Ayrshire Digest May/June 2015

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May/June 2015


2 Ayrshire Digest

May/June 2015


President’s Comments

Hopefully spring has come to all areas across the country, and by the time this article is in the Digest all crops are planted and even haying started. It is amazing what warm weather, green grass and sunshine do for improving one’s mental health. First of all, when you receive your ballots for officer and director elections, please take time to cast your ballot. Candidate biographies and position statements were in the previous Ayrshire Digest. We have great candidates running for the various positions. Included in the ballot for board positions you will also find a ballot to vote for proposed Bylaws changes. Your Board of Directors spent a lot of time in December focusing on the Bylaws and made some recommendations for changes. They are as follows: 1) Article IV Meeting section 2—We propose to add the words- special meetings…, and the stated specific purpose of the special meeting, within thirty (30) days. This change would limit the scope of the meeting to a specific issue or issues. 2) Article IV Meeting section 3(e)-- We propose to delete and voting and whether by ballots counted prior to the meeting or during the meeting unless a greater percentage of the vote is… After the word Amendment we propose to add the statement …any motions made and properly seconded in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order from the floor of a meeting must be mailed by ballot to the membership for a vote…and delete the last statement. This proposed change will allow all the members of ABA to have a vote on said motion. 3) Article V Directors section 8 Meetings-We proposed to delete the last sentence. Modern technology makes this statement obsolete. 4) Article III Member obligations, violations section 4a We propose to delete blood typed and to add…using science in current technology. DNA testing and genomic testing is changing all the time. This allows ABA to use modern technology as it becomes available. 5) Article VII Other Committees section c (IV)- We propose to delete March/April Ayrshire Digest issue and to add after Association … published prior to the mailing of the ballots. 6) Article VII section 5- Delete..hear and add ..communicate with each other. Again changes in technology and computer use warrant this. 7) Article XI Dissolution We propose to delete the sentence “If the Board seeks…..summary of the plan of dissolution.”.. and to add shall accompany the ballot between “dissolution” and indicate” This proposal make the by-laws more concise. If you have questions on any of the proposed Bylaws updates, please feel free to contact me or any Director. ~ Doug

Becky Payne, Executive Director Arlene Crosser, Records Coordinator 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd., Suite B Columbus, OH 43228 (614) 335-0020 l Fax: (614) 335-0023 Email: info@usayrshire.com www.usayrshire.com


Doug Evans, President 4106 Davenport Rd., Georgetown, NY 13072 (315) 837-4777 Expires 2015 l

Jim Tentinger, Vice Presideent 40913 200th St., Remsen, IA 51050 (712) 786-2302 Expires 2015 l

DIRECTORS Director at Large Donna Mertz

13970 County Road P18, Blair, NE 68008 (920) 382-7678 Expires 2015 l

Region 1

Tom Gillette 5137 Old Route 12, Lyon Falls, NY 13368 (315) 982-7707 Expires 2017 l

Dale Maulfair 400 South Center St, Jonestown, PA 17038 (717) 865-6439 Expires 2015 l

Susan Edwards 320 Prange Rd., West Grove, PA 19390 (610)869-8286 Expires 2016 l

Region 2

Mary Creek 18811 Wagaman Rd., Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 471-0726 Expires 2017 l

Queen’s Farewell

Lynn Lee

Hello Fellow Ayrshire breeders, Just as all of us are, my life is extremely busy! There are school finals, FFA competitions, practices, and of course I must make time for my fourlegged friends. It seems like my year is flying by! I hope your 2015 is going just as you planned with all heifer calves being born. I would like to congratulate everyone who exhibited at spring shows. It seems like the Ayrshire quality is always impressive. I would like to also congratulate all states who put on spring sales. Thank you to the buyers and consignors of all for keeping this industry one to be proud of. Speaking for myself, I am overly excited to see warmer weather is coming our way. But with warm weather that means summer, and summer means shows and convention! It is crazy to think my reign as queen is nearing an end. It seems as if the last year has been a blur, serving as your 2014-15 National Queen. It is an experience that has certainly changed my life. You know, my dad once told me, “Kailey, you don’t HAVE to do this, you GET to do this.” I’ll have to say lots of things he has said haven’t stuck with me, but that one did. Being a part of an organization as great as the US Ayrshire Breeders’ Association is something that we GET to do. We should consider ourselves honored that we have leaders that try and improve our association. We have kids that strive for perfection in youth contests. We have cows that are off the charts in milk production, as well as cows that seem to be near perfect in the showing. Representing such great people this year has been more than a pleasure. Traveling around and promoting this breed is something that Cont. on pg. 27

P.O. Box 1229, Smyrna, TN 31767 (615) 390-6312 Expires 2016 l

Mark Valentine 15621 B Kelbuh Rd, Thurmont, MD 21788 (240) 674-6092 Expires 2015 l

Region 3

Lloyd Machin 6614 Iowa St., Newton, IA 50208 (641) 792-9523 Expires 2017 l

Darryl Keehner 32057 Leaf Rod, Guttenberg, IA 52052 (563) 252-1018 Expires 2015 l

Jessica Gatton-Dixon PO Box 39, Conway, MO 65632 (417) 844-7217 Expires 2016 l

Ex-Officio Board and Executive Committee Member Steve McDonald, President

12114 2050 E. Street, Princeton, IL 61356 (815) 875-3516 Expires 2015 Expires at election of new president l

4 Ayrshire Digest

May/June 2015 Volume 101, Number 3

The Official Publication of the Ayrshire Breeders’ Association

FEATURES Convention Tours............................................................................ 12 National Convention Information.................................................10-11 Youth Record Book Winners................................................................ 6 Youth Scholarship Winner................................................................... 8 U.S. Ayrshire Breeders’ Foundation Committee CHAIRMAN BRUCE NELSON

N4626 Cty I, Tony, WI 54563 (715) 532-3819 Term expires June 2016

PERFORMANCE REPORTS Active AI Summary........................................................................... 19 High CPI Cows................................................................................ 14 Young Sires..................................................................................... 20


40913 200th St., Remsen, IA 51050 (712) 786-2302 Term expires June 2015


95 Plum Lane, Belleville, PA 17004 (717) 250-8010 Term expires June 2015



Advertising Index............................................................................. 29 Classification Schedule.................................................................... 17 Calendar........................................................................................ 29 Director’s Comments......................................................................... 4 Directory - Breeders Listing..........................................................24-27

9120 Hwy 83, Hartland, WI 53029 (262) 966-7536 Term expires June 2017


22050 SR 136, Winchester, OH 45967 (937) 205-1209 Term expires June 2017

Ayrshire Digest Advertising Rates

ON THE COVER This month’s cover features scenes and farms from this year’s convention locations in beautiful Pennsylvania. For more on these farms and the Lake Raystown Resort see pages 10-12.

Purebred Publishing, Inc. www.purebredpublishing.com Managing Editor Cheri Oechsle, 614.339.5393 purebred.editor@gmail.com Sales: Jade Jensen, 614.339.5394 purebred.sales@gmail.com Designer: Ashley Shaffer ashaffer@usguernsey.com Writer/Proofreader: Robin Alden

Back Cover Inside Covers Full Page 2/3 Page 1/2 Page 1/3 Page 1/4 Page

$567 $515 $490 $402 $350 $268 $206

Contract rates available. Contact Purebred Publishing at 614.339.5394 purebred.sales@gmail.com

The Ayrshire Digest is published bi-monthly and produced by Purebred Publishing, Inc., 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd, Suite G, Columbus, OH 43228; phone (614) 575-4620 fax (614) 864-5614. Postmaster: Send addres changes to: Ayrshire Breeders’ Association, 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd., Suite B, Columbus, Ohio 43228 (614)335-0020 FAX (614)335-0023. Subscription rates effective January 1, 2008: $35.00 per year; $95.00 for three years; U.S. subscriptions only. Foreign $60.00 (U.S. funds) per year. First Class Subscriptions: $50.00 per year; $130.00 for three years. Send all advertising fees to: Ayrshire Digest, c/o Purebred Publishing, Inc.,1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd, Suite G, Columbus, OH 43228. For advertising assistance: Purebred Publishing, 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd, Suite G, Columbus, OH 43228; (863) 634-3187; FAX (614) 864-5614 E-Mail: purebred.sales@gmail.com.

