyhf idwqf hY. nf dfj nf vrHI, nf pYlys ***** df Krcf, nf bYNz vfjy. rotI ‘qy vI koeI afAuNdI kuVIey jFdI kuVIey, KLrc nhIN hoieaf aqy nf hI PjLUl qy cwuk ilafeIN bjLfr ivwcoN loeI, byloVIaF rsmF hI kIqIaF geIaF. lVkI nI DIaF prdysLxF nUM, nUM vyKx afieaf muMzf qy Aus df pirvfr gurduafry ivwc afnMd kfrj krvf ky Aus mfvF bfJ pwuCy nf koeI[[[[[[ ***** nUM lY ky cly gey. mMuzy df mMnxf sI ik mYnUM iewk pVHI ilKI, suwGV-isafxI qy pRoPYsr afAuNdI kuVIey jFdI kuVIey, sfQx iml geI hY, hor mYnUM kuJ nhIN Br ilafeI toBy dy ivwcoN gfrf. cfhIdf. ijMnI KusLI mYnUM ies qrHF ivafh nI mfipaF dy ivCVn df, krvf ky imlI hY, EnI KusLI qF sLfied mYnUM DUm-DVwky nfl ivafh krvf ky vI afAuNdf DIaF dy ihwsy duwK Bfrf. ***** nhIN sI imlxI. ies Gtnf qoN mYnUM afpxf afAuNdI kuVIey jFdI kuVIey, iek hor imwqr pRoPYsr ajIq isMG sLfhI vI Xfd af irhf hY. Aus ny afstrylIaf mfr mfr QWk jfeyNgI gyVy. vsdy afpxy pwuqr df ivafh kIqf sI qF nI mfvF ibnF ikhVF drdI. kuVI dy mfipaF ‘qy nf afAu Bgq aqy nf ijhVf idl dy rudn nUM CyVy[[[[[[[ hI dhyj df boJ pfieaf sI. bws kuVI nMU iqMnF kwpiVaF ivwc ivafh ilaFdf sI. afANudI kuVIey jFdI kuVIey. hF, ivafh dI pfrtI krky irsLqydfrF qy swjxf-imwqrF nfl afpxI pirvfrk cwuk ilafeI bfjLfr ivwcoN gfnI, KusLI sFJI jLrUr kIqI sI. zf[sLfhI ny ies nI iewQy gwl bs mwukdI. imlxI pfrtI dy mF-bolI pMjfbI ivwc Byjy mfvF ibnF nf DIaF df koeI sfnI. swdf pwqr ‘qy iliKaf sI ‘sfzIaF KusLIaF nI sfry sfk mqlb dy.

Proud Sponsor of the

JAMBOREE Calling all Volunteers! The City of Abbotsford and Prospera Credit Union are looking for volunteers to help make this year’s Canada Day Celebration a success. There are lots of volunteer opportunities throughout the day to choose from. To register visit us online

Volunteer Wednesday July 1st


Friday, May 15th, 2015


dyx dI Kycl nhIN krnI. bs sfzI KusLI ivwc sLfml ho ky, sfzy cfa nUM dUxf krnf hY. AunHF ny imlxI pfrtI ‘qy iksy koloN vI sLgn nhIN sI ilaf aqy agly idn koloN ivafh df sLgn nhIN sI ilaf. pirvfirk mYNbr jf ky kuVI nUM ivafh imlxI pfrtI vyly jdoN iksy ny sLgn dyx leI jbrdsqI kIqI sI qF Aus ilafey sn. dhyj vI nhIN sI ilaf igaf. dy nfl-nfl pYlys ivwc GuMmdy do jokr, dfj-dhyj, PjLUl -KrcI aqy byloVIaF pRo[sLfhI dy awgy ho ky hwQF ivwc PVI PwtI, rsmF dI gwl qurI hY qF mYnUM pMjfbI sLgn df ilPLfPf dyx vfly dy awgy kr sfihq, mYzIkl aqy smfijk Kyqr ivwc idMdy sn. PwtI ‘qy iliKaf sI ‘nf sLgn ivlwKx sQfn rwKx vfly zf: isLafm nf ilPfPf bws ivafh dI KusLI df afnMd suMdr dIpqI dI bytI dy ivafh dI vI mfxo.’ Auh aksr ikhf krdf sI, “mYN Xfd qfjLf ho geI hY. AunHF ny afpxI afpxy byitaF dy ivafhF mOky dfj nhIN bytI df sfdy ZMg nfl hI ivafh kIqf lfvFgf.’ Auh ieh vI kihMdf huMdf sI, ‘jy sI. mihmfnF nUM gulfb dy Puwl dy ky ‘jI asIN pVH ilK ky vI dfj-dhyj vrgIaF afieaf’ afiKaf sI. nf koeI PLjLUl Krc, rsmF jfrI rwKFgy qF smfj nUM hor kOx nf PjLUl rsm, nf aMgUTIaF, kMblF nfl syD dyvygf.’ zf[ sLfhI BfvyN awj dunIaF ivwc nhIN pr Aus dIaF ienHF Bfv-pUrq imlxI qy nf dhyj. bs jYmflf pf ky gwlF dI crcf awj vI imwqrF dosqF ivwc ivafh dI rsm pUrI ho geI sI. huMdI rihMdI hY. idlcspI vflI gwl ieh vI sI ik ivafh kuJ idn pihlF iewk hor ivafh ivwc sLfml hox df mOkf imilaf, ijnHF ny ivafh qoN iek idn pihlF ivafh sMbMDI kIqI geI pfrtI ‘qy swidaf sI. ieh pfrtI pwqrkfr rsLmI qlvfV dy pwuqr dy ivafh dI sI. pfrtI ivwc sLfml hox leI Byjy gey swdf pwqr ‘qy qF sLgn byloVf nhIN sI iliKaf pr inwjI qOr ‘qy sB nUM sKLq bynqI kIqI geI sI ik sLgn

df ijhVf swdf pwqr idwqf igaf sI, Aus ivwc iewk kyk, pMjfbI qy aMgryjLI ivc Cipaf kfrz sI. hor vI KUbsUrq gwl ieh sI ik ivafh dy swdf pwqr dy nfl pMjfbI aqy aMgryjLI ivwc CpI iewk pusqk ‘iewkimkqf df afnMd’ vI idwqI geI sI, ijs ivwc ijLMdgI ivwc KUbsUrq irsLqy bxfeI rwKx leI 19 guxF df vrnx kIqf igaf sI.

Friday, May 15th, 2015

The Patrika 




The Patrika 

Friday, May 15th, 2015

Biking to Work – even if it means cycling from Chilliwack to Vancouver (Fraser Valley, BC) Cyclists are gearing up for Bike to Work Week which runs May 25-31 throughout BC. Some are as keen as to cycle from their workplace in Chilliwack to their home in Vancouver, 110 kilometre bike ride in total. Rebecca Abernethy, Environmental Services Coordinator at the Fraser

need to start and it will get easier the more you do it.”

Valley Regional District has been an avid cyclist and bike to work week participant for many years. When she took a job in Chilliwack and personal circumstances required her to continue living in Vancouver, she thought of ways to continue cycling to/from work whenever possible. Last year, for Bike to Work Week, she brought her bike to work in Chilliwack by carpooling or taking the Greyhound bus, and cycled back to Vancouver using cycling routes, a journey that takes her about

This year, Rebecca is excited that the Fraser Valley Express bus (http://bctransit. com/central-fraservalley/schedules/routeoverview?route=66) will enable her to take her bike to work on transit in the morning, and ride home in the evening.

5 hours. “It is a very enjoyable ride,” she says. “ Cycling makes me feel great, physically and mentally, and is good for the environment. I want to demonstrate that if I can do at least some cycling from a workplace very far from my home, I think many others can do shorter rides as well. You just


If that isn’t enough to motivate you to try cycling to work, then maybe the chance to win a trip to Europe would? This year, all registered participants are entered into a prize draw for a Cycling Trip for 2 from Prague to Budapest as well as tonnes of other great prizes. For more information, visit fraser-valley.

Friday, May 15th, 2015

The Patrika



Ph. 604-855-0020 Email:

Summer School Gurmat Camp Teacher Gurdwara Sahib Kalgidhar Darbar 30640 Blueridge Drive, Abbotsford, BC

Posting Date: April 26, 2015

Company: The Gurmat Center Society is a non-profit organization that teaches children faith based education involving Punjabi language, scripture reading, Gatka, and Gurmat Camps. Job Description: Your main responsibilities will be looking after and teaching students that have enrolled in the Summer School Gurmat Camp. The camp involves a variety of activities that the campers will be engaged in; Sikh studies, Language Arts, Math, Punjabi, Indian Classical Music, Gatka, sports and recreation. The camper age will range between KG to grade 5 only. On a day-to-day basis, you will be expected to collaborate with fellow teachers and with the Program Director to provide an experiential curriculum that strengthens the students’ academic skills, social development, physical fitness, and spiritual well-being. The Camp teachers will be role models at every turn to support both students and fellow staff. Each camp teacher will be responsible for 30 students. To achieve this, you will be working with another Summer School Gurmat Camp teacher along with a team of volunteers, under the direction of the Camp Director. Your work will enable the society to continue providing young Sikh youth with meaningful and positive experiences that will help them grow emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. Requirements and Qualifications: You must be between 18 and 30 years of age at the start of the employment. You must have been registered as a full-time student in the previous academic year and intend to return to school on a full-time basis in the next academic year. You must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident and be legally entitled to work in Canada. You must have an excellent command of the English language. As well, you should be able to read, write, and speak Punjabi fluently. Basic First Aid training is required along with a valid BC driver’s license, plus a criminal record check. You must possess good leadership qualities, organizational skills, time management, solid communication skills, and be a team player. You will be required to do shopping for supplies throughout the summer as the need shall arise. Start Date: As early as June 1st, 2015. Finish Date: August 23, 2015 Work Schedule & Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Hourly Pay: $13.00 per hour Interview: Only candidates that are selected for interviews will be contacted. How to Apply: Resumes can only be submitted by email: PAGE 27


srkfr vwloN nvIN klfeImyt lIzrisLp tIm bxfeI geI

The Patrika

klYsn pirvfr leI mdrjL zya igPt afPq ho inwbiVaf

grInhfAUs gYsF nUM GtfAux kYmlUp dy shfiek Pfier ByNt cVH igaf| ies qrF aqy qrl gYs bfry imQy dy cIPL zyv mYkmohn df kihxf klYsn leI Auh sugfq hY ik kYmlUp dI isMgl mdr afPq ho inwbVI| mYkmohn tIcy ikvyN pUry kIqy jfx nYNsI klYsn df mobfeI Gr ny ikhf ik klYsn ny bVIO imQy mMqvF dI pUrqI leI sV ky suafh ho igaf hY| sQfnk srkfrF aqy Pst AuMnHF nUM jfpdf hY ik klYsn ihMmq nfl afpxy donoN bwcy nysLnjL nfl qfl-myl ikvyN nUM Aus dy do bwicaF vwloN bldI awg ivcoN bfhr kwZ ley aqy Auh sfry DUeyN dI hor mjLbUq kIqy jfx| mdrjL zya igPt vjoN mom bwqIaF idwqIaF sn | lgdf mfr qoN bc gey| afZ guaFZ ies tIm df mu K I ho v y g f hY ik AuMnHF ivcoN iek jgdI hr sMBv shieqf kr irhf vfqfvrn mMqrI df mom bwqI pridaF dy nfl hYaqy AuMnHF ny pIVq mdr pfrlImYNtrI sYktrI mfeIk jf lwgI aqy awg iek dm leI iek shfieqf PMz vI brnIar| PYl geI aqy Gr awg dI KolH idwqf hY| ies ivsL y bfry bo l idaF vfqfvrn mMqrI mYrI polk swrHI dIaF kuJ mfvF XUrpIn BUMzI dI ny ikhf ik klfeImyt sprya hox ‘qy aOKIaF lIzrisL p leI bI sI nU M m d r j L z y a v f l y i d n hY| Gwto-Gwt mdrjL zya dunIaF Br ivc mohrI klovrzyl eyrIaf ivc vfly idn mfqfvF nUM ieMj mMinaf igaf hY | nvIN giTq XUrpIn BUMzI nUM mfrn asLFq nf kIqf jFdf| kuJ df b I s I d I k l f e I m y t tIm ies mohrI BUimkf nUM vfly hoey iCVkfa ‘qy kihxf hY ieMj krnf qF AuMnHF ilzrisLp ikvyN kfiem rwKI hor qkVI krn leI slfh kuJ pirvfr bhuq inrfsL nfl mKOl krn dy brfbr msLvrf dyvygI| jfvy hn| AuMnHF df kihxf hY ik hY| Xfd rhy ik hYlIkfptrF iCVkfa krn vfilaF nUM dI ieh gUMj svyry 5 vjy byVI Aultx nfl qyl zuilHaf jLrf vI iKafl nhIN afieaf hI sL u r U ho geI sI| keI ik ieh iCVkfa krn vfly mFvF ny afpxI inrfsfL dI PRyjLr diraf ’c hYlIkfptrF dI gUMj ikMnI BVfs sosLl mIzIaf rfhI vI 13 meI nUM pRkfisLq KbrF qwk qyl diraf ivc zuwl asLFq krn vflI ho skdI pRgtfeI hY| anusfr 12 meI vfly idn cuwkf sI| ies sbMDI iPsLrIjL vY s trn krU s y z r nF dI aqy EsLn ivBfg df kihxf ishq leI ienovyitv qknflojI byVI ircmMz nyVy Ault hY ik ieh Gtnf vfprn ivksq krn ihq PMz pRvfn geI | iswty vjoN qyl PRyjLr smyN ies dy 1500 gYln dI diraf ivc PYl igaf| byVI kpYistI vfly donoN tYNk KflI bI sI dy ishq mMqrI tYrI hY ik ies ivksq kIqI jf df mflk ronlz igbjL aqy sn | ies krky diraf ivc lyk df kihxf hY ik bjLurgF rhI qknflojI rfhIN 2016 Aus dI imwqr kuVI byVI ivc aqy apfhj lokF dI ishq qwk shfieqf imlxI arMB sn| mflk df kihxf hY ik zuwlx vflf qyl ieMjx df dy sU D fr leI ieno v y i tn ho jfvygI| ieh Koj ishq jdoN byVI zgmgfAux lwgI qF afiel ho skdf hY| ibjL ny qknflojI ivksq krn leI mMqRflf dy sihXog nfl kIqI pfxI byVI ivc afAux lwgf ieh vI dwisaf ieh hPqy dy $3 imlIan pRvfn kIqy gey jf rhI hY| iesy sbMD ivc aqy iqMn GMty aMdr aMdr aMq ivc ies byVI nUM mOsm hn| ivktorI XUnivristI aY b tsPo r z dy ivDfiek byVI pfxI ivc zuwb cuwkI sI| dy mwCIaF PVHn dy kMm leI ivKy kYn-aisst rfhIN zYirl plYkfs ny ikhf ik kost gfrzF dy AuwQy phuMcx TyilHaf jfxf sI| ivksq kIqf jf rhI Koj Auh kYn-aisst vwloN kIqy aqy qknflojI Auprokq jf rhy XqnF dI pRsMsf krdy aYbtsPorz dI sVk ‘qy lokF dy suqMqr jIvn af hn jo ivsLysL qOr ‘qy bjLurgF rhIaF musLklF dUr krn aqy asmrwQ lokF leI kIqy hoeI mOq mfnv-hwiqaf ivc shfiek hovygI| afs jf rhy hn| 10 meI , aYqvfr dI rfq homIsfeIz ienvYstIgysLn dy 11ku vjy sUmfs vya tIm ies mOq dI jFc kr bI sI df mosm vDyry dy nyVy loNjLo roz ‘qy iek rhI hY | hfl dI GVI AuMnHF grm rihx dI BivwKbfxI afdmI ipaf vyK ky iksy ny nUM ieh mOq mfnv hwiqaf puils nUM sUcnf idwqI| sUcnf jfpdI hY| mrn vflf v f q f v r n k Y n z f v w l o N nfrQvYst ies ruJfx nfl imlx ‘qy bI sI aYNbUlYNs ivakqI 30ku sflF df gorf Bivw K bfxI kIqI geI ik pRBfivq huMdf hY | qkrIbn aqy aYbtsPorz df awg af irhf grmIaF df mOsm hr sfl mgroN ieAuN huMdf dwisaf igaf hY| puils vwloN bcfAu amlf phuMc igaf| bI sI ivc afm nfloN vDyry irhf hY| ieh gwLl mOsm dI apIl kIqI geI hY ik jy AuMnHF vyiKaf ik afdmI grm hovygf| AuMnHF df ivcfr mfhr lIjLf kolzvYljL ny burI qrF jLKLmI hoieaf sI| iksy nUM ies mOq bfry koeI hY ik pYisiPk EsLn ivcly afKI hY| Aus ny ikhf ik bcfAu Xqnf dy bfvjUd 15 sUHh hovy qF Auh 1-877- pfxIaF df pihlF nfloN vWD bhuq sMBfvnf iehI hY ik imMt mgroN Aus afdmI dI 551-4448 ‘qy sMprk krn grn rihx df ruJfx ieh af rhy jUn julfeI dy mhIny sMkyq idMdf hY ik pYisiPk afm nfloN vwD grm rihxgy| mOq ho geI| ientYgryitz dI ikrpf kry| bI sI srkfr ny iek klfeImyt lIzrisLp tIm bxfeI hY ijhVI vfqfvrn Kyqr ivc hux qwk imlI sPlqf nUM hor awgy qorn leI mfhr slfh aqy isPfrsL AuplbD krfvygI| ies bfry pRImIar ny ikhf ik ies tIm ivc kfrobfrI lIzr, akfdimk aqy vfqfvrn mfhr, sQfnk srkfrF aqy Pst ny s njL dy pR q InDI sLfml hn| ies tIm dy sfhmxy nvF klfeImyt lIzrisLp plYn iqafr krn dI cxOqI hY| ies plYn nUM aMiqm rUp dyx dI imqI 30 nvMbr, 2015 imQI geI hY| ieh tIm dwsygI ik :


