Holstein World June 2018

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Holstein World | June 2018 | 1

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Holstein World | June 2018 | 3

June 2018 Volume 114 Issue 4



28 | Calendar of Events

8 | Impact Galore

6 | Editorial

A Family with a Tremendous Role in Changing the Red Breed

29 | Index to Advertisers 18 | Holstein News Briefs 22 | Holstein Assoc. USA Updates 11 | Market Matters 25 | Obituaries

27 | Social Media Scoop

On the Cover: In recent meanderings across the country, a stop at Maple-Dell Farm in Maryland was in order. I caught this beautiful Dorcy daughter enjoying an evening drink after milking. MS MD-Maple-Dell Dorcy Idris is EX-90 at 3-00. At 1-10 she made 22,900M in 353 days. She is out of a 92-point SS Deuce dam, a 91-point Goldwyn granddam and is owned by Maple-Dell Farm and Sean Johnson. Thanks to the Patrick Family for allowing me to capture this shot. Photo by Cheri Oechsle

12 | MidWest Spring National Ducketts Have an Exceptional Day

14 | Southern Spring National Wisconsin Cow Takes Title

16 | Western Spring National USU Takes Top Honors with Bred & Owned Cow

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Holstein World | June 2018 | 5

Looking Forward...

Collaboration & Sportsmanship

Cheri Oechsle Managing Editor

Collaboration, partnerships, sportsmanship – all important aspects of our business. As the industr y proceeds through these challenging times we are finding it more important than ever to try and collaborate and partner with other entities. Whether that be in day-to-day operations or long-term projects, it is important to look at broad scopes and big pictures. Questions to ponder are: is there a way to partner with those companies we work with? Is there a way to partner with our neighbor to cut costs? Is there a way to collaborate with each other to market our products? And through it all, even as we all compete for the same goals, we must also work together, not just for ourselves and our farms and businesses, but for our future generations. For it will be they that make the ultimate decisions for the continued success of the industry.

This photo and act really spoke to me – it represents sportsmanship and collaboration. When this youngster entered the ring, all eyes (and cameras) were focused on her. As cute as she was, she was oblivious to all but her calf and all business making sure that calf looked her best. It was quite obvious the calf had been worked with as she led beautifully, walking around the circle was a piece of cake for both the calf and young leader. It was the challenge of lining up that created a little issue for both of them. But sportsmanship reigned, and it really showed the utmost good of our industry to watch two veterans (please take that title as one of respect Paul and Roger!) work together to help her get that calf set up in line. Not much more I can say about it; the photo speaks for itself. It is a reminder though that it is what life is all about – enjoying life, each other and helping each other succeed, regardless of age, status

or ability. Every day new opportunities are created by thoughtful and innovative folks, but it is up to us to reach out to grab them – whether that be learning new techniques and technologies or being open to change and new ideas, partnerships and collaborations. It is up to us to also be willing to embrace this. We have the choice – how do you plan to move forward?

Meet Our Staff Robin Alden - Writer, Proofreader Hello, Holstein enthusiasts! My duties with Purebred Publishing include writing and editing for the magazines, as well as creating sale catalogs. I grew up on a small, registered dairy farm in northeast Ohio, where my parents still milk 35 head of various breeds. I have owned Holsteins my entire life, have bred and owned several Excellent cows and exhibited at local, state and national levels with my Holsteins and Red & Whites (as well as most other breeds!). I attended the Ohio State University, where I participated on a successful dairy judging team. I received my B.A. in English in 2014 and began working for Purebred Publishing shortly thereafter. Combining my love for the dairy industry with my skills in writing was what made the job at Purebred so exciting! Currently, I live in Columbus, Ohio, with my husband, Michael Murphy. I am still very active on the family farm, regularly milking, doing chores and taking cattle to shows. I also have been fortunate in having the opportunity to judge several shows since graduating. Registered Holsteins have been a major part of my family’s life, and I am excited at the opportunity to work with Holstein breeders through the publication of the World! Holstein World | June 2018 | 6

Junia Isiminger - Proofreader Hi Holstein Breeders! I am Junia Isiminger from Union City, Pennsylvania. I reside on a 45 acre farm with my husband, Mike and daughters, Jaydyn, 18 and Jordanna, 12. I grew up on a dairy farm with Holsteins and Milking Shorthorns. Today our family has Holsteins, Red and Whites, Milking Shorthorns, Jerseys and Brown Swiss. I have showed at local, state and national shows, now my girls are showing at these same shows. I have a legal assistant degree from Gannon University and a Business Administration Bachelor Degree with a concentration in marketing and a minor in psychology from Edinboro University. I have served as the Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Dairy Princess & Promotion Services, Inc. for ten years, Executive Secretary of American Milking Shorthorn Society for three years and recently became the Coordinator for a new start up grass fed meat initiative. I have been involved as a junior and as an adult with 4-H and FFA. As an adult I have served as the Chairperson for the Pennsylvania Junior Holstein Convention in 2013. I enjoy working with all dairy breeders and proofreading the Holstein World for Purebred Publishing is indeed an honor. Enjoy!

Holstein World | June 2018 | 7


Written by Cheri Oechsle


here are a number of families that continue to make large impacts in the breed; sires and brood cows extraordinaire that transmit type or genomics, and a few that do both. One such family continues to influence both the black and white and red and white Holstein breed over and over. Clover-Mist Farms in Wisconsin was well known for outstanding cattle, including D-A-R August EX-96. It is her family line that continues to make an impact today in the Holstein circles. "Clover-Mist was exhibiting at World Dairy Expo in 1983 and I saw her in the neighboring stall," said Richard Bruenig, manager of Clover-Mist at the time. "She was the perfect cow in my mind. And the next year she was offered in the World Premier Sale and amazingly, she only sold for $20,500 with four embryos at the time. She didn't look well that day but I remembered what she looked like the previous year so I took her back to the barn. She was a cow that needed special care and the next day she was fourth Aged Cow!" "August was a tremendous teacher to me - she was exceptional. She was very aware of her surroundings and had a special box stall at the end of the barn. Every group that stopped, index driven or not, had to see August Holstein World | June 2018 | 8

first, and then her three Excellent daughters," Bruenig said. At the time of the Clover-Mist Sale, Bruenig said that all three 94-point August daughters were tested for the red factor gene, and all three came back negative. August granddaughter, Clover-Mist Alisha-ET EX-93 GMD, DOM had 51 offspring in her own right. She is a daughter of Clover-Mist Augy Star EX-94, one of the daughters that tested negative at the time for red factor. "I give kudos to the Kamps because they got a good discount that day," laughed Bruenig. Alisha's offspring are still impacting the breed in a variety of ways. Regardless of the sires, the maternal line has proven to transmit. Alisha made almost 37,000M with over 1550F and 1185P and with 10 Excellent and 13 Very Good daughters, she has multiple times earned her Gold Medal and Dam of Merit status. Her multiple daughters are transmitting into the next generation as well. A 90-point Blackstar Fred daughter, Kamps-Hollow Fred Ashley-ET RC has 11 offspring. Another 92-point Redmarker daughter, Kamps-Hollow RR Aurora RC made 33,990M 1332F 992P. She has 19 progeny including four Excellent and two Very Good daughters. One of those Aurora daughters is a 90-point

Altitude, one of the greatest transmitters of all time! When you go into a herd that used sons and grandsons, you can pick them out. They have the Altitude stamp, same teat shape and rear teat placement and the same turn and shape to the rear udder.”


