September 25th, 2015

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The Patrika 

Friday, September 25th, 2015

NAAD FESTIVAL-2015 - September 19 & 27 - A Festival of Poetry, Music, Dance & Film “HERITAGE DEFENDER” … award winning organization – Naad Foundation is a non-profit organization of musicians and music lovers who

dedicate their time and efforts to spread peace and harmony through art and music in the Lower Mainland. cont’d on page 6


The Patrika

Friday, September 25th, 2015



STATEMENT BY STEPHEN HARPER TO MARK EID AL-ADHA God. For many Muslims, celebrations will include making charitable donations, sharing festive meals, exchanging gifts, and prayer. It is also a time for forgiveness and compassion.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued this statement to mark the start of Eid al-Adha: “ During Eid al-Adha, families, friends and communities will celebrate the Feast of the Sacrifice, which commemorates Ibrahim’s dedication to

“For all Canadians, Eid al-Adha presents an opportunity to recognize the contributions of Canada’s diverse Muslim community in shaping the economically and culturally rich country we live in. I was pleased to attend Eid on the Hill in 2011, which

our Conservative government has made an annual tradition. “In July, Laureen and I were pleased to host the first-ever Iftar reception at 24 Sussex with Muslim families of many backgrounds from across Canada, including some of the four Muslim candidates nominated to run for the Conservative Party of Canada in the election this fall. “I offer best wishes for health and happiness to all those celebrating Eid al-Adha. “Eid Mubarak.”



The Patrika 

Friday, September 25th, 2015

dunIaF Br ‘c ‘mihMgfeI qy mMdI’ leI bYNk hI ijLMmyvfr afeI[afeI[tI[idwlI dy hoxhfr ividafrQI rvI kohfV ny zUMGI Koj qoN bfad iewk afsfn ijhI ihMdI pusqk pRkfisLq kIqI hY, ijs df isrlyK hY-‘bYNkF df mfieafjfl’. ies ikqfb ivwc bVy rOck qy dlIlpUrn ZMg nfl ieh iswD kIqf igaf hY ik dunIaF Br ‘c mihMgfeI, byrujLgfrI, ihMsf leI afDuink bYNikMg pRxflI hI ijLMmyvfr hY.

jdik 1933 qoN pihlF hr nfgirk nUM ies gwl dI qswlI sI ik jo kfgjL df not Aus dy hwQ ‘c hY, Aus nUM lY ky Auh jykr bYNk jfvygf qF Aus nUM Ausy muwl df sonf jF cFdI iml jfvygf. kfgjL dy notF dy pRclx qoN pihlF cFdI jF sony dy iswky cldy huMdy sn. AunHF df mwul Enf hI huMdf sI, ijMnf Aus ‘qy aMikq huMdf sI, Bfv koeI joKLm nhIN sI.

ienHF bYNkF df mfieafjfl lgBg hr dysL ‘c PYilaf hoieaf hY pr Aus dI aslI vfgzor amrIkf dy 13 AuWc ivakqIaF dy hwQF ‘c hY aqy Auh AuWc ivakqI vI isrP do pirvfrF qoN hn. suxn ‘c ieh atptf ijhf lwgygf pr ieh ihlf dyx vflI jfxkfrI hY, ijs dI pVqfl jLrUrI hY.

pr hux qusIN bYNk ivwc afpxf iewk lwK ruipaf jmF krdy ho qF bYNk afpxy qjrby dy afDfr ‘qy Aus df isrP 10 PLIsdI rok ky 90 PIsdI krjLy ‘qy dy idMdf hY qy Aus ‘qy ivafj kmfAuNdf hY. hux ijhVy lok ieh krjLf lYNdy hn, Auh vI ies nUM awgy sfmfn KrIdx ‘qy Krc kr idMdy hn. jo ies ivkrI qoN kmfAuNdf hY, Auh sfrf pYsf iPr bYNk ivwc jmF krvf idMdf hY, Bfv 90 hjLfr rupey bfjLfr ‘c GuMm-iPr ky bYNk ivwc hI af gey. hux iPr bYNk ies df 10 PIsdI rok ky 81000 ruuipaf krjLy ‘qy dy idMdf hY qy Aus ‘qy iPr ivafj kmfAuNdf hY. iPr Auh 81000 ruuipaf bfjLfr ivwc GuMm ky bYNkF ‘c vfips af jFdf hY. iPr bYNk Aus df 10 PIsdI rok ky bfkI nUM bfjLfr ivwc dy idMdf hY aqy ies qrHF vfr-vfr krjLf dy ky aqy hr vfr ivafj kmf ky jld hI Auh siQqI af jFdI hY ik bYNk quhfzy hI pYsy df muwl corI krky ibnF iksy lfgq dy 100 guxf jfiedfd hfisl kr lYNdf hY.

iswDf svfl ieh hY ik Bfrq dy ijMny vI lokF ny afpxf pYsf BfrqI jF ivdysLI bYNkF ‘c jmHf kIqf hoieaf hY, jykr Auh kwl svyry ies nUM mMgx bYNk phuMc jfx qF kI ieh bYNk 10 PLIsdI lokF nUM vI AunHF df pYsf vfips kr skxgy, jvfb hY-nhIN.

ikAuNik ies bYNikMg pRxflI ivwc jdoN vI srkfr jF jnqf nUM krjLf lYx leI pYsy dI loV pYNdI hY qF Auh ivafj smyq pYsf vfips krn df vfadf ilK ky bYNk kol jFdy hn. bdly ‘c bYNk EnI hI rkm afpxy Kfqy ‘c ilK idMdy hn. ies qrHF dysL df 95 PLIsdI pYsf kfrobfrI bYNkF ny KflI KfiqaF ‘c iLlK ky pYdf kIqf hY, jo isrP KfiqaF ies pRikiraf ‘c sfzy rupey dI kImq ‘c hI bxdf hY qy iliKaf rihMdf hY. lgfqfr izwg rhI hY. qusIN ies Brm ivwc BfrqI irjLrv bYNk isrP 5 PIsdI pYsf rihMdy ho ik quhfzf pYsf bYNk ivwc surwiKq hI bxfAuNdf hY, jo ik kfgjL dy not dy rUp hY. drasl, Auh pYsf nhIN, isrPL iewk ‘c sfnUM idKfeI idMdf hY. ies leI bYNkF vfadf hY, jo not ‘qy Cipaf hY pr Aus ny 1933 ‘c golz stYNzrz Kqm krvf vfady dy bdly(not dy) jykr qusIN jLmIn, ky afpxy rupey dI qfkq Kqm kr idwqI anfj, sonf jF cFdI mMgxf cfho qF dysL hY. hux qusIN ijs nUM ruipaf smJdy ho, dy kul 10 PIsdI lokf nUM hI bYNk ieh sB drasl Auh iewk ruwkf hY, ijs dI kImq kuJ dy skxgy. 90 PLIsdI dy awgy hwQ KVHy kfgjL dy Zyr qoN ijLafdf kuJ vI nhIN. ies kr dyxgy ik nf qF sfzy kol sonf/cFdI, rwuky ‘qy iliKaf hY, “mYN Dfrk nUM iewk hjLfr nf jfiedfd aqy nf hI anfj, Bfv pUrf rupey adf krny df vcn idMdf hF” ieh smfj vfaidaF ‘qy Kyz irhf hY qy ijs nUM kihMdf hY Bfrq df irjLrv bYNk, ijs dI qusIN not smJdy ho, Aus dI kImq rwdI qoN gfrMtI Bfrq srkfr lYNdI hY. ijLafdf kuJ nhIN hY. ies leI qusIN dyiKaf hovygf ik isrP iewk rupey dy not ‘qy Bfrq srkfr iliKaf huMdf hY aqy bfkI sfry notF ‘qy irjLrv bYNk iliKaf huMdf hY. ies qrHF lgBg sfrf pYsf bYNk bxfAuNdy hn pr irjLrv bYNk kol ijMnf sonf jmF hY, Aus qoN keI drjn guxf ijLafdf kfgjL dy not Cfp ky irjLrv bYNk dysL dI arQ ivvsQf nUM JUTy vfaidaF ‘qy clf irhf hY. PAGE 4

ieh sfrf Brmjfl ies qrHF PYlfieaf igaf hY ik acfnk koeI arQ sLfsqrI, ivdvfn, vkIl, pwqrkfr, aPsr jF nyqf quhfzI ies gwl nfl sihmq nhIN hovygf aqy quhfzf mjLfk Auzfeygf pr hkIkq ieh hY ik bYNkF dI ies BIV BrI mfieaf nUM hr dysL dy hukmrfn iewk KrIdy gulfm vFg luko ky rwKdy hn aqy bYNkF dy ies jfl ivwc iewk kTpuqlI vFg BUimkf inBfAuNdy hn.

Friday, September 25th, 2015

ipCly 70 sfl df ieiqhfs gvfh hY ik ijs-ijs rfsLtrpqI jF pRDfn mMqrI ny bYNkF dy ies Pryb df Kulfsf krnf cfihaf jF afpxI jnqf nUM kfgjL dy not bdly sMpqI dyx df Brosf pUrf krnf cfihaf, Auh Aus dysL dy rfsLtr muwKI dI ienHF kOmFqrI bYNkF dy mflkF ny hwiqaf krvf idwqI. ies ivwc KLud amrIkf dy rfsLtrpqI abRfhm ilMkn aqy jOnaYWP[kYnyzI, jrmnI df cFslr ihtlr, eIrfn(1953) dy rfsL t rpqI, gu a fty m fl(1954) dy rfsLtrpqI, icwlI(1973) dy rfsLtrpqI, iekvfzor(1981) dy rfsLtrpqI, pnfmf(1981) dy rfsLtrpqI, vYnyjLueylf (2002) dy rfsLtrpqI, ierfk(2003) dy rfsLtrpqI swdfm husYn, lIbIaf(2011) dy rfsLtrpqI gwdfPLI sLfiml hn. ijhVy musilm dysLF ivwc AuWQoN dy hukmrfn pwCm dI ies bYNikMg ivvsQf nUM nhIN cwlx dyxf cfhuMdy, AunHF-AunHF dysLF ivwc lokqMqr dI bhflI dy nF ‘qy ihMsk aMdoln clfey jf rhy hn, qF ik aijhy sLfskF df qKLqf plt ky pwCm dI ies lhU-pIxI bYNikMg ivvsQf nUM lfgU kIqf jf sky. Kud AudXogpqI hYnrI Porz ny iek vfr ikhf sI ik “jykr amrIkf dI jnqf nUM sfzI bYNikMg ivvsQf dI aslIaq pqf lwg jfvy qF kwl hI svyry sfzy dysL ‘c ienklfb af jfvygf.” jdoN dysLF nUM rupey dI loV huMdI hY qF ieh afeI[aYWm[aYWP jF ivsLv bYNk qoN BfrI

The Patrika 


krjLf lY lYNdy hn aqy iPr Aus nUM nf cukf skx dI hflq ivwc not Cfp lYNdy hn, jdik ienHF nvyN notF ipwCy srkfr dy JUTy vfaidaF qoN ielfvf koeI Tos sMpqI nhIN huMdI. nqIjy vjoN bfjLfr ‘c not qF af gey pr sfmfn nhIN hY, qF mihMgfeI vDygI hI, Bfv mihMgfeI vDfAux leI iksfn jF vpfrI ijLMmyvfr nhIN hn, sgoN ieh bYNikMg ivvsQf ijLMmyvfr hY. ieh jdoN cfhux mihMgfeI vDf lYx qy jdoN cfhux Aus nUM rfqo-rfq Gtf lYx. sdIaF qoN sfry dysLF ivwc vsqU vtFdrf huMdf afieaf sI. qusIN anfj idwqf, bdly ‘c msflf lY ilaf. qusIN sonf jF cFdI idwqf, bdly ‘c kwpVf KrId ilaf. mqlb ieh ik bfjLfr ivwc ijMnf mfl muhweIaf huMdf sI, EnI hI Aus dy KrIddfrF dI hYsIaq vI huMdI sI. AunHF kol jo pYsf huMdf sI, Aus dI qfkq sony dy brfbr huMdI sI. awj quhfzy kol kroVF ruuipaf hY aqy Aus dy bdly quhfnUM sonf jF sMpqI nf imly aqy isrPL kfgjL dy notF ‘qy Cipaf vfadf imly qF Aus rupey df kI mhwqv hY. mfmlf bVf guMJldfr hY. ibnF ies CotI ikqfb nUM pVHy smJ nhIN afvygf pr jykr ieh pVH vI leI jfvy qF iewk vwzI bihs dysL ‘c AuWT skdI hY, jo lokF nUM bYNikMg dy mfieafjfl dI aslIaq jfxn ‘qy mjbUr krygI.



The Patrika 

Friday, September 25th, 2015

cont’d from page 2

Naad Foundation is an institution, dedicated to preserving and promoting culture, traditions and heritages of the music, dance and literature of the world. Naad Foundation especially focuses on our youth, the leaders of tomorrow, providing them with such an environment where they learn music, dance and language, providing a solid platform where they can show their skill and build the confidence, and also realize the value of rich cultural and musical legacy of the world. Since 2005 Naad Foundation continues to impress with the high level performances of Music, Dance, Literature seminars and events on various topics, providing our communities, an opportunities to view & hear the top levels of Poetry, Music and Dance. Where Naad invites foreign artists to perform, at the same time Naad is giving an opportunity to our own students and the Canadian artists as well. Naad Foundation is proudly presenting a 2 day Naad Festival – 2014 of Poetry, Music, Dance & Film on September 19 & 27


Poetry Recital by popular and prominent poets of Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi, Persian & English September 27 - FOLK MUSIC & FILM - 6 pm @ Surrey Arts Centre, 13750 88Ave Surrey B.C. Ticket - $ 20.00 Tabla Ensmble & Folk Songs – Students of Naad A Short film ‘Run Along Robert’ Premier Directed by Gurleen Kaur. Gagandeep Singh Live in Concert with NAAD Fusion Band Flute and Bass (Dr. Bruce) Drums and Percussion (Surinder Khaira), Dilruba/Taar Sehnai/Sarangi (Baljit S), Tabla (Amarjeet S), Guitar (Sukhjinder Sandhu), keyboards/ accordion(Anthony Boughen), Please call for more info and tickets: Naad Foundation-778-883-2627, Kamal’s Video Palace-604-592-9777 or

September 19 - POETRY -

Box Office of Surrey Arts Centre-604-501-5566

6 pm @ Cross road United Church 7655 , 120 Scott Road, Surrey B.C.

For more info please visit our website:

Friday, September 25th, 2015

The Patrika 



The Patrika


lVI joVn leI ipClf aMk vyKo

qyjL qurnf hY srIr leI vzmwulI ksrq

aYljLImr ibmfrI: vrjInIaf XUnIvristI ivwc 71 qoN 93 sfl dy mrdF sfh dIaF bImfrIaF: qyjL Au W qy Ko j ivw c ieh qw Q qu r n nfl sfh vI qy j L sfhmxy afey ik jo rojL iewk huMdf hY ijs nfl PyPiVaF cOQfeI mILl qyjL qur rhy dy isry qwk afksIjn sn, AunHF ivwc aYljLImr phuMcdI hY aqy lhU ivwc ibmfrI kfPLI Gwt sI. vI afksIjn dI mfqrf vwD ho jFdI hY. ieMJ lhU ivcoN ichry dI cmk: 65 sfl dI Aumr qwk jy ichry dI kfrbn zfieafksfeIz cmk aqy cmVI dI lck bfhr inkl jFdI hY aqy brkrfr rw K xI ho v y qF joVF AuWqy asr: joVF ivclI hor tuwty-Puwty aMsLF nUM vI ibAU t I sY N t rF ivw c GM t y kfrtIly j nU M isw D f lhU srIr Jtpt bfhr Dw k Krfb krn nfloN rojLfnf phu M c fAu x vfsqy ku d rq idMdf hY. qyjL sYr krnI, hOlI-hOlI ny koeI nsF nhIN bxfeIaF idmfg Au W qy asr: sY n Bwjxf, qYrnf, sfeIkl hoeIaF. eysy leI ienHF nUM PrFissko dI XUnIvristI clfAuxf afid vDIaF Kurfk isrPL sfeInovIal ksrqF sfbq ho cwukIaF qy joVF ivcly lhU ivwcoN ivwc 65 sflF qoN vwD Aumr hn. phuMcy qwqF qoN hI jFdI hY. dIaF Cy hjLfr aOrqF ‘qy Auh qF hI phuMc skdI hY jy hoeI Koj ivwc vyiKaf Qkfvt GtfAuxI hovy qF joV lgfqfr ihldy rihx. igaf ik Aumr nfl juVI tI[vI[ aw g y ly t x nflo N ijANu hI sYr GtI, joV juVny XfddfsLq dI kmI sYr krn bfhr qfjLI hvf ivwc qurn suLurU ho jFdy hn aqy goizaF vflIaF aOrqF ivc Gwt sI. nfl CyqI PurqIlhy hoieaf nINd AuWqy asr: isaYtl dy hwcIsn kYNsr irsrc sYNtr ivKy 50 qoN 75 sflF dIaF aOrqF AuWqy qyjL sYr dy asr lwBx leI kIqI Koj qoN pqf lwigaf ik ijMnIaF vI aOrqF rojL svyry iewk GMtf qyjL sYr kr rhIaF hn, AunHF nUM vDIaf nINd afAux lwg peI sI ik zrOxy suPinaF qoN vI bcfE ho igaf sI.


Friday, September 25th, 2015


qy moiZaF dI pIVH srIr nUM jkV ky bih jFdI hY.

jf skdf hY. 65 sfl qoN bfad vI qMdrusqI aqy cusqI golIaF Kfx nfloN sYr krn nfl vwD dyr qwk kfiem rwKI jf skdI hY. iesy leI keI mulkF ny skU l F ivw c ksrq iew k lfjLmI ivsf hI mMn ilaf hY.

zf[hrisLMdr kOr

jy srIr df Bfr kuJ ijLafdf hY qF isrPL qurn nfl Aumr lMmI nhIN ho skdI. sMquilq KLurfk qy dvfeIaF vI nflonfl clfAu x IaF pY x IaF hn, pr sYr qoN bgLYr qF gujLfrf nhIN ho skdf.

ies dunIaF ivwc kuJ aijhy vI hn ijnHF kol rotI Kfx hux iewk hor Koj vwl iDafn dI vI ivhl nhIN . Xfd kyNidRq krIey: kYNbirj rhy loV qoN vwD kMm krky XU n IvristI ny XU r p dy pYsf qF kmfieaf jf skdf 3,34,000 mrd aqy aOrqF hY pr ishq dy hox vfly AuWqy keI sfl lgfqfr Koj nuksfn qoN nhIN bicaf jf aqy hr iksy nUM rojL 20 skdf . hor kuJ nhIN afpxy imMt qyjL sYr krn nUM ikhf dPqr ivc AuWpr Qwly jfx igaf. Koj ivwc Auh bMidaF jfx leI pOVIaF dI vrqoN nUM vI sLfml kIqf igaf kro. 20 imMt rwsI twp lE. jo qyjL qurn dI QF isrP tihldy sn. nqIijaF ivwc asIN afpxy rojLfnf vrqoN spsLt hoieaf ik qyjL qurn dIaF cIjLF qoN lY ky hor vfilaF ivwcoN bhuiqaF dI bhuq kuJ ivkisq dysLF dI mOq 50 qoN 60 virHaF dI rIs nfl apxf ilaf hY. Aumr ivwc ho geI. ies ivwcoN kfPLI kuJ sfzy

swiBafcfr aqy sfzy mulk dy hflfq anusfr TIk nhIN pr asIN Aus nUM Cwz nhI skdy jF Cwzxf nhIN cfhuMdy. ies vrqoN ny sfnUM anykF ishq KorU alfmqF qohPLy vjoN idwqIaF hn. jy ivdysLF dIaF hor cIjLF asIN mfx nfl vrq rhy hF qF AunHF qy rojLfnf dI sYr df gux ikAuN nhIN lYNdy. afpxy srIr nUM qMdrusq rwKx leI rojLfnf qyjL qurnf, ksrq krnf qy sfeIkl clfAux dI afdq pf lYxI cfhIdI hY.