Friday, May 15th, 2015


pihly sMsfr XuwD ivc dwKxI eysLIanF dy Xogdfn bfry numfiesL 11 meI nUM bI sI dI pfrlImYNt iblizMg ivc ‘ krqwv, snmfn aqy iejLwq’ nfm dI dsqfvyjL numfiesL lgfeI geI hY ijs ivc pihly sMsfr Xu w D ivc dw K xI ey s L I an ispfhIaF vwloN jMg dy mYdfnF ivc inBfeI BUimkf ivKfeI geI hY| ieh lwKF ispfhI afpxy GrF qoN bhuq dUr af ky kYnyzIan, PrFsIsI, brqfnvI aqy hor imwqr ispfhIaF nfl iml ky sFJy dusLmn nfl lVy sn| ieMnHF dsqfvyjLF aqy ieiqhfsk qsvIrF rfhIN Aus dOr dy dwKx eysLIan ispfhIaF dI vMn-suvMnqf drsfeI geI hY | ieM n H F kY n y z Ian aqy dwKx eysLIan jMgI XoiDaF ivcoN keIaF dI afl-aOlfd awj klH bI sI ivc rih

rhI hY jo sUby dy rMg-brMgy sw i BafcrfN dI pR q Ik hY | ies bfry istI srivisjL dy mMqrI amrIk ivrk df kihxf hY ik kYnzIan aqy dwKx eysLIafeI ispfhIaF dI gfQf bfr bfr suxfeI aqy ivKfeI jfxI cfhIdI hY| ieh sfry rlL ky lVy aqy AuMnHF dI sMqfn awj vI iml ky sUby dy BivwK nUM rosLn bxfAux leI XqnsLIl hY| iesy qrF smfjk ivkfs mMqrI imsLl sitwlvYwl ny ikhf ik AuMnHF nUM mfx hY ik AuMnHF dy mMqRfly vwloN ieh ieiqhfsk nu m fiesL I vsqF bxfAux ivc bxdf rol inBfieaf hY | aijhIaF vsqF vzyiraF dI bhfdrI nYM drsfAux df vDIaf sfDn hn|

vYnkUvr vfsI aOtvf aqy BMg dy hmfieqIaF ivckfr Psy awj klH BMg dy hmfieqI iesgwl leI srgrm hn ik BMg pIxI jF iksy hor sLkl ivc KfxI kfnUMnI krfr idw q I jfvy | Au D r PY z rl srkfr ies ivcfr dy Ault hY| AuMj vYnkUvr ivc BMg dIaF keI dukfnF KulHIaF ho e IaF hn| vY n kU v r dy vfsI afpxy aFZ guaFZ ivc KulHIaF ieMnHF dukfnF qoN aOKy hn| nfl hI vYnkUvr istI nvyN kfnUMn dy pRsqfv Aupr pbilk suxvfeI df afXojn kr irhf hY | pR s qfivq kfnUMn qihq aijhIaF dukfnF vfilaF nUM lfiesYNs

lY x f pvy g f ijs dI PIs $$35,000 sflfnf qjvIjL kIqI geI hY aqy ieh dukfnF skUlF aqy kimAuintI sYNtrF qoN durfzy hoxgIaF| AuDr PYzrl ishq mMqrI ronf aYNbros ny vYnkUvr dy myar nUM ikhf hY ik ieh dukfnF/ izspYNsrIaF bMd kIqIaF jfx| hYlQ kYnyzf BMg nUM dvfeI nhIN mMndf sgoN ies nU M ishq leI hfnIkfrk grdfndf hY | ies qrF BMg bfry vfd ivvfd cwl irhf hY aqy afm sLihrI BMblBUsy ivc pey mihsUs kr rhy hn|

pRImIar vwloN ivdysLI Gr-mflkF df tYks vDfAux df ivroD mYtro vYnkUvr ivc ivdysLI Gr-mflkF dy tYks vDfAux df mMg krn vflI 18,000 hsqfKrF vflI aO n lfeI pYtIsn dy pRqIkRm vjoN pRImIar ikRstI klfrk ny ikhf ik ieMj tYks nhIN vDfieaf jfvygf| AuMnHF ik pihlI vfr Gr KrIdx

vfilaF dI shfieqf kIqI jfvygI | pRImIar ny ikhf ik ijhVy ivdysLI Gr KrId cuwky hn, AuMnHF df tYks vDfAux AuMnHF nfl ainafie hovygf| ivdysLIaF nUM GrF dI mfrikt ‘coN kwZxf TIk nhIN hovygf ikAuNik ieMj krn nfl GrF dI kImq Gt jfvygI|

Friday, May 15th, 2015

The Patrika 




The Patrika

Friday, May 15th, 2015


New help for kids with ASD, mental-health challenges


he Province is providing $175,000 to ACT – Autism Community Training – to develop an online training program that will help qualified health professionals to better recognize the mental-health challenges that often accompany Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Children and youth with ASD are often affected by psychiatric disorders, including anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorders and attention disorders. Childhood is a time when the proper targeted interventions have the highest potential for positive longterm outcomes. However, it can be challenging for front-line social workers and other health professionals to recognize these co-existing disorders, especially in children and youth with ASD who may have more difficulty communicating or conveying social or emotional cues. The new training program will consist of video and Internet-based modules for front-line health professionals that will highlight best practices in recognizing, identifying and treating the most common mental-health issues, in order to better support mental wellness in children and youth with ASD and related disorders. ACT is an information and referral service that


supports individuals with ASD and their families throughout British Columbia. MCFD invests $665,000 in ACT annually to provide provincial autism information and support services. ACT also provides an extensive online and in-person training program for families of children with ASD and for community professionals – training that is relevant to a broad range of special needs. Since 2010-11, the Province has invested more than $3.5 million in ACT to help support children and youth with ASD and their families. Quotes:

“We are committed to strengthening the system of supports available so that every child in British Columbia receives the care that they need to thrive. This funding will help support children, youth and families by ensuring that health-care providers have access to the information and tools they require to better recognize the mental-health challenges associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder.” Dr. Anthony J. Bailey, professor and chair of child and adolescent psychiatry, University of British Columbia –

“ Young people with Stephanie Cadieux, ASD have some of the Minister of Children and highest rates of mentalFamily Development – health issues in the entire “ Research has shown childhood population, that people with Autism and we know that often Spectrum Disorder are very treatable conditions at increased risk of also are neither identified having mental-health nor treated adequately. challenges like anxiety The key to improving or depression. Through the quality of life of this investment, profes- these young people is to sionals will have spe- educate professionals to cific training to help always be on the lookthem diagnose these out for comorbid condioften elusive secondary tions (as they are very issues in people with common), to recognize ASD who may not be the signs of mental illable to clearly commu- ness in individuals with nicate their thoughts and communication and feelings. The ultimate social difficulties, and benefit is that – once to be aware of the full this new training is de- range of environmental, veloped – more children behavioural and pharand youth with ASD will maceutical approaches be able to reach their full to treatment. The new potential.” training resources will Terry Lake, Minister of make a real difference in Health – these children’s lives.”

The Patrika

Friday, May 15th, 2015



UFV receives Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship funding for urban food systems exchange program


he world’s food supply is under pressure from climate change, population growth, drought, and other changing factors. A University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) study examining the sustainability of food production has received key funding from the recently established Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships program.

By: Dave Pinton

tigating urban agricultural practices, and providing food system education to urban areas facing poverty. The funding from the Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships makes this important work possible.” The UFV project is among 46 from 34 Canadian universities sharing $40 million in funding through the Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships program and is funded through partnership with Universities Canada , Community Foundations of Canada, the Government of Canada, and the Rideau Hall Foundation.

The project, entitled Urban Food Systems in Dar es Salaam, Nairobi and the Fraser Valley: Capacity Building for Policy and Planning, will receive $293,000 in funding to assist with sending six Queen Elizabeth Scholars to Africa and hosting two visiting scholars from East Africa over each of the next four years These projects offer scholarship opportunities to more than 1,900 university beginning in late May, 2015. students in the Commonwealth. RecipiThe study examines the sustainability ents are students in university-designed of the world’s food supply in the face of projects addressing problematic global daunting pressures. The first phase of the issues. Participating students will spend project focuses on developing sustain- three months to a year completing an able agriculture in informal settlements, internship in a Commonwealth country slums, and poverty-stricken urban com- and students from Commonwealth counmunities. tries will attend a Canadian university for UFV is partnering with the East African masters or doctoral studies. Institute of Aga Khan University (AKU) “The students receiving these prestigious in Nairobi and Ardhi Regional University scholarships are the next generation of in Dar es Salaam. This project builds on innovative leaders and community buildimportant work initiated last year with ers, contributing both locally and globAKU and UFV through Canadian govally,” noted Peter Geller, Acting Provost ernment funding. and Vice President Academic. “Involve“This is a wonderful opportunity for the ment in the Queen Elizabeth Scholarship exchange of important knowledge in the program aligns well with many of UFV’s area of global food supply sustainabil- academic goals, providing opportuniity,” observed Cherie Enns, an associate ties for experiential learning through professor of geography at UFV. “Queen international internships for students Elizabeth scholars will be conducting and increasing internationalization by applied research in East Africa, inves- welcoming scholars from East Africa.”

Governments help poultry industry recover from impact of avian influenza Mark Warawa, member of Parliament for Langley, on behalf of Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz, and members of the legislative assembly in B.C. for Abbotsford South and Abbotsford-Mission, Darryl Plecas and Simon Gibson, on behalf of B.C. Agriculture Minister Norm Letnick, announced funding for two initiatives worth up to $1.58 million to help B.C. poultry producers re-establish their operations and mitigate the impact of future risks following an outbreak of notifiable avian influenza in the Fraser Valley this past winter. PAGE 31

The Patrika


Friday, May 15th, 2015



sB qoN Auqm huMdI mF



ivsLv bfjLfr crnjIq isMG kqrf ivsLv bfjLfr

jQydfr rUp isMG gUVI sMGr aYbtsPorz

gurbcn kOr ‘iZwloN’

ipMz ipMz sLihr sLihr af KVHf sB dy duafr, rsoeI qoN bfQrUmF qwk

kulbIr ‘zfnsIvfl’

kyvl isMG inrdoÈ

lokF ivckfr.

idl dI vydn afK suxfeI hMJUafˆ ny .

DrqI vrgf jyrf mF df, prbq jyz AucfeI.

pwgVIey qyrf koeI nhIN sfnI

zrYWs rUmF qwk

iewk pwuq ny mF dy Tuz mfrI

JIloN zUMGI mF dI mmqf, sUrj vFg rusLnfeI.

vwK-vwK qrHF qUM geI hY psLfnI

bYTf hr QF pYr psfr,

mfr Dwky sI Gr coN bfhr kwZI

sB dy idl ivwc Bry rosLnI, cMn puMinaf df huMdI mF.

icwtI hY hosL dI insLfnI

ivsLv bfjLfr

jd jd bolfˆ ikDry sfQ inBfieaf nf ,

mF pwuCdI ijgr dy tukiVaF vy

dyvI khF ky lwCmI bfeI, sB qoN AuWqm huMdI mF.

kysrI hY josL dI insfnI

bwcy iensfnF qwk

qd qd sfzI rwK ivKfeI hMJUafˆ ny .

qyry pYrF nUM swt qF nhIN lwgI

sfhF ivwc BrdI KUsLboeIaF, vFg pOx dy rumky mF.

kflI hY ros dI insLfnI

kbjLf ilaf hY mfr,

hfsy qfˆ bs Jwt hI by muwK ho jfˆdy ,

zfnsIvflIaf rwb df rUp huMdI

Jrny vFg bKyry asIsF, bohVF vFgUM dyvy CF.

nIlI hY KfmosL dI insLfnI

purfxIaF vsqF

ieko kyvl qoV inBfeI hMJUafˆ ny .

eys mF qoN koeI nf sLY vwzI

dohIN jhfnI mF df vfsf, rwb brfbr mF dI QF.

bsMqI hY ienklfb dI insLfnI

purfxy lok

jo kihMdy sI muwK ivcoˆ Ìul ikrdy ny ,

dyvI khF ik lwCmI bfeI, sB qoN AuWqm huMdI mF.

KfkI hY rfKI dI insLfnI

ienHF dI kihMdy

awj AunHf dI gwl rVkfeI hMJUafˆ ny .

vFg smuMdr mF dI mmqf, ndIaF bx bx vihMdI jfey.

gulfbI hY sLfdI dI insLfnI

gAUaF vFgr byjLubfnI, sB dy mUMh ivwc aMimRq pfey.

twsrI hY amIrI dI insLfnI

purfxI soc

hAuky cuwpky idloˆ huMgfry Brdy sI ,

vV bYTf idmfgF ivckfr,

jd vI qyrI bfq suxfeI hMJUafˆ ny .

Elz eyj hom zf: lfB isMG KIvf awj bhq crcf hY Gr ‘c,

mF nf huMdI qUM nf huMdf, myrf ikwQy huMdf nF.

iksy nUM dfKl krvf ky afAux dI.

dyvI khF ik lwCmI bfeI, sB qoN AuWqm huMdI mF.

awj bhuq iqafrI hY Gr ‘c,

pwQr vFgUM swtF sihMdI, lohy vFgUM cVdI sfx.

iksy nUM GroN qorn dI.

mx mx mmqf vMz dI jfey, idMdI jfey sB nUM qfx.

mF koTI dy gYrfjnumf kmry ‘c bYTI, kdy golI nfl kdy pyt ivwc, iql iql krky ktdI mF. ibVkF lYNdI hF ik iks nUM qy ikwQy? dyvI khF ik lwCmI bfeI, sB qoN AuWqm ‘iZwloN’ mF. dfKl krvfAux dIaF iqafrIaF ny. Auh iekwlI bYTI ikafPLy lfAuNdI hY, ik dfKlf qF skUl ivwc huMdf ey jF iPr hspqfl.

sugVI hY grIbI dI insLfnI tory vflI hY gwBrUaF dI insLLfnI kyskI hY bwicaF dI insLfnI vwKo vwKrI hY srdfrI dI insLfnI hor hY sLONkInI dI insLfnI soco sMBlo ivsfro nF ieh insLfnI

srmfeydfr dUr KVf ho hwsy sB pfsy ienHF pf ley ny rwsy iksy dI nf suxy

awKIafˆ ‘coˆ jd JVI lgfeI hMJUafˆ ny .

Êm grB ivc afieaf Kfry pfxI dI , idqVI sfnUM god BrfeI hMJUafˆ ny . kI dwsfˆ ‘inrdoÈ’ Gtfvfˆ cVH afeIafˆ , ivCiVafˆ dI Xfd idlfeI hMJUafˆ ny .

vzyiraF vloN bKLsLI hoeI hY insLfnI .

ikwQy gey pirvfr mohn isMG ‘dfAU’



prmjIq kOr dfhIaf byieqbfiraF dI dunIaF ivwc,

avqfr isMG ‘sMDU’

kI hoieaf jy awj aYqvfr hY,

kfilMgf awj vI puwCdI

sfgr ikhVf imx sky

ieqbfr krn qoN zrdy hF,

dovyN poqry skUl jFdy ny,

rfjf vwzf jF lok

nf Aurvfr nf pfr.

idl roxy nUM qF krdf hY,

qy nf hI nUMhF-pwuq ‘coN koeI ibmfr hY.

AudfsI dy ivwc zuwibaf

iPwky irsLqy pY rhy

pr pfxI Kfry qoN zrdy hF,

kwlH izAUtI ‘qy gey qy Blk vI jfxgy.

ijwq ky vI asLok.

kOx kry ieqbfr

ijnHF ‘qy ipafr lutfieaf sI,

dfKlf iPr ikwQy qy ikAuN krvfAuxgy?

imwtI dy ivwc iml gey

hr koeI Bwijaf jf irhf

idwqI nPrq AnHF bdly ivwc,

iBwqF ivwc guMny hoey cfa myrI mF dy.

iPr afAuNdy ny poqy hwsdy-Kyzdy,

iskMdrF dy keI pUr,

ho pYsy ‘qy asvfr.

ieh ipafr qF nF iebfdq df,

bfpU df psInf armfn dfdI mF dy.

kmry df kuJ awDf bUhf ByV dy,

loBI bMidaF jfx lY

Gr dI dyhlI pwuCdI

hux iesy iebfdq qoN zrdy hF,

BYxF dIaF sDrF ‘qy vfr koeI krIN nf.

mUMh ‘c mMmI dy lPLjL,

mOq nf qYQoN dUr.

ikwQy gey pirvfr

do DfrI qlvfr ieh dunIaF,

Cfpy igwly hoey iPr cuwlHf nhIN blxf.

qy hwQ ‘c ibskut qy ipMnIaF dI ktorI.

zUMGy sfgr suwqIaF

mF htkory lY rhI

dfdI mF ieh qyry leI bxfey ny,

ndIaF keI hjLfr

koeI nf lYNdf sfr.

mMmI kihMdy ny ‘qUM jo hY vwD hI ctorI’.

nf myrI nf qyrI ey, sfhmxy qoN KMjr vwjdf ey, hux sfhmxf krn qoN zrdy hF,

bwdlf vy! kMmIaF dy ivhVy ivwc vrHIN nf. kwcIaF ny kMDF hfVHf kihr koeI krIN nf.

bfQU qy clfeI vflf sfg ikwQy Drnf. BwuiKaF nUM dUijaF dy muhqfjL krIN nf.

rwK bMnH ky afpxIaF socF nUM,

AuWQy jf ky vrH BfvyN ijwQy qyrI loV vy.

pfpf kihMdy ny krvf afAuxf hY dfKLl,

“vy Pot! Elz eyj hom ivc dfKlf nhIN huMdf.

nf iewDr-AuWDr Auizaf kr,

qYnUM iewk suMdr ijhy Elz -eyj hom,

sfzy Gr iewtF aqy nf hI kfly roV vy.

dfKLlf qF huMdf ey skUl jF hspqfl.

XfrI dosqI nfm ey TwgIaF df,

AuWQy bhuq mOjF ny dfdI mF,

asF ikhVI guwzI PUkI aihsfn krIN nf.

iek afrjLI Tihr leI, iek do pihr leI.

hux iesy nfm qoN zrdy hF

dyKx leI tI[vI[ qy cYitMg leI vfeI PfeI,

bwicE! ieh Elz-eyj hom huMdy ny,

pYsy Qwly irsLqf dwb jFdf,

qy ijLMdgI cYnl dy rih gey sIrIalF dI,

bydKLl kIqy mfipaF leI.

qUM KUb krIN BrpfeI.

ijvyN sjLf leI sn kfly pfxI,

asIN afieaf krFgy imlx,

dysL qoN bydKLl kIqy kYdIaF leI.

qyry jnm idn ‘qy gulfb lY ky.

qusIN! dws idE afpxy pfpf nUM

qy holI iekwTy Kyzx gulfl lY ky.

ik pMGUVf-hom vI qF huMdy sn,

dfdI pihlF muskrfeI qy iPr bolI,

jdoN Auh jMimaf sI.


sfzy Gr borIaF qy nf hI BVolf vy.

rhI loV nf hx jLjLbfqF dI,

isr ‘qy hY Cwq kwcI nf koeI gohlf vy.

swc lMgVf ho ky qurdf ey,

iswty asF kwutxy ny ivhVf igwlf krIN nf.

hux swc bolx qoN zrdy hF,

pey jy Crfty kwcI Cwq bVI coxI ey.