May/June 2015


Ayrshire Youth Record Books Beginners: 8 Years of Age and Younger Winner Andrew James Curtis Szalach is the eight-yearold son of Joseph and Diana Curtis Szalach of Cazenovia, New York. He has been a junior member of the ABA for three years and owns one Ayrshire cow. He and his older sister Erin and younger brother Ryan are the eighth generation on Cedarcut Farm. He enjoys showing and dairy bowl and participates in cub scouts. “When I grow up I want to own my own farm with Ayrshires and Case IH tractors,” he says. Runner-Up Emily K. Schmidt is eight years old. She is the daughter of Steven and Pauline Schmidt of Delavan, Wisconsin. She is a six-year junior member of ABA and owns 23 registered Ayrshires with her family under the MoyAyr Farm prefix. “I enjoy learning new things,” she said. “My Ayrshires keep me busy and happy. I enjoy going to Ayrshire events. It is always great to see my old friends and make new ones. ” Emily plans to be a math teacher someday. Gavin R. Valentine plans to be a farmer like his dad. He is the eight-year-old son of Mark and Jessica Valentine of Thurmont, Maryland. He owns nine registered Ayrshires and his favorites are Elsa and Eagle. “Eagle is out of a special cow named Elf that belonged to my little brother and my parents gave her to me when he passed away. I am really excited to show Eagle this year,” he said. He enjoys helping around the farm and when the hoof trimmer comes. Gavin also enjoys riding horses and wants to learn to rope when it warms up. Juniors: Ages 9-12 Winner Whitney Dunklee is the nine-year-old daughter of Jeff and Kelli Dunklee of Vernon, Vermont. She has been a junior member of the ABA for six years and owns seven Ayrshires. “My first memories are of helping wash the Arrowhead Farm show string,” she said. Her favorite chore is feeding calves. She also enjoys helping her dad milk when she is off school. She enjoys showing and attending sales. “Last March I purchased two winter calves at the Massachusetts Blue Ribbon Calf Sale. It was an exciting day as I got to bid and purchase animals at a public auction for the

first time!” Whitney is a 4-H member and also likes dairy bowl and dairy judging. She also enjoys exhibiting at horse shows. At school she is on the Student Council, band, Girls on the Run, Vernon Tornados Jump Rope Team and plays basketball, softball and swimming, as well as being involved in various charitable organizations. She would like to be a teacher when she grows up. Runner-Up Rebecca Schmidt is 11 and the daughter of Steven and Pauline Schmidt from Delavan, Wisconsin. She owns 23 head of Ayrshires on their Moy-Ayr Farm. She helps with chores at night and on weekends including feeding hay, calf feeding and watering. She has been showing since she was five and is in 4-H. Her involvement with Ayrshires has included helping with sales, leading for sales, attending National Ayrshire conventions and showing at local, state and national shows. She is active in Girl Scouts, choir, handbell choir, band and as a student council member. Her goal is to be an elementary teacher. Adam Wolf is the son of Tim and Erica Wolf of Shreve, Ohio. He is 10 and has been a junior member of the ABA for four years and owns two Ayrshires. He feeds calves at his grandparents’ Spring-Run Farms and helps with other chores as needed along with the other grandchildren. He plans to continue the family tradition of farming when he grows up. Austin Holcomb wants to be a 4-H agent when he grows up. The son of Chris and Suzanne Holcomb of Lithia, Florida, this 10-year-old leases one Ayrshire. His unique story is rooted in three generations of Guernseys. A meeting with Billy Branstetter led to a lease opportunity with Ayrshires. Austin has exhibited at the South Florida Fair and Florida State Fair and won both the open and youth shows at both shows with his heifer. Amber Leigh Smith is nine and from East Dixfield, Maine. She is the daughter of Matthew and Stephanie Smith. She is in 4-H and shows dairy, steers, sheep and arts and crafts. She has four Ayrshires and has been a junior member of the ABA for five years. She helps feed calves, clean pens and helps milk. When she grows up she wants to take over the family farm and be a vet.

Brooklyn Peters is 12 and the daughter of Steve and Lona Peters of Connoquenessing, Pennsylvania. She has been a junior member of the ABA for four years and presently owns seven Ayrshires. Brooklyn has shown at multiple national shows and loves to show. She is an active member of 4-H where she has held offices, participated in dairy judging, photography, square dancing and more. At school she is on the honor roll, is in band, school plays, honors chorus and on the volleyball and track teams. Cadin Valentine is the 11-year-old son of Mark and Jessica Valentine of Thurmont, Maryland. He owns 20 Ayrshires and has been a junior member of ABA for 9 years. Cadin likes playing baseball, hunting, dairy judging and showing cattle. He wants to someday be a mechanic with his own farm. Intermediate Ages 13-15 Winner Erin Nicole Curtis Szalach is a 13-year-old sixth grader from Cazenovia, New York. She is the daughter of Joseph and Diana Curtis Szalach of Cedarcut Farm. She is a junior member of the New York Ayrshire Club, ABA, New York and Madison County Holstein clubs, 4-H and is the Madison County Dairy Ambassador. At home, she is actively involved on the farm feeding both the calves and heifers, cleaning pens, keeping updated semen and embryo inventory and mating cows and heifers. She owns nine registered Ayrshires. Erin enjoys showing her animals at various local, state and national shows. “I am so grateful to own and work with my Ayrshires and excited to continue to build my herd,” she said. “Another thing I like to do with Ayrshires is attend as many sales as I can. This is another great way to see other people’s breeding styles besides in the show ring. I love to study sale catalogs, cow and bull families. Attending Ayrshire events with my mom and grandfather is a great way to network within the breed.” Erin’s goal is to become a large animal veterinarian specializing in dairy. Runner-Up Joseph Real is the 13-year-old son of Steve and Kristie Real of Georgia, Vermont. He has been a junior member of the ABA for six years and currently owns five Ayrshires that are housed at Arrowhead Farm in Milton.

