SAVITRI Poem pt-1

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N˙¡–◊d˛◊u (Ü÷◊ Ä˙]ä˙~◊ Ü¡◊… Ü÷◊ π˛d◊u÷◊) ‘˛uÄ@◊¡–◊o Ä~h◊¡◊˙·◊ : ‘˛u ~◊–Ø˙ÅΩ Q◊@b Ø≤◊˙π˙d◊˛ π˛‹Ø Øh·◊˛b : 2010 © ‘˛uÄ@◊¡–◊o◊ Ä˙‘˛Ø ˲◊¸ : 2010 π˛÷◊˙‘÷◊ : ~◊¡◊≠©◊ä˙d–◊ π˛÷◊˙‘~◊ ‘˛uÄ@◊¡–◊o◊ Ä˙‘˛Ø π˛÷◊˙‘~◊ ¡–◊§◊˙s, π—–≠Q◊@◊u - 605 002 SAVITRI (Oriya) (A Legend and a Symbol) Sri Aurobindo Translator : Nimai Charan Mohapatra First edition : 2010 Price Rs. 220/ISBN 978-81-7058-947-1

© Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust :


Published by Navajyoti Publication, A unit of Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Pondicherry - 605002 Printed at Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, Pondicherry PRINTED IN INDIA

3rd Final : 24/10/2009





3rd Final : 24/10/2009



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‘˛uØ˙ö◊ §◊˙r˙≠@, ëëN˙¡◊–d◊˛u Ü÷◊ N≠d◊ä˙·Í◊ˆ˙Ë~◊, Ü÷◊ Ú˙~◊, Ä~◊¥◊ à ‘˙‘_d◊@ Ä≠~◊_rb > ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí ÄÚl~◊@ Ä‹’ ≠Δ˙sN˙S~◊, Ä˙Ú˙k–÷◊ Ü÷◊˙s˛d◊˙; §◊s¡◊dÍ◊ Éπ`◊Û– N÷◊˙≠‘ ≠Δ≠d◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ π˛≠l˙©~◊, ©≠b ≠N‹≥@h N¡h◊ π˙Åπ˙@–¡ > (“...Savitri is a revelation, it is a meditation, it is a quest of the Infinite, the Eternal. To read ‘Savitri’ is indeed to practise Yoga, spiritual concentration; one can find there all that is needed to realise the Divine.” – The Mother)

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3rd Final : 24/10/2009



NFQ◊uπd◊˛ ¡◊–rl


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dœ◊d◊ul Ns’ : @˙©r–’ö◊ ≠Δ˙s ñ Ä˙k˙@ Øhê◊– ≠Δ˙s


Q◊dh◊‹’ Ns’ : @≤◊Näˆ~◊ ™˙~


dœ◊d◊ul π¡◊’ : ·◊–¡◊ä©~◊~◊uö◊ π¡◊’ π˛‹Ø Ns’ : Ä≠™l@ Ä≠~◊_rb

3rd Final : 24/10/2009


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dœ◊d◊ul Ns’ : ¡◊˛≤◊<˙ld◊~◊ à ~◊¡◊Nœ¸–


Q◊dh◊‹’ Ns’ : ·◊–¡◊ä·◊‘’~◊ à ¡◊@`◊˙§





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203 213 247 255

πGØ π¡◊’ : ≠π˛Ø π¡◊’ π˛‹Ø Ns’ : ¡◊–S≥-~◊–·◊–’¸ ħ◊–N˙@ ·◊_–d◊ul Ns’ : Nd◊ä¡˙~Í◊ dœ◊d◊ul Ns’ : Nd◊ä¡◊˙~Í◊ à N˙¡◊–d◊˛u

265 273 297

rB π¡◊’ : ~◊–ld◊–@ π¡◊’ π˛‹Ø Ns’ : ~◊–ld◊–@ ¡˙bu ·◊_–d◊ul Ns’ : ~◊–ld◊–@ @ud◊– à ≠÷◊m‘@ NØNä˙

337 355

NDØ π¡◊’ : ≠Δ˙s π¡◊’ π˛‹Ø Ns’ : Ø–Î◊~◊@ Ä˙~◊o◊, ÷◊≠∫◊˙@ π@uO˙ ñ Øœdhä@ §◊¡◊–räd◊Í ™˙~ à ≤œ◊·◊l@ ≠‘˙÷ ·_–d◊ul Ns’ : Ä˙k˙≠~◊_rb@ s˙‹˙ dœ◊d◊ul Ns’ : Ä¥◊≠·◊’‘≠@ π˛≠¡◊‘ Q◊dh◊‹’ Ns’ : Ä¥◊@˙k˙@ ‘ê◊–d◊˛l πGØ Ns’ : Ä¥◊@˙k˙@ Ä˙¡◊– ˙@ NDØ Ns’ : ¡◊–‘_˙k˙ à ¡◊–‘_≠Q◊Êd◊~◊ä 595

407 437 441 451 457 483 3rd Final : 24/10/2009



dœ◊d◊ul §˙s ~◊¡◊Ø π¡◊’ : Q–@¥◊~◊u @˙d◊˛–@ π¡◊’ π˛‹Ø Ns’ : ‘F~◊ä s˙˜@˙d◊˛– ħ◊–Øh≠] ·_–d◊ul Ns’ : Q◊–@¥◊~◊u @˙d◊–˛≠@ Δ˙d◊˛˙ à ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@@ ÷◊£◊S_~◊–

511 515

·◊‘Ø π¡◊’ : ≠·◊_Êd◊ ≠s˙SFÎ◊–@ π¡◊’ dœ◊d◊ul Ns’ : ≠π˛Ø à Øœdh◊ä@ ¡˙sÍΔhM Q◊dh◊‹’ Ns’ : π˙‹≥’¡◊ Nd◊ä@ N_π∂NÕ◊ä˙

525 531

Ü÷˙·◊‘ π¡◊’ : Q◊–@¥◊~◊ ·◊◊–¡◊N@ π¡◊’ π˛‹Ø Ns’ : Ä¥◊@˙k˙@ ¡◊@b à π@Ø˙ N…N–M–


·_˙·◊‘ π¡◊’ : ÉπN…≤◊˙@ πœ‹≥¡◊u÷h◊ π˛d◊ä˙¡◊≈◊’~

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π˛‹Ø §◊˙s (π˛‹Ø π¡◊’ ∫◊˙@h dœ◊d◊ul π¡◊’)


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π˛‹Ø π¡◊’ : Ä˙·◊– π¡◊’ π˛‹Ø Ns’ : ·◊–¡◊ä Ér˙

Ì‘˛uÄ@¡◊–o◊ö◊@ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä Ø»Ølu N˙¡◊–d◊˛u πFC◊’ §◊˙s¡◊d◊ ©u¡◊~◊÷h◊ `◊Oä@F≠π ¡◊@b ÷◊@–‹≥¡◊˙ N˙S÷◊Ø˙~◊ö◊ π˙ÅΩ N˙O˙dÍ◊ ≠¡◊·◊s§◊’˙ ·◊–¡◊ä©~◊~◊u > Nd◊ä·œ◊¸– à Nd◊ä‘´d◊– ÜÅ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ ≠π˛@b˙-Éf > Ü≤◊˙@ ·◊_˙·◊‘ π¡◊’ ØÚ≠@ π≠¡◊’ π≠¡◊’ ¡◊–÷◊‘–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å @≤◊–ø– NØs˛ ¡◊–‘_@ Ä˙Ú˙k–÷◊ Åd◊–≤◊˙N à d◊˙í@ ·◊–¡◊ä ~◊–ld◊–@ Ä˙≠`◊]ä > ·◊_˙·◊‘ π¡◊’ ØÚ@h Ü≤◊˙@ π˛‹Ø π¡◊’@ π˛‹Ø Ns’≠@ ·◊–¡◊ä Ér˙@ ¡◊C◊’~◊˙ > Nœ¸–@ Ä˙·◊–Ø d◊ØN˙, ÷◊˙@b@Fπ˙ Ø≤◊˙@˙d◊–˛ ØÚ@h ÷◊–π@– Ér˙ Nd◊äØ≤◊–Ø˙ ≠~◊Å Áh◊Ë–É∫◊– Ä˙N¤ Nd◊äΔhs@ N…§◊˙¡◊~◊˙@ Ä˙‘˙ N…Q◊˙@ ÷◊@–ø¥◊–, Ü‹≥≠@ d◊˙≤◊˙ ¡◊C◊–’d◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø– > Nd◊ä¡◊˙~Í◊ö◊ Øœdh◊ä·◊–¡◊N@ Ér˙ Δhs˙¥◊÷◊˙@–bu > d◊˙≤◊˙ π˛˙÷œ◊d◊ Øb–r Ä˙]≥@ sd◊˙~h◊sd◊–÷◊ N÷◊˙Î◊ ~h◊≠≤◊Ω > d◊˙≤◊˙ π˛d◊u÷◊ Ér˙, Ä‹’˙dÍ◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ Ä˙s≠@ ɧ◊˙ d◊˙í@ πø≠@ @≤◊–ø– ÄNuØ Nd◊ä≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ ¡◊ ˙ Ä·◊ – d ◊ – > ≠¡◊ · ◊ ≠ @ Ér˙ Ä·◊ – d ◊ – ö ◊ @ πh ≠ @˙§◊ ˙ s≠@; ≠N d◊ ˙ ö◊ @ Øh ] ‘˛ u , ëëÄ·◊–≠d◊@~◊u÷◊ØÍíí > Ér˙ö◊@ ·◊–¡◊ä Nd◊ä‘ê◊– N˙¡◊–d◊˛uö◊ §◊–d◊≠@ ¡◊–÷◊‘–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø– > Q◊@Ø π¡◊’≠@ ≠N ¡◊–‘_˙k˙ Nd◊ä¡◊˙~Í◊öh◊ Q◊–@÷◊˙Î◊ π˙ÅΩ, ≠ˆ˙@ Ä™˙~◊πh@u Øœdh◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊÷h◊ ~◊–© ≠©ä˙d◊–≠@ É·Í◊§◊˙N–d◊ ÷◊@–, @Fπ˙¥◊@–d◊ ÷◊@– ≠Á◊@˙Å Ä˙b–ø¥◊– > Nd◊ä@ πFC◊’ π˛÷◊˙‘ à π˛d◊–B˙ N˙¡◊–d◊˛uö◊@ Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ ¡◊–S≥~◊–·◊–’¸ ÷◊˙Δ’ä > Ér˙≠Q◊d◊~◊˙≠@≤◊y ÜÅ ·◊–¡◊ä÷◊˙Δ’ä@ Ä¡◊‘ä}˙¡◊u ÄQ◊Î◊˙ §◊–≈◊– > ñ Ä~h◊¡◊˙·◊÷◊±


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4 Canto One

The Symbol Dawn IT WAS the hour before the Gods awake. Across the path of the divine Event The huge foreboding mind of Night, alone In her unlit temple of eternity, Lay stretched immobile upon Silence’ marge. Almost one felt, opaque, impenetrable, In the sombre symbol of her eyeless muse The abysm of the unbodied Infinite; A fathomless zero occupied the world. A power of fallen boundless self awake Between the first and the last Nothingness, Recalling the tenebrous womb from which it came, Turned from the insoluble mystery of birth And the tardy process of mortality And longed to reach its end in vacant Nought. As in a dark beginning of all things, A mute featureless semblance of the Unknown Repeating for ever the unconscious act, Prolonging for ever the unseeing will, Cradled the cosmic drowse of ignorant Force Whose moved creative slumber kindles the suns And carries our lives in its somnambulist whirl. Athwart the vain enormous trance of Space, Its formless stupor without mind or life,

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π˛‹Ø Ns’

·◊–¡◊ä Ér˙ ≠·◊¡◊sb ©˙sœd◊–@ πF¡◊’ ≠N NØl > §◊˙s¡◊d◊ ˆË~◊˙@ N@bu Éπ≠@ ~◊–‘–‹≥~◊u Nh¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ‘…÷◊–d◊ Ø˙~◊N π˛N˙@– ~◊–º‘›◊ d◊≠Ë @≤◊–‹≥`◊˙ πŸ– Ü÷◊˙ d◊˙@ ~◊–w˛·◊uπ Ä~◊˙·◊– Øo◊–≠@ > ·œ◊¸–≤◊u~◊ Ú˙~◊@ d◊˙í SFN@ π˛d◊u≠÷◊ Ä‘@u@u ÄNuØ@ Äd◊Î◊ s≤◊_@ `◊˙sh‹≥`◊˙ π˛˙l Äd◊– s≤◊~◊, ~◊–w˛§◊; Ä¥◊≤◊u~◊ ‘F~◊äd◊˙≠@ §◊@–‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊–‘_ > ~◊–ºNuØ πd◊–d◊ Ü÷◊ Ä˙k˙@ ‘÷◊d◊– Ä˙·◊–-Ä¥◊-~◊˙g– Ø≠Ú ≠≤◊˙Å ©˙s@–d◊ NhØ@– d◊–Ø–@s§◊’ É·Í◊§◊¡◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@, Ø≈◊’ä@ ØA◊@ S˙@˙, ©u¡◊~◊@ sF˜Ä≠§◊‡ ¡◊–rlh ≤◊Ë– Q◊˙≤h◊Ω‹≥`◊˙ ÷◊˙≤◊y ‘F≠~◊ä ‘F≠~◊ä Ø≤◊˙‘F≠~◊ä `◊§◊–¡ ¡◊–`◊l > N≠d◊ ¡◊˙ Ä]≥Î◊ Nœ¸– Ä˙·◊–Ø d◊–Ø–≠@ Ä™˙d◊@ ~◊–@˙÷◊˙@ ~◊–º‘›◊ Ä˙§◊˙N ¡◊˙@¡◊˙@ ~◊–@¥◊@ Ä≠Q◊d◊ ÷◊Ø’≠@ ¡◊–g˙@– Nd◊d◊ d◊˙@ ÄÕ◊ Åè◊˙‘ê◊– @≠Q◊ Ä™ ¡◊–‘_‘ê◊– ÄÎ◊N ≠·◊˙Î◊~◊ Q◊Î◊– Δ˙ Nœ©~◊u NhD– ©˙Î◊Å d◊˙@÷◊˙ N_π∂Q◊@u ˆFC◊–’≠@ d◊˙ ¡◊≤◊– Ä˙Ø π˛˙b > ÄØ–d◊ Ä˙÷◊˙‘ ¡◊ä‹’ NØ˙S≥ ñ π˛N˙≠@ ~◊–w˛˙b ÄØ~◊ d◊˙@ Ä@Fπ Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘ §h◊`◊– d◊˙ Ä¥◊@ Ä˙k˙ §h◊`◊– d◊˙ ~◊–ld◊– 5

3rd Final : 24/10/2009


6 A shadow spinning through a soulless Void, Thrown back once more into unthinking dreams, Earth wheeled abandoned in the hollow gulfs Forgetful of her spirit and her fate. The impassive skies were neutral, empty, still. Then something in the inscrutable darkness stirred; A nameless movement, an unthought Idea Insistent, dissatisfied, without an aim, Something that wished but knew not how to be, Teased the Inconscient to wake Ignorance. A throe that came and left a quivering trace, Gave room for an old tired want unfilled, At peace in its subconscient moonless cave To raise its head and look for absent light, Straining closed eyes of vanished memory, Like one who searches for a bygone self And only meets the corpse of his desire. It was as though even in this Nought’s profound, Even in this ultimate dissolution’s core, There lurked an unremembering entity, Survivor of a slain and buried past Condemned to resume the effort and the pang, Reviving in another frustrate world. An unshaped consciousness desired light And a blank prescience yearned towards distant change. As if a childlike finger laid on a cheek Reminded of the endless need in things The heedless Mother of the universe, An infant longing clutched the sombre Vast.

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~◊–O–D˙ ≠≤◊˙Å ≠N πhb– Ä≠¡◊˙S Nπ≠~◊ π@–d◊äê◊˙ ˆF≠@ πœ‹_u Äd◊Î◊ ¡◊–¡◊≠@ > ~◊–rÍ÷◊–˛l Ä˙÷◊˙‘ ‹≥`◊˙ ⁄–@, NØ, ‘F~◊ä > d◊˙π≠@ ©˙s–`◊˙ ≠NÅ Ä≠™l d◊–Ø–≠@ Ä~◊˙Ø–÷◊˙ sd◊– Ü÷◊ ÄQ◊–¥◊ä §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ N˙s˛≤◊, Ädœ◊D, `◊Oä, É≠P‘ä ¡◊–≤◊u~◊ ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙ Δ˙ ≠≤◊¡◊ ÷◊–ø– ~◊ ©˙≠b ÷◊–π@–; ÄQ◊–d◊–÷h◊ πuŸ– d◊˙≤◊˙ ©s˙Ü Ä™˙~◊ > @]≥s`˙ ‘–≤◊@b ©˙s– ≠N ≠¡◊·◊~◊˙ > É∫◊–`◊˙ d◊˙ π‹π≠@ ÄπFC◊’ ¡◊˙N~◊˙ > πh@˙d◊~◊ ‘˙¥◊ ‘˛˙¥◊ Ä¡◊≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@ Q◊o◊˛≤◊u~◊ sh≤◊˙‘≠l ≠d◊˙Î◊– d◊˙@ ‘–@ Äπ˛÷◊Ë ≠©ä˙d◊– Ä˙≠‘ ≠]˙©– Q◊˙@–·◊–≠s, Øh·◊–d◊ ~◊l~◊ ØA◊– ¡◊–`h◊D N<œd◊–@, ≠]˙©– ≠]˙©– ≠Δπ@– ≠÷◊ Äd◊ud◊ Ä˙k˙≠@ ≠·◊]Å ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ d◊˙í@ ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙@ ‘¡◊ > N≠d◊÷◊– ≠N Ø≤◊˙‘F~◊ä Äd◊Î◊ s§◊u≠@ Q◊@Ø ¡◊–`◊l ≠÷◊≠o◊˛ `h◊Q◊– @≠≤◊ N≈◊˙ N<œd◊–≤◊@˙ @O˙ π˙Å Ä˙N–ø– Δ˙ ≠÷◊ÉΩ ~◊–≤◊d◊ ≠π˛˙‹≥d◊ ·F◊@ Äd◊ud◊ s@§h◊ ·◊—˙·◊–¸ ≠≤◊˙Å Ä~◊ä ¡◊–Á◊Î◊ ©s≠d◊ ©˙s– πhb– ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ ·h◊@¥◊ π˛l˙N > Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊@ ª‘’ Q◊˙≠≤ Ä@Fπ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙, ·F◊@π@–b˙Ø Q◊˙≠≤ ‘F~◊ä §◊˙¡◊–™˙~◊ > ÷◊≠π˙≠Î◊ ~◊–≠¡◊‘– ‘–‘h Äúh◊Î◊– ¡◊˙ N≠d◊ ¡◊gh@ ÄNuØ Ä≠‹’ ≠Q◊d◊˙Å`◊˙ πhb– ÄSu≠@ ÄØ≠~◊˙≠Δ˙su ¡◊–‘_-©~◊~◊u≠@ > ≠÷◊˙ØÎ◊ ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙ S≠@ ¡◊–πhÎ◊˙ d◊˙ØNu >


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8 Insensibly somewhere a breach began: A long lone line of hesitating hue Like a vague smile tempting a desert heart Troubled the far rim of life’s obscure sleep. Arrived from the other side of boundlessness An eye of deity peered through the dumb deeps; A scout in a reconnaissance from the sun, It seemed amid a heavy cosmic rest, The torpor of a sick and weary world, To seek for a spirit sole and desolate Too fallen to recollect forgotten bliss. Intervening in a mindless universe, Its message crept through the reluctant hush Calling the adventure of consciousness and joy And, conquering Nature’s disillusioned breast, Compelled renewed consent to see and feel. A thought was sown in the unsounded Void, A sense was born within the darkness’ depths, A memory quivered in the heart of Time As if a soul long dead were moved to live: But the oblivion that succeeds the fall, Had blotted the crowded tablets of the past, And all that was destroyed must be rebuilt And old experience laboured out once more. All can be done if the god-touch is there. A hope stole in that hardly dared to be

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Ä©˙b≠d◊ ≤h◊Ü ÷◊˙≤◊y ø–·◊˛@ Ä˙@} N…‘l ©Ÿ–d◊ Ü÷◊ ·◊uˆ’ @˙s≠@]˙ Oub≤◊˙Nä Ø@h≤œ◊·◊ ≠Ø˙≤◊–`◊˙ π@˙≠l Ä˙≠`◊˙Ÿ–`˙ NhDπ˛˙b ·F◊@ sF˜d◊Ë > ÄNuØ Äπ@π˙@h Ä˙N– ≠·◊¡◊Q◊Oh ≠§◊·◊÷◊@– s`◊˙ ØF÷◊ Ø≤◊˙ s§◊u@d◊˙ Ø≠~◊≠≤◊`◊˙ Ä¡◊˙ ≠ˆ˙@ ¡◊–‘_ ¡◊–‘˛˙¥◊–≠@ Ä¡◊N¤, ©Ÿ, @hsÍb S@bu Éπ≠@ Ä˙N–ø– ≠÷◊ NFΔ’äQ◊@ s≠¡◊rb˙ π≠‹ ≠]˙©–¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙k˙ ÷◊˙≤◊y ÄN≤◊˙l Ü÷◊˙ Äs˙S Äd◊≠Î◊ πŸ– π˙≠@ ~◊˙≤◊y ÷◊@– N<@b Δ˙ Äd◊ud◊@ ¡◊–N<dœ ◊ @§◊N > ¡◊–Øh] g¡Í◊Sd◊˙ Q◊–@– ¡◊–‘_@ ¡◊–d◊˙≠~◊ ¡◊˙bu d◊˙@ π˛N@–`◊˙ ÄØ~◊ ©s≠d◊ Q◊–·◊˙~◊o◊ ·h◊ºN˙≤◊N ÷◊≠Ø’ ≠·◊Å X◊˙÷◊, π˛÷œ◊d◊– ¡◊–ØF˜ ≤œ◊· ©–b–, Ä˙b– πhb– ¡◊≠Î◊ d◊˙@ ·◊‘’~◊@ ≠¡◊˙S@ N_u÷œ◊d◊– > Q◊–¥◊˙¡◊u© ≠≤◊`◊˙ ÉD Äs˙S ‘F~◊ä≠@, N…™˙ Ü÷◊ `◊≠§◊ ©~◊< d◊–Ø–@ s§◊u≠@, N<œd◊– É≠∫◊ ‹@– ‹@– ÷◊˙Î◊@ Ø@≠Ø > N≠d◊ ¡◊˙ ¡◊G≥¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ¡◊≤h◊÷◊˙Îh◊ Øœd◊ Ä˙k˙ Ü÷◊ ~◊¡◊ª≠o◊ ≠≤◊˙Å`◊˙ NQ◊Î◊ > ÷◊–¥h◊ ≠N ¡◊–N<œd◊– ≠ˆ˙@ ~◊–πd◊~◊ π≠@ ≠π˙ø–‹≥`◊˙ Äd◊ud◊@ ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ Á◊Î◊÷◊ > ~◊¸ Δ˙ ≠≤◊˙Åø– πhb– s˜–¡◊˙@ Ä˙≠‘ πF¡◊’≠¡◊˙S, πh@˙d◊~◊ ™˙~◊, Ä~h◊§F◊d◊– Éπ÷◊˛Ø ÷◊`◊˙ Ü÷◊ ~F◊d◊~◊ N˙S~◊˙ > ÄN}◊¡◊ ÷◊–¡◊˙ ‹≥≠`◊ π@Ø π@‘ > É·◊˙N ¡◊–©~◊@˙d◊–˛ ¡h◊≠÷◊ Su≠@ Su≠@ 9

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10 Amid the Night’s forlorn indifference. As if solicited in an alien world With timid and hazardous instinctive grace, Orphaned and driven out to seek a home, An errant marvel with no place to live, Into a far-off nook of heaven there came A slow miraculous gesture’s dim appeal. The persistent thrill of a transfiguring touch Persuaded the inert black quietude And beauty and wonder disturbed the fields of God. A wandering hand of pale enchanted light That glowed along a fading moment’s brink, Fixed with gold panel and opalescent hinge A gate of dreams ajar on mystery’s verge. One lucent corner windowing hidden things Forced the world’s blind immensity to sight. The darkness failed and slipped like a falling cloak From the reclining body of a god. Then through the pallid rift that seemed at first Hardly enough for a trickle from the suns, Outpoured the revelation and the flame. The brief perpetual sign recurred above.

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N…‘l ©Ÿ–d◊ Ä˙‘˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ N…Q◊˙@–d◊ > N_s’@ Nh·F◊@≠÷◊˙≠b ≠≤◊`◊˙ π˛÷◊Ë–d◊ Su≠@ Q◊Øe˙@ §◊˙¡◊ Oub Ä˙≠¡◊·◊~◊ ¡◊–≠·◊≠‘ ≠ΔN≠~◊ ≠÷◊≤◊– ÷◊@– Ä~h◊≠@˙S N…·◊–sÍS Q◊÷◊–d◊ d◊˙í@ π˛¡œ◊≈◊–-Ä˙≠¡◊sñ π˛N˙≠·◊ Ä˙b–`◊˙ X◊˙÷◊– Ä~◊˙‹, d◊˙Ÿ–d◊ sœ≤◊÷◊˙Ø Ä~◊–≠÷◊d◊ Ä˙¢◊Δ’ä Äd◊–‹≥ > @Fπ˙¥◊@÷◊˙@u Ü÷◊ π@‘ ≠@˙Ø˙G ¡◊˙@¡◊˙@ Áh◊Ë– É∫◊– ÷◊`◊˙ ¡◊‘u§F◊d◊ ~◊–¢◊Î◊ ÄÎ◊N ˆ~◊ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@ @˙‘– > Q◊–d◊˛‘–@u ≠·◊¡◊§F◊Ø– ÷◊`◊˙ Ä˙≠`◊˙Ÿ–d◊ > OulØ˙b Øh≤F◊≈◊’@ Éπ˙≠¥◊ n`◊÷◊– π˙—h@ ≠Ø˙≤◊–~◊u ·◊uD–Øl ≤◊˙d◊ ÷◊˙@ ˆF@– ˆF@– ⁄˙π–≠·◊`◊˙ Ø˙l˙≠@ d◊˙≤◊˙@ ·◊uD·◊_˙@ NÕ◊–N≤◊ ÷◊~◊÷◊ ÷◊π˙Ëñ N_π∂@ ≠d◊˙@b Øhê◊ @≤◊Nä@ d◊≠Ë > π˛÷◊˙‘– π˛è◊¤ ¡◊gh ¡◊˙d◊˙l~◊ NØ N≤◊N˙ §◊˙N_@≠÷◊˙b ¡◊–‘_@ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ Ä¡◊@hM ≠~◊≠d◊˛ ≠·◊`◊˙ ·œ◊¸–@ ‘÷◊d◊– > ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@ s`◊˙ ≤◊Ë–, ‘˙l–d◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ‘@u@h πŸ–`◊˙ ]N– sÎ◊–d◊ ¡◊N~◊ > @¡◊–@‘<–÷◊b˙ π˙ÅΩ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠Δ π˛‹≠Ø ÷◊¸-π‹ ØÎ◊–~◊ ≠N ø–·◊˛ ≠§◊·◊÷◊@– n@–`◊˙ π˛¡◊Î◊ ≠¡◊≠s π˛÷◊˙‘@ π˛§◊˙ > ‘˙‘_d◊ N…≠÷◊d◊ πhb– Ob÷◊˙Î◊ π˙ÅΩ Éπ≠@ É∫◊–`◊˙ Áh◊Ë–; π@Ø, ÄsØ s@§h◊ π˛÷◊˙‘– Ä˙≠N ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛¡◊@b˙ Ä·œ◊¸ Ø≤◊–Ø˙ @˙≠s ≠‘˙§◊~◊˙ ≠Ø˙≤◊–~◊u >


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


12 A glamour from unreached transcendences Iridescent with the glory of the Unseen, A message from the unknown immortal Light Ablaze upon creation’s quivering edge, Dawn built her aura of magnificent hues And buried its seed of grandeur in the hours. An instant’s visitor the godhead shone. On life’s thin border awhile the Vision stood And bent over earth’s pondering forehead curve. Interpreting a recondite beauty and bliss In colour’s hieroglyphs of mystic sense, It wrote the lines of a significant myth Telling of a greatness of spiritual dawns, A brilliant code penned with the sky for page. Almost that day the epiphany was disclosed Of which our thoughts and hopes are signal flares; A lonely splendour from the invisible goal Almost was flung on the opaque Inane. Once more a tread perturbed the vacant Vasts; Infinity’s centre, a Face of rapturous calm Parted the eternal lids that open heaven; A Form from far beatitudes seemed to near. Ambassadress twixt eternity and change, The omniscient Goddess leaned across the breadths That wrap the fated journeyings of the stars And saw the spaces ready for her feet. Once she half looked behind for her veiled sun, Then, thoughtful, went to her immortal work.

