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Peyote is a cactus containing the hallucinogen mescalineThe crown of the cactus is full of small disc like buttons. It is native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico but is cultivated all over the world. Peyote has been used in tribal ceremonies by indigenous cultures in North America since 1000 BC.l)
oru_ginteractions TOXICOiogy
Drug slang and code words are often used to describe controlled substances, designer drugs,and synthetic compounds, which may cause confusion for clinicians attempting to treat patients under the influence. Some slang terms for peyote are black button, britton, button,cactus; green button, half moon, hikori, hikuli, hyatari, nubs, seni, shaman, or tops.2) , .
Pharmacology/drug effects
The secondary metabolites found in peyote produce psychosis-like symptoms and can alter perception, feelings, thoughts,and mood, without being addictive. Peyote is reported to initiate states of introspection and insight that have been described as being of a spiritual nature. Hallucinogens bind with high affinity and activate the serotonin 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor.3)
None well documented, but additive effects are likely if used with other hallucinogenic compounds. . ·
Mescaline from peyote is distributed to the liver and brain. A revie_w of the California Poison Control System database records from 1997 to 2008 suggest mild to moderate toxicity from peyote consumption or . insufflation; adverse reactions include hallucinations, tachycardia, agitation, and mydriasis. Addiction and dependence are mostly absent, and most intoxications appear to be mild and unlikely to produce lifethreatening symptoms.3)
By 1930, over a dozen states in the United States had outlawed possession ofpeyote,and in 1967,peyote was banned nationwide by