6 Ayrshire Digest

They milk 80 head of Ayrshires, Holsteins and Jerseys. On the farm, Joe helps feed and in the summer is more involved with feeding calves, scraping and bedding stalls, fixing fence and is currently learning how to handle and maintain farm equipment. He enjoys learning about crops and drawing diagrams and plans for the fields. He enjoys basketball and baseball, hunting, gardening and 4-H. He also likes judging, attending sales, showing and participating in Junior ABA activities. Joe plans to someday be a custom harvester and to stay active in sports. Alexis Diemel is 13 and lives in Bonduel, Wisconsin with her parents Toni and Mike Diemel. She has been a junior ABA member for six years and owns one Ayrshire in partnership with her cousin Kristin Allen. She enjoys showing.She has participated at the National Convention on the senior quiz bowl team. She is involved in 4-H and her church youth group. She plans to one day own a farm and be an animal whisperer. Charles Buckmeier is the 14-year-old son of Todd and Lorry Buckmeier from Frederick, Maryland. He has been a junior member of the ABA for six years. He leases four Ayrshires. Charlie is involved in 4-H where he takes dairy, goat and rabbit projects along with shooting sports and auto-mechanics. He leases his Ayrshire projects from the Doodys and Vales-Pride Farm. He enjoys showing and meeting and helping people at the fairs. He hopes to be a farmer when he finishes school. Denice Wolf is 13 and the daughter of Tim and Erica Wolf of Shreve, Ohio. She owns one Ayrshire and has been an ABA junior member for nine years. She helps her family at her grandparents’ Spring-Run Farms feeding bottle calves and helping milk when needed. She enjoys dairy quiz bowl and showing along with competing in dairy judging events. She plans to continue to stay involved in the dairy industry. Julie Griffin is the daughter of Jim and Jackie Griffin of Siloam Springs, Arkansas. The 13-year-old has been a junior member of the ABA for 13 years and owns four Ayrshires. Although the herd was sold in 2004, Julie’s family continues to farm with eight poultry houses and her show cattle. She is also active in 4-H and FFA. Mackensie Schofield is 14 and hails from Troy, Maine. She is the daughter of Wayne and Jennifer Schofield. She enjoys playing May/June 2015

the trombone and 4-H. She plays basketball and is active in the community. She is a five-year junior member of ABA. She owns and leases a total of 11 Ayrshires. She enjoys showing and working with her Ayrshires and has taken on more responsibilities with the show string, including clipping and fitting. She hopes to someday be a veterinarian. Sara Wolf is 15 and lives in Shreve, Ohio, with her parents Tim and Erica Wolf. She has been a junior member of the ABA for eight years and owns 14 Ayrshires. She helps, along with the other grandchildren, as needed on Spring-Run Farms from milking to feeding young stock. She enjoys showing and dairy judging. She was a 2011 National Youth Book Contest winner. She also participates on Quiz bowl teams and in dairy skillathons. She served as the Ohio Ayrshire Princess in 2012. Sara hopes to one day be a probation officer. Thomas Gress is the 13-yearold son of Joe and Lisa Gress from Shreve, Ohio. He has been a junior member of ABA for eight years and owns seven Ayrshires. He is active at Spring-Run Farms helping with feeding responsibilities and milking. He enjoys showing, dairy judging and quiz bowl competitions. He has attended National Ayrshire Conventions for the past six years. He wants to be an ag engineer when he grows up. Senior Division Ages 16-21 Winner Christopher Sweeney is the 17-year-old son of Deborah and John Sweeney, Jr. of Appleton, New York. He owns two Ayrshires and has been a junior ABA member for 12 years. Christopher has been involved with the dairy all his life.“I thought I was his right-hand man [dad], and he needed me to herd the cows, feed the calves, bring him tools and talk about our future. This year my family farm, Maple View Dairy, celebrates 105 years of ownership….my great-great-grandfather only raised Ayrshire dairy cattle on the farm. Today, we raise Ayrshires, Jerseys and Holsteins.” Christopher is an active promoter of the breed and dairy industry. “As a senior in high school, I continue to educate the public about the importance of the dairy industry and the part it plays in our diet. To feed the projected 9-10 billion people in the world by 2050, we need

to prepare now and educate consumers, create and market new products, utilize biotechnology, continue to fund research and work with legislators regarding regulations. My goal is to return to our family farm to work with my dad and uncle after attending Cornell University. I hope to bring to the farm technological advances in agriculture and the newest methods to better manage soil, crops and the Ayrshire dairy cattle.” Runner-up Paige Demun of Troupsburg, New York is the 17-year-old daughter of Keith and Lisa Demun. She is the fourth generation on the farm that is Fi-De Farms. She got an early start helping on the farm by making supper for the family on her Fisher Price kitchen set. From there she learned to scrape barn floors after milking, graduating to helping wash and dip teats, feed calves and cows. She currently fills in milking if needed and helps with hay baling during the summer. Paige owns eight animals and is a six-year junior member of the ABA. She has been showing since she was very young and has won showmanship. She is currently a member of the dairy princess program and was the 2014 Steuben County Dairy Princess and helps promote milk and other dairy products as well as doing promotional events with local programs, parades, in the schools and at the Empire Farm days. She is an FFA member and served as the New York representative at the National FFA convention this past year. She competes in the Dairy Handling Contest. She plans to study to become a large animal veterinarian after high school. Diane Gress is a student at The Ohio State University pursuing an education in agricultural communications. She is the 19-year-old daughter of Joe and Lisa Gress of Shreve, Ohio. She has been an active member of the work force at her family’s farm where they milk 88 Ayrshires. Responsibilities have included milking, feeding baby calves, health care and field work. Currently she is a member of the Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow, and is the design editor for the college publication, AgriNaturalist. Kristin Allen of Cecil, Wisconsin, plans to pursue a career in the field of prototype and design. The 19-year-old daughter of Doug and Jolene Allen, she is a member of both 4-H, FFA and a junior member of ABA for 12 years. She is in both 4-H and FFA. She has been showing Ayrshires since she was Cont. on pg. 8


seven. She completed a two-year work assignment through school with CRI/Genex in Shawano. She currently works at Sleepy Hollow Farm in Seymour, Wisconsin where she helps with milking, feeding calves and cleaning as well as working with show heifers. Garret Buckmeier is 17 and lives in Keymar, Maryland. His parents are Todd and Lorry Buckmeier. He has been an ABA junior member for six years and leases four Ayrshires. He is active in 4-H and helps with the junior dairy bowl team. He leases animals from Robert and Sherrie Doody and helps out on their farm. His future plans are to continue farming. Robin Peters hails from Connoquenesing, Pennsylvania. She is the 17-year-old daughter of Steve ad Ona Peters. A junior member of the ABA for eight years, she owns 10 Ayrshires. She has exhibited at the All-American and Louisville. She is involved in 4-H, dairy judging, marching band and helping at a local nursing home. She plans to pursue a career in agriculture. Samantha Goodfield is the 16-yearold daughter of Jon Goodfield and

Brandy Ward from Barre, Massachusetts. She currently owns four Ayrshire and has been a junior ABA member for seven years. She is the sixth generation to raise and show Ayrshires. She is actively involved in the management decisions for her animals. She is a candidate for the state Ayrshire princess this year and looking forward to the 2016 World Ayrshire Conference. Her future plans include working in the dairy industry and continuing to breed and show Ayrshires.

Ayrshire Youth Scholarship Winner

Christopher Sweeney is this year’s scholarship winner. He is the 17-yearold son of Debroah and John E. Sweeney, Jr. of Appleton, New York. His family has a long history in the 4-H program and county fair with their Ayrshires. His greatgrandfather was a dairy leader at the fair and the animals traveled to the fair by train. His great-grandmother was also involved as the manager of the 4-H Milk Bar which Christopher is still involved with as a 4-H member today. Christopher has been in 4-H since age nine, competing in dairy

quiz bowl at the county, district and state levels. He has also exhibited dairy cattle and won numerous showmanship awards, skillathons and livestock judging awards. He has also been involved with the national Ayrshire program as a team member on the New York quiz bowl team which won in 2011 and has also competed in Dairy Jeopardy. He has submitted entries in the folding display competition, photo contest, and record book contests. On his home farm of Maple View Dairy, he assists with the AI, breeding records, sire selection and crops after school and on weekends and school breaks. A senior in high school he is involved with many school and community activities volunteering at church, food pantry, community dinners and outreach programs. He also volunteers with the local Masons and Lions Clubs. In school he has participated in school musicals, band and choir and is a three sport scholar-athlete. He plans to attend Cornell University and major in animal science, then return to the farm after graduation as a fifth-generation farmer.