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©Î◊– ©Î◊– N©’~◊˙@ ÷◊fi˛ NuØ˙ π≠@ Ä™˙d◊ ‘˙‘_d◊-≠©ä˙d◊–-N·◊~h◊ ¡◊˙@d◊˙ Ér˙≠·◊¡◊u @Q◊– ¡◊C◊’ ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ ¡◊Î◊l ≠π˙d◊–≠·◊≠` ÷◊˙Î◊¡◊≠O ¡◊u© NhØ≤◊˙~Í◊ > Ob–÷◊ Äd◊–‹≥ NØ @˙©–≠`◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ > ɧ◊˙≠≤◊˙Å ©u¡◊~◊@ Oub NuØ˙π≠@ ·◊–¡◊äØF≈◊–’ ÷◊–ø–÷◊˙Î◊ Y◊Î◊–≠`◊ S@˙@ Q◊–¥◊˙-§◊˙@-~◊d◊¡◊÷◊˛ `◊`◊˙Ë Éπ≠@ > @≤◊Nä§◊˙¡◊~◊˙Øl sF˜ Q◊–d◊˛π≠Ë s≤◊~◊-NhrØ˙-Nh] ÷◊@– π@–ßhË ~◊§◊π≠d◊˛ N˙≠ö◊d◊–÷◊ @hQ◊–@ `◊–π–≠@ ≠`◊]≥≠`◊ ¡◊äz~◊˙Ølu Ø≤◊˙s˙‹˙ π…ê◊– Ä˙Ú˙k–÷◊ Ér˙Ø˙Î◊˙ Ø≤◊–Ø˙@ ÷◊‹˙ > ≠N·◊–~◊ π˛÷◊Ëπ˛˙l ≠≤◊`◊˙ ·◊–¡◊ä@Fπ π˛§◊˙N π˛d◊u÷◊ Δ˙@ Ä˙Ø Q◊–¥◊˙Ä˙‘˙ > Á◊–ú◊– Ä¡◊˙ ≠·◊`◊˙ ÷◊–Ü Ä™˙d◊ Ä˙‘lh ¡◊–©≠~◊ ¡◊–§◊¡◊ ÷◊˙¥◊– ‘F~◊ä d◊ØN˙≠@ > πhb– ÷◊˙í@ π·◊π˙≠d◊ ‘F~◊ä Ä˙≠o◊˙Î◊–d◊ > ÄNuØ@ ≠÷◊o◊˛ ‘˙¥◊, π˛≤œ◊¸ Ä˙~◊~◊ ≠]˙≠`◊ Q◊–@≠~◊d◊˛πhË ¡◊–÷◊˙‘– N_@s > Ø≠~◊≠≤◊`◊˙ ØF≈◊–’ Ü÷◊ Ä˙NÅ ~◊–÷◊≠Ë Ä˙~◊o◊ ~◊–Î◊lh ÷◊˙≤◊y ·F◊@ ·F◊@˙¥◊@h > ‘˙‘_d◊ ~◊‘_@ Ø≠Ú ·F◊d◊u ™˙~◊Ølu Ø≤◊˙≠·◊¡◊u d◊˙@˙≠`◊˙÷◊ ¡◊–S≥ Nh¡◊–≤◊–d◊ñ sd◊–π≠‹ Y◊Î◊–Ä˙N– ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ π˛ghd◊ Q◊@b-N≠@˙© π˙ÅΩ ss~◊-Ø—Î◊ > ÄS˙Q◊˙≤◊y ≠·◊¡◊u ‹≠@ π¢◊˙≠d◊ π˛è◊¤ π–˛ld◊Ø NFΔ’äØh≠] Ä˙@}–≠`◊ πhb– Ú˙~◊-~◊–Øs~◊ Q◊–≠≈◊ ÄØœd◊ N˙S~◊˙ > 13

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14 Earth felt the Imperishable’s passage close: The waking ear of Nature heard her steps And wideness turned to her its limitless eye, And, scattered on sealed depths, her luminous smile Kindled to fire the silence of the worlds. All grew a consecration and a rite. Air was a vibrant link between earth and heaven; The wide-winged hymn of a great priestly wind Arose and failed upon the altar hills; The high boughs prayed in a revealing sky. Here where our half-lit ignorance skirts the gulfs On the dumb bosom of the ambiguous earth, Here where one knows not even the step in front And Truth has her throne on the shadowy back of doubt, On this anguished and precarious field of toil Outspread beneath some large indifferent gaze, Impartial witness of our joy and bale, Our prostrate soil bore the awakening ray. Here too the vision and prophetic gleam Lit into miracles common meaningless shapes; Then the divine afflatus, spent, withdrew, Unwanted, fading from the mortal’s range. A sacred yearning lingered in its trace, The worship of a Presence and a Power Too perfect to be held by death-bound hearts,

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S@˙÷◊`◊˙ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ Ä˙NÅ ~◊–÷◊≠Ë Q◊–@¥◊~◊u Ø≤◊˙≠·◊¡◊u; π·◊S_~◊– d◊˙@ π˛≠¡◊‘–`◊˙ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ ©˙s˛d◊ ‘˛¡◊≠b > ¡◊–πhÎ◊˙@ §F◊Ø˙ ·œ◊¸– πŸ–`◊˙ ©s≠d◊ > ·◊uD ·◊@≤◊˙N ≠·◊¡◊u ÷◊@– ¡◊–èh◊@b π˛÷œ◊d◊– Øh·◊–d◊ s≠§◊’, ÷≠`◊ π˛©_Î◊–d◊ ]≥Î◊¡◊–‘_ ~◊u@¡◊d◊˙ ~◊¡◊ ©˙s@≠b > N¡h◊≠≤◊`◊˙ ~◊–≠¡◊·◊~◊, ·◊–¡◊äÉπQ◊˙@ > S@˙N_s’ ≠Δ˙Ÿ–≠·◊`◊˙ ÷◊…π–d◊ NØu@; Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ Ø@hdÍ◊≠≤◊˙d◊˙ ÷◊£h◊ Ä˙¡◊˙≤◊~◊Ø» ≠≤◊˙Å Éf˙@–d◊ π˛N˙@–d◊ π≠O π˛d◊–≤◊d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ·F◊@ s–@–≠¡◊·◊u π≠@ > ¡◊~◊ªd◊– ÷◊≠`◊ πF©˙ ·◊–¡◊ä ~◊§◊≠÷◊˙≠Î◊ > Ä~◊–¢◊–d◊ S@˙@ Ü ~◊–¡◊’˙÷Í◊ É@≠N ÄM’·◊uD Ä≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ øhÜΩ ]˙`◊– Δ≤◊y Äd◊Î◊ ÄGÎ, Δ≤◊y ©˙≠b ~◊˙ Ø˙~◊¡◊ N®h≠] d◊˙ π·◊~◊ä˙N, ø˙l˙≠ˆ@˙ ‘ö◊˙ π–∫◊–@ Ä˙N≠~◊ Δ≤◊y Nd◊ä ÄS≥@F˜ Nh]-·h◊º] NØ N˙Ou É·◊˙N ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ñ ·œ◊¸–d◊≠Î◊ π˛N˙@–d◊ ≠NÅ π@–d◊D π@˙Su~◊ ÷◊Ø’≠O≠d◊˛ π˛bd◊˙ πœ‹≥¡◊u ©˙s@bu @‘<–©˙Î◊ S@–`◊˙ ‘@u≠@ > ≠N ·◊‘’~◊, §◊¡◊–räd◊-NFQ◊u-Obπ˛§◊˙ ÷◊`◊˙ ·◊–¡◊ä, ·◊uD, dh◊è◊ N˙S˙@b @Fπ > ÷◊–¥h◊ Ä˙≤◊˙ Ø≈◊’ä≠`◊˙÷h◊ ·◊–¡◊ä π˛≠Q◊˙·◊~◊˙ É≠πO–d◊˙, Oub≠≤◊˙Å s`◊˙ ÄπN@– > π≠ø d◊˙@ @≤◊–s`◊˙ πFd◊ Éfh÷◊d◊˙ N˙¤–Ú ‘ê◊–@ πF©˙ ~◊‘_@ ≤œ◊·◊l Äd◊– ‘hM @Fπ Δ˙í@ π˙≠@ ~◊˙≤◊y N≤◊–; 15

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16 The prescience of a marvellous birth to come. Only a little the god-light can stay: Spiritual beauty illumining human sight Lines with its passion and mystery Matter’s mask And squanders eternity on a beat of Time. As when a soul draws near the sill of birth, Adjoining mortal time to Timelessness, A spark of deity lost in Matter’s crypt Its lustre vanishes in the inconscient planes, That transitory glow of magic fire So now dissolved in bright accustomed air. The message ceased and waned the messenger. The single Call, the uncompanioned Power, Drew back into some far-off secret world The hue and marvel of the supernal beam: She looked no more on our mortality. The excess of beauty natural to god-kind Could not uphold its claim on time-born eyes; Too mystic-real for space-tenancy Her body of glory was expunged from heaven: The rarity and wonder lived no more. There was the common light of earthly day. Affranchised from the respite of fatigue Once more the rumour of the speed of Life Pursued the cycles of her blinded quest. All sprang to their unvarying daily acts;

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πF¡◊’˙§◊˙N @≠≤◊ §◊˙¡◊u-¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ ©~◊<@ > O≠b Ø˙d◊˛ @≤◊–π˙≠@ §◊˙s¡◊d◊ ≠©ä˙d◊– > ·◊uD ÷◊@– ~◊@·œ◊¸– ÄÚ˙k NhrØ˙ ©Ÿ ø·◊<≠¡◊‘ d◊≠Î◊ @˙s @≤◊Nä@ Ä˙g@-NØ˙~◊ ≠‘˙≤◊–, ‘˙‘_d◊ ¡◊–§◊¡◊ NØl@ d◊˙≠Î◊ ·◊–Ü ~◊–º≠‘≠r Ä©˙Ÿ–; Å≤◊÷◊˙Î◊ ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ NÕ◊–⁄Î◊ π≠@ ©~◊Ø ·h◊Ä˙@ π˙≠‘ π˛≠¡◊‘– ≠ΔN~◊ ÄQ◊–d◊– Äd◊Î◊ ≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ≤◊@˙Å Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ ·◊–¡◊ä÷◊b˙ ≤◊©–Δ˙Ü ©Ÿ@ s@≠§◊ ≠d◊N~◊ ≠N Ob·h◊äd◊– ≠Ø˙≤◊–~◊u ©_˙Î◊˙@ `◊–§◊–`˙ ·◊–~◊@ ·◊uD π@–Q◊–d◊ ~◊≠§ > g¡Í◊S ≠≤◊`◊˙ ¡◊˙≈◊’˙, ≠·◊¡◊u s≠`◊ ÄπN@–; Ü÷◊˙÷◊–~◊u Ø≤◊˙¡◊˙bu N≤◊Q◊@u≤◊u~◊˙‘ê◊– ≠~◊≠`◊ ·F◊≠@ ÷◊˙≤◊y s≤◊~◊ ©s≠d◊ N~◊˙d◊~◊@‘<–@ ≠N ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ @z~◊, Ø≈◊’ä≠`◊˙≠÷◊ Ä˙É ‹≠@ ~◊ Q◊˙≤◊y πø÷h◊ > ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙Nh`◊§◊ Äd◊– NhrØ˙@ d◊˙π ~◊‘_@ ~◊l≠~◊ Ä˙≤◊˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ·h◊¡◊–’r≤; Äd◊– sF˜ Nd◊äØlu, Ä˙ld◊~◊ d◊˙@ ÷◊˙≤◊y ¡◊˙ Ü Ø≈◊’ä≠`◊˙≠÷◊, `◊–§◊–s`◊˙ ≠d◊bh Ø≤◊–Ø˙@ ·◊–¡◊ä@Fπ ≠¡◊ä˙Ø@ ¡◊–d◊˙~h◊ > ¡◊–N<l-¡◊–@Î◊-Ä˙§◊˙ ~◊ @≤◊–`◊˙ Ä˙É > Áh◊Ë–É≠∫◊ π@–Q◊–d◊ Ø≈◊’ä@ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ > πhb– ‹≠@ ‘˛˙¥◊–-÷◊m˙¥◊–-Øhê◊ π˛˙bS˙@˙ Øo◊˛@≠¡◊ s`◊˙ ¡◊≤◊– Ä~h◊N@– d◊˙@ ≤◊d◊™˙~◊ Ürb˙@ Q◊÷◊˛ Ä˙¡◊≈◊’~◊ > N≤◊N˙ É∫◊–≠`◊ ©˙s– ©s≠d◊ N÷◊Î◊ sd◊˙~h◊sd◊–÷◊ π˛d◊–·◊–~◊@ ÷◊@≠Ø > 17

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18 The thousand peoples of the soil and tree Obeyed the unforeseeing instant’s urge, And, leader here with his uncertain mind, Alone who stares at the future’s covered face, Man lifted up the burden of his fate. And Savitri too awoke among these tribes That hastened to join the brilliant Summoner’s chant And, lured by the beauty of the apparent ways, Acclaimed their portion of ephemeral joy. Akin to the eternity whence she came, No part she took in this small happiness; A mighty stranger in the human field, The embodied Guest within made no response. The call that wakes the leap of human mind, Its chequered eager motion of pursuit, Its fluttering-hued illusion of desire, Visited her heart like a sweet alien note. Time’s message of brief light was not for her. In her there was the anguish of the gods Imprisoned in our transient human mould, The deathless conquered by the death of things. A vaster Nature’s joy had once been hers, But long could keep not its gold heavenly hue Or stand upon this brittle earthly base.

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Øh≤F◊≈◊’ ≠π˛@b˙ Ø˙~◊– πh≠@˙·œ◊¸–≤◊u~◊ Q◊Î◊–≠`◊ ÄN…]ä π˛˙bu d◊≠Î◊ Ø≤◊u@h≠≤◊ > §◊¡◊–rä Ä˙¡œ◊d◊ Øh≠] Q◊˙≤◊y Ä~◊–≠Ø≠r Ä~◊–¢◊–d◊ Ø≠~◊ ©u¡◊-Äs˛bu Ø˙~◊¡◊ ≠d◊˙Î◊–`◊˙ Éπ≠@ d◊˙@ ~◊–ld◊–@ §◊˙@ > N˙¡◊–d◊˛u ©˙s–≠`◊ ÜÅ ©~◊sb≠Ø≠Î◊ Nd◊_@ Q◊Î◊– ≠Δ ·◊–¡◊ä≠≤◊˙d◊˙ Ø»s˙≠~◊ ≠Δ˙s≠·◊¡◊˙ Ä˙≠‘ π≠‹ ≠≤◊˙Å π˛≠`◊˙§◊–d◊ Ä˙π˙d◊ Nho◊@ ÜÅ ¡◊˙≤◊˙@@ @F≠π Ä˙·◊≠@ ¡◊@–≠`◊ ~◊–© Ob–÷◊@ Nh] > Nd◊äNØ˙, Nd◊ä≠`◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙sd◊˙ N˙¡◊–d◊˛u Ü ÄÀ◊ ÄQ◊–@ Nh≠] @≤◊–≠`◊ É·◊˙N > Ø˙~◊¡◊©s≠d◊ Ø≤◊˙ π@≠·◊‘u π@– Ä˙k˙ d◊˙ §◊–d◊≠@ @≠≤◊ ØÉ~◊ ÄQ◊Î◊ > ≠Δ X◊˙÷◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊Ø~◊ ©s˙Ü Ä˙≠¡◊≠s, Éfh≠÷◊ Q◊Î◊˙Ü d◊˙@ ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙ Q◊GÎ◊ ñ ¡◊≤h◊ @ú◊ Nh] ≠‘˙÷◊ ≠Ø˙≤◊ N@bu≠@, ‘˛¡◊b ØSh@ ¡◊–©˙d◊ul @˙s NØ ≠·◊¡◊u@ ≤œ◊·◊lπh≠@ π‘–`◊˙ ≠N S_~◊– > ÷◊˙Î◊@ N…≠·◊‘, Oub ≠©ä˙d◊–@ n`◊÷◊ N˙¡◊–d◊˛u ÷◊–π@– d◊≤h◊Ω `◊§◊–≠¡◊ ≠π˛@b˙ > π˙‘¡◊M˙ ~◊‘_@ Ü Ø˙~h◊ru d◊~h◊≠@ ~◊–©–’d◊˙ Ü Ø≈◊’ä≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ÄØ@ @Fπ–bu N≤h◊‹≥≠`◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ ¡◊ä‹˙ π@–d◊˙π > ·◊–≠~◊ ≠N ≠Δ `◊§◊–‹≥≠`◊ Ø≤◊˙π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ ¡◊–πhÎ◊ πh`◊÷◊ d◊˙í@ ·◊–¡◊ä ≠≤◊Ø@˙s ~◊ @≤◊–`◊˙ ·◊uˆ’÷◊˙Î◊ ~◊ π˙@–`◊˙ d◊–B– Ä‘hM S@˙@ Ü≤◊– §◊úh◊@ Ä˙S˙≠@ > 19

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20 A narrow movement on Time’s deep abysm, Life’s fragile littleness denied the power, The proud and conscious wideness and the bliss She had brought with her into the human form, The calm delight that weds one soul to all, The key to the flaming doors of ecstasy. Earth’s grain that needs the sap of pleasure and tears Rejected the undying rapture’s boon: Offered to the daughter of infinity Her passion-flower of love and doom she gave. In vain now seemed the splendid sacrifice. A prodigal of her rich divinity, Her self and all she was she had lent to men, Hoping her greater being to implant And in their body’s lives acclimatise That heaven might native grow on mortal soil. Hard is it to persuade earth-nature’s change; Mortality bears ill the eternal’s touch: It fears the pure divine intolerance Of that assault of ether and of fire; It murmurs at its sorrowless happiness, Almost with hate repels the light it brings; It trembles at its naked power of Truth And the might and sweetness of its absolute Voice. Inflicting on the heights the abysm’s law,

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·◊–¡◊ä‘ê◊–, ·◊–¡◊äNh], ɤd◊ É·◊˙@ ñ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙, π˛‘˙¥◊ @N ¡◊˙Õ◊–@≠] Δ˙≤◊˙ π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ N÷◊Î◊ N≠ú◊, π@Ø Ä˙≠¡◊‘ ñ §◊˙N_@ π˛≠¡◊‘ π‹ ·◊_˙@@ ÷h◊G≥÷◊˙ ñ ≠N N¡h◊ Ü ©u¡◊~◊@ ~◊‘_@, ÄN˙@ N…÷◊uC◊’ π˛¡œ◊≈◊– ÷◊˙≤◊y ÷◊˙Î◊@ Äs˙S Äd◊≠Î◊ ©˙s˛d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ÷◊`˙ ÄN_u÷◊˙@ > Nh]·h◊º] @≠N πh¸ S@bu@ ¡◊u© ~◊ Q◊˙≤◊y`◊˙ Ä¡◊–Ø–‘˛ ÄØœd◊ π˛N˙·◊ > ÄNuØ d◊~◊l˙ ÜÅ πœ‹≥¡◊u@ ≤◊˙≠d◊ §◊@–≠·◊Å Ä˙k˙≤h◊d◊–-π˛ud◊–@ ÷h◊NhØ π˙Å≠`◊ d◊˙ π˛d◊–·◊˙≠~◊ ÷◊@˙Î◊ ~◊–ld◊– > ¡œ◊‹˙≠≤◊`◊˙ `◊˙≠s ≠·◊¡◊u Ø≤◊˙ Ä˙k·◊˙~◊ > ~◊–º≠‘≠r ~◊–©÷h◊ ≠·◊Å, ¡◊–d◊@– ÄØ–d◊ §◊˙s¡◊d◊ Ø≤◊˙S~◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊NØ˙≠© Ä˙‘˙ ‹≥≠`◊ ≠π˙r– ·◊–≠~◊ Ø≈◊’ä§F◊Ø– π≠@ ≠@˙π– Ø≤◊ulNu ~◊–© ©u¡◊~◊ `◊d◊–÷◊˙ S@˙≠@ ÷◊@–≠¡◊ N_s’ N≤◊© ¡◊–÷◊˙‘ > ¡◊Ÿ÷◊¸ π˛≠¡◊˙S~◊ ÷◊@– Ü πœ‹≥¡◊u π˛÷œ◊d◊–≠@ N˙S≥¡◊˙ d◊˙ ~◊¡◊π@–b˙Ø > ·h◊ºN≤◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ª‘’ Ø˙~◊¡◊ Ä˙S˙≠@ > Ø@≠`◊˙÷◊ X◊≠@ N·◊˙ ‘hM §◊˙s¡◊d◊ ÄN≤◊–Ãh ≠¡◊ä˙Ø¡◊≤◊∂– π˛]@ Ä˙ˆ˙d◊ > Ä≠‘˙÷◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ Nh≠] ÷◊@– π˛d◊–¡◊˙·◊ ·◊–¡◊ä≠©ä˙d◊– d◊≠Ÿ S@˙ π˛˙l ˆœb˙§◊≠@ > ÷◊fi–d◊ ≠N ≠·◊]≥ ~◊s∂ Nd◊ä@ π˛§◊˙¡◊ ‘hb– ‘ê◊ NhØSh@ π@Ø ~◊–~◊˙·◊ > ¡◊–M ÷◊@– Ø≤◊˙§◊˙¡◊ Äπ@˙ ‘˙N≠~◊ ~◊–© π≠ö◊ SFN@–d◊ ÷◊≠@ ≠·◊¡◊·F◊d◊ > 21

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22 It sullies with its mire heaven’s messengers: Its thorns of fallen nature are the defence It turns against the saviour hands of Grace; It meets the sons of God with death and pain. A glory of lightnings traversing the earth-scene, Their sun-thoughts fading, darkened by ignorant minds, Their work betrayed, their good to evil turned, The cross their payment for the crown they gave, Only they leave behind a splendid Name. A fire has come and touched men’s hearts and gone; A few have caught flame and risen to greater life. Too unlike the world she came to help and save, Her greatness weighed upon its ignorant breast And from its dim chasms welled a dire return, A portion of its sorrow, struggle, fall. To live with grief, to confront death on her road,— The mortal’s lot became the Immortal’s share. Thus trapped in the gin of earthly destinies, Awaiting her ordeal’s hour abode, Outcast from her inborn felicity, Accepting life’s obscure terrestrial robe, Hiding herself even from those she loved, The godhead greater by a human fate.