Friday, September 25th, 2015

The Patrika 


ipMz ZuWzIky vfsIaF vloN sMq bfbf Aujfgr isMG jI dI Xfd ivc aKMz pfT

ipMz ZuWzIky vfsIaF vloN sMq bfbf Aujfgr isMG jI dI Xfd ivc gurduafrf Kflsf dIvfn susfietI aYbtsPorz ivc afKMz pfT 25 sqMbr idn sLuWkrvfr nMU afrMB hoxgy aqy 27 sqMbr idn aYqvfr nMU Bog pYxgy. ipMz vfsIaF nMU Bog qy phuMcx leI sWdf idWqf jFdf hY. sMprk krn leI: nCWqr isMG igWl (pRDfn): 604-857-3419, gurmyl nfrMg (KjLfncI): 604-857-4720, iekbfl igWl: 604-751-0621, drsLn isMG igWl: 604-308-9544, blivMdr isMG srF: 778-858-4040, blvIr isMG igWl: 604-807-3459




The Patrika 

Friday, September 25th, 2015

Friday, September 25th, 2015

The Patrika 




The Patrika 

Friday, September 25th, 2015

Happy First Birthday! Guransh Sharma and Sukhman Sharma celebrated their first Birthday on October 1st

From Bhua and Fufadji And Cousins Kiranjot, Arpandeep and Arshdeep


The Patrika

Friday, September 25th, 2015



nyqf jI suBfsL bfry ijMny mUMh, EnIaF gwlF bIqy vIrvfr dy aKLbfrF ivwc ies KLbr ny bhuq ijLafdf iKwc pYdf kr idwqI sI ik kyNdr dI srkfr BfvyN suBfsL cMdr bos bfry iksy qrHF dI koeI PfeIl KolHx dy leI iqafr nhIN. pwCmI bMgfl dI mwuK mMqrI mmqf bYnrjI ny PfeIlF KolHx df aYlfn kr idwqf hY. sLuwkrvfr nUM gupq PfeIlF KolH idwqIaF geIaF. hr koeI ieh swc jfxnf cfhMudf sI ik nyqf jI suBfsL cMdr bos dy nfl afKrI vkq kI vfpiraf sI, Auh mfry gey sn jF ijLMdf bc gey sn, pr jdoN PfeIlF dy PIqy KuwlHy qF AunHF ivwcoN kuJ Kfs inkilaf hI nhIN. ies ny hor BulyKy pYdf kr idwqy hn. iewk gwl hux bVy jLor nfl cwukI geI hY ik nyqf jI suBfsL cMdr bos qF 1964 qwk ijLMdf rhy sn. ieh sfl pqf nhIN ikwdF afDfr mMinaf igaf hY? pihly pRDfn mMqrI pMizq jvfhr lfl nihrU dI mOq vI eysy sfl hI hoeI sI. kI nyqf jI suBfsL cMdr bos EdoN qwk ijLMdf rihxf cfhuMdy sn, jdoN qwk pMizq jvfhr lfl nihrU dI mOq nhIN ho jFdI? ieh ajIb sMjog jfpdf hY. PfeIlF qoN ieh gwl ijnHF lokF ny lwBI hY, AunHF ny ies bfry nfl koeI Tos sbUq nf dy

ky icwTIaF dy hvfly nfl afpxI KLbr bxf idwqI hY. ijMnIaF ku icwTIaF qy dsqfvyjL sfhmxy af rhy hn, AunHF nfl siQqI spwsLt nhIN ho rhI aqy hr iksy PfeIl ivclI icwTI dUsrI qoN vwKrI khfxI pysL krn vflI njLr afAuNdI hY. gwl iPr EQy KVI rhI hY ik aMqlf swc iksy nUM pqf hI nhIN. pihlIaF irportF ieh sn ik nyqf jI qfeIvfn ivwc iewk hvfeI hfdsy df isLkfr ho ky pRfx iqafg gey sn. iPr ieh gwl jLor PV geI ik Auh ijMLdf bc gey sn aqy ies df pMizq jvfhr lfl nihrU ny mhfqmf gFDI nUM pqf sI. pMizq jvfhr lfl nihrU nUM pqf hox bfry koeI iswDf sbUq nhIN imldf, pr mhfqmf gFDI bfry ieh ikhf jFdf hY ik kuJ lokF ny nyqf jI suBfsL df srfD kr dI iqafrI kIqI sI aqy gFDI jI ny kih ky rok idwqf sI ik jdoN qwk suBfsL cMdr bos dy ijLMdf jF murdf hox df BulyKf dUr nhIN ho jFdf, srfD nhIN kIqf jf skdf. ieh vI ik gFDI jI ny ikhf sI ik AunHF df afpxf iKafl hY ik nyqf jI suBfsL ajy ijLMdf hn aqy iewk idn sfhmxy af skdy hn. dUsry pfsy ieh gwl keI vfrI crcf ivc afeI hY ik ijhVy hvfeI awzy qoN

nyqf jI dy AuzfrI Brn mOky hvfeI hfdsf hox dI KLbr AuWTI sI aqy ijhVf idn dwisaf igaf sI, Aus idn EQy koeI hvfeI hfdsf hI nhIN hoieaf. iPr hfdsy dI KLbr ikvyN af geI? pwCmI bMgfl srkfr vwloN kwlH KolHIaF geIaF sfrIaF PfeIlF ivwc ies bfry koeI iswDI jfxkfrI nhIN qy mn-mrjLI dy totky hr koeI afpxI soc muqfbk joV ky bihs ivwc sLfml hoeI jFdf hY. BfrqI jnqf pfrtI vfilaF dI tyk ies snsnIKyjL crcf AuWqy hY ik

afjLfdI imlx dy vIh sfl bfad qwk vI pMizq jvfhr lfl nihrU dI srkfr vwloN nyqf jI suBfsL cMdr bos dI jfsUsI krvfeI jFdI rhI sI. ieh crcf vI byvkUPI BrI hY pihlI gwl ieh ik pMizq nihrU afjLfdI imlx qoN vIh sfl bfad qwk ijLMdf nhIN rhy, sqfrF sfl pUry krn qoN pihlF sMsfr qoN kUc kr gey sn. jy jfsUsI vIh sfl cwldI rhI sI qF iPr ies ivc lfl bhfdr sLfsqrI vrgy agly pRDfn mMqrI AuWqy vI ieho dosL lwgdf hY. dUsrI ieh ik aMdrUnI jfsUsI eyjMsIaF gRih mMqrI kol huMdIaF hn qy gRih mMqrI srdfr vwlB BfeI ptyl sn, ijs dI jfxkfrI ibnF ieh eyjMsIaF koeI jfsUsI nhIN sI kr skdIaF. do hI gwlF hn, jF qF ptyl Kud jfsUsI krvf rhy sn qy jF eyny kmjLor gRih mMqrI sn ik loh-pursL aYNvy aKvfeI gey, jfsUsI eyjMsIaF vI AunHF nUM itwc jfxdIaF sn. srdfr ptyl bfry eydF dI gwl Bfjpf kdy nhIN khygI. hux ieh Kbr af geI hY ik nyqf jI suBfs cMdr bos ny cIn dy ienklfb leI mfE jLy quMg df sfQ idwqf sI. kwlH qwk ikhf jFdf sI ik nyqf jI

suBfsL cMdr bos kimAUinst ivroDI sn, ies leI rUs vfilaF ny AunHF nUM mrvf idwqf sI, hux nyqf jI nUM kimAUinst ienklfb df XoDf bxfAuxf df Xqn kIqf jf irhf hY. ieh sB zrfmybfjLI hY. qwQF dy afDfr AuWqy gwl krnI hovy qF Bfrq srkfr dy kol ijhVIaF PfeIlF hn, Auh iewk vfr KolH ky lokF sfhmxy swc pysL kr dyxf cfhIdf hY. atl ibhfrI vfjpfeI kihMdy sn ik sfzf rfj jdoN kdy afieaf qF asIN suBfs cMdr bos bfry swc sB dy sfhmxy rwK idaFgy, pr kuJ kIqy ibnF rfj Bog ky syvf mukq ho gey sn. iPr nirMdr modI dy afAux vyly Bfjpf afgU ieh afKdy rhy sn ik asIN afx ky sfrIaF PfeILlF KolH dyvFgy. hux Auh kihMdy hn ik KolH nhIN skdy. asl kQf qF AunHF PfeIlF ivwcoN imlxI hY, ijnHF ivwcoN kuJ gRih mMqrfly kol, kuJ ivdysL mMqrfly kol qy kuJ pRDfn mMqrI dPLqr ivwc peIaF hn. jdoN qwk EQoN vfly qwQ nhIN bfhr nhIN af jFdy, swcfeI lokF qwk nhIN pwuj skdI. Enf icr qF ijMny mUMh hn, EnIaF gwlF huMdIaF rihxgIaF.



The Patrika 

Friday, September 25th, 2015

CANADIANS TO PAY LESS FOR PRESCRIPTION DRUGS WITH TOM MULCAIR Universal prescription drug plan will lower prices and provide better coverage NDP Leader Tom Mulcair announced today his plan to work with provinces to make prescription drugs more affordable, by supporting universal prescription drug coverage and controlling drug costs through bulk purchasing.

“Canadians are paying too much for prescription drugs because Stephen Harper’s plan isn’t working ,” said Mulcair. “Our health care priorities will lower the price Canadians have to pay for their prescriptions and help all Canadians cover those costs with better coverage.” Under Stephen Harper, Canadians are now paying $6 billion a year on prescription drugs – 62 per cent more than in 2006. Ten percent of Canadians can-


not afford to take the drugs prescribed by their doctors. Working with the provinces, an NDP government will invest $2.6 billion over four years, with the goal of providing universal access to prescription drug coverage. The NDP will also target a 30 per cent average reduction in the cost of prescription drugs to provinces and individuals through bulk purchasing programs and collaboration with provinces. This will generate as much as $3 billion in savings for provinces through their own drug coverage programs. “Canadian families should never have to choose between food and medicine,” said Mulcair. “That’s why my goal will be to see all Canadians have prescription drug coverage once and for all.”

The Patrika

Friday, September 25th, 2015



Abbotsford Wins Open for Business Award


he City of Abbotsford received an Open for Business Award from the BC Small Business Roundtable last night, announced Mayor Henry Braun today.

Accord,” said Mayor Braun. “Winners were evaluated based on how the communities enhance small-business competitiveness, recognize the contributions of small businesses to the community, and promote the principles of the BC Small Business Accord – and I for one am thrilled to see Abbotsford recognized for our accomplishments in this regard.”

The Open for Business award winners, including the City of Abbotsford, were announced late yesterday afternoon at the Union of British Columbia Municipalities annual conference As an award winner, in Vancouver. the City will receive $10,000 to support the “The Open for Busigrowth and success of ness Awards recoglocal small businesses. nize communities that best demonstrate they “The winnings will be are operating within reinvested to support the spirit of the prov- programs that enhance ince’s Small Business our local business com-

munity,” said Braun. “Receiving this Open for Business Award is a clear signal that we are already making progress towards our goal of generating a vibrant economy in Abbotsford.” More information about the City’s commitment to local business and economic development can be found online at: The BC Small Business Roundtable was established in 2005 to be the voice of small business to the provincial government. Details about that program be found online at: http://gov.



The Patrika 

Friday, September 25th, 2015

pMjwbI swihq sBw AYbts&orf (rij.) dI mwisk mIitMg 27 sqMbr nMU pMjwbI swihq sBw AYbts&orf (rij.) vloN sBw dI 27 sqMbr dI mwisk mIitMg ivc swihqkwr pRo. hrBjn isMG, rwijMdr isMG pMDyr, Aqy mihMdrpwl DwlIvwl dw snmwn kIqw jw irhw hY[ mIitMg 27 sqMbr 2015 nUM gurduAwrw Kwlsw dIvwn suswietI dy lwiebRyrI hwl ivc idn dy 12:30 vjy SurU hovgI[ swirAW nUM smyN isr Awaux dw s`dw id`qw jWdw hY[ies mOky qy kvI drbwr hovygw ijQy Swier AwpxIAW rcnwvW pVHngy[ kvI-drbwr ivc Swml hox leI qusIN sk`qr pvn ig`lWvwlw 604-615-9877, jW KzwncI gurdyv isMG bu`tr nUM 604-855-6737 qy &on kr ky Awpxw nwm drj krvw skdy ho[Pryzr vYlI ivc ho rhy ies swihqk pRogrwm ivc lyKkW qy pwTkW nUM Swml hox dw s`dw id`qw jWdw hY[ ies mOky qy cwh-pwxI dy pRbMD dy nwl nwl pusqk pRdrSnI vI lweI jwvygI[hor jwxkwrI leI sBw dy koAwrfInytr bldyv suKI nUM 604744-9297 qy Pon kr skdy ho[

jI[aYc[jI[ Kflsf kflj gurUsr suDfr df sflfnf 17vF smfgm 16 akqUbr nUM srI ivKy srI:(mfstr mnjIq isMG idAul) jI[aYc[jI[ Kflsf kflj gurUsr suDfr dy sfbkf ividafrQIaF df ipCly virHaF dI qrHF aYqkI 17vF sflfnf smfgm bI[sI[ dy srI sLihr ivc grYNz qfjL bukfiet hfl ivwc 16 akqUbr idn sLuwkrvfr nUM sLfm dy 6[30 vjy ho irhf hY. iewQy iewk gwl vrnxXog hY ik aYqkI pRogrfm dOrfn sLrfb dI sKLq mnfhI hY. ies pRogrfm ivwc Dfrimk gIq, igwDf, BMgVf, sikwtF afid rMgfrMg pRogrfm pysL kIqy jfxgy. ies pRogrfm dIaF itktF vfjb hn. itktF aqy pRogrfm dI jfxkfrI leI hyT idwqy PonF AuWqy sMprk kIqf jf skdf hY. kulqfr isMG iswDU 778-840-8040 ipafrf isMG nwq 604-825-0365 KusLkrn syKoN 604-612-3770 avqfr isMG gryvfl(qfrI) 604-512-1191 aqy blvIr isMG iswDU aYbtsPorz 604-897-3147 jF 778-908-1350 AuWqy sMprk kr skdy ho.


The Patrika

Friday, September 25th, 2015



afjLfdI dy ieiqhfs nUM bdlx dI koisLsL kr rhI hY bI[jy[pI[

kuldIp neIar

ieh smJ afAux vflI gwl hI hY ik nvIN idwlI ivwc qIn mUrqI ivKy bxy jvfhr lfl nihrU imAUjLIam nUM ‘afDuink’ bxfAux dy BfrqI jnqf pfrtI dy PYsly nfl lokF ivwc zr dI Bfvnf pfeI jf rhI hY. Bfjpf dy bulfry ny sPfeI idwqI hY ik mOjUdf imAUjLIam (ajfieb Gr) kOmI aMdoln df isrP nihrU vflf pwK sfhmxy ilafAuNdf hY, Aus dI pUrI khfxI nhIN. ivaMg vflI gwl hY ik Aukq qbdIlI dI mMg AunF lokF dI hY, ijnHF ny kOmI aMdoln ivc Borf vI Xogdfn nhIN pfieaf. AunHF dI jy koeI BUimkf sI vI qF iehI ik AunHF ny brqfnvI hfkmF dI mdd kIqI.

vfjpfeI swqf ‘c sn. pr AunHF ny ieiqhfs dI dubfrf ivafiKaf krn dy hr Xqn df mjLbUqI nfl ivroD kIqf sI. Auh afjfdI hfsl krn ivc nihrU dy Xogdfn nUM mMndy sn aqy AunHF ny ies df pUrf ishrf nihrU nUM idwqf sI. pRDfn mMqrI modI vwKrI iksm dy ivakqI hn. Auh KuwlH ky Aus rfsLtrI soiem syvk sMG qoN mfrg drsLn lYNdy hn, jo kO m I sM G rsL dI aflocnf krdf hY, ikAuNik Aus ny ies ivc ihwsf nhIN sI ilaf.

modI dy sLfsn ivwc imAUjLIam nUM nvF rUp dyx df mqlb hY vylf ivhfa cuwky ivcfrF nUM ieiqhfs Bfjpf dI mfniskqf sMsQf ivwc muV vfVnf. nihrU ny dy BgvyNkrn dI hY. pfrtI afjLfdI qoN bfad dysL nUM ny iesy qrHF dy Xqn AudoN GVn df kMm kIqf aqy ies kIqy sn, jdoN atl ibhfrI nUM iewk ivigafnk suBfa

idwqf. nihrU df sB qoN vwzf Xogdfn Drm-inrpwKqf dI soc hY. vMz qoN bfad jdoN pfiksqfn ny ieslfimk rfj bxfAux df PLYslf ilaf qF nihrU ny dysL nUM DrminrpwK bxfieaf. sLfied Bfjpf ies cIjL nUM psMd nhIN krdI aqy imAUjLIam df cirwqr bdlxf cfhuMdI hY. Bfjpf afpxf iewk vwKrf imAUjLIam ikAuN nhIN (bfkI pMnf 21 ’qy)



The Patrika 

Friday, September 25th, 2015

Local Fire Fighters Union Endorses Liberal Candidate Harjit Sajjan in Vancouver South


ire Fighters Cite Sajjan’s Commitment to Public Safety Issues and the Safety of First Responders as Key to Their Support of His Candidacy Vancouver BC, September 22, 2015 - Local Vancouver fire fighters are backing Harjit Sajjan as their choice to represent the riding of Vancouver South in the next Canadian Parliament. “Vancouver Fire Fighters’ Local 18 is proud to endorse Harjit Sajjan for election as the MP for Vancouver South,” states Local 18 president, Rob Weeks. “Harjit’s understanding of community service and the sacrifice first responders make


and look forward to the opportunity to be a vocal advocate for public safety as a Member of Parliament,” responds Sajjan. “First responders do difficult but crucial work in our community and I am committed to supporting them in that important Weeks commends Sajwork.” jan’s track record as a clear voice for first As a show of support, responders’ issues. Sa- several members of jjan has already called Vancouver Fire Fightfor the restoration of ers’ Local 18 joined funding for Vancou- Sajjan at a recent Libver ’s Heavy Urban eral rally where he Search and Rescue hosted Liberal Party Team, cut under the leader, Justin Trudeau. Harper Conservatives. He as also advocated S a y s R o b We e k s , for improved treat- “Harjit has proven ment for sufferers of he’s a man of action Post-Traumatic Stress and will be a valuable Disorder. representative for the “I am honoured to re- citizens of Vancouver ceive this endorsement South.

in their work lives, comes from experience. As a Vancouver Police officer and a Canadian soldier, Harjit has served our community and country, and is now seeking to continue that service to community as a Member of Parliament.”

The Patrika

Friday, September 25th, 2015





rime Minister Stephen Harper today outlined a re-elected Conservative government’s plan to keep communities safe and crack down on criminals, including new funding for Child Advocacy Centres, research into the impact of crime on victims, and tougher penalties for serious crimes including murder and drunk driving.

“Our government has a proven record of doing what is right to support victims, make communities safe and get criminals off our streets,” the Prime Minister said. “But we can – and we will – do much more to protect Canadian families and children.”

Key next steps of the Conservative plan to support victims and crack down on serious criminals include: a.. Doubling funding for Child Advocacy Centres and Child and Youth Advocacy Centres which coordinate the investigation, prosecution and treatment of crimes against children. b.. Helping existing Centres provide satellite services to communities outside urban centres. c.. Funding research on the “invisible” economic and social damage inflicted on victims of crime. d.. Passing on a priority basis the “Life Means Life”

Act which will ensure Cana- Act within one hundred days da’s most heinous offenders of a new Parliament. receive a life sentence withAt an event with child vicout any chance of parole. tim’s advocate Sheldon Kene.. Passing the Dangerous nedy, the Prime Minister notand Impaired Driving Act ed that his government had which increases penalties already introduced a numfor repeat offenders, simpli- ber of measures to protect fies the burden of proof for children including tougher establishing blood alcohol penalties for sex offenders, concentration, and speeds strengthening the Sex Ofup impaired driving related fender Registry, increasing court cases. the age of consent and es“As part of our plan going tablishing Child Advocacy forward, we will make our Centres. Life Means Life Act the government’s top justice pri- The Prime Minister noted ority in the fall parliamentary that many of the governsession,” the Prime Minister ment’s more than 60 antisaid, adding that his govern- crime bills had been opposed ment will also pass the Dan- by Justin Trudeau’s Liberals gerous and Impaired Driving and Thomas Mulcair’s NDP,

including the Life Means Life Act. “Justin’s criminal justice priority is to change the law to allow the sale of marijuana in corner stores, making it more accessible to our children,” said the Prime Minister. “ The soft-on-crime NDP have a dangerous ideology-driven criminal justice policy that would make our communities less safe by putting the so-called “rights” of criminals ahead of the rights of victims. “Only a re-elected Conservative government will make it a priority to fight crime, protect our children and make our communities safe.”


