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Ä~h◊¡◊˙·◊ : ‘˛u @◊¡◊uo˛◊ ÷h◊Ø˙@◊ π˙˜◊u, π—–≠Q◊@◊u
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Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ (Ü÷◊‘d◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙) Collected Poems, (SABCL Vol. 5) @h◊
Ä~h◊¡◊˙·◊ : ‘˛u @◊¡◊uo˛◊ ÷h◊Ø˙@◊ π˙˜◊u, π—–≠Q◊@◊u π˛‹Ø π˛÷◊˙‘~◊ : 2002 N¡’◊N_d_◊ N…@◊O–d◊ © ‘˛uÄ@◊¡–◊o◊ Ä˙‘˛Ø ˲◊¸, π—–≠Q◊@◊u - 605002 π˛÷◊˙‘÷◊ : ~◊¡◊≠©◊ä˙d–◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä˙Î◊l, π˛÷◊˙‘~◊ ¡–◊§◊˙s, ‘˛uÄ@◊¡–◊o◊ Ä˙‘˛Ø, π—–≠Q◊@◊u - 605 002 Sri Aurobindo
Amantrana O Anyanya Kavita (Hundred poems in Oriya) From Sri Aurobindo’s Collected Poems (SABCL Vol. 5) Translated by: Sri Rabindra Kumar Parhi, Pondicherry First Edition: 2002 © Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Pondicherry Published by: Navajyoti Karyalaya, Publication Department Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry - 605 002
Printed at Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, Pondicherry, India
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NFQ–◊πd˛◊ Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1895-1908 . . . . . .
SHORT POEMS 1895-1908
Ä˙Ø»◊b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INVITATION 2 ÷–◊Ü . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WHO 4 ≠¡◊·◊˙¥◊u@◊ π˛˙‹’~◊˙ - . . . . . . . . . . . . THE VEDANTIN’S PRAYER 8 d–˛◊‘öh◊@◊ ¡–◊©◊l-Núud . . . THE TRIUMPH-SONG OF TRISHUNCOU 12 π@◊¡˛◊≤<◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PARABRAHMAN 14 Ç‘_@◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GOD 18 Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1902-1930 . . . . . .
SHORT POEMS 1902-1930
Ø≤◊˙k˙sb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE MAHATMAS 22 ©◊u¡◊~◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIFE 30 Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1930-1950 . . . . . .
SHORT POEMS 1930-1950
≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@◊ ‘˛Ø . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A GOD’S LABOUR ¡◊≤∂–◊¡◊SF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BRIDE OF THE FIRE ~◊uÎ◊ ¡–◊≤◊ú . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE BLUE BIRD Ç‘_@◊ ©◊~◊~◊u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE MOTHER OF GOD ÷–◊Ü dh◊≠Ø Ä¡◊d◊@– Ä˙N–ø . . . . . . . WHO ART THOU THAT CAMEST ¡–◊‘_Ø˙~¡◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE COSMIC MAN N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 . . . . . . . . . . . .
36 48 50 52 54 56
SONNETS 1930-1950
@◊˙©◊ä Ä¥◊@◊@◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE KINGDOM WITHIN ©◊Î◊˙¡◊≠d’◊ ≠Δ˙su . . . . . . . . . . THE YOGI ON THE WHIRLPOOL ·–◊¡◊ä ‘´d–◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE DIVINE HEARING d◊Ÿ–◊d◊˙bh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ELECTRON ¡–◊‘_≠·◊¡ Ä¥◊@◊~–◊¡◊˙Nu . . . . . . . . . THE INDWELLING UNIVERSAL N˙Ou Ä˙k˙ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE WITNESS SPIRIT
60 62 64 66 68 70
~–◊‘u‹@◊ d◊u‹’ö◊@◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . THE PILGRIM OF THE NIGHT `h◊ü◊˙l–d◊ π@–◊÷◊À◊~◊˙ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE HIDDEN PLAN Ä≠Q◊d◊~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE INCONSCIENT Øhê–◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIBERATION ¡–◊‘_˙k–÷◊˙ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS Nh¡◊C’ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE GOLDEN LIGHT ©◊u¡◊~◊ á÷◊ä . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIFE-UNITY N˙@Fπä @◊§◊N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BLISS OF IDENTITY ø◊d˛◊πd–◊ ·◊˙~◊¡◊sb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE IRON DICTATORS @F◊π . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FORM Ä¥◊≤◊u~◊ ħ–Δ˙~◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE INFINITE ADVENTURE ¡œ◊≤◊≈◊@◊ ≠Δ˙©◊~◊˙ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE GREATER PLAN ¡–◊‘_≠·◊¡◊-¡–◊s˛≤◊b . . . . . . . . . . . THE UNIVERSAL INCARNATION ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE GODHEAD ≠·◊¡◊u π˛d–◊Ø˙ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE STONE GODDESS ÷œ◊à . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KRISHNA ¡–◊‘_-~œ◊d◊ä . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE COSMIC DANCE ‘–¡◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SHIVA gÛ◊d◊˙@◊ ¡◊˙bu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE WORD OF THE SILENCE ≠·_◊Êd◊ N≈◊˙ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE DUAL BEING Ä˙k˙@◊ ÄNuØd◊˙ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE SELF’S INFINITY `◊uÎ◊˙ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LILA NØπ’b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SURRENDER ·–◊¡◊ä ÷◊Ø’u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE DIVINE WORKER Äd–◊‹≥ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE GUEST Q◊÷˛◊¡◊d’◊u Ä¥◊@◊@◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE INNER SOVEREIGN N≠Q◊d◊ Ä≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ . . . . . . . . . . . THE CONSCIOUS INCONSCIENT Äd–◊≠§◊˝d◊ ¡–◊™◊˙~◊@◊ N_π∂ . . . . . . . A DREAM OF SURREAL SCIENCE ΔhΔhS˙~◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN THE BATTLE
72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128
≤◊u~◊ Ä≤◊… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE LITTLE EGO ©◊~◊Ø@◊ Åo˛◊©◊˙`◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE MIRACLE OF BIRTH Øh≤F◊d’◊Ø˙≠~◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOMENTS ¡˛◊≤<◊˙~◊o◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE BLISS OF BRAHMAN Ø˙~h◊ru π˛≠≤◊Ζ◊÷◊˙ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE HUMAN ENIGMA ≠·◊≤◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE BODY ≠Ø˙O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIBERATION ≠©◊ä˙d–◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIGHT Ä·œ◊¸ ÄNuØ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE UNSEEN INFINITE N_l… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SELF ¡–◊‘_sd◊ Ä˙k˙ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE COSMIC SPIRIT ëëØhΩíí . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “I” N¡’◊¡◊ä˙π÷◊d◊˙ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OMNIPRESENCE Ä≠Q◊d◊~◊ §–◊≈–◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE INCONSCIENT FOUNDATION Ä≠·_Ê◊d◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ADWAITA ≠‘ÊÎ◊-QF◊Î◊-≠·◊¡◊˙Î◊l . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE HILL-TOP TEMPLE dh◊≠Ø Äø◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BECAUSE THOU ART ·–◊¡◊ä ·œ◊¸– . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIVINE SIGHT ·–◊¡◊ä §◊˙¡◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIVINE SENSE ~◊@◊, ‘ê–◊S@◊ Ä˙k¡–◊≠@◊˙S@◊ . MAN, THE DESPOT OF CONTRARIES ¡–◊¡◊≈’◊~◊. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EVOLUTION ≠N˝Øä N}˙r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE SILVER CALL Ä˙¥◊@◊ π˛˙¥◊@◊@◊˙©–◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE INNER FIELDS N≠~◊ËÍ - d◊˙@–◊] ~◊ ‹≥¡◊˙ . . . . . . . . . . . .
130 132 134 136 138 140 142 144 146 148 150 152 154 156 158 160 162 164 166 168 170 172 174
@F◊π˙¥◊@◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRANSFORMATION ~–◊¡◊˙’b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NIRVANA Ä~◊ä §h◊¡◊~◊Ø˙~◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE OTHER EARTHS ¡–◊N·œ◊‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONTRASTS
178 180 182 184
Øb–r, Q–◊¥◊˙‘uÎ◊ π‘h . . . . . . . . . MAN, THE THINKING ANIMAL ØF÷◊ ÄQ–◊d–◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE DUMB INCONSCIENT Ä≠‘r˙…≠‘ ¡–◊§◊ê◊ Ä~◊¥◊ . . . . . . . . . THE INFINITESIMAL INFINITE É·Í◊¡◊d’◊~◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EVOLUTION Ä·_◊l Ä˙k˙ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE ONE SELF ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙k˙ Ä˙Ø@◊ X◊˙÷◊¥–◊ . . . . . . . . . . . OUR GODHEAD CALLS US ¡–◊™◊˙~◊@◊ Ä˙¡–◊ ˙@◊ 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . DISCOVERIES OF SCIENCE I ¡–◊™◊˙~◊@◊ Ä˙¡–◊ ˙@◊ 2 . . . . . . . . . . . DISCOVERIES OF SCIENCE II ¡–◊™˙~◊@◊ Ä˙¡–◊ ˙@◊ 3 . . . . . . . . . . . DISCOVERIES OF SCIENCE III ~F◊d◊~◊ ø◊o◊≠@◊ @◊Q–◊d◊ π·◊ä˙¡◊Ζ◊ .
186 188 190 192 194 196 198 200 202
N˙s@◊ N˙@F◊πä . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OCEAN ONENESS NØ˙S≥, π˛d◊uO˙@◊d◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRANCE OF WAITING ©_◊Î◊·◊Q–’◊ ¡◊˙lh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FLAME-WIND ~◊·◊u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE RIVER N_π∂d◊@◊u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE DREAM BOAT N˙Ou à Q◊÷˛◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE WITNESS AND THE WHEEL Ä¡◊d◊@◊b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESCENT ~–◊≠]˙©◊ ≠~◊˝÷◊˙Ë–◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE LOST BOAT ~◊¡◊˙l~◊ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RENEWAL Ä˙k˙@◊ ·œ◊‘ä . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOUL’S SCENE Ä˙≠@◊˙≤◊b - ≠Ø˝~◊d◊˙ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASCENT - THE SILENCE Ä˙≠@◊˙≤◊b - ≠Ø˝~◊d◊˙@◊ π@◊π˙≠@◊ ASCENT - BEYOND THE SILENCE Ä¡–◊·◊ä˙π–≤–◊d◊ Ä˙k˙ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOUL IN THE IGNORANCE Δ˙d˛◊˙≠‘r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JOURNEY’S END π˛˙b-N_s’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE LIFE HEAVENS ¡–§h◊ö◊ ≠s˙`◊˙π . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROSE OF GOD
206 208 212 214 216 218 220 224 228 230 232 234 238 238 240 248
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1895-1908 SHORT POEMS 1895-1908
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Ä˙Ø»◊b Q◊˙@–◊π≠Ë◊ ≠Ø˙ Ø˙d–◊ø–◊ nŸ◊, `◊˙s–ø–◊ nŸ–◊ π˙s, π˙≤◊˙Ÿ◊ Q◊˜–◊ Δ˙ÜΩ ØhΩ, Δ˙ÜΩ Ñr@◊ §F◊ÅΩ Δ≤y◊ > Ä˙N–¡◊ ÷–◊Ü ≠Ø˙ N˙≠‹ ? ÷–◊Ü Ä˙≠@◊˙≠≤◊ ≠~◊¡◊ §◊˙s ? n@◊b˙-©◊≠Î◊ Q◊˙`–◊¡◊, Δ–¡◊ dh◊r˙@◊-π‹ ¡◊˙≤–◊ ? ~◊ ‹˙Ü Øh≤y◊ N…÷h◊Q–◊d◊ N≤◊@◊u π@–◊≠¡◊≠‘ dh◊Ø@–◊ s˜◊˙ ·h◊Ä˙@◊ Ä˙É π˛˙Q◊u≠@◊ ≠≤◊˙Å @h◊M◊; Ç‘_@◊ ≠Ø˙ Ñ≠Z’◊ ~◊≠§◊ @◊˙©◊Å ~◊uÎ◊ ≠¡◊≠‘, ¡–◊@h◊≠M◊ ≠Ø˙ ¡◊d◊˙N ¡◊≠≤◊ nz˙ Ø˙≠s ΔhM◊ > ¡–◊©◊~◊ N˙≠‹ @◊Q◊Å `◊uÎ◊˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ü @◊˙≠©◊ä Øh≤y◊, ¡◊ä‹’ ħ–◊Δ˙~◊÷h◊ ~–◊ÜΩ ¡◊Õh◊π≠b ¡◊@–◊ > ¡œ◊≤◊dÍ◊ π˛˙b Q˙≤y◊¡◊ ≠÷◊≤–◊ ? Ä¡◊˙S ≠≤◊˙Å ©–◊Å¡◊ ≠÷◊≤–◊ ? n◊z˙π–Ë◊˙ ‘–]@◊-≠·◊≠‘ Ä˙N d◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ Q◊˜–◊ > nŸ◊@◊ π˛§h◊ Øh≤y◊ ≠@◊, Øh≤y◊ ÷◊≈◊˙’ π¡’◊d◊@◊, Ä˙k˙ ØhΩ ≠Δ N_˙Su~◊d◊˙@◊ s@–◊Ø˙@◊ ~–◊Δ’ä˙N > Ä~◊¡◊·◊Øä ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥¡◊ ≠N ¡–◊π·◊@◊ NØ≠s˙d˛◊ Núu ≠≤◊¡◊ ≠Ø˙ π≠‹ Δ–Ü, @◊˙≠©◊ä ≠~◊¡◊ Ä…‘ >
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1895-1908 Invitation With wind and the weather beating round me Up to the hill and the moorland I go. Who will come with me? Who will climb with me? Wade through the brook and tramp through the snow? Not in the petty circle of cities Cramped by your doors and your walls I dwell; Over me God is blue in the welkin, Against me the wind and the storm rebel. I sport with solitude here in my regions, Of misadventure have made me a friend. Who would live largely? Who would live freely? Here to the wind-swept uplands ascend. I am the lord of tempest and mountain, I am the Spirit of freedom and pride. Stark must he be and a kinsman to danger Who shares my kingdom and walks at my side.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
÷–◊Ü ≠N≤–◊ ˆ~◊ ~◊uΖ◊Ø˙≠@◊ ss~◊@◊, / πhb– N¡h◊©◊ ≠‘˙§◊˙≠@◊ ÷◊˙~◊~◊@◊, Δ–Ü n`◊÷◊ Ä˙b–`◊˙ dF◊Ζ◊Q◊˙Ζ◊ / ≠N≤–◊ ≤◊˙d◊Ë–◊ ÷◊˙≤◊˙@◊ π˙@◊ ÷◊≤–◊ ? ≠Δ≠¡◊ ≠¡◊ä˙Ø@◊ ‘F~◊ä ©◊∫◊@◊≠@◊ / ‹≥≠`◊ ¡◊˙lhØ˙≠~◊ Øû–◊ ‘l~◊≠@◊, ÷–◊Ü ©◊s˙Å d◊˙öh◊ ˆhØ≠ˆ˙@h◊ / πhb– Ä˙≠·◊‘– ÷◊≤–◊`◊˙ Δ˙Ä ¡◊≤–◊ ? ≠N d◊ ≤◊©–◊ø–◊ Ø@◊Ø-s≤◊~◊≠@◊, / πhb– π@◊˙-π˛÷œ◊d–◊-s≤_◊≠@◊, Ü≠b ≠·◊]˙Ø–≠Î◊ ‹˙Å Øg≠÷◊ / N–Ü @F◊π˙l–d◊ ÷◊≠@◊ §◊˙¡◊@◊˙‘– : ~◊˙~◊˙ ¡–◊÷◊Q◊ ÷h◊NhØ ·◊≠Î◊ ·◊≠Î◊ / ≠N ≠Δ ¡h◊b˙ ≠≤◊˙Å N˙≠©◊ §◊Ζ◊ §◊Ζ◊, πhb– d◊˙@◊÷◊˙@◊˙©–◊@◊ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊-©◊˙≠` / N–Ü S@◊˙π≠Ÿ◊ Ä˙N– ≤◊N– ≤◊N– > ‹˙Ü ¡–◊÷˛◊Ø ≠≤◊˙Å πh@h◊r@◊, / πhb– `◊Î◊~◊˙-@F◊π@◊ Ø˙Sh@◊u≠@◊, @◊˙≠©◊ ÷–◊≠‘˙@◊-≤◊N@◊ Éè_◊˙≠N / N˙≠©◊ ÷–◊≠‘˙@◊u-N@◊≠Ø Y◊Î◊ Y◊Î◊; ]@◊ ≠¡◊≠s ≠ΔÉΩ ≤◊˙d◊ ‘F~◊ä≠@◊ / ¡œ◊≤◊NÍ-πd–◊÷h◊ ˆF@◊˙Ü ÷◊˙Î◊÷◊˙Î◊, ≠N d◊˙í N¡h◊ ÷◊˙@◊N˙·–◊ ·–◊Ü N˙@–◊ / ]˙`–◊ @◊Q–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Ü÷◊ ÷h◊¥◊Î◊ > Ü≤–◊ N¡h◊ d◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@–◊ N@◊©◊~◊˙, / d◊˙í@◊ sh£~◊, d◊˙í@◊ ø◊˙l˙@F◊π; ≠d◊≠¡◊ ≠÷◊ÉΩ∫–◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ ¡◊˙N‹˙~◊ ? / ≠÷◊ÉΩ ~◊˙Ø≠@◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ π@–◊Q◊l ? ≠N ÷–◊ ¡–◊Ãh ÷–◊ Ä¡◊˙ ¡˛◊≤<◊˙ ? / ©◊≠b πh@h◊r ÷–◊…¡◊˙ ¡◊˙Ø˙ ? ≠·◊≤◊ Äø–◊ d◊˙í@◊ Ä¡◊˙ ¡–◊≠·◊≤◊u ≠N / ≠N ÷–◊ Δhs~◊M◊ ~◊˙ Ä·_◊l ? Ä˙Ø ‘@◊S˙ ≠Δ ≠N≤–◊ ÷–◊≠‘˙@◊÷h◊ / Δ˙í@◊ ÷◊˙Ζ◊Ä˙ @F◊π ¡–◊ É≠∫◊ nΖ◊, Q–◊@◊ É`◊s∂˙ Ä˙É ÷◊@◊˙Ζ◊~◊u / ©◊≠b @◊Øbu Ä˙Ø@◊ Ç‘_@◊u > Ä˙≠Ø ≠≤◊@–◊øh◊ d◊˙≤◊˙≠@◊ Ä˙≠Ø˙·–◊d◊ / ¡◊N– dh◊r˙@◊-‘ur’ ‘ÅÎ◊≠@◊, πhb– N÷◊Î◊ §h◊¡◊~◊ ØF≠Î◊ ‹˙Å / Ä˙≠Ø ≠·◊]hΩ Δ˙Ü ≠N d◊˙í ÷◊˙Ø ÷◊@–◊ >
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1895-1908
Who In the blue of the sky, in the green of the forest, Whose is the hand that has painted the glow ? When the winds were asleep in the womb of the ether, Who was it roused them and bade them to blow ? He is lost in the heart, in the cavern of Nature, He is found in the brain where He builds up the thought: In the pattern and bloom of the flowers He is woven, In the luminous net of the stars He is caught. In the strength of a man, in the beauty of woman, In the laugh of a boy, in the blush of a girl; The hand that sent Jupiter spinning through heaven, Spends all its cunning to fashion a curl. These are His works and His veils and His shadows; But where is He then ? by what name is He known ? Is He Brahma or Vishnu ? a man or a woman ? Bodied or bodiless ? twin or alone ? We have love for a boy who is dark and resplendent, A woman is lord of us, naked and fierce. We have seen Him a-muse on the snow of the mountains, We have watched Him at work in the heart of the spheres.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
d◊˙í@◊ `◊uÎ◊˙ Ä˙É d◊˙í@◊ Q◊◊˙dh◊@◊u ¡–◊ / Ä˙≠Ø ¡◊]˙b–¡h◊ N˙@◊˙ ©◊sd◊≠@◊ : ≠Δ≠d◊ ¡◊ä‹˙ ¡–◊Sh@◊d◊˙ Δ»◊b˙ / N¡h◊ ÷◊@–◊·–◊Ü d◊˙í÷h◊ πh`◊÷–◊d◊; Ä˙Ø ·h◊º]≠@◊ d◊˙í@◊ Nh] ‹˙Ü / ≠d◊bh Ä˙Ø÷h◊ ≠N N·◊˙ ÷◊o◊˙Ü πhb– ≠Ø˙≤◊~◊ @F◊π≠@◊, @◊§◊N≠@◊ / N–Ü Ä˙Ø÷h◊ ÷◊@◊˙Ü π˛≠`◊˙§–◊d◊ > ≠Δ≠d◊ Núud◊ ÜÅ Nœ¸–@◊ / N¡h◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@–◊ ≤◊N@◊ ÷◊Î◊~◊˙·◊ N¡h◊ NhrØ˙≠@◊ §◊@◊˙ ·◊@◊≤◊˙N / d◊˙í@◊ π˛N˙·◊@◊, §◊˙¡◊ ø◊~◊ ø◊~◊; Ä˙Ø ©◊u¡◊~◊ d◊˙í ≤œ◊·◊ ªo◊~◊ / Ä˙Ø ≤◊˙N@◊˙N N–~◊˙ π@–◊blñ @◊˙S˙ N˙‹≥≠@◊ ÷–◊≠‘˙@◊ ÷œ◊Ã@◊ ! / Ä˙Ø π˛bl d◊˙ö◊ Qh◊¯~◊ > ≠N ≠Δ ¡–◊÷˛◊Ø ¡◊˙≠©◊ ˆ~◊ ≠ˆ˙≠r / ‘d◊ ≠§◊@◊u dF◊@◊u Ä˙É ‘õ≠@◊, Ä˙É ¡◊–©◊l@◊‹≠@◊ Ä˙≠@◊˙≤–◊ ≠N / ø◊h≠Ë◊ ¡◊`<◊ ÁÎ◊÷◊ ø◊˙Ë–◊ ø◊˙Ë–◊; ≠Δ≠¡◊ ≤◊d◊ä˙ ÷◊≠@◊ ≠N Ä÷◊˙d◊≠@ / ‹◊˙Ü ≠d◊≠¡◊ ¡–◊ ÷◊@h◊b˙-Éè◊Î◊ ÜÅ Nœ¸–Ë◊˙ `◊˙s– `◊˜–◊ `◊˜–◊ / Ä˙≠b π@◊Ø `◊s∂ π@–π˙Ë◊u > ÜÅ §h◊¡◊~◊ §h◊¡◊~◊ ≠·◊˙Î◊~◊≠@◊ / ÜÅ Δhs π≠@◊ Δhs Q◊Î◊~◊≠@◊ ≠N ≠Δ ¡◊b’~◊˙d◊ud◊ ¡–◊÷˛◊Øu / ≠N ≠Δ Ø≤◊ul˙~◊ Ä˙É Nh¡–◊ØÎ◊, ≠ΔÉΩ ‘u≠r’ Ø˙~◊N §◊˙¡h◊÷◊@◊ / Δ˙Å øh◊ÅΩ π˙≠@◊, d◊˙í@◊ π@◊π˙≠@◊ ≠N d◊ ¡–◊@◊˙≠©◊ Ä˙πb˙ Ä˙N~◊≠@◊ / Δ˙≤◊˙ ‹˙Ü ÷◊˙Î◊ ÷◊˙Î◊ Ä¡–◊Q◊Î◊ > sh@h◊ π@◊Ø ≠N N–~◊˙ Øb–r@◊ / d◊˙í@◊ Äπ˙@◊ ·◊l–d◊ ≠NÅ Ü÷◊˙, ≠N d◊ @◊≤–◊ø–◊ Ä˙Ø@◊ ≤–◊Ä˙ π˙≠‘ / ]˙`–◊ ·œ◊¸– N˙S≥≠`◊ Ø–≠Î◊ ≠·◊]˙; Ä˙≠Ø ÄÕ◊ Ä˙Ø@–◊ ¡◊Ÿ–◊Ø˙≠@◊ / Ä˙É Ø≈◊ Ä˙Ø@◊ s@–◊Ø˙≠@◊, Øbh N_˙Su~◊, Ø˙d◊@◊ Q◊Éπ˙≠‘ / ‹◊˙Ü Ä˙Ø@–◊ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙-NuØ˙≠@◊]˙ > Ü÷◊˙ ≠N≤–◊ ¡–◊@◊˙©–◊d◊ NFΔ’ä≠@◊ / Δ–Ü ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ d◊‹˙ ÄØ@◊b Ä˙É ØÚ@◊˙d–˛◊ É≠∫◊ §◊@–◊ / π˙Å d◊˙ö◊@–◊∫◊˙@h◊ ø◊˙l˙d◊÷◊; ‹≥`◊˙ ≠~◊d˛◊≤◊u~◊ Ü ‘¡’◊@◊u / ≠Δ≠¡◊ s≤◊~◊d–◊Ø–≠@◊ Øû–◊d◊ ‹≥≠`◊ ≠÷◊≠o˛◊ d◊˙í@◊ ≠N NØ˙Nu~◊ / Ø≤◊˙≠Ø@h◊ N·œ◊‘, Ü÷◊˙ Ü÷◊ >
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1895-1908
We will tell the whole world of His ways and His cunning: He has rapture of torture and passion and pain; He delights in our sorrow and drives us to weeping, Then lures with His joy and His beauty again. All music is only the sound of His laughter, All beauty the smile of His passionate bliss; Our lives are His heart-beats, our rapture the bridal Of Radha and Krishna, our love is their kiss. He is strength that is loud in the blare of the trumpets, And He rides in the car and He strikes in the spears; He slays without stint and is full of compassion; He wars for the world and its ultimate years. In the sweep of the worlds, in the surge of the ages, Ineffable, mighty, majestic and pure, Beyond the last pinnacle seized by the thinker He is throned in His seats that for ever endure. The Master of man and his infinite Lover, He is close to our hearts, had we vision to see; We are blind with our pride and the pomp of our passions, We are bound in our thoughts where we hold ourselves free. It is He in the sun who is ageless and deathless, And into the midnight His shadow is thrown; When darkness was blind and engulfed within darkness, He was seated within it immense and alone.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
≠¡◊·◊˙¥◊u@◊ π˛˙‹’~◊˙ ≠≤◊ N≈◊˙ π@◊Ø ~◊u@◊¡◊ Ø@◊≠Ø Δ–Ü ‹˙Ä Ú˙~◊@◊d◊, N~◊˙d◊~◊ §◊˙Ø, dh◊≠Ø Ø˙d˛◊ ‹˙Ä ! ≠d◊≠¡◊ ≤◊˙l, ØhΩ ÷◊˙≤y◊÷–◊ Ü d◊≠Ø Ä˙¡œ◊d◊, §◊˙N_@◊ ≠Ø˙ ≠·◊≤◊ ©◊uØFd◊-d◊˙Ÿ–◊d◊ ? ÷◊˙≤y◊÷–◊ ØhΩ Üπ˛÷◊˙≠@◊ ¡◊˙N~◊˙-¡–◊÷◊Î◊, ÷h◊Ø˙≠s’ Q◊˙Ζ◊d◊, ·◊sÍS ≤h◊d◊˙‘≠~◊ Ø≈◊ ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙@◊, d◊¡◊ ‘˙¥–◊@h◊ ~–◊O–D ≠ˆ˙@◊ Ä˙¡◊d’◊≠~◊ π˛d–◊ nz˙s≠Ø ? ≠‘˙÷◊d◊˙≠π π˛¡◊G≥d◊, ≤◊≠d◊˙f˙≤◊, d˛◊g, ¡–◊≤_◊Ζ◊d◊ ÷◊˙≠Ø ? @◊ê◊˙ê◊, SFN@◊ Äd◊ud◊ ≠Ø˙ ~◊ ≠Á@◊˙É π@◊Ø ÷◊@h◊b˙ d◊¡◊, ~◊ ÷◊@h◊ ØA◊@◊, ≠≤◊ ÄNú Nd◊ä ! ‘∫◊ ≠·◊≠¡◊ ~◊ ÷◊@◊¥h◊ d◊¡◊ @F◊π S@–◊ ≠Δ˝¡◊~◊ ≠Ø˙ ¡◊ä‹’ >
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1895-1908 The Vedantin’s Prayer Spirit Supreme Who musest in the silence of the heart, Eternal gleam, Thou only Art ! Ah, wherefore with this darkness am I veiled, My sunlit part By clouds assailed ? Why am I thus disfigured by desire, Distracted, haled, Scorched by the fire Of fitful passions, from thy peace out-thrust Into the gyre Of every gust ? Betrayed to grief, o’ertaken with dismay, Surprised by lust ? Let not my grey Blood-clotted past repel thy sovereign ruth, Nor even delay, O lonely Truth ! Nor let the specious gods who ape Thee still Deceive my youth.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
‹Ø˙Ä Ü Ä˙≠Œ˙Ë◊~◊; ‘˙‘_d◊ ¡◊Q◊~◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ‘hb–¡–◊, ©◊˙b–¡–◊ Åè◊˙ Q–◊@◊¥◊~◊ > Ü ·œ◊‘ä ÉE◊Î◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ ≠d◊˙@◊≠b Δ˙≤◊˙ ©◊Ø˙Ü ©◊z˙Î◊ ≠π˙ø◊, ñ ·◊˙~◊÷◊@◊ ÄØm˙~◊ ~◊l~◊, N_è◊ d◊@h◊b–d◊ ≤–◊Ä˙ > ~–◊o◊, π˛§h◊ ≠Ø˙@◊, ÇπÍN˙≠@◊, s©’◊~◊ Δ˙í@◊ Ü≠d◊ ‘´d–◊÷◊Ëh◊, ≠d◊˙Ζ◊ ~–◊Ä ÷m–◊¤◊ Äd◊ud◊ ≠Ø˙, ‘hM–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ πh~◊¡◊˙’@◊ ˆËh◊ > ≠≤◊ ~–◊sF˜◊ ·_◊˙@◊ π@◊Ø π˛™◊˙@◊, ≠]˙`◊ ! ≠≤◊ ¡–◊÷˛◊Ø, ≤h◊Ä πFC’÷◊˙Ø ! ≠π˛Ø, n@◊ Ä~–◊¡◊˙@◊ !
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1895-1908 These clamours still; For I would hear the eternal voice and know The eternal Will. This brilliant show Cumbering the threshold of eternity Dispel, – bestow The undimmed eye, The heart grown young and clear. Rebuke, O Lord, These hopes that cry So deafeningly, Remove my sullied centuries, restore My purity. O hidden door Of Knowledge, open ! Strength, fulfil thyself ! Love, outpour !
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
d–˛◊‘öh◊@◊ ¡–◊©◊l-Núud◊ Øœdh◊ä ~◊˙≤y◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ > Ä¡◊‘ä Ü ≠·◊≤◊, Ä˙k˙ ≠Δ≠¡◊ ÷m◊˙¥◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ©◊uC’ Ü≤–◊ Ä˙¡◊˙N≠@◊, Äs∂–÷h◊ Ä˙≤◊˙@◊ ≠·◊¡◊, ØhΩ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊, ©◊Ζ◊Δ–¡◊ ]˙`–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ˆ@◊ > ¡◊@◊©–◊ ≠N Ä˙¡◊@◊b π˙Å¡–◊ ØhΩ ¡◊˙l¡◊ul ¡–◊πhÎ◊ π@–◊S≥ > Ä˙k˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ ÜŸ–◊Δ–¡◊ OhS˙≈’◊ NØ˙S≥, ø◊Ζ◊Δ˙Å Øœdh◊ä-Ä˙`–◊ú~◊ > ‘ud◊Î◊ s@◊≠§◊ d◊˙í@◊ @◊˙d–˛◊ Ä˙S˙@–◊¡◊ NFΔ’ä; ÷◊˙Î◊ ~–◊¡◊≈–’◊¡◊; ÷◊Ø’@◊d◊ d◊˙@◊÷◊˙öh◊ Øhê–◊ ؖΖ◊Δ–¡◊ Ä~◊–¡◊≈’◊ä ØhΩ @◊≤–◊¡–◊ Q–◊@◊ > Ä˙·–◊ ¡◊u©◊ Ø˙~◊ ÉD ≠≤◊¡◊˙ Ä˙s@h◊ πœ‹_u≠@◊, ⁄¡–◊@◊ ØhΩ ≠≤◊˙Å N˙@–◊‹≥`–◊, Ä·◊ä˙π– Ä©◊˙d◊ s˛≤◊ Ü≠÷◊ Ü≠÷◊ s≠`◊ ¡–◊ ‘ud◊Ζ◊ Åd–◊≤◊˙N ‹≥¡◊ ≠Ø˙í Q◊≠@◊Ê¡◊˙~Í◊ > Øh≤y◊ §◊˙d–◊ ~◊Od˛◊@◊, ≠÷◊‘@◊u-¡–◊÷˛◊Ø Ä˙É π˛dh◊är@◊˙‘–@◊ π˛Áh`∑◊d◊˙; Øh≤y◊ ~◊@◊, ~◊˙@◊u Øh≤y◊, Ä˙¡◊@◊ ÷–◊≠‘˙@◊, ØhΩ Ä˙·–◊Ø π˛˙bN˙@◊, Ä~◊¥◊ ¡–◊gœd–◊ >
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1895-1908 The Triumph-Song of Trishuncou I shall not die. Although this body, when the spirit tires Of its cramped residence, shall feed the fires, My house consumes, not I. Leaving that case I find out ample and ethereal room. My spirit shall avoid the hungry tomb, Deceiving death’s embrace. Night shall contain The sun in its cold depths; Time too must cease; The stars that labour shall have their release. I cease not, I remain. Ere the first seeds Were sown on earth, I was already old, And when now unborn planets shall grow cold My history proceeds. I am the light In stars, the strength of lions and the joy Of mornings; I am man and maid and boy, Protean, infinite.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
ØhΩ π˙·◊π, Δ–Ü ~–◊ºNuØ ~◊uÎ◊@h◊ ɧ◊˙ Ü÷◊, Nú≤◊u~◊ ØhΩ ~◊u@◊¡◊ ~–◊≤◊˙@◊ πd◊~◊ Øh≤y◊ πhb– Äπ˛≠Øl π˙@◊˙¡◊˙@◊Ë–◊Ü > ØhΩ S@–◊ @◊]≥ø–◊ ~◊§◊ Ü÷◊d–˛◊d◊ ÷◊@–◊, É≠≈◊˙Ζ◊ø–◊ ©◊~◊˙÷◊uC’ S@◊˙ ‘˙‘_d◊ Ø~–◊ru ‹≥`–◊ ©◊~<◊÷◊˙≠Î◊ π@◊˙ ‹≥¡–◊ d◊˙≤◊˙, ≠≤◊≠`◊ NhM◊˙ Øœdh◊ä ≠Ø˙ N}¡◊ >
π@◊¡˛◊≤<◊ NFΔ’äØ˙≠~◊ ¡h◊`◊˙¡h◊`–◊ d◊˙@◊˙Ø˙≠~◊ Ü≠d◊ `◊uÎ◊˙≠]Î◊˙ ÷◊@◊¥–◊ ≠Δ ≠÷◊ÉΩ ÷◊˙Îh◊ ~–◊¡◊˙’Q–◊d◊ Ä˙πb˙ `◊l≠@◊, ÜÅØ˙≠~◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ ]˙`–◊, ≠Δ≠d◊ Ø≤◊˙ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊ @◊ ≠ØÎ◊˙ @◊≤–◊π˙≠@◊ ·◊uˆ’÷◊˙Î◊, π@–◊¡◊ä˙D ‘F~◊ä Ä˙‘l≠@◊, ·–◊¡◊äOb ≠N N÷◊Î◊ > Q–◊¥◊˙÷◊b˙ ≠N N¡h◊, ‘@◊u@◊u, ≠NØ˙≠~◊ ¡◊gh@◊ s≠§’◊ Ø≤◊~◊ul ·◊‘’~◊, Ä˙k˙@◊ Ø≤–◊Ø∂ ¡◊˙g¡◊ ≠d◊bh > Q◊Îh◊‹˙í¥–◊ ≠N_è◊˙ Ä~h◊N@–◊ ≠Δ N¡h◊ π˛÷–˛◊l˙ d◊˙≤◊˙ ~◊˙Ø˙¥◊@◊ @◊ud–◊ à ~◊ud–◊@ > ¡◊ghsd◊ Ä˙k˙ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ ·–◊≠‘ Δ˙≤◊˙ ¡◊gh@◊ ¡◊˙≤◊˙≠@◊, ‘ê–◊ Ü÷◊ Ä¥◊@◊≠@◊ S˙Δ’ä÷◊≠@◊ > ≠N ‘ê–◊ Ç‘_@◊; d◊˙ö◊@–◊ Q◊Î◊~ N¡h◊¡◊gh≠¡◊˙`–◊ Ä˙≠Ø ©◊˙bh Δ˙í≠@◊, Ø≤◊˙‘F~◊ä, Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊ d◊˙ö◊ §◊˙¡◊`◊uÎ◊˙ > ≠N Ä¡◊˙@◊
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1895-1908 I am a tree That stands out singly from the infinite blue; I am the quiet falling of the dew And am the unmeasured sea. I hold the sky Together and upbear the teeming earth. I was the eternal thinker at my birth And shall be, though I die.
Parabrahman These wanderings of the suns, these stars at play In the due measure that they chose of old, Nor only these, but all the immense array Of objects that long Time, far Space can hold, Are divine moments. They are thoughts that form, They are vision in the Self of things august And therefore grandly real. Rule and norm Are processes that they themselves adjust. The Self of things is not their outward view, A Force within decides. That Force is He; His movement is the shape of things we knew, Movement of Thought is Space and Time. A free
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
N˙¡’◊≠§◊˝Ø ÄS≥πd–◊ Ä¥◊s’d◊ d◊˙ö◊ ©◊sd◊@◊, Ä˙¡◊M◊ ~h◊≤◊¥–◊ N–Ü d◊˙ö◊ ÷–˛◊l˙ d◊˙ö◊ N©’◊~◊≠@◊, Ä˙¡◊M◊ ~h◊≤◊¥–◊ πhb– ¡◊Õ◊~◊≠@◊, π˙π ¡◊˙ πhbä@◊, ©◊˙s˛≠d◊ ~–◊·–˛◊d◊ ≠N ≠Δ ~–◊·˛◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ ¡–◊≠d◊ É©◊˙s≠@◊ > Ä˙¡◊M◊ ~h◊≤◊¥–◊ ≠N d◊ ©◊˙s@◊≠b Ä‹¡◊˙ NhD–≠@◊; Ä¡◊@h◊M◊ ~h◊≤◊¥–◊ ≠N ≠÷◊˝bN–≠@◊ Ä˙≠·◊˝ ÷◊·◊˙Q◊~◊ > ‘œõÎ◊˙ N÷◊Î◊ s˜◊˙ `◊…ˆ–Δ–≠¡◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ ≠N > Åè–◊≠`◊ Ä˙Q◊@◊¥–◊ Nπ’sd–◊ ÉXÍ◊X◊l~◊ ÉdÍ◊‹˙~◊ πd◊~◊ > N_˙S≥÷◊˙≠@◊ Äø◊¥–◊ ≠N Ü÷◊˙Ü÷◊ ‘u≠r’ ¡◊≤h◊÷◊˙Î◊ ~h◊≤◊¥–◊ ≠N ≠÷◊≤–◊ Ä¡◊˙ ~◊ ‹˙í¥–◊ ≠N ≠÷◊˝bN– @F◊π≠@◊, ~h◊≤◊¥–◊ ¡–◊ ~–◊@◊˙÷◊˙@◊ > ˆœb˙ Ä¡◊˙ ≠N≠~◊≤◊@◊ ©◊˙`◊ ‘˙¥–◊ ¡◊˙ Ä‘˙¥–◊-nŸ◊ ≠N πFb’d◊˙ ]¡’◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ÷◊≠@◊ > ≠Níø◊¥–◊, π˙@h◊~◊˙ ÷◊≤–◊; Ä~◊g– ¡–◊ ≠Δ≠≤◊dh◊ d◊˙ö◊@–◊ N_@F◊π@◊ ÷◊Î◊π~◊˙ s˜◊˙ Δ˙≤◊˙ ¡–◊~◊˙ Ä~h◊Ø˙≠~◊ > Q–◊·◊˙÷◊˙≠‘ ÉÅΩ≠`◊ ≠N Ä˙≠Ø Q◊ÎhΩ◊ d◊˙öh◊ Ä~h◊N@–◊, Ø˙d˛◊ ≠÷◊ π˙Åø–◊ d◊˙öh◊, Äø◊¥–◊ ÷–◊ ÷◊˙ ¡◊˙≤h◊-¡◊Õ◊≠~◊ ? ÷–◊ø–◊ ¡–◊ ~h◊≤◊¥–◊ ≠N d◊, N¡h◊ πhb– ≠N≤–◊ Ü÷◊˙S˙≠@◊; NØs˛ Ø˙d◊@◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ ≠N Äø◊¥–◊ d◊˙í÷h◊ Äd–◊÷˛◊Ø– > ÷◊˙Î◊ Ü¡◊… ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ ÄgØ–d◊ ≠N≤–◊ π˙@◊˙¡◊˙≠@◊; ÷◊˙Î◊ d◊ d◊@◊ú Ø˙d˛◊ ‘F~◊ä Ü÷◊ ¡–◊oh◊, Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠≤◊É‹˙Ü §˛◊Ø– > Ä˙πb˙ §–◊d◊≠@◊ ‹˙Å ø◊˙l˙ ≠N d◊ N≈◊˙@◊, Δ˙í≤h◊Ü ~◊¡◊d◊~◊ ©◊~<◊ Ü÷◊, N_-ÇπÍN–d◊ Ü÷◊ Ä˙¡◊@◊b @◊]≥¡◊˙÷h◊ ÄS˙’¡œ◊d◊, ™◊˙~◊, Δ˙≤◊˙ ~–◊@◊‹’÷◊ @◊≠≤◊ ~◊ ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ d◊˙í Nœ¸–@◊ ØF≠Î◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ÷–◊ `◊Oä Ø≤◊˙~◊,
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1895-1908 And sovereign master of His world within, He is not bound by what He does or makes, He is not bound by virtue or by sin, Awake who sleeps and when He sleeps awakes. He is not bound by waking or by sleep; He is not bound by anything at all. Laws are that He may conquer them. To creep Or soar is at His will, to rise or fall. One from of old possessed Himself above Who was not anyone nor had a form, Nor yet was formless. Neither hate nor love Could limit His perfection, peace nor storm. He is, we cannot say; for Nothing too Is His conception of Himself unguessed. He dawns upon us and we would pursue, But who has found Him or what arms possessed ? He is not anything, yet all is He; He is not all but far exceeds that scope. Both Time and Timelessness sink in that sea: Time is a wave and Space a wandering drop. Within Himself He shadowed Being forth, Which is a younger birth, a veil He chose To half-conceal Him, Knowledge, nothing worth Save to have glimpses of its mighty cause,
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Ü¡◊… π@◊Ø˙~◊o◊, Ä˙k˙ Ü÷◊ Ä~◊˙·–◊ Ä~◊¥◊, d◊˙≤◊˙≤y◊ d◊ Éf Ü≤–◊ §h◊¡◊~◊@◊, Ø≤–◊Ø˙-Ø—–d◊, π@◊Ø˙~◊o◊ ≠N, N¡’◊ ¡–◊π@◊u≠d◊ Δ˙í‘˛Ø ~–◊Δhê◊, ≠s˙`◊˙≠π ≠Δ N…™◊˙≤◊@◊˙, ≠ˆ˙@◊n≠Ÿ◊ Δ–Ü ÷h◊—Ζ◊d◊ > d–˛◊π¡◊˙’ Ü ÷˛◊uŸ◊˙ú~◊ ÷◊@–◊ø◊¥–◊ ≠N Ü÷◊˙ ~–◊Ø˙’b ≠]Î◊¥–◊ O≠b ≠N Ü÷◊˙ > ≠d◊˙Î◊¥–◊ ≠N Ä˙πb˙ NhØ~◊ ~–◊©◊ Ø≤h◊Ø˙ø–◊ ·◊…≠‘; ≤hÄ¥–◊ ≠N Ø–˛lØ˙b, πÎ◊˙¥–◊ ~–◊©◊∫hΩ◊ Ä¡◊˙ ‹˙Ü d◊˙ö◊ Ñr@◊ `◊s~◊ > N¡’◊OØ, Äø–◊ d◊˙ö◊ ‘˛Ø ·_J◊ ¡◊ä‹’d◊˙@◊ ™◊˙~◊; ¡–◊N<@◊bh ™◊˙~◊ πhb– Ä˙πb˙≠@◊ ÷◊`◊˙ É·Í◊§◊˙¡◊~◊; ¡◊ä˙÷h◊Î◊ Ø@◊b @◊Q–◊ ~◊˙Ø ≠·◊≠`◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊, ≠¡◊·◊~◊˙ ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊ Δ˙í÷h◊ ~–◊©◊÷h◊ ~–◊©◊@◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ π˛N¤◊ ·◊…‘~◊ >
Ç‘_@◊ Äπ@◊˙≠S’ N¡’◊≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ‹≥≠`◊ NhM◊˙ Ü÷◊˙ dh◊≠Ø ¡◊ä˙π–, Ñ≠S_’ ¡◊˙N÷◊@◊, ‘˛Ø–÷◊ ‘˙N÷◊ ™◊˙~◊u N§–◊ö◊@◊ ÷◊@◊d◊˙, d◊‹˙π– ≠π˛Ø–÷◊ ÷–◊ö◊@◊ > d◊˙è◊`◊ä ÷◊@◊~◊˙ dh◊≠Ø ©◊~<–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Äø–◊ ≠Δ ÷◊uË◊˙bh, Éπ≠Î◊ Ä˙·◊@◊, ≠N ~◊Ø˛d◊˙ Ä˙≠Ø ©◊˙bh dh◊Ø ¡–◊~◊˙ ÄN}¡◊ > ≠d◊bh dh◊≠Ø≤y◊ Ç‘_@◊ >
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1895-1908 And high Delight, a spirit infinite, That is the fountain of this glorious world, Delight that labours in its opposite, Faints in the rose and on the rack is curled. This was the triune playground that He made And One there sports awhile. He plucks His flowers And by His bees is stung; He is dismayed, Flees from Himself or has His sullen hours. The Almighty One knew labour, failure, strife; Knowledge forgot divined itself again: He made an eager death and called it life, He stung Himself with bliss and called it pain.
God Thou who pervadest all the worlds below, Yet sitst above, Master of all who work and rule and know, Servant of Love ! Thou who disdainest not the worm to be Nor even the clod, Therefore we know by that humility That thou art God.