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d◊˙@÷◊ ÷◊@hb˙ ª‘’ ÷◊≠@ ≠N ¡◊–≠@˙S Nh@O–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å §◊˛¸ N_§◊˙¡◊ ÷◊μ≠÷◊ > ÄØœd◊ d◊~◊≠l ·◊–Ü Øœdh◊ä ~◊–πuŸ~◊ > ¡◊–·h◊äP˙Ø NØ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ¡◊–§F◊d◊– ~◊@≠`◊˙≠÷◊ O≠b ≠‘˙≤◊– ≤h◊Ü Ä¥◊≤◊–’d◊; ØF˜ Ø~◊ Ä¡◊–‡˙@ d◊–Ø–@ πË≠Î◊ §◊˙N_@ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙@˙©– πŸÅ ØÉÎ◊–; π˛¡◊G≥d◊ ≤h◊Ü Ü‹≥ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ π˛l˙N > ‘h§◊ Δ˙ ¡◊–÷œ◊d◊ ≤h◊Ü Ä÷◊`◊ä˙b @F≠π > ≠s˝@¡◊@ ¡◊–~◊–Ø≠l ≠≤◊˙Å ÷◊´‘¡◊–M ≠·◊¡◊Nhd◊ @]≥Δ˙Ü ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ Nh~◊˙Ø > ¡◊≤◊∂– Ä˙N–, øhÅΩ ≤œ◊·◊ s`◊˙ ÄπN@– Øh¸–≠Øl ≠N ·◊uπ≠~◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ Ø≤◊ul˙~Í◊ > Ä~h◊s˛≠≤◊ d◊˙@–¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙N– Ü ©s≠d◊ N_§◊˙≠¡◊ N˙¡◊–d◊˛u ‹≥≠`◊ Äd◊– Ä~h◊πØ˙ > ≠·◊¡◊u@ Ø˙≤◊˙kä §◊˙@ πŸ– Ü S@˙@ ÄÕ◊©~◊ ≤œ◊≠·◊ ≠·◊`◊˙ ≠]˙`◊– d◊˙ s≤◊~◊ @≠Õ◊˛ @≠Õ◊˛ @h·◊˛S˙@˙ π˛d◊–·◊˙~◊@F≠πñ Ü ©sd◊ ≠‘˙÷◊‘˛Ø ÷◊Îh◊r@ §◊˙s > N¥◊D ©u¡◊~◊, Ä˙≠s π‹ π≠@ ΔØ ~◊‘_@ ~◊@@ §◊˙sä ≠§◊˙s–≠`◊ ‘˙‘_d◊u > πœ‹≥¡◊u@ §◊˙säπ˙≠‘ πŸ– Ü≤◊–π@– ~◊–¡◊’˙N–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å d◊˙í@ Ä¥◊@ πh`◊÷h◊ N_u÷◊˙@ ÷◊@– Ü S@˙ ÷œ◊à Ä˙¡◊@b π˛–l©~◊∫◊˙@h ØÚ `h◊Q◊˙Å ~◊–©÷h◊ ≠·◊¡◊u Ø≤◊ulNu ¡◊≤◊– Ø˙~◊¡◊ ~◊–ld◊– @≤◊–≠`◊ Ä≠πO˙ ÷◊@– ÷◊≠∫◊˙@ π@uO˙ > ~◊–©@ ≠Δ Ä~h◊sd◊ Ä˙‘˛–d◊ N÷◊Î◊ ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊∫◊˙@h ·F◊≠@ @≤◊–≠`◊ πœ‹÷Í◊ 23

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24 A dark foreknowledge separated her From all of whom she was the star and stay; Too great to impart the peril and the pain, In her torn depths she kept the grief to come. As one who watching over men left blind Takes up the load of an unwitting race, Harbouring a foe whom with her heart she must feed, Unknown her act, unknown the doom she faced, Unhelped she must foresee and dread and dare. The long-foreknown and fatal morn was here Bringing a noon that seemed like every noon. For Nature walks upon her mighty way Unheeding when she breaks a soul, a life; Leaving her slain behind she travels on: Man only marks and God’s all-seeing eyes. Even in this moment of her soul’s despair, In its grim rendezvous with death and fear, No cry broke from her lips, no call for aid; She told the secret of her woe to none: Calm was her face and courage kept her mute. Yet only her outward self suffered and strove; Even her humanity was half divine:

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©˙b– ~◊–© ~◊–·◊˙@hb Ä~◊˙sd◊ ¡◊–S≥ > Ü≠d◊ ≠N ¡◊–@˙Ë ÷◊˙≤h◊Ω ÷◊@–≠¡◊ π˛÷◊˙‘ ¡◊–π·◊-≠¡◊·◊~◊˙ ≠d◊bh @]≥≠`◊ ≠s˙π≠~◊ §◊¡◊–räd◊ ·h◊º] ~◊–© ·◊uC◊’ ¡h◊÷h d◊≠Î◊ > π≠‹ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ÄÕ◊ ≠≤◊˙Å πŸ–s≠`◊ π≠ø ~◊–≠¡◊’˙S ©~◊d◊˙, §◊˙@ ¡◊≤◊– Ø‹˙π≠@ Q◊Î◊Å ≠Δπ@– ≠~◊d◊˙, Q◊˙`◊–≠`◊ N˙¡◊–d◊˛u > Ä@˙d◊– ≠π˙rb ÷◊@– ≤œ◊·◊l@ @≠N N˙S≥≠`◊ Ä™˙d◊ ÷◊Ø’ π˛è◊¤ ¡◊–S≥@ N®h≠] ≠N ≠≤◊≠`◊ ∫◊–Ä˙ N≤◊˙l ¡◊–≤◊u~◊˙, N˙≤◊≠N ≠N ≠·◊]≥ Ä˙≠s Q◊Î◊–≠`◊ N§◊≠l > ¡◊≤h◊÷◊˙Îh◊ ™˙d◊ ≠N≤◊– ~◊–ld◊– `◊–]≥d◊ Ø˙@˙k÷◊ N÷◊˙Î◊ Δ˙ Ä˙N–‹≥`◊˙ Ü‹≥ N≠ú◊ d◊˙í@ ØÚo◊–~◊ π˛d◊–·◊–~◊ π@– > π˛÷œ◊d◊– d◊˙ Ø≤◊˙π≠‹ Q◊≠Î◊ ~◊ ¡◊–Q◊˙@– ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ÷◊˙í@ §◊˙≠ú◊ ≤◊–Ä˙, `◊–§◊˙Ü ©u¡◊~◊ > Øœd◊ π≠ø @≠≤◊ πŸ–, øhËÅ ≠N Ä˙≠s; N¡◊’·◊‘’u §◊s¡◊˙~◊, Ø≈◊’ä@ Ø˙~◊¡◊ ≠·◊]¥◊– ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ s≠`◊ à @≤◊–≠`◊ > N…÷◊Ë NØl, ¡h◊≠÷◊ ~◊–@˙‘˙@ §◊˙¡◊ Ä˙]≥ Ä˙≠s ≠ˆ˙@ Øœdh◊ä Ø≤◊˙ ¡◊–§◊ur–÷◊˙, d◊‹˙π– N˙¡◊–d◊˛u d◊≤◊y ~◊ ÷◊@– Q◊–e˙@ ~◊ ≠`◊˙Ÿ– N≤◊˙l ÷◊˙@ @≤◊–≠`◊ ~◊u@¡◊ ¡◊ä‹˙@ ÷◊˙@b ÷◊˙≤◊y ~◊ ÷◊@– π˛÷◊˙‘ > π˛‘˙¥◊ Ä˙~◊~◊, ≠·◊¡◊u N˙≤◊≠N ~◊–¡◊’˙÷Í◊, ÷◊≠@ Δ˙ ¡◊˙≤◊˙@ N≈◊˙, N≠≤◊ ~◊–πuŸ~◊ > ~◊˙@u @F≠π π˛d◊– Ä≠ú◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ Ä˙S˙≠@ ‹≥`◊˙ ·◊@¡◊–÷◊‘–d◊ §◊s¡◊d◊u @Fπ >


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26 Her spirit opened to the Spirit in all, Her nature felt all Nature as its own. Apart, living within, all lives she bore; Aloof, she carried in herself the world: Her dread was one with the great cosmic dread, Her strength was founded on the cosmic mights; The universal Mother’s love was hers. Against the evil at life’s afflicted roots, Her own calamity its private sign, Of her pangs she made a mystic poignant sword. A solitary mind, a world-wide heart, To the lone Immortal’s unshared work she rose. At first life grieved not in her burdened breast: On the lap of earth’s original somnolence Inert, released into forgetfulness, Prone it reposed, unconscious on mind’s verge, Obtuse and tranquil like the stone and star. In a deep cleft of silence twixt two realms She lay remote from grief, unsawn by care, Nothing recalling of the sorrow here. Then a slow faint remembrance shadowlike moved, And sighing she laid her hand upon her bosom And recognised the close and lingering ache,

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




É·◊˙@ É~◊<êh ◊ d◊˙ö◊ Ä˙k˙ ‹≥`◊˙ Δhê◊ ¡◊–‘_Ä˙k˙ N˙≠‹, ~◊–© π˛÷œ◊d◊– π˛¡◊˙≠≤◊ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊@h‹≥≠`◊ ¡◊–‘_@ π˛÷œ◊d◊– Ü÷◊˙÷◊u Ä¥◊≠@ @≤◊– S@–‹≥≠`◊ ≤œ◊≠·◊ Q◊@˙Q◊@ π˛˙bu ≠Δ≠d◊, ¡◊–©≠~◊ ~◊–§œ◊≠d◊ ¡◊≤◊–‹≥≠`◊ ~◊–©Ø≠Ú ~◊–]≥Î◊ ©sd◊ > ¡◊–‘_@ ≠Δ Ø≤◊˙§◊l N˙¡◊–d◊˛u ©u¡◊≠~◊ Áh◊Ë–‹≥`◊˙ §◊ud◊–@F≠π, Ø≤◊˙‘ê◊–@˙©– ‘ê◊–@F≠π d◊˙ö◊ Ø≠Ú ‹≥≠`◊ π˛d◊–B–d◊ > ©sd◊©~◊~◊u-π˛ud◊– N≠ú◊ Ü÷◊˙÷◊˙@ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ ≤œ◊·◊@N ≠π˛Ø Ø≤◊˙§◊˙¡◊ > ©u¡◊~◊@ ØØ’¥h◊·◊ πuŸ˙ ØF≠Î◊ ØF≠Î◊ @≤◊–ø– ≠Δ π˙πd◊˙π Δ˙@ sF˜@Fπ ~◊–©@ ¡◊–π·◊@F≠π ≠≤◊`◊˙ π˛÷◊Ë–d◊ ≠ø·◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ NØF≠Î◊ d◊˙ ÷◊@–‹≥≠`◊ ¡◊ä‹˙ñ ¡◊–Sh@ ©u¡◊~◊ πFd◊ ‘˙b–d◊÷œ◊π˙b > ¡◊–¡◊–ê◊ Ø˙~◊≠N, ¡◊–‘_ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ≤œ◊·◊≠l Ü÷◊˙÷◊u ÄØ@÷◊≠Ø’ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ≠N ɇd◊ > π˛‹≠Ø π˛˙b@ ≠‘˙÷◊ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ π˛≠¡◊‘– §◊˙@˙÷◊˛˙¥◊ Ø@Ø≠@; Ø~◊d◊Ë π≠@ É≈◊˙≠~◊ ~◊–‹@ π˛˙b πŸ–‹≥`◊˙ ≠‘˙Å ‘˙¥◊≠≤◊˙Å π˛N˙@–d◊ ¡◊–NÍ<œd◊– d◊Î◊≠π π˛g@, d◊˙@÷◊˙ NØ ©Ÿ à ~◊–¢◊Î◊ > ·h◊Å≠`◊˙÷◊ Øn–≠@ ≠N ~◊u@¡◊ s§◊u@ ·◊@–d◊≠Î◊ ‹≥≠`◊ ≠‘˙Å ≠‘˙÷◊∫◊˙@h ·F◊≠@ ~◊–¢◊–¥◊, ~◊ ÷◊@– Ø≈◊’ä ¡◊–r˙·◊ N<@b > ø˙l˙π@– d◊˙≤◊˙ π≠@ É≠∫◊ Su≠@ Su≠@ OubN<œd◊–; ·◊uˆ’‘_˙≠N Q◊˙π–S@– ¡h◊÷h◊ ©˙b–≠`◊ ≠N ¡◊≤h◊÷◊˙Î◊ ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ ≠¡◊·◊~◊˙, 27

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28 Deep, quiet, old, made natural to its place, But knew not why it was there nor whence it came. The Power that kindles mind was still withdrawn: Heavy, unwilling were life’s servitors Like workers with no wages of delight; Sullen, the torch of sense refused to burn; The unassisted brain found not its past. Only a vague earth-nature held the frame. But now she stirred, her life shared the cosmic load. At the summons of her body’s voiceless call Her strong far-winging spirit travelled back, Back to the yoke of ignorance and fate, Back to the labour and stress of mortal days, Lighting a pathway through strange symbol dreams Across the ebbing of the seas of sleep. Her house of Nature felt an unseen sway, Illumined swiftly were life’s darkened rooms, And memory’s casements opened on the hours And the tired feet of thought approached her doors. All came back to her: Earth and Love and Doom, The ancient disputants, encircled her Like giant figures wrestling in the night: The godheads from the dim Inconscient born

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




~◊u@¡◊ s§◊u@ ~◊–© ~◊u≠Ÿ πh@˙d◊~◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ ~◊ ©˙b–≠`◊ ÷◊˙≤◊y Ä˙N–`◊˙ ¡◊˙ ÷◊˙≤h◊Ω Ø~◊‘ê◊– ≠d◊≠¡◊ ØÚ ‹≥¡◊˙@h g–Ø–d◊ > π@˙^Í◊Øh], ]≥¤‹≥≠`◊ π˛˙b@ ≠N¡◊÷◊ ~◊ π˙Å π˛N˙·◊-¡œ◊≈◊– ≠ΔN~◊ ‘˛Ø–÷◊ > ~◊–w˛§◊ Åo◊–˛l‘–]˙ ~◊ ©≠Î◊ ¡◊–@˙≠s ÄN≤◊˙l Ø~◊ ≠]˙©– ~◊ π˙Ü Äd◊ud◊ > ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ Ī¸ Ü÷◊ π˙‹≥’¡◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊– S@–@≠] d◊˙ö◊@ ≠N ÄQ◊Î◊ Ä˙S˙@ > N˙¡◊–d◊˛u É∫◊–≠`◊ Ü≠¡◊ ≠~◊Å ~◊–©π≠@ sh@h§◊˙@ ©sd◊@; ≠·◊≤◊@ ~◊u@¡◊ S_~◊– ‘hb– ≠Á◊@– Ä˙≠N ÷◊˙≤◊y ≠÷◊ÉΩ ≠·◊‘h NhrhD–-¡◊˙@–S≥≠¡◊Î◊˙ Éπ≠@ π˛d◊u÷◊ñ N_π∂@ ÄÒh◊d◊π≠‹ Áh◊Ë˙Å Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ ~◊–ld◊–-~◊–sŸ Ø≤◊˙Ä¡◊–‡˙@ ¡◊≠‘ πhb– ÜÅ ‘˛ØπuŸ˙ N…÷h◊Î◊ ©s≠d◊ Nh·F◊@¡◊–≤◊˙@u ‘ê◊ Ä˙k˙@ ¡◊–≤◊s > π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ πh≠@ n≠@ Ä·œ◊‘ä π˛§◊˙¡◊ > d◊_@–≠d◊ É©Î◊–É≠∫◊ ©u¡◊~◊@ ≠Δ≠d◊ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@ ÷◊ON¡h◊, N<dœ ◊–@ s¡◊˙O ≠]˙`◊–Δ˙Ü ÷◊˙Î◊¡◊≠O, ·◊_˙@π˙≠‘ ɧ◊˙ Q◊˙`◊– Q◊˙`◊– ÷◊˙≤◊y ·F◊@h π‹‘˛˙¥◊ §◊˙¡◊ > πœ‹≥¡◊u, ~◊–ld◊–, π˛ud◊– ñ N¡h◊÷◊–ø– ≠Á◊@– Ä˙N–`◊˙ ~◊–÷◊≠Ë d◊˙ö◊, ≠ˆ@– Q◊Éπ˙≠‘ ɧ◊˙≠≤◊≠`◊ πh@˙d◊~◊ π˛d◊–·◊_J◊u ≠Δ≠d◊ @˙d◊–˛÷◊˙≠Î◊ ΔhM@d◊ Ø≤◊˙Ø`◊∑ π@– > ·◊–¡◊ä≠÷◊m‘Øl @≠b `◊˜–¡◊˙@ Ä˙≠‘ ~◊–w˛§◊ ÄQ◊–d◊–πh@h ©˙s–≠`◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ >


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


30 Awoke to struggle and the pang divine, And in the shadow of her flaming heart, At the sombre centre of the dire debate, A guardian of the unconsoled abyss Inheriting the long agony of the globe, A stone-still figure of high and godlike Pain Stared into Space with fixed regardless eyes That saw grief’s timeless depths but not life’s goal. Afflicted by his harsh divinity, Bound to his throne, he waited unappeased The daily oblation of her unwept tears. All the fierce question of man’s hours relived. The sacrifice of suffering and desire Earth offers to the immortal Ecstasy Began again beneath the eternal Hand. Awake she endured the moments’ serried march And looked on this green smiling dangerous world, And heard the ignorant cry of living things. Amid the trivial sounds, the unchanging scene Her soul arose confronting Time and Fate. Immobile in herself, she gathered force. This was the day when Satyavan must die. END OF CANTO ONE

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§◊˙N_@≤œ◊·◊l πu≠∫◊ π˛è◊˙l˙ Ä˙N≠~◊ Ü ≠ˆ˙@ ¡◊–¡◊˙·◊ ˆ~◊ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@ ≠÷◊≠o◊˛ @O˙÷◊@– N_g–≤◊u~◊ Ädœ◊D Äd◊Î, S@bu@ ΔhsΔhs ·h◊º]@ ·◊˙l˙·◊, Ø≤◊˙§◊˙s¡◊d◊-¡◊ä‹˙-ØF≈◊’@Fπ Ü÷◊ ‘–Î◊˙NØ ⁄˙bh≠≤◊˙Å ÄQ◊Î◊ É·◊˙N ñ ~◊l≠~◊ ≠·◊]Å ≠‘˙÷◊ Äs˙S s@§◊, ≠·◊≠] ~◊˙≤◊y ]˙`◊– ÷◊–¡◊˙ ©u¡◊~◊@ `◊Oä > ~◊– @hb ≠·◊¡◊§◊˙≠¡◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ©©’@–d◊ ≠¡◊·◊uπ≠@ @≠≤◊ ¡◊M Ädœ◊D ≠·◊¡◊u@ Ä~h◊·◊–~◊ Ä¥◊@@ Ä‘´d◊@π≠b > πhb–‹≠@ Øh—≠Ë÷◊– ∫◊–Ä˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠Δ≠d◊ Øb–r ©u¡◊~◊ π˛‘∂ Ø≤◊˙§◊lö◊@ > Nd◊ä@ ħ◊l ≤◊g ø˙l˙d◊≠Î◊ πhb– ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙ ¡◊˙N~◊˙ ©˙Î◊– ≠N˙Ø≠·◊¡◊ π˙ÅΩ πœ‹≥¡◊u Ä˙@}÷◊`◊˙ Δ™ ÉπQ◊˙@ > N˙¡◊–d◊˛u N≤◊–≠`◊ É∫◊– Ob π@fi@˙ ñ Nˆ~◊NØl Q◊˙π; ~◊l~◊ π˛N˙@– ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ §◊urb πœ‹_u N<–d◊ N¡h◊©–Ø˙, ‘hb–≠`◊ ©u¡◊@ Ä™ Ä≠¡◊˙S Q◊–e˙@ > ÜÅ dh◊è◊ ≠÷◊˙Î◊˙≤◊≠Î◊, sd◊˙~h◊sd◊–÷◊ Nd◊d◊-NØ˙~◊∫◊˙≠¡◊ N˙≤◊≠N d◊˙ö◊@ Ä˙k˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ∫◊–Ä˙ ÷◊˙Î◊~◊–ld◊–@ Ä˙≠s > Ä¥◊≠@ ÄQ◊Î◊˙, ≠·◊¡◊u ‘ê◊– ÷◊≠`◊ ∫h◊Î◊ > ~◊–¢◊l `◊§◊–≠¡◊ Øœdh◊ä Ä˙©– Nd◊ä¡◊˙~Í◊ > (NØ˙D)


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32 Canto Two

The Issue AWHILE, withdrawn in secret fields of thought, Her mind moved in a many-imaged past That lived again and saw its end approach: Dying, it lived imperishably in her; Transient and vanishing from transient eyes, Invisible, a fateful ghost of self, It bore the future on its phantom breast. Along the fleeting event’s far-backward trail Regressed the stream of the insistent hours, And on the bank of the mysterious flood Peopled with well-loved forms now seen no more And the subtle images of things that were, Her witness spirit stood reviewing Time. All that she once had hoped and dreamed and been, Flew past her eagle-winged through memory’s skies. As in a many-hued flaming inner dawn, Her life’s broad highways and its sweet bypaths Lay mapped to her sun-clear recording view,

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




·◊_–d◊ul Ns’

NØNä˙ N˙¡◊–d◊˛uö◊ Ø~◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ÷◊–ø–÷◊˙Î◊ π˙ÅΩ π˛d◊ä˙≤œ◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Q◊–¥◊˙-s≤◊~◊ @˙©ä≠@ ¡◊≤h◊-N<œd◊–-¡◊–©Ÿ–d◊ Äd◊ud◊ ©u¡◊≠~◊ ¡◊–Q◊@b ÷◊@– ≠·◊≠] ©˙s– N<œd◊– πhb– `h◊D d◊˙í ≠≤◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Δ˙Ü; ØhØFrh’ ¡◊– ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊ Ø@– ÷◊@Å ¡◊˙N ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙≠@ d◊˙ö◊ Ä⁄˙lu d◊˙ ÄπN@– Ob–÷◊ ·œ◊¸–@h Ä·œ◊‘ä @≤◊Å N≈◊˙ §◊˙¡◊u §F◊d◊ NØ §◊¡◊–rä ¡◊≤◊~◊ ÷◊@– Ø˙l˙@Fπ ¡◊≠O > ˆË~◊˙ d◊_@–d◊ øh≠Ë @≠] d◊˙ π¢◊˙≠d◊ Nh·F◊@@ ≠@]˙ Ü÷◊, ¡◊≤◊–Δ˙Ü π≠ø πÎ◊ πÎ◊ Ä˙‘h sd◊– NØl-π˛¡◊˙≤◊ > N˙¡◊–d◊˛uö◊ N˙O–·œ◊¸– ÷◊≠@ Ä~h◊Ú˙~◊ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊ ≠N˛˙d◊N_–~◊u s≤◊~◊ πm˙¡◊~◊ d◊Ëπ≠@ §◊˙N–`◊˙ Δ˙ π–˛l-π@–©~◊ @Fπ ≠÷◊≠d◊ Ü≠¡◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ~◊ ·◊–‘Å πhb–, NFO< §◊˙¡◊ØF≈◊–’ ≠÷◊≠d◊ Äd◊ud◊¡◊gh@ > Ü÷◊·◊˙ ≠N ÷◊@–‹≥≠`◊ Ä˙‘˙ ≠Δ ≠π˙rb, ≠·◊]≥‹≥≠`◊ N_π∂ Δ˙@, ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥≠`◊ Δ˙≤◊˙, ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙≠@ ·◊´d◊sd◊– ÉŸ–s`◊˙ ·F◊≠@, ≠‘ä~◊π≠O ≠Δ≠≤◊∂ ≠d◊≠¡◊ N<dœ ◊–@ į≠@ > NFΔ’ä Nh~◊–Ø’Î◊ ·œ◊¸– ħ◊–≠`◊]~◊≠@ Äö◊–d◊ @≤◊–`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ ©u¡◊~◊S˙@˙@ ¡◊–guC◊’ Δ˙ @˙©π‹, ØSh π˙‘’_π‹ ¡◊≤h◊¡◊C◊’-¡◊–§F◊r–d◊ Ä˙¥◊@ Ér˙@ 33

3rd Final : 24/10/2009


34 From the bright country of her childhood’s days And the blue mountains of her soaring youth And the paradise groves and peacock wings of Love To joy clutched under the silent shadow of doom In a last turn where heaven raced with hell. Twelve passionate months led in a day of fate. An absolute supernatural darkness falls On man sometimes when he draws near to God: An hour arrives when fail all Nature’s means; Forced out from the protecting Ignorance And flung back on his naked primal need, He at length must cast from him his surface soul And be the ungarbed entity within: That hour had fallen now on Savitri. A point she had reached where life must be in vain Or, in her unborn element awake, Her will must cancel her body’s destiny. For only the unborn spirit’s timeless power Can lift the yoke imposed by birth in Time.

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




·◊uD–≠@ π˛÷◊˙≠‘ Δ‹˙, ‘–‘h ©u¡◊~◊@ ≠π˛˙EÎ◊ `◊uÎ◊˙@ ≠·◊‘, Nh~◊uÎ◊ ‘ÅÎ ÑZ◊’˙≠@˙≤◊u d◊˙@hbä@, ·◊–¡◊ä π˛bl@ ~◊o◊~◊÷◊˙~◊~◊ πhb– @hQ◊–@ ÷◊Î◊˙π > Nh] Δ˙ S@–≠`◊ ·œ◊≠˜ ~◊–¡◊’˙÷◊ ~◊–ld◊– ~◊– @hb ø˙l˙d◊≠Î◊, π@–≠‘≠r Δ≤◊y N_s’N≠ú◊ Q◊≠Î◊ ~◊÷◊’ d◊_@–d◊ sd◊–≠@ > ¡◊˙@Ø˙N s`◊˙ ¡◊–d◊– ≠π˛Ø@ Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘, Éπ⁄–d◊ ≠‘≠r Ä˙N– ~◊–ld◊–@ ·◊–~◊ > ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ Äπ˛˙÷œ◊d◊ Q◊@Ø d◊ØN˙ ÷◊¡◊Î◊–d◊ ÷◊≠@ ~◊@ ~◊–÷◊≠Ë ≠N ≠Δ≠¡◊ Éπ⁄–d◊ ≤h◊Ü Δ˙Å π@Ø˙k˙ π˙≠‘ > Øh≤F◊≈◊’ d◊˙ ≠Δ≠d◊≠¡◊≠Î◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ N¡h◊ Éπ˙l ¡◊–Á◊Î◊ ≤h◊Ü, ¡◊˙Ú ≠≤◊˙Å N–Ü Ä™˙~◊÷◊¡◊Îh◊ ‘uˆ˛ Ä˙NÅ ¡◊˙≤◊˙@– ~◊–O–D ≠≤◊˙Å ≠N ÷◊≠@ Ä˙`◊¯~◊ d◊˙í@ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ N@Î◊ ≠NÅ Ä˙·◊– π˛≠l˙©~◊, ÄπN@– π@–≠‘≠r ¡◊≤◊–@ú◊ N≈◊˙ ≠≤◊≠¡◊ ≠N Ä¥◊≠@ d◊˙ö◊ Ä~◊˙¡œ◊d◊ Ä˙k˙ > Øh≤F◊≈◊’ ≠N Éπ⁄–d◊ N˙¡◊–d◊˛uö◊ π˙ÅΩ > Ä˙sd◊˙ ≠N Ä˙N– Δ≤◊y N…÷◊Ë ¡◊–oh◊≠@ ©u¡◊~◊ ~◊–ßÎ◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ Ä¡◊˙ d◊˙ Ä©˙d◊ Ä˙¥◊@ N≈◊˙≠@ ≠≤◊¡◊ N…¡h◊M ©˙s˛d, ]—~◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙ ≠≤◊¡◊ ‘@u@@ d◊˙ö◊ ~◊–ld◊–÷h◊ ~◊–© ·◊–¡◊ä N…÷◊À◊ ¡◊Î◊≠@ > ≠d◊≠¡◊ ≠NÅ Ä~◊‘_@ Ä©~◊<˙ Ä˙k˙@ ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ Ø≤◊˙‘ê◊– ÷◊@–≠·◊¡◊ Øhê◊ §◊˙@ Δ˙ ⁄˙π–d◊ d◊˙ö◊ ©~◊Ø Ob@h >


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


36 Only the Self that builds this figure of self Can rase the fixed interminable line That joins these changing names, these numberless lives, These new oblivious personalities And keeps still lurking in our conscious acts The trail of old forgotten thoughts and deeds, Disown the legacy of our buried selves, The burdensome heirship to our vanished forms Accepted blindly by the body and soul. An episode in an unremembered tale, Its beginning lost, its motive and plot concealed, A once living story has prepared and made Our present fate, child of past energies. The fixity of the cosmic sequences Fastened with hidden inevitable links She must disrupt, dislodge by her soul’s force Her past, a block on the Immortal’s road, Make a rased ground and shape anew her fate. A colloquy of the original Gods Meeting upon the borders of the unknown,

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N_@Fπ ≠Δ Ä˙k˙ Ä˙Ø s˜–ø– ©u¡◊≠~◊ d◊˙í@ @Fπ π˙≠@ ≠N≤◊– ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ `◊–§◊˙Šĥ◊≤◊u~◊ S˙@˙Ë–÷h◊ ÄN…]ä ©u¡◊≠~◊ ~◊¡◊ ~◊¡◊ ~◊˙≠Ø Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Åø– π˛÷◊Ë > ¡◊–N<œd ≠N ¡◊äê◊@Fπ ≠s˙π≠~◊ d◊‹˙π– N≠Q◊d◊ ÷◊Ø’≠@ Ä˙Ø @≠≤◊ πh@˙d◊~◊ ¡◊–sd◊ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ ÷◊Ø’ N…◊˙@@ Q◊–≤◊∂; ≠π˙d◊˙ ≠N Äd◊ud◊ ©~◊< ·◊˙l, Ä¡◊`h◊D ©~◊Ø@ sh@h§◊˙@ É≈◊@˙S≥÷◊˙@, Ä™ §◊˙≠¡◊ ≠·◊≤◊ Ä˙k˙ ÷◊`◊˙ Δ˙ ¡◊@b Ä˙k˙ ©˙s– ÷◊@–π˙≠@ d◊˙≤◊˙ ÄN_u÷◊˙@ > Éπ÷◊‹˙ Ü ≠Δ Ü÷◊ ¡◊–N<œd◊ ÷◊‹˙@ Ä˙@} d◊˙ `h◊D, d◊˙í@ ÷◊‹˙¡◊gh πhb– É≠P‘ä @≤◊–ø– shD, Ü÷◊·◊˙ ©u¡◊¥◊ Åd◊–¡œ◊≈◊– s˜–Äø–, ÷◊@–ø– π˛ghd◊ Ä˙©–@ Ü ~◊–ld◊–÷h◊ Äd◊ud◊ ©u¡◊~◊ N…◊˙@@ ‘ê◊– ≠~◊Å ©˙d◊ ~◊¡◊‘–‘h > ¡◊–‘_sd◊ Ä~h◊÷◊˛Ø ⁄–@ ·œ◊˜π˙≠‘ ¡◊Õ◊˙ Δ˙ ~◊–sF˜ Ä~◊–¡◊˙Δ’ä ‘œõ◊Î◊˙≠@ ·◊uC◊’ ≠N ÷◊@–≠¡◊ d◊˙≤◊˙, Ä˙k‘ê◊– ¡◊≠Î◊ Äd◊ud◊÷h◊ ¡◊–d◊˙Ÿ–d◊ ÷◊@–≠¡◊ ©u¡◊~h◊ Ä¡◊≠@˙S π˙r˙b Δ˙ ÄØ@ π‹≠@, §F◊Ø– ÷◊@– NØd◊Î◊, ~◊¡◊@F≠π πhb– π˛ghd◊ ÷◊@–≠¡◊ ~◊–© ©u¡◊~◊-~◊–ld◊– > ÷◊≠‹˙π÷◊‹~◊ Ü≤◊˙ Ä˙·◊–-≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ Ø–Î◊–d◊ ≠Δ Ä™˙d◊@ NuØ˙π˛˙¥◊ π≠@ ~◊–w˛§◊ §◊urb Ü÷◊ πœB§F◊Ø– π≠@,


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


38 Her soul’s debate with embodied Nothingness Must be wrestled out on a dangerous dim background: Her being must confront its formless Cause, Against the universe weigh its single self. On the bare peak where Self is alone with Nought And life has no sense and love no place to stand, She must plead her case upon extinction’s verge, In the world’s death-cave uphold life’s helpless claim And vindicate her right to be and love. Altered must be Nature’s harsh economy; Acquittance she must win from her past’s bond, An old account of suffering exhaust, Strike out from Time the soul’s long compound debt And the heavy servitudes of the Karmic Gods, The slow revenge of unforgiving Law And the deep need of universal pain And hard sacrifice and tragic consequence.