The Patrika



Friday, September 25th, 2015

kI pMjfbI afp pfrtI df hfeIkmfn klcr pRvfn krngy? pMjfb dy sMgrUr hlky qoN sMsd mYNbr BgvMq mfn aqy pitaflf qo N zf:DrmvIr gFDI drimafn lgpg Cy mhIny pihlF hoeI tYlIPon vfrqf dI afzIE typ sosL l mIzIaf rfhIN jnqk hox ny nvIN crcf CyV idwqI hY. BgvMq mfn ies smyN afm afdmI pfrtI dy knvInr arivMd kyjrIvfl dy BrosyXog sUbydfr dI qrHF kMm kr rhy hn. zf:DrmvIr gFDI aqy hirMdr isMG Kflsf ny afp dI pMjfb iekfeI nUM kyjrIvfl dy jUly hyToN inklx df hokf dyxf sLurU kr rwiKaf hY. aijhI siQqI ivwc BgvMq mfn dI afzIE typ jfrI hoxI keI sLMky pYdf kr rhI hY. ies afzIE ny ies dlIl nUM


vjLn idwqf hY ik ‘afp’ dI pMjfb iekfeI dy afgU ‘hfeIkmfn swiBafcfr’ nUM mnjLUr krn leI iqafr nhIN pr Auh sQfnk igxqIaFimxqIaF kfrn dfapyck qOr ‘qy afpxIaF BfvnfvF nUM kMtrol krky swqf dy kyNdrIkrkn vfly vrqfry nUM sihx krdy af rhy hn. ies typ rfhI zf: gFDI aqy sRI Kflsf nUM afpxI gwl ivwc vjLn sfbq krn df mOkf iml igaf hY.

aqy kFgrs dI pftoDfV kfrn lok AunHF dI pfrtI df svfgq kr rhy hn pr sUby aMdr kyNdrIikRq isafsq df bolbflf ijLafdf dyr qk sMBv nhIN hY. pMjfb dy lokF dIaF ivsLysL loVF, hkIkqF aqy ieiqhfsk rvfieqF dIaF afpxIaF KfsIaqF hn. sLfied iehI kfrn irhf ik pMjfbIaF ny afm afdmI pfrtI nUM Aus smyN gly lfieaf jdoN dysL dy bfkI ihwisaf ivc ies dy AumIdvfrF dIaf jLmfnqF jLbq AuNj, ies typ qoN afm afdmI pfrtI dI kyNdrI hoeIaF sn. pMjfb dy ies hulfry ny idwlI ivDfn tIm, Kfs qOr ‘qy arivMd kyjrIvfl nUM ieh sBf dI cox ivwc hoeI ‘afp’ dI ijwq ivwc vI smJx ivc musLikl nhIN hoxI cfhIdI ik pMjfb mhwqvpUrn BUimkf inBfeI. aMdr BfvyN akflI-Bfjpf gwTjoV qoN akyvyN afm afdmI pfrtI ny jn lokpfl dy muwdy qy ivvsQf pirvrqn dy nfary rfhIN dysL dy isafsI mMc ‘qy dsqk idwqI sI. hfeIkmfn klcr dy KLfqmy rfhIN lokF ivwcoN numfieMdy cuxn, lfl bwqI, vwzI gwzI, vwzy bMgilaF vflI isafsq df mukfblf afm afdmI qoN krvfAux df ieKLlfkI afDfr hI afm afdmI pfrtI pRqI lokF dI iKwc df buinafdI kfrn bixaf. lok sBf coxF ivwc vwzI hfr aqy idwlI ivDfn sBf coxF ivwc ivsLfl ijwq qoN bfad pfrtI ivwc ijs qrHF dy qfnfsLfhI ruJfn ivkisq hoey Aus ny ivcfrDfrk qOr ‘qy socx vfly lokF nUM inrfsL kIqf. isafsq ivwc pfrdrsLqf, jvfbdyhI aqy Brosy vflf swiBafcfr pYdf krn vflI pfrtI ny sitMg aprysLnF df aijhf dOr clfieaf ik koeI iksy ‘qy Brosf krn df joiKm

AuTfAux leI iqafr nhIN hY. ies byivsLvfsI Biraf, sfijsLI aqy smF afAux ‘qy blYkmyl krn df ieh smfijk vrqfrf iBRsLt, aprfDI aqy pirvfrvfd dI idsLf ivc jf rhI BfrqI isafsq nUM hor vI igrfvt vwl lY jfx df afDfr bxygf. isafsq ivwcoN iBRsLtfcfr KLqm krn dy hoky aqy vwzIaF qfkqF nUM twkr dyx dI jurwaq dy nfl afpxy aMdrUnI ivroDIaF nUM jLlIl krn leI sLitMg aprysLnF dy iesqymfl df dfgL vI rfjnIqI sLfsLqr dy ividafrQIaF dy aiDaYn leI idlcsp rhygf. ijs pRbMD nUM ‘afp’ AultfAuxf cfhuMdI hY, AuWQy vI ibnF Auicq mnjLUrI qoN iksy qoN Pon typ krnf kfnUMnI jurm mMinaf jFdf hY. ieh kyvl surwiKaf eyjMsIaF df kiraf Diraf nhIN hY blik ies dy bIj ‘ipafr aqy jMg ivwc sB jfiejL’ dy purfxy ieKLlfk ivhuxI soc ivwc mOjUd hn. pMjfb dI DrqI ‘qy gurU goibMd isMG vwloN iliKaf jPLrnfmf DoKy, byBrosgI aqy byeImfnIaF dIaF ijwqF nfloN ieKlfkI ijwq df JMzf bulMd krdf hY. ‘afp’ dy vrqfry ivwcoN pMjfb dy lokF ny sLfied hI aijhI isafsq dI klpnf kIqI sI. afm afdmI pfrtI jy pfrdrsLI, jvfbdyhI vflf aqy lokF dy sLkqIkrn dI afpxI mUl isafsq rfhIN awgy vDy qF ieh ieiqhfsk BUimkf adf kr skygI. aijhf krn leI sitMg swiBafcfr qoN KihVf CuzfAuxf jLrUrI hY.

Friday, September 25th, 2015

(pMnf 17 dI bfkI)

bxf lYNdI, ijwQy Auh afpxI mrjLI muqfibk ieiqhfs nUM rwK sky. mY N ku J idn pihlF pu x y igaf sF aqy ieh vyK ky inrfsL hoieaf ik Aus afgf Kfn pYlys nUM iewk vfqfvrn pfrk ivwc bdl idwqf igaf hY, ijwQy brqfnvI hfkmF ny mhfqmf gFDI, jvfhr lfl nihrU, srdfr ptyl aqy mOlfnf abul klfm afjLfd vrgIaf afjLfdI aMdoln dIaF pRyrk hsqIaF nUM kYd rwiKaf sI. mYnUM pfrkF qoN koeI isLkfieq nhIN hY pr kOm dy KUn nfl pivwqr bxfey gey sQfnF nUM AunHF dy mUl rUp ivwc hI kfiem rw i Kaf jfxf cfhIdf hY qF ik nvIN pIVHI AunHF nUM hkIkI rUp ivc vyK sky. sjfvt ikMnI vI iemfndfrI nfl hoeI hovy, ieh aslI Bfvnf nUM buJf idMdI hY. ies dy Ault, aMimRqsr ivc jilHaFvfly bfg nUM Ausy rUp ivwc sruwiKaq rwiKaf igaf hY, ijvyN ik Auh pihlF sI.

AuQy sLhfdq df mfhOl mOjUd hY aqy KUh ajy vI kyNdrI aihmIaq vflf sQfn bixaf hoieaf hY. Aus nUM vyK ky koeI vI ieh klpnf kr skdf hY ik brqfnvI PLOj vwloN lgfqfr kIqI jf rhI PfieirMg qoN bcx leI lok ikvyN KUh ivc CflF mfr gey hoxgy. jilHaFvfly bfg ivwc mujLfhrfkfrI brqfnvI hkUmq df ivroD krn leI iekwTy hoey sn. AunHF df sMGrsL afjLfdI leI sI. duwK dI gwl hY ik sYNkVy lokF dy kql qoN bfad vI iewk brqfnvI PLOjI ny ieh itwpxI kIqI sI ik Aus kol hor golIaF hoxIaF cfhIdIaF sn. XkInI qOr ‘qy jilHaFvfly bfg vrgIaF QfvF aslI mMidr hn. ieh sfnUM kOmI sMGrsL dy drd, Aus dI afvfjL nfl joVdy hn aqy ies lVfeI ‘c afpxf sB kuJ inCfvfr krn vfilaF dI Xfd idvfAuNdy hn. ieh sQfn AunHF pivwqr gRMQF qoN Gwt aihm nhIN hn, ijnHF dI asIN pU j f krdy hF.

The Patrika



bdiksmqI nfl mMidrF, msijdF, gurduafiraF aqy crcF dI igxqI vDdI jf rhI hY aqy AunHF dI sjfvt vI qVk-BVk vflI huMdI jf rhI hY. Drm dI pflxf krn vfilaF nUM ieh gLlq ivsLvfs ho igaf hY ik sMgmrmr jF sonf, pUjf krn vfilaF leI jgHf nUM hor vI ipafrI bxf idMdf hY. bdiksmqI nfl ijnHF iemfrqF ny afjL f dI dI lVfeI ivc koeI BUimkf nhIN inBfeI, AunHF nUM aihmIaq vflf sQfn imilaf hoieaf hY. ies qoN vI vDyry burI gwl hY, bhulvfdI swiBafcfr dI QF sMkIrx soc sQfpq krn df Xqn. ieh qF koeI soc vI nhIN skdf ik iksy pfrtI jF ivakqI vwloN mhfqmf gFDI df kql krn vfly nwQU rfm gozsy dI Xfdgfr bxfAux dI mMg vI kIqI jf skdI hY. ihMdUqv dI BFvnf PYlfAux vflI BfrqI jnqf pfrtI nUM Aus Bfvnf nUM smJxf cfhIdf hY, ijs ny muslmfnF nUM

gLlq idsLf ‘qy qoiraf sI. jy ieh mMn vI ilaf jFdf hY ik mus lmfn jfxbwuJ ky pfiksqfn dI mMg dI hmfieq ivwc jut gey sn qF 70 vrH y pihlF ho e y vfpry leI awj dy BfrqI mu s lmfn ikvy N ijL M m y v fr hn? jdo N asIN Au n H F lo k F nU M koeI dosL nhIN dy rhy, ijnH F ny brqfnvIaF dI hmfieq kIqI sI, qF asIN Au n H F mu s lmfnF nU M ikAu N PVIey, ijnHF dy puriKaF ny pfiksqfn bxfAux ivwc mdd kIqI sI? iek afm ihMdU ny Bfrq dy btvfry leI muslmfnF nUM muafP nhIN kIqf. pfiksqfn nfl qxfa dy smyN keI ihMdU muslmfnF ‘qy sLwk krdy hn. AuNj vI ihMdU muslmfnF qoN dUrI bxfeI rwKdy hn. dovF BfeIcfiraF ivckfr smfijk sMprk qkrIbn nFh dy brfbr hY . do v y N afpo - afpxI du n IaF ‘c rihMdy hn. sfzI pIVHI smyN gwl vwKrI sI. asIN iewkdUjy dy Gr jFdy sF aqy

ibnF ieh soicaf ik asIN koeI gLYr-sfDfrn kMm kr rhy hF, iekwTy Kfxf KFdy sF.

hF, sgoN iewk Drm-inrpwK lokqMqrI gxrfj hF, ijvyN ik sfzy sMivDfn dI pRsqfvnf kihMdI hY.

hux cIjLF bdl geIaF hn. iewk musilm pRoPYsr ny mYnUM dwisaf ik iewk idn kuJ ihMdU lVkIaF klfs ivwc KVHIaF ho geIaF aqy kihx lwgIaF ik qusIN ihMdusqfn ivc ikAuN ho, jdo ik quhfnUM pfiksqfn cly jfxf cfhIdf sI. pUrI klfs ivwcoN iksy ny vI Au n H F lVkIaF df ivroD nhIN kIqf. mYN iswiKaf pRxflI nUM dosL nhIN idaFgf pr aiDafpkF nUM jrUr dosL idaFgf, ijnHF ny aijhf mfhOl bxfieaf, ijs ivwc lVkIaF ies qrHF df svfl kr skIaF.

jfpdf hY ik Bfjpf ieh nhIN smJdI ik ies dy aihm ahudydfrF ivwc koeI mu s ilm hsqI nhIN . mY N AumId krdf hF ik ibhqrI leI cIjLF bdlxgIaF. pr ieh ikvyN hovygf, jdoN Bfjpf iewk ihMdU rfsLtr bxfAuxf cfhuMdI hY aqy musilm BfeIcfry nUM dUrI ‘qy rwKxf cfhuMdI hY. bdiksmqI vflI gwl hY ik pfrtI sfzy dysL dy lokfcfr nUM hI bdlx dI koisLsL kr rhI hY. afjLfdI dI lVfeI dOrfn sfnUM ies gwl dI jfxkfrI sI ik ijs pfiksqfn nUM bxfAux dI mMg kIqI jf rhI hY, Auh ieslfimk rfj hovygf. iPr vI asIN aYlfn kIqf ik brqfnvIaF dy jfx qoN bfad Bfrq iewk Drm-inrpwK rfj hovygf aqy asIN afpxy vfady ‘qy kfiem rhy.

swc hY ik vMz Drm dy afDfr ‘qy hoeI aqy ies ny Bfrq dI Drm-inrwpKqf dI soc ‘qy burf asr pfieaf qy Bfrq dy kMmkfj ivc mu slmfnF dI aihmIaq Gtf idwqI. pr ieh Bfvnf sMivDfn dI Bfvnf dy Ault hY. asIN ihMdU rfsLtr nhIN


The Patrika



Friday, September 25th, 2015

B.C. helps to right historical wrongs with new curriculum addition

Minister of International Trade and Minister Responsible for Asia Pacific Strategy and Multiculturalism LEARNING from the past to prevent future discrimination was on the lesson plan when I joined the back-to-school crowd earlier this month to introduce a new curriculum supplement for grades 5 and 10


students: Bamboo Shoots: Chinese historical wrongs by past governments. At provincewide consultaCanadian Legacies in BC. tions, we asked British Columbians As the most ethnically diverse what the apology should look like province in Canada, British Columand the overwhelming consensus bia is known for its multiculturalat every forum was the need to ism and respect for people of differintegrate this forgotten chapter of ent cultures and backgrounds – in B.C.’s Chinese Canadian history fact, that is partly why my family into our educational curriculum. emigrated here over 25 years ago. Starting this year, a dark chapter of But it wasn’t always this way. B.C.’s history is explored in new Early Chinese pioneers came to online lesson plans and teaching British Columbia because they tools titled Bamboo Shoots. The heard that B.C. welcomed diver- classroom materials reflect B.C.’s sity. But when more than 15,000 rich multicultural heritage and Chinese arrived during the early the immense social, cultural and 1880s, they were denied the rights economic contributions Chinese and privileges of other immigrants, Canadians made to the developincluding citizenship. ment of British Columbia. This was a shameful chapter for B.C. and that’s why, in 2014, a formal apology on behalf of all members of the B.C. legislature was made to Chinese Canadians for

I am especially proud of the vivid tapestry of stories that are woven within the curriculum’s lesson plans. Photos, archival poems and even a printable card game bring

the history of B.C. to life, challenging students to consider the deep roots of discrimination and the long-term effects it has on all British Columbians. With the help of B.C. teachers, Open School BC, the Royal British Columbia Museum and the Legacy Initiatives Advisory Council, my ministry is proud of the collaboration and historical knowledge that went into Bamboo Shoots. The supplement is also accessible to the general public, ensuring global audiences can also learn from this chapter of B.C.’s history. We can’t undo the past but we can move forward and leave a legacy for future generations to learn from. Bamboo Shoots will help today’s generation ensure that the wrongful acts of the past are not repeated in B.C.’s future.

The Patrika

Friday, September 25th, 2015



WSOC: Dhaliwal named Canada West second star of the week Gurneet Dhaliwal of the University of the Fraser Valley women’s soccer team has been named the Canada West female second star of the week.

Golf: Olson, Dirksen named PacWest golf athletes of the week

The Canada West female first star of the week was Natasha Loucks (Calgary Dinos rugby), and the third star was Amanda Kurianowicz (Victoria Vikes field hockey).

Dirksen, also a second-year Cascade, dominated the women’s division. The Mission product’s total score of 163 (82-81) was good for a sevenstroke margin over her closest pursuer, teammate Jennifer Kell.

Cascades golfers Zach Olson and Hannah Dirksen both earned PacDhaliwal, a rookie forward/midfield- West golf athlete of the week honer, scored two huge second-half goals ours after combining to sweep the on Saturday vs. the UBC Okanagan individual titles at the KPU InvitaHeat to secure a victory and a six- tional on the weekend. point weekend for the Cascades. It was the first career PacWest individual victory for both. Sophomore The score was tied 1-1 at halftime, Olson, a Strathmore, Alta. product, but Dhaliwal went to work after the was the only golfer in the men’s break, striking twice in three minfield to close the tourney under par, utes to boost UFV to a 3-1 win. The carding rounds of 72 and 71 to finSurrey, B.C. native was dangerous ish at one-under. That was good for all game long, tying for team-high a three-stroke victory over Steven honours with three shots on target. Hayes of the Douglas Royals.

The CIS No. 6-ranked Cascades, who also posted a 1-0 win over Thompson Rivers on Friday, are unbeaten in Canada West regular season action at 3-0-1 and sit second in the West Division.

This weekend, the UFV golf teams head to Victoria for the third of four PacWest conference tourneys, hosted by Camosun at Bear Mountain. The Cascades host the final PacWest event the following weekend (Oct. UFV will look to stay on a roll as 3-4), and the CCAA PING Golf they play their first road games this National Championships just over a week – Friday at the Alberta Pandas, week later (Oct. 13-16). Both events and Sunday at the UNBC Timber- will be held at the Cascades’ home course, Chilliwack Golf Club. wolves.

5TH ANNUAL LEGO CREATIVE CHALLENGE couver Canucks, and LEGO Certified Professional, Robin Sather. All September 22, 2015 – The 5th An- proceeds from the LEGO Creative nual LEGO Creative Challenge for Challenge will support Canuck Place Canuck Place Children’s Hospice Children’s Hospice. kicks off Saturday, September 26 For more information about this at Sevenoaks Shopping Centre in event, visit Abbotsford. The event will see busi- events. nesses from around the Fraser Valley Saturday, September showcase their creativity and phil- DATE: anthropic spirit by building LEGO 26, 2015 sculptures and donating to Canuck TIME: 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM Place. LOCATION: Sevenoaks Shopping Corporate LEGO creations will be Centre judged by Sevenoaks shoppers and celebrity judges including Mayor 32900 South Fraser Way Henry Braun, FIN from the Van- GAP COURT SUPPORTING CANUCK PLACE SET FOR SEPTEMBER 26 & 27



The Patrika

Friday, September 25th, 2015


amrIkf-ierfn pRmfxU smJOqf qy Bfrq df nPLf-nuksfn

gOqm cODrI

sMXukq rfj amrIkf dy ivdysL mMqrI jOhn kYrI ny iejLrfeIl nUM DmkfAuNdy hoey ikhf, jykr iejLrfeIl ny amrIkf eIrfn pRmfxU smJOqy df ivroD kIqf qF Auh dunIaF ‘c iekwlf pY jfvygf. ies ibafn ny sfbq kr idwqf ik amrIkf ierfn dy nfl dosqI leI byhwd kfhlf hY. sfPL hY ies dosqI dy awgy amrIkf XhUdIaF dI vI pRvfh nhIN kr irhf, ijhVy amrIkf aMdr qkVI DFk jmfeI bYTy hn. ieh eysLIaf ivwc nvIN kUtnIqIk smIkrn df sMkyq hY. dUjy pfsy sMXukq rfj amrIkf dI ierfn dy nfl Gt rhI dUrI BfrqI kUtnIqI nUM byhwd KusL krn vflI hY. pr ies dy durpRBfvF ‘qy Bfrq nUM gMBIrqf nfl ivcfr krnf cfhIdf hY. dwisaf igaf ik amrIkf dy nfl eIrfn dI dosqI kfrn Bfrq nUM vwzf Pfiedf hox vflf hY. lwgdf hY ik ies gwl ivwc dm hY, pr lMmy pRBfvF dI jykr pVcol krIey qF amrIkf clfkI vrq irhf hY. ierfn dy pRqI amrIkf dI nrmI nfl ieh sfbq ho irhf hY ik eysLIaf ivwc iewk nvF kUtnIqIk smIkrn bx irhf hY. ieh kyvl afriQk hI nhIN hovygf, sgoN ies dy smfijk pRBfv vI sLwkI hn. amrIkf dyK irhf hY ik Aus dy vpfrk ihwqF vfly dysLF ivwc bVI qyjLI nfl rUs aqy cIn dfKl ho irhf hY. kwul imlf ky dyKIey qF nfto hux pRBfvhIx huMdf jf irhf hY. nfto dI aihmIaq sLIq XwuD dy smyN sI. hux nfto amrIkf dy leI boJ bxdf jf irhf hY.


