The Creeper of Devotion Grows

Page 56

The Cr ee pe r of De v otion Grows - P a rt 2

Gradually His Spiritual Body Manifests In bhäva-bhakti sädhana, the devotee is still here in the material world. How is he tasting the fruits of his bhakti? He is engaged in añöa-käléya-cintana, meditation on the eight-fold daily pastimes of Rädhä and Kåñëa. He tastes all these pastimes in his heart. He has a strong desire: “When will I go to the place where the fruits of love of Godhead are situated?” Gradually he comes to the stage wherein he gives up this body, his siddha-çaréra (spiritual body) manifests, and in a moment, he goes there to serve under the guidance of the gopés. What to speak of the sädhana-bhakti practices before the stage of bhäva-bhakti, even if he is in bhäva-bhakti, and he is about to complete bhäva-bhakti, still there is chance that his anarthas may return. This is because from bhäva-bhakti up to but not including prema-bhakti, one’s anarthas are sleeping (dormant). When prema manifests, at that time all anarthas will be destroyed.2 2. Four types of anarthas have been mentioned, namely, those arising from previous sinful activity, from previous pious activity, from näma-aparädha, and from cultivation of bhakti. They have five grades of anärtha-nivåitti (nullification): limited to one anärtha (eka-deça-vartiné), affecting many anarthas (bahu-deça-vartiné), almost complete (präyiké), complete (pürëa), and absolute (ätyantiké). Thus, immediately after starting performance of devotional activities (bhajana kriyä), there is nullification but it is limited, according to the famous logic: The town burned, the cloth is torn. In other words, when we hear that a town burned, we can imagine that some of it must still be existing, or if a cloth is torn, the pieces are still existing. By continued practice, with the appearance of niñöhä, the eradication is pervasive (affecting many anarthas). With the appearance of rati or bhäva, the eradication is almost complete. With the appearance of prema, the eradication is complete. With the attainment of the Lord’s association, the eradication is absolute, with no possibility of their reappearance. Thus, if one thinks that the following occasional episodes demonstrate anartha arising even after attaining the lotus feet of the Lord, by one’s intelligence he should throw out that thought from his mind. (Mädhurya-kaòambiné, Chapter 3)


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