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




N˙÷◊˙@ ‘F~◊äd◊˙ N≠ú◊ Ø`◊∑ΔhM@d◊ N˙¡◊–d◊˛uö◊ Ä¥◊@˙k˙ ¡◊˙÷Í◊¡◊–d◊÷◊’@ ØuØ˙…N˙ ≠≤◊˙Å¡◊ ≠‘≠r, ≠≤◊¡◊ N®h]u~◊ N≈◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ ~◊–@˙÷◊˙@ ~◊–© ÷◊˙@b@ ¡◊–‘_sh@h§◊˙@ N≠ú◊ ÷◊@–≠¡◊ ≠d◊˙Î◊~◊ Ü÷◊˙÷◊u ~◊–©@ N≈◊˙ ‘ê◊– N˙Ø‹’ä@ > ~◊s∂ N˙~h◊π≠@ Δ≤◊y ‘F~◊äd◊˙@ N≠ú◊ Ä˙k˙@ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ⁄–d◊–, ©u¡◊~◊@ Δ≤◊y ~◊˙≤◊y Ä‹’, ~◊˙≤◊y ⁄˙~◊ Ä~h◊@˙s π˙ÅΩ, ¡◊–~◊˙‘ NuØ˙≠@ d◊≤◊y ÷◊@–≠¡◊ N_πO NØ‹’~◊ Δhê◊– ÷◊@–, Øœdh◊ä@ s≤◊_≠@ ·œ◊˜ ≠N ÷◊@–≠¡◊ ·◊˙¡◊– N≤◊˙l ¡◊–≤◊u~◊ ©u¡◊~◊@, ¡◊G≥¡◊˙@, §◊`◊ π˙Å¡◊˙@ ÄS≥÷◊˙@ ‘ê◊–¡◊≠Î◊ ÷◊@–≠¡◊ ⁄˙π~◊ > ¡◊·◊Î◊˙Å¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ Ä¡◊‘ä ¡◊–‘_@ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ ~◊– @hb ~◊ud◊– ¡◊ä¡◊⁄˙÷h◊, Øhê◊– `◊§◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ Äd◊ud◊ ©u¡◊~◊·◊˙Nd◊_ ¡◊Õ◊~h◊, πF¡◊’ ≤◊–N˙¡◊ ~◊–÷◊˙‘ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ÜÅ ©u¡◊~◊-πuŸ˙@ > `◊–§◊˙Å ≠·◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ÷◊@– π@–≠‘˙S Q◊÷◊˛¡œ◊M– ≤◊˙@ NhS ¡◊≤h◊d◊ ·◊–~◊@ ÷◊˙Î◊@ ]˙d◊˙@h; Øhê◊– `◊§◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ÷◊Ø’Á◊Î◊·◊˙d◊˙ ¡◊≤h◊ ¡◊–‘_-≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ö◊ sh@h§◊˙@ ·◊˙Nd◊_-¡◊Õ◊~h◊, ~◊– @hb ~◊–lØ@ Øo◊ π˛d◊–≤◊–…N˙ ÷◊¡◊Î◊@h > ¡◊–‘_Øl πuŸ~◊@ d◊u¡◊˛ π˛≠l˙©~h◊ Nh÷◊∫◊–~◊ Ä˙k¡◊Î◊– ·h◊º] π@–b˙Øh >


3rd Final : 24/10/2009



Out of a timeless barrier she must break, Penetrate wi0th her thinking depths the Void’s monstrous hush, Look into the lonely eyes of immortal Death And with her nude spirit measure the Infinite’s night. The great and dolorous moment now was close. A mailed battalion marching to its doom, The last long days went by with heavy tramp, Long but too soon to pass, too near the end. Alone amid the many faces loved, Aware among unknowing happy hearts, Her armoured spirit kept watch upon the hours Listening for a foreseen tremendous step In the closed beauty of the inhuman wilds. A combatant in silent dreadful lists, The world unknowing, for the world she stood: No helper had she save the Strength within; There was no witness of terrestrial eyes;

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




§◊˙ú◊– Ä˙N–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ≠·◊¡◊uöh◊ Ä¡◊‘ä ÷◊˙Î◊≤◊u~◊ Ä¡◊≠@˙S, s§◊u@ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ ‘ê◊–¡◊≠Î◊ Ø≤◊˙‘F~◊ä ÷◊@˙Î◊‘F~◊äd◊˙ñ πh≠@ ≠≤◊¡◊ π‘–¡◊˙÷h◊, ÄØ@ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ Øœdh◊ä@ ~◊–ºNú◊ ≠~◊d◊˛ ≠≤◊¡◊ ≠·◊]≥¡◊˙÷h◊, π@–Ø˙π ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ÄN…¡œ◊d◊ Ä˙k‘ê◊– ¡◊≠Î◊ ≠ˆ˙@ Ä~◊¥◊ @©~◊u > Ø≤◊˙~◊ Øh≤F◊≈◊’ ≠N≤◊– Äd◊– ·h◊º]Øl N˙¡◊–d◊˛uö◊ π˙≠‘ Ü≠¡◊ Ä˙N– Éπ⁄–d◊ > ~◊–ld◊–@ ·◊–≠s Δ‹˙ Q◊≠Î◊ ¡◊Ø’S˙@u ≠NÊ~◊–÷◊ ¡◊˙≤◊–~◊u ·◊uˆ’ Ä¥◊–Ø ·◊–¡◊N ≠≤◊`◊˙ Äd◊–÷◊˛˙¥◊ d◊˙í@ sh@h π·◊≠O≠π > ≠‘r ≠Δ ~◊–÷◊≠Ë Äd◊–, Äd◊– Ä¡◊–Î◊≠¯ ¡◊≤h◊÷◊˙Î◊ `◊˙≠s Δ˙≤◊˙ N@–Δ–¡◊ Ä˙N– > Ü÷◊˙÷◊–~◊u ¡◊≤h◊ d◊˙ö◊ π–˛l π@–Q◊–d◊ ¡◊Õh◊≠Ø≠Î◊ ‹≥≠`◊ ≠·◊¡◊u Ü÷◊˙ ≠N N≠Q◊d◊, Nh]u ≤œ◊·◊l≠@ Ä˙É ≠÷◊≤◊– ~◊ ©˙b¥◊– ·h◊@¥◊ ~◊–ld◊– ÷◊‹˙, Ä¥◊@˙k˙ d◊˙ö◊ ‘ê◊–≠@ Nû–d◊ ©˙s– Ä~◊–≠Ør d◊≤◊y ÄØ˙~h◊ru ¡◊~◊˙~◊u@ ¡◊M NhrØ˙≠@ ÉeC◊’ Ä≠πO˙ ÷◊@– @≤◊–‹≥`◊˙ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ‘hb˙Δ–¡◊ π˛d◊ä˙‘–d◊ Äd◊–§◊lö◊@ π·◊S_~◊– Ü÷◊; d◊≤◊y Ä™˙≠d◊ N¡h◊@ ¡◊–‘_@ ÉM˙@ π˙ÅΩ ÷◊@˙Î◊ØÉ~◊ NØ@ Äú◊≠~◊ ≠·◊¡◊u ≠Δ˙M˛u NØ É§◊˙ > Ä¥◊@ ÄËÎ◊‘ê◊– ¡◊äd◊–≠@≠÷◊ Ä˙~◊ ~◊ ‹≥≠`◊ ~◊–÷◊≠Ë d◊˙ö◊ N≤◊˙ld◊˙ π˙ÅΩ, N˙Ou ≠÷◊≤◊– ~◊˙≤◊y ‹≥≠`◊ Ø≈◊’ä ©sd◊@ >


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


42 The Gods above and Nature sole below Were the spectators of that mighty strife. Around her were the austere sky-pointing hills, And the green murmurous broad deep-thoughted woods Muttered incessantly their muffled spell. A dense magnificent coloured self-wrapped life Draped in the leaves’ vivid emerald monotone And set with chequered sunbeams and blithe flowers Immured her destiny’s secluded scene. There had she grown to the stature of her spirit: The genius of titanic silences Steeping her soul in its wide loneliness Had shown to her her self’s bare reality And mated her with her environment. Its solitude greatened her human hours With a background of the eternal and unique. A force of spare direct necessity Reduced the heavy framework of man’s days And his overburdening mass of outward needs To a first thin strip of simple animal wants, And the mighty wildness of the primitive earth

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




Éπ≠@ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ΔF‹, d◊≠Î◊ Ü÷◊˙÷◊–~◊u ¡◊–‘_@ π˛÷œ◊d◊–Ø˙d◊˙ ≠·◊]h‹≥≠`◊ d◊≤◊y ~◊–·◊˙@hb ·œ◊‘ä ≠N≤◊– Ø≤◊˙N…ˆr’@ > Q◊Éπ˙≠‘ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠ˆ@– ~◊§◊¢h◊¯u s–@– ÷◊÷◊’‘ ÷◊≠∫◊˙@ @Fπ; Ú˙≠~◊ ~◊–Øû–d◊ π˛‘g ≤◊@–d◊ ¡◊~◊ ØØ’@ ‘¡◊≠·◊ ¡◊–SF~◊–d◊ Ä¡◊–@d◊ Ä¡◊@hM ÷◊≠£◊ Éé◊˙@b ÷◊@h‹≥`◊˙ Δ˙·h◊Ø» d◊˙í@ > N_l… Ä˙è◊˙·◊–d◊, ˆ~◊, Ø≤◊˙~Í◊, @…©–d◊ ‘˙¡◊≠`◊ä ]Q◊–d◊ ¡◊~◊≠¡◊¸~◊u≠@ ‹≥`◊˙ ~◊–ºNú◊ ~◊˙Ë÷◊·œ◊‘ä d◊˙ö◊ ~◊–ld◊–@ > ¡◊–÷◊‘–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å d◊≤◊y ·◊–¡◊äN˙S~◊˙≠@, `◊§◊–‹≥≠`◊ ≠·◊¡◊u d◊˙ö◊ Ä˙k˙@ N_@Fπ > ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ≠N ¡◊~◊˙~◊u@ ≠~◊Ê‘›◊ π˛§◊˙¡◊ ~◊–Øû–d◊ ÷◊@–‹≥`◊˙ Ä¥◊@˙k˙ d◊˙ö◊ Ä˙ld◊ Ü÷◊˙¥◊ d◊˙í@ ~◊–ºNú◊d◊˙ Ø≠Ú, π˛÷◊Ë–d◊ ÷◊@–‹≥`◊˙ Ä~h◊§◊≠¡◊ d◊˙ö Ä~◊¡◊sh£◊–d◊ Nd◊ä Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ Ä˙k˙@, Ü÷◊˙k d◊˙ ÷◊`◊˙ d◊˙öh◊ π@–≠¡◊‘ N˙≠‹ > Ä·◊_–d◊ul ‘˙‘_d◊@ πœB§F◊Ø–π≠@ Ø˙~◊¡◊©u¡◊~◊-`◊uÎ◊˙ π˛d◊–Ob d◊˙ö◊ ¡◊~◊@ ≠N ¡◊–©~◊d◊˙ ÷◊`◊˙ s@ulNu > N@Î◊ à Äd◊– ÄÀ◊ π˛≠l˙©~◊-¡◊≠‘ ≠·◊Ê~◊o◊–~◊ ©u¡◊~◊@ sh@h§◊˙@ πhb– ¡◊˙≤◊ä Ä˙¡◊‘ä÷◊d◊˙@ gFπu÷œ◊d◊ ≠¡◊˙n ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥`◊˙ `◊ˆh, ‹≥`◊˙ NuØ–d◊ d◊˙ πhb– N≤◊© N@Î◊ π˛˙bu Ä˙·◊– π˛≠l˙©~◊ N…÷◊uC◊’ S˙@˙≠@; d◊≤◊y Ä˙·◊–Ø Ä@bä §F◊Ø–@ ≠N Nh¡◊–‘˙Î◊ Øhê◊ π@–N@ 43

3rd Final : 24/10/2009


44 And the brooding multitude of patient trees And the musing sapphire leisure of the sky And the solemn weight of the slowly-passing months Had left in her deep room for thought and God. There was her drama’s radiant prologue lived. A spot for the eternal’s tread on earth Set in the cloistral yearning of the woods And watched by the aspiration of the peaks Appeared through an aureate opening in Time, Where stillness listening felt the unspoken word And the hours forgot to pass towards grief and change. Here with the suddenness divine advents have, Repeating the marvel of the first descent, Changing to rapture the dull earthly round, Love came to her hiding the shadow, Death. Well might he find in her his perfect shrine. Since first the earth-being’s heavenward growth began, Through all the long ordeal of the race, Never a rarer creature bore his shaft, That burning test of the godhead in our parts, A lightning from the heights on our abyss.

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N≤◊–Ãh ~◊–¡◊–¸ d◊@h@˙©– NØ˙≠¡◊‘ Ú˙~◊`◊u~◊ ~◊uÎ◊Øb– ¡◊–gœd◊ ~◊§◊@ Ä¡◊N@, πhb– sh@h s}u@ ÄÎ◊N Ø˙N@ π˛¡◊˙≤◊ ≠·◊`◊˙ ≠·◊¡◊uö◊ Ä¥◊≠@ Ç‘_@ö◊ π˙ÅΩ, d◊j §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ N÷◊˙≠‘ s˙˜ Ä¡◊÷◊˙‘; d◊˙ö◊ ©u¡◊~◊ `◊uÎ◊˙@ ÉEÎ◊ §F◊Ø–÷◊˙ d◊≤◊y ≠≤◊`◊˙ ~◊–¡◊’˙≤◊–d◊ > S@˙π≠@ Q◊–@¥◊~◊ π·◊π˙d◊ π˙ÅΩ ~◊–§œ◊d◊ Ée£◊˙ Ø≠Ú ¡◊–©~◊ ¡◊~◊@, Nh@O–d◊ @≤◊– N˙~h◊-Ä˙ªœ≤◊˙-¡◊Î◊≠l ≠≤◊≠Ø˙EÎ◊ ø–·◊˛π≠‹ ÷◊˙Î◊-π˛¡◊˙≤◊@ ≠·◊]˙≠·◊`◊˙ ⁄˙~◊ Ü÷◊ Δ≤◊y Ä~h◊§F◊d◊ ÄŒh◊Ë ‘¡◊·◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ~◊u@¡◊ ‘˛¡◊b > ⁄–@ ≠≤◊˙Å ÷◊˙Î◊ d◊≤◊y §h◊`◊–s`◊˙ Ä˙≠s Δ–¡◊˙÷h◊ N…d◊˙π ≠‘˙÷◊ π@–b˙Ø ·◊–≠s > ·◊–¡◊ä Ä˙¡◊–§◊’˙¡◊ Δ‹˙ ˆËÅ N≤◊N˙ πh~◊@˙l d◊‹˙ Ä˙·◊– Ä¡◊d◊@b@ π˛÷◊˙‘– ¡◊–N<l d◊≤◊y Ä˙N–‹≥`◊˙ ≠π˛Ø @≠N §◊@– ~◊u@N Ü π˙‹≥’¡◊ ©u¡◊~◊ π¢◊˙≠d◊ π˛è◊¤ @]≥ ~◊–©ø˙l˙ Øœdh◊ä > N˙¡◊–d◊˛uö◊ N≈◊˙ Ø≠Ú ≠π˛Ø@ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ~◊–©@ πFC◊’ πhbä Ä˙ld◊~◊ > ≠ΔÉΩ·◊–~h◊ ¡◊–÷◊˙‘ Ü π˙‹≥’¡◊ N≈◊˙@ π˛‹≠Ø ≠≤◊˙Åø– ·◊–¡◊ä N_s’ ħ◊–Øh≠], Ø˙~◊¡◊©˙d◊–@ ·◊uˆ’ π@uO˙@ Ø≠Ú d◊˙ö◊ π@– ¡◊–@Î◊ ≠÷◊ π˙@– ~◊˙≤◊y S@– ≠π˛Ø@ ~◊–O–D ‘@, ©_Î◊¥◊ π˛Ø˙b Ä≠ú◊ Ä˙Ø ≠·◊¡◊d◊_@, d◊Ÿ–dÍ◊ N…π˙d◊ ÑZ◊’≠`◊˙÷h◊ Äd◊Î◊ Ü Ø≈◊’ä ©u¡◊~◊≠@ > 45

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46 All in her pointed to a nobler kind. Near to earth’s wideness, intimate with heaven, Exalted and swift her young large-visioned spirit Voyaging through worlds of splendour and of calm Overflew the ways of Thought to unborn things. Ardent was her self-poised unstumbling will; Her mind, a sea of white sincerity, Passionate in flow, had not one turbid wave. As in a mystic and dynamic dance A priestess of immaculate ecstasies Inspired and ruled from Truth’s revealing vault Moves in some prophet cavern of the gods, A heart of silence in the hands of joy Inhabited with rich creative beats A body like a parable of dawn That seemed a niche for veiled divinity Or golden temple-door to things beyond. Immortal rhythms swayed in her time-born steps; Her look, her smile awoke celestial sense Even in earth-stuff, and their intense delight Poured a supernal beauty on men’s lives. A wide self-giving was her native act;

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ħ◊–©˙d◊ N≈◊˙ d◊˙ö◊, ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙í NFQ◊~◊˙ N÷◊Î◊ ¡◊–§◊˙≠¡◊ d◊˙ö◊ ·◊–¡◊ä ¡◊äê◊–d◊_@ > π@–Q◊–d◊˙ ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊@ ¡◊–πhÎ◊˙ πœ‹_u@ ~◊–÷◊Ë≠@ @≤◊– d◊˙ö◊ d◊@hbu ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ ɤd◊ d◊_@–d◊ ¡◊≤◊– ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ·œ◊¸– d◊˙ Δ˙d◊˛˙÷◊@– ≠÷◊≠d◊ ‘˙¥◊ ‘˛uØl ©s≠d◊ Äd◊–÷◊˛Ø– Q◊–¥◊˙S˙@˙ ÉŸ–s`◊˙ ÷◊˙≤◊y Ä©˙d◊ Ä·œ◊¸πF¡◊’ ¡◊gh ħ◊–Øh≠] > Ä˙k⁄ N…÷◊À◊ d◊˙ö◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ÄpÎ◊–d◊ ©_Î◊¥◊, Nh·œ◊˜ Ø~◊ Ä˙¥◊@–÷◊d◊˙@ ¡◊–ØÎ◊ N˙s@ ‘h§◊˛, ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊≤◊y≠@ πö◊–Î◊ d◊@ú◊ Ü÷◊; s≤◊~◊, Q◊GÎ◊ ~œ◊d◊ä@ Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘ Δ‹˙, ‘hM Ä˙~◊o◊@ πF©˙@–bu Q◊≠Î◊ ≠÷◊ÉΩ §◊¡◊–rä NFQ◊÷◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ÷◊o◊≠@ `◊§◊– ≠π˛@b˙ Ä˙≠¡◊‘ Nd◊ä·◊uD ÑZ◊’ πh@h, πh`◊÷◊@ ≤◊≠g ~◊u@¡◊ ≤œ◊·◊l Ü÷◊, s}u@ Nœ©~◊ øo◊@˙©– d◊˙≠Î◊ d◊˙≠Î◊, Ér˙@ Ä˙≠`◊]ä ØF≈◊’ Ü÷◊ ‘@u@≠@, π˛è◊¤ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ~◊–≠÷◊d◊~◊ N≠d◊ ¡◊˙ d◊˙ Ä‹¡◊˙ ·h◊Ä˙@ N_C◊’ Øo◊–@@ ≠]˙`◊˙ ·F◊@ ·F◊@˙¥◊≠@ > ÄØ@ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ øo◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≤◊–≠`◊∑˙Î◊–d◊ ÷◊˙Î◊©˙d◊ π˙·◊π˙≠d◊; Øœ·h◊≤◊˙Nä d◊˙ö ·œ◊¸– d◊˙ö◊ ©˙s@–d◊ ÷◊`◊˙ N_s’≠¡◊˙S π˙‹≥’¡◊ ¡◊gh≠@, d◊˙í@ ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ Ä˙~◊o◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊©u¡◊~◊ π≠@ Y◊˙Î◊–≠·◊`◊˙ Ä˙b– N_≠`◊’˙÷◊ NhrØ˙; Ä˙k·◊˙~◊ d◊˙ö◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ÷◊Ø’ N_§◊˙¡◊©, É·◊˙@, Ä¡◊˙S >


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48 A magnanimity as of sea or sky Enveloped with its greatness all that came And gave a sense as of a greatened world: Her kindly care was a sweet temperate sun, Her high passion a blue heaven’s equipoise. As might a soul fly like a hunted bird, Escaping with tired wings from a world of storms, And a quiet reach like a remembered breast, In a haven of safety and splendid soft repose One could drink life back in streams of honey-fire, Recover the lost habit of happiness, Feel her bright nature’s glorious ambience, And preen joy in her warmth and colour’s rule. A deep of compassion, a hushed sanctuary, Her inward help unbarred a gate in heaven; Love in her was wider than the universe, The whole world could take refuge in her single heart. The great unsatisfied godhead here could dwell: Vacant of the dwarf self’s imprisoned air, Her mood could harbour his sublimer breath

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≠¡◊ä˙Ø@ ¡◊˙ N˙s@@ Ø≤◊˙~h◊§◊¡◊d◊˙ NØ ≠ˆ@–‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ N≈◊˙@ Ø≤◊–Ø˙ N÷◊Î◊öh◊, d◊˙ö◊ π˙≠‘ Ä˙N–‹≥≠`◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ > ©˙s˛d◊ d◊˙í ÷◊`◊˙ ≠¡◊˙S ɤd◊ ¡◊–‘_@ > ≠÷◊˙ØÎ◊ Ä˙·◊@ d◊˙ö◊ Ø≠o◊˙B ØSh@ Ø–≤◊–@ ÷◊–@b π@–, ɤd◊ N@˙s NØ˙≤◊–d◊ N˙Øä π@– ~◊uÎ◊ ss~◊@ > ‘@¡◊ä ¡◊–≤◊s Δ‹˙ ÷◊m˙¥◊ π≠O d◊˙í@ ¡◊˙d◊ä˙≤◊d◊ ©sd◊@h ÷◊@– πÎ◊˙l~◊ ¡◊–‘˛˙Ø@ π˙Ü ∫◊˙¡◊ N<@b-Nh]·◊ ¡◊Oπ≠@ ~◊–@˙π·◊ Ä˙‘˛≠l ≠÷◊˙ØÎ◊ ÉEÎ◊ π˛‘˙¥◊– Ø≠Ú, Ä˙k˙ πhb– π˙~ π˙≠@ ÷◊@– ©u¡◊~◊@ @N ØShØl Äs∂–≠N˛˙≠d◊, πhb– ‹≠@ ÷◊@–π˙≠@ d◊˙≤◊˙ `◊˙§◊ d◊˙í@ Nh]u ≠≤◊¡◊˙ ¡◊–N<œd◊ ħ◊ä˙N > Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ π˙≠@ ÷◊@– Ø≤◊–Ø˙-Ø—–d◊ π@–≠¡◊‘ NØhEÎ◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ d◊˙í@, πFC◊’˙ú◊ πh`◊÷◊ ÷◊@–π˙≠@ Ä˙N_˙·◊~◊ Ér<d◊˙≠@ πhb– @N@ú◊@ S˙@˙≠@ > ÷◊@hb˙@ N˙s@ ≠N, ~◊u@¡◊ ħ◊l Ä˙‘˛l, N˙≤◊˙Δä d◊˙ö◊ Ä˙¥◊@ N≈◊˙@ É·Í◊ˆ˙Ë–d◊ ÷◊@–≠·◊`◊˙ N_s’@ ≠d◊˙@b > d◊˙ö◊ Ø≠Ú ≠π˛Ø ‹≥`◊˙ ÄS≥÷◊ ¡◊–πhÎ◊ Ä˙‘˛˙ π˙≠@ ≠~◊Å ¡◊–‘_ Ü÷◊˙÷◊u d◊˙ö◊@ ≤œ◊·◊l@ Ø≠Ú, d◊≤◊y Ädœ◊D Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ ≠π˛Ø@ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ π˙≠@ ÷◊@– d◊˙ ~◊–¡◊˙N > ]¡◊’˙÷◊˙@ Ä≤◊Ø–÷◊˙ ¡◊˙d◊˙¡◊@b@ ÷◊˙@˙s˙@h Øhê◊ d◊˙ö◊ ≤œ◊·l@ §◊˙¡◊ ≠π˙rb ÷◊@Å π˙@– ≠π˛Ø ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ 49

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50 Spiritual that can make all things divine. For even her gulfs were secrecies of light. At once she was the stillness and the word, A continent of self-diffusing peace, An ocean of untrembling virgin fire; The strength, the silence of the gods were hers. In her he found a vastness like his own, His high warm subtle ether he refound And moved in her as in his natural home. In her he met his own eternity. Till then no mournful line had barred this ray. On the frail breast of this precarious earth, Since her orbed sight in its breath-fastened house, Opening in sympathy with happier stars Where life is not exposed to sorrowful change, Remembered beauty death-claimed lids ignore And wondered at this world of fragile forms Carried on canvas-strips of shimmering Time, The impunity of unborn Mights was hers.