Xfd rhy amrIkf iewk vpfrI dysL hY. ijLafdf idn qwk afriQk boJ sihx nhIN kr skdf. AuDr Bfrq, cIn aqy rUs afpxy afriQk ihwqF leI iekjuwt ho rhy hn. afpxy pRBfv dI vrqoN krky ienHF dysLF ny amrIkf dI cODr vflI afriQk ivvsQf nUM cuxOqI dyx dy leI nvyN bYNk dy gTn dI Xojnf ‘qy bVI qyjLI nfl kMm kIqf hY. afAux vfly smyN ivwc sMBv hY iejLrfeIl aqy jfpfn df vI ienHF dysLF nUM sihXog imlx lwgygf. dUjI gwl muslmfn jgq ivwc lgfqfr amrIkf aqy sfAUdI arb dy pRqI ivsLvfs Gitaf hY. muslmfn ivsLv ivwc amrIkI ihwqF ‘qy ho rhy hmly ies gwl df sMkyq hn. aijhf lwgdf hY ik sfry nPLy nuksfn nUM iDafn ivwc rwK ky amrIkf ny afpxI kUtnIqI ivwc eIrfn nUM sLfml kIqf. pihlF vI Bfrq ijLafdf pYtrolIam pdfrQ ierfn qoN KrIidaF krdf sI. pRmfxU lPVy ny Bfrq dy ierfn sbMDF ivwc aiVwkf pfieaf. amrIkf dy nfl ierfn dy pRmfxU smJOqy nfl dunIaF dy dysLF ivwc suqMqrqf nfl ierfn qyl vycx leI afjLfd ho jfvygf. ies nfl qyl dI kImq ‘c kmI afvygI aqy Gwto-Gwt Bfrq dy leI kwcy pYtrolIam dI AuplwbDqf ivwc shUlq hovygI. ies sB dy bfvjUd Bfrq nUM cfxikaf nIqI nUM smJxf cfhIdf hY ik jo Pfiedf Bfrq nUM ids irhf hY, Auh BivwK ivwc Gtdf jfvygf. ikAuNik amrIkf ierfn nUM

nvyN dosq dy rUp ivwc KVHf krn dI rxnIqI bxf irhf hY. jykr ieiqhfs nUM ProlIey qF ierfn sLfh dy jmfny ivwc amrIkf df nyVlf imwqr hoieaf krdf sI. AuQy qknIk nUM KVHf krn ivwc amrIkf dI bVI BUimkf rhI. awj vI ierfn dI qknIk ‘qy amrIkf df ijLafdf pRBfv hY. ies leI ierfn nUM amrIkf dI qknIkI horF qoN ijLafdf iPwt bYTdI hY. nirMdr modI ijs inrmfx AudXog ivwc Bfrq nUM hwb bxfAux dI soc rhy hn. Aus dI purI sMBfvnf hY ik afAux vfly smyN ivc amrIkf ierfn nUM KVHf krygf. ierfn ivwc bixaf mfl afsfnI nfl mwD eysLIaf aqy mwD pUrb dy dysLF ivwc Byijaf jf skygf. pr Bfrq ivwc ijhVf mfl bxygf Aus nUM AunHF dysLF ivwc iljfx dy leI ajy koeI rsqf nhIN hY aqy afpxy mfl nUM mwD aqy mwD pUrb dy dysLF ivwc Byjx dy leI Bfrq nUM qkVI musLwkq krnI hovygI. dUjI gwl Bfrq cIn aqy rUs ny afriQk morcy ‘qy amrIkI cODr nUM cuxOqI dyx dI Xojnf bxfeI hY aqy birks nfmI bYNk dI sQfpnf kIqI hY. ies Gfty nUM dyKidaF afAux vfly smyN ivwc amrIkf afpxI sLkqI dI vrqoN krky ivsLv bYNk aqy aMqrrfsLtrI muwdrf kosL df drvfjLf ierfn dy leI KwulHvfeygf. pr afAux vfly smyN ‘c Bfrq dy XuDnIqk ihwqF ‘qy kwul imlf ky nfkfrqmk pRBfv hI dyKx nUM imlygf. amrIkf eysIaf ‘c Bfrq dy mukfbly iewk hor qfkq KVI kr dyvygf.

pwl iFloN dI pusqk ‘mYN SISw qy ichrw’ hovygI rIlIz 27 sqMbr nUM srI: vrnn invwsI auGy gzlgo pwl iFloN dw nvW gzl sMgRih ‘ mYN SISw qy ichrw’ srI ivc spqwh AMq qy rIlIz kIqw jwvygw[ aukwnwgn pMjwbI s`Q vloN ieh smwgm 27 sqMbr AYqvwr nUM srI ivc lvlI bYNkt hwl ivc 12 qoN 4 vjy hovygw[ ies ivc pusqk bwry prcy pVy jwxgy qy ivcwrW hoxgIAW[ swihqk pMjwbI mYgzIn ‘khwxI Dwrw’dy sMpwdk qy auGy khwxIkwr BgvMq rsUlpurI ies smwgm ivc ivSyS qOr qy SmUlIAq krngy[ swry swihq pRymIAW nUM ies smwgm ivc Swml hox dw Kulw sdw hY[ pRogrwm bwry hor jwxkwrI leI pwl iFloN 250 307 4948 ndIm prmwr 604298 2920 qy mohn igl nwl 7789080914 qy sMprk kIqw jw skdw hY[

Friday, September 25th, 2015

The Patrika 



The Patrika


Friday, September 25th, 2015


100 Year Journey goes to University! Golf: UFV’s Olson, Dirksen sweep individual titles at Kwantlen tournament


t the invitation of the University of the Fraser Valley, come meet 100 Year Journey founder Rana Vig as he joins former Attorney General and pioneer, the Honourable Wally Oppal, Q,C, for a unique and ground breaking initiative - “ Conversations Along The Way” - a discussion of South Asian pioneers, their contributions and our on going responsibility as the next generation of Canadians.

help to give perspective to the present and future of the South Asian community in Canada.

Journey book for their own personal collection.

The moderator will be UFV’s Satwinder Bains, an academic leader and passionate individual who is well versed in the South Asian pioneer story.

Where: at UFV

100 Year Journey managing partner, Rupa Vig, will also be on hand to speak with you about you and your family’s history and how it can be included in the next Pioneers Gurbaksh Dhaliedition of the 100 Year Jourwal, Nash Gill and Ossie Thandi will also join the ney book that is currently in panel to help reflect on production. the past while, Abbotsford Last Chance To Get Your native, community activist Copy and founder of the hugely successful Vancouver inter- While quantities last, all national Bhangra Celebra- attendees will also receive tion, Mo Dhaliwal, will a free copy of the 100 Year


When: Saturday, September 26, 2015 Lecture Theatre

Address: 33844 King Road, Abbotsford Time:

3:15pm - 6:00pm


niversity of the Fraser Valley golfers Zach Olson and Hannah Dirksen staged breakthrough performances at the Kwantlen Eagles’ tournament on the weekend, sweeping the individual titles on behalf of the Cascades.

Please share this email with friends and family who may be interested in participating in this event - particu- Playing under wet and windy larly those that are in the conditions at Surrey’s NorthAbbotsford area. view Golf and Country Club, To read more about South UFV sophomore Olson was Asian pioneers, download the only golfer in the men’s the 100 Year Journey App field to finish under par. The on your favourite mobile Strathmore, Alta. product device. authored rounds of 72 on Saturday and 71 on Sunday to Rana Vig finish at one-under, good for a Founder, 100 Year Journey three-stroke win over Steven PM Modi’s Official Gift... Hayes of the Douglas Royals.

Dirksen, also a second-year Cascade, dominated the women’s division. The Mission product’s total score of 163 (82-81) was good for a sevenstroke margin over her closest pursuer, teammate Jennifer Kell, who had a great tournament in her own right. It was the first career PacWest victory for both Olson and Dirksen. “It was really windy, and for them to maintain composure and get good rounds in is really impressive, ” Cascades head coach Chris Bertram enthused. “Hannah’s been on the verge of a breakthrough for the last year, and to see her go out and get a win in adverse condi-

Friday, September 25th, 2015

tions is going to do wonders for her confidence and bolster her role as a leader on the team.

The Patrika 


UFV freshman Nathan Bahnman, who was not part of the Cascades’ five-man roster for the team competition, finished in solo fifth place with a two-round total of 149. Connor O’Dell (8th, 151), Connor McLellan (9th, 152), Ryan Graf (18th, 157) and Cody Stewart (T20, 159) joined forces with Olson in the team event.

“And Zach was close a couple of times last year, and to pick up his first PacWest win in his sophomore season is a great accomplishment for him. I’m hopeful that Zach’s win will be the spark the team needs as we “ On the team side, it was really move deeper into our season.” great to see the ladies play so well Dirksen’s win and Kell’s runner-up and get their first win and make up result allowed the UFV women to some ground in the team competition take the team title at Northview – on UBCO,” Bertram said. “I think their combined score of 333 was nine they’ve shown now that they can strokes better than the UBC Okanaplay with those ladies, and I think gan Heat. UFV’s Ciara Melhus (98that belief is going to help them as 91=189) finished seventh overall. we move into the second half of the The Cascades closed to within seven conference season. strokes of UBCO (671 to 678) in the cumulative season standings. “For the men, moving up the standings to second place is a positive. On the men’s side, the Cascades We’ve still got some hard work to (603) finished second to the Camodo as we come down the stretch and sun Chargers (594) on the weekend. look towards our conference finals The Chargers expanded their lead in and nationals.” the cumulative season standings to 26 strokes (1,174 to UFV’s 1,200), This weekend, the Cascades head but the Cascades did manage to to Victoria for the third of four Pacleapfrog UBCO to move from third West conference tourneys, hosted by overall to second. Camosun at Bear Mountain.


The Patrika



Friday, September 25th, 2015

jyrymI koribn dy lybr pfrtI df pRDfn bxn leI grmfeI ‘ibRtyn dI isafsq’ kwtV mfrksvfdI 66 sflf jyrymI koribn dy lybr pfrtI df pRDfn cuxy jfx ‘qy ibRtyn dI isafsq grmf geI hY qy iewk qihlkf ijhf mc igaf hY. torI pfrtI ies nUM afpxy leI gMBIr cuxOqI mMn rhI hY. lybr pfrtI dy iewk pRBfvsLflI vrg ny ‘bgfvq’ kr idwqI hY qy pRDfn mMqrI zyivz kYmrUn ny ikhf hY ik koribn dysL dI afriQk qy kOmI surwiKaf leI Kqrf hn.

nyqfvF dI AuWzI nINd

iqMn mhIinaF dI grmf-grm aqy sMGrsLmeI cox muihMm dy iswty vjoN jyrymI koribn dI hoeI ijwq ny ibRtyn ‘c iewk nvF isafsI ieiqhfs ricaf hY. ies qoN pihlF iksy vI pfrtI dy nyqf dI cox muihMm ny kdy ieMnI vwzI isafsI srgrmI pYdf nhIN kIqI sI. pfrtI pRDfn dy ahudy dI cox lVn qoN pihlF koribn koeI Kfs pRiswD nhIN sn lybr pfrtI dy sLYzo kYbint dy 8 mMqrIaF pr jdoN AunHF ny afpxy ierfdy jLfihr kIqy ny asqIPf dy idwqf hY qy AunHF df kihxf qF vwzy-vwzy nyqf hYrfn ho gey. sfbkf hY ik Auh koribn nUM bhuqI dyr nhIN cwlx lybr pRDfn tonI blyar dI qF ijvyN rfqF dI nINd hI AuWz geI. AunHF ny koribn ivruwD dyxgy. jLordfr pRcfr kIqf qy bfad ‘c iewk hor qIbr KwbypwKI ivcfrDfrf vfly koribn sfbkf lybr pRDfn mMqrI jfrj brfAUn ny afpxI kOVI spwsLtvfidqf leI jfxy jFdy vI koribn df ivroD krn ‘c koeI ksr hn. keI mwuK mwuidaF ‘qy nf isrP torI nhIN CwzI. srkfr sgoN afpxI hI pfrtI dIaF kuJ nIqIaF dy Auh sKLq aflock hn. iqRxmUl ienHF dohF ny vwK-vwK qrHF dy zrfAuxy lybr vrkrF ‘c hrmnipafry koribn ibafn idwqy ik koribn dy afAux nfl df kwtV ivroDI vjoN kOmI mMc ‘qy AuBrnf ‘ieh’ ho jfvygf, ‘Auh’ ho jfvygf. bfad torIaF leI icMqf df ivsLf hY- ieh gwl ‘c bcI-KucI ksr pRDfn mMqrI zyivz qF smJ ‘c af skdI hY pr Kud AunHF dI kYmrUn ny ieh kih ky pUrI kr idwqI ik afpxI lybr pfrtI dy iewk pRBfvsLflI koribn dysL dI afriQk qy kOmI surwiKaf vrg ny jo bfgLI qyvr idKfey hn, Auh leI Kqrf hn. hYrfnIjnk hn.


pr koribn dy mYdfn ‘c afAux nfl lybr pfrtI dy sfDfrn mYNbrF aqy mjLdUr vrg ‘c KusLI dI lihr dOV geI. dUjI mhFjMg qoN pihlF qy bfad ‘c dysL dI isafsq ‘c aihm BUimkf inBfAux vflI lybr pfrtI ies sfl meI ‘c hoeIaF sMsd coxF ‘c hfr jfx krky inrAuqsLfihq ho geI sI qy afm mYNbr vI inrfsL ho gey sn. pfrtI lIzrisLp vrkrF ‘c Auh PurqI pYdf krn ‘c sPl nhIN ho rhI sI, jo pfrtI nUM rPqfr dy sky.

ikRsLn BftIaf kIqIaF. pUrI qrHF vYsnUM(nf sLrfb, nf isgrt pIx vfly) 32 sflF qoN aYWm[pI cwly af rhy mfrksvfdI mjLdUr nyqf koribn hux ivroDI iDr dy nyqf vjoN ibRtyn dy isafsI mMc ‘qy iewk nvF qy aihm sQfn gRihx krngy. ibRtyn ‘c ivroDI iDr dy nyqf df ahudf bhuq aihm qy pRBfvsLflI mMinaf jFdf hY. swqf dI qfkq bysLwk Aus dy hwQ ‘c nf hovy pr ivroDI iDr dy nyqf df afpxf vwkfr hY-srkfrI snmfn, qnKfh qy aiDkfr lwgBg pRDfn mMqrI dy brfbr. ivroDI iDr dy nyqf df afpxf mMqrI mMzl huMdf hY, ijs nUM ‘sLYzo kYbint’ ikhf jFdf hY. ijhVy 8 sYLzo kYbint mMqrIaF ny koribn dI cox dy ivrwuD asqIPf idwqf hY, AunHF df kihxf hY ik Auh koribn dIaF nIqIaF nUM psMd nhIN krdy qy AunHF dy aDIn kMm nhIN kr skdy. aslIaq ieh hY ik AunHF nUM pqf sI ik ivcfrF dy tkrfa kfrn koribn ny AunHF nUM afpxy mMqrI mMzl ‘c lYxf nhIN hY, ikAuN nf pihlF hI asqIPf dy idwqf jfvy.

tonI blyar qy jfrj brfAUn dy sLfsnkfl ‘c lybr pfrtI dIaF sKLq nIqIaF dI numfieMdgI nhIN huMdI sI, aksr torIaF dIaF nIqIaF vrgIaF lwgx vflIaF lybr nIqIaF afm pfrtI vrkrF nUM pRBfivq nhIN kr rhIaF sn. aijhI siQqI ‘c jyrymI koribn AunHF leI iewk nvIN AumId bx ky AuWBry aqy pfrtI aMdr aijhI jbrdsq srgrmI pYdf hoeI ik kuJ hI idnF ‘c pfrtI dy 3,60,000 nvyN mYNbr bx gey qy AuqsLfh dI aijhI lihr cwlI ik koribn dI ijwq XkInI njLr afAux lwgI. koribn ny nvIN ‘sLYzo kYbint’ df gTn afpxy iqMn ivroDIaF (iqMnoN hI sfbkf kr ilaf hY. ibRtyn ‘c pRDfn mMqrI qoN mMqrI sn) nUM hrf ky koribn BfrI bhumq bfad jy iksy ahudy df sB qoN ijLafdf nfl ijwqy. AunHF ny 59[5 PLIsdI votF hfsl mfx aqy mhwqqf hY qF Auh hY ‘cFslr

Friday, September 25th, 2015

afPL aYNkscYkr’ df, Bfv ivwq mMqrI. afpxy mMqrI mMzl ‘c ‘sLYzo cFslr’ dy ahudy ‘qy AunHF ny kwtV KwbypwKI aqy afpxy gUVHy imwqr jfn mYkzonflz nUM ibTfieaf hY. ijnHF dI inXukqI ‘qy KUb hMgfmf hoieaf. mYkzonflz lMzn dy BfrqI afbfdI vfly ‘Cotf Bfrq’ dy nF nfl pRiswD sLihr sfAUQfl dy guaFZI cox hlky hXys-hfrilMgtn qoN BfrI bhumq nfl aYWm[pI[ cuxy jFdy hn. Auh BfrqIaF ‘c bhuq hrmn ipafry hn. afbjLrvrF df anumfn hY ik hux pfrtI aMdr nvIN cyqnf aqy PurqI afAux nfl ibRitsL isafsq nUM iewk nvIN idsLf imlygI. myar dy ahudy leI AumIdvfr ibRitsL lybr pfrtI ‘c ies smyN isafsq df Jukfa KwbypwKI ho irhf hY. lMzn dy myar dy ahudy leI lybr pfrtI ny pfiksqfnI mUl dy sfidk Kfn nUM afpxf AumIdvfr cuixaf hY. sfidk Kfn koribn dy kfPI nyVy mMny jFdy hn. coxF agly sfl meI ‘c hoxIaF hn. sfidk Kfn ies smyN sMsd mYNbr hn. ies smyN lMzn dy myar dy ahudy ‘qy torI pfrtI dy nyqf boirs jfnsn ibrfjmfn hn, jo hux aYWm[pI cuxy jf cuwky hn. ies sfl meI ‘c hoeIaF ibRitsL sMsd dIaF coxF qoN pihlF ieh atklF lgfeIaF jf rhIaF sn ik torI pfrtI dI hflq pqlI rhI qF Auh (boirs) pRDfn mMqrI dy ahudy leI zyivz kYmrUn nUM cuxOqI dy skdy hn pr kYmrUn dI agvfeI hyT torI pfrtI dI BfrI ijwq ny sfrf pfsf hI plt idwqf. boirs myar dy ahudy leI hox vflIaF aglIaF coxF ‘c KVHy nhIN ho rhy.

The Patrika



ivsLv bYNk dI irport dy sMkyq

kfrobfr krn ivwc afsfnI sbMDI ivsLv bYNk vwloN somvfr nUM jfrI kIqI geI irport ivwc Bfrq aqy ies dy sUibaF dI kIqI geI drjfbMdI keI svfl KVHy kr rhI hY. ies irport muqfibk kfrobfrIaF nUM snawqF aqy kfrobfr leI suwK-shUlqF muhweIaf krvfAux pwKoN Bfrq df dunIaF dy 189 mulkF ivwcoN 142vF nMbr hY jdoNik ies dy 29 sUibaF aqy iqMn kyNdr sLfisq pRdysLF ivwc gujrfq mohrI sUbf hY. irport ivwc aFDrf pRdysL, JfrKMz, CwqIsgVH, mwD pRdysL aqy rfjsQfn kRmvfr dUjy, qIjy aqy cOQy, pMjvyN aqy CyvyN nMbr ‘qy hn. pMjfb df ies irport ivwc 16vF jdoNik hirafxf df 14vF aqy cMzIgVH df 24vF nMbr hY. ivsLv bYNk ny Bfrq dy sUibaF dI ieh irport kfrobfr sLurU krn, jLmIn dI alftmYNt, ikrq suDfr, vfqfvrx pRvfngI, buinafdI ZFcf, tYks leI rijstrysLn aqy hor jFc-pVqfl sbMDI mfpdMzF dy afDfr ‘qy snawq mMqrfly, iPwkI, sI[afeI[afeI[afeI[ aqy ky[pI[aYm[jI[ dy sihXog nfl iqafr kIqI hY.

ivsLv bYNk dI irport ivwc mulk dy sUibaF dI kIqI geI drjfbMdI ieh sMkyq dy rhI hY ik Bfjpf dy sLfsn vfly suUibaF ivwc snawqF aqy kfrobfrF leI mfhOl cMgf hY pr dUjy sUby ies pwKoN kfPLI pCVy hoey hn. hYrfnI dI gwl ieh hY ik irport ivwc pMjfb nUM BfvyN 16vF nMbr ‘qy rwiKaf igaf hY pr nfl hI ies dI sLlfGf vI kIqI geI hY ik iewQy snawqF qy kfrobfr sLurU krn leI kfrobfrIaF nUM bhuqy Dwky nhIN Kfxy pYNdy. isMgl ivMzo aqy afnlfeIn pRbMD sdkf arjLIaF nUM CyqI mnjLUrI iml jFdI hY aqy kfrobfrIaF nUM koeI aOkVF nhIN afAuNdIaF. ies sB dy bfvjUd pMjfb nUM 16vyN nMbr ‘qy rwiKaf igaf hY jdoNik ies qoN ikqy vwD pCVy sUibaF aFDrF pRdysL, JfrKMz, CwqIsgVH aqy mwD pRdysL nUM kRmvfr dUjy, qIjy aqy cOQy nMbr ‘qy rwiKaf igaf hY. irport dIaF ieh

ivsMgqIaF ies dI inrpwKqf AuWqy pRsLnicMn lgf rhIaF hn. gLOrqlb hY ik mulk dy sUibaF dI drjfbMdI pRDfn mMqrI dy ‘myk ien ieMzIaf’ pRogrfm qihq snawqI ivkfs leI kyNdr aqy sUibaF drimafn 29 dsMbr 2014 nUM qYa hoeI 98 sUqrI kfrj Xojnf nUM lfgU krn dy pwK qoN kIqI geI dwsI jFdI hY aqy ieh sUibaF dI pihlI jnvrI qoN 30 jUn 2015 qwk dy smyN dI kfrguLjLfrI dy mulFkx leI kI isrP Cy mhIinaF df smF hI kfPLI hY? jdoN ieh svfl srkfr dI kfrgujLfrI prKx leI kIqf jFdf hY qF iewk sfl dy smyN nUM vI hnImUn smF kih ky ijLMmyvfrI qoN pfsf vwt ilaf jFdf hY. ivsLv bYNk dI ieh irport Aus vyly afeI hY jdoN mulk dI kOmI isafsq ‘qy pRBfv pfAux vfly sUby ibhfr ivwc ivDfn sBf dIaF coxF df mfhOl grmfieaf hoieaf hY. irport BfvyN 98 ‘suDfrvfdI’ kdmF AuWqy aml nfl juVI kfrgujLfrI AuWqy afDfirq hY, iPr vI ibhfr nUM ies irport ivwc 21vyN nMbr ‘qy rwK ky ies sUby dI srkfr dI kfrgujLfrI nUM nkfrn dI koisLsL kIqI geI jfpdI hY iesy kfrn irport dI pRmfixkqf qy inrpwKqf ‘qy ikMqU hoxy suBfivk hn. dUjy pfsy irport ivwc drsfey gey pihly Cy sUibaF ivwcoN gujrfq nUM Cwz ky bfkI pMjF ivwc afm lokF dI qrsXog hflq jwg jLfihr hY. srkfrF vwloN lokF qoN jLmInF Koh ky kfrporyt GrfixaF nUM dyx dy mfmly sfhmxy af rhy hn. amn-kfnUMn dI hflq inwGr cwukI hY aqy ivkfs hfsLIey ‘qy hY. ies dy bfvjUd ienHF sUibaF df drjf AuWcf rwKx qoN jfpdf hY ik ieh irport kfrporyt adfiraF dy ihwq pflx vflI hY. afpxy nuksF dy bfvjUd irport ipwCy rhy jF rwKy gey sUibaF leI iewk vMgfr hY ik afpxI kfrguLjLfrI suDfrn leI AunHF nUM kI kuJ krkn dI jLrUrq hY.



