November 2013 — Guernsey Breeders' Journal
Guernsey Breeders’ Journal — November 2013
November 2013 — Guernsey Breeders' Journal
Scenes from World Dairy Expo......
Guernsey Breeders’ Journal — November 2013
Breeders' Journal
The Official Publication Of The American Guernsey Association Published by Purebred Publishing Inc. • (614)339.5393
November 2013
Volume 182 Number 9
FEATURES NGS-Madison........................................... 10 NJS-Madison............................................ 14 Villa Crest Guernseys................................. 16 New Faces................................................ 17 Sales Reports............................................ 18
AGA Spotlight................................................. 6 AGYA Page................................................... 32 Appraisal Updates......................................... 32 Calendar of Events......................................... 37 Guernsey Grapevine...................................... 22 Index To Advertisers....................................... 37 Obituaries..................................................... 20 Director's Report.............................................. 7 Road Recollections.......................................... 8
It doesn't matter where you are from, Guernseys are just beautiful anywhere in the country. Thanks to Jen Thygesen for capturing Adams Creek Maxim Lydia in her beautiful Vermont setting. Lydia is owned by Peg Delong of New Hampshire. The bottom photo is courtesy of the Manns of Abiqua Acres, Oregon.
This month's cover features scenes from Madison captured by the Purebred Publishing staff. The top photo is an aerial shot of the beautiful four-year-olds in the ring. The bottom photo is the junior champion class for the juniors at Madison. For more on the national shows please see pages 10-15.
Purebred Publishing, Inc.
Editor: Cheri Oechsle 614.339.5393 purebred.editor@gmail.com Assistant Editor & Sales Specialist: Lindsey Rucks 863.634.3187 purebredpublishinglr@gmail.com Assistant Editor & Designer: Ashley Shaffer 614.339.5395 ashffer@usguernsey.com Intern: Jared Smith
The Guernsey Breeders' Journal is owned by the American Guernsey Association, 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43228 (ISSN 0017-5100) (USPS 231-120) The Guernsey Breeders' Journal is published monthly.except for January and July by Purebred Publishing, Inc. 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd., Suite G, Columbus, OH 43228. 614.339.5393. www.purebredpublishing.com, Periodical postage paid at Columbus, OH 43228 and at additional mailing offices. Subscription rates: United States and Canada $20 (US) per year, $50 (US) for 3 years; $30 (US) outside US and Canada; $40 first class mail in US; foreign airmail subscription rates on request. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Guernsey Breeders' Journal, 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd., Suite G, Columbus, OH 43228. To order a subscription or change your address write to Guernsey Breeders' Journal, 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd., Suite G, Columbus, OH 43228. Please include your old address and your new address. Closing date for advertising is the 8th of the month preceding publication date.
Member of the World Guernsey Cattle Federation
November 2013 — Guernsey Breeders' Journal
American Guernsey Association
AGA Spotlight Dave Trotter, Interim Ex. Sec & AGA President
1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd, Suite G Columbus, OH 43228 Ph: 614.864.2409 | Fax: 614.864.5614
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST M-F
OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS President & District 2 (OH & PA) 2013
David Trotter
724.667.1186 • dtrotter6@yahoo.com
he “Golden Focus” has not come to an end, but rather, a new, collaborative focus is taking aim. With the help of the board of directors, staff and the feedback from the association at large, I am taking on a new role as Interim Executive Secretary. I’d like to welcome any comments and suggestions about issues, and I strive to communicate to the best of my ability with all of you. With that being said, feel free to contact me via my new email address: dtrotter6@yahoo.com. On Friday, October 4, 2013 Seth Johnson completed his last day as Executive Secretary, and a reception was held in his honor. Guernsey breeders and those who attended the World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin were invited to share in celebrating the work and dedication that Seth had done for our association. I’d like to say “thank you” to all who made the day so special, including the Wisconsin Guernsey Breeders who helped set up and prepare for the reception. To those who could not attend, I’m sure you will be happy to know that Seth and his family plan to stay involved in the association. We wish him the best of luck in all he does. The membership presented him with an engraved wooden mantel clock and a Guernsey plaque in his honor. The Shulers donated towards the event and are to be greatly thanked. Bonnie Ayars was emcee for the reception, and did an outstanding job, as did the guest speakers, Kyle Thygesen, Jon Lantz, Bobby Griggs, Bernie Heisner, Dale Chupp, Jim Trotter, Brian Schnebly, and Deb Lakey. Purebred Publishing assisted with a Power Point presentation of Seth’s photos as well as a video of Ida Albert with farewell wishes. Our Royalty assisted with serving cake and ice cream. Shannon, Zach and Olivia, thank you for sharing your husband and father with us for all of these years. Seth you will be (are) missed. Since Seth’s resignation announcement, the board has had weekly conference calls and email communications. The winter board meeting is scheduled for the first week of December at the AGA office in Columbus. If anyone has items for the board to discuss, please contact your board represen-
214 Martin School Rd., Enon Valley, PA 16120
tative or myself. We would welcome your view and or suggestions. Recently we hired a new parttime employee for help with accounting. Deb Hoffman is the newest AGA employee. You can read more about Deb on page 17 of this Journal. Please welcome her and I am sure she and the board would appreciate getting your bills paid as we have bills to pay as well. We have appreciated the work of Katie Henson during this interim time. Katie continues to be very helpful. Thank you much! Purebred Publishing has had an intern throughout the summer and has employed the services of an experienced proofreader. Jared Smith is an Agriculture student at Ohio State and continues an internship through this school year. Marlys WeaverStoesz is no stranger to our membership and will be writing for, and proofreading the family of publications produced by Purebred. We welcome them to our association. It is great to say that all 3 of our new staff our eager to work and they all come with plenty of dairy knowledge. Genomics…several of you have been questioning when we will be entering into this new field of tools for use in improving our genetics. Vice-President of Dairy Sire Production and Sales Manager for Select Sires, Inc., Blaine Crosser (friend and AGA member) has been very helpful to us for moving forward with our Genomic Haplotype Research Project. You can read more about this on page 23. Thank you Blaine. We also thank the AGA Foundation for their financial assistance with this project. The board also approved the changes to the PTI /CPI formula and this information was recently shared with USDA for the appropriate changes. You can get the update on page 23. In closing, I am excited to work with all of you in this new position. I am appreciative of my family for their support in this new endeavor, both at home and at the farm. Thank you. AGA members, please have confidence that the board, staff of both AGA and PP, and I will continue to keep your best interests in mind. Morey Miller
Guernsey Breeders’ Journal — November 2013
First Vice President & District 3 (IN, IL, KY & MI) 2016
Emily Hartmann
618.326.7797 • hartdaleguernseys@frontiernet.net 904 S 7th St, Mulberry Grove, IL 62262
Second Vice President & District 4 (WI) 2014
Duane Schuler
608.348.3633 • duane.schuler@gmail.com 1342 HWY 81N, Platteville, WI 53818
District 1 (CT, DE, ME, MD, MA, NH, NJ, NY, RI, VT, WV) 2014
Elizabeth Holcomb
315.786.6356 • bholcomb@adpi.org 21429 Old Rome State Road, Watertown, NY 13601
District 5 (IA, KS, MN, NE, ND & SD) 2015
Donna Anderson
320.395.2023 • dautc2@centurylink.net 3344 165th St, Lester Prairie, MN 55354
District 6 (AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MS, MO, NC, SC, TN & VA) 2017
E. Cline Brubaker
540.483.2071 • gbcline@aol.com 6440 Callaway Rd., Rocky Mount, VA 24151
District 7 (AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NM, NV, OK, OR, TX, UT, WA & WY) 2016
Alan Mann
503.873.4830 • abmann55@gmail.com 17977 Abiqua Rd NE, Silverton, OR 97381
Director At-Large 2017
Chris Lang
Ph: 330.378.4515 l springhill@embarqmail.com 7109 SR 514, Big Prairie, OH 44611
Director At-Large 2015
P. Morey Miller
860.653.7778 • pmoreym@aol.com P.O Box 748, Granby, CT 06035-0748
Golden Guernsey, Inc.
