Punjabi Patrika
Vaisakhi 2014
Vaisakhi 2014
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
Vaisakhi 2014
ÇÂÇåÔÅÃÕ-ÔòÅÇñÁź ÇòµÚ ÇØðÆ ÒÇòÃÅÖÆÒ afm krky ivsfKI 13 apRYl nUM hr sfl mnfeI jFdI hY pr ‘iswK qvfrIK’ lyKk hrijMdr isMG idlgIr anusfr ieh swc nhIN hY. Auh ilKdy hn mfrc dy sLurU ivwc gurU sfihb ny sfry iswKF nUM hukmnfmy Byj ky ivsfK mhIny dI pihlI qfrIK (29 mfrc 1698) dy idn anMdpur sfihb phuMcx vfsqy afiKaf. kuJ somy ies kOqk nUM 29 mfrc 1699 nUM aqy kuJ 1695 ivwc hoieaf dsdy hn. pr mYN 1698 nUM vDyry shI mMndf hF. drasl agly sfl hI ivsfKI (29 mfrc 1699) dy idn anMdpur sfihb ivwc 1698 qoN vI vwzf iekwT hoieaf sI qy ies idn vI hjLfrF iswKF ny pfhul leI sI. ieh BulyKf ies qoN hI sLurU hoieaf hovygf. iek sI 1695 ivwc kysDfrI hoey qy kVf pfAux df hukmnfmf jfrI hoieaf sI. iksy ny BulyKy nfl ies nUM hI pfhul nfl joV idwqf hovygf. sMqoK isMG ny ‘sUrj pRkfsL’ ivwc ies df koeI sfl nhIN idwqf) 1699 sfl dI gwl sB qoN pihlF igafnI igafn isMG ny 1891 ivwc pMQ pRkfsL ivwc kIqI sI. (pMQ pRkfsL pwQr Cfpf aYzIsLn 1891, sPf 309) bfkI sfiraF ny iesy glqI nUM qvfrIK bxf idwqf. gurU dIaF sfKIaF ilKx sfr 1798 ivwc qfrIK 1698 hI idwqI hoeI hY. Bwt vhI BfdsoN prgnf Qfnysr ivwc vI 1698 df sfl idwqf hoieaf hY. Aus idn hjLfrF iswK gurU dI
ngrI anMdpur sfihb ivwc puwjy. Aus idn svyry rbfbIaF ny gurU bfxI df kIrqn kIqf. kIrqn qoN bfad BfeI mnI rfm ny iek sLbd dI kQf kIqI. ies dy nfl hI gurU sfihb KVHy ho gey. afpxI ikrpfn imafn ivwcoN kwZI qy afiKaf ik “mYnUM iek isr cfhIdf hY. gurU sfihb dI gwl sux ky sfry pfsy cuwp Cf geI. gurU sfihb ny iqMn vfrI iehI gwl afKI. qIjI vfr afKx qoN ipwCoN BfeI dXf rfm KVHf hoieaf. gurU sfihb qKq qoN AuWqry qy Aus nUM PV ky nyVy lfeI iek hor gVI qy gwzy hoey qMbU ivwc lY gey hux ieh qMbU vflI phfVI vjUd ivwc nhIN hY. kuJ plF bfad gurU sfihb KUn nfl ilbVI ikrpfn lY ky bfhr afey. ies vfr gurU sfihb ny iek hor isr dI mMg kIqI. ieh kOqk gurU sfihb ny pMj vfr duhrfieaf. pMjvyN iswK vloN isr Byt krn qoN kuJ icr mgroN gurU sfihb sIs Byt krn vfly pMj iswKF nUM nIly bfxy ivwc pMzfl ivwc lY ky afey. gurU sfihb ny afp nIlf bfxf pihinaf hoieaf sI. gurU dIaF sfKIaF sfKI 59 mihmf pRkfs, sPf 825, gurdfs isMG dI vfr (BfeI gurdfs dI pfxI vfr vjoN CfpI hoeI) ies sbMDI Bwt vrI BfdsoN prgnf Qfnysr ivwc iewk aMdrfj ieMJ imldf hY. gurU goibMd isMG mhl dsm bytf gurU qyg bhfdr jI kf sfl 1795
mMglvfr vYsfKI ky iehI pFc isKoN ko kFzy dI pfhul dI isMG kfm rfKf. ipRQmY dYaf rfm somqI KwqrI bfsI lfhOr af Klf hUaf. pfCY mohkm cMc CIpf bfsI svfrkf sfihb cMd nfeI bfsI ibdr jLqgbfd DrmcMd jvMdf jft bfsI hsqfnpur qfmq cMd JIvr bfsI jgnfQ bfro bfrI Kly hUey. sb ko nIl aMbr pihnfieaf vhI bys apfn dIaf. hukf, hlfl, hjfmq, hrfm, itwkf jMJU DoqI kf iqafg krfieaf. mIxy DIr mwlIey rfmgeIey isr guMm msMdF kI vrqn bMd kI. kMGf, krdf, kysrI, kVf, kCihrf, sb ko dIaf. sb kysfDfrI kI ey. isr Byt krn vfly pMjF iswKF (BfeI dieaf rfm, BfeI muhkm cMd, BfeI sfihb cMd, BfeI Drm cMd, BfeI ihMmq cMd, dy ichry qy vwKrI iksm df nUr Jlk irhf sI. jdoN gurU sfihb dIvfn ivwc phuMcy qF AuhnF nMU pMzfl ivwc pMj hor iswK KVHy njLr afey ieh sn dyvf rfm, rfm cMd, tihl dfs, eIsLr dfs qy Piqh cMd. gurU sfihb ny AuhnF nUM puwiCaf ik qusIN ikAuN KVHy ho? qF AuhnF jvfb idwqf ik asIN vI isr Byt krn vfsqy hfjLr hF. gurU sfihb ny AunHF nUM ikhf mYnUM isrP pMj isr cfhIdy sI pr ikAuNk qusIN isdk idlI nfl hfjLr hoey, ies krky quhfnUM pMj mukqy krky jfixaf jfeygf. gurU sfihb ny afiKaf ky
hrBjn isMG ‘mFgt’
awj qoN ienHF pMjF mrjIviVaF nMU “pMj ipafry” afiKaf jfieaf krygf. jdoN qwk cMd sUrj kfiem rihxgy gurU dy isr Byt krn vfly pihly pMj iswKF df nF dunIaF Br ivwc kfiem rhygf. jdoN vI kVfh pRsLfd dI dyg iqafr hoieaf krygI. iehnF df CFdf (ihwsf) sB qoN pihlF kwiZaf jfieaf krygf.
mhfn sLfier DnI rfm cfiqRk ny iliKaf sI:
gurU sfihb KMzf Pyr ky afp pfhul iqafr krn lg pey mgroN ardfs kIqI qy jYkfry Cwzx mgroN ‘KMzy dI pfhul dyx dI rsm sLurU kIqI’ gurU sfihb ny KMzy nfl pihlF afpxy mUMh ivwc pMj bUMdF pfeIaF qy iPr pMjF ipafiraF nUM KMzy dI pfhul idwqI, (pMj ipafiraF nMU KMzy dI pfhul dyx ipwCoN afp AuhnF koloN pfhul lYx dI khfxI mgroN GVI geI jfpdI hY).
kwCy mfr vMJlI anMd Cf igaf
nvF nF “isMG” idwqf. afpxf nF ‘goibMd isMG’ rwiKaf. dUjf kfrn ivsfKI afAux df jilHaF vfly bfg aMimRqsfr dI GtI Gtnf hY. ivsfKI vfly idn dIvfn sjdy hn. kfnPrMsF huMdIaF hn. ngr kIrqn sjfey jFdy hn. knyzf ivwc Bfrq qy dUjy dysLF qoN gfiek klfkfr af ky lokF df mnorMjn krdy hn. ivsfKI nUM pRgtfAuNdy gIq imldy hn:
qUVI qFbI gVI vyc vwt ky lMbVF qy sfhF df ihsfb kwt ky
mfrdf dmfmy jwg myly af igaf. mhfn kvI isLv kumfr btflvI ilKdf hY: lwCI kuVI vfZIaF kry kMnF ivwc kokly hry iesy qrHF bhuq kvIaf ny ivsfKI bfry rcnfvF kIqIaF hn. pr awj nf dfqIaF hn nf koeI lwCI vfZIaF krdI hY. kMbfeInF df Xuwg hY. msLInF ny bMidaF nUM vI msLIn bxf idwqf hY. iksfn dI jo qrfsdI awj hY Auh sfnUM sB nUM pqf hY. aMq qy afpF afpxI pnIrI ‘bwicaF’ nMU ivsfKI dy afrQ smJfeIey qy afpxy klcr siBafcfr nfl joVIey. pwCm klcr dI hnyrI koloN afpxy aflHxy bcfeIey…
Vaisakhi 2014
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
Vaisakhi 2014
Contemporary Sikh-Canadian Art Of Mandeep Kaur Wirk and community members in general. Thank-you very much for your support. Below is the introduction to my exhibition that I wrote for visitors to the show:
Artist Mandeep K. Wirk with her painting Nishan Sahib.
By Mandeep Wirk O n S a t u r d a y, A p r i l 5 I had an exhibition of my contemporary Sikh-Canadian art at Clearbrook Library from 12:00 to 4:00pm. I announced my upcoming exhibition in the Friday, March 28, 2014 edition of the Punjabi Patrika under Community Calendar. My exhibition was just for that one afternoon. I am very pleased with the attendance and interest shown in my art by friends, acquaintances, library patrons
“ We l c o m e t o T h e Contemporary SikhCanadian Art of Mandeep Kaur Wirk at Clearbrook Library. I would like to say thank-you very much to Clearbrook Library for embracing the spirit of multiculturalism in hosting this exhibition and giving the people of Abbotsford a chance to see my art works.
In 2011, I created 6 paintings and 2 collages (Sea of Color, Communal Meal at a Wedding, Wo r s h i p , N i s h a n S a h i b (Gurdwara Flag), Inside the
Gurdwara Kalgidhar Darbar Sahib
National Heritage Site Gur Sikh Temple
Photo by Mandeep K. Wirk
Our Flag.
Photo by Mandeep K. Wirk
Photo by Mandeep K. Wirk
Gurdwara, Gur Sikh Temple in Abbotsford, Acceptance at Long Last, The Mool Mantar) to commemorate the centenary of the National Historic Site Gur Sikh Temple in Abbotsford – and all these 8 artworks were shown at the Surrey Art Gallery as part of their group exhibition From the Land of Five Rivers (May 13 – August 14, 2011). Gur Sikh Temple is the oldest surviving Sikh temple in North America and a symbol of human rights. I chose to use the brilliant hues of Japanese watercolours to capture the richness of our Indian colours. Each painting is based on a sketch that I made from life in
Khalsa Diwan Society
Photo by Mandeep K. Wirk
Guests admiring paintings
order to instill a sense of the life force into the work. All my art works are rooted in Canadian soil. Another 4 artworks (Maple, India in Canada, Raspberry Farming and Blueberry Farming) were shown at the Firehall Centre for the Arts in Delta as part of the South Asian Artists Guild exhibition Artist’s Choice (August 1 – August 30, 2013). Here I decided to honour our local agricultural industry in the Abbotsford area with mixed media collages of images I captured across 4 seasons on the farm. This Fraser Valley is as artist Baljit Kaur calls it our Valley of Dreams where cont’d on page V36
Vaisakhi 2014
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
UFV + India Connecting campuses and countries.
With a UFV campus in Chandigarh, India, the Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies in Abbotsford, high numbers of IndoCanadian students and Indian international students, an Innovation Chair in Canada-India Business Development… UFV’s proud connection with India has grown for decades.