The Patrika 

Friday, September 25th, 2015

mihPl imWqrF dI sLoa sPl irhf suKmn ieMtrtynmYNt vloN ipCly idnIN srI dy sLfhI bYNkuiet hfl ivc krvfieaf igaf mihPl imWqrF dI sLoa sPl irhf. ies sLoa ivc ieMzIaf qoN aey klfkfrF; kuldIp sLyrigWl, sqnfm DMjl aqy kYnyzIan klfkfr isMmI DflIvfl aqy nirMdr sYxI vloN afpxI klf dy jOhr ivKfey gey. ies smyN sfbkf aYm pI suWK DflIvfl, blbIr bYNs aqy hor pqvMqy sWjxf ny isLrkq kIqI. suKmn ieMtrtynmYNt ipCly 2 sflF qoN lokF dy mnorMjn leI cMgy sLoa lY ky af rhI hY aqy afs krdy hF ik afAux vfly smyN ivc ieh iprq cflU rWKxgy.


The Patrika

Friday, September 25th, 2015




Herar’s Column

omorrow is a day where different cultures meet and celebrate as AbbyFest will be celebrating its 8th year at the University of the Fraser Valley campus from 2 to 8pm. It plans to be an entertaining event from Latin American dancing, African Soul Food, Chinese clothing rituals, turban wrapping and so much more. Preet Rai, school trustee and one of the many AbbyFest organizers said, “We strive to make AbbyFest an experience in the diversity of our community. Everything from the display and vendor booths to the entertainment that is ongoing on the main stage includes cultures from all corners of globe, which can be found here in Abbotsford. We are very excited about our partnership with UFV. The partnership is a natural fit for us. UFV has a successful and growing International student body and working together we can promote inclusivity and inter-cultural understanding. We have an incredibly diverse community with nearly 30% of our population lists their native tongue as one other than English or French. We are the home of the oldest Sikh Temple in North America, and have the third largest Filipino population in BC.”

Social issues like diversity will be showcased Tuesday, Sept 29, 7 to 9 pm at Clarke Theatre. This will be put on by Mission Community Services and the four partners. Rick Rake will be moderating. All federal candidates in the Mission-MatsquiSmall loans are deFraser Canyon are exsigned for newcomers pected to attend. who do not have sufficient credit history I recently bumped into in Canada to qualify a former local tranfor traditional forms of sit bus driver and he credit, but have clearly shared one of the best defined career goals diversity stories I have and determination to heard in a long time. succeed. It can be used At times we hear of all to start a small busi- the negative when it ness; buy tools and comes to riding transit, equipment needed to but this one touches start working; or re- the heart on what our certify qualifications community is truly all from abroad to be able about. He did not want to work in Canada. Ab- to disclose his name botsford Community and said when he was Services can help in- driving transit around dividuals in the Fra- town there was an elser Valley to access derly Sikh gentlemen these loans from Vanc- who would ride every ity Credit Union. Jen day just so he could betRomero said, “ There ter his English, while are many newcomers in sitting around other our communities who riders on the bus. He are highly qualified pro- would purposely sit in fessionals in their home a seat where he could countries, but when hear people speak. This they come to Canada, is an example on how they’re working in sur- we can all do better vival jobs because their for our community and credentials aren’t ac- make people feel welcepted here. A micro- come. loan can be a great way to upgrade their credentials and start working in their field, while at the same time building their credit history in Canada.” a microloan is a good place to start. A microloan, is a partnership between Abbotsford Community Services and Vancity, where they can assist newcomers to enter the labour market in meaningful employment.

Contact Jen Romero, Microloan Intake If you’re a new Cana- Worker at (604) 859dian and looking to start 7686 ext. 28 or microa new business and just loan@abbotsfordcomdon’t have the capital

Ken Herar can be reached at or view his blog at


The Patrika


Friday, September 25th, 2015


sFJIvflqf dI mUrq sn BfeI GnweIaf jI BfeI GnweIaf rfm jI gurU qyg bhfdr jI dy ainwn syvk aqy gurU goibMd isMG jI dy droNGroN vrosfey hoey hn. AunHF df jnm vjLIrfbfd lfgy isaflkot (pfiksqfn) dy ipMz ‘sodrf’ ivc ipqf BfeI nwQU rfm KwqrI dy Gr sMmq 1705 ibkrmI 1648 nUM hoieaf. BfeI nwQU rfj jI jrnYl amIr isMG musfihb dy mYnyjr sn. BfeI GnweIaf rfm bcpn qoN hI ijwQy siqsMg jF kQf-kIrqn huMdf, AuWQy sB qoN pihlF jf bYTdy. Auh hr smyN jybF pYisaF nfl BrI rwKdy qy ijwQy ikqy koeI BuwKf, grIb, loVvMd vyKdy Aus dI syvf krdy.

ipqf nwQU rfm dy akfl clfxy mgroN pirvfr dy kfrobfr df sfrf boJ AunHF dy moiZaF ‘qy af igaf pr Auh Gr bfr iqafg ky jMglF vwl cly gey. iewk idn ndI dy iknfry aMn-jl iqafg ky bYT gey qy 31 idnF bfad AunHF nUM afnMdpur sfihb jfx dI akfsLbfxI hoeI. afnMdpur sfihb phuMcx ‘qy gurU qyg bhfdr jI dy drsLn kr ky AunHF df mn sLFq ho igaf. gurU sfihb ny pwuiCaf, “BfeI ! qusIN kI cfhuMdy ho?” qF BfeI GnweIaf rfm jI ny bynqI kIqI, “swcy pfqsLfh! mYnUM syvf qy ismrn df bl bKLsLo.” gurU jI ny AunHF nUM ndI qoN pfxI Br ky ilafAux leI ikhf. BfeI GnweIaf rfm jI

ndI qoN jdoN pfxI df GVf Br ky ilafey qF gurU sfihb ny hwQ Do ky bfkI sfrf pfxI zol idwqf. gurU sfihb ny iPr AunHF nUM pfxI Br ky ilafAux leI ikhf. BfeI GnweIaf rfm jdoN pfxI df GVf Br ky ilafey qF gurU jI ny crn Do ky muV bfkI pfxI zol idwqf. dUjy idn iPr ieMj hI hoieaf. ies qrHF keI idn huMdf irhf. BfeI sfihb ny nf koeI Aujr (bhfnf) kIqf qy nf hI guwsf iglf. hr rojL sqbcn kih ky jl ilafAuNdy rhy. 1675 ivwc iewk idn gurU jI ny BfeI GnweIaf rfm nMU ikhf, “quhfzI syvf Qfie peI hY jfE!

krnYl isMG aYm[ey[

afp nfm jpo aqy horF nUM jpfE.” gurU qygL bhfdr jI df hukm mMn ky AunHF ny syvfpMQIaF dI pihlI DrmsLflf lfhOr aqy ipsLfvr dy ivckfr ijLlHf kYmlpur (pfiksqfn) dy ipMz ‘khvf’ ivc 1675-1676 ivc bxfeI. ies DrmsLflf ivc do sO mMjy ibsqry afey-gey rfhIaF-pFDIaF dy suwK afrfm leI iqafr kIqy gey. do sO GVf pfxI df hr smyN Br ky rwKdy. iewQy ihMdU, iswK muslmfn sB DrmF dy lok af ky swuK pRfpq krdy. mgroN BfeI jI gurU jI dy hukm nfl lfhOr cly gey. mgroN gurU qyg bhfdr jI nUM idwlI ivc sLhId kr idwqf igaf qy gurU goibMd isMG jI gurgwdI AuWqy bYTy. BfeI GnweIaf rfm ny jdoN gurU goibMd isMG jI dy drsLn kIqy qF ndrI-nidr inhfl ho gey qy syvf ivwc lwg gey. gurU goibMd isMG jI vwloN 1704 ivwc afnMdpur sfihb ivwc jbr, jLulm dy KLfqmy leI kIqy Drm XwuD ivwc isMG aqy dusLmx PLOj dy sYink jKLmI ho ky jl dI mMg kr rhy sn. BfeI GnweIaf rfm jI ny ipMz mohIvfl dIaF bfAulIaF, iklf afnMdgVH sfihb dI bfAulI qy hor sQfnk KUhF qoN cmVy dI msLk jl nfl Br ky sB nUM jl CkfAuxf sLurU kr idwqf. ijwQoN ikqoN vI jl dI afvfjL suxdy, jl Ckf afAuNdy. dusLmxf nUM jl CkfAuNidaF dyK isMGF ny roikaf, “GnweIaf rfm! ieh gurU jI dy dusLmx hn, qusIN ienHF nUM jl nf CkfE.” BfeI GnweIaf rfm ny gwl suxI-axsuxI kr idwqI. ibnF ivqkry dy jl CkfAuNdy rhy. kuJ isMGF ny gurU jI kol ies sbMDI isLkfieq kIqI. gurU jI ny AunHF nUM bulf ky jdoN pwuiCaf qF BfeI jI ny inmrqf sihq AuWqr idwqf, “grIb invfj sfihb jIE! mYnUM qF hr iewk ivwc afp df hI rUp idKfeI idMdf hY, mYnUM qF koeI dUsrf njLr hI nhIN afAuNdf. BfeI GnweIaf rfm dy mwuK (jLubfn) qoN ieh bcn sux ky gurU sfihb boly, aY KLflsf jI! BfeI GnweIaf rfm jo kuJ bol irhf hY, ieh iewk pUrn sfD dI bfxI df cirwqr(ibrqFq, hfl) hY. ies pUrn purK GnweIaf rfm nUM koeI kuJ nf khy, jo kry, ijwQy kry, AuWQy hI krn idAu. ies sfD dy mn dI avsQf bVI AuWcI hY.” gurU sfihb afpxy afsx qoN AuWTy qy BfeI GnweIaf rfm nUM gl (CfqI) nfl lf ky mwlHm dI zwbI qy pwtI bKLisLsL kr ky ikhf ik ijwQy pfxI iplfAux dI syvf krdy ho, AuWQy jKLmIaF dy jLKLmF ‘qy mwlHm-pwtI krn dI syvf vI kiraf kro. klgIDr pfqsLfh jdoN afnMdpur sfihb qoN rvfnf hoey qF AunHF BfeI GnweIaf rfm nUM afpxy ipMz ‘sodrf’ ivc jf ky pRcfr krn leI ikhf. BfeI GnweIaf rfm jI ny afpxy jIvn dy aKLIrly 10 ku sfl ipMz ivwc hI ibqfey. ipMz sodry ivc hI 20 sqMbr 1718 nUM 70 sfl dI Aumr bqIq krky gurU crnF ivwc jf ibrfjy. gurduafiraF ivwc susLoiBq hY. rYWz krfs df bfnI BfeI GnweIaf rfm ‘syvfpMQI’ dI 297vIN brsI 18, 19 qy 20 sqMbr idn sLuwkrvfr, sLnIvfr qy aYqvfr nUM syvf sQfn BfeI GnweIaf jI sfhmxy rylvy stysLn sRI afnMdpur sfihb (ropV) ivc mnfeI jf rhI hY.


Friday, September 25th, 2015

The Patrika 

nfmDfrIaF dIaF ajLIm kurbfnIaF nUM Xfd kridaF[[[ sLyry pMjfb mhfrfjf rxjIq isMG dI mOq qoN bfad iswK rfj KyrUM-KyrUM ho igaf. aMgryjL hkUmq ny swqf sMBflI qy Bfrq vfsIaF qy jLulm krny sLurU kr idwqy. aMgryjL hkUmq ny Bfrq vfsIaF nUM jo duwK drd idwqy, Auh nf-sihxXog sn. aMgryjL srkfr dy jLulmF dy ivroD ‘c Bfrq ivwc aMgryjLF iKlfPL bgLfvq dI sur AuWcI hoxI sLurU hoeI. vwK-vwK qrIikaF nfl hr Drm dy lok cfhy Auh bwcf, jvfn jF buwZf sI, afpo-afpxy qrIky nfl Xogdfn pfAux lwgy. aMgryjL afpxy iKlfPL ho rhI bgLfvq nUM iewQy hI iksy vI qrIky nfl dbfAuxf cfhuMdy sn. iesy hI lVI dy qihq nfmDfrI lihr dy nOjvfn afpxf bxdf Xogdfn pf rhy sn. ieh gwl AunHF idnF dI hY, jdoN Bfrq ‘qy aMgryjL hkUmq pUrI qrHF kfbjL ho cwukI sI. mhfrfjf rxjIq isMG dy Coty pwuqr mhfrfjf dlIp isMG nUM ieMglYNz iljf ky Drm bdlI krky eIsfeI bxfieaf jf cwukf sI. Bfrq ivwc aMgryjLF dI nIqI sI ‘pfVo qy rfj kro’. aMgryjL ihMdU-iswKF dIaF Dfrimk BfvnfvF nUM hmysLF iksy nf iksy bhfny Tys phuMcfAux dI qFG ivwc rihMdy sn. iesy lVI dy qihq ihMdU-iswKF dy Drm ivwc gAU nUM mfrn dI mnfhI hY. aMgryjL rfj sQfipq hox dy nfl hI gAU nUM mfrn dI Kuwl dy idwqI geI qy iswKF dy pivwqr sLihr sRI aMimRqsr sfihb ivwc swcKMz sRI hirmMdr sfihb jI dy njLdIk hI bwucVKfnf KolH idwqf igaf, ijs nfl iswK ihrdy vlUMDry gey qy sfry hfhfkfr mwc geI, ikAuNik iswK aMqF df jLulm brdfsLq kr skdf hY, pr afpxI afn, sLfn qy jfn sRI hirmMdr sfihb jI vwl koeI dusLmx mYlI njLr nfl qwky, ieh gwl iswK iksy vI kImq ‘qy brdfsLq nhIN kr skdy. aMgryjL rfj pUry jobn ‘qy sI, ies leI koeI AuWcI afvfjL ivwc gwl nhIN sI krdf. ies cMigafVI nUM hvf imlxI sLurU hoeI qy ieh awg df rUp Dfrn krn lwgI. nfmDfrI lihr dy cfr isMG sMq bIhlf isMG nfhlI,

sMq lihxf isMG imsqrI ipMz pMnHv ijLlHf gurdfspur, sMq hfkm isMg ptvfrI ipMz mOV qy sMq Piqh isMG aMimRqsr ny ies byiewjLqI df bdlf lYx dI skIm bxfeI. AunHF ny sMn 1871 eI: 15 jUn dI rfq nUM buwcVKfny ‘qy hmlf krky cfry bwucV ijAuxf, amfmI, sLfdI qy pIrF nUM mOq dy Gft Auqfr idwqf qy AuWQy ilaFdIaF gAUaF nUM afjLfd kr idwqf qy afp hnyry df PLfiedf AuTf ky cfroN Prfr hox ivwc kfmXfb ho gey. ieh sB df jdoN svyry aMgryjL hkUmq nUM pqf lwgf qF Auh Dur aMdr qwk ihwl geI. ies kys dI CfxbIx df ijLMmf aMgryjL srkfr ny kirstI puils aPLsr dy ijLMmy lfieaf. ies jLflm puils aPsr ny anjfx, bydosLy qy byksUr lokF AuWqy aMnHf qsLwdd kIqf qy iswKF nUM rwj ky jLlIl kIqf qy keI sjLfvF idwqIaF. AuDr cfroN isMG sMq bIhlf isMG, sMq lihxf isMG, sMq hfkm isMG qy sMq Piqh isMG siqgurU rfm isMG jI pfs BYxI sfihb gey qy sfrI khfxI swco-swc ibafn kr idwqI.


pMj sLihrF ny ijwqy ‘ Epn Pfr ibjLins avfrz’ XUnIan aOP ibRitsL koMbIaf imAuinspYltIjL dI sflfnf knvYnsLn mOky bI sI dy pMj sLihrF nUM ‘Epn Pfr ibjLins avfrz’ idwqy gey| ieh sLihr hn- aYbtsPorz, istI aOPlYNglI,isznI, swrI aqy tvfsn Pst nysLn| hr sIhr nUM $5,000 imlxgy ijs nfl Auh Coty kfrobfrIaF dI shfieqf kr skxgy| Coty kfrobfrF dI mMqrI korYlI Eks ny avfrz ijwqx vfly sLihrF nUM vDfeI idMidaF ikhf ik AuMnHF dI shfieqf nfl bI sI nUM Coty kfrobfrF df kYnyzf Br ivc mohrI bxfAux df tIcf pUrf ho skygf| ies qrF swiBafcfrk ivkfs dy mMqrI pItr PYsbYNzr ny ikhf,” mYN sfbkf kfrobfrI hox dy nfqy aqy lokl srkfr sbMDI afpxy qjrby dy afDfr ‘qy jfxdf hF ik Coty kfrobfr bhuq sfry sLihrF leI ikMny mhwqvpUrn sfbq ho rhy hn| Auprokq sLihrF ny Coty kfrobfrIaF aqy AudmI lokF dI shfieqf krky pRsLMsfXog kMm kIqf hY | ies krky Auh vDfeI dy hwkdfr hn|

siqgurU rfm isMG jI ny cfroN isMGF nUM smJfieaf ik quhfzy krky byksUr lok aMgryjL srkfr dy qsLwdd df isLkfr ho rhy hn. ieh TIk nhIN hY. qusIN jf ky afpxf gunfh kbUl kro qy byksUr lokF dI jfn bcfAu. ieMnf sux ky cfroN isMGF ny af ky afpxyafp nUM aMgryjL hkUmq dy hvfly kIqf. sRI aMimRqsr sfihb ivKy kMpnI bfg dy aYn nyVy bohV nfl (Auh bohV awj vI mOjUd hY) AunHF sUrbIrF ny 15 sqMbr 1871 eI: nUM PFsI dy rwsy afpxy gl ivwc afp pf ky hwsdy-hwsdy afpxy sohxy vqn qoN afpxy afp nUM kurbfn kr idwqf. AunHF kurbfnI dI nvIN imsfl pYdf kIqI. afAu AunHF sUrbIr XoiDaF nUM AunHF dy sLhIdI idvs ‘qy AunHF dIaF iswiKafvF ‘qy cwlx df pRx krky, swcIswucI sLrDFjlI Byt krIey. ies idn BYxI sfihb ivKy aMimRq vyly qoN afsf dI vfr df kIrqn huMdf hY qy sfrf idn gurU Gr dy jws gfien kIqy jFdy hn. PAGE 33

The Patrika



Friday, September 25th, 2015

kYnyzf ivc nvyN afAux vfilaF leI iek ‘cMgI Kbr’! keIaF nUM ieh jfx ky hYrfnI hovygI ik kMjLrvyitv srkfr dy ipCly ds sflF dy sLfsn qihq ieMzIaf qoN afAux vfly afvfsIaF dI sflfnf dr ivc 20% df vfDf hoieaf hY|

lgBg pRqI sfl 5000 df vfDf| asl ivc , ipCly dhfky dOrfn ieMzIaf qoN 320,000 nvyN afvfsI afey hn| kuJ lok Buwl jFdy hn ik 1993 dIaF coxF qoN

kYnyzf afAux dI afigaf dy ky ies ruJfn nUM moVf idwqf hY| hor jLrUrI gwl ieh ik kuJ icr pihlF asIN nvF 10 sflf mlIpl aYNtrI supr vIjLf df pRogrfm jfrI kIqf hY ijs anusfr mfpy, dfdf-dfdI, nfnf-nfnI kYnyzf ivcly pirvfrF nUM imlx af skdy hn aqy iewko smyN do sfl iewQy Tihr skdy hn| ieh pRogrfm dy sLurU hox qoN hux qwk 50,000 supr vIijLaF qoN vwD vIjLy jfrI kIqy jf cuwky hn| 2014 qoN mgroN sfzI kMjLrvyitv srkfr ny ieMzIaf qoN afAux vfly mfipaF aqy dfdy-dfdIaF, nfny-nfnIaF

nUM vIjLf dyx dI pRvfngI dI dr vDf ky 85% kr idwqI hY| nfl hI ipCly dhfky ivc BfrqI lokF nUM jfrI kIqy gey ivjLtr vIijaF dI igxqI coKI vDI hY|