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ÄS≥÷◊ É·◊˙@ Ä˙Ú˙k–÷◊ §◊˙¡◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ·◊–¡◊ä@Fπ ≠·◊Åπ˙≠@ N÷◊Î◊ ¡◊gh÷h◊ > ÷◊˙@b N≈◊˙@ Äd◊Î◊ s≤_@ d◊˙ö◊ §◊@–‹≥`◊˙ §◊˙s¡◊d◊ s≤◊~◊ ≠©ä˙d◊–≠@ ≠N ‹≥≠`◊ ~◊–ªo◊ ØF≈◊–’, N˙≠‹ πhb– d◊˙@ ¡◊˙^Í◊Ølu, Ä˙S˙@ ·œ˜ N_l… ¡◊–èh◊@–d◊˙ ÄQ◊Î◊˙ ‘˙¥◊–@, ≠N ≠Δ ¡◊–gœd◊ N˙s@ ¡◊–‘hM, ÄOd◊ Ä¡◊–÷◊fi π˙¡◊÷◊@, N…≤◊d◊ d◊˙ö◊@– Ø≠Ú ‹≥`◊˙ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ö◊ ‘ê◊– πhb– ~◊u@¡◊d◊˙; d◊˙ö◊ Ø≠Ú ~◊–© ¡◊–‘˙Î◊d◊˙ π˙Å‹≥≠`◊ ≠π˛Ø@ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ > π˙Å‹≥≠`◊ πhb– d◊˙ö◊ Éé◊, NFO<, Ér< Ä˙÷◊˙‘@ ¡◊ä˙D–, ~◊–© ~◊–¡◊˙N NØ˙~◊ N˙¡◊–d◊˛uö◊ Ø≠Ú ≠π˛Ø ÷◊≠`◊ ¡◊–Q◊@b > d◊˙ö◊ Ø≠Ú π˙Å≠`◊ ≠N ~◊–©@ Ä˙~◊¥◊ä > N…d◊˙π@ ¡◊˙S˙ ÷◊–ø– ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠NΔ˙ÜΩ N˙¡◊–d◊˛u ≠©ä˙d◊–@ ÜÅ @‘<–≠@]˙ π≠‹, ~◊‘_@ ¡◊O≠@ Ü≤◊– N…o◊–ç S@˙@ ≠ΔÉΩ·◊–~h◊ π˛˙b¡◊˙lh Δhê◊ ‘@u@≠@ ·h◊º]Øl π@–b˙Øh Øhê◊ ©u¡◊~◊@ `◊uÎ◊˙ú◊~◊ Nh]–d◊@ d◊˙@÷◊˙@˙©–@; Nا◊˙≠¡◊ πFC◊’·œ◊¸– ≠]˙`◊– N<œd◊–π≠‹ ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ NhrØ˙ Øœdh◊ä ÷◊¡◊Î◊–d◊ Q◊Oh, Ä≠s˙Q◊@ Δ˙≤◊˙, ≠·◊]≥ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ≠N ¡◊–N<–d◊˙ n–`◊–Ø–`◊– Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊ ]— Q◊–d◊˛πË §◊˙NØ˙~◊ ©sd◊@ §◊úh◊@ @Fπ÷h◊ > ≠N≤◊–·◊–~h◊ d◊˙öh◊ ≠ˆ@– @≤◊–‹≥`◊˙ N·◊˙ Nh@O˙ ¡Î◊l ≠÷◊≠d◊ Ä©˙d◊ ‘ê◊–@ 51

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52 Although she leaned to bear the human load, Her walk kept still the measures of the gods. Earth’s breath had failed to stain that brilliant glass: Unsmeared with the dust of our mortal atmosphere It still reflected heaven’s spiritual joy. Almost they saw who lived within her light Her playmate in the sempiternal spheres Descended from its unattainable realms In her attracting advent’s luminous wake, The white-fire dragon-bird of endless bliss Drifting with burning wings above her days: Heaven’s tranquil shield guarded the missioned child. A glowing orbit was her early term,* Years like gold raiment of the gods that pass; Her youth sat throned in calm felicity. But joy cannot endure until the end: There is a darkness in terrestrial things That will not suffer long too glad a note. On her too closed the inescapable Hand: The armed Immortal bore the snare of Time. One dealt with her who meets the burdened great. Assigner of the ordeal and the path

* π@¡◊≈◊’u π˙·◊Ë– Ä~F◊·◊–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊˙≤◊y > 3rd Final : 24/10/2009




Ø˙~◊¡◊-~◊–ld◊– §◊˙@ ¡◊≤◊–¡◊˙ N÷◊˙≠‘ Ä˙~◊d◊˙ d◊‹˙π– ~◊–© sd◊–¡œ◊≈◊– Ø≠Ú ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ö◊ NØd◊˙Î◊ @]≥‹≥≠`◊ N·◊˙ > πœ‹≥¡◊u@ d◊D‘_˙N ~◊ π˙@–`◊˙ ÷◊@– ØÎ◊–~◊ ≠N Nh¡◊–ØÎ◊ ÉEÎ◊ Øh÷h◊@ > Ø≈◊’ä π@–Ø—Î◊@ Á◊˙‘h π˛≠`◊π@h Øhê◊ d◊˙ π˛÷◊˙‘h ‹≥`◊˙ d◊‹˙π– d◊≤◊–Ω≠@ π˛d◊–¡◊–¯ Ä˙Ú˙k–÷◊ N_≠`◊’˙÷◊ Nh]@ > ≠©ä˙d◊–≠@ d◊˙ö◊@ ≠Δ≠d◊ ÷◊@h‹≥≠`◊ ¡◊˙N ≠·◊]h‹≥≠`◊ ≠N≤◊–Ø˙≠~◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ Ø—≠Î◊ `◊uÎ◊˙N≤◊Q◊@u d◊˙ö◊ ·h◊@˙N·◊ S˙Øh ≠©ä˙d◊–Ø’l Ä˙¡◊–§◊’˙≠¡◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Ä˙÷◊r–’d◊ ‘h§◊˛¡◊≤◊∂– πOu@˙© Ä~◊¥◊ Nh]@ Ä¡◊d◊@– Ä˙N– ©_Î◊¥◊ πO d◊˙í ≠Ø`◊– ©u¡◊~◊@ π≠@ d◊˙@ Q◊≠Î◊ §◊˙N–§◊˙N– > Ç‘_@ ≠π˛@–d◊ ≠NÅ ‘–‘hË–÷h◊ @O˙ ÷◊@–‹≥`◊˙ ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊@ π˛‘˙¥◊ ÷◊¡◊Q◊, ¡◊˙`◊ä¡◊⁄˙ ‹≥`◊˙ Ü÷◊ π@–÷◊˛Ø˙ Δ‹˙ ©_Î◊¥◊ ÷◊O≠@ > d◊˙@hbä Ä˙@F˜ ‹≥`◊˙ ~◊–¢◊Î◊ Ä˙~o◊ N–…≤◊˙N≠~◊; ⁄˙lu ÷◊–¥h◊ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙≠@ ~◊˙≤◊y Nh] ≠‘r Δ˙Ü; N¡h◊ π˙‹≥’¡◊ ¡◊gh@ §◊–d◊≠@ ≠Δ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@ ·◊uˆ’÷◊˙Î◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ π˙≠@ ~◊˙≤◊–Ω N≤◊– Äd◊– É`◊∑˙N@ Nh@ > ≠N ØÚ πŸ–≠`◊ ≠d◊bh ÷◊@˙Î◊ ÷◊¡◊≠Î◊ Ä~◊–¡◊˙Δ’ä ~◊–ld◊–@; Ø≤◊÷◊˙Î◊ π˙‘ : N¤M˙ ÄØ@ N≈◊˙ ÷◊@–≠`◊ N≤◊~◊ > ·◊–¡◊ä÷◊Ø’ Nfi˙·◊~◊ ·◊˙l–d◊_@ §◊˙@


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54 Who chooses in this holocaust of the soul Death, fall and sorrow as the spirit’s goads, The dubious godhead with his torch of pain Lit up the chasm of the unfinished world And called her to fill with her vast self the abyss. August and pitiless in his calm outlook, Heightening the Eternal’s dreadful strategy, He measured the difficulty with the might And dug more deep the gulf that all must cross. Assailing her divinest elements, He made her heart kin to the striving human heart And forced her strength to its appointed road. For this she had accepted mortal breath; To wrestle with the Shadow she had come And must confront the riddle of man’s birth And life’s brief struggle in dumb Matter’s night. Whether to bear with Ignorance and death Or hew the ways of Immortality,

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¡◊≤◊– ≠Δ Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ N≈◊˙ Ä˙N¥◊– d◊˙ö◊@ ÷◊≠∫◊˙@ π@uO˙ π‹ ÷◊@– ~◊–M’˙@–d◊ ≤h◊Ä¥◊– π˛÷◊Ë; Ä˙k˙ N¡◊’≤h◊d◊ Δ≠™ ¡◊–S˙~◊ ÷◊@¥◊– Á◊Î◊ Ø@b,πd◊~◊, ·h◊º] ≠‘˙÷◊ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@ Äöh◊‘ Ä˙ˆ˙d◊ > Ī¸ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ Ü÷◊ ≠·◊¡◊uö◊ N®h≠] Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊–d◊ ÷◊≠`◊ ©˙Î◊– πuŸ˙@ Ø‘˙`◊ Äd◊Î◊ s≤◊_@ Ü≤◊– ÄπFC◊’ ¡◊–‘_@ Ä˙≤◊_˙~◊ ≠N ÷◊≠`◊ πhb– Nh¡◊–‘˙Î◊ Ä˙k˙ N≈◊˙ ≠·◊Å Ä˙πF@–d◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ s≈◊’ > ·œ◊D ~◊– @hb d◊˙ö◊ ·œ◊¸–≠@ ÄS≥÷◊ §◊lö◊@ ÷◊@–≠·◊≠`◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ π˛§h◊ö◊ NØ@ ≠÷◊˝‘Î◊; N˙Ú ÷◊Ø’ ÷◊∫◊–~◊d◊˙ ÷◊@–≠·◊≠`◊ ≠·◊¡◊uö◊@ ‘ê◊– NØdh◊`◊ > ÄS≥÷◊ s§◊u@ s≈◊’ ÷◊@–≠`◊ ≠]˙·◊~◊ Äd◊–÷˛Ø ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ Δ˙ N§◊–öh◊ > Äd◊– ·◊–¡ä Ä≠ú◊ d◊˙ö◊ ÷◊@– ≠N π˛≤◊˙@ ≠·◊¡◊uö◊ ≤œ◊·l ÷◊≠`◊ ‘˛Ø@d◊ ~◊@ Ø@Ø@ Ä~h◊@Fπ; ¡◊˙Ú ÷◊≠`◊ d◊˙ö◊ ‘ê◊–÷h◊ Q◊Î◊–¡◊˙ Ä˙≠‘ ¡◊–S≥@ ¡◊–≤◊–d◊ π‹ π≠@; N_u÷◊˙@ ÷◊≠`◊ ≠N Ü‹≥π˙ÅΩ Ø˙~◊¡ ◊‘@u@ ÜÅ Ø≈◊’©sd◊≠@ ø˙l˙Øl Øœdhä N≠ú◊ Ø`◊∑ΔhM π˙ÅΩ Ä˙sd ≠N; N®h]u~◊ ≠≤≠¡◊ ≠N Ä¡◊‘ä Ø˙~◊¡◊-©~◊<@ Äd◊– sF˜ @≤◊Nä≠@, ~◊–¡◊’˙÷Í◊ ©Ÿ@ @˙d◊–˛ ˆ~◊ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙≠@ ©u¡◊~◊@ Ob–÷◊ ΔhM@; N≤◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ N·◊˙ Ä™˙~◊, Ø@b Ü‹≥ Ä¡◊˙ ÷◊˙Ë–π‹ ÄØ@d◊_ N–M– π˙ÅΩ π˛ghd◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙ 55

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56 To win or lose the godlike game for man, Was her soul’s issue thrown with Destiny’s dice. But not to submit and suffer was she born; To lead, to deliver was her glorious part. Here was no fabric of terrestrial make Fit for a day’s use by busy careless Powers. An image fluttering on the screen of Fate, Half-animated for a passing show, Or a castaway on the ocean of Desire Flung to the eddies in a ruthless sport And tossed along the gulfs of Circumstance, A creature born to bend beneath the yoke, A chattel and a plaything of Time’s lords, Or one more pawn who comes destined to be pushed One slow move forward on a measureless board In the chess-play of the earth-soul with Doom,— Such is the human figure drawn by Time. A conscious frame was here, a self-born Force. In this enigma of the dusk of God, This slow and strange uneasy compromise Of limiting Nature with a limitless Soul, Where all must move between an ordered Chance And an uncaring blind Necessity, Too high the fire spiritual dare not blaze.

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Ü ≠·◊¡◊`◊uÎ◊˙@ ©l Ä¡◊˙ π@˙©l ~◊–ld◊–@ π‘˙≠]≠Î◊ Ä¥◊@ Ä˙k˙@ Ü ‹≥`◊˙ NØNä˙ N˙¡◊–d◊˛uö◊ πh≠@˙§◊˙≠s > ©~◊<– ≠N ~◊ ‹≥≠`◊ d◊˙ö◊ Ø‹˙~◊d◊ ÷◊@– N≤◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ πuŸ˙; ≠~◊d˛u Øhê◊–·◊˙d◊˛u @F≠π ≠s˝@¡◊@ ÷◊Ø’ d◊˙ö◊; πœ‹≥¡◊u≠@ s˜˙ Éπ˙·◊˙~◊ ~◊ ‹≥≠`◊ ≠N, N˙¡◊S˙~◊ ≤◊u~◊ ¡◊äg ≠·◊¡◊-‘ê◊–Ø˙~◊ö◊@ ≠s˙Ë–Ü ·◊–~◊@ Ob–÷◊@ ·œ◊‘ä π˙ÅΩ §◊˙NØ˙~◊ @Fπ ~◊–ld◊–@ Q◊–d◊˛π≠Ë, Ä¡◊˙ d◊äê◊ ¡◊gh dœ◊Ã˙@ N˙s≠@, ~◊–O–D Ä˙¡◊≠≈◊’ Ü÷◊ ~◊–Bh@ ÷◊˛uŸ˙≠@ π@–⁄–d◊– π˛¡◊˙≤◊≠@ π˛˙bu Ü÷◊ ~◊d◊≠≤◊˙Å ≠¡◊˙≤◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ §◊˙@ > ÷◊˛uŸ~◊÷◊, ·◊˛¡◊ä Ü÷◊ ÷◊˙Î◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ ≠s˙Ë–÷◊˙ ¡◊˙ Ä˙É Ü÷◊ ~◊–ld◊–@ ¡◊≠‘ Q◊˙Î◊–d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙≠s Ä¥◊≤◊u~◊ d◊≤◊y ‘d◊@z Á◊Î◊÷◊@ ~◊–ld◊–@ N≠ú◊ πœ‹_uπh@hr@ Ü≤◊– Q◊dh◊@ú◊ ≠]≠Î◊,ñ ÷◊˙Î◊≤◊≠g Äö◊–d◊ Ü Q◊–d◊˛ Ø˙~◊¡◊@ > N˙¡◊–d◊˛uö◊ Ø≠Ú ÷◊–¥h◊ ‹≥`◊˙ π˛÷◊Ë–d◊˙ N_l…©˙d◊ ‘ê◊– Ü÷◊ N≠Q◊d◊ Ä˙S˙≠@ ·◊–¡◊äπ˛≠·◊˙r@ π˛≠≤◊Î◊–÷◊˙ NØ Ü≤◊– Ø˙~◊¡◊ ©u¡◊~◊; Ü÷◊ ØA◊@ ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ ÄN_g–@ Ä˙≠π˙r Ü ÄNuØ Ä¥◊@ Ä˙k˙ N≠ú◊ N…÷h◊Q◊–d◊˙ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@, Δ≤◊y ¡◊˙Ú ≠≤◊˙Å Q◊Î◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≤h◊Ü N÷◊Î◊öh◊ ≠·◊Ê¡◊≠Δ˙s ¡◊–S˙~◊ à ÄÕ◊ É·◊˙Nu~◊ ¡◊‘äd◊˙@ Ø≠Ú, ~◊˙≤◊y ÄÚ˙k-Ä~◊Î◊ ~◊ ÷◊≠@ N˙≤◊N Äd◊– Ñ≠Z◊’ ©Î◊–¡◊˙÷h, 57

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58 If once it met the intense original Flame, An answering touch might shatter all measures made And earth sink down with the weight of the Infinite. A gaol is this immense material world: Across each road stands armed a stone-eyed Law, At every gate the huge dim sentinels pace. A grey tribunal of the Ignorance, An Inquisition of the priests of Night In judgment sit on the adventurer soul, And the dual tables and the Karmic norm Restrain the Titan in us and the God:

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‹≠@ Δ·◊– És˛ Ä˙·◊–ØFÎ◊ Äs∂– N≠ú◊ Ø–Î◊–d◊ Ü ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙≠@ ª≠‘’ d◊˙@ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ¡◊–πΔ’äg ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙≠@ N÷◊Î◊ ¡◊ä¡◊⁄˙, Äd◊≠Î◊ ¡◊– Xh◊¡◊–Δ˙Åπ˙≠@ Ü πœ‹≥¡◊u ÄNuØ@ §◊˙≠@, Ü÷◊ ¡◊o◊u‘˙Î◊˙ π@– Ä˙Ø@ Ü Nh¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ≠§◊˝d◊–÷◊ ©sd◊ > Ø˙s’≠@ π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ Ü∫◊– ≠≤◊˙ÅÄø– ∫◊–Ä˙ π˙r˙b ÷◊≠∫◊˙@ ·œ◊¸– ~◊–lØ@O÷◊ > ¡◊–Q◊@b ÷◊@hø¥◊– Ī¸ ¡◊–@˙Ë π˛≤◊@u π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ ·◊_˙≠@ Ä™˙~◊@ Ü÷◊ SFN@ ¡◊–Q˙@˙N~◊ ~◊ä˙l˙S≥÷◊@≠b @˙d◊˛– πh≠@˙≤◊–d◊ ·◊Î◊ ÷◊@¥◊– ¡◊–Q◊˙@ N˙≤◊Nu Ä˙k˙@; ·◊_J ◊NFd◊˛ ÷◊Ø’¡◊–S≥ ÷◊@¥◊– ·◊Ø~◊ Ä˙Ø Ø≠Ú ÄNh@÷h◊ π@≠Ø‘_@öh◊ : (ÄNØ˙D)


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60 Canto Three

The Yoga of the King : The Yoga of the Soul’s Release A WORLD’S desire compelled her mortal birth. One in the front of the immemorial quest, Protagonist of the mysterious play In which the Unknown pursues himself through forms And limits his eternity by the hours And the blind Void struggles to live and see, A thinker and toiler in the ideal’s air, Brought down to earth’s dumb need her radiant power. His was a spirit that stooped from larger spheres Into our province of ephemeral sight, A colonist from immortality. A pointing beam on earth’s uncertain roads, His birth held up a symbol and a sign; His human self like a translucent cloak Covered the All-Wise who leads the unseeing world. Affiliated to cosmic Space and Time And paying here God’s debt to earth and man

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dœ◊d◊ul Ns’

@˙©r–’ö◊ ≠Δ˙s ñ Ä˙k˙@ Øhê◊– ≠Δ˙s ¡◊˙Ú ÷◊@–‹≥`◊˙ Ü÷◊ ¡◊–‘_@ Ä˙ªœ≤◊˙ N˙¡◊–d◊˛uö◊ ©~◊< Ü‹≥ Ø≈◊’ä ©sd◊≠@ Ä~◊˙·◊– Ä™˙d◊÷◊˙Îh◊ @≤◊– Ä≠~◊_rb Äs˛§◊˙≠s, Øh]äπ˙d◊˛ @˙©˙ Ä‘_πd◊– s≤◊~◊`◊uÎ◊˙@, ¡◊≤◊h¡◊–S @F≠π Δ≤◊y Ä≠™l πh@hr Ä≠~◊_rb ÷◊@hø¥◊– Ä˙πb˙÷h◊, ÷◊˙≠Î◊ πhb– ÷◊@¥◊– NuØ–d◊ N_÷◊ul ‘˙‘_d◊ ⁄–d◊– ≠Q◊¸˙ ÷◊≠@ Δ≤◊y ÄÕ◊ ‘F~◊ä ≠·◊]≥¡◊˙÷h◊ ¡◊G≥ @≤◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ > Ø~◊uru ≠N ÷◊Ø’u d◊≤◊y Ä˙·◊‘’ Ø—≠Î◊, Ä˙b–≠`◊ πœ‹_u@ ØF÷◊ π˛≠l˙©~◊ π˙ÅΩ ≠·◊¡◊uö◊ É©_Î◊ ‘ê◊–; @˙©r–’≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ Ä¡◊d◊uC◊’ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ü‹≥ Ø≤◊≈◊@ ≠`◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙Ø@ Ü π@–≠¡◊≠‘ ~◊‘_@ ·œ◊¸–@ ÄØœd◊@ S˙Øh Ü÷◊ âπ~◊–≠¡◊‘–÷◊ ·◊–sÍ·◊‘’÷◊ @‘<–≠@]˙ πœ‹≥¡◊u@ Ü≤◊– Ä~◊–¢◊–d◊ π‹π≠@, ©~◊Ø d◊˙ö◊@ N®h≠] ≠d◊˙Î◊–`◊˙ Ü÷◊ NFQ◊~◊˙, π˛d◊u÷◊, ¡◊–‘·◊ ¡◊N~◊ NØ ÷◊@–`◊˙ Ä˙¡œ◊d◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ul N≈◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ N¡◊’™ π˛§h◊öh◊ ≠~◊d˙@F≠π Q◊Î◊˙¥◊– ≠Δ ÄÕ◊ ©sd◊÷h◊ > ¡◊–‘_¡◊ä˙πu ≠·◊‘÷◊˙Î◊ N≠ú◊ N…π÷◊–’d◊ @≤◊– Öb-π@–≠‘˙S ÷◊@h‹≥≠`◊ Ü‹≥ π˛§h◊ö◊@ ©sd◊÷h◊, Øb–r ©˙d◊–÷h◊ > ·◊–¡◊ä ÄS≥÷◊˙@ d◊˙ö◊ ‹≥`◊˙ Ø≤◊≈◊@ 61

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62 A greater sonship was his divine right. Although consenting to mortal ignorance, His knowledge shared the Light ineffable. A strength of the original Permanence Entangled in the moment and its flow, He kept the vision of the Vasts behind: A power was in him from the Unknowable. An archivist of the symbols of the Beyond, A treasurer of superhuman dreams, He bore the stamp of mighty memories And shed their grandiose ray on human life. His days were a long growth to the Supreme. A skyward being nourishing its roots On sustenance from occult spiritual founts Climbed through white rays to meet an unseen Sun. His soul lived as eternity’s delegate, His mind was like a fire assailing heaven, His will a hunter in the trails of light. An ocean impulse lifted every breath; Each action left the footprints of a god, Each moment was a beat of puissant wings. The little plot of our mortality Touched by this tenant from the heights became A playground of the living Infinite. This bodily appearance is not all;

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πhd◊˛d◊_≠@; Ä™˙~◊ Ü Ø≈◊’äØ˙~◊¡◊@ ÷◊@–ø¥◊– Δ‡π– ≠N N_u÷◊˙@ d◊‹˙π– ™˙~◊ d◊˙ö◊ Ä~◊–¡◊’˙Q◊ä ™˙~◊˙≠`◊˙÷◊ Ä…‘ > Ä˙·◊–ØFÎ◊ Q◊–@⁄˙lu π˛§h◊ö◊@ ‘ê◊– Øh≤F◊≈◊’≠@, ÷◊˙Î◊S˙@˙ Ø≠Ú ≠N N…‘m–¸; π≠ø ÷◊–¥h◊ @]≥ø¥◊– ·œ◊¸– ≠N §F◊Ø˙@ > d◊˙ö◊ Ø≠Ú ‹≥`◊˙ ‘ê◊– Ä≠™l ≠`◊˙÷◊@ > π@˙‚@ π˛d◊u÷◊@ ħ◊–≠`◊]π˙Î◊ @O÷◊ ≠N ≠÷◊≠d◊ Äd◊–Ø˙~h◊ru N_π∂@ d◊˙ö◊ Ø≠Ú ‹≥`◊˙ Q◊–≤◊∂ Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ N<œd◊–@ §◊¡◊ä@‘<– Δ˙≤◊˙@ ≠N Ø˙~◊¡◊-©u¡◊≠~◊ Y◊˙Îh◊‹≥≠`◊, ·◊–~◊‹≥`◊˙ π@Ø π˛§h◊ö◊ ħ◊–Øh≠] ¡◊–÷◊˙‘-π˛N˙@; πh¸ ÷◊≠@ ØFÎ◊ d◊˙@ Ä˙Ú˙k–÷◊ s≤◊~◊ Éf@h ]˙‡ ≠N, É∫h◊‹≥`◊˙ ≠¡◊ä˙ØØh]u N≈◊˙ ‘h§◊˛ @‘<–©˙Î◊ Ø≠Ú ≠≤◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Ø–Î◊–d◊ Ä·œ◊¸ NFΔ’ä@ N≠ú◊, Ä¥◊@˙k˙ d◊˙ö◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ö◊ π˛d◊–~◊–S≥, Ä~◊Î◊ π˛d◊–Ø Ø~◊ d◊˙ö◊ ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊÷h◊ ÷◊@Å Ä˙÷◊˛˙¥◊ > Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊@ π≠‹ S˙ÜΩ N…÷◊À◊ d◊˙ö◊@ > N˙s@ N…≠¡◊s NØ ¡◊–πhÎ◊ ≠Q◊˙·◊~◊˙ É≠≈◊˙Î◊–d◊ ÷◊≠@ d◊˙ö◊ π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ ~◊–º‘_˙N; ÷◊˙Δ’äN¡h◊ @]≥s`◊˙ Q◊@b N…≠÷◊d◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ö◊, ‘ê◊–‘˙Î◊u πO@ ªo◊~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ Øh≤F◊≈◊’; ~◊‘_@ Ä˙Ø@ ⁄˙~◊ `◊§◊– ª‘’ Ü≤◊– ÑZ◊’ ~◊–¡◊˙Nu@ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ü÷◊ ÷◊˛uŸ˙ú◊~◊ ©u¡◊¥◊ Ä~◊¥◊ πh@hr@; ~h◊≠≤◊Ω N¡h◊ ÷◊–ø– @Fπ ⁄FÎ◊ ‘@u@@; ¡◊˙≤◊ä@Fπ ÷◊≠@ π˛d◊˙@–d◊ 63