Happy Vaisakhi PAGE 8
Vaisakhi 2014
Vaisakhi 2014
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
Vaisakhi 2014
Celebrating Vaisakhi:-
Vaisakhi for Sikhs is not a ritual but an inspiring saga of self sacrificing saint-soldier Khalsa created this day
aisakhi for the Sikhs is not merely a routine ritual rather it is an immensely soul stirring memoir of the self sacrificing saint-soldier Khalsa created by Guru Gobind Singh Ji. It was on this day that Guru Gobind Singh baptized (initiated) the Sikhs for the first time through a specially organized initiation ceremony at Anandpur Sahib in 1699. Baisakhi or Vaisakhi is so called because it falls on the 1st day of the month of Vaisakh (April 13) of the Bikrami Calendar in India. Vaisakhi is also celebrated by other communities of India in different ways having different significance. The creation of Khalsa is quite an astonishing and revolutionary act which infused a spirit of selfless service and self sacrifice in the Sikhs. Herein I give a brief account of this great day. It was at a specially arranged huge gathering that Guru Gobind Singh appeared on the stage with a glittering 3-feet sword in hand. Very ferociously he gave a call to test his sword. Is there any one who can offer his head to me? One by one five devotees offered to die for the Guru who was fighting against the oppression and injustice of the then fanatic rulers of India. But the Guru did not kill them rather he baptized them by making them drink Amrit (Nectar) specially prepared for the event and named them “Khalsa.” It is better to say few words about a Sikh and a Khalsa. A person who follows the teachings of 10 Sikh Gurus, Sikh Scripture and the Sikh code of Conduct is a Sikh. But when he is initiated he becomes a Khalsa (pure one) who must follow the prescribed code of conduct which includes keeping with him 5 Articles of faith. They are: (I) Kes (unshorn hair), 2 Kirpan (sword), 3 Kachhehra (underwear), 4 Kanga (wooden comb) and (5) Kara (steel bracelet) and also he will not dishonor hair, engage in adultery and use tobacco and intoxicants. The Khalsa was to use the suffix of Singh (Lion) or Kaur (Princess) with their names. The same tradition is prevalent to this day. The significance of this Code of conduct has been amply establish the fact that Khalsa is really a universal man of pure conduct who believes in oneness of God and oneness of human race and can never be deterred from doing good deeds while fighting against injustice for the well being of the entire human race. It does not matter if he has to sacrifice his life in the process as he believes that he has already given his life to his Guru at the time of initiation. It should be kept in mind that generally the term Sikh, Singh, Khalsa or Panth is used for all the Sikhs. It is also praiseworthy that the Sikhs amply displayed their death defying spirit while fighting against the foreign invaders like
Ahmad Shah Abdali and others from the northwest, making sacrifices for India’s Independence movement or any where else. It is a known fact that in the Indian Independence movement out of 121 persons hanged, 93 were Sikhs, out of 2646 sent to Kale Pani (Andaman Islands) for life imprisonment, 2147 were Sikhs, out of 42,000 Indian National Army soldiers, 28000 were Sikhs, in the Gaddar Party 90% were Sikhs, and so on. It is also imperative to mention that the creation of saint-soldier Khalsa was quite in accordance with the self sacrificing concept of Guru Nanak (1469) the founder of Sikh religion who said, “Jau Tau Prem Khelan Ka Chao, Sir, Dhar Tali Gali Meri Aao” (If you want to play the game of love, come to me placing your head on your palm). Therefore in accordance with the principles of Sikhism the true significance of celebrating Vaisakhi lies in exterminating hatred, hypocrisy, and exploitation in the name of religion. Guru Gobind Singh says: “Saach kahon sun lei sabhai jin prem kio tin hi pravh paeo.” I say the truth. Listen to me all of you. It is only through love that you can obtain God. About the religious hypocrites and imposters Guru Gobind Singh emphatically declares, “Rehat piari moh ko Sikh piara nah”. The Code of Conduct is dear to me, not a Sikh who does not follow the Sikh discipline. Therefore the dire need of the times is to adopt more effective measures to spread the message of love, harmony and equality of human race as ordained by Guru Gobind Singh all over the world. The real achievement of the Vaisakhi celebration lies in effectively spreading its universal message and not in lavishly spending money on certain meaningless rituals. It is to be kept in mind that Guru Gobind Singh’s message of love, oneness of human race and never to refrain from doing good deeds is not for the Sikhs only, rather it is for all religions and all people treating them as the children of one God. It is wonderful that the United Nations Organization too resolved on October 20, 2010 to celebrate the first week of February every year as the “World Interfaith Harmony Week” to seek peace and harmony all over the world. In this context it may nicely be deduced that Guru Go bind Singh’s message of universal love and equality may prove very effective in promoting peace and interfaith harmony in Canada and else where in the strife torn world of today. Gian Singh Kotli Vancouver
(Gian Singh Kotli is a Certified Translator, Punjabi poet and Interfaith activist.)
Vaisakhi 2014
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
Vaisakhi 2014
STATEMENT BY THE PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA ON VAISAKHI Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement to mark Vaisakhi: “On this day, Laureen and I offer our warmest wishes to the entire Sikh community in Canada and around the world as they celebrate Vaisakhi. “Vaisakhi is one of the most important observances of the year for Sikhs. It commemorates the founding of the Khalsa Sikh community in 1699 by Guru Gobind Singh Ji. It also marks the beginning of a new year in many parts of India and around the world. For many, it is a time to gather at gurdwaras to pray, read from the sacred scripture and meditate, as well as celebrate with family and friends at vibrant parades and processions.
of India. Today, we reflect on the many contributions of the Sikh community in all areas of endeavour.
“Once again, on behalf of all Canadians, I extend my best wishes “Canada is home to one of the to all those celebrating Vaisakhi largest Sikh populations outside in Canada and around the world.”
Vaisakhi 2014
ÇòÃÅÖÆ î¶ñÅ insLfn isMG ‘iswDU’
nI sux smyN dIey srkfry, nf socy aMndfqy dy bfry bfkI sB dy vfry inafry, ieh qrsy Dyly Dyly nUM dws ikvyN dmfmy mfrdf jwt, afvy ivsfKI myly nUM. kxk qF bVI dUr dI gwl, nf bcdI qUVI af mwJF dy duwD `coN lY dy ky, bcdI rUVI af ikwdF Pyr kbIldfrI dy, nbyVy Jmyly nUM. PV-DV pihlF iksLq BrI, msF trYktr dI nvF isafpf bor KV igaf, nfly loV jrnytr dI ikwdF PV ky roky DI dy, ivafh dy lMGdy vyly nUM inafeIN vflf iklf, pihlF eyjMt zkfr gey bfhr Byjx dy nf AuWqy, hfey TwgI mfr gey kfhnUM hUlf Pwkdy jy imldI, nOkrI muMzy ivhly nUM jd krky KudkusLI bxdf, Kbr aKLbfrF dI ipMz ivwc lwgI lfien huMdI af, JMzI vflIaF kfrF dI Pyr muVky koeI nf puwCy, ‘iswDUaf’iksy gurU jF cyly nUM dws ikvyN dmfmy mfrdf jwt, afey ivsfKI myly nUM
Punjabi Patrika
nvsMgIq isMG afeI ivsfKI KusLIaF vflI, dmdmf sfihb nUM cwlIey. qKq sfihb cwl tykIey mwQf, nfl sMgq dy rlIey.
gurbcn kOr ‘iZwloN’
afey eyQy sn dsm pfqsLfh, cwl ky Zfb iKdrfxf. nON mhIny nON idn siqgur, kIqf iewQy itkfxf. lMmy smyN dy XuwDF ipwCoN kIqf, gurU ivsLrfm. eys jgfh nUM siqgur idwqf, qKq pMjvyN df nfm. BfeI zwly nUM dfqf ny iPr, idwqI sI vizafeI. isMG sjf ky gl nfl lfieaf, Aus dI pYj rKfeI. mOj `c af ky dsm gurU ny, keI kOqk sn kIqy. sMgq ny vI dfqf koloN, aMimRq dy ipafly pIqy. ‘gurU kfNsLI’ aKvfey DrqI, KuwlHy keI ividafly. gur-dfqy dI ajmq qoN, sB huMdy jfx inhfly. myly vfly idnF nUM eyQy, lwgx ajb bhfrF. gur-drbfr `c mwQf tykx, bMnHxIaF hox kqfrF. cojI pRIqm koloN AuhI, mn iewCq Pl pfvy. sLrDf nfl iesLnfn kry qy swcy idloN iDafvy. srks, JUly, Kfx-pIx dIaF, sjdIaF bhuq dukfnF. lokF dy ies ajb jlOa nUM, KVHky vyK jvfnf. ikDry kvI, kvIsLr ikDry, ZfzI vfrF gfAuNdy. mwl aKfVy ivwc dUr prHy, iewk-dUjy nUM pey ZfhuMdy. dsm ipqf dy dr `qy sfry, afE sIs JukfeIey. DMn gurU, DMn aMimRq-dfqf, nfl rUhF dy gfeIey.
qVky dI gwzI lMGxI, pfvF aOsIaF qy kfg AuzfvF. dUjI gwzI af jfxgy, JUTy ijMdVI nUM lfry lfvF. jy nf afieaf qUM hfxIaF, BOr Auz vy vjUdoN jfey. ivsfKI af geI vy, kxkF rMg vtfey. pRdysI vy swjxf, Gr qUM moVy pfey. hMJUaF nfl icwTI ilLK ky, hwQ hvf dy mYN zfk PVfvF. solF vy sLMgfr krky, iPr supinaF df mihl sjfvF. DOlr qoN awzI iqlkI, hwQ rih gey vy bnyrIN pfey. ivsfKI af geI vy, kxkF rMg vtfey. pYrF `c pMjybF roNdIaF, kMnIN rodIaF kMnF dIaF vflIaF. muKVy df KyVf Auz igaf, nfly AuzIaF buwlF dIaF lflIaF. kjly df rMg hfxIaF, ruV ruV ky gwlHF qy afey ivsfKI af geI vy, kxkF rMg vtfey. jobnF qy afeIaF kxkF, Kol bYT jF mYN suhfg pitafrI. AujVy bfgF dy, bx jFdy ny, gflV ptvfrI. vy KyqI Ksm syqI, gurbcn, rovy qy pCqfey. ivsfKI af geI vy, kxkF rMg vtfey. pRdysI vy swjxf, Gr qUM nf moVy pfey.
Punjabi Patrika
Talking Points on Vaisakhi Sikhs are a vibrant and very visible part of Canadian society and Vaisakhi is one of the largest Sikh celebrations of the year
covered at all times with a keski or dastaar (turban or head-covering) representing spiritual wisdom;
• Whereas Vaisakhi is celebrated across South Asia as a harvest festival, it has special significance for the Sikh community
- kangha – a wooden comb representing self-discipline; worn in the hair and used to keep it neat and tidy;
• Vaisakhi marks the founding of the Khalsa in 1699 by Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth and final human Guru of the Sikhs. He introduced the “khande ki pahul” initiation for Sikhs and selected the Punj Pyare or five beloveds who would lead the community and administer the Sikh initiation • Khalsa is the collective group of initiated or amritdhari Sikhs • Khalsa means “pure” and also “sovereign/free” • Khalsa was created to serve humanity and oppose injustice wherever it may exist • The distinct identity of the Sikhs is part of the Khalsa identity. All amritdhari or initiated Sikhs wear the five Sikh articles of faith - kesh – unshorn hair symbolizing acceptance of God’s will; the hair must be kept
Vaisakhi 2014
- kara – an iron or steel bracelet worn on the wrist; the circle signifies the oneness and eternity of God and to use one’s hands for the benefit of humanity; - kachhera – cotton undergarment representing high moral character and restraint; - kirpan – a stylized representation of a sword, which must be worn sheathed, restrained in a cloth belt, and next to the body; the kirpan signifies the duty of a Sikh to stand up against injustice. Most kirpans range in size from 6 to 9 inches in length. • The Sikh parade or Nagar Keertan is an opportunity to celebrate Vaisakhi together and with the rest of the community as well. The parade is lead by the Punj Pyare and the Sikh scripture, Sri Guru Granth Sahib
What is a Nagar Keertan? A: The word nagar means town and keertan is singing of hymns. A nagar keertan refers to a Sikh parade that is lead by the Punj Pyare (the five beloved ones, who represent the first five Sikhs to have been initiated) and the Sri Guru Granth Sahib or the Sikh scripture which is installed in a decorated float. The congregation follows the parade while singing hymns and verses from the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, along with displays of the Sikh martial art gatka and distributing free food (langar). The nagar keertan begins and concludes with a religious service and the serving of langar. Q: What is the significance of the orange and yellow colours? A: Yellow and orange are the traditional colours of Vaisakhi. They represent the spirit of rebirth and sacrifice of the Punj Pyare but are also a colour of joy and celebration. When Vaisakhi is celebrated in Punjab, the golden yellow wheat fields are ready to be harvested. Q: Who can participate in Vaisakhi celebrations? A: Everyone. The Sikh faith considers all persons to be equal, regardless of gender, race, nationality or class. Sikh gurdwaras are open to all people. The langar or community meal is also offered to both Sikhs and non-Sikhs alike. Q: Is there any special dress I should wear? A: The only requirements to visit a Sikh gurdwara are that visitors take off their shoes and cover their heads. Any intoxicants such as tobacco products or liquor are also not permitted on the premises.