2006 qoN pihlF ilbrl srkfr smyN ieMzIaf qoN afAux vfilaF dI igxqI aOsqn 25,228 pRqI sfl rhI| Aus qoN mgroN hux qwk ieh aOsq 30,062 pRqI sfl rhI hY ijs df arQ hY


CyqI hI bafd, jOn ikRscIan ny pirvfrk afvfs df pwDr 112,000 qoN Gtf ky 50,000 kr idwqf sI arQfq 58% dI ktOqI| sfzI srkfr ny 8 sflf dy smyN ivc 171,276 mfipaF aqy dfdy-dfdIaF, nfny-nfnIaF nUM

asl ivc, sfzI srkfr qihq kYnyzf afAux vfly pMjfb invfsIaF nUM jfrI kIqy vIjLy cfr guxF ho gey hn arQfq 2005 ivc aijhy vIijLaF dI igxqI 6,454 sI jo 2014 ivc 23,868 ho geI|

iehI hflq ieMzIaf qoN af ky kYnyzf ivKy pVHfeI krn vfly ividafrQIaF dI hY| 2005 ivc ilbrl srkfr vwloN 4,505 ieMzIan ividafrQIaF nUM pVHfeI vIjLy idwqy gey sn| awj ieh sMiKaf 25,216 ‘qy phuMc geI hY ijs df arQ hY 46% df vfDf| sfzI srkfr ny JUTy ivafhF dI smwisaf vwl vI iDafn idwqf hY ijhVI smwisaf kYnyzf ivc nvyN afAux vfly pMjfbIaF ny sfzy iDafn ivc ilaFdI| asIN DoKybfjL afvfs slfkfrF dI KUb Kbr leI| asIN afvfs syvfvF leI PMz iqwgxy kr idwqy hn aqy pVHfeI dIaF ivdysLI izgrIaF nUM pRvfx krn df pRogrfm sQfipq kIqf hY aqy

kYnyzf ivc afpxI psMd dy ikwiqaF aqy tRyzF ivc kMm krn dy cfhvfn nvyN afvfsIaF dI mflI shfieqf krn ihq krjLf dyx df pRogrfm vI bxfieaf hY| ipwCy ijhy asIN ieh aYlfn vI kIqf hY ik ieMzIaf ny kYnyzf nUM “ Visa upon entry” status dy idwqf hY| aMkVy mUhoN boldy hn! aflockF aqy nf mfnUM kihx vfilaF dy Ault sfnUM afvfsIaF aqy pirvfrk sYlfnIaF dI shfieqf krn dy afpxy irkfrz ‘qy bhuq mfx hY| aqy BivwK ivc asIN afpxy Xqn jfrI rwKFgy|

Graphs provided by Citizenship and Immigration Canada

The Patrika

Friday, September 25th, 2015



Rotary Club of Abbotsford Presents $29,000 to Abbotsford Hospice botsford Hospice in paying off their first mortgage. this by saying, “nothing would have happened without To-date the Rotary Club of Abbotsford has donated Rotary’s unwavering support. Thank you very much!” close to ½ million dollars to Abbotsford Hospice including Holmberg House. The Rotary Club of Abbotsford wishes to thank all of Fundraising Director for the Rotary Club, Shirley Wil- our Hole-in-One event sponsors: son said to a very full room “I am particularly humbled Matsqui Development Co. Ltd., The Abbotsford News, by the support from our community when it comes Berryhill Foods, Canadian Western Bank, Country to charity. Our Rotary Club has committed to raising 107.1 and Star FM 98.3, Treefrog Digital, Abbotsford funds for important gaps and needs in our community International Airshow, Badesha and Narang Notaand it could not be done without the support of many.” ries Public, Dignity Memorial, Envision Financial, Dave Holmberg, community philanthropist and the

Board Chair, Abbotsford Hospice Society, David Turchen and Rotary Club of Abbotsford Fundraising Director, Shirley Wilson On September 22nd, the Rotary Club of Abbotsford was pleased to present a $29,000 donation to the Abbotsford Hospice, thanks to the successful Rotary Million Dollar Hole-in-One fundraising event. It raised over $44,000, only made possible by our generous The Rotary Club of Abbotsford Members along with Hole in One Sponsors and Supporters sponsors and donors, our committed volunteers and of course, our 536 fun-loving, yet competitive, golfers. family namesake of Holmberg House, shared his Magnuson Ford, MountainView Harley-Davidson, The other recipients of this event will be announced enthusiasm and thankfulness to Rotary stating, “the Pretty Estates, Sandpiper Golf Course, Prospera Credit at a later date. Rotary Million Dollar Hole-in-One is a terrific com- Union, Sandman Hotel and Suites, TD Bank, Valley The Rotary Million Dollar Hole-in-One was started munity effort and a great success.” David Turchen, Eurotec Sales and Service, Abbotsford Duty Free, and in a response to the club’s desire to support the Ab- Board Chair of the Abbotsford Hospice Society echoed FraserGlen Golf Course.

slfmqI kONsl dI sQfeI mYNbrI kI Bfrq pRfpq kr skygf? sMXukq rfsLtr mhFsBf df sflfnf iejlfs afpxy-afp ivwc iksy aflmI myly qoN Gwt nhIN huMdf. hr sfl sqMbr mhIny ieh mylf inAUXfrk ivwc Brdf hY aqy bhuqy dysLF dy rfj-pRmwuK ies ivwc BfsLn dy ky afpxI hfjLrI lvfAux nUM mfxmwqI pRfpqI smJdy hn. drasl, BfsLx dyxf afpxy-afp ivc Enf mhwqvpUrn nhIN huMdf ijMnf ik inAUXfrk ivwc juVy vwKvwK dysLF dy rfj-pRmwuKf nUM gYr-rsmI qOr ‘qy imlxaf aqy aijhIaF mulfkfqF dy jLrIey duvwly sbMDF nUM hulfrf dyxf. Bfrq qy pfiksqfn dIaF njLrF vI iesy iejlfs ‘qy lwgIaF hoeIaF sn ikAuNik ieh sMBfvnfvF pRgtfeIaF jf rhIaF sn ik sMXukq rfsLtr dy gilafiraF ivwc dovF dysLF dy pRDfn mMqrIaF drimafn mulfkfq ho skdI hY. ieh vwKrI gwl hY ik pfiksqfn

ny aijhI sMBfvnf iPlhfl qrk kr idwqI hY. Aus dysL dy kOmI surwiKaf slfhkfr (aYWnaYWsey) srqfj ajLIjL ny spwsLt kIqf hY ik jdoN qk Bfrq duvwlI gwlbfq dy eyjMzy ivwc ksLmIr nUM sLfiml nhIN krdf, AudoN qwk dovF pRDfn mMqrIaF drimafn mIitMg nhIN ho skygI. bhrhfl, Bfrq leI ies vfr nvfjL sLrIPL nhIN, mhFsBf dy iejlfs df eyjMzf vwD mhwqvpUrn hY. eyjMzy ivwc sMXukq rfsL t r slfmqI kO N s l dI mY N b risL p vDfAux aqy ies kONsl nUM ajokI dunIaf dIaF aslIaqF df pRqIibMb bxfAux dI gwl khI geI hY. BfrqI ivdysL mMqrflf, eyjMzy ivwc ies mwd dI sLmUlIaq nUM slfmqI kONsl dI sQfeI mYNbrI vwl BfrqI pysLkdmI mMNn irhf hY. slfmqI kONsl dy pMj mOjUdf sQfeI mYNbr kONsl dy ivsQfr

dI mMg leI sihmqI qF pRgtfAuNdy af rhy sn, pr AunHF ny ies ivsQfr nUM sMBv bxfAux leI sMjIdf Xqn bhuq Gwt kIqy sn. hux mhFsBf dy eyjMzy AuWqy af jfx nfl

ivroDI hn aqy arjntInf Kud nUM bRfjLIl nfloN ibhqr dfavydfr mMndf hY. ietlI mihsUs krdf hY ik jrmnI dI QF Auh sQfeI mYNbrI df ibhqr hwkdfr hY.

ies muwdy ivwc pRgqI hox dI AumId bwJI aijhIaF AulJxF qy dfavydfrIaF aqy hY. BFrq, slfmqI kONsl ivwc sQfeI sIt pMj mOjUdf sQfeI mYNbrF vwloN afpxI cODr df purfxf dfavydfr hY. ies ny jrmnI, nUM hr hfl brkrfr rwKx dIaF koisLsLF ieh drsfAuNdIaF hn ik slfmqI kONsl dI jfpfn qy bRfjLIl nfl iml ky jI-4(gruwp sQfeI mYbrI iksy vI qrHF Bfrq dI phuMc afP Por) bxfieaf hoieaf hY qF jo cfroN dy nyVy nhIN. Bfrq nUM ies mOky husIn supny dysL sQfeI mYNbr bxn leI sFJy Xqn lYx dI QF afpxy pYr jLmIn ‘qy itkfeI kr skx. pr jI-4 dI ivroDqf, 12 dysLF rwKxy cfhIdy hn aqy sMjmI sur aKLiqafr df gruwp (XU[aYWP[sI) kr irhf hY jo ik krnI cfhIdI hY. sQfeI mYNbrI pRqI vwD ieqPfk rfie nfl nvyN sQeI mYNbr Qfpyt jfirhfnf phuMc dI QF ies nUM ies sMsQf jfx dy hwk ivwc hY. ies grwup ivwc cIn, dy kMm-ZMg ivwc vwD pfrdrsLqf, vwD dovyN korIaf, pfiksqfn, arjntInf aqy jvfbdyhI qoN vwD sMjIdgI ilafAux AuWqy ietlI sLfiml hn. pfiksqfn, Bfrq dI jLor dyxf cfhIdf hY. aijhI phuMc qy suhj sQfeI mYNbrI df ivroDI hY. cIn qy dovyN ies df aks suDfr ky sQfeI sIt leI korIaf, jfpfn nUM sQfeI sIt dyx dy kwtV ies dy XqnF nUM vwD vjLn bKsL skdI hY. PAGE 35

The Patrika



puils vwloN kYnyzf rYivinAU eyjYNsI dy nklI eyjYNt qoN cOks rihx dI cyqfvnI ipCly idnIN afpxy afp nUM rYivinAU eyjYNsI df krmcfrI dwsx vfly afdmI ny iek aYbtsPorz dy iek joVy nfl $1500 dI TwgI ieh gwl kih ky mfrI ik AunHF dy ijMLmy ieMnf tYks bkfieaf hY| nfl hI ikhf ik jy AunHF ny adfiegI nf kIqI qF AunHF nUM igRPqfr kr ilaf jfvy g f| mgro N AunHF nUM sLwk ho igaf ik ikqy AuMnHF nfl TwgI nf vwj geI hovy| ieh soc ky Auh aYbtsPorz puils kol afey aqy sfrI khfxI suxfeI| puils aiDlkfrI ieafn mYkzfnlz df kihxf hY ik jdoN Auh afpxI khfxI su x f rhy sn qF Aus nklI eyjYNt df Pon afieaf ijs df jvfb iek puils aPsr ny idwqf aqy afpxI pCfx dwsI| iPr vI Auh ziraf nhIN aqy kihx

lwgf ik pYisaF dI adfiegI rukxI nhIN cfhIdI| pr iek hor aPsr ny ieh adfiegI rok idwqI sI| mYkzfnlz df iKafl hY ik Auh Twg ivdysL qoN Pon kr irhf sI| iPr vI puils vwloN jFc kIqI jf rhI hY | puils vwloN lokF nU M aijhy Tw g F qo N cO k s rihx dI cyqfvnI kIqI hY| Xfd rhy ik ipCly mhIny kYnyzf rYivinAU eyjYNsI vwloN vI aijhy TwgF qoN Kbrdfr rihx leI pbilk noits jfrI kIqf sI aqy dwisaf sI ik eyjYNsI kdI aijhy Pon nhIN krdI| jy iksy vwl koeI bkfieaf hovy qF Aus df ilKqI noits Byijaf jFdf hY| jy iksy nUM aijhf Pon afvy qF Auh 1-888495-8501 ‘qy POn krky kYnyzIan aYNtI-Prfz sYNtr nUM dwsy|

srkfr vwloN ielfkfeI hvfeI awizaF dy suDfr leI PMz pRvfn bI sI dI nvIN 10 sflf afvfjfeI Xojnf ‘ B C on the Move’ df iek Bfg hY B C Air Access Program| ies pRogrfm aDIn srkfr ny kimAuintI aqy ielfkfeI hvfeI awizaf dy suDfr leI $6 imlIan pRvfn kIqy hn| afvfjfeI mMqrI tOz ston df kihxf hY ik ies pRogrfm rfhIN idwqy gey PMz nfl ielfkfeI aqy kimAuintI hvfeI awizaF ‘qy surwiKaf,

BrosyXogqf aqy psfr leI loVINdy ZFicaF ivc jLrUrI qbdIlIaF kIqIaF jf skxgIaF| ieMnHF qbdIlIaF ivc ro s L n I, nY i vgy s L n l isstm, trminl iblizMgF df psfr aqy dO V -pQF dy suDfr sLfml hn| iesy pRogrfm qihq agly iqMn sflF ivc $24 imlIan Krcy jfxgy | ieM n H F iqM n sflF dOrfn hI sUby dy smuwcy afvfjfeI nYtvrk nUM cMgyrf bxfAux leI $2[5 iblIan df invysL kIqf jfvygf|

isiKaf mMqRflf dI guMmI hfrz zRfeIv nhIN lwBI grmIaF dy mOsm dy arMB hox qoN lY ky hux qwk bI sI dy isiKaf mMqRfly df stfP iek guMm hoeI hfrz zRfeIv lwB irhf pr sPl nhIN hoieaf| ies ivc bI sI aqy XUkfn dy 1986 qoN 2009 qwk dy ividafrQIaF dI jfxkfrI hY| kuLwl 3[4 imlIan irkfrz hn|


ies qoN ielfvf ies zRfeIv ivc srkfr dI sMBfl hyTly 9000 bwicaF dy inwjI isiKaf nMbr vI hn| ies gumMsLudgI dI sUcnf ienPrmysLn & pRfeIvysI kimsLnr ailjLfibQ zYnhYm nUM ByjI geI hY aqy Aus vwloN vI jFc cwl rhI hY| |

sfeIkl clfAux dI ibrqI nUM Auqsfihq krn leI PMz pRvfn bI sI srkfr sUby dy 25 sLihrF/ksibaF nUM $6 imlIan dI shfieqf dy rhI hY qF jo afpxy ielfikaF ivc sfeIkl lynF, tRylF aqy rsiqaF ivc vfDf kr skx aqy sfeIkl clfAux vfilaF leI vDyry shUlqF AuplbD krvf skx| ieMj krn df aslI mMqv qF lokF nUM sfeIkl clfAux leI Auqsfihq krnf hY aqy Au M n H F dIaF srIrk srgrmIaF ivc vfDf krky

Au n H F nU M vDy r y ishqmM d bxfAuxf hY| 2001 qoN lY ky hux qwk bI sI srkfr sUby dIaF 100 kimAuintIaF nU M nvIaF sfeIkl ly n F aqy tRylF bxfAux leI $160 imlIan dy cu w k I hY| ijLkrXog hY ik agly iqMn sflF ivc afvfjfeI df mMqRflf bI sI dy ZoafZuafeI, afvfjfeI dy islsly dy suDfr leI $2[5 iblIan df invysL krygf|

hunrmMd ikrqIaF qwk phuMcx bfry golmyjL kfnPrMsF df afXojn vYnkUvr ivKy aMqrrfsLtrI sYktr dy pRqIinDF ny PYzrl aqy sUbfeI srkfrF nfl iml bYT ky hunrmMd ikrq aqy mnuwKI sRoqF dI plYinMg bfry ivcfrF kIqIaF | afAux vfly mhIinaF ivc ies qrF dIaF hor keI bYTkF vI hoxgIaF| ieMnHF df mMqv ieh hY ik hunrmMd ikrq dy loVvMd sYktr hunrmMd ikrqIaF qwk ikvyN phuMc krn qF jo hunrmMdF dI QuV nUM pUrf kIqf jf sky| aMqrrfsLtrI isiKaf sY k tr vI ies

muihMm df mhwqvpUrn ihwsf hY | vrxnXog hY ik 2013 ivc aMqrrfsLtrI ividafrQIaF ny bI sI af ky pVHfeI krn leI $2[3 iblIan Krc kIqy aqy iswty vjoN 25,500 nOkrIaF pYdf hoeIaF| hunrF dI isKlfeI dI mMqrI sLrlI bONz ny ikhf ik ieh golmyjL kfnPRMsF mWuK sbMDq iDrF aijhf mOkf pRdfn krngIaF jdoN Auh ivcfr skxgIaF ik aYNplfierF dIaF hunrmMd ikrq dIaF loVF ikvyN pUrIaF jf skdIaF hn|

sfKrqf muihMm leI srkfr dy rhI hY $500,000 23 sqMbr nUM vYnkUvr ivKy isiKaf mMqrI mfeIk brnIar vwloN Raisea-Reader mu i hM m sL u r U kridaF Vancouver Sun aKbfr vMzy ijs ivc ies muihMm df iesLiqhfr Cipaf hY| bI sI dI iewkoiewk sfKrqf sMsQf, Decoda Literacy Solutions vYnkUvr sMn aKbfr nfl iml ky srkfr vwloN idwqy $500,000 bI sI dIaF kimAuintI aDfirq sfKrqf sMsQfvF ivc vMzygI| vrxnXog hY ik 2004 qoN lY ky hux qwk srkfr ‘ ryjL-ey-rIzr’

dI hmfieq leI $6[8 imlIan df invysL kr cuwkI hY ijs ivc Auprokq $500,000 sLfml hn| srkfr df ivcfr hY ik sfKrqf hr ivakqI dy jIvn nUM guxvwqf bxfAux leI jLrUrI hY| sfKrqf qoN ibnf cM g I nO k rI imlxI aOKI hY ; cMgI kmfeI kr skxf vI kTn hY aqy nfl hI sfKrqf ibnf isKlfeI dy pRogrfm qwk phuMc hoxI asMBv ho jFdI hY | ies krky sfKrqf df psfr bhuq mhwqvpUrn ho jFdf hY|

Friday, September 25th, 2015

srkfr vwloN nvyN slybs rfhIN ieiqhfsk vDIkIaF nUM TIk krn df Xqn bI sI srkfr ny skU l F dy gR y z 5 aqy gR y z 10 dy ividafrQIaF leI Bamboo Shoots : Chinese Canadian Legacies in B C nfmI nvF pfTkRm sMpUrk cflU kIqf hY | ies ivc drsfieaf igaf hY ik 1880 ivc jdoN 15,000 cInI bI sI ivc ies krky afey sn ik AuMnHF ny suixaf sI ik iewQy iksy nfl koeI ivqkrf nhIN kIqf jFdf | pr hoieaf ies dy Ault| AuMnHF nUM dUsry afvfsIaF vrgy hwk aqy irafieqF nf idw q IaF geIaF| Au h BrpUr ivqkry dy isLkfr hoey| hux nvyN slybs ivc ieh aMikq kIqf igaf hY ik cInI lo k F dI bI sI dy smfjk, sw i Bafcfrk aqy afriQk KyqrF ivc sLlfGfXog dyx hY| bI sI df

ieh ieiqhfsk splImYNt afm lokF leI vI AuplbD hY | cIn qoN 25 sfl pihlF kYnyzf afeI bhuswBafcfrk mfmilaF dI mMqrI tYrIsf vft df kihxf hY ik BUqkfl ivc hoeIaF axsuKfvIaF vfrdfqF nUM imtfieaf qF nhI jf skdf prMqU asIN awgy vD skdy hF aqy BivwKq pIVHIaF leI cMgf ivrsf Cwz skdy hF| bYNbU sLUts awj dI pIvHI nUM ieh dws skygf ik BUqkfl dy ainaFpUrx aml duhrfey nf jfx| Xfd rhy ik 2014 ivc bI sI ivDfn sBf ivc cInI lo k F qo N Au M n H f nfl ipClIaF srkfrF vwloN ho e IaF vDIkIaF/Dw i kaF dI bfkfiedf muafPI mMgI geI sI| iesy krky hux Aus kfly, dfgI smyN nUM skUlF dy nvy N sly b s df ihw s f bxfieaf igaf hY|

pIx vfly surwiKaq pfxI leI PMz 22 sqMbr nUM pRkfisLq kIqy gey srkfrI pRkfsLn ivc ishq mMqrI tYrI lyk vwloN dwisaf igaf hY ik srkfr bI sI vftr & vy s t aY s o s Iey s L n nU M $500,000 dy rhI hY qF jo Auh Coty vftr isstm pRPulq ho skx| mMqrI ny ikhf ik ieh kdm AuMnHF vwloN ipCly sfl XUnIan aO P imAu i nspY l tIjL nU M ieMj krn leI idwqy vcn nUM pUrf krn leI cuwikaf igaf hY| aijhy isstmf df cM M g y ho x f dU r du r fzy vsdy pyNzU invfsIaF leI jLrUrI hn| ies PMz rfhIN pfxI nU M sfP rw K x leI loVINdI isiKaf dyx dy pRbMd

kIqy jf skxgy| isstm mYnyjrF nUM ieh isKlfeI vrksL f pF, vY b nfrF,aqy koicMg kYNp lgf ky idwqI jfvygI qF jo ieMnHF lokF nUM sfP suQrf pfxI imly| AuDr Au p ro k q aY s o s Iey s L n dy pRDfn zyivz myn ny ikhf ik ieMnHF isstmF nUM cMgyrf bxfAux leI srkfr, ieMzstrI aqy Coty isstmF dy mflkF nfl iml ky lokF nUM surwiKaq pfxI AuplbD krfAux leI vcnbwD hn| nvrxnxXog hY ik bI sI dy 4500 Coty vftr isstm hn| jo lgBg 40,000 lokF nUM pfxI splfeI kr rhy hn|

Friday, September 25th, 2015

The Patrika 



The Patrika


Friday, September 25th, 2015



XfrIaF pvn “igwlF vflf”

gurBjn ‘igwl’

pgVI sMBwl j`tw... gurdIS kOr gryvwl

kxIaF sfAux dIaF jsvMq kOr ‘ivrk’

qurdy iPrdy sfry pr nf hlcl hY.

ijLMdgI dy rfhF ivwc roVy ny bVy

pgVI sMBwl j`tw, pgVI sMBwl Eey[

hfie nI! kxIaF sfAux dIaF

eys ngr ivwc hr bMdf ikAuN inwsl hY.