– Brian Behnke, St. Jacobs Business Manager, ABS Global. GMD DOM Goldwyn, Kamps-Hollow Amen-ET RC owned by Bur-Wall Holsteins, who had a 93-point Redliner with Very Good daughters and records to 45,850M. Another Alisha daughter, Kamps-Hollow Above-Red is an Excellent Rocknroll with over 42,000M. She has 18 offspring with both Excellent and Very Good daughters. Kamps-Hollow Anthem-ET RC (EX-92), by Shottle and out of Alisha, has 44 offspring. Another sister, Kamps-Hollow Accelerate-ET is EX-90 with over 31,500M. Alisha’s 87-point Goldwyn daughter, Kamps-Hollow Gold Access-ET is owned by Springbrook Farms in Indiana. She has two Excellent and three Very Good daughters. A JetRed daughter, Kamps-Hollow Alisha II-ET RC is 90 with almost 37,000M for a best record. She has an 88-point Destry making her mark. Kamps-Hollow Ascarle-Red-ET another EX Jet-Red with over 31,000M, also has two Excellent Destry daughters and three Very Good daughters by Redman, Ducati-Red and Defiant. She is owned by the Hendricks in Wisconsin. Bob Miller of Illinois owns a 90-point daughter by Debonair with records over 30,000M. She is the dam of Mil-R-Mor Auger-Red and an 86-point Reality-Red daughter. Alisha’s son, Kamps-Hollow Arudolf-Red-ET is a September Storm with 4,474 daughters in the April 2018 listing with a +2.8 DPR, plus in Fat but minus in milk and protein. He was owned by St Jacobs/ABC Inc. of Wisconsin. Probably the most well known of the family is Kamps-Hollow Altitude, with 158 offspring. The EX-95 DOM is the result of a flush of Alisha to Durham. Just the impact of Altitude’s sons alone has made her a legacy in the breed. “Altitude, one of the greatest transmitters of all time! When you go into a herd that used sons and grandsons, you can pick them out. They have the Altitude stamp, same teat shape and rear teat placement and the same turn and shape to the rear udder.” – Brian Behnke, St. Jacobs Business Manager, ABS Global. Her first prominent son was KHW Kite Advent-Red-ET (EX94), who had over 23,600 daughters in over 6,400 herds. He has sired hundreds of Excellent daughters and All-American nominees. He has garnered the coveted Premier Sire banners at shows worldwide numerous times. Other sons include Jotan-Red-ET in Germany, KHW Champion Anchor-ET, KHW Champion Arizona-ET, and KHW Appiontive-ET. At Semex was KHW Axion-Red-ET, KHW Algar-ET, KHW AxfordRed-ET and KHW Anahiem-ET. KHW Elm-Park Acme-ET (EX90, GM) went to TWG/ST. She also has other sons by Encounter, Talent, Shottle, Uno and Hunger. Now the grandsons are making their mark as Absolute, Armani, Avatar and more are influencing breeding decisions across the world. But her brood cow status is elevated through her daughters. She has Continued on page 10



Kamps-Hollow Fred Ashley-ET *RC Kamps-Hollow RR Aurora *RC Kamps-Hollow Above-Red Kamps-Hollow Accelerate-ET Kamps-Hollow Gold Access-ET Kamps-Hollow Alisha II-ET *RC Kamps-Hollow Ascarle-Red-ET Kamps-Hollow Arudolf-Red-ET & many more





Jotan-Red KHW Champion Admire-ET KHW Goldwyn Aiko-ET Kamps-Hollow Hattie-ET KHW Regiment Apple A2-Red-ETN KHW Champion Admire-ET KHW Regiment Apple 2-Red-ETN KHW Regiment Apple 3-Red-ETN KHW Shottle Aftershow-ET & many more

Mr Apples Armani-ET Apples Absolute-Red-ET Ms Delicious Apple-Red-ET Ms Talent Applicious-Red-ET Ms Apple Pie-Red-ET Ms Apples Uno Armana-ET & many more

MS CANDY APPLE-RED EX-94 Holstein World | June 2018 | 9

Continued from page 9 19 Excellent daughters, the highest scored at 96 points, is KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET. What began as an ABS Global Inc. contract mating, resulted in a history-making cow with multiple All-American and champion wins as well as making show ring history in 2013 when she was Reserve Grand in the Red and White Show at Madison to her clone KHW Regiment Ap p l e 3 - R e d - ET N ( E X - 9 4 C A N ) a n d Honorable Mention was Apple’s daughter, Ms Candy Apple-Red. As well as winning shows, they milk, as Apple has records to 36,700M and Candy Apple has records over 28,000M. Other Excellent daughters of Altitude include KHW Regmnt Apple A2-Red-ETN EX-94, KHW Champion Admire-ET, KHW Reg iment Apple 2-Red-ETN and K HW Shottle Aftershow-ET, all E X-93. There are multiple other Excellent daughters sired by Numero Uno, Redburst-Red, Sanchez, Paradox-Red, Talent, Goldwyn, and September Storm. There are over 50 Very Good daughters that are sired by Kingboy, Barbwire-Red, Cashcoin, Chipper-P *RC , Sympatico *RC , Shan, Supersire, Defiant, McCutchen, Goldson, Sid, Alchemy *RC, Destry, Boxer, Mac, Rampage, Encounter *RC, Dundee and Jordan-Red. Transmitting through multiple generations, this family also dominates on the lists of genomic and index numbers in the Red and White breed as well as on the Holstein breed list. Ranking in the top 25 new genomic heifers of the breed this spring is KCCK Mod Annika at +2824 GTPI owned by Kaleb, Cole and Carter Kruse of Iowa. She is a Modesty out of a Delta from a VG-86 Supersire. The next dam is a 90-point DOM Superstition out of KHW Goldwyn Aiko-ET EX-91 DOM, another of Altitude’s world-renowned daughters with over 150 progeny around the world. The number two PTAT heifer under 24 months in the breed is from the Altitude family, Ernest-Anthony Aleeza, a Solomon from an Atwood from a Regiment-Red daughter of Altitude. With a PTAT of +4.62, she is owned by Natalie, Paul, Grant and Cade Yoder of Pennsylvania. Blackncherry Alana is the same cross and number four PTAT heifer with a PTAT of +4.51 and owned by Ben Zimmerman of Ohio. Her dam, MS Apple Arriella-ET EX-90, is fourth for PTAT at +4.02. Another family member, Glory-Road Apple Pucker-ET EX-90, is in the top 25 for PTAT at +3.7. She is Holstein World | June 2018 | 10


a Doorman out of a Goldwyn out of Regiment daughter and owned by Blake Hansen of Iowa. Four Altitude descendants rank in the top 25 Red Heifers for GTPI. Danhof AlenaRed (Salvatore X Powerball-P x Numero Uno) is +2622 GTPI and owned by Sexing Technologies, Texas. Kenmore App CloverRed (Apprentice x Delta x Mccutchen) is at +2591 for Casey and Corey Larson, Wisconsin; Danhof Alexa-Red-ET, a full sister to Alena, is owned by the Danhofs of Iowa at +2573. Also owned by the Larsons is Kenmore MW Ambrosia-Red (Mega-Watt x Delta x Mccutchen), the fourth in the top 25. Topping the list of GTPI Red Carrier (*RC) Heifers in the US is Kenmore Modesty Adriana *RC, a Modesty out of a Delta out of a Mccutchen daughter of Altitude. At +2793 GTPI, +887 NM$ and +2.78 PTAT she is owned by Casey and Corey Larson. A sister, Kenmore Heirloom *RC is third on the list at +2736 GTPI and also owned by the Larsons. In the top 25 *RC/Red cows is granddaughter TJR Delta Adel 32145 *RC at GTPI +2585, NM$ 758 and PTAT +1.57 owned by TJR Genetics. Two great granddaughters at +2575 GTPI, are owned by Tramilda Holsteins (Endco Spring Ambition *RC) and Genosource (MS Yoder 2454 9581 *RC). "The dam of Advent-Red, who was the Premier Sire in the Red and White show at World Dairy Expo, and the dam of Apple-Red is one of the most successful maternal lines in

the last decade at the Red show at World Dairy Expo. Altitude was truly one of the greatest type-transmitting brood cows ever in the Holstein breed, and most certainly the greatest impact cow ever in the Red & White breed." ~Charlie Will, retired Select Sires Along with her famous champion daughter Apple and subsequent clones, descendants of this family continue to stand in the winner’s circles, both through the maternal and paternal lines. The Reserve Grand Champion of the Southern National, Tex-Stein Advent Jocelyne EX-94, sired by Advent, won the 150,000 lb. cow class. She is owned by Tex-Stein Holsteins of Texas. The Intermediate Champion of the same show was a VG-87 Senior Two-Year-Old Destry daughter out of the Excellent KHW Regiment Apple4-Red-ETN, a daughter of Altitude, owned by Ron and Christy Ratliff of Kansas. The Reserve Grand Champion of the Midwest Spring Red & White Show was Leawood Spice Girl-Red-ET, an Excellent Apples Absolute-Red-ET daughter. She is owned by the Wendorfs of Wisconsin. Absolute is a Talent son out of Apple. There are many more offshoots and offspring of this deep, deep pedigreed cow family that continue to make an impact on the breed both, in the areas of production, genomics and the show ring. A book of pages could be filled we are sure, but this is a small slice of the pedigree on a line that continues to influence the Holsteins of both colors.

"Market Matters"


By Dan Basse There is no doubt that US farmers are the best producers in the world. Whether that is measured by the productivity of milk per cow, yield per acre, or the revenue generated per farm, the world lusts for the US food production system. Yet, as much effort as we spend on raising our own productivity, it’s the sales decisions of our milk, crops and other ag goods that determines our profitability. USDA studies reflect that 67% of the variance in net farm revenue is based on marketing decisions - not our productive prowess. The purpose of this new Holstein World column (Market Matters) is to reflect on our dairy and feed markets to raise your awareness of margin opportunities. By now, every dairy farmer knows that the US and world is awash in milk. Record large US milk production, processing capacity constraints, and growing US cow numbers were expected to push class 3 milk prices below $13/cwt during the 2018 spring flush. Adding insult to financial injury was the fact that EU farmers were also producing record tonnages of milk, while still expanding their herds. Accordingly, dairy price forecasts were bearish amid the worry over excessive supply, and that once again, US milk would have to be dumped in areas where processing plants were at capacity. 2018 US milk production was up 1.8% while EU dairy farmers elevated their production by 4%.