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64 The form deceives, the person is a mask; Hid deep in man celestial powers can dwell. His fragile ship conveys through the sea of years An incognito of the Imperishable. A spirit that is a flame of God abides, A fiery portion of the Wonderful, Artist of his own beauty and delight, Immortal in our mortal poverty. This sculptor of the forms of the Infinite, This screened unrecognised Inhabitant, Initiate of his own veiled mysteries, Hides in a small dumb seed his cosmic thought. In the mute strength of the occult Idea Determining predestined shape and act, Passenger from life to life, from scale to scale, Changing his imaged self from form to form, He regards the icon growing by his gaze And in the worm foresees the coming god. At last the traveller in the paths of Time Arrives on the frontiers of eternity. In the transient symbol of humanity draped, He feels his substance of undying self And loses his kinship to mortality. A beam of the Eternal smites his heart, His thought stretches into infinitude;

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¡◊äê◊– Ü÷◊ ø·◊<≠¡◊‘; N≈◊˙@ s≤◊≠~◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊@ `h◊ü˙l–d ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊ ‘÷◊d◊– > §◊úh◊@ ©u¡◊~◊≠π˙d◊ ÷◊@Å ¡◊≤◊~◊ ÷◊˙Î◊@ N˙s@ ¡◊≠O Ä¡◊–~◊˙‘u N≈◊˙ Ä™˙d◊ Ä˙S˙@ > ≠Q◊Êd◊~◊ä ~◊–¡◊˙N ÷◊≠@ ≠©ä˙d◊–‘–]˙ NØ π@Ø π˛§h◊@, ·◊uD Q◊–·◊s∂– ÷◊b–÷◊˙ ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ ¡◊–§h◊@, ~◊–© ≠‘˙§◊˙, Ä˙~◊o◊@ ÷◊Î◊˙÷◊˙@ ≠N ≠Δ, Ä˙Ø ~◊‘_@ ©u¡◊~◊ ·◊u~◊≤◊u~◊ ⁄–d◊– Ø≠Ú Ä©@ ÄØ@ > §◊˙◊@ Ü @≠Q◊ @Fπ ÄNuØ N≈◊˙@ π˛è◊¤ Äπ@–Q◊–d◊ ÄS≥¡◊˙Nu sF˜ @≤◊≠Nä ·◊uO–d◊ N_l…, ÷◊≠@ `h◊ü˙l–d◊ ¡◊–‘_sd◊ Q◊–¥◊˙ d◊˙@ Oh·◊˛ ØF÷◊ ¡◊u≠© > ~◊–¡◊’˙÷Í◊ N˙Ø≠‹’ä Ü‹≥ sF˜ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙@ πF¡◊’·œ◊¸ Q◊–¥◊˙ ÷◊Ø’ ÷◊@– ~◊–l»–d◊ ©u¡◊~h◊ ©u¡◊~◊˙¥◊≠@ π¡h◊’ π¡◊’˙¥◊≠@ Δ˙d◊˛˙ ≠N ÷◊@Å ØF≈◊’ Ä˙k˙ ¡◊·◊Î◊˙Å §◊–¤ §◊–¤ @Fπ, ≠·◊≠] ·œ◊¸–≠@ ~◊–©@ π˛d◊–Ø˙ ¡◊–÷◊˙‘– É≠∫◊, ÷◊uË@ §◊–d◊≠@ Ä˙s@h ≠N ≠·◊≠] §◊˙¡◊u-Ä˙s˙Øu ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙; π@–≠‘≠r Δ˙d◊˛u Δ˙Å NØl@ π≠‹ ‘˙‘_d◊@ NuØ˙π≠@ ≤h◊Ü Éπ⁄–d◊ > Ø~h◊rä@ Ä˙¡◊@b Ä⁄˙lu π˛d◊u≠÷◊ Ä¡◊–~◊˙‘u Ä˙k˙ Nj ÷◊≠@ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊, ≤◊@˙Ü N¯Õ◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ Øœdh◊ä¡◊‘d◊˙@ > ≤◊–l˙ d◊˙ Ä˙ˆ˙d◊ ÷◊≠@ ‘˙‘_d◊ ÷◊–@b, Q◊–¥◊˙ d◊˙@ π˛N˙@–d◊ ≤h◊Ü ÄNuØ≠@ >


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All in him turns to spirit vastnesses. His soul breaks out to join the Oversoul, His life is oceaned by that superlife. He has drunk from the breasts of the Mother of the worlds; A topless Supernature fills his frame: She adopts his spirit’s everlasting ground As the security of her changing world And shapes the figure of her unborn mights. Immortally she conceives herself in him, In the creature the unveiled Creatrix works: Her face is seen through his face, her eyes through his eyes; Her being is his through a vast identity. Then is revealed in man the overt Divine. A static Oneness and dynamic Power Descend in him, the integral Godhead’s seals; His soul and body take that splendid stamp. A long dim preparation is man’s life, A circle of toil and hope and war and peace Tracked out by Life on Matter’s obscure ground. In his climb to a peak no feet have ever trod, He seeks through a penumbra shot with flame A veiled reality half-known, ever missed, A search for something or someone never found, Cult of an ideal never made real here,

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Q◊–~◊<l §F◊Ø˙@ ·◊–≠s ˆF≠@ d◊˙í@ N˙@˙N≈◊˙, Ä¥◊@˙k˙ d◊˙@ N≤◊N˙ Ø–Î◊–d◊ ≤h◊Ü π@Ø˙k˙ N≠ú◊; Ø≤◊˙©u¡◊~◊≠@ N–Õh◊ NØ π˛N˙@–d◊ ≤h◊Ü d◊˙í ©u¡◊~◊ > g~◊ä ≠N ÷◊@–ø– π˙~◊ ¡◊–‘_©~◊~◊uö◊, Ä˙S˙@ d◊˙í É≠∫◊ §◊@– Äd◊– Éé◊ π@˙π˛÷œ◊d◊–≠@; Q◊–@⁄˙lu Q◊–~◊<l Ä˙S˙@ @Ou@F≠π π@–b˙Øu ©sd◊@ d◊˙í@; s˜–Q◊˙≠`◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊@Fπ Ä©˙d◊ ‘ê◊–@, ÷◊≠@ s§◊’˙S˙~◊ ~◊–© Q◊–@ ÷◊˙Î-πh@r÷h◊ ≠·◊Å; Ä~◊˙¡œ◊d◊ Nœ¸–÷◊≈◊’˛u ©u¡◊~◊ ØÚ≠@ ÷◊@¥◊– ~◊–©@ ÷◊˙Δ’ä; ©u¡◊@ Ä˙~◊≠~◊ Øh]‘˛u É∫◊Å Áh◊Ë– π@˙ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@, ~◊l≠~◊ d◊˙ Δ˙Ü ≠·◊]˙ d◊˙ö◊@– ~◊l~◊, ¡◊–πhÎ◊ d◊˙·◊˙kä Ø≠Ú N≈◊˙ ≤h◊Ü Ü÷◊ > Ø~h◊rä@ Ø≠Ú ≠d◊≠¡◊ π˛÷◊Ë–d◊ ¡◊äê◊ §◊s¡◊˙~Í◊, Ä˙≠N d◊˙@ Ø≠Ú Ä¡◊d◊@– ÄQ◊Î◊ Ü÷◊d◊_ πhb– NQ◊Î◊ ‘÷◊d◊– π@–πFC◊’ ≠·◊¡◊d◊_@ π˛Ø˙b ΔhsÎ◊ > ≠·◊≤◊ à Ä˙k˙≠@ ≠N≤◊– §◊¡◊ä π@–Q◊l ≤h◊ÄÅ Äö◊–d◊; Ø˙~◊¡◊ ©u¡◊~◊ Ü÷◊ ·◊uˆ’ Ī¸ π˛ghd◊–, Ü÷◊ π@–÷◊˛Ø˙ Ä˙‘˙-Ä˙l˙N@ πhb– ΔhM à ‘˙¥◊–@ π˛˙b˙ö◊–d◊ π≠‹ ©Ÿ SFØ–Î◊ §F◊Ø–≠@ ·h◊w˛≠¡◊‘ä N˙~h◊π≠@ É≈◊@≠b d◊˙í@ ≠]˙≠©◊ ≠N Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ ‘–]˙-Éπø˙l˙ Ø≠Ú sF˜Nd◊ä, ÄM’™˙d◊, Q◊–@-~◊–@hP–¸ > Ä≠~◊_rb ¡◊gh π˙ÅΩ, ¡◊äê◊– π˙ÅΩ Δ˙≤◊˙ ·h◊@˙N·◊; πA◊˙ Ü÷◊ Ä˙·◊‘’@ Δ˙≤◊˙ 67

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68 An endless spiral of ascent and fall Until at last is reached the giant point Through which his Glory shines for whom we were made And we break into the infinity of God. Across our nature’s border line we escape Into Supernature’s arc of living light. This now was witnessed in that son of Force; In him that high transition laid its base. Original and supernal Immanence Of which all Nature’s process is the art, The cosmic Worker set his secret hand To turn this frail mud-engine to heaven-use. A Presence wrought behind the ambiguous screen: It beat his soil to bear a Titan’s weight, Refining half-hewn blocks of natural strength It built his soul into a statued god. The Craftsman of the magic stuff of self Who labours at his high and difficult plan In the wide workshop of the wonderful world, Modelled in inward Time his rhythmic parts. Then came the abrupt transcendent miracle: The masked immaculate Grandeur could outline, At travail in the occult womb of life,

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¡◊˙g¡◊ ≠≤◊˙Å~◊– ≠÷◊≠¡◊ Ä¥◊≤◊u~◊ ÉdÍ◊‹˙~-πd◊~◊ sd◊–@ ¡◊Î◊l ≠‘≠r Ä˙≠N Ø≤◊˙¡◊–oh◊, Ø≠Ú Δ˙í@ É·Í◊§◊˙N–d◊ Ø≤◊–Ø˙ Δ˙í π˙ÅΩ Ä˙≠Ø ≠≤◊˙Åøh @Q◊–d◊ > Éπ⁄–d◊ ≠≤◊É Δ˙Å ≠N∫◊˙≠@ N≤◊N˙ π@≠Ø‘_@ö◊ ·◊–¡◊ä Ä~◊¥◊ S˙Ø≠@ > π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ NuØ˙≠@]˙ - π˙@≠≤◊˙Å Ä˙≠Ø π˛≠¡◊‘h ©u¡◊¥◊ ≠©ä˙d◊– ¡œ◊≈◊]≠— π@˙π˛÷œ◊d◊–@; Ü≤◊– Nd◊ä ≠≤◊`◊˙ π˛÷◊Ë–d◊ Ü≠¡◊ ≠N≤◊– Ø≤◊˙‘ê◊– N¥◊˙~◊@ Ø≠Ú π˛d◊–B–d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ø≤◊˙π@–¡◊≈◊’~◊≠@ §◊–≈◊– Ü≠¡◊ d◊˙í@– ∫◊˙≠@ Äd◊–π˛÷œ◊d◊–÷◊ > Ä˙·◊– Ä¥◊Δ’ä˙Øu Δ˙í@ ÷◊Î◊˙ ÷◊É‘Î◊ ~◊–]≥Î◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊– S˙@˙, ≠N≤◊– ¡◊–‘_÷◊Ø’u sF˜ ≤◊≠g Q◊Î◊˙Å≠`◊ ·h◊¡◊’Î◊ §◊úh◊@ Ø˙Ë–Δ» N_s’≠`◊˙÷◊ ¡◊ä¡◊≤◊˙@ π˙ÅΩ > ·◊–¡◊äN≈◊˙ ·◊_–S˙§◊–¤ Ä˙¡◊@b π≠ø ÷◊`˙ ÷◊˙Δ’ä Ä˙ˆ˙d◊≠@ Øœb<l Ä˙S˙@ ÷◊`◊˙ ‘ê◊ ¡◊≤◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ §◊uØ÷◊˙l §◊˙@, π˛÷œ◊d◊ ‘ê◊–@ ÄM’-ø–¤ ]—N¡h◊ Ø˙©–’d◊ ÷◊@– ≠N ≠·◊`◊˙ Ä¥◊@ N≈◊˙÷h◊ ñ §◊˙s¡◊d◊ @Fπ; Ä˙k˙ Δ˙·h◊ Éπ˙·◊˙~◊ ‘–À◊u ≠N, ÷◊@Å ÷◊˙Δ’ä ÷◊∫◊–~◊ Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ ≠Δ˙©~◊˙÷h◊ ≠~◊Å d◊˙@ ¡◊–@˙Ë É≠‡˙s‘˙Î◊˙ Ø≠Ú ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ ¡◊–‘_@; ø≠o◊˙¡◊M Äú◊ d◊˙@ ¡◊–@Q◊–`◊˙ Ä~◊¥◊ ÷◊˙Î◊≠@ > ≠`◊˙≠÷◊˙≈◊@ Q◊Øe˙@ N≤◊N˙ ˆË–`◊˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊; π˛è◊¤ ~◊–w˙π π¡◊–d◊˛ Ø≤◊–Ø˙ ≠@]˙l–d◊ ÷◊`◊˙ π˛˙b s≤◊~◊ s§◊’@ 69

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70 His dreamed magnificence of things to be. A crown of the architecture of the worlds, A mystery of married Earth and Heaven Annexed divinity to the mortal scheme. A Seer was born, a shining Guest of Time. For him mind’s limiting firmament ceased above. In the griffin forefront of the Night and Day A gap was rent in the all-concealing vault; The conscious ends of being went rolling back: The landmarks of the little person fell, The island ego joined its continent. Overpassed was this world of rigid limiting forms: Life’s barriers opened into the Unknown. Abolished were conception’s covenants And, striking off subjection’s rigorous clause, Annulled the soul’s treaty with Nature’s nescience. All the grey inhibitions were torn off And broken the intellect’s hard and lustrous lid; Truth unpartitioned found immense sky-room; An empyrean vision saw and knew; The bounded mind became a boundless light, The finite self mated with infinity.

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




π˛N¡◊-≠¡◊·◊~◊˙ Ø≠Ú §◊˙¡◊–©u¡◊~◊@ N_π∂@ á‘_Δ’ä; ¡◊–‘_Nœ¸– ⁄˙πd◊ä@ NØhé◊ ‘–]≠@ ‡˙¡◊˙ πœ‹≥¡◊u@ Ü÷◊ ¡◊–¡◊˙≤◊ @≤◊Nä ÷◊`◊˙ ≠·◊¡◊d◊_÷h◊ Ä˙b– Δhê◊ Ø≈◊’ä ¡◊ä¡◊⁄˙≠@; ©˙d◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ Ü÷◊ ·◊–¡◊ä ·◊˛¸˙, ≠©ä˙d◊–Ø’l Äd◊–‹≥ ÷◊˙Î◊@ > ~◊ @≤◊–`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ π˙ÅΩ NuØ˙ Ä˙É Ø~◊ Ä˙÷◊˙‘@, ·◊_–S˙§◊–¤ ~◊–‘–·◊–¡◊N@ Äs˛§◊˙≠s ≠§◊·◊÷◊@– N¡◊’π˛è◊·◊÷◊ Ä˙¡◊@b s`˙ ≠]˙`◊– @Õ◊˛ Ü÷◊ d◊≤◊y > π≠ø s`◊˙ ÄπN@– N≈◊˙@ N≠Q◊d◊ π˛˙¥◊ ·h◊Å; ]N–`◊˙ ¡◊–≠‘r Q◊–≤◊∂ Oh·◊˛ ¡◊äê◊–d◊_@ Ä≤◊Ø–÷◊˙ ·◊_uπ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ø≤◊˙≠·◊‘ N≠ú◊ N®–Î◊–d◊; sd◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ÷◊∫◊–~◊ N…÷◊uC◊’ ÜÅ Q◊˙π@ ©sd◊; Ä™˙d◊@ ·◊–≠s ≠]˙`◊–s`◊˙ ©u¡◊~◊@ ≠Δ≠d÷◊ Äs’Î◊ > `h◊D ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ø˙~◊N–÷◊ S˙@b˙@ Qh◊ê◊– Nh÷◊∫◊–~◊ S˙@˙ ÷◊˙Ë– π@˙Su~◊d◊˙@ ~◊–@˙÷œ◊d◊ ÷◊@˙≠≤◊`◊˙ Ä¥◊@ Ä˙k˙@ NÕ◊–πd◊˛ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ Ä™˙~◊d◊˙ N≠ú◊ > SFN@ ~◊–≠rS Ä˙™˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ø–¤§◊–¤ §◊s∂ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ä˙¡◊@b ÷◊∫◊–~◊ ÉEÎ◊ ¡h◊M–@; ħ◊–¡◊äê◊ Nd◊äπ˙Ü ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ss~◊@ ÷◊O; ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊@ ·œ◊¸– Ü÷◊ ≠·◊]≥N¡h◊ π˙≠@ ©˙b– ·◊–¡◊ä ·◊‘’~◊≠@ > ÄNuØ Ä˙≠`˙÷◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ NuØ–d◊ Ø˙~◊N N˙¥◊ Ø~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Δhê◊ ÄNuØ@ N˙≠‹ >


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72 His march now soared into an eagle’s flight. Out of apprenticeship to Ignorance Wisdom upraised him to her master craft And made him an archmason of the soul, A builder of the Immortal’s secret house, An aspirant to supernal Timelessness: Freedom and empire called to him from on high; Above mind’s twilight and life’s star-led night There gleamed the dawn of a spiritual day. As so he grew into his larger self, Humanity framed his movements less and less; A greater being saw a greater world. A fearless will for knowledge dared to erase The lines of safety Reason draws that bar Mind’s soar, soul’s dive into the Infinite. Even his first steps broke our small earth-bounds And loitered in a vaster freer air. In hands sustained by a transfiguring Might He caught up lightly like a giant’s bow Left slumbering in a sealed and secret cave The powers that sleep unused in man within.

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




≠‘ä~◊@ d◊_@–d◊ sd◊– NØ Δ˙d◊˛˙ d◊˙ö◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ÑZ◊’ Ä˙÷˙‘≠@; Ä¡◊–‡˙@ ‘–räd◊_@h ÷◊@˙Šɤud◊ π˛™˙ d◊˙öh◊ ≠·◊Å ™˙~◊ Éeœ¸ ¡◊–‡˙@, ÷◊`◊˙ d◊˙öh◊ Ä¥◊@˙k˙ π˛S˙~◊ ⁄πd◊–, ~◊–Ø’˙d◊˙ ≠s˙π~◊ sœ≤◊ ÄØ@ N≈◊˙@ ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ ÑZ◊’≠`˙÷◊ ·◊–¡◊ä ħ◊–Î◊˙ru > Éπ@h Ä˙≤◊_˙~◊ ÷◊`˙ N_@˙©ä, N˙Ø˛˙©ä, Ø~◊@ ≠s˙SFÎ◊– π≠@ d◊˙@÷◊˙ Q◊˙Î◊–d◊ π˛˙b@ @©~◊u π≠@ É∫◊–`˙ n`◊÷◊– ·◊–¡◊ä Ér˙≠`˙÷◊ Ü÷◊ ÄÚ˙k ·◊–~◊@ > ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ N≈◊˙≠@ ~◊–© ≠≤◊≠`◊ ≠Δ≠d ≠N◊ ¡◊–÷◊‘–d◊, Ø~h◊rä@ §˙¡◊ ≠≤◊`˙ ≠N≠d◊ sd◊–¡œ◊≈◊– ØÚh d◊˙ö◊ ≤◊˛˙N ÷◊˛≠Ø ÷◊˛≠Ø > Ø≤◊≈◊@ N≈◊˙ ≠·◊≠] ¡œ◊≤◊dÍ◊ ©sd◊ > ~◊–§◊’l N…÷◊À◊ Ü÷◊ ™˙~◊-Ä≠~◊_r≠b N˙≤◊N ÷@–`◊˙ ≠@]˙ ≠π˙ø–≠·◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ¡h◊M– Δ˙≤◊˙ Ë˙b–‹˙Ü ¡◊˙S˙≠·◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ Ø~◊ ÑZ◊’sd◊– πhb– Ä~◊¥◊ Äd◊≠Î◊ Ä¥◊@˙k˙ ~◊–Øû~◊; Ä˙·◊– π·◊≠Oπ d◊˙ö◊@ §◊˙ú◊–`◊˙ Ä˙Ø πœ‹≥¡◊u@ NuØ˙ ÄS≥÷◊ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ πh@u Øhê◊ π@–N≠@ ¡◊–Q◊@b ≠≤◊`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ > Ø≤◊˙‘ê◊– @Fπ˙¥◊@-÷˙@–bu ≠π˙r–d◊ ≤◊≠g Ä˙l˙≠N ‘uˆ˛ S@–≠`◊ ≠N ≠d◊˙Î◊– ¡◊M sh≤◊ä sh≤◊˙ Ø≠Ú ÄNh@@ NhD S~h◊ NØ ‘ê◊– ≠Δ≠d◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ Ä¥◊@ Ø≠Ú @≤◊–‹˙Ü NhD, ≠~◊˙≤◊– ¡◊ä¡◊≤œ◊d◊ >


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74 He made of miracle a normal act* And turned to a common part of divine works, Magnificently natural at this height, Efforts that would shatter the strength of mortal hearts, Pursued in a royalty of mighty ease Aims too sublime for Nature’s daily will: The gifts of the spirit crowding came to him; They were his life’s pattern and his privilege. A pure perception lent its lucent joy: Its intimate vision waited not to think; It enveloped all Nature in a single glance, It looked into the very self of things; Deceived no more by form he saw the soul. In beings it knew what lurked to them unknown; It seized the idea in mind, the wish in the heart; It plucked out from grey folds of secrecy The motives which from their own sight men hide. He felt the beating life in other men Invade him with their happiness and their grief; Their love, their anger, their unspoken hopes Entered in currents or in pouring waves Into the immobile ocean of his calm. He heard the inspired sound of his own thoughts Re-echoed in the vault of other minds; The world’s thought-streams travelled into his ken;

* Ü∫◊˙≠@ π@¡◊≈◊’u π˙GË– π˙·◊ Ä~F◊·◊–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊˙≤◊y > 3rd Final : 24/10/2009




Q◊Øe˙@ ÷◊@–≠`◊ ≠N N_˙§˙¡◊–÷◊ ÷◊–˛l˙ > * * * ÄÚ˙k@ ¡◊≤h◊·˙~◊ Ä˙≠N d◊˙ö◊ π˙≠‘, π˛d◊–Ø˙~◊, ÄS≥÷˙@ N¡h◊ d◊˙ö◊ Ä…‘ ©u¡◊~◊@; ‘hM Ä~h◊§F◊d◊– ·◊–Ü Ä˙b– ÉEÎ◊ Ä˙~◊o◊, Ä¥◊@ú◊ ·œ◊¸– d◊˙@ ~◊ @≠] Ä≠πO˙ ¡◊–Q◊˙@@; ÷◊`◊˙ Ü≤◊˙ Ä˙¡œ◊d◊ ·œ◊¸–≠@ Ü÷◊ NØs˛ π˛÷œ◊d◊–, ≠·◊]≥`◊˙ Ä˙¥◊@ N≈◊˙ ¡◊gh N÷◊Î◊@ ~◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ≠N π˛d◊˙@–d◊ @F≠π Ä˙É πhb– ≠·◊]≥`◊˙ Ä¥◊@ Ä˙k˙; Ä©˙b≠d◊ øπ– @≠≤◊ Δ˙ ¡◊gh@ Ø≠Ú ©˙≠b ·œ◊¸– d◊˙@ > Ø~◊@ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ πhb– ≤œ◊·◊l@ Ä˙‘˙ ¡h◊n– d◊˙ π˙@–`◊˙, ÷◊`◊˙ SFN@ s≤◊~◊ Ä˙¡◊@bh É‚˙Ë~◊ ħ◊–π˛˙l Δ˙≤˙ Øb–r ≠s˙π~◊ @≠] Ä˙πb˙ ·œ◊¸–@h > Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ Ä~◊ä Øb–r@ π˛˙b@ ªo◊~◊, d˙öh◊ ÷◊@Å Ä˙÷◊˛˙¥◊ ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊ Nh]·h◊º], ≠N˛˙d◊@ π˛¡◊˙≠≤◊ Ä¡◊˙ É≈◊˙Î◊ d◊@≠ú◊ π˛≠¡◊‘ ÷◊@–`˙ N≠d◊ Ä˙N– ‘˙¥◊-⁄–@ Ø≤◊˙N˙s@≠@ ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊ ≠π˛Ø ≠÷◊˛˙S Äπ˛÷◊Ë Ä˙‘˙ > Ø~◊@ ~◊–§œ◊d◊ ÷◊≠O Ä~◊ä Ø˙~◊¡◊@ π˛≠Q◊˙·◊–d◊ S_~◊– ~◊–© Q◊–¥◊˙ §˙¡◊~◊˙@ ‘hb–≠`◊ ≠N, ≠≤◊É‹≥`◊˙ π˛d◊–-~◊–~◊˙·◊–d◊ > ™˙~◊ NuØ˙ Ø≠Ú d◊˙ö◊ ≠≤◊`˙ π˛¡˙≤◊–d◊ ©sd◊@ Q◊–¥◊˙≠N˛˙d◊;


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76 His inner self grew near to others’ selves And bore a kinship’s weight, a common tie, Yet stood untouched, king of itself, alone. A magical accord quickened and attuned To ethereal symphonies the old earthy strings; It raised the servitors of mind and life To be happy partners in the soul’s response, Tissue and nerve were turned to sensitive chords, Records of lustre and ecstasy; it made The body’s means the spirit’s acolytes. A heavenlier function with a finer mode Lit with its grace man’s outward earthliness; The soul’s experience of its deeper sheaths No more slept drugged by Matter’s dominance. In the dead wall closing us from wider self, Into a secrecy of apparent sleep, The mystic tract beyond our waking thoughts, A door parted, built in by Matter’s force, Releasing things unseized by earthly sense: A world unseen, unknown by outward mind Appeared in the silent spaces of the soul. He sat in secret chambers looking out Into the luminous countries of the unborn Where all things dreamed by the mind are seen and true And all that the life longs for is drawn close.