‘prm’ Cwz KihVf mqlbKorF df,

jfgidaF rfq lMGU nINd nhIN afAuxI ey.

sLbdF nfl mn prcfieaf kr, ikqy idl nf iksy df duK jfvy, hux sLbdI jMgF qoN zrdy hF.

idny ikhVf cYn sfnUM rfqI mfr krIN nf. bwdlf vy[[[

The Patrika

Friday, May 15th, 2015




Kflsf rfj dI nINh

qIs mfr KF dy qIr

mYN hF pMjfbI bolI pRo[prmjIq isMG

pfik aMdr krfcI ivwc kihr tuwtf

rfhul rojL eyjMzf koeI lWB lYNdf

bx gey lok hn loQF df Zyr mIaF.

hmlf AuWqy srkfr dy krI jfvy

mYN hF bolI pMj diraf dI

vrdI afey sI pihn ky puils vflI,

iksy pfsy vI ikqy koeI kfx vyKy,

nF myrf pMjfbI

sLIaf lokF nUM ilaf iPr Gyr mIaF.

AuNgl AuWqy srkfr dy DrI jfvy.

krmF vfly vyly ivwc sI

bws aMdr ieh mOq df nfc hoieaf,

afKy modI nUM lokF df drd hY nf,

myrI sLfn nvfbI.

bMdf isMG srhMd ivwc KVkfey KMzy.

vriqaf sVk dy AuWqy hnyr mIaF.

mrdf ikqy jy koeI qF mrI jfvy.

gfieaf sI mYnUM bfby nfnk

afjLfd Kflsf rfj dy cfVH idwqy JMzy.

ijhVy GrF dy ivwc hn ivCy swQr,

nfly afKy srkfr nUM bhuq mfVI,

nfl sI iewk rbfbI

bc jfxf sI idl ny vI Pyr twutxy qoN,

kfbU kr kr jLflmF dy kwZ ley kMzy.

mrd-qIvIaF hMJU rhy kyr mIaF.

guwsf lokF dy ivwc Auh BrI jfvy.

bfxI rcI PrId, nfmdyv

afs myrI ny mrdy-mrdy mwukxy qoN.

Kfn vjIdf mfr ky hwk sB nUM vMzy.

kfrobfrIaF df vwzf sLihr ijhVf,

rhI rfhul dy koloN jo ksr bfkI,

gurdfs bxfeI ‘cfbI’.

lwgIaF df hrjfnf bVf hI Biraf ey,

jo tuwkVboc, KusLfmdI DwkV mustMzy.

hoieaf ipaf krfcI hY lfl mIaF.

Xfr modI dy pUrI Auh krn lwgy.

pUrn, mohn, isLv qy pRIqm

tuwt ky vI nf sfQoN ijhVf qiraf ey.

sfQI bxky jfbrF kMm kIqy mMdy.

afm lokF df kOx hY iPkr krdf,

hfl amn-kfnUMn df bhuq mfVf,

bfxy Puwl gulfbI

KOry ikwdF lwQU ieh Bfr ijhf,

Cwz eykqf pY gey rsqy Puwt sMdy.

lwgy hfkm ny hUMJx nUM mfl mIaF.

lokIN GroN vI inkldy zrn lwgy.

buwtr, pfsL qy pfqr nyvI

mr ky vI nf Buwlxf eyhy ipafr ijhf.

kwZ ky luky GVIs ley gl pfey PMDy JUTf nMd ijhy sfjLsI srkfr kirMdy.

***** afgU iswKF dy Auh hn bxI iPrdy,

bflI icxg mqfbI.

mn dIaF pIVF rUh dy ivwc smf geIaF,

***** pwCm vfilaF df modI mfx krdf,

pwuCoN nf kI BIVF ijMd qy af geIaF.

cux cux gwzI cfVH qy bydrd dirMdy

kihMdf imwqr ny myry brfk vrgy.

jfnx iewl nf koko df Prk bylI.

myrf aMg duafbI

kr-kr cyqy awj vI idl GbrfAuNdf ey,

soDy tozI aqy gdfr PV kr sLrimMdy.

inwjI nyV dI kihMdf kYimstrI hY,

mwQy mVHI-msfx hn tyk afAuNdy,

kuJ aMg sI ‘sMqflI’ vwZy

jd vI Ausdf cyqf mYnUM afAuNdf ey.

AuWz rhy ivwc asmfn dy KusL hox pirMdy.

jfpx lwgy beI nyVly sfk vrgy.

kIqf byVf isDFq df grk bylI.

kIqI pwq KrfbI.

lwBdf nI jo lwBF ikMJ isrnfvF mYN,

ZyrI kr srhMd nUM sB Qyh bxfieaf.

agly modI nUM suxn qy jfx hwsI,

rfsLI-Pl nUM subfh aKbfr vyKx,

ivsr geI mYN ‘afpixaF’ hux

Ausdy nFa df Kq Pyr AusnUM pfvF mYN.

‘hfkm’ isMG jrvfixaF ny kIqf pfieaf.

AunHF rwKxy nfl keI pfik vrgy.

mkr, mIn, myK kuJ krk bylI.

igtimt krn iewk sfhbI

bxdy tuwtdy eydF dy sfk rihMdy,

inrI kflK hY ivwcoN qF BrI hoeI,

myry bwicE jfgo hux qF

huMdy Xfr sn kdI ierfk vrgy.

AuWqy lfey ny ilsLkdy vrk bylI.

dy idE, ‘pr surKfbI’.

bxdf aYNvy hI iPry ivdvfn modI,

afgU pMQ dy jFdy ny qrP ijhVI,

hux vI jy kdr nf pfeI

sky smJ nf rmjL amrIknF dI.

idwsdI kfrF dI nfl kqfr bylI.

idEgy kI jvfbI?

XfrI awj dI Blk nUM rhU ik nf,

lokI ivhMdy qF hws ky afKdy eI,

dr sFeI dy iPLtkF pYsn

afvy kdy nf smJ amrIknF dI.

bMdf ijwdF df, EdF dy Xfr bylI.

jy rulHgI mF pMjfbI .

pvn “igwlF vflf”

jy nYxF dI nYx kdy vI suxdy nf, iesLk dy qfxy-bfxy jykr buxdy nf.

hfkm isMG ‘sfgr’

lwK moiVaF kdy vI Auh nf Pyr muVI, “pvn” igwlF idaF KOry sI Auh kOx kuVI. ijs dIaf socF sfnUM mfr-mukfieaf ey, DuMdlf ijhf Auh ichrf njLrI afieaf ey. Buwl jfvF jF AusnUM pRym-pRIq ilKF, ijsdI Xfd ‘c bihky rfqI gIq ilKF.

mF dy ipafr siqkfr df drjf

mF TMZI CF hor nf koeI aijhI QF hrbMs isMG ‘mUMzI’

mYN hI hF mlveI qy mfJI

mF TMzI CF huMdI ey aijhI hor nf koeI QF huMdI ey.

mulK rfj ‘bjfj’

lokI pUjn gfvF nUM dunIaF pUjy mfvF nUM mfvF TMZIaF CfvF nuM. mF kfmDyn df bUtf ey.

jnm dfqIey jnm dy ky jwg vI qUM idKfieaf

asmfnI idMdf JUtf ey.

BuwKf roNdf dyK ky mfqf, cuwk ky duwD ipafieaf

imwTf boly kfvF nUM.

krjL nf qyrf lfh skdy, ikwdF krjL cukfeIey

dunIaF pUjy mfvF nUM.

jwg dI mfqf jnnI mfqf, qYnUM sIs JukfeIey

kdy mwQy vwt nf pfvy .

awgy ipwCy ruVdy iPrdy, qoqlI vfj bulfAuNdI

Gr koeI afvy KusLI mnfvy.

qfVI mfr zrfvy koeI, cwuk klyjy lfAuNdI

syvf kry aMdr rwKy cfvF nUM.

vMn-suvMnf Kfxf mfqf, qyry hwQoN KfeIey

dunIaF pUjy mfvF nUM.

afp qUM mfqf pVH nf skI, sfnUM pVHny pfieaf

aOKI hovy, nf kry idKfvy.

imhnq qy mjUrI krky, Krcf qUM cukfieaf

kMm kry nf jLI curfvy.

AuWcI ivwidaf qUM krfvNy, izgrI krky afeIey

duwK df pqf nf lwgy prCfvF nUM.

mF vrgf koeI inwGf irsLqf, mYnUM njLr nf afieaf

dunIaF pUjy mfvF nUM

mF duafvF zuwbdy qfrn, ijs ny ipafr jqfieaf

mfvF vfly BfgsLflI huMdy ny.

ies bUty dy CFvy bihky, ruwisaf nUM mnfeIey

KusL rihMdy huMdy ny.

iPkr hY mF nUM lwigaf rihMdf, DI, pwuq kihxy cwly

Auz Auz imldy BrfvF nUM

ivwc nisLaF dy pY gey keI, pysL koeI nf cwly

dunIaF pUjy mfvF nUM

gurU Gr iljf ky bwcy, Dfrimk pfsy lfeIey

DIaF df vwD iDafn rwKy

jnm qoN lY ky bwuZy qfeIN, mfqf iswiKaf idMdI,

pwuqF nUM vI nf Cwzy ipwCy

mF df ruqbf, rwb qoN AuWcf, dunIaF sfrI kihMdI,

jwg idKfvy vI nf Cwzy ipwCy

pRymI afpxI bolI, afpxf klcr, Buwl nf jfeIey

dunIaF pUjy mfvF nUM




The Patrika 

Friday, May 15th, 2015

The Patrika

Friday, May 15th, 2015



jyT (ibRK) sMkRFqI


joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-832-7859 kro





myK- sLnI-mMgl dI siQqI ishq vfsqy TIk nhIN. mfinsk pRysLfnI rhy. jLmIn-jfiedfd bfry JgVy vDxgy. srkfr pwKoN hfnI-BY. meI 23, 24, 25; jUn 2, 3,10 ,11 ,12 asLuwB hn.

Set some sort of new direction in place with regard to finances or the way you have been spending of late. There will be no shortage of activity taking place in your life in the next few weeks but you might need to think about any associated costs. There have been a few reminders of late to be practical – you should heed them.

The New Moon this week occurs in your sign, creating new beginnings or the opportunity to start afresh on a personal level. You need to be focussed on your finances and particularly anything that would be better dropped. Don’t get talked into taking on commitments just because someone else thinks it is a good idea.

Another layer of activity will be added to matters that have taken shape recently. With this can come expectations that you accept some sort of responsibility. Any commitment you might presume you will get from somebody else may not be that easy to come by. You can find yourself reviewing your position to mid June.

You could find yourself in a power struggle this week. Guard against allowing yourself to become overly sensitive to any criticisms, as they will be primarily aimed to get at you. There is so much going on behind the scenes right now that it can be difficult to know what is what. Your tuning in skills will sharpen to mid June.

This is a good week to make a new start when it comes to committing yourself to the more important things that need to be done. It likely means you need to be dramatic with cutting out any number of things that interfere with what you can handle on a daily basis. You can be fortunate but practicality has to be applied.

You can establish a new view on what is possible in the future or what you should aim towards. This could require a rethink of present obligations from now to mid June. It might also mean going back to something you have done in the past or correcting certain points so that matters can develop better as time goes on.

Someone else’s desires can take a new direction which could lead you to alter future plans you might have felt you have already settled upon. It might also encourage you to bring the past into the future in some way. You should not take obligations lightly – if you feel it is time to rid yourself of some of them – do it, don’t hesitate.

New directions can establish themselves in relation to other people. They can be determined though there can be a certain degree of willingness to make some adjustments. They will not offer though – this is something you would have to seek from them. You might feel it is all their way – it is up to you to seek compromise.

You could realise someone has appreciated you more than you thought. As a result they could begin to expect more from you. You do not have to feel beholden to them. Consider what is fair thing when it comes to what you get committed to, as this will not be short term. It is something you need to deal with to late 2017.

Interaction with others will have a degree of intensity about them, especially any new liaisons. You cannot afford to be distracted from any details you need to manage. You could also realise a better of way doing something that might also cut down the time element. You should end disruptions others project into your life.

You have got the opportunity to get a new and more solid foundation in place in regard to anything you feel needs to be better established. It requires underlying persistence from you, even though it would be best to show a light and flexible approach in communicating this to others that are involved in the whole process.

To get your ideas across you need to keep it simple and maintain a steady persistence. If you find you need to alter the way something has been established in the past, you should set about doing this from now to mid June. This could also be a time where family matters that haven’t been properly settled could arise again.

  ibRK- buwD-mMgl dI siQqI ishq nUM Krfb kry. siQr-sMpdf bfry ivvfd vDx. afriQk lfB hovy. gupq dusLmx qoN sfvDfn. mhIny df aMq sLuwB. meI 16, 17, 25, 26, 27: jUn 4, 5, 13, 14 asuwB hn.



imQun- ishq TIk. inwjI lokF nfl ivgfV. bMDU-ksLt. sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf. kfrobfr ivc rukfvt. meI 18, 19, 28, 29; jUn 6, 7 asLuwB hn.



krk- ishq TIk rhy. krjLf isr cVHy. inwjI lokF nfl axbx. nvIN Xojnf qoN hfnI. meI 21, 22, 30, 31; jUn 1, 8, 9 asLuwB hn.



isMG-afriQk sMkt bxy. rkq-ipwq-ivkfr. bMDU ksLt, iesqrI-pwK qoN lfB. kfrobfr ivwc rwdobdl hovy. meI 23, 24; jUn 2, 3, 10, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.



kMinaf- krjLy kfrx prysLfnI. lVfeI-JgVy qoN bcoN. rfj pwK qoN BY. dusLmx mjLbUq, iksy dI shfieqf nfl kfrobfr ivwc cMgf lfB hovy. meI 16, 17, 25, 26, 27; jUn 4, 5, 13, 14 asLuwB hn.

7  qulf- smF AulJx-pUrx hflfq bxfey. apmfn df zr. iesqrI-pwK qoN icMqf. afmdn nfloN Krc ijLafdf. meI 18, 19, 28, 29; jUn 6, 7 asLuwB hn.



ibRsick- kP-vfXU-ivkfr kfrn prysLfnI. afriQk lfB ho ky hfnI-BY. PLjUl dy JgiVaF qoN dUr rho. ihwsydfrI ivc DoKf. BfeI-bMDU qoN shfieqf imly. kfrobfr ivwc qbdIlI. meI 21, 22, 30, 31; jUn 1, 8, 9 asLuwB hn.



Dn- ishq TIk rhy. afriQk sMkt bixaf rhy. inwjI lokF qoN sihXog. sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf. iesqrI pwK qoN lfB hovy. meI 23, 24; jUn 2, 3, 10, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.

10  mkr- rkq-ipwq-ivkfr. jLmIn jfiedfd sMbMdI prysLfnI. Xfqrf suwK-meI rhy. kfrobfr ivwc qbdIlI krnI pvy. meI 16, 17, 25, 26, 27; jUn 4, 5, 13, 14 asLuwB hn.

11  kuMB- pyt ‘c KrfbI, bMDU-ksLt. nvIN Xojnf aqy kfrobfr nfl lfB. sMqfn-pwK qoN sLuwB smfcfr imly. lukvyN-dusLmx qoN sfvDfn rho. meI 18, 19, 28, 29; jUn 6,7 asLuwB hn.



mIn- rkq-ipwq ivkfr. cMgy lokF nfl myl-imlfp hovy. PjLUl dy Krc kfrx prysLfnI. kfrobfr TIk. mhIny dy aKIr ivwc ivsLysL Krc hovy. meI 21, 22, 30, 31 ; jUn 1, 8, 9 asLuwB hn.



The Patrika

Friday, May 15th, 2015


nypfl ‘c iPr BUcfl kfTmMzU/nypfl 12 meI: mMglvfr idny nypfl ivwc iewk vfr iPr iewk vwzy BUcfl dy Jtky mihsUs kIqy gey. ies BUcfl df kyNdr cInI sImf dy nyVly ielfky ivwc dwisaf igaf hY. hfly nypfl vfsI ipCly BUcfl dy sdmy ivcoN pUrI qrHF bfhr nhIN af sky sn ik iewk hor vwzy Jtky ny AuhnF dy idl ivcly zr nUM hor zUMGf kr idwqf hY.

jf cuwkI hY. ies ielfky ivwc pYNdy iewk ipMz cOqfrf ivclIaF keI iemfrqF Zih geIaF.

25 apRYl nUM afey BUcfl qoN bfad keI svYsyvI adfiraF vwloN lokF dI shfieqf leI cOqfr ivKy phuMc kIqI geI hY. Aus BUcfl ivwc lgBg 8150 nfloN vI vDyry lok mfry gey hn aqy 17,860 vfloN vI vDyry lok ies BUcfl ivc izwgx vflIaF iemfrqF qfjLf afey BUcfl qoN bfad iewk vfr iPr lokF ivwc Qwly af ky jKLmI hoey hn. dihsLq df mfhOl bx igaf hY. dupihr qoN pihlF afey ies BUcfl bfry amrIkI ijaOlOjIkl srvy ny mMglvfr nUM afAux vfly BUcfl dI zUMGfeI jLmIn qoN dwisaf hY ik ieh iewk 7[3 mYgnIitAUz df BUcfl 18[5 iklomItr nIcy dwsI geI hY. ies vwzy Jtky qoN sI, jo nypfl srhwd aqy mfAUNt aYvryst dy ielfky bfad lgBg pMj hor Jtky mihsUs kIqy gey, ijnHF ivc pYNdy iek suMnmsf ielfky ivc afieaf . ikAuNik dI qIbrqf 5[6 qoN 6[3 dwsI geI hY. ies qoN bfad BUcfl dy kyNdr vflI QF vsoN nhIN sI, ies leI ies kfTmMzU dy ieMtrnYsLnl hvfeI awgy nUM asQfeI qOr BUcfl nfl ijLafdf jfnF jfx dI KLbr nhIN imlI hY, ‘qy bMd kr idwqf igaf sI aqy sLihr ivc keI QFeI pr hux qwk 70 lokF dy mfry jfx dI pusLtI kIqI trYiPk jfm vI lwgy dwsy gey hn.