AuNJ pr Xfr sfzy QoVy ny bVy.

lu`t leI jvwnI qyrI, niSAW dy mwl Eey[

jd vI mfey nI afAuxgIaF

nSy dy vpwrI A`j, cogw hY KlwirAw[

Xfd qyrI dIaF icxgF sfzy,

qyry jhy BoilAW leI, jwl hY pswirAw[

sIny ivwc BVQU pfAuxgIaF

rwuK dI tfhxI dsqf bxy kuhfVy df, myrf afpxf afpf bixaf kfiql hY.

cMgf hoieaf cMgy-cMgy igxqI dy vfly

corF ny qd qIkx afAuxf bfjL nhIN,

sfzy ihwsy ivwc afey

cUs ilAw r`q qyrw, ju`sw id`qw gwl Eey

hfie! nI kxIaF sfAux dIaF.

jd qwk Gr df mfilk hI Kud gfiPLl hY.

XfrF nfl XfrIaF, inBfeIaF XfrF ny

du`D iGE nwl plI, qyrI ieh jvwnI sI[

qurdI iPrdI AuWTdI bihMdI

dunIAW ‘c qyrw koeI, hor nhIauN swnI sI[

qUM gIq vYrfg dy gfvyN nI.

myilAW qy iCMjW iv`c, pwauNdw sYN Dmwl Eey

mfipaF dy Gr DI nf sohy.

Brm BulyKy km aklI dy kot iklHy, iPr vI lokIN afKI jfvx afkl hY.

kdy nPy nIN kmfey.

afpxy hI prCfvyN koloN zr jfnF,

hfly qwk hfry nIN koeI bfjLI ijLMdgI ‘c

qyry au`qy dyS nUM qW, sdw irhw mwx Eey[

mYnUM bYT iehI smJfvNy nI.

myry nfloN vD ky ikhVf bujLidl hY.

ijwqF ijwqdy rhy

j`g iv`c rhI qyrI, v`KrI pCwx Eey[

vMgF kFty ptoly gwuzIaF.

ichry au`qy P`bdw sI, qyry qy jlwl Eey

sfzI Xfd idvfAuxgIaF

AMn dwqw j`g dw qUM, bixAW sYN sohixAW[

hfie nI! kxIaF sfAux dIaF.

qlKL smMudr DrqIN nUM nf pI jfvy, jLflm lihrfN dwisaf ieh qF pfgl hY.

duwK-qkLlIPF BfvyN afeIaF lwKF isr

vwzy supny lY ky iPr Gbrf jfnF,

pr imwkdy rhy .

DMn qyrI mwqw ijs, jixAW sYN sohixAW[

bcpn bIiqaf afeI jvfnI.

sfQ qyry ibn qurnf zfZf musLikl hY.

kIqI nhIEN kdy pRvfh qF asIN koeI

Bu`K nwl ivlkdy ny, A`j qyry bwl Eey

mYN ikAuN hoeI muitafr kuVy.

DwVvI ivdySIAW nUM, T`lH qUMhINE pwauNdw sYN[

Cwz cwlI mYN bfbl ivhVf.

‘dIS’ jhIAW BYxW dI qUM, p`q vI bcwauNdw sYN[

qy aMmVI df pirvfr kuVy.

j`g dy leI bx jw qUM, iPr qoN imswl Eey

bfp dI godI, mF dI lorI.


hws-hws sIny lfey, XfrF nfl XfrIaF[[[[[[[

Xfd kwlI nUM afAuxgIaF

JwilaF nI rohb iksy KwbI-Kfn df ibwkr isMG ‘Kosf’

nhIN iksy qoN zrdy mfVy AuWqy krdf julm afx koeI dyK nhIEN jrdy.

sB kuJ jfxidaF hoieaf kuJ bol nhIN huMdf

rwK leIey jfn kwZ Jwt qlI qy

idl ivwc ijhVf duwK hY ikDry Pol nhIN huMdf pr isr nIN Jukfey, swq smuMdr pfroN vI koeI nyVy bYTf hY XfrF nfl XfrIaF[[[[[[[. buwkl ivwc bYTf vI koeI kol nhIN huMdf axKLF nf jIxf BfvyN jIxf cfr idn byrMgI ivc hI iewk lMmf pYNzf Jfgilaf hux rMgF dI mihiPLl ivwc rMg Gol nhIN huMdf rosy nhIEN pflIdy iewk ruwq huMdI hfxI pYVF lwBdy iPrdy ny ipClI rwuqy koeI vI hmjol nhIN huMdf aYNvyN Brm BulyKy JolI Brky iPrdy hF jd ik suwcf moqI koeI Jol nhIN huMdf aYvyN lokF kol sPfeIaF idMdf iPrdf hY idl dI dUrI bfJoN bol-kubol nhIN huMdf

awCy idn kd afAuxgy

hfie! nI kxIaF sfAux dIaF. bfbl myrf ey kOly lwigaf. nIvIN pfeI qy awKIaF BrIaF ny. aOh ! sfAux dI bwdlI vFgUM

mulK rfj ‘pRymI’

mF dIaF awKF vrHIaF ny. ikvyN Buwl jfAUN ieh njLfry. nf rfqIN nINdF afAuxIaF.

cuwk ky krjf keI grIbF Kfqy bYkF ivwc Kulvfey pMdrF lwK dy lYNdy supny krjy Qwly afey

hfie! nI kxIaF sfAux dIaF. iewk vIr qUM dyeIN vy rwbf. vDy bfp myry df KyVf vy.

kflf Dn, tfl mtol, awCy idn sfhUkfrF dy

“igwlF dy pvn” eyho KwtI KwtIdI

iewk ivafhIey dUjf mMgIey.

awCy idn kd afAuxgy, idn lMGy krfrF dy

rhy ‘ivrk’ mfrdI gyVf vy.

vkq nIN gflIdy.

kudrq kropI, hVF lpyt, nuksfn iksfnF BfrI

nfl bhfny Gr pyky DIaF.

BuwK hVqflF, ros mujLfhry hr rovy ijMd ivcfrI

bx pRfhuxIaF afAuxgIaF

JUTy vfady, Bys vtfAuNdy, iqwKy mUMh qlvfrF dy

hfie! nI kxIaF sfAux dIaF

BON pRfpqI ibl, ivruwD, iksfn, rOlf pfeI jFdy

jd vI mfey nI afAuxgIaF.

cMigaF nUM ipwCoN Xfd krdf ey jwg kIqI nykI kMm afey,

ipMgl aqy arUjL ibnf nF gLjL l khI jfvy

XfrF nfl XfrIaF inBfeIaF XfrF ny

luwtF KohF, blfqkfr, nisLaF Twl nf pFdy

Xfd qyrI dIaF icxgF sfzy.

qukbMdI, jy nfp nhIN jF qol nhIN huMdf

kdy nPy nI kmfey.

pRymI dysL dy dusLmx krdy kfry PVy puwq gdfrF dy

sIny ivwc BVQU pfAuxgIaF nI


The Patrika

Friday, September 25th, 2015



mfx qF huMdY[[[[[


gIq gurmyl isMG ‘brfV’ rozy

hrbMs isMG ‘mUMzI’

‘lwkI’ lKbIr gwKV, aYbtsPorz

gLjLl igwl ‘morFvflI’ ieh ichrf by-nkfbf qyry leI hY.

ho geIaF suMn srfvF, pwqJV hoieaF qoN muwk geIaF mOj bhfrF, mF ipE moieaF qoN ho gey Gor hnyry, sUrj zwuibaF qoN bhuq inklxf aOKf, nrk ‘c KuibaF qoN muwl cfnx df pYNdf, nyiraf ZoieaF qoN jy ivwc CotIaF AumrF, rIJF rul jfvx jy duwD cuMGdy bfl, hwtI ivwk muwl jfvx

cuMnI koeI do gjLI –lIr nhIN huMdI.

mfpy sdf hI rwKdy mfx, pwuq jvfnF qy,

KyVf KusLbU gulfbf qyry leI hY.

cuMnI gl pfeI koeI- jMjLIr nhIN huMdI.

mfx BYxF nUM huMdY, afpxy sikaF vIrF qy.

myry gLm ny sjfvt dI cIjL vFgr,

ieh smfijk kdrF kImqF-ivwc hY guMnI.

hr koeI CF sMGxI, cfhuMdY isr AuWqy,

surmF, surKI sLbfbf qyry leI hY.

aOrqF dI lfj-huMdI hY cuMnI.

koeI nhIN hyTF bihMdf, jf krIrF dy.

myrf myry ‘c kuJ vI bicaf nhIN,

isr df qfj- huMdI hY cuMnI.

jo mrdy dysL qy kOm bcfvx leI,

iewk idl hY by-qfbf qyry leI hY.

kdy nvIaF ivafeIaF-Gwgry pfAuNdIaF sI.

dysL nUM huMdY mfx, AunHF sUrbIrF qy.

ieh hfsy ieh KusLIaF mYN kI krFgf,

sfrf srIr Zky ibnF-bfhr nf afAuNdIaF sI. keI rwKdy mfx, mKLmlI ibsqr dI,

mwuk gey lfz ipafr, mwuK lkoieaF qoN

ieh KyVf by-ihsfbf qyry leI hY.

mUMh qy grdn- nf huMdI sI suMnI.

keIaF nUM huMdY gOrv, pftIaF lIrF qy.

AuhdI qkdIr sI zubky mr geI,

keI prvfr vr-mMgx afAuNdy ny.

jy mn hI Kud, smJf lvo zolx qoN,

AUJ, AulfBf Jnfbf qyry leI hY.

DI muitafr nUM-cuMnI cVfAuNdy ny.

nhIN koeI loV jfx dI, drgfhF-pIrF qy.

ieh cfa, ieh cocly, ieh sFJF Auhdy ny,

rsm AudoN pUrI huMdI-jdoN lpytI ivwc cuMnI.

AuhI ny Kyz mYdfnF, dy ivwc AWuqrdy,

pr mfr kutfeI nvfbf qyry leI hY.

isr AuWpr svfr ky-dupwtf ilaf hovy.

ijMnf nUM mfx huMdY, pfly hoey srIrF qy.

iesdf iek hI isLar AusdI Byt kIqf,

sohxI sucwjI svfxI-dI pihcfx hovy. mfn siqkfr hovy-vFg vwizaF qy muMnI.

lokIN aYNvyN kfhqoN nPLrq, eIrKf krdy ny? bfkI df sLor-sLrfbf qyry leI hY. ro ro ky hI gujLfrI sfrI jvfnI, lyKL qF ilKy ny, mwQy dIaF lkIrF qy..

dupwty hyTF-iewk afqmf huMdI ey.

afiKLr nUM DrqI qF, do gjL hI imlxI hY,

ivjVI rOxk sUrjf irsLm lukoieaF qoN

ijhVI iewk inXm ivwc-bMDI huMdI ey.

rwb qoN zrIey, mfx nf krIey,

CyqI kIqy nhIN idn muVn mCorF dy

‘mUMzI’ isMgfr dy nfl-iemfn huMdI ey cuMnI

‘lwkI’ jgIrF qy.

sB koeI sOKf bih bih GVy skIaF nUM puwCIey iekyrF jfky drd XqImF nUM jF iPr isKr dupihry luwitaF KoihaF qoN kI AuKiVaF dIaF sfrf, rMgI vsidaF nUM nhIN roidaF nf msly, iKV iKV hwsidaF nUM Kur jFdy ny surmy, hMJUaF coieaF qoN nhIN Puwl iKVdy vyKy bfl bhfrF qoN ikhVf jsn mnfvy, hoeIaF hfrF qoN

ieh muskfn bfbf qyry leI hY. rfq idny hI imly BfvyN nf imly ‘igwl’, ‘morFvflI’ sLbfbf qyry leI hY.

sfDF dy pwuq pY jFdy vs corF dy irJdf nI gurmyl isMGf rwb roieaF qoN

bMdf muwk jFdf, nhIEN mukdy iPkr kulvIr isMG ‘zfnsIvfl’ bMdf muwkdf iPkr nhIN mwukdy, jI iPkrF ny pwtI dunIaF ijLMd muwkdI iPkr nhIN muwkdy, jI iPkrF ny pwtI dunIaF CiVaF nUM mfrdf iPkr rotI df afpxy ivafh df aqy sohxI vhutI df afKdy ivafhy aYvNy pMgf pf ilaf moqI cUr vflf aYvyN lwzU Kf ilaf muMzy SINGLE Bfldy kuVIaF, ivafhy nhIEN Pon cuwkdy ijMd mwukdI iPkr nhIN muwkdy, jI iPkrF ny pwtI dunIaF imwqro grIb pYsy vwloN nMg af Aultf amIr pYsy koloN qMg af afKdf grIb myrf koTf coNdf ey imwqro amIr zflrF nUM roNdf ey rihx goitaF vFg sB DKdy, jI iPkrF ny pwtI dunIaF ijMd mwukdI iPkr nhIN mwukdy, jI iPkrF ny pwtI dunIaF rihMdf ey iPkr, jwt nUM jLmIn df iPkr sLrfbIaF nUM Kfx-pIx df lIzrF nUM kursI dI JUr mfrdI

afsLkF nUM kuVIaF dI GUr mfrdI rihx cor puls qoN lukdy, jI iPkrF ny pwtI dunIaF bMdf muwkdf iPkr nI muwkdy, jI iPkrF ny pwtI dunIaF mfvF nUM iPkr sdf rihMdf puwqF df igwl nUM iPkr sdf rihMdf mwuCF df isMgrF nUM JUr huMdI, ihwt gfxy dI iKzfrI nUM AuzIk huMdI, ijwq jfxy dI shoiqaF iPkr qYnUM rihMdf ipMz df rMglf pMjfb qyrf jfvy iKMzdf sfh rukdy kMm nf rukdy, jI iPkrF ny pwtI dunIaF qfry Cupdy kdy nf zuwbdy, jI isLKrF ny pwtI dunIaF nf mOqF dy insLfny kdy AuWkdy, jI iPLkrF ny pwtI dunIaF bMdy muwkdy iPkr nf mwukdy, afkVF ny pwtI dunIaF PAGE 39



The Patrika 

Friday, September 25th, 2015

Friday, September 25th, 2015

The Patrika 





The Patrika 

Friday, September 25th, 2015

Friday, September 25th, 2015

The Patrika 





The Patrika 

Friday, September 25th, 2015

Friday, September 25th, 2015

The Patrika 




The Patrika

Friday, September 25th, 2015


Employment kfimaF dI loV aY b tsPo r z dI lo k l zrfeIvfl kMpnI nUM kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY| nvyN kfimaF nUM $14.30 pRqI GMtf aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qjLrby anusfr| aYbtsPorz aqy aYlzrgRov qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-552-6269

Workers Wanted Farm Workers required starting January 2016, 45 to 60 hours per week. Duties include pruning, planting, weeding and harvesting berries. As well as other general farm duties. Wage $10.49 per hour. Fax resume to 604-850-7597. Townline Growers Ltd, 340 Townline Rd, Abbotsford, BC V2T 6C9.

Employment cont’d

  isvl

                    1 0 1 . 7 EYP . EYm . h          I        Eqy somv`r nUM 4-5 vjy S`m q@k E`pxI E`v`j surjIq klsI n`l|   For Sale Trailer for Sale

2014 load king tridem step deck trailer. 4 utility boxes, chrome Help Wanted wheels and tires are brand new. Shalu’s Hair & Beauty Salon is Auto greaser is installed, price now hiring a hairdresser and an $48000.

aesthetician. Experience required. E-mail: shaluhair_beautysalon@, or apply in person.

hfeIvya trwk ivkAU hn Highway Trucks for Sale 2011 Volvo, IShift Automated Transmission, D13 Motor 455 HP, 651,000Miles, and 2013 Volvo, IShift Automated Transmission, D13 Motor 455 HP, 498,000 Miles. All of the services were done on time by Volvo Dealership. For more information, Please call:604-8326363 or 778-223-6043 or 604746-2777

Services gfrzn dI ibjfeI srdIaF dI gfrzn (PuWl, sbjIaF afid) dI vDIaf ibjfeI krvfAux leI sMprk kro:778-552-3442

Matrimonial Matrimonial Looking for a match for 35 years old, 5’10” male. Good looking, divorced, canadian born, educated, supervisor job, Sikh background. Girl must be educated, good nature, simple and practical. Caste is not an issue. Please call for more information: 604-864-7656, E-mail:


Matrimonial cont’d kMinaf dI loV 26 sflf, 5’11”, KWqrI-isWK, kYnyzIan iemIgRFt lVky leI Xog kMinaf dI loV hY| lVkI kYnyzIan iemIgFt hovy jF stUzYNt primt vflLI lVkI ‘qy vI ivcfr kIqf jf skdf hY| Pon: 604-832-0660 jF 778552-0660

Xog vr dI loV 26 sflf, 5’6” kWd, jWt isWK, pVHI ilKI (bI[aYs[sI nrisMg) kYnyzIan istIjn lVkI leI kYnyzf ivwc lVky dI loV hY| lVkI df sfrf pirvfr kYnyzf ivwc sYtlz hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-344-3601

Noor Appliances Repair / Tent Rental $25 Service Charge Epl`ieMs irpyEr Epl`ieMs       

Friday, September 25th, 2015

The Patrika 



The Patrika


Friday, September 25th, 2015


ikAuN hPLdI jf rhI hY Drm-inrpwK rfjnIqI? Drm-inrpwKqfvfd sfzy dysL df sB qoN vwzf isDFq hY. Drm-inrpwKqfvfd sfzy dysL dI rfjnIqI df sB qoN vw z f pfKM z vI hY . DrminrwpKqfvfd agnI pRIiKaf ‘coN gujLr irhf hY. Drm-inrpw K rfjnIqI dI durdsLf vyKxI hovy qF ibhfr afE. iewQy sfrIaF nYiqk, rfjnIqk, jfqI mslhqF aqy sMXog dy clidaF Bfjpf dIaf ivroDI sfrIaF qfkqF Drm-inrpwKqfvfd df bfxf pf ky coxF lV rhIaF hn. AuDr lok sBf coxF ijwq ky hMkfr ivwc cUr Bfjpf aqy Aus dy bOxy sihXogI DrminrpwK Bfrq dIaF jVHF pwutx ivwc lwgy hoey hn. iewk pfsy bhuigxqIvfd df nMgf nfc hY, dUjy pfsy Qwky-hfry Drm-inrpw K qfvfdIaF dI kvfied. Drm-inrpwKqfvfd koeI isDFq nhIN hY. ‘srb Drm smBfv’ ies mulk dI jVH ivwc hY.