1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd, Suite G, Columbus, OH 43228 Ph: 614.864.2409 | Fax: 614.864.5614
Cont. on pg. 7
American Guernsey Association ADMINISTRATION
Dave Trotter Interim Executive Secretary dtrotter6@yahoo.com | 724.667.1186
Lee Kohler Treasurer
lkohler@avolve.net | 740.756.4533
Ida Albert Records Department Director
ialbert@usguernsey.com | 614.864.2409
Brian Schnebly Programs Coordinator & Youth Director brschnebly@usguernsey.com | 614.339.5392
Deb Hoffman Accounting
accounting@usguernsey.com | 614.339.5396
Journal and Information Cheri Oechsle Editor
Subscriptions - print & online purebred.editor@gmail.com | 614.339.5393
Lindsey Rucks Associate Editor & Ad Sales Specialist purebredpublishinglr@gmail.com | 863.634.3187
Ashley Shaffer Assistant Editor & Graphic Specialist ashaffer@usguernsey.com | 614.339.5395
Jared Smith Intern
Brian Schnebly Appraisal Coordinator Jim Hammerand Extension Jim Trotter
A Word From Your Director Chris Lang ~ springhill@embarqmail.com
ello Guernsey followers. I would first like to thank you for electing me as your at-large director. I am honored and humbled to be serving you and your needs, thoughts, ideas and represent the best interests of the Guernsey cow. Currently, for the AGA, this is a pivotal time that must be handled properly. The past must be embraced, which was full of great leaders, incredible cattle and iconic breeders, but we must move toward the future. Leadership is needed with a firm upper hand that has the capability to oversee finances, which includes cutting costs as needed and watch spending in all areas big or small. Dave Trotter, Morey Miller and Lee Kohler are all going out of their way to help with this transition. Open-minded breeders are vital for any breed organization to be successful and profitable. We use this theory on how we manage our dairy by doing our best to have a capable staff of people working. In addition, a business approach is established, as this is not our hobby and all aspects of the dairy are part of our business plan. The farm is our only source of income and our goal is a profitable cow that is reproductively sound with a low somatic cell count, adequate production and components, and eye appeal. Missed opportunities are something the Guernsey breed cannot afford to encounter anymore. The A2 topic has long been in discussion amongst Guernsey breeders but
very little has been done to capitalize on it. I often get questioned by consumers why the Guernsey breed has such a high concentration of A2 milk but yet very little exists on the shelf. The Holstein breed is rapidly testing nearly all bulls so again....now is the time before it is too late. Recently, genomics has again entered the topic of discussion in regards to Guernseys. This should be viewed as another management tool like 3x/day milking or TMR. Have the information available and it is your choice whether or not you want to use it. It is not a guarantee, just another option for breeding cattle. A positive image at shows can also go a long way and impressions can be everlasting. The way to get respect is to gain respect and remember competition is a good thing! The quality of Guernsey cattle both at the shows and on the farm has risen to new heights in recent years. Lets continue to re-establish the breed in the mainstream dairy population. Our Guernseys and Holsteins at Springhill are housed together in a 300-cow operation and all go through the same double 12 parlor, eat the same feed and are raised together from birth.....with no problems. It is time to take the bull by the horns and utilize the opportunities that exist before it is too late. Once again thank you for the opportunity and if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me anytime.
PA GBA Business Manager | 724.667.0834
The Guernsey Breeders' Journal Published by:
PUREBRED PUBLISHING 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd, Suite G Columbus, OH 43228 Ph: 614.339.5393 | Fax: 614.864.5614 www.purebredpublishing.com purebred.editor@gmail.com
OFFICERS & DIRECTORS President - Morey Miller First Vice President - Alan Mann Second Vice President - Donna Anderson Duane Schuler, Dave Trotter, Emily Hartmann, Beth Holcomb
President cont...
is to be commended for doing a great job heading up PP with Cheri, Ashley and Lindsay’s assistance. Ida and Brian have given me great help, as well as the staff at COBA. Your board has responded intelligently to this recent situation, as well as our Treasure Lee Kohler. Their time during this transition has been greatly appreciated. They all have shown great dedication and commitment to their elected responsibility. We ask for your patience and encouragement during this transition period. Change, which has the stigma of being “hard” for many to ac-
cept, should be looked at in a new perspective: change is an opportunity to take our Guernsey breed to a new level. Let us all stay focused to move in the right direction.
Follow us on: Twitter: @GBJNews Instagram: purebredpub
November 2013 — Guernsey Breeders' Journal
Guernsey Breeders’ Journal — November 2013
Fight Bac is a universal winner At the 2013 World Dairy Expo – the Center of the Dairy Universe – thousands of dairy farmers told us their Fight Bac success stories. We heard countless references to less than 100,000 SCC and reduced costs associated with mastitis. Whether it’s on the show string, fresh cows or the entire herd, people all over the universe are using Fight Bac with out-ofthis-world results.
Congrats to Millborne Hillpoint S Fiesta-ET and exhibitors Miller, Hellenbrand and Vail for winning the Fight Bac Guernsey Gold Futurity. Fight Bac’s owner Geoff Westfall (far right) is a proud 3-Star Sponsor of World Dairy Expo. www.usguernsey.com
nozz° FOR le
Visit www.FightBac.com for more information and call 1-800-656-6007 to order Fight Bac – the smarter way to disinfect teats.
November 2013 — Guernsey Breeders' Journal
Guernsey Show ~ Madison, Wisconsin
he National Guernsey Show at Madison kicked off in style with Judges Gary Estes and Bob Griggs at the helm. As only they can do, their sense of humor, rapport and compatibility was evident as they placed the 150 heifers on Thursday afternoon. Sorting through their classes and finding the winners, at one point Estes commented, “We have 130 plus number of years and shows behind us, so we know what we are doing and we’ll place them how we like them.” And that’s just what they set out to do. The judges pulled out five heifers from their first and second place finishers for their junior champion selection. Leading off was the first place Winter Heifer, Bluemoons L Darby, exhibited by Bill and Linda Blue of Circleville, Ohio, followed by the first place Fall Heifer, Springhill Mentor Jazzy-ET, exhibited by Marshall Overholt of Big Prairie, Ohio. Also pulled for contention was Mulberry Grove, Illinois junior Lauren Robison’s first place Summer Yearling, Hartdale Keystone Summer, the first-place Spring Yearling, Knife Lake Kringle Olympia-ET, owned by Kristen and Jesse Heitke of Mora, Minnesota, and Megan Bushman’s Fall Yearling, Maplehurst Judgments Brilliant from Calmar, Iowa. Estes discussed the merits of all five of these animals, praising their overall balance and style, great feet and legs and good representation of the Guernsey breed. Then he had his compadre, Bobby Griggs shake the hand of their choice for Junior Champion, Maplehurst Judgments Brilliant. Bred by the Forsters of Lynden, Ontario, Canada, “Brilliant” was Junior Champion at the Iowa State Fair and praised by Estes for her dairy character, style and flash. She is a Springhill Judgment daughter out of a VG87 (Canada) Neon dam with over 20,000M. The next dam is also VG87 in Canada with over 185,000M. Tapped for
Reserve Junior Champion was the Ohio State Fair junior champion and fancy winter calf of Blues’, sired by Lightning and backed by a Monarch dam with over 17,000M. Estes praised her for her rib, stretch and great feet and legs. Rounding out their champions was the stylish summer yearling of Lauren Robison, a Friendship Keystone-ET daughter from an 88-point Showtime dam. On Friday morning, Estes and Griggs completed the cow show portion of the NGS-Madison show as 80 Guernsey cows crossed the purple shavings. For Intermediate Champion honors, Estes and Griggs pulled out their first and second place Senior Two-Year-Olds, Millborne Hillpoint S Fiesta-ET and Lavon Farms Gembo Pepper, as well as the first place Junior and Senior Three-Year-Olds, Four Winds MM St. Patty and Up The Creek Super Lux Kazoom-ET. Describing his choice of champion as a big powerful, handy winner, Estes had Griggs shake the hand of his Intermediate Champion, Millborne Hillpoint S Fiesta-ET, the first place Senior TwoYear-Old and Reserve Grand Champion of NGS-Harrisburg. Owned by P. Morey Miller, Hillpoint Partners and Peter Vail, of Granby, Connecticut, this two-time AllAmerican is sired by Spider and backed by a 92-point Tiller dam with records over 23,000M. Also the winner of the Fight Bac Guernsey Gold Futurity, “Fiesta” was named best udder in both the Futurity and Senior Two-Year-Old cow classes. Describing her as “the kind of cow you want to go to the barn each morning for,” Estes then had Griggs tap his Reserve Intermediate Champion, Karen Anderson’s winning Senior Three-Year-Old. Up The Creek Super Lux Kazoom-ET , the 2011 Reserve Junior All-American Senior Yearling was bred and is owned by Karen Anderson of Columbus, Wisconsin. “Kazoom” is a
L-R: National Guernsey Queen, Bethany Trotter; Judge Gar Clara Bell; Morey Miller on the halter of the Res. Grand Ch Guernsey Princess, Laura Jensen. 92-point Super Lux daughter backed by a 90-point Bionic Options daughter with over 20,700M. Four Winds MM St. Patty, owned by L. Tormoehlen, E. Crowshaw, C. and R. Nicely, was tagged for the Honorable Mention Intermediate Champion. The 87-point Magicman has over 20,000M as a two-year-old and backed by two Excellent dams. A tremendous group of four-year-olds, five-year-olds, and aged cows paraded across the colored shavings before the two judges. Pulled into contention for the Senior and Reserve Senior Champion awards were the winning Four-Year-Old, Adams Creek Hillpoint Marsha-ET owned by Adams Creek, Baase and Hillpoint of Bangor, Wisconsin; the winning Five-Year-Old, Lavon Farms Rowe Ready-TW, owned by Lavon Farms of Emory, Texas; and Wee Acres Spider Clara Bell, the first place SixYear-Old-And-Older cow, owned by Cara Woloohojian of West Greenwich, Rhode Island. Griggs was all smiles as he congratulated Cara Woloohojian for Senior Champion of the show as Estes praised her for her strength and udder attachments and overall substance over their Reserve choice, the
Guernsey Breeders’ Journal — November 2013 614.864.2409
ry Estes, Udder Comfort Representative; Susan Woloojohian; Kyle Thygesen; Jim Woloojohian; Cara Woloojohian on the halter of Grand Champion, Wee Acres Spider hampion, Millborne Hillpoint S Fiesta; Peter Vail; Linda and Mike Hellenbrand; Assoc. Judge, Bob Griggs, National Guernsey Princess Rachel Nance and Wisconsin
first place Four-Year-Old. The 93-point, multiple All-American Spider daughter, “Clara Bell” completed a 5-01 record of 19,440M 905F 636P in 323D. The Reserve Senior Champion is a 92-point AllAmerican Tiller daughter from the 94-point Marshdene Magic Mary. Estes and Griggs went with their older cow, Wee Acres Spider Clara Bell for Grand Champion of NGS-Madison, Best Animal Bred and Owned and Best Uddered Cow when the Senior Champions, Intermediate and Junior Champions re-entered the ring for the Grand and Reserve Grand selection. Estes praised her for her overall size, strength and beautiful udder. The Senior Two-Year-Old and Intermediate Champion, Millborne Hillpoint S Fiesta-ET, took home the Reserve Grand Champion honors for owners Miller, Hillpoint and Vail. “She is a great young cow, good feet and legs and a great udder,” said Estes about his Reserve Grand Champion choice. The Nasco International Type and Production award went to Knapps Regis Sissy, owned by Austin and Landen Knapp of Epworth, Iowa with 4-05 365D 29,956F 5.4% 1630F 3.5% 1044P.