BfrqI mUl dy 10 AumIdvfr jyqU lMzn: brqfnvI sMsd dIaf afm coxF ivc BfrqI mULl dy 10 afgU ijwqx ivwc sPl rhy, ijnHF ivc do pMjfbI sLfml hn. ienHF ivcoN pRDfn mMqrI zyivz kYmrUn dI krIbI qy hfkm kMjLrvyitv pfrtI dI pRIqI ptyl sB qoN pRmwuK hY, jo vfeIdm hlky qoN muV cuxI geI. hfkm pfrtI vwloN ienPoiss dy sih-bfnI nrfiexf mUrqI dy jvfeI irsLI sUnk (ircmMz XOrks), alok sLrmf(rIizMg vYst), sYlysL vfrf(kYNbirjsLfier nOrQ-vYst), sueylf PrnFizj(Prhfm) cuxy gey. lybr pfrtI vwloN nfmI afgU kIQ vfjl (hlkf ilsYstr eIst), ivryNdr


sL r mf(eIilM g sfAU Q fl), vly r I vfjL (vY l sl sfAUQ), sImf mlhoqrf (sfAUQ vYst lMzn) qy iljLf nMdI(ivgfn) jyqU rhy. bIbI mlhoqrf qy ivryNdr sLrmf jlMDr nfl sbMDq hn. kMjLrvyitv pfrtI dy pOl AuWpl mfmUlI PLrk nfl hfr gey. AuqrI afierlYNz ivc kMjLrvyitv pfrtI dy pihly iswK AumIdvfr amndIp isMG Bogl nUM vI hfr df sfhmxf krnf ipaf. ipClIaF 2010 dIaf coxF ivc awT BfrqIaF ny brqfnvI sMsd ivwc dfKlf pfieaf sI.

The Patrika

Friday, May 15th, 2015



sB awCf hY-siQqI kfbU ‘c hY aYqvfr dy idn idwlI ivwc iewk ieho ijhI vfrdfq ho geI, ijs ny keI lokF nUM hlUx idwqf. ies df sbMD iewk kfql nfl hY. mfmUlI gwl sI ik iewk kflj jf rhy ividafrQI dI bfeIk nfl iewk bs jLrf ku Kih geI. Auh izwgf sI jF nhIN, ies df ijLkr nhIN hoieaf. ijkr ho irhf hY qF ies gwl df ik eynI Gtnf qoN ipwCoN Aus muMzy aqy zrfeIvr df khf-suxI ho geI aqy iPr muMzy dI mwq Bwulx ipwCoN Auh zrfeIvr nUM EnI dyr kwutdf irhf, jdoN qwk Auh mr nhIN igaf. bfrHvI jmfq df ividafrQI bhuq vwzf nhIN ho skdf. jy ieho gwusf zrfeIvr nUM pihlF cVH jFdf aqy Auh pihl kr dyNdf qf mOq ividafrQI dI hoxI sI aqy sfiraF ny Aus zrfeIvr nUM nhIN, zrfeIvrF dI jmfq nUM BMzxf sI. eydF huMdf vI hY, jdoN guwsf cVH jfvy qF zrfeIvr vI iksy nUM mfr suwtdy hn. ijs idwlI ivwc ieh idwl hlUxvIN Gtnf vfprI, Esy idwlI ivwc ies qoN agly idn iewk cONk ivwc iewk trYiPk puils vflf qy iewk bfeIk vflI bIbI afpo ivwc lVdy vyKy gey. trYiPk puils df hvfldfr pwQr PV ky bIbI nUM mfrdf idwsdf hY. ieh JgVf bIbI vwloN lfl bwqI lMGx df sI. Auh bwcy nUM skUl Cwzx cwlI sI, lyt ho jfx lfl bwqI lMG geI qy srkfrI kfnUMn muqfbk clfx kwtx dI gwl qoN dovF dI lVfeI eynI vDdI geI ik mrd hvfldfr iewk aOrq nUM sB dy sfhmxy cONk ivwc ieWt mfr irhf vyiKaf igaf. ieh ihMsk pRivrqI df iewk hor lwCx hY.

geI ik pwuqr ny mF mfr idwqI. jfiedfd EQy dI EQy rhI aqy muMzf jylH ivwc clf igaf hY. Esy vrgy iewk hor puwqr ny pqnI nfl slfh krky nkslIaF dy gruwp nfl sOdf mfiraf qy jfiedfd Kfqr afpxy bfp df kql krvf idwqf. Auh jylH ivwc hY. mwD pRdysL ivwc iewk ieho ijhf kFz ho igaf ik ivafh krvfAux leI lfVy nUM hYlmt pihn ky GoVI cVHnf pY igaf. dilq prvfr dy puwqr df sDfrn ijhf ivafh sI. ijmIdfrF dy dbMg muMzy kihx lwg pey ik ies ipMz ivwc sfzy BfeIcfry dy ibnF iksy nUM GoVI nhIN cVHn idwqf jfvygf . jdoN bfrfq qurn lwgI qF AunHF ny CwqF qoN pwQr mfrny sLurU kr idwqy aqy ies nfl kuJ lokF nUM swtF lwg geIaF. iPr puils afeI qy puils dy pihry hyT dilq muMzf muV ky GoVI AuWqy ibTfieaf igaf. zr ies hwd qwk sI ik puils vfilaF dy huMidaF vI ivafh vfly muMzy ny GoVI AuWqy cVHn qoN pihlF isr AuWqy hYlmt pihn ilaf ik jy koeI pwQr mfry qF bcfa ho jfvygf. dUsrI iDr vfilaF nUM puils ny PV vI ilaf qF AunHf dI eynI dihsLq vyK ky lok kihMdy hn ik Bfrq ivwc jMgl df rfj hY. lokF dy jfn qy mfl dI rfKI dI ijLMmyvfrI rfj srkfr dI huMdI hY qy ijwQy ivsLysL hflfq hox, Aus rfj ivwc ieh ijLMmyvfrI iekwly rfj dI nhIN rihMdI, kyNdr srkfr vI ies pwKoN ijLMmyvfr igxI jFdI hY. CwqIsgVH ivwc Bfjpf dI srkfr hY. kyNdr ivwc vI Esy pfrtI df rfj hY qy pRDfn mMqrI dI kursI AuWqy AunHF dy afgU nirMdr modI bYTdy hn. Aus rfj ivwc iewk idn gyVf lfAux nUM pRDfn mMqrI modI sfihb ny jfxf sI. EQy nkslIaF df pRBfv coKf hY. iewk idn pihlF Auh iqMn sO qoN vwD pyNzU grIbF nUM agvf kr ky lY gey qy pRDfn mMqrI dy muVn ipwCoN GrF nUM muVn idwqy gey. jdoN Auh GrIN muVy qF iewk jxf AunHF ivwc Gwt sI. Aus nUM nkslIaF ny mfr idwqf sI qy Bfrq dy pRDfn mMqrI ieh kihMdf hY ik siQqI Aus dy kfbU hyT hY. ijs ielfky ivwc Aus dy jfx qoN pihlF iqMn sO lokF nUM agvf kr ilaf jfvy aqy Aus dy prqx qoN bfad muVx vfsqy afigaf dyx lwigaf iewk jxf mfr idwqf jfvy, EQy siQqI swcmwuc srkfr dy kfbU ivwc hovygI, ieh lok nhIN mMn skdy.

hYdrfbfd ivwc iewk ividafrQI dI mOq hoeI hY. Aus dI mOq nUM kql igixaf jfvy jF iPr bwicaF dy bcpny ivwc vfpiraf hfdsf mMn ky kys bxfieaf jfvy, puils nUM ies dI smJ nhIN. Auh vkIlF dI rfey mMgdI iPrdI hY. mrn vflf aqy mfrn vfly bwcy afpo ivwc dosq sn. kusLqIaf dy idRsL rojL tI[vI[ cYnlF AuWqy vyKdy iewk idn afpo ivwc Ausy qrHF dI kusLqI lVn leI iewk KflI glI ivwc cly gey qy Esy qrHF pwuTIaFiswDIaF tpUsIaF mfrn lwg pey. iewk kuVI nfl geI. Auh AunHF dI vIizE irkfrizMg krdI geI. ies kusLqIbfjLI ivwc Auh muMzy jLrf vwD jLos ivwc af gey qy iPr AunHF dy hyTF izwgy pey bwcy dI hflq vyKy bgYr eynf kwuitaf ik Auh pRfx iqafg igaf, Aus vIzIE qoN sfry bwcy pCfxy gey hn aqy sfry idwlI hovy jF mwD pRdysL, hYdrfbfd hovy bfrHvI jmfq ivwc pVHdy hn. jF pMjfb, hr QF ijs qrHF dy hflfq bxI pMjfb dy iewk ipMz ivwc iewk pwuqr afpxI jFdy hn, AunHF nUM vyK ky siQqI kfbU ivwc mF nfl jfiedfd dI vMz bfry sfDfrn gwl hox vflf dfavf vI iewk Bwdf mjLfk hI krn igaf sI. mF-pwuqr dI eynI gwl vD jfpdf hY.


The Patrika


EntorIE dI muwK mMqrI dI lokipRaqf GtI pYitRk brfAUn bxy AuNtfrIE dI pRogRYisv kMjLrvyitv pfrtI dy nvyN lIzr AuNtfrIE 10 meI: bfrI qoN isrI kfAuNslr rih cwuky pYitRk brfAUn, ies vfr AuNtfrIE dI pROgrYisv kMjLrvyitv pfrtI dy nvyN lIzr cuxy gey hn. pYitRk bRfAUn ipCly smy N dO r fn bfkI aY m [pIjL dy mukfbly GWt crcf ivwc rhy hn.

sfhmxy afpxI KusLI df iejLhfr kridaF ikhf ik, “sfzI pfrtI iewk nvyN aMdfjL ivwc ies sUby nUM iewk krygI.” pfrtI ivwc nvIN jfn pfAux vfly pYitRk brfAUn Aus vkq crcf ivwc afey jdoN AuhnF vwloN pfrtI leI lgBg 41000 nfloN vI vDyry mYNbrisLp iekwTIaF kIqIaF. bhuq hI QoVy smyN ivwc pYitRk vwloN afpxI iewk nvIN pihcfn bxfeI geI hY.

36 sfl dy pYitRk brfAUn ny lMmy smyN qoN aYm[pI[pI[ rhI aqy izptI lIzr ikRstIn ielIat nUM hrf ky ieh ijwq hfsl kIqI hY, ijs qoN bfad Auh ies sUby ivwc pROgRYisv afpxy BfsLx ivwc vI Auh sUby ivwc pfrtI dI lIzrisLp sMBflx vfly vsdy vwK-vwK BfeIcfry dy lokF sB qoN Gwt Aumr dy ivakqI bx nUM AuhnF dI sQfnk BfsLf ivwc gey hn. sMboiDq hoey. ijs ivwc qfiml, afpxI ijwq drj krvfAux qoN ary i bk, cInI aqy PL r Y N k o P L o n kuJ hI smyN bfad AuhnF mIzIaf kimAUnItIjL vI sLfiml sn.

pYitRk brfAUn vwloN hfAUs afPL kfmnjL ‘coN asqIPf torFto 11 meI: ENtfrIE pROgRYisv kMjLrvyitv pfrtI dy nvyN lIzr vwloN afpxI hfAUs afPL kfmnjL dI sIt qoN buwDvfr nUM asqIPf idwqf jfvygf. pr hfly AuhnF vwloN ieh spwsLt nhIN kIqf igaf hY ik pROivMsLIal lYijslycr ivwc afpxI sIt bxfAux leI AuhnF ny kI iqafrIaF kIqIaF hn. pwqrkfrF nfl rubrU hoey pYitRk bRfAun ny ikhf ik, “myrf pihlF AudysL iewQy kueInjL pfrk af ky kfks nUM imlxf hY, qF ik ieh suinsLicq ho sky ik asIN sB iekwTy shI idsLf vwl vwD rhy hF jF nhIN.” AuhnF ieh vI ikhf ik, “afAux vfly smyN ivwc myrI iewCf

hY ik mYN sUbfeI lYijslycr ivwc vI afpxI BUimkf inBfvF, pr Aus sMbMDI afpxIaF XojnfvF mYN kuJ smyN bfad sFJIaF krFgf.” pI[sI[ pfrtI dI izptI lIzr ikRstIn ielIat nuUM hrf ky lIzrisLp ijwqx vfly bRfAUn kol hfAUs afPL kfmnjL qoN asqIPf dyx qoN bfad afmdnI df koeI jLrIaf nhIN bcygf. AuhnF sUcnf idwqI hY ik ies smyN dOrfn AuhnF dy ibwlF dI adfiegI leI hfly AuhnF vwloN pfrtI nfl koeI slfh msLvrf nhIN kIqf igaf hY. AuhnF iukhf ik hfl dI GVI mYnUM AusdI koeI icMqf vI nhIN hY.

rOb Porz dI srjrI sPl torFto 11 meI: iewk idn lMmI cwlI srjrI qoN bfad rOb Porz hux pUr hosL ivwc hn aqy pUrI qrHF qMdrusq dwsy gey hn. lgBg 10 GMitaF qwk byhosLI dI hflq ivwc rhy rOb Porz df zfktrF dI iewk tIm vwloN aprysLn kIqf igaf, ijs qoN bfad ibnF iksy dyrI dy hI AuhnF dy ies aprysLn nUM sPl dws idwqf igaf sI. ies bImfrI leI pihloN krvfey gey ielfj dOrfn kImo QYirpI kIqI geI sI, ijs qoN bfad Porz dy ijsm ivwc kYNsr itsULj df vDxf bMd ho igaf sI. zfktrF nUM pihlF hI ieh sMqusLtI ho cwukI


Friday, May 15th, 2015


sI ik ieh ibmfrI awgy nhIN vwD rhI sI.

torFto, Porm irsrc vwloN kIqy gey iek srvy K x dI irpo r t muqfbk pRImIar kYQiln ivn df EntfrIE ivwc smrQn hr afey idn Gt irhf hY.

Gwt igxqI srkfr bxfAux ivwc kfmXfb ho skdI hY. ies vyly pI[ sI[ pfrtI afpxy nvyN afgU cuxn leI votF pf rhI hY aqy afAux vfly sincrvfr nUM torFto poilMg sMsQf vwloN jfrI ibafn kMnvYnsLn ivwc nvyN lIzr dI ivwc ikhf igaf hY ik bIqy mhIny GosLxf kIqI jfvygI. ivn df smrQn 33 PIsdI qoN Gt Porm vwloN ieh dyiKaf igaf hY ik ky 29 PIsdI rih igaf hY. AunHF sUby dy hr ihwsy, Aumr, vrg dy dwisaf ik agr awj EntfrIE lokF vwloN pRImIar dI kfrgujLfrI ivw c co x F krvfeIaF jfx qF pRogrYisv kMsrvyitv nUM 36 qy inrfsLqf pRgt kIqI hY. PIsdI, ilbrl nUM 29 PIsdI aqy pr jo lok afpxy afp nUM ilbrl inAU zYmokrYtjL nUM 24 PIsdI vot kihMdy hn AunHF ivwcoN 68 PIsdI pYx dy aMdysLy hn. ies dy nfl nfl lok pRImIar vwloN kIqy jf rhy kMmF bfkI 9 PIsdI vot gRIn pfrtI nUM qoN KusL hn, 21 PIsdI Auh lok hn pY skdI hY. jo pRImIar vwloN kIqy jf rhy kMmF Porm irsrc muqfbk ies qrHF dy qoN sMqusLt nhIN hn aqy 11 PIsdI smrQn imlx nfl pI[ sI[ pfrtI lok ies bfry axjfx hn.

torFto ivwc asQIaF jl-pRvfh krn dI shUlq imlI torFto 10meI: iewQy hux BfrqI BfeIcfry nUM afpxy ivCV gey ipafiraF dIaf asQIaF jlpRvfh krn dI shUlq iml geI hY. ‘aYsLosIeysLn afPL sInIarjL klwbjL’ lokF dI mMg dy mwdynjLr ipCly iek sfl qoN ‘ihMdU iswK iPAUnrl pRfjYkt’ qihq sQfnk sLihrI pRbMDkF rfhIN aijhI jgHf lwB irhf sI, ijwQy lok afpxy qur gey snyhIaF dIaf asQIaF Dfrimk pRMprfvF muqfbk jlpRvfh kr skx. kYnyzf ivwc eIsfeI lokF dI vsoN vwD hox kfrn ies mfmly ‘qy sLihrI pRbMD ny koeI gOr nhIN kIqf pr iewQy vsdy smwucy dwKxI eysLIafeI BfeIcfry dI ieh icrkoxI loV sI. kfPLI qrwdd bfad sMsQf nUM jMglfq mihkmy rfhIN ies kfrj leI hrI JMzI iml geI hY. ieh jgHf brYNptn sLihr dy AuWqr vwl pYNdy kYlyzn sLihr dy phfVI ielfky dy sUbfeI pfrk ivwc siQq hY, ijwQy vgdy pfxI ivwc sMsQF dy kfrkuMnF dI dyKryK ivwc asQIaF jl pRvfh kIqIaF jfieaf krngIaF. AutfrIE sUby

ies afprysLn ivwc cfr zfktrF dI iewk tIm ny rl ky kMm kIqf, ijs qoN bfad ieh spwsLt kIqf igaf ik PLorz dy aYbzomIn ivwc bxy ies mfs dy guwCy nUM bfhr kwZ idwqf igaf hY aqy hux ies jLKm nUM Brn ivwc agly keI mhIny lwgxgy. kYnyzf albrtf rfj hoeIaF kfAuNslr PLorz nUM srjrI qoN ivDfn sBf coxF ivc mnmIq isMG bfad drd dI isLkfieq hoeI, Buwlr jo ik aMimRqsr ijLlHy dy bfbf ijs df hwl hspqfl dI pyn tIm bkflf nfl sbMD rwKdy hn, ny vwloN kr idwqf igaf hY. afprysLn cox ijwq leI hY. s[Buwlr nUM Cwz qoN bfad AuhnF dy pirvfrk mYNbr ky vwK-vwK pfrtIaF nfl sbMD aqy AuhnF dy smrQkF vwloN KusI rwKx vfly bfkI sfry pMjfbIaF nUM coxF ivwc hfr df sfhmxf krnf jLfhr kIqI geI.