Vaisakhi 2014
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
afid gurU sRI gurU nfnk dyv jI qoN lY ky sRI gurU qyg bhfdr jI dy smyN qwk mnuwKqf dI aDogqI dy suDfr leI aqy Drm prcfr dI lihr clfeI geI. ies dy nfl nfl hI julm, byiensfPI, jfqpfq aqy hor anykF smfijk burfeIaF nUM dUr krn dy isrqoV Xqn kIqy gey pr sdIaF qoN dwbI aqy kuclI afqmf AuWqy ies df bhuqf pRBfv nf ipaf. ies qrHF dI DwkysLfhI ivruwD gurU sfihbfn jI ny byhwd Xqn kIqy pr AuWcI jfqIaF dy pYrokfrF ny afm lokF dI surq kwtVpuxy nfl Tok Tok ky Br idwqI sI. ies dy nfl hI mOky dIaF hkUmqF ny dihsLq aqy bruCfgrdI nfl lokF df sfh-sq hIxI kr idwqf sI. byksUry aqy inrdosLy lokF nUM mOq dy mUMh Dwikaf jf irhf sI. sRI gurU nfnk dyv jI qoN lY ky sRI gurU goibMd isMG qwk qkrIbn ZfeI sdIaF df smF iswKI bUty nUM Pl qwk phuMcfAux leI lwigaf. 30 mfrc 1699 eI: ivsfKI vfly idn sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI ny pRgitE Kflsf pRmfqm kI POj Kflsf pMQ sfj ky iswKI dy bUty nUM aijhI anoKI ipAuNd cfVI jo sdIaF qwk julm df tfkrf krn leI cfnx munfrf iswD huMdI rhygI. gurU jI ny Kflsf pMQ sfj ky iewk
Vaisakhi 2014
bhuq vwzf aqy amr ienklfb ilaFdf. gurU jI afp axKIly XoDy, ienklfbI nyqf, lok drdI, lok syvk srbwq df Blf mMgx vfly, svY ivsvfsI, idRVqf qy swcI lgn dy pwky DfrnI, hwk qy swc AuWqy pihrf dyx vfly, srbMs dfnI, sMq kvI, mhFXogI, amr bRhm igafnI, mhfn klfkfr aqy mhfn prm suDfrk siqgurU sn. ieh Auprokq ilKy gurU jI dy sdfcfr aqy amr gux iewk mhfn ienklfbI hox dy pRqIk hn. gurU jI ny ivsfKI vfly idn pMj ipafiraF nUM KMzy bfty df aMimRq Ckf ky aqy nfl hI afp AunHF pMjF ipafiraF qoN aMimRq Ck ky gurU aqy cyly df Prk imtf idwqf. mhfn mnoivigafnI gurU jI ny Aus vyly srkfrI julmF dI sqfeI lokfeI nUM iewk PlfdI lohy dI qrHF Tos aqy julm df tfkrf krn leI hr smyN iqafr-br-iqafr rihx vflI sLkqI bxf idwqI. iehI inmfxy julmF dy sqfey lok aMimRq pfhul pI ky mYdfny jMg ivwc aglIaF kqfrF ivwc svf svf lwK nfl lVdy sLhId hoey. gurU jI ny afpxf sfrf srbMs ipqf jI sRI qyg bhfdr jI, mfqf gujrI jI, cfry sfihbjLfdy qy gurU ky mihl kOm qoN kurbfn kr idwqy. gurU jI ny mnuwKqf dI eykqf
aqy jfqpfq df BFzf BMnx leI bhuq vwzf amr sunyhf idwqf. iesy mksd leI AunHF afpxf sB kuJ blIdfn kr idwqf. ies dI jIAuNdI jfgdI imsfl pMj ipafiraF ivwc hr jfq df bMdf sLfml sI. gurU jI ny Kflsf pMQ sfj ky ies aMdr isw K I isDFq dI su q M q rqf aqy brfbrqf df mhfn isDFq iswK kOm nUM bKisaf. Kflsf hr iksm dI sKsLI gulfmI qoN afjLfd ho ky akfl purK nfl iswDy rUp nfl sbMDq hY. Kflsf iewk akfl purK df pujfrI hY. pMjF kkfrF dI rihq rwKxI, pMjF bfxIaF df pfT krnf. Kflsf sdf swcf aMdroN-bfhroN iewk idsx vflf, AuWcI-suwcI rihxI bihxI ivwc sMpUrn hovy, Kflsf dI afvfjL hwk qy swc AuWqy sdf azol rhy. Kflsf julm aqy ainaF ivruwD ztky KVy. Kflsf sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI qoN ibnF iksy pKMzI aqy ahMkfrI awgy nf Juky. Kflsf sMq aqy ispfhI dI imsfl pYdf kry. Kflsf bfxI aqy bfxy ivwc prpwk hovy. Kflsy leI ieh Auprokq ilKy sdfcfrk gux bhuq jLrUrI hn. iewQy ieh aPsos nfl vrnx krnf aiq jLrUrI hY ik awj iswK kOm ivwc byaMq pKMzIaF, jfq-pfq df bolbflf aqy hor anykF burfeIaF df jLor vDdf jf
mfstr mnjIq isMG ‘idAul’ irhf hY. awj iswKI nUM DMdy vjoN apnf ky ies df vpfrIkrn kIqf jf irhf hY. rfjnIqI aqy Drm nUM iewk pfsy afpxy inwjI suafrQF leI vriqaf jf irhf hY. awj iswKI df QF-QF vpfrIkrn kIqf jf irhf hY. awj iswK kOm iewk mirXfdf dI QF vwK vwK mirXfdf ivwc vMzI peI hY. awj dyhDfrIaF df bolbflf hY. rfjnIqk sLkqIaF dy dbfa Qwly af ky qKqF dy jwQydfr kOm dy srv pRvfnq nfnksLfhI kYlMzr nUM rwd krky sfDF dy ibkrmI kYlMzr nUM votF vtorn dI Kfqr pihl dy rhI hY. awj QF-QF iswKF dI dsqfr nUM idn-idhfVy roilaf jf irhf hY. Kflsy dy sMklp nUM Bulf ky krmkfzF nUM pihl idwqI jf rhI hY. so afAu iswK kOm dy vfrso iekwTy ho ky eykqf ivwc pro ky afpxy iswKI sMklp dI pUrqI leI iqafr-br iqafr hox dI loV hY. eykqf hI iswK kOm dy Bly leI jLrUrI hY. sB nUM ivsfKI dIaF mubfrkF..
ǧçðÅ! êÅ í§×óÅ ÇÕ ÁÅÂÆ ÇòÃÅÖÆ! hrBjn isMG ‘mFgt’
‘ieMdr’ myry ipMz df CVf gwBrU CYl CbIlf glq arQ nf lYxy mYN Esy nUM ikhf ‘ieMdrf! pf BMgVf ik afeI ivsfKI!’ qyrI awj muwk geI rfKI! dfqI nUM lvf lY GuMgrU (pr awj kwlH qF kMbfeInF vZfeI krdIaF) dfqI qF lwgdf ikqy guafc geIaF! qyrI GrvflI nUM bFkF ajy vI nhIN juVIaF byeImfnf dy dysL ivwc juVnIaF vI nhIN…
Punjabi Patrika
Vaisakhi 2014
ôðèÅ éÅñ îéÅÂƶ ÇåÀ°ÔÅð ÇòÃÅÖÆ çÅ jsvMq kOr ‘ivrk’ mhInf cVHdy ivsfK afvy idn ivsfKI df, sfnUM afnMpur Xfd krfvy idn ivsfKI df. gurF sfjy pMj ipafry bixaf iqAuhfr ivsfKI df, sLrDf nfl mnfeIey sfry iqAuhfr ivsfKI df. jIxf axK dy nfl isKfieaf sfnUM siqgur ny, ieh Kflsf pMQ sjfieaf swcy siqgur ny. jd iswKF Cwzy jYkfry bixaf iqAuhfr ivsfKI df, qyrf lwKF ivwcoN iek KVf pihcfx Kflsf hovy, dysL kOm dI Kfqr qyrf kurbfn Kflsf hovy. Byd Bfv imtf ky sfry bixaf iqAuhfr ivsfKI df, gurU GrF ivwc kQf khfxI kIrqn cwldy ny dUroN dUroN sMgq af ky sMgq ivwc rldy ny. ikqy cwkrF dy cmkfry bixaf iqAuhfr ivsfKI df, kMmF kfrF qoN ivhly ho lokI myly afAuNdy ny, swjxF dy sMg rlky mOjF KUb AuzfAuNdy ny. jdoN vwjy Zol ngfry bixaf iqAuhfr ivsfKI df, ies dm df kI Brosf kwlH nUM rihxf ik nhIN, afE cwlIey afeI ivsfKI Pyr kihxf ey ik nhIN. ieh KusLIaF dy idhfVy bixaf iqAuhfr ivsfKI df, af ‘ivrk’ mnfeIey sfry iqAuhfr ivsfKI df. sLrDf nfl mnfeIey sfry iqAuhfr ivsfKI df.
ÁµÜ çÅ ÖÅñÃÅ hrBjn isMG ‘huMdl’
ikwQy igaf Auh Kflsf pMQ ijhVf, Blf sdf srbwq df mMgdf sI. mfVy aqy mjLlUm dI Zfl bxdf, hwQ lhU inrdosLy nf rMgdf sI. KFdf vMz ky rwuKIaF imwsIaF sI, bol swc dy nhIN AulMGdf sI. sLfh muhMmdf loV jy kdy pYNdI, sIs dyxoN nf iJjkdf sMgdf sI. isMG Buwilaf gurF dI bol-bfxI, bhuqf golkF vfsqy aVy mIaF. pYsf pUjf df zob mMJDfr idMdf, ndI loB dI kdy nf qry mIaF. arQF qIk nf phuMcdf kdy izwTf, bfxI vFg vgfrIaF pVHy mIaF. jQydfrIaF kfgjLI rih geIaF, pihl-kdmIaF kuJ gvf bYTy. dyx quKxF, zro asfltF qoN, rog bujLidlI cMdrf lf bYTy. swcI gwl kihxI BwulI jQydfrF, CYxy JUT dy bVy KVkf bYTy. sLfh muhMmdf luky pRDfn iPrdy, ihrdy KOP jd CfAuxIaF pf bYTy. iehnF idwlI kI ijwqxI jQydfrF, iewk dUjy dI iKwcdy lwq bfbf. awj eykqf kwlH anykqf hY, krdy afpo `c rojL kupwq bfbf. bfrF imslF dI gwl qF dUr dI hY, bx gey pMQ vI pMj ik swq bfbf. idwlI ajy vI EnI hI dUr idwsdI, sLfh muhMmd ny kwiZaf qwq bfbf. kOmF bxdIaF swiBafcfr AuWqy, jQydfr nf swc pCfxdy ny. rfj mMgdy Drm dy nfm AuWqy, qMbU rojL jnUMn dy qfxdy ny. pVHdy pfT-muhfrnI kOm vflI, arQ kOm dy rqf nf jfxdy ny. kOm iewk hY kuwl pMjfbIaF dI, CfvF TMzIaF jIhdIaF mfxdy ny. Kfndfn ieh rfijaF rfixaF dy, iswK pMQ df muwZ qoN nUr mIaF. dohF byVIaF ivwc asvfr hoxf, irhf dyr qoN iehI dsqUr mIaF. lfAuxI pvy jy jfn dI kdy bfjLI, aYsI gwl qoN Bwjxf dUr mIaF. sLfh muhMmdf, kOm df iPkr krdy, rihx idwlI dy vI jI hjUr mIaF.
ÃÇåÕÅð ÇòÃÅÖÆ çÅ sqvMq kOr ‘pMDyr’
vrHy idnF bfad af igaf idn iewk vfr ivsfKI df rl iml KusLI mnfAu, kro siqkfr ivsfKI df. lwgf anMdpur sI, drbfr KMzy dI Dfr `coN hoieaf jnm ivsfKI df. rl iml KusLI mnfAu, kro siqkfr ivsfKI df. imafn `coN DU qlvfr, isrF dI mMg kIqI pMj vfr jd afieaf idn ivsfKI df rl iml KusLI… pMjy jfqF iewko bxf ky, isMG df nfm AunHF nfl lf hoieaf sLurUafq ivsfKI df. rl iml KusLI… Kflsf dunIaF AuWqy Cfieaf, kwTy ho ky asIN mnfieaf awj ieh idn ivsfKI df. rl iml KusLI… dsm ipqf qoN vfry jfeIey, ijMny ho sky gux gfeIey Auh isrjxhfr ivsfKI df. rl iml KusLI… krIey mwq Byd df aMq jy rih gey agly sfl sqvMq mnfeIey idn ivsfKI df. rl iml KusLI mnfAu, kro siqkfr ivsfKI df.