L-R: Wisconsin Guernsey Princess, Laura Jensen; National Guernsey Princess Rachel Nance; Cara Woloojohian on the halter of Senior Champion, Wee Acres Spider Clara Bell; Dan Basse; John Erbson on the halter of the Res. Senior Champion, Adams Creek Hillpoint Marsha-ET; Mike and Linda Hellenbrand; Steve and Debbie Nuttleman and National Guernsey Queen, Bethany Trotter.
Cont. on pg. 12
November 2013 — Guernsey Breeders' Journal
The Total Performance Cow Award went to Wee Acres Spider Clara Bell. World Dairy Expo presented a new award this year, the Premier Exhibitor and Premier Breeder of the heifer show in each breed. Hartdale Guernseys, the Hartmanns of Mulberry Grove, Illinois, was the recipient of the Premier Exhibitor of the Heifer Show award. Austin and Landen Knapp of Epworth, Iowa, took home the banners for Premier Breeder of both the heifer and cow shows, as well as the Premier Exhibitor banner of the cow show. Following is the top five placings in each class: Spring Calves (19) 1. Coulee Crest AP Lexi-ET (Indian Acres American Pie), Coulee Crest LLC, Cashton, WI; 2. Millborne HP Bentley Holly, P. Morey Miller & Hillpoint Partners, Granby, CT; 3. Four Winds DC Cashmere-ET, Lauren McDonald, Hartland, WI; 4. Knapps Toolite Regis Trista-ET, Jason Tooley, Granville, NY; 5. Misty Meadows HP Fame Pixar-ET, Randy Peterson & Hillpoint, Wilson, WI Winter Calves (27) 1. Blue Moons L Darby, (Marodore T les Lightning-ET), Bill & Linda Blue, Circleville, OH; 2. Four Winds HP Fame DoreenET, Four Winds & Hillpoint, Hartland, WI; 3. Cedar Way Christmas Miracle, John & Pam Arnold, Waverly, IA; 4. Misty Meadows Rebel Satchel, Beth Anne Clark, New Paris, PA; 5. Bredlau Copper Delanie, Josh Bredlau, Granton, WI Fall Calves (20) 1. Springhill Mentor Jazzy-ET (Mar Ral Royal Mentor-ET), Marshall Overholt, Big Prairie, OH; 2. Coulee Crest Fame Taryn-ET, Foggy River Dairy, Columbus, WI; 3. Coulee Crest Fame Jonna-ET, Clark & Joy Vilter, Hartland, WI; 4. Cedar Way Director Virtue, Pamela Arnold, Waverly, IA; 5. Fudges Aaron Brooke, Sydney Willingham, Gamaliel, KY Summer Yearling (24) 1. Hartdale Keystone Summer (Friendship Keystone-ET), Lauren T. Robison, Mulberry Grove, IL; 2. Misty Meadows Levi SiennaET, Beth Anne Clark, New Paris, PA; 3. Littlefield RR Showtime Bambi, Catherine
Grand Champion Selection
Littlefield-Bush, Lowville, NY; 4. Hartdale Alstar Skittles, Lauren T. Robison, Mulberry Grove, IL; 5. Gurn-Z Meadow Charlie Cherry, Jennifer Orchard, Janesville, WI Spring Yearling (27) 1. Knife Lake Kringle Olympia-ET (Chupps Hillpoint G Dust Kringle-ET), Kristen & Jesse Heitke, Mora, MN; 2. Warwick Manor Jester Lollipop, Karli Stoltzfus, East Earl, PA; 3. Hollow View Kojack Dolly, Scott & Elsie Wolff, Quarryville, PA; 4. Chupps Autumn Gold Sweetheart, Jamie S. Trotter, Enon Valley, PA; 5. Knapps Jackson Quarry, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA Winter Yearling (13) 1. Fudges Jessica Amber (Coulee Spider Lambert-ET), Sydney Willingham, Gamaliel, KY; 2. Warwick Manor Grumpy Aliyah-ET, James Riley, Williamsfield, OH; 3. Knapps HP Fame Topeka-ET, Tyler, Paige, Justin & Danile Chupp & Keenan Wolf, Wooster, OH; 4. Knapps HP MB Fame Thundar-ET, P. Morey Miller & Hillpoint Partners, Cross Plains, WI; 5. Up The Creek Kingston Colorado, Donna Anderson, Lester Prairie, MN Fall Yearling (7) 1. Maplehurst Judgments Brilliant (Springhill Judgment-ET), Megan Bushman, Calmar, IA; 2. Chupps Farm Adacka Megan, Erdman Dairy, Chenoa, IL; 3. Hartdale Kringle Fiesta, Lauren T. Robison, Mulberry Grove, IL; 4. Adams Creek Tiller MaryPat-ET, Alyssa & Kate Nuttleman, Bangor, WI; 5. Land Of Living L Adorable, Foggy River Dairy, Circleville, OH Junior Best 3 Females (7) 1. Lauren T. Robison, Mulberry Grove, IL; 2. Beth Anne Clark, New Paris, PA; 3. Clark & Joy Vilter, Hartland, WI; 4. Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 5. John & Pam Arnold, Waverly, IA Yearling In Milk (6) 1. Up The Creek Spider Saffron-ET, (Coulee Crest Luxury Spider-ET), Karen Anderson, Lester Prairie, MN; 2. Knapps Mentor Tam, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 3. Up The Creek Crunch Ambrosia, David L. Anderson, Lester Prairie, MN; 4. Toolite Vanessas S Valarie, Richard Tooley, Granville, NY; 5. Knapps Les Reba, Austin & Landen Knapp,
Epworth, IA Fight Bac Guernsey Gold Futurity (8) 1. Millborne Hillpoint S Fiesta-ET (Coulee Crest Luxury Spider-ET), P. Morey Miller, Hillpoint, Peter Vail, Granby, CT; 2. Sniders Barney Avalynn, Allie Snider, New Enterprise, PA; 3. Sniders Pie Allegra-ET, Jacob Andrew Roedl, Edgewood, IL; 4. Four Winds HP S Barbi Doll-ET, Adams Creek, Four Winds & Hillpoint, Bangor, WI; 5. Hartdale Alstar Cutie, Lauren T. Robison, Mulberry Grove, IL Junior 2-Year-Old (16) 1. Prairie Moon Y Antebella, (Edgewater Meadows Yogibear-ET), Lars, Landon & Leslie Sivesind, Waukon, IA; 2. Knapps Mentor Harley, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 3. Sniders Pie Allegra-ET, Jacob Andrew Roedl, Edgewood, IL; 4. Land of Living L Saucy, John & Bonnie Ayars & Sons, Mechanicsburg, OH; 5. Four Winds HP S Barbi Doll-ET, Adams Creek, Four Winds & Hillpoint, Bangor, WI Senior 2-Year-Old (12) 1. Millborne Hillpoint S Fiesta-ET (Coulee Crest Luxury Spider-ET), P. Morey Miller, Hillpoint, Peter Vail, Granby, CT; 2. Lavon Farms Gembo Pepper, Springville Farm, Emory, TX; 3. Sniders Barney Avalynn, Allie Snider, New Enterprise, PA; 4. Coulee Crest Kringle Jackie, Anders & Jens Lantz, Ellsworth, WI; 5. Knapps Fayette Tambrae-ET, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA World Dairy Expo International Futurity (7) 1. Walnut Corner Kojack Mya (Dix Lee Tiller Kojack-ET), Ray & Kay Lindsey, Oakwood, OH; 2. Knapps Hillpoint Regis TweetieET, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 3. Knapps Altanic Tamber-TW, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 4. South Lane Yogibear Briella, South Lane Farm, Epworth, IA; 5. Derinda Aaron Camaro, Michael Offenheiser, Elizabeth, IL Junior 3-Year-Old (11) 1. Four Winds MM St Patty (Four Winds Magicman-ET), C&R Nicley, LM Tormoehlen & EL Croshaw, Parksville, KY; 2. Walnut Corner Kojack Mya, Ray & Kay Lindsey, Oakwood, OH; 3. Lavon Farms Gamble Penny, Lavon Farms, Plano, TX; 4. Warwick Manor Atlas Clarabelle, Karli Stoltzfus, East