ivc pMj lwK qoN vwD BfrqI vsdy hn, jo afm krky asQIaF nUM Bfrq ivw w c vw K -vw K QfvF ‘qy jl pRvfh krn jFdy hn. sUqrF anusfr kuJ lok AuNtfrIE dI JIl jF Coty moty ndI nfly ivwc vI hnyry svyry asQIaf suwt afAuNdy rhy pr aijhf krm ruKLsq ho cwukI rUh dI byadbI smiJaf jFdf hY. ies dy nfl-nfl srkfrI jF pRbMDkI qOr ‘qy ies dI mnfhI hY. pihlI vfr ielfky dy cfr pirvfr ies jgHf puwjy aqy afpxy ivCV cwuky ipafiraF dIaF asQIaF jl pRvfh kIqIaf. sMsQF dy bulfry ajIq isM G rw K Vf ny dw i saf ik pU r IaF rsmF qy mirXfdf nfl kfrj sMpMn hoieaf. AunHF anusfr svrgI lokF dI jfxkfrI bfkfiedf rijstr ivwc drj kIqI jfvy g I. aM i qm sM s kfr iksy vI sLmsLfnGft (sImYtrI) ivwc hoieaf hovy qy ieh asQIaF sImYtrI vwloN sIl bMd hoxIaF cfhIdIaf hn. vrnxXog hY ik vYnkUvr, kYlgrI aqy hor sUibaF ivwc vI BfrqI lokF dI kfPI vsoN hY pr AuQy vI AunHF nUM ajy qwk aijhI aiDkfrq shUlq nhIN imlI.

aYlbrtf coxF ivwc isrP iek BfrqI ny mfrI bfjLI ipaf hY, ijnHF ivwc ijLlHf jlMDr dy ipMz jmsLyr Kfs dy hridafl isMG hYpI mfn, ijLlHf mogf dy ipMz nwQUvflf jdId dy mnjoq isMG igwl aqy ijLlHf jlMDr dy ipMz grcf dy gurcrn isMG grcf dy nF sLfml hn.

sYks iswiKaf dy ivroD `c mfpy inwqry-bhuq Gwt bwcy skUl phuMcy EntfrIE dy nvyN sYks iswiKaf pfTkRm dy ivroD ivwc aYlImYNtrI jmfqF dy ividafrQIaF dy mF ipE vwloN hjLfrF bwicaF nUM Gr rwK ky afpxy ivroD df prgtfvf kIqf igaf. ies ivwc sB qoN vwD pRBfv QfrnkilP pfrk pbilk skUl ivwc dyiKaf igaf ijwQy 1350 ividafrQIaF ivwcoN isrP 130 ividafrQI hI skUl phuMcy jo ik isrP 10 PIsdI igxqI hY. gytvya pbilk skUl dy awDy qoN vwD ividafrQIaF vwloN skUl df bfeIkft kIqf igaf. vYlI pfrk imzl skUl ivwc 950 ivwcoN 590 ividafrQI skUl nhIN afey.

aqy lwgx vflIaF bImfrIaF bfry ijkr kIqf igaf hY pr ies dy ivroD kr rhy mF ipE vwloN ikhf jf irhf hY ik ies pfTkRm ivwc ienHF qrIikaF nUM apnfAux leI bwicaF nUM AuqsLfihq kIqf jf irhf hY. ies pR o g rfm dI pR O V qf krn vfilaF ivwc iswiKaf mMqrI iljL sYNzljL ny ikhf ik ies pfTkRm ivwc sYks sihmqI bfry dwisaf igaf hY jo ik mOjUdf pRogrfm ivwc nhIN hY. ies ivwc ieh vI ikhf igaf hY ik EntfrIE iek aYsf sUbf hY ijwQy sfry qrHF dy pirvfrF nfl iewko ijhf vrqfrf kIqf jFdf hY BfvyN Auh smilMgI mF ipE ikAuN nf hox.

iesy qrHF ikMzrgfrtn skUlF ivwcoN QfrniklP pfrk ivwc 650 ivwcoN isrPL 90 bwcy hI skUl phuMcy. ies skUl dy iewk icMqfqur mF df kihxf sI ik gRyz 1 ivwc ey bI sI pVHn dI bjfey sYks bfry pVHfAuxf Aus dI smJ qoN bfhr hY. lVky aqy lVkIaF nUM gRyz 1 ivwc qIjy qrHF dy lokF bfry pVHfAux dI kI loV hY.

QfrnkilP pfrk pbilk skUl dy pyrMt kONsl dy cyar abdul ajLIm df kihxf hY ik aYl[jI[bI[tI[ ikAuN kimAuntI nUM AuqsLfihq krnf ies pfTkRm df muK AudysL hY, pr ikRpf krky ies nUM sfzy GrF qwk nf phuMcfE. keI mF ipE vwloN sfrf hPqf bwcy Gr rwKx dI gwl kIqI jf rhI hY pr ajLIm ny ikhf ik myry vfsqy ieh mumikMn nhIN hY aqy Auh isrP awj nvy N pfTkR m nU M kiQq qO r qy dy idn bwicaF nUM Gr rwK rhy hn. zfktrF, iswiKakF aqy mfnisk ishq mfihrF vwloN sYksitMg aqy ieh ros bfeIkft isrP musilm hor afnlfeIn nMgyjL smgrI nUM ielfky dy QfrnkilP pfrk dy iDafn ivwc rwK ky iqafr kIqf skUl ivwc hI nhIN blik sLihr dwisaf jFdf hY. ies ivwc gudf dy sfry ihwisaF ivwc dyKx nUM jF mUMh nfl sYks krn dy nqIjLy imilaf hY.

pYnl ny lyk hUroN lfgy inAUklIar vyst nUM Kqm krn dy PLYsly nUM dwisaf shI torFto: kYnyzIan ienvfiernmYNtl asYNsmYNt rfhIN ieh iswtf kwiZaf igaf hY ik lyk hUroN dy iknfry ‘qy keI Puwt nIcy bxfey gey iewk bMkr ivwc inAUklIar vyst nUM Kqm krn df qrIkf hux qwk df sB qoN kfrgr qrIkf kwiZaf igaf hY. ies Xojnf ‘qy iqafr kIqI geI irport bwuDvfr nUM dyr rfq jfrI kIqI geI. ijs ivc ies vyst dy sPl inptfry aqy ies nfl JIl nUM hox vfly KqiraF bfry jfxkfrI idwqI geI. 403 pMinaF dI ies irport ivc ies Xojnf nfl vfqfvrx ivwc afAux vfly bdlfvF nUM ivcfiraf igaf hY. irport ivc spwsLt kIqf igaf hY ik ies Xojnf qihq hox vfly nuksfn ieMny Coty hn ik hfl dI GVI AunHF vwl koeI ivsLysL iDafn dyx dI loV nhIN pvygI.

ies Xojnf nUM pirafvrx leI surwiKaq aYlfnidaF ies irport ivwc vfqfvrx nUM lY ky pYdf hox vflIaF prysLfnIaF dI vI crcf kIqI geI hY. Au N t frIE pfvr jY n ry s L n vw l o pRsqfivq ies Xojnf ivwc Gwt pwDr dy inAUklIar dy keI sO hjLfr dy ikAUibk mItr dy vyst nUM jLmIn qoN 680 mItr nIcy bxfey jfx vfly plFt ivwc Kqm kIqf jfvygf. ieh plFt iknkfrzfeIn, AuNtfrIE dy nyVy hI siQq hovygf. irport ivc dwisaf igaf hY ik BUgoilk pwDr ‘qy ies jgf df pwDr bhuq hI sKq hY, jo ies vyst nUM Kqm krn ‘qy pYdf hox vfly ryizE aYkitv pdfrQ nUM bfhr jfx qoN rok skygf, ijs nfl ies dy nyVy siQq JIl nUM koeI nuksfn nhIN puwjygf.

Friday, May 15th, 2015

The Patrika 




The Patrika

Friday, May 15th, 2015


rYWz krfs dy swq suinihrI asUl sMsfr Br ivwc rYWz krfs sMsQf dy bfnI hYnrI izAUnf dy jnm Auqsv vjoN ‘rYWz krfs zya dy qOr ‘qy sLrDfpUrvk mnfieaf jFdf hY. ikAuNik hYnrI izAUnf ny afpxy jIvn df ijLafdfqr smF mfnvqf dI BlfeI ihwq kMm krdI rYWz krfs sMsQf dy lyKy lfieaf sI. sfl 2015 KLfs qOr ‘qy rYWz krfs dy swq sunihrI asUl jo rYWz krfs dI ijM d -jfn hn, dI 50vIN vrHygMZ nUM smripq hY. akqUbr 1965 ivwc astrIaf dy sLihr vIafnf ivKy kOmFqrI rYWz krfs kfnPrMs dy 20vyN iejlfs ivwc 100 sflF dy rYWz krfs dy kMm nUM sfhmxy rwK ky rYWz krfs dy ieh muZly isDFq insLicq kIqy gey hn. ienHF asUlF dy AudysL ieh sI ik sfry sMsfr ivwc rYWz krfs dy kMm leI pUrI-pUrI agvfeI iml sky. rYWz krfs dy kMm leI pUrI-pUrI agvfeI iml sky. rYWz krfs dy ienHF mUl isDFqF dI kdy vI iksy vI hflq ivwc AulMGxf nhIN kIqI jf skdI. ieh asUl hn: rYWz krfs df jnm XuwD Kyqr ivwc hr iewk PwtV dI ibnF iksy Byd-Bfv dy syvf krn dI Bfvnf nfl hoieaf sI. dwuK ikqy vI


hovy, sMsfr dy iksy vI kony ivwc hovy, rYWz krfs afpxI smrwQf anusfr hr BFq dy mnuwKI duwKdrd nUM rokx aqy Gwt kr dy Xqn krdI hY. rYWz krfs mnuwKF ivwc Byd-Bfv nhIN mMndI. ieh kOmF, nslF, DrmF, ivsLvfsF, jfqIaF aqy rfjsI ivcfrF dy Byd-Bfv nhIN mMndI. jdoN vI ikqy lVfeI lwg jfey, do jF vDyry dysLF dIaF srkfrF afps ivwc jUJ pYx qF rYwz krfs ivwc lVfeI dIaF dovF hI iDrF df ivsLvfs bixaf rihMdf hY.

ho skdI hY. ies smyN sMsfr dy lgBg 186 dysLF ivwc rYWz krfs/rYWz krIsYNt susfietIaF hn. hr dysL ivwc rYWz krfs susfietI afpxI sLfKf kfiem kr skdI hY. rYWz krfs iewk kOmFqrI jQybMdI hY. sfry sMsfr dIaF rYWz krfs/ rYWz krIsYNt susfietIaF nUM dunIaF ivwc ieko ijhy aiDkfr hn aqy ieko ijhy hI AunHF dy PrjL hn. rYWz krfs susfietIaF df ieh muwK PrjL hY ik Auh iek dUjI dy kMm ivwc shfieqf krn. jdoN vI shfieqf dI loV huMdI hY, apIl krn dI iZwl hY ik sfry sMsfr qoN shfieqf afAuxI afrMB ho jFdI hY.

rYWz krfs iewk suqMqr kOmFqrI jQybMdI hY. ieh iksy vI dysL dy kfnUMn dI AulMGxf nhIN kr ies idvs ‘qy rYWz krfs dy bfnI skdI. pr Aus dI afjLfdI hsqI hYnrI izAUnf nUM Xfd kridaF kfiem rihMdI hY. syvf dy puMj BfeI GnweIaf jI nUM r Y W z k r f s d I i e h s y v f sLrDfpUrvk Xfd kIqf jFdf hY, inrsvfrQ huMdI hY. rYWz krfs ijnHF ny pMjfb dI pivwqr ngrI nUM iksy pRkfr df koeI vI lflc afnMdpur sfihb dI DrqI ‘qy nhIN huMdf. syvf dy kMm qoN rYWz nf ko bYrI nf hI ibgfnf’ dy krfs afpxy leI, afpxI isDFq ‘qy clidaF jKLmIaF nuM jQybMdI leI koeI lfB pRfpq pfxI iplf ky aqy mrhm pwtIaF krky rYWz krfs dI ivcfrDfrf nhIN kr skdI. nUM bhuq smF pihlF hI jnm iksy vI dysL ivwc kyvl iewk hI idwqf sI aqy mnwuKqf dI pwuj ky rYWz krfs/rYWz krIsYNt susfietI syvf kIqI sI.

The Patrika

Friday, May 15th, 2015



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The Patrika


Friday, May 15th, 2015


'Some Actors Are Unwilling To Work With Me' Sunny Leone

'I Do Not Endorse Infidelity' Deepika Padukone The recent Vogue Empower #My Choice documentary, which had a very strong message about women rights, did not go down well with some sections of the audience. The video featured 99 Indian women, including celebrities like actress Nimrat Kaur to film critic Anupama Chopra and had Deepika Padukone as the narrator. The short film directed by Homi Adajania was criticised for being elitist and sexist. Deepika had maintained her silence on the issue for very long but did admit that she didn't agree with certain things in the film but did it because she wanted to lend her voice to the bigger issue at hand. According to a PTI, Deepika was disappointed by the way people blew things out of proportion and added,"Mixed reactions did not bother me. It was a bit disappointing to know that certain lines were pulled out of context and blown completely out of proportion and we missed the larger point that the film was trying to make... And then in the process accusing me endorsing infidelity, I found that a bit silly, honestly". Another major criticism that Deepika had to face was for the line "to have sex outside of marriage", which was a part of the video. Clarifying her stand on infidently, Deepika said, "I never have endorsed infidelity. I know what the institution of marriage means to me. It is extremely holy and sacred. I am someone, who completely believes in being faithful and honest and in trust. It is an institution I truly believe in. I am not defending anything, people are right in their place if they have an issue with it. I just felt disappointed that they felt I am endorsing certain things that I do not. I can clarify now and say no I do not endorse infidelity. I never have never will it is something I have not put up in the past in my life as well."

There’s no end to the amount of scandal that surrounds Sunny Leone, and her recent interview with Midday is no different. “Some actors are unwilling to work with me and others want to work with me either because of my name or my professionalism,” she said in the interview with reference to her less than pristine public image. In the same interview, she claimed that she had heard rumours about wives of married superstars being insecure and not wanting them to work with her. When asked whether she thinks she will ever be able to escape the image that she currently has in Bollywood, she said, “Perceptions about me will change based on my acting skills and box-office numbers. Hope it happens quickly because people are choosy right now.” Ironically, Sunny has started the shooting of her next film One Night Stand directed by Jasmine D'souza opposite Tanuj Virwani.

Akshaye Khanna to return to silver screen

A k s h a y e the script and the modalities are Khanna, who fast being worked out between was last seen on the producer, Sajid Nadiadwala, the big screen in and Akshaye, who has asked for Farah Khan's a sizable remuneration." The 2010 film Tees source adds that although offers Maar Khan, where are still coming his way, the talhe played an actor ented actor has become superpining for an Oscar, is all selective. But what impressed set to make a grand come- him about Rohit's script was an back. Mirror has learnt that he interesting combo of hardcore has given the nod to Rohit action and slapstick comedy. Dhawan's yet-unnamed action "The character has a flashy, comedy. The twist in the story slightly overthe-top wardrobe and is that Akshaye returns not as a Akshay will be seen in a comhero but as a villain. A source pletely new avatar. He hasn't revealed that, "It took a lot of played such a flamboyant charcajoling to get the nod from acter before. The film goes on Akshaye. He will play a smart- floors early next month and will talking villain who rattles off one be shot in India and abroad," Shahid Kapoor has been down with wisecrack after another. He liked added the source. fever since last week. However, he has been shooting for his film Udta Punjab despite not keeping well. The actor who is shooting at the outskirts of Punjab doesn’t want the shoot schedule to lag behind due to his health and Fawad Khan is the hot new is making sure that the schedule is running import from Pakistan. The actor, who on time. Shahid had called his family doctor already has two huge projects in his for prescribed medicines and is on medica- kitty - 'Kapoors & Sons' and ‘Battle tion currently. The actor is eating light food For Bitora’ has been roped in to star and taking rest in between his shots so as in Sohail Khan's 'My Punjabi Nikaah'. there is no hindrance in the schedule. It is The makers of the film are yet make the first shooting schedule of the film and an official announcement, but stylist everything has been running on track. “Shahid Ashley Rebello has confirmed that he has been on medication and wants the shoot will be styling the actor in the film. schedule to run on time. He doesn’t want the 'My Punjabi Nikaah' is a romanticshoot to lag behind and therefore has been comedy based on 'My Big Fat Greek working nonstop,” confirms his spokesper- Wedding'. Fawad will play a nawab's son. Also starring Alia Bhatt, Kareena Kapoor son in the film and the girl he falls for and Diljit Dosanjh, Udta Punjab is being di- will be a judge's daughter. rected by Abhishek Chaube.