Punjabi Patrika
n the memorable Baisakhi day (March,30 of A.D.1699) , Guru Gobind Singh Sahib, the tenth Guru of the Sikhs, called a big meeting at Kesgarh Sahib near the City of Anandpur Sahib. Between fifty to eighty thousand Sikhs attended this meeting. When all were expecting to hear words of comfort and consolation from the lips of their Guru, they were perturbed to see him with a drawn sword in his hand and cried ‘ Is there anyone here who would lay down his life for Dharam?’ There was a big silence, but the Guru went on repeating his demand. At the third call Daya Ram, a Khatri of Lahore, rose from his seat and offered himself. The Guru took him into an adjoining enclosure.... (And soon after) came
The History of Baisakhi out with the (blood) dripping.... (Sword in hand) and flourishing it before the gathering, asked again, ‘Is there any other Sikh here who will offer himself as a sacrifice (for the cause of dharma)? At this Dharam Das, a Jat of Delhi (Haryana side) came forward and was taken into the enclosure.... (The Guru again came out with the bloodstained sword, and made his previous demand). In the same way three other men stood up, one after another, and offered themselves for the sacrifice. One was Mohkam Chand, a chhimba of Dwarka (Gujarat State); another was Himmat, a cook of Jagannath (Orissa State); and the third was Sahib Chand, a barber of Bidar (Karnataka State). The Guru, after dressing the five in handsome
clothes, brought them of Khalsa, the Khalsa created history and since the from the assembly. birth of Khalsa, the hisThese five were then ad- tory of Punjab has been ministered ‘Khande di the history of Sikhs. Pahul’ (the double-edged Sword Amrit). They were Baisakhi played a signifithen knighted as Singhs, cant role in this regard. In 1762, Ahmed Shah
as the Five beloved ones, the first members of the Order of the Khalsa. The Guru then asked them to administer the Pahul to him in the same manner in which he had given the Pahul to them, and it was done so. With the creation
Abdali, with the sole purpose to destroy the entire Sikh nation, declared ‘Jehad’(holy-war) against the Sikhs and all the Muslims of the Punjab rallied under this slogan. The Sikhs were surrounded near the village Kup in Ludhiana District. Chronicles mention that about twenty thousand Sikhs were martyred in a single day. This event is known in the history of the Sikhs as “Ghallughara” (Bloody Carnage). After this, Ahmed Shah Abdali thought that he had crushed the entire Sikh nation, but was greatly disillusioned when after a few months heard that the Sikhs in large number are celebrating Baisakhi at Amritsar. In due course of time Baisakhi reminds every Sikh of his cultural and religious heritage. On Baisakhi day all the Sikhs used to assemble at Amritsar and decide their problems relating to politics and religion. This convention still goes on. For the people of India, especially the Sikhs, Baisakhi is a mega event - it is a religious festival, harvest festival and New Year’s Day all rolled into one. In April, this
Vaisakhi 2014
day marks the beginning of the Hindu solar New Year. In fact, this day is celebrated all over the country as New Year day, under different names. For the Sikh community, Baisakhi has a very special meaning. It was on this day that their tenth Guru - Guru Gobind Singh - organized the Sikhs into Khalsa or the ‘pure ones’. By doing so, he eliminated the differences of high and low and established that all human beings are equal. Sikhs assign quite a different meaning to Baisakhi, and if you happen to be in a Punjabi village to catch the men performing the wild bhangra dance, you’ll get the clear picture. This strenuous dance tells the story of the agricultural process, from tilling the soil through harvesting. As the dholak (drum) changes beats, the dancing sequence progresses, dramatizing plowing, sowing, weeding, reaping, and finally celebrating. Baisakhi also commemorates the day in 1689 when Guru Gobing Singh founded the Khalsa, the fighting Sikh brotherhood that donned the distinctive Sikh outfits. Baisakhi has special significance for another of India’s major religious group. For the Hindus, it is the start of the New Year, and is celebrated with requisite bathing, partying, and worshipping. It’s believed that thousands of years ago, Goddess Ganga descended to earth and in her honor, many Hindus gather along the sacred Ganges River for ritual baths. The action is centered in the holy cities along the Ganges in north India, or in Srinagar’s Mughal Gardens, Jammu’s Nagbani Temple, or anywhere in Tamil Nadu. Hindus plant poles (wrapped in flags of
god-embroidered silk) in front of their homes, and hang pots of brass, copper or silver on top. For the agriculturally rich state of Punjab and Haryana, Baisakhi marks the time for harvest of Rabi (winter) crops and is therefore extremely significant for the farmers. Baisakhi Festival is also celebrated as a Thanksgiving Day festival in these states. After waking up early and dressing themselves in new clothes, farmers visit temples and gurdwaras to express gratitude to God for the good harvest and seek blessing for ensuing agriculture season. Farmers also celebrate Baisakhi by performing energetic bhangra and gidda dance and participating in Baisakhi Fairs. The festival of Baisakhi falls on April 13 every year and April 14 once in every 36 years. Change in date is because of the fact that date of Baisakhi is reckoned according to the solar calendar. Astrologically, the date of Baisakhi is significant as it marks sun’s entry into Mesh Rashi. For this very reason, many people also know Baisakhi as Mesha Sankranti. The auspicious date of Baisakhi is celebrated all over India under different names and rituals. It is celebrated as ‘Rongali Bihu’ in Assam, ‘Naba Barsha’ in Bengal, ‘Puthandu’ in Tamil Nadu, ‘Pooram Vishu’ in Kerala and ‘Vaishakha’ in the state of Bihar. Whether you are in Abbotsford or Surrey, the fervor will remain the same. You will find all Sikhs participating in the “Nagar Kirtan”. It is their way of thanking the guru for whatever he has given them. May you now enjoy the Baisakhi festival knowing what it means to all Indians.
Vaisakhi 2014
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
Vaisakhi 2014
ÖÅñÃÅ ê§æ çÆ ÃÅÜéÅ hrcMd isMG ‘bfgVI’
solF sO niVwnvyN sfl ciVHaf, idn nyVy ivsfKI df afieaf ey. hukmnfmy Byj dsmysL ipqf, anMdpur iswKF nUM swd bulfieaf ey. dUroN nyiVAuN sMgqF phuMc geIaF, AunHF imilaf hukm bjfieaf ey. hrcMd isMGf kysgVH QF AuWqy, qMbU lfey mMc sjfieaf ey. iswK sMgqF afxky swj geIaF, syvfdfrF ny sB bhf idwqy. ciVHaf sUrj phfVIaF pfr krky, sLbd rfgIaF ZfzIaF gf idwqy. styj AuWqy sI cfnxI qfx idwqI, afsx PuwlF dy nfl sjf idwqy. hrcMd isMGf gurU jI jd afey, sB sMgqF sIs Jukf idwqy. qyj kdmI cVHy styj AuWqy, siqgurU, iswKF nUM drs idKfieaf ey. gurU cMzI dI vfr df pfT kIqf, AuWcI bol ky roh cVHfieaf ey. pMj PuwtI imafn `coN qyg DUh ky, msqk afpxf Aus nUM lfieaf ey. hrcMd isMGf sIs dI loV sfnUM, gurF sB nUM bol suxfieaf ey. iswK sux ky sB hYrfn hoey, ieh gurF kI hukm suxf idwqf. sihm Cf igaf nIvIaF pY geIaF, socF ivwc sI sB nUM pf idwqf. mMgy qyg ipafsI KUn dI ey, smF ieqnf qusF ikAuN lf idwqf. hrcMd isMGf vyK ky sihimaF nUM, qIjI vfr sI bol suxf idwqf. dXf rfm lhOr dy rihx vflf, sohxf gwBrU AuWT ky aFvdf ey. muafP krnf gurU jI dyr ho geI, hwQ joV ky Buwl bKsFvdf ey. ipafs buJfE qlvfr dI sO vfrI, awgy gurF dy sIs JukFvdf ey. hrcMd isMGf qMbU dy ivwc lY gey, jo hoieaf qMbU hI jfxdf ey. dUjI vfr styj qy gurU afey, lokI vyKdy njLr curf ky jI. lhU ilwbVI hwQ qlvfr vyKI, keI iKsky AuWQoN Gbrf ky jI. iek isr dI hor hY loV mYnUM, ijMd vfro koeI sUrmf af ky jI. Drm dfs jI hsqnfpur vfly, gey gurF dy vwl nUM Df ky jI. Drm dfs vI qMbU dy vwl DUhy, gurF lokF nUM hor zrf idwqf. qIjI vfr styj qy afx AunHF, svfl isr df muVky pf idwqf. ihMmq rfey sI ihMmq dy nfl afey, gurU crnI sIs itkf idwqf. cOQI vfr sI muhkm cMd inwqry, zr mOq df AunHF Bulf idwqf. muhkm cMd dy jfx dI dyr hY sI, igxvyN iswK dIvfn dy ivwc rihgy. mUhry bYTy sI cOkVI mfr ky jo, iek dUey nUM siq krqfr kihgy. pMjvIN vfr jd nyqr lfl krky, sfihb cMd nUM PVky nfl lY gey. hrcMd isMGf kUxIaF mfr lokI, cwk cfdry keI sI rfh pY gey.
msMdF dI mfqf jI nUM Pirafd mfqf gujrI kol msMd phuMcy, hwQ joV ky vfsqy pfAux lwgy. goibMd rfie nUM Kbry kI hoieaf, afpxy iswKF nUM afp JtkfAux lwgy. CyqI cwl ky AunHF nMU rok mfqf, Auh qy iswKF dI alK mukfAux lwgy. mfqf hws ky afKdI bujidlo, Auh qy kOqk ny koeI idKfAux lwgy. GMty bfad siqgur bfhr afey, pMjy iswK vI AunHF dy nfl afey. bsqr gurF dy nfl pihn pMjy, nfl isrF dy isdk Auh pfl afey. prcf aOKf sI gurF ny bhuq pfieaf, hwl kr Auh sfry svfl afey. rwbI nUr sI Clkdf ichiraF qy, hrcMd isMGf hY ndir inhfl afey. ieh ‘pMj ipafry’ iswK myry, siqugr pMjF nUM jd vizaFvdy ny. ijhVy zr ky nIvIaF Gwqgy sI, dyK-sux ky bVf pCqFvdy ny. ikvyN vwZ ky gurF ny joV idwqy, dyKx vfsqy nyVy aFvdy ny. hrcMd isMGf zr ky jo luky, hfkF mfr ky Pyr bulFvdy ny. KMzf-bftf Duaf ky sfihb swcy, pfxI KUh df Aus ivwc pfieaf ey. pMj bfxIaF sfihb Aucfr muwKoN, KMzf pfxI dy ivwc Gumfieaf ey. shI smyN qy mfqf sfihb dyvF, af ky gurF df hwQ vtfieaf ey. hrcMd isMGf buk pqfisaF df, af ky phul dy ivwc imlfieaf ey.
Vaisakhi 2014
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
Vaisakhi 2014
“pitaflf kdy awg jF lVfeI dI mfr nfl nhIN Kqm ho skdf jdoN vI ieh Kqm hoieaf pfxI hI iehnUM qbfh krygf.” iewk 60 sflf bjurg df kihxf hY. pitaflf sLihr nUM ieh vr imilaf hY. ieh vr hY jF srfp? pitaflf sLihr dy pwCm vwl BfKVf qy pUrb ivc pitaflf ndI sUkdIaF lMGdIaF hn. kihMdy hn jdoN pitafly dI ndI ivwc hVH afAuNdf sI qF pitafly df rfjf ies nUM sony dI nwQ ByNt krdf sI aqy pfxI Auqrnf sLurU ho jFdf sI. pitaflf-snOr sVk `qy siQq ies ndI AuWqy bxy iewk pul `qy ieh nwQ ByNt kIqI jFdI sI jo ivsLysL iksm df bixaf hoieaf hY. nwQ ByNt krn smyN ivsLysL smfgm huMdf sI. ies sQfn dI mOjudf hflq TIk nhIN hY. ieh Ksqf hfl hY. pitaflf sLihr dy ieiqhfsk sQfnF ivwcoN iewk ieh sQfn awj afpxI pCfx guaf cuwikaf hY. gurduafrf sRI moqI bfg sfihb gurduafrf sRI moqI bfg pitafly dy ieiqhfsk sQfnF ivwcoN iek hY. ies sQfn `qy iswKF dy nOvyN gurU, gurU qyg bhfdr jI ny afpxI idwlI Xfqrf dOrfn ivsLrfm kIqf sI. Aus smyN iewQy jMgl huMdf sI. gurduafrf sRI moqI bfg sfihb gurU qyg bhfdr jI nUM smripq hY. iklf mubfrk kihMdy hn ik 84 ipMzF dy lokF ny bfbf aflf isMG nUM bynqI kIqI ik iewQy iewk aijhf sLihr vsfE ijs ivwc lok sLFqI aqy amn dI ijLMdgI jIa skx. Aus vkq bfbf jI ny iklf mubfrk dI iewk AuWcI QF `qy iewk JfVI gwz idwqI aqy cfr sflF bfad AuWQy iklf mubfrk Ausfrfnf sLurU kr idwqf. mhfrfj amr isMG qoN mgroN mhfrfj sfihb isMG (1781-1813), mhfrfj krm isMG (1813-1849), mhfrfj nirMdr isMG (1862-1876), mhfrfjf rfijMdr isMG (1876-1900) aqy iPr mhfrfj BuipMdr isMG ies kul nUM awgy qordy afey. BuipMdr isMG qoN bfad XfdivMdr isMG aqy hux mhfrfj amirMdr isMG ies kul dy vfrs hn.