An impressive group of five-year-olds
Guernsey Breeders’ Journal — November 2013 614.864.2409
Earl, PA; 5. Land of Living A Pizazz, John & Bonnie Ayars & Sons, Mechanicsburg, OH Senior 3-Year-Old (10) 1. Up The Creek Super Lux Kazoom-ET (Pine Ridge Super Lux-ET), Karen Anderson, Columbus, WI; 2. Campbells Regal Utopia, Friendship Farm, Jim Meyer, Peter Vail, Millbrook, NY; 3. Knapps Aaron Jade-ET, Marshall Overholt, Big Prairie, OH; 4. Four Winds Dynamic Jubilee, Lane Ayars, Mechanicsburg, OH; 5. Knapps Hillpoint Regis Tweetie-ET, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA 4-Year-Old (14) 1. Adams Creek Hillpoint Marsha-ET (Trotacre Loral Tiller-ET), Adams Creek, Basse & Hillpoint, Bangor, WI; 2. Lavon Farms Gemin Jill, Lavon Farms, Emory, TX; 3. Knapps Aaron Olivia, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, Ia; 4. Idle Gold Stud Humorous, Jilllian K. Jensen, Comstock, WI; 5. Four Winds Hillpoint D Bella-ET, Erdman Dairy, Jim Meyer & Friendship Farm, Chenoa, IL 5-Year-Old (6) 1. Lavon Farms Rowe Ready-TW (Lavon Farms Lewis Rowe), Lavon Farms, Emory, TX; 2. Knapps Regis Tambourine-ET, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 3. Rutter Bros Showtimes Candy-TW, Kelly J Johnson, York, PA; 4. Valley Gem Neons Horizon-ET, Brandon Grewe, Cumberland, WI; 5. Kadence Levi Bingo, Kadence Farm, New Glarus, WI 6-Year-Old & Over (4) 1. Wee Acres Spider Clara Bell (Coulee Crest Luxury Spider-ET), Cara Woloohojian, West Greenwich, RI; 2. Sniders Deemand AlabyeET, Lavon Farms, Emory, TX; 3. Knapps Regis Sissy, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 4. Knapps Mentor Maxine, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA Best 3 Females (5) 1. Lavon Farms, Emory, TX; 2. Donna Anderson, Lester Prairie, MN; 3. Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 4. Brandon Grewe, Cumberland, WI; 5. South Lane Farm, Epworth, IA Exhibitor’s Herd (2) 1. Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 2. South Lane Farm, Epworth, IA Produce of Dam (7) 1. Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 2. Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 3. Clark & Joy Vilter, Hartland, WI; 4. Beth Anne Clark, New Paris, PA; 5. Jacob Andrew Roedl, Edgewood, IL Dam & Daughter (2) 1. Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 2. Paul Fritsche, New Ulm, MN State Herd 1. Iowa; 2. Wisconsin; 3. Ohio; 4. Pennsylvania; 5. Illinois
L-R: Wisconsin Guernsey Princess, Laura Jensen; National Guernsey Princess Rachel Nance; Morey Miller on the halter of Intermediate Champion, Millborne Hillpoint S Fiesta; Karen Anderson on the halter of Res. Intermediate Champion, Up The Creek Super Lux Kazoom; National Guernsey Queen, Bethany Trotter
L-R: Wisconsin Guernsey Princess, Laura Jensen; National Guernsey Queen, Bethany Trotter ; Tom Blue on the halter of the Res. Jr. Champion, Blue Moons L Darby; Megan Bushman on the halter of the Jr. Champion, Maplehurst Judgment Brilliant; National Guernsey Princess Rachel Nance
Premier Exhibitor of the Heifer Show - Emily & Kevin Hartmann and family.
Landen and Austin Knapp were named Premier Breeder of the Cow and Heifer Shows and the Premier Exhibitor of the Cow Show
November 2013 — Guernsey Breeders' Journal
Junior Guernsey Show ~ Madison, Wisconsin
L-R: Judge Gary Estes; Udder Comfort Sponsor; National Guernsey Queen, Bethany Trotter; Grand Champion with Cara Woloojihan; Landen Knapp; Res. Gr. Champion, Austin Knapp; National Guernsey Princess, Rachel Nance; Wisconsin Guernsey Princess, Laura Jensen; Assoc. Judge, Bob Griggs.
howcasing their best, junior members from across the country paraded their animals across the colored shavings for Judges Gary Estes and Bob Griggs during the two day show at the National Junior Show in Madison, Wisconsin. In each of the champion classes, the judges complimented the Juniors and the quality of animals they were exhibiting. Judge Estes and Griggs tapped the firstplace Fall Yearling, Maplehurst Judgments Brilliant, owned and exhibited by Megan Bushman of Calmar, Iowa, for Junior Champion of the Junior Show. Calling her a “handy winner” with her style and balance, Estes chose her over his Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show, Hartdale Keystone Summer, owned by Lauren Robison of Mulberry Grove, Illinois. The firstplace Summer Yearling was a “tremendous heifer that sorted herself to the top like the Fall Yearling, both of them being sharp, clean dairy heifers,” said Estes. The Knapp brothers of Epworth, Iowa were no strangers to the champion circle taking home the Intermediate Champion banner and Reserve Grand Champion banners with their animals. Estes and Griggs congratulated Austin, who was on the halter of Knapps Hillpoint Regis Tweetie-ET for Intermediate Champion of the Junior
Show. The Excellent Regis daughter was first place Senior Three-Year-Old in the Junior Show for the brothers, Austin and Landen. Taking home the Reserve Intermediate banner was the fancy young Junior Two-Year-Old, Prairie Moon Y Antebella. The Yogibear daughter is owned by Lars, Landon and Leslie Sivesind of Waukon, Iowa. The judges also pulled out for champion contention Coulee Crest Kringle Jackie, naming her Honorable Mention Intermediate Champion of the Junior show for owners Anders and Jens Lantz of Ellsworth, Wisconsin. Senior and Grand Champion honors went to Estes and Griggs’ choices in their older cow classes. Taking home Senior and Grand Champion honors for the junior and open show was the multiple All-American, Wee Acres Spider Clara Bell, exhibited by Cara Woloohojian of West Greenwich, Rhode Island. No stranger to the champion circle, the 93-point Spider daughter was Reserve Grand Champion of NJS-Madison last year. Praising her for her depth, style and beautiful udder, Estes gave her the nod over the Knapp brothers’ first place FiveYear-Old, Knapps Regis Tamborine-ET, a 94-point, full sister to the Intermediate Champion.