Sick Shahid Kapoor continues shooting for Udta Punjab

Fawad Khan in demand


Friday, May 15th, 2015

The Patrika 



The Patrika


Friday, May 15th, 2015


BYxF vrgf sfk nf koeI shuM Kfx leI vIr dI AucycI loV mihsUs huMdI hY. ijs kuVI qoN ipwCoN vIr dI afmd huMdI hY, Aus nUM BfgFvflI ikhf jFdf hY ikAuNik Auh vIr dI bFh PV ky ilafeI huMdI hY. vIr vI BYx dI shuM Kfx nuM bVf icwq krdf, rKvflI krdf hY. rwKVI vfly idn BYx afpxy vIr dy sohxy iewk vIr dyeIN vy rwbf. guwt ‘qy rwKVI sjfAuNdI hY aqy Au s dIaF shy l IaF afpxI Aus dI lMmI Aumr dI kfmnf gwl nUM swcI iswD krn leI krdI hY: ‘vIr dI shuM’ jF ‘shuM BfeI dI’ kihMdIaF hn qF Aus nUM BYx koloN vIr vy bMnHF lY rwKVI, BYx aqy Brf df irsLqf bVf ipafrf mMinaf igaf hY. inwkI ijhI kuVI ijs dy ajy vIr nhIN hoieaf, prmfqmf awgy hwQ bMnH ky arjoeI krdI hY:

sohxy ijhy gwut ‘qy sjf lY rwKVI. ies ivwc guMidaF ipafr BYx df, dusihry vfly idn BYx afpxy ipafry vIr dI pwg ‘qy hry joN sjfAuNdI hY aqy vIr dI KusLhflI locdI hY. hr pl suwK mnfvx ieh bfbl dy KyVy dI

surjIq kOr sohI

DIaF aqy DrykF rOxk huMdIaF Cwj Biraf gihixaF df. ivhVy dI. skU l ivw c aw D I Cw u t I vy l y ‘sFJI’ dy gIq vI ijLafdfqr kuVIaF ikwklI pfAuNdIaF ‘vIr-ipafr’ nfl hI sbMDq kihMdIaF hn: huMdy hn. glI-guaFZ dIaF ikwklI klIr dI, kuVIaF rl ky ‘sFJI’ lfAuNdIaF hn. hr rojL sLLfm nUM sFJI d pwg myry vIr dI, awgy KVH ky gIq gfAuNdIaF hn dupwtf myry BfeI df, aqy bfad ivwc ‘bMn’ (pMjIrI) iPwty mUMh jvfeI df. vMzdIaF hn: pihlI afrqI krF iqafr jIvy myrf vIr ipafr. ies qrHF swq afrqIaF kIqIaF jFdIaf hn. Aus qoN ipwCoN hor gIq gfAuNdIaF hn ijvyN: myrI sFJI qF mMgdI Cwj Biraf gihixaF df nIN mYN ikwQoN ilafvF Cwj Biraf gihixaF df

ies qrHF sFJI dIaF sfrIaF mMgF vIr duafrf pUrIaF kIqIaF jFdIaF hn. BYx-Brf iekwTy skUl jFdy hn. BYx afpxy vIr df pUrf iKafl rwKdI hY. keI vfr Aus df Bfrf bsqf cwukdI hY. keI vfr Aus nUM Kfxf KuafAuNdI hY. jy koeI jmfqI vIr nUM mfrdf jF GUrdf hY qF BYx awgy ho ky vfrf sfrf lYNdI hY.

jdoN ciVHaf vIrf GoVI vy, qyry nfl BrfvF dI joVI vy ltkoNdy vfl sony dy, sohixaf vIrf mYN qYnUM GoVI cVoNdI [[[aF BYx vIr dy sohxy ishrf sjfAuNdI gIq gfAuNdI hY: ishrf qyrf vy mwlf sohxf, sohxf sjdf klgIaF nfl klgI zyZ qy hjLfr mYN bilhfrI vy mF idaF surjxf. jMJ cVHfAux vyly vIr dy mfx ivwc gIq gfAuNdI aqy Aus nUM Jwl mfrdI jFdI hY: ijnHIN rfhIN myrf vIr jMJ ciVHaf,

AunHF rfhF df ryqf KMz jdo N BY x -Brf jvfn ho jFdy hn bixaf. vIr qF myrf suinafry df sfQI qF vIr nUM irsLqy afAuxy sLurU ho nIN mYN AuQoN ilafvF myrI sFJI jFdy hn. BYx cfeIN-cfeIN vIr ijnHI rfhIN myrf vIr jMJ ciVHaf. dy ivafh dIaF gwWITH lF krdI hYEX CWj Biraf gihixaF df. aqy GoVIaF gfAuFURNITU x dI jfc AunHIN rfhIN ksUMbf hux iKiVaf. nIN qUM lY myrI sFJI, iswKdI hY: Wages negotiabl


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The Patrika

Friday, May 15th, 2015

vy lfhOroN mflx afeI vIrf, qyrf ishrf guMd ilafeI vIrf, qyry ishry df kI muwl vIrf,

 nwc-nwc ho jf dUhrI nIN ieh vIr myry ny sYNzl Byjy myry af gey myc, idn[[[[ hry-hry Gfh Auqy swp PUkF vIrf qYnUM Xfd krF qUM bYTf prdysL. mfrdf,

iewk lwK qy zyZ hjfr BYxy.

Bwjo vIro vy bfpU kwlf mwJF jMJ cVHfAux qoN ipwCoN igwDy df cfrdf dOr sLurU ho jFdf, ijs ivwc BYx myry vIr df ivafh, afpxy ipafry vIr dI vizafeI aqy pRsMLsf krn ivwc koeI mYnUM gozy gozy cfa, ksr nhIN CwzdI: afpF dovyN jfvFgy, Coly, Coly, Coly icwty dMd gulfbI buwl, nIN awj myry vIrn dy iksy qoN mMg ilafvFgy. kOx brfbr boly nIN awj[[[[ ZfeIaF, ZfeIaF, ZfeIaF QflI, QflI, QflI nI awj Gr bfbl dy nIN awj myry vIrn dI lfgI dyx vDfeIaF. BwjI iPrUgI sflIN nIN[[[[ rojL-rojL nIN afAuxy qIlI, qIlI, qIlI ieh idn sLgnF dy. nIN awj myry vIrn dI sfrI PLOj hry-hry Gfh rMgIlI nIN awj myry [[[[ AuWqy AuWzx BMbIrIaF, pflk, pflk, pflk ivhVf mYN mwilaf mYN ivhVy dI mflk [ivhVf[[[[[ AUrI, AUrI , AUrI nIN ieh idn sLgnF dy


jd Gr jrimaf puwq vy bfblf, hux KusLIaF dI ruwq vy bfblf. pU r y jfho - jlfl nfl igw D y df ipV BKdf sI. aFZIaFguaFZIaF dy prnfly qoVy-BMny jFdy sn. mMjy mUDy mfry jFdy sn. go r y bx ky ipM z ivw c DmflF pfeIaF jfdIaF sn. awj-kwlH qF sfrIaF kuVIaF kwqrIaF brfq ivwc clIaF jFdIaF hn. ivafh qoN iewk idn pihlF hI jfgo (lyzIjL sMgIq) qy nwcx-gfAux df kMm nypry cVH jFdf hY. sLfm nUM vIr zolf lY ky afAuNdf hY qy BYx sB qoN awgy huMdI bfr rokdI qy gfANdI hY:

bolo vIro vy BYxF mMgx jMLjLIrIaF.

vIr sIqf nUM ivafh kr ilafieaf

vIr myry ny kuVqI ByjI Bfbo ny PulkfrI,

vwj rhIaF bMsrIaF

jug jug jI Bfbo lwgy vIr qoN ipafrI.

bMnf-bMnI bfr KVHy. (bfkI pMnf 49 ’qy)

pfxI vfr bMny dIey mfey,


The Patrika


Employment zrfievr aqy Enr aprytrF dI loV aYbtsPorz dI kMpnI nUM bI[sI[albrtf cWlx leI kMpnI zrfievrF aqy Enr aprytrF dI loV hY|

hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-908-4422 kfimaF dI loV aY b tsPo r z dI rU i PM g kM p nI nM U vrkrF dI loV hY| vDIaf qnKfh, rfeIz df pR b M D , nvy N kfmy vI aplfeI kr skdy hn, qjLrbykfr nUM pihl idWqI jfvygI| Pon: 604866-1212

kfimaF dI loV nrsrI, Pfrm aqy grIn hfAUs leI kfimaF dI loV hY| rfeIz df pUrf pRbMD hovygf| byrI msLIn clfAux vflLy zrfievr dI vI loV hY| kMm GM i taF df ho v y g f| ho r jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604-855-1065 jF 604-556-8686

trYktr zrfeIvr dI loV Pfrm ivWc trYktr clfAux leI iewk afdmI dI jrUrq hY| kMm 6 qoN 7 idn hY, sprya krn df hY| qnKfh Xogqf anusfr idWqI jfvygI| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604825-2699

kfimaF dI loV aYbtsPorz dI lokl zrfeIvfl kMpnI nUM kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY| nvyN kfimaF nUM $14 pRqI GMtf aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qjLrby anusfr| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-5526269


Friday, May 15th, 2015


Employment cont’d

kfimaF dI loV sfnUM PryimMg kMpnI leI kfimaF dI loV hY| nvyN vrkrF nUM $13 pRqI GMtf aqy tryinMg vI idWqI jf skdI hY| aYbtsPorz aqy srHI qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY| Pon: 604-825-0763

 isvl  101.7 EYP.EYm. h I   Eqy somv`r nUM 4-5 vjy S`m q@k E`pxI E`v`j surjIq klsI n`l|   Notice

Change of Name I, Rajwinder Kaur Bola, daughter of Resham Singh, holder of Indian Passport No. F4566038 issued at Jalandhar on 18/08/2005, permanent resident of VPO Lassara, District Jalandhar, Punjab, India and presently residing at 32147 Elkford Drive, Abbotsford, BC, V2T 5C3, do hereby change my name from Rajwinder Kaur Bola to Rajwinder kaur Banwait with immediate effect.


lVky dI loV

Services Cont’d

gfrzn dI ibjfeI

jWt isWK ieM z Iaf ivw c rih rhI gfrzn (PuWl, sbjIaF afid) dI lVkI, Aumr 31 sfl, kwd 5’6” vDIaf ibjfeI krvfAux leI sMprk , iPjIEQrY p I dI mfstr izgrI kro:778-552-3442 (aYm[pI[tI[), swjI lWq ivwc mfmUlI nu K s, jO b kr rhI lVkI leI kYnyzIan pVHy ilKy/ vYsLnUM lVky dI loV hY| lVkI df sfrf pirvfr kYnyzf ivwc sYtl hY| sMprk nMbr: 604-

855-9646 Services

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Friday, May 15th, 2015

The Patrika


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The Patrika


Friday, May 15th, 2015


lVkIaF vI KuwlHy afkfsL hyT ivcrnf cfhuMdIaf hn. mogf dy isvl hspqfl ‘c bYiTaF myry mn ‘c iek ajIb svfl afieaf. jy lyzIjL sfeIkl dy kYrIar ‘qy tI[vI[ dy kYmry iPwt huMdy qF sfzf smfj, sfzI swiBaqf ikho ijhI njLr afAuNdI? hspqfl dy puils nfl iGry kmry ivc mYN akfsLdIp nfl gwl kr irhf sF. mogf dy hwiqafkFz ‘c mrn vflI lVkI arsLdIp df Cotf Brf aqy Aus Gtnf df csLmdId gvfh akfsLdIp. Aumr koeI 10-11 sfl. Aus nUM koeI srIrk swt qF nhIN lwgI pr sLfied myry vrgy lokF dy svflF nfl Aus df mn pwQr ho igaf hY. suMnIaF awKF nfl iewk pfsy vyKidaF Auh dwsdf jf irhf sI, ‘bws ivwc QoVHy ijhy lok sn. pihlF myrI BYx nfl CyVKfnI kIqI. myrI mMmI ny AunHF nUM roikaf.

XogyNdr Xfdv

AunHF ny myrI BYx nUM drvfjLy qoN bfhr Dwk idwqf. Auh qF AuQy nhIN hY, ieh mrdF dI qmIjL , sM s kfr aqy hI mr geI. iPr myrI mMmI nUM vI Dwkf dy idwqf[[[.’ anusLfsn df svfl hY. akfsLdIp dI gwl suxidaF-suxidaF myrf mn ikqy dUr jf lVkIaF dI surwiKaf cuwkf sI, koeI 40 sfl ipwCy. mYN CyvIN jmfq ivwc sF. vwzI dIdI leI ‘ivcfrI lVkI’ dI lyzIjL sfeIkl dy kYrIar ‘qy bYT ky skUl jf irhf sF. nUM swq pridaF ipwCy lVky sItIaF vjf rhy hn, kuJ-kuJ boldy hoey nyiVEN inkl lu k fAu x aqy ho s tl rhy hn. mYN sfry jumly TIk qrHF smJdf nhIN pr dIdI df dIaF AuWcIaF kMDF ichrf qmqmfieaf hoieaf hY. Xfd nhIN ieh islislf ikMny nfl Gyrn dI loV nhIN idn cwilaf. pr awj vI jd lVikaF dy JuMz sfhmxy gujLrdI hY. aijhf krn leI koeI sihmI ijhI lVkI vyKdf hF qF afpxy-afp nUM lyzIjL ‘ivcfry lVikaF’ nUM JUTI mrdfngI dy sLosy qoN bcfAux dI sfeIkl ‘qy bYTf mihsUs krdf hF. aOrq dI surwiKaf df loV hY. lVikaF nUM ibhqr sMskfr dyx dI loV hY qF ik Auh svfl aOrq dy qOr-qrIky, pihrfvy aqy cfl-clx df svfl aOrq dI iewjLq krn iswKx. nf suDrn vfilaF nUM sjLf dyx dI loV hY. sfzy smfj aqy rfjnIqI ny awj vI ieh sbk nhIN iswiKaf. awj vI asIN aOrq nUM mrdF dI mlkIaq smJdy hF. ‘BYx-bytI dI iewjLq’ vflf muhfvrf boldy hF, ijvyN aOrq dI hor koeI pCfx hI nf hovy. aOrq dI surwiKaf dy nFa ‘qy Aus dI afjLfdI Kohx df ieMqjLfm krdy rihMdy hF. prdy nfl ZkI, dIvfrF ‘c bMd, sI[sI[tI[vI kYmiraF hyTfN aqy puils nfl iGrI ijLMdgI koeI aOrq ikvyN cfh skdI hY? sfzI rfjnIqI awj vI ieh nhIN smJ skI ik iek lVkI KuwlHy afkfsL dy hyTF qfiraF dI CF ivwc ivcrnf cfhuMdI hY, KuwlH ky hwsxf cfhuMdI hY, afpxy-afp nUM jLfhr vI krnf cfhuMdI hY-ibnF zry, ibnF mry. sfzI rfjnIqI ajy ies supny qoN bhuq dUr kuJ Tos svflF ivwc AulJI hoeI hY. mogf dy hspqfl ivwc arsLdIp dy ipqf suKdyv nfl gwl kridaF rfjnIqI df iGnfAuxf ichrf myry sfhmxy GuMm igaf. grIb suKdyv Gbrfieaf hoieaf sI. ichry ‘qy duwK nfloN ijLafdf sLMky svfr sn. idwlI qoN afieaf ieh ‘vwzf afdmI’ kI cfhuMdf hY? bfhr jf ky tI[vI vfilaF nUM kI khygf? myry ‘qy ivk jfx df dosL qF nhIN lwgygf. afpxI awlHV Aumr dI DI dI lfsL nUM cfr idn bfad dfg dyx vflf ipE myry sfhmxy hwQ joVI KVHf sI, ‘mYN sOdf nhIN kIqf. mYnUM jfipaf ik ieh lok myrI DI dy isr ‘qy isafsq kr rhy hn. qusIN kYmry vfilaF nUM kih idE ik Auh iewQoN cly jfx[[[.’ mYnUM jfipaf ik Aus dy Kurdry hwQ myry, rfjnIqI,mIzIaf aqy sfzI swiBaqf dy mUMh ‘qy cpyVF mfr rhy hn. asLlIlqf isrPL Auh nhI jo arsLdIp nfl bws ivwc hoeI, aslIlqf Auh vI sI jo srkfr aqy mMqrIaF ny Aus dI mOq ‘qy afpxy ibafnF nfl kIqI, jo isafsI afgUaF, pRsLfsn aqy mIzIaf ny Aus dy pirvfr nfl kIqI. sUby ivwc aOrqF nfl jbrdsqI dI ieh pihlI Gtnf nhIN hY, nf hI ieh afKrI Gtnf sI. nf srkfr ny pihlF kuJ kIqf, nf hux kuJ hox dI AumId hY. pr kI sfzf smfj ies pfp qoN mukq ho skdf hY? gLOrqlb hY ik ies kFz ivwc aqy ies qoN bfad hoeIaF GtnfvF ivwc bws ivcly iksy vI musfiPr ny aOrq dy hwk ivwc afvfjL nhIN AuTfeI. do sfl pihlF aMimRqsr ivwc swqfDFrI pfrtI dy iewk kiQq XUQ afgU vwloN idn-idhfVy Qfxydfr nUM golI mfr ky kql kr idwqf sI, ikAuNik Auh afpxI bytI nfl CyVCfV dI ivroDqf kr irhf sI. kI iehI Bgq isMG df pMjfb hY? ipCly sfl jdoN mYN lok sBf coxF ivwc pRcfr kr igaf sF qF myrf sB qoN sLfndfr roz sLoa iesy mogf sLihr ivwc hoieaf sI. mogf isvl hspqfl qoN vfps afAuNidaF mYN soc irhf sI ik kI arsLdIp nfl Aus bws dIaF svfrIafN ivwc Auh lok vI hoxgy, jo sfl Br pihlF Aus roz sLoa ivwc afey sn? jy tI[vI[ kYmry lyzIjL sfeIkl dy kYrIar ‘qy lwgy huMdy qF srkfr hI nhIN, sfzI sUrq vI suMdr njLr nf afAuNdI. Aus nUM bdlx leI ibnF sLwk rfjnIqI krnI hovygI. pr isrP ros, dosL aqy dfaivaF dI QF kI rfjnIqI aOrq dy mn nUM pCfxn, afpxy igrybfn ivwc Jfkx aqy duaf qoN sLurU ho skdI hY?


The Patrika

Friday, May 15th, 2015



BYxF vrgf sfk nf koeI

pfxI vfrn qoN ipwCoN ipafly dI rsm qoN bfad iPr kuVIaF nvIN Bfbo nfl nwcdIaF hn:

(pMnf 45 dI bfkI)

Auh vIr myrf kuVIE.