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1902-1930 SHORT POEMS 1902-1930
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Ø≤◊˙k˙sb ÷h◊‹hØ– ÌÜ≤–◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙Ë–◊ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ Ø≤◊˙k˙πb-¡–◊rl÷◊ ØFÎ◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ Ü÷◊ ~–◊è◊÷◊ ÷◊À◊`◊uÎ◊˙, Ü÷◊ ÷◊˙¡–◊ä÷◊ πh~◊¡–’◊~◊ä˙N >± ND≠‘ÊÎ◊ NDN–Õh◊ ≠¡◊˜–◊ø◊¥–◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ > ĸ¡◊Î◊l–d◊ NFΔ’ ‘u≠r’ ≠Ø˙@◊ @◊≤–◊ ≤◊@–◊d◊ à ~◊uÎ◊, `◊˙`◊ à ≠s˙`◊˙πu, ¡◊˙Åsbu, Nh≠~◊`–◊ à ≠‘_d◊, Ü¡◊… ÷œ◊à ÁÎ◊÷◊ ¡–◊Q◊≠@◊ Δ˙í Ø≠d’◊ä sh≤◊˙d◊≠Î◊,ñ ~◊˙~◊˙ ¡◊≠C’ π˛©_◊Î◊¥◊ ~–◊≠@◊]¥–◊ ~–◊≠Ø∂ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ π˛·◊uD ‘–]˙≠@◊ > ~–◊≠Ø∂ ≠Ø˙@◊ Nh¡–◊guC’ ÄØ@◊ §h◊¡◊~◊, ≠`◊˙÷◊ π≠@◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊ ‘–]@◊ ~–◊≠‘˛bu NØ É∫–◊Äø–◊ NØFS_’ Ä˙÷◊˙≠‘ Ü¡◊… ≠N N¡’◊ ‘–]@◊ π≠@◊ ~–◊¡◊N¥–◊ ‘–¡◊ > πh@◊˙÷◊˙≠Î◊ N¡’◊ ÷◊Ø’ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ π@–◊Q–◊d◊ πœ‹≥¡◊u N≤–◊d◊ ≠ΔÉΩ Ød’◊ä¡◊˙NuØ˙≠~◊ Ä˙©–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ‘˙N~◊-ÄSu~◊ ‹≥≠`◊ N≠¡’◊ N≤◊Q◊@◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ ØhΩ Q◊Ζ◊¡–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ N_˙§◊˙¡–◊÷◊ π≠‹, N˙S˙@◊b Ø˙~◊¡◊ul Q–◊¥◊˙ Ä~h◊N@–◊ > ™◊˙~◊@◊ π–π˙N˙ Ü÷◊, Ü¡◊… Ü÷◊ ‘ê–◊@◊ π˛d◊äl, ‘h§◊ö◊@◊u §◊˙s¡◊d◊u ¡◊ä‹˙, ‘d◊ ©◊~<◊ S@–◊ ‹≥`◊˙ Ä~h◊N@–◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ > Ä˙≠@◊˙≤–◊ ØhΩ ©◊~<◊ π≠@◊ ©◊~<◊ Éπ~◊ud◊ ≠≤◊`–◊ ≠‘≠r Ø˙~h◊ru ™◊˙~◊@◊ ‘u≠r’, d◊˙íπ≠@◊ `◊§–◊`–◊ ©◊~<◊ §◊˙@◊d-§F◊Ø–≠@◊, N¡’◊¡–◊·◊ä˙π˙@◊úØ Øh≤y◊ ≠N≤–◊ Od–˛◊l ÷h◊‹hØ– ≠·_Ê◊π˙l~◊ Ä˙‘˛Ø@◊ π@◊˙÷˛◊Øu ≠Δ˙su, π˛bØ–`–◊ Ä˙N– Ä˙Ø Ä˙·◊äsh@h◊ Ø≤◊˙d◊πu ¡◊ä˙Nö◊ Q◊@◊≠b > Ä¥◊≠§’·◊u ·œ◊¸– ≠·◊Å ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ≠N ≠Ø˙≠d◊,
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1902-1930 The Mahatmas KUTHUMI (This poem is purely a play of the imaginative, a poetic reconstruction of the central idea only of Mahatmahood.) The seven mountains and the seven seas Surround me. Over me the eightfold Sun Blazing with various colours – green and blue, Scarlet and rose, violet and gold and white, And the dark disk that rides in the mortal cave – Looks down on me in flame. Below spread wide The worlds of the immortals, tier on tier Like a great mountain climbing to the skies, And on their summit Shiva dwells. Of old My doings were familiar with the earth, The mortals over whom I hold control Were then my fellows. But I followed not The usual path, the common thoughts of men. A thirst of knowledge and a sense of power, A passion of divine beneficence Pursued me through a hundred lives. I rose From birth to birth, until I reached the peak Of human knowledge, then in Bharat born, I, Kuthumi, the Kshatriya, the adept, The mighty Yogin of Dwaipayan’s school, To Vyasa came, our great original sage. He looked upon me with the eyes that see
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
É·◊˙≈◊ Ø≤–◊ØØl N≤◊˙Nä-Ä˙~≠~◊, Éé◊˙@–◊≠`◊ : ëë≠≤◊ ÷h◊‹hØ–, Ä©–’◊Äø◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ dh◊≠Ø ©◊~<◊ ©◊~<◊ S@–◊, ÷◊@◊ Ü≠¡◊ ∫h◊Î◊, N<@◊ d◊¡◊ N÷◊Î◊ Äd◊u≠d◊, ~–◊¡◊d’◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊-©◊~<◊-Q◊÷˛◊˙¡◊dh’◊ d◊¡◊, ~–◊Ä πhb– ĸ N–M–◊ Ø˙~◊≠¡◊ Δ˙ ÷◊@◊Å ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ > d◊˙í π≠@◊ πh~¢ Ä˙N, Ü¡◊… d◊¡◊ NhØ≤◊˙~◊ ÷◊Ø’ ‘–O˙ ÷◊@◊, dh◊≠Ø ≠Δbh Ä˙k˙ Ä~◊äd◊Ø Øœdh◊ä Δ˙í≠@◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ ~–◊r–M◊ >íí N˙s@◊ Éπ˙¥◊¡◊d’◊u ≠‘ÊÎ◊≠‘˛bu ħ◊ä¥◊≠@◊ Q◊Ζ◊`–◊ ØhΩ d◊≤hΩ◊ ÷ı◊@◊ ¡◊©˛◊@◊¡◊ Δ≤y◊ É∫h◊‹˙Ü ~–◊‘–@h◊ π˛§◊˙≠d◊, ‘_˙π·◊ö◊ §◊uØ@◊Ÿ–◊ ≠§◊·–◊ ÷◊÷’◊‘ ≠N O˙¥–◊≤◊u~◊ S_~–◊ N≤◊ Ø–‘h‹˙Ü π¡◊~◊@◊ ≤h◊≤h◊ö◊˙@◊ sud–◊, ·◊¥◊ˆr’u ·◊˙~◊¡◊ö◊ ≠ˆ@◊ Ø≠Ú @◊≤–◊ ≤◊∫◊≠Δ˙s N˙S≥`–◊ ØhΩ Ø˙d˛◊ d–˛◊·–◊¡◊≠N Äπ≠@◊ Δ˙í N˙Ú≤h◊Ü ·◊‘ ©◊≠~<◊, ¡◊≤h◊ ≠÷m◊≠‘, Nh·◊uˆ’ Ä˙l˙≠N > Ü≠¡◊ Ü≤–◊ πœ‹≥¡◊u@◊ ·h◊¡’◊Î◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊©◊˙d–◊ N˙≠S~◊˙ ≠N ≠Δ˙s > ©◊˙b–‹≥`◊˙ Ü≤–◊ ≠Δ˙s Ü÷◊Ø˙d˛◊ `◊ö◊˙@◊ @◊˙¡◊b, N˙S≥‹≥`◊˙ ≤–◊@◊bä÷◊‘–πh, S´¡◊ `◊§–◊‹≥`◊˙ N–M–◊, Ü≤–◊ ≠Δ˙s π˛˙Q◊u~◊÷◊˙Î◊@◊ ≠N≤–◊ `–◊Øh@◊ul ~◊@◊πd–◊ö◊@◊ > ÷◊@–◊`–◊ ØhΩ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ‘–@◊˙≠@◊ ‘–@◊˙≠@◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ÄNh@◊ö◊ ¡◊Î◊, Nh@◊ö◊ πh`◊÷◊ Ä˙É ·◊π’ N–M◊ö◊@◊ > ·◊uˆ’≠·◊≤◊u π@◊˙÷˛◊Øu ≠·◊≠¡◊˙πØ ·◊uˆ’ π·◊≠O≠π Ä˙N–`–◊ ØhΩ ¡◊ä˙Nö◊ NØu≠π > ÷–◊¥h◊ Ör–¡◊@◊ ≤◊`◊ ˙Å≠`◊ ˆ~◊ ©◊Ë◊˙ ÄN_u÷◊˙@◊ ÷◊@–◊ ≠Ø˙≠@◊, ëë‘hM◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊˙≤Ω◊ dh◊≠Øíí ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊ ÷◊≠∫◊˙≠@◊ > ≠÷˛◊˙S§◊≠@◊ ≠Á@–◊s`–◊ ≤–◊Ø˙Î◊l-QF◊≠Î◊ dh◊úd◊Ø ‘œ≠ú ≠N≤–◊ ~–◊¡◊˙d◊ dh◊r˙≠@◊ ¡–◊d◊˙Å`–◊ ≠Ø˝~◊ @◊≤–◊ ¡◊≤h◊ N¯f@◊ >
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1902-1930 And smiled august and awful. “Kuthumi,” He cried, “now gather back what thou hast earned In many lives, remember all thy past, Cease from thy round of human births, resume The eightfold powers that make a man as God. Then come again and learn thy grandiose work, For thou art of the souls to death denied.” I went into the mountains by the sea That thunders pitilessly from night to morn, And sung to by that rude relentless sound Amidst the cries of beasts, the howl of winds, Surrounded by the gnashing demon hordes, I did the Hathayoga in three days, Which men with anguish through ten lives effect, Not that now practised by earth’s feeble race, But that which Ravan knew in Lanka, Dhruv Fulfilled, Hiranyakashipu performed, The Yoga of the old Lemurian Kings. I felt the strength of Titans in my veins, The joy of Gods, the pride of Siddhas. Tall And mighty like a striding God I came To Vyasa; but he shook his dense piled locks, Denying me; “Thou art not pure,” he cried. I went in anger to Himaloy’s peaks And on the highest in the breathless snow Sat dumb for many years. Then knowledge came Streaming upon me and the hills around
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
d◊˙íπ≠@◊ π˛¡◊Î◊ S˙≠@◊ Ä¡◊d◊uC’ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ™◊˙~◊ ÷◊fi˙Å d◊˙í π·◊π˛˙≠N π¡’◊≠d◊ ≠Q◊˝·–◊≠÷◊ > @◊˙©◊≠Δ˙s N˙S≥`–◊ ØhΩ Ø˙d˛◊ d–◊~–◊·–◊≠~◊, Ø˙~◊≠¡◊ Δ˙ ¡◊≤h◊ Δ≠R◊, ħ˛◊˙¥◊ Nd◊≠÷’◊ Δhs Δhs Ä¡–◊‘˛˙¥◊ N˙S≥ ØÚ ≤h◊Ä¥–◊ ~–◊ßÎ◊ ñ ≠N ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ d◊ ÷◊Ζ◊-@◊˙©◊≠Δ˙s ! ≠N ≠Δ˙s N–M–◊≠@◊ Ä˙≠N πhC’™◊˙~◊, ‘hM–◊ à ‘÷◊d–◊ Ä˙πb˙ Ä˙l≠≈◊ Ü≤–◊ ≠Δ˙s ‘–]≥‹≥`◊˙ @◊O@◊˙©◊ ¡◊Ζ◊ ≠·◊Å‹≥`◊˙ ~◊≠@◊, π˛˙Q◊u~◊ ÷◊˙Î◊@◊ Ü ≠Δ˙s Äd◊Î◊˙¥◊ @◊˙©◊˙Ø˙~◊ö◊@◊ > NFΔ’NØ NØhE◊Ζ◊ Ä˙N–`–◊ ØhΩ ¡◊ä˙N≠·◊¡◊ π˙≠‘ > Øœ·h◊ ≤◊˙≠N ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊ ≠N, ëëÜ≠¡◊ dh◊≠Ø ¡–◊‘_@◊ Ø≤◊˙~◊ Ä˙k˙ ‘˛u÷œ◊Ãöh◊ ≠]˙©◊ ~–◊¡◊N¥–◊ ÷◊˙≤y◊ N–Ü ≠s˙π≠~◊ S@◊˙≠@◊; Δ˙≤◊˙ dh◊≠Ø ©◊˙b–ø◊ à Δ˙≤◊˙ Äø–◊ dh◊Ø@◊ ≠NN¡h◊ ÷◊@◊ NØπ’b d◊˙öh◊; dh◊≠Ø ≠Δbh ≠N≤–◊, ~–◊¡◊˙’Q–◊d◊ Ød’◊ä Ø˙~◊¡◊ ØÚ@h◊ ™◊˙~◊@◊ Nh@◊O˙ `◊˙s–, Ø˙d˛◊ ·_◊˙π@◊≠@◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊@◊ ‹≥¡◊˙Δ˙Ü ≠·◊¡◊NØ @F◊π, Ä~◊˙l˙N-N˙Ú ‹≥¡◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ > ÷–◊¥h◊ ≠Δ≠¡◊ ≠`◊˝≤◊ ÷◊Ζ◊ ≠·◊]≥¡◊ Ä˙N–`◊˙ Ü¡◊… πœ‹≥¡◊u ¡◊@◊©–◊ s≠`◊ ·_◊˙@◊÷◊˙-ÄSu‘ ©◊˙b–¡◊ d◊dÍ◊O≠b dh◊≠Ø Ä˙N–s`◊˙ π@◊uO˙@◊ ÷◊˙Î◊, ¡–◊π≠¤◊ ÉM◊@h◊‹≥¡◊, @◊O˙÷◊@h◊‹≥¡◊ dh◊≠Ø ©◊sM◊˙d˛◊u ™◊˙≠~◊ ≠Á@–◊ ~◊ ‹≥≠¡◊ ≠ΔΔ˙ÜΩ ‘˛u÷œ◊Ã Ü πœ‹≥¡◊u÷h◊ Q–◊@◊·–◊~◊ `◊˙s– > ≠d◊≠¡◊ Δ˙Å dh◊≠Ø dh◊Ø Ä≠`◊˝÷–◊÷◊ ÷◊Ø’@h◊ Øh÷h◊Ζ◊ Äsb~◊ ÷◊˙Î◊ S@–◊ ¡–◊‘˛Ø–¡◊ Ø≤◊˙~◊o◊ S˙≠Ø, ~◊¡◊ ÷◊À◊˙¥◊@◊ ~◊ Ä˙N–¡◊˙ Δ˙Ü, dh◊≠Ø ‹≥¡◊ Ör– ©◊≠b NDr–’ö◊ N˙≠‹ >íí ≠π˛@–◊`–◊ ™◊˙~◊≠@◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ≠·◊≠‘ ≠·◊‘˙¥◊≠@◊ > §◊˙@◊d◊@◊ @◊˙©◊÷◊≠O ~◊ ؖΖ◊`◊˙ NÕ◊˙~◊ d◊˙ö◊@◊, π˛‘˙¥◊ Ä˙‘˛Ø¡◊˙≠N, ÷–◊…¡◊˙ πFd◊ ≠·◊¡◊˙Î◊l-·_◊˙≠@◊,
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1902-1930 Shook with the feet of the descending power. I did the Rajayoga in three days, Which men with care and accuracy minute Ceaselessly follow for an age in vain – Not Kali’s Rajayoga, but the means Of perfect knowledge, purity and force Bali the Titan learned and gave to men, The Yoga of the old Atlantic Kings. I came to Vyasa, shining like a sun. He smiled and said, “Now seek the world’s Great Soul, Sri Krishna, where he lives on earth concealed, Give up to him all that thou know’st and hast; For thou art he, elect from mortal men To guard the knowledge, yet an easy task While the third age preserves man’s godlike form. But when thou seest the iron Kali come And he from Dwarca leaves the Earth, know then The time of trial, help endangered men, Preserve the knowledge that preserves the world, Until Sri Krishna utterly returns. Then art thou from thy mighty work released Into the worlds of bliss for endless years To rest, until another aeon comes, When of the seven Rishis thou art one.” I sent my knowledge forth across the land. It found him not in Bharat’s princely halls, In quiet asrams, nor in temples pure,
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
S~–◊÷◊ ¡◊b–÷◊ö◊@◊ Ä˙¡◊˙N≠~◊ ؖΖ◊≠`◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ≠Nñ ¡˛◊˙≤<◊b, Od–˛◊l, ≠¡Ê◊‘ä, Ä¡◊˙ ©◊˙d–◊Qh◊äd◊ ÷◊˙≤◊˙ ≠·◊≤◊ ~◊ S≠@◊ π˛§h◊öh◊ > Ä¡◊≠‘≠r ~◊Od˛◊-Q◊˙Ζ◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å π≤◊G≥`–◊ Ä˙N– Nh·h◊s’Ø π¡’◊d◊@◊ Éπ÷◊≠£ ¡–◊©◊~◊ ÷h◊Ë◊u≠@◊ > É~<◊˙·◊ N¤◊ä˙Nu ©◊≠b ¡◊~◊Q◊˙@◊u Ä˙§◊u@◊ ÷h◊Î◊@◊ @◊≤–◊‹˙í¥–◊ ≠Ø˝≠~◊ ¡◊N– Ä¡◊˙ ≤◊Nh‹˙í¥–◊ øh◊Ë–◊Δ˙É‹˙í¥–◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ Ø˙@h◊‹˙í¥–◊ ÷h◊·◊˙ Ü¡◊… ~◊˙Qh◊‹˙í¥–◊ ≠‘ÊÎh◊ ≠‘ÊÎ◊˙¥◊≠@◊, Ø˙d˛◊ ÷◊≤h◊ ~◊ ‹˙í¥–◊ ÷◊˙≤◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙πb˙@◊ Ä˙~◊o◊@◊ ≠≤◊dh◊, `◊§–◊`–◊ d◊˙ö◊@–◊∫◊˙≠@◊ π˛§h◊ö◊ ·◊‘’~◊, Ø˙~h◊ru d◊~h◊ π¢˙≠d◊ ≠≤◊@–◊`–◊ ØhΩ ¡–◊‘_-S˙d˛◊u Ä˙k˙ ¡–◊@◊˙©–◊d◊ > πŸ–◊`–◊ ØhΩ Q◊@◊≠b d◊˙ö◊@◊, ÷–◊¥h◊ N–Ü ÷h◊·◊˙ Ø˙@–◊ Ä˙N–≠`◊ ≠s˙Ÿ◊˙Å ≤◊˙b–≠`◊ ≠s˙Å∫◊˙ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ Ü¡◊… s`◊˙ ≠Á@–◊ ≠Ø˙≤◊∫◊˙@h◊ N¡’◊ ™◊˙~◊ N÷◊Î◊ ¡◊˙N~◊˙ N¡’◊‘ê–◊ d◊ä˙s ÷◊@–◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ Ä˙πb˙@◊ É≠f ! ~–◊≠¡’◊·◊ ‘–‘h π˙`◊Ë–◊ @◊≤–◊`–◊ ØhΩ ¡◊N– > ÄÏ≤◊˙≠N ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊ ≠N, ëë≠~◊Ü dh◊ ≠Á@◊˙Å ≠~◊ ·◊˙~◊ ≠d◊˙í@◊ ≠@◊ §–◊Oh÷◊ !íí Ü¡◊… `◊Ó≠·◊Å s≠`◊ Q◊Ζ◊ Y◊˙`h◊π≠‹ d◊≠Î◊ ! d◊≤hΩ◊ Øh≤y◊ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊-‘ê–◊-Ä˙~◊≠o◊ É·Í◊§◊˙N– ÑS_’˙l≠~◊ `◊…ˆ– s`–◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊-≠`◊˙÷◊˙¥◊@◊ Ñ©’◊N_Î◊ ≠·◊¡◊s≠b ÷◊`–◊ Äd–◊÷˛◊Ø ¡◊@◊©–◊ ≠Ø˙ Ø@◊d◊~h◊ dh◊r˙@◊-‘Δä˙≠@◊ > N≤◊˙l ≠≤◊˙Å≠¡◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ Ä~◊äØ˙≠~◊ Ä˙N–≠`◊ ≠Ø˙ π˙≠‘, ÄÀ◊˙S≥≠÷◊ ‘÷◊d–◊ π˛d◊ä≠l, Ø˙d˛◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ ¡–◊Ãh ~–◊≠©◊ ≠·◊Åø◊¥–◊ §◊˙@◊ > Ä˙≤◊≠@◊ ™◊˙~◊ ØhΩ Ü∫–◊, d◊˙íπ≠@◊ ØhΩ Ä¡◊d◊≠@◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ ‘@◊u≠@◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ Ob `◊˙s–, Øb–rö◊ ≠Ø≠Î◊ ¡h◊≠`Ω◊,
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1902-1930 Nor where the wealthy traffickers resort – Brahmin nor Kshatriya body housed the Lord, Vaisya nor Sudra nor outcaste. At length To a bare hut on a wild mountain’s verge Led by the star I came. A hermit mad Of the wild Abhirs, who sat dumbed or laughed And ran and leaped and danced upon the hills But told the reason of his joy to none, In him I saw the Lord, behind the man Perceived the spirit that contains the world. I fell before him, but he leapt and ran And smote me with his foot and out of me All knowledge, all desire, all strength was gone Into its source. I sat an infant child. He laughed aloud and said, “Take back thy gifts, O beggar !” and went leaping down the slope. Then full of light and strength and bliss I soared Beyond the spheres, above the mighty Gods And left my human body on the snows. And others gathered to me, more or less In puissance to assist, but mine the charge By Vishnu given. I gather knowledge here, Then to my human frame awhile descend And walk mid men, choosing my instruments,
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
¡◊˙ø–◊ ¡◊˙ø–◊ Δ»◊ N¡h◊ ≠Ø˙@◊, π@◊]≥, ¡◊@◊©–◊ Ä˙É π˛·◊˙~–◊ N_u÷œ◊d–◊ Ä˙k˙s≠b ñ ‘hM◊Nj◊ Ä˙S◊˙@◊N÷◊≠Î◊ : Ä˙NhÄø–◊ N_C’Δhs Ü‹@◊ ÷◊Ζ◊≠@◊, ≠`◊˝≤◊ ≠≤◊˙Å N_C’-¡◊Îl–d◊, Ø˙~◊≠¡◊ π˛·◊≈◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ≠Δ˙s Ü≠¡◊ πh~◊º ¡◊C’≠§◊·◊ Ä¥◊≠≤◊¡◊, `h◊D ≠≤◊¡◊ ©◊ˆ~◊ä ¡–◊¡◊˙·◊ Ü¡◊… π˛™◊˙~◊@◊ ¡–◊≠Œ˙@◊≠b ~◊˙‘≠≤◊¡◊ ~◊˙g–÷◊d◊˙ πœ‹≥¡◊u-¡◊O@h◊; ≠π˛Ø Ä˙É π˛™◊˙ Ä˙É ≠N˝§˛◊˙dœ◊d_◊ ≠Á@–◊ ‘˛u÷œ◊Ãö◊ ©◊sd◊÷h◊ ≠~◊≠¡◊ πhb– ~–◊©◊ ÄS≥÷◊˙≠@◊ >
©◊u¡◊~◊ Äd◊uo–˛◊l˙ Ä≠`◊˝÷–◊÷◊˙, Ä˙~◊o◊-~◊o–◊~◊u ©◊u¡◊~◊ ≠s˙, dh◊≠Ø d◊ É`∑◊˙N, ≠≤◊É d◊¡◊ ≠¡◊ä˙Øsd–◊-¡◊Î◊≠l ¡◊o–◊~◊u ‘˙‘_d◊u@◊ @◊˙N > π≠O d◊¡◊ É≠é◊ ≠d◊˙Î◊ s@–◊Ø˙ à ˆœb˙, ≠·◊¡◊d_◊ à Øœdh◊äø◊Î◊, É`∑◊˙N, Δ»◊b˙ > ¡◊@–◊~–◊Ä ≠Ø˙≠d◊ d◊¡◊ ¡◊bä Ä˙`–◊ú≠~◊ ÄNØ‹’ N…≠÷◊˙Q ¡◊äd◊ud◊ ≠≤◊@–◊ §◊uØØF≈–’◊, Ä~◊˙¡œ◊d◊ Ü Ä˙~◊≠~◊; ØFè–’◊d◊ ≤h◊Ä~◊˙, π˛˙b, Ä¡◊˙ ¡–◊Q◊Ζ◊d◊ >
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1902-1930 Testing, rejecting and confirming souls – Vessels of the Spirit; for the golden age In Kali comes, the iron lined with gold, The Yoga shall be given back to men, The sects shall cease, the grim debates die out And atheism perish from the Earth, Blasted with knowledge; love and brotherhood And wisdom repossess Sri Krishna’s world.
Life Mystic Miracle, daughter of Delight, Life, thou ecstasy, Let the radius of thy flight Be eternity. On thy wings thou bearest high Glory and disdain, Godhead and mortality, Ecstasy and pain. Take me in thy wild embrace Without weak reserve Body dire and unveiled face; Faint not, Life, nor swerve.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
É·Í◊ˆ˙Ë–◊¡–◊ N÷◊Î◊ @◊§◊N d◊¡◊, N¡’◊ ~–◊Bh@◊d◊˙ > ≤h◊Ä ÷ı◊@◊ Δ‹˙ N–…≤◊@◊¡◊, ØShØlu ØShØ˙N Δ‹˙ > ÄNh@◊≠Ë◊ π@–◊ ØhΩ Ä˙≠¡◊˙@–◊ ≠~◊¡–◊, Øû–◊¡–◊ Nh@◊ N@–◊, É≠·◊ä˙su ~◊@◊ π@–◊ ~–◊@◊Ø–¡–◊, ≠]Ζ◊¡–◊ ¡◊˙Î◊÷◊ §◊Ζ◊ > Ø˙s–¡–◊~–◊ dh◊Ø∫◊˙@h◊ ÷–◊G≥d ~◊ ≠`◊˙Ÿ–◊¡–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ §◊˙sä ¡◊˙≠@◊ ≤h◊ÜΩ π≠ø◊ @◊˙©◊˙ Ä‹¡◊˙ ¡–◊©–◊d◊ ©–◊Å @◊≠≤Ω◊ Ä¡◊˙ ≤◊˙≠@◊ > ø–◊¤◊ ¡◊˙≠N ¡–◊ ØhΩ ©◊≠b ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙; πd–◊d◊, d◊‹˙π– ·–◊¡◊ä ‹≥¡–◊; ·◊Ζ◊d◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊≠≤Ω◊ ≤h◊ÜΩ ØhΩ ¡–◊≠©◊d◊˙, ≤◊d◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ≤h◊ÜΩ ·◊uˆ’©◊u¡◊u >
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1902-1930 All thy bliss I would explore, All thy tyranny. Cruel like the lion’s roar, Sweet like springtide be. Like a Titan I would take, Like a God enjoy, Like a man contend and make, Revel like a boy. More I will not ask of thee, Nor my fate would choose; King or conquered let me be, Live or lose. Even in rags I am a god; Fallen, I am divine; High I triumph when down-trod, Long I live when slain.
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1930-1950 SHORT POEMS 1930-1950
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@◊ ‘˛Ø ∫h◊Î◊ ÷◊@–◊‹≥`–◊ N_π∂ N¡h◊ ≠Ø˙ @h◊≠π`–◊ π¡◊≠~◊, Δ≤y◊ Ü÷◊π˙≠‘ ~◊uÎ◊ Äπ@◊ π˙≠‘_’ N_C’@◊ NØ˙≠@◊˙≤ ≠N˙≤◊˙s-≠÷◊˙ØÎ◊ Ä˙¡◊@◊b d◊≠Î◊ ≠‹◊˙Å Ä˙N–‹≥`–◊ d◊≤y◊, dh◊Ø÷h◊ ≠~◊Å ≠Ø˙í ÷◊À–◊d◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ N_π∂ @◊d◊~◊Øl > ~–◊@–◊Ø–¡–◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ Ä˙‘˙ ÷◊@–◊‹≥`–◊ Åo˛◊S~h◊@◊ ≠Ndh◊ Ä˙÷◊˙‘@◊ N˙≠‹ Ø˙Ë–◊@◊ π˛bl @◊Q–◊ ~–◊≤–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ÜÅ ~◊≈’◊~◊π@◊˙ ÷h◊~–◊ ¡œ◊≈◊Ë–◊ ≠÷◊˙≠Î◊ Ø≤◊˙§◊˙¡◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ NuØ˙≤◊u~◊d◊˙@◊ Äø–◊ > N_s’ Ä˙Ø@◊ Äd–◊ §◊˙N_@◊ Äd–◊ ·F◊@◊˙¥◊ πhb– Éπ˙·◊˙~◊ d◊˙í@◊ Äd◊u¡◊ ‘uC’ ¡◊˙lh@h◊ NFO<d◊@◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ Ä˙Ø@◊ Üπ@–◊ π˛]@◊, Üπ@–◊ Ä˙÷◊N<–÷◊ ~◊ π˙Å`◊˙ ‹l, ≠§◊·–◊`◊˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ ¡–◊ ≠Q◊@◊ d◊˙í s§◊u@◊ d◊Î◊ > N_s’÷h◊ Δ–Ü Øb˙Å Ä˙b–¡◊ Ø≈’◊ä §h◊¡◊~◊ π≠@◊ πö◊≠@◊ d◊˙í÷h◊ ≠‹˙Å¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ π˛‹≠Ø Ä˙πb˙ π˙·◊ π˙‹≥’¡◊ ÜÅ π˛÷œ◊d–◊-§◊˙@◊ Ä˙πb˙ ≠Õ◊ ≠d◊˙Ζ◊ Q◊˙`–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊, ≠Δ π≠‹ @◊≤–◊ø–◊ ≠‘˙÷◊ Ä˙É Ä¡◊N˙·◊ > ≠·◊¡◊N≈◊˙≠@◊ Ä¡◊·◊Ø– ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä˙N–ø–◊ ØhΩ Ä¡◊d◊@–◊ ¡◊@◊b ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ ÷m–◊¤◊ ØΖ◊~◊ S@◊˙ π˙`◊Ë–◊ Δ˙Åø–◊ ~–◊≠¡’·◊ Ä˙É ‘˛Ø–÷◊ Øb–rË–◊Ü ©◊~<◊ Øœdh◊ä Ä¡◊≠@◊˙≠S ≠·◊Å S@◊˙ >
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1930-1950 A God’s Labour I have gathered my dreams in a silver air Between the gold and the blue And wrapped them softly and left them there, My jewelled dreams of you. I had hoped to build a rainbow bridge Marrying the soil to the sky And sow in this dancing planet midge The moods of infinity. But too bright were our heavens, too far away, Too frail their ethereal stuff; Too splendid and sudden our light could not stay; The roots were not deep enough. He who would bring the heavens here Must descend himself into clay And the burden of earthly nature bear And tread the dolorous way. Coercing my godhead I have come down Here on the sordid earth, Ignorant, labouring, human grown Twixt the gates of death and birth.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
s≤◊~◊ s§◊u≠@◊ ÷◊˙Î◊ ÷◊˙Î◊ S@–◊ Q◊˙`–◊ø–◊ ØhΩ ≠]˙Ζ◊ ≠]˙Ζ◊ Q◊˙`–◊ Ä˙N–ø–◊ ØhΩ ¡–◊§◊ur–÷◊˙ ≠§◊·–◊ ÷◊·’◊Ø ÷◊Îh◊r@◊ @◊Q–◊≠·◊¡–◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ N…sud◊Ølu N_C’·◊u `◊˙s– ≠‘Δ ≠d◊˙Ζ◊≠·◊¡–◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ Øœdh◊ä-¡–◊©◊lu ¡◊≤∂–◊@◊ `◊˙s– ˆ@◊ > ©◊Ÿ◊@◊ @◊˙d–˛◊ s≠§’◊ ©◊@–◊ø–◊, ]Ë–◊ø–◊ ¡–◊ ÷◊˙Î◊ ÷◊˙Î◊ Øb–r@◊ ≤◊˙≠d◊ ≠d◊˙Ζ◊ ≠·◊¡◊˙ `◊˙s– Äs∂–@◊ Éπ≤◊˙@◊; Ø˙d◊@◊ ؖΖ◊ø–◊ ~◊@◊÷◊-Çr’ä˙ ¡–◊≠·_◊r Øb–r@◊ Nœ¸– N÷◊˙Îh◊ `◊`◊˙≠Ë◊ ≠Ø˙≤◊@◊ Üd◊÷◊ πh@◊˙@◊ > Ä˙πb˙ π˙‘¡◊ N≈◊˙@◊ π˙≠‘ Øb–r@◊ Ø~◊ ≠Δbh π˛d◊˙@–◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å §◊@◊N˙ @◊]≥ø–◊ `◊˙Î◊N˙@◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ©◊l ·h◊º≠] π˙d◊≠÷◊ Ä˙Nê◊ ~–◊©◊ Ä¥◊≠@◊ Äø–◊ ≠π˙r– ¡–◊÷◊Ë◊˙Î◊ Ü÷◊ Äπ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙, Δ˙ NG˙@◊ ÷◊≠@◊ §◊l > π–úÎ◊ Äπ≠·¡◊d◊˙ d◊@◊≠÷◊ N_s’@◊ ‘–]˙ ≠·◊]≥ N…≠÷◊˙Q◊ d◊˙í@◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ Äø–◊ ‘hM◊ à Nh]÷◊@◊ ~◊˙Ë◊÷◊Ë◊˙ d◊˙í@◊ Q◊Ζ◊π˙≠@◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ Q◊Ëh◊Î◊ ¡–◊Î◊˙N ÷–◊ø–◊ Åo–˛◊lπ@◊ Ø≈◊d◊˙ Ä¡◊˙ Δ»◊b˙ πuŸ◊~◊@◊ > ÄÕ◊˙@◊ Ä˙É ¡–◊≠@◊˙S≠@◊ Ü≠¡◊ Y◊˙ö–◊ Δ˙Åø–◊ ·–◊s π˛·◊uπ ≠Δ≠d◊÷◊ Øb–r §◊˙r˙≠@◊ NFΔ’ä ~◊˙Ø≠@◊ ©◊≠Î◊ ≠NN¡h◊ Ø˙d◊@◊ ØÚπ‹@◊ Ø–…©–◊ Ø–…©–◊ n˙N ¡–◊øh◊Ÿ–◊ πŸ–◊ø–◊ ÄØ@◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊@h◊ ]z ©◊u¡◊~◊ π≠@◊ > N˙~◊ N˙~◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ Ä˙‘˙@◊ Ø‘˙`◊ ©◊Î◊˙Ü Øb–r ~–◊d–◊ `◊ú–d◊ Δ˙í@◊ ≠~◊ÅΔ˙Ü d◊˙í@◊ ≠Q◊˙@◊˙ ¡◊˙`h◊÷◊˙@◊ π≠‹ > ]—–d◊ Ü÷◊ Nd◊ä d◊˙í `◊˙s– ¡–◊gœd◊ π@–◊N@◊ π˙A◊‘˙Î◊˙Å ·œ◊¸–≠@◊ d◊˙í@◊ π@◊Ø d◊u‹’ N≠d◊ !
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1930-1950 I have been digging deep and long Mid a horror of filth and mire A bed for the golden river’s song, A home for the deathless fire. I have laboured and suffered in Matter’s night To bring the fire to man; But the hate of hell and human spite Are my meed since the world began. For man’s mind is the dupe of his animal self; Hoping its lusts to win, He harbours within him a grisly Elf Enamoured of sorrow and sin. The grey Elf shudders from heaven’s flame And from all things glad and pure; Only by pleasure and passion and pain His drama can endure. All around is darkness and strife; For the lamps that men call suns Are but halfway gleams on this stumbling life Cast by the Undying Ones. Man lights his little torches of hope That lead to a failing edge; A fragment of Truth is his widest scope, An inn his pilgrimage.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Nd◊ä≠@◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ Nd◊ä, Øb–r N»◊˙≠N ÷◊≠@◊ ·F◊@◊ N¡’◊ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊≠@◊ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊≠‘˛B Δ˙í ÷◊≠@◊ ≠N π˛d◊ä˙≤◊˙@◊ Ä˙÷h◊Î◊ Ä˙≈–’◊ ≠d◊˙Ζ◊S≠@◊ N–Ü Ä™◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ Ä˙≠s Ä‹¡◊˙ ¡◊˙øÅ◊ Ä©◊˙Ÿ–◊¡◊˙ `◊˙s– ≠◊¡·◊◊uØF≠Î◊ ÄNh@◊@ >◊ NÕ◊˙~◊ Δ˙í@◊ ؖΖ◊ N˙@–◊‹≥`◊˙ ≠]˙©–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≤h◊Ü πhb– > π˛d–◊Ë–◊ ~–◊≤◊d◊ ‘d´◊ ≤h◊ÄÅ ©◊u¡◊¥◊ ¡◊˙≠@◊ ¡◊˙≠@◊, `◊˜–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ π≠Ÿ◊ Ü÷◊Å-ΔhM◊ ‹≠@◊ ‹≠@◊, Q–◊@◊d◊≠@◊ ©◊~◊≠Ø ©◊~◊≠Ø ¡◊ä˙πœd◊ Ü÷◊ ~–◊ßÎ◊˙ π˛˙¥◊≠@◊ > ≠·◊≤◊Δ˙÷◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ Od◊ Äsb~◊ ñ Øh÷h◊Î◊˙ πŸ–◊ø–◊ Øh≤Ω◊ Ä˙N¥–◊ Ü≠b Ä¡–◊@◊˙Ø S˙ÅΩ @◊˙ON @◊˙©◊˙sb, Ø˙d˛◊ ~◊ π˙≠@◊ ¡–◊‘˛Ø– ≠Ø˙@◊ N–M◊ ≠~◊˙≤h◊bh ¡˛◊d◊ πFC’ ≠~◊˙≤h◊bh ©◊˙s–‹≥`◊˙ ≠ΔÉΩ Ä˙ªœ≤◊˙ N~◊˙d◊~◊ > ~◊≠@◊ à ·◊˙~◊≠¡◊ ÷◊@◊¥–◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ‹Ï˙ à π@–◊≤◊˙N ! ëëdh◊Ø@◊ Ä˙‘˙ d◊ Ä˙‘˙ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊, ]˙`–◊ É·Í◊§◊Ë◊ ÷◊À◊~◊˙ ñ Ä˙÷◊˙‘Ë◊˙ Δ˙÷◊ ≠¡◊˙Ζ◊ N˙@–◊`◊˙b– ~–◊Ä˙Ω@◊ @◊ê◊·◊˙s ! sŸ–◊ d◊ πŸ–◊¡◊ ! ÷◊˙Ø Δ˙í ÷◊@–◊ø◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ–¡◊ N¡h◊ QF◊~◊˙ > ëë÷–◊Ü ÷–◊ ≠≤◊˙ dh◊≠Ø, ©◊Î◊πhø◊ Ä˙N– N_s’ Nh]@◊ ÷◊‹˙ ‘hb˙Éø◊ Ä˙N– Ä˙~◊o◊ Äø–◊, Äø–◊ Nh¡◊C’ ~◊uŸ◊ Ä˙Ø÷h◊ ? Ä˙≠Ø d◊ ÄN≤◊˙l ©◊u¡◊ ~–◊¢–d◊ N˙s@◊@◊ ≠`◊˝≤◊ ÷◊∫–◊~◊ ~–◊ld–◊ N≠ú ø◊o◊˙ ©◊u¡◊~◊π–˜◊ > ëëÜÅ πœ‹≥¡◊uË◊˙ Ä˙Ø@◊, ÅÜ d◊ ~–◊‘u‹-≠Od˛◊ Ü÷◊ ≠Δ˙sä ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ©h÷h◊ ©h◊÷h◊ Ä˙Ø N˙Ø˙~◊ä ~–◊Ä˙Ω `◊˙s– Äú d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ N≤–◊¡◊ ≠÷◊N≠~◊ πhbä≠©ä◊˙d–◊@◊ n˙N Ä‹¡◊˙ ÷–◊π@–◊ ≠·◊¡◊÷◊˙Ø~◊˙@◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ N–Ü Ä~h◊§◊˙su ?
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1930-1950 The Truth of truths men fear and deny, The Light of lights they refuse; To ignorant gods they lift their cry Or a demon altar choose. All that was found must again be sought, Each enemy slain revives, Each battle for ever is fought and refought Through vistas of fruitless lives. My gaping wounds are a thousand and one And the Titan kings assail, But I cannot rest till my task is done And wrought the eternal will. How they mock and sneer, both devils and men ! “Thy hope is Chimera’s head Painting the sky with its fiery stain; Thou shalt fall and thy work lie dead. “Who art thou that babblest of heavenly ease And joy and golden room To us who are waifs on inconscient seas And bound to life’s iron doom ? “This earth is ours, a field of Night For our petty flickering fires. How shall it brook the sacred Light Or suffer a god’s desires ?
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
ëëÄ˙N Ä˙N d◊˙÷h◊ ≤◊d◊ä˙ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙, Δ˙d˛◊˙ d◊˙ ≠·◊¡◊˙ N˙@–◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ N–~◊˙ Ä˙Ø ≤œ◊·◊l `◊§–◊¡◊ O˙¥–◊ ñ sh@h◊§◊˙@◊ d◊˙í@◊ Ø≤–◊Ø˙@h◊, d◊˙í@◊ ‘ê–◊@◊ Ä˙≠¡◊·◊~h◊, ‘˙N~◊@h◊ d◊˙í@◊, N©–’◊‹˙Ü Δ˙í ‘h§˛◊ ¡–◊πhÎ◊ ‘˙¥–◊ >íí Ø@◊b‘uÎ◊ ≠Ø˙ Ø@◊≠Ø ÷–◊¥h◊ ¡–◊@◊˙©–◊d◊ Ç‘_@◊ §˛◊˙¥–◊ Ü¡◊… ~–◊ld–◊ N≠ú N·◊˙ N…s˛˙Ø@◊d◊ Ä˙¡◊©’◊~◊˙ à ÷◊·’◊Ø π≠@◊ π˛≤◊˙@–◊ π˛≤◊˙@–◊ π˙·◊ Äπ˙π¡–◊M◊ Ä~◊˙Ø π˙ÅΩ ≠N @◊Q◊¥–◊ Ü÷◊ π‹ > ÷◊≠≤◊ ≠÷◊ ÷◊£ : ëΔ˙Ä Q◊˙`–◊ Δ≤y◊ ~◊ Δ˙Åø–◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ≠÷◊≤–◊ ≠]˙Ζ◊ ≠]˙Ζ◊ Δ˙Ä s§◊u@h◊ s§◊u@◊d◊@◊ Éπ~◊ud◊ ≤h◊Ä ·h◊¡◊˙’@◊ ≠N≤–◊ π˛d–◊B˙-‘–Î˙-πu≠∫◊ ÷h◊G≥÷◊˙≤◊u~◊ ≠d◊˙@◊≠b Ä˙ˆ˙d◊ ÷◊@◊ >í N÷◊Î◊ Nœ¸–ØF≠Î◊ Δ≤y◊ Ø≤◊˙X˛◊˙s~Í◊ ≠Ø`–◊ø–◊ ≠X◊b˙ Éπ≠@◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ Ø˙l˙~–◊·˛◊˙≠@◊ NhrhD §◊s¡◊˙~◊ π˙…‘hÎ◊ Ü÷◊ ΔO1 ©◊s–ø–◊ π˙≠‘ d◊≤y◊ ~–◊‘–·–◊~◊ ØhΩ ≠·◊]≥`–◊ Ü÷◊ Ä~œ◊d◊ ≠N≤–◊ s§◊u≠@◊ π˙Åø–◊ ‹˙~◊ > §F◊≠`◊˙÷◊@◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ Ø˙~◊N-≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ¡◊@◊©–◊ Ä˙N–ø–◊ Øh≤y◊ ¡◊@◊©–◊ Ä˙N–ø–◊ π˛˙bN≈◊˙@◊ Ä‘˙¥◊ π˙@◊˙¡◊˙@◊ ≠·◊≤◊@◊ ÄÕ◊ sΖ◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ ≠§◊·–◊ n˙N ØhΩ ≠·◊Åø–◊, Δ≤y◊ É·Í◊≠¡◊Ζ◊ É≠∫◊ π˙d◊˙Î◊πh@◊u@◊ @◊≤◊Nä-N}˙@◊ >
π˙∫◊˙¥◊≠@◊ ñ Œ–öÍ◊NÍ
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1930-1950 “Come, let us slay him and end his course ! Then shall our hearts have release From the burden and call of his glory and force And the curb of his wide white peace.” But the god is there in my mortal breast Who wrestles with error and fate And tramples a road through mire and waste For the nameless Immaculate. A voice cried, ‘Go where none have gone ! Dig deeper, deeper yet Till thou reach the grim foundation stone And knock at the keyless gate.’ I saw that a falsehood was planted deep At the very root of things Where the grey Sphinx guards God’s riddle sleep On the Dragon’s outspread wings. I left the surface gods of mind And life’s unsatisfied seas And plunged through the body’s alleys blind To the nether mysteries.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
ØF÷◊ πœ‹≥¡◊u@◊ ¡–◊§◊ur–÷◊˙Øl ≤œ◊·◊÷◊o◊≠@◊ π‘– ¡◊u§◊f Ü÷◊ Éf¡◊@◊ ØhΩ ‘hb–ø–◊ ˆμ˙@◊¡◊ ¡–◊≠`◊˙÷–◊ø–◊ ≠÷◊ÉΩ Éfh É∫h◊ø–◊ N÷◊Î◊ ≠¡◊·◊~◊˙ d◊˙í@◊ ≠÷◊ÉΩ Ä˙¥◊@◊ ÷◊˙@◊bh Q◊˙`–◊ø–◊ ~◊@◊÷◊@◊ d◊˙—¡◊ > Éπ≠@◊ ≠Ø˙≤◊@◊ X˛◊˙s~Í◊ ¡◊˙≤h◊≠~◊ shz~◊ Ä˙≠N ≠π˛d◊÷◊£@◊ ~–◊~◊˙·◊ Δ˙Éø–◊ ≠]Ζ◊ ≠§◊·–◊ ØhΩ Ä˙N–ø–◊ Ø≤◊˙‘F~◊ä Δ˙í §◊˙¡◊@◊ ©◊~<◊‹Î◊, d◊Î◊≤◊u~◊ ≠N≤–◊ s≤_◊≠@◊ Δ˙Å ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ ØhΩ π˙·◊≠Á@–◊ > N…÷◊Ë◊÷◊@◊ ≠N˙π˙~◊≠@◊ Ü÷◊ Q◊Ζ◊ø–◊ Q◊@◊bΔhs ¡◊≠Ø’ Ä˙≠¡◊˙@–◊ ‘˙¥–◊ Ä÷◊Î◊~◊ul Ø˙~h◊ru Äd◊≠Î◊ ¡◊≤–◊ Ä˙b–ø–◊ ≠N Äs∂–@◊ ‘–]˙N¡h◊ π˛÷◊Ë◊ ÷◊≠@◊ Δ˙í Ø≤–◊Ø˙ Ç‘_@◊ul > Ü≠d◊÷◊˙Î◊ S@–◊ @◊≤–◊ Ä˙N–‹≥≠`◊ ≠N˙$≤◊… π˙≠‘ π˙≠‘; Ä¡◊≠@◊˙S N¡h◊ Ü≠÷◊ Ü≠÷◊ Ü≠¡◊ dh◊≠Ë◊ > ‘hb–ø–◊ d◊˙ö◊ ÷◊£N_@◊ ØhΩ ¡◊≤–◊ø–◊ d◊˙ö◊ ¡˛◊d◊ π˛‘g ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä¡–◊Q◊Î◊ §◊˙`◊π≠Ë◊ > Äd◊Îh◊ ‘–]@◊ ¡◊ä¡◊S˙~◊ π≠@◊ ~–◊Ø–’d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠Ndh◊ Ä¡–◊@◊d◊ Ü≠¡◊ n@–◊ n@–◊ π≠Ÿ◊ Nh¡◊C’ ©◊◊Î◊S˙@◊˙ Åo˛◊S~h◊@◊ ÷–◊@◊uË◊§F◊rb ~◊uÎ◊ ‘ÅÎ@◊ ‘–@h◊ πhΖ◊~h◊ πhΖ◊≠~◊ n`◊N– É∫h◊ø–◊ S@–◊d˛◊u NN˙s@◊˙ > N_s’ π˙¡◊÷◊ NØ–M◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ S@◊bu-¡◊≠O Ü≠¡◊ ÄØ@◊b ≠÷◊≠d◊ ·œ◊D d◊π~◊ É∫–◊≠`◊b– Ü∫–◊ ©◊Ζ◊ ©◊~◊Ø-¡◊≠Õ◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷–◊d◊ Ü÷◊ ø–◊·˛◊ π‹≠@◊ Ä˙N– @◊Q–◊≠`◊b– `◊uÎ◊˙ Ä˙k˙ Ä≠~◊÷◊ ‘@◊u@◊ ¡◊@◊b ÷◊@–◊
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1930-1950 I have delved through the dumb Earth’s dreadful heart And heard her black mass’ bell. I have seen the source whence her agonies part And the inner reason of hell. Above me the dragon murmurs moan And the goblin voices flit; I have pierced the Void where Thought was born, I have walked in the bottomless pit. On a desperate stair my feet have trod Armoured with boundless peace, Bringing the fires of the splendour of God Into the human abyss. He who I am was with me still; All veils are breaking now. I have heard His voice and borne His will On my vast untroubled brow. The gulf twixt the depths and the heights is bridged And the golden waters pour Down the sapphire mountain rainbow-ridged And glimmer from shore to shore. Heaven’s fire is lit in the breast of the earth And the undying suns here burn; Through a wonder cleft in the bounds of birth The incarnate spirits yearn
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
ÄØ@◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊@◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊·◊uD ‘–‘hN¥◊˙~◊sb @◊ê-÷◊~◊÷◊ ≠N˙π˙~◊@◊ π≠‹ Ä˙N¥–◊ Ä¡◊d◊@–◊ d◊ØN˙-¡–◊`◊l-¡◊˙bu É·Í◊≠ˆ˙r– > ≠ΔN~◊ ¡◊≤∂–◊‘–]˙ Nd◊ä§h◊¡◊~◊ Ä˙~◊o◊≠`◊˙÷◊ ħ–◊Øh≠] Δ˙Ü Q◊Ζ◊ > Ä≠πO˙ Ä˙É ÄÎ◊π Ø˙d◊@◊ ÄG≥d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ @◊©◊d◊ ØlF≠] N÷◊Î◊ ·h◊Ä˙@◊, ħ–◊~◊¡◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ ø◊˙d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ Δ˙í@◊ ÷◊~◊÷◊ ¡◊@◊b, ÷◊˙@hQ–◊d˛–◊d◊ d◊Î◊ ¡◊Õ◊~◊≤◊u~◊ É·◊˙@◊ §h◊¡◊≠~◊ ñ ¡–◊§˙Øl, §◊˙N_@◊ > ≠N˙ØQ◊é–’◊d◊ NØu@◊≠b d◊≤y◊ NG≥¡–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ N_π∂ Nh¡◊C’ Ä˙É ~◊uÎ◊ π@–◊S˙≠~◊ ≠Δbh ©◊u¡◊¥◊ dh◊Ø Nd◊ä π˛d–◊Ø˙ ¡–◊Q◊@–◊¡◊ S@◊˙S˙≠Ø ¡◊@◊b ÷◊@–◊¡◊ §h◊¡◊~◊≠Ø˙≤◊~◊ d◊~h◊ >◊
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1930-1950 Like flames to the kingdoms of Truth and Bliss: Down a gold-red stair-way wend The radiant children of Paradise Clarioning darkness’s end. A little more and the new life’s doors Shall be carved in silver light With its aureate roof and mosaic floors In a great world bare and bright. I shall leave my dreams in their argent air, For in a raiment of gold and blue There shall move on the earth embodied and fair The living truth of you.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
¡◊≤∂–◊¡◊SF ¡◊≤∂–◊-¡◊SF, ·–◊Ä ≠Ø˙≠d◊ Ü≠¡◊ d◊¡◊ s˙˜◊ Ä˙`–◊ú~◊,ñ Ä˙≠s˙ Äs∂–÷◊˙¥◊˙ ! π˙‹≥’¡◊ ≠s˙`◊˙πË–◊@◊ π˛ŒhË◊~ ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ ¡◊©’◊~◊, ¡◊˙N~◊˙≠@◊ ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ ØhΩ ≤◊d◊ä˙ > ≠©◊ä˙d–◊@◊ `◊˙¡◊bä Ä˙≠s˙, ©◊u¡◊~◊÷h◊ @≤◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ≠ˆ@–◊,ñ ≠‘˙§◊˙ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊@◊ ! ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙ ØhΩ ¡–◊N©–’◊ø–◊, ≠‘˙÷◊≠@◊ ¡–◊ Äø–◊ π@–◊≤◊@–◊, ¡◊≤–◊π˙≠@Ω◊ @◊§◊N dh◊Ø@◊ > É`∑◊˙N π˛d–◊Ø˙, ·–◊Ä ‘–≤◊@◊b, Ä˙≠‘mr ¡◊Õ◊~◊,ñ πFC˙’~◊o◊ ø◊¡–◊ ! ·◊‘’~◊ ØhΩ ÷◊@h◊‹≥¡–◊ ]˙`–◊, Äπ@F◊π dh◊Ø@◊ Ä˙~◊~◊, Ø˙d˛◊ d◊¡◊ Qh◊¯ Ä~h◊§◊¡–◊ > ÄNuØ ~–◊ºN_~◊, ·–◊Ä ØFè’◊~◊˙≠@◊ §◊@–◊ ≠Ø˙ Ä¥◊@◊,ñ Ä·_◊l-Ä˙≤_◊˙~◊ ! Ä˙ö–◊·–◊Ä d◊≤y◊ d◊¡◊ Ä¡–◊≠è◊·◊ä Ø≤–◊Ø˙, §◊˙N_@◊, ≠≤◊ ©◊˙s˛d◊ ¡–◊¡◊N_˙~◊ >
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1930-1950 Bride of the Fire Bride of the Fire, clasp me now close, – Bride of the Fire ! I have shed the bloom of the earthly rose, I have slain desire. Beauty of the Light, surround my life, – Beauty of the Light ! I have sacrificed longing and parted from grief, I can bear thy delight. Image of ecstasy, thrill and enlace, – Image of bliss ! I would see only thy marvellous face, Feel only thy kiss. Voice of Infinity, sound in my heart, – Call of the One ! Stamp there thy radiance, never to part, O living Sun.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
~◊uÎ◊ ¡–◊≤◊ú ¡–◊§h◊ö◊@◊ ¡–◊≤◊ú Øh≤y◊ d◊˙ö◊ ~◊uÎ◊˙÷◊˙≠‘; Éé◊ N_è◊ ·–◊¡◊ä§◊˙≠¡◊ ‹˙ÜΩ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ Ä˙É ÷–◊¤◊@◊@◊ ‘˛¡◊b-Nh] Ä˙≠‘ ØSh@◊ Ä˙É Nd◊ä-Nh≠@◊ s˙ÜΩ > Ø@◊ ©◊u¡◊@◊ S@◊bu ≠d◊©–◊ É≠∫◊ ØhΩ ¡◊≤∂–◊@F◊πu Ä≠‘˙÷◊ Ü÷◊ Ä˙÷◊˙≠‘ Δ˙ÜΩ §◊˙N– ·h◊º]≥~◊u d◊˙í ©◊~◊ØØ˙Ë–◊ Éπ≠@◊ Δ˙ÜΩ ≠@◊˙π– É`∑◊˙N@◊ Äs∂–-¡◊u©◊@◊˙‘– > ≠·◊‘÷◊˙Î◊@◊ Ñ≠Z’◊ Øh≤y◊ ¡–≤◊≠@◊ πO ¡◊˙≤–◊ Äg≤◊u~◊ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊ Ø≤◊≈◊@◊; ‘˙‘_d◊ö◊ Ä˙~◊~h◊ Ä˙≠b Ä˙~◊o◊ ØhΩ ¡◊≤–◊ π@◊Ø Ä˙k˙ ≠~◊d˛◊π˙d◊-¡◊@◊ > §h◊¡◊~◊Ø˙~◊ ÷◊≠ÎΩ◊ ØhΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ ~◊l≠~◊ Ø˙b–÷◊ä@◊; ¡–◊‘˛Ø–ø–◊ ™◊˙~◊@◊ ¡œ◊O QF◊≠Î◊ ≠N d◊@h◊ §◊@–◊ ÁhË–◊ø–◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ πhw ~◊o◊~◊@◊ Q–◊@¥◊~◊u ≠N˛˙d◊N_d◊u ÷F◊≠Î◊ > π˛©_◊Î◊¥◊ Ø@◊Øh ≠Ø˙@◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ¡–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ `h◊Q–◊; Ä÷F◊Î◊ Ä˙É ÄË◊Î◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ød–◊; Ä˙~◊o◊@◊ ~–◊sF˜◊ ÷◊Î◊˙ Núud◊ ≠Ø˙ @◊≠Q◊, Ø@◊b©◊lu Åè◊˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ sd–◊ >
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1930-1950 The Blue Bird I am the bird of God in His blue; Divinely high and clear I sing the notes of the sweet and the true For the god’s and the seraph’s ear. I rise like a fire from the mortal’s earth Into a griefless sky And drop in the suffering soil of his birth Fire-seeds of ecstasy. My pinions soar beyond Time and Space Into unfading Light; I bring the bliss of the Eternal’s face And the boon of the Spirit’s sight. I measure the worlds with my ruby eyes; I have perched on Wisdom’s tree Thronged with the blossoms of Paradise By the streams of Eternity. Nothing is hid from my burning heart; My mind is shoreless and still; My song is rapture’s mystic art, My flight immortal will.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Ç‘_@◊ ©◊~◊~◊u Q–◊~<◊lu, Q–◊@◊¥◊~◊u ‘ê–◊ Ü÷◊ Äø◊¥–◊ Ü∫◊˙≠@◊ ~–◊@◊˙~◊≠o◊, Øœdh◊ä‘uÎ◊ ©◊~<◊ Ä¥◊@◊˙≠Î◊ §˛◊˙¥–◊§◊@◊˙ Q–◊¥◊˙@◊˙©–◊, §˛◊Ø Ä˙É ‘˛Ø‘˛˙¥◊ ÷◊˙Î◊@◊ Q◊Î◊≠~◊ > Ç‘_@◊-©◊~◊~◊u ≠N ≠Δ, N≠≤◊˙·◊@◊˙ d◊˙ö◊@◊ ≠N, d◊˙ö◊@–◊ ≠N ©◊˙l˙, d◊˙ö◊@–◊ π˛™◊˙-·h◊≤–◊d◊˙, N≤◊Q◊@◊ d◊˙ö◊ ¡–◊÷˛◊Ø@◊, `◊Ó– Ä˙N–ø◊¥–◊ ≠Níd◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊˙d◊ud◊ö◊@◊ ~–◊sF˜◊ ¡◊O@h◊ N@◊©–◊≠¡◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ ~–◊©◊ §h◊¡◊~◊ N÷◊Î◊, Ø~◊ à π˛˙b@◊, ≠·◊Å Åo˛◊S~h◊ ¡–◊§◊˙ > Ü÷◊ ·–◊≠s S´¡◊≠©◊ä˙d–◊ π@◊˙≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@◊ Ä~◊ä ·–◊≠s ~–◊¢–d–◊@◊ ÷◊Ø’÷◊˙—, Ø~◊~◊-¡–◊≤◊u~◊, ɧ◊l@◊ ØÚ⁄≠Î◊ ˆFb’äØ˙~◊ ~–◊lØ˙~h◊s ©◊Ÿ◊@◊ NhrhD– Ü¡◊… d◊o˛◊˙Q◊˙@◊u ~◊Od˛◊ö◊ sd–◊Q◊÷˛◊ ≠§◊·–◊ N¡◊≠Î◊ ≠N Ä˙@◊}¥–◊ Ä~–◊èh◊÷◊ ≤–◊Ø©◊Ÿ◊ Ø≤◊˙‘F~◊ä π≠@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ ħ–◊Δ˙d˛◊˙, ÉP◊˙Ø N_π∂ d◊˙ö◊@◊ d◊u¡˛◊ ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙@◊ > ɧ◊˙ N–Ü Ü≤–◊∫◊˙≠@◊ d◊˙ØNu ‘ê–◊@◊˙‘–ö◊ ÷◊Ø’≠Od˛◊ π≠@◊ ~–◊@◊˙Øl ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ N÷◊Î◊ Ä‘h§◊, d´◊Ë–◊ Ø≤◊˙ ¡–◊g˙@◊@◊, ™◊˙~◊≤◊u~◊ ©◊sd◊@◊ ≠‘˙÷◊˙¡◊≤◊ π@–◊bd–◊Ë–◊÷h◊ π@–◊bd◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ·–◊¡◊ä Ø–Î◊~◊˙k÷◊ Ä˙~◊o◊-`◊uÎ◊˙≠@◊ §◊˙s¡◊d◊ π˛N˙·◊@◊ É`∑◊˙N à πh`◊÷◊πm˙¡◊≠~◊ > π@◊≠Ø‘_@◊-©◊~◊~◊u, π˛§h◊ ≠Ní ≠Δ Ä˙Ø@–◊ Ä˙k˙@◊; Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊ Ø≠Ú d◊˙ö◊ Ä˙¡–◊§◊˙’≠¡◊ Ä˙≠Ø Nا◊˙su, É≈◊@◊˙S≥÷◊˙@◊u d◊ Ä˙≠Ø §◊˙su ≠≤◊ÉΩ d◊˙ö◊ ~–◊d◊äd◊˙@◊ >
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1930-1950 The Mother of God A conscious and eternal Power is here Behind unhappiness and mortal birth And the error of Thought and blundering trudge of Time. The Mother of God, his sister and his spouse, Daughter of his wisdom, of his might1 the mate, She has leapt from the Transcendent’s secret breast To build her rainbow worlds of mind and life. Between the superconscient absolute Light And the Inconscient’s vast unthinking toil In the rolling and routine of Matter’s sleep And the somnambulist motion of the stars She forces on the cold unwilling Void Her adventure of life, the passionate dreams of her lust. Amid the work of darker Powers she is here To heal the evils and mistakes of Space And change the tragedy of the ignorant world Into a Divine Comedy of joy And the laughter and the rapture of God’s bliss. The Mother of God is master of our souls; We are the partners of his birth in Time, Inheritors we share his eternity.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
÷–◊Ü dh◊≠Ø Ä¡◊d◊@– Ä˙N–ø◊ ÷–◊Ü dh◊≠Ø Ä¡◊d◊@–◊ Ä˙N–ø◊ ¡◊@–◊ø◊ π@◊Ø ~◊˙Ø s≤◊~◊, @◊˙©◊÷◊ul d◊ØN˙@◊ πO Ä©◊˙d◊ Äs∂–-‘–] ~◊l~◊ ? ØÚ@◊˙d–◊@◊ sh≤◊˙ ¡◊@◊©–◊ N≠d◊¡◊˙ Ø≤◊–ØØl É·◊l ¡–◊N<&œd◊ d◊π~◊@◊ ¡–◊N<l øh◊Ë◊Å Äs∂–≠@◊]˙ N@◊©–◊ Øhç ≤œ◊·◊l ·–◊Ü d–◊Ä˙s– Ø≈◊d◊˙-©◊@◊˙ ≠¡Ÿ–◊ ÷◊rb É·◊˙@◊ Ø˙Sh@◊u Ä˙≠b ¡◊@◊s– Øhê◊ dh◊@◊u≠l ÷◊@–◊ ¡◊@◊b >
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1930-1950 Who art thou that camest Who art thou that camest Bearing the occult Name, Wings of regal darkness Eyes of an unborn flame ? Like the august uprising Of a forgotten sun Out of the caverned midnight Fire-trails of wonder run. Captured the heart renouncing Tautness of passion-worn strings Allows the wide-wayed sweetness Of free supernal things.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
¡–◊‘_Ø˙~¡◊ ØhΩ Q◊˙≠≤Ω◊ ©◊sd◊Ë◊˙÷h◊ Üπ˙‘h ≠Nπ˙‘ Ü¡◊… ·œ◊¸– ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä¡◊@h◊M◊ ÷◊@–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ≠÷◊˝bN– ¡◊Î◊l; ØhΩ ≠·◊≠]Ω πä˙@–◊NÍ Ä˙É ≠Ë◊˙÷–◊à ~h◊äl÷’◊, ≠·◊≠]Ω ØhΩ Á˙Ëh◊ø–◊ ≠¡◊˙Ø˙ ¡◊˙≠N’≠`◊˙~◊˙ Éπ≠@◊ à ÷◊ä˙μ~Í◊@◊ sΖ◊≠@◊ sΖ◊≠@◊ Øb–r@◊ Äsb–d◊ Äπ÷Ø’ Ü¡◊… ÷_◊Q–◊dÍ◊ Nh÷◊Ø’ ˆË–◊Δ˙Ü Ü÷◊˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä˙k˙-ħ◊ä¥◊≠@◊ > ØhΩ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ ≠N≤–◊ π‘h Δ˙≤◊˙÷h◊ ≠N ≤◊˙≠b, ≠N≤–◊ πOu Δ˙≤◊˙÷h◊ ≠N ]hÄ˙Ü à π˙≠Î◊ > ÄQ–◊≤∂◊˙ Ø~◊N¡h◊@◊ Q–◊¥◊˙ ≠Δ≠d◊ ‘–≤◊@◊b ≠d◊˙Ζ◊ ÷◊@h◊‹˙í¥–◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ É`∑◊N–d◊, ~–◊lhd◊ ©◊~◊@◊ ≠‘˙÷◊ ¡◊≤–◊ Q◊˙≠`◊ ØhΩ≤y◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ~–◊©◊@◊ Ø@◊≠Ø >◊
Oh·˛◊ ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ 1930-1950
The Cosmic Man I look across the world and no horizon walls my gaze; I see Paris and Tokio and New York, I see the bombs bursting on Barcelona and on Canton streets. Man’s numberless misdeeds and rare good deeds take place within my single self. I am the beast he slays, the bird he feeds and saves. The thoughts of unknown minds exalt me with their thrill, I carry the sorrow of millions in my lonely breast.