Following are the top four placings in each class: Spring Calves (5) 1. Four Winds DC Cashmere-ET, Lauren McDonald, Hartland, WI; 2. Morning Star MM Kaydee J, Michael Fridenstine, New London, OH; 3. Knapps Prada Twitter, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 4. Guernsey Prairie Grumpy Shayda, Emma Weisensel (lease), Marshall, WI Winter Calves (7) 1. Sunset Ridge Geo Lacy, Kelsey & Ty Jurgilewicz, Norfolk, CT; 2. Tru-Lan Showtime I Amagine, Lacey Nelson, Ellendale, MN; 3. Dairyman Hayden, Breanna L. Fritsch, Kaukauna, WI; 4. Donnybrook Blue Spruce Deedee, Emily Hellendrung, Ridgeland, WI Fall Calves (6) 1. Idlemont Laredo Rhyme-ET, Laura M. Jensen, Comstock, WI; 2. Maunesha Creeks Banger Elanie, Mena Schmitt, Sun Prairie, WI; 3. Rolling Prairie E Kelson, Caleb, Cole & Carter Kruse, Dyersville, IA; 4. Coulee Crest Garrett Christy, Emily Hellendrung, Ridgeland, WI Summer Yearlings (5) 1. Hartdale Keystone Summer, Lauren T. Robison, Mulberry Grove, IL; 2. Golden J Prada Zazoo, Chelsey Jensen, Amery, WI; 3. Adams Creek Activate Melanie, Alyssa & Kate Nuttleman, Bangor, WI; 4. LJC Fame Ella, Luke Christensen, Luck, WI Spring Yearlings (4) 1. Knapps Jackson Quarry, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 2. Lantz Farm Achieve Bid, Anders & Jens Lantz, Ellsworth, IA; 3. Adams Creek Prada Macy, Lauren & Trey McDonald, Alyssa & Kate Nuttleman, Hartland, WI; 4. Dalton Farms N Pepsi, Kaleb Fisher, Glasgow, KE Winter Yearlings (6) 1. Knapps HP Fame Topeka-ET, Tyler, Paige, Justin & Daniel Chupp & Keenan Wolf, Wooster, OH; 2. Knapps Regis RenaET, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 3. Bottom-Line Challenge Maggie, Maggie Mathews, New Vienna, OH; 4. Lang Haven Alstar Naenae-ET, Jenna Langrehr, West Salem, WI Fall Yearlings (3) 1. Maplehurst Judgments Brilliant, Megan Bushman, Calmar, IA; 2. Hartdale Kringle Fiesta, Lauren T Robison, Mulberry Grove, IL; 3. Adams Creek Tiller MaryPat-ET, Alyssa & Kate Nuttleman, Bangor, WI Yearling in Milk (2) 1. Knapps Mentor Tam, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 2. Knapps Les Reba, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA Junior 2-Year-Old (9) 1. Prairie Moon Y Antebella, Lars, Landon & Leslie Sivesind, Waukon, IA; 2. Knapps Mentor Harley, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 3. Knapps Les Trisha, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 4. Hartdale Alstar Cutie, Lauren T Robison, Mulberry Grove, IL Senior 2-Year-Old (3) 1. Coulee Crest Kringle Jackie, Anders & Jens Lantz, Ellsworth, WI; 2. Knapps Fayette Tam-
Guernsey Breeders’ Journal — November 2013 614.864.2409
brae-ET, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 3. Lang Haven Alstar Nuance, Jenna Langrehr, West Salem, WI Junior 3-Year-Old (4) 1. Knapps Altanic Tamber-TW, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 2. Lantz Farm Preppy Bingo, Anders & Jens Lantz, Ellsworth, WI; 3. Misty Meadows Babes Heaven, Jaclyn Peterson, Wilson, WI; 4. Misty Meadows Neon Raindrop, Jaclyn Peterson, Hannah Nelson & Paige & Ben Powers, Wilson, WI Senior 3-year-Old (3) 1. Knapps Hillpoint Regis Tweetie-ET, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 2. Adams Creek Aaron Marin, Alyssa & Kate Nuttleman, Bangor, WI; 3. Jens Gold Yogi Rypple, Karen Klugow, Amery, WI 4-Year-Old (4) 1. Knapps Aaron Olivia, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 2. Idle Gold Stud Humorous, Jillian K. Jensen, Comstock, WI; 3. Knapps Challenge Reb, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 4. Adams Creek Tiller MaryJune-ET, Alyssa & Kate Nuttleman, Bangor, WI 5-Year-Old (2) 1. Knapps Regis Tambourine-ET, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 2. Misty Meadows Hillpoint Icecream-ET, Jaclyn Peterson, Wilson, WI 6-Year-Old & Over (3) 1. Wee Acres Spider Clara Bell, Cara Woloohojian, West Greenwich, RI; 2. Knapps Regis Sissy, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA; 3. Knapps Mentor Maxine, Austin & Landen Knapp, Epworth, IA
L-R: National Guernsey Princess Rachel Nance, Res. Jr. Champion, Lauren Robison; Jr. Champion, Megan Bushman; National Guernsey Queen, Bethany Trotter
The Junior Champion pull out and winner
The Grand Champion pull out and winner after the congratulations handshake
November 2013 — Guernsey Breeders' Journal
Type & Production backed by a
Tradition of Excellence ~by Marlys Weaver-Stoesz
n the dairy haven of northern Indiana is a purebred Guernsey farm that, while small, has consistently bred high-producing, quality type cows. Verl and Gretchen Weaver oversee and run the herd of about 35 milking cows that Verl's father, Virgil Weaver, began in 1939 with his purchase of four cows and a bull. The Weavers strive for a cow that can handle herself in the show ring and put money in the bulk tank. "Our goal is to produce Excellent 100,000 lb. cows," Verl Weaver said. The farm, composed of only 100 percent Guernseys, has a current average classification score of 86-points, with a rolling herd average, as of September 2013, of 20,012M 948P 678P. Weaver generally uses cows from proven and established cow families, quite often from within the Villa Crest herd, though not always. Gretchen manages young calves in several indoor pens, while Verl handles the daily milkings and oversees breeding and herd decisions. Both are heavily involved in summer fieldwork in the Weavers' 160 tillable acres in corn, wheat, soybeans and alfalfa. Each animal in the herd is given individual attention for optimal health and production. Milking cows are fed a basic grain ration, along with alfalfa hay, baylage and corn silage. The herd is milked in a tie-stall barn with daily access to pasture when warm and to a freestall barn in the winter. The Weavers' focus on developing lasting cow families means the current herd includes individuals with long Villa Crest pedigrees. Numerous current milking cows result from sons and daughters of Villa Crest I Anne EX-94, Mar Ral Prime Majestic EX94 and Villa Crest I Rebecca EX-91.
In the late 1990s, Raemelton Prime Majestic and a few daughters, owned by Ralph and Martha Turley of Orient, Ohio, came to live at Villa Crest, starting a partnership between the Turleys and Weavers that continues today. Ralph Turley first got to know of Villa Crest's Guernseys in the 1960s when Virgil Weaver had sent his 1966 National Champion Villa Crest F Dahlia to Raemelton for Turley's premium cow care. The Turley-Weaver partnership has resulted in several class-winning and high producing cows, including Mar Ral Royal Martha EX-94, along with a number of bulls currently in use, including Mar Ral Royal Mentor and Villa Crest Monarch, a Villa Crest Lea Ian son out of Mar Ral Goliath Model EX-91, both on the current active AI list. Villa Crest also has Villa Crest Advance on the active AI list. Advance is a Villa Crest P Fame son out of Villa Crest I Anne, twice grand champion at the National Junior Show-Madison. No stranger to the showring, Villa Crest has taken home Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor banners several times from the Midwest Guernsey Classic in Goshen, Indiana, the Indiana State Fair and Ohio State Fair. This past August, the Weavers began further promoting their cows through a
website, www.VillaCrestFarm.com. With the help of their daughter, Marlys, and son Jeffery, the Weavers created the site and plan to update it after future shows, the farm's classification and similar events. It also allows the Weavers to promote homebred bulls directly to people.
While the Weavers have downsized the herd a bit the past few years to help manage their workload, Verl said he's looking forward to the continued potential of several Villa Crest cow families and of crosses between some of those stronger families. *Editor's Note: Thanks to Marlys for providing this story for this issue. For more on her bio, see her information on the next page. We are looking forward to her contributions on future projects and issues!
Guernsey Breeders’ Journal — November 2013 614.864.2409
The AGA is pleased to welcome Deb Hoffman of Urbana, Ohio as the new bookkeeper. Deb grew up on an Ohio dairy farm and married a dairy farmer, the late Palmer Hoffman. They have two children, Jason, a mechanical engineer, and Jenna, a RN who is currently studying for her nurse practitioner's license. Deb and her son and daughter raise a small, select group of heifers and own a few milk cows that are housed at the neighbors, all under the Rolling Knoll Swiss prefix. Along with managing the books for their family dairy and current small herd, she owned and operated a convenience store for 28 years. Deb has also clerked for Modern Associates Cattle Sales for many years. In her spare time she likes to quilt. Purebred Publishing has employed the services of Marlys Weaver-Stoesz as a proofreader for their family of magazines. Marlys grew up on Villa Crest Farm in Goshen, Indiana and was regularly in-
volved with Guernseys from a young age, showing at local, state and national shows and participating in a number of National Guernsey Conventions. She was the National Guernsey Queen in 2007. Marlys graduated from Goshen College in 2010 with a bachelor's degree in journalism and worked for three-and-a-half years for The Elkhart Truth, a daily newspaper, where she covered local crime, education and feature stories in Elkhart County, Indiana. She has also been published in The Farmers' Exchange in northern Indiana, The South Bend Tribune and on MSNBC.com. She is currently doing marketing, public relations, writing and editing work for a variety of northern Indiana organizations. She and her husband, Phil, originally from Winnipeg, Manitoba, reside in Goshen, about six miles away from Marlys' parents' farm Jared Smith is continuing an internship with the Purebred team to produce upcoming issues throughout the school year. He
will also be working with the American Guernsey Association part of that time with some data entry and other duties. Jared is a fourth year agribusiness major at The Ohio State University. He is coowner of JAX Holsteins, a small heard of registered Holsteins that he and his sister, Alexia enjoy showing. Smith transferred to OSU’s Columbus campus after completing two years at OSU/ATI in Wooster. He enjoys judging cattle and has participated on FFA and 4-H judging teams. He was the high individual in the collegiate contest at Harrisburg this fall and is a member of The Ohio State University collegiate judging team. In his spare time, Jared enjoys bow fishing and attending cattle shows, sales and other dairy events.