BYx prdysLx nUM.

srvx vIr kuVIE.

qyrI Bfbo ilKx nf dyvy

qyry boqy nUM guafry dIaF PlIaF, icwTIaF dI zfk Br idaF. qYnUM vIrf duwD df CMnf.

cMn vrgI BrjfeI myrf vIr boqf bMnH dy srvxF vIrf. ivafh ky ilafieaf muMnIaF rMgIn gwzIaF.

vIr mwJIaF dy sMgl PVfvy, Bfbo pfvy mwQy iqAuVIaF. vIrF kwlI aY BYx Gr qyry.

hwQI Auhdy CFpF Cwly,

sws cMdrI dy rudn suxfvF,

itktF dI lY dy kuVqI.

bfhIN cUVf pfieaf

pIVHI zfh ky bih jf vIrnf,

jwg ijAUx vwzIaF BrjfeIaF,

KwulH ky nwc Bfbo

BYxF roNdIaF nUM vIr vrfAUNdy,

pfxI mMgy duwD idMdIaF.

idn sLgnF df afieaf.

isr AuWqy hwQ rwK ky.

vy mYN inwq brHmy jl pfvF,

Duwp ‘c jLmIn imxdf.


agly idn CtIaF dI rsm aqy mwQf tykx vyly vI BYx hI myl dI agvfeI krdI hY. sfrIaF rsmF ‘qy vIr afpxI cfamwqI BYx nUM sLgn (ipafr) idMdf hY. BYx vIr leI lwK-lwK duafvF krdI, swuKF mnfAuNdI, DrqI pYr nhIN lfAuNdI. jd BYx afpxy shury Gr clI jFdI hY qF hr rojL vIr dIaF AuzIkF krdI hY aqy dwuK-swuK Polx leI aONsIaF pfAuNdI hY: vIrf afvIN vy BYx dy ivhVy, puMinaF df cMd bx ky

vIrf qyrI jV lwg jfey. sws imhxy-qfany mfrdI ibn pOVIaF cubfry cVH jfvF, kihMdI hY: cwk ky BqIjy nUM. qYnUM qIaF qy lYx nf afey, BfeIaF nfloN vI BqIjy ipafry, bhuiqaF BrfvF vflIey. BUaf kih ky mwQf tykdy. qYQoN zrdy lYx nf afey, myrf vIr DxIey df bUtf, swsIey vVyNvy awKIey. afAuNdy-jFdy lYx vfsLnf. myry vIr nUM swukI KMz pfeI, BYxF vrgf sfk nf koeI, swsy qyrI mihM (mwJ) mr jfey. tuwt ky nf bih jfeIN vIrnf. Tfxydfr dy brfbr zihMdI, eyDr kxkF, EDr kxkF, kursI myry vIr dI. ivwcoN dI vgdf rfh, vIr pwt df lwCf ptvfrI vy vIrF gwlF krFgy dovyN BYx-

hwQ CqrI sUey dI afvy ptVI, icwTI ilK vy srvxF vIrf,

vy vIrf[[[[

ilbirl pfrtI dI mdd nfl ibwl sI 51 pfs Etfvf 6 meI: kYnyzf dI kOmI surwiKaf nUM mjLbUq krn vflf ibwl sI 51 kwl hfAUs afPL kfmnjL ivwc afpxI qIjI irMizMg 96 dy mukfbly 183 votF nfl pfs kr igaf. ilbrl pfrtI dy nyqf jsitn trUzo mwuZ qoN hI ies ibwl dy hfmI rhy hn.

nvyN kfnUMn duafrf srkfr dy 100 qoN vI vwD ivBfg iewk dUjy nfl jfxkfrI sFJI kr skxgy qF jo awqvfdI Gtnfvf nUM hox qoN pihlF hI roikaf jf sky ibwl sI 51 bfry pRDfn mMqrI stIPNn hfrpr df stYNz irhf hY ik awj awqvfd df Kqrf iksy dUr dy mulk ivwc nhIN sgoN ies nfl sfzIaF glIaF sfzy muhwilaF ivwc dihsLq df mfhOl bxdf jf irhf hY. pRDfn mMqrI muqfbk sfnUM AuhnF qfkqF nUM Twlx dI loV hY jo kYnyzIan smfj dIaF kdrFkImqF nUM KoKlf krnf cfhuMdIaF hn.

kYnyzf ivwc surwiKaf nUM lY ky pfey jFdy KdisLaF dy mwdynjLr srkfr ny ibwl sI 51 ilaFdf sI. ipCly sfl Etfvf ivwc pfrlImYNt AuWqy kIqy gey hmly ijs ivc kfrporl nyQn sIrIlo sLhId kr idwqf igaf sI aqy ikAUibwk ivc iewk kYnyzIan POjI nUM gwzI Qwly drV ky mfr dyx dIaF GtnfvF ny kYnyzf ivwc surwiKaf dy mfmly nUM pihlF nfloN ibwl nUM smrQn dyx dy mwudy AuWqy ilbrl lIzr vI vDyry nfjLuk bxf idwqf sI. jsitn trUzo df stYNz irhf hY ik kuwJ Kfs nukiqaF nUM Cwz ky ilbrl pfrtI ies ibwl dy nvyN ibwl nfl awiqvfd nUM hwlfsLyrI dyxI aqy ies leI hwk ivwc hY ikAuNik ieh ibwl kYnyzIanF aiqvfd dy hwk ivwc afvfjL cwukxI gLYr-kfnUMnI lokF dI surwiKaf nUM mjbUq bxfAuNdf hY. gw l bx jfvy g I. ies ibw l ivw c kY n y z Ian isikAuirtI ieMtYlIjYNs srivs (sIiss) nUM jFc PrvrI ivwc jsitn trUzo ny ies ibwl bfry krn aqy aiqvfd dIaF GtnfvF nUM amlI jfmf pfrlImYNt ivwc afiKaf sI ik ibwl ivwc kuJ pihnfAux qoN rokx leI vDyry aiDkfr idwqy gey suDfr jLrUr kIqy jf skdy hn lyikn smwucy rUp hn. nvF kfnUMn AuhnF lokF nUM hvfeI jhfjL ivwc ivwc ies ivwc Auh gwlF sLfml hn jo kYnyzIanF cVHn qoN rokx dI qfkq vI surwiKaf dsiqaF nUM nUM mihPUjL rwKx ivwc shfeI hoxgIaF. dyvygf jo afpxy aiqvfdI eyjMzy nUM mwuK rwK ky hor mulkF ivwc jfx dI koisLsL krngy. kYnyzf ivwc keI awqvfdI afeIiss dI jhfdI lVfeI ivwc sLfml hox leI jf cuwky hn aqy smyN- smyN Auqy jfx dI koisLsL krdy hn.

ies ibwl df ivroD krn vfly gruwp vI ies gwl nUM mMndy hn ik kYnyzIan isikAuirtI ieMtYlIjYNs srivs, afr[ sI[ aYm[ pI[ hr hor surwiKaf dsiqaF nUM awqvfd aqy kOmI surwiKaf dy msilaF nfl iswJx vfsqy vDyry qfkqF dI loV hY.


The Patrika



Friday, May 15th, 2015


15th May 1914 Bashir and The Last Best West

f my journey has a beginning at all it is here. The moneylender tenderly stroking his battered briefcase and uttering the cryptic mantra under his breath - Free Land, Free Land for the million in Kanada - as if the deed to the Promised Land were already his to give. And, upon seeing that he has piqued my interest, his hand reaches reverentially into the briefcase to extract a large folded poster. It feels refreshingly cool to the touch.

over, in the green fertile belt of Now, if one were to believe the Manitoba, Canadian Northwest and self-congratulatory claims being made here by the officious sounding British Columbia. Dominion of Canada, these farms 100 to 200 acres are offered in other were apparently just lying in wait parts of Canada for millions of men like me to walk Climate the healthiest in the world in and stake their claim. The Department of the Interior - You will obviously have seen similar posters floating around in other High Commissioner for Canada parts of eastern Asia. I couldn’t Further down the page, right here possibly have known it at the time It reads: amidst this jumble of smaller text as assuredly as I do now, but these FREE FARMS FOR THE MILLION and images, is an endorsement by must originally have been targeted Free farms of 160 acres given to the Canadian Pacific Railway for at someone other than me, perhaps every male adult of 18 years and immigration to these farmlands. someone traveling west from Europe. And, somehow these beguiling summonses had made their way into the hands of our astute village moneylender. Until this pivotal moment in my life, every brochure I have seen promoting immigration to Canada has, oh so solicitously and compellingly, instructed me to Head West, Head WEST! And, the bright, multi-hued promotion slipped into my hand, its corners already partially disintegrated from multiple handlings, is no different.

There will be time later to ponder each of these motivations later. For now, with our vessel continuing to drift eastwards in the Pacific penumbral light, the universe is held in breathless thrall of its own recreation. I am sufficiently attuned to this phenomenon to realize that this very ordinary and innocent pre-dawn world has suddenly become full of tangential possibilities. Final quarter of the night Approaching the final quarter of the night, all onboard human activity finally ceases. The ship’s cavernous hull now begins to reverberate in response to a deep and sonorous wailing surfacing up from the depths. The singsong peaks over the metronomic thrum and hiss of the steamship’s bellows before subsiding into silence. Whalesong! Informs my agitated mind as I try to pad silently up the clanging metal stairs. No. A call to prayer! Murmurs my untethered heart; this is a muted call to prayer coming from a submerged and dislocated minaret; a call to morning chanting. My legs have become the oars of a boat rowed in opposite directions by its several occupants. And, I am only aware of the urgent fact that it is precisely this fleeting interlude of light between night and day - when a naked eye can first distinguish a black thread from a white one - a clearly defined instant prescribed for Morning Prayer by my thirteencentury-old scripture, the Quran. I imagine the sphere of this world spinning under the rising sun, the millions of inhabitants of each new land aligning themselves, wave upon wave, to offer their shared harmonies.

By: Tariq Malik

redirect my attention elsewhere. It claims this as the Amrit Vela - that ambrosial pause when the Guru’s blessings descend upon all those who seek them - In the Amrit Vela, chant the True Name, and contemplate His Glorious Greatness. The devotees of the Lord plant the seed of the Lord’s wealth in the ambrosial hours; they eat it, and spend it, but it is never exhausted. A half hour later, my state of indecision finds me hovering close to the railing with the rolled prayer mat still tucked tightly under my arm. Every prayer is its own reward. Or, so I have been led to believe till now. After gingerly clutching the railing for nearly an hour and relishing the early dawn rush of moist air across my face, I am still trying sheepishly to look past my unresolved dilemmas, the prayer mat under one arm. As a devout Muslim, I must first locate myself accurately in time and space before I offer my prayers. And, after determining the correct time for the Morning Prayer, I must now ensure that I am facing in the correct direction of the qibla – the shortest distance between Arabia’s Mecca and myself. However, onboard a moving vessel, so utterly complete has been my state of dislocation and disorientation that all familiar horizons have now become transient. The rest of the twenty-three fellow Muslims onboard who could be of assistance to me at this moment, have chosen to sleep blissfully past sunrise. Accompanying our insignificant group of Muslims, there are also a dozen Hindus amidst this congregation of three hundred and forty of Guru Nanak’s followers. I can already hear the Sikhs gather for their morning kirtan, the swell of their verses drifting upwards through the open arms of the metal doors as a spiritual testimony to their solidarity. A disoriented and conflicted part of me, aware that this fleeting hiatus is also the Amrit Vela, the time of nectar, wants to descend the stairs and seek the reassurance and comfort of these familiar chants. But, here too, there are spiritual quandaries that I must be careful to skirt around for the sake of my personal safety. Even if the fiery chants that I once composed to set hearts aflame have been doused, I must now learn to assume different voices, and chant other verses. If today it is my confusion over the choice of morning chants that exposes me, then how far back will this uncertainty take me tomorrow?

However, there is also an insistent, albeit consciously suppressed, voice The fact that we Muslims are a already tugging at my sleeve to relatively small minority onboard


The Patrika

Friday, May 15th, 2015 has recently been brought brusquely home to me. When, amidst much rejoicing and backslapping, this ship was renamed ‘Nanak Jahaz’ in honor of the founder of the Sikh faith, my suggestions to call it ‘Freedom India’ had been mockingly brushed aside by all. Mine had been a lone dissenting voice, and I had been intimidated into silence. As we steam full speed ahead in the dim light towards the approaching shoreline, I can sense the riveted metal plates of the ship’s prow straining as they slice vertically through the massed wall of opposing seawater. The collected pools of rainwater trapped around the bridge house ripple in tune to the engines’ throb; mastheads strain under their tether of ropes and chains, and the deck heaves and falls off imperceptibly to a gentle, inner cadence.

 them in this adventure?” Hop- could get on the radio and try to find out for ourselves before kinson demands. “They say it is one named everyone else, and then set Gurdit,” offers Bela, diffi- up a very warm reception for them, huh?” dently. “One? Who is One?” asks Ganga abruptly, sheepishly rousing to find himself in the midst of their exchange.

searches Hopkinson’s face for you and your men to dig a further clues. little deeper. I need names, “Yes, the damn Shore Com- personal histories, something mittee. Bela, I understand concrete. Enough of letting some of the local chaps are this Shore Committee solve “Only if the ship also has a already going around Vancou- the mystery for us. We should radio, yes?” quips Hopkinson. ver gathering food and funds be anticipating their every move instead of letting them “It would, sar, if it were head- for Gurdit and his men. If lead us by the nose.” ing into open water and plan- that is true, then they already know more about these new Hopkinson searches their ning a secret Pacific crossing.” arrivals than we do. I want faces for signs of disquiet, be“Well, we can’t be sure of that, either, can we?” Hopkinson looks exasperated with all this wild-eyed conjectures being offered to him as reliable information.

“Teri maa da yaar…” Bela whispers under his breath, spinning around gracefully, winking and laying a large hairy paw on Ganga’s diminutive shoulder. All the while he has kept an eye on Hopkinson to see if this brief flash of The brief silence that follows insolence has registered their is the cue for Ganga Ram to internal friction. offer up his report. To Hopkinson he now re- “I have heard that one Balwant veals, “Sar, one named Gurdit Singh arrived from Moji by Singh Sarhadi or Sarhali or steamer yesterday and spoke something similar? A good to a meeting in the Victoria friend of the Canadian high gurdwara. He also brought commissioner in Hong Kong. an advertisement for GurAn educated and very rich dit’s mission. By evening, man from Singapore by all he reached Vancouver and accounts.” has claimed to have spoken

HOPKINSON SUMMONS NARAIN “Hmm. Yes, yes. Is there William Charles Hopkin- anything else you know about son, British Columbia’s Head him? What does he intend to Inspector of Immigration, do here in Canada? And, more has been expecting the men importantly, does he have any all Sunday afternoon, even links to anyone on our watch though fully aware of their un- list? Any close friends or relacertain and tardy routines. On tives here in Canada?” hearing them chattering like a “They say that he is such flock of birds settling onto his a powerful and successful backyard, he now tones down businessman that he will now his irritation. Bela’s unmistak- challenge the Empire.” able sonorous growl is already “Challenge the Empire? And rising above the rest. how does he intend to do Hurrying up the stairs, and that?” Hopkinson takes pains blinking rapidly in the strik- to keep his irritation in check. ingly bright sunlight, Hopkin“By gathering a group of disson nods at the gathered men. satisfied Hindus and sailing “Bela, Baboo, ah! Ganga them to Canada. Now no one Ram. Good, good. Yes, yes, knows for sure when they will you are all finally here,” Hop- get here. I have been getting kinson nods while establish- different answers. According ing eye contact with each one to Hari, they should be here in greeting, noticing that as in a week or two.” usual, Ganga’s eyes remained “Well that narrows it down averted. then, doesn’t it? They could “So, what dire urgency brings be here tomorrow, the next you out here this Sunday after- month or next year! Bela, how noon? Do you have something many times have I told you to urgent to report?” Hopkinson keep an eye on that Hardayal. is careful to address Bela All this is hearsay to me. You directly. can’t rely Hari chooses to pass “Sar, they will be here soon.” on to you. Have I not warned you repeatedly about such “Soon, how soon is soon?” gossip?” “Ah, I don’t know exactly, Bela is momentarily stumped sar.” Bela steps closer to Hop- for a response. “It is so hard to kinson so that the others have be accurate in these matters, to strain to overhear the ex- sar,” he offers lamely, while change. stubbornly holding his gaze.

PAGE 51 fore abruptly turning to Bela. “My friend, I think the stage is now set for our Narain bhai to make an appearance.” “Ha!” Bela acknowledges, twirling a strand of his whiskers, and noting that he has been dismissed, hustles his men out of the gate. cont’d next issue

to Gurdit himself and others aboard the ship.” “Is that our temple granthi Balwant Singh? I thought he was still in Hong Kong.”

“No, sar. He is here now and I even have with me the advertisement that he brought along. You can see how Gurdit has been using this to recruit men for his voyage.” The four men crowd around him to examine the paper Ganga Ram holds out. “There is this one other thing that I have to report, sar.” This is offered by the unassuming Baboo Singh who has remained sullen and withdrawn until now. “What is it?” Hopkinson is livid that he has had to wait so long to hear from Baboo. “I have heard something about the ship now heading for the port of Alberni on Vancouver Island.” “Port Alberni? Why there? It is so far inland, nearly half the way across the island. Maybe, Mr. Gurdit intends to dump his passengers and cargo at a remote location, and thus circumvent our authority,” Hopkinson now finds himself speculating.