Vaisakhi 2014
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
“Kflsf” PfrsI BfsLf df sLbd hY. ijs dy arQ ivdvfnF ny inwjI mlkIaq kIqy hn. pRoPYsr siqbIr isMG muqfibk sB qoN pihlF ieh sLbd akbr bfdsLfh dy mfl mMqrI rfjf tozr mwl ny Aus jLmIn vfsqy vriqaf sI ijs AuWqy koeI mfmlf afid nhIN sI jo iswDI bfdsLfh dy KjLfny ivwc jFdI sI. Bfv inw j I jfiedfd “Kflsf” vI vfihgurU jI df hY. gurU goibMd isMG jI ny aMimRq Ckf ky Kflsy nUM iswDf akfl purK dy nfl jo i Vaf hY . ‘isw K ’ bxn leI KM z y dI ‘pfhu l ’ qo N pihlF ‘crn pfhul’ idwqI jFdI sI. BfeI gurdfs jI ilKdy hn, “crn Do i e rihrfs kir crnfimR q isKF pIlfieaf.” pr mhfn mnoivigafnI siqgurU ny jl qoN inrmlqf qy ivsLflqf, bfxI qoN aiDafqmkqf qy KMzy qoN bIrqf lY ky ijs
Vaisakhi 2014
ÖÅñö ê§æ çÆ ÇÃðÜäÅ
pMQ dI isrjxf kIqI, Aus msq ho ky Auho ijhf suBfAu df nfm Kflsf pMQ rwiKaf. gRihx kr gey sn. jo BfeI dieaf rfm aMimRq Ckx qoN sdIaF qoN pYrF hyT pihlF ieh kihMdf sI: ilqfVINdy, durkfrINdy, lokF nUM srdfr bxf idwqf. kfm hmfrf qolx qkVI. bfdsLfhIaF bKsL idwqIaF. nMgI krd kBI nhIN pkVI. icVIaF vrgy kmjLor idlF vfilaF ivw c bfjL F nfl icVI AuVy qoN mYN zr jfAUN. Kihx dI juraq aqy dlyrI mugln isAuN kYsy lV pfAUN. Br idwqI. jo AunHF afpxy muKfribMd qoN ikhf, Aus nUM ab Dr lUMgf hr iek ko lokF afpxIaF awKF awgy sLmsLIr ky afgy. sfkfr huMdy vyiKaf. sfihbF rK dUMgf afpxf mYN sInf dy bol gUMjy sn: cIr ky afgy. ijnkI jfq brn kul mfhIN. dunIaf qoN JukqI hY, qkdIr ky afgy. srdfrI nr BeI kdfhIN. iqnhI ko srdfr bxfAU. BUpn ky sMg rMk lVfAUN.
ab qkdIr BI JukygI myrI sLmsLIr ky afgy.
iehI krfmfq sI jo sdIaF icVIEN sy mYN bfjL quVfAUN. qoN pYrF hyT lqfVINdy lokF nUM axKI qy svY ivsLvfs qbY goibMd isMG nfm khfAUN. vfly bxf geI. mnuwK jyho lokF ivwc inrblqf ies jy h y mfhO l ivw c jIAu N d f kdr af geI sI ik Auh hY , Au s dI jIvn sL Y l I afpo afpxy ikwiqaF ivwc hI Ausy qrHF dI hI bx jFdI
hY. mMnU dI vrn vMz ny BfrqI smfj nUM KKVIaF kryly kr idwqf. pUjf pfT vfilaF (bRfhmxf) aihMsf prmo Drm df nfarf dy ky axKIly lokF nUM inpuMsLk bxf ky rwK idwqf. mYN smJdf dysL dI gulfmI df kfrn vI ieh sI. iek awq Aucf bxky pUjnIk bx bYTf qy pfT pqn dfn puMn afid df muKI bx igaf. dUsry nUM qlvfr dI sONpxf krky qfkq df pRqIk bxf ky, afp Aus df pRmwuK slfhkfr bx bYTf. qIsry BfeIcfry nUM vYsL df drjf dy ky KyqI bfVI qy vxj vpfr ivwc lf idwqf. cO Q y vrg nU M Au p rilaF iqMnF dI syvf leI inXukq kr idw q f. Au s nU M sU d r afK ky iqRskfr krnf sLurU kr idwqf. cfhIdf qF ieh sI ik syvf krn vfly nUM Aucyrf siqkfr idwqf jFdf. pr Aus nUM iGRxq kMm dy ky Aus nfl hI iGrnf sLurU kr idwqI. hux dysL dI rwiKaf df Bfr kyvl iek CqrI dy isr dy idwqf. hyTly dono vrg vYsL qy sUdr BfrqI smfj aMdr kdy vI bRfhmx qy CwqrI ijMnf mfx siqkfr nf pf sky.
igafnI kyvl isMG ‘inrdosL’ prjf afid Aupr krfrI cot sI. BfvyN akbr vrgf sLihnsLfh afvy Aus nUM vI drsL k F qo N pihlF lM g r ivw c pM g q ivw c bY T ky pRsLfdf Ckx dI sLrq rwKI. iPr hirmMdr dI isrjxf krky Aus dy cfr drvfjLy rwKky ieh sMdysL idwqf rwb hr pfsy hY. Aus qoN pihlF Dfrnf ieh sI, “dKxu dyis hrI kf vfsf pCm mfl mukfmf” Bfv ik prmfqmf iksy Kfs idsL f ivw c hI rihMdf hY. sfry Brm gVH qoV suwty. axK qy gYrq aMgVfeIaF lYx leI igafn dy sUrj ny aigafnqf dy hnyry nUM lIro lIr kr idwqf. afKr ivwc iek svfl df Auqr. keI ivdysLI qy dysLI ly K kF ny ilK idw q f ik gurU nfnk dyv jI vloN jo inrmlqf dI ndI vgfeI geI sI CyvyN gurU hirgoibMd sfihb ny Aus df muwK mfrUQl vwl nUM moV idwqf qy ieh lihr suk puk geI. pr ies kQn ivwc rqI Br vI scfeI nhIN. ds gurU sfihbfn dy kyvl srIr hI vwKro vwKry sn joq iek hI sI. “joq Ehf jugiq sfie sih kfieaf Pyir pldIaY.” qlvfr qF gurU nfnk dyv jI vI hwQF ivwc PVf skdy sn. pr AunHF nhIN pkVfeI. kfrn? jo pMCI lMmy smyN qoN ipMjry ivwc ipaf hovy, Aus dy KMB AuVn dI jfc Buwl jFdy hn. AuNJ vI AuhnF ivwc swiqaf nhIN rihMdI. jy Aus nUM ipMjry ivwcoN ajLfd vI kr dyeIey qF Aus nUM koeI dUsrf pkVdy ipMjry ivwc pf lvygf jF koeI kuwqf ibwlI Kf jfeygf. iesy qrHF gulfmI df jIvn bsr kr rhI lukfeI ivwc pihlF ajLfdI df aihsfs jgfAuxf jLrUrI huMdf hY, iPr nf-brfbrI df kohV Kqm krnf huMdf hY. ibnf sFJy lksL dy hr iewk inwjI jdo jihd bhuq CyqI dm qoV jFdI hY.
jdoN kfbl vwloN pfp dIaF jMÖF cVHIaF qF Auh cfry Brf iekw T y ho ky afey . iewDr cONh ivwcoN isrP iek lVny vflf. ieAuN ihMdosqfn dy pYrF ivc gulfmI dIaF by V IaF peIaF. lo V sI ienHF byVIaF nUM kwtx vfly iksy mrd agMmVy dI. Aus ny cOhF vrgF nUM iekwiTaF krn leI ds jfmy Dfrn kIqy. pihlF “KqrI bRfhmx sUd vYs AupdysL chuM vrnf kAu sFJf” KflI kQnI nfl nhIN krnI nfl sLurU kIqf. AuicaF (mlk Bfgo) dI mihmfn invfjLI nUM axgOilaF krky nIivaF (BfeI lflo) dI koDry dI rotI nUM suwcy duwD vq mfixaf qy CwqI pRkfr dy Bojnf dI lhU nfl qulnf kIqI. iPr lMgr dI mrXfdf qorI. ieh gurU arjn dyv jI qwk kOm jLfq pfq, AUc nIc, hfkm ivwc jfgrqI af cuwkI sI. PAGE 24
CyvyN pfqsLfh gurU hirgoibMd sfihb jI dIaF cfr jMgF ny isK kOm ivwc svY Brosf jgf idwqf sI. zf: gokl cM d nfrM g dI ieh gw l sO PIsdI swc hY ik ijs qlvfr ny gurU goibMd isMG jI dy hwQF ivwc af ky mugl rfj dIaF jVHF vwZIaF Aus df POlfd gurU nfnk dyv jI ny hI iqafr kIqf sI. gurU goibMd isMG jI ny cOdF jMg lVy. isqm dI gwl ieh hY ik iPr Auhny muglF nfl nhIN hoey ijMny phfVI rfijaF nfl. jfq pfq df hMkfr AunHF nUM hmysLf gurU jI dy ivruwD lVn leI mjbUr kr ilaf. AunHF nUM sdf afpxf hI pflf mfrdf irhf. jy gurU jI ny kyvl afpxf rfj kfiem krnf huMdf Auh sMn 1686 eI: ivwc kr lYNdy jdoN BMgfxI dI jMg ivwc bkfiedf phfVI rfijaF nUM hfr hoeI sI. pRMqU AunHF df AudysL sI, “BY kfhU ko dyiq nih nih BY mfnq afin.” zrnf bujLidlI hY, kfierqf hY, zrfAuxf julmqf hY cMgyjLI hY. Kflsf pMQ dI isrjxf AunHF hlymI rfj leI kIqI sI ijwQy koeI jLflm nf hovy ijwQy koeI mjLlUm nf hovy. awj loV hY Aus mrd agmMVy, virafm akyly, aMimRq dy dfqy srbMs dfnI dy aMimRq duafrf bKsLy AuWcy suwcy lksL nUM smJx dI qy Aus nUM mnuwK mfqr qwk phuMcfx dI. qd hI sfrQk ho skdy hn sfzy gurpurb mnfAuxy, sfzy ngr kIrqn sjfAuNdy. Kflsy dy jnm idn dI smUh mnuwK mfqr nUM lwK lwK vDfeI hovy.