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¡◊–÷◊‘–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å d◊˙ö◊ Ä¥◊@@ N≈◊˙ ~◊–÷◊Ë⁄ ≠≤◊`˙ Ä~◊ä N≈◊˙Ø˙~◊ö◊@, ¡◊≤◊–`˙ Nfi÷◊’-§◊˙@, Ø–Î◊~◊@ NFd◊˛, Īœ¸ d◊˙í ≠≤◊`◊˙ ɧ◊˙ N_@˙ËÍ Ü÷˙÷◊u > Δ˙·h◊@ Nú◊d◊– Ü÷◊ ÷◊@–`˙ ªo◊–d◊, N®–Î◊–d◊ πh@˙d◊~◊ Ø≈◊’ä d◊»u N≠ú◊ á÷◊äd◊˙~◊ NhØSh@ N_s’ NØN_@ Ø~◊π˛˙b ≠N¡◊÷◊öh◊ ÷◊`◊˙ Ü ©˙s˛d◊ Ä˙k˙≠§◊˙≠s ≠≤◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ Nh]u N≤◊§˙su, N∂˙lh ≠π‘u ≠≤◊≠`◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ N…≠¡◊·◊~◊‘uÎ◊ > d◊»u@˙©–, ħ◊–≠`◊] ≠©ä˙d◊–πh`◊÷◊@ Q◊–~◊<l@ Ä~h◊Q◊@ ÷◊`◊˙ ‘@u@ Äú◊÷h◊ > ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊@ ÷◊–˛l˙ Ü÷◊ NFO<d◊@ @F≠π ÷◊`˙ ·◊uD ≠‘˙§◊˙≠@ d◊˙í Øb–r@ ¡˙≤◊ä π˙‹≥’¡◊ N≈˙÷h◊; Ä¥◊@˙k˙ Nhs§◊u@ ≠÷◊˙r-Ä~h◊§F◊d◊– ~◊ @≤◊–`˙ Ä˙É NhD Ä≠Q◊d◊ ¡◊–ØF˜ Δ˙≤◊˙ ·◊–Ü ¡◊o◊ ÷◊@– Ä˙Ø÷h◊ Ä˙Ø@ Nh¡◊–gœd◊ Ä˙k˙∫◊˙@h ≠]˙`◊–`◊˙ ·h◊Ä˙@ d◊≤◊y ÷◊@– É~Í≠Ø˙Q◊–d◊ Äd◊uo◊˛–l ¡◊gh@˙©– Ä˙π˙d◊ NhD–@ ≠s˙π~◊d◊˙ Ø≠Ú; ©˙s@–d◊ Q◊–¥◊˙@˙©– ¡◊˙≤◊˙≠@ @≤◊NäπFC◊’ sh≤◊ä π@–N≠@ > π˛÷◊˙‘–`◊˙ ¡◊–‘_ Ü÷◊ ¡◊≤◊–@ú◊ Ø≠~◊ Ä·œ◊¸ Ä™˙d◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ Ä¥◊@ Ä˙k˙@ ~◊u@¡◊ π˛≠·◊≠‘ > ~◊–§œ◊d◊ ≠s˙π~◊ ÷◊≠O ≠≤◊≠`◊ ≠N Ä˙Nu~◊ Ä©˙d◊ ÉEÎ◊ ≠·◊≠‘ ÷◊@– ·œ◊¸–π˙d◊ Ø~◊@ Δ˙í N_π∂ ¡◊gh Nd◊ä Δ≤◊y N¡h◊ ©u¡◊~◊ ÷˙Ø~◊˙ Δ≤◊y N˙÷◊˙@ ~◊–÷◊≠Ë > 77

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78 He saw the Perfect in their starry homes Wearing the glory of a deathless form, Lain in the arms of the Eternal’s peace, Rapt in the heart-beats of God-ecstasy. He lived in the mystic space where thought is born And will is nursed by an ethereal Power And fed on the white milk of the Eternal’s strengths Till it grows into the likeness of a god. In the Witness’s occult rooms with mind-built walls On hidden interiors, lurking passages Opened the windows of the inner sight. He owned the house of undivided Time. Lifting the heavy curtain of the flesh He stood upon a threshold serpent-watched, And peered into gleaming endless corridors, Silent and listening in the silent heart For the coming of the new and the unknown. He gazed across the empty stillnesses And heard the footsteps of the undreamed Idea In the far avenues of the Beyond. He heard the secret Voice, the Word that knows, And saw the secret face that is our own. The inner planes uncovered their crystal doors; Strange powers and influences touched his life.

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≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ≠N πFC◊’ N≈◊˙ d◊˙@÷◊˙ Ø—≠Î◊ Ø≤◊–Ø˙@ π@–S˙≠~◊ Øœdh◊äzlu @Fπ ‘˙‘_d◊ ‘˙¥◊–@ Ä≠ö◊ ‘˙l–d◊ Ä˙¡◊–¸ ≤œ◊·◊l ªo◊≠~◊ ·◊–¡ä π@Ø É`◊∑˙≠N > ¡◊˙N ≠N ÷◊@–≠`◊ Ü÷◊ sF˜ ⁄˙≠~◊ Δ≤◊y Q◊–¥◊˙ ≤h◊Ü ©˙d◊, Δ≤◊y ·hä≠`◊˙÷◊@ ‘ê◊– ÷◊@Å ≠π˙rb Åè◊˙, ‘˙‘_d◊@ ¡uΔ’ä ·h◊ç Δ≤◊y ÷◊@– π˙~◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ @Fπ `˙§◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ÷◊@–‹˙Ü ≠≤˙Å ¡◊–÷◊‘–d◊ > Ø~◊s˜˙ π˛˙Q◊u@@ Ä˙≠¡◊¸~◊ Ø≠Ú N˙Ou ≠Q◊Êd◊~◊ä@ sF˜ ÷◊O Ø≠Ú, shD ħ◊ä¥◊≠@ `h◊ü˙l–d◊ π˛≠¡◊‘ π‹≠@ s¡◊˙O ≠]˙`◊–`◊˙ ≠÷◊≠d◊ Ä˙¥◊@ ·œ◊¸–@ > ÄS≥÷◊˙≠@ Ä˙≠N d˙ö◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ Ä¡◊–§◊ê◊ ÷◊˙Î◊@ N·◊~◊; sh@h§◊˙@ Δ¡◊~◊–÷◊˙ Ø˙~◊¡◊ ≠·◊≤◊@ É≠≈◊˙Î◊~◊ ÷◊@– Ü÷◊ Nπ’-Nh@O–d◊ ·◊_˙≠@ ≠N ·◊—˙lØ˙~◊ ≠≤◊˙Å, Éö◊–Ø˙@– ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ÉEÎ◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ Ä¥◊≤◊u~◊ ·◊_˙@; ~◊–¡◊’˙÷Í◊, ‘hb–≠`◊ d◊˙ö◊ ~◊u@¡◊ ≤œ◊·◊≠l ħ◊–~◊¡◊ Ä™˙d◊@ Ä˙sØ~◊u S_~◊– > ‘F~◊ä π˛‘˙¥◊–@ π˙≠@ ⁄–@·œ◊¸– ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ≠N, Nh·F◊@ π‹≠@ Ä™˙d◊≠`˙÷◊@ ‘hb–≠`◊ ≠N N_π∂˙d◊ud◊ S˙@b˙@ π·◊π˙d◊; sF˜ ÷◊£◊S_~◊–, ™˙~◊Ølu π@˙¡˙÷Í◊, ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ~◊l≠~◊ ~◊–§œ◊d◊ ¡◊·◊~◊, Δ˙≤◊˙ Ä˙~◊~◊ Ä˙Ø@ > Ä¥◊@@ g@ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ÷◊`˙ Ä~◊˙¡œ◊d◊ Œ◊Ë–÷◊@ ·_˙@ d◊˙@, ÄÒh◊d◊ ‘÷◊d◊–, π˛§˙¡◊ ÷◊@–`˙ ª‘’ ©u¡◊~◊ d˙ö◊@ > 79

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80 A vision came of higher realms than ours, A consciousness of brighter fields and skies, Of beings less circumscribed than brief-lived men And subtler bodies than these passing frames, Objects too fine for our material grasp, Acts vibrant with a superhuman light And movements pushed by a superconscient force, And joys that never flowed through mortal limbs, And lovelier scenes than earth’s and happier lives. A consciousness of beauty and of bliss, A knowledge which became what it perceived, Replaced the separated sense and heart And drew all Nature into its embrace. The mind leaned out to meet the hidden worlds: Air glowed and teemed with marvellous shapes and hues, In the nostrils quivered celestial fragrances, On the tongue lingered the honey of paradise. A channel of universal harmony, Hearing was a stream of magic audience, A bed for occult sounds earth cannot hear. Out of a covert tract of slumber self The voice came of a truth submerged, unknown That flows beneath the cosmic surfaces, Only mid an omniscient silence heard, Held by intuitive heart and secret sense.

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·œ◊¸–≠@ π˛÷◊˙≠‘ @Fπ Ä˙Ø @˙©ä∫◊˙@h ÑZ◊’d◊@ π˛≠·◊‘@, ÄS≥÷◊ ÉEÎ◊ ≠Od◊˛, Ä˙÷˙‘@, Ob⁄˙lu ©u¡◊∫◊˙@h ÄS≥÷◊ π˛‘g Øhê◊ N≈◊˙ N÷◊Î◊@ §úh◊@ ‘@u@∫◊˙@h NFO<d◊@ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ‘@u@@, Ä˙Ø Øh¸–≠@ s˛≤◊b Δ˙≤◊˙ ~◊ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙≠@ Äd◊– NFO< π·˙‹’@; Äd◊–Ø˙~◊¡◊ul Ä˙≠`˙≠÷◊ ªo◊–d◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ÷◊Ø’-NØF≤◊@, π@˙‘ê◊– π˛≠b˙·◊–d◊ Q◊–≈◊¡œ◊≈◊– N÷◊Î◊@, Ø˙~◊¡◊ Äú◊≠@ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Å ~˙≤◊y πh`÷ S@˙@, π˙‹≥’¡◊ ·œ◊‘ä@h ÄS≥÷◊ Nho◊@ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ·œ◊‘ä@, ÄS≥÷◊ Nh]Øl ©u¡◊~◊@ > ≠N˝o◊Δ’ä@ Ä˙~◊o◊@ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ ¡◊–≠‘r, ≠™l N≠ú◊ Ü÷˙÷◊˙@ ™˙~◊-ÄS≥÷◊˙@ ÷◊`◊˙ ⁄˙~◊ N_d◊» πœ‹÷Í◊, Åo◊˛–l@ ≤œ◊·◊l@, Ä˙÷◊r’b ÷◊@– d◊˙ Ä˙b–`◊˙ NØs˛ π˛÷œ◊d◊– ~◊–© Ä˙`◊–ú◊~◊ Ø≠Ú > N˙O˙d ÷◊@–¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ π˛è◊¤ ©sd◊ Ø~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ~◊d◊, ≠¡◊ä˙Ø ≠≤◊`˙ É·Í◊§˙N–d◊ > s`˙ §◊@– Q◊Øe˙@ Ä˙÷◊˙≠@, ¡◊C◊’≠@ ~◊˙N˙@Õ◊˛ É≠∫◊ ‹@– N_s’@ Nhs≠Õ◊, ·h◊ä≠`˙÷◊@ ØShN_˙·◊ @≤◊–`˙ ©–≤◊_˙≠@ ·◊uˆ’÷◊˙Î◊; ¡◊–‘_-Nh@ `˙Î◊–d◊ä π˛b˙Î◊u Δ˙·h◊ ‘´d◊– ≠N˛˙d◊ ≠≤◊`˙, ~◊ π˙@Å ‘hb– πœ‹_u ≠Δ π˛è◊¤-S_~◊– d◊˙≤◊˙@ Ä˙S˙@ >


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82 It caught the burden of secrecies sealed and dumb, It voiced the unfulfilled demand of earth And the song of promise of unrealised heavens And all that hides in an omnipotent Sleep * * * He comes unseen into our darker parts* And, curtained by the darkness, does his work, A subtle and all-knowing guest and guide, Till they too feel the need and will to change. All here must learn to obey a higher law, Our body’s cells must hold the Immortal’s flame. *



Oft inspiration with her lightning feet,** A sudden messenger from the all-seeing tops, Traversed the soundless corridors of his mind Bringing her rhythmic sense of hidden things. A music spoke transcending mortal speech. As if from a golden phial of the All-Bliss, A joy of light, a joy of sudden sight,

* ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ πœB˙ 35@h Ä~F·◊–d◊ > ** ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ πœB˙ 38@h Ä~F·◊–d◊ > 3rd Final : 24/10/2009




NhD Ä˙k˙ shD ⁄˙~h◊ É≠∫◊ ~◊–Øû–d◊ Ä™˙d◊ Nd◊ä@ S_~◊– π˛¡◊˙≤◊–d◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ¡◊–‘_ ¡◊≤◊–ºd◊Î◊ ~◊u≠Q◊, N¡◊’™˙~◊Øl ~◊u@¡◊d◊˙ Ø≠Ú Δ˙≤◊˙ Ä˙NÅ ‘˛¡◊≠b, sœ≤◊ud◊ Δ˙ ≠≤◊˙Å‹˙Ü N…¡h◊M ≤œ◊·◊≠l πhb– sF˜ Åo◊˛–l≠@; Ä‹’ d◊˙í ¡h◊n–`˙ @hM ØF÷◊ @≤◊Nä@, πœ‹_u@ ÄπFC◊’ ·˙¡◊–, Äπ˛˙D N_s’@ π˛d◊–‘´d◊– sud◊– @≤◊–ø– ≠Δ ·◊–¡◊ä¡◊gh ÷◊@–`˙ π˛÷˙‘ > * * * Ä·◊œ≠‘ Ä˙N¥◊– Édh◊@– d◊ØN˙è◊¤ ÷◊O Ø≠Ú Ä˙Ø, ÷◊Ø’ ≠N ÷◊@¥◊– @≤◊– Ä¥◊@˙≠Î,◊ N¡◊’™-Äd◊–‹≥ π‹-π˛·◊‘’÷◊ ≠Δ Δ˙ÜΩ ¡◊·◊Î◊–¡◊˙ `◊˙s– π˛≠l˙©~◊ à N…÷◊À◊≠@ Q◊˙π ~◊ `◊§◊–øh Ä˙≠Ø, Ø˙~◊– ≠~◊¡◊˙ `◊˙s– Ø‹˙ ~◊≠d◊ ÑZ◊’@ ¡◊–S˙~◊ > ‘@u@@ ≠÷◊˙r Ä˙Ø ÷◊@–¡◊ S˙@b ~◊–¢◊l ÄØ@ Ä˙k˙ Äs∂– Ä~◊–¡◊’˙b > * * * Ø~◊@ ~◊u@¡◊ Ø˙s’ Ä˙≠N π˙@ ≠≤◊˙Å ¡◊˙@¡◊˙@ π˛≠Q◊˙·◊~˙ ¡◊–·hädÍ◊ Q◊@≠b N¡◊’·◊‘’u ‘–]@@h ¡◊˙≈◊’˙¡◊≤◊ Δ‹˙ ¡◊≤◊– ø≠o◊˙Øl Ä‹’ π˛è◊¤ ¡◊gh@ > Nú◊u≠d◊ π˛÷◊Ë ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ø≈◊’äØ˙~◊¡◊@ §˙r˙≠@ ≠Δ ≤h◊Ü ~◊˙≤◊y ≠÷◊≠¡◊ π˛÷˙‘–d◊ N¡◊’˙~◊o◊Øl N_C◊’-§œ◊ú◊u@h ¡◊˙ N≠d◊ ≠©ä˙d◊–@ πh`◊÷◊ πhb– N≤◊N˙ ·œ◊¸–@


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84 A rapture of the thrilled undying Word Poured into his heart as into an empty cup, A repetition of God’s first delight Creating in a young and virgin Time. In a brief moment caught, a little space, All-Knowledge packed into great wordless thoughts Lodged in the expectant stillness of his depths A crystal of the ultimate Absolute, A portion of the inexpressible Truth Revealed by silence to the silent soul. The intense creatrix in his stillness wrought; Her power fallen speechless grew more intimate; She looked upon the seen and the unforeseen, Unguessed domains she made her native field. All-vision gathered into a single ray, As when the eyes stare at an invisible point Till through the intensity of one luminous spot An apocalypse of a world of images Enters into the kingdom of the seer. A great nude arm of splendour suddenly rose; It rent the gauze opaque of Nescience: Her lifted finger’s keen unthinkable tip Bared with a stab of flame the closed Beyond. An eye awake in voiceless heights of trance, A mind plucking at the unimaginable,

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




Ä˙~◊o◊ É`◊∑˙N @N ≠≤◊`◊˙ ~◊–ºN˙@–d◊ ‘–≤◊@–d◊ ≠@˙Ø˙G≥d◊ ÄØ@ ‘›◊@ ≤œ◊·◊l@ Ø≠Ú Δ‹˙ ‘F~◊ä π˙~◊-π˙≠d◊˛ > ~◊–w˙π d◊@hb Ø≤◊˙÷˙Î◊@ π˛¡◊˙≠≤◊ Nœ¸– ÷◊@– πhb– π˛§h◊ π˛‹Ø Ä˙~◊o◊ > N…O–D Øh≤F◊≠≈◊’ Ü÷◊ ÷◊b–÷◊˙@ Ø≠Ú > ¡◊–Sœd◊ N÷◊Î◊ ™˙~◊ ~◊–º‘›◊ Ø≤◊˙~◊ Q◊–¥◊˙≠@ N…≤◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Ör–ö◊ s§◊u@ Ä¥◊≠@ Ä≠πO˙ ÷◊@– ~◊u@¡◊ ~◊–¢◊Î◊ @≤◊–`˙ Œ◊Ë–÷◊ Δ‹˙ Ä¥◊–Ø π@Ø π˛§h◊ö◊@, Äπ˛÷˙‘ä Nd◊ä Äú◊ Ü÷◊, ≠~◊Ê‘≠›◊ä Δ˙ π˛÷˙‘–d◊ ~◊u@¡◊ Ä˙k˙≠@ ~◊u@¡◊d◊˙ Ø≠Ú d˙ö◊ d◊u¡◊˛ Nœ¸–÷◊≈◊’˛u ÷◊≠`◊ ÷˙Δ’ä, ‘ê◊– d◊˙ö◊ ~◊–¡◊’˙÷Í◊ ØÉ~◊, ≠≤◊˙Å`◊˙ ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ, ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ≠N ·œ◊¸ Δ˙≤◊˙ ·œ◊¸πF¡◊’ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ Δ˙í πhb–, N≤◊©˙d◊ ÷◊≠`◊ ≠Od◊˛ ‹≥`◊˙ Δ˙≤◊˙ Ä~◊~h◊Ø˙~◊–d◊ > Ü÷◊ @¢◊–≠@]˙ Ø≠Ú ≠≤◊`◊˙ N…sœ≤◊ud◊ > N¡◊’·œ◊¸– Δ‹˙ Ü÷◊ Ä·œ◊‘ä ¡◊–oh◊÷h◊ ~◊–~◊–’≠Ør ≠~◊d◊˛ ≠·◊]≥ ≠‘≠r Ü÷◊ d◊u¡◊˛ ≠©ä˙d◊–Ø’l ¡◊–oh◊ ≠·◊Å ·◊˛¸˙@ @˙©ä≠@ π˛≠¡◊≠‘ > π˛÷˙‘ ·◊–¡◊ä ©sd◊ ØF≈◊–’@ Ä÷◊N<˙dÍ◊ ~◊s∂ Ü÷◊ ·◊uD Ø≤◊˙¡˙≤h◊ É∫◊–Ä˙N– ~◊–≠¢◊d◊~◊˙ ˆ~◊ Ä˙¡◊@b ÷◊@–`˙ ¡◊–·uC◊’, d◊u« É≠≈◊˙Î◊–d◊ ~◊] Ä~◊Î◊‘–]˙≠@ ÷◊@–≠·◊`◊˙ É·Í◊ˆ˙Ë–d◊ Ä¡◊@hM ÑZ◊’≠`˙÷◊; ~◊–¡◊’˙÷Í◊ NØ˙S≥ ‘–]≠@ ©˙s–`◊˙ Ü÷◊ Q◊Oh, ÄQ◊–¥◊äd◊j÷h◊ Ø~◊ ÷◊`◊˙ Ä˙÷◊r’b, ¡◊–π·◊-N…÷h◊Î◊ Ü÷◊ 85

3rd Final : 24/10/2009


86 Overleaping with a sole and perilous bound The high black wall hiding superconscience, She broke in with inspired speech for scythe And plundered the Unknowable’s vast estate. A gleaner of infinitesimal grains of Truth, A sheaf-binder of infinite experience, She pierced the guarded mysteries of World-Force And her magic methods wrapped in a thousand veils; Or she gathered the lost secrets dropped by Time In the dust and crannies of his mounting route Mid old forsaken dreams of hastening Mind And buried remnants of forgotten space. A traveller between summit and abyss, She joined the distant ends, the viewless deeps, Or streaked along the roads of Heaven and Hell Pursuing all knowledge like a questing hound. A reporter and scribe of hidden wisdom talk, Her shining minutes of celestial speech, Passed through the masked office of the occult mind, Transmitting gave to prophet and to seer The inspired body of the mystic Truth. *

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`◊≠Ó◊ π˙@–≠≤◊˙Å dh◊ú◊ ≠ˆ˙@ π˛˙Q◊u@ Δ˙ `h◊ü˙l–d◊ ÷◊@– @≠] π@˙≠Q◊d◊~◊˙÷h◊ N≤◊N˙ π˛≠¡◊‘ ÷◊≠`◊ ·◊˙d◊˛ NØ ¡◊≤◊– π˛≠Q◊˙·◊–÷◊˙-¡◊˙÷Í◊, ÷◊≠`◊ Ä≠™l Ndä@ `h◊£◊~◊ Äπ@–Ø–d◊ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ¡◊–§◊¡◊ > N…s˛≤◊ ÷◊@– ≠N Nd◊ä NFO<d◊Ø Äbh, shè◊¡˙Õ◊– NuØ˙≤◊u~◊ ¡◊–πhÎ◊≠¡◊˙S@ ¡◊–‘_‘ê◊–Ølu@ Δ˙ Nh@O–d◊ sF˜ @≤◊Nä N≤◊N˛ Ä˙¡◊@≠b Ä˙è◊˙·◊–d◊ Δ˙·h◊Øl π˛≤◊@u Δ˙ ÷◊≠`◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ≠§◊·◊ Ä¡◊˙ ≠N N…s˛≤◊ ÷◊≠`◊ `h◊D Δ˙í @≤◊Nä Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊ Δ˙Å‹˙Ü π÷◊˙Å d◊˙≤◊˙@ ÑZ◊’ π≠‹ shD@Õ◊˛ ≠@bh@ §◊–d◊≠@ d◊_@–d◊ Ø˙~◊N π@–d◊äê◊ πh@˙d◊~◊ N_π∂@˙©– Ø≠Ú, πhb– ¡◊–N<œd◊ ≠¡◊ä˙Ø@ ≠‘r Δ˙≤◊˙ ~◊–Øû–d◊ Øœ≈◊–÷◊˙@ d◊≠Î◊ > Δ˙d◊˛–bu ≠N ‘–]@ à Äd◊Î◊@ Ø≠Ú, Δhê◊ ÷◊≠`◊ π˛˙¥◊ ·hÅ Nh·F◊@ s§◊u@ Ä·œ‘ä Δ˙ Ä¡◊˙ N_s’-~◊@÷◊@ π≠‹ > Q◊Î◊–Δ˙Ü ·◊´d◊≠¡◊≠s Ä≠~◊_r÷◊˙@–bu N@Ø˙ NØ˙~◊ N¡◊’™˙~◊@ NÕ◊˙≠~◊, shD™˙~◊ ¡◊˙≈◊’˙@ ≠N ·◊–Ä¥◊– N…¡◊˙·◊, ≠`◊]~◊ ÷◊@¥◊– d◊˙≤◊˙; ·◊–¡◊ä§˙rb@ NØhEÎ◊ ¡◊–¡◊@b s≤◊~◊Ø~◊@ Ä˙¡◊@–d◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä˙Î◊l π˙@ ≠≤◊˙ÅΔ˙Å π˛≠¡◊≠‘ ÷◊¡◊– à πls¯@ NØu≠π, Ø»Ølu d◊~h◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ s≤◊~◊ Nd◊ä@ > (ÄNØ˙D) 87

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88 Canto four

The Secret Knowledge When darkness deepens strangling the earth’s breast And man’s corporeal mind is the only lamp, As a thief’s in the night shall be the covert tread Of one who steps unseen into his house. A Voice ill-heard shall speak, the soul obey, A Power into mind’s inner chamber steal, A charm and sweetness open life’s closed doors And beauty conquer the resisting world, The Truth-Light capture Nature by surprise, A stealth of God compel the heart to bliss And earth grow unexpectedly divine.