8 Ayrshire Digest

Pennsylvania Ayrshire Breeders’ Association For more info contact any state officer or visit our website: www.paayrshires.com

55 memberships in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.

President: Dan Baumgardner , Dillsburg, PA Phone 717-432-3169 Vice President: Sharon Nolan, Cochranville, PA Phone: Home- 610-593-7465 Secretary/Treasurer: Lori Baumgardner, Dillsburg, PA Phone:717-432-3169

to the 2015 National Ayrshire Convention The Baumgardner Family

Dan, Lori, Justin (Jud), Amy, Nate, Katie, and Rebekah Dillsburg, PA 717-432-3169 l wildcowz@ptd.net Visitors Always Welcome!

Attending the National Convention? Stop in at our farm for a visit, before, during, or after the convention. We are located just 90 minutes east from Raystown and just 30 minutes east from Harrisburg Airport. Hope to see you there. For Directions, call: 717-821-6266

Maulfair Acres Farm Dale & Pattie Maulfair Jamie, Daryl, Jennifer, David & Rachel Maulfair

400 S. Center St. Jonestown, PA 17038 l (717) 865-6439

May/June 2015

TIMBERLAWN FARM Stop in and see us in June! Susan Edwards

610.869.8286 l 320 Prange Road, West Grove, PA 19390


10 Ayrshire Digest

May/June 2015


2015 Ayrshire National Convention Tours

Tuesday, June 23 & Thursday, June 25 – Free Time at Lake Raystown On Tuesday throughout the day and Thursday afternoon before the sale preview, convention-goers are welcome to explore the beautiful Lake Raystown at their own pace. The Raystown Lake Recreation Area welcomes nearly 2 million visitors per year to the lake and the public land surrounding it for world-class fishing, hiking, hunting, mountain biking, boating, picnics and more in scenery that has been rated as some of the 100 Best Scenic Views in America by ReserveAmerica.com’s The Camping

Club! Raystown Lake is a popular spot for swimming and water skiing for all ages. Lovers of the outdoors will enjoy everything the area has to offer. Check out the two-hour sightseeing cruise where bald eagles are often spotted. Try one of the various hiking trails, which range from “gentle jaunts” to “longer and worth it.” If you’re looking for entertainment, there is everything nearby from a movie theater, a summer amphitheater series, a playhouse, a music festival starting June 25th, an alpaca farm, golfing, cruises, and plenty of historic sites to tour. Adventurous learners

100 Head of the Right Kind Sell! Ayrshires | R & W | B & W | Guernseys | Jerseys Brown Swiss | Milking Shorthorns

Sponsored by: Hillpoint Partners • Sunshine Genetics • Elite Dairy

A unique offering of Quality Genetics Deep Cow Family Roots - Genomics - Top Show Type

A Small Select Group of Ayrshires Sell

Grand-View BBBK Dreamer “3E93”

Sharwards Calimero Megan “Ex94-3E” 6-2 326d 23,310 4.2 978 3.3 760 Selling a Woodland-View Pardner Jr. 2 This popluar 4x All American has a Palmyra prospect from Dreamer due 9/1 with an Eiffel Reality Gibbs March calf selling. heifer calf. Grand View/Hillpoint Kurt Wolf/Mike Maier Other specials sell from the Grand-View “D” family including a 3/15 Riggins from Dreamer making her a potential 9th generation “Ex” with All American and Res. All American sisters. Another potential 9th generation “Ex” from Sumtotal “Ex94-2E”. It doesn’t get any better! Sale Directed by “Like” us on facebook for updates @modernassociatesales

4-9 365d 24,310 4.4 1059 3.3 807

We are accepting a few quality consignments. MODERN ASSOCIATES 937.477.6304 email: cowstama@ctcn.net

Contact us if you’d like to participate Wayne E. Sliker 937.477.6304 8409 Runkle Rd., St. Paris, Ohio 43072

can also take classes in everything from fish “catching,” fly fishing, scuba diving, and a variety of other outdoor activities. There are boat rentals, museums, parks and trails, and even a nearby winery! In addition, there is plenty of choice in dining as well as shopping. Information from www. raystown.org. Visit this site for more info! Wednesday, June 24, Farm Tours Jenny Poole, Dunbar Ferens Farm is an LLC consisting of Jenny Poole, her grandparents, mother and aunt. Jenny’s mother Patty Holchin is the farm manager. The farm milks 25 Ayrshires along with 100 Holsteins, Jerseys and crossbreeds in a double-8 herringbone parlor. The cows are fed TMR and the Ayrshires have a RHA of 16,800M. The herd also has an impressive somatic cell of 50,000, which perennially ranks among the lowest in the state. The low somatic cell is one of Jenny’s favorite things about the Ayrshire. Jenny purchased her first two Ayrshires in 1991. The entire Ayrshire herd at Ferens Farm goes back to these two maternal sisters. Jenny does evening milkings at the farm along with managing the paperwork and the show string. She also keeps busy with four children and her husband Eric’s separate dairy farm, Tomahawk Claim! Mowry Homestead, Roaring Spring Jason Mowry is the herdsman and the sole full-time employee of Mowry Homestead of Roaring Spring, which is owned by his father. Mowry Homestead milks 60 Ayrshires, Holsteins (primarily Red & White), and Milking Shorthorns. They just began milking their first generation Ayrshire/Holstein crosses as well. The farm has been incredibly successful in the showring, with 16 Ayrshire, three Red & White and one Milking Shorthorn AllAmerican Nominations. Jason was also the recipient of the 2013 ABA Outstanding Young Breeder Award. The farm stands on 365 acres, most of which is rented out to pay for feed. The herd is also grazed. Mowry Homestead is currently transitioning to its third generation of family ownership. Jason’s wife Holly, as well as his brother, two sisters and nephews and nieces help out on the farm as needed. Hameau Farm, Belleville Audrey Gay Rodgers is the owner and operator of Hameau Farm, the final stop on Wednesday’s farm tours. She carries on the “Plum Bottom” prefix that her father, John Reed Rodgers, began. John continues to be a “consultant” at the farm today. In 1951, John’s uncle, A. Reed Hayes Jr., allowed him to learn about the Ayrshire breed. John soon began his own herd. The farm’s history runs deep and the Rodgers’ success Cont. on pg. 17

12 Ayrshire Digest

New York Ayrshire Breeders

Jim Curtis, President 315.655.8909 | Jim Patsos, Jr., Vice-President 315.568.2470 Joan Curtis, Secretary 315.655.8909 Kathleen Haynes Randall, Treasurer 315.696.8353 | Diana Curtis, Youth Director 315.289.3074

KLER-VU FARM Doug & Kathe Evans & Family

4106 Davenport Road, Georgetown, NY 13072 315.837.4777 Andrew: 315.750.0719 Greg: 315.456.8283

Kler-Vue Jelly Bean EX-92 2-09 365D 22,911M 4.5% 1,035F 3.3% 763P 3-10 343D 21,270M 4.8% 1,021F 3.3% 701P

Watch for her Sr.2-Year-Old in the National Convention Sale. She is sired by Billick and is fresh and ready to roll! She is part of the Andrea family- the only family that has had 3 Grand Champions @ Expo.

Tom Gillette

5137 Old State Rte. 12, Lyons Falls , N.Y. 13368 315.348.8681 email: jgillette@southlewis.org

May/June 2015

sunnyacresayrshires@gmail.com Mandacres Herman Juangela 1st Produce All-American Dairy Show - Harrisburg

Mandacres Showstar Ju-Louise

Mandacres Ayrshires

Sal & Jeanne Licata & Amanda Rottingen 263 Petkewec Road, Cooperstown, NY 13326 607-293-7392


14 Ayrshire Digest

May/June 2015


16 Ayrshire Digest

Vermont Ayrshire Club, Inc. Dates to remember:

NE Ayrshire Sale - October 17 at the Fairgrounds, Rutland, VT

VT Ayrshire Club Annual Meeting October 25 - Grange Hall, East Bethel, VT President: Linwood Huntington (802) 866-5438 Vice President: Lori Before (802) 334-8198 Secretary/Treasurer: Arlene Conant (802) 728-5283

Vermont - a good place to buy good Ayrshires...

