2 minute read
Slang Terms
https://drughealtheffects.wordpress. com/2015/04/29/bromo-dragonfly/
• The mechanism of action of Bromo-dragonfly is on the serotonin system in the body.
• The serotonin receptors in the central nervous system are the main target and the drug is an agonist for those receptors.
• This drug has similar effects to 5-HT-2A hallucinogens.
• It is similar to LSD in potency, but has a longer duration of action. The onset will occur in 20-90 minutes, peaking over those next few hours.

• The plateau effect lasts for 6-12 hours and after this period the effects will start to wear off.
• The total amount of time the drug will act on the body can last up to 36 hours, but it is usually 12-24 hours.
• Bromo-dragonfly is named after the shape of the molecule because it has a bromine atom on it and the shape of the structure resembles a dragonfly.
• The way this drug is used is by oral ingestion using blotter paper, powder or liquid.
• The drug was first developed in 1998 by Matthew Parker as a research chemical for looking at the structure and activity of the brain’s serotonin receptors in animal studies.
• The main active ingredient of this drug is 1-(8-bromobenzo (1,2 – b; 4,5- b) difuran-4-yl)- 2-aminopropane
• The class of drug that this is listed under is a synthetic hallucinogen.
Drug Effects
• Mood lift
• Visual changes
• Increase in energy
• Decrease in appetite
• Visual distortion
• Short term memory scramble
• Muscle tension
• Confusion
• Severe, vivid, frightening hallucinations
• Agitation
• Vasoconstriction
• Ego softening
• Tissue necrosis in limbs
Drug Interactions
• Lithium à when taking with psychedelics it increases the risk of psychosis and seizures
• Cannabis à increase risk of anxiety, paranoia, panic attacks, psychosis because of synergy effect

• Stimulants àincrease risk of anxiety, paranoia, panic attacks, and thought loops
• Tramadol à lowers the seizure threshold and this drug increases seizure risk
• Bromo-dragonfly is not a scheduled drug in the United States
• It is not regulated
• It is not approved for human consumption
• Possible analog of DOB or 2C-B, which could allow for prosecution under the Federal Analogue Act if it is sold for human consumption or possession.
• There have been reported cases of overdoses and deaths from this drug.
• There is not extensive knowledge on this drug, which makes it difficult to treat overdoses.
• This drug is also often dosed in micrograms, while many other hallucinogens are dosed in milligrams, which makes the likelihood of overdose even higher. Some of the toxic side effects from this drug include:
• Death
• Seizure
• Vomiting blood
• Stopped heart or increased heart rate
• Nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramps
• Muscle spasms
• Terror inducing hallucinations
Professional Opinion
1.Bromo-Dragonfly. Erowid Bromo-Dragonfly Vault. https://www.erowid.org/chemicals/ bromo_dragonfly/. Accessed October 13, 2022.
2.Bromo-Dragonfly. Rosecrance. https://rosecrance.org/wpcontent/uploads/2018/11/USbromo_dragongfly.pdf.
Accessed October 14, 2022.
3.Bromo-dragonfly. Addictionlink.fi. https://paihdelinkki.fi/en/info-bank/articles/ drugs-and-other-intoxicants/bromo-dragonfly.
Published March 19, 2020.
Accessed October 13, 2022.
4.What you should know about bromo-dragonfly. TestCountry. https://testcountry.com/pages/allyou-need-to-know-about-lsd-acid. Accessed October 13, 2022.
5.Bromo-dragonfly. PsychonautWiki. https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/BromoDragonFLY#Toxicity_and_harm_potential.
Published October 7, 2022.
Accessed October 14, 2022.
Overall, bromo-dragonfly is a very dangerous drug and has many toxic side effects that come with it. One thing that has been seen frequently is people assuming they are buying LSD and then end up taking BDF, and end up overdosing because it was not known what they are taking. There is not a lot of research on this drug, which makes many of the outcomes very unpredictable and dangerous.
~ Camryn Cardinal, Pharmacy Student
Monitoring and Drug Screens
• There is a urine test for Bromodragonfly that is a conditional confirmation, meaning that there will be a secondary procedure confirming the presence again.
• There is also another test that uses liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry technique. This is a quantitative procedure that can detect with a limit of 1 ng/mL.