Vaisakhi 2014
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
Vaisakhi 2014
Punjabi Patrika
Vaisakhi 2014
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Punjabi Patrika
Vaisakhi 2014
Punjabi Patrika
Vaisakhi 2014
1699 eI: nUM anMdpur sfihb ivKy 80,000 hjLfr dy ivsLfl iekwT ivwc nMgI qlvfr lihrf ky gurU goibMd isMG jI ny isrF dI mMg kIqI, aqy pMj isr lY ky Kflsf pMQ dI isrjxf kIqI. ies srbMs dfnI qoN sfnUM pRyrnf lYxI cfhIdI hY. Kflsy dI pRIBfsLf Kflsf isrjk ny hr krm kFz qoN rihq ho ky pUrn pRym nfl Kflsf pMQ dI nINh rwKI. pRMqU awjkl Kflsy df aijhf rUp Gwt hI idKfeI idMdf hY. awjkwl smuwcf pMjfb gurF dy nfm qy ijAuNdf hY. sfzy gurUaF ny hr pRkfr dy iBMn BydF ivqkiraF qoN rihq hoxhfr smfj dI isrjxf kIqI. mIrI pIrI dy smyl ny iswK Drm dy muhfx nUM bdl ky ijAuxf isKfieaf. dsm gurU jI ny ijs Kflsy dI isrjxf kIqI Au s nU M afpxy lflF qo N vDy r y pRvfinaf. ien puqrn ky sIs py, vfr dIey sLq cfr. cfr muey qo ikaf Bey, jIvq keI hjLfr. ies pRkfr puwqr, ipqf, mfqf, syvk vfr dyx vfly srbMs dfnI qoN sfnUM AuWc pwDr dI pRyrnf imldI hY. sIs Byt lY ky sfjy Kflsy nUM POlfd vFg mjbUq bxfieaf. pMj kkfr afpsI sFJ dy icMn bKsLy, aqy smfj dy ilqfVy vrgF nUM KMzy bfty df aMimRq Ckf ky, igwdVF qoN sLyr bnfAux dI krfmfq kr idKfeI.
ijvyN ky BfeI mohkm cMd CINbf, BfeI ihMmq rey iJAur, BfeI sfihb cMd nfeI.
bfKUbI inBfieaf ijvyN lyKk dIaF kuJ sqrF hn:
AuprMq afpxy hwQIN Kflsf jI dI sfjnf krky iPr afp Kflsf jI qoN aMimRq pfn krn dI cfihq pRgt kIqI. pMjF Kflsf rUp isMG pfsoN aMimRq pfn krky sMsfr Br ivwc, iek nvF kFz rc idwqf. ies aduwqI imsfl leI, BfeI gurdfs jI ilKdy hn.
imafnoN DUh qlvfr lihrf sqgur,
vfhu vfhu goibMd isMG
ikhf isMG nfm nfl idE hux joV mYnUM.
afpy gur cylf.
muwl isrF df qfrUM srbMs dy ky,
eyzI vwzI inmrqf iksy vI ieiqhfs ivwcoN imlnI asMBv hY. awjkl nisLaF ivwc grsLq iswK kOm Kflsy dy arQF nUM kI smJ skdI hY. aqy nf hI awjkl dy Kflsy kol 1699 dI ienklfbI ivsfKI aqy mnuwKI ajLfdI dI smJ hY. awjkl dI ivsfKI iek rsmIN ivsfKI bx ky rih geI hY.
aYvyN smJ n ilE kuJ hor mYnUM. ies qrHF Kflsy dI sfjnf AuprMq gurU jI ny afp pMjF ipafiraF qoN aMimRq pfn krky dunIaF nUM iek nvF kFz rc ky ivKfieaf.
kuwJ buwDIjIivaF df ivcfr hY ky gurU jI ny ivsfK dy mhInf ies leI cuixaf ikAuNik gurU nfnk sLfhI kYlMzr muqfbk gurU nfnk jI df jnm iqMn ivsfK puinaF vfly idn hoieaf mMinaf igaf hY. ieh gwl krm isMG jI ihstorIan aqy AuprMq BfeI sfihb isMG jI vwloN iswD kIqI geI hY.
vYsfKu Blf sfKf vys kry, Dnu dyKY hrduafir.
ihMdU Drm qy bxI BIV smyN jdoN mhF purK dy blIdfn dI loV hoeI qF CyvyN pfqsLfh dy poqry gur qyg bhfdr dy puwqr ny ipqf jI nUM Kud kfqlF dy dr qy phuMcf idwqf. gurU goibMd isMG jI ny jo Kflsf jI nfl pRx kIqf Aus nUM
ikhf iek isr dI aj hY loV mYnUM. iek iek krky jd pMj AuWTy, sqgur afiKaf rhI n QoV mYnUM. pMjy isMG sjfky qMbU qoN bfhr ilaFdy,
gurU nfnk aqy gurU arjn dyv jI ivsfK mhIny nUM bfrHf mfhF ivwc afpxI bfxI ivwc ilK gey hn.
afphu dieaf kry.. Gir afvAu ipafry duqrqfry quuDu ibnu awZun mYlo.. kImiq kAux kry quDu BfvF dyiK idKfvY ZoloN.. dUir n jfnf aMqir mFnf hir kf mhlu pCfnf.. nfnk vYsfKI pRBu pfvY suriq sLbid mn mfnf..6.. pMnf 11083 nfnk dyv jI.
aqy iPr gurU arjn dyv jI ilKdy hn. vYsiK DIrin ikAuN vfZIaf, ijMnf pRym ivCohu.. hr sfjnu purKu ivsir kY, lwgI mfieaf Dohu.. puqR klwqR n sMig Dnf, hr aivnfsI Auhu.. plic plic sglI mueI, JUTY DMDY mohu.. dXu ivsfir ivgucxf, pRBuibnu avr nf koie, pRIqm crxI jo lgy, iqn kI inrml soie.. nfnk kI pRBu bynqI, pRBu imlhu pRfpiq hoie.. vysfKu suhfvf qF lgY, jF sMq ByTY hir soie..3.. (pMnf 133) gurU arjn dyv jI. Dfrmk pwK qoN hux smfjk pwK vwl afAuNdy hF ivsfKI nUM kxkF afpxy jobn qy huMdIaF hn. vfZI leI dfqI pfeI jFdI hY. ijmINdfr myhnq dy rMg nUM vyK ky, BMgVy aqy hor lok nfcF duafrf KusLIaF mnfAuNdy hn. ivsfK mhIny kMUJF jo pRfey dysL qoN afeIaF hoeIaF huMdIaF hn Eh vI afpxy vqnF nUM muV jFdIaF hn. pMjfbI khfvq hY.
gurbcn kOr ‘iZwloN’ clfeI, sMgq pMgq dI rIq clf ky, qyr myr Kqm kIqf. ieiqhfs dwsdf hY, ky mhfrfjf rxjIq isMG jI dI qfjposLI vI, ivsfKI vfly idn hI hoeI sI. iesy qrHF 1875 eI: nUM suafmI dXf nMd jI ny afrIXf smfj dI nINh vI ivsfKI vfly idn hI rwKI sI. hjLfrF sfl pihlF ihMdU Drm anusfr, pivwqr gMgf vI ivsfKI vfly idn hI DrqI qy afeI mMnI jFdI hY. mhfqmf buwD jI nUM vI gXf ivwc inrmfx ivsfKI vfly idn hI hoieaf mMinaf jFdf. awjkl pMj kkfrF dI Et hyT nsLy vycy jFdy hn ijs krky asIN dsm gurU jI dy pfqr nhIN hF kkfr pihny ik hro hr pRkfr dy kukrm kIqy jf rhy hn. gur jI qF sfjnf vyly kih gey sn. jb lg rhY Kflsf inafrf. qb lwg qyj idE mYN sfrf. jb ieh ghY ibpRn kI rIq. mYN n krUM ien kI pRqIq.
“kUMjIN kxkIN myhxf, jy rihx ivsfK.”
so afE Kflsf jI ibpRn kI rIq nUM pusLt n krIey, gur goibMd isMG jI dy isiKaf duafrf Kflsy nUM shI arQF ivc smJIey aqy apxfeIey.
qIsry gurU sRI amrdfs jI ny 1567 eI: nUM lMgr dI pRQf vI ivsfKI vfly idn hI
so afp jI smUh Kflsf jI nUM Kflsy dy jnm idn dI lwK lwK vDfeI hovy.
Punjabi Patrika
Vaisakhi 2014
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Vaisakhi 2014
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
Vaisakhi 2014
Punjabi Patrika
Vaisakhi 2014
úÕÅéÅ×é ÇÃµÖ à˺êñ Õñ¯éÅ ÒÚ Ã¶òŠ鱧 ÃîðÇêå ׯðÅ ×ÅðæÅ ÔÅéÅ hfl ivwc syvf nUM smripq huMdf hoieaf JfVU qoN ielfvf brqn sfP krn dI mhfn syvf krdf hY. Auh iswK Drm dI lMgr dI prMprf qoN bhuq hI pRBfivq hoieaf hY. gurU Gr dy aMdr aqy bfhr sfP-sPfeI krdf hY. syvf aqy ismrn nUM hI iswK Drm ivwc mhfn mMinaf igaf hY.
afm qOr qy kYnyzf jF ieAuN vI kih leIey ik pwCmI dysLF kYnyzf, amrIkf jF ieMglYNz ivwc gurU GrF ivwc go r y (kfky s Ian) lo k jF qF lMgr hflF ivwc pRsfdf pfxI Ckx afAuNdy hn jF iPr coxF smyN pMjfbIaF Kfs kr iswK BfeIcfry dIaF votF vtorn leI BfsLn dyx afAuNdy hn. Auh ‘vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf, vfihgurU jI kI Piqh’, aqy ‘boly so inhfl dy jYkfry’ sMgqF nfl AuWcI sur ivwc vI lfAuNdy hn. pr Aukfngn iswK tYNpl klonf ivKy kYQoilk Drm nUM mMnx vflf gorf gfrQf hfnf lMgr
jdoN Aus nUM pMjfbI pwiqRkf dy pRqIinD ny puwiCaf ik kI Auh aMimRq Ckx dI iewiCaf rwKdf hY qF Aus ny ikhf ik ajy qwk qF Aus ny aMimRqpfn nhIN kIqf hY. pr BivwK ivwc ho skdf hY ik iksy su L B smyN Aus dI soc aijhI ho jfvy. Auh afpxy Drm nUM vI bhuq ipafr krdf hY aqy dUjy DrmF df vI idloN pUrf pUrf siqkfr krdf hY. Auh pMjfbI BfeIcfry nfl Guliml igaf hY. Aus nUM iswK kimAuintI ijs ny kYnyzf dy ivkfs ivwc afpxf aihm Xogdfn pfieaf hY dI sLlfGf krdf hY. gfrQf BfvyN pRbMDk kmytI df cuixaf hoieaf mYNbr nhIN
iPr vI Auh pRbMDk kmytI nfl mYNbr dI hYsIaq ivwc hI ivcrdf hY aqy kmytI dIaF srgrmIaF ivwc Bfg lYNdf hY. gfrQf hfnf dI afpxI knstrksLn kMpnI hY ijs nUM gurU Gr dI AusfrI df mOkf imilaf qF ies qrHF hI Aus nUM iswK Drm aqy pMjfbI BfeIcfry bfry jfxkfrI pRfpq krn df mOkf imilaf. cfr imlIan zflr dI lfgq nfl gurduafry dI sLfndfr iblizMg iqafr hoeI 2008 ivw c . ies smy N dO r fn hI Aus ny iswKI rvfieq aqy prMprfvF bfry jfxkfrI pR f pq kIqI. Au h sy v f qy ismrn qo N bhu q pR B fivq hoieaf aqy afpxy afp nU M gu r U Gr ivw c inmrqf aqy siqkfr nfl syvf nUM smripq kr ilaf. Aukfnfgn iswK tYNpl dy syvfdfr zf[ gurmIq rMDfvf aqy pRmjIq isMG pqfrf vloN gfrQf hfnf vloN gurU Gr ivKy kIqI jFdI syvf dI sLlfGf kIqI jf rhI hY.
ibkrmf jIqI sMmq dy bfrF mhIinaF ivwcoN ivsfK df mhInf ivsLysL mhwqv rwKdf hY. ivsfK mhIny dy arMBk idn sMgrFd vfly idn nUM ivsfKI ikhf jFdf hY. sMsfr dy vwKovwKry Drm ies idn nUM vwKrf-vwKrf mhwqv idMdy hn pr iswK Drm ivwc gurU sfihbfn jI ny ies idn nUM pRfikRqk aqy smfijk idRsLtI qoN mhwqv dwisaf hY. ies mhIny pRikrqI ivwc inKfr afAuNdf hY aqy pMjfb dy iksfnF leI amIrI afriQk hflfq df smF hY. sRI gurU nfnk dyv jI ny quKfrI rfg ivwc aMikq bfrmfhy ivwc ivsfKI dy mhIny bfry vrnx kIqf hY ik ies mhIny ivwc suwkI murJfeI kudrq ivwc nvF jIvn AuBrdf hY. rwuKF dIaF tfhxIaF ivwcoN inklIaF krUMblF dIaF lVIaF ies qrHF lwgdIaF hn ijvyN swj ivafhIaF ny hfr isMgfr kIqf hovy. ivsfKI imlfp df pRqIk mMnI geI hY. ieh pRIvrqx aqy invyklypx df sUck hY. sRI gurU arjn dyv jI bfrmfh mfJ ivwc ieh ivcfr sfnUM dwsdy hn ik ijhVy sfDk, pRymI jF sMq ipafry dI isPq slfh krdy hn Auh Aus dy inkt ho jFdy hn.
