The Cre e pe r of De v otion G rows
Now I want to give one last example. Once, Kåñëa wanted to console Çrématé Rädhikä and to apologise for upsetting Her due to His notorious activities. He came to meet with Her, but She told Him, “Hari hari jähe, Mädhava jähe. Mädhava kaitava bäòham. O Hari, You should go away from here! O Keçava, go away! O Mädhava, go away from here!” The maïjarés of Çrématé Rädhikä can also chastise Kåñëa. Without their permission, Kåñëa is not allowed to enter Rädhikä’s kuïja. The desire to serve the Divine Couple in a mood of Rädhikä’s maïjarés is also called kåñëa-sevä-väsanä. How does it come? By being in good association and hearing pastimes like these from Çré Guru and Vaiñëavas, the greed or the desire to serve Kåñëa can enter the heart of the sincere disciple by their mercy. This is the desire to serve Kåñëa: kåñëa-sevä-väsanä, and it is the bhaktilatä-béja. I have given three examples of how kåñëa-sevä-väsanä comes by good association: in friendship (sakhya-rasa), in a paternal mood (vätsalya-rasa) and in the mood of a paramour lover (mädhuryarasa). If someone who hears these pastimes develops the desire to serve Kåñëa in any one of the relationships, we should know that he has been given the bhakti-latä-béja by the causeless mercy of Çré Guru and Kåñëa. This is the meaning of guru-kåñëa-prasäde päya bhakti-latä-béja. If anyone obtains this béja, his life will be successful.
The Disciple Nurtures the Seed Çyämaräëé däsé: Çréla Gurudeva has ordered me to give the translation and meaning of this verse.