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How To Deal With Anxiety
Anxiety or stress is a state of mind where a person is in deep stress and his/her mental disturbance is reflected in his/her behavior. Stress can be a resultant of long working hours, work or study pressure, family disturbances, strained relationships and complexes. Most often, a good sleep and relaxation can relieve a person from stress to a large extent. But when anxiety becomes too deep rooted and starts becoming a hindrance in the daily life and interpersonal relations of a person, then it definitely need to be addressed by a professional. There are various channels of support for anxiety and stress, for example seeing you GP or getting a counselling session to discuss the issues and build up on strategies.
But if you are looking for adapting a healthier lifestyle and natural ways to manage anxiety, Ayurveda can be beneficial for you. Ayurveda may offer significant relief from anxiety through various lines of treatments. Ayurveda targets dealing with anxiety by bringing about a balance between the mental and physical state of a person. Body massage, shirodhara, herbal products and food items which help in giving relief from stress by working positively on the nerves are generally recommended. Ayurveda
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classifies herbs into different categories depending on the effect they have on the body. Herbs and food which serve as tonics for the nerves are called as Medhya Rasayanas. They help in improving memory and concentration. Such herbs and food may be recommended for people battling with stress.
Ayurveda Treatments like shirodhara, nasya, meditation, regular exercises like surya namaskar, shavasana, pranayam, yog nidra, etc may be recommended. Since anxiety leads people to seclusion and depression, they should try to indulge in games and sports activities and try to socialize with people occasionally.
Adequate sleep and relaxation are a must to fight against anxiety. Soft instrumental music goes a long way in helping a person to unwind at the end of the day.
There are many Ayurvedic Clinics in Melbourne which offer natural treatment for anxiety. They have specialized treatments for different kinds of anxieties depending on the root cause of the malady. Psychological consultation is also given to understand what the person is exactly going through. Accordingly, the line of treatment is recommended. All the relevant details about these clinics are available on their website. You can contact them and get the desired information.