pr ipCly 65 sflF ivw c Drm-inrpwKqfvfd ies dysL dI imw t I dI BfsL f Cw z ky aMgryjLI bolx lwg ipaf hY. Drm-inrpwKqfvfdIaF ny mMn ilaf ik sMivDfn ivwc ilKI geI gfrMtI nfl dysL ivwc Drm-inrpwKqfvfd sQfpq ho igaf. AunHF ny asLok, akbr aqy gFDI dI BfsLf Cwz ky ivdysLI BfsLf bolxI sLurU kr idwqI. kfnUMn, kcihrI aqy rfjswqf dy shfry DrminrpwKqfvfd df zMzf clfAux dI koisLsL kIqI. hOlI-hOlI dysL dy afm nfgirkF dy idloidmfg Drm-inrpwK bxfAux dI ijLMmyvfrI qoN byKLbr ho gey. AuDr Drm-inrpwKqfvfd dI jVH pwutx vfilaF ny prMprf, afsQf aqy krm dI BfsLf ‘qy kbjLf kr ilaf. ies dysL dy sB qoN pivwqr isDFq ivwc dysL dy afm lokF dI afsQf Gtx lwgI. bhuigxqI smfj dy mn nUM joVn ivc nfkfm Drminrp wK rf jnIqI Gwt-

igxqIaF dI joV-qoV ivwc lwg geI. ibhfr ivwc DrminprpwK rfjnIqI df mqlb ho igaf Gwt igxqI smfj, KLfs krky musilm BfeIcfry dy ihwqF dI rfKI. pihlF jfiejL ihwqF dI rfKI qoN sLurUafq hoeI. hOlI-hOlI jfiejL-nfjfiejL hr qrH F dI qrPdfrI nU M Drm-inrpwKqfvfd ikhf jfx lwgf ieDr musilm smfj njLraMdfjLgI df isLkfr sI, pCiVaf hoieaf sI, smfijk, ivwidak, afriQk idRsLtIkox qo N ivqkrf Jw l irhf sI. AuDr Drm-inrpwK rfjnIqI vD-Pwul rhI sI. nqIjf ieh hoieaf ik Drm-inrpwK rfjnIqI muslmfnF nUM bMDk bxfAux dI rfjnIqI ho geI. muslmfnF nUM zrfeI rwKo, ihMsf aqy dMigaF df zr idKfAuNdy jfE aqy AunHF dIaF votF lYNdy jfE. mu s ilm Gw t -igxqI BfeIcfry leI nf iswiKaf, nf rujLgfr, nf ibhqr muhwilaF ‘c mkfn. bs musilm rfjnIqI kuJ Dfrimk aqy swiBafcfrk pRqIkF dy afly-

duafly GuMmdI rhy aqy afm muslmfn zr df mfiraf Drm-inrpw K pfrtIaF nu M vot idMdf rhy. ieh ZkONslf dysL ivwc Drm-inrwpKqfvfd khfAux lwgf. Drm-inrpwKqfvfd dy isDFq aqy vo t bY N k dI rfjnIqI ivckfrly pfVy df BFzf Bwjxf hI sI. bhuigxqI BfeIcfrf socdf sI ik DrminrpwKqfvfd Aus nUM dbfAux aqy Gw t -igxqI BfeIcfry dy qusLtIkrn df aOjLfr hY. Gwt-igxqI BfeIcfrf smJdf hY ik Drm-inrpw K qfvfd AunHF nUM bMDk bxfeI rwKx dI sfijsL hY. ieh pfVf sB qoN pihlF aXuwiDaf aMdoln ivwc njLr afieaf, ijs df nqIjf bfbrI msijd dI qbfhI dy rUp ivwc inkilaf. 2002 dy gujrfq kqlyafm ivwc Drm-inrpwKqfvfd iPr hfiraf. ies isafsI aml df nqIjf 2014 dIaF coxF ivwc sfhmxy afieaf. awj Drm-inrpwK rfjnIqI QwkI-

hfrI aqy GbrfeI hoeI hY. nirMdr modI dI byimsfl ijwq aqy Aus qoN bfad dysL Br ivc iPrkU rfjnIqI dy isr AuTfAux qoN GbrfeI hoeI hY. ipCly 25 sflF ivwc CotIaFmotIaF lVffeIaF hfr ky awj mnoN hfr hoeI hY. dysL dy afm lokF nUM Drm-inrpwKqfvfd dy ivcfr nfl dubfrf joVn dI vwzI cuxOqI df sfhmxf krn qoN pihlF hI QwkI hoeI hY. ies leI awj Drm-inrpwK rfjnIqI ‘sLfrt kwt’ ho geI hY. iksy jfdU dI qlfsL ivwc hY. iksy vI iqgVm df shfrf lYx nUM mjbUr hY. ibhfr dIaF coxF iksy QwkIhfrI, GbrfeI Drm-inrpwK rfjnIqI df nmUnf hn. jdo Drm-inrpwK rfjnIqI jncyqnf jutfAux qoN asmrwQ ho jFdI hY, jdoN Aus nUM lok-mnF df Brosf nhIN rihMdf, AudoN Auh iksy vI qrHF Bfjpf nUM hrfAux df nfarf idMdI hY. ies rxnIqI qihq iBRsLtfcfr muafP krnXog hY. jfqIvfdI

XogyNdr Xfdv

gWTjoV muafPL krnXog hY aqy rfj-kfj dI asPlqf vI muafPLI Xog hI hY. bs, jo Bfjpf dy iKlfP KVHf13dysL dy pivwqr Drm-inrpwK isDFq nUM bcfAuxf hY qF DrminrpwK rfjnIqI nUM punrjnm lYxf pvygf, DrminrpwK rfjnIqI nUM dubfrf lok-mnF nfl sbMD bxfAuxf pvygf. Gwt-igxqIaF nUM isrP surwiKaf dyx df dfavf krn dI QF ‘qy AunHF leI iswiKaf, rujLgfr aqy qrwkI dy hor mOikaF vflI rfjnIqI sLurU krnI pvygI. sLfied asLok df sUbf ibhfr iewk cMgI jgHf hY ies rfjnIqI dI sLurUafq leI.

Friday, September 25th, 2015

The Patrika 





The Patrika 

Friday, September 25th, 2015

Friday, September 25th, 2015

The Patrika 





The Patrika 

Friday, September 25th, 2015

Friday, September 25th, 2015

The Patrika 





The Patrika 

Friday, September 25th, 2015




The Patrika 

Friday, September 25th, 2015

Friday, September 25th, 2015

The Patrika 





The Patrika 

Friday, September 25th, 2015

Friday, September 25th, 2015

The Patrika 





The Patrika 

Friday, September 25th, 2015

Friday, September 25th, 2015

The Patrika 



The Patrika



Friday, September 25th, 2015

ART BATTLE 312 – ABBOTSFORD Liberal government will ensure greater 12 Painters go head to head, you decide the winner! retirement security for our seniors

Art Battle Canada visits Abbotsford for the first time on October 2nd at The Reach, doors open at 7PM, competition begins at 7:30. What is Art Battle? Art Battle is live competitive painting. Painters create the best work they can in 20 minutes. As they work, patrons move around the easels closely watching the creative process. The medium is acrylic paint and the tools allowed are brushes, palette knives or any non-mechanical implements. At the end of the round, the audience votes for their favourite painting and bids in the silent auction to take the work home. Easels are grouped together in the centre of the room, a stop clock is started, and so begins a frenzy of artists painting, flipping and splattering canvases while the crowd circulates around them. At the end of each round you vote for your favourite, and the winners go on to compete in the finale at the end of the evening. (All finished paintings are put up for silent auction.) It’s a highly competitive event that pits artist against artist in 20 minute contests to see who can produce the most desirable work of art. There are typically 3 rounds in total (6 artists in the first two rounds) and the top 2 artists from each round compete in the final, for guts and glory!

and Chris Pemberton (who is a painter himself), started the event in 2009 because, says Chris, “we were just really bad at watching TV and wanted to make our own culture.” (Cue putting down the remote.) This event is for the young and old, artists and non-artists and everyone in between. After all who doesn’t love a little healthy competition? Spend a night watching crazy talented people create, compete and reeling in those awesome vibes, while spectators get to watch, talk, judge, vote and buy! Tickets are available to purchase online at About Moda Events: Moda Events was started in 2013 by Zoe Howarth, it was brought about with the love of living in Chilliwack and wanting to work closely within my community. I have a need to bring about innovative and exciting events, it just makes sense that Chilliwack is an amazing place to live AND play! Not only outdoors, but the crazy fun nights out/in we can have too. You should always step outside the box and out of that comfort zone, which is exactly what these artists are doing for you on October 2nd! To learn more about Moda Events, visit us at www. For more information contact Zoe Howarth Moda Events

Art Battle Canada was founded by two guys from Markham, Ont., Simon Plashkes

604.997.2563 /

Surrey Centre – A Trudeau-led Liberal government will make sure that Canadian seniors get the secure and dignified retirement they deserve, said Liberal candidate for Surrey Centre, Randeep Sarai. "With record levels of household debt and an economy in recession, it is no wonder why Canadians in Surrey – and across the country – are worried about their retirement," said Sarai. "Right now, on average, a retired person receives just $618 per month from the Canada Pension Plan – hardly enough to live on. Our seniors have worked their entire lives, and should not have struggle to make ends meet. Justin Trudeau has a plan to ensure that all Canadians get the dignified retirement they have earned." As part of our three-point plan to create jobs, grow the middle class, and help those working hard to join the middle class, a Liberal government will work with the provinces and territories to significantly reform our retirement security system by: • Restoring the eligibility age for Old Age Security and the Guaranteed Income Supplement to 65; • Lifting hundreds of thousands of seniors out of poverty by immediately boosting the Guaranteed Income Supplement for single low-income seniors by ten percent; • Introducing a new Seniors Price Index – in recognition of the fact that many se-

• Beginning discussions with the provinces and territories, workers, employers and others on how to enhance the Canada Pension Plan within our first three months in government; • Not cutting pension income splitting for seniors; • Introducing a more flexible and accessible Employment Insurance Compassionate Care Benefit; and • Prioritizing significant new investment in affordable housing and seniors’ facilities as part of a Liberal government’s commitment to a new, ten-year investment of nearly $20 billion in social infrastructure. "Every day, I speak with people who tell me that they are struggling – that they are working longer and harder just to make ends meet, that they have to choose between saving for their kids’ education or for their own retirement. That’s just not right," Randeep said. "Only Liberals have a plan to ensure that all seniors are able to retire in security and dignity, and that all Canadians have a real and fair chance at success."

Set yourself up for craft market success with tips and tricks from Patti Lawn, Executive Director of the Chilliwack Community Arts Council Get ready for the Christmas Craft Market season with the advice of a seasoned pro. Patti Lawn, Executive Director of the Chilliwack Community Arts Council, which has run over 40 years of Christmas Craft Markets, will be giving a presentation on “Craft Market Success, Tips and Tricks” as part of this year’s Art of Marketing Speaker Series. Patti has extensive experience working with applications, the jurying process, and set-up of an event that brings in 8,000 patrons every year. In this session you will learn how to find markets that fit your product, how to apply, tips and techniques for setting up a successful vendor booth, and how to sell your product artfully. “Craft Market Success, Tips and Tricks”


niors live on fixed incomes – to make sure that Old Age Security and the Guaranteed Income Supplement keep up with rising costs;

will be held on October 8 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Reach Gallery Museum (32388 Veterans Way) in Abbotsford. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Registration is $15 for Abbotsford Arts Council members, $25 for non-members, and $5 for Emerge at the Reach members. Register online at or at the Kariton Art Gallery (2387 Ware St.). The Art of Marketing Speaker Series is sponsored by the Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce and hosted in partnership by the Abbotsford Arts Council and the Mission Arts Council. For more information please contact the Abbotsford Arts Council at 604.852.9358,, or visit us online at

The Patrika

Friday, September 25th, 2015



ijs idn pwuq df jnm huMdf hY, mF Aus idn qoN hI Aus dy ivafh dy supny dyKxy sLurU kr idMdI hY. ijvyN-ijvyN pwuq vwzf huMdf jFdf hY, Aus dy mn aMdr nUMh AuWproN pfxI vfr ky pIx dI qFG vDdI jFdI hY. afKr iewk idn ieh sulwKxI GVI af jFdI hY, ijs nUM lfVy dI mF aqy BYxF nUM sflF qoN AuzIk huMdI hY. BfvNy awj ivafhF df sfrf rMg ZMg bdl igaf hY, pr ipMzF ivwc awj vI kfPLI rsmF kfiem hn. sLihrF ivc pfxI vfrn dI rsm smyN ipMzF nfloN Gwt rOxk huMdI hY. pihlF aOrqF brfq nhIN sn jFdIaF, pr awj-kwlH aOrqF vI brfq ivwc sLfml huMdIaF hn. ivafh vflf Gr iblkuwl suMnf huMdf hY. koeI iewk do mYNbr Gr dI rfKI leI hI bYTy huMdy hn. pihlF brfq ivc kuJ coxvyN ivakqI hI jFdy sn. sfrIaF aOrqF aqy kuJ mrd mYNbr Gr huMdy sn. aOrqF (mylxF) sfrf idn nwcdIaF, gIq gfAuNdIaF hoeIaF rOxkF lf ky rwKdIaF sn. ijvyN-ijvyN brfq dy vfps afAux df smF nyVy afAuNdf vhutI dyKx dI qFG vDdI jFdI. sfrIaF mylxF iqafr hoxf sLurU kr idMdIaF. muMzy dI mF vI isr AuWpr gulfbI cuMnI jF PulkfrI lY ky pfxI vfrn leI iqafr ho jFDI. iewk QflI ivwc mUMh juTfAux

pfxI vfr bMny dIey mfey

krmjIq kOr

leI lwzU, nyqrf, iCwb aqy ipwpl dy pwqy rwK ley jFdy. iewk gVHvI nUM KMmHxI bMnH ky ivwc pfxI Br ilaf jFdf. Gr dy mwuK drvfjLy ivcfly iewk lwkVI df ptVf rwK ilaf jFdf. ipMzF ivwc vhutI Auqfrn smyN aFZ-guaFZ ivwc vI swdf idwqf jFdf ik bhU(vhutI) afAux vflI hY, af jfE.

swqvIN vfr lfVf mF nUM pfxI pIx qoN nhIN rokdf. kuVIaF gIq gfAuNdIaf hn:

dUroN kfr afAuNdI vyK ky bwcy rOlf pf idMdy. kuVIaF bfhrly drvfjLy vwl Bwj ky afAuNdIaF. af ky dyKdIaF Aus kfr ivc pihlF af ky sLgn lYx vfly brfqI huMdy. Auh muMzy dI mF qoN vDfeI lYNdy. jdoN qwk muMzy dI mF vDfeI idMdI, AudoN qk lfVy vflI kfr vI af jFdI. iPr zrfeIvr dy vDfeI lYx dI vfrI af jFdI. Auh lfVy nUM Auqfrn dy idMdf, pr vhutI vflI bfrI KolHx qoN pihlF sLgn dI mMg krdf. awj kwlH ieh vDfeI lYx vflIaF rsmF vI kuJ Gt geIaf hn. rIq anusfr lfVy dI BrjfeI dI nvIN ivafhI nUM zolI ivcoN AuqfrdI hY. iPr lfVy aqy lfVI nUM ptVy AuWpr KVHfieaf jFdf hY. mF nyqrf, iCwb aqy ipwpl dy pwqy vgYrf nUMh dy isr AuWpr rwK ky swq vfr pfxI vfrn dI pRikiraf krdI hY. hr vfr Auh pfxI vfr ky gVHvI mUMh nUM lf ky pfxI pIx lwgdI hY, pr lVkf rok idMdf hY.

pfxI vfr ky vhutI nUM aMdr iljfieaf jFd hY. aMdr jfx ‘qy BYxF kmry df bfr rok ky KVH jFdIaF hn aqy sLgn lY ky hI awgy jfx idMdIaF hn. ies qo bfad kmry aMdr, cVHdy vwl mUMh krky dovF nUM ibTfieaf jFdf hY. muMzy dI mF iewk CMny ivwc dysI iGE qy KMz rlf ky nUMh dy mUMh ivwc swq vfr pfAuNdI hY. ies nUM ipaflf ikhf jFdf hY. ies smyN vI dohy lfey jFdy hn.

pfxI vfr bMny dIey mfey, bMnf-bMnI bfhr KVHy[[[[[

ies qoN bfad Coty idEr nUM nvIN ivafhI Bfbo dy gozy ‘qy ibTfieaf jFdf hY. jdoN BfbI sLgn idMdI hY. iPr idEr gozy qoN AuWTdf hY. iPr nvIN ivafhI dulhn leI cfh iqafr kIqI jFdI hY. cfh pIx smyN swq kuVIaF (nxdF jF drfxIaf, jyTfxIaF) nfl bYT ky vfrI-vfrI Aus dy mUMh ivwc miTafeI pfAuNdIaF hn. ies rsm nUM goq rlfAuxf ikhf jFdf hY. ies qrHF sfry sLgn ivhfr krdI mF qy BYxF afpxy idl dIaF rIJF pUrIaF krdIaF hn.

awj qUM DIey jMmI Xfr bulfey, BMgVy pfey, mihPLl KUb hY jMmI.

pwQr boJ qy isr invfAux DIaF, ieh gwl purfxI sI huMdI.

jwg jxnI gurUaF ny afiKaf, dyvI afiKaf pIrF ny.

iksy mF dI kwuK qoN pwuC jf ky, AuhnUM pwuq qoN vwD ky DI hUMdI. ijhVy vIr dy Gr ivwc BYx hY nI, AuhnUM pqf kI rwKVI kI huMdI puwq puwq ikAuN ikMgry krn lokIN, DIaF bfJ vI ijLMdgI kI huMdI. lwK mubfrk hovy sB nUM, idn awj BfgF Biraf. imhr sFeI dI sfzy ivhVy, KusLIaF df cMn ciVHaf. hr pfsy ny hfsy zuldy awj qUM DIey jMmI. cfa nhIN mYNQoN cwuikaf jFdf, ikMnI KusL qyrI mMmI. klIaF qoN vI vDky koml, kwlf kwlf aMg qyrf. PwulF qoN vI sohxf lwgdf, lfl gulfbI rMg qyrf.

rxjIq ‘ikMgrf’

bwicaF dy ivwc PLrk pf ilaf, lkIrF idaF PkIrF ny. pwuqr mMgdy, DI nf mMgdy, ikwzI soc inkMmI. imwTI ijhI muskfn qyrI ‘coN, idsdf rwb df nUr ijhf ibn pIiqaF hI cVHdf jfvy, mYnUM awj srUr ijhf. ‘kwlf’ ‘kwlf’ jIa nisLafieaf, KusLI nf jfvy QMmI. sB qoN vwD KusLiksmq huMdf, bfbl kihMdy DIaF df. kwul dI sLfn sdf moh lYNdI, kwul twbr dy jIaF df. ipMz ckr df ikMgrf cfhUMdY, Aumr kry rwb lMmI. cfa nhIN mYQoN cwikaf jFdf, ikMnI KusL qyrI mMmI. PAGE R11



The Patrika 

Friday, September 25th, 2015

Friday, September 25th, 2015

The Patrika 





The Patrika 

Friday, September 25th, 2015

Friday, September 25th, 2015

The Patrika 





The Patrika 

Friday, September 25th, 2015

Friday, September 25th, 2015

The Patrika 





The Patrika 

Friday, September 25th, 2015

Friday, September 25th, 2015

The Patrika 


suinhrI pWiqaF vfly ruWK dI sQfpnf df AudGftn smfroh 3 akqUbr nMU aYbtsPorz ivKy aYbtsPorz vfsIaF vloN sums aYgijt kol aWT sfl pihlF vfpry hfdsy ivc jfn guafAux vflIaF pMjfbxf amrjIq kOr bWl, srbjIq kOr isWDU aqy suKivMdr kOr pUnIaf dI Xfd nMU smripq suinhrI pWiqaF vfly ruWK dy rUp ivc sLfndfr mYmorIal

ZfeI qoN iqMn lWK zflr df Krcf afAux df anumfn hY ijs leI bI sI POzyrysLn afP lybr, vrkr kMnsYsLn borz aqy hor sMsQfvF vloN Xogdfn idWqf jf irhf hY. ies suinhrI pWiqaF vfly ruWK dI sQfpnf df AudGftn smfroh 3 akqUbr svyry 11 vjy qoN dupihr ieWk vjy qk hovygf. ies smyN afAux vflIaF sMgqF vfsqy Kfxy df pRbMD vI hovygf.

Poto:(KWby qoN sWjy) srbjIq (aYbtsPorz kimAUintI sYNtr), crnpfl igWl (ipks), hrBjn isMG bWl, drsLn isMG pUnIaf, jgjIq isWDU, nInf hYnsn (bI sI PYz), nirMdr isMG bWl, gurpRIq pfblf (ipks)

sLihr dy ieMtrnYsLnl PrYNzisLp pfrk ivc sQfipq kIqf jfvygf. iqMn sLKfvF (ijs nMU iqMn aOrqF dy rUp ivc idKfieaf jfvygf) aqy suinhrI pWiqaF vfly ies ruWK nMU bI sI dy nFmvr afritst zIn lfAUj vloN iqafr kIqf jf irhf hY. ies mYmorIal ‘qy krIb

pvn igWlF vflf vloN pMjfbI pWqirkf dy pbilsLr aYNzI isWDU jI nMU afpxIaF pusqkF rihmqF aqy afKrI golI dI kfpI ByNt kIqI geI PAGE R19



The Patrika 

Friday, September 25th, 2015

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