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 SONNETS 1930-1950
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
@◊˙©◊ä Ä¥◊@◊@◊ @◊˙©◊ä Ü÷◊ Äø–◊ Δ≤y◊ Ä˙k˙ ‹˙Ü N_è◊o◊ ¡–◊Î◊˙≠N > ~◊˙≤y◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ÄN≤◊˙l ˆFb˙’¡◊≠d’ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙@◊, Δ˙≤◊˙ N…N˙@◊-N˙s@◊-≠Á~◊, Nu÷◊@◊ ØØ’≠@◊ π˙Ü @◊˙≤◊˙ Ä⁄˙lu NØd◊˙ s˜hΩ◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠·◊Å Ä˙Ø@◊ Ø˙~◊≠N, ~◊˙≤y◊ ¡–◊ ≠N π˛˙bπh≠@◊ Ø·◊Ø≈◊ ÄN_g– §–◊d◊≠@◊, §◊úh@◊d◊˙ s≠˜◊ ≠ΔÉΩ Ä~–◊¢–d◊ ≤œ◊·◊l-Ä˙≠¡◊‘, ~◊ ‹˙Ü ≠N d◊≤y◊ Q◊Ë◊&hÎ◊ Åo–˛◊l-Nh≠] ~◊ ‹˙Ü ≠N, Δ˙≤◊˙ Ob⁄˙lu, ‘F≠~◊ä Δ˙Ü ¡◊≤–◊ ~◊ ‹˙Ü ≠N π@–◊¡◊≈’◊Ø˙~◊ ‘@◊u@◊@◊ ÷◊∫–◊~◊ Ä¥◊≠@◊ > π¢˙≠d◊ π˛d◊uOØ˙b, π˛N˙@–◊d◊ ¡–◊πhÎ◊ ¡–◊‘_@h& ‘˙¥–◊ Ü÷◊, ≠©◊ä˙d–◊ Ü÷◊, πh`◊÷◊ à Ü÷◊ π@◊˙÷˛◊Ø π˙@–◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ÷˛◊˙¥–◊-≠@◊]˙ ÄÕ◊d_◊@◊ Ü¡◊… ‘˙π@◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ @◊≠] Ä¥◊@◊˙≠Î◊ ØF˜◊ d◊˙í@◊ π@–◊÷◊@◊∫◊˙@h◊ Ä˙πb˙@◊ ¡◊Õ◊≤◊u~◊ N~◊˙d◊~◊ Øh≤F◊≈’◊, Ø≤–◊Ø∂ Ä˙k˙ Ä˙Ø ~–◊≠@◊]Å ~◊˙Ë◊ä@◊ú, ªo◊~◊ ÷◊Ø’@◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Kingdom Within There is a kingdom of the spirit’s ease. It is not in this helpless swirl of thought, Foam from the world-sea or spray-whispers caught, With which we build mind’s shifting symmetries, Nor in life’s stuff of passionate unease, Nor the heart’s unsure emotions frailty wrought Nor trivial clipped sense-joys soon led1 to nought Nor in this body’s solid transiences. Wider behind than the vast universe Our spirit scans the drama and the stir, A peace, a light, an ecstasy, a power Waiting at the end of blindness and the curse That veils it from its ignorant minister, The grandeur of its free eternal hour.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
©◊Î◊˙¡◊≠d’◊ ≠Δ˙su ]@◊≠N˛˙d◊˙ d◊Ë–◊~◊u@◊ Ä˙¡◊≠d’◊ ÷◊@◊˙Î◊ gÛ◊ π˛˙b d◊˙Ø˛ØF≈–’◊, É`◊ú, ÷◊≠∫◊˙@◊ S@–◊ø◊¥–◊ ≠N ÄØ@◊ ≠Δ˙su-÷◊≠Î◊¡◊@◊ Ø≈◊-©◊Î◊-≤–◊Ø-`◊≠Ó @◊≤–◊ Ä¡–◊Q◊Î◊ > §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ π˙@–◊~–◊ §◊˙¡–◊ d◊˙ö◊ Ø≠Ú; ≠π‘u ¡–◊ ‘–≤◊@–◊ π˙@–◊~–◊; π˙@–◊~–◊ ÷◊˙Î◊ @◊Q–◊ Ü‹≥ ħ–◊Δ˙~◊ d◊˙í@◊ : Äø–◊ Ø˙d˛◊ ÄN}Fd◊ ‘ê–◊ Ü÷◊ ~◊s∂ à ÷@◊˙Î◊, ¡–◊πhÎ◊ gÛ◊d◊˙ Ø˙d˛◊ @◊≤–◊Äø–◊ ≠~◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ d◊˙í@–◊ > ~–◊ºNú d◊˙ö◊@◊ Ä˙k˙ §h◊¡◊~◊-¡–◊N˙@u ·–◊¡◊N˙¡◊Î◊u@◊ ≠N˛˙d◊ ‘ur’≠@◊, Ä˙Ø@–◊ N≈◊˙©◊˙d◊ Nhs§◊u@◊ ˆFb–’π≠@◊ ¡◊N– ~–◊@◊¥◊@◊, Ø≤◊˙≠Ø˝~◊ Äø◊¥–◊ ≠N Nh¡–◊‘˙Î◊Nœ¸–≠@◊ N}˙Ζ◊, Ä˙‘˛l ≠N, Ä¡◊ä˙÷œ◊d◊, π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ ¡œ◊≈–◊ à ¡œ◊≈◊@◊ ©◊sd◊@◊ sd–◊ `◊˙s– Äø◊¥–◊ ≠N Ä¡–◊Q◊Î◊ πœB§F◊Ø– §◊Ζ◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950
The Yogi on the Whirlpool On a dire whirlpool in the hurrying river A life-stilled statue naked, bronze, severe He kept the posture of a deathless seer Unshaken by the mad water’s leap and shiver. Thought could not think in him; flesh could not quiver; The feet of Time could not adventure here: Only some unknown Power nude and austere, Only a Silence mighty to deliver. His spirit world-wide and companionless Seated above the torrent of the days On the deep eddy that our being forms, Silent, sustained the huge creation’s stress, Unchanged supporting Nature’s rounds and norms, Immobile background of the cosmic race.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
·–◊¡◊ä ‘´d–◊ N¡h◊ ‘›◊ N¡h◊ N_@◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ Ü≠¡◊ dh◊Ø-÷◊£N_@◊ : Núud◊ à ¡◊©˛◊@◊¡◊ ÷◊Î◊S_~–◊ ¡–◊≤◊s÷h◊Î◊@◊, π˛˙b@◊ π˛Î◊˙π ≠Δ≠d◊ ≠‘˙≠÷◊ Ä˙É Ä˙~◊o◊≠@◊ d◊˙í@◊, Øb–r@◊ ØSh¡◊˙bu ØØ’@–◊d◊ ‘›◊@◊ `◊≤◊@◊, Nh¡–◊πhÎ◊ Ä˙~◊o◊≠@◊ ¡◊˙@–◊S≥@◊ Éè_◊N–d◊ ≤◊N πOS˙@◊u ¡–◊Ø˙~◊@◊ sh@h◊S_~–◊ π@◊˙§F◊d◊ ~◊≠§◊ Δ»◊Δ˙~◊ dFΔ’~◊˙≠·◊ S@◊bu÷h◊ O–π˛d◊˙-N≠o◊‘ ÷h◊£˙÷˛◊˙¥◊ ÷◊Î◊@◊ ÷◊˙≤◊˙Î◊u, N˙Å≠@◊~◊ @◊≠¡◊ ~–◊≠ˆ˙’r–d◊ ≤h◊Ü Δ≤hΩ◊ Ø≤◊˙‘F~◊ä ¡◊˙l¡◊-¡–◊r˙≠b ·F◊@◊˙¥◊@ ◊Ä˙Ø»◊b @◊≤◊Nä@◊ ~–◊sF˜◊ Ä˙≤_◊˙~◊, N<&œd–◊N¡h◊ ≠N˝≠@◊˙E◊Î◊ §F◊≠Ø N–Õh◊ ħ–◊Δ˙≠~◊,ñ Ü≠¡◊ N¡h◊ dh◊Ø N_@◊-¡–◊Q–◊d˛◊ à dh◊Ø@–◊ Ä˙]ä˙~◊ > NhrØ˙ Ä`◊≠Oä π˙≠‘ ≠s˙π~◊≠@◊ ÄÕ◊ ≤–◊Ä˙ ≠]˙`–◊ Nh≠‘˙§–◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ˙Ü N¡’◊¡◊gh dh◊≠Ø Äø◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Divine Hearing All sounds, all voices have become Thy voice: Music and thunder and the cry of birds, Life’s babble of her sorrows and her joys, Cadence of human speech and murmured words, The laughter of the sea’s enormous mirth, The winged plane purring through the conquered air, The auto’s trumpet-song of speed to earth, The machine’s reluctant drone, the siren’s blare Blowing upon the windy horn of Space A call of distance and of mystery, Memories of sun-bright lands and ocean-ways, – All now are wonder-tones and themes of Thee. A secret harmony steals through the blind heart And all grows beautiful because Thou art.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
d◊Ÿ–◊d◊˙bh @F◊π à §h◊¡◊~◊@◊˙©–◊ §–≈–◊÷◊@–◊ Δ˙≤◊˙÷h◊ ~–◊Ø–’d◊, d◊Ÿ–◊d◊˙bh ≠N, É·Í◊sd◊ N≈◊˙@F◊≠π, Äbh á‘_@◊ul > ¡–◊·◊˙@–◊ ‘˙‘_d◊u ‘ê–◊-Œh`–◊ú ≠N d≤y◊@h◊ ÉdÍ◊‹≥d◊, ÄNuØö◊ Ä˙¡◊˙N ≠N Äbh~–◊§◊ ~–◊@h◊M◊ ~–◊Î◊l > Oh·˛◊ ≠N≤–◊ π˛©_◊Î◊¥◊ @◊‹π≠@◊ Ä˙≠@◊˙≤◊¥–◊ ‘–¡◊ > N}¡–◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ëÜ÷◊í Äsb–d◊ @F◊≠π ¡–◊§◊˙©◊–d◊; `h◊Q◊˙¥–◊ Ä·œ◊‘ä @F◊≠π Ä˙πb˙@◊ Ä·_◊l N_§◊˙¡◊, ‘˙‘_d◊ Øo–◊@◊Ø˙~◊ Oh·˛◊@F◊≠π ÷◊˙Î◊-¡–◊~–◊Ø–’d◊ > Äbh π@◊Ø˙bh Ø˙~–◊ Ä`◊O–d◊ N…÷◊À◊ ~–◊©◊@◊ ¡◊≤◊¥–◊ π˛˙N˙·◊ Ü÷◊ §–◊¤◊ §–◊¤◊ ¡◊≤h◊ Ü÷◊d_◊@◊; ŒË–◊÷◊ à d◊@h◊`◊d◊˙ πd◊ú à π‘h πhb– ~◊@◊,ñ ~◊@◊, Δ–Ü π˙`◊Ë–◊¡◊ ¡–◊‘_-á≠÷◊ä ¡◊M◊-π@–÷◊@◊, π˛N˙@–◊ d◊˙í Ä˙k-≠©◊ä˙d–◊÷◊b˙, π@–◊b˙≠Ø ·–◊¡◊ä Ä˙¡–◊§◊˙’¡◊ ÷◊˙Î◊≤◊u~◊ Ä~◊¥◊ ¡–g˙≠@◊ ÄNuØö◊ ≠≤◊˙Å¡◊ N}¡◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 Electron The electron on which forms and worlds are built, Leaped into being, a particle of God. A spark from the eternal Energy spilt, It is the Infinite’s blind minute abode. In that small flaming chariot Shiva rides. The One devised innumerably to be; His oneness in invisible forms he hides, Time’s tiny temples of1 eternity. Atom and molecule in their unseen plan Buttress an edifice of strange onenesses, Crystal and plant, insect and beast and man, – Man on whom the World-Unity shall seize, Widening his soul-spark to an epiphany Of the timeless vastness of Infinity.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
¡–◊‘_≠·◊¡ Ä¥◊@◊~–◊¡◊˙Nu Ä˙k˙@◊ Ä≠‘m≠r ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä˙S˙@–◊ø–◊ ~–◊]≥Î◊ ©◊sd◊ : Øœs‘–@◊˙, πh~◊¡’◊Nh π˛©_◊Î◊¥◊ ≠Ø˙≤◊@–◊ §–◊d◊≠@◊ > N©◊u¡◊ ≠Δ ≠÷◊≤–◊ @F◊π Ä˙≠N ≠Ø˙@◊ ~◊l~◊π‹≠@◊ ØhΩ ≠·◊≠]Ω ≠Ø˙ ~–◊©◊ ≠·◊≤◊ Ä˙~◊ Ä˙~◊ Øh]≠@◊ ≠‘˙§–◊d◊ > ≠Ø˙≤◊@–◊ ≠NN¡h◊ ≠~◊d˛◊ ≠·◊]h‹˙Ü ≠Ø˙≠d◊ ~–◊@◊¥◊≠@◊; N÷◊Î◊ ¡h◊÷h◊≠@◊ ª≠o◊ ≤œ◊·◊lË–◊ Ü÷◊˙ ≠Δ ≠Ø˙≤◊@–◊ > ©◊sd◊@◊ Nh] ≠d◊˙≠Î◊ ≠Ø˙ §–◊d◊≠@◊ Nh@◊˙@◊ `◊≤◊@–◊ N…N˙@◊@◊ ‘d◊ ≠‘˙÷◊ ¡◊ä‹˙ ≠≤◊˙Å @◊˙≠©◊ ≠Ø˙ Ä¥◊≠@◊ > d◊‹˙π– d◊˙í N¡’◊÷◊Ø’ ÑØ–’ NØ ≤h◊Ü Ä˙¡◊d–’◊d◊ ≠Ø˙≤◊@–◊ ¡◊˙≤◊˙≠@◊; Ø˙d˛◊ Ä¥◊@◊≠@◊ Q–◊@◊ Ä¡–◊Q◊Î◊, ØhΩ Ä©◊˙d◊ NØ˙Nu~◊, ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ Ü¡◊… Ä≠s˙Q◊@◊ : N¡’◊ ¡◊gh ø◊˙l˙π˛˙l π˛‘˙¥◊ ≠Ø˙ Øh÷h◊≠@◊ ¡–◊¯–d◊ > N¡◊˙’d◊ud◊ ¡–◊gœd–◊ ≠Ø˙ S@–◊@◊≠] ¡–◊‘_@◊ ˆFb’~◊; N˙s≠@◊ ‘hê–◊©◊ NØ Øh≤y◊ ‹˙Ü d◊≤y◊≠@◊ π˛è◊¤◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Indwelling Universal I contain the whole world in my soul’s embrace: In me Arcturus and Belphegor burn. To whatsoever living form I turn I see my own body with another face. All eyes that look on me are my sole eyes; The one heart that beats within all breasts is mine. The world’s happiness flows through me like wine, Its million sorrows are my agonies. Yet all its acts are only waves that pass Upon my surface; inly for ever still, Unborn I sit, timeless, intangible: All things are shadows in my tranquil glass. My vast transcendence holds the cosmic whirl; I am hid in it as in the sea a pearl.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
N˙Ou Ä˙k˙ Ä˙k˙@◊ π˛‘˙¥–◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ Ë◊≠Î◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, d≤y◊ ≠Ø˙ ~–◊¡◊˙N ~–◊≠@◊]Å ¡◊N– dh◊Ø ¡–◊‘˙Î◊ ©◊sd◊-‘ê–◊ ≠÷◊≠≤∂◊ ÷◊Ø’@◊d◊, πO d◊˙í@◊ π@◊˙÷˛◊Øu ÄNuØ≠@◊ ÷–◊π@–◊ ¡◊˙ @◊≠Q◊ ÄS≥¡◊˙N Ü¡◊… Øœdh◊ä©◊lu ¡◊˙©◊u Q◊Î◊Å ≠÷◊N≠~◊ ÷◊@–◊ ÷◊˙Î◊-Oh@◊˙ˆ˙d◊ ! Ü ØF÷◊ ¡–◊πhÎ◊ ‘ê–◊ ˆF@◊˙Ü Δ˙í ~◊Od˛◊-Ø˙Ζ◊÷◊˙ ·◊uˆ’ πh≠è◊ à≤◊Î◊˙Å Ä¡◊`◊u≠Î◊ `◊O ~◊u≤◊˙@–◊÷◊˙, Nh¡–◊‘˙Î◊ Nπ’NØ ÷h◊—Ζ◊d◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠Ø˙ N≈◊˙≠@◊ Áb˙ Δ˙í ≤◊u@◊÷◊-≤◊r’ ·◊¥◊ Δ˙í@◊ ¡◊ä‹˙@◊ ‘Î◊˙÷◊˙ > ©◊˙≠s ≠N ≠Δ π@–◊≤◊@–◊ ~–◊¢–d–◊@◊ π˙…‘h s§◊u@◊d◊˙ ¡–◊ØhG≥ ÷h◊—Î◊u d◊˙í@◊ Øb–r@◊ Ø˙~◊≠N, Ä¥◊≠@◊, Ä¡◊≠‘≠r Qh◊≠¯ ≠÷◊ÉΩ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊N∂˙d◊ NhD–@◊ dh◊úd◊˙ ª‘’ `◊≠§◊ π˛N˙·◊@◊ Ø˙Sh@◊u@◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊≠@◊ > ≠Ø˙ Ø≠Ú ÜN¡h◊ ¡◊≤–◊ @◊≤–◊ø–◊ ØhΩ Äªœ¸ ÄQ◊Î◊ Ø˙~–◊≠~◊Å d◊¡◊ Åè◊˙ N¡’◊™◊ Δ˙í Ü¡◊… Ä≠s˙Q◊@◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Witness Spirit I dwell in the spirit’s calm nothing can move And watch the actions of Thy vast world-force, Its mighty wings that through infinity move And the Time-gallopings of the deathless Horse. This mute stupendous Energy that whirls The stars and nebulae in its long train, Like a huge Serpent through my being curls With its diamond hood of joy and fangs of pain. It rises from the dim inconscient deep Upcoiling through the minds and hearts of men, Then touches on some height of luminous sleep The bliss and splendour of the eternal plane. All this I bear in me, untouched and still Assenting to Thy all-wise inscrutable will.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
~–◊‘u‹@◊ d◊u‹’ö◊@◊ Qh◊ê–◊ Ü÷◊ ÷◊@–◊‹≥`–◊ ~–◊‘u‹≥~◊u N≤–◊d◊≠@◊ Øh≤y◊ Ä˙Ø@◊ Ø–Î◊~◊⁄Î◊ @◊N˙d◊≠Î◊ ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥`◊˙ ⁄–@◊ : ¡–◊§h◊ö◊ ÄØ@◊ ≠©ä˙d–◊ ¡◊≠O ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä˙N–‹≥`–◊ ¡◊≤–◊ ©–◊b–¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä¥◊@◊ d◊˙í d◊ØN˙Õ◊ Ü¡◊… §◊ud–◊÷◊@◊ > π@–◊≤◊@–◊ π¢˙≠d◊ ≠Ø˙ π˛§◊˙N–d◊ Ø˙~◊N s@–◊Ø˙ Ü¡◊… ≠d◊©–◊ ≠·◊¡◊˙¡–◊¸ Ä˙k˙@◊ ≠N π˛‘˙¥◊ É`∑◊˙N ¡–◊gub’ ØΖ◊~◊ S_˙¥◊ π‹ Øh≤y◊ ÷◊`–◊ π@–◊÷˛◊Ø˙ ≠≤@–◊`–◊ SFN@◊ d◊u≠@◊ d◊˙í Ä™◊˙~◊ ©◊Î◊@◊ ¡–◊Î◊˙N > ≠≤◊Ø˙Î◊ `◊≤◊Ÿ–◊ π˙≠] Q◊˙`h◊ø–◊ ØhΩ ¡–◊¡◊b’ ÷◊·’◊≠Ø ÷m◊˙¥–◊÷◊@◊ π‹Q◊`◊˙ Ü≠¡◊Δ˙Ü ≠≤◊`◊˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ ≠‘r; ¡–◊§◊˙Øl ≠·◊¡◊ØFd–’◊ d–◊≠@◊˙≤–◊d◊ ÷◊˙Î◊@◊ Ä¥–◊≠Ø §◊˙N– Ä˙Nh ~◊˙≤y◊ Ä˙É N_s’¡◊˙Nu ≠·◊˙N@◊ N}˙r, ≠Ø˙ π·◊-Q–◊≤∂–◊d◊ π‹ d◊‹˙π– ØhΩ Δ˙ÅÄø–◊ ©◊˙b– ÄØ@◊d◊˙ ħ–◊Øh≠] ≠≤◊¡◊ Ä~◊äd◊Ø Ä§˛◊˙¥◊ N@◊bu >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Pilgrim of the Night I made an assignation with the Night; In the abyss was fixed our rendezvous: In my breast carrying God’s deathless light I came her dark and dangerous heart to woo. I left the glory of the illumined Mind And the calm rapture of the divinised soul And travelled through a vastness dim and blind To the grey shore where her ignorant waters roll. I walk by the chill wave through the dull slime And still that weary journeying knows no end; Lost is the lustrous godhead beyond Time, There comes no voice of the celestial Friend, And yet I know my footprints’ track shall be A pathway towards Immortality.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
`h◊ü◊˙l–d◊ π@–◊÷◊À◊~◊˙ @◊˙d–˛◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ ·◊uˆ’ ≠≤◊É, N_≠π∂ ¡–◊ ≠Ø˙ ~◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ Oh·˛◊ Ä≤◊…÷◊˙@◊ Ü¡◊… ø◊·<◊@F◊π ¡◊äê–◊-¡–◊≠‘r@◊ π˛÷◊˙‘– ~–◊º≠‘r ÷◊≠`◊ ¡–◊§h◊ Ä˙Ø ©◊u¡◊~◊-≠Δ˙©◊~◊˙, Ä¥–◊Ø π@–◊bd–◊ Ü π˛÷œ◊d–◊ö◊ ¡–◊‘_-·◊˙l–d_◊@◊ > Ø≤◊≈◊@◊ Éπ⁄–d–◊ Ü÷◊ N÷–˛◊l d◊˙í Ø@◊Ø s≤◊≠~◊; Nh·◊uˆ’ π˛ghd–◊ `–◊D ≠N ·F◊@◊˙¥◊ @F◊π˙lb◊ π˙ÅΩ : π˙r˙≠b à π‘h-≠·◊≠≤◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙k˙ ~–◊¡◊≠N ≠s˙π≠~◊ Q–◊@◊¥◊~◊u `◊≠§◊ Ü÷◊ π˛§◊˙Øl ¡◊äê–◊d_◊≠@◊ ∫◊˙ÅΩ > Ø~◊s˜◊˙ Ä¡◊≠@◊˙S Ü÷◊ ·◊ub’ ÷◊@–◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ≠N ¡◊˙≤◊˙@◊ Äs˛™◊˙~◊u Ä¥◊@◊÷h◊ ¡◊N˙Å¡◊ N˙Ou@◊ Ä˙N≠~◊; ~–◊ –˛l à ÄÕ◊ π˛÷œ◊d–◊≠@◊ ˆË◊˙Å¡◊ π˛÷◊˙‘ ~–◊©◊@◊, ~–◊≠¢d◊ d◊˙í π˛d–◊ Ä≠ú ‹≥`◊˙ π≠@◊ Nh·◊uˆ’ sh£≠~◊, πFb’ ÷◊@–◊ Äd◊uo–˛◊l Ø≤–◊Ø∂ ÷◊Î◊~◊˙, ~◊≠@◊ ≠·◊Å ¡–◊‘_¡◊ä˙πu Ä¡–◊~◊˙‘u Ä˙k˙@◊ ¡◊äz~◊˙ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Hidden Plan However long Night’s hour, I will not dream That the small ego and the person’s mask Are all that God reveals in our life-scheme, The last result of Nature’s cosmic task. A greater Presence in her bosom works; Long it prepares its far epiphany: Even in the stone and beast the godhead lurks, A bright Persona of eternity. It shall burst out from the limit traced by Mind And make a witness of the prescient heart; It shall reveal even in this inert blind Nature, long veiled in each inconscient part, Fulfilling the occult magnificent plan, The world-wide and immortal spirit in man.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Ä≠Q◊d◊~◊ Ä˙π˙d◊π˛d◊ulØ˙~◊ ‘F~◊ä Ä˙É ÷œ◊Ã-πO NhD– Øm˙~◊ Ä˙É Ä≠Q◊d◊~◊ ÄNuØ˙@◊ ÷◊@–◊ É`∑◊…ˆ~◊ ~–◊≠¡’◊·◊s§◊u@h◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ NØh·Í◊sd◊ Ü÷◊ π@◊˙-‘ê–◊, Δ˙·h◊÷◊@◊ ≠d◊©◊@◊ ≠N Ä¡◊˙ Ü÷◊ ¡◊≤∂–◊-¡–◊ˆFb’~◊ > d◊o˛◊˙Q◊˙@◊u ≠÷◊ÉΩ Ü÷◊ Nh¡–◊πhÎ◊ Ø~◊ur˙ π@◊Ø Ä˙Q◊@–◊ ÷◊Î◊~◊˙ Ä˙É Q–◊¥◊˙÷–˛◊l˙-¡–◊≤◊u~◊ ≠÷◊˝‘Î◊ ¡–◊~◊ä˙N–ø–◊ π˛©_◊Î◊¥◊ ~◊Od˛◊ö◊ ¡–◊§◊˙N ¡–◊÷˛◊Ø, Ø˙~◊¡◊ Øg– Ä˙É π‘hö◊@◊ ©◊u¡◊¥◊ ‘@◊u@◊ > ≠÷◊ÉΩ @F◊˜◊ π˛≠l˙©◊~◊ Ä¡◊˙ ≠÷◊ÉΩ Ä˙·–◊¸ ~–◊ld–◊ ©◊˙b–¡◊˙÷h◊ NØh·◊˙l ¡–◊‘_`◊uÎ◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Å`◊˙ d◊‚@◊ ? ≠N ≠÷◊ÉΩ N…]ä˙@◊ Δ˙·h◊, ~œ◊d◊ä@◊ ÷–◊ Δ˙»–◊÷◊ πM◊d–◊ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙≠@◊ N@◊©–◊`◊˙, ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ü÷◊ Ä˙k˙@◊ Ä˙S˙@ ?◊ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@◊ ≠Níd◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊˙N⁄Î◊u N¡’◊OØö◊@◊, N¡’◊™◊@◊ Ä˙¡◊@◊b, ÄÕ◊Øh]˙ §◊s¡◊˙~◊ö◊@◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Inconscient Out of a seeming void and dark-winged sleep Of dim inconscient infinity A Power arose from the insentient deep, A flame-whirl of magician Energy. Some huge somnambulist Intelligence Devising without thought process and plan Arrayed the burning stars’ magnificence, The living bodies of beasts and the brain of man. What stark Necessity or ordered Chance Became alive to know the cosmic whole ? What magic of numbers, what mechanic dance Developed consciousness, assumed a soul ? The darkness was the Omnipotent’s abode, Hood of omniscience, a blind mask of God.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Øhê–◊ Ø˙~◊N §˛◊˙Ø@◊u ~œ◊d◊ä ≠Ø˙∫◊˙@h◊ ØhΩ ~–◊≠Oπ–ø–◊ ·F◊≠@◊ Ä˙k˙@◊ gÛ◊d◊˙ Ø≠Ú Øhê◊ ≠≤◊˙Šɧ◊˙ ØhΩ Ü‹@◊; ÷◊˙Î◊≤◊u~◊, Øœdh◊ä≤◊u~◊ Ü≤–◊ ©◊u¡◊©◊sd◊ ≠Nπ˙≠@◊, ≠÷◊o˛◊ Øh≤y◊ ≠Ø˙ ~–◊©◊@◊ N~◊˙d◊~◊d_◊@◊ > ~–◊¡◊d–’◊ Ä˙N–ø–◊ Øh≤y◊, Oh·˛◊ N≈◊˙ Δ˙Éø–◊ ≠Ø˙ Ø@–◊; ØhΩ d◊ Ä~–◊¡’◊Q◊~◊ul, Ü÷◊˙Ü÷◊ Ü¡◊… ÄØ@◊; ≠Δ ¡–◊‘_ ØhΩ s˜–◊‹≥`–◊ d◊≤y◊@h◊ ØhΩ Δ˙Åø–◊ à≤◊@–◊ ØhΩ ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ ~–◊@h◊π˙S≥, π˛N˙@◊ ¡◊˙≤◊˙@◊ > Ø~◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ~◊u@◊¡–◊ø–◊ π˛N˙@–◊d◊ Ä~◊¥◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊, ≤œ◊·◊l ≠Ø˙ ~–◊÷◊˙G~◊ Ü÷◊ Ä˙~◊o◊@◊ Ü¡◊… ‘˙¥–◊@◊, Åo–˛◊l ≠Ø˙ ¡◊o◊u ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ ª‘’, ‘›◊, ·œ◊‘ä@◊ ~–◊≠Ø˙’≠÷◊, ≠·◊≤◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ¡–◊oh◊Ë–◊Ü ‘h÷m◊≠·◊ä˙d–◊ N¡’◊ ÄNuØ@◊ > Ä·_◊l N≈◊˙@◊ Øh≤y◊ Ü÷◊Ø˙d˛◊ Ä˙~◊o◊ ÄË◊Î◊ : ØhΩ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ ≠÷◊˝bN– ©◊≠b, ≠Δ≠d◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ Äø–◊ Øh≤y◊ Ü÷˙ ≠N >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 Liberation I have thrown from me the whirling dance of mind And stand now in the spirit’s silence free; Timeless and deathless beyond creature-kind, The centre of my own eternity. I have escaped and the small self is dead; I am immortal, alone, ineffable; I have gone out from the universe I made, And have grown nameless and immeasurable. My mind is hushed in a wide and endless light, My heart a solitude of delight and peace, My sense unsnared by touch and sound and sight, My body a point in white infinities. I am the one Being’s sole immobile Bliss: No one I am, I who am all that is.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
¡–◊‘_˙k–÷◊˙ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ π˛N˙@–◊d◊ ¡–◊‘_÷h◊ ØhΩ Ä˙≠¡◊˙@–◊ø–◊ ¡◊ä˙Dd◊@◊ N≈◊˙≠@◊ ≠Ø˙≤◊@–◊ Ü¡◊… ≠·◊‘ Ä˙É ÷◊˙Î◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä˙k˙@◊ ·◊‘’~◊ > ≠·◊¡◊ à ·◊˙~◊¡◊ Øh≤y◊, Øh≤y◊ πhb– §F◊d◊ Ä˙É Oh·˛◊ ·h◊¸π@◊u, sd–◊≠¡◊s ¡◊˙lh@◊ ØhΩ, d◊˙@◊˙@◊ ©_◊Î◊~◊ > ‘–‘hNØ : NØs˛ π˛÷œ◊d–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ≠≤◊π˙©◊≠d◊ ‹˙Ü ØhΩ d◊˙í@◊ N…s˛˙Ø Ä˙É NhQ–◊@◊ ¡–◊‘˛˙Ø; §h◊¡◊~◊-Ä˙~◊o◊ S˙ÜΩ ≠Ø˙ §–◊d◊≠@◊ ‘–≤◊@–◊, ØhΩ N≠≤◊ ~–◊lhd◊ ¡◊ä‹˙ ~–◊ºNú Ø@◊Ø≠@◊ ØØ > ‘–]≥ø–◊ ØhΩ Nh~–◊¡–◊Ÿ◊ Ü÷◊˙kd◊˙ N÷◊Î◊ö◊ N˙≠‹, d◊‹˙π– ≤h◊Ü ØhΩ Δ˙≤◊˙ ¡◊o◊u ≠~◊˙≠≤◊ d◊≤y◊; ~–◊]≥Î◊ ¡–◊‘_@◊ X◊˙÷◊ ¡◊≤–◊ ≠~◊Å ≠Ø˙≤◊@–◊ N≤–◊≠d◊ Ä~◊‘_@◊ §h◊¡◊≠~◊ ≠Ø˙ Δ˙ÜΩ, ØhΩ Ä˙≠@◊˙≤–◊ > Äd–◊÷˛◊Ø– Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊ Ü¡◊… ©◊u¡◊~◊ Äπ˛≠Øl πO ¡◊˙≤–◊ Δ˙ÜΩ, ©◊˙d◊ à Ä©◊˙d◊ N¡’◊ ¡◊gh N≤◊ Ü÷◊ ≠≤◊˙Å d◊‹˙π– ØhΩ ‹˙ÜΩ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 Cosmic Consciousness I have wrapped the wide world in my wider self And Time and Space my spirit’s seeing are. I am the god and demon, ghost and elf, I am the wind’s speed and the blazing star. All Nature is the nursling of my care, I am its struggle and the eternal rest; The world’s joy thrilling runs through me, I bear The sorrow of millions in my lonely breast. I have learned a close identity with all, Yet am by nothing bound that I become; Carrying in me the universe’s call I mount to my imperishable home. I pass beyond Time and life on measureless wings, Yet still am one with born and unborn things.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Nh¡◊C’ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ Nh¡◊C’ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ d¡◊ ≠Ø˙ Øg≠÷◊ Ä˙N–`◊˙ à≤∑◊˙Å Ø˙~◊N SFN@◊ ÷◊O π˙`◊Ë–◊`◊˙ ≠N˝@◊-ª‘’ `◊§–◊ §◊˙N_@◊ É≈◊@◊ Ü÷◊ π˛™◊˙~◊@◊ NFO<≠`◊˙÷◊ π˙ÅΩ, π˛‘˙¥◊ É·Í◊§◊˙N ◊N≤◊ ‘–]˙Ë–◊Ü É∫–◊`◊˙ π`∑◊¡–◊ > Nh¡◊C’ Ä˙≠`˙÷◊ d◊¡◊ ÷◊≠£ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä˙N–`◊˙ Éd◊@–◊, N÷◊Î◊ ¡◊Q◊~◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ·–◊¡◊äN_≠@◊ Ü≠¡◊ π@–◊bd◊, dh◊Ø@◊ ¡◊o◊~◊˙sud–◊ Ü÷◊Ø˙d˛◊ @◊˙s–bu ≠Ø˙≤◊@–◊; N÷◊Î◊ ¡◊˙bu ≠Δ ≠Ø˙@◊ ÄØ@◊˙@◊ Nh@◊˙≠@◊ π˛Ø≈◊ > Nh¡◊C’ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ d◊¡◊ ≠§◊·◊ ÷◊`◊˙ ≠Ø˙≤◊@◊ ≤œ◊·◊l dh◊Ø@◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ ø◊≠o◊ ¡–◊ØA–◊d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠Ø˙ ©◊u¡◊~◊; ¡–◊@◊˙©h◊ø◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ dh◊≠Ø ≠N ≠Δ Ü≠¡◊ πhbä ≠·◊¡◊˙Î◊l N÷◊Î◊ Ä˙≠¡◊s d◊˙í@◊ dh◊Ø÷h◊≤y◊ ÷◊≠@◊ Ä≠~_◊rb > Nh¡◊C’ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ d◊¡◊ π@◊‘–`◊˙ ≠Ø˙≤◊@◊ Q◊@◊b Ø˙Ë–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ü≠¡◊ d◊¡◊ `◊uÎ◊˙§F◊Ø–, d◊¡◊ ¡◊@◊˙N~◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Golden Light Thy golden Light came down into my brain And the grey rooms of mind sun-touched became A bright reply to Wisdom’s occult plane, A calm illumination and a flame. Thy golden Light came down into my throat, And all my speech is now a tune divine, A paean-song of Thee my single note; My words are drunk with the Immortal’s wine. Thy golden Light came down into my heart Smiting my life with Thy eternity; Now has it grown a temple where Thou art And all its passions point towards only Thee. Thy golden Light came down into my feet; My earth is now thy playfield and thy seat.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
©◊u¡◊~◊ á÷◊ä §F◊d◊-NØhé◊l π˛˙≠b ≠Δ˙s˙Å`–◊ Ø@◊≠Ø ≠Ø˙ Ä˙¡◊˙N@◊ ⁄˙~◊, ©◊sd◊@◊ ªo◊Ø˙~◊ N÷◊Î◊ ≤œ◊·◊l Øh≤y ≠Ø˙@◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ ÷◊`–◊ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊; §◊˙su ≠≤◊`–◊ ≠N Ä˙~◊≠o◊ Nœ¸–≠@◊ Δ˙ N@◊©◊Å s˙~◊ Ü¡◊… π˙~◊ ÷◊`–◊ d◊˙í@◊ ≠‘˙÷◊ Δ‹˙ ¡–◊r˙ê◊ Ä˙N¡◊ > ØhΩ ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ Ä~◊ä ¡h◊≠÷◊ ≠÷˛◊˙S ≠÷◊≠¡◊ É∫h◊‹≥≠`◊ ©◊˙s–, ≠Ø˙@◊ ¡–◊‘_-Ä˙k˙ ≠·◊Å ¡◊˙≤–◊ø◊¥–◊ ÑØ–’Ø˙Î◊˙ Ä˙≠¡s N÷◊≠Î◊; ~–◊lhd◊ Ä¥◊≠@◊ ¡◊äê◊ Ü÷◊Å ≠N ≠π˛≠Ø ØhΩ ¡–◊ @◊≤–◊‹≥`–◊ §◊˙su > Øh≤y◊ ≠N≤–◊ π‘h Δ˙í÷h◊ Øb–r N…≤◊˙≠@◊, Ü¡◊… Δ˙í÷h◊ @◊O˙÷◊≠@◊ > πh`◊÷◊ à Δ»◊b˙@◊ ©_◊Î◊Ø˙~◊ πO ·h◊Å ≠·◊Åø–◊ ØhΩ ≠Ø`–◊; Ü÷◊Å Ä˙~◊o◊ ·–◊≠÷◊ ÷œ◊à Äs∂– N_b’ ¡◊≤∂–◊ @◊Q–◊≠`◊ π˛l˙N : ≠N ‘–]˙ Nú≠d◊ Øh≤y◊ ÑS_’d◊Ø ≠N≤–◊ ≠`◊˙≠÷◊ Éπ~◊ud◊ ≠≤◊`–◊ ≠ΔÉΩ∫–◊ ¡–◊÷˛◊Ø, ≠π˛Ø, ÄØ@◊b É`∑◊˙N@◊ ˆ≠Ë◊ NØ˙≠¡◊‘ > s§◊u@◊ ÄÚ˙k Ü÷◊ π˛‘˙¥–◊ Δ˙í Ä~◊˙≤◊d◊-ª‘’ S˙@◊b ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ Ü≤–◊ N≠¯·◊~◊-`◊uÎ◊˙@◊ @◊≤◊Nä >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950
Life-Unity I housed within my heart the life of things, All hearts athrob in the world I felt as mine; I shared the joy that in creation sings And drank its sorrow like a poignant wine. I have felt the anger in another’s breast, All passions poured through my world-self their waves; One love I shared in a million bosoms expressed. I am the beast man slays, the beast he saves. I spread life’s burning wings of rapture and pain; Black fire and gold fire strove towards one bliss: I rose by them towards a supernal plane Of power and love and deathless ecstasies. A deep spiritual calm no touch can sway Upholds the mystery of this Passion-play.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
N˙@Fπä @◊§◊N Q◊Ζ◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊π≠‹ Éπ·–◊¸˙ NØs˛ π˛÷œ◊d–◊ N¡’◊N≈◊˙ NØ˙‘m–¸ @◊≤–◊ø◊¥–◊ ≠Ø˙≤◊@–◊ Ä¥◊≠@◊ > ≠≤◊ ≤œ◊·◊l Ä¡◊Õ◊~◊ π˛©_◊Î◊¥◊ ≠π˛Ø Ä˙~◊o◊@◊ ªoh◊ø◊ ÷–◊π@–◊ ÷◊≤◊ Ä≤◊@◊≤◊ Ø˙~h◊ru ¡h◊÷h◊≠@◊ ! N∂˙lh≠@◊ N∂˙lh≠@◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ‘–]˙l–d◊ dh◊Ø@–◊ πh`◊÷◊ dh◊Ø dh◊≠`◊ @◊˙NØ≈◊ Äbh Äbh N¡’◊≠÷◊˙r ≠Ø˙@◊; dh◊Ø@–◊ Ä˙S˙@◊ Ü≤–◊ d◊~h◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ≠N¡h◊ø–◊ Ø˙d◊@◊ π˛˙bŒF≈’◊ π˙~◊π˙d˛◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ˙Å dh◊Ø @◊§◊N@◊ > ØhΩ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ ≠÷◊o˛◊ Ü÷◊ ≤–◊@◊bÍØl dh◊Ø@–◊ ≠©ä˙d–◊@◊ ØhΩ πhb– ¡◊Î◊l d◊˙í@◊ Nh¡–◊‘˙Î◊ Ü¡◊… Äπ˛≠Øl dh◊≠Ø ≠Ø˙ Ø≤◊˙~◊ Ä˙k˙ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊Ø’l Ü¡◊… S¡◊Î◊ d◊¡◊˙Su~◊ ≠Ø˙ Ø˙~◊N, ≠Ø˙ N…÷◊À◊ §◊˙N_–d◊ Åo–˛◊l > Ä¥◊≠@◊ ØhΩ Ä~h◊§◊≠¡◊ Ä~◊¥◊ ~–◊º‘_˙N, d◊˙≤◊˙ dh◊Ø@–◊ Ä˙k˙@◊ ≠Ø˙ NØs˛ ©◊u¡◊~ ≠Δ ≠s˙Ë–◊Ü ªo◊~ dh◊Ø ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊d◊˙@◊ !
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 Bliss of Identity All Nature is taught in radiant ways to move, All beings are in myself embraced. O fiery boundless Heart of joy and love, How art thou beating in a mortal’s breast ! It is Thy rapture flaming through my nerves And all my cells and atoms thrill with Thee; My body Thy vessel is and only serves As a living wine-cup of Thy ecstasy. I am a centre of Thy golden light And I its vast and vague circumference, Thou art my soul great, luminous and white And Thine my mind and will and glowing sense. Thy spirit’s infinite breath I feel in me; My life is a throb of Thy eternity.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
ø◊d˛◊πd–◊ ·◊˙~◊¡◊sb dh◊Ø÷h◊ ØhΩ ≠]˙©h◊‹≥`–◊ Ü÷◊˙, Ø˙d˛◊ Ä˙N– ≠·◊]˙≠·◊≠`◊ Q◊˙@–◊ ≠·◊˙·’◊— ·◊˙~◊¡◊ Δ–Ü Ä˙Ø π˛˙b¡◊˙lh@◊ Q◊˙Î◊÷◊, Ø–‹ä˙@◊ Ø˙`–◊÷◊Ø˙≠~◊, Ä¡–◊·◊ä˙@◊ @◊˙©◊~◊äØ—Î◊u, ·h◊≠·Ê’¡◊ à Ø@◊b@◊ ÄNπR◊ É≈h◊ú ‘˙N÷◊ > ≠÷◊ÉΩ∫h◊ Ä˙N–≠`◊ ÜÅ Ü÷◊è◊d˛πd–◊sb ©◊s˙Å Ä˙d◊ö◊ ÜØ˙≠~◊ ÷–◊ ÄS≥¡◊˙Nu Ä≠Q◊d◊~◊ ÄÕ◊◊ ≠÷◊ÉΩ Äd◊Î◊ s§’◊@◊,ñ Ä©◊N˛ Ø–‹ä˙Q◊˙@◊@◊ ÜØ˙≠~◊ ÷–◊ ‘∫◊ ¡◊˙¡◊·F◊÷◊, Δ»◊b˙@◊ ©◊sd◊@◊ ÜÅØ˙≠~◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ N≠¡’◊‘_@◊ ? Ä‹¡◊˙ dh◊≠Ø≤y◊ Ü÷◊˙ π–Õ–◊Äø◊ Ü Q◊˙@–◊Ë–◊ Øh]˙ ? ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ ≤œ◊·◊ d◊¡◊ @◊]≥ ≠·◊Å ÷◊˙Î◊-Ä˙¡◊@≠b, Ä˙k˙÷h◊ d◊˙í ¡–◊‘_-÷◊≠Ø’ `◊s˙Åø◊ dh◊≠Ø ≠d◊≠¡◊ Ü÷◊˙ dh◊Ø◊÷h◊ d◊`◊˙N–¡◊˙÷h◊ `h◊Q–◊ø◊ ≠Δ §◊lö◊@◊ ø◊·<◊-Ä˙g@◊≠b > Ü Ä≠§◊·◊ä Ä¡◊≠@◊˙S dh◊≠Ø, Ø˙d˛◊ dh◊≠Ø, π˙@◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ `◊l, ≠≤◊ π@◊Ø ≠©◊ä˙d–◊@F◊π, ≠≤◊ πh`◊÷◊Øl ‘˙¥–◊, Øœdh◊äzlu ≠≤◊ Ä˙~◊o◊Øl !
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Iron Dictators I looked for Thee alone, but met my glance The iron dreadful Four who rule our breath, Masters of falsehood, Kings of ignorance, High sovereign Lords of suffering and death. Whence came these formidable autarchies, From what inconscient blind Infinity, – Cold propagandists of a million lies, Dictators of a world of agony ? Or was it Thou who bor’st the fourfold mask ? Enveloping Thy timeless heart in Time, Thou hast bound the spirit to its cosmic task, To find Thee veiled in this tremendous mime. Thou, only Thou, canst raise the invincible siege, O Light, O deathless Joy, O rapturous Peace !