Punjabi Patrika
afgmn ivsfKI vfly idn hI hoieaf sI. ies qoN bfad gurU nfnk dyv jI ny afpxI pihlI AudfsI vI iesy idn hirduafr myly qoN sLurU kIqI sI. gurU jI ny iesy hirduafr dy myly ivwc krm kFzI lokF vwloN pUrb nUM pfxI dyx vflI gwl nUM afp pwCm vwl mUMh krky sUrj nUM pfxI dyx vflI gwl lokF sfhmxy inKfr ky krm kfzI lokF df BulyKf dUr kIqf sI. ies qrHF hI zwlf invfsI BfeI pfro prmhMs dI bynqI nUM mMn ky sRI gurU amrdfs jI ny ivsfKI df pihlf mylf 1567 eI: nUM goieMdvfl ivKy iekwT krky lfieaf sI. iswK Drm dI gOrvmeI pRqIk ivsfKI vfly idn hI sRI gurU hirgoibMd sfihb jI df anMd kfrj ivsfKI nUM hoieaf mMinaf jFdf hY. “vYsfK pRQm qb kVI brfqf. ngr bIc sj suMdr gfqf. pfvs sm brKf Dn hoeI. qf idn rihAu rMk nf koeI.” (gurU iblfs)
ies qoN awgy gurU iblfs pfqsLfhI CyvIN ivwc ies dy hor hvfly vI imldy hn. CyvyN ivsfKI pMjfb df ivsLysL iqAuhfr hY. kxk pfqsLfh sRI gurU hirgoibMd sfihb jI ny dI Psl pMjfbI iksfnF dI muwK AupjIvkf afpxy smyN hr sfl vYsfKI nUM mylf krn hY. ieh Psl pwkI hoeI afpxy afly duafly df Aucycf pRbMD kIqf sI. nUM sony rUpI rMg nfl ilskfAuNdI hY. keI “mylf BXo ivsfKI BfrI. ivdvfnF df mwq hY ik afrIaF lokF dy kr drsLn rl pfey cfrI. afAux qoN pihlF iewQoN dy afid vfsI drfvV hr goibMd gurdfs ikRpfl. lok KusLI nfl ies idn iekwTy huMdy sn. ieh sB sMgq ko kIAu inhfl.” ieiqhfsk scfeI hY ik gOqm buwD (mhfqmf buwD) nUM vI igafn iesy idn hI pRfpq hoieaf ies qoN bfad Kflsy df jnm idn 1699 sI aqy Aus ny afpxy mwq df prcfr vI eI: df Kflsf pMQ dI sfjnf ivsfKI dI iesy idn hI arMB kIqf sI. purfqn jnm gorvmeI pRqIk dI amr imsfl hY. sRI sfKI dy anusfr sRI gurU nfnk dyv jI df gurU nfnk dyv jI qoN sRI gurU qyg bhfdr
qwk gurU iswiKaf ny swc, Drm, axK aqy afjLfdI dI cyqnf pRPuwlq kr idwqI sI. ies idn sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI ny ‘jAu qAu pRym Kylx kf cfAu isru Dru qlI glI myrI afAu dy muwK vfk AuWqy cwlx vfilaF dI prK nI anoKI hI khfxI nUM priKaf sI. gurU jI ny 80 hjLfr dy iekwT ivwc sRI anMdpurI dI DrqI AuWqy ieh vfk Aucfiraf sI ik gurU nUM ByNt hoey sIs byksF, mjlUmF dy sIs bcfAux leI sn. “siqgur afgY sIsu Byt dyAu jy siqgur sfcy BfvY.” gurU jI ny srb loh dy bfty ivwc KMzy nfl aMimRq iqafr krky imlqf inmrqf dy sUck pqfsy Gol ky pMjF bfxIaF jpujI, jfp sfihb, svYXy, bynqI cOpfeI aqy anMd sfihb dIaF bfxIaF Aucfr ky akfl purK dy guxF df sMcfr krn leI aMimRq iqafr krky pMjF ipafiraF nUM aMimRq Ckf ky isMG sLyr bxf idwqf aqy iPr afp AunHF pMjF koloN afp aMimRq Ck ky gurU aqy cyly df Prk imtf idwqf aqy nfl hI ieh Kflsy nUM vrdfn vI idwqf ik Kflsf jfq-pfq, grIbF aqy mjlUmF df rfKf hovygf. aMimRq prcfr dy nfl nfl pMj kkfrF df DfrnI vI Kflsf pUrn rUp ivwc pUrn Kflsf hovygf. “jb lg Kflsf rhy inafrf. qb lg qyj dIAu mYN sfrf..” Kflsy dy gOrvmeI pRqIk vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf vfihgurU jI kI Piqh, siq sRI akfl, dyg qyg Piqh aqy cVHdI klf afid boly vI Kflsy dI prMprf dy pRqIk mMny jFdy hn.
Vaisakhi 2014
sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI dI Qfpnf sdkf sMinafsI ibrqI nUM iqafgx vflf bMdf bhfdr gurU jI qoN aMimRq Ck ky 1714 eI: nUM jdoN aMimRqsr phuMicaf qF Aus ny ivsfKI vfly idn hI sLhId isMGF dI Xfd aMdr ivsfKI vfly idn drbfr kIqf.
vfly idn aYlfn kIqf. ies qoN bfad gdr lihr 1913 eI: gdrI bfibaF ny vI lfhOr iProjLpur, myrT qy luiDafxy ivwc bgfvq krn leI vI ivsfKI df idn hI cuixaf sI.
gurU goibMd isMG df Kflsf sdf hI julm ivruwD juJx leI iqafr-br-iqafr irhf hY. ivsfKI vfly idn hI aihmdfbfd ivwc gurduafrf roVI sfihb ivsfKI mnfAuNidaF dIvfn lKpq rfey dy Brf jspq rfey ny iswKF qy hmlf kIqf. iewk iswK inQoh isMG ny jspq rfey df isr kwt idwqf sI.
ijs ivwc lwKF dI igxqI ivwc lok sLhId hoey hn. awj sLhIdF dy lvfrs bwcy-bwcIaF QF-QF rul rhy hn.
13 apRYl 1919 eI: nUM aMimRqsr dy ijilHaF vfly bfg ivwc vI jnrl zfier ny inhwQy bMd isMG bhfdr dI mOq qoN bfad iswKF BfrqIaF nUM ivsfKI vfly idn golIaF df aMdr bxy mwq Byd aqy DiVaF qwq Kflsf insLfnf bxfieaf sI. aqy bMdeI Kflsf nUM 1721 eI; nUM BfeI 1929 eI: nUM pMj sO isMGF df jwQf jYqo dy mnI isMG ny ivsfKI vfly idn hI iekwTy morcy ivwc jfx leI aMimRqsr puwjf sI. iewk krky rfjInfmf krfieaf. ies qrHF ivsfKI gwl hor mhwqvpUrn jo ipwCy pVHI jfxI hY nUM eykqf df pRqIk mMinaf jFdf hY. iswKF ik 1799 eI: nUM hI mhfrfjf rxjIq isMG Aupr vwD qoN vwD julm kridaF aqy AunHF df ny mukMml qOr qy lfhOr qy kbjLf kIqf sI rxBUmI ivwc tfkrf kridaF mugl hkUmq aqy bfbf sfihb isMG bydI ny AunHF nUM rfj ny mihsUs kIqf ik iswKF nUM dbfAuxf aOKf iqlk lgfieaf sI. 13 apRYl 1978 eI: hY. ieh qF nf iksy qoN dby hn nf hI dbxgy. nUM nklI inrMkfrIaF ny ivsfKI vfly idn ies kfrn hI AunHF 1733 eI: ivsfKI vfly aMimRqsr ivKy inhwQy isMGF nUM golIaF mfr idn hI kpUr isMG nUM jgIr df ptf ilK ky ky sLhId kIqf sI. ies kfrn hI pMjfb nvfbI bKsLI sI. ivwc Drm XuwD morcy dI sLurUafq hoeI sI
mugl slqnq nUM jVHF ihlfx leI 1748 eI: dI ivsfKI nUM sfry dlF ny iekwTy ho ky jwsf isMG afhlUvflIey nUM sYnfpqI cuixaf aqy iewk sfl sFJf dl Kflsf bxfieaf. 1801 eI: mhfrfjf rxjIq isMG ny nfnk sLfhI iswkf clfieaf. ies qoN bfad aMgryjLF dy ivruwD bfbf rfm isMG ny 1807 eI: nUM BfrqI afjLfdI leI jUJx leI ivsfKI
ies qrHF ivsfKI ny pMjfb dy ieiqhfs aMdr iewk gOrvmeI ieiqhfs isrijaf hY. ies qrHF ipCly Cy sfl pihlF iswK kOm Kflsy df iqMn sO sflf sfjnf idvs dysLF ivdysLF ivwc mnf ky htI hY. bdiksmqI dI gwl ieh hY ik Kflsy pMQ df eyzf vwzf amIr ieiqhfs qy gOrvmeI ivrsf hY pr awj cODr aqy isafsq kfrn kOm iekwTI hox dI bjfey inwky-inwky DiVaF ivwc vMzI peI hY ijs df koeI Pfiedf nhIN hY. kOmI eykqf-ieqPfk aqy afps imlvrqx dI loV hY. awj smF eykqf dI mMg krdf hY.
Punjabi Patrika
Vaisakhi 2014
ÇòÃÅÖÆ òÅñÅ î¶ñÅ bfeI tihlf isAuN, Blf mYN ijhVI gwl suxI af, swc af, beI qusIN afpxf trYgt qy trflI lY ky kwlH nUM nfl dy ipMz ivsfKI dy myly qy jfxf, kihMdf hoieaf bMqf amlI boilaf Auey afho amlIaf! qUM swc eI suixaf, ‘bfpU kihMdf vI nvF Porz ilaFdf’ hovy nf qF lokF nUM JUtf eI dvf dyeIey Pyr qF imwtI-Gwty eI rul jfxf, shurf ikhVf inwq-inwq nvF ilaf jFdf pUrIaF Cy knflF Kf igaf trYktr trflI. bfeI gwl qF qyry bfpU dI TIk af, beI Qwbf notF df lwg jFdf trYktr-trflI lYx leI pr hux Gr df sMd bx igaf, jdoN mrjI mfro sYlP qy zwkr idAu iksy qoN mMgx dI loV nhIN, nhIN qF aYvyN sflf jxf-Kxf mUMh-cuwk ky jvfb dy idMdf. Auey qYnUM iksy ny jvfb dy ky mrnf amlIaf qy BfvyN huxy hI cfbI lY jf kihky tihly amlI nUM pMp mfiraf, Auey bfeI qyry qy mfx af afpF nUM rwb ijwzf, pr sflf jMgIry kf gINdU nI nlI mfr ijhf mYnUM kihMdf, jf Bwj jf amlIaf qUM myly qoN kwdU lYxy af…beI sfilAu ijwQy qusIN DUV Pwkogy, AuWQy mYN cfr Pwky Kf lAUN, pr sfly ny nwk qy mwKI nI bihx idwqI qy AuWQoN hI trkf idwqf.
pvn ‘igwlF vflf’
pqf hI nf lwigaf, pr afAuNidaF dIaF tihly ny kwcy rfh `c pYNdIaF Au W KlIaF `c bu V kf-bu V kf ky pwslIaF aMdr pf idwqIaF. ipMz af ky bfkI qF sfry trflI `coN CflF mfrky GrF nUM qurdy bxy, qy amlI ivcfrf, EzF dI bwkrI afgUM do jixaF ny cuwk ky lfihaf ivcfrf, iZwlf ijhf AuWqrky qurdy nUM vyK ky, tihlf CyVx lwg ipaf qy kihMdf, “Auey amlIaf ikwdF lwigaf ivsfKI aflf mylf” amlI izw g df-izw g df iew k dm KVf ijhf ho ky kihMdf “sfly myly dy” aYvyN mylf-mylf krdy rihMdy, Auey myrIaF qF BMnqIaF pslIaF qy rihMdf-KUMdf itwkIaF df nsLf lfhqf, cMgI BlI lor jI eI afeI sI sLfm ZlidaF hI sfry ipMz nUM muV hux jf ky Pyr zwPxI pAU, kihMdy pey jFidaF nUM qF myly dy cfa `c hoey amlI ny Gr nUM cfly pf idwqy. cwlo jI, myly qy jf ky amlI ny jo suixaf sI Auh swc inkilaf ikqy pkOVy, ikqy suwKy vflIaF itwkIaF, jlybIaF df koeI hfQ hI nf. amlI qF Kf ky twlI ho ky bfGIaF pfAuNdf nsLy dI lor `c qy ibMd ku ipwCoN af ky kih idaf kry, bfeI tihilaf eyQy qF mOjF eI af sflIaF, ibnF cMzolF qoN hI JUty afeI jFdy qy hfly kuJ KfDf vI nI, pqf nI kfhqoN, mYN qF kihnf eyQy hI rih peIey Cwz pry ipMz jfx nUM. tihlf amlI dIaF gwlF sux ky mn hI mn `c hwsy qy socy, beI sfilaf eyQy myly afieaf ik shurIN beI ijhVf eyQy rih peIey…pr Auh ieh vI jfxdf sI ik amlI ny qF ajy shury vyKy hI nhIN.