The export market for US butterfat has becoming increasingly important in the pricing of milk with the fat portion contributing $2/cwt more to Class 3 prices than in prior years. This extra margin explains why cows that produce greater levels of butterfat are in demand. Butterfat is becoming the bullish salvo for the US dairy industry.

What happened; US milk prices rallied! This shocked market participants that demand could outstrip record large US milk supplies. The unseasonal spring rally in US dairy pricing is offering the first “green shoots” of a recovery. There are still some ways to go before the US dairy industry will reach a level of sustained profitability, but years of low dairy product prices is finally starting to offer hope that the worst has passed. The downside price risk for US dairy milk and product values is becoming limited.

Finally, if record large US and EU non-fat powder milk supplies could ever decline, the stage would be set for a full-blown US dairy recovery. It’s the oversupply of powder that has capped Class 3 milk rallies at $16-17/cwt since 2015 as US stocks reach record proportions. US high and low heat powder prices just can’t seem to sustain a rally without reduced production. It’s the demand for fat based dairy products which makes whey/powder a byproduct as China has not shown the same increasing appetite for US whole milk powder as it has for cheese.

The 2018 spring dairy market was supported amid the growing export demand from China for US cheese. In the first 2 months of 2018, China increased its global imports of all dairy products by 20% as their own milk production has not kept pace with demand. 2017 Chinese milk production fell 1.6% in 2017, and has not recovered in early 2018.

US dairymen no longer seek to produce ever greater supplies of milk in a marketplace that is awash in supply. Dairymen understand that to profit, they need to produce what the market demands. Today that demand is squarely on greater amounts of butterfat. Annual US consumer consumption of fluid milk will drop to a record low in 2018, it is dairy product demand that must enlarge to raise our profitability. For now, the US and world dairy markets appear to be rebalancing, some long awaited good news.

It’s not only China’s growing demand for US cheese, other world importers are also stepping forward. US 2017 cheese exports surged to the best levels since 2013 amid growing Asian and Latin American demand. And all nation cheese export demand from the US has posted a further 6% gain in the 1st quarter of 2018. Strong export demand for US butterfat will underpin class 3 milk prices below $14/cwt into year end. Noteworthy is that China did not include US dairy products in their list of retaliatory ag goods as trade tensions build. Asian demand for cheese is helping 2018 US dairy exports to exceed $4 billion dollars, the best levels in 4 years. Growing overseas demand for butter/cheese may lift Class 3 milk prices to $17/cwt for a 4th quarter high. Let’s hope that the US/China trade tensions can be solved and that a trade war is averted through negotiation. A US/China trade war is a bearish risk to an otherwise, improving US dairy margin outlook into 2019. The Trump Administration can place $50 billion dollars of tariffs on Chinese goods as early as June. This is something to be closely monitored.

Holstein World | June 2018 | 11

MidWest Spring National Show


Top photo: The champions: Grand - Lafontaine After Amaz Seven, Reserve - Fraeland Doorman Bonnie and Honorable Mention - Arolene Goldwyn Divine. Middle photo: The Heitke, Holschback and Wetenkamp crew; Roger Turner on the halter of the Junior Champion; John Cunningham on the halter of the Reserve Junior Champion; Judge Yan Jacobs. Bottom photo: Jodi Hoynoski representing HAUSA; Jeff Kuhens on the halter of the Grand of the Junior Show; Noah Bilz on the halter of the Reserve Grand of the Junior Show. Purebred Publishing photos. Holstein World | June 2018 | 12

an Jacobs of Quebec was the judge for the Midwest National Spring Show in Madison, Wisconsin. After a strong heifer show, Vandoskes Dback Carley-ET, the winning Fall Yearling was the heifer that took Junior Champion honors. She is owned by Hetke, Holschbach and Wetenkamp of Baraboo, Wisconsin. The second-place Fall Yearling was tapped for Reserve Junior Champion honors. Milksource Dmdback Taekwondo is owned by MilkSource Genetics LLC of Kaukauna, Wisconsin. Junior Champion of the Junior Show was Peticlerc Solomon Tropic, the first-junior Fall Calf owned by Bilz, Schachelmayer and Chambers of Dorchester, Wisconsin. Pfafsway Defiant Jen A, the first-junior Winter Calf was Reserve Junior Champion for Kole and Beau Trapp and Olivia Pfaff of Alma Center, Wisconsin. Judge Jacobs selected his very fancy Junior Two-Year-Old winner, Fraeland Doorman Bonnie for Mike and Julie Duckett of Rudolph, Wisconsin for Intermediate Champion. Reserve Honors went to Mount Elm Dempsey Aberdeen, also owned by the Ducketts and the winning Senior Two-Year-Old. Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show was the firstjunior Senior Three-Year-Old owned by Mikayla Endres of Lone Rock, Wisconsin, KnH-Endres Bradnick Oasis. Reserve honors went to Jerland Sh Goldwyn Gin-ET for the Strnasky boys of Owatonna, Minnesota. Grand and Senior Champion of the show was Lafontaine After Amaz Seven-ET, the winning Aged Cow for the Ducketts. Reserve Senior Champion & Honorable Mention Grand was Arolene Goldwyn Divine for Budjon Farms & Peter & Lynn Vail of Lomira, Wisconsin. And the Intermediate Champion, owned by Ducketts, Fraeland Doorman Bonnie was named Reserve Grand of the show. Grand of the Junior Show was the first-junior Four-Year-Old Beckholm Goldwyn Latona for Jett R. Kuhens and Cale R. Baker of Maynard, Iowa. Reserve Grand was the first-junior Five-YearOld OCD Braxton Charlee-ET for Noah Bilz of Dorchester, Wisconsin. The Ducketts took home both Premier Breeder and Exhibitor banners. For photo gallery visit www.purebred.smugmug.com

Top photo: Lafontaine After Amaz Seven-ET. Bottom photo: Judge Yan Jacobs; Jodi Hoynoski; Royalty; Chad Ryan on the halter of the Grand Champion; Julie Duckett on the halter of the Reserve Grand Champion; Mike Duckett; Royalty. Purebred Publishing photos. Holstein World | June 2018 | 13

Southern Spring National Show


udge Brian Kelroy of Wisconsin was the official of the 2018 Southern Spring National Holstein Show in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Taking top honors was the first-place Four-Year-Old, Radine Atwood Barberry EX-90 owned by Matt and Kate Smith, Bruce Tencleve and Todd Mason of Wisconsin. She is an Atwood daughter out of a 90-point Braxton. Reserve Grand Champion honors went to the 150,000 Lb. Cow winner, Tex-Stein Advent Jocelyne EX-94, also named the Champion Bred and Owned of the show for owner Gage Steinberger of Texas. She is sired by Advent and out of a True Grit dam. Intermediate Champion cow was Ratliff APP4 Whitney-Red-ET VG-87 owned by Ron and Christy Ratliff of Kansas. She is a Senior TwoYear-Old Destry daughter out of the Excellent Apple4 from the Altitude

family. Rokyroad Halogen Glamour EX-90, owned by Benton Rokey of Kansas was Reserve Intermediate. She is a Senior Three-Year-Old Halogen daughter out of an Excellent Goldwyn. Junior Champion of the show was the Winter Yearling , DJLPurplepride BR Preachit-ET owned by Kaylie Zapalac and Melissa Sprecher of Texas. Sired by Brady, she is out of an 87-point Guthrie. Reserve Junior Champion was Kingsway Gold Chip Logic, an October yearling sired by Gold Chip while Hatee Jacoby Paris, a Jacoby December Yearling was tapped for Honorable Mention, both are owned by Alyson and Kenless Philips of Texas. Tex-Stein Holsteins was named both Premier Breeder and Exhibitor of the show. Photos by Taylor Leach for Purebred Publishing.