STEEL WHEEL DAIRY Kelly & Renee Burke

149 Stewart Rd., Berlin, VT 05602 (802) 223-7927 - farm l (802) 793-6199 - cell

Only an Ayrshire will do! 73rd New England Ayrshire Sale October 17 Sale at Vermont State Fairgrounds 175 S Main St., Rutland, VT Information needed on Consignments to advertise by Aug. 1 for Digest. Pedigree sheets need to be to sale chairman by Sept. 15 for catalog. For catalogs & information, contact...

Lin Huntington, Sale Mgr.

3661 Rte. 5N Newbury, VT 05051 (802) 866-5438 ph/ (802)356-2710 cell/(802) 866-5429 fax

Good Oak Farm

Waiting on green pastures so the tank fills faster!

Jim, Tina, James, Summer & Arliss 1523 Gilman Rd., Bethel, VT 05032 l 802.234.9588 Jim & Bev 8 Russell Rd., Tunbridge, VT 05077 l 802.763.8803 Cont. from pg. 12

in the show ring is known by most Ayrshire breeders. What makes Hameau Farm especially unique is the all-girls camp that gives young girls the opportunity to experience life on a farm. The program is designed to show girls they have the same opportunities as boys in the world of agriculture, and teaches them about caring for farm animals and a variety of outdoor activities. They also offer a variety of other programs for the public. May/June 2015

Visitors are always welcome! Gordon and Sons (802) 866-5439 Lin & Florrie (802) 866-5438

CR Farm

CR-Farm Tofs Jennie 2E 135,922M CR-Farm Julio’s Merissa

3661 Route 5 North on U.S. Rt. 5 Newbury, VT 05051 Fax: (802) 866-5429


119,788M These are the kind of cows we breed for!

Good luck to all the youth competing at the National Convention Arrowhead Farm The Devino Family l Milton, VT l 802.343.0966

Classification Schedule 2015 To participate in the classification program, breeders must submit an application to the ABA by the tour deadlines listed below. Contact the ABA office at 614335-0020 if you need assistance. 2015 Classification Tour* July New York Apps due May 15 August Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Northern Illinois Apps due June 15 September Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana Apps due July 15 17