Auey koeI nf amlIaf qUM guwsf nf kr, mYN lY ky cwlUM qYnUM ivsfKI dy myly, pr qUM kwly ny eI jfxf? ik koeI hor vI af qyry nfl…lY bfeI tihilaf hux qUM vI itwcrF krn lwg ipaf, qYnUM pqf eI af afpxy nf koeI rMn nf koeI kMn afpF kwly hI svf-lwK dy brfbr aF. qF iPr TIk af bMiqaf svyry-svwKqy AuWT KVIN, ieh nf hovy ikqy rfq nUM ijLafdf nsLf-pwqf krlyN qy iPr sxyN mMjy hI lY ky jfxf pvyN. Auey amlI qF svyry pMj vjy hI AuWT ky nhflU qUM ikhVIaF gwlF krdF, kihMdf hoieaf bMqf afpxy Gr vwl nUM ho quiraf. dUjy idn cVHdy hI BfeI amlI qF kurm dI juwqI nfl icwtf cfdrf, zwbIaF vflf kuVqf qy moZy qy prnf suwt ky afvy JUMmdf ijAuxf mOV bixaf, dyK ky tihly dy qF hosL hI AuWzgy qy kihMdf Auey amlIaf qUM qF kmfl eI krqI! qF amlI kihMdf, ‘bfeI sfzI jubfn qF pwQr qy lkIr af’ beI jo kyrF mUMhoN inkl igaf Auh isr nf pugfAuny aF, Auey TIk af-TIk af…af lYx dy sfiraF nUM Pyr cwldy aF, qy qUM AunHF icr afh PVH cfh pI lY.
PAGE V36 cont’d from page 6
immigrants come with their dreams of building a better life for themselves and their families. In Raspberry Farming I show the raspberry field across 4 seasons. The iconic image of the yellow harvester against the blue sky symbolizes the fact that Sikh Canadians from the Punjab are the main berry producers in the Fraser Valley now.
Punjabi Patrika I dedicate this exhibition to the beloved memory of prolific writer and journalist Khushwant Singh who wrote A History of the Sikhs based on meticulous research of original documents in Gurmukhi, Persian and English. Although based on scholarly research, Khushwant Singh tells the story of the Sikh faith in his endearing way so that it can be read and understood by the ordinary person.�
Sikhs are a part of the great Canadian mosaic and can be found in every field of human endeavour: from doctors, nurses, technicians, teachers, physiotherapists, engineers, lawyers, librarians, scientists, pharmacists, plumbers, carpenters, farmers, farm workers, mechanics, dentists, real estate developers, saw mill workers, construction workers to visual artists, ice-skaters, musicians, curators, academics, radio and television broadcasters, politicians and the list goes on. Along with all Canadians, Sikh-Canadians are helping to build a prosperous Canada.
It was a great pleasure for me to chat with visitors and learn what they thought of my art. I asked each guest which was their favourite artwork and why they chose it. Here are some comments left by visitors in the guest book.
I would also like to say thank-you very much to artists Jarnail Singh and his wife Baljit Kaur for their continued support and encouragement of my art. Jarnail Singh and Baljit Kaur have been instrumental in introducing the Canadian art establishment to Punjabi art.
Amazing my friend.!‌.Such a gift you have. Roseanne B.
Vaisakhi 2014
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Mandeep, great work, please keep it up. Balbir Khangura Mandeep, Beautiful artwork!! Love the brilliant colors! Really captures the Sikh culture! Sunny Gill All the best. I like all the paintings. Very nice. Raj B.
I truly loved the painting Worship. I truly enjoyed reading the description of the painting and the quote from Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Tanraj Gill
I am really impressed by your beautiful artwork. I really enjoyed it. Great work. You are a true artist. ‌‌Thanks for sharing your work with the Abbotsford community. Cindy Dieno Some people chose my watercolour painting Nishan Sahib as their favourite. I based this painting on a sketch drawn from life at the Khalsa Diwan Society temple at times using a pair of binoculars. Below are the multicoloured flags marking the spring festival of Vaisakhi, which celebrates the foundation of the Khalsa (Sikh community) in 1699 and our New Year. The Nishan Sahib is renewed at
Vaisakhi time, which is also the start of the wheat harvest in the Land of Five Rivers (Punjab). However, the Canada goose seen flying up the Vaisakhi line of flags informs you that this Gurdwara is in the Sikh diaspora right here in Canada. Yes, Canada is our new homeland, our new country where we have come to start our new lives over again and Abbotsford is our new village. Again, my heartfelt thanks to Clearbrook Library for hosting my exhibition of contemporary Sikh-Canadian art. My very best wishes for a very happy Vaisakhi to everyone in the community.
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Ha ppy Vaisakhi
Punjabi Patrika
Vaisakhi 2014
It’s not about how much money you make but about making the most of what you have.
Congratulations and Happy Vaisakhi from the Fraser Valley Financial Centre.
Bam Sidhu* CFP® BA Financial Centre Manager ext 2222
Darlynnda Ross* CHS Sr. Associate Manager ext 2224
Zerxes Bhathena* B.Comm. Associate Manager ext 2234
Alim Kassam* Associate Manager ext 2246
Gurbachan Aujla* Abbotsford 604-835-0947
Aman Azad ext 2250
Rupinder (Vic) Chhabra* BA ext 2256
Kamaljit Dhillon* Kam Dhillon Insurance Services Inc. ext 2274
Raj Dhillon ext 2274
Rick Gill* BA CPCA ext 2273
Ranjit Grewal* ext 2228
Rock Hutsul* BA CH.F.C. CFP® Rock Hutsul Financial
Gary Kaler* BBA Surrey 604-762-6305
Eishpreet (Meeta) Kaur* M.Sc. ext 2227
Navdeep (Simmi) Mittu ext 2241
Jas Oberoi* CFP® ext 2232
Satpal Singh* Abbotsford 604-850-6513
Kamna Suri Aulakh ext 2242
Services Ltd. ext 2231
Kamini Sethi ext 2236
Harbans Sidhu* CPCA Abbotsford 604-556-9056
Fraser Valley Financial Centre Tel: 604-607-3970 201 - 3240 Mt. Lehman Road Abbotsford, BC V4X 2M9 1
Only advisors who hold CFP (Certified Financial Planner), CH.F.C (Chartered Financial Consultant), F.Pl. (Financial Planner in Quebec), or equivalent designations are certified as financial planners. *Mutual funds offered by Sun Life Financial Investment Services (Canada) Inc. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada is a member of the Sun Life Financial group of companies. © Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, 2014.
Life’s brighter under the sun PAGE 37
Punjabi Patrika
Vaisakhi 2014
Punjabi Patrika
Vaisakhi 2014
ÇòÃÅÖÆ gurmyl bIroky
gurU jI, af jFdI hr sfl ivsfKI lMG jFdI hr sfl ivsfKI qyry ipafry qF pqf nHIN ikwQy ikwQy krn idhfVIaF- mjdUrIaF AunHF nUM nhIN pqf kd af jFdI ivsfKI kd lMG jFdI ivsfKI lMbVF dy KyqF ivwcoN islLf cuwgdI muitafr nUM nhIN pqf kI huMdI ey ivsfKI kricaF dy KfDy pYNrF nUM nhIN pqf kricaF nfl lVn leI mnfeI qusF ivsfKI gurU jI, jo icVIaF qusF bfjLF nfl lVfeIaF Auh awj afps ivwcI lVdIaF bhuq hn aWj icVIaF dy rMg gurU jI, jLlm nfl lVn vfly inrDn, inhwQy aqy kmjoLr “rfjy sLINh mukwdm kuwqy” kfrporysLnF vwzy vwzy cor, gurU jI, aOrMgjLyb nhIN moieaf hfly sgoN bhuq hn idwlI vfly aOrMgjLyb ieQy bhuq hn srhMd vfly sUbydfr ieQy bVf kuPLr qoldy afky anMdpur votF mMgdy afky anMdpur mjLlUmF df lhU pINdy aOrMgjLyb bih qKLqF AuWqy, suixaf hY gurU jI, hux aOrMgjLyb aqy sUbydfr nisLaF df vI krn ivAupfr qyry ipafiraF dI Aulfd lf idwqI ienHF nisLaF AuWqy, aOgux ibgfny swiBafcfrF dy Br idwqy Bfrq dIaF ivwc nfVF dy muglIaf slqnwq nfloN BYVf rfj pRbMD gurU jI gMd dy Gry hI jMnmy BYVf gMd gurU jI, qyry vyly vflI gurU jI muV nhIN kdy afeI ivsfKI pr iPr vI af jFdI hr sfl ivsfKI lMG jFdI hr sfl ivsfKI hr sfl ivsfKI[[[[
gurmyl isMG ‘brfV’
krI bYTy pUry, asIN pMjy hI kkfr nI, isMG sjxy nUM bYTy iqafr-pur iqafr nI, biVaF icrF qoN qYnUM bYTy hF AuzIkdy, bVy ieMqjLfr kIqy, qyrF hY qrIk dy, vFgrF ppIhy hF ipafsy bYTy muwdqF dy, cUly sfnUM pMj ku ipaf nI ivsfKIey, QoVy ijhy josL nfl… eyny nf asIN vI ho jfeIey ivwc roh dy, bVf guwsf afvy sfnUM qwqI qwqI loh dy, kwZ lYxf vYr asIN lfAuxI bhuqI dyr nf, Kyzy vfly irwC vFgUM glI glI Pyr nf, pMjvyN gurF nUM jIhny idwqy hY qsIhy pihlF, nwk `c nkyl lYxI pf nI ivsfKIey, Buwl igaf rwb df qUM KOP sfrf rMgVf, AuWcI suwcI jgf `c pvfeI jfnYN BMgVf, afAuxgy jLrUr bdlf ky isMG Bys df, hwt jfxI nwcxoN plF dy ivwc vysvf, bYT ky qlf qy qYnUM huwkf nhIAuN pIx dyxf, lYxF isr Gonf monf lfh nI ivsfKIey, kucly ilqfVy hY, AuTfAuxf mujlUmF nUM, nIhF ivwc icxnoN, htfAuxf hY msUmF nUM, ijhVf hoxf qkVf qUM hO jf Auey vjIidaf, Kflsf ipaf hY qyry lhU nUM ndIidaf, hfQI AuWqy bYTf nI Bwjx dyxf iksy pfsy, lYxf hY mYdfn ivwc Zfh nI ivsfKIey, solF vfrI suwkf lMG igaf abdflI aY, aYqkIN nUM nhIAuN jfx dyxf KflI aY, bfbf dIp isMG bMnI jfvdF iqafrIaF, rl geIaF nfl POjF sMgqF vI BfrIaF, BfvyN AuhnUM sIs AuWqy qlI dy itkfAuxf pYxf, dyxy afhU vYrIaF dy lfh nI ivsfKIey, bVf qMg kIqf sfnUM ibMdy Jwty jfbrF, rwj rwj luwt kqlyafm kIqI bfbrF, luwtdf qy kuwtdf iphfvy nfly cwkIaF, afjf bfbf nfnkf AuzfeIey rl PwkIaF, QoVy bol nfl ijwq igaf sfry rfijaF, ilaf hY ksUqf hI igJf nI ivsfKIey, hrI isMG nlUaf ilafeIey ikqoN Bfl ky, Pyr KVkfty vyKIN pYNdy KMzy Zfl ky, Es dy bgYr DuMmF pfeIaF nhIAuN jfxIaF, igx igx vyKIN krUM rMzIaF pTfxIaF, jIhdf nfm lY ky roNdy hoNvdy juafk qfeIN, lYxf Jwt AunHF ny vrf nI ivsfKIey, ijnHF icr Kflsy nUM cVHdf nI josL vy, AunHF icr vYrIaF nUM aFvdI nI hosL vy, iswDy mwQy XuwD ivwc twkrF lgfAuxIaF, boiqaF qy bMnI jFdf kMinaF CzfAuxIaF, ‘gurmyl’ isMGf ivwc gjnI bjLfr ijhVy, ivwc ivkdIaF sI QoVHy ijny Bfa vy, QoVy ijhy josL nfl…
Punjabi Patrika
Vaisakhi 2014