“I say we should take the lead from the Shore Committee to point us to the ship,” Bela “Well, have you or have you “They say different things. I is quick to point out, realnot found out who is leading don’t think even they know izing that the conversation is the exact date. Perhaps, we slipping away from him. He




The Patrika 

Friday, May 15th, 2015

Friday May 15th, 2015

The Patrika 





The Patrika 

Friday May 15th, 2015

Friday May 15th, 2015

The Patrika 





The Patrika 

Friday May 15th, 2015

Friday May 15th, 2015

The Patrika 





The Patrika 

Friday May 15th, 2015

Friday May 15th, 2015

The Patrika 



The Patrika



modI srkfr df irport kfrz

kOmI jmhUrI gwTjoV (aYWn[zI[ey[) dy nF nfl swqf ivwc afeI BfrqI jnqf pfrtI (Bfjpf) dy hwkF ivwc do gwlF BugqdIaF hn. pihlI ieh ik sFJy pRgqIsLIl gwTjoV (XU[pI[ey[) dI dUjI pfrI dOrfn mnmohn isMG srkfr, gwTjoV isafsq dIaF mjbUrIaF, GutfilaF aqy dUhrI lIzrisLp dIaF dusLvfrIaF ivwc iGrI rhI aqy ies kfrn jdoN swqf-pirvrqn hoieaf qF Ausdf svfgq hoxf lfjLmI sI. dUjI gwl ieh hY ik kwcy qyl dIaF 50 PLIsdI Gwt hoeIaF kImqF modI srkfr leI vrdfn sfibq hoeIaF. lok sBf ivwc pUrn bhumq hfsl krky afeI srkfr ny aijhIaF inafmqF qoN kI lfB ilaf? srkfr bxn mgroN sRI modI vwloN ivdysL nIqI sbMDI cwuky gey mwuZly kdmF ivclI puKLqgI hYrfn krn vflI sI. gujrfq dy mwuK mMqrI vjoN cIn aqy jfpfn dy dOry Auh kr cwuky sn, AudoN AunHF ny isrPL afpxy sUby dy ihwqF dI hI gwl krnI sI. pRDfn mMqrI mnonIq hox bfad AunHF afpxy hlPdfrI smfgm leI pfiksqfn dy hor guaFZI mulkF dy afgUaF nUM swdf idwqf. nyVy dy dysLF aqy


amrIkf, afstrylIaf, jfpfn, ihMd mhFsfgr ivcly tfpU mulkF, PrFs, jrmnI aqy kYnyzf dy dOiraF dI ivAuNqbMdI aqy gxqMqr idvs smfroh smyq do vfr amrIkI rfsLtrpqI brfk Ebfmf nUM Bfrq bulf ky AunHF dI vfh-vfh KwtI.

sRI modI ny ihMd mhFsfgr ivcly mulkF, afstrylIaf aqy jfpfn ijhy aihm mulkF, qknIkI Kyqr ivc mohrI XUrpI mulkF-PrFs aqy jrmnI aqy amrIkI mhFdIp ivwc axgOly sLkqIsLflI mulk kYnyzf smyq sB mulkF nfl imwqrqfpUrn sMbMD kfiem krn aqy dosqI vDfAux dI nIqI apxfeI hY. aijhf kridaF AunHF ny moty qOr ‘qy guaFZI mulkF jF vpfrk qy hornF ihwqF leI aihm mulkF nUM qrjIh idwqI hY. Bfrq dI sLfK mjLbUq krn dI pRikiraf pUrI krn ihwq Auh cIn, mMgolIaf aqy dwKxI korIaf df dOrf vI krngy. nirMdr modI smwucy qOr ‘qy ieh sunyhf dyx dI koisLsL kr rhy hn ik Auh ivdysLI nIqI ivwc suDFrF dy cfhvfn hn aqy vwzy afkfr, jnsMiKaf, qknIkI muhfrq aqy bOiDk sroqF dy dm ‘qy Bfrq nUM dunIaF ivwc mohrI BUimkf df

GrylU pwDr ‘qy sRI modI df iewk sfl df irkfrz bhuqf vDIaf nhIN irhf. sfbkf pRDfn mMqrI mnmohn isMG dy mukfbly sRI modI ny PLYsly LlYx dI cMgI smrwQF df mujLfhrf kIqf aqy afpxI pfrtI aqy srkfr dy pRmwuK afgU vjoN pCfxy jfx lwgy. AuNj, rfj sBf ivwc afpxI pfrtI nUM vDyry pRqIinDqf idvfAux dI Kfqr AunHF dI sUbfeI ivDfn sBf coxF dOrfn pRcfr pwKoN pwKpfqI rvweIaf apxf ky pRDfn mMqrI vjoN afpxy ahudy dI sLfn nUM Zfh lfeI hY.

Friday May 15th, 2015

srkfr BUmI gRihx ibl nuM pfs krvfAux ivwc hfly qwk kfmXfb nhIN ho skI. XU[pI[ey[ vwloN iqafr ibl ivwc kuJ qbdIlIaF kfrn kFgrs aqy hor ivroDI pfrtIaf ny iml ky sRI modI df kMm vDyry musLikl bxf idwqf hY. ies pRikiraf dOrfn aYWn[zI[ey[ srkfr ny iksfnI df Brosf guaf ilaf hY. srkfr df mMqv jLmIn dI KLrIdo-ProKLq dI pRikiraf qyjL kr ky snaqIkrn df psfr krnf hY jdoN ik Gwt Auqpfdkqf, Coty-Coty tukiVaF ivwc vMzI jLmIn aqy bhuq sfry lokF vwloN bhuq Gwt Auqpfdn sRI modI vwloN ivkfs dI gwl AuWqy jLor hox kfrn Bfrq ivwc KyqIbfVI Kyqr nUM dyx aqy gujrfq mfzl dI sLlfGf kfrn vwzy bdlfa dI loV hY. afriQk Kyqr ivwc AunHF qoN kfPLI AumIdF iswiKaf aqy sMprdfiek sbMDF dy mfmisn. ienHF AumIdF dy mwdynjLr vpfrI aqy laF ivwc modI srkfr dI kfrgujLfrI snawqkfr vrg bjt ivc afpxy leI iZwlI rhI. rfsLtrI svYm syvk sMG kuJ Kfs nf hox kfrn inrfsL irhf. BfvyN (afr[aYWs[aYWs[) vwloN Bfjpf dI ijwq ivc muV ivcfr mgroN ienHF ivwc kuJ bjt dy inBfeI aihm BUimkf kfrn BfvyN pRDfn shI idsLf ivwc hox dI gwl nfl sihmq mMqrI dy hwQ bwJy hoey sn, pr AunHF ny sn. srkfr jI[aYWs[tI[ ibwl nUM sMsd apmfnjnk itwpxIaF leI afpixaF nUM dy Auprly sdn (rfj sBf) ivwc vI pfs vrjx ivwc bhuq dyr kr idwqI. krvfAuxf cfhuMdI hY qF jo ieh aprYl afr[aYWs[aYWs[ vwloN nOjvfnF dI soc bdlx dIaF koisLsLF aqy ieiqhfsk qy 2015 ivwc lfgU ho sky.

Friday May 15th, 2015

Koj sMsQfvF ivwc ies dy hmfieqIaf dI vwzy ahuidaF ‘qy qfienfqI ny iswiKaf Kyqr df BivwK dfa ‘qy lgf idwqf hY. sRI modI ny isrPL skUlI iswiKaf hfsl krn vflI simRqI ierfnI nUM ieh aihm mMqrflf sONp ky afr[aYWs[aYWs[ awgy gozy tyk idwqy aqy ies df KimafjLf AunHF nUM Bugqxf pY irhf hY. mjLbUq ierfidaF vflf koeI vI ivakqI ies qrHF afr[aYWs[aYWs[ dy hwQF dI kTpuqlI nhIN ho skdf. sMG muqfbk imiQhfs hI ieiqhfs hY. gujrfq ivwc ividafrQIaF dI iswiKaf df pwDr nIvF krn vflIaF ‘soDIaF’ pfT pusqkF ies dI imsfl hn. iPLrikaF nfl juVy mfmilaF ivwc srkfr dI BUimkf KLrfb rhI hY. muslmfn dysL df dUjf sB qoN vwzf iPrkf hn. AunHF dIaF sMvydnfvF df iDafn nhIN rwiKaf jf irhf. Bfjpf dy sMsd mYNbrF aqy afgUaf vwloN lgfqfr idwqy jf rhy ibafnF aqy Bfjpf dy iewk Kfs hmfieqI vrg vwloN jLrf ijMnI Auksfht ‘qy hI igrijaf aqy msijdF nUM apivwqr krn dIaF kfrvfeIaf kfrn Gwt igxqIaF ivwc zr df mfhOl pYdf ho igaf hY.

The Patrika 


afr[aYWs[aYWs[ dI afpxI ivcfrDfrf hY ik sfry Bfrq vfsI cfhy Auh iksy vI Drm nUM mMndy hn, ihMdU hn. jo vI hovy, Bfrq vrgy iviBMnqfvF pUrn mulk ivwc iPrkU nPLrq PYlfAux KLqrnfk kvfied hY. sRI modI aijhy ansrF iKLlfPL kfnUMnI kfrvfeI krn qoN asmrwQ jfpdy hn. sLfied AunHF dI smwisaf ieh hY ik Auh afp vI afr[aYWs[aYWs[ dI ivcfrDfrf ivwc pRvfn cVHy hn aqy pRfcIn BFrq ivwc kIqI jFdI plfsitk srjrI afid ivc ivsLvfs rwKdy hn. pRDfn mMqrI vjoN sRI nirMdr modI ny ivhfrkqf df mujLfhrf kIqf hY. AnHF ny afpxy ivsLvfsF nUM Gwt mhwqv idMidaF sfry BfrqIaF df nyqf hox df aks ivkisq krn dy Xqn krdy hn. iPr vI, AunHF duafly keI vlgxF hn, ijnHF ivcoN bfhr inklxf ibKVf kfrj hY. ieh dyKxf bfkI hY ik Auh ienHF vlgxF ivwcoN bfhr ikvyN inkldy hn. AuNj, AunHF ny iswKx dI smrwQF df mujLfhrf kIqf hY. afpxIaF duibDfvF qy dusLvfrIaf nfl iswJx leI AunHF kol cfr sflF df smF ajy bfkI hY. ieh smF keI pwKoN AunHF leI mddgfr sfbq ho skdf hY.



The Patrika

Friday May 15th, 2015


srdfr hrI isMG nlUaf hrI isMG nlUaf ny 17 akqUbr 1836 nMU jmrOd iklHy dI nINh rwK ky nyVy hor Coty ikilHaF-burj hrI isMG, iklHf bfVf aqy iklHf imcnI afid df inrmfx sLurU krvfieaf. jdoN ienHF ikilHaF dy inrmfx dI KLbr kfbl aPgfnF kol puwjI qF Auh smJ gey ik hrI isM G ipsL f vr qo N bfad jlflfbfd aqy kfbl nUM Kflsf rfj ivc imlfAux dI iqafrI ivwc hY. ies ‘qy amIr dosq muhMmd Kfn ny afpxy pMj pwuqrF nUM gfjLIaF dy BfrI lsLkr sfihq imrjLf smI Kfn nUM afpxf lfiebul slqnq mukwrr kr ky 15 apRYl 1837 nUM Kflsy AuWqy cVHfeI krn leI qor idwqf. AuWDr, srhwd dI surwiKaf dI iqafrIaF leI ikilHaF dy inrmfx ivwc idn-rfq juty rihx krky hrI isMG nlUaf QkyvyN kfrn ipsLfvr dy iklHy ivwc bImfr pey sn. dUjy pfsy lfhOr ivwc kMvr nOinhfl isMG dy ivafh smfroh ivwc mhfrfjf rxjIq isMG vwloN ivsysL qOr ‘qy bulfey gey aMgryjL aPsrF, rfijaF, mhfrfijaF qy nvfbF nUM pRBfivq krn leI ipsLvr qoN vwzI igxqI ivwc POjL mMgvfeI geI sI. hrI isMG nlUaf duafrf inXukq kIqy iklHf jmrOd dy iklHydfr aqy AunHF dy pwuqr mhF isMG mIrpurIey vwloN rojLfnf aPLgfNnIaf vwloN jMgI iqafrIaF dIaF KLbrF pwuj rhIaF sn. mhF isMG ny iklHy ivwcoN s[nlUaf nUM ilKqI sunyhf Byj ky PLOj dI mMg kIqI. hrI isMG nlUaf ny Aus dy KLq smyq afpxy vwlo iewk arjLI ilKvf ky mhfrfjf rxjIq isMG kol lfhOr iBjvf idwqI, ijs ivwc AunHF ipsLfvr dI POj jldI vfps Byjx dI mMg kIqI. ieh rfjf iDafn isMG kol lfhOr iBjvf idwqI, ijs ivwc AunHF ipsLfvr dI POj jldI vfps Byjx dI mMg kIqI. ieh sunyhf 26 apRYl dI dupihr rfjf iDafn isMG kol puwijaf pr Aus ny ies bfry mhfrfjy nUM jfxkfrI nf idwqI, ijs kfrn 30 apRYl qwk vI lfhOr drbfr vwloN ipsLfvr koeI jvfb nf puwijaf. AuDroN, 27 apRYl nUM aPgfn dwrf KLYbr dy pUrbI isry ‘qy pwuj cuwky sn. jdoN AunHF nUM s: nlUaf dy iklHy ivwc mOjUd nf hox dI KLbr imlI qF AunHF dy hONsly hor bulMd ho gey aqy agly idn 28 apRYl nUM AunHF dy iklHy ‘qy goly dfgxy sLurU kr idwqy. ies golfbfrI dy jvfb ivwc mhF isMG ny vI iklHy ivcoN aPgfnIaF AuWqy golfbfrI sLurU krvf idwqI. ieh islislf rfq df hnyrf hox qwk cwldf irhf. dUjy idn vI aPgfnIaF dy idn cVHidaF hI iklHy AuWqy goly dfgxy sLurU kr idwqy. hflFik iklHy ivwc mOjUd iewk hjLfr KLflsf PLOj df aPLgfnIaf dy 30,000 lsLkr awgy ijLafdf dyr qwk zty rihxf asMBv sI pr iPr vI KLflsf POj dy hONsly bulMd rhy aqy Auh aPLgfnIaF AuWqy lgfqfr jvfbI hmly krdy rhy. 30 aprYl nUM aPLgfnI, iklHy dI bfhrI bfhI nUM qopF dy goilaF nfl zygx ivwc kfmXfb ho gey. ies dy bfvjUd AunHF dy iklHy aMdr vVn df hONslf nf hoieaf. jdoN rfq hoeI qF KLflsf PLOj ny iklHy dI PLsIl df pfVH ryq dIaF borIaF rwK ky bMd kr idwqf. iklHy dI aMdrUnI hflq aqy bfhroN PLOjI mdd bfry s[ nlUaf nUM sUicq krnf jLrUrI sI. Kflsy df aMiqm sMdysL AunHF qwk phuMcfAux leI bIbI hrsLrn kOr pTfxI df Bys bxf ky rfq


iklHy ivcoN inkl ky 30 apRYl nUM ipsLfvr puwj geI. jdoN mhF isMG df KLq s[nlUaf kol puwijaf qF afpxI bImfrI aqy pRfxF dI prvfh kIqy ibnF Auh AuWT KVHy hoey. iewQoN hI AunHF ny mhF isMG vwloN ilKy aMiqm KLq dy nfl afpxf iewk KLq ilK ky mhfrfjf rxjIq isMG kol lfhOr iBjvf idwqf.s[ nlUaf ny 15 mfrc qoN 21 apRYl qwk lgfqfr POLjI iemdfd leI cfr arjLIaF lfhOr drbfr vwl ByjIaF. BfvyN kMvr dI sLfdI ho cwukI sI pr mhfrfjf, aMgryjL mihmfnF nUM sYr aqy isLkfr krfAux mgroN lfhOr qoN ivdf krn ivwc ruwJy rhy, ijs kfrn rfjf iDafn isMG nUM PLOjF ipsLfvr nf Byjx df bhfnf iml igaf. iPr srdfr nlUaf ny ipsLfvr iklHy ivclI PLOj nUM jmrOd vwl kUc krn df hukm idwqf. burj hrI isMG dy nyVy pwuj ky AnHF ny PLOj nUM iqMn ihwisaf ivwc vMz idwqf. iewk ihwsf inDfn isMG ‘pMj hwQF’ nfl qor idwqf, dUsrf amr isMG Kurd mjITIaf nfl aqy qIjf afpxy nfl rwiKaf. AuWDr jdoN aPLgfnI iklHy AuWqy kbjLf krn dI iqafrI krI bYTy sn qF hrI isMG nlUaf ny jmrOd puwj ky aPgfnIaF ‘qy aijhf hmlf kIqf ik jmrOd dy iklHy dy bfhr dUr-dUr qwk aPLgfnIaF dy DV qoN alwg hoey isr njLr af rhy sn. aPLgfnI sYnf ivwc qrQwlI mwc geI. s[ nlUaf dy jvfnF ny Bwjdy aPLgfnIaF koloN AunHF dIaF 14 vwzIaf qopF vI Koh leIaF. ies mgroN jdoN srdfr nlUaf afpxI PLOj nUM afrfm dyx leI kYNp ivwc Byjx dI soc rhy sn qF AunHF nUM pqf lwgf ik inDfn isMG ‘pMj hwQf’ isrPL 1500 ispfhIaF nUM nfl lY ky aPLgfnIaF nUM awgy lf ky duVfAuNdf hoieaf dwrf KLYbr aMdr kfPLI dUr qk clf igaf hY. ies ‘qy Aus nUM vfps ilafAux leI s[nlUaf nUM Aus dy ipwCy jfxf ipaf. AuWDroN, smsLAuWdIn KLfn ny 2000 jMgI ispfhIaF nfl dwrf KLYbr ivwc puwj ky aPLgfnIaF nUM KLflsy nfl XuwD leI pRyiraf. kuJ ny qf Aus dI iewk nf suxI aqy bfkI inDfn isMG ‘pMj hwQf’ vwl nUM vfps muV afey aqy lVfeI sLurU kr idwqI. Aus smyN srdfr nlUaf srkmr(rqI cwtfn) dy sQfn ‘qy sn. iewQy iewk cwtfn ivwc guPf bxI hoeI sI, ijs ivwc luky gfjLIaF ny sL[nlUaf AuWqy golI clf idwqI. iewk golI AunHF dI CfqI ivwc aqy iewk pwt ivwc lwgI. jKLmI hox mgroN vI AunHF ny hONsly qoN kMm ilaf aqy amr isMG Kurd nUM inDfn isMG dI mdd leI Byj ky afpxf GoVf iklHf jmrOd vwl moV ilaf. iklHy ivwc puwjx mgroN AunHF mhF isMG mIrpurIey nUM afiKaf ik bfhr iksy nUM pqf nf lwgy ik mYN jKLmI ho igaf hF. srdfr nlUaf nUM afpxf afKLrI smF afAux df igafn hox ‘qy AunHF mhF isMG nUM kol bulfieaf aqy ikhf ik sfrI PLOj srkfr dI vPLfdfr qy nmk hlfl ho ky rhy aqy myrI mOq dI KLbr lfhOr qoN mdd afAux qwk gupq rwKI jfvy. ies mgroN kuJ hor sLbd kih ky AunHF dI afvfjL mwDm pY geI. iswK rfj dy sqMB ies bhfdr jrnYl ny 30 apRYl 1837 nUM pRfx iqafg idwqy. mhF isMG mIrpurIey ny kuJ pRmwuK srdfrF nUM bulf ky Dfrimk rIqI-irvfjF nfl srdfr sfihb df sMskfr awDI rfq nUM iklHy ivwc knfqF dy aMdr kr idwqf. bfad ivwc Ausy jgfh qy hrI isMG nlUaf dI smfD idwqI geI.

Friday May 15th, 2015

The Patrika 


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The Patrika 

Friday May 15th, 2015

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