18 Ayrshire Digest

May/June 2015






For full pedigree information visit the website at www.usayrshire.com SIRE: PALMYRA TRI-STAR REALITY 100369452 ABS GLOBAL, DEFOREST, WI DAM: PALMYRA RAVEN S. GINGER 100330199 DAM’S SCORE: 89 PALMYRA REALITY BRAZIL 69261831 97.68% AYR Semen eligible for export including EU +713M +34F +25P +2.89SCS +0.8PL -0.2DPR +268NM$ +0.9TYPE P9 7AY100 RIPPLING-BROOK BURDETTE HUBERT 70399674 96.68% AYR PALMYRA TRI-STAR REALITY 100369452 GPTA: +1084M +29F +30P +3.00SCS +1.3PL +0.6DPR +253NM$ +0.3TYPE PALMYRA CALIMERO R BETHANY-ET 65003047 95.37% AYRSHIRE PVALUE: P8 90 SIRE: PALMYRA TRI-STAR BURDETTE-ET 100419568 Semen eligible for export including EU DAM: RIPPLING-BROOK CHAL HILDA 100474613 93.37% AYR DAM’S SCORE: 82 ACCELERATED GENETICS, BARABOO, WI Semen eligible for export including EU FAMILY-AF-AYR REM DBL BARREL-ET 100601945 97.68% AYR 7AY101 BLIND-BUCK-VALLEY TRI PRIDE-ET 100644003 -687M -31F -17P +3.23SCS +0.2PL +1.6DPR -156NM$ +1.2TYPE GPTA: +405M +2F +13P +2.88SCS -1.0PL -1.1DPR +27NM$ +0.2TYPE NA PVALUE: P5 MAPLEBURN REMINGTON-ET 10316238 (CAN) SIRE: PALMYRA TRI-STAR 150440 FAMILY-AF-AYR CALIMERO DYNAMO 100470495 95.37% AYR DAM: BLIND BUCK VALL SOL REDPEPPER 100428210 94-3E DAM’S SCORE: 94-2E Semen eligible for export including EU Semen eligible for export including EU PALMYRA CALIMERO BLACKJACK-ET 69261843 95.37% AYR 7AY102 MONT COMI SOUNDWAVE-ET 106182235 (CAN) 98.84% AYR +432M +8F +11P +2.99SCS +0.2PL -0.6DPR +96NM$ +1.1TYPE GPTA: +399M +20F +10P +3.02SCS +0.9PL -0.9DPR +148NM$ +0.4TYPE P6 PVALUE: P6 MARGOT CALIMERO 10310847 (CAN) 90.75% AYR SIRE: PALMYRA BINGO-ET 104295176 (CAN) PALMYRA TRI-STAR BROOKE-ET 65000848 DAM: MONT COMI REALITY SWAN 103011279 (CAN) 97.68% AYR 90 DAM’S SCORE: 91 (CAN) Semen eligible for export including EU Semen eligible for export including EU MAPLE-DELL BURDETTE DEMPSEY-ET 65302787 7AY103 SHARWARDS DIPLOMAT 70984512 87.03% AYR -20M +11F +13P +2.80SCS +1.6PL -0.2DPR +197NM$ +1.8TYPE GPTA: +386M +20F +18P +2.88SCS +1.3PL +0.1DPR +199NM$ 0.0TYPE P8 PVALUE: P6 PALMYRA TRI-STAR BURDETTE-ET 100419568 SIRE: KAMOURASKA MANDARIN 103388551 (CAN) 85.19% AYR MAPLE-DELL TRIDENT DEE-ET 100510791 DAM: SHARWARDS NORMANDIN DELTA 100515899 88.87% AYR 93-3E #57 HIGH CPI COW DAM’S SCORE: 85 Semen eligible for export including EU Semen eligible for export including EU SELWOOD VISSERDALE SIGMA 11333395 (CAN) 89.43% AYR 7AY104 BAR-VUE BUCKY-ET 71705772 95.97% AYR +1036M +33F +29P +2.94SCS -0.6PL +0.3DPR +205NM$ -0.2TYPE GPTA: +462M +31F +21P +2.86SCS +3.4PL +0.7DPR +326NM$ +0.5TYPE P8 PVALUE: P8 SELWOOD GAMMA 9756870 (CAN) 90% AYR SIRE: JELYCA OBLIQUE 7407843 (CAN) 91.95% AYR VISSERDALE NOR SUNBEAM 8955850 (CAN) 88.87% AYR DAM: BAR-VUE BURT SARA 64343543 92-2E (CAN) DAM’S SCORE: 90 Semen eligible for export including EU Semen eligible for export including EU BAR-VUE BUTCH-ET 70514670 95.97% AYR 7AY105 SHARWARDS RIGGINS DARRYL 100654466 97.68% AYR +303M +22F +14P +2.77SCS +3.5PL +1.0DPR +295NM$ +0.7TYPE GPTA: 0M +20F +4P +3.04SCS +0.9PL +0.5DPR +128NM$ +0.8TYPE P8 PVALUE: P6 JELYCA OBLIQUE 7407843 (CAN) 91.95% AYR SIRE: PALMYRA POKER RIGGINS-ET 65459499 BAR-VUE BURT SARA 64343543 DAM: SHARWARDS CALIMERO KERRY 100515880 95.37% AYR 90 DAM’S SCORE: 92-2E #83 HIGH CPI COW Semen eligible for export including EU Semen eligible for export excluding EU HAWKSFIELD JAMISON P 100674164 7AY106 BEAR-AYR DREAMER DANTE-ET 840003012232005 94.9% AYR -24M -7F -3P +2.87SCS +0.3PL +0.9DPR +4NM$ +0.9TYPE GPTA: +150M +20F +6P +2.89SCS +0.2PL +0.3DPR +108NM$ +0.4TYPE NA PVALUE: NA PALMYRA TRI-STAR BURDETTE-ET 100419568 SIRE: NEXUS DREAMER 103734662 (CAN) 89.81% AYR ELITE-HAWK JESSAMINE P-ET 100511907 DAM: SHARWARDS MODEM DEMI-ET 66726818 92-2E DAM’S SCORE: 88 Semen eligible for export including EU Semen eligible for export including EU GENEX/CRI, SHAWANO, WI 7AY107 PALMYRA BENDIG ROUSH-ET 71350693 GPTA: +856M +41F +26P +3.00SCS +1.3PL -1.7DPR +271NM$ +1.1TYPE ANMAR JUPITER JOEY 1010 840003007525611 86.42% AYR PVALUE: P7 +897M +42F +32P +2.77SCS +1.0PL +1.4DPR +310NM$ +0.1TYPE SIRE: PALMYRA JERRY BENDIG-ET 100323168 P9 DAM: PALMYRA POKER LH ROSY-ET 66596106 KILDARE JUPITER-ET 101034046 (CAN) 82.85% AYR DAM’S SCORE: 92 ANMAR HUMOUR JOSEPHINE-ET 62953781 90% AYR Semen eligible for export including EU 85 Semen eligible for export including EU 7AY108 PALMYRA CALIMERO LH RANEY-ET 69261850 95.37% AYR GPTA: +242M +11F +5P +2.93SCS +2.4PL +0.8DPR +163NM$ +0.7TYPE CONEBELLA PERCY’S SIREN 70479091 96.5% AYR PVALUE: P7 +1044M +46F +35P +2.66SCS -0.3PL -0.6DPR +299NM$ +0.7TYPE SIRE: MARGOT CALIMERO 10310847 (CAN) 89.81% AYR P9 DAM: GALNEY-EPC L.H. ROSY-ET 100110610 KILDARE PERCY-ET 103036515 (CAN) 93% AYR DAM’S SCORE: 90 CONEBELLA BURDETTE’S SEREN 100486069 Semen eligible for export including EU 91-2E Semen eligible for export including EU 7AY109 MAPLE-DELL O DIXON-ET 65302749 95.97% AYR GPTA: +117M +42F +20P +2.87SCS +2.6PL +0.5DPR +328NM$ +1.0TYPE ECUAFARM BURDETTE FIREFOX 72491547 96.1% AYR PVALUE: P9 +796M +31F +33P +2.77SCS +1.7PL +0.5DPR +333NM$ +1.0TYPE SIRE: JELYCA OBLIQUE 7407843 (CAN) 91.95% AYR P8 DAM: MAPLE-DELL TRIDENT DEE-ET 100510791 PALMYRA TRI-STAR BURDETTE-ET 100419568 DAM’S SCORE: 93-3E #57 HIGH CPI COW VAN-DE ORKKO FIREFLY FOXFIRE 67541035 92.21% AYR Semen eligible for export excluding EU 90 #7 HIGH CPI COW Semen eligible for export including EU TAURUS-ST, MEHOOPANY, PA SELECT SIRES, PLAIN CITY, OH 76AY0757 PALMYRA REALITY BRADOCK-ET 69261803 97.68% AYR GPTA: +521M +33F +16P +2.98SCS +0.6PL 0.0DPR +200NM$ +0.4TYPE ANMAR JUPITER NEPTUNE 1067 840003007525668 91.42% AYR PVALUE: P8 +999M +37F +27P +2.77SCS +1.2PL +0.6DPR +279NM$ +0.6TYPE SIRE: PALMYRA TRI-STAR REALITY 100369452 P8 DAM: PALMYRA CALIMERO R. BAILEY-ET 65003048 95.37% AYR KILDARE JUPITER-ET 101034046 (CAN) 82.85% AYR DAM’S SCORE: 91 #24 HIGH CPI COW ANMAR KOOL JONI 100449345 Semen eligible for export 91 Semen eligible for export including EU 76AY759 BLIND-BUCK-VALLEY POKERS PEDRO-ET 100609185 GPTA: +135M +7F +9P +2.85SCS +1.1PL -0.2DPR +119NM$ +0.5TYPE PALMYRA REALITY GIBBS-ET 69261849 PVALUE: P5 +654M +24F +10P +2.95SCS +0.9PL -0.3DPR +158NM$ +0.6TYPE SIRE: DES CHAMOIS POKER-ET 8401621 (CAN) P7 DAM: BLIND BUCK VALL SOL REDPEPPER 100428210

20 Ayrshire Digest

DAM’S SCORE: 94-2E Semen eligible for export 76AY0760 GPTA: PVALUE: SIRE: DAM: DAM’S SCORE:

FAMILY-AF-AYR REALITY DAZZLE-ET 100605350 +206M +24F +4P +2.81SCS +2.7PL +0.5DPR +221NM$ +1.0TYPE P7 PALMYRA TRI-STAR REALITY 100369452 FAMILY-AF-AYR CORNELIUS DAISY 100136647 94-5E Semen eligible for export


PLUM-BOTTOM BURDETTE RYDER 100662014 +164M +4F +9P +2.90SCS -1.1PL -0.6DPR +32NM$ +0.4TYPE NA PALMYRA TRI-STAR BURDETTE-ET 100419568 PLUM-BOTTOM LENNON RHODIE 100582064 87 Semen eligible for export


7 OAKS BURDETTE ALASKA 72511710 94.92% AYR +940M +52F +40P +2.88SCS +1.6PL 0.0DPR +408NM$ +1.5TYPE P9 PALMYRA TRI-STAR BURDETTE-ET 100419568 VAN-DE PHOENIX CORKY ARIZONA 67341233 89.85% AYR 87 #1 HIGH CPI COW Semen eligible for export


KELLCREST FLASH MCQUEEN-ET 107949064 (CAN) +329M +17F +6P +2.84SCS +2.0PL -0.8DPR +162NM$ +0.5TYPE P5 PALMYRA TRI-STAR REALITY 100369452 KELLCREST FENELLA-ET 103495578 (CAN) 92-4E (CAN) Semen eligible for export


DE LA PLAINE VICKING-ET 107961868 (CAN) +131M +21F +11P +2.68SCS +1.9PL -0.5DPR +225NM$ +1.0TYPE P7 PALMYRA TRI-STAR BURDETTE-ET 100419568 FOREVER SCHOON PING 7991001 (CAN) 94 (CAN) Semen eligible for export


LEGACE MONDIAL 108212349(CAN) +610M +40F +14P +2.78SCS +1.8PL -0.5DPR +284NM$ +0.3TYPE P6 PALMYRA BINGO-ET 104295176 (CAN) LAGACE REALITY MOREEN 106261721 (CAN) 85 (CAN) Semen eligible for export