Visit usguernsey.com/GMS for sale catalogs for upcoming sales
November 2013 — Guernsey Breeders' Journal
Sales Reports The Elite Sale
The Eastern Elite All Breeds Sale was held on Tuesday, September 10 at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. It was managed by the Pennsylvania Holstein Association, with Guernsey selections by Brian Schnebly. High seller of the Guernsey consignments was a stylish September 2013 calf consigned by the Snider family of New Enterprise, Pennsylvania. Purchased by Kyle Sharer of Laceyville, Pennsylvania for $2,700, this Grumpy daughter is out of a VG Adacka daughter with records over 17,000M. The next dam is Excellent with over 138,500M and backed by four more Very Good dams. Eric Craig of Willsboro, New York purchased a Silverado daughter for $2,550 from the McCarty brothers of Hughesville, Pennsylvania. A tall, powerful, deep ribbed three-year-old, Rocky Hill Silver Rain is backed by two Very Good dams. Victoria and Michael Baker sold the third high seller, a March Yogibear daughter backed by four generations of Very Good dams. Amber Kirk of Peach Bottom, Pennsylvania was the successful buyer at $2400.
The Sept. 2012 Grumpy high seller
The Silverado 3-Year-Old 2nd high seller
The Hoosier Classic
It was a beautiful day for a sale in eastern Indiana for the Hoosier Classic Sale on September 14 at Bearcreek Farms in Bryant. Managed by the Indiana Guernsey Breeders Association, 27 Guernseys were sold along with a few of other breeds. Topping the sale at $2,250 was an 85-point Coulee Crest Luxury Skipper-ET four-year-old consigned by Daniel Gongwer of Elkhart, Indiana. Checked pregnant to Springhill Jackpot-ET, she sold to John Rymph of Greenwich, New York. She is backed by two more Very Good dams. Two lots were struck off at $2,100 each. Megan Lambrecht of Bedford, Indiana consigned a fresh Toro daughter that was the first place Fall Yearling at the 2013 Indiana State Fair. Backed by two Very Good dams she was purchased by Martha Graff of Chesterville, Maine. Savannah Lawyer, Mackenzie and Michaela Alexander of Bloomington, Indiana consigned the Alstar junior three-year-old that also sold for $2,100. Purchased by Mark, Lauren and Robyn Suttle of Orville, Ohio She was third in her class at the 2013 Indiana State Fair. Additional high selling lots: Lawnbank Sangria........................ $1,900 S: Yellow Creek Challenge Cashton
C: Daniel Gongwer, Elkhart, IN B: Brent Moyer, Caro, MI Sudona Special Brenda................. $1,900 S: Jens Gold Regis Z Special-ET C: Ronald J. Martin, Haubstadt, IN B: Roland Dicke Family, New Bremen, OH Four Lou Farms Neon Cora.......... $1700 S: Lang Haven Luxury Neon C: Michaela & Mackenzie Alexander, Bloomington, IN B: Mark, Laura, Robyn Suttle, Orville, OH
International Classic Sale
A large crowd packed the tent at the International Guernsey Classic on Friday afternoon, October 4, in Madison, Wisconsin. Managed by Guernsey Marketing Service, Stanley Chupp cried the sale with Blaine Crosser reading pedigrees. Selling to the Sputnik Syndicate and Golden State Breeders, Columbus, Ohio for sampling and commanding a $6,700 price was Abiqua Acres Geo Sputnik. Consigned by Alan Mann of Silverton, Oregon this Golden J Les George son is from the 86-point Abiqua Acres Faros Speranza, the #23 NM$ Cow in the breed. This Gold Star Cow has 142,890M 6905F 5082P lifetime to date and is backed by two more generations of Very Good Gold Star Dams. The next six dams are all Very Good with records over 19,000M or 100,000M lifetime. Also sold at $6,700 was a fancy March calf from Randy Peterson and Hillpoint Partners of Cross Plains, Wisconsin. Misty Meadows HP Fame Pixar was purchased by Morey Miller, Hillpoint Partners and Peter Vail of Granby, Connecticut. She is a Fame daughter out of the All-American 92-point, 2012 World Dairy Expo Champion, Misty Meadows Adacka Pixie who made 39,550M 1623F 1138P at 3-10 in 365
Guernsey Breeders’ Journal — November 2013 614.864.2409
L-R: Mike Hellenbrand, buyer; Randy Peterson, seller; Stanley Chupp, auctioneer, Jade Jensen on the halter of Misty Meadows HP Fame Pixar; Blaine Crosser, pedigrees; John Lantz & Dale Chupp, sales force.
days. The next five dams are Excellent or Very Good. Jens and Anders Lantz of Ellsworth, Wisconsin sold the first place Spring Yearling and Junior Champion of the 2013 Wisconsin Junior State Fair and second place Spring Yearling in the NJS-Madison show for $4,100. Purchased by Matt Brahmer and John Lantz of Spring Valley, Wisconsin, the Achieve daughter is out of a Billboard with 19,750M and backed by a 90-point Frank also with records over 19,530M in Canada. The next dam is the 94-point Laeschland TS Biddy Gold Star Dam with over 167,220M 8262F 6703P.
L-R: Chris Peterson representing buyer; Stan Chupp, auctioneer; Blaine Crosser, pedigrees; Jens Lantz on halter; John Lantz & Dale Chupp, sales force.
Erdman Farms of Chenoa, Illinois purchased the consignment from Hellenbrand and Lakey of Cross Plains, Wisconsin for $3,900. The first place Spring Calf and Honorable Mention Junior Champion of the 2013 Central Wisconsin State Fair is sired by Pine Grove Quebec Royal and from the 89-point multiple All-American award winning Lang Haven Tiller NirvanaET with 2-01 365D 23,890M 1103F 806P. The March calf is a maternal sister to Faria Farms Messenger and Faria Farms Select Nacho-ET and numerous award winning and All-American nominees. The next three dams are Excellent with multiple records over 20,000M.