Top photo: Gage Steinberger; Judge Kelroy; Reserve Grand Champion Tex-Stein Advent Jocelyne with Jeff Stookey on the halter: Grand Champion Radine Atwood Barberry exhibited by Matt and Kate Smith, Todd Mason and Tim Tencleve; Bottom left: Junior Champion DJL Purplepride BR Reachit-ET exhibited by Kaylie Zapalac and Melissa Sprecher; Bottom right: Winning 150,000 lb Cow and Reserve Grand Champion Tex-Stein Advent Jocelyne. Photos by Taylor Leach for Pubrebred Publishing. Holstein World | June 2018 | 14

Top photo: Grand Champion of the Southern National. Bottom Left: Honorable Mention Hatee Jacoby Paris exhibited by Alyson & Kenlee Phillips; Reserve Junior Champion Kingsway Gold Chip Logic exhibited by Alyson and Kenlee Philips; Junior Champion DJL Purplepride BR Reachit-ET exhibited by Kaylie Zapalac and Melissa Sprecher; Bottom Right: Reserve Intermediate Champion Rokeyroad Halogen Glamour exhibited by Benton Rokey; Intermediate Champion Ratliff App4 Whitney-Red-ET exhibited by Ron and Christy Ratliff. Photos by Taylor Leach for Purebred Publishing. Holstein World | June 2018 | 15

Western Spring National Show


Top photo: Ted & Lacey Papageorge; Briahn Behnke on the halter of the Jr champ; Alexis Papageorge on the halter of the Res. Jr. Champ.; Garrett Schmidt on the halter of the Hon. Men. Jr. Champ.; Judge Yan Jacobs and Utah royalty. Middle photo: Judge Yan Jacobs; Pat Maddox on the halter of the Int. Champ.; Pat Conroy on the halter of the Res. Int. Champ.; Graisson Schmidt on the halter of the Hon. Men. Int. Champ.; Utah royalty. Bottom photo: Judge Yan Jacobs; John Schumann on the halter of the Sr. Champ.; Mike Berry on the halter of the Res. Sr. Champ.; Pat Maddox on the halter of the Hon. Men. Sr. Champ.; Utah royalty. Top photo by Ashley Shaffer for Purebred Publishing. Bottom two photos by Randy Blodgett, Blodgett Communications. Holstein World | June 2018 | 16

he Western National Spring Show was held in Richmond, Utah, on May 17 and 18. Yan Jacobs of Canada served as the official judge. Taking top honors was a Gillette Windbrook-ETS daughter from the Utah State University. Utag Windbrook Eclipse EX-93 was the first-place Aged Cow and Senior and Grand Champion of the show. She is out of a 94-point Dundee, a granddaughter of 96-point Elegance. Reserve Grand was Intermediate Champion and winning Senior TwoYear-Old, Ruann Doorman Jean-55162-ET, a Doorman bred and owned by Stephan and Patrick Maddox of California. She is out of a 90-point Stantons Sidney-ET. Honorable Mention was the Reserve Intermediate Champion and a Senior Three-Year-Old, Ms Barb Act Beauty-Red-ET owned by G. & M. Schmidt, P. Conroy & M. Berry of California. The Action daughter is scored VG-88. Reserve Senior Champion cow was Gamlake Destry Sallie EX-93, the second-place Aged Cow sired by Destry and owned by Samantha Gambonini of California. Grand of the Junior Show was the Intermediate Champion, Pappys Doorman Rose-ET, a Doorman Senior Two-Year-Old out of an Excellent Redliner exhibited by Alexis Papageorge, Utah. Reserve Grand Champion honors went to the Senior Champion, Fern-Oak Meridian 24606-TW, a 93-point Meridian Four-Year-Old owned by G. Maddox & J,D,L,A,H,M,F & G Fernandez, California. The Reserve Intermediate Champion was the winning Junior Three-Year-Old, Trent Valley Sid Aly. The Sid daughter is owned by Casey, Chloe and Chase Vander Eyk of California. The Reserve Senior Champion of the Junior Show was Pappys Goldwyn Natasha-ET, a 94-point Goldwyn 150,000 lb. cow owned by Alexis Papageorge. Pappys Goldwyn Risky-ET, owned by Pappys Farms, LLC of Utah, took the top heifer honors on the 17th. The Fall Calf, sired by Goldwyn, is a maternal sister to the Grand and Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show. The Reserve Junior Champion, Liddleholm Dback Thunder, was also the Junior Champion of the Junior Show. She is a fancy Diamondback Summer Yearling owned by Alexis Papageorge. She is out of a VG-88 McGucci-ET. Honorable Mention was the second-place Summer Yearling, Miss Petitclerc Serena, a Solomon out of a McCutchen from Graisson and Garrett Schmidt and Ronald DeBoer of California. The Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show was the first Junior and second-place Fall Calf, Whey-Mat Gold Chip JessieJo owned by Cal Leak of Utah. Honorable mention was a Defiant from Gabbie Gregorio, California. Gabz Defiant Reagan is out of an 88-point Absolute. Premier Breeder and Exhibitor of the show was Pappys Farm of Utah. For photo gallery visit www.purebred.smugmug.com

Top photo is the Championship line-up. Middle Photo: Judge Yan Jacobs; Pat Conroy on the halter of the Grand Champion of the Red & White Show; Graisson Schmidt on the halter of the Res. Grand; Gilbert Teixeria on the halter of the Hon. Men. Champ.; Utah royalty (for more on that show see page 21). Bottom photo Kaitlin Schumann; Utah royalty; John Schumann on the halter of the Grand Champ.; Pat Maddox on the halter of the Res. Gr. Champ.; Pat Conroy on the halter of the Hon. Men. Gr. Champ.; Judge Yan Jacobs. Champion photos by Randy Blodgett, Blodgett Communications. Holstein World | June 2018 | 17

News Briefs | Sales SPRINGHILL ENCORE SALE By Purebred Publishing

Pictured is the sale crew. Photo by Dairy Agenda Today

An outpouring of local dairymen and women, as well as dairy breeders from across the country attended the Springhill Encore Sale on Saturday, April 14, 2018 at Springhill farm in Big Prairie, Ohio, or online at Cowbuyer.com. Eighty-eight Guernseys averaged $1,804 while the Holsteins averaged $1,265 on 116 lots. Three Holstein animals sold for $2,600 each as high sellers of the Holstein sale. Topping the Holsteins were Montross, Sid and Doorman sired daughters. Ross Russell of Kentucky purchased the VG-85 Springhill-OH Montross Alee, a Montross with over 30,000M at 2-03 just bred to Duckett Crush Tatoo-ET. She is a granddaughter of Springhill-OH Oman Anett 2E-91, GMD, DOM and dam of sons in AI. Logan and Wyatt Schlauch of Ohio, purchased an 85-point Sid with 28,486M at 2-02 from Kingsmill Goldwyn Jewel 2E-93 with over 149,340M life and backed by nine Very Good or Excellent dams for $2,600. The third Holstein selling for $2,600 was a June 2017 Doorman from an 86-point Goldchip with over 35,000M from a Very Good granddam and eight more generations of Excellents. She was purchased by Wabash Way of Ohio. The high seller of the entire sale was Springhill Pies Jadira-ETV, a Fall Yearling who was purchased by Valerie and Jim Spreng of Bucyrus, Ohio, for $5,350. She is an Indian Acres Pies-ET daughter of Springhill Jacqueline-ET EX-90, a Royal Oak from Dix Lee Tiller Joke EX-93. This makes Jadira the maternal sister of

Springhill Laredo Jubilee-ET VG-89, Junior Champion at NGS-Madison and Unanimous All-American in 2015. The sale was co-managed by Kiko Auctions and Guernsey Marketing Service with clerking assistance by Ohio Holstein Association. Pedigrees were read by Charlie Will for Holsteins and Blaine Crosser for Guernseys. 2018 BORN TO SHOW SALE From Pennsylvania Holstein Association The 2018 Born to Show Sale was held on April 21 at the Crawford County Fairgrounds in Meadville, Pennsylvania. The 46 head sold averaged $1,566. Sale chairs were Larry Tobin and Shelby Proctor. Crying the sale was Matthew Lawrence and David Lentz read pedigrees.

Pictured is the Fairmont Crew and high seller. Purebred Publishing photo

drew a nice crowd for a true dairy event! The unofficial sale average was $4,550 with Lot 13 being the high seller of the day bringing down the gavel at $33,750. Consigned directly from Fairmont Farm LLC., Fairmont Romero Riptide is the number three Romero in the breed and provides a complete outcross with no Jedi, Delta or Modesty in her pedigree. At +2778 GTPI the September calf is from a Very-Good Tuffenuff at +2676 GTPI and then an EX-90 Moonboy.