FOREVER SCHOON PERFECTER 11721987(CAN) 91.29% AYR +690M +44F +28P +2.81SCS +1.4PL -0.3DPR +333NM$ +0.8TYPE P7 KAMOURASKA ROCKSTAR 104347733 (CAN) 87.22% AYR FOREVER SCHOON PERFECTA-ET 9590992 (CAN) 95.37% AYR 96-2E (CAN) Semen eligible for export



FOREVER SCHOON PREDATOR-ET 11119921 (CAN) +590M +41F +20P +2.93SCS 0.0PL -1.0DPR +228NM$ +0.6TYPE P8 PALMYRA TRI-STAR REALITY 100369452 FOREVER SCHOON PRETTY 7441960 (CAN) 93-2E (CAN) Semen eligible for export


FAUCHER MIDAS-ET 107379169 (CAN) 97.68% AYR +810M +29F +22P +2.94SCS 0.0PL +0.1DPR +198NM$ +1.2TYPE P8 PALMYRA TRI-STAR BURDETTE-ET 100419568 FAUCHER CALIMERO MEDIA 103504307 (CAN) 95.37% AYR 93-2E (CAN) Semen eligible for export excluding EU


PALMYRA BURDETTE LH RONDO-ET 70270075 +339M +16F +10P +2.86SCS +1.6PL +0.2DPR +179NM$ +1.2TYPE P8 PALMYRA TRI-STAR BURDETTE-ET 100419568 GALNEY-EPC L.H. ROSY-ET 100110610 90 Semen eligible for export excluding EU


FAUCHER OPPORTUNITY-ET 106675549 (CAN) +335M +23F +11P +3.03SCS -0.5PL -0.3DPR +105NM$ +0.3TYPE P6 PALMYRA TRI-STAR REALITY 100369452 FAUCHER LOTO OPA 102635126 (CAN) 96-4E (CAN) Semen eligible for export


DES COTEAUX VOLKA-ET 108212350 (CAN) 87.31% AYR +916M +52F +35P +2.94SCS +1.8PL +0.6DPR +388NM$ +0.1TYPE P8 KAMOURASKA VOLVO-ET 106530705 (CAN) 87.22% AYR LAGACE OBLIQUE MONICA 106261731 (CAN) 87.4% AYR 83 (CAN) Semen eligible for export


MONT COMI SHOCKWAVE-ET 106182247 (CAN) 98.84% AYR +514M +21F +8P +2.95SCS +1.1PL -0.9DPR +144NM$ +0.2TYPE P6 PALMYRA BINGO-ET 104295176 (CAN) MONT COMI REALITY SWAN 103011279 (CAN) 97.68% AYR 91 (CAN) Semen eligible for export


DU MURIER LEMKEN 108181662 (CAN) 96.83% AYR +15M +33F +9P +2.91SCS -0.9PL 0.0DPR +131NM$ +0.4TYPE P5 FOREVER SCHOON PREDATOR 11119921 (CAN) DU MURIER LICORICE 106973858 (CAN) 93.66% AYR 86 (CAN) Semen eligible for export



TERRACE BANK FREE BEER-ET 106437377 (CAN) 95.37% AYR +569M +4F +7P +3.05SCS +0.1PL +1.0DPR +41NM$ +0.7TYPE NA MARGOT CALIMERO 10310847 (CAN) 90.75% AYR BLACKADDAR OLYMPIC MODEL 10314575 (CAN) 96-4E (CAN) Semen eligible for export

May/June 2015



Good Day from Pennsylvania!

his much, of course, is common knowledge….time has arrived to mark your calendar for the 140th Annual Meeting and Grand National Sale of the Ayrshire Breeders’ Association on June 22-26, 2015. Please accept the invitation of the Pennsylvania Ayrshire Breeders’ Association, and from West Virginia and New Jersey, to join us in Central Pennsylvania for a convention that highlights a different region than Pennsylvania sites of the past. Lake Raystown Resort in Huntingdon County brings water, woodlands, and meadows together for a breathtaking venue for our Ayrshire breeders’ meeting. This family vacation site offers many outdoor activities for young and old including boating, a waterpark or just plain watching the Bald Eagles fly from their protected sites along the Lake. The youth events take place on Tuesday, June 23rd. On Wednesday you will have a golden opportunity to visit three farms on our farm tour. If your heart beats faster at the sight of Ayrshires all day, then this trip is for you. Never before included on a national convention tour, each of these three farms offers something unique. As we travel through the beautiful high vistas and rolling valleys, we will visit “Jenny’s

By ABA Region 1 Director Susan Edwards

Ayrshires” owned by Jennifer Poole of Dunbar. Jenny, a quiet, unassuming young lady has a strong determination to breed an Ayrshire herd that will impress you. Her entire herd traces back to two maternal sisters out of the dam, Maple-Dell Iris Erica. Through an outstanding eye for sires that have benefited her herd, she has produced several highly classified Ayrshires. With her husband, Eric, a lifetime Guernsey breeder, they have formed a family unit as neighboring family farms working as one. Jenny houses her Ayrshires at her grandparents home farm which includes 25 Ayrshires in milk and 20 heifers. The family milks 110 cows including 40 Guernseys. They have four young children, ages 2-11, named Jacob, Breann, Audrey, and Landon, who will hopefully, will be future Ayrshire enthusiasts. As we continue to the Mowry Homestead Farm, a stop at the Flight 93 Memorial site will feel very emotional if you remember the 9/11 events. Jason Mowry, our National Sale chairman, who married Holly last summer, hosts our next visit to his mixed breed herd. A well-known exhibitor on the tanbark trail, Jason is blessed with a wonderful extended family. They continue close-to-the-land traditions and support his dedication to

the Ayrshire breed. Acquisitions of several Excellent Ayrshires in his early years quickly improved his herd so that his prefix appears in several All- American nominations and production awards. He has always impressed me, for someone so young, to work with young sires with great success. His advertising and promotion of the Ayrshire breed as well as overseeing our Pennsylvania Spring Sales deserves respect. Our finale is Hameau Farm, Plum Bottom Ayrshires, owned by Gay and John Rodgers, whose family history goes back to the settlement of “The Big Valley”. I remember visiting as a youth, John’s uncles farms with Ayrshire herds in the valley for summer Field Days, A. Reed Hayes, Heide Farms and Cliff Rice. I hope you got to read some of John’s articles to see how a kid was influenced by these men to pursue his 63 years of promoting Ayrshires. His daughter, Gay, will be your host for dinner and she will show how her camp works hand-inhand with her Ayrshire operation. Following our Annual Meeting and Banquet on Thursday, “The Grand National Sale” takes place on Friday, June 26th at noon, and will be located at Morningstar Farm, 2250 Entriken Rd., Entriken, PA Cont. on pg. 27

22 Ayrshire Digest

Ohio Ayrshire Breeders’ Association

A Big Thank You to All Buyers and Consignors for making our Ohio Ayrshire Spring Sale a Huge Success! The Ohio Ayrshire Annual Picnic & Meeting will be hosted by Dick Dirkson and Family in Kenton Ohio on July 12, 2015 with a carry-in lunch at noon followed by the meeting. President: Tom Wolf: 330-567-3486 Secretary: Patti Kennedy: 419-234-7013

Elm-Ayr Farm

A GREAT start to Spring! Congratulations to Cody & Corey Jodrey and Emerald Farms Burdette Nutmeg for winning Grand of the junior show and Honorable Mention Grand at the Ohio Spring Show. Emerald-Farms Zippy Rose was Res. Jr. Champion of the Kentucky National Show!