The sale averaged $3,188 on 13 lots of live animals and embryos. Additional high selling consignments Coulee Crest Prada Latasha-ET(12/12)$. 3,100 S: Indian Acres Prada-ET C: Coulee Crest LLC, Cashton, WI B: Hoard's Dairyman Farm, Ft. Atkinson, WI Flambeau Manor Choice from H Sandra S: Fame, Yogi, Phoenix......................$3,100
C: Gary Van Doorn, Tony, WI B: Jesse Dorn, New Glarus, WI Toolite Sunsets H Suki (12/11).......... $2,400
S: Friendship Holiday C: Richard M. Tooley, Granville, NY B: Davidson Dairy, Hillsboro, OH
November 2013 — Guernsey Breeders' Journal
George Graham Foster, age 99 of Lake Silkworth, Pennsylvania, passed away Sunday October 7, 2012 at The Meadows Nursing Center, Dallas. Mr. Foster was born November 27, 1912 in Thompson, CT, and was the son of the late George D. and the late Mary L. Longson Foster. He graduated from S. Royalton, VT High School in 1932. After high school he embarked on a career with Guernsey cattle. During the 50’s and 60’s, he was known and respected throughout the country for his expertise as a Guernsey cowman and showman. Everyone knew Graham and Flying Horse Melody Master in the show ring. Graham had an opportunity as a young man to go into Major League Baseball, and specifically, an invite to spring training with the Boston Braves. but times were tough and he had to forego the chance and remain on the farm in Vermont. His Guernsey career started at Douglaston Manor where K. C. Sly hired him to milk test cows. There he met and married his loving wife of 73 years, the late Hazel Maahs Foster. He also made production records at Rockingham Farm and Gardenville Farm where he was herdsman. After the Gardenville record-breaking dispersal he became herdsman at Flying Horse Farm, South Hamilton, MA. There he developed and showed Flying Horse Colonel’s Dorothy, Res. Grand Champion female at Waterloo and Nat. Grand Champion Bull, Flying Horse Melody Master, at Waterloo and Chicago. After the Flying Horse Dispersal he was herdsman at Lake Louise, Lakewood, High Meadows and Sordoni Farms. He also worked for The Merryman Company where he prepared sale cattle. The Langwater Dispersal was one of the herds that he helped prepare for sale. George spent his retirement years as a resident of Lehman, PA Surviving are his son Raymond Foster and his wife Nancy of St. Petersburg, FL; daughter, Patricia Spencer and her husband Ronnie of Leesburg, FL; grandson, Reggie Gensel, Lake Silkworth. Also 6 Grand children, 6 great grandchildren and 4 great great grandchildren. Oren V. Flohrs was born January 21, 1930 to Harry and Sophia (Drayfahl) Flohrs in Waverly Township, Martin County, Minnesota. He passed away June 10, 2013 at his home in Fairmont, MN at the age of 83. He was a 1948 graduate of TiumphMonterey High School. In 1951 he entered the U.S. Army. On May 11, 1951 he married Beverly Jean Ogren. They farmed and raised their family in Galena Township after his Honorable Discharge in 1952. Bev-
erly passed away in 1999. On March 27, 2004 he married RaLetta (Rae) Colby-Fluegel and they farmed in Galena Township until recently moving to Fairmont. Oren was a life-long member of the Immanuael Lutheran Church and held many church positions. He was a member of the Foster-Bernhardt American Legion Post #373, active in 4-H programs and served 15 years on the County Ag. Society Board of Directors. He completed 45 years of showing Guernseys at the Martin Co. Fair as well as many years showing at the Minnesota State Fair. He served on both the regional and state levels of the Guernsey Cattle Club and the County ADA. He served on the Board of Directors of the Tri-State Milk Producers, Ormsby Grain Co. Board and MC Historical Society. Survivors include his wife Rae, three children, Steve (Connie) Flohrs, Sherly (Greg) Hanefeld, Kent Flohrs and two step-daughters, LaRee (Terry) Rowan, and Shelly (Ken) Vlieger; eight grandhildren; six step-grandchildren; one great-grandchild and five step great-grandchildren; brother, LeRoy Flohrs and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, first wife, Beverly Flohrs; brothers, Leonard and Stanley Flohrs; sisters-in-law, Maxine, Hazel and Nell Flohrs; nephew Dale Flohrs. Philip Tennis was born on Aug. 25, 1928, in Hayward, Minnesota., the second of five children born to Albert and Christine (Skaar) Tennis. He passed away on August 3, 2013. He attended Albert Lea High School where he graduated in 1946. In later years, he attended Austin Junior College and many University of Minnesota agriculture seminar courses. He was united in marriage to Edith Reimann on July 20, 1949, at Trinity Lutheran Church in Waltham, Minn., and together they raised a family of six children. Philip had a broad range of interests and a great curiosity about life, reflected in his passion for learning and reading. From an early age, he worked on the family farm throughout the seasons and was an active member of 4-H, showing Guernsey cattle at local and state fairs. Within his family, church and local community, he shared his great passion for music, especially singing, which he particularly enjoyed with his family. He and Edith sang for many weddings and funerals in the community over the years. He was involved with sports from an early age. He and Edie were well-recognized supporters at the sporting events of
both their children and grandchildren, and, in fact, won awards for their visibility and enthusiasm. In addition to his work on the farm, Philip was committed to public service. He served on his church council, holding various offices, and directed the senior choir for many years. He served on the Albert Lea School Board of Education and on the Austin Junior College Advisory Board. During the 1970's, he served on the Advisory Committee to the Institute of Agriculture - University of Minnesota St. Paul campus. In 1980, Philip was appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture and approved by the Congress of the United States to be Chairman of the Minnesota State A.S.C.S. Committee. He was a Farm Bureau member and served on boards including the Minnesota State Guernsey Association, the District Guernsey Association, Freeborn County DHIA, county boards and the National Guernsey Association of which he served as president. He served on the Freeborn County Executive 4-H Leaders Council. He was active in local, state and national political activities. From 1957 to 1992, Phil and Edie ran a registered Guernsey operation, milking 60 cows and farming 900 acres. Phil farmed in partnership with his father and later with his son. When Philip and Edith retired from full-time farming in 1992, Phil continued to play an active role in the farm operation. In 1993, Philip took on a new role as the Freeborn County ditch inspector, a position he held for 19 years. He is survived by his wife Edith, his children, Barbara Tennis and Luc Bovens, Becky Tennis Hanson and Mick Hanson, Mary Tennis and Stacy LaVres, Brad and Helmy Tennis, Cindy and Bryce Gaudian, and Wes and Cammie Tennis; grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He is survived also by brothers Carl (Beverly) Tennis, Steve (Bonnie) Tennis, sister Charlotte (John) vonBerg, and many nieces and nephews. Philip was preceded in death by his parents Al and Christine Tennis, sister and brother-in-law June and Dale Wells, and sister-in-law Margaret Tennis. Memorials preferred to the Hayward Lutheran Church Music Fund or the Hayward. Edith Tennis was born on February 18th, 1930, in Primghar, Iowa, the youngest of six children born to Daniel and Amanda (Srock) Reimann. She passed away peacefully at her home September 5, 2013. She was united in marriage to Philip Tennis of Hayward on July 20th, 1949, at Trinity Lutheran Church, Waltham, and together they raised a family of six children. They lived for their entire 64-year marriage
Guernsey Breeders’ Journal — November 2013 614.864.2409
on the family farm north of Hayward. Edith was an accomplished homemaker and balanced the demands of a large family with being an equal partner in the farming operation. She was an excellent seamstress and also participated in quilt-making activities in later years with church friends. Her home was complemented by her beautiful flower gardens. Throughout the years, Edith took an active role in community activities and was dedicated to community service, especially in her church. Over the years, she organized Sunday School classes and served as officer of various women’s organizations. She was active in local and state politics. Edie was equally happy in a serving or leadership role and she was good at both. Her husband Philip often commented that any successes he experienced were equally due to her work, support and wisdom.
Edith shared a love of music with her husband and family, and her beautiful soprano voice was shared with the community as she and Philip sang for many weddings and funerals over the years. She also sang for many years in the Hayward Church choir. She is survived by her children, Barbara Tennis and Luc Bovens, Becky Tennis Hanson and Mick Hanson, Mary Tennis and Stacy LaVres, Brad and Helmy Tennis, Cindy and Bryce Gaudian, and Wes and Cammie Tennis; grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. Edith was preceded in death by her beloved husband, Philip, her parents Dan and Amanda Reimann, her sister Mildred (Pete) Bergstrom, and brothers Carl (Viola), Arnold (Mary), Ernest and Walter Reimann.
Guernsey Breeders' Journal Advertising Rates
Breeder Advertising Rates:
Full page: $500 2/3 page: $400 1/2 page: $345 1/3 page: $250 1/4 page: $200 1/6 page: $125 Col. Inch: $45 Photos: $10 each Cut out photos: $5 additional
Please contact Lindsey Rucks at 863.634.3187 to talk about promoting your cows and farm today!
November 2013 — Guernsey Breeders' Journal
For Sale
Guernsey Grapevine Get well wishes go out to Frank Faria, California who is recovering from recent hip surgery and Claude Brunson, Louisiana who fell and is recovering from a broken leg. Sending thoughts and prayers to Nita Lindley of Ohio, who has been seriously ill in recent months and in and out of the hospital.
The AGA Board Of Directors has made available the opportunity to purchase the conference table and 8 chairs from the original Peterborough, NH office. The chairs have an ornate triangle on the back of the chair. They are in very good condition. Also, available is a beautiful corner cupboard. The two lots will be sold to the highest bidder. Sealed bids will be accepted at the AGA office by Nov. 15, 2013. Anyone is welcome to bid on these; Successful buyer/ buyers are responsible for arrangements for delivery from Reynoldsburg, Ohio. Photos can be viewed at the AGA website (usguernsey.com) and/or the AGA Facebook page. Questions can be directed to Interim Executive Secretary Dave Trotter.