Pictured is the Front: Shelby Proctor, Sale Co-Chair; Patrick Carey, Larry Tobin, Sale Co-Chair; Brittany Small, Lauryn Irwin, Jenny Dickey. In the Box: Matt Lawrence, Thad Sturgeon, David Lentz photo submitted

The high seller of the sale was a Jersey Winter Calf, Penwood Andreas Harlequin, consigned by Dwight and Melanie Stoltzfus of Pennsylvania. Kaylee Knapp of Pennsylvania was the winning bidder at $4,100 for the Andreas daughter out of a VG-86 Colton. The high selling Holstein was McWilliams AB Amazing-Red, an Absolute Fall Calf consigned by Clyde and Charlene McWilliams of Pennnsylvania. Elliott Sherman of Pennsylvania purchased her for $2,400. FAVORITES OF FAIRMONT By Marjorie Rida The inaugural Favorites of Fairmont Sale was held at ‘The Haven’ in East Montpelier, Vermont on Saturday, April 28, 2018. Sale day was one of the first beautiful days of Spring weather and

Pictured is Favorites of Fairmont sale crew. Purebred Publishing photo

CELEBRATION AT SILVER MIST HOLSTEINS By Cheri Oechsle A little bit of rain didn’t stop the Celebration at Silver Mist sale in Ashville, Ohio, on May 5th. The sale, hosted by Silver Mist Holsteins,

Pictured is the entire sale crew from Silver Mist and friends with the high seller and Ron Heffner representing the buyer. Purebred Publishing photo.

Continued on page 20

emshaw13@gmail.com purebred.sales@gmail.com Contact them for complete marketing of your genetics! Holstein World | June 2018 | 18

Holstein World | June 2018 | 19

Sales continued fr0m page 18 Dallas Rynd and Judy Wolford was managed by Franchise, Dusty and Nicole Schirm and averaged $1,758 on 96 head. Topping the sale was Ms Apple Ms AdraRed-ET a VG-87 Ladys-Man Olympian-ET that sold fresh in April. Glamourview of Maryland was the successful buyer at $19,000. The 2017 Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Ohio State Fair Red & White Show is out of the 96-point AllAmerican Apple. Glamourview also purchased her June 2017 Hypnotic daughter for $5,700 that was fourth high seller of the sale. Greenlea BW Mar-Red-ET, a 92-point Barbwire daughter with over 31,800M sold as the second-high selling animal. The 2017 Grand Champion of the Ohio State Fair Red & White show is backed by two 94-point dams and multiple Excellent and Very Good dams behind them. She was purchased by Adam Deer of Pennsylvania, for $8,400. Topping the Brown Swiss and third high seller for the day was Silver-Mist Bosephus Tassel, a Spring Yearling sired by Jobo Wonder Bosephus ET from a VG-85 Blessing Tex Braiden ET. She was purchased by Madison Pitstick, Ohio, for $6,000. WESTERN NATIONAL SPRING HERITAGE SALE By Purebred Publishing The Western Spring National Heritage Sale was held Thursday, May 17 in Richmond, Utah, in conjunction with the Western National Show. Managed by the Utah State Holstein Association, the sale is a long-running feature established in 1915. Marty Mickelson cried the sale with Ryan Matheron on pedigrees. The 25 lots, 23 Holsteins and two Jerseys, averaged $2,228.

Pictured is Ryan Matherson, Bracken Schumann, Marty Mickelson. Purebred Publishing photo

Topping the sale was Cannon-Breeze Dman Aspen-ET, a Doorman Winter Yearling out of a 2E-93 Aftershock with records over 39,000M. The next dam is 2E-95 with over 41,000M Holstein World | June 2018 | 20

backed by three more Excellent dams. She was consigned by Cannon-Breeze, Steven Gillins of Minerville, Utah, and purchased by the Utah State University for $3,800. The second-high seller was Calori-D CRS Dback Rose-ET for $3,600. The Fall Calf is sired by Diamondback and backed by 16 Excellent dams. She was consigned by Rebekah and Stephen Mast of Denair, California, and purchased by Jay Yardley of Utah.

News Briefs | State Shows

MIDWEST SPRING RED & WHITE HOLSTEIN SHOW By Purebred Publishing Brian Behnke of Albany, Wisconsin, served as the judge for the 2018 Midwest Spring Red & White Show in Madison, Wisconsin, April 27.

Pictured is Katie Thompson, National Red & White Queen; Joel Kietzman on the Grand Champion and Chelsea Holschbach on the Res. Grand Champion; Judge Brian Behnke. Purebred Publishing photo

Grand and Best Udder of the show was Leawood Spice Girl-Red-ET EX-90 for Grady and Lane Wendorf of Ixonia, Wisconsin. The first-place Four-Year-Old is an Apples AbsoluteRed-ET from an 85-point Destry. Reserve honors went to the first-place Five-Year-Old, Heatherstone Rhinestone-Red, a 94-point Synergy Always-Red-ET daughter. She is backed by a VG-88 Advent dam and owned by Chase Holschbach of Wisconsin. Grand of the Junior Show and Intermediate Champion was Rosedale Prettyfancy In-Red for owners Karlee Ketelboeter and Joey Opsal of Dane, Wisconsin. The first-junior Senior TwoYear-Old is a VG-88 Mr Apples Armani-ET. Reserve Grand and Reserve Intermediate of the Junior Show was the first-junior Junior TwoYear-Old owned by Grady & Lane Wendorf, Crescentmead Dukn Donut-Red. She is sired by She-Ken Bw Dunkin-Red-ET. Intermediate Champions came from the

Senior Two-Year-Old class. Schluter Shelby LeeRed-ET is a Luck-E Awesome-Red daughter exhibited by Tailor Neuhaus of Strawn, Illinois. The Reserve Intermediate Champion was Ms Apple Adrianna-Red-ET, an 86-point Senior Two-Year-Old GS Alliance O Kalif-Red-ET daughter of Apple. She is owned by Doebriner and Bowen of Ohio. The Fall Calves were Judge Behnke’s favorite heifers of the day with Heritage Sassy LipstickRed taking top heifer honors for owners R-John, Borba, Almeida and McIssac of Petaluma, California. She is a Mr D Apple Diamondback out of a 90-point Apples Absolute-Red-ET. Reserve Junior Champion and Junior Champion of the Junior Show for Owen & Kendyll Kress and Savanah Barts of Newton, Wisconsin was Ms Kre-Hill Sapphire-Red-ET. She is a Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-TW from a 93-point Destry. Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show was the overall first-prize Winter Yearling, Ladinodale Avaln Alayna-Red for Matthew & Elizabeth Gunst of Hartford, Wisconsin. CALIFORNIA STATE JUNIOR SHOW Submitted by California Holstein Senior and Grand Champion of the Junior Show was Gamlake Destry Sallie, a 93-point Destry Aged Cow owned by Samantha Gambonini. Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion was the first Four-Year-Old, Apgambo Atwood Keenan, an EX-92 Atwood owned by Alexandra Gambonini. Intermediate Champion was Matthew Pacheco’s Senior Three-Year-Old, Andreane Seaver Wendy. The Reser ve Intermediate Champion was Trent Valley Sid Aly, a Junior Three-Year-Old owned by Chloe Vander Eyk. Junior Champion of the Junior Show was Petitclerc Solomn Ashlyn-ET a Summer Yearling owned by Brnadon Almeida and F, C, A, J, H and L Borba. Lorita Kingboy Holly was Reserve Junior Champion. The Winter Yearling is owned by Mitchell Coleman. CALIFORNIA STATE SHOW Submitted by California Holstein Chad Ryan of Wisconsin took care of judging duties for the California State Show on April 20 in Tulare, California. His selection for Grand Champion was the first-place Five-Year-Old Aldora Attra Dempsey EX-92 owned by Frank and Carol Borba and Frank and Diane Borba. The Reserve Grand and Intermediate Champion of


Pictured are the Van Exel family, Hank Van Exel on the halter of the Res. Gr. Champ. Carol Borba on the halter of the Grand Champ. The Borba family and Judge Chad Ryan. Photo by Siana Barrett for Purebred Publishing.

the show was Lazy-A Goldchip Eva-3-ET EX-92, the first-place Senior Three-Year-Old Owned by Atlee Van Exel. Reserve Senior Champion was also the Grand Champion of the Junior Show, Gamlake Destry Sallie for Samantha Gambonini. Reserve Intermediate Champion was owned by the Borbas, Crestomere Unix Lindor, a Senior Three-Year-Old. Junior Champion honors was the first-place Solomon Summer Yearling of Brandon Almeida and the Borbas, Petitclerc Solomn Ashlyn-ET. Reserve honors went to Ms Blexys Sid Bling-ET the first Spring Yearling owned by Van Exel, C. Woodmansee and Tim and Sharon Abbott.

Pictured are the champions. Photo by Siana Barrett for Purebred Publishing.

Grand Champion honors went to Ms Barb Act Beauty-Red-ET VG-88 the first-place Senior Three-Year-Old owned by Piers, Dores, Conroy, Berry and Schmidt. Reserve honors went to Miss Apple Aria-Red-ET EX-93, the first Five-YearOld owned by Stephen and Patrick Maddox and Dickerhoof. Junior Champion was Elmlo Absolute Jackpot-Red the first-place Fall Calf owned by Kash-In, Legacy and Summerlie. Reserve was Ruann D-B Shar-60985-Red-ET, the first Fall Yearling owned by the Maddoxes.