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
@F◊π N˙÷◊˙≠@◊ ~ ÷◊@◊ d◊ä˙s, Äb˙÷◊˙@◊ ÄNuØ@◊ Ä˙≠≤◊ Éπ˙N÷◊, ≠N≤–◊ Ü÷◊Ø˙d˛◊ Δ–Ü ÷◊@–◊‹˙Ü @F◊π≠@◊ ~–◊¡◊˙N > NNuØ π˛d–◊Ë–◊ @F◊π s§◊u@◊≠@◊ Ä~◊¥◊ π˛÷◊˙‘; @F◊π@◊ Øo–◊≠@◊ @◊˙≠©◊ Ä˙¡œ◊d◊ N≈◊˙≠@◊ d◊˙ö◊ ¡–◊ØÎ◊ πh`◊÷◊ > @F◊π d◊˙í@◊ ØØ’⁄≠Î◊ gÛ◊d◊˙@◊ Ä≠™◊l s≤◊≠~◊ @◊≤◊Nä@◊ ØØ’¡◊˙bu d◊˙ö◊@–◊ d◊ @◊]≥ø–◊ Ä˙≠¡◊˙@–◊ > @F◊π, ≠N ≠Δ ‘˙‘_d◊@◊ ¡◊˙Nsœ≤◊ ¡–◊N<l-NG˙@◊u, sh≤◊˙, Δ≤y◊ Øœdh◊äzlu Ø≤◊˙≠Δ˙su Øs~◊ S≥Ä˙≠~◊ > ≠N˝o◊Δ’ä @◊≤–◊ø–◊ Ü÷◊ Ç‘_@◊ö◊ s≤◊~◊ s§◊u≠@◊, Ä~–◊o◊äNho◊@◊ö◊@◊ Åo˛◊©◊˙`◊ @◊≤–◊ø–◊ ¡–◊ Ü÷◊, Ä˙πb˙ Ä˙¡◊˙N ÷◊@–◊ ~–◊@◊Ø–ø–◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ Ü ¡–◊‘_≠@◊; Ä·_◊l ≠N, π˛÷◊˙‘–ø–◊ Ä˙πb˙@◊ Ø≤–◊Ø˙ Ä≠~◊÷◊, Á–Ë–◊πŸ–◊ ~◊˙~˙ @F◊≠π, ~◊˙~◊˙ ¡◊≠C’ ≠s˙`◊˙π NØ˙~◊ ¡–◊‘˙Î◊ §h◊¡◊~◊-·◊≠Î◊ ¡◊˙Ú ÷◊@–◊ ÷◊≠@◊ É~<◊uÎ◊~◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 Form O worshipper of the formless Infinite, Reject not form, what lives in form is He.1 Each finite is that deep Infinity Enshrining His veiled soul of pure delight. Form in its heart of silence recondite Hides the significance of His mystery, Form is the wonder-house of eternity, A cavern of the deathless Eremite. There is a beauty in the depths of God, There is a miracle of the Marvellous That builds the universe for its abode. The One, in His glory multitudinous, Bursting into shape and colour like a rose, Compels the great world-petals to unclose.
what dwells in it is He.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Ä¥◊≤◊u~◊ ħ–Δ˙~◊ Ä~◊˙Ø ÄNuØ Ü÷◊ ©◊Î◊˙b’¡◊ π≠@◊ Q◊˙`–◊`◊˙ ≠Ø˙ ≠ø◊˙Ë◊ d◊@◊u; ¡◊@◊©–◊`–◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ul d◊u@◊ > π¢˙d◊ ≤©h◊ø–◊ ÷˛◊≠Ø Ü¡◊… N®h]≠@◊ ·–◊‘–Δ˙Ü ⁄–@◊ Ä™◊˙d◊ π˙d◊˙Î◊ Ä˙É ØΖ◊~◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊Ë–◊Ü ·–◊÷Í◊ NFQ◊~◊˙ ÷◊≠@◊ > ≠s˙Ë–◊Ü Ä·œ◊‘ä ≤◊˙d◊ N}˙Îh◊ø–◊ Øú ≠Ø˙@◊ > ~–◊‘– ˆ~◊÷œ◊à ÄΖ◊o≠@◊ ÷◊˙@◊˙@h◊M◊ ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ N˙s@◊,ñ Ä≠Q◊d◊ OhS˙@◊ Ü÷◊ N–…≤◊d◊©’◊ Ü¡◊… ≤h◊ö◊˙@◊ Ä‹¡◊˙ N˙s@◊~–◊·˛◊˙ πh≤◊˙Ü ≠÷◊ ~–◊©’◊u¡◊ N¤◊ä˙Nu > ≠Δ Ø≤◊˙‘ê–◊≠@◊ ≠]˙≠©◊ Ä~h◊§◊≠¡Ω◊ d◊˙í@◊ Ø≤◊˙~◊d◊˙ Ä˙¡œ◊d◊ ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊, ~–◊≠Ø∂ ≠Ø˙@◊ Äd◊Î◊@◊ ·◊˙~◊¡◊ul d˛◊˙N > Ä·œ◊‘ä dh◊úd◊˙ @◊˙≠©◊ ≠N π˙@–◊≠@◊ Δ≤y◊ π˙·◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ πŸ–◊~–◊ ÷◊˙≤◊˙@◊ > ~–◊ºNú, Ä~◊~◊ä N≤◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ–¡–◊ Øh≤y◊ Ü÷◊N≈◊˙ πh~◊¢ ©◊˙s– ØhΩ ≠≤◊¡–◊ Ä÷◊N<˙dÍ◊ Ç‘_@◊ É·Í◊§◊˙N, Ø≤◊˙ Ä˙¡–◊§◊˙’¡◊@◊ ≠N π@◊Ø ¡–◊N<l Ä˙É É`∑◊˙N Äπ˙@◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Infinite Adventure On the waters of a nameless Infinite My skiff is launched; I have left the human shore. All fades behind me and I see before The unknown abyss and one pale pointing light. An unseen Hand controls my rudder. Night Walls up the sea in a black corridor, – An inconscient Hunger’s lion plaint and roar Or the ocean sleep of a dead Eremite. I feel the greatness of the Power I seek Surround me; below me are its1 giant deeps. Beyond, the invisible height no soul has trod. I shall be merged in the Lonely and Unique And wake into a sudden blaze of God, The marvel and rapture of the Apocalypse.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
¡œ◊≤◊≈◊@◊ ≠Δ˙©◊~◊˙ ØhΩ Ü≠¡◊ ÄË◊≠÷◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ≠`◊˙§◊~◊ul π˛˙b-N}˙r≠b, d◊˙í Ä˙~◊≠o◊, ·h◊º≠], d◊˙í@◊ ≠Ø˙≤–◊~◊u @F◊π≠@◊, d◊˙í@◊ ¡◊ub˙~–◊o◊u Éè◊Î◊ ≤◊N≠@◊ > ~◊u@◊¡–◊ Δ˙Åø–◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ ÷h◊≤h◊÷–◊d◊ `◊s∂Ø˙~◊ Œh@h◊‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊ÅΩ‘u N_@◊≠@◊, ≠Δ≠d◊ @F◊π, ≠Δ≠d◊ ¡◊b’, É`∑◊˙N Δ˙í @◊≠≤◊ Ø˙d˛◊ O≠b > ≠Ø˙ Ä˙k˙@◊ ~–◊§œ◊d◊ π˛N˙≠@◊ Øh≤y◊ ‘hb–¡–◊ ‘˛¡◊≠b Ø@◊b‘uÎ◊@◊ dh◊— ≠Ø˝~◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ≠ΔÉΩ ¡◊˙bu Œh≠@◊ : Ä¡–Ø–‘˛ ≠N ¡–◊N<l ≠]˙©h◊ø–◊ ØhΩ π˛d–◊Ë–◊ ¡◊gh≠@◊ ©◊~<◊ Δ˙í@◊ Q–◊@◊gÛ◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ `◊s≠~◊ > π˛≠l˙©◊~◊ ‹˙Ü Ü÷◊ s≤◊~◊≠@◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ Ä˙k˙@◊ ¡◊˙≤◊˙@◊@◊ Ä˙Ÿ◊¯@◊ dœ◊D– Δ˙í≠@◊ π˙≠@◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ≠·◊Å : ≠Δ ≠≤◊dh◊ π˛˙b à Ø~◊ ~–◊©◊@◊ s@–◊Ø˙ Ä˙É d◊÷’◊¡◊Î◊ ≠~◊Å Nh¡–◊gub’ π˛Nú@◊ ·◊uˆ’NFd˛◊u Éπ÷˛◊Ø Ü÷◊, ‘ur’d◊Ø ≠Δ˙©◊~◊˙@◊ ÄN…`◊s∂ Ü÷◊ ≠@◊]˙ö◊~◊, π@◊Øö◊ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙≠¡◊ä Ü÷◊ Äs˛≠`◊] >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Greater Plan I am held no more by life’s alluring cry, Her joy and grief, her charm, her laughter’s lute. Hushed are the magic moments of the flute, And form and colour and brief ecstasy. I would hear, in my spirit’s wideness solitary The Voice that speaks when mortal lips are mute: I seek the wonder of things absolute Born from the silence of Eternity. There is a need within the soul of man The splendours of the surface never sate; For life and mind and their glory and debate Are the slow prelude of a vaster theme, A sketch confused of a supernal plan, A preface to the epic of the Supreme.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
¡–◊‘_≠·◊¡◊-¡–◊s˛≤◊b π˛™◊˙ Ü÷◊ ¡–◊@◊˙©–◊d◊ Ú˙~◊Øs∂ ·–◊¡◊˙÷◊@◊ NØ, ≤œ◊·◊l-÷◊o◊@◊ ~◊≠o◊ Ä˙~◊o◊@◊ ‘–]˙‘h§˛◊ N≈◊˙, ©◊sd◊@◊ ØØ’ ≠N ≠Δ Ü÷◊ Δ≤y◊ N÷◊Î◊ Ø@◊Ø, πh`◊÷◊-π¡’◊d◊ ‘–≠@◊ @◊˙≠©◊ Ü÷◊ Ø≤◊˙~◊ gÛ◊◊d◊˙ > π@◊Ø˙ π˛‘˙¥–◊ Ü÷◊ ≠÷◊˙≠Î◊ Δ˙í@◊ `◊˙Ζ◊d◊ ~–◊ld–◊; É·◊˙@◊ ÷◊@h◊b˙ ~◊d◊ ¡◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ S@◊bu@◊ ¡◊ä‹˙; Ä˙Ø@–◊ s≤◊~◊ ≠·◊≠‘ N˙Ou ©◊≠b ÷◊@◊Å◊ ¡◊Nd–◊, Ø˙~h◊ru d◊~h◊≠@◊ Ä˙N– ØFd–’◊Ø¥◊-¡–◊‘_@◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ > ≠N≤–◊ Ø≤◊˙ØlF]@◊ ¡–◊§◊˙Øl πË◊ Ä˙Ø Ø~◊, Øœdh◊äzl ¡–◊÷˛◊Ø@◊ ¡◊äú@F◊π Ä˙Ø@◊ ‘÷◊d–◊, ‘˙‘_d◊ö◊ π≠‹ Ä˙Ø Ä˙~◊o◊ ≠Δ Nπ≠~◊ Øs~◊ Ob©◊u¡◊u `◊˙¡◊bä@◊ Ø@uQ–◊÷◊˙ π≠ø◊ ÷◊≠@◊ sd–◊ > Ü÷◊Ø˙d˛◊ ≤œ◊·◊l@◊ sh£–d◊ ≠d◊˙@◊≠b Ø–≠Î◊ ≠·◊]˙ Äs∂–@◊ ÄO≠@◊ Äø–◊ π˛Q◊— ≠N shD ~◊˙Ø ≠`◊]˙ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Universal Incarnation There is a wisdom like a brooding Sun, A Bliss in the heart’s crypt grown fiery white, The heart of a world in which all hearts are one, A Silence on the mountains of delight, A Calm that cradles Fate upon its knees; A wide Compassion leans to embrace earth’s pain; A Witness dwells within our secrecies, The incarnate Godhead in the body of man. Our mind is a glimmering curtain of that Ray, Our strength a parody of the Immortal’s power, Our joy a dreamer on the Eternal’s way Hunting the fugitive1 beauty of an hour. Only on the heart’s veiled door the word of flame Is written, the secret and tremendous Name.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ π¢˙≠d◊ ØhΩ Éπ¡–◊¸, N®h]≠@◊ Ä‘_Oh@◊ ~œ◊d◊ä Nö◊Ë◊@◊ ≠÷◊˙Î◊˙≤◊Î◊Øl π≠‹, N≠d◊ Ä¡◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙ Ü÷◊ §◊¡–räd◊¡◊˙·◊u@◊ ]≥Ä˙`◊, Ü¡◊… ≤◊∫◊˙dÍ◊ ≠¡◊˙S ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠Ø˙ §–◊d◊≠@◊, ÷◊@–◊ π@–◊≤◊˙@◊ π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ ¡◊Õ◊˙ π‹, Ä˙≠¡◊˙@–◊ @◊≤–◊ø–◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ d◊˙ö◊ ÷◊≠Î◊¡◊@◊ > ¡–◊@◊˙Ë◊ Øg÷◊ Ü÷◊ ≠·◊]˙≠·◊`◊˙ ‘–≠@◊˙π@–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊, ÄØœdh◊ä@◊ π˛‘˙¥–◊≠@◊ π@–◊πFb’ Ü÷◊ ≠N Ä˙~◊~◊ Ä˙É N¡’◊OØ ·œ◊¸– Δ˙≤◊˙ ˆË◊b˙÷˛◊Ø≠@◊ ~◊äg ÷◊@–◊ ÄS≥÷◊˙@◊ Nhπ˛‘g N˙¡’◊≠§◊˝Ø Ä˙πb˙@◊ ¡œ◊≠≈◊ d◊˙÷h ·–◊Ü Δ‹˙⁄˙~◊ > ≠÷‘ d◊˙ö◊ Ø–‘–‹≥`◊˙ NØu@◊ à ≠N˝@◊÷◊@◊ N˙≠‹; d◊˙ö◊@– Ø@◊≠Ø ‹≥`◊˙ ©◊sd◊ ¡–◊@◊˙©–◊ Ä˙É ≠N≤–◊ ~–◊≠©◊ Øh≤y◊ : ≠Ø˙ Ø≠Ú ~–◊¡◊N–‹≥≠`◊ Q–◊@◊ ÄOlö◊ ‘˙¥–◊, d◊˙í N≤–◊≠d◊ Ä·_◊lö◊ π@◊˙÷˛◊Ø, ≠÷◊≠¡◊≠≤◊≠`◊ Øœdh◊ä Δ˙í@ ¡◊ghN˙@◊ π˙≠@◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ øh◊ÅΩ > ≠N Øh≤F◊d’◊ Q◊˙`–◊s`◊˙ Ü¡◊… πF¡’◊¡◊dÍ◊ @◊≤–◊`◊˙ Δ˙í‹≥`◊˙; Øœdh◊ä≤◊u~◊ N<&œd–◊ d◊˙í ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ≠Ø˙ Ä¥◊≠@◊ ⁄˙lu ≠≤◊˙Ås`◊˙ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Godhead I sat behind the dance of Danger’s hooves In the shouting street that seemed a futurist’s whim, And suddenly felt, exceeding Nature’s grooves, In me, enveloping me the body of Him. Above my head a mighty head was seen, A face with the calm of immortality And an omnipotent gaze that held the scene In the vast circle of its sovereignty. His hair was mingled with the sun and breeze; The world was in His heart and He was I: I housed in me the Everlasting’s peace, The strength of One whose substance cannot die. The moment passed and all was as before; Only that1 deathless memory I bore.
1 its
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
≠·◊¡◊u π˛d–◊Ø˙ Øo–◊@◊Ølu ~◊s@◊u≠@◊ Ü÷◊ Oh·˛◊ ≠·◊ÉÎ◊¡◊˙Nu Q◊˙@h◊ ‘–À◊@◊ Ä¡◊l¡h◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ @◊≤–◊‹≥≠`◊ ≠·◊¡◊u Q◊˙≤y◊ Øœdh◊ä@◊≤–d◊, ©◊˙s˛d◊, ~–◊©◊ ·–◊¡◊äd◊˙ ÉÒ◊˙N– > ¡–◊s˛≤◊Ë–◊Ü ≠N, NuØ˙≤◊u~◊d◊˙÷h◊ ≠·◊Å‹≥`◊˙ Ä¡◊˙ ∫◊˙ÅΩ > ¡–◊‘_©◊~◊~◊u Ø≤◊ulNu ~–◊©◊ ·œ◊D Åè◊˙ ≠~◊◊Å Äd◊Î◊-NhD–-Øs∂˙-Ø˙Ë–◊÷h◊ Ä˙πb˙ Ä˙¡◊˙N ÷◊@–◊ ™◊˙~◊-ÄsØä˙, ¡◊˙÷◊ä˙d◊ud◊˙ ≠N N¡’◊‘÷◊d–◊Ølu Ø@h◊π˛˙¥◊≠@◊, ~◊≠§◊ à s§◊u≠@◊ ≠Ø˝~◊d◊˙ ‹≥≠`◊ ¡◊@–◊ > Ü≠¡◊ ≠Ní ø◊¥–◊ Ø~◊-sh£–d◊˙ ~◊ ÷◊≤–◊ π·–◊Ü ÷◊‹˙ ™◊˙~◊-ÄsØä˙; ¡◊˙÷◊ä˙d◊ud◊˙ ≠N N÷◊Î◊ π˛™◊˙Ølu, ≠ΔΔ˙ÜΩ d◊˙ö◊ @F◊π S˙@◊b@◊ s≤◊~◊ ≠s˙π~◊ s˙‹˙ ≠·◊]≥~–◊, ‘hb–~–◊ Ä˙k˙ Ä˙Ø@◊, shπd◊≠@◊ ‹≥≠¡◊ @◊≤–◊ > πF©◊÷◊ Ä˙S˙≠@◊ ÄQ◊Î◊ Ä˙÷◊˙≠@◊ ©◊b÷◊@◊ Ä˙⁄˙~◊ ≠N˝Øä˙ à sF˜◊˙ d◊~h◊ ¡◊˙ π˙r˙b ÷◊@–◊π˙≠@◊ π@–◊S˙~◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Stone Goddess In a town of gods, housed in a little shrine, From sculptured limbs the Godhead looked at me, – A living Presence deathless and divine, A Form that harboured all infinity. The great World-Mother and her mighty will Inhabited the earth’s abysmal sleep, Voiceless, omnipotent, inscrutable, Mute in the desert and the sky and deep. Now veiled with mind she dwells and speaks no word, Voiceless, inscrutable, omniscient, Hiding until our soul has seen, has heard The secret of her strange embodiment, One in the worshipper and the immobile shape, A beauty and mystery flesh or stone can drape.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
÷œ◊à ©◊˙b–`–◊ ØhΩ Ü≠d◊ ·–◊≠~◊ ≠÷◊ÉΩ Ä≠‹’ Ä˙k˙@◊ ©◊~◊Ø Ü≤–◊ ¡–◊‘_§F◊≠Ø, Δ˙≤◊˙ ØShØl Ü¡◊… §◊urb, Ä¥◊≠@◊ ©◊˙b–ø–◊ ØhΩ ≠Δ S@–◊d˛◊u@◊ OhS≥d◊ Ø@◊Ø Ú˙l–ø–◊ `◊§–◊¡◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊, N_s’ π˙≠@◊, ÷œ◊Ãö◊ Q◊@◊b > ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ ØhΩ No◊‘’~◊ Øœdh◊ä≤◊u~◊ ~◊l~◊-NhrØ˙ Éé◊˙Ë◊~◊ ¡◊…‘uN_~◊ ‘hb–ø–◊ ØhΩ ≠π˛ØØlö◊@◊, ©◊˙b–ø–◊ ¡–◊ Øœdh◊ä≤◊u~◊ Ä˙~◊o◊@◊ Ä˙¢Δ’ä Ø≤–◊Ø˙ ~◊u@◊¡◊ Ä¥◊≠@◊ ≠d◊bh Q–◊@◊d◊≠@◊ Ä˙@◊d–◊ ≠‘˙÷◊@◊ > ~–◊÷◊Ëh◊ ~–◊÷◊Ë◊d◊@◊ ≤h◊Ü Ü≠¡◊ ≠N N_@◊ØFø’◊~◊˙ ÄπF¡’◊ @◊§◊N¡◊≠‘ π˛˙b Ü≠¡◊ É∫◊Å ‘–≤◊@–◊ π˛N˙@–◊d◊˙ π˛ud–◊·◊ç˙ π˛÷œ◊d–◊ ≠Δ ÷◊@◊Å ¡◊˙L~◊˙ π@◊‘–, Ä˙≠‘mr ≠·◊Å ¡◊`∑◊§◊ d◊˙í ≠≤◊≠¡◊ d◊˙í@–◊ N@–◊ > Ü≤–◊ Ü÷◊ Ob π˙ÅΩ π˛d◊uO˙≠@◊ Δhs Δhs ©–◊Å; ¡◊NhS˙ ~◊o–◊d◊˙ Ü≠¡◊ ≠Ø˙≤◊∫◊˙≠@◊ π@–◊πFb˙’ ≠≤◊˙Å >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 Krishna At last I find a meaning of soul’s birth Into this universe terrible and sweet, I who have felt the hungry heart of earth Aspiring beyond heaven to Krishna’s feet. I have seen the beauty of immortal eyes, And heard the passion of the Lover’s flute, And known a deathless ecstasy’s surprise And sorrow in my heart for ever mute. Nearer and nearer now the music draws, Life shudders with a strange felicity; All Nature is a wide enamoured pause Hoping her lord to touch, to clasp, to be. For this one moment lived the ages past; The world now throbs fulfilled in me at last.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
¡–◊‘_-~œ◊d◊ä ÷œ◊Ãö◊@◊ ~œ◊d◊ä, ÷◊˙Î◊uö◊@◊ ~œ◊d◊ä ¡–◊‘_~œ◊d◊ä Ä˙Q◊@◊Å ·h◊Å d◊˙Î◊ Ø˙~◊ > ÷◊˙Î◊uö◊@◊ π·◊S_~–◊ ‘hbh Ä˙≠Ø N·◊˙ Ø˙π– Q◊≠Î◊ ·h◊º] ≠‘˙÷◊ Ä·œ◊¸@◊ d◊˙~◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊-÷˛◊uŸ◊˙≠@◊ ‹˙Ü ØSh@◊ à §◊lö◊@◊ ¡◊˙S˙ : π˛è◊¤◊ N˙S÷◊ ≤h◊Ü N®h]u~◊ Äs∂–-π@◊uO˙@◊, ¡◊u@◊ Ä˙k˙ ÷˛◊uŸ◊˙÷◊≠@◊ ÷œ◊d◊˙¥◊@◊ Ä˙`–◊ú≠~◊ ‹˙Å, Ø`∑◊≠Δ˙M◊˙ `◊˜h◊‹˙Ü ~–◊ld–◊@◊ ÷˛◊uŸ◊˙ú≠~◊ Äd–◊ §◊lö◊@◊ Ü¡◊… Ü÷◊Ø˙d˛◊ π‹ ≤h◊Ü Ä˙k¡◊Î◊u §˙s¡◊d◊u ÷œ◊π˙`◊˙§◊ π˙ÅΩ > Øb–r@◊ ·h◊º] ≠≤◊`◊˙ Q◊˙¡–◊÷◊˙∫–◊ Ø≤◊˙@◊≤◊Nä@◊, Nd◊ä@◊ N…÷◊ub’ π‹ s˜◊˙≠≤◊¡◊ ÷◊˙Î◊ö◊@◊ N_π∂-Ñr@◊≠@◊, ©◊Ÿ◊-NØ˙S≥@h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊, ÑZ’◊ Ä˙≠@◊˙≤◊b π˙ÅΩ ND·_◊˙@◊ Ä˙k˙-πh@h◊r@◊, Ü≤–◊ N¡h◊ É≠P◊‘ä≤y◊ Éπ©◊u¡ä ÷◊˙Î◊uö◊@◊ ¡–◊≠l˙s˙¥◊ ~œ◊d◊ä~◊˙Ë◊–÷◊˙≠@◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ ØGπ≠@◊ ÷œ◊Ãö◊@◊ ~œ◊d◊ä `◊uÎ◊˙ ≠≤◊¡◊, ~◊˙~◊˙ ø◊·<◊≠¡◊‘ ø◊≠Î◊ ≤◊˙N, @◊˙N, ≠π˛Ø Ä˙É Ø˙ShΔ’ d◊˙ö◊@ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ¡–◊@◊˙©–◊¡◊ ?
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Cosmic Dance DANCE OF KRISHNA, DANCE OF KALI Two measures are there of the cosmic dance. Always we hear the tread of Kali’s feet Measuring in rhythms of pain and grief and chance Life’s game of hazard terrible and sweet : The ordeal of the veiled Initiate, The hero soul at play with Death’s embrace, Wrestler in the dread gymnasium of Fate And sacrifice a lonely path to Grace, Man’s sorrows made a key to the Mysteries, Truth’s narrow road out of Time’s wastes of dream, The soul’s seven doors from Matter’s tomb to rise, Are the common motives of her tragic theme. But when shall Krishna’s dance through Nature move, His mask of sweetness, laughter, rapture, love?
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
‘–¡◊ ‘˙‘_d◊@◊ Q–◊@◊ ‘h§˛◊ ‘–]@◊-‘ur’≠@◊ Ä~◊˙¡œ◊d◊ ÄNuØ@◊ Ä˙k˙ Ä·_–◊d◊ul, π˛‘˙¥–◊@◊ Äs∂–π≠Ë◊ Nh@◊O–d◊ @◊]≥ø◊¥–◊ N_ul ~–◊sF˜◊ ~–◊ºNúπb, Øs∂ Δ˙≤◊˙ ‘hM◊ É`∑◊˙N≠@◊ > Ø˙d◊@◊ π@◊‘–`◊˙@h◊ π˛÷◊˙‘@◊ Ä˙~◊o◊ Ä≠‘r Ä~◊¥◊ Äd◊Î◊ Ä˙≠Ÿ◊ ≠~◊d˛◊ Y◊˙Ζ◊ ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ≠N Q◊˙≤y◊ Ú˙~◊@◊d◊˙, ~–◊¢–d–◊@◊ ~◊u@◊¡◊d◊˙ Ø≠Ú Ä¡◊s˙≤–◊, Ø≤◊˙‘ê–◊-Ø˙d◊˙ö◊@◊ ØF÷◊≠Ø˝~◊ dœ◊D–@◊ Ä˙≠¡◊‘ > ÄS’©◊˙s@–◊d◊˙ Ü≠¡◊ Ä˙N–≠`◊ ≠N d◊˙ö◊ ≠~◊d˛◊S˙≠@◊, Q◊÷˛◊˙÷◊˙≠@◊ ˆF@–◊≠`◊ d◊˙íπ≠@◊ ≤œ◊dÍ◊ªo◊@◊ Åè◊˙ Ä~h◊N@–◊, ≠N≤–◊ @◊˙N`◊˙Nä S≠@◊ ø◊o◊Øl §h◊¡◊~◊~–◊Q◊l > Éf@–◊`◊˙ π˛˙bS˙@◊˙, N}¡–◊`◊˙ Ø~◊ d◊˙ö◊∫◊˙≠@◊ Q◊Ζ◊≠`◊ d◊˙ö◊@–◊ Ä˙≠Ÿ◊, Δ–Ü ~–◊≠©◊ N_@F◊π d◊˙ö◊@–◊, Δ˙¡◊d◊ n˙N–~–◊ Ä˙k˙ ≠`◊˙Ÿ–◊ Ä˙k˙ Ä˙≠‘mr-Ä˙‘˛l >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950
Shiva On the white summit of eternity A single Soul of bare infinities, Guarded he keeps by a fire-screen of peace His mystic loneliness of nude ecstasy. But, touched by an immense delight to be, He looks across unending depths and sees Musing amid the inconscient silences The Mighty Mother’s dumb felicity. Half now awake she rises to his glance; Then, moved to circling by her heart-beats’ will, The rhythmic worlds describe that passion-dance. Life springs in her and Mind is born; her face She lifts to Him who is Herself, until The Spirit leaps into the Spirit’s embrace.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
gÛ◊d◊˙@◊ ¡◊˙bu Ø~◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ü Øh≤F◊≠d’◊ Ä~◊˙¡œ◊d◊ ≠~Ê◊¡’◊äê–◊÷◊ ≠Ø˝~◊, ·œ◊¸–@◊ ©◊sd◊ Ü÷◊ N_è◊ Ü¡◊… ¡–◊÷◊À◊-@◊≤–◊d◊, gÛ◊d◊˙@◊ s˛A◊ Ü÷◊ ¡◊≠≤◊ ©◊≠b ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@◊ N_ul ~◊˙Ø˙ö◊~◊, Ø≤◊˙~◊d◊˙, Q–◊¥◊˙ Δ˙í@◊ øh◊ÅΩ~–◊ ‘hM◊d◊˙, ≠≤◊˙Å~–◊ Δ˙ N…÷◊≠À◊ ÷◊r–’d◊ > Ü÷◊·◊˙ Ü πœB˙π≠@◊ Ä™◊˙~◊d◊˙ π˙@h◊‹≥`◊˙ ≠`◊]≥ ÄÕ◊ π˛d◊ud–◊ ÷◊˙Î◊@◊ ≠¡˝M–◊÷◊d◊˙ ~–◊·◊‘’÷◊ Äπ˙∫◊ä ÄO≠@◊ Nfi˛Q◊˙@◊ ÷◊@h◊‹≥`◊˙ Œh`–◊ú-¡◊˙@◊d◊˙Ø˙~◊ Ob⁄˙lu Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊≠@◊ ≠@◊]≥, ≠]˙@◊˙÷◊ ≠N Ä˙k˙ö◊@◊ §˛◊Øh‹≥≠`◊ ≠ΔÉΩØ˙≠~◊ π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ NuØ˙¥◊ ÷◊O≠@◊ > ÷–◊¥h◊ Ü≠¡◊ Ü÷◊˙s˛ ‘˛¡◊≠b ‘h≠b Ø≤◊≈◊@◊ Ü÷◊ π@◊˙-¡◊˙bu ©◊~<◊ Δ˙í@◊ Ä¡◊˙bu Ä·œ◊¸ N¡’◊-™◊˙~◊Øl @‘<–@◊ Ä¥◊@h◊ : gÛ◊d◊˙@◊ ‘˛¡◊b≤y◊ Ü÷◊Ø˙d˛◊ π˙@–◊ø–◊ ≠N ÷◊£N_@◊ ‘hb– É·Í◊sd◊ ≠N ¡˛◊d◊Q◊˙@◊u π@–◊πFb’ ·–◊¡◊N@◊ Q–◊@◊-≠s˝@◊¡◊@h◊ > π˛N˙@◊d◊˙ Ü¡◊… Ü÷◊ Ä]— ‘˙¥–◊@h◊ ¡◊˙≤◊˙@–◊ N÷◊≠Î◊ Ø–‘¥–◊ Nh¡◊ä˙D Øhê–◊-N˙s@◊@◊ Ä˙~◊o◊ ÷◊≠`∑◊˙≠Î◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Word of the Silence A bare impersonal hush is now my mind, A world of sight clear and inimitable, A volume of silence by a Godhead signed, A greatness pure of thought, virgin of will. Once on its pages Ignorance could write In a scribble of intellect the blind guess of Time And cast gleam-messages of ephemeral light, A food for souls that wander on Nature’s rim. But now I listen to a greater Word Born from the mute unseen omniscient Ray: The Voice that only Silence’ ear has heard Leaps missioned from an eternal glory of Day. All turns from a wideness and unbroken peace To a tumult of joy in a sea of wide release.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
≠·_◊Êd◊ N≈◊˙ ≠Ø˙≤◊@–◊ ©◊b÷◊∫◊˙≠@◊ ·h◊Å≠s˙Ë–◊ N≈◊˙ö◊@◊ ¡◊˙N > ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ©◊b÷◊ ‹˙Å π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ π¢˙d◊@h◊ ≠·◊]h‹˙í¥–◊ N¡h◊ N®h]≠@◊ S@◊˙¡◊˙Nu Q◊Øe◊˙@◊ §F◊d◊ N≤◊ @◊Qh◊‹˙Ü @◊˙N, Øb–r@◊ Ø~◊ ≠~◊Å ©◊u¡◊Ë–◊Ü ©◊~<◊ Δ˙í@◊ ÷◊˙Î◊@◊ s@◊§h◊ > NhSu@◊ à NuØ˙≤◊u~◊ N˙s@◊ ¡˙ ¡–◊≤◊˙lN NØ, ©◊˙b¥–◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ~–◊≠©◊ πhd˛◊≠¡◊˙`–◊ N~◊˙d◊~◊uö◊@◊ > ·◊uD π˛N˙@–d◊ Ø~◊, N_˙Su~◊ ¡–◊ ≠N≤–◊π@–◊ d◊˙ö◊@◊ Ø@◊Ø; N¡’◊Øl ÷◊≈œ’◊d_◊@◊ @◊˙©◊·◊— N…÷◊À◊ d◊˙ö◊@◊ > π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ π˛≠¡◊s≠@◊ Oh·˛◊d◊@◊ N≈◊˙≠s˙Ë–◊ ≠≤◊˙Å π˛Q◊˙Ζ◊d◊, Ø˙~◊¡◊ul ÷◊Ø’ ‘–≠] Q–◊¥◊˙ ÷◊@–◊ π˛Ø˙·◊ Ä˙Q◊@–◊; ©◊˙b–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ N¡h◊ Ü¡◊… ≠N Ø˙≤◊˙kä∫◊˙≠@◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ NØπ–’d◊ Ü≤–◊ Ø~◊ Ü≤–◊ π˛˙b, Øh÷h◊@◊ à Øh]˙Ë–◊Ü π@–◊ > ØFd–’◊@◊ ø◊˙l˙ NØ˙~◊ π˛d◊u÷◊-~œ◊d◊ä≠@◊ Ä¥◊@◊˙Îh◊ N¡’◊™◊˙~◊u ≠]Îh◊‹˙í¥–◊ Ä¡–◊·◊ä˙ §–◊d◊≠@◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Dual Being There are two beings in my single self. A Godhead watches Nature from behind At play in front with a brilliant surface elf, A time-born creature with a human mind. Tranquil and boundless like a sea or sky, The Godhead knows himself Eternity’s son. Radiant his mind and vast, his heart as free; His will is a sceptre of dominion. The smaller self by Nature’s passions driven, Thoughtful and erring learns his human task; All must be known and to that Greatness given This mind and life, the mirror and the mask. As with the figure of a symbol dance The screened Omniscient plays at Ignorance.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Ä˙k˙@◊ ÄNuØd◊˙ ÷◊˙Î◊ Nœ¸–πF¡’◊@h◊ ØhΩ Δ˙≤◊˙ ‹≥`–◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅÄø–◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ > ≠s˙π~◊ π@◊≠‘ Ü÷◊ π˛NØ–d◊ Q–◊¥◊˙, N≠¯·◊~◊ : π˛d–◊~–◊S≥ Ø˙~◊N@◊ N@◊©◊~◊˙ Δ≤y◊ Äø–◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ Ø≤◊˙‘F≠~◊ä ≠Ø˝~◊ Ø≤–◊Ø˙≠@◊ ≠N N÷◊Î◊ ≤h◊Ü ~–◊Øs~◊ > gÛ◊d◊˙@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ ≠Ø˙ N…÷◊Ζ◊d◊ ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ ≤◊˙≠d◊; ~–◊Øû–◊d◊ ©◊sd◊Ë◊˙ Øœdh◊ä≤◊u~◊ Ä¡◊≠`◊˙÷◊~◊≠@◊ > π@–S˙~h◊ ~◊s∂ ≠≤◊˙Å Ä˙k˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ ¡–◊@◊˙≠©◊ N˙O˙≠d◊; Ü÷◊˙÷◊u ØhΩ ‹˙ÜΩ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä˙k@F◊π ‘F~◊ä s≤◊b≠@◊ > ≠÷◊o˛◊ Ü÷◊ Ä˙~◊¥◊ä@◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅÄø–◊ Ä¥◊@◊ ≠Ø˙≤◊@◊, ≠·◊≤◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ¡–◊oh◊ Ü÷◊ Nh¡–◊‘˙Î◊ Ä˙k˙@◊ π˛N˙≠@◊ > ~–◊≠Ø∂ ≠Ø˙@◊ ©◊˙s–É≠∫◊ @◊N˙d◊Î◊ N¡’◊-N≈◊˙ö◊@◊, Ü÷◊·◊˙ Δ˙ @◊≤–◊‹≥`◊˙ Äd–◊÷◊˙l Ä¡–◊·◊ä˙ É≤◊˙≠Ÿ◊ > ÄØÎ◊ à Ä~◊˙¡œ◊d◊ Ä~–◊≠Ør Ü÷◊ ¡œ◊≤◊≈◊j◊, ‘˙‘_d◊, Ä¡◊S≥ Øh≤y◊ N¡’◊⁄˙≠~◊ ≤h◊ÜΩ ¡–◊g˙@–◊d◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Self’s Infinity I have become what before Time I was. A secret touch has quieted thought and sense: All things by the agent Mind created pass Into a void and mute magnificence. My life is a silence grasped by timeless hands; The world is drowned in an immortal gaze. Naked my spirit from its vestures stands; I am alone with my own self for space. My heart is a centre of infinity, My body a dot in the soul’s vast expanse. All being’s huge abyss wakes under me, Once screened in a gigantic Ignorance. A momentless immensity pure and bare, I stretch to an eternal everywhere.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
`◊uÎ◊˙ Ü÷◊˙ ≠N≤–◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø◊¥–◊ N≤◊N˛‘ur’ πh@h◊r Ä˙Ø@–◊ §–◊d◊≠@◊, ‘˙‘_d◊ Ø~◊N_u ©◊≠b π˛™◊˙¡◊˙~◊, Ø≤◊˙~◊ à Su@◊, Nd◊ä·˛◊¸˙, Q◊Oh Δ˙í@◊ NFΔ’ NØ N¡h◊ `◊Oä ÷◊≠@◊, ÷◊¡–◊Ë–◊Ü ¡–◊‘_sd◊ N¡’◊ @◊≤◊Nä@◊ > ¡–◊~◊ä˙N¥–◊ π˛d–◊¡◊gh-NØuO÷◊ Ü÷◊ ·–◊¡◊ä N˙Ou Ü¡◊… d◊˙ö◊ Nh≠‘˙§–◊d◊ shè◊ N˙≠‹ ø◊o◊¥–◊ ≠N ø–◊¤◊ πd˛◊ ≠Δ≠d◊; ¡–◊‘_-ħ–◊Δ˙d˛◊u, Δ˙íöh◊ ¡◊≤–◊ Q◊≠Î◊ ~–◊ld–◊@◊ πOu ÄO÷˛◊uŸ◊˙ ÷◊@h◊‹˙í¥–◊ Nh], ≠‘˙÷◊, Ø@◊b à ¡–◊©◊l@◊ N˙≠‹ > Ø≤–◊Ø˙@◊ ÄS≥πd–◊ ≠N≤–◊ πhb– ≠π˛Ø@◊ ÷–◊ö◊@,◊ ~◊Od˛◊ö◊ Äd–◊≠‹l, π˛÷œ◊d–◊-N@◊˙Å-ˆ≠@◊ Äd–◊‹≥ ≠N πh~◊º, Éπ≠@◊ N–…≤◊˙N~◊≠@◊ ¡◊N–ø◊¥–◊ ©◊≠b ·˛◊¸˙ ≠≤◊˙Å NØhé◊ g@◊@,◊ Ä˙Q◊@◊¥–◊ ·–◊¡◊ä`◊uÎ◊˙ ~–◊≠©◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Ø≈◊d◊˙@◊ πb, Ü÷◊ØÍ ≠N @◊Q–◊≠`◊ ≠Δ `◊uÎ◊˙ø◊≠Î◊ NFΔ’sb, π˙@˙¡◊˙@◊ Ø˙Î◊ Ä˙Ø N≈◊˙ ·◊π’b≠@◊ ¡–◊¯–d◊ ÷◊@◊˙¥–◊ d◊˙ö◊ ¡–◊πhÎ◊ ]≥Ä˙`◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 Lila In us is the thousandfold Spirit who is one, An eternal thinker calm and great and wise, A seer whose eye is an all-regarding sun, A poet of the cosmic mysteries. A critic Witness pieces everything And binds the fragments in his brilliant sheaf; A World-adventurer borne on Destiny’s wing Gambles with death and triumph, joy and grief. A king of greatness and a slave of love, Host of the stars and guest in Nature’s inn, A high spectator spirit throned above, A pawn of passion in the game divine, One who has made in sport the suns and seas Mirrors in our being his immense caprice.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
NØπ’b Δ»◊ ØhΩ dh◊Ø@–◊ ©◊≠b ~–◊≠¡◊·h◊ø–◊ Ä˙≠≤◊ Ø≤◊˙¡◊˙≤h◊ ≠≤◊ sF˜◊ πh@h◊r, π@◊˙ π˛÷œ◊d–◊ ≠Δ @◊≤–◊ø◊ ≠Ø˙í∫◊˙≠@◊ Ø@◊ N≈◊˙ Ü≠¡◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ π≠Î◊ π≠Î◊ `–◊D ≠≤◊˙Å @≤h◊ ≠≤◊ π@◊Øπ˛§h◊ dh◊Ø ·–◊¡◊äd◊˙@◊ ⁄–@◊ Ø≤–◊Ø˙≠@◊ > Ä@◊π–ø–◊ Ø~◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ø˙~◊N s≠ú˙d˛◊u-S˙@◊˙ ≠]˙Î◊˙≠≤◊¡◊ d◊¡◊ ◊Åè◊˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ NÄΩπ–ø–◊ ≠≤◊É d◊˙≤◊˙ N…÷◊À◊≠@◊ d◊¡◊ π@–◊bd◊ Ä˙Ø@◊ s≤◊~◊ Ä˙É Äπ˛÷◊˙‘ä Ø–Î◊~◊≠@◊ `◊¡◊ ~◊ @◊≤h◊ π¢˙≠d◊ πŸ–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ π@–◊Q–◊d◊ > d◊¡◊ ≠π˛Ø ¡–◊‘_-ø◊≠o◊ ≤œ◊·◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ªo◊Ø˙~◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ πœ‹_u-π˛≠l˙©◊~◊ `◊˙s– d◊~h◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ π˛Q◊˙Ζ◊d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ dh◊Ø ÷◊@h◊ ‘–@◊˙-π˛‘–@◊˙≠@◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ NG@–◊¡◊, ~–◊Näo–◊~◊u dh◊Ø @◊§◊N@◊ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊@◊ N@◊Ø˙ ≠≤◊¡◊ Q–◊¥◊˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ øh◊Ë–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ dh◊Ø ¡–◊÷˛◊Ø@h◊ > Ø˙d◊@◊ ~◊ ≠ˆ~–◊ @◊] Ä˙k˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ ~–◊@◊˙©◊~◊˙ `◊˙s– Q–◊@◊d◊≠@◊ dh◊Ø÷h◊ ≠§◊Ë–◊¡◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ dh◊Ø@– π˛d–◊Ë–◊ @F◊≠π, π˛d–◊Ë–◊ Ä˙k˙≠@◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950
Surrender O Thou of whom I am the instrument, O secret Spirit and Nature housed in me, Let all my mortal being now be blent In Thy still glory of divinity. I have given my mind to be dug Thy channel mind, I have offered up my will to be Thy will: Let nothing of myself be left behind In our union mystic and unutterable. My heart shall throb with the world-beats of Thy love, My body become Thy engine for earth-use; In my nerves and veins Thy rapture’s streams shall move; My thoughts shall be hounds of Light for Thy power to loose. Keep1 only my soul to adore eternally And meet Thee in each form and soul of Thee.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
·–◊¡◊ä ÷◊Ø’u Ä˙k˙@◊ NØd◊˙ ≠~◊Å N®h]u~◊ ≤h◊Ü Øh≤y◊ πœ‹≥¡u@◊ N¡h◊ ˆË◊b˙@◊; d◊¡◊ π·◊S_~–◊ ‘h≠§◊ N¡h◊‹≥≠@◊; d◊¡◊ Ä·œ◊‘ä Q◊@◊b ~–◊ld–◊@◊ π‹ S@–◊ Q◊˙≠`◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä˙≠s π˛˙b NØs˛@◊ Nh·hg@◊ Éππ˙·◊ä dh◊≠Ø Ø˙d˛◊ ÷◊@◊ N…πF@◊b > ·h◊¡–’◊π˙÷◊ π˙≠@◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ Ë◊Î◊˙Å ≠Ø˙ Ä˙k˙@◊ NØd◊˙ : ≠Ø˙@◊ ÷–˛◊l˙N¡h◊ d◊ dh◊Ø@◊ ; dh◊Ø ÷◊Ø’ Nfi·–◊ ØhΩ Q◊≠Î◊; Øœdh◊ä≤◊u~◊ ≠÷◊˙≠Î◊ d◊¡◊ ≠≤◊É‹˙Ü `◊˙Ζ◊d◊ ¡◊ä‹’d◊˙, ©◊l d◊¡◊ π·◊π˙d◊, ≠N˝§◊˙sä-·◊π’≠b Δ˙í@◊ ¡–¯ π˛d–◊Á≠Î◊ > Øb–r@◊ Ä·œ◊¸ N≤–◊d◊ Ü≤–◊ ÷ı◊@◊ N…s˛˙Ø≠@◊ Ä¥◊≠@◊ ≠Ø˙ N<–d–◊ d◊¡◊ §◊@–◊·–◊Ü Δhn–¡◊˙@◊ ¡◊Î◊; dh◊Ø ‘ê–◊ d◊˙í ~–◊©◊@◊ ¡–◊‘˙Î◊ ≠Δ˙©◊~◊˙ N˙Sh‹˙Ü @◊≤–◊ ≠Ø˙ §–◊d◊≠@◊, Nh·◊uˆ’ à Q◊Î◊Ø˙~◊ ÷◊˙Î◊-§h◊©◊ú@◊ π˛d–◊ @◊≤–◊ Ä¡–◊Q◊Î◊ > N…≤◊˙@–◊ ~◊ π˙≠@◊ ≠÷◊≤–◊ ‘ê–◊ Ä˙k˙ ≠Ø˙@◊, ≠Níd◊ dh◊Ø Ø≠Ú ‹˙Ü > dh◊Ø@–◊ N˙¤–◊≠Ú Øh≤y◊ ÄØ@◊d◊˙ π˙ÜΩ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Divine Worker I face earth’s happenings with an equal soul; In all are heard Thy steps: Thy unseen feet Tread Destiny’s pathways in my front. Life’s whole Tremendous theorem is Thou complete. No danger can perturb my spirit’s calm: My acts are Thine; I do Thy works and pass; Failure is cradled on Thy deathless arm, Victory is Thy passage mirrored in Fortune’s glass. In this rude combat with the fate of man Thy smile within my heart makes all my strength; Thy Force in me labours at its grandiose plan, Indifferent to the Time-snake’s crawling length. No power can slay my soul; it lives in Thee. Thy presence is my immortality.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Äd–◊‹≥ Ä˙¡–◊ ˙@◊ ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ ØhΩ s§◊u@◊ ≠Ø˙ N≈◊˙ Ü÷◊ Ø@◊b-@◊≤–◊d◊ : ÄØ–d◊, ≠N˝Øä ≠N, d◊˙öh◊ Ä˙è◊˙·–◊ø–◊ ¡◊˙≤◊ä Ø~◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ Øœdh◊ä≤◊u~◊ ≠~◊d˛◊π˙≠d◊ ·◊‘’~◊ ≠N ÷◊@◊¥–◊ ©◊sd◊, ≠·◊¡◊-·◊‘’÷◊ ≠N ©◊≠b Ø˙~h◊r ·œ◊‘ä@◊ > ≠÷◊˝bN– ≠¡◊·◊~◊˙ ≠‘˙÷◊ π˛˙b à ≠·◊≤◊@◊ ~ π˙≠@◊ Q◊@◊b Q◊˙Ζ◊ ~–◊Ø’Î◊ ~◊u@◊¡◊ ≠N≤–◊ ~–◊§œ◊d◊ ~–◊Î◊≠l, Ä·œ◊¸@◊ N˙@◊≠Øl, ¡–◊π·◊ à §◊l, Á˙ö–◊ ≠·◊Å Á˙‘ ¡◊Õ◊~◊@◊ πuŸ◊¥–◊ ‘@◊u@◊, N∂˙lh,ñ ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ Ä˙k˙ ‹˙í¥–◊ ¡–◊Øhê◊ ¡◊Î◊≠l > Ç‘_@◊ö◊ @◊‘<–≠@◊]˙, ¡◊≠O ≠Ø˙@◊ ≠≤◊ N˙Ou πh@h◊r, Ä˙k˙@◊ ≠Ø˙ Ä¡–◊~◊˙‘u Éπ˙·◊˙~◊ ≠§◊·–◊ É∫◊ ©◊˙s– ‘–]˙ NØ, ≠≤◊ Äd–◊‹≥ N¡’◊OØ, π@◊Ø @◊≤◊Nä > Ø@◊b ˆ≠~◊Å Ä˙≠N, ~–◊ld–◊ ¡–◊ ≠~◊ÅΔ˙Ü π˙Éb˙ d◊˙í Ø˙s–; ‘hb¥–◊ ≠N Ä˙ˆ˙≠d◊ Ä˙ˆ˙≠d◊ §◊˙úh‹˙Ü π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ sœ≤◊ ≠N Ä≠©◊l, ≠©ä˙d–◊Ø’l ¡◊N–‹˙í¥–◊ π˛‘˙¥◊ ~–◊ªœ≤◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Guest I have discovered my deep deathless being: Masked by my front of mind, immense, serene It meets the world with an Immortal’s seeing, A god-spectator of the human scene. No pain and sorrow of the heart and flesh Can tread that pure and voiceless sanctuary. Danger and fear, Fate’s hounds, slipping their leash Rend body and nerve, – the timeless Spirit is free. Awake, God’s ray and witness in my breast, In the undying substance of my soul Flamelike, inscrutable the almighty Guest. Death nearer comes and Destiny takes her toll; He hears the blows that shatter Nature’s house: Calm sits he, formidable, luminous.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Q◊÷˛◊¡◊d’◊u Ä¥◊@◊@◊ ©◊˙s˛d◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ Ü≠¡◊ Ä¥◊≠@◊ ≠Ø˙ ÄS≥÷◊@h◊ ÄS≥÷◊ ÷˛◊Ø‘º π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ §F◊Ø–π≠@◊ π˛d–◊B˙ ÷◊@◊¥–◊ d◊˙ö◊ N˙¡’◊≠§◊˝Ø N_d_◊ ÄS≥÷◊˙@◊ > Ø˙~◊N ≠Ø˙ ¡◊@◊©–◊ø–◊ Øg– ≠@◊ d◊˙í ÷◊˙@◊˙-~–◊¡◊˙N Ä˙k˙@◊ ‘–]@◊≠·◊‘h ¡◊@◊rhø–◊ §◊˙N_@◊ N˙s@◊ > π˛‘˙¥◊ π˛§◊˙N Ü÷◊, ≤œ◊·◊l≠@◊ NØ˙Nu~◊˙ π˛˙b‘ê–◊ ØØ Ä≠πO–ø–◊ N˙S≥¡◊˙÷h◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠≤◊¡◊ ~–◊≠·’◊‘ d◊˙ö◊@◊, π˛N˙@–◊ Ä˙πb˙ πO Nh¡–◊‘˙Î◊ ≠¡Ê◊~◊≠d◊l NØ, πœ≠B Δ˙í@◊ N_s’¡◊˙Nu ≠·◊¡◊sb ÷◊@◊¥–◊ ¡–◊≤◊˙@◊ > Åo–˛◊l N÷◊Î◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ π˙`◊Ë◊¥–◊ Ä˙~◊o◊@◊ Nh¡◊b’ ≠d◊˙@◊b; ‘›◊≠@◊ ª‘’≠@◊ Ä˙É ·œ◊¸–@◊ NG˙≠@◊ π@◊Ø É`∑◊˙N Ü÷◊ ÷◊@h◊‹˙Ü `◊uÎ◊˙ ÄÕ◊ ©◊Ÿ◊ ≠÷◊˙rË–◊@◊ ~–◊≠¡◊˙’S Nh] Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘ ˆË◊˙Å πm˙¡◊~◊ : ≠Ø˙@◊ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@◊ ·–◊Ü d◊˙ö◊ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊-Ä˙≤_◊˙≠~◊ É≈◊@◊ > π˛÷œ◊d–◊ ¡◊N–¡◊ ·–◊≠~◊ ≠Ø˙ §–◊d◊≠@◊ ≠≤◊˙Å d◊˙ö◊ NØ N¡’◊©◊lu, Ä~◊‘_@◊, π˛‘˙¥◊, ÄNuØ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950
The Inner Sovereign Now more and more the Epiphany within Affirms on Nature’s soil His sovereign rights. My mind has left its prison-camp of brain; It pours, a luminous sea from spirit heights. A tranquil splendour, waits my Force of Life Couched in my heart, to do what He shall bid, Poising wide wings like a great hippogriff On which the gods of the empyrean ride. My senses change into gold gates of bliss; An ecstasy thrills through touch and sound and sight Flooding the blind material sheath’s dull ease: My darkness answers to His call of light. Nature in me one day like Him shall sit Victorious, calm, immortal, infinite.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
N≠Q◊d◊ Ä≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ NØs˛ Ä~◊¥◊ ÷◊˙Î◊ Äø–◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ dh◊Ø `◊uÎ◊˙-¡–◊Î◊˙N N÷◊˙≠‘, ©◊~<◊ Ä˙É Øœdhä Ä˙É ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ ≠≤◊ ~◊Ë◊~◊˙s@, ≠≤◊ §◊˙@◊ S@◊bu@◊ Q◊Î◊Ø˙~◊ πh≈◊Ζ◊÷◊˙ö◊@◊, Ø˙d–◊ø◊ d◊ dœ◊D–§◊≠@◊ ¡–◊‘_-÷◊Ø˙’ @F◊π Ä˙É ¡◊b’@◊ ¡–◊÷◊˙≠‘, s˙b–d–◊÷◊ Ø~◊ºN≈◊˙, π˛Ø˙·◊ ≠Δ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ÷◊≠@◊, ≠]Ζ◊ø–◊ N˙‹≥≠@◊ ≠~◊Å Éππ˙·◊ä, N…]ä˙, Ø˙π,ëˆ~◊í@◊ ≠]Îb˙, ≠÷◊˙r, Äbh, π@◊Ø˙bh Ä˙N¥–◊ É≈◊ub’ ≠≤◊˙Å d◊¡◊ s≠¡◊rb˙, Ä˙N¥–◊ ¡–◊ ¡–◊‘_‘ê–◊Q◊l πh≠@◊˙S˙ö◊ π˛≠l˙©◊≠~◊ d◊¡◊ ¡–◊™◊˙~◊@◊, Ü¡◊… ¡˛◊≤<◊˙—Ë–◊Ü ~–◊@–◊Ø–ø◊ Ä~h◊N@–◊ d◊¡◊ d◊j◊ @◊˙‘–, NFO<d◊˙@◊ ÷◊˙@–◊s@◊, ≠‘˝Δ’@◊ ⁄πd–◊ > ¡◊≤h◊@F◊π π@–◊s˛≤◊, ≠N d◊ d◊¡◊ @◊N-Ä~h◊§F◊d–◊ ≠≤◊ N≤◊N˛ @◊≤◊Nä@◊ ÷h◊‘Î◊u ¡–◊~◊ä˙Nu > Ä¡◊˙ ≠÷◊ÉΩ s§◊u@◊ d◊˙Ÿ◊~◊˙, ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ ]˙`–◊ dh◊Ø@◊ ]≥Ä˙`,◊ ~–◊@–◊Ø–ø–◊ ~–◊≠¢d◊~◊˙, ~–◊ld–◊ à Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊-©◊˙` ?