The third member was recently added to the 7th Generation at Marsh Homestead, Inc. in Cornelius, Oregon. Grady Charles Baggenstos was born September 23, 2013 weighing in at 6lbs 3oz and 20 inches. He joins his big sister Danica and mom and dad, Brandon and Robin Baggenstos. Grandparents are George and Judy Marsh of Cornelius, Oegon and Charles and Suzanne Baggenstos of Hillsboro, Oregon. Julie Thompson of Roseville, Minnesota, was united in marriage to Dan Fritsche of Vadnais Heights, MN on July 13th, 2013 at Fron Lutheran Church in Starbuck, Minnesota. Julie is the daughter of David and Dawn Thompson of Starbuck. Dan is the son of Paul and Melanie Fritsche of Fritsche Farms Registered Guernseys, New Ulm. The couple will reside in Vadnais Heights, Minnesota. Lucas Ayars and Myra Grise Coleman recently tied the knot October 18, 2013. The wedding was held in a beautiful barn ceremony at Land of Living Farm in Mechanicsburg, Ohio. Congratulations to the newlyweds and the expanded Ayars family of Caden, 10 and Maddie, 8. The family will reside in Mechanicsburg where Lucas is involved in the farm operation and Myra is a nurse. Email items to purebred.editor@gmail.com for the Guernsey Grapevine
Guernsey Breeders’ Journal — November 2013 614.864.2409
Changes in Genetic Formulas for December
The AGA board of directors approved a PTI/CPI formula change recommendation from the Genetic Improvement Committee at the 2013 annual meeting in Oklahoma. Effective with the December 2013 sire summary run, the following changes will be made to better reflect the breeding goals for the Guernsey breed today. The weighting for protein pounds will be increased by 5% to 25% while the fat pounds are decreased by 5% to 25%. DPR (daughter pregnancy rate) will move upward from 3% to 7% while SCS (somatic cell score) is deleted since this trait is already included in productive life at a 10% weighting. All other traits remain the same leaving the formula makeup at 50% for production (protein & fat), 33% for type (PTAT, strength, udder composite and foot & leg composite) and 17% for fitness traits (productive life & DPR. Watch for more details in November!
Genomic Haplotype Research Project
At the 2013 AGA annual meeting, the Guernsey Foundation approved funding of a research project involving a haplotype study using DNA testing to determine if the breed has genetic haplotypes that impact fertility negatively through early embryonic death. USDA has indicated that 1000 genotypes of males and females will provide adequate data to determine the presence or absence in the breed. In the next few months, breeders will be asked to supply hair samples from 500 females sired by A.I. bulls to provide the DNA material for the study. Samples are expected to be taken from cows exhibited at the National Guernsey Show in Louisville next month and during appraisal visits in December. Please help us collect the necessary genetic material needed to get this study completed by June of 2014. Watch for details and requests to supply hair samples from your cows in the near future!
The Guernsey Foundation Dedicated to the education & enhancement of the dairy industry For more information, contact Seth Johnson 614.864.2409 | 1224 Alton Darby Creek Road, Suite G, Columbus, OH 43228
November 2013 — Guernsey Breeders' Journal
Hello All, With our national shows in full swing having NGS/NJS Harrisburg and Madison already complete and Louisville right around the corner, it is important to point out how well our youth are excelling around the country. This year I had the opportunity to head to the All-American Dairy Show in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania for the very first time. I was IMPRESSED!! Although I was not exhibiting cattle, but rather working for some other exhibitors, I did not fail to recognize how exhibitor-friendly the show is and how the youth are the centerpiece of the entire show. On that Sunday, I was able to participate in the All American Showmanship contest which recorded record numbers of youth competeing for this prestigous title. Each of the Junior, Intermediate and Senior divisions had well over 150 people in them, which made for a great competition. I congratulate all that participated and encourage you all to do it again next year!
Not only are youth competing and doing well in their respective junior shows, but also with the "big boys" of the open show as well. Seven class winners at NGSHarrisburg were owned by junior exhibitors and five more were owned by juniors at NGS-Madison. This shows how strongly our youth compete compared to other breeds where it is unheard of for a junior to have a class winning entry in the junior show. In addition, at World Dairy Expo, Cara Woloohojian exhibited the Grand Champion Guernsey in both the NGS & NJS with her cow Wee Acres Spider Clara Bell. Congratulations Cara! One other exciting thing that a junior has a chance to do this year is complete a triple crown win! For those of you who don't know what that means, that is when one particular animal wins her class at three national shows. Springhill Mentor JazzyET, owned and exhibited by Marshall Overholt of Big Prarie, OH has already won her class at the All-American Dairy Show
Changes to the Appraisal Program The American Guernsey Association has re-entered a joint appraisal program with the Brown Swiss Association effective October 1, 2013. In this joint program, classifiers will be scoring Ayrshires, Brown Swiss, Guernseys, and Milking Shorthorns. Along with this change, we will also be switching to an 8-month rotation as opposed to the current 9-month rotation. In the process of making this switch, some states may be classified more often than every 9-months and a few may go a little longer between scheduling. By March 2014, every state should have begun the new 8-month rotation. We apologize for any inconvenience that may be caused during this transition
and at World Dairy Expo. If she can win her class at the North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville she will receive the triple crown. Congratulations Marshall and best of luck! Looking forward to seeing all the juniors at the North American! Austin Knapp, AGYA President
phase. Here are the states scheduled for the next 7 months: December 2013 – Wisconsin January 2014 – Washington, Oregon, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico February 2014 – Ohio, Michigan, West Virginia, Northern Indiana March 2014 – New York *Appraisal schedules will be sent from the Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders' Association office, not from the AGA office.
GUERNSEY MARKETING SERVICE Complete Sales Management Service is designed to help you locate Guernsey cattle, embryos and semen around the United States. Our contacts range from coast to coast and abroad providing our clients with the opportunity to obtain exactly what they want. Contact GMS
at 614.864.2409 24
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visit usguernsey.com for more information and online catalogs
Guernsey Breeders’ Journal — November 2013 614.864.2409
Check out the new website!
News & Happenings Online Registrations All American Applications & much more!
November 2013 — Guernsey Breeders' Journal
We Believe In Guernseys!
These people are actively showing their confidence and faith in the Guernsey Breed by advertising in the Guernsey Breeders' Journal.
IOWA Contact Lindsey Rucks today to be included in this section purebredpublishinglr@gmail.com or 863.634.3187
Guernsey Breeders’ Journal — November 2013 614.864.2409
Kowski Farms, Inc.
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November 2013 — Guernsey Breeders' Journal
Guernsey Breeders’ Journal — November 2013 614.864.2409
Index To Advertisers
Guernsey Breeders' Journal
Advertising Deadlines: 2014 Calendar Deadline: Nov. 6 December: Nov. 8 Celebrate the Past & Future Contact Lindsey Rucks, Advertising Sales Specialist at 863.634.3187 or purebredpublishinglr@gmail.com
Sales March 7-Wisconsin Video Calf Sale, Darlington, WI April 26-Upper Midwest Spring Sale, West Salem, WI Shows Nov. 8 - NJS-Louisville, Louisville, KY, Bonnie Ayars, Judge Nov. 10 & 11 - NGS-Louisville, Louisville, KY, Dan Sivesind, Judge For a complete listing of events visit the website at www.usguernsey.com
November 2013 — Guernsey Breeders' Journal
Calendar of Events
Abiqua Acres.............................................27 Anova Dale Guernseys.............................26 Bay Meadow Farms..................................26 Black Water Valley Farm...........................27 California GBA...........................................26 Chupps Guernseys....................................27 Craig-Moor Farm.......................................26 Dairybelt Guernsey Sires..........................23 Donnybrook Farm......................................21 Excalibur Insurance Agency......................26 Fight Bac.....................................................9 Fudge's Dairy............................................22 Golden State Breeders................................9 Green Ridge Farm.....................................34 Guernsey Foundation................................23 Highland Farm...........................................27 Hoard's Dairyman Farm............................27 Idle Neer Farm..........................................26 Jens-Gold Farms.......................................27 Kas Knoll Farm..........................................26 Kowski Farms, Inc.....................................27 Lambrecht's Guernsey Farm.....................26 Larksdale Farm.........................................27 Lavon Farms............................................ 27 Lily Lane Farm...........................................26 Lushacre Guernseys.................................26 Maplehurst Farm.......................................27 Maradore Farm..........................................25 Mar Gold Guernseys.................................26 Millborne Farms.........................................28 Milky Way Farm.........................................17 Misty Meadows Farm................................27 Mt Ararat....................................................26 Nells Glow Guernseys...............................26 NE/NY GBA...............................................26 Oak Crest Farm.........................................26 Oak Knob Guernseys................................26 Oklahoma GBA..........................................27 PA GBA......................................................27 Red Rage Farm.........................................23 Ripley Farms...............................................2 Riverwood Farm........................................26 Select Sires...............................................29 Smithfield Guernseys................................26 Snider Homestead.....................................25 South Carolina GBA..................................18 Spencers Guernsey Farm.........................27 Spring Hill Farm.........................................32 Spring Walk Farm......................................26 Tennessee GBA.........................................27 Trot Acre....................................................25 United Guernsey Genetics........................24 Up The Creek Farm.....................................3 Vicland Farms............................................27 Walnut Ridge.............................................25 Wee Acres............................................30-31 Whispering Pines Farms...........................27 Wisconsin Guernsey Breeders....................8 Willow Grove Guernseys...........................26 Yellow Creek Farm....................................26
Guernsey Breeders’ Journal — November 2013 614.864.2409
November 2013 — Guernsey Breeders' Journal
Guernsey Breeders’ Journal — November 2013 614.864.2409