WESTERN SPRING RED & WHITE SHOW By Purebred Publishing Yan Jacobs of Canada served as the official judge for the Western Spring Red and White Show in Richmond, Utah, on May 17 and 18. Junior Champion honors went to Westcoast Holsteins of British Columbia with their Fall Calf, BBM ABS Wonder Woman-Red-ET. An Absolute out of a 91-point Ladd-P. Reserve Junior Champion was the Spring Yearling, Butter-Dell Diam Ivy-Red-ET, a Diamondback owned by Kent and Craig Buttars of Utah, she is out of an 88-point Destry.

Pictured is Judge Yan Jacobs congratulating the Grand Champion leadsman. Photo by Purebred Publishing.

Junior Champion of the Junior Show was the winning Summer Yearling , Milksource Continued on page 27

Holstein World | June 2018 | 21

Holstein Association USA Announces Recognitions to be presented at National Convention

HERDS OF EXCELLENCE The Holstein Association USA is proud to present the 2017 Herds of Excellence award recipients. Seventeen herds have achieved the rigorous criteria to qualify for the honor. There are three categories, Division 1 – 500+ cows; Division 2 – 100-499 cows; Division 3 – 10-99 cows. Herds receiving the award must have classified within the last year and have an age adjusted classification score of 83 points or higher. Have at least 70% of the herd homebred and be enrolled in the TriStarSM program. Additionally, qualifying herds must meet the following production criteria: 10-99 cows – 25% above breed average Mature Equivalent for milk, fat and protein. 100-499 cows – 20% above breed average ME for milk, fat and protein and 500+ cows – 15% above breed average ME for milk, fat and protein. The winners are: Division 1 – The Zwald Family of Hammond, Wisconsin, 2X honoree - 97.7% homebred, 32,168M 1,223F 1,036P and

84.6 avg. classification score. Bradley Cates, Preble, New York, 92.2% homebred, 31,849M 1,233F 997F, 86.7 avg. classification score; The Migliazzo Family, Atwater, California, 96.9% homebred, 37,473M 1,396F 1,194P, 83 avg. classification score; The Agresti Family, Ceres, California, 2X honoree, 90.6% homebred, 32,761M 1,210F 1,008P, 84.7 avg. classification score; The Schloneger Family, Shell Lake, Wisconsin, 83.4% homebred, 32,084M 1,316F1,054P, 83.7 avg. classification score; The Siemers Family, Newton, Wisconsin, 2X honoree, 97.1% homebred, 36,359M 1,373F 1,075P, 85.3 avg. classification score. D i vi s i on 2 – The Koepke Family, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, 100% homebred, 35,448M 1,476F 1,062P, 83.9 avg . classification score ; The Koester Family, Dakota, Illinois, 2X honoree, 97% homebred, 35,254M 1,390F 1,117P, 85.4% avg. classification score; Benjamin F. & Carolyn A. Turner, Apulia Station, New York, 5X honoree, 88.3% homebred, 33,190M 1,347F 1,081P, 85.6% avg. classification score; Gerald & Kevin Ihm, Barneveld, Wisconsin, 94.9% homebred, 32,794M 1,251F 1,008P, 84.2 avg.

classification score. Division 3 – S. Scott and April D. Cooper, Delta, Pennsylvania, 2X honoree, 97.3% homebred, 38,374M 1,467F 1,127P, 86.2 avg. classification score; George Malkemus and Anthony Yurgaitis, Litchfield, Connecticut, 78.9% homebred, 34,988M 1,443F 1,066P, 89.2 avg. classification score; Bruce, Brenda and Bret Long, New London, Wisconsin, 7X honoree, 100% homebred, 37,665M 1,330F 1,153P 87.7% avg. classification score; Daniel L. Vandertie, Brussels, Wisconsin, 4X honoree, 100% homebred, 34,194M 1,332F 1,042P, 88.7 avg. classification score; Thomas J. Kestell, Waldo, Wisconsin, 7X honoree, 83.8% homebred, 41,247M 1,557F 1,242P, 88.8 avg. classification score; Grafton County Farm, North Haverhill, New Hampshire, 100% homebred, 35,483M 1,392F 1,086P, 83.5 avg. classification score; and Daryl & Pam Nunes, Deerfield, Wisconsin, 88.5% homebred, 36,969M 1,400F 1,062P, 90.2 avg. classification score. Read more about the award winners in the Spring 2018 issue of The Pulse.

BEST OF THE BEST: 2018 Holstein's Young Distinguished Junior Members Eight finalists have been named in Holstein Association USA’s annual Young Distinguished Junior Member (YDJM) competition. The YDJM recognition is designed to reward youth, ages 9 to 16, who demonstrate a firsthand working knowledge of the dairy industry. Applicants must participate in Registered Holstein®, dairy and other activities, be role models for other youth and good spokespeople for the dairy industry. The 2018 Young Distinguished Junior Members Finalists are: • Eliza Endres, Waunakee, Wisconsin, daughter of Randy and Karen Endres • Nathan Erbsen, Lanark, Illinois, son of Carl and Becky Erbsen • Matthew Gunst, Hartford, Wisconsin, son of Dennis and Nichole Gunst • Julia Heijkoop, Webster, Florida, daughter of Johan and Trisha Keijkoop • Hannah Hockerman, Westfield, Wisconsin, daughter of Greg and Dawn Hockerman Holstein World | June 2018 | 22

Samantha Pitterle, Watertown, Wisconsin, daughter of Mark and Val Pitterle • Audrie Risser, Lebanon, Pennsylvania, daughter of John and Alisha Risser • Blake Wright, Verona, Missouri, son of Larry and Jodi Wright Kelli Dunklee, Holstein Association USA & Holstein Foundation Program Specialist states, "One of the most important components of Holstein Association USA is its youth programs. The Young Distinguished Junior Member program, which began in 2004, recognizes the future of the dairy industry. This honor has become an extremely coveted award by honoring youth from across the country while drawing future leaders committed to Registered Holsteins." Applicants for the YDJM award complete an entry book, which summarizes their involvement with Holstein cattle and programs, as well as other extracurricular activities. The eight finalists will be recognized during the 2018 National Holstein Convention, June 29-July 3, 2018 in Acme, Michigan.


Virgie Smith-Crest-TW SH Virgie-ET

EX-95 2E

6-04 2X 305D 44,710M 4.0%F 1,784F 2.9%P 1,296P 4th place 150,000 pound cow – 2017 International Holstein show Bred by: Matt and Travis Smith, Watertown, Wis., and Anthony W. Whitehead, Conway, Mo. Supplied by the Holstein Assoc. USA


Owned by: Paul Grulke, Mayville, Wis. Holstein World | June 2018 | 23

2017 Star of the Breed “S

he’s got the strength, a beautiful high, wide rear udder and you have to love her open rib,” commented Judge Adam Liddle during the 2017 International Holstein Show, as Smith-Crest-TW SH Virgie-ET left the colored shavings. During the world’s most competitive dairy show, this elite Registered Holstein® stands out. She is among the breed’s finest in the milking parlor, too. That’s why Holstein Association USA is pleased to recognize Smith-Crest-TW SH Virgie-ET as the 2017 Star of the Breed. The highest honor presented to a Registered Holstein cow, Star of the Breed recognizes outstanding performance in the showring and at home on the dairy. At the time of recognition, Smith-Crest-TW SH Virgie-ET was owned by 21-year-old Paul Grulke of Mayville, Wis. Her balance, depth of body and front-end strength are attributes Paul says he admires about Virgie. He began working with her as a Junior Holstein project alongside Matt and Travis Smith of Smith-Crest Holsteins. “We call Virgie ‘The Tank’ since she is small but powerful,” Travis says. “She always has a huge appetite and a deep fill on her—rarely a cow to have any problems. She stays at her peak most of her lactation. She knows exactly where she lives in the barn.” During her last lactation, calving in at six years and four months of age, on two-time a day milking, Virgie produced 44,710 pounds of milk, with 1,784 pounds of fat and 1,296 pounds of protein. Travis explains that Virgie’s impressive milk record doesn’t come as a surprise. This lactation, Virgie is on track to produce 46,000 pounds. Born in December 2009, Virgie is sired by Picston Shottle-ET, out of Willows-Edge Durham Virgo Excellent-91 3E. She placed fourth in the 150,000-pound cow class at the 2017 International Holstein Show and second in the 2017 International Junior Holstein Show, both held in conjunction with the World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wis. Classified Excellent-95 2E, Virgie is a cow to be admired by any Registered Holstein breeder.

Top performance When selecting animals, Paul focuses on proven sires that bring high type, sound milk production, with strong feet and legs.

