The Cre e pe r of De v otion G rows
from Våndävana it will go to Govardhana, and from Govardhana to Rädhä-kuëòa; the final point of destination. This is paramapuruñärtha, the highest attainment of the living being. There is nothing beyond this goal, which can only be obtained by çuddhabhakti, or pure bhakti.
A Semblance of Bhakti Question: You were saying that one remains within the brahmäëòa (this material universe) even if he has a desire to be like the four Kumäras: Sanat, Sanak, Sanätana, and Sanandana? Çréla Näräyaëa Gosvämé Mahäräja: You could not understand. Sanat, Sanatana, and so on, are present in the brahmäëòa. [From lower to higher, the planetary systems of the universe are:] Bhü, Bhüva, Svaù, Mahar, Jana, Tapa, and above this, Sanat, Sanaka, Sananda, and Sanätana Kumäras reside in this higher realm where the fruits of mystic yoga, namely aëimä, mahimä, and laghimä, and so on can be tasted. [The four Kumäras are pure devotees. They have attained the perfection of yogic powers, but they themselves have no desire for them.] You will have to give up the desire for all these things. Higher than those realms is Brahma-loka (the planet of Lord Brahmä), then Virajä (the place in between the material and spiritual worlds), then the brahmajyoti (the area of impersonal light surrounding all the infinite Vaikuëöha planets), and then Vaikuëöha-loka. It is not easy – not easy – to reach beyond all these realms. First, we should know the meaning of sädhana-bhakti.5 The practices of bhakti performed by you are actually a semblance of 5. Sädhana-bhakti is the engagement of the mind and senses in the angas of bhakti for the purpose of attaining bhäva-bhakti. This bhäva is a potentiality which eternally exists in the heart of the jéva and is manifested in the heart purified by sädhana (by the mercy of a nitya-siddha, a living sad-guru). (Caitanya-caritämåta, Madhya-lélä 22.105)