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950
The Conscious Inconscient Because Thou hadst all eternity to amuse, O dramatist of death and life and birth, Sculptor of the living shapes of earth, World-artist revelling in forms and hues, A mathematician Mind that never errs, Thou hast played with theorems, numbers, measures, cubes, Passed cells, electrons, molecules through Thy tubes, World-forces for Thy Science’s ministers, And made a universe of Thy theories, Craftsman minute, an architect of might. Protean is Thy Spirit of Delight, An adept of a thousand mysteries. Or built some deep Necessity, not Thy whim, Fate and Inconscience and the snare of Time?
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Äd–◊≠§◊˝d◊ ¡–◊™◊˙~◊@◊ N_π∂ N_π∂≠@◊ ≠·◊]≥`◊˙ ©◊≠b s∑˙—Í Ü÷◊ ≠`◊≠] ¡◊N– ≤◊ä˙ØÍ≠`◊ËÍ◊ ~◊˙Ë◊÷◊, Øfä÷◊~◊ä˙ N˙≠©◊ N˙÷◊u, ÄØ@◊d_◊ ≠~◊`◊˙ π≠@◊ Ä˙πb˙@◊ ¡◊≠‘; Ä˙≠©◊~Í◊ ·_◊uπ@◊ ÷F◊≠Î◊ ≠≤◊˙@Í◊≠Ø˙~Í◊Ø˙~◊ö◊@◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ N§◊˙ Ü÷◊ ≠`◊]˙ Δ≤y◊ ≠≤◊˙Ås`◊˙ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä Å`–◊Ä˙XÍ◊ Ü¡◊… àX–◊Nu > ¡◊Ë◊¡œ◊O d◊≠Î◊ ¡◊N– π˛˙l-·–◊s¯@◊ Ü÷◊ ‹˙Å@◊lXÍ◊ Ú˙~◊⁄ ≠·◊]≥`◊˙ ‘˙‘_d◊ ≠©ä˙d–◊ Ü¡◊… d◊≤hΩ◊ ≠d◊©–◊ d◊˙í@◊ ¡–◊÷˛◊˙¥◊ ≠Ø˝~◊d◊˙ ÜØ≠¥◊ s˙Å`◊˙ ≠Δ≠≤∂◊ SØ’Q◊÷˛◊ @◊≤◊NäË◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ ÷◊£⁄ Ä˙¡◊@◊ ¡◊]˙b–s`◊˙ Ü≠÷◊¡◊˙≠@◊ Ä¡–◊÷◊Î◊ Nh·h◊g@◊ ĸN–M–◊ ÷◊‹˙ > ¡–◊‘œõÎ◊-π˙÷◊⁄Î◊u-¡–◊d◊˙Ÿ–◊d◊ ≠¡˛◊~Í◊ Ü÷◊ Δ˙Å Nh≠÷◊˝‘≠Î◊ s©–’◊`◊˙ lh≠@◊˙π N˙@◊˙ ©–◊b–`◊˙ d◊˙í ≠≤◊`◊˙ @◊˙©◊˙ d◊˙íπ≠@◊ πd–◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ≠NμÍ ≠≤◊≠`◊~◊˙@h◊ s`◊˙, Ä~h◊Ø˙~◊ ≤h◊Ü, ¡◊Å÷h◊£ πh≠@◊ > Äd–◊≠§◊˝d◊ ©◊sd◊Ë◊˙ Q◊Îh◊‹≥`◊˙ πhè◊ ≠d◊˙Ζ◊ ܧ◊˙≠¡◊, d◊˙¡◊d◊ ¡–◊™◊˙~◊u ¡◊˙πhŸ◊˙ Δ˙¡◊dÍ◊ ≠]Îh◊≠]Îh◊ π@◊Ø˙bh ≤◊˙≠d◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ≠~◊Å ≤◊˙Ω ≤◊˙Ω ÷◊@h◊ ÷◊@h◊ §◊s¡◊˙~Í◊, ¡–◊‘_Ë◊˙÷h◊ ≠·◊`◊˙ ¡◊˙ ÁË◊˙Å >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950
A Dream of Surreal Science One dreamed and saw a gland write Hamlet, drink At the Mermaid, capture immortality; A committee of hormones on the Aegean’s brink Composed the Iliad and the Odyssey. A thyroid, meditating almost nude Under the Bo-tree, saw the eternal Light And, rising from its mighty solitude, Spoke of the Wheel and eightfold Path all right. A brain by a disordered stomach driven Thundered through Europe, conquered, ruled and fell, From St. Helena went, perhaps, to Heaven. Thus wagged on the surreal world, until A scientist played with atoms and blew out The universe before God had time to shout.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
ΔhΔhS˙~◊ ØA◊@◊sd–◊ Δhs~–◊Q◊l@◊ π≠ø◊ ≠Á@–◊¡◊˙@◊ Nh·◊uˆ’ π‹S˙≠@◊ ÷◊◊˙Î◊@◊ ¡–◊πhÎ◊ N˙s≠@◊ Øs∂ π˙≤◊˙Ÿ–◊Ä˙ N@h◊ π‹π≠@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊, ¡◊˙@…¡◊˙@◊ ØhΩ ¡◊@–ø–◊ Øœdh◊ä π@◊˙©◊l÷h◊ ¡–◊ N≤–◊ ØhΩ ≠~◊Åø–◊, ÷◊˙≠Î◊ ≠Ø˙ πd◊~◊ ≠·◊¡◊ Ä˙b– dh◊Ø `◊˙s– Nh≠Δ˙s@◊ ÉπQ◊˙@◊ > ÄÕ◊˙@◊u ÄS≥÷◊˙@◊ d◊ ≠·◊Åø◊ ~–◊≠¢d◊~◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙≠π Ä˙k˙@◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ¡◊≠b˙’E◊Î◊ ħ–◊sØ~◊@◊ ¡–◊≠@◊˙S ÷◊@–◊¡◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ `◊·–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ÷◊˙Î◊ @◊˙d–˛◊@◊ ÷◊@◊ π˛d–◊ π·-¡–◊≠O≠π : π˙z–Ä˙ d◊˙í@◊, Øo◊ ~–◊ld–◊, N˙Åd–◊ @◊]≥ø–◊ N¡h◊d◊÷◊ ·◊`–◊`◊ > Q◊˙@–◊Ä˙Ÿh◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä˙N¥–◊ ≠ˆ@–◊ ÄNh@◊ ≠NÊ~◊ä·◊Î◊; ≠NÅØ˙~◊öh Ü≠¡◊ Ü πœ‹≥¡◊u, ·–◊Ä¥–◊ ≠d◊˙Ζ◊ ·–◊s¯@◊ Ø˙≤◊˙Nh`◊; Od◊¡–◊Od◊ Äú ≠Ø˙ Ä˙É Ü NØ@◊ ~–◊Bh@◊ > Ü≠¡◊ ¡–◊ ÷–◊ dh◊Ø ‘h§◊ ¡–◊©◊l@◊ `◊s∂ @◊≤–◊ø–◊ ·F◊@◊ ? ≠‘˙÷◊˙dh◊@◊ dh◊≠Ø Ü≠¡◊ ¡–◊ ! d◊˙í≠≤◊≠`◊ ~–◊ld–◊ π˙]≠@◊ d◊‹˙π– dh◊Ø@◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ¡◊˙÷–◊ Äø–◊ Öb, §h◊¡◊~◊@◊˙©–◊@◊ ≠≤◊ π˛˙Q◊u~◊d◊Ø, ≠N÷◊‹˙ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ dh◊≠Ø ©◊˙b, dh◊≠Ø ©◊˙b >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 In the Battle Often, in the slow1 ages’ long2 retreat On Life’s thin ridge through Time’s enormous sea, I have accepted death and borne defeat To gain some vantage by my fall for Thee. For Thou hast given the Inconscient the dark right To oppose the shining passage of my soul And levy at each step the tax of Night: Doom, her august accountant, keeps the roll. All around me now the Titan forces press; This world is theirs, they hold its3 days in fee; I am full of wounds and the fight merciless. Is it not yet Thy hour of victory? Even as Thou wilt ! What still to Fate Thou owest, O Ancient of the worlds, Thou knowest, Thou knowest.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
≤◊u~◊ Ä≤◊… Ü Ä≤◊… πh≈◊Ζ◊÷◊˙ s˜–◊‹≥≠`◊ ¡–◊‘_@◊ ©◊~◊~◊u, ≤◊u~◊ `◊˙§◊≠]˙@◊ ÅÜ π˛÷œ◊d–◊ö◊ ÷◊Ø’-N˙S~◊˙@◊, d◊˙í ©◊u¡◊P◊‘˙ §–◊d◊≠@◊ d◊˙ö◊@–◊ ¡–◊‘_gd◊˙@◊ ˆË◊˙Ü Ü ≤◊˙~–◊, ·◊˙¡–◊ π≠@◊ ·◊˙¡–◊ ¡◊˙≠˜◊, d◊˙ö◊ Öb ÷◊≠@◊ ÄN_u÷◊˙@◊ > Ä≤◊… Ä˙N– §◊@–◊Δ˙Ü π˛d–◊Ë–◊ Q◊˙`–◊Q◊Î◊≠~◊ Ä˙Ø ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊; N≈◊˙@◊ Äú¡◊‰@◊ π˛d–◊Ë–◊ NFd˛◊≠@◊ ‹˙Ü d◊¥h◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Ø–‘–, N_˙‹’≤◊u~◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ Ä˙Ø ·◊} ¡◊Ζ◊π≠Ÿ◊ ≠Δ≠¡◊, d◊≤y◊ Ü≤–◊ ≠Q◊˙@◊ ø–◊¤◊ Ä…‘ ≠≤◊˙Å‹˙Ü π˛d–◊ ≠÷◊˙b Ä~h◊≠÷◊˙≠b π‘– > π‹Ë–◊Ü ≠]˙`˙ Äø–◊ Ä˙Ø@◊ ≤œ◊·◊l, Ä˙k˙ ≠·◊¡◊˙÷h◊ NÄΩπ– Ä˙Ø@◊ ‘@◊u@◊, Ø~◊, π˛d◊–Ë–◊ ≠÷◊˙r˙bhΔ˙Ü d◊hØ@–◊ Q◊@◊≠b, ©◊u¡◊~◊ ¡–◊d◊˙Å¡◊˙÷h◊ Øs∂ @◊≤–◊ Ä˙~◊¥◊ä≠@◊ d◊¡◊ ¡–◊‘_¡ä˙πu > Ü≤–◊ ˆœbä Ø˙l˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ~–◊@◊N~◊, Xh◊¡–◊Δ˙Å ≠©◊ä˙d–◊@◊ πm˙¡◊≠~◊ > ¡◊@◊©–◊ ¡–◊≠·˛˙≤◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ ~◊¡◊ @F◊π˙¥◊@◊ π@–◊¡◊ä˙D π˛‘_˙N≠@◊ ≠N˝≠Øä˙E◊Î◊ π@◊˙‚@◊ö◊@◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Little Ego This puppet ego the World-Mother made, This little profiteer of Nature’s works, Her trust in his life-tenancy betrayed, Makes claim on claim, all debt to her he shirks. Each movement of our life our ego fills; Inwoven in each thread of being’s weft, When most we vaunt our selflessness, it steals A sordid part; no corner void is left. One way lies free our heart and soul to give, Our body and mind to Thee and every cell, And steeped in Thy world-infinity to live. Then lost in light, shall fade the ignoble spell. Nature, of her rebellion quit, shall be A breath of the Spirit’s vast serenity.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
©◊~◊Ø@◊ Åo˛◊©◊˙`◊ ÷◊˙Î◊@◊ N@◊bu π≠@◊ ≠≤◊@–◊`–◊ Ä˙k˙÷h◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ d◊u‹’ö◊@◊ ≠¡◊≠‘; Ø≤◊˙©◊˙sd–◊÷◊ π≠‹ Q◊Ζ◊ø–◊ ≠N ©◊~◊≠Ø ©◊~◊≠Ø, Äd◊≠Î◊ d◊Ø˙Õ◊ πhb– ‘ur’≠`◊˙≠÷◊ dh◊@◊ul ¡–◊§◊˙≠N, ÷◊uË◊@h◊ Ç‘_@◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ÷˛◊Ø-¡–◊¡d◊’◊≠~◊ > ‘˙‘_d◊ Äs∂–@◊ Ü÷◊ Œh`–◊ú ≠N, ‹≥`◊˙ Ä¡◊d◊@–◊ Ä©◊˙d◊ö◊ `◊˙s– sœ≤◊ ≠d◊˙Î◊–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ©◊Ÿ◊@◊ ©◊∫◊≠@◊ > Ä≠Q◊d◊ ÄNFΔ’ ~–◊‘˙ ≠N ‘–]˙÷h◊ ≠~◊Å‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊@–◊, ØF÷◊ Ä˙É π@–◊d◊äê◊ ¡◊ghö◊@◊, ~–◊≠¡◊˙’S ¡◊u©◊≠@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ ªo◊–d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙, Q–◊¥◊˙ ≠@◊]≥≠·◊`◊˙ Ü÷◊ ·◊uD @F◊πø◊¡–◊ ~–◊©’◊~◊ ~–◊©’◊u¡◊ Ü≤–◊ Ø˙Ë–◊π≠@◊ Ä¡◊≠‘≠r ≠≤◊`◊˙ Q◊Î◊Ø˙~◊, d◊o˛◊˙Q◊˙@◊u π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ π˛NhD– ÷◊˙Î◊≠@◊ d◊˙í@◊ ©◊∫◊@h◊ N}¡–◊ §◊˙¡◊OØ ©◊u¡◊◊ Δ–Ü ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙≠@◊ Ä˙‘˙ Ä˙É ≠π˛Ø@◊ ¡◊˙≤◊~◊ > d◊‹˙π– Ü Åo˛◊©◊˙`◊ Q◊Îh◊‹˙Ü ØA◊@◊ sØ≠~◊, Ä¡–◊~◊˙‘u Ä˙¡–◊§◊˙’¡◊ ÷˛◊Ø˙~_◊≠l π≠ö◊ à π˙r˙≠b >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Miracle of Birth I saw my soul a traveller through Time; From life to life the cosmic ways it trod, Obscure in the depths and on the heights sublime, Evolving from the worm into the god. A spark of the eternal Fire, it came To build a house in Matter for the Unborn. The inconscient sunless Night received the flame, In the brute seed of things dumb and forlorn Life stirred and Thought outlined a gleaming shape Till on the stark inanimate earth could move, Born to somnambulist Nature in her sleep, A thinking creature who can hope and love. Still by slow steps the miracle goes on, The Immortal’s gradual birth mid mire and stone.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Øh≤F◊d’◊Ø˙≠~◊ N©’◊~◊˙@◊ ‘œú π≠@◊ Ü≤–◊N¡h◊ N…πFC’ ~–◊≠Ør, Δ≠‹¸ ≤h◊Ä¥◊˙, Δ·–◊ ≤h◊Ä¥–◊ ¡–◊ Øh≤F◊d’◊ Ø˙d◊@◊ > Ä˙~◊o◊@◊, Ø≤◊j◊@◊, ™◊˙~◊@◊ Ü ‘–]@◊ N÷◊Î◊, ≠Ø˙∫◊˙≠@◊ ØhΩ ÷◊@–◊Äø–◊ π˛]@◊ ÉdÍ◊-‘–] ≠¡◊~–◊ πO NØ˙≠¡◊‘ Ä˙k˙ö◊@◊, ≠ΔØ˙~◊öh◊ Ä˙≠b Ä™◊˙~◊d◊˙ π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ Ü÷◊ Oh·˛◊≠¡◊‘ Ü¡◊… Δ˙í≠@◊ π˙≠@◊ ~˙◊≤y◊ S@–◊ Ø@◊d◊@◊ §◊úh@◊ Oh·˛◊d◊˙ N¡’◊Ob; ≠NØ˙~◊öh◊ NØFS_’@◊ N˙¡’◊≠§◊˝Ø N≈◊˙ ÷◊@–◊·–◊Ü Ü Nœ¸–@◊ ≠d◊©◊N_u π˛≠©◊‘ ≠·◊Å Ø˙d˛◊ O≠b Ä¡◊÷◊˙‘ > Ü≤–◊ N¡h◊ Ob⁄˙lu ɤ◊l~◊ NØF≤◊ Ä˙k˙@◊ N≈◊˙@◊ Ø≤–◊ØØl ⁄˙l–d_◊@◊ ÷◊@◊˙Ü π˛ghd–◊ > Ç‘_@◊ö◊ ‘˙¥–◊, Ü÷◊ ⁄–@◊ Ob⁄–d–◊ ≠Ø˙ N≈◊˙@◊ NuØ˙≤◊u~◊ Ä˙¡◊≤◊Ø—Î◊ π˙`◊Ë–◊ø–◊ Ü≠¡◊ > ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ NØs˛≠@◊ N…÷◊Î◊~◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅÄø–◊ N÷◊Î◊ Ä…‘@◊ N~◊˙d◊~◊ N¯f≠@◊ Q–◊@◊⁄˙lu ≠≤◊˙Åø◊¥–◊ Øh≤F◊d’◊ N@◊≠¡◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 Moments If perfect moments on the peak of things, These tops of knowledge, greatness, ecstasy, Are only moments, this too enough could be. I have assumed the rapid flaming wings Of souls whom the Ignorance black-robed Nature brings And the frail littleness of mortality Can bind not always; a high sovereignty Makes them awhile creation’s radiant kings. These momentary upliftings of the soul Prepare the spirit’s glorious permanence. The peace of God, a great still transience1 Is now my spirit’s boundless atmosphere. All parts are gathered into a timeless whole; All moments last in an eternal year.
a great calm immanence
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
¡˛◊≤<◊˙~◊o◊ ØhΩ ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ˙Åø–◊ Ü÷◊ ≠Á~◊-‘h§˛◊ Ä˙~◊o◊-N˙s@◊, §◊˙s¡◊d◊ πh`◊÷◊@◊ ØhΩ ≠Δ Ü÷◊ ¡◊ö–◊Ø `◊≤◊@–◊, Äb˙÷◊˙@◊ Éè_◊˙N ØhΩ π@–◊dœ◊D @◊≠N˙~<◊≈◊ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊@h◊ ~–◊n’@–◊, ©◊Î◊@◊ §◊ÉΩ@–◊ Ü÷◊ N_b’·◊u ≠N˛˙d◊@◊ > ØhΩ ≠≤◊Éø–◊ π˙~◊π˙d˛◊ d◊˙ö◊ @◊§◊N@◊, ¡–◊÷˛◊Ø@◊ ¡◊©˛◊≠ˆ˙r ≤–◊@◊b<l d◊˙ö◊ É`∑◊˙N@◊, ≤◊r’@◊ ØhΩ ≤h◊d◊˙‘~◊ NØ˙Nu~◊ ‘–≠r’ N©’◊~◊˙@◊, d◊˙ö◊ @◊˙N`◊uÎ◊˙@◊ ØhΩ @◊N˙d◊Î◊ ÄπF¡’◊ Nho◊@◊ > ØhΩ ≠Ø˙≤◊@–◊ π˛§h◊ö◊@◊ Ø≤–◊Ø˙-Ø˙d◊˙`◊, Ä©◊˙d◊ö◊ Q–◊≈◊≤◊˙@◊u NhrØ˙≠@◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ ÷◊˙d◊@◊; π˛˙b-π@–◊S≥≠@◊ ‹˙Å ØhΩ ≠·◊]≥ø–◊ N~◊˙d◊~◊ ¡◊·◊~◊÷◊ØÎ◊ > ¡–◊M◊ ÷◊≠@◊ Ø~◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ñ©’◊N_Î◊ d◊˙ö◊ ÷◊@◊¡◊˙Î◊, ≤œ◊·◊l ≠Ø˙ è–¤◊ ≤h◊Ü Nh]·◊˙lu π@◊≠‘ d◊˙ö◊@◊; ≠Ø˙@◊ Ü ©◊u¡◊~◊ d◊˙ö◊ ¡◊≤◊–∂Ø˙~◊ π˛N˙·◊@◊ ÷◊b÷– ◊˙Ü É`Í◊÷◊˙ ≠Δ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Bliss of Brahman I have become a foam-white sea of bliss, I am a curling1 wave of God’s delight, A shapeless flow2 of happy passionate light, A whirlpool of the streams3 of Paradise. I am a cup of His felicities, A thunderblast of His golden ecstasy’s might, A fire of joy upon creation’s height; I am His rapture’s wonderful abyss. I am drunken with the glory of the Lord, I am vanquished by the beauty of the Unborn; I have looked, alive, upon the Eternal’s face. My mind is cloven by His radiant sword, My heart by His beatific touch is torn; My life is a meteor-dust of His flaming Grace.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Ø˙~h◊ru π˛≠≤◊Ζ◊÷◊˙ Ø~h◊rä@◊ Ä˙k˙Ë–◊ ≠N s§◊u@◊ π˛≠≤◊Ζ◊÷◊˙ > N≠Q◊d◊ d◊˙í@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊Ø˙≠~◊ ~–◊≠¢d◊~◊˙@◊ S˙@◊˙, Nh] Q◊˙≤y◊¡◊˙ ‘–≠] ≠N Δ˙Å ≠‘˙÷◊@◊ π˙∫◊‘˙Î◊˙; ≤œ◊·◊l d◊˙í@◊ ≤◊˙Ë◊Q◊≤◊Î◊ Ü¡◊… N_s’‘–]˙ > NFO< d◊˙í@◊ Ä™◊˙~◊d◊˙ ™◊˙~◊@◊ π˙‘h ≠÷◊˝‘Î◊ d◊˙í S˙≠@◊; Ä~◊¥◊@◊ Δ»◊ d◊˙í@◊ Ø~◊Ë–◊ Ø˙d˛◊ d◊uOÍb Ä˙É N@h◊ > πö◊ π‹ ≤h◊Ü ≠N π˙@–◊ π˙Å¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ π˛–l d◊˙í ÷À◊d◊@h◊, ÷◊≠@◊ ≠N Δ˙≤◊˙ ©◊Ÿ◊@◊ ÷œ◊d◊ä Ä‹¡◊˙ Δ˙≤◊˙ Ä˙k˙ ÷◊@–◊π˙≠@◊ > ‘ê–◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ π˙d◊Å ≠Q◊@◊ ¡◊G≥¡◊˙@◊ Ø˙Ë–◊≠@◊ d◊˙í@◊ Ä˙N– ¡◊˜–◊≠¡◊ Ä˙É S@◊buË◊˙÷h◊ Ø˙Ÿ–◊¡◊N–≠¡◊ Üd◊÷◊ Ä˙‘˙ ≠π˙r– > Oh·˛◊ ©◊u¡◊ Ø~◊Ë–◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Å¡◊ ·–◊≠~◊ Ø≤◊d◊-ħ–◊Î◊˙ru π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ s·’◊§◊ ≠N ©◊~<◊ d◊˙í@◊ ≠·◊¡◊d_◊@◊ ·_◊≠J◊ π≠Ÿ◊ Ä˙N–, Ü÷◊˙S˙≠@◊ ≠N ÄS’≠·◊¡◊, ·◊˙~◊¡◊ Ä˙É π‘h Ä˙πb˙ §◊˙sä-~–◊l¥◊˙ ≠N ·◊˙N˙~h◊·◊˙N Ø˙d◊@◊ ≠~◊˙≤– ◊Øhê ◊§◊˙säπ˙‘h >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Human Enigma A deep enigma is the soul of man. His conscious life obeys the Inconscient’s rule, His need of joy is learned in sorrow’s school, His heart is a chaos and an empyrean. His subtle Ignorance borrows Wisdom’s plan; His mind is the Infinite’s sharp and narrow tool. He wades through mud to reach the Wonderful, And does what Matter must or Spirit can. All powers in his living’s soil take root Hoping to grow and dominate the earth. This little creature mind that would be great Is Nature’s fool and Godhead’s struggling birth, A demigod and a demon and a brute, The slave and the creator of his fate.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
≠·◊≤◊ Ü≤–◊ ≠·◊≤◊, Δ˙≤◊˙ ‹≥`◊˙ Ü÷◊·◊˙ ≠Ø˙ ~–◊]≥Î◊ §h◊¡◊~◊, Ü≠¡◊ dh◊è◊ ¡◊gh Ø˙d˛◊ Ä˙k˙ Δ˙í≠@◊ ¡◊≤–◊ ≠~◊Å Δ˙Ü,ñ N˙Ø˙~◊ä Ü S~◊ S@–◊ ¡◊ä˙D ≠Od˛◊ ÷◊@–◊ Äd–◊÷˛◊Ø, ·◊˙~◊¡◊u sd–◊≠@◊ Ä˙k˙ ¡◊ä˙Dd◊@◊ `◊Oä Øh≠] S˙ÜΩ > ≠Δ ¡–◊πhÎ◊ ·◊˙l Ø˙d˛◊ ÄNuØd◊˙ πFb’ ÷◊@–◊π˙≠@◊ N˙Ú˙d◊ud◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ Ü Oh·˛◊@◊ : d◊‹˙π– N˙Å≠d◊ Ä˙k˙ Ü≤◊˙÷h◊ Δ˙í Ä˙g@◊b d◊≠Î◊ @◊≤–◊ø–◊ shπ≠d◊ d◊˙í@◊ π˙@◊πd˛◊ ‘˙‘_d◊-Δ˙d˛◊˙@◊ > Ä~◊¥◊ ≠·◊‘ à ÷◊˙Î◊ Ä≠s˛ d◊˙í@◊ ÷◊@◊¥–◊ ¡–◊g˙@◊ ·œ◊‘äπË◊ ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊ ≤–◊@◊b<l ~◊˙~◊˙ ˆË◊b˙@◊; ØSh@◊ à @h◊·˛◊ Ä˙~◊o◊≠@◊ §◊@–◊‹˙Ü Ä¥◊@◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@◊, Ø≠~◊ d◊˙í@◊ `◊˙]≥‹˙Ü Nh·F◊@◊@◊ Ø≤◊˙~◊ N}˙@◊ > Ä˙N–ø–◊ ≠÷◊N≠~◊ ¡◊˜–◊ NØg ©◊sd◊ N≤◊ NØ π@–◊N≠@ Oh·˛◊ Ü≤–◊ ÄS≥¡◊˙Nu ÄbN@◊ Ü≤–◊ Ä˙¡◊˙N≠@◊ !
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Body This body which was once my universe, Is now a pittance carried by the soul, – Its Titan’s motion bears this scanty purse, Pacing through vastness to a vaster goal. Too small was it to meet the giant need That only infinitude can satisfy: He keeps it still, for in the folds is hid His secret passport to eternity. In his front an endless Time and Space deploy The landscape of their golden happenings; His heart is filled with sweet and violent joy, His mind is upon great and distant things. How grown with all the world conterminous Is the little dweller in this narrow house !
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
≠Ø˙O Ø~◊ ≠Ø˙@◊, Ä˙k˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ NØs˛ ‘F~◊ä@h◊ ¡◊Ζ◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ¡œ◊≤◊≈◊@◊; NØ˙≤–◊d◊ ≤h◊Ü ÷◊˙Î◊ Ä~◊˙¡œ◊d◊ dœ◊D ≠N π˛N˙≠@◊ : ÷◊˙l˙ ©◊l ≤h◊Ü, @◊≠≤◊ @F◊π≠@◊]˙ Ü÷◊, Øm˙~◊ Ä˙§◊˙N Ø˙d◊@◊, d◊˙íπ≠@◊ d◊˙í N<&œd–◊ ≠≤◊˙Å @◊≤–◊Δ˙Ü ~–◊÷◊˙G~◊ ~–◊ºNú Ä˙k˙≠@◊ > Ü ¡–◊‘_ ≠Δ `◊ulØ˙~◊ ˆË◊b˙ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ÄNuØ@◊ ‘h§˛◊ Ø≤–◊Ø˙≠@◊, Ä~–◊o◊ä ¡–◊¡–◊ê◊ ØG ~œ◊d◊ä π˙ÅΩ Øœdh◊äzlö◊@◊, Ä˙¡◊˙N-÷◊O ≠N Δ≤y◊ ¡–◊πhÎ◊ ≠Ø˙ @◊§◊N π˛N≠@◊ > Nh]-‘–≤◊@–◊d◊ ≠N≤–◊ Nh¡–◊‘˙Î◊ ‘F≠~◊ä Ä¥◊@◊@◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ≤◊©–◊`◊˙ Q–¥◊˙, π˛N˙·◊≠@◊ §◊˙¡◊˙≠¡◊‘ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ~–◊Øs~◊, N_è◊ Ü÷◊ gÛ◊d◊˙≠@◊ `◊§–◊ ·h◊≠≤Ω◊ ~◊¡◊ @F◊π˙¥◊@◊ ‘˙¥–◊ Ä~h‘˙N~◊ N~◊˙d◊~◊ö◊@◊ Ä~h◊Ob ÷◊@◊¥–◊ π˙Î◊~◊ > Ä~–◊¡’◊Q◊~◊ulö◊@◊ @◊˙©◊ä Ü≠¡◊ Ü ©◊u¡◊~◊; π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ Åd–◊, Ä˙k˙ Ü÷◊˙ ¡–◊·◊äØ˙~◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 Liberation My mind, my soul grow larger than all Space; Time founders in that vastness glad and nude: The body fades, an outline, a dim trace, A memory in the spirit’s solitude. This universe is a vanishing circumstance In the glory of a white infinity, Beautiful and bare for the Immortal’s dance, House-room of my immense felicity. In the thrilled happy giant void within Thought lost in light and passion drowned in bliss, Changing into a stillness hyaline, Obey the edict of the Eternal’s peace. Life’s now the Ineffable’s dominion; Nature is ended and the spirit alone.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
≠©◊ä˙d–◊ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊, Ä¥◊≤◊u~◊ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊, Ä˙É ~◊˙≤y◊ ⁄˙~◊ d–◊Ø–@◊@◊, π˛˙b@◊ ÄÕ◊-s≤_◊@◊ π˛è◊¤◊d◊˙ Ä˙πb˙@◊ ·–◊Ä¥–◊ ÄzΖ◊; Äπ˛Ø–d◊-πF¡’ N¡’◊ s§◊u@◊d◊˙ Ø≤◊˙ ~–◊¢–d–◊ @◊ @◊≤–◊ø–◊ É≈◊˙~◊ Ü≠¡◊ Nh¡–◊πhÎ◊ §◊@◊N˙≠@◊ nΖ◊ > ≠©◊ä˙d–◊, ÷˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊ Ä~–◊¡◊˙’b Ü¡◊… ÄNú ! ~–◊@h◊M◊ π¡–◊d˛◊ ·_◊˙@◊ @◊≤◊Nä@◊ ÷◊@◊ Ä~◊s’Î◊ ÄNuØö◊ ≤◊u@◊÷◊ ≤œ◊·◊@h◊ π˛©_◊Î◊¥◊ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊@◊ d◊@◊ú Ä¥◊≠@◊ ≠Ø˙ ‹@–◊É≠∫◊ ÄØ@◊ ≠s˙`◊˙π Δ≤y◊ ‹˙Ü Áh`∑◊ ·◊Î◊ > Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ d◊˙í É`∑◊˙N≠@◊ ~◊˙Q–◊Δ˙Ü ‘–@◊˙ π˛‘–@◊˙≠@◊ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊, N¡’◊˙‘˛lu ≠©ä˙d–◊ ! π˛d–◊ ≠÷◊˙r Ä˙≠¡◊s ©◊©’◊@◊ @◊§◊N@◊ ≠Ø˝~◊ É·Í◊§◊˙N≠@◊ NG≥@◊≠] Ä˙πb˙ Ä˙S˙≠@◊ ©◊˙s˛d◊ π˛d◊äl Ü÷◊ Ä¡–◊~◊˙‘uö◊@◊ > π˛Q◊— ≠©◊ä˙d–◊@◊ Ü÷◊ π˙@◊˙¡◊˙≠@◊ ÷◊≠@Ω◊ Q◊Î◊˙Q◊Î◊ d◊˙ö◊@◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ ‘u≠r’ ≠Δ˙s ÷◊@–◊ ≠Ø˙≤◊@–◊ Äd◊Î◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950
Light Light, endless Light ! darkness has room no more, Life’s ignorant gulfs give up their secrecy: The huge inconscient depths unplumbed before Lie glimmering in vast expectancy. Light, timeless Light immutable and apart ! The holy sealed mysterious doors unclose. Light, burning Light from the Infinite’s diamond heart Quivers in my heart where blooms the deathless rose. Light in its rapture leaping through the nerves ! Light, brooding Light ! each smitten passionate cell In a mute blaze of ecstasy preserves A living sense of the Imperishable. I move in an ocean of stupendous Light Joining my depths to His eternal height.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Ä·œ◊¸ ÄNuØ ~–◊º‘›◊, Ä~◊S≥sØä ‘œúØ˙≠Î◊ @◊Q–◊ ÄS≥¡◊˙N ~◊ π˙Å`–◊ Ä¥◊, ≠Δbh N¡’◊ˆ≠Ë◊ ≠N≤y Ä¡◊Õ◊~◊, Ä˙k˙, π˛N˙@–◊d◊-πO, Ä≠~_◊rÅ ÄØ–‘˛-@◊§◊N π@◊Ø ¡–◊÷˛◊Ø, ÷◊˙Î◊ ~–◊@◊¡◊S≥, ·–◊¡◊ä N¤–◊S˙~◊ > ÄQ–◊d–◊-‘˙N–d◊ ≠N≤–◊ §◊lö◊@◊ ØF÷◊ @◊N˙d◊≠Î◊ ≤œ◊dÍ◊ªo◊ ÄNuØö◊@◊ ÷◊b’πh≠Ë◊ ÷◊@◊˙Δ˙Ü ‹l > d◊˙ö◊ π˛N˙·◊@◊ Ú˙~◊ N…™◊˙Su~◊ ØÚ@◊˙d–˛◊ ≠÷◊˙≠Î◊ Ä˙≠¡◊◊˙@–◊ø–◊, Ä¡◊@h◊M◊ Äd◊Î◊˙¥◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊-¡–◊N<l > d◊˙ö◊@–◊ @◊‘<–≠@◊, Δ˙≤◊˙ n`◊N˙Ü Ä˙Ø ·œ◊‘ä‹Î◊, Ü÷◊@◊ §◊s∂˙…‘ ≠]˙≠©◊ ≠~◊d˛◊ Ä˙Ø ÄS’-~–◊ØuΖ◊d◊ : ÄØœd◊ ~◊l~◊ N–~◊˙ ÷◊@–◊π˙≠@◊ N˙≤◊N ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ©◊˙s˛d◊ d◊π~◊ π˙≠~◊ Q◊˙≤y◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠~◊˙≤–◊ ÄÕ◊u§F◊d◊ > d◊‹˙π– Ä˙Ø@◊ Ä˙k˙ ÄØœd◊@◊ N≈◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Šĥ◊≠@◊ ¡–◊@◊˙≠©◊, Ä·œ¸ ÄNuØö◊@◊ N]˙ Ä˙É ‘ê–◊ Ä˙É N¥◊˙~◊@◊ N˙≠©◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Unseen Infinite Arisen to voiceless unattainable peaks I meet no end, for all is boundless He, An absolute joy the wide-winged spirit seeks, A Might, a Presence, an Eternity. In the inconscient dreadful dumb Abyss Are heard the heart-beats of the Infinite. The insensible midnight veils His trance of bliss, A fathomless sealed astonishment of Light. In His ray that dazzles our vision everywhere, Our half-closed eyes seek fragments of the One: Only the eyes of Immortality dare To look unblinded on that living Sun. Yet are our souls the Immortal’s selves within, Comrades and powers and children of the Unseen.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
N_l… ≠N ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊, ëëØhΩ Ä≤◊…‘F~◊ä, Ä˙Ú˙k–÷◊, Øhê◊,íí d◊˙íπ≠@◊ ¡◊r–’≠`◊ s˙Ζ◊ d◊˙ö◊ ≠~Ê◊‘≠§◊˙©◊ ÷–◊Ä˙Ω ≠≤◊˙Å~–◊ π˛ghd◊ > πQ◊˙@–◊`–◊ d◊˙öh◊ ≠l ÷–◊π˙ÅΩ > ≠N ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊, ëëØhΩ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ ÜØ¥◊, ¡h◊§h◊O–d◊-É·◊@◊-Ç‘_@◊, ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ˙í¥–◊ ≠N≤–◊ ¡–◊Q◊Ζ◊d◊ >íí πQ◊˙@–◊`–◊ Üπ@–◊ ÷◊˙≤y◊÷–◊ > ÷◊≤–◊≠`◊ ≠N, ëëÅÜ d◊˙ö◊ `◊uÎ◊˙ > Ä¥◊≠@◊ ØhΩ Ä¡–◊Q◊Î◊, Ä÷◊˙Ø, ÄØÎ◊ > ]˙d–◊@◊ ØhΩ ÷◊≠@◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ~–◊d–◊ π˛d–◊ ÷◊íb ˆË–◊s`◊˙ >íí πhè–◊`–◊ ØhΩ, ëëÄ˙⁄˙ dh◊Ø Ü§◊Ζ◊ ÄË◊Î◊ ?íí ©◊¡◊˙¡Í◊ ≠N ≠·◊≠`◊, ëëdh◊Ø N…‘l ØhΩ ¡h◊n–π˙@h◊ Äø–◊ > Ø˙d˛ ÄN`◊ ÷◊‹˙Ë–◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Øhê◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ–¡◊˙ > ÷–◊ Ä˙N–`◊˙ s`◊˙ dh◊≠Ø ≠÷◊≠d◊ s©–’◊`◊ d◊©–’◊`◊, @◊˙≠s s`◊ ~◊˙Q–◊ ÷–◊ ]˙·◊ä π@◊r˙ ≠≤◊¡◊ d◊˙÷h◊ ≠~◊Å ≠·Ê◊~◊o–◊~◊ ÷◊`◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ π˙`◊˙ > ëëN©◊˙s @◊≤–◊¡◊˙ N·◊˙ N_l… N…π÷’◊≠@◊, d◊˙í@–◊ ~◊˙Ø ≠Ø˙íO, N_l…÷h◊ π˙Åø–◊ Øh≤y◊, N_l… π˙Ås`◊˙ π≠@◊, ØhΩ d◊ Øhê◊πO >íí
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 Self He said, “I am egoless, spiritual, free,” Then swore because his dinner was not ready. I asked him why. He said, “It is not me, But the belly’s hungry god who gets unsteady.” I asked him why. He said, “It is his play. I am unmoved within, desireless, pure. I care not what may happen day by day.” I questioned him, “Are you so very sure ?” He answered, “I can understand your doubt. But to be free is all. It does not matter How you may kick and howl and rage and shout, Making a row over your daily platter. “To be aware of self is liberty, Self I have got and, having self, am free.”
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
¡–◊‘_sd◊ Ä˙k˙ ØhΩ Ü÷◊ Ä·_◊l Ä˙k˙ §◊@–◊ø◊– ≠Δ NØs˛ π˛÷œd–◊ > Äπ˛≠Øl, Ä¡–◊Q◊Î◊ N˙Ou ≠N Ä˙Nu~◊ : π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ ≠‘ÊÎ◊‘–≠@◊ gÛ◊d◊˙ ≠N Ä≠Ë◊ Ú˙~◊@◊d◊ ≠N d◊ Q◊÷˛◊˙¡◊d’◊-sd–◊ π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ ¡–◊‘_Øl ‘ê–◊@◊ ÄSu~◊ > N˙÷◊˙@◊ Ø~◊@◊ NuØ˙ ≠·◊Åø–◊ dh◊Ë◊˙Å ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ Ä˙É Øh≤y◊ Ü÷◊ Ä˙k˙@◊ ¡–◊s˛≤◊ > ~◊u≤◊˙@–◊÷◊˙Ø˙~◊ö◊@◊ @F◊π≠@◊]˙ ©_◊Î◊Ø˙~◊ ≠Ø˙ §–◊d◊≠@◊ ‹˙Å ≠Ø˙ ¡–◊@◊˙Ë◊ NØs˛≤y◊ ¡–◊‘_-NØ˙≠@◊˙≤◊ > π`∑◊u-π@–◊N≠@◊ Ä˙É Ø≤◊˙≠·◊≠‘ ≠Δ π˛˙b-π˛¡◊˙≤◊, ≠N π˛˙b ≠Ø˙≤◊@◊, πœ‹≥¡◊u@◊ Δ»◊b˙ ØhΩ, ØhΩ d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ Ä˙~◊o◊ ªo◊~◊; ≠‘˙≠÷◊ à N≠¥◊˙≠r Øh≤y◊ Ä…‘ ~–◊Ü N÷◊Î◊ ©◊u¡◊@◊ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊≠@◊ Øh≤y◊ Ä˙ˆ˙d◊ à Qh◊¯~◊@◊ π˛d–◊ N…ˆË◊~◊ > É·◊˙Nu~◊, N≠≤◊ Øh≤y◊, π˛d–◊ §◊˙¡◊§◊úu Ä˙É ÷–˛◊l˙ à Q◊–¥◊~◊; ~–◊º‘›◊ Ä˙~◊¥◊ä ≠Ø˙@◊ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊ ¡–◊≤◊˙@◊-π˛˙úb >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Cosmic Spirit I am a single Self all Nature fills. Immeasurable, unmoved the Witness sits: He is the silence brooding on her hills, The circling motion of her cosmic mights. I have broken the limits of embodied mind And am no more the figure of a soul. The burning galaxies are in me outlined; The universe is my stupendous whole. My life is the life of village and continent, I am earth’s agony and her throbs of bliss; I share all creatures’ sorrow and content And feel the passage of every stab and kiss. Impassive, I bear each act and thought and mood; Time traverses my hushed infinitude.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
ëëØhΩíí Éπ@◊Øh≤◊˙Ω◊ Ü ëØhΩí Øb–r@◊ Ä≤◊…÷◊˙@◊ Ü¡◊… ¡◊Ÿ–◊Ø˙@◊ ÷◊≠cÅ Ø˙d◊@◊, Δ˙≤◊˙ π˛÷œ◊d–◊ d◊˙íπ˛≠l˙©◊≠~◊ ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ ~–◊Ø˙’b, ~◊˙≠Q◊ ≠N ≠ΔØ–d–◊ Q◊˙≠≤Ω◊ π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ ¡◊˙Ú÷◊@◊ Ä˙≠·◊‘ ÷◊≠∫◊˙@◊, N‘ê◊ ·h◊¡’◊Î◊ N–Ü ¡–◊Q◊Ob ≠¡◊˙÷◊˙Ë–◊Ü ©◊˙b > Ä˙Ø@◊ Q–◊¥◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙@–◊ Á@◊ Á@◊ Ø~◊@◊ ≠X◊ÅΩ¡◊˙ d◊˙í d–◊Ä˙@–◊ Åo–˛◊l≠@◊ ≠·◊]hΩ Ä˙É ‘hbh Ä˙≠Ø N¡h◊ Ä˙Ø@–◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@–◊ ‘ê–◊; @◊úΔ˙÷◊ d◊˙í@◊ Ø–‘–Δ–¡◊˙ ÁÎ◊≠@◊ π˙`◊Ëh◊ Ä˙≠Ø n`◊Ø`◊ Q◊÷◊Q◊˜◊˙-Ø˙ø–◊@◊ π˛d–◊§F◊ > Ä¥◊@◊¡◊˙Nu πh@h◊r π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ Δ»◊≠@◊ ˆF@◊˙¥–◊ Ü≤–◊ N≈◊˙s≠b, Δ˙≤◊˙ Ä…‘ Ø˙d˛◊ d◊˙ö◊ @◊≤◊Nä@◊ Ø≤◊d◊ π˛‘˙¥◊ d◊˙ö◊ @◊‘<–©◊˙d◊ ¡◊≤h◊ ]¡’◊ ÷◊˙¥–◊ π˛d–◊¡–◊¯ ÜØ˙≠~◊ d◊ NuØ˙≤◊u~◊ d◊˙ö◊ Ü÷◊d_◊@◊ > Ü÷◊ Nh¡–◊πhÎ◊ N_d_◊ ¡–‘_Øl ÷–˛◊l˙ à Q–◊¥◊˙@◊ ~–◊≠l˙≠s Ü ¡–s˛≤◊÷h◊, ~◊˙g–d_◊@◊ Δ˙í Ü÷◊ Ä˙÷◊˙@◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 “I” This strutting ‘I’ of human self and pride Is a puppet built by Nature for her use, And dances as her strong compulsions bid, Forcefully feeble, brilliantly obtuse. Our thinking is her leap of fluttering mind, We hear and see by her constructed sense: Our force is hers; her colours have combined Our fly-upon-the-wheel magnificence. He sits within who turns on her machine These beings, portions of his mystery, Many dwarf beams of his great calm sunshine, A reflex of his sole infinity. One mighty Self of cosmic act and thought Employs this figure of a unit nought.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
N¡’◊¡◊ä˙π÷◊d◊˙ ≠N ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä¥◊≠@◊, ≠Ø˙@◊ Q◊Éπ˙≠‘, @◊≤–◊ø◊¥–◊ N¡’◊Øh]u ≠≤◊˙Å > ÜŸ–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ d◊˙ö◊ ÄS≥÷◊˙@◊ Ä≤◊¥◊˙≠@◊ Øh≤y◊ Ä¡◊@h◊M◊ , d◊˙≤◊˙@–◊ NuØ˙ Éπ≠@◊ ɧ◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Å @◊≤–◊ø–◊ Ä~◊˙ÅΩ Ä~◊¥◊ NuØ˙¥◊ π≠@◊ ·œ◊¸– ≠Ø˙@◊ @◊≤–◊ø–◊ ~–◊¡◊M◊ > NNuØ π˛d–◊Ë–◊ ¡◊gh ≠Ø˙≠d◊ ·–◊≠‘ ÄÏ˙Ζ◊÷◊˙ πh≠@◊˙§◊˙s Δ‹˙; d◊˙≤◊˙@–◊ s¡◊˙O π≠‹ Q◊˙≤y◊‹˙í¥–◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ NuØ˙d◊ud◊ πœ‹÷Í◊ ≠·◊≤◊@◊ ÜÅ Ä¡◊≠@◊˙S s˜◊˙≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠Ø˙ π˙ÅΩ ÄΔ‹˙; ~–◊sF˜◊ N˙~–◊Ú d◊˙ö◊ ≠÷◊˙≠r ≠÷◊˙≠r @◊≤–◊ø–◊ ©_◊Î◊¥◊ > N˙@◊N≈◊˙ ≠≤◊≠`◊b– ≠N ≠Ø˙@◊, ≠≤◊≠`◊b– ≠N ≠Ø˙ π˛˙b-π¡◊~◊; É`∑◊˙N ≠N, ≠N ≠Ø˙≤◊@◊ Ä¥◊@◊@◊ ¡◊ä‹˙ > d◊˙ö◊ ~–◊d◊äd◊˙@◊ Q–◊≤∂◊ ©◊~<◊ ≠Ø˙@◊, ≠Ø˙≤◊@◊ Ø@◊bπ‹ ≠·◊Å Δ˙d˛◊˙ ÷◊≠@◊ d◊˙ö◊ ÄØ@◊b > ≠Ø˙@◊ ØF÷◊ @◊N˙d◊Î◊ NØ˙¡œ◊d◊ Øo–◊@◊ d◊˙ö◊@◊; ≤œ◊·◊l ÷◊o◊≠@◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ~–◊¡◊N¥◊– ÄπF©◊˙-∫◊˙÷h◊@◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 Omnipresence He is in me, round me, facing everywhere. Self-walled in ego to exclude His right, I stand upon its boundaries and stare Into the frontiers of the Infinite. Each finite thing I see is a facade; From its windows looks at me the Illimitable. In vain was my prison of separate body made; His occult presence burns in every cell. He has become my substance and my breath; He is my anguish and my ecstasy. My birth is His eternity’s sign, my death A passage of His immortality. My dumb abysses are His screened abode; In my heart’s chamber lives the unworshipped God.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Ä≠Q◊d◊~◊ §–◊≈–◊ Ä˙k˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ ~–◊≠@◊]Å Ä˙¡◊@–◊d◊ §–◊≈–◊ d◊˙í@◊ Ä¡◊≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@, Äd◊ud◊@◊ π˛˙b≤◊u~◊ ·h◊¡–’◊~◊ud π˛d◊u÷◊ N÷◊Î◊ ¡◊…‘sd◊ ø◊˙G Ä˙É Øh·˛◊˙ö◊~◊ Nfi˛·◊˙ld_◊@◊ ·œ◊¸– π‹˙@F◊˜◊ ≤h◊Ü, ≠≤◊`◊˙ π≠@◊ πh@◊˙d◊~◊ π˛d◊ud– ~–◊ØF’Î◊ > Äd◊uo˛–◊l Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊@◊ S˙@◊˙π˙≠d◊ π∫◊~◊ ≠N ÷◊≠@◊ ·h◊≠¡◊˙’Ú `–◊π–÷◊˙ ÷œ◊Ã-÷◊˙l˙ Ä≠Q◊d◊@◊ñ ħ–◊`–◊]≥d◊ ‘≠d◊÷◊ ø◊˙l˙è◊¤◊ ·◊uˆ’ ¡◊b’~◊˙≠@◊ Ī¸ ¡–◊@◊˙Ë◊ ≠N˛˙d◊ ©◊Ÿ◊ ©◊sd◊@◊; N¡’◊ ‘–]˙Øl, ø◊–¤◊, ·◊sÍS, π@–◊d◊äê◊ > Ä¡–◊·◊ä˙-ÁÎ◊÷◊N¡h◊ ≠‘˙Å‹≥≠`◊ d◊≤y◊, d◊≤y◊ d◊˙í@◊ Q◊Î◊b–@◊ ØF÷◊ Nπ–’Î◊ ~–◊≠·’◊‘ ≠≤◊É‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊äê◊ ≠~ÊØ–≈–◊÷◊ ‘˙‰ Ä˙É ‘˙‰N¡h◊ ~–◊ld–◊@◊ ¡–◊S˙~◊ ·◊‘’˙Å > π@–◊d◊äê◊ @–◊ê◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Ä≠Q◊d◊@◊ ‘hM◊πFd◊ §–◊≈–◊ Nh¡–◊πhÎ◊ ¡–◊§h◊ö◊ ÄNuØd◊˙@◊ π˙`◊Ë–◊ø–◊ Ä¡◊Õ◊ Øh÷h◊@◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Inconscient Foundation My mind beholds1 its veiled subconscient base; All the dead obstinate symbols of the past, The hereditary moulds, the stamps of race Are upheld to sight, the old imprints effaced. In a downpour of supernal light it reads The black Inconscient’s enigmatic script – Recorded in a hundred shadowy screeds An inert world’s obscure enormous drift; All flames, is torn and burned and cast away. Here slept the tables of the Ignorance, There the dumb dragon edicts of her sway, The scriptures of Necessity and Chance. Pure is the huge foundation left2 and nude, A boundless mirror of God’s infinitude.