Smith-Crest Holsteins exported many embryos from Virgie’s dam to Japan. Keeping hold of the number two embryos resulted in Virgie herself and three full sisters on the farm. “Virgie was always ahead of her sisters, developmentwise,” Matt says. “In 2011 we sold Virgie as a two-year-old in our sale, and through other circumstances we ended up getting her back, and we couldn’t have been happier.” Virgie currently has one daughter, MS Smith-Crest F Vanna, that scored Very Good 86 as a three-year-old.

Preparing for the future Currently a junior at University of Wisconsin-Platteville, Paul is majoring in dairy science with a minor in agriculture business. He enjoys finding the best mating for each cow, while learning how genetics evolve over time. After graduation, he plans to pursue a career in genetics. His aspirations include being a herdsman or owning his own dairy farm where he could focus on breeding high-type animals. Paul has been active in a variety of Junior Holstein activities, competing at the local, state, and national level in shows and other youth competitions. “The Junior Holstein Association has really affected my life,” Paul says. “I’ve been a part of our Junior Association here in Dodge County, showing at our State Fair, as well as being part of our dairy judging and dairy bowl teams. I learned a lot through those teams and the Association.” What’s next for the 2017 Star of the Breed? “Being a part of this cow for the past three years has been an honor and watching her develop is a neat experience," Paul says. "It’s a cool start to hopefully a long career in the dairy industry.” Today, Virgie is owned by Matt and Kate Smith. As they look to Virgie’s future, an extensive IVF program will begin.

About the award The Star of the Breed recognition is given annually to one Holstein cow that exemplifies outstanding production combined with exceptional type. To be eligible for the Star of the Breed award, a cow must place in the top five in her class at a National Holstein Show, be in a herd enrolled in the TriStarSM program and have an official classification score.

He first noticed Virgie during the 2015 Mid-West Spring National Holstein show where she placed second.

Once the eligible cows are determined, the following calculation is used to determine the award recipient: Combined Mature Equivalent (ME) Fat and Protein + Age Adjusted Classification Score x (Breed Average ME CFP/ Breed Average Age Adjusted Score).

“Before acquiring Virgie, I worked with her at different shows throughout the year,” Paul says. “I always admired her from a distance. During 2015, she calved in and looked really great and caught my attention even further.”

Smith-Crest-TW SH Virgie-ET and Paul will be honored during the 2018 Holstein Association USA’s Annual Meeting, July 2-3 in Acme, Michigan. Registration is available at www.holsteinusa.com.

Virgie fit his selection criteria perfectly, Paul says: “Above all else, Virgie has the will to milk.”

The cow family garnered international attention, too.

Supplied the|Holstein Holstein by World June 2018Assoc. | 24 USA

As printed in The Pulse, Spring 2018, ©2018 Holstein Association USA, Inc.


| Obituaries Harry Austin Backus, of Mexico, New York, passed away on his 65th birthday, May 4, 2018 at the Oswego Hospital. He suffered a stroke and fought a valiant battle with never a complaint through his long stay in the hospital. Harry was the son of Horace and Doris Anne Backus and the grandson of R. Austin and Ethel Backus and Harry and Dorris Nicholson. He was born in Oswego Hospital and spent his entire lifetime in Mexico excepting only his college years. Harry was a 1971 graduate of Mexico Academy and Central School where he played on a winning football team. In later years, he became an avid fan of the Green Bay Packers and visited their museum where he proudly sat in Vince Lombardi's desk chair. After high school he received an appointment to West Point. After spending the summer there, he resigned his position and attended Le Moyne College, graduating with a bachelor’s degree in 1976. One of those semesters was

spent at Penn State. He was a devoted student of history particularly England and the Vikings. Harry then began work as an advertising representative for his family's newspaper, The Mexico Independent. Shortly thereafter, he began furnishing a cartoon each week for the paper. It never included politics or hurt anyone's feelings. This weekly chore continued until the recent sale of the newspaper. In the summer of 1981, while thus employed, he attended NYU in New York City to take advanced courses in journalism. While there, he was hit by a taxi and spent three months in a coma at St. Vincent Hospital in southern Manhattan. He came home from there and spent a fourth month in a coma in a Syracuse Hospital. Gradually, he worked his way back to a remarkable recovery and spent his entire lifetime in the newspaper field. In later years, he would quite often serve as a driver and companion to his father on trips that would cover the eastern U.S. (especially New York and Pennsylvania). None of this ever interfered with the production of his weekly

cartoon. Surviving family members include his father and mother, brother John (Debra) Backus, sister Kim (Marc) Grindle, four nephews, Andrew (Hidemi) Backus, Jonathan Backus and Jesse (Lauren) Vorrasi and Derek Grindle. Uncle and aunt William and Nancy Nicholson; cousins Mark (Jane) Backus and family, Dr. Katherine Nicholson, Shamus Nicholson, Sean (Lindsey) Nicholson and son Emmett, Sara (Craig) Clark, Heather Nicholson, Judy Backus and Brenda (James) Hotchkiss and family. Harry was a lifetime member of the First Presbyterian Church of Mexico and Funeral Services were held at the church on Monday, May 7, 2018.

Send news to purebred.editor@gmail.com to be included in the pages of the Holstein World and on holsteinworld.com.

Holstein World | June 2018 | 25

Holstein World | June 2018 | 26

Shows continued fr0m page 21 Target-Red-ET, a Defiant out of the 96-point Strans-Jen-D Tequila-Red-ET. She is owned by Ty, Jacey and Hadley Ross of Arizona. Reserve honors went to Miekelena Heztry Zuri-Red for Helena Van Ess of Washington. The Hestry daughter is a Winter Calf out of an 85-point Anahiem. Grand Champion honors went to Ms Barb Act Beauty-Red-ET, owned by Schmidt, Conroy and Berry of California, the Intermediate Champion of the show. The 88-point Senior Three Action is out of an 87-point Talent. Reserve Grand and Senior Champion of the show was Miss Apple Aria-Red-ET owned by the Maddox brothers and Tyler Dickerhoof of California. The EX-93 Alchemy daughter is out of the 96-point Apple. Reserve Intermediate honors went to Gabbie Gregorio and Henry and Carolyn Van Exel’s Junior Three, Mahoney Rosa-Lynn-ET EX-90. The Armani daughter is out of an EX-93 Advent. Reserve Senior Champion was Mel-Tina Action Lacy-Red EX-91 the first Four-YearOld owned by Robert Teixeira and Melvin Lee Medeiros of California. She is sired by Action.

News Briefs The judges have been announced for the All-American Dairy Show in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in September. OPEN SHOWS Ayrshires - Molly Sloan, Wisconsin Brown Swiss - Gerritt DeBruin, Wisconsin Guernseys - Matt Lawrence, Pennsylvania Holsteins - Yan Jacobs, Canada Jerseys - Steve Wagner, Vermont Milking Shorthorns - Jason Lloyd, New York Red & Whites - Mike Berry, Oregon JUNIOR SHOWS Ayrshires - Jack Lomeo, New York Brown Swiss - Matt Lawrence, Pennsylvania Guernseys - Yan Jacobs, Canada Holsteins - Molly Sloan, Wisconsin Jerseys - Mike Berry, Oregon Milking Shorthorns - Jack Lomeo, New York Red & Whites - Jason Lloyd, New York Allflex has announced two recent additions. Clayton Mead joins Allflex as the Great Plains Regional Manager. Jesse Odom transitions to the North West Regional Manager. SCR Dairy, a part of Allflex announced that Sena Pereira has been hired to manage the Western region of the company.

social media scoop By Emily Shaw



ashtags (#) in the social media world are something that can bring together thousands, even millions of posts, just by using the same words or phrases with the # in front of them. People involved in the dairy and agriculture industry are utilizing hashtags on all social media platforms to bring together videos and pictures that showcase what the dairy industry is really about.

- #DairyDanceOff is hash tag movement that was created by Katie Dotterer-Pyle of Maryland and Jessica Peters of Pennsylvania. By searching #DairyDanceOff, you can find hundreds of videos from dairy farmers across the world dancing to different songs with their animals, and showing everyone how great dairy farmers really are. - #UndeniablyDairy will lead you to all things dairy. You can find anything from food recipes, stories about athletes, farmers, dairy industry news and people advocating for the dairy industry under this hash tag. The Undeniably Dairy symbol can also be found on all Domino’s boxes! Also when at shows such as World Dairy Expo, you can utilize the event hash tags to connect with a large amount of posts and pictures! If you can’t wait for this year’s World Dairy Expo, you can search #WDE17 on social media to find thousands of pictures and videos from last year’s World Dairy Expo! - Crazy4Moo on Instagram, Jessie Vosberg: Jessie works on a dairy farm in Wisconsin and loves Holsteins. She runs an Instagram account called “crazy4moo” that has over 10,000 followers! On this account, she advocates for the dairy industry and gives an inside look to consumers of what happens on a dairy farm.