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




Q◊dh◊‹’ Ns’

@≤◊Näˆ~◊ ™˙~◊ d◊ØN˙ ˆ~◊˙Å ≠Δ≠¡◊ Q◊˙π– S≠@ S@bu@ ¡h◊÷h◊ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ π˛·◊uπ ≠Δ≠¡◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊@ ≠·◊≤◊sd◊ Ø~◊ ~◊–º‘›◊ @©~◊u ≠÷◊˙≠Î◊ ≠Q◊˙@NØ ≠s˙π~◊-Q◊@≠b Ä`◊O–≠d◊ π·◊Q◊˙Î◊– sœ≠≤◊ d◊˙í@ π˛≠¡◊‘–≠`◊ ©≠b, ÷◊¸-‘´d◊ ÷◊£◊ Ü÷◊ ÷◊≤◊–¡◊ Δ˙ Ä˙k˙ ≠~◊¡◊ Ø˙~◊– ‘ê◊– Ü÷◊ π˛N@–¡◊ `h◊Q◊–-`h◊Q◊– Ø~◊ Ä¥◊ºπh≠@ ©u¡◊~◊@ ¡◊M·◊_˙@ ≠]˙`◊–≠·◊¡◊ ÷h◊≤h◊÷◊-Ø˙Sh@u π˛d◊–≠@˙Su ©sd◊÷h◊ π@˙§F◊d◊ ÷◊@–¡◊ Nho◊@ > N≤◊N˙ π˛÷œ◊d◊– ≠≤◊¡◊ Öd◊˙≠`◊˙÷◊ ÷◊@-÷◊¡◊Î◊–d◊ ≤œ◊·◊≠l §◊@–¡◊ @N Äsd◊ä˙ ≠N ≠·◊¡◊ ħ◊–N˙≠@ ¡◊–÷◊‘– É∫◊–¡◊ S@˙ Ä˙‘˙d◊ud◊ §◊˙s¡◊d◊ @F≠π > (ÄNØ˙D)


3rd Final : 24/10/2009



3rd Final : 24/10/2009




dœ◊d◊ul π¡◊’ : ·◊–¡◊ä©~◊~◊uö◊ π¡◊’

ÌÄ‘_πd◊– ¡◊–‘_©u¡◊~◊-Δ™@ πh≠@˙S˙, N<@b˙d◊ud◊ ÷◊˙Î◊@h Q◊˙`◊–Ä˙Nh‹≥¡◊˙ Ä˙Ú˙k–÷◊ Ürb˙@ Äs˛bu ≠~◊d◊˙, ‘˛uÄ@¡◊–o◊ö◊ §◊˙r˙≠@ ‘One in the front of the immemorial quest’ > ≠N Ü πœ‹≥¡◊u≠@ ‘˙‘_d◊ Nd◊ä@ π˛d◊–~◊–S≥ (‘His soul lived as eternity’s delegate,’) > d◊˙ö◊@ `◊Oä ©Ÿ÷h◊ ©l ÷◊@– d◊˙í Éπ≠@ Ä˙Ú˙k–÷◊ N˙Ø˛˙©ä@ ·œ◊˜π˛d◊–B˙ (ë...the empire of the soul on matter.’) > ≠N Ü≤◊– Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä Nfi˙·◊~◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙≠@ ¡◊˛d◊u ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊–©÷h◊ Ü÷◊ ·◊uˆ’ ·h◊¢◊@ d◊πNä˙ §◊–d◊≠@ ~◊–Øû–d◊ ÷◊@– @]≥‹≥≠`◊ > Ü≤◊– d◊–˛π¡◊’˙ N˙S~◊˙@ π˛‹Ø πΔ’ä˙l≠@ ≠N Ä˙k–÷◊ Øhê◊– `◊˙§◊ ÷◊@–ø¥◊–, ·◊_–d◊ul πΔ’ä˙l≠@ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@ NFO< ≠`◊˙÷◊-≠`◊˙÷˙¥◊@≠@ ¡◊–Q◊@b ÷◊@– ≠NN¡h◊@ d◊j≠@ Ä¡◊s˙≤◊~◊ ÷◊@– N–M ≠≤◊˙Åø¥◊– > Ø˙d◊˛ dœ◊d◊ul π¡◊’≠@, ‘˛uÄ@¡◊–o◊ö◊ §◊˙r˙≠@, ‘‘... he aspires no longer for himself but for all, for a universal realisation and new creation.” (Letters on “Savitri”)

≠N ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ~◊–© π˙ÅΩ ~h◊≠≤◊Ω, NØgö◊ π˙ÅΩ N˙¡◊’©~◊u~◊ N–M– à ~◊¡◊Nœ¸– `◊˙s– Ä˙ªœ≤◊˙ ÷◊@–ø¥◊– > (N˙¡◊–d◊˛u N…π÷◊’ul πd◊˛˙¡◊Î◊–) > dœ◊d◊ul π¡◊’≠@ ≠N d◊˙ö◊@ Nh÷◊∫◊–~◊, Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ `◊Oä N˙S~◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ¡◊–‘_π˛N¡◊–d◊˛u Ä˙‡˙‘ê◊– π@≠Ø‘_@u N˙¡◊–d◊˛uöh◊ N˙O˙dÍ◊÷◊˙@ ÷◊@– ¡◊@`◊˙§◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙ªœ≤◊˙ ≠π˙rb ÷◊@–ø¥◊– > ≠N≤◊– Ä˙ªœ≤◊˙ d◊–≠~◊˙Ë– Ns’≠@ ¡◊C◊–’d◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø– > 4‹’ Ns’≠@ ≠N≤◊– ¡◊ä˙÷h◊Î◊ π˛˙‹’~◊˙@ É≈◊@ Ø–Î◊–ø– > Ä‘_πd◊– ©sû~◊~◊uö◊@ N˙O˙dÍ◊ Ä¡◊d◊@b@ N_u÷œ◊d◊– π@Ø π˛N˙·◊@F≠π `◊˙§◊ ÷◊@–ø¥◊– > Ü≤◊– ¡◊@ `◊˙§◊@ Á◊Î◊N_@Fπ Δ‹˙ NØl≠@ ≠N ÷◊~◊ä˙@F≠π Ä¡◊d◊uC◊’˙ Ä˙‡˙‘ê◊–öh◊ `◊˙§◊ ÷◊@–ø¥◊– à Ü≤◊– N˙¡◊–d◊˛u≤◊y π@¡◊≈◊’u ÷◊˙Î◊≠@ Nd◊ä¡◊˙~Í◊ö◊ N≤◊ Ø–Î◊–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ÄQ◊–d◊–@ ‘ê◊– Éπ≠@ Q◊@Ø ¡◊–©l `◊˙§◊ ÷◊@– Nd◊ä@˙©ä π˛d◊–B˙ ÷◊@–ø¥◊– > ñ Ä~h◊¡◊˙·◊÷◊±


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92 Canto One

The Pursuit of the Unknowable ALL IS too little that the world can give: Its power and knowledge are the gifts of Time And cannot fill the spirit’s sacred thirst. Although of One these forms of greatness are And by its breath of grace our lives abide, Although more near to us than nearness’ self, It is some utter truth of what we are; Hidden by its own works, it seemed far-off, Impenetrable, occult, voiceless, obscure. The Presence was lost by which all things have charm, The Glory lacked of which they are dim signs. The world lived on made empty of its Cause, Like love when the beloved’s face is gone. The labour to know seemed a vain strife of Mind; All knowledge ended in the Unknowable: The effort to rule seemed a vain pride of Will; A trivial achievement scorned by Time, All power retired into the Omnipotent.

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




π˛‹Ø Ns’

Ä≠™l@ Ä≠~◊_rb Äd◊– dh◊è◊, ÄÀ◊ N¡h◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ Ü ©sd◊ ≠·◊Åπ˙≠@; NØl@ Ä¡◊·◊˙~◊ ≠Δbh ©˙sd◊–÷◊ ™˙~◊, ‘ê◊– π˙≠@ ~◊˙ d◊˙ ÷◊@– π@–dœ◊D Ä¥◊@˙k˙-π˙¡◊~◊-π–π˙N˙ > ¡◊–‘_@ ¡◊–§F◊d◊– Ü÷◊ Ä·◊_–d◊ul ‘ê◊– Ø≤◊˙@Fπ˙l~◊, d◊˙í@ ÷◊@hb˙ ªo◊~◊ ÷◊≠@ ~◊–d◊ä N…©u¡◊–d◊ Ä˙Ø@ ©u¡◊~◊ > ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ ~◊–÷◊Ëd◊Ø ≠≤◊≠`◊≠≤◊Ω N¡h◊@ Nd◊ä d◊˙ ~◊–@d◊–‘l ~◊–]≥Î◊ N≈◊˙@ > ~◊–© Nœ¸– π¢◊˙≠d◊ d◊˙ @≠≤◊ `h◊÷Í◊÷◊˙l–d◊ ~◊–º‘›◊ ~◊–sF˜ ·F◊@ ·h◊s’Ø s≤◊~◊ > `h◊Q◊–s`◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙ ÷◊˙≤◊y N˙¤–Ú Δ˙≤◊˙@ ØSh@ ØzhÎ◊ ÷◊≠@ ¡◊–rl N÷◊Î◊ > Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ħ◊˙¡◊ d◊˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Δ˙ N…≠÷◊d◊ g–Ø–d◊ ~◊–w˛§◊ Ü≤◊– ~◊–]≥Î◊ ©sd◊ > Ä˙·◊– ≠N ÷◊˙@b‘F~◊ä ©sd◊Ë˙ ]˙`◊– @≤◊–‹≥`◊˙ ©–ÅΩ Δ‹˙ s≠`◊ ÄπN@– ≠π˛Ø–÷◊˙ Øh]‘˛u @≠≤◊ π˛bl ~◊u@N > ©–™˙N˙ π˛l˙N ≠d◊≠¡◊ `◊˙sh‹≥`◊˙ ¡œ◊‹˙ ¡◊–¡◊˙·◊ ¡◊–≠@˙S Ü÷◊ Ø˙~◊N d◊j@ > Ä≠™l≠@ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ä¥◊ Ä]≥Î◊ ™˙~◊@ > π˛§h◊d◊_ π˛l˙N ≠≤◊`◊˙ ¡œ◊‹˙ Ä˙Œ˙Î◊~◊ N…÷◊À◊ ‘ê◊–@; Ü÷◊ ~◊sbä ÷œ◊d◊–d◊_ ¡◊–‘_@ ¡◊–§F◊d◊– N¡h◊ ·F◊≠@ s≠`◊ ≤◊Ë– N¡◊’‘ê◊– S˙≠Ø ≠≤◊˙Å ÷◊˙Î◊S≥÷Í◊÷◊˙@–d◊ > 93

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94 A cave of darkness guards the eternal Light. A silence settled on his striving heart; Absolved from the voices of the world’s desire, He turned to the Ineffable’s timeless call. A Being intimate and unnameable, A wide compelling ecstasy and peace Felt in himself and all and yet ungrasped, Approached and faded from his soul’s pursuit As if for ever luring him beyond. Near, it retreated; far, it called him still. Nothing could satisfy but its delight: Its absence left the greatest actions dull, Its presence made the smallest seem divine. When it was there, the heart’s abyss was filled; But when the uplifting Deity withdrew, Existence lost its aim in the Inane. The order of the immemorial planes, The godlike fullness of the instruments Were turned to props for an impermanent scene. But who that mightiness was he knew not yet.

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




d◊Ø–N˛˙@ sh≤◊˙ ·◊_˙@˙ ≠≤◊˙Å Nh@O–d◊ @≠≤◊ Ä~◊–¡◊’˙b ≠©ä˙d◊– Q◊–@¥◊~◊ ™˙~◊ > π˛d◊–B–d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ~◊u@¡◊d◊˙ Ü÷◊ N˙S~◊˙~◊–@d◊ @˙©˙ d◊˙πN ≤œ◊·◊≠l > ¡◊–‘_@ ¡◊˙N~◊˙ @¡h◊ Øhê◊ ≠N ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ ≠Á◊@˙Å≠`◊ Ä≠`◊]@ Q◊–@¥◊~◊ X◊˙≠÷◊ > π˛‘g π˛N§◊ ‘˙¥◊– Ä˙~◊o◊ @§◊N ª‘’ ÷◊@– ~◊–© N≈◊˙ Ä˙¡◊@ N÷◊Î◊ Ä˙Nh‹≥`◊˙ π˙≠‘ ≠÷◊≠¡◊, πhb– d◊–≠@˙≤◊–d◊ ≠≤◊É‹≥`◊˙ Ä≠~◊_rbh d◊˙πN Ä˙k˙@ N≠d◊ ¡◊˙ ≠N Q◊–@÷◊˙Î◊ ≠~◊É‹≥`◊˙ Ë˙b– Ä˙÷◊r’≠b d◊˙í@ ≠÷◊ÉΩ Nh·F◊@ ©s≠d◊ > ~◊–÷◊≠Ë d◊˙ Ä˙N– Δ˙É‹≥`◊˙ ÄπN@– ·F◊@h ¡◊– Ä˙≤◊_˙~◊ d◊˙í@ Ä˙Nh‹≥`◊˙ §◊˙N– > Ä˙~◊o◊ ¡◊äd◊ud◊ d◊˙í@ Ä˙~◊ ≠÷◊ÉΩ‹≥≠@ ~◊‹≥`◊˙ N≠¥◊˙r, πhb– ħ◊˙≠¡◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@ ~◊u@N ¡◊–N_˙·◊ ‹≥`◊˙ Ø≤◊≈◊Ø ÷◊Ø’ > N˙¤–Ú d◊˙ `◊˙§◊ ÷◊@– Oh·◊˛d◊Ø Δ˙≤◊˙ `◊˙sh‹≥`◊˙ ·◊–¡◊ä, πhb– Ø@Ø Äd◊Î◊ ÷◊@h‹≥`◊˙ Ä˙πF@–d◊ Éπ⁄–d◊– d◊˙í@ > π@Ø˙ ≠N ≠Q◊˙·◊l–d◊˛u N≈◊˙ ≠Δ≠¡◊ ·F◊≠@ Δ˙É‹≥`◊˙ ÄπN@–, @–ê◊d◊˙ s@≠§◊ Ä¡◊`h◊D ≠≤◊É‹≥`◊˙ `◊Oä ©u¡◊~◊@ > N<@b Äd◊ud◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊≠`◊˙÷◊˙¥◊@ π@fi@˙, ≠·◊≠¡◊˙πØ N˙S~◊-÷◊@bπFC◊’d◊˙, ⁄–@d◊˙≤◊u~◊ Ü÷◊ ·œ◊‘äπË Ä˙`◊¯~◊@F≠π ≠≤◊É‹≥`◊˙ π@–bd◊ > ÷◊–Ü ¡◊˙ ≠N Ø≤◊˙N≈◊˙, N_@Fπ ¡◊˙ d◊˙í@ ÷◊–N ≠N ¡◊–r≠l Ä™ ‹≥≠`◊ Ä‘_πd◊– > 95

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96 Impalpable, yet filling all that is, It made and blotted out a million worlds And took and lost a thousand shapes and names. It wore the guise of an indiscernible Vast, Or was a subtle kernel in the soul: A distant greatness left it huge and dim, A mystic closeness shut it sweetly in: It seemed sometimes a figment or a robe And seemed sometimes his own colossal shade. A giant doubt overshadowed his advance. Across a neutral all-supporting Void Whose blankness nursed his lone immortal spirit, Allured towards some recondite Supreme, Aided, coerced by enigmatic Powers, Aspiring and half-sinking and upborne, Invincibly he ascended without pause. Always a signless vague Immensity Brooded, without approach, beyond response, Condemning finite things to nothingness, Fronting him with the incommensurable. Then to the ascent there came a mighty term. A height was reached where nothing made could live,

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Äd◊uo◊˛–l ≠≤◊≠`◊≠≤◊Ω d◊˙ ÷◊@– Ä˙πF@–d◊ N÷◊Î◊ N≈◊˙≠@ ‹≥`◊˙, Älhd◊ ©sd◊ @Q◊~◊˙ ÷◊@– ≠N πhb– ÷◊@h‹≥`◊˙ ~◊˙‘ > N≤◊N˛ N≤◊N˛ ~◊˙Ø Ä˙÷◊˙≠@ ≠N πhb– @Fπ˙l–d◊ ≠≤◊É‹≥`◊˙ Ä@Fπ, Ä~◊˙Ø > Ä·œ◊‘ä §F◊Ø˙@ ≠¡◊≠‘ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠N Ø—–d◊ Ä˙k˙≠@ ¡◊– ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙ NFO< ¡◊u©˙÷◊˙≠@ > ·F◊≠@ ‹≥≠`◊ ·◊–‘h‹≥`◊˙ Ø≤◊–Ø˙ d◊˙≤◊˙@ ~◊–w˛§◊ ¡◊–@˙Ë ÷◊–¥h◊ @≤◊Nä ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ ~◊–÷◊≠Ë ≠N @≤h◊‹≥`◊˙ ØSh@ N…πh≠Ë > ÄÎ◊u÷◊ ÷◊À◊~◊˙ ÷◊–…¡◊˙ Ä˙¡◊@b NØ `◊˙sh‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙ πhb– Ä¡◊˙ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ·◊–‘h‹≥`◊˙ @˙©r–’@ Ø≤◊˙ø˙l˙@F≠π > N˙S÷◊ ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ~◊–© π˛sd◊–@ π‹ π˛è◊˙l ~◊–w˛§◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ π˛Q◊— N…‘≠l > Ø≤◊˙‘F~◊ä ~◊–@≠πO ~◊–]≥Î◊ Ä˙‘˛l @–ê◊d◊˙ `◊˙Î◊~◊ Δ˙@ ÷◊@– @≤◊–‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊–¡◊–ê◊ ÄØ@ Ä˙k˙, π‹ Ä~h◊N@– d◊˙í@ ≠N Ä≠©l Ä˙k˙ Ä˙ªœ≤◊˙@ ¡◊≠Î◊ É∫h◊‹≥≠`◊ Ä¡◊–@d◊ ÄM’-Ä¡◊N¤ πhb– ≠÷◊≠¡◊ É≠≈◊˙Î◊–d◊, Ä˙÷◊r’≠b ≠÷◊ÉΩ ·◊–¡◊ä S˙≠Ø π@˙‚@ s≤◊~◊ Nd◊ä@ > Ä˙÷◊˙@ Åú◊–d◊≤◊u~◊ ÄŒh◊Ë ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ N≈◊˙ Ü÷◊ NØ˙≤◊–d◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ·h◊@˙N·◊ ~◊–@h≈◊@, ~◊–@‹’÷◊ ÷◊@– N˙¥◊ N¡h◊ > Äπ˛≠Øl NØ d◊˙≤◊˙ ɧ◊˙ ‹≥`˙ Ä˙≠s > d◊˙íπ≠@ ≠N Ä˙≠@˙≤◊b Δd◊˛˙π≠‹ Ü÷◊ Ä˙N–`◊˙ ¡◊–@˙Ë NuØ˙ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ ‘–]@, d◊–B– ~◊˙≤◊y π˙≠@ Δ≤◊y ÷◊–ø–≤◊y @Q◊~◊˙ > 97

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98 A line where every hope and search must cease Neared some intolerant bare Reality, A zero formed pregnant with boundless change. On a dizzy verge where all disguises fail And human mind must abdicate in Light Or die like a moth in the naked blaze of Truth, He stood compelled to a tremendous choice. All he had been and all towards which he grew Must now be left behind or else transform Into a self of That which has no name. Alone and fronting an intangible Force Which offered nothing to the grasp of Thought, His spirit faced the adventure of the Inane. Abandoned by the worlds of Form he strove. A fruitful world-wide Ignorance foundered here; Thought’s long far-circling journey touched its close And ineffective paused the actor Will. The symbol modes of being helped no more, The structures Nescience builds collapsing failed, And even the spirit that holds the universe Fainted in luminous insufficiency.

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Ä˙‘˙ à Ürb˙ Δ≤◊y ¡◊–`◊u~◊ ≠N ≠@]˙ ~◊–÷◊≠Ë Ä˙N–`◊˙ ≠÷◊ÉΩ @–ê◊ ÄN≤◊–Ãh Ø≤◊˙ N≈◊˙; @Fπ˙l–d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ‘F~◊ä Δ˙@ s≠§◊’ ‹≥`◊˙ NuØ˙≤◊u~◊ π@–b˙Ø ¡◊u© > Äd◊– dh◊ú◊ π˛˙≠¥◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ɧ◊˙ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ≠Δ˙su, ¡◊≤◊–@ú◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ÷◊–ø– ]N– π≠Ÿ Δ≤◊y, Ø≤◊˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ~◊–© π·◊ d◊ä˙s ÷◊≠@ Ø~◊ ÷◊–…¡◊˙ ¡◊@–~◊–Ü Øœdh◊ä ‘`◊§◊ NØ˙~◊ Ä˙¡◊@b≤◊u~◊ ~◊s∂ Nd◊ä@ Ä~◊≠Î◊ > ∫◊–Ä˙≠≤◊˙Å d◊≤◊y ≠Δ˙su ¡◊–πhÎ◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@ ¡◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ¡◊˙Ú; πFC◊’ N≈◊˙ ~◊–© πhb– Δ˙≤◊˙ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ Ÿ ¡◊–÷◊˙‘@ π≠ø ≠≤◊¡◊ ø˙Ÿ–¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä¡◊‘ä Ä‹¡◊˙ `◊§◊–¡◊ ≠N ~◊¡◊@Fπ Ä˙k˙@F≠π Ü÷◊ ~◊˙Ø≤◊u~◊ Ä~◊–≠·◊’‘ä Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ N≈◊˙@ > Ü÷◊˙÷◊u ≠N, Ä˙≠s ∫◊–Ä˙ Äd◊uo◊–˛l ‘ê◊– §◊˙¡◊~◊˙@ Ä≠s˙Q◊@; Ä˙k˙@ πh@≠d◊ π˛N˙@–d◊ ‘F~◊ä s§◊’ d◊j ·h◊ºN˙≤◊N > ¡◊–‘_@Fπ π@–d◊äê◊ d◊‹˙π– ≠N ≠Δ˙su @≤◊–≠`◊ N˙S~◊˙@d◊, §◊˙©–s`◊˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊ Á◊Î◊π˛NF ¡◊–‘_¡◊ä˙πu Ä¡◊–‡˙ ¡◊–÷◊˙‘ > §◊˙¡◊~◊˙@ ·F◊@ ·◊uˆ’ ¡◊≈h◊’Î◊ N@bu ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠‘r; Åè◊˙‘ê◊– ÄË≠÷◊ ~◊–ßÎ◊ > N˙≤◊˙Δä ~◊ ÷◊`◊˙ Ä˙É N≈◊˙@ π˛d◊u÷◊ N…≠÷◊d◊ ™˙~◊@ S˙@˙, Ä¡◊–‡˙ @Q◊~◊˙ ËÎ◊–πŸ– ≠≤◊`◊˙ N¡h◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ Äπ≤◊d◊ > Ü ¡◊–‘_S˙@–bu ‘ê◊– ≠≤◊≠`◊ ¡◊– Q◊–~◊<l ≤◊@˙Å≠`◊ N…™˙ d◊≤◊y ~◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Δ≠‹¸ >


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In an abysmal lapse of all things built Transcending every perishable support And joining at last its mighty origin, The separate self must melt or be reborn Into a Truth beyond the mind’s appeal. All glory of outline, sweetness of harmony, Rejected like a grace of trivial notes, Expunged from Being’s silence nude, austere, Died into a fine and blissful Nothingness. The Demiurges lost their names and forms, The great schemed worlds that they had planned and wrought Passed, taken and abolished one by one. The universe removed its coloured veil, And at the unimaginable end Of the huge riddle of created things Appeared the far-seen Godhead of the whole, His feet firm-based on Life’s stupendous wings, Omnipotent, a lonely seer of Time, Inward, inscrutable, with diamond gaze. Attracted by the unfathomable regard The unsolved slow cycles to their fount returned To rise again from that invisible sea.

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§◊úh◊@ Ä˙‘˛l ≠Δ≠d◊ Äd◊–÷◊˛Ø– N¡h◊ ~◊–º≠‘r ¡◊–`◊l Ø≠Ú N¡h◊ ¡◊–rl@, N_d◊» Ü Ä˙kN≈◊˙ Ø–‘– π@–≠‘≠r Ä˙·◊– Ø≤◊˙Éf N≠ú◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ¡◊–sÎ◊–d◊, Ä¡◊˙ ≠N `◊§◊–¡◊ Ø~◊ π˛Ø˙b Äd◊ud◊ ·F◊@ ≠÷◊ÉΩ Ø≤◊˙N≠d◊ä ~◊¡◊u~◊ ©~◊Ø > @–ê◊, Nh÷◊≠∫◊˙@ ≠N≤◊– ¡◊˛≤◊< ~◊u@¡◊d◊˙; `h◊D ≠≤◊˙Å d◊≤h◊Ω ≠Δ≠d◊ @Fπ≠@]˙ ≠‘˙§◊˙, N˙ØzNä ØSh@–Ø˙, dh◊è◊ N…sud◊@ π˛d◊ä˙]ä˙d◊ d◊˙~◊ NØ §◊©–≠`◊ ¡◊–`◊l πh`◊÷◊ ‘˛uØl Ü÷◊ Ø≤◊˙‘F~◊äd◊˙≠@ > ~◊˙Ø@Fπ ≤◊@˙Å≠`◊ Nœ¸–@ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ > π˛©˙πd◊– ≠Δ˙©~◊˙@ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ©sd◊ Ü÷◊ π≠@ Ü÷◊ Ä˙N– ≠≤◊˙Å ÄS≥÷œ◊d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊ Äd◊–÷◊˛˙¥◊, ·F◊≠@ Ä¡◊`h◊D > ÄπN@– s`◊˙ ÷◊˙≤◊y ¡◊–‘_@ ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ Ä˙¡◊@b, ≠~◊d◊˛ π≠‹ ≠≤◊≠`◊ π˛d◊–§◊˙d◊ ·F◊@h π˛§h◊ π@≠Ø‘ Ä]≥Î◊ ¡◊–‘_@ > Q◊@b ΔhsÎ◊ d◊˙ö◊ ·œ◊≠˜ Ä˙S˙@–d◊ π˛˙bd◊j s@hdÍ◊Ø˙~◊ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ πO≠@ > N¡◊’™ ≠N, Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊ ·◊˛¸˙ ≠N ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊, Ä¥◊Øh’]u, Ä≠™l ≠N, ≤◊u@÷◊-ÉEÎ◊·h◊äd◊–≠@ §◊˙N_@ d◊˙ö◊ ~◊l~◊ ΔhsÎ◊ > Äd◊Î◊ Äs˙S ≠N≤◊– ≠Ø˙≤◊~◊ ~◊l~◊Ä˙÷◊r’≠b ~◊–© ~◊–© É≠f s≠`◊ ≠Á◊@– ≠÷◊≠d◊≠÷◊≠d◊ ÄN˙S≥d◊ ØA◊@ ÷◊˙Î◊@ Q◊÷◊˛ Ä˙¡◊≈◊’~◊, πhb– É∫◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ §◊¡◊–rä≠d◊ Ä·œ◊‘ä ≠N É·◊S≥ s@§h◊ >


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102 All from his puissance born was now undone; Nothing remained the cosmic Mind conceives. Eternity prepared to fade and seemed A hue and imposition on the Void, Space was the fluttering of a dream that sank Before its ending into Nothing’s deeps. The spirit that dies not and the Godhead’s self Seemed myths projected from the Unknowable; From It all sprang, in It is called to cease. But what That was, no thought nor sight could tell. Only a formless Form of self was left, A tenuous ghost of something that had been, The last experience of a lapsing wave Before it sinks into a bourneless sea,— As if it kept even on the brink of Nought Its bare feeling of the ocean whence it came. A Vastness brooded free from sense of Space, An Everlastingness cut off from Time; A strange sublime inalterable Peace Silent rejected from it world and soul. A stark companionless Reality

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




‘ê◊–@h d◊˙ ©˙d◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ Ü≠¡◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ¡◊–πΔ’äg N¡h◊, ÷◊–ø– ~◊ @≤◊–`◊˙ Ä˙É ÷◊À◊~◊˙≠@ s≠˜ Δ˙≤◊˙ ¡◊–‘_@ Ø˙~◊N > ‘˙‘_d◊ `◊˙s–`◊˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊ Ø≤◊˙‘F~◊ä ¡h◊≠÷◊ ¡◊C◊’@ ¡◊–¡◊≈◊’ Ü÷◊, @Q◊–`◊˙ d◊˙ πhb– π˛ghd◊– ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙πËh ≠≤◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ~◊–w˛§◊ > Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙‘ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ü÷◊ N_π∂@ Œh◊@b ≠‘r ≠≤◊¡◊˙ Ä˙sh Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ~◊–Øû–d◊ ≤◊@˙Å d◊˙ N≈◊˙ ‘F~◊ä Äd◊Î◊ N˙s≠@ > Ä¡◊–~◊˙‘u Ä˙k˙ πhb– ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ N≈◊˙ `◊˙sh‹≥`◊˙ ≠Δπ@– d◊˙ Ä™˙d◊ s@§h◊ π˛O–D ÉÒ◊Ë Ü÷◊ πh@˙b ÷◊À◊~◊˙ > N÷◊Î◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø– ©˙d◊ N≈◊˙@h d◊˙≤◊˙@ Ä˙¡◊@ N÷◊Î◊ `◊u~◊ ≠≤◊≠¡◊ d◊˙ s@≠§◊ > ÷◊–¥h◊ ≠N ≠Δ ÷◊–Ü d◊˙≤◊˙ ~◊ π˙≠@ π˛÷◊˙‘– ÷◊–ø–≤◊y §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ Ä¡◊˙ @Fπ@ ·◊‘’~◊ > @≤◊–`◊˙ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ Ä˙k˙ @Fπ≤◊u~◊ @Fπ NFO<ø˙l˙ Ø˙d◊˛ Ü÷◊ Ä™˙d◊ N≈◊˙@ñ ~◊–Øû–d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ Ä˙sh ÄNuØ N˙s≠@ ≠‘r Ä~h◊§F◊d◊– Ü÷◊ πd◊~◊-É~◊<h] ÑØ–’@ Δ˙ Ø≤◊˙‘F~◊ä d◊≠Ë Ä¡◊˙ N≠d◊ @]≥‹≥`◊˙ §◊˙¡◊ ~◊–© Éf ©Î◊S≥@ > s§◊u@ S