My soul regards
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Ä≠·_Ê◊d◊ d◊]≥dÍ◊ -Å-≠N˙`◊Ø~Í◊@◊ s–@–◊π≠‹ Q◊˙`h◊‹≥`–◊ Øh≤y◊ ≠ΔÉΩ∫–◊ @◊≤–◊ø–◊ ɧ◊˙ ‘ö◊@◊˙Q˙◊Δ’äö◊@◊ Oh·˛◊ ≠·◊¡◊˙Î◊l Ü÷◊˙Ü÷◊, ÷◊˙Î◊@◊ Éπ˙¥h◊ N~◊˙d◊~◊-ħ–◊Øh]u ≠≤◊˙Å É`◊ú ‘–]@◊ π≠@◊ Ä¥◊ ÷◊@–◊ S@◊bu@◊ ÄN˙@◊ π˛bl > ~–◊@◊˙÷◊˙@◊ ~–◊©’◊~◊d◊˙ ÷◊@–◊‹≥`◊˙ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ NØ˙è◊¤◊ : N¡h◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Δ˙Å‹≥`◊˙ Ä¡◊™◊˙d◊ Ü÷◊ ~◊˙Ø˙d◊ud◊, ÄN}Fd◊ Ä·_◊l N·Í◊¡◊gh Ü÷◊ ¡–◊‘_-¡–◊¡◊N~◊, ÄNuØ d◊‹˙ Äd◊Î◊ Q–◊@◊·–◊~◊ ÄË◊Î◊-ÄQh◊äd◊ > π@◊Ø gÛ◊d◊˙ Ü÷◊ ‹≥`◊˙ Δ˙≤◊˙ π@◊Ø πh@h◊rö◊@◊ Ü÷◊Ø˙d˛◊ ¡◊˙bu Ä™◊˙d◊ Ä˙@◊Û–◊ Ä˙É Ä¡◊˙bu NØ˙D– Ob·œ◊¸, Ob‘´d◊ N¡h◊‹≥≠@◊ ¡–◊`◊l~◊ Ä˙b–, Ä~◊S≥sØä ‘–]≠@◊ ÷◊@◊Å @◊˙©h◊d–◊, ~–◊ºNú ⁄–@◊d◊˙ Ü¡◊… ‘F~◊äØl π˛‘˙¥–◊ ÄO@◊ ~–◊¡◊˙’÷◊ ÷◊Gh÷ π≠@◊ π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ @◊≤◊Nä N¡’◊@◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 Adwaita I walked on the high-wayed Seat of Solomon Where Shankaracharya’s tiny temple stands Facing Infinity from Time’s edge, alone On the bare ridge ending earth’s vain romance. Around me was a formless solitude: All had become one strange Unnamable, An unborn sole Reality world-nude, Topless and fathomless, for ever still. A Silence that was Being’s only word, The unknown beginning and the voiceless end Abolishing all things moment-seen or heard, On an incommunicable summit reigned, A lonely Calm and void unchanging Peace On the dumb crest of Nature’s mysteries.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
≠‘ÊÎ◊-QF◊Î◊-≠·◊¡◊˙Î◊l π˙¡’◊d◊ul ~–◊º≠‘˛bu≠@◊ π˙@–◊≠≤◊˙Å ÄN…]ä ≠N˙π˙~◊ No◊‘’~◊ ÷◊`–◊ Øh≤y◊ ≠N˝@◊÷@-@◊N˙b–d◊ S@◊bu@◊ ‘–≠@◊ ¡–◊@◊˙©–◊d◊˙ ÄQ◊Î◊˙ Ç‘_@◊u Ä˙πb˙@◊ π˙r˙b-Øo–◊≠@◊ S~◊ä ÷◊@–◊ Ú˙~◊Øs∂ gÛ◊ ~–◊÷◊˙G~◊ > π˛˙™◊ ≠N≤–◊ ‘–À◊u ≠ΔÉΩØ˙≠~◊ ‹˙π–ø◊¥–◊ ≠N≤–◊ ‹˙≠~◊ d◊˙ö◊◊@◊ Ä˙N~◊ ©◊sd◊@◊ ÑS_’≠·◊≠‘ Äd–◊÷˛◊Ø– ÷◊˙Î◊@◊ Øh`◊÷◊; N©◊u¡◊ N÷◊Î◊ö◊@◊ Ä¥◊@◊˙k˙ ‘˙¥◊, πFd◊ Ü¡◊… Ü÷◊˙Ü÷◊, ÷◊@–◊ø◊¥–◊ Ä˙πb˙@◊ Äd◊uo–˛◊l Ä~◊˙¡œ◊d◊ NuØ˙d◊ud◊ N≈◊˙ É·Í◊ˆ˙Ë◊~◊ > ¡œ◊≤◊dÍ◊ ÷◊˙≤◊˙@–◊ Ü÷◊ N…O–D π˛d◊u÷◊ Ü≤–◊ Ä˙Ø@◊ ‘@◊u@◊ Ä˙Ø Ø~h◊räd_◊ ≠·◊Å d◊˙ö◊@–◊ N˙¤–◊Ú d◊˙≤◊˙ ÷◊≠@◊ Ä˙¡◊@–◊d◊ > ≠N ~–sF˜◊ N≈◊˙ Ä˙Ø Ä¥◊@◊≠@◊ ħ˛◊˙¥◊ ÄO≠@◊ π˙@◊¥–◊ πœB˙Ü ≠`◊]≥ Ä~◊¥◊ö◊ π@–◊Q◊l ¡◊b–’ N…≠Oπ≠@◊, π˛d–◊§◊˙d◊ ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ˙Ü ¡◊ä˙N÷F◊Ë◊ Q–◊@◊¥◊~◊d◊˙@◊ Ü π˛d–◊Ø˙ Ä˙É d◊˙í@◊ §◊˙Δ’äØ—–d◊ Øh≠] ≠≤◊˙Å π˛˙b¡◊¥◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Hill-top Temple After unnumbered steps of a hill-stair I saw upon earth’s head brilliant with sun The immobile Goddess in her house of stone In a loneliness of meditating air. Wise were the human hands that set her there Above the world and Time’s dominion; The Soul of all that lives, calm, pure, alone, Revealed its boundless self mystic and bare. Our body is an epitome of some Vast That masks its presence by our humanness. In us the secret Spirit can indite A page and summary of the Infinite, A nodus of Eternity expressed Live in an image and a sculptured face.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
dh◊≠Ø Äø◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ dh◊≠Ø ≠Δbh N¡◊˙’~◊o◊Øl, ¡–◊‘_Øl ≠‘˙§◊˙@◊ Ä˙÷◊@◊, ≠π˛Ø◊-N≠®˙≤–◊d◊, ÄÕ◊ Ä˙k˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ dh◊Ø π˙ÅΩ Ü÷◊˙¥◊ Ä˙dh◊@◊; N÷◊Î◊ ¡◊gh≠@◊ ‹˙Å ¡◊≤◊~◊ ≠N ÷◊@h◊‹˙Ü Ä≠`◊˝÷–◊÷◊ π@◊‘ dh◊Ø@◊ ‘–≤◊@–◊ ‘–≤◊@–◊ É≠∫◊ N≤–◊ ≠N≤–◊ @◊NØl @◊§◊N@◊ §◊˙@◊ > N¡’◊≠~◊d˛◊ π¢˙d◊≠@◊ ≠s˙π~◊ Q◊˙≤◊˙b– d◊¡◊ ·–◊‘–Δ˙Ü ≠Ø˙≠d◊ dh◊Ø@–◊ ≠Ø˙≤◊~◊ N_~◊ ‘h≠b Øh≤y◊ π˛d–◊ ÷◊£N_≠@◊ : dh◊Ø@–◊ Ø˙Sh@◊u ≠Ø˙@◊ Ø@◊Ø ØA◊~◊ ÷◊≠@◊ π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ π≠‹; d◊¡◊ ≠π˛Øπ˙‘ ÜŸ–◊ Ü ≤œ◊·◊l ª≠o◊ ~◊˙≤y Ä~◊ä ≠÷◊ÉΩÄ˙≠Ÿ◊ > N¡’◊©◊u≠¡◊ Ä¥@◊◊ ≠Ø˙ §◊`◊ π˙Ü Ü÷◊˙ d◊¡◊ ≠·◊≤◊; dh◊Ø@–◊ Ä˙~◊o◊ ‹˙Ü π˛d–◊ π≠d˛◊ π˛d–◊Ë–◊ π˙r˙≠b : Ä˙b¥–◊ dh◊Ø÷h◊ ¡◊≤–◊ ≠NØ˙~ö◊ Äs∂–-π≠O ~–◊≠Ør NØF≤◊; ·◊‘’~◊@◊ Ä¥◊≤◊u~◊ Q–◊d˛◊bQ◊˙dh◊@◊u dh◊≠Ø Ü÷◊˙ ©◊≠b > ©◊Î◊Δ˙d˛◊˙ ÷◊≠@◊ ÷◊˙Î◊ dh◊≠Ø ‹˙Ä d◊˙í@◊ ÷◊˜h◊Ä˙Î◊ñ N˙s˛≤◊ §◊@◊N˙ N¡h◊ §◊¡–◊rä@◊ dh◊≠Ø d◊ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 Because Thou art Because Thou art All-beauty and All-bliss, My soul blind and enamoured yearns for Thee; It bears Thy mystic touch in all that is And thrills with the burden of that ecstasy. Behind all eyes I meet Thy secret gaze And in each voice I hear Thy magic tune: Thy sweetness hunts my heart through Nature’s ways; Nowhere it beats now from Thy snare immune. It loves Thy body in all living things; Thy joy is there in every leaf and stone: The moments bring Thee on their fiery wings; Sight’s endless artistry is Thou alone. Time voyages with Thee upon its prow – And all the future’s passionate hope is Thou.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
·–◊¡◊ä ·œ◊¸– dh◊Ø@–◊ π@◊Ø˙~◊≠o◊ π˛d–◊ ·◊‘’~◊ d◊ Ü≠¡◊ ÄØ@◊d◊˙ `◊≠§◊: Ä˙¡–◊¸ ~◊l~◊ ≠ÁÅ ≠·◊≠] Ü≠¡◊ Ä¥◊ºN≈◊˙ ≠Ø˙@◊; É≠~<◊˙Q–◊d◊ Δ¡◊~–◊÷◊˙, ≠¡◊~◊– ≠~◊d˛◊ ~◊ ≤h◊Ÿ–◊≠¡◊ Ü≠¡◊ ≠≤◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷–◊d◊ `◊uÎ◊˙ ¡–◊‘_Øl π˛÷◊˙≠‘ dh◊Ø@◊ > ·◊‘’~◊-@◊§◊N-Ø≈◊ ≠~◊d˛◊π≠‹ πŸ–◊Δ˙Ü S@◊˙ π˛d–◊Ë–◊ π˛˙÷œ◊d◊ ¡◊gh d¡◊ Ä…‘ @F◊≠π π˛d–◊§◊˙d◊, πh`◊÷◊ π˛d◊u÷◊ Ü÷◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ dh◊Ø N≈◊˙N˙≠@◊ s˜◊˙, ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙ ≠N, Nho◊@◊@◊ N…©◊u¡–◊d◊ ≤œ◊·◊l-N…©◊˙d◊, N–M◊≤◊g-÷œ◊d–◊ Ü÷◊ ¡◊b’ Ä˙É ≠N˝B≠¡◊ Ø—–d◊, ≠s˝@◊¡◊@◊ πO˙@F◊˜◊ ≠‘˝Δ’äØlu Ü÷◊ ØSh@–◊Ø˙; ·h◊¡’◊≤◊ ¡–N<l Ü÷◊ Ä‹’¡◊≤◊ ≠@◊]˙≠@◊ ¡–◊¯–d◊ Äd–◊ dh◊è◊ ¡◊gh≠@◊ ¡–◊ ¡◊äê◊ ÷◊≠@◊ Ä˙πb˙ Ø≤–◊Ø˙ > N_π∂-π@–◊§◊˙r˙ d◊¡◊ @◊§◊N@◊ N÷◊Î◊ Ä˙÷œ◊d–◊, ≠≤◊ Ädh◊`◊ä ! ≠≤◊ N˙O˙d◊ Ä~◊¥◊-¡–◊gœd–◊ !
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 Divine Sight Each sight is now immortal with Thy bliss: My soul through the rapt eyes has come to see; A veil is rent and they no more can miss The miracle of Thy world-epiphany. Into an ecstasy of vision caught Each natural object is of Thee a part, A rapture-symbol from Thy substance wrought, A poem shaped in Beauty’s living heart, A master-work of colour and design, A mighty sweetness borne on grandeur’s wings; A burdened wonder of significant line Reveals itself in even commonest things. All forms are Thy dream-dialect of delight, O Absolute, O vivid Infinite.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
·–◊¡◊ä §◊˙¡◊ πœ‹≥¡◊u@◊ ]˙·◊ä Ä˙É ÷◊@h◊~–◊ s˛≤◊b Øh≤y◊ Ü÷◊‹˙ ~–◊¢–d◊ Ø˙d˛◊ ≠ΔÉΩ πb’ÁÎ◊ §h◊zhø–◊ d◊˙í ©◊˙d◊ ~◊o◊~◊≠@◊ ! Åo–˛◊l-ħ◊ä˙N ≠Ø˙@◊ dh◊≠Ø ≠Δbh ÷◊`◊ @F◊π˙l–d◊ Ød◊ä’Nh]-N≠}˙s@h◊ ~–◊d◊ä ~◊¡◊ ·–◊¡◊ä Ä˙~◊o◊≠@◊ > ‘˛¡◊b à ·◊@◊‘~◊ Ü≠¡◊ Ü÷◊ Ä˙~◊o◊-É`∑◊˙N, É≠~<◊˙Q◊~◊ ÷◊@–◊·–◊Ü S@◊bu@◊ N÷◊Î◊ ≠N˝@◊§◊ ~–◊¡–◊Ÿ◊d◊˙ N˙≠‹ N˙≠‹ NØdh◊`◊ Ø˙ShΔ’@◊ @◊N NhsÕ–◊d◊ ≠`◊˙≤–◊d◊˙§◊ ≠s˙`◊˙π ≠s˝@◊¡◊ > π˛d–◊Ë–◊ N…≠Δ˙≠s Δ˙í@◊ ‘–≤◊@◊b ·´◊d◊ Δ˙Ü ˆ˙@–◊, Ü¡◊… ≤h◊Ü ⁄˙lu ≠Δ≠≤∂◊ ÄNuØd◊˙ Ä¡◊˙ d◊˙í@◊ Éf, ØhΩ dh◊Ø@◊ ª‘’ Ä~h◊§◊≠¡◊; Ä¡–◊~◊˙‘u Ä˙~◊o◊ dhØ@–◊ Ø≤◊˙ NØ˙≠@◊˙≠≤◊ Ä˙N– Øh]@–◊d◊ ÷◊@–◊·–◊Ü ≠N @◊§◊N-¡–◊≠§◊˙@◊ ~–◊≠Ør > d◊¡◊ πFd◊ πh`◊÷◊-π˙¡◊≠÷◊ d◊~h◊ ·≤–◊≤h◊Ü ¡–◊~–◊Ø’Î◊, §◊˙≠¡◊˙~<◊≈◊, ≠·◊¡◊¡˛◊d◊, Ä~◊˙≤◊d◊ ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙ N≠®˙≠≤◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 Divine Sense Surely I take no more an earthly food But eat the fruits and plants of Paradise ! For Thou hast changed my sense’s habitude From mortal pleasure to divine surprise. Hearing and sight are now an ecstasy, And all the fragrances of earth disclose A sweetness matching in intensity Odour of the crimson marvel of the rose. In every contact’s deep invading thrill, That lasts as if its source were infinite, I feel Thy touch; Thy bliss imperishable Is crowded into that moment of delight. The body burns with Thy rapture’s sacred fire, Pure, passionate, holy, virgin of desire.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
~◊@◊, ‘ê–◊S@◊ Ä˙k¡–◊≠@◊˙S@◊ Ø≤◊ul˙~◊ Øh≤y◊ Ø≤◊d◊πb≠@◊ N˙s≠@◊ Δ˙Åø–◊ ¡◊Ζ◊, Ç‘_@◊ö◊ Ñ©◊˙’@◊ ØhΩ ≠Δ π˛]@◊ ˆFb–’ nŸ◊ : ÄN≤◊˙l Ü÷◊ ÷h◊NhØ ≠Δ É≠∫◊ ¡◊˙lh-≤–◊≠`∑◊˙≠Î◊ ≠·◊˙Ζ◊ N≤◊©◊≠@◊ §◊˙≠©◊ ≠Δ dœ◊bπd˛◊ d◊˙í∫◊˙@h◊ ØhΩ ·h◊¡’◊Î◊ > ¡–◊™◊©◊~◊@◊ N÷◊Î◊ π˛™◊˙ ≠π˙rb ØhΩ ÷◊@h◊‹˙ÜΩ π˙≤◊˙Ÿ◊ π˛Ø˙b Ä™◊˙~◊d◊˙@◊ π˛÷œ◊d–◊ d◊≠Î◊ ≠Ø˙@◊; N˙Shπ˛˙bd◊˙@◊ ‘–]˙≠@◊ ØhΩ N–~◊˙ ⁄–@◊≠~◊d˛◊≠@◊ Q◊˙≠≤Ω◊ ØSh@◊ π˙π≠@◊ ≠`◊˙≠ËΩ◊, ≤h◊Ü N˙‹≥ ~◊˙@◊÷◊ul ~œ◊d◊ä@◊ > Ø˙~◊N ≠Ø˙≤◊@◊ πFb’ ‘‘u@◊ ÉE◊Î◊ ¡–◊§◊˙ S≠@◊ sh≤◊˙¡◊˙Nu ≠÷◊ÉΩ Ä˙·–◊Ø π˛˙bu@◊ ÄÕ◊˙@◊ ‹˙Ü d◊≤y◊ > ÷◊˙Î◊@◊ S~◊ ØhΩ ∫h◊Î◊ ÷◊≠@◊ Su≠@◊ ÉŸ◊˙Å·–◊ÜΩ ÄQ–≠@◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ Äø–◊ ¡–◊π@◊ud◊ d◊˙í@◊ N˙@◊-N…s˛≤◊ Øh≤y◊ > πh~◊ºπh~◊º ©–◊ÅÉ∫–◊ Q◊Ø÷◊˙ÜΩ NhD– Ø@◊b@◊ ØhΩ ¡◊d’◊Ø˙~◊d◊˙ Ü÷◊ ‘˙‘_d◊sb@◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 Man, the Despot of Contraries I am greater than the greatness of the seas, A swift tornado of God-energy: A helpless flower that quivers in the breeze, I am weaker than the reed one breaks with ease. I harbour all the wisdom of the wise In my nature of stupendous Ignorance; On a flame of righteousness I fix my eyes While I wallow in sweet sin and join hell’s dance. My mind is brilliant like a full-orbed moon, Its darkness is the caverned troglodyte’s. I gather long Time’s wealth and squander soon; I am an epitome of opposites. I with repeated life death’s sleep surprise; I am a transience of the eternities.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
¡–◊¡◊≈’◊~◊ π˛≠¡◊‘– §◊¡◊≠~◊ Ü÷◊ §◊˙N_@◊ ~–◊‹@◊ ≠·◊]≥`–◊ ¡–◊¯–d◊ Δ‹˙ ŒË–◊÷◊-·◊π’≠b ‘ê–◊ Ü÷◊ Ä˙≠@◊˙≤h◊ø–◊ Nπ’-NG@◊≠b ØA◊@–◊d◊ ˆFC–’π‹ Δhs-Δhs˙¥@◊ > Ü πœ‹≥¡◊u `◊uÎ◊˙§F◊Ø– Ä˙s¥h◊÷◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@◊ `◊˙s– Øb–r Ø˙d◊@◊ d≤y◊ ÄM’◊-d◊Ø-≠©◊ä˙d–◊@◊ Åú–d◊ ·–◊¡◊ä ħ–◊sØ~◊@◊, Ä˙πb˙÷h◊ @◊]≥ Δ˙í sh£–d◊ ~–◊·–˛◊d◊ ©◊Ÿ◊@h◊ Q◊˙≠`◊ ≠÷m◊‘÷◊@◊ §◊˙≠@◊ ≠≤◊˙Å §◊˙su ™◊˙~◊≤◊u~◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊, Øœdh◊ä@◊ π@◊˙‚@◊ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊ Ä~h◊N@–◊ > ¡–◊Øhê◊ Ø˙~◊N N¥◊@–◊`◊˙ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊-π˙@◊¡◊˙@◊, `◊§–◊`◊˙ ~–◊ œd–◊ π˛˙b d◊˙í π‹@◊ ØΖ◊~◊ ¡–◊r˙·◊; ©◊Ÿ◊≠@◊ É©◊Ζ◊ É≠∫◊ ≠·◊]≥`–◊ ØhΩ S˙d˛◊u ¡–◊§◊˙¡◊@◊u > Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊`◊˙ Ä˙k˙ ~–◊ºNuØ≠@◊ ~–◊O–D ≠≤◊¡◊˙@◊ @◊˙s-@◊ê◊ ≤œ◊·◊πË◊ ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ ¡–◊§h◊-Ä˙‘u¡◊˙’·◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 Evolution I passed into a lucent still abode And saw as in a mirror crystalline An ancient Force ascending serpentine The unhasting spirals of the aeonic road. Earth was a cradle for the arriving god And man but a half-dark half-luminous sign Of the transition of the veiled Divine From Matter’s sleep and the tormented load Of ignorant life and death to the Spirit’s light. Mind liberated swam Light’s ocean vast, And life escaped from its grey tortured line; I saw Matter illumining its parent Night. The soul could feel into infinity cast Timeless God-bliss the heart incarnadine.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
≠N˝Øä N}˙r Ä~h◊π`Û◊ ¡◊gh@◊˙©–◊@◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ íø◊¥–◊ ©◊≠b ÷◊˙Î◊@◊ Ädh◊Î◊ `◊˙§◊ Δ˙íπ˙]≠@◊ N˙Åd◊˙ Ä˙¡◊©’◊~◊˙; Äd–◊ π˙] `◊˙sh‹≥¡◊˙ S_~–◊Ë–◊≠@◊, @h◊π˙ ≠X◊b˙ N~Í◊N≠~◊ π˙‹–’¡◊ O≠l ÷◊≠@◊ N_s’ul ≤◊r’@◊ ÄQ’◊~◊˙ > Ä˙]≥ Δ˙≤◊˙N¡h◊ ≠·◊]≥‹˙Ü Ä˙É ÷◊˙~◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ‹˙Ü ‘hb– π˙`◊≠Ë◊ ØΖ◊~◊ Ø˙l˙ øh◊ÅΩ ≠÷◊ÉΩ NhØ≤◊˙~◊ N}˙r Ü¡◊… ¡–◊πhÎ◊ NFO< ·œ◊‘ä; ØSh N_~◊, ØSh¡◊˙bu ≤œ◊·◊l-~◊o◊u Ä¡◊˙ Ä˙É ≠÷◊ÉΩ ¡◊b–’Î◊ §◊˙¡◊˙≠¡◊‘ NØdh◊`◊ ≠≤◊˙Å π˙≠@◊~–◊ ÜN¡h◊ ·–◊¡◊ä @◊§◊N N≤ > Ä˙Ø Ø~◊NuØ˙ π@◊π˙≠@◊ Ü÷◊˙ π@◊Ø Ø˙~◊N ©◊˙≠b Äø◊– ≠ΔÉΩN¡h◊ NhNúd–◊ Ü≠¡◊ ¡–◊ ħ◊˙¡◊~◊ul, `◊§–◊≠¡◊ ≠Δ Nɧ◊˙sä, Nh≠Δ˙s Ä©◊˙d◊ Øb–rØ˙≠~◊ > ¡◊r’b˙dh◊@◊ πö◊ ≠Δπ@–◊ ~–◊@h◊πØ ≠s˙`◊˙π≠@◊ Q◊˙≠≤Ω◊ ≠N≤–◊π@–◊ πœ‹≥¡◊u ¡–◊÷◊‘h NhrØ˙ Δ˙í Äø–◊ ·F◊≠@◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950 The Silver Call There is a godhead of unrealised things To which Time’s splendid gains are hoarded dross; A cry seems near, a rustle of silver wings Calling to heavenly joy by earthly loss. All eye has seen and all the ear has heard Is a pale illusion by some greater voice And mightier vision; no sweet sound or word, No passion of hues that make the heart rejoice Can equal these diviner ecstasies. A Mind beyond our mind has sole the ken Of those yet unimagined harmonies, The fate and privilege of unborn men. As rain-thrashed mire the marvel of the rose, Earth waits that distant marvel to disclose.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Ä˙¥◊@◊ π˛˙¥◊@◊@◊˙©–◊ N_s’ul s¯h©◊ NØ Ä˙è◊˙·–◊ø–◊ ≠Δ ~◊uÎ◊ ø◊Î◊~◊˙ d◊˙í∫◊˙@h◊ ÉE◊Î◊d◊@◊ Äø–◊ Ü÷◊ Nh·–◊¡◊ä Ä˙÷◊˙‘, s˙˜◊ N¡h◊©–◊Ø˙ Äø–◊ ~–◊≠o◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ Ü ≤◊N-Éè_◊˙N ‘ä˙Ø É`∑◊˙N@◊ π–Õ–◊ Øhê◊˙NØ ‘–‘–@◊˙‘´÷◊b˙ > @◊≤–◊ø–◊ ÄØ@◊ ~◊§◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ~◊uÎ◊˙§◊ Ä˙§◊˙@◊ Ä˙Ø ÄS≥sØä ≠≤◊˙Å Ü¡◊… Ü≤–◊ SFN@◊ S@◊˙@◊ ⁄FÎ◊ d´◊Ë–◊ ¡–◊~◊˙ Äø–◊ ≠Od˛◊Ø˙~◊, Äø◊– ~–◊d◊ä S˙@◊ ≠N˛˙d◊N_–~◊u ÷◊Î◊N_~◊˙ ¡–◊G≥ ‘h§˛◊ NhØ~◊-N}˙@◊ ~◊Od˛◊-Ø˙Ζ◊÷◊˙ π@–◊ §◊˙≠N Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠Q◊~◊˙Ü Ä˙÷◊˙≠‘ > Ä˙l˙N≠@◊ N…÷◊Ζ◊d◊ πœ‹≥¡◊u@◊ ≠‘˙§◊˙∫◊˙@h◊ ¡◊Ζ◊ π¢˙d◊@◊ Ü ©◊sd◊ Nd◊äd◊@◊ Éπ˙·◊˙≠~◊ s˜◊˙ > Q◊˙`–◊π˙@hΩ◊ Ä˙≠Ø d◊≤y◊, ≠·◊¡◊s≠b Δ–¡◊˙ Ä˙Ø π˙≠‘ ≠·◊]≥ π˙@hΩ◊, π–Å π˙@hΩ◊ πulFr@◊ π˙d´◊ ÷◊£ §◊@–◊ s˜–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙Ø π˙ÅΩ ÄØ@◊ ¡◊·◊~◊, Ä¡◊l≠¡◊ N_s’@◊ πN@◊˙ >
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ 1930-1950
The Inner Fields There is a brighter ether than this blue Pretence of an enveloping heavenly vault, A deeper greenness than this laughing assault1 Of emerald rapture pearled with tears of dew. Immortal spaces of cerulean hue Are in our reach and fields without this fault Of drab brown earth and streams that never halt In their deep murmur which white flowers strew Floating like stars upon a strip of sky. This world behind is made of truer stuff Than the manufactured tissue of earth’s grace. There we can walk and see the gods go by And sip from Hebe’s cup nectar enough To make for us heavenly limbs and deathless face.
Royaler investiture than this massed assualt
N≠~◊ËÍ◊ d◊˙@–◊] ~◊ ‹≥¡◊˙ N≠~◊ËÍ◊ SONNETS Undated Sonnets
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
@F◊π˙¥◊@◊ ~–◊º‘_˙N ≠Ø˙ sd–◊÷◊≠@◊ NFO<§◊˙≠¡◊ Nhø◊o◊ π˛¡◊˙≠≤◊; Äúπ˛d◊äú≠@◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ §◊@–◊·–◊Ü ·◊–¡◊ä π@◊˙÷˛◊Ø : ·◊˙~◊¡◊@◊ Nh@◊˙NØ π˙~◊ Øh≤y◊ ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ ÄNuØ > ÷◊˙Î◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ~◊˙Ë◊ä`◊uÎ◊˙ Ä¡◊˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ Nhø◊¡–◊Î◊ N_π∂ > π˛·◊uD ≠÷◊˙r ≠Ø˙ Ü≠¡◊ Ä˙~◊o◊@◊ ©_◊Î◊¥◊ ≠Δ˙©◊~◊˙ @F◊π˙¥◊@◊ `◊§–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ‘–≤◊@–◊d◊ ‘–@◊˙ Éπ‘–@◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ §◊˙N_@◊ N_è◊ πh`◊÷◊@◊ Ä¡–◊÷◊Î◊ S˙@◊˙ Ä™◊˙d◊ π@◊Øö◊@◊ ¡◊≤–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙¥◊@◊ ≠·◊ä˙d◊~◊˙ > Ü Ø˙…N π–—@◊ Ä˙É Ü≠¡◊ Øh≤y◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ ¡◊Q◊@◊, ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ ·◊˙N, Ø˙≠~◊ ~◊˙ ØhΩ d◊˙í ÷ı◊@◊ ‘˙N~◊; ¡◊o◊u ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ Ä˙É Øh≤y◊ Äπ˛‘g ©◊˙≠`◊ Åo–˛◊l@◊ > Ä¡◊Î◊l Ä˙k˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ π˙Ü Äπ˛≠Øl·◊‘’~◊-π˛N˙@◊, ≠·◊≤◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ Δ»◊ π˛§h◊ö◊@◊ π@–◊dœ◊D Ü¡◊… π˛˙b¡◊˙~◊, ©◊u¡◊˙k˙ ≠Ø˙ ¡–◊‘˙Î◊ §◊˙@◊ Ä~–◊¡◊˙’πä @◊‘<–@◊ Ä˙S˙@◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ - d◊˙@–◊] ~◊ ‹≥¡◊˙
Transformation My breath runs in a subtle rhythmic stream; It fills my members with a might divine: I have drunk the Infinite like a giant’s wine. Time is my drama or my pageant dream. Now are my illumined cells joy’s flaming scheme And changed my thrilled and branching nerves to fine Channels of rapture opal and hyaline For the influx of the Unknown and the Supreme. I am no more a vassal of the flesh, A slave to Nature and her leaden rule; I am caught no more in the senses’ narrow mesh. My soul unhorizoned widens to measureless sight, My body is God’s happy living tool, My spirit a vast sun of deathless light.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
~–◊¡◊˙’b N≠¡’◊ d–◊≠@˙◊≤–◊d◊, Ø˙d˛◊ Äø–◊ ØF÷◊ ~–◊ºNú Ü÷◊÷◊ > §◊˙¡◊~◊˙@h◊ Øhê◊ Ø~◊, ≠‘˙÷◊@h◊ ≤œ◊·◊l ÷˛◊Ø‘º ≤◊@◊˙Å ⁄–d–◊ ≠≤◊˙Å≠`◊b– Ä¡–◊‘_N~◊ul; ØhΩ ~◊˙≤y◊, π˛÷œ◊d–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, ~◊˙≤y◊ ©◊b˙-Ä©◊b˙ ¡–◊¡◊˙÷◊ > ~◊s@◊ ≠N, ¡◊b’≤◊u~◊ ø◊˙l˙Q–◊d˛◊ Ü÷◊ §◊˙≠N, ÷≠fi Ø˙l˙ Δ‹˙; @F◊πN¡h◊ Ø˙d◊@◊ Ä÷◊˙l ¡◊≤–◊Δ˙Ü, Q◊Îé–◊≠d˛◊ ‘F~◊ä˙÷◊˙@◊ N¡h◊; ÄN≤◊˙l π¡’◊d◊ ¡◊˙ Ä÷F◊Î◊ N˙s≠@◊ π˛Î◊l˙≠¥◊ ©◊sd◊Ë◊˙Δ˙÷◊ > Ä¡–◊¡◊Õ◊ä ‘˙‘_d◊ Ø˙d◊@◊ @◊≤–◊ø◊¥–◊ Ü‹≥ ¡–◊@◊˙©–◊d◊ ‘˙¥–◊ Ü÷◊ NhØ≤◊˙~◊, ~–◊¡–’◊≠‘r, ⁄–@◊ N÷◊Î◊ö◊ ⁄Î◊˙Nu~◊,ñ Δ˙í‹≥`–◊ Ü÷◊·◊˙, ≠N ‘˙¥–◊ §–◊d◊≠@◊ Ä‘¡◊·◊ Ä~◊˙Ø–÷◊ Ä˙D÷◊˙Ø Ä˙≠Sl‘F~◊äd_◊ Ä≠™◊l≠@◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ÷˛◊≠Ø Ä≠s˙Q◊@◊ Ä‹¡◊˙ πh`◊÷–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊Ø’l Ä~◊¥◊ N˙s≠@◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ - d◊˙@–◊] ~◊ ‹≥¡◊˙
Nirvana All is abolished but the mute Alone. The mind from thought released, the heart from grief Grow inexistent now beyond belief; There is no I, no Nature, known-unknown. The city, a shadow picture without tone, Floats, quivers unreal; forms without relief Flow, a cinema’s vacant shapes; like a reef Foundering in shoreless gulfs the world is done. Only the illimitable Permanent Is here. A Peace stupendous, featureless, still, Replaces all, – what once was I, in It A silent unnamed emptiness content Either to fade in the Unknowable Or thrill with the luminous seas of the Infinite.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Ä~◊ä §h◊¡◊~◊Ø˙~◊ π¡’◊d◊Ø˙≠Î, N˙s≠@◊ N˙s≠@◊ Åo˛◊S~h◊@◊ ≠‘˙§◊˙, ≤◊@–◊d◊s˙d˛◊ ¡◊~◊π˛˙¥◊≠@◊ n@◊b˙@◊ n–`–◊Ø–`–◊, πA◊˙¡–◊≤◊u~◊ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊ sb, áo˛◊©◊˙`–◊÷◊ ¡–◊§◊˙ ø◊˙l˙¡◊©–’◊d◊ ‘F≠~◊ä §◊˙≠N Δ˙í N_@◊d◊@◊ú ≠Ø`–◊, ÷◊˙@h◊Q–◊d–˛◊d◊ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@◊≠@◊ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊@–◊úb-`◊˙N, ~–◊ ‘F~◊ @◊˙d–◊@◊ ≠‘‹˙ `◊π~◊≠@◊ @h◊≠π`–◊ Q◊˙o◊ø◊Ë◊˙, @◊ê◊@◊ú˙ π˛ŒhË◊~◊≠@◊ Äs∂–@◊ Äd–◊§◊˙r, Nh≠~◊`–◊ π¡◊≠~◊ πO≠·◊˙Î◊≠~◊ ≠π˛˙E◊Î◊ O–π˛d◊˙, Ä©◊b˙ πOu, π‘h Ä˙÷◊˙@◊ Δ˙í N<&œd–◊ NØ π˛d–◊Á≠Î◊ Ä¡–◊OhÛ◊ gÛ◊d◊˙ π≠@◊ ÄØd’◊ä Ä@◊bä@◊, ≠·◊¡◊sbö◊ π˛‘˙¥◊ Øh] ¡◊–@◊˙Ë◊ π˛è◊·◊≠@◊ Ädh◊Î◊ NhrØ˙ Ä˙~◊l~◊ ÷◊@–◊ ÄNuØd◊˙ NØF≤◊@◊, ≠§◊·–◊ n`◊Ø`◊ Ä˙¡◊@◊b NØ πh`◊÷◊ à ¡◊–N<l ©◊˙s@–◊d◊-·◊‘’≠~◊ Á˙Ë–◊π≠Ÿ◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊ π≠@◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊Q◊l >
N≠~◊ËÍ - d◊˙@–◊] ~◊ ‹≥¡◊˙ The Other Earths An irised multitude of hills and seas, And glint of brooks in the green wilderness, And trackless stars, and miracled symphonies Of hues that float in ethers shadowless, A dance of fire-flies in the fretted gloom, In a pale midnight the moon’s silver flare, Fire-importunities of scarlet bloom And bright suddenness of wings in a golden air, Strange bird and animal forms like memories cast On the rapt silence of unearthly woods, Calm faces of the gods on backgrounds vast Bringing the marvel of the infinitudes, Through glimmering veils of wonder and delight World after world bursts on the awakened sight.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
¡–◊N·œ◊‘ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ¡–◊π@◊ud◊ ∫h◊Î◊ Ü∫◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ! dh◊è◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ Ü÷◊ Q◊Gh ¡◊N˙Ü ©◊Ÿ◊ ~◊˙ØS˙@◊u Øœdh◊ä@◊ Ø≤◊˙N_π∂ Éπ≠@◊; d◊u¡˛◊ ·h◊¡’◊Î◊d◊˙@◊ N…s˛˙≠Ø d◊˙í@◊ N¡’◊OØ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ `◊˙s– ≠≤◊˙Å ¡◊äs˛, Nû–◊d◊ ÷◊@–◊≠·◊¡◊˙ `◊˙s– N¡h◊ ≠¡Ê◊·h◊äd◊ ≠Ø˝Î–◊÷◊ §◊˙¡◊-ÄOØ ¡–◊≠O˙§h◊ øh◊≠Ë◊ Q–◊¥◊~◊‘uÎ◊ Q–◊≈◊ > ÄØ@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ ~–◊º‘_˙N ≠~◊`◊˙ ÷◊@◊˙Î◊ Øœdh◊ä ≠÷◊˙≠Î◊, π@◊Ø ™◊˙~◊@◊ @◊≤◊Nä Ü÷◊ ~–◊≠¢d◊ ØF÷◊ ©◊≠Ÿ◊ π@–◊S˙~◊ ÷◊`◊˙ ≠÷◊˙r NØ > d◊˙í@◊ Ä˙è◊¤◊ §◊˙¡◊˙≠¡◊‘ d◊o˛◊˙¡–◊≤◊˙@◊u ØF÷◊ Åè◊˙ ¡◊˙ ‘˙N~◊ Q◊Î◊˙Ü ~◊ ©◊˙b– ~◊ ¡h◊n– ≠`◊‘ Äbh-π@◊Ø˙bh ~–◊≠l˙s– d◊˙ö◊ ©◊˙sd–◊÷◊ sd–◊π≠‹ ‘´d–◊-Ä≠s˙Q◊@◊ Δ˙ísd–◊ ¡–◊‘˙Î◊ N˙≠S Äsd◊ä˙ ≠Δ≠d◊ Ä·Í◊§h◊d◊ Ü÷◊ ≠~◊d˛◊¡–◊≤◊u~◊ N¡’◊™◊d◊˙@◊ ÷œ◊d◊ä > sh@h◊d◊@◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ ≠¡Ê◊N˙·œ◊‘ä ©◊sd◊@◊ ≠Níd◊ ¡◊l≠~◊ ØFd’◊ Q–◊d˛◊ π˛d–◊Ø˙Ø˙~◊ Äú¡◊˙≠N, Δ˙í Ä·_◊lö◊@◊ NØQ–≈◊d◊˙ ÷◊@–◊‹˙Ü π@–◊S˙~◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ - d◊˙@–◊] ~◊ ‹≥¡◊˙
Contrasts What opposites are here ! A trivial life Specks the huge dream of Death called Matter; intense In its struggle of weakness towards omnipotence, A thinking mind starts from the unthinking strife In the order of the electric elements. Immortal life breathed in that monstrous death, A mystery of knowledge wore as sheath Matter’s mute nescience. Its enveloped sense Or dumb somnambulist will obscurely reigns Driving the atoms in their cosmic course Whose huge unhearing movement serves perforce The works of a strange blind omniscience. The world’s deep contrasts are but figures spun Draping the unanimity of the One.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Øb–r, Q–◊¥◊˙‘uÎ◊ π‘h ~–◊@◊¡◊S≥ ≠Δ˙©◊~◊˙@◊ ~◊sbä Ø˙d◊@◊ Ä…‘ Ü÷◊ Ü πœ‹≥¡◊u ~–◊©’◊~◊ ¡–◊‘_≠@◊ ≠Δ Äs∂–-É·Í◊s˙@◊u ~œ◊d◊ä ~–◊@◊‹’÷◊ Q◊≠Î◊, d◊˙í Ø≠Ú, ≠·Ê◊¡◊˙dÍ◊ Ä¡◊˙, N@◊©–◊`◊˙ ~◊@◊ : N@◊©◊~◊˙ ≠Níd◊ ~–◊©◊ π˙…‘h Ä™◊˙~◊@◊ ø◊˙l˙-Ä˙≠`◊˙÷–◊d◊ d◊˙í@◊ Ø~◊, d◊˙í ~–◊º‘_˙N Ød’◊ä-÷◊˙@◊˙s˙≠@◊ ‹˙Å Ä‹¡’◊ Ä˙lhr N˙Ø˙~◊ä ~–◊Ø≠¥◊ Δh≠n > d◊‹˙π– d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ Äs˛sd–◊ É·◊äØ d◊ Ä¥◊Δ˙’Øuö◊@◊, ~–◊≠¢d◊~◊ ~–◊‘u‹≠@◊ Ü÷◊˙÷◊u ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ ÉM◊@–◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ~–◊©◊ π@◊˙ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊÷◊b˙ π˛d–◊ª≠S’ Ä·œ◊¸@◊ ÷ı◊@◊ ≠NÊ~◊ä¡◊Î◊ > ~–◊≠¡’◊·◊ ÷◊·’◊Øh É∫–◊ ≠·◊¡◊d_◊@◊ ħ–◊Î◊˙ru ≠N≤–◊ Q◊˙`h◊‹˙Ü Su@◊ π≠·◊ Q–◊@◊¥◊~◊ ·–◊¡◊N Øh≠≤Ω◊Å >
N≠~◊ËÍ - d◊˙@–◊] ~◊ ‹≥¡◊˙ Man, the Thinking Animal A trifling unit in a boundless plan Amidst the enormous insignificance Of the unpeopled cosmos’ fire-whirl dance, Earth, as by accident, engendered man: A creature of his own grey ignorance, A mind half shadow and half gleam, a breath That wrestles, captive in a world of death, To live some lame brief years. Yet his advance, Attempt of a divinity within, A consciousness in the inconscient Night, To realise its own supernal Light, Confronts the ruthless forces of the Unseen. Aspiring to godhead from insensible clay He travels slow-footed towards the eternal day.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
ØF÷◊ ÄQ–◊d–◊ Ä˙ö–◊ø–◊ ØF÷◊ ÄQ–◊d–◊ π˛˙b@◊ ©◊Ë–◊Î◊ pÎ◊~◊ π‹; ≠N ≠Δ ÄØ˙~–◊‘˙ N÷◊Î◊@◊, π@–◊πFb’˙ à NuØ˙d◊ud◊˙, ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙≠@◊ Ä˙Ø ¡d–’◊÷◊˙≠Ë◊ ≠N ÷◊@–◊ø–◊, Δ˙ `◊uÎ◊˙@◊d◊ ª‘–’ Äd◊Î◊ d◊ØN˙@◊ N˙≠‹ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊-©◊sd◊©–◊d◊˙ > Ä˙Ø Ø~◊÷h◊ ≠N ≠·◊Åø–◊ ]— ·œ◊¸–@◊ Δ¡◊÷◊˙Q◊, ¡–◊πhÎ◊ ©◊sd◊ π–≠— Δ˙í ÷◊≠@◊ Ë–◊÷–◊Ë–◊÷–◊ ¡–◊§◊˙©–◊d◊, Äπ@–◊Ø˙πä π‹N¡h◊ ÷◊≠@◊ Ø–ø–◊Ø–ø–◊÷–◊Ä˙ ÷◊ø◊ ¡–◊Q◊˙@◊¡◊hM–◊ Oh·˛◊ ÷◊≠∫◊˙@◊ ©◊@–◊π Δ»◊¡◊d◊ > d◊‹˙π– ÷œ◊Ã˙ ÄQ–◊d–◊ Δ≤y◊@h◊ N÷◊Î◊@◊ π@◊÷◊˙‘, Ä©–◊d◊˙ π@◊Ø˙ ‘ê–◊ ≠N ÷◊≠@◊ ÑZ’h◊ ÷–◊@◊b·◊˙~◊; ¡–◊§◊˙¡◊@◊u Ä˙Ø π˙`◊Ë–◊¡◊ Ü÷◊ Nh≠`˙≤–◊d◊ ¡–◊≤◊˙lN, @F◊π˙¥◊@–◊d◊ ¡◊d–’◊÷◊˙ ≠≤◊≠¡◊ ¡–◊Ãh1 ¡–◊¡◊N_˙~◊ > Øb–r d◊ Ü÷◊ ÄbN@◊ ≠Ndh◊, Ä˙÷F◊d–◊ Ü÷◊, Δ˙í ¡◊˜h◊‹˙Ü ≠¡◊Îh◊≠¡◊Î◊, Ä˙k˙ d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ ©_◊Î◊Ø˙~◊ ¡–◊§h◊ ≠s˙`◊˙π ÷Ζ◊÷◊˙ Ü≠¡◊ ¡–◊ g–Ø–d◊-·◊Î◊ >
¡–◊Ãh (≠¡◊‘ld–◊, ¡◊ä˙πld–◊), vast godhead Ä‹’ N≤–◊d◊ N˙ØzNäπFC’ >
N≠~◊ËÍ - d◊˙@–◊] ~◊ ‹≥¡◊˙ The Dumb Inconscient The dumb Inconscient drew life’s stumbling maze; A night of all things, packed and infinite, It made our consciousness a torch that plays Between the abyss1 and a supernal Light; It framed2 our mind a lens of segment sight, Piecing out inch by inch the world’s huge mass, And reason a small hard theodolite Measuring unreally the measureless ways. Yet is the dark Inconscient whence come all, The self-same Power that shines on high unwon; Our night shall be a sky purpureal, The torch transmute to a vast godhead’s sun. Man is a narrow bridge, a call that grows, His soul the dim bud of God’s flaming rose.