- Dairy Girl Network: If you’re a woman in dairy, Dairy Girl Network is an incredible way for you to connect with women across the country! Dairy Girl Network has a Facebook, Instagram and different events around the country that give women from different states an opportunity to meet and create relationships.

Please make all checks for ads & subscriptions payable to Purebred Publishing. Thank you.

Send subscription address updates to emshaw13@gmail.com or to Purebred Publishing at 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd., Columbus, OH 43228

Holstein World | June 2018 | 27


Those events listed in bold have ads within this issue or on holsteinworld.com - be sure to check them out!

June 2 | Cal-Poly Classic Sale, San Luis Obispo, CA June 7-9 | Badger Dairy Camp, Madison, WI June 19-20 | National Red & White Convention, St. Charles, IL Managing Editor | Cheri Oechsle 614.339.5393 purebred.editor@gmail.com

June 20-21 | Minnesota State Show, Jordan, MN June 29-July 3 | National Holstein Convention, Traverse City, Michigan

Creative Director | Ashley Shaffer ashaffer@usguernsey.com

July 2 | The National Holstein Convention Sale, Traverse City, MI

Advertising Sales | Marjorie Rida 614.339.5394 purebred.sales@gmail.com

July 7 | Midas Touch Golden Opportunity Sale, Waddington, NY

Social Media, Subscriptions & Advertising | Emily Shaw 814.414.7676 emshaw13@gmail.com Bookkeeping | Rita Rittgers 614.339.5396 accounting@usguernsey.com Proofreader | Junia Isiminger Writer | Robin Alden ralden@usguernsey.com Chief Executive Officer | Doug Granitz 509.301.1394 dlgranitz@usguernsey.com

July 5 | Central New York Holstein Show, Norwich, NY. Judge Adam Liddle July 13-14 | Arethusa & Woodmansee Holstein Tag Sale July 14 | Arethusa Summer Splash, Litchfield, CT July 18 | New England Summer Show, Hopkinton, VT. Judge Jamie Black July 18-20 | Illinois Holstein Championship Show, Bloomington, IL July 20-21 | Eastern New York Holstein Show, Rhinebeck, NY Juy 21 | Western Pennsylvania Holstein & Red & White Show, New Castle, PA. Judge Jeff Brown July 26 | Ohio State Fair Red & White Jr. Show, Columbus, OH. Judge Chris Lang July 27 | Mid-East Summer Junior Holstein Show, Columbus, OH. Judge Dennis Patrick July 28-29 | Mid-East Summer National Holstein Show, Columbus, OH. Judge Tim Abbott July 29 | Ohio State Fair Red & White Show, Columbus, OH. Judge Ryan Krohlow July 31 | Eastern Pennsylvania Red & White Show, Troy, PA. Judge Aaron Eaton Aug. 8 | Morrill Farm Dairy Dispersal, Alstead, NY Aug. 9 | Iowa State Holstein Show, Des Moines, IA Aug. 17 | Illinois State Fair Holstein Show, Springfield, IL Aug. 17-21 | Wisconsin Championship Show, Madison, WI Aug. 21 | Wisconsin State Red & White Show, Madison, WI. Judge Brian Kelroy Aug. 29 | Midwest Fall National Holstein Show, St. Paul, MN. Judge Pat Conroy


Sept. 1 | Western Fall National Holstein Show, Salem, OR. Judge Pat Conroy Sept. 13 | Bovines in South Beach Sale, Miami Beach, FL. Loeus Miami Beach Hotel. Hosted by: Ri-Val-Re & Faria Brothers Dairy Sept. 15- 20 | All American Dairy Show, Harrisburg, PA Sept. 18 | Eastern Elite Sale , Harrisburg, PA Oct. 2-6 | World Dairy Expo, Madison, WI Nov. 3 | 35th Nittany Lion Fall Classic Sale, State College, PA

August Issue Advertising Deadline: - July 7 -

Dec. 8 | 64th Southern Invitational Sale, Donacin Dairy, Lizella, GA Dec. 10 | Music City Celebrataion Sale, Nashville, TN. Hosted by MD-Hillbrook & the Abbots. Send your events to purebred.editor@gmail.com or emshaw13@gmail.com to be listed here and on holsteinworld.com!


Contact us at purebred.sales@gmail.com emshaw13@gmail.com Holstein World | June 2018 | 28

The by-line and photo credits for the National Convention Farm Tour stories were inadvertently lost during the design phase of the May issue. We apologize for the omission. Thank you to Bev Berens and Michigan Holstein Association for supplying the stories. Photos: The Ber-Sher dairy photo credit to Kenda Rivera; Bosscher Dairy photo credit to Bosscher Dairy; Brian Brunink photo credit to Michigan Dairy Cattle News; Yonkman photo credit to DeLaval.

“… a big contributor to higher quality milk.”

Index 25 | All American Dairy Show

— John Waddell

21 | Arethusa & Woodmansee Tag Sale 29 | Beiler Campbell Real Estate 29 | Cybil Fisher Photography 19 | Generavations 5 | Genex 7 | Maple-Dell Farm 7 | National Convention Sale 31 | Pappy's Farm 5 | Pine Tree Dairy 32 | Select Sires 2 | ST Genetics 29 | Udder Comfort

WADDELL FARMS, MARSHALL, WISCONSIN John, Karen and Mikey Waddell 1000 cows, incl. dry cows, 82 lbs/cow/day SCC two locations 90,000 and 150,000 Quality award 5 consecutive years “We love the quality of this product,” says John Waddell. He and his wife Karen and son Mikey operate Waddell Farms, Marshall, Wisconsin, with two locations and 1000 cows, including dry cows.

FOR ADVERTISING call 614-339-5394

holsteinworld.com/advertising or purebredpublishing.com

“Before starting the Udder Comfort,™ we would fight to keep SCC between 250 and 300,000. Then we started the fresh cow routine 6 years ago and have stayed with it ever since. This has been a big contributor to higher quality milk, getting SCC down to 180,000 the first year and now consistently averaging 90 to 150,000 between the two farms.” In fact, Waddell Farms has received key quality awards for 5 consecutive years. “We spray all udders 2x/day for 3 to 5 days after calving, and on 2-year-olds, we begin 1x/day for 5 days pre-calving.

Please send news items, sale updates, state news to purebred.editor@gmail.com

Office & Cybil: 920.465.3880 - cybilfisher@hotmail.com Lea: 680.214.1845 - leamccullough@gmail.com Jenny: 614.395.9823 - jennythomas614@yahoo.com




“We love how Udder Comfort softens the udders. We see the results, how it helps our herd produce higher quality milk, and the benefit in better colostrum production in our first-calf heifers by softening udders before calving. We have also reduced our need for other treatments.”

Quality Udders Make Quality Milk

Keep the milk in the system 1.888.773.7153 1.613.652.9086 uddercomfort.com Call to locate a distributor near you. For external application to the udder only after milking, as an essential component of udder management. Always wash and dry teats thoroughly before milking.

Your Breed Your Passion Your Magazine

Subscribe or Renew Today! Continuing the tradition of 114 years of love for the breed, the breeders & the industry! To subscribe, renew, purchase a gift certificate visit www.holsteinworld.com To contact us to subscribe or renew - email Emily at emshaw13@gmail.com | 814.414.7676 Holstein World | June 2018 | 29


College Directory Celebrating Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow

COVER Photo Contest 2019 Theme:

Celebrating The Future

To enter, please submit a high resolution full color digital photo that depicts a combination of students and college dairy activities. (Remember to consider photo style and how it will look as a possible cover). Photos must NOT have been entered in last year’s photo contest.You can submit a written essay explaining your photo (up to 500 words) which could be featured in HolsteinWorld print and Holsteinworld.com online. Any photo that has been published should be identified as to where and when it was used. All photos will become the property of Purebred Publishing.

Send photos to: Cheri Oechsle, purebred.editor@gmail.com

Deadline for the photo entry: Monday, September 15th, 2018

You will be notified if your entry is selected to be the winner on the directory cover or within the directory as a runner-up.


Don't miss A Thing!

Name _________________________________________________________ Farm Name ____________________________________________________ Mailing Address _________________________________________________ City ____________________________ State _______ Zip _______________ Email _________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________________________________ Please make checks payable to Purebred Publishing! r Holstein World - $24 (1 yr) r Holstein World - $44 (2 yr) r Holstein World - $66 (3 yr) r Guernsey Breeders’ Journal - $20 (1 yr) r Guernsey Breeders’ Journal - $50 (3 Yr) r Purebred Dairy Breeders’ Magazine - $25 (1 yr) Send form & check to: Purebred Publishing, 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd., Columbus, OH 43228

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Holstein World | June 2018 | 31

Holstein World | June 2018 | 32

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