New Existentialism

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Discourse in Philosophy and Prose Written by Kalina Nedelcheva

Hello, welcome to new existentialism

This is an experimental piece that encompasses poetry and philosophy, whilst challenging the barrier between free verse and dialogue. Firstly, one must read the piece as a comic. Ideally, thinking about the shapes on each page and the importance of the words as a part of accessible contemporary philosophical discussion. Once finished, one must go back and isolate a specific color— red, green, orange, purple or blue, and read the short book in that manner. In order to ease the reader in this endeavor, I have collected the entirety of the restructured dialogue into five poems at the back of the book.

Do you ever contemplate the fundamentals of existence on the atomic level? Uncertainty keeps me awake at night.

Are you scared of the existential despair that is undoubtedly encrypted and whose intensity is guided by the size of the intellect? It possesses a power to cast a dim light on such questions about the world.

Great comfort is to be found when one speaks eloquently about issues that are tormenting in character. Pain is best maintained by cold-bloodedness, not hysteria.

Perhaps it is useless... to stifle screams of agony.

To scream is to fell, to feel is to be alive. I sense the moon and stars as they really are— vessels and instigators of my rationality that attempts to put chaos in linear thought. Or that’s what I take them to be.

Yes, but what of chaos? Isn’t it poetry? The freedom of the universe is a testimony against containment; a radicalization of the mind in least anticipated ways.

It makes you wonder what to think or what content your thought should have, or whether they need content at all.

They say everything is undetermined until it is brought into existence.

But what is existence?

Again, questions with no answers. To answer is to submit, to limit, to mediate. To do so is to deteriorate; to deteriorate, to die.

Death?- It spawns growth.

I do not deny that.

Your demeanor suggests cowardice! But what of mine?

Decay transcends between loss and life. It spikes anxiety, terror. But what if it wasn’t so? How can we deem ourselves human?

Each individual is a revolution, waiting to happen; An energy that is released into eternity with a single epiphany. In this instant.

But How?

I have no answer.

The Poems


Do you ever contemplate? Are you scared by the size of the intellect? It possesses a power to cast such cold-bloodedness; To stifle screams of agony. My rationality is a testimony against containment . What to think or what content your thought should have until it’s brought to deteriorate; To die— It spawns growth between loss and life. An energy that is released into eternity.

2 The fundamentals of existence— a dim light on questions about the world; about issues that are tormenting in character. By the freedom of the universe, it makes you wonder whether they needed content at all. They say everything is undetermined. Again, questions with no answers. It spikes anxiety and terror with a single epiphany.


On the atomic level of the existential despair, whose intensity is guided, great comfort is to be found, not hysteria. To scream is to feel vessels and instigators of chaos. Yes, but what of chaos? In least anticipated ways to answer is to submit, to limit; To do so is to deteriorate. Decay transcends. How can we deem ourselves humans? In this instant... But how? I have not answer.

4 Uncertainty keeps me awake at night. That is undoubtedly encrypted and when one speaks eloquently, pain is best maintained. To feel is to be alive; That attempts to put a radicalization of the mind into existence. But what is existence? To mediate— that suggests cowardice. But what if it wasn’t so?


Perhaps, it is useless. I sense the moon & stars as they really are— In linear thought— or that’s what I take them to be. Isn’t it poetry, or death? I do not deny your demeanor, but what of mine? Each individual is a revolution, waiting to happen.

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