its night
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Ä≠‘r˙…≠‘ ¡–◊§◊ê◊ Ä~◊¥◊ N}Fd–◊ ÜN¡h◊ Ü÷◊ ⁄–@◊ ¡œ◊≤◊dÍ◊@◊ ! Ü≤–◊N¡h◊ Ø˙Î◊ Ø˙Î◊ ¡˛◊≤<◊˙— d◊˙íπ˙≠‘ dh◊è◊ Ü÷◊ ≠]Î◊ Oub ≠©◊ä˙d–◊º ≠Œ˙Ë◊÷◊@◊, ÄNuØ@◊ ¡◊≠O O≠b Ø˙d◊@◊ n`◊≠N > π˙Å`◊˙~–◊ ≠]˙©–◊ ~–◊©◊ Ä˙k˙≠@◊ ≠N ÜN¡h◊ ¡◊ä˙D–≠@◊ Oh·˛◊ ¡–◊oh◊≠@◊ ≠N ÷◊`◊˙ ~–◊©◊≠@◊ N…≤◊d◊ π@◊Ø˙bh∫◊˙@h◊ Oh·˛◊, ~◊sbä ØFd–’◊≠@◊ π˙‹–’¡◊ πö◊@h◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ÷–◊ ¡–◊Q–◊d˛◊ §◊˙≠¡◊ ≠N ©◊˙s˛d◊,ñ ¡◊˙Ø~◊ NFΔ’@◊ Ü÷◊ N…÷◊ub’ Ø—≠Î◊, ≠©Ê◊¡◊¡◊gh÷◊b˙ ≠≤◊˙Å Oh·˛◊ ≠s˙`◊÷◊≠@◊ ÄÀ◊Ë–◊≠÷◊ π˛˙b ≠~◊Å ≠·◊≤◊@◊ ¡◊¶◊≠Î◊, §˛◊Ø–`˙ ≠N Ø≤◊˙‘F~◊ä Oh·˛◊ Ü÷◊ Ø˙~◊N-πO≠@◊ ! π˛˙≠b ≠N S˙@◊b ÷◊`◊˙, ©◊˙b–`◊˙ ≠N, ≠·◊]≥`◊˙ ≠N dF◊Δ˙’d◊ud◊ N≈◊˙≠@◊ ~–◊©◊@ Øœdh◊ä≤◊u~◊, Ä˙lhr<˙~◊ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊∫◊˙@h◊, Ø≤◊˙≠¡◊ä˙Ø∫◊˙@h◊ ¡œ◊≤◊≈◊@◊ >*
* π˙∫◊˙¥◊≠@◊ : Ø≤◊˙≠¡ä˙Øh ¡œ◊≤◊≈◊@◊, Øœdh◊ä≤◊u~◊, Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊∫◊˙@h◊ ¡–◊ ⁄¡–◊@◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ - d◊˙@–◊] ~◊ ‹≥¡◊˙ The Infinitesimal Infinite Out of a still Immensity all came ! These million universes were to it The poor light-bubbles of a trivial game, A fragile glimmer in the Infinite. It could not find its soul in all that vast: It drew itself into a little speck Infinitesimal, ignobly cast Out of earth’s mud and slime strangely awake, – A tiny plasm on a little globe In the small system of a dwarflike sun, A little life wearing the flesh for robe, A little mind winged through wide space to run ! It lived, it knew, it saw its self sublime, Deathless, outmeasuring Space, outlasting Time.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
É·Í◊¡◊d’◊~◊ Ä·œ◊¸@◊ Ä˙™◊˙ Ä~h◊N˙≠@◊ N¡’◊÷œ◊d◊ä ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊˙≤y◊ ≠‘r ! N]ä ·◊˙¡–◊ ÷◊≠@◊ Ä˙Ø Ø~◊-Ñ≠S_’◊ Ä˙É Ü÷◊ Ø~◊; Ä÷◊À–◊d◊ ≠N˝rØä≠@◊ @◊N˙b–d◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊-Ä˙≠¡◊‘ ~–◊§œ◊≠d◊ π˛d◊uO˙ ÷◊≠@◊ ÄN}Fd◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ ≠¡◊˙S~◊ > π˛˙b≤◊u~◊ πœ‹≥¡◊u@◊ ≠Δ≠d◊N¡h◊ ÄØ˙©–’◊d◊ Ä˙·–◊ Éπ÷˛◊Ø d◊@h◊ `◊d◊˙ π`∑◊¡◊@◊ Ø~◊≤◊u~◊ ≠Δ≠d◊÷◊ ≠·◊˙Î◊~◊ d–◊Ä˙@–◊ø–◊ Ä˙Ø@◊ Q–◊¥◊~◊; Q–◊¥–◊¡◊˙≠@◊ ©◊~<◊ ≠·◊≠¡◊˙πØ Ød’◊äd◊˙@◊ ø◊˙G Ä˙Ø `◊§–◊Äø–◊ ÷˛◊Øπ˛N˙@◊b > ≠Δ ¡–◊÷˛◊Ø `◊§◊ä ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ul Åè◊˙ ¡◊˙ ‘ê–◊@◊, ≠ΔÉΩ Ü÷◊ ™◊˙~◊ Äø–◊ NØ˙Nu~◊ Q–◊@◊¥◊~◊d◊˙≠@◊, ≠Δ Ä˙~◊o◊ ¡–◊@◊˙©◊Å Äd–◊÷˛◊Ø– N…s˛˙Ø à Δ»◊b˙ Ä˙Ø@◊ d◊˙≤◊˙≤y◊ Ü ©◊u¡◊@◊ ~–◊ld–◊ π@◊˙§F◊d◊ ≠Δ Ü≠¡◊ S@◊˙≠@◊ > É∫–◊ Ä˙N– ¡–◊ØF˜◊ π˙r˙bh Δ·–◊ π˛§h◊ Ä˙≠@˙◊≤–◊ø◊ Ø≠~◊ Ü≠¡◊ d◊¡◊ sd–◊ ≠≤◊É Ä¡–◊©–◊d◊ Ä≠`◊˝÷–◊÷◊ ‘–]@◊ NÕ◊˙≠~◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ - d◊˙@–◊] ~◊ ‹≥¡◊˙ Evolution All is not finished in the Unseen’s decree ! A Mind beyond our mind demands our ken; A life of unimagined harmony Awaits, concealed, the grasp of unborn men. The crude beginnings of the lifeless earth, And mindless stirrings of the plant and tree Prepared our thought; thought for a godlike birth Broadens the mould of our mortality. A might no human will nor force can gain, A knowledge seated in eternity, A joy1 beyond our struggle and our pain It this earth-hampered creature’s destiny. O Thou who climbest to mind from the dull stone, Turn to the miracled summits yet unwon.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Ä·_◊l Ä˙k˙ π˛d◊˙@–◊d◊ N¡’◊©◊≠~◊, Ä˙Q◊@◊¥–◊ ~–◊≠·’◊≠‘ Δ˙í Ä·_◊l ‘÷◊d–◊, Ø˙d◊@◊ Øb–r §◊˙≠¡◊, ÷–˛◊l˙ ÷◊≠@◊ ~–◊©◊ Åè◊˙ ~–◊©◊@◊ π˛÷œ◊d–◊; ˆœb˙ Δ–Ü ÷◊≠@◊ ≠N d◊ ©◊˙≠b ~◊˙≤y◊ ˆœb˙ d◊˙í@◊ Ä˙πb˙@◊ π˛d–◊ ≠π˛Ø–÷◊ d◊ ©◊˙≠b ~◊˙ ≠Δ ≠π˛Ø d◊˙í@◊ dh◊ø◊˙ Ä˙k@◊d–◊ > N÷◊Î◊ Ä¥◊≠@◊ ‹˙Ü Ü÷◊ N≈◊˙ ¡◊≤h◊ ≠·◊≤◊ ¡◊≤–◊; ¡œ◊o◊˙¡◊~◊u §◊˙≠¡◊ Ü‹≥ NG@◊Å ÷œ◊Ã-¡◊…‘u-N_@◊, ~–◊¡◊N¥–◊ ‘–¡◊ Ü‹≥ §◊N<`–◊D ©◊Ë◊˙©F◊Ë◊ ≠≤◊˙Å > ‘–¡◊ Ä˙É ÷œ◊à ~◊˙≠Ø É§◊˙ ÷–◊¥h◊ Ü÷◊Å Ç‘_@◊ > Ä˙Ø@–◊ §–◊d◊≠@◊ ÷œ◊à ≠π˛Ø Ä˙É @◊§◊N NÕ◊˙~◊u, ¡–◊‘_-≠÷m◊‘ N˙≠‹ ‘–¡◊ @◊b@◊d◊ Ä˙Ø Ø≠Ú ‹˙Å > Ü÷◊ Ä˙k˙ Ä˙Ø Ø≠Ú N≤h◊‹˙í¥–◊ N¡’◊ ]Î◊¡◊˙bu, ÷◊˙o◊¥–◊ Ä˙πb˙ ≠‘˙≠÷◊ §◊˙sä∫◊˙@h◊ Ä˙‘_˙N Ø~◊˙N– > π˛d–◊πO π@◊˙©◊l, ≠N d◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ~–◊©◊@◊ pÎ◊~◊; ‘d´◊ Ä˙≠Ÿ◊ Q◊˙≤y◊≠·◊≠`◊ ·–◊≠‘ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ ÷œ◊Ãö◊ `◊π~◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ - d◊˙@–◊] ~◊ ‹≥¡◊˙ The One Self All are deceived, do what the One Power dictates, Yet each thinks his own will his nature moves; The hater knows not ’tis himself he hates, The lover knows not ’tis himself he loves. In all is one being many bodies bear, There Krishna flutes upon the forest mood, There Shiva sits ash-smeared, with matted hair. But Shiva and Krishna are the single God. In us too Krishna seeks for love and joy, In us too Shiva struggles with the world’s grief. One Self in all of us endures annoy, Cries in his pain and asks his fate’s relief. My rival’s downfall is my own disgrace, I look on my enemy and see Krishna’s face.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
≠·◊¡◊d◊˙k˙ Ä˙Ø@◊ X◊˙÷◊¥–◊ ÄN˙S≥d◊ ¡–◊rlN¡h◊@h◊ Ä˙Ø@–◊ Ä˙k≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ Ä˙¡◊˙≤◊~◊ ÷◊@◊¥–◊ Ä˙Ø÷h◊ > ~–◊ld–◊@◊ Nh¡–◊gub’ π˛˙¥◊@◊≠@◊ NhD–Øs∂ ≠s˙Ë–◊Ü §h◊¡◊~◊, gÛ◊d◊˙@◊ πO-NG˙Î◊~◊ @◊O˙ ÷◊@–◊ @◊≤–◊ø–◊ Δ˙≤◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙‘˛l≠@◊ @◊]≥ø–◊ ~–◊ld◊ ≠NN¡h◊@◊ ÄN}˙¡◊äØ˙~◊ > ~◊§◊~◊uÎ◊ ÷◊π˙Ë◊Ë–◊ d‹˙π– É∫◊Å ‹@◊– d◊‹˙π– Øh÷h◊≠Î,◊ Ä˙¡◊M◊ á‘_Δ’Ø˙~◊ N_π∂Øl ≠~◊≠d˛◊ Ä˙Ø ‹˙π¥–◊ ~◊l~◊, ·◊π’u ≠·◊¡◊sb Ä˙É NØœM◊ ≠N˝§◊˙sä Ä˙≠Ø ¡◊≤–◊øh◊ N÷◊≠Î◊; ≠÷◊≠d◊ ≤◊g ≠÷◊≠d◊ Øh] ÄØ@◊πh@◊u@h◊ øh◊ÜΩ Ä˙Ø@–◊ Äl~◊ > Éπ@h◊ ÉE◊Îh‹≥`◊˙ Ü≠d◊÷◊˙Î◊ Δ–Ü Äø–◊ Ü∫–◊ Ä˙Ø@–◊ Ä¥◊≠@◊; Ä`◊Û◊ π@◊Ø˙~◊o◊ Ä˙Ø@–◊ §◊¡–◊räd◊@◊ ©◊~<◊-ÄS≥÷◊˙@◊; g–Ø–d◊ Ä˙k˙@◊ Ä˙Ø `◊˙¡◊bä ≠Δ ≠π˛Ø≠@◊ NG≠@◊; Ä˙≠Ø≤y◊ É≈◊@◊˙S≥÷◊˙@◊u NuØ˙≤◊u~◊ N…π˛N˙@◊@◊ > Ä¡◊‘ä ˆË–◊¡◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ÄN}¡◊ Ä˙§◊˙N d◊˙≤◊˙@◊, Ød◊’ä©◊u¡◊ ÄØ@◊≠d_◊ ·_◊˙@◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ - d◊˙@–◊] ~◊ ‹≥¡◊˙ Our godhead calls us Our godhead calls us in unrealised things. Asleep in the wide fields of destiny, A world guarded by Silence’ rustling wings Shelters their fine impossibility. But part, but quiver the cerulean gates; Close splendours look into our dreaming eyes, We bear proud deities and magnificent fates; Faces and hands come near from Paradise. What shone thus far above is here in us: Bliss unattained our future’s birthright is, Beauty of our dim soul is amorous; We are the heirs of infinite widenesses. The impossible is the hint of what shall be, Mortal the door to immortality.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
¡–◊™◊˙~◊@◊ Ä˙¡–◊ ˙@◊ 1 ≠¡Ê◊·h◊äd–◊÷◊ N@◊z˙Ø ÷–◊ Q◊Î◊˙Ü dh◊Ø@◊ ©◊sd◊ ≠s˙Ë◊˙÷◊ Ü÷◊˙ ? π@◊Ø ≠©◊ä˙d–◊@◊ ≠NN¡h◊ Ø˙d◊@◊ Œh`–◊ú-ˆFb–’, ≠@◊bh÷◊b˙ ÷–◊ø–◊ N–~◊˙, Ø≤◊˙¡◊≤∂–◊ ≠N Δ˙í π˙‘≠@◊ dh◊Ø NFΔ’ à ~◊u≤◊˙@–◊÷◊˙ nh≠`◊ nh≠`◊ ~–◊Ä˙Ω ≠Ë◊˙≠π≠Ë◊˙≠π ‘–]˙ ¡–◊O–D N˙‹u ¡–◊~◊˙ > Ä`◊O–d◊ ≠N ≠©◊ä˙d–◊ºπ·◊˙’@◊ d◊≠Î◊ Ä~◊ä Ä≠~◊÷◊ ‘ê–◊ ÷◊Ø’ ÷◊≠@◊, Ø≤◊˙≤–◊≠`∑◊˙Î◊ Äø–◊ Ü÷◊ Δ˙í@◊ sd–◊¡œ◊≈–◊@◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ Ä˙·–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ Åd–◊ ÷◊˙Î◊-π˛≤◊@◊@◊ ‘˙N~◊ Ø˙~–◊ Δ˙í π˛N˙@◊≠b à N…≠÷◊˙Q◊~◊≠@◊ Q◊≠Î◊, Ü¡◊… @◊≤–◊ø–◊ Ä·_◊lö◊@◊ Ī≠‘’l ‘F~◊ä@◊ π@–◊Ø–d–◊ > Äs§◊u@◊ Ü≤–◊ ≠Δ≠d◊÷◊ Ä˙¡–◊ ˙@◊ñ π˛è◊·◊-Q–◊d˛bñ π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊≤y◊ Δhê–◊N_@F◊π ·◊˙~◊, Ø˙d◊@◊ πø◊≠@ ◊d◊˙í@◊ Åo–˛◊l˙d◊ud◊ @◊≤◊NäN¡h◊ `h◊Q–◊@◊≤–◊Äø–◊ ~–◊@◊˙π·◊ ~–◊ºNÕ◊˙~◊ ©◊˙≠b ~◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙÷h◊ π@◊uO˙¡◊˙·◊u Ø~◊ºN≈◊˙@◊ Ä‘hM◊ ÷◊˙@◊¡◊˙@◊ > Ä˙¡–◊ œd◊ Δ˙í ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ ÜΔ˙Ü ≠NN¡h◊ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ π·◊SFΖ◊ π·◊Q–◊≤∂◊ ‘˙‘_d◊u Ø≤◊˙‘ê–◊@◊, Δ˙í@◊ d_◊@◊˙sd–◊ ‹˙Ü Q–◊@◊÷◊˙Î◊ Ä¡–◊è–◊¤◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ - d◊˙@–◊] ~◊ ‹≥¡◊˙ Discoveries of Science I Only by electric hordes your1 world is run ? But they are motes and spark-whirls of a Light, A Fire of which your nebula and your sun Are glints and flame-drops scattered eremite. Veiled2 by the unseen Light act other Powers, An Air of endless movement unbegun Expanding and contracting in Time-hours, And the intangible ether of the One. These surface findings – screen-phenomenon –3 Are Nature’s offered reasons but behind Her occult mysteries lurk safe unknown To the crude handling of the empiric Mind. All yet4 discovered are but mire and trace Of the eternal Energy in her race.
Your truths
And veiled
These things, a front, a screen-phenomenon,
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
¡–◊™◊˙~◊@◊ Ä˙¡–◊ ˙@◊ 2 π˛÷œ◊d–◊ d◊˙í ÑS_’π≠‹ `◊§–◊¡◊ ≠÷◊N≠~◊ d◊˙í@◊ `◊Oä@◊ N˙Øuπä ? ~◊@◊@◊ π˛Ø˙·◊πFb’ ØA◊@–◊d◊ ¡h◊M–◊ ¡◊≠Î◊ ≠~◊˙≠≤◊ N÷◊Î◊ @F◊π à ‘ê–◊ ¡◊ä¡◊≠ø◊·◊-Δ˙d◊~◊˙ ≠Δ N≠≤◊ Nh~–◊¢–d◊ ·◊‘’≠~◊ Ä˙k˙@◊ Ø˙d˛◊ ≤h◊Ü d◊˙≤◊˙ π˛˙πä > Ø˙~◊N@◊ ¡–◊ØFd’◊ sb–d◊ , ~◊÷Í◊N˙ Ü÷◊ Åo–˛◊l-π˛ghd◊, N˙≠ö◊d–◊÷◊ §◊˙r˙ Δ˙í@◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ¡◊ä˙D– Ä¡◊˙ s§◊u@◊d◊˙, ‘ê–◊ Ü÷◊ Äø–◊ Δ˙í@◊ ¡◊˙≤◊ä¡◊gh ÷◊Î◊~◊ ·◊Od◊˙ Üd–◊÷–◊ N¯Î◊ Ø˙d˛◊ Ä˙Ø@◊ Ü ¡h◊M–◊-Éπ˙©–’◊d◊ > Nd◊ä Ø≤◊≈◊@◊ ≠d◊bh Ä~h◊N@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Q◊˙≠≤Ω◊ s}u@◊ ÄS_˙~◊ N≠¯·◊~◊ Ü÷◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ N…÷◊≠Î◊ N÷◊Î◊ ¡◊gh Ä˙πb˙ N≈◊˙≠@◊ ª‘’ Ü÷◊ ~–◊¡–◊Ÿ◊ ÉE◊Î ·◊‘’~◊ Δ˙ @◊N˙b–d◊ Ä˙¥@–◊÷d◊˙≠@◊ ©◊sd◊-©◊˙`◊@h◊ Øhê◊ Ñ≠S_’˙dÍ◊O–D ≠N Ü÷◊ Q–◊¥◊~◊ > N÷◊Î◊ö◊ ¡◊ä‹˙ ¡◊≤–◊ ≤œ◊·◊l≠@◊ π˛‘˙¥◊ Nh⁄–@◊ Ü÷◊˙s˛ Ürb˙ ≠N ≠Δ N¡’◊¡◊ä˙πu, @◊˙©◊@◊˙≠©◊‘_@◊ >
N≠~◊ËÍ - d◊˙@–◊] ~◊ ‹≥¡◊˙
Discoveries of Science II How shall ascending nature near her goal ?1 Not through man’s stumbling tardy intellect Patient all forms and powers2 to dissect But by the surer vision of his soul. An algebra of mind, a scheme of sense, A symbol language without depth or wings, A power to handle deftly outward things Are our scant earnings3 of intelligence. The Truth4 is greater and asks5 deeper ways. A sense that gathers all in its own being,6 A close and luminous touch,7 an intimate seeing, A Thought flung free from the words’ daedal maze,8 A tranquil heart in sympathy with all, A will one-pointed, wide, imperial.
How shall earth’s evolution find its goal ?
Is our poor booty
Our Sprit/The Soul
A luminous touch direct,
2 5
into our being
A Thought that is a god’s all-seeing gaze,
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
¡–◊™˙~◊@◊ Ä˙¡–◊ ˙@◊ 3 Ä˙Ø@◊ ¡–◊™◊˙~◊ Ü÷◊ ~–◊w˛˙b à Ob©◊u¡◊u Ø˙~◊N-N©’◊~◊ ©◊u¡◊¥◊ NØs˛÷h◊ Δ˙íd◊˙j–◊÷◊ NFd˛◊@◊ Ø˙≠π ÷◊˙≠Ë◊ ≠ØS˙ Äø–◊, Ø‹˙ Äø–◊, ~◊˙≤y◊ ÷–◊¥h◊ Ä˙k˙≠Ë◊ : N¡’◊¡◊gh ~–◊≠@◊≠] ≠N Ä~h◊N@–◊ ¡◊˙≤◊˙@◊@◊ ¡◊ö–◊Ø s∫◊~◊ > ©◊sd◊÷h◊ ©◊˙b–≠≤◊¡◊ ÷–◊π@–◊ d◊˙í s§◊u@◊d◊˙ ¡–◊~◊˙ ? ·œ◊‘ä Δ˙≤◊˙, ≠Q◊@◊ d◊˙í@◊ Ä·œ◊≠‘ä ≠π˛˙‹≥d◊ π˛d–◊Ë–◊ Ä·œ◊‘ä @◊≠] ØØ˙’‹’ d◊˙í N·◊˙ `h◊ü◊˙l–d◊ Ä˙≤h◊@–◊ Ä·œ◊‘ä d◊≠Î◊ ÜΔ˙Ü Δ˙ ≠≤◊˙Å ~˙◊≤y◊ Q–◊≤∂◊˙ > dh◊≠Ø ≠]˙©◊ Δ˙≤◊˙N¡h◊ @F◊π ~h◊≠≤Ω d◊˙ö◊ π@–◊Q◊l > π˛≠d◊ä≠÷◊ πhz–d◊ ‘ê–◊ Ü÷◊ Ü÷◊ Ä˙÷◊˙≠@◊ ~–◊¡◊M◊ > ‘ê–◊ S@◊˙πŸ–◊s≠`◊, Ä¥◊º≠@◊]˙ NØh·◊˙l @◊≤◊¥–◊ Ä`◊Û◊ ]N–Δ˙Å ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ Äd◊≠Î◊ Ø~◊ Δ˙í@◊ π˙Ü ~◊˙≤y◊ ‹l > NÕ◊˙~◊ ÷◊@–◊≠`◊ d◊≤y ~–◊¡–’◊Q◊Î◊ πh@h◊rö◊h ≠§◊Ë–◊¡◊ ~–◊¢l ÄNuØ ≠N, Ä~◊˙Ø ≠N, ~–◊¡◊˙’÷◊, Ä≠™◊l >
N≠~◊ËÍ - d◊˙@–◊] ~◊ ‹≥¡◊˙ Discoveries of Science III Our science is an abstract cold and brief That cuts in formulas the living whole. It has a brain and head but not a soul: It sees all things in outward carved relief. But how without its depths can the world be known ? The visible has its roots in the unseen And each invisible hides what it can mean In a yet deeper invisible, unshown. The objects that you probe are not their form. Each is a mass of forces thrown in shape. The forces caught, their inner lines escape In a fathomless consciousness beyond mind’s norm. Probe it and you shall meet a Being1 still Infinite, nameless, mute, unknowable.
1 abysses
~F◊d◊~◊ ø◊o◊≠@◊ @◊Q–◊d◊ π·◊ä˙¡◊Ζ◊ POEMS IN NEW METRES
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
N˙s@◊ N˙@F◊πä ~◊u@◊¡◊d◊˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ Q◊É·–◊≠s @◊˙≠©◊, ¡◊b’~◊˙d◊ud◊ π˛N˙@◊d◊˙; ‘h§˛◊ ¡–◊≤◊s §˛◊Ø¥–◊, ≠÷◊≠¡◊ N˙s@◊ ¡◊O øhÅΩ øh◊ÅΩ; ‘¡◊·◊¡–◊≤◊u~◊ π˙@◊˙¡◊˙@◊Ë–◊Ü ¡◊˙bu≤◊u~◊ ~◊≠§◊ Q◊˙≤y◊ Q◊˙≤y◊, ~◊uΖ◊Ø ·œ◊¸– ~◊uΖ◊Ø˙@◊ π≠@◊, ØÉ~◊-Øs~◊, ~–◊≠@◊]Å > Ü÷◊˙÷◊˙@◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊u@◊¡◊d◊˙ N˙≠‹, NuØ˙≤◊u~◊d◊˙≠@◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Ü÷◊ Ä˙k˙ ≠Ø˙≤◊@◊ ¡–◊g@–◊Δ˙Ü ¡–◊≠‘_ Ä˙≠¡◊˙@–◊ ¡h◊÷h◊π≠@◊ π˛d–◊§◊˙d◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠Δ≠d◊ Δ˙≤◊˙, ≠Δ Δ˙¡◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å~–◊ NdÍ◊@F◊π, Ä·_–◊d◊ul ¡–◊ ¡–◊÷˛◊Øu Ä˙É Ä]— Ü÷◊ ¡◊ä˙D–≠@◊ > ≠÷◊≤–◊ ©◊≠b d≤y◊ Ú˙~◊-~–◊Øs~◊ ~◊˙Ø≤◊u~◊ πhb– d◊~h◊≤◊u~◊, QÅd◊~◊Øl Nú≤◊u~◊ ≠N Ø@◊b-Äd◊ud◊ ~–◊ºNuØ, Ä˙¡◊@◊ Ü÷◊˙ ≠N N~◊˙d◊~◊ Ü÷◊ @◊§◊≠N @◊ØÅ ~–◊¢Î◊ Ä˙≤◊@◊b ÷◊@–◊ N÷◊Î◊ ¡◊gh Ä¥◊≠@◊ d◊˙í@◊ ÷◊˙Î◊ ÷◊˙Î◊ >
~F◊d◊~◊ ø◊o◊≠@◊ @◊Q–◊d◊ π·◊ä˙¡◊Ζ◊
Ocean Oneness* Silence is round me, wideness ineffable; White birds on the ocean diving and wandering; A soundless sea on a voiceless heaven, Azure on azure, is mutely gazing. Identified with silence and boundlessness My spirit widens clasping the universe Till all that seemed becomes the Real, One in a mighty and single vastness. Someone broods there nameless and bodiless, Conscious and lonely, deathless and infinite, And, sole in a still eternal rapture, Gathers all things to his heart for ever.
* Alcaics. Modulations are allowed, trochee or iamb in the first foot or a long monosyllable; an occasional anapaest in place of an iamb is permitted; a bacchius can replace a dactyl.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
NØ˙S≥, π˛d◊uO˙@◊d◊ Ü÷◊˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ π˛‘˙¥–◊@◊ ‘–]≠@◊ Ä˙Nu~◊ Ú˙l–ø–◊ ØhΩ ~◊˙~◊˙ ÷◊£ Q◊Éπ˙≠‘ ≠ˆ~–◊, ~◊u@◊¡◊d◊˙ ≠Δ shz~◊ ÷◊@◊Å NG˙@◊ Ø˙~◊≠N d◊˙í ≠¡◊˙Ζ◊·–◊Ü NhD– à©◊N_–~◊u, §◊˙¡◊˙d◊ud◊ s≤◊≠~◊ Δ˙í ‘h§˛◊ ‘–]˙ NØ Q–◊@◊d◊≠@◊, d◊≤hΩ◊ Ä˙≠N Øœ·h◊§◊˙r §◊˙N–, Äπ˛≠Øl ‘ur’@◊˙©–◊ Q◊˙≤y◊ø◊¥–◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ~–◊¢–d–◊ Äd◊Î◊ ≠·◊¡◊ π˛dh◊ä≈◊@◊ ≠π‘–, ·F◊≠@◊ ¡◊≤h◊ ~–◊≠Ø∂ ≠Ø˙@◊ π˛˙b-π˙@◊˙¡◊˙@◊-¡◊≠O ¡◊≤–◊ Ä˙≠¡◊s@◊ ¡–◊Œud◊ d◊@◊ú Øm˙~◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ·–◊≠‘ Δ‹˙ N≠@◊˙¡◊@◊ Ü÷◊ Q◊≤◊`◊˙Ü πO π–Ë–◊ SFN@◊ ¡–◊≤◊ú > π@–◊≤◊@–◊ Q◊÷˛◊sd–◊ ~–◊Ø∂-~–◊Øû◊~◊ ≠`◊ÉË–◊ø–◊ Q–◊¥◊˙, Ä˙É Δ˙ÅÄø–◊ ‹Ø– N∂˙lh-ªo◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊; ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ s˙≤◊~◊ Ä˙k˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ ‘˙¥–◊§◊≠@◊ Øhê–◊≠@◊ ¡–◊÷˛◊Øu > ~◊d◊ ≠~◊≠d˛◊ ≠≤◊≠@◊ ≠Ø˙≠@◊ π@◊˙ π˛™◊˙, ™◊˙~◊ ~◊ π˙@◊Å Ø˙π– Δ˙í≠@◊ Ø˙~h◊ru Ø˙~◊N; ~◊l≠~◊ ÄN˙Ú ≠ΔÉΩ π@◊˙-≠©◊ä˙d–◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ π–Õ◊˙Åø–◊ ≠Ø˝~◊d◊˙≠@◊ ·h◊äd–◊Øl ¡◊˙N > §◊@–◊ É∫–◊ Ä˙¡–◊§◊˙’≠¡◊ Ø≤◊˙~◊o◊Øl N≈◊˙@◊ N÷◊Î◊ ≠Od˛◊ ©◊u¡◊-NØ˙÷h◊Î◊ π˛¡h◊M◊ π˙¡◊÷◊ d◊h≠`◊ ≤h◊Ü `◊uÎ◊˙l–d◊, ‘Ød◊˙@◊ d◊≠π ≤h◊Ü πh`◊÷◊-Q◊GÎ◊ > NØ˙S≥≠@◊ ≠Ø]Ζ◊d◊ S@◊bu ≠Δ Ü≠¡◊ Ä˙≠¡◊˙@–◊ø–◊ d◊~h◊ d◊˙í@◊ Ä˙÷◊˙‘-sh£≠~◊ >
~F◊d◊~◊ ø◊o◊≠@◊ @◊Q–◊d◊ π·◊ä˙¡◊Ζ◊
Trance of Waiting* Lone on my summits of calm I have brooded with voices around me, Murmurs of silence that steep mind in a luminous sleep, Whispers from things beyond thought in the Secrecy flame-white for ever, Unscanned heights that reply seek from the inconscient deep. Distant below me the ocean of life with its passionate surges Pales like a pool that is stirred by the wings of a shadowy bird. Thought has flown back from its wheelings and stoopings, the nerve-beat of living Stills; my spirit at peace bathes in a mighty release. Wisdom supernal looks down on me, Knowledge mind cannot measure; Light that no vision can render garments the silence with splendour. Filled with a rapturous Presence the crowded spaces of being Tremble with the Fire that knows, thrill with the might of repose. Earth is now girdled with trance and Heaven is put round her for vesture. * Elegiacs, with rhyme in the pentameter. A syllable or two introducing the last hemistich of the pentameter is allowed, but this must not be made the rule. This license, impossible in the strict cut of classical metre, comes in naturally in English and is therefore permissible.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
§◊¡–◊d◊¡◊ä-n`◊N–d◊ πO@◊˙©–◊ Ü≠¡ ‘˙‘_d◊ ≠d◊˙@◊b π˙≠‘ Øs~◊ ‘l≠~◊ > Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊, ‘F~◊äs§’◊, ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ π˛d◊uO˙ No◊uπ~◊u ≠N˝·◊˙Ø–~◊u, ¡◊˙÷Í◊ @F◊π÷◊˙@◊ : ≠N Ø≤◊˙‘F~◊ä, Δ˙í g¡Í◊S Ç‘_@◊ N˙Ø˛˙©◊ä, @◊Qh◊Äø–◊ Ød’◊ §F◊≠Ø §◊¡◊~◊ d◊˙ö◊@◊ > @◊≤–◊ø–◊ N÷◊Î◊ Nœ¸– ≠Ø˝~◊ π˛d◊uO˙≠@◊ Ä˙≠·◊‘@◊, ‘˙‘_d◊ö◊ π·◊Q◊˙@◊b@◊; ÄNuØ@◊ N˙s@◊@h◊ Ä˙bÅ πm˙¡◊~◊, N}¡–◊¡◊ ≠Δ Ä˙~◊o◊, π˛≠¡◊s d◊˙≤◊˙@ >◊
~F◊d◊~◊ ø◊o◊≠@◊ @◊Q–◊d◊ π·◊ä˙¡◊Ζ◊
Wings that are brilliant with fate sleep at Eternity’s gate. Time waits, vacant, the lightning that kindles, the Word that transfigures: Space is a stillness of God building his earthly abode. All waits hushed for the fiat to come and the tread of the Eternal; Passion of a bliss yet to be sweeps from Infinity’s sea.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
©_◊Î◊·◊Q–’◊ ¡◊˙lh πF¡’◊˙‘˙@◊ Nh¡◊b’@h◊ S˙ÅΩ Ä˙N– ¡◊˙lh Äs∂–‘–] `◊Ó≠·◊`◊˙ Ä˙k˙π≠@◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ØÚ˙≤∂◊@◊ NDshb ‘_˙≠N > ≠≤◊ π‘h@◊ πm&hd◊sd–◊, ≠·◊¡◊·F◊d◊-πO ! d◊~h◊Ø~◊ Äs∂–N˙d◊ N–~◊˙, ≤œ◊·◊ ÷–◊¥h◊ @◊≠≤◊ ØFè◊˙’-s˛˙≠N > ≠≤◊ Ä~◊Î◊ Ä˙b–ø◊ d◊ ‘ê–◊ ØÚ˙≤∂◊@◊ π˛dh◊är@◊ ¡◊˙bu ÷◊˙≤y◊, g¡Í◊Sd◊˙ ¡◊˙ ÷◊˙≤y◊ π˛≠·◊˙r@◊ Ä˙~◊uÎ◊ Ä˙N¡◊ ÷◊≤◊ ÷◊˙≤y◊ ‘‘˙ö◊@◊ ? Ø~◊ π˛˙b Ä¡◊‘ä πhw–d◊ ≤œ◊·◊ Ø˙d˛◊ Ä˙‘l ≠‘˙÷◊@◊ > Ø˙~◊N≠@◊ N_b’π˛§◊˙ π˛˙b˙s∂–≠@◊ @◊ê◊@◊˙sø◊Ë◊˙ N_s’≠@◊ §◊˙N_@◊ ÷◊≠@◊, Ø≠d’◊ ÷◊≠@◊ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊-Ä¡◊s˙≤◊u ÷–◊¥h◊ ≤œ◊·◊l@◊ ≠‘_d◊ ≠s˙`◊˙π≠@◊ Øœdh◊ä-ˆ~◊ˆË◊˙ > ©_◊Î◊·◊Q–’◊ ¡◊˙lh Δ˙Ä, ≠π˛Ø-π˛d◊uO˙≠@◊ ‹≥¡–◊ ≠Ø˝~◊ π‹ Q◊˙≤y◊ >
~F◊d◊~◊ ø◊o◊≠@◊ @◊Q–◊d◊ π·◊ä˙¡◊Ζ◊
Flame-Wind* A flame-wind ran from the gold of the east, Leaped on my soul with the breath of a sevenfold noon. Wings of the angel, gallop of the beast ! Mind and body on fire, but the heart in swoon. O flame, thou bringest the strength of the noon, But where are the voices of morn and the stillness of eve ? Where the pale-blue wine of the moon ? Mind and life are in flower, but the heart must grieve. Gold in the mind and the life-flame’s red Make of the heavens a splendour, the earth a blaze, But the white and rose of the heart are dead. Flame-wind, pass ! I will wait for Love in the silent ways.
* Dactylic tetrameter and pentameter catalectic; an additional foot in the last line; trochee or spondee freely admitted anywhere; first paeon, bacchius, cretic can replace a dactyl. One or two extra syllables are allowed sometimes at the beginning of the line.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
~◊·◊u ≠@◊ ·F◊@◊¥◊ ≠N˛˙d◊N_–~–◊, π˛π˙d◊@◊ ·F◊@◊-shz@◊≠b §◊uØ`◊≠fi… Δ˙É øh◊Ë–◊ N˙s≠@◊ d_◊@–◊d◊ ¡◊≤h◊ ·F◊≠@◊ @◊≤–◊`◊˙b– Ü Øh≤F◊≠d’◊ ©◊~<◊≠Od˛◊ ≠d◊˙í@◊ ≠¡◊˜–◊ø◊¥–◊ Δ˙í÷h◊ ≠÷≠◊d◊ ÉM◊d◊ π¡’◊d◊ ‘–‹≥Î◊ Nπ~◊-≠§◊˙Î◊ ¡–◊©◊~◊ ≠N Éπd◊ä÷◊˙ ·F◊≠@◊ sÀh◊‹≥`h◊ Δ≤y◊ d◊h≤–◊ ~◊uÎ◊ ~◊§◊ N˙≠‹ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ·F◊≠@◊ Ä¡◊˙ ≠N≤–◊ ‘ä˙Ø¡◊~◊ ÁÎ◊§◊˙@◊~◊d◊ ¡–◊¯≠~◊ ¡–◊@◊˙©–◊ ≠Δ ≠d◊˙í d◊@◊ú-Øh÷h◊≠@◊ ‘hbh‹˙Ü dœ◊D–§◊≠@◊ s˙É‹˙É ≠g˙d˛◊ ≠Δ≠¡◊ ¡–◊`◊¯–d◊ ØShO@◊˙ N_@◊-ØFè’◊~◊˙≠@◊ > Ü‹@◊ ¡–◊gub˙’ dh◊í≠Δ π˛N˙@–◊d◊ Q◊˙≠π Ä˙É ]@◊-N˙o˛◊ ≠¡◊≠s ˆ~◊¡◊M◊ ©◊Î◊@◊ ≠d◊˙í ~–◊¡–◊Ÿ◊ NG˙@◊ Ä˙É §◊uØ¡◊©˛◊@◊¡◊ Ä˙É O–π˛ ¡◊˙©–◊sd–◊; ¡–◊÷˛◊Ø à ·œ◊D π˛S˙¡◊~◊ ñ ≠d◊˙í Ä˙k˙@◊ ¡◊˙bu ≠N ≠Δ ~–◊Ø’Ø, ÷◊≠∫◊˙@◊ > ·◊π–’d◊ ≤–◊…N˛d◊˙ Ä˙É NØhM◊d◊ ·◊˙¡–◊ Ä˙É π˛Q◊— Q–◊e◊˙@◊ ≤œ◊·◊l@◊ ¡h◊§h◊O˙@◊, ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@◊ Ä¡◊≠@◊˙S π≠@◊ Ä˙≠k˙dÍ◊O–D; Ü¡◊… Ä™◊˙d◊ Nh·F◊@◊ π˙ÅΩ ¡–◊ØFd’◊ ¡◊˙N~◊˙ Ü¡◊… ≠¡◊π@◊à_˙ sd–◊ Ä˙É N_è◊o◊ Ø≤–◊Ø˙ > Ø˙d˛◊ Øhê–◊ ≠·◊¡◊ ≠d◊˙≠d◊ π˛‘˙¥◊ ⁄–@◊d◊˙ > ‘˙¥–◊ Nh¡–◊‘˙Î◊ Ä˙É ‘h§˛◊ ≠~Ê◊‘›◊ä@◊ Ü÷◊ ¡œ◊≤◊dÍ◊ π˛N˛¡◊b, NØd◊Î◊ ·–◊s¥◊-π˛N˙@◊u ≠≤◊¡◊ ≠d◊˙í@◊ > ‘ä˙Ø ≠‘˙§◊˙ ≠d◊˙≠d◊ Ä˙≠¡◊˙@–◊¡◊ > ¡◊Õh◊ ≠≤◊≠¡◊ ·◊uˆ’ π≠‹ ¡◊o◊@-~◊s@◊u Ä˙É ©◊u¡◊~◊-N˙S~◊ > ≠d◊˙í ‘ud◊Î◊ ÑØ–’ Q◊˙Ζ◊ ‘Ø˙Å¡h◊ Ø~h◊rä@◊ Ä˙~◊o◊-π–π˙N˙ ‘–≤◊@–◊¡h◊ ≠π˙d◊@◊ ÷◊r’≠b > Ü¡◊… Ä¡◊≠‘≠r ñ ≠≤◊¡h◊ dh◊í≠@◊ N˙s@◊@◊ sd–◊ø◊o◊˙, ~–◊©◊÷h◊ ≤◊©◊˙Å; π˙`◊Ë–◊¡h◊ Ä~–◊@h◊M◊ É`∑◊˙N dh◊í ~◊uÎ◊ ÄÏ≤◊˙N >
~F◊d◊~◊ ø◊o◊≠@◊ @◊Q–◊d◊ π·◊ä˙¡◊Ζ◊
The River* Wild river in thy cataract far-murmured and rash rapids to sea hasting, Far now is that birth-place mid abrupt mountains and slow dreaming of lone valleys Where only with blue heavens was rapt converse or green orchards with fruit leaning Stood imaged in thy waves and, content, listened to thy rhapsody’s long murmur. Vast now in a wide press and a dense hurry and mass movement of thronged waters Loud-thundering, fast-galloping, might, speed is the stern message of thy spirit, Proud violence, stark claim and the dire cry of the heart’s hunger on God’s barriers Self-hurled, and a void lust of unknown distance, and pace reckless and free grandeur. Calm yet shall release thee; an immense peace and a large streaming of white silence, Broad plains shall be thine, greenness surround thee, and wharved cities and life’s labour Long thou wilt befriend, human delight help with the waves’ coolness, with ship’s furrows Thrill, – last become, self losing, a sea-motion and joy oundless and blue laughter. * Ionic a majore pentameter catalectic. In one place an epitrite replaces the ionic.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
N_π∂d◊@◊u Nπ~◊-Ä~◊Î◊-s˜◊˙◊ d◊@◊bu≠@◊ Ä˙N–‹≥≠`◊ ÷–◊Ü π˙≠‘ ≠Ø˙@◊, ‘–]˙l–d◊ §h◊@h◊ d◊π~◊-÷◊~◊÷◊ ÷◊˙¥–◊ ? ≠s˙π~◊ ØSh@◊ shz@◊b≠@◊ ~◊u@◊¡◊d◊˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ©◊@◊©◊@◊ ëëÄ˙N–`◊ ÷–◊ Ü≠¡◊ ? N©◊ ≤œ◊·◊˙~◊Î◊ ·◊uD– ?íí Ø@◊Ø s≤◊≠~◊ `h◊Q–◊‹≥`◊˙ ÷–◊ø–◊ ‘–≤◊@–◊ É∫–◊`◊˙ ÜÅ≠¡◊≠Î◊, N<@–◊`◊˙ N¡h◊ Δ˙í ©◊u¡◊~◊˙~≠o◊ QQ–’◊d◊, π˛d–◊§F◊d◊ ÷◊`˙ Nh]-Ä~h◊§F◊d–◊ ¡◊@◊©–◊¡◊ Δ˙í ≠N Q–◊@◊d◊≠@◊; π˛l˙d◊ d◊@◊bu, N_b’ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ d–◊≠@◊˙≤–◊d◊ > S@◊bu-¡h◊÷h◊@◊ ‘F~◊äs≠§’◊ ~–◊¡◊˙N @◊≤–◊Q◊ Ü≠¡◊ Ä˙≤◊˙ ñ ≠π˛Ø ≠Δbh sd◊, ¡–◊sd◊ πh`◊÷◊ πh@◊˙d◊~◊ ñ @–◊ê◊d◊˙ Ü÷◊ Nh]˙~h◊§F◊d–◊@◊ πÎ◊˙d◊÷◊ Q–◊@◊d◊≠@◊ Δ˙≤◊˙, N_b’ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙, N_π∂d◊@◊u@◊ ~◊ ˆË◊Å Ä˙É Ä˙sØ~◊ >
~F◊d◊~◊ ø◊o◊≠@◊ @◊Q–◊d◊ π·◊ä˙¡◊Ζ◊
The Dream Boat* Who was it that came to me in a boat made of dream-fire, With his flame brow and his sun-gold body ? Melted was the silence into a sweet secret murmur, “Do you come now ? is the heart’s fire ready ?” Hidden in the recesses of the heart something shuddered, It recalled all that the life’s joy cherished, Imaged the felicity it must leave lost for ever, And the boat passed and the gold god vanished. Now within the hollowness of the world’s breast inhabits – For the love died and the old joy ended – Void of a felicity that has fled, gone for ever, And the gold god and the dream boat come not.
| ( ( – ( | ( ( – ( ( | | – ( ( | | | (
* Line 1, 3 dactyl, second paeon, ionic a minore, amphibrach (or antibacchius)
( ( | | – ( ( | | – | (
Line 2, 4, two ionics a minore with a closing trochee
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
N˙Ou à Q◊÷˛◊ ÷–◊Ü dh◊≠Ø ¡–◊@◊˙©h◊ø◊ ≤œ◊·◊≠l Øb–r@◊ Núu ≠÷◊ ¡◊N–ø◊ s}u≠@◊, ~–◊≠@◊]hø◊ ÷◊˙Ø d◊˙í, ~–◊≠@◊]hø◊ d◊˙í@◊ ≤◊N ¡–◊r˙·◊ Ä¡–◊Q◊Î◊, É·◊˙Nu~◊ πuŸ◊≠~◊, É·◊˙Nu~◊ Øœdh◊ä à §◊˙≠sä ? ÷◊˙Î◊˙Su~◊ ÄN≤◊˙l-sd–◊ ≠Δ ˆF≠@◊ Ø≤◊˙Q◊≠÷˛◊ ‘F≠~◊ä ÄÕ◊ ≠N Ø≤◊ul˙~◊ ©◊s≠d◊ ÷–◊ ≠·◊]≥`◊ N˙Ou ≠Δ ~–◊≠@◊]≥ ¡◊ä˙D Åè◊˙ d◊¡◊ ≠π˛@–◊`◊ É≠·◊ä˙s Nœ©–◊ Ä˙Ø Ø@◊≠Ø Ø@◊Øu, ÷–◊ ©◊˙b ≠¡◊˙`–◊ ÷◊˙Î◊≠@◊ Ä⁄˙lu N¡h◊ dh◊Ø ¡–◊≤h◊≠~◊ ? Ä˙k˙÷h◊ π˙@hΩ◊ Δ·–◊ ≠Á@◊˙Å Ä¡–◊@◊˙Ø π˛÷œ◊d–◊ d◊˙Ÿ◊~h◊ ~–◊≠OπhΩ ¡◊O@h◊ Ä˙Ø@◊ ¡◊˙N~◊˙, Δ»◊ Δ˙í d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ Ä˙≠Ø ¡–◊ d◊ ≠≤◊¡h◊ dh◊Ø NØ˙~◊ > π˛÷œ◊d–◊ Q◊˙≠Î◊ Ä˙≠s ÄΔ‹˙ ÄÕ◊ NFd˛◊ Ä˙Ø ÷–˛◊l˙@◊, Ä˙≠¡◊s@◊, Q–◊¥◊˙@◊, Ä˙‘˙@◊; Ä¡–◊Q◊Î◊, ‹≥@◊ @◊≤hΩ◊ d◊÷◊˙Å ñ Ø@◊b à ~–◊ld–◊@◊ É·◊˙N, É·◊˙Nu~◊ ≠‘˙÷◊ Ä˙É πh`◊≠÷◊, πœB `–◊π–@◊ ÷–◊ ≠N Q–◊≤∂◊ ØF`◊ä ¡◊˙ Ø˙≠~◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ Δ˙≤◊˙@◊ ñ Ä`◊Oä ©◊sd◊@◊ Q◊Î◊~◊ > π¢˙dh◊ ‹˙Ü ≠÷◊≤–◊ ~–◊≠@◊]≥ ñ ¡˛◊≤<◊, Ä˙k˙ Ä¡◊˙ πh@h◊r ‘F≠~◊ä à π˛l˙≠N d◊˙í ≠≤◊@◊Å Ä≠πO– ~–◊¡◊˙’b ÷◊˙Î◊@◊ > N˙Ou, ≠÷◊ dh◊≠Ø ≠d◊≠¡◊, ÷–◊Ü ØhΩ dh◊Ø N˙≠‹ Ü÷◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Ä~◊˙Ø ~–◊≠@◊]hΩ ˆF@◊Å Ø≤◊˙Q◊÷˛◊ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙≠Î◊ Ä˙É Ø≤◊˙‘F≠~◊ä ?
~F◊d◊~◊ ø◊o◊≠@◊ @◊Q–◊d◊ π·◊ä˙¡◊Ζ◊
The Witness and the Wheel* Who art thou in the heart comrade of man who sitst August, watching his works, watching his joys and griefs, Unmoved, careless of pain, careless of death and fate ? Witness, what hast thou seen watching this great blind world Moving helpless in Time, whirled on the Wheel in Space, That yet thou with thy vast Will biddest toil our hearts, Mystic, – for without thee nothing can last in Time ? We too, when from the urge ceaseless of Nature turn Our souls, far from the breast casting her tool, desire, Grow like thee. In the front Nature still drives in vain The blind trail of our acts, passions and thoughts and hopes; Unmoved, calm, we look on, careless of death and fate, Of grief careless and joy, – signs of a surface script Without value or sense, steps of an aimless world. Something watches behind, Spirit or Self or Soul, Viewing Space and its toil, waiting the end of Time. Witness, who then art thou, one with thee who am I, Nameless, watching the Wheel whirl across Time and Space ?
* The metre is the little Asclepiad used by Horace in his Ode addressed to Maecenas, two choriambs between an initial spondee and a final iamb. Here modulations are admitted, trochee or iamb for the spondee, occasionally a spondee for the concluding iamb; an epitrite or ionic a minore can replace the choriamb.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Ä¡◊d◊@◊b Ä˙ªo–◊d◊ N¡’◊≠÷◊˙r ≠Ø˙@◊ §◊˙N– §◊˙N– ¡–◊§◊˙@◊ É·Í◊§◊˙≠N, ÷◊≠fi Ä˙k˙ ÷◊≠fi ≠·◊≤◊ π@◊˙÷˛◊Øu π˛Q◊— @◊§◊≠N, ≠©◊ä˙d–◊ d◊·h◊π@–◊ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊ ≠Δ≠≤∂◊ Ü÷◊ É·Í◊≠¡◊Î◊ ¡◊˙@–◊S≥ Ñ≠S_’ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä˙¡◊@◊ ≠Q◊˝◊·–◊≠s > Nh÷◊∫–◊~◊, ‘–Î◊˙ Δ‹˙, Nh~–◊¡◊M◊ π¡’◊d◊ ¡◊˙ ØFd–’◊NØ Ü÷◊, Nh¡œ◊≤◊dÍ◊ Äú ØØ π˛d◊ä≠O ≠Ø·–◊~◊u §◊˙@◊ Ü¡◊… É·Í◊¡◊≠≤◊; π˛≠¡◊≠‘ Ä¡◊d◊@◊b ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ N≈◊˙@◊ §◊urb ¡–◊@◊˙Ë◊ π˛d◊ä≠ú, Δ˙ Ø@◊b@◊ ·◊˙N > ≠ˆ˙Ë–◊Δ˙Ü Éπ≠@◊ ≠Ø˙í ~–◊ºNuØd◊˙ ~–◊N_~◊, πhz–d◊; ‘˙‘_d◊ ‘ê–◊@◊ Ü÷◊ Ø≤–◊Ø˙@◊ Q◊˙π Ä˙≠N ~◊ÅΩ; ¡–◊‘_π˛N˙@◊d◊˙ N˙≠‹ Ü÷◊ ≤h◊Ü Ø~◊ à ≤œ◊·◊l; gÛ◊ ≤h◊Ü shz~◊ S@◊˙@◊ > ]≠@◊, ]@◊d◊≠@◊ `◊…ˆ– ≠¡◊ä˙Ø ≤–◊@◊b<l `◊≠Ó ™◊˙~◊, ]@◊ªo◊u ·◊˙Ø–~◊u@◊ S˙@◊˙; Ñ©’◊N_Î◊ N·<◊ ≠d◊©–◊ §◊˙¡◊@◊˙©–◊ ¡◊˙÷◊ä˙d◊ud◊ö◊@◊ π˛©_◊Ζ◊d◊ ≠Ø˙≤◊@–◊ Ä˙k˙≠@◊ >
~F◊d◊~◊ ø◊o◊≠@◊ @◊Q–◊d◊ π·◊ä˙¡◊Ζ◊
Descent* All my cells thrill swept by a surge of splendour, Soul and body stir with a mighty rapture, Light and still more light like an ocean billows Over me, round me. Rigid, stone-like, fixed like a hill or statue, Vast my body feels and upbears the world’s weight; Dire the large descent of the Godhead enters Limbs that are mortal. Voiceless, thronged, Infinity crowds upon me; Presses down a glory of power eternal; Mind and heart grow one with the cosmic wideness; Stilled are earth’s murmurs. Swiftly, swiftly crossing the golden spaces Knowledge leaps, a torrent of rapid lightnings; Thoughts that left the Ineffable’s flaming mansions, Blaze in my spirit.