We would like the thank Kurt Wolf for his high quality Winter Calf consignment to the Ohio Ayrshire Spring Sale. We are excited to add her to our herd and look forward to showing her this summer! Ron & Patti Kennedy & Family 9440 Sugar Creek Rd., Harrod, OH 45850 419.234.7013 kennedyelmayr@embarqmail.com

Tom Wolf & family

Spring-Run Farms

5729 Brown Road Shreve, Ohio 44676 330-567-3417 vwolf4141@embarqmail.com

Registered Ayrshires Since 1956

Thank you To The buyers aT The spring Dairy expo ayrshire sale. We haD a greaT

Thank you to the buyers of our heifers at the Ohio Spring Ayrshire Sale and the Kentucky National Sale. Best wishes to Eric Shaefer with Emerald-Farms Burdette Mohawk & Charles Branstetter with Emerald-Farms Zippy Rose.

TurnouT anD appreciaTe The supporT for The

ohio Junior ayrshire club!

Richard B. Chapman Richard “Dick” Bradley Chapman died peacefully Monday, March 9, 2015, at his home in Rutland, Vermont. He showed tremendous courage and integrity living through the last years of his life with cancer. Dick was born July 17, 1935, to Robert and Florence (Kirby) Chapman in the family homestead that dates back to preRevolutionary War time and sheltered Ethan Allen and his boys during the war. Dick was raised on and worked the family farm that dates back nine generations. He graduated from West Rutland High School in 1953. He received his Bachelor’s from U.V.M. with a degree in animal husbandry. Following college, Dick worked at Fairdale Farms in Bennington and as an artificial breeder for A.B.S. From a young age, Dick was passionate about Ayrshire cows, perfecting the breed, and the overall dairy industry. At an early age, Dick wrote a national winning essay sponsored by the Ayrshire Breeders Association and was awarded a prized May/June 2015

Emerald Farms

22050 SR 136, Winchester, OH 45697 l 937-695-0697


heifer. Dick followed it up by joining 4-H, where he sharpened his natural public speaking and leadership skills. This forum allowed him to also fine tune his abilities to judge dairy cattle. As the depths of Dick’s knowledge in the science of breeding Ayrshires grew, so did his dreams to build his own dairy farm. He took great pride in this pursuit, resulting in one of the first low-line, gravity-flow milking systems. This design signified many of Dick’s character traits: compassion for relieving stress on cows, efficiency for the busy farmer and modernization of the field. Dick had a multitude of successes in breeding “North Country Ayrshires” that would go on to win both nominations and awards nationally here and in Canada. Dick’s knack for matching up dams and sires to attain a “perfect” cow in body type and milk production continues to be admired by many. Beginning in the early ’60s, Dick developed his agribusiness under the umbrella of I.B.A. Over a span of nearly

20 years, Dick experienced many business successes. As a distributor of dairy farm products, he felt strongly about curbing the cost to farmers. In the early ’80s, Dick had the courage and innovation to go out on his own and manufacture dairy farm cleaners and teat dips himself under the name of North Country Dairy Supply. Through his hard work and success, Dick was able to travel to some of the biggest and best cow shows in the country. Highlights from his lifetime include many visits to Madison, Wisconsin, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and Toronto, Canada. He is survived by his former wife, Mary (Lovett) Chapman; and four children and their spouses, Lori Chapman, Lisa Chapman, Karen Ames (Roger) and Richard W. Chapman (Christie Wright). He is also survived by eight grandchildren. In addition, Dick is survived by five siblings, several nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers, donations in Dick’s memory may be sent to the Rutland County 4-H Foundation, P.O. Box 1255 Rutland, VT 05701. 23

Step up to the automatic waterer that operates with precision and free yourself from the hassles of buckets and tanks. It’s like adding more hours to your day. Whatever your needs are, Ritchie has your solution.

Let us hook you up.


24 Ayrshire Digest

May/June 2015


26 Ayrshire Digest

Cont. from pg. 22

Queen cont. from pg. 4

16638 located approx. 3 miles from the resort. Donna Mertz, DVM will highlight sale animals on the ABA Facebook page. Consignments are looking good. Visit www.2015ayrshirenationalconvention.com for more information. ~ Susan Edwards

I could never repay you guys for! Thank you for giving me the opportunity of a lifetime. It truly has seemed like a dream and I am grateful for that! I cannot wait to see everyone at convention in Pennsylvania (juniors don’t forget to apply for your contest). Until then, take care! ”Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion…” –Philippians 1:6 -Kailey

usayrshire.com usayrshire.com usayrshire.com pages/Ayrshire-Digest

May/June 2015

Contact Purebred Publishing at 614.339.5394 to advertise your fall sale consignments in the July/August issue today!

Advertising Deadline June 22


28 Ayrshire Digest

May/June 2015


30 Ayrshire Digest

May/June 2015


32 Ayrshire Digest

Advertising Index ABA Grand National Sale.................. 35 All-American Dairy Show.................... 21 Arrowhead Farm................................... 16 Conebella Farm........................................9 Barrens View Farm..................................9 CR Farm.................................................. 16 Eastern States Expo.............................. 18 Elm-Ayr Farm......................................... 23 Emerald Farms....................................... 23 Good Oak Farm................................... 16 Hall’s Ayrshire...........................................3 Jenny’s Ayrshires................................... 22 Kler-Vue.................................................. 13 Lin Huntington Sales.............................. 16 Lone Birch Ayrshires.................................2 Maple Dell Ayrshires............................ 13 Mandacres Farm................................... 13 Maulfair Acres Ayrshires................ 9, 22 Modern Associates................................ 12 Mowry Homestead Farm..................... 27 My-Line Ayrshires.....................................8 New York Ayrshire Breeders’.............. 13 Ohio ABA................................................ 23 Pennsylvania ABA.....................................9 Plum Bottom Farm............................ 9, 26 Ritchie Fountains.................................... 24 Select Sires............................................. 33 Smith Bros............................................... 26 Spring-Run Farms.................................. 23 Steel Wheel........................................... 16 Sunny Acres............................................ 13 Timberlawn...............................................9 Vermont Ayrshire................................... 16 Visserdale........................................25, 34 West Meadow Ayrshires...................... 18 Yarrabee Farms.................................... 36

Correction The wrong picture was inadvertently mislabeled and used. This is the correct photo for the Junior AllAmerican Fall Heifer Class Nominee Rosayre Eiffel’s Denver owned by Brooklyn Peters, Connoquenessing, PA

Visit the Convention website at: http://www.2015ayrshirenationalconvention.com


DEADLINES June 1 - National Youth Ayrshire contest deadlines June 22- Ad deadline for July/August Digest SALES June 26 - Grand National Ayrshire Sale, Pennsylvania July 18 - Summer for Colors Sale, Elkhorn, WI September 30 - World Ayrshire Event Sale, Madison, WI MEETINGS June 23-26 - National Convention, Lake Raystown Resort, PA May/June 2015


34 Ayrshire Digest

May/June 2015


Excellent – 94 – 4E

Sarah Damrow photos • Design Kristy Roose

8X Nominated All-American 1st 4 Year Old, 2008 Central National 1st 5 Year Old, 2009 Southern National 2X All-World, 4X Res. All American 9-4 3X 285d 20690 4.3% 894F 3.5% 719P

Harley is by the great breeding sire Right Angle BBBK Traveler from a Very Good-88 dam with 957F.

Her daughter is Ski-Pal Burdette Hannah Excellent-93-2E 4-9 2X 305d 37270 4.9% 1813F 3.4% 1249P

David & Karen Koss and Family skipalayr@aol.com

Res. All-American Jr. 3 Year Old, 2011. Contact Dave about semen from her Black Jack son.


The Lang Family

Harley is fresh in March, 2015 at age 10-11


with a Riggins son that is available.

Iow Ayr Ayrshires Near Brooklyn, Iowa, Since 1935 36 Ayrshire Digest

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