* Sapphics. But the second-foot spondee is very usually replaced by a trochee, the final trochee sometimes by a spondee; a bacchius, cretic or molossus can replace the dactyl. In the fifteenth line elision is used; in a Sapphic line there can be only one dactyl.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Øœ·h◊ªo◊ ≤œ◊·◊l@◊ ¡–◊‘˙Î◊ Øh·Í◊s@◊ ø◊≠o◊ ≤h◊Ü Nfid–◊d◊ ≠π˛@–◊d◊ S_~–◊~–◊÷◊@◊ Ä˙b¥–◊ Ä¥–◊≠÷◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ≠¡Ê◊÷h◊£@◊ ·_◊˙@h◊ ¡◊˙bu NØhé◊l, Δ˙≤◊˙ ‹˙Ü Ø≤◊˙π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ NuØ≠¥◊ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊,ñ π@◊Ø˙~◊o◊ö◊@◊ @◊‹@◊˙©–◊ > NØs˛ ©◊sd◊Δ˙÷◊ Ä·_–◊d◊ul Ü÷◊d_◊≠@◊ `◊≠§◊ @F◊π˙¥◊@◊ Ä¡–◊~◊˙‘u Ä˙k˙sb, Ä÷◊Î◊~◊ ¡◊Î◊@◊˙‘– ≠§◊Ë–◊ π@◊ª@◊ Ø˙d–◊Δ˙í¥–◊ ≠·◊¡◊-~œ◊≠d◊ä, ¡–◊@◊Q–◊ ~–◊@◊¡◊è–◊¤◊ Ø≤◊˙π˛÷œ◊d–◊≠@◊,◊ Ø≤◊˙ø◊o◊ Ø@◊b˙d◊ud◊@◊ > N≈◊˙@◊ ¡◊`∑◊÷◊u Ü÷◊, Ø~◊ Ä˙É ≤œ◊·◊ Ä˙É ≠·◊≤◊, n…÷◊˙≠@◊ ≠N g¡◊sud–◊, ‘˙‘_d◊@◊ `◊§–◊ N_@◊`◊l,ñ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊ à ¡–◊÷◊˛Ø Ä˙É Ä˙~◊o◊ à π˛™◊˙ Ä~◊‘_@◊ NØ˙‘m–¸ ÷◊˙Î◊÷◊˙Î◊˙¥◊@◊ >
~F◊d◊~◊ ø◊o◊≠@◊ @◊Q–◊d◊ π·◊ä˙¡◊Ζ◊ Slow the heart-beats’ rhythm like a giant hammer’s; Missioned voices drive to me from god’s doorway Words that live not save upon Nature’s summits, Ecstasy’s chariots. All the world is changed to a single oneness; Souls undying, infinite forces, meeting, Join in God-dance weaving a seamless Nature, Rhythm of the Deathless. Mind and heart and body, one harp of being, Cry that anthem, finding the notes eternal, – Light and might and bliss and immortal wisdom Clasping for ever.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
~–◊≠]˙©◊ ≠~◊˝÷◊˙Ë–◊ π‹@◊ ≠‘≠r ≠Δ≠¡◊ ~◊l≠~◊ É≠∫◊ ©◊˙s– ØΖ◊~◊ d◊u@◊-≠@◊]˙ ·F◊@◊@◊ ¡o◊@h◊ Ä˙`h◊Ä n`◊Ø`◊ ¡◊É·◊Ë–◊Ü ≠d◊≠¡◊ Ä˙÷◊˙‘ ≠÷◊˙≠b ≠ˆ˙≠Ë◊ π¡◊~◊ N~Í◊N≠~◊ Øh÷h◊Î◊˙ ≠·Ê◊d◊ä ≠÷◊ ≤◊NÅ ]Î◊ ]Î◊ > N≤◊N˙ π≠Ÿ◊ n˙fi– ¡–◊πhÎ◊ π˛≠¡◊s≠@◊ øh◊@–◊÷◊˙ ≤◊˙≠d◊ nŸ◊ ≤◊˙bÅ Øœdh◊ä@◊ ÷h◊Ζ◊‘ N…ˆ˙d◊ Ä≠·◊]˙ ≤◊˙d◊ ©◊˙b– ~◊˙Ä˙Ë◊˙ ~–◊Ü Ë◊˙b– Δ˙Ü d◊˙í Δ˙Ü ≤◊©–◊ ¡–◊‘˙Î◊ ~–◊@◊˙‘˛l N˙s≠@◊ ¡–◊©◊~–◊d◊ > ·◊Å¡◊ ˆ˙d◊ Ü ÷–◊ ? ~–◊ld–◊-π@–◊≤◊˙N ? π˙‘¡◊u π˛÷œ◊d–◊ Ä≠¡◊˙S ÷◊Ø’ ? d◊˙í ÄÕ◊ ħ–◊Î◊˙r ? Ä‹¡◊˙ Øb–r@◊ Ä˙πb˙ ÷◊@◊Ø Δ˙í ≠`◊É≠Ë◊ N˙≠‹ ≠~◊Å ~–◊∫h◊@◊ ¡–◊S˙~◊@◊ Ä≠Ø˙ˆ Ä˙≠÷˛◊˙‘ ? ©◊u¡◊~◊ π¢˙dh◊ §◊urb˙ Åè◊˙ ÷–◊ πF©◊Å Δ»◊b˙ Ø@◊≠b π˛bØÅ ÷◊≠∫◊˙@◊ ]@◊≤◊˙≠N Ü ≠·◊¡◊ ¡–◊÷˛◊Ø ? π@◊Ø˙ ‘ê–◊ Ü ? ˆË◊b˙, ÷◊˙Δ’ä à Ä˙Ø@◊ §◊˙¡◊`◊uÎ◊ ~–◊ˆ~◊ ¡◊≠~◊ ‘˙≠N ? Xh◊¡–◊~–◊ π@◊˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ≠NN¡h◊ §◊˙N_@◊ π@◊˙b Ä˙É d◊˙í@◊ ≤◊@◊r-π˛l˙N ¡–◊ SFN@◊ π˙@◊˙¡◊˙≠@◊ ¡h◊`–◊ ¡◊≤h◊d◊ π‹ ≠NØ˙≠~◊ Éπ~◊ud◊ ~–◊sF˜◊ d◊π~◊@◊ ~◊¡◊u~◊ ~◊u◊Ζ◊Ø˙@◊ Ä©◊b˙ ≠¡◊Î◊˙ S˙≠@◊ π‘h@◊ s@–◊Ø˙≠@◊ ¡–◊≤◊s-N…su≠d◊ Ø≤◊–Ø˙-§◊˙N_@◊ ≠N §F◊≠Ø ¡◊b–’Î◊¡–◊§◊¡◊u π˛÷œ◊d–◊
~F◊d◊~◊ ø◊o◊≠@◊ @◊Q–◊d◊ π·◊ä˙¡◊Ζ◊
The Lost Boat* At the way’s end when the shore raised up its dim line and remote lights from the port glimmered, Then a cloud darkened the sky’s brink and the wind’s scream was the shrill laugh of a loosed demon And the huge passion of storm leaped with its bright stabs and the long crashing of death’s thunder; As if haled by an unseen hand fled the boat lost in the wide homeless forlorn ocean. Is it Chance smites ? is it Fate’s irony ? dead workings or blind purpose of brute Nature ? Or man’s own deeds that return back on his doomed head with a stark justice, a fixed vengeance ? Or a dread Will, from behind Life that regards pain and salutes death with a hard laughter ? Is it God’s might or a Force rules in this dense jungle of events, deeds and our thought’s strivings ? Yet perhaps sank not the bright lives and their glad venturings foiled, drowned in the grey ocean, But with long wandering they reached an unknown shore and a strange sun and a new azure, Amid bright splendour of beast glories and birds’ music and deep hues, an enriched Nature
( ( | | – ( ( | | – ( ( | | – ( ( | | – ( ( | | – (
* Ionic a minore pentameter with an overflow of one short syllable
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
©◊u¡◊≠~◊ ħ–◊~◊¡◊ NØu≠π π˙Ü Δ˙≤◊˙ ·–◊¡◊ä ¡ä◊z~◊˙ øh◊ÜΩ ¡–◊ s˙˜◊d◊≠@◊ ≠s˙π~◊ ħ–◊@h◊Q–◊ > ¡–◊S≥@◊ ¡–◊S˙~◊≠@◊ ~–◊ld–◊ Ø@◊©–◊≠@◊ ~–◊∫h◊@◊˙-π˛÷œ◊d– ÷◊≠∫◊˙@◊ Q◊˙Î◊~◊˙≠@◊, ÄÕ◊ ÷◊≠Ø’ ¡◊˙ Ø@◊b-π@–◊b˙Øu ~◊˙‘÷◊ ≠‘˝Δ’≠@◊, ·◊˙~◊¡◊u ]–Ä˙≠`◊ d◊˙í π@◊Ø˙ Åè◊˙ ≠Δ ÷◊≠@◊ Ä`◊≠Oä ≠N¡◊˙ ≠s˙Ë–◊Ü ~–◊≠Ør@◊ Q◊÷–◊d◊ Ä¡◊N˙≠~◊ Ø◊Ζ◊~◊ Δ¡◊~–◊÷◊˙ ‘–‹≥Î◊ πd◊≠~◊ ¡◊˙ ≤h◊Ü~–◊ `◊uÎ◊˙ ≠‘r d◊‹˙π– ‹˙Ü ÷◊˙Î◊, ©◊u¡◊~◊ Äsb–d◊ π˙@–◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙÷h◊, ©–◊Å Ä˙k˙-~◊˙Ë◊÷◊@◊ ·œ◊‘ä-Ä¡◊≠‘r >
~F◊d◊~◊ ø◊o◊≠@◊ @◊Q–◊d◊ π·◊ä˙¡◊Ζ◊
And a new life that could draw near to divine meanings and touched close the concealed purpose. In a chance happening, fate’s whims and the blind workings or dead drive of a brute Nature, In her dire Titan caprice, strength that to death drifts and to doom, hidden a Will labours. Not with one moment of sharp close or the slow fall of a dim curtain the play ceases: Yet is there Time to be crossed, lives to be lived out, the unplayed acts of the soul’s drama.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
~◊¡◊˙l~◊ ≤œ◊·◊l ≠Δ≠¡◊ ‘˛˙¥◊ ≤h◊Ü ªo◊ Δ˙Ü ‹Ø– NhØ@–◊ sd◊ ≠NN¡h◊, Δ˙≤◊˙ ~◊ π˙≠@◊ Ä˙É ˆË–◊ N˛g S~h◊ ø–◊¤◊ ≠Δ≠¡ Ë◊˙b–`◊˙ Ob– shb ¡◊M◊ ‹≥¡◊˙ ≤◊g ≠Δ≠¡◊ §–◊¤◊ Q–◊@◊d◊≠@◊ > Ä˙k˙ ≠Δ≠¡◊ π˛l˙b ÷◊≠@◊ ~◊¡◊u~◊ ©◊≠~<◊, ≠·◊≠≤◊ Ä≠·◊]˙ ≠·◊≠‘ ≠§◊Ë◊Å ≠Δ≠¡◊ ~F◊d◊~◊ Øh] ≠÷◊≠d◊ πhb– ÷–◊ É≠∫◊ N˛g S~h◊ ø–◊¤◊ shb ≠Δ◊˙≠Ÿ◊ ¡◊ä‹’ ÷–˛◊l˙ Δhê◊ ≤h◊Ü ~–◊ld–◊-¡◊÷˛◊-π≠‹ ? §–◊¤◊ ≠ΔÉΩ ©◊u¡◊~◊ N¡h◊, NØl π˙≠@◊ ≠Δ◊˙Ÿ–◊ ? ~–◊≤◊d◊ ≠π˛Ø ©◊~◊Ø ~–◊Ü ≠·◊≤◊@◊ N˙≠‹ πhb– ? Ø@◊Ø-≠X◊˙@–◊@h◊ d◊äê◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ¡–◊ `h◊D ≠≤◊≠`◊ ¡–◊ Ø~h◊ ≤◊©–◊ ¡–◊ ‹≥≠`◊ Åo–˛◊l@h◊ Ä˙k˙ π˙≠@◊ ≠≤◊©–◊ !
~F◊d◊~◊ ø◊o◊≠@◊ @◊Q–◊d◊ π·◊ä˙¡◊Ζ◊ Renewal* When the heart tires and the throb stills recalling Things that were once and again can be never, When the bow falls and the drawn string is broken, Hands that were clasped, yet for ever are parted, When the soul passes to new births and bodies, Lands never seen and meetings with new faces, Is the bow raised and the fall’n arrow fitted, Acts that were vain rewedded to the Fate-curve ? To the lives sundered can Time bring rejoining, Love that was slain be reborn with the body ? In the mind null, from the heart’s chords rejected, Lost to the sense, but the spirit remembers !
( ( | | – ( ( | | – ( | (
* Line 1, 3 two ionics a minore with a final amphibrach,
( | ( ( – (( || (|
| ( ( | – ( ( | ( – | | (
Line 2, 4, choriamb, paeon, bacchius (or sometimes antibacchius or
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Ä˙k˙@◊ ·œ◊‘ä Ä˙÷◊˙≠‘ ~–◊≠@◊˙Î◊˙ Ä˙É ~–◊ø◊˙Ë–◊Ä˙ ‹˙~◊Ø˙~◊ö◊≠@◊ ≠‘˙Å ≠‘˙Å ≠؈Ø˙≠~◊ ‘˛Ø≠@◊ ≤◊˙`–◊Ä˙ ≠·◊]¥–◊ ÷–◊π@–◊ Ü÷◊ ~–◊@h◊P–◊¸ N˙s@◊@◊ SFN@◊ `◊≤◊@–◊ ¡h◊`h◊ø◊¥–◊ ≠`◊˙Ë–◊ ≠`◊˙Ë–◊ ≠‘˙÷◊ ¡◊˙ÉΖ◊Ä˙ > ÷◊˙÷◊÷œ◊à ≠NÊ÷◊d◊@◊ @–◊ê◊ Ø~◊g˙π Ä¡◊˙ É≈◊@◊˙ ≤◊˙à_˙@◊ N˙≠‹ ÷◊˙≠o◊ ÷ÅΩ ÷◊ÅΩ Ä˙É ≠N≤–◊ ·F◊≠@◊ ·◊≠Î◊ ¡–◊Ør’ π˙≤◊˙Ÿ◊ πŸ–◊ø◊¥–◊ S@◊˙S@–◊ ≠≤◊˙Å > ~–◊Ns’@◊ ¡h◊≠÷◊ ≠÷◊ÉΩ ÄNú Ä˙k˙@◊ ≠N≤–◊ ~–◊‘F~◊ π˛≤◊@◊ Ü÷◊ ¡–◊πhÎ◊ §◊˙¡◊@◊ π–Õ◊˙Ü πœ‹≥¡◊u Øh≠] Øh]˙ Ü÷◊ sF˜◊ ¡◊äz~◊˙@◊, ·–◊‘–¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä¡◊‘ä ¡–◊÷◊Î◊ > Ä˙É Ä˙k–÷◊ Ä˙≠¡◊≠s ≠Ø˝~◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ ≤œ◊·◊≠l ⁄–@◊u§F◊d◊ Ø˙~◊≠N d◊˙í ©◊˙≠s π˛d–◊÷–˛◊l˙ Ä~h◊÷◊@–◊ S@◊bu@◊ Ä¡◊N˙·◊§◊@◊˙ π˛d◊uO˙@◊ ·◊¥h◊@–◊d◊ ÷◊˙l˙ > Ä¡–◊OhÛ◊ π˛d◊uO˙ d◊˙í ·◊uˆ’÷◊˙Î◊¡◊ä˙πu NFΔ’@◊ Nh¡◊b’ Ä˙É ~◊u◊Ζ◊Ø˙ Ø~◊˙N– N˙s@◊@◊ sud–◊S˙@◊˙ Ä˙~◊o◊-ØA◊@◊ `◊≠l N@◊©h◊ø–◊ Nh]ø◊o◊ ©◊≠Î◊˙è_◊˙≠N @◊N– > Ø˙~◊¡◊@◊ Ä˙k˙ Δ‹˙ s≤◊~◊ Ä¥◊≠@◊ ‹˙Ü Ä≠πO– Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ Ä˙É ≠·◊¡◊ Ä˙¡–◊§◊˙’¡◊ Ä˙É ≠N π˛N˙·◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ¡–§h◊ ‹≥≠`◊ `◊§–◊ Nœ¸–÷◊˙≠Î◊ ~–◊©◊@◊ ¡–◊§◊˙¡◊ >
~F◊d◊~◊ ø◊o◊≠@◊ @◊Q–◊d◊ π·◊ä˙¡◊Ζ◊
Soul’s Scene* The clouds lain on forlorn spaces of sky, weary and lolling, Watch grey waves of a lost sea wander sad, reckless and rolling, A bare anguish of black beaches made mournful with the breath of the Northwind And a huddle of melancholy hills in the distance. The blank hour in some vast mood of a Soul lonely in Nature On earth’s face puts a mask pregnantly carved, cut to misfeature, And man’s heart and his stilled mind react hushed in a spiritual passion Imitating the contours of her desolate waiting. Impassible she waits long for the sun’s gold and the azure, The sea’s song with its slow happy refrain’s plashes of pleasure, – As man’s soul in its depths waits the outbreaking of the light and the godhead And the bliss that God felt when he created his image.
( | ( ( –
( | | ( – ( | | ( – ( | | ( – ( | (
* Line 1, 2 three antispasts (or in the first foot a second paeon), amphibrach,
( | | ( – ( | | ( – | | ( ( – ( | ( ( – | (
Line 3 two antispasts, ionic a majore, second paeon, trochee
Line 4 three paeons, trochee, but the middle paeon can be replaced by an antispast or an ionic a majore; a double iamb once replaces the third paeon.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Ä˙≠@◊˙≤◊b ≠Ø˝~◊d◊˙ ≠Ø˝~◊d◊˙ s≤◊≠~◊, ≠Ø˝~◊d◊˙ s≤◊≠~◊ ɧ◊˙≤h◊Ä ≠≤◊ Ä˙k˙ ÄØ@◊ Q◊÷˛◊˙¡◊d’◊∫◊˙@h◊ ·F◊≠@◊, §◊˙ú– §◊˙ú– Ø˙l˙@◊ Ø—Î◊ > ~–◊ºNú à Øœdh◊ä≤◊u~◊, ÷◊@◊ Ä˙≠@◊˙≤◊b §´◊≠Oπ ÷◊@◊~◊˙ Ä˙É shz≠~◊ à ≠÷◊˙Î◊˙≤◊≠Î◊ d–◊Ø–@◊ s@◊≠§◊, Äd–◊÷˛◊Ø– SFN@◊ à Oh·˛◊@◊ π@–◊S≥, π@–◊≤◊@–◊ ~–◊≠ˆ’˙r à N…ˆr’@◊ ≠·◊‘ Q◊˙`–◊Δ˙Ä Q–◊@◊d◊≠@◊ Ø≤◊˙≠Ø˝~◊d◊˙≠@◊ > ¡–◊‘˙Î◊ à Ä¡–◊Q◊Î◊, ~–◊@◊˙÷◊˙@◊, Ä~–◊o◊äNho◊@◊, N_s’∫◊˙@h◊ s@◊ul˙~◊, ¡◊ä˙Dd◊@◊ ¡–◊‘_∫◊˙@h◊ ¡◊Ζ◊, ‘hM◊N_j◊ á‘_Δ’ä≠@◊ Ä˙k·◊‘’u §◊˙N_@◊ ≠⁄ÊΔ’≠@◊ ~–◊ºNuØd◊˙ N˙≠‹ @◊Q–◊ Ä¥◊@◊ú Ä¡◊˙bu Ä˙Î◊˙π ™◊˙~◊÷h◊ dh◊Ø@◊ ÷◊@◊ ‘ur’˙Nu~◊, Δ˙≤◊˙ Q–◊¥◊˙ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ~◊ π˙@–◊¡◊ øh◊ÅΩ Ä˙~◊o◊÷h◊ ·–◊Ä ≠N≤–◊ s§◊u@◊d◊˙, Δ≤y◊ §◊˙¡◊˙≠¡◊s ~◊ π˙@–◊¡◊ ~◊ÅΩ ÄO@◊ ¡–◊§◊˙N ≠≤◊É ¡–◊‘˛˙Ø@◊ ⁄–d–◊ Ä¡◊˙bu Ä˙k·◊‘’≠~◊ @◊˙©◊ ≠Ø˝~◊d◊˙≠@◊ ≠≤◊ Ä˙k~Í◊, Ä˙πb˙÷h◊ ÷◊@◊ Äd–◊÷˛◊Ø; ≠≤◊ πh@h◊r, π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ ÷◊¡◊Îh◊ ~–◊¡◊d’◊ ≠≤◊@–◊ø◊ Δ˙í Üd◊◊˙¡◊dÍ◊, d◊ä˙s◊÷@◊◊ N¡h◊ ≠≤◊ N˙O–~Í◊ >
~F◊d◊~◊ ø◊o◊≠@◊ @◊Q–◊d◊ π·◊ä˙¡◊Ζ◊
ASCENT* The Silence Into the Silence, into the Silence, Arise, O Spirit immortal, Away from the turning Wheel, breaking the magical Circle. Ascend, single and deathless: Care no more for the whispers and the shoutings in the darkness. Pass from the sphere of the grey and the little, Leaving the cry and the struggle, Into the Silence for ever. Vast and immobile, formless and marvellous, Higher than Heaven, wider than the universe, In a pure glory of being, In a bright stillness of self-seeing, Communing with a boundlessness voiceless and intimate, Make thy knowledge too high for thought, thy joy too deep for emotion; At rest in the unchanging Light, mute with the wordless self- vision, Spirit, pass out of thyself; Soul, escape from the clutch of Nature. All thou hast seen cast from thee, O Witness.
* Free quantitative verse with a predominant dactylic movement.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Q◊˙≤Ω◊ ≠Á@–◊ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ à ~–◊¡–’◊≠‘r π˛d–◊ ≠Á@–◊ Q◊˙≤Ω◊ ~–◊d◊ä N~◊˙d◊≠~◊ : ≤h◊Ä Ø˙d˛◊ Q–◊@◊¥◊~◊, ‘˙¥–◊ à ≠Ø˝~◊d◊˙, ≠≤◊ ¡–◊‘_˙‚@◊Δ˙d˛◊u Ä~◊˙Ø Ü÷◊d_◊, ≠≤◊ Ä˙k˙ ÄØ@◊ >
≠Ø˝~◊d◊˙@◊ π@◊π˙≠@◊ ≠Ø˝~◊d◊˙@◊ s≤◊~◊@h◊, ≠Ø˝~◊d◊˙@◊ s≤◊~◊@h◊ N…÷◊Ζ◊d◊ ÷◊@–◊ N˙≠‹ Ä¡◊b’ä N·Í◊¡◊gh Núu ÷◊@–◊ N˙≠‹ d◊¡◊ ¡–◊§◊˙ à ¡◊–g˙@◊ Ä˙≠@◊˙≤◊ ≠≤◊ Ä˙k˙ Ä¡–◊~◊˙‘u > ÷◊˙Î◊÷h◊ ~–◊≠l˙s÷◊@–◊ Ä¥◊≤◊u~◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@–◊ Ä‹’≠@◊ ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ Ä˙≠‘mr÷h◊, ≠≤◊ π˛N¤◊, ·–◊Ä N¤–◊S˙~◊ ©◊˙s˛d◊ ‘˙‘_≠d◊ ©◊˙s, ¡◊O`◊s∂ ÷◊@–◊≠~◊É Äπ˛≠Øl ≠π˛Ø, Ä˙k-π˛˙D ≠≤◊˙Å @◊≤◊ Ä¥◊≤◊u~◊ d◊˙ö◊ πFb’d_◊≠@◊, ~–◊Øû◊ πh`◊≠÷◊ Ä˙É Ø˙Sh≠Δ’ d◊˙ö◊@◊, Ø@◊Ø dh◊Ø@◊ `◊§h◊ Q–◊@◊·–◊~◊ á‘_@ul ≤œ◊·◊l N¤–◊S≥ > Nh¡œ≤◊dÍ◊, ≠·◊¡◊˙¡–◊¸, dh◊Ø÷h◊ Ä˙≠‘mr–≠~◊≠¡◊ §h◊¡◊~◊≠Ø˙≤◊~◊, ≠d◊˙Ζ◊ ≠~◊≠¡◊ π@◊Ø Nho◊@ d◊˙ö◊ NhrØ˙@◊ ÄNuØ ©◊s≠d◊ dh◊Ø÷h◊ Ä˙≠¡◊˙@–◊ ≠~◊¡◊ ~–◊@◊¡◊S≥ Äd◊Î◊˙¥◊ ≠π˛Ø, Ä˙~◊o◊ Ä÷◊À◊~◊ul, É`∑◊˙N Ä≠Øl, ™◊˙~◊ N¡’◊‘ê–◊Ø˙~Í◊, N¡’◊™◊˙ ‘÷◊d–◊ Äd◊Ø–N˛ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊ Ä˙É Nd◊ä Δ˙≤◊˙ Q–◊@◊ Ä˙lhr<˙~Í◊ >
~F◊d◊~◊ ø◊o◊≠@◊ @◊Q–◊d◊ π·◊ä˙¡◊Ζ◊
Turn to the Alone and the Absolute, turn to the Eternal: Be only eternity, peace and silence, O world-transcending nameless Oneness, Spirit immortal.
Beyond the Silence Out from the Silence, out from the Silence, Carrying with thee the ineffable Substance, Carrying with thee the splendour and wideness, Ascend, O Spirit immortal. Assigning to Time its endless meaning, Blissful enter into the clasp of the Timeless. Awake in the living Eternal, taken to the bosom of love of the Infinite, Live self-found in his endless completeness, Drowned in his joy and his sweetness, Thy heart close to the heart of the Godhead for ever. Vast, God-possessing, embraced by the Wonderful, Lifted by the All-Beautiful into his infinite beauty, Love shall envelop thee endless and fathomless, Joy unimaginable, ecstasy illimitable, Knowledge omnipotent, Might omniscient, Light without darkness, Truth that is dateless.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Ü÷◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ N˙≠‹, Nhπ˛‘˙¥◊, §h◊¡◊~◊π˛N˙@◊u ~–◊ºNú, ¡◊Õ◊~◊≤◊u~◊, ¡◊≤h◊@F◊≠π ¡–◊Î◊N– d◊‹˙π– N¡’◊ dh◊Ø Ø≠Ú πhb– N¡’◊Ø≠Ú dh◊≠Ø≤y◊ ~–◊¡◊N– N˙S ÷◊Ø’ ©◊sd◊≠@◊, N≈◊˙ d◊¡◊ @◊]≥ d◊˙í@◊ π˙≠@◊ > Ä˙k˙, ÷◊@◊ ÉdÍ◊÷˛◊Øb ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ ÷˛◊˙¥–◊; ≠≤◊ πh@h◊r, ¡–◊‘_ Äd–◊÷˛◊Ø > Ä˙≠@˙◊≤–◊ É≈◊ub’ ≤h◊Ä ‘œú π≠@◊ ‘œú π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ É·Í◊¡◊d’◊~◊ ÷◊@◊ Ä˙É ≠d◊˙Ζ◊S@◊ NuØ˙@◊ Ä˙k˙≠@◊ É∫◊, ©◊sd◊÷h◊ d◊¡◊ ¡◊O`s∂ ÷◊@–◊, ÄS@◊˙@◊ ¡◊≠O Øs∂ ≠≤◊ π@◊Ø¡◊˙÷Í◊ > ~–◊d◊ä N˙≠‹ Ü÷◊˙÷◊˙@◊, ¡◊˙N÷◊@◊ d◊˙ö◊ ÄNuØ˙≠@◊ ~–◊Øû–◊d◊ ~–◊¡–’◊≠‘≠r π˛˙D ≠·◊¡◊@F◊≠π π@◊Ø@◊ ≤◊…N dh◊≠Ø §˛◊Øh‹˙Ä Ø≤◊˙≠¡◊ä˙≠Ø πO Q◊˙Ζ◊ §h◊¡◊≠~◊ §h◊¡◊≠~◊ ≠≤◊ Ä˙k˙ ÄØ@◊ >
~F◊d◊~◊ ø◊o◊≠@◊ @◊Q–◊d◊ π·◊ä˙¡◊Ζ◊
One with the Transcendent, calm, universal, Single and free, yet innumerably living, All in thyself and thyself in all dwelling, Act in the world with thy being beyond it. Soul, exceed life’s boundaries; Spirit, surpass the universe. Outclimbing the summits of Nature, Transcending and uplifting the soul of the finite, Rise with the world in thy bosom, O Word gathered into the heart of the Ineffable. One with the Eternal, live in his infinity, Drowned in the Absolute, found in the Godhead, Swan of the supreme and spaceless ether wandering winged through the universe, Spirit immortal.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Ä¡–◊·◊ä˙π–≤–◊d◊ Ä˙k˙ Ä¡–◊·◊ä˙-Ä˙è◊¤◊ Ä˙k˙, ©◊˙s d◊˙í@◊ ≠Ø˙≤◊~–◊·˛◊˙ ≠d◊©–◊ > π˛©_◊Î◊¥◊ ¡–◊‘_¡◊≤∂–◊, §◊˙s¡◊d◊ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊@◊ ÷◊b–÷◊˙, ≠s˝@◊≠¡◊ ɤ◊ud◊ ÷◊@◊ Ø~◊ Ä˙É ≤œ◊·◊l dh◊Ø@◊ > ≠≤◊ d◊Ø-sh£–d◊ NFΔ’ä, πh~◊`’◊˙§◊ d◊¡◊ π˛§˙@◊˙©–◊ > Ä·_–◊d◊ul ¡–◊‘_Øl, N˙@◊˙ Nœ¸– @◊]≥ Ä˙≠¡◊¸≠~◊ ~–◊≠¢d◊ π˛÷œ◊d–◊ N˙≠‹ Ü≠¡◊ Ä˙É ≠~◊˙≤– Ä˙¡◊≈–’◊d◊ ≠·◊¡◊©◊˙d◊ Øb Ä˙πb˙≠@◊, ©◊˙b ~–◊≠©◊ Øœdh◊ä≤◊u~◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊, ≠Á@–◊Δ˙Ä Øœdh◊ä≤◊u~◊ dh◊Ø Ä¡◊⁄˙≠~◊ >
Δ˙d˛◊˙≠‘r ·–◊¡◊˙ Ä¡◊N˙~◊ Ü≠¡◊ NÕ◊ä˙@◊ π˛N˙≠@◊ Δ˙Å ≤◊≠©◊, Äd–◊÷˛◊˙¥◊ ·◊uˆ’π‹ñ Ä¡◊≠‘r ÄÎ◊π Ø˙d◊@◊ > ÜO≠b Ñr@◊ §F◊Ø–, ~◊u@◊¡◊d◊˙ ˆ˙@–◊ø–◊ ÜO≠b; ‘F~◊ä ÷œ◊à π˛˙Q◊u≠@◊÷◊, N_s’ d◊˙í@◊ π¢˙≠d◊ ¡–◊@◊˙≠©◊ >
~F◊d◊~◊ ø◊o◊≠@◊ @◊Q–◊d◊ π·◊ä˙¡◊Ζ◊
Soul in the Ignorance* Soul in the Ignorance, wake from its stupor. Flake of the world-fire, spark of Divinity, Lift up thy mind and thy heart into glory. Sun in the darkness, recover thy lustre. One, universal, ensphering creation, Wheeling no more with inconscient Nature, Feel thyself God-born, know thyself deathless. Timeless return to thy immortal existence.
Journey’s End** The day ends lost in a stretch of even, Along road trod – and the little farther. Now the waste-land, now the silence; A blank dark wall, and behind it heaven.
* Dectylic tetrameter, usually catalectic, with the ordinary modulations.
In line 3 two double trochees
| ( | ( – | ( | ( –
( | | | – ( ( | ( – | (
** Lines 1, 2, 4, epitrite, third paeon, trochee
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
π˛˙b-N_s’ §◊˙¡–◊`–◊... É≠`∑◊] ~◊ ÷◊@–◊ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ Åú–d◊ Ä˙÷◊˙≠@◊ ·h◊Å Q◊@◊Ø ≠÷◊˙Ëu ØÚ≠@◊ Ü÷◊ ≠Δ˙sNFd˛◊@◊ ÷◊‹˙ ÷h◊≤◊˙Δ˙Åπ˙≠@◊ > ·–◊¡◊ä ≠s˙Ë–◊Ü ·–◊s≠@◊ d◊˙ö◊@◊ N÷◊Î ≠¡Ê◊π@◊ud◊ä ØÚ≠@◊ sh£–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å @◊≤–◊ø◊¥–◊ Ü¡◊… Ä~◊ä ·–◊s≠@◊ ≠N Äø◊¥–◊ d◊˙ö◊@◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ Ä~◊˙¡œ◊d◊ ÄN}Fd◊ ⁄–d–◊≠@◊ñ Ü·h◊ÅË–◊@◊ ≠Δ˙sNFd˛◊ ÷◊‹˙ > §◊˙¡◊Ë–◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙, Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ©◊sd◊ ¡–◊¡◊≈’◊~◊˙k÷◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ñ Ü÷◊ Ü÷◊ ~–◊·–’◊¸ Y◊ú@◊; π˛≠d◊ä≠÷◊ ÄNuØö◊@◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ ¡–◊§◊˙¡◊÷h◊ NuØ–d◊ πFC˙’úd◊˙≠@◊ Éπ⁄˙π~◊ ÷◊@◊¥–◊; ÷–◊¥h◊ π˛≠d◊ä≠÷◊ @◊≤–◊‹˙í¥–◊ ~–◊©◊ØÚ≠@◊ πFC’÷◊˙Ø, πFC’dœ◊D; ÷◊˙≤◊˙@–◊ ÷–◊ø–◊ π˛˙‹’ä ~◊ ‹˙Ü, ~–◊©÷h◊ ≠÷◊˝bN–Ø≠d◊ Äd–◊÷˛◊Ø ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙@◊ Ä˙ªœ≤◊˙ ~◊ ‹˙Ü ¡–◊ ÷◊˙≤◊˙@–◊ > Ä~◊äπO≠@◊ ≠N≤–◊ Ä˙ªœ≤◊˙≤y◊ Ü≤–◊ πœ‹≥¡◊u@◊ ÄπFC’d◊˙ ØÚ≠@◊ ~–◊≠©◊ Ä˙N– N¡◊˙@◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ¡◊N–ø–◊ > ·œ◊‘äd◊º ~◊˙~◊˙ ¡–◊≠@◊˙S˙§◊˙N ØÚ≠@◊ @h◊M◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ØÚ ·–◊¡◊ä ≠Δ N_l… Ü∫◊˙≠@◊ Éπ⁄–d◊, Ü≤–◊ Nd◊ä≤y◊ Ä~◊˙¡œ◊d◊ ·–◊¡◊äö◊ π˙]≠@◊ Éπ~◊ud◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ `◊˙s– É·◊äØ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ¡◊˙Ú÷◊≠@◊ > Ä˙≠@◊˙≤◊b Ä¡◊‘ä ≠N π˛l˙N@◊ Ü÷◊ ¡–◊§◊˙¡◊; Ø˙d˛◊ ¡–◊¡◊≈’◊~◊ ØÚ≠@◊ §◊˙s¡◊d◊ πFC’d◊˙@◊ @F◊π˙lb◊ ~–◊Ø≠¥◊ Ä¡◊≠@◊˙≤◊b ØÚ d◊˙í@◊ Ä~◊ä Ü÷◊ Ä˙l˙N > ≠N≤–◊ ÷◊˙@◊b@h◊ πœ‹≥¡◊u N_s’∫◊˙@h◊ ÄS≥÷◊ ‘ê–◊@◊ ÄS≥÷◊˙@–◊bu ≠¡◊˙`–◊ ≠ˆ˙rb˙ ÷◊@–◊ø–◊; ÷◊˙@◊b Ü∫◊˙≠@◊ ·–◊¡◊äö◊@◊ ~–◊@h◊M◊ Éπ⁄–d–◊@◊ d◊˙‚Δ’ä ØÚ≠@◊ ~–◊≤–◊d◊ d◊˙í@◊ ≠N≤–◊ N}˙¡◊~◊˙; ≠N N}˙¡◊~◊˙ ~◊˙≤y◊ π˛˙b-(÷–◊…¡◊˙ Üπ@–◊÷–◊ Ø~◊)-N_s’@◊ πFb’d◊˙ ØÚ≠@◊ > ñ ‘˛uÄ@◊¡–◊o π˛˙b Ü÷◊ ˆ~◊ Éè_◊˙N@◊ Nhπ˛N˙@◊u Ü¡◊… ~–◊¡–’◊÷◊˙@◊ §◊˙N–¡h◊≠`◊ S@◊˙-Ä¥◊@◊˙≠Î◊ Ä˙É d◊˙í@◊ ©◊u¡◊-©◊z˙Î◊≠@◊ ¡◊‘–d◊˙ à Δ»◊`–◊π– N˙S≥ Δ˙·h◊ Ü÷◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊N÷◊Î◊@◊, Ø≤◊ul˙~◊, Ä˙~◊o◊≠@◊ §◊@◊˙, ¡◊C’Øl, ©◊~<◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ S≠@◊ > N_@◊ Ü÷◊ `◊uÎ◊˙@◊d◊ d◊≤y◊ Ø≈’◊ä¡◊˙Nu ÷◊C’ Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ‘h≠b ~◊˙≤y◊, Äd–◊ ØhsÍS÷◊@◊, Ä¥◊@◊ú, Nh·F◊@◊¡–◊≤◊˙@◊u, ¡◊ä˙DπO Ä˙k˙@◊ π˛N˙≠@◊, Nh¡–◊ØÎ◊ ¡◊≤∂–◊@◊ ≠s˝@◊≠¡◊, ¡◊@◊rÅ ØFè’◊~◊˙@◊ S˙@◊˙ ~◊¡◊~◊¡◊, πh`◊÷◊-NG˙@◊u >
~F◊d◊~◊ ø◊o◊≠@◊ @◊Q–◊d◊ π·◊ä˙¡◊Ζ◊
The Life Heavens “I thought... The connection is between the Divine suppressed in its opposites and the Divine eternal in its own unveiled and undescended nature. The idea is that the other worlds are not evolutionary but typal and each presents in a limited perfection some aspect of the Infinite, but each complete, perfectly satisfied in itself, not asking or aspiring for anything else, for self-exceeding of any kind. That aspiration, on the contrary, is self-imposed on the imperfection of Earth; the very fact of the Divine being there, but suppressed in its phenomenal opposites, compels an effort to arrive at the unveiled Divine – by ascent, but also by a descent of the Divine perfection for evolutionary manifestation here. That is why the Earth declares itself a deeper Power than Heaven because it holds in itself that possibility implied in the presence of the suppressed Divine here, – which does not exist in the perfection of the vital (or even the mental) Heavens.” – Sri Aurobindo (Collected Poem, p. 580) A life of intensities wide, immune Floats behind the earth and her life-fret, A magic of realms mastered by spell and rune, Grandiose, blissful, coloured, increate. A music there wanders mortal ear Hears not, seizing’ intimate, remote, Wide-winged in soul-spaces, fire-clear, Heaping note on enrapturing new note.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
@F◊π d◊≤y◊ Ø@◊b@◊≤–◊d◊ ≤h◊Ü ©◊lu, ·–◊¡ä ¡◊C’¡–◊§◊˙ ‘–≤◊@◊˙Ü Øhç NØu@◊≠b Ø≤–◊Ø˙@◊ Ä©◊N˛ ¡–◊§◊˙≠¡◊; π˛d–◊ §◊˙¡◊ Ø≤◊˙~◊o◊Øl, ≠π˛Ø d◊≤y◊ π˛d◊u÷◊Ë–◊Ü ¡◊˙ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@◊ Ü÷◊Å π˛§◊˙@◊ ≠§◊˙s Δ˙í@◊ ≠¡◊~–◊≠@◊ N}≠¡◊ > ‘˙¥–◊S˙@◊˙ Åo–˛◊l¡◊s’@◊, ‘–≤◊@◊b Åo–˛◊l@◊ ‘d◊ ¡–◊πG≥@◊ á÷◊äd◊˙≠~◊ ≤h◊Ü π˛≠≤◊Ζ◊÷◊˙; ¡◊ä‹˙@◊ Ä˙@◊d–◊ `◊§–◊ d◊˙í@◊ ~◊¡◊ @F◊π˙¥◊@◊ πh`◊÷◊@◊ ≤h◊Ü πh≠@◊˙≤–◊d◊, ØFè’◊~◊˙ d◊ d◊˙@◊ND÷◊@◊ Ü¡◊… Ü÷◊ ¡◊≤∂–◊Î◊ ¡–◊@◊d–◊ > ¡–◊@◊˙©–◊d◊ N÷◊Î◊ ¡◊gh≠@◊ ~–◊≠·’◊˙r à ‘hM◊ NhNúd–◊; ≠‘˙÷◊ ~◊˙≤y◊, ÷◊Î◊ö◊-Od◊ ¡–◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ d–◊≠Î◊ ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙@◊ d◊≤y◊; ≤œ◊·◊l@◊ π˛d–◊Ë–◊ ªo◊~◊ §◊˙N_@◊ à Nh~–◊¢–d◊ Δd–◊ ≠¡◊s¡◊˙~◊ π@◊Ø˙~◊o◊@◊, ÷m◊˙¥–◊ Δ˙í≠@◊ π˙≠@◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ ·◊≤–◊ > d◊≤y◊ Ü÷◊ π@◊Ø N…÷◊À◊, π@◊˙ ‘ê–◊, ¡◊˙©–◊÷◊@◊ Ø~◊ ÷–˛◊l˙@◊} Ø˙d˛◊≠÷◊ N@◊≠©◊ Ä˙πb˙@◊ Ä˙~◊o◊@◊ Ø˙~◊, ¡–◊N<l≠@◊, @F◊π-Ä˙≠`◊]ä≠@◊, ¡C˙’§◊˙≠N, NG˙@◊≠b π˛˙b, Äπ@F◊π @F◊π@◊ §h◊¡◊~◊, Δ˙í á‘_Δ’ä ≠N ÷◊≠@◊ NÕ◊˙~◊ > S_~–◊, ¡◊C’, Ä˙~◊o◊@◊ ‘–]˙ > π˛˙b ‹˙Ü N_π∂ ≠·◊]≥¡◊˙≠@◊ N·◊˙ @◊d◊, @◊≤–◊ ‘œõΖ◊d◊ N_s’ N≤◊ `◊Oä Δ˙≤◊˙ d◊˙í@◊, ¡–◊÷˛◊Ø@◊ Ä˙≠‘mr≠@◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ π˛N˙≠·◊ à NhrØ˙-N}˙≠@◊ ‘@◊u≠@◊ à @◊N˙Î◊ Ä˙k˙≠@◊ ‘–≤◊@◊b NG˙≠@◊ ~–◊Ø’Î◊ > ≠N ÉeFÎ ¡–◊N<l≠@◊ ¡h◊Ÿ–◊ ~–◊Øû–◊d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ä˙k˙ ≠Ø˙@◊ Ä˙è◊¤◊ à Ä¥◊≤–’◊d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠`◊˙Ÿh◊‹≥`◊˙ N–Ü ≠Δ Ø≤–◊Ø˙ nŸ◊@◊ ¡–◊ π˛]@◊d◊˙ s`◊˙, ≤◊©–s`˙ Éf˙≤◊ ≠Δ˙M◊˙@◊, ·œ◊¸–π‹hΩ d–◊≠@◊˙≤–◊d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ·œ◊DπO §◊˙¡◊-π@–◊÷˛◊Ø˙ >
~F◊d◊~◊ ø◊o◊≠@◊ @◊Q–◊d◊ π·◊ä˙¡◊Ζ◊
Forms deathless there triumph, hues divine Thrill with nets of glory the moved air; Each sense is an ecstasy, love the sign Of one outblaze of godhead that two share. The peace of the senses, the senses’ stir On one harp are joined mysteries; pain Transmuted is ravishment’s minister, A high note and a fiery refrain. All things are a harmony faultless, pure; Grief is not nor stain-wound of desire; The heart-beats are a cadence bright and sure Of Joy’s quick steps, too invincible to tire. A Will there, a Force, a magician Mind Moves, and builds at once its delight-norms, The marvels it seeks for surprised, outlined, Hued, alive, a cosmos of fair forms. Sounds, colours, joy-flamings. Life lies here Dreaming, bound to the heavens of its goal, In the clasp of a Power that enthrals to sheer Bliss and beauty body and rapt soul. My spirit sank drowned in the wonder surge: Screened, withdrawn was the greatness it had sought; Lost was the storm-stress and the warrior urge, Lost the titan winging of the thought.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
Ø≈ @◊≤–◊ ~–◊¢–¥◊ Ä˙@◊˙≠Ø ≠~Ê◊Ns–’÷◊ ≠§◊˙sØ˙ShΔ’ä≠@◊ ≠‘˙÷◊@h◊ ¡–◊Øhê◊, ≠d◊bh π˛≠l˙©◊~◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ Ä˙ªœ≤◊˙@◊, ¡◊Õ◊≤◊@◊˙, Ä˙k-¡–◊sΖ◊d◊ Åo–˛◊l@◊ ~–◊@◊u≤◊ Q◊Δ’ä˙≠@◊ ~◊ud◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ N∂–sÍS ≠N˙≤◊˙s≠@◊ ØSh¡◊≤∂–◊ Äl≠~◊ ≠؈@◊ > Ñ≠Z’◊ ÷–◊¥h◊ É∫–◊`◊˙ N≤◊N˙ Ä˙≈’◊@◊¡◊ πh@◊˙d◊~◊ Äd–◊, @◊˙d–˛◊ π@–◊ Äd◊Î◊ s§◊u@◊, ÄOl Δ˙ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊ π@–◊; Øœdh◊ä@◊ Ü ÷◊@◊˙Î◊ Ä˙÷F◊d–◊ Ø≠~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Q–◊@◊¥◊~◊ π˛d–◊, S@–◊d˛◊u@◊ d˛◊˙≤–◊ d˛˙≤–◊ X◊˙÷◊ Äπ˛≠Øl Ø≤◊dÍ◊öh◊ N@–◊ > ëë≠≤◊ π‹≥÷◊ ‘ur’ N@◊bu@◊ Ä≠~_◊r÷◊ ÄØœd◊ d◊j◊@◊, ~◊ Äø–◊ ÷–◊ π˛N˙·◊ ÜØ¥◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ Q–◊@◊ Ä¡◊äl ÄOl Ü NuØ–d◊ NhNúd–◊∫◊˙≠@◊ ~–◊@◊¡◊S≥ Δ˙≤◊˙@◊ π˛N˙@◊, Øh≤F◊≈’◊@◊ Ä~–◊d◊ä π@◊‘ ©◊˙≠b ~◊˙≤y◊ Δ˙í@◊ ·–◊¡◊ä`◊l ? ëë¡◊˙≤h◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ N¤–◊S≥÷h◊ Ä˙≠b ¡◊˙bu≤◊u~◊ π@◊Ø É`∑◊˙≠N, π˛˙b Δ˙≤◊˙ N~◊˙d◊≠~◊ ؖΖ◊ ¡◊O`◊s∂˙ ≠≤◊˙Å @◊≠≤◊ d◊˙í@◊, Ä¡◊≠@◊˙S≤◊u~◊ Ü÷◊ Ø~◊ `◊u~◊≤h◊Ü ÄNuØ ÉÒ◊˙≠N, Ä÷◊≠À◊l ~–◊¡œ◊≈–◊≠@◊ Δ≤y◊ π@◊˙÷˛◊˙¥◊˙ ‘ê–◊ Ü÷◊˙÷◊˙@◊ ? ëëS@–◊d˛◊u, ØhΩ S≠@◊ ≠Δ ‘÷◊d–◊ N_s’∫◊˙@h◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ s˙˜◊d◊@◊; d◊˙í ≠s˙`◊˙π-Ä˙~◊o◊@h◊ ¡◊Ζ◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ÜÅ ≠‘˙÷◊ ~–◊@–◊©◊~◊, @◊˙s@◊ê◊ ÷◊Ëh◊ ¡◊u©◊ Ü÷◊, N˛¸˙ Δ˙≤◊˙ ND πh`◊÷◊@◊;ñ π˛d–◊S_~–◊ ·F◊@◊˙¥◊ ÷◊£@◊ §◊≠@◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ØF÷◊ ¡◊ä¡◊S˙~◊ > ëëNuØ˙@◊ Ü ≠‘r N@◊©◊~◊˙, ≠Ø˙ Éf˙≠≤◊ ≤h◊ÄÅ É·◊äd◊ Éπ~◊ud◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ≠¡◊˙`–◊ ·–◊≠~◊ Ä™◊˙d◊≠@◊ ≠‘r ÄNuØ@◊, N~◊˙d◊~◊ ¡–◊èh◊@–◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Q◊Î◊Ø˙~◊ π˛˙≠b π@–◊bd◊ ÷◊·’◊Ø≠@◊ Ü¡◊… π˛g≠@◊ ≠·◊¡◊d_◊ ≠Δ ≤h◊Ü @h◊M◊·_◊˙@◊ >íí
~F◊d◊~◊ ø◊o◊≠@◊ @◊Q–◊d◊ π·◊ä˙¡◊Ζ◊ It lay at ease in a sweetness of heaven-sense Delivered from grief, with no need left to aspire, Free, self-dispersed in voluptuous innocence, Lulled and borne into roseate cloud-fire. But suddenly there soared a dateless cry, Deep as Night, imperishable as Time; It seemed Death’s dire appeal to Eternity, Earth’s outcry to the limitless Sublime. “O high seeker of immortality, Is there not, ineffable, a bliss Too vast for these finite harmonies, Too divine for the moment’s unsure kiss ? “Arms taking to a voiceless supreme delight, Life that meets the Eternal with close breast, An unwalled mind dissolved in the Infinite, Force one with unimaginable rest ? “I, Earth, have a deeper power than Heaven; My lonely sorrow surpasses its rose-joys, A red and bitter seed of the raptures seven; My dumbness fills with echoes of a far Voice. “By me the last finite, yearning, strives To reach last infinite’s unknown, The Eternal is broken into fleeting lives And Godhead pent in the mire and the stone.”
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
N≤◊©◊ ≠N Nh]@◊ N˙Ø˛˙©◊ä Ä¡◊`◊u≠Î◊ §◊©–◊`◊˙@h◊ `◊l ¡◊©˛◊˙≤◊d◊, ¡–◊§◊˙©–◊d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙, Øm˙~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ N_π∂@◊ @◊b~◊, Ä¥◊≤–’◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Ås`◊˙ N¡h◊; Ä≠s˙Q◊@◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ ~–◊Q◊l Ü÷◊Ø˙d˛◊ ¡◊@◊d–◊`◊˙, ÷◊≠`◊ ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ ÷◊˙Î◊@◊ ÷◊Î◊~◊ > d◊‹˙π– d◊ S@◊˙@◊ ªo◊~◊ ~–◊≠Ø∂ ≠Ø˙@◊ ≠≤◊É‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊˙@–, ‘–@◊ π≠@◊ ‹≥≠`◊ ¡–◊ sh£–d◊ Äπ˛≠Øl, Q–◊¥◊˙@◊ Äd◊ud◊ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ ≠Ø˙ ÷◊`˙ Ä˙≠@◊˙≤◊b ‘ur’≤◊u~◊ ‘–]@◊ ≠Δπ@–◊, Äd–◊÷˛◊Ø– ≠©◊ä˙d–◊@◊ N˙s@◊ ·–◊¡◊ä≠π˛Ø Δ≤y◊ @F◊π˙l–d◊ >
~F◊d◊~◊ ø◊o◊≠@◊ @◊Q–◊d◊ π·◊ä˙¡◊Ζ◊ Dissolving the kingdoms of happy ease Rocked and split and faded their dream-chime. All vanished; ungrasped eternities Sole survived and Timelessness seized Time. Earth’s heart was felt beating below me still, Veiled, immense, unthinkable above My consciousness climbed like a topless hill, Crossed seas of Light to epiphanies of Love.
Ä˙Ø»◊b à Ä~◊ä˙~◊ä ÷◊¡–◊d◊˙
¡–§h◊ö◊ ≠s˙`◊˙π ≠≤◊ ≠s˙`◊˙π ¡–◊§h◊ö◊@◊, ~◊uÎ◊÷◊˙¥◊ ~◊§◊π≠@◊ N–oF◊@◊@◊ ·◊˙s, Ä˙~◊o◊Ølu ≠s˙`◊˙π, Ä~◊Î◊-ØSh@◊, ND@◊§◊N÷h◊ ≠~◊Å dh◊≠Ø ND@◊˙s ! Ø˙~h◊r Ø@◊≠Ø Ä˙Ø ·◊uD ≤h◊Ä, ≠≤◊ Ä˙¢Δ’ä, ≠≤◊ π˙¡◊÷◊‘–]˙, Ä˙≠¡◊s-÷h◊NhØ dh◊≠Ø ~◊˙Ø˙d◊ud◊ö◊@◊, Q–◊@◊@◊≤◊NäØl◊ ~◊˙Ø@◊ ÷◊Ζ◊÷◊˙ > ≠≤◊ ≠s˙`◊˙π ¡–◊§h◊ö◊@◊, π@◊˙ π˛™◊˙-π˛ŒhË◊~◊ ‘–]≠@◊ N≈◊˙@◊, ≠©◊ä˙d–◊ºN_@F◊π˙ ≠s˙`◊˙π, Nh~–◊Ø’Î◊ ØØ’⁄Î◊ dh◊ú·◊‘–’d◊˙@◊ ! Ä˙Ø@◊ π˙‹≥’¡◊ Ø≠~◊ ÷◊@◊ ¡◊˙N; ≠≤◊ Nh¡◊C’ @◊≤◊Nä, π˛NF~◊, N≤◊N˛˙…‘h ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ ‘–≠@◊, Äd–◊‹≥ Ø—–ø◊ Ü≤–◊ ÄØœd◊ `◊s~◊ > ≠≤◊ ≠s˙`˙π ¡–◊§h◊ö◊@◊, ÄNuØö◊ ≠‘˝Δ’©◊¡◊˙, ¡–◊÷˛◊Ø@◊ ≠`◊˙≤–◊d◊ ¡–◊s˛≤◊, ‘ê–◊N_@F◊π˙ ≠s˙`◊˙π, ≤◊u@◊÷◊≠·◊ä˙d–◊ Δ˙í d◊¡◊ ≠§◊·◊ ÷◊≠@◊ @◊˙d–◊@◊ ≤œ◊·◊l ! É∫◊ ©◊Ζ◊ Ø@◊ N…÷◊À◊≠@◊, ÷◊@◊ d◊¡◊ ≠Δ˙©◊~◊˙@◊ Ä˙¢Δ’ä Q–◊d˛◊b, ÄØœd◊@◊ π˛d–◊ØF≈–’◊, Ø˙~◊¡◊ Ä¥◊≠@◊ NQ◊÷–◊d◊ ≠·◊¡◊-¡–◊s˛≤◊b > ≠≤◊ ≠s˙`◊˙π ¡–◊§hö◊@◊, ·◊Ζ◊d◊ ÷h◊öh◊Ø ØF≈–’◊Ø˙~◊ ·–◊¡◊ä ¡◊˙N~◊˙@◊, π˛˙bN_@F◊π˙ ≠s˙`◊˙π, ¡◊≤h◊·◊Î◊ NØ˙≠@◊˙≤◊, ¡–◊πG≥ ¡◊b’@◊ ! @F◊π˙¥◊@–◊d◊ ÷◊@◊ Ø@◊©◊u¡◊-d◊~h◊ `◊Ζ◊d◊ ≠Ø˙≤◊~◊ Ü÷◊ ø◊o◊ Ä~h◊@F◊π; π˙‹≥’¡◊d◊˙ ≠Δ˙Ÿ◊ Ä˙Ø N_s’uld◊˙ N˙≠‹, ÷◊˙Î◊@◊ N¥◊˙≠~◊ ·–◊Ä Øœdh◊ä≤◊u~◊ @F◊π > ≠≤◊ ≠s˙`◊˙π ¡–◊§h◊ö◊@◊, @◊§◊N@◊ ¡˛◊uŸ◊˙ ≠‘˙≤◊ ‘˙‘_d◊u `◊π~◊ ≠π˛ØN_@F◊π˙ ≠s˙`◊˙π, π·<◊@◊˙s s§◊u@◊d◊˙ N÷◊Î◊ N≈◊˙@◊, ÷œ◊π˙ö◊@◊ Ä˙≠¡◊s·◊≤◊~◊ ! É∫◊ ©◊˙s– Ä˙÷F◊d–◊ Ä¥◊@h◊ π˛÷œ◊d–◊ Äd◊≠Î◊ Δ–Ü shØh@–◊ ¡◊˙≤h◊≠~◊ Q–◊@◊Nho◊@ö◊ ≠s≤◊ ÷◊@◊ πœ‹≥¡◊u÷h◊, π˛˙b÷h◊ π˛d–◊B˙ ÷◊@◊ Ä˙~◊o◊-Qh◊¯≠~◊ >
~F◊d◊~◊ ø◊o◊≠@◊ @◊Q–◊d◊ π·◊ä˙¡◊Ζ◊
Rose of God Rose of God, vermilion stain on the sapphires of heaven, Rose of Bliss, fire-sweet, seven-tinged with the ecstasies seven ! Leap up in our heart of humanhood, O miracle, O flame, Passion-flower of the Nameless, bud of the mystical Name. Rose of God, great wisdom-bloom on the summits of being, Rose of Light, immaculate core of the ultimate seeing ! Live in the mind of our earthhood; O golden Mystery, flower, Sun on the head of the Timeless, guest of the marvellous Hour. Rose of God, damask force of Infinity, red icon of might, Rose of Power with thy diamond halo piercing the night ! Ablaze in the will of the mortal, design the wonder of thy plan, Image of Immortality, outbreak of the Godhead in man. Rose of God, smitten purple with the incarnate divine Desire, Rose of Life, crowded with petals, colour’s lyre ! Transform the body of the mortal like a sweet and magical rhyme; Bridge our earthhood and heavenhood, make deathless the children of Time. Rose of God, like a blush of rapture in Eternity’s face, Rose of Love, ruby depth of all being, fire-passion of Grace ! Arise from the heart of the yearning that sobs in Nature’s abyss: Make earth the home of the Wonderful and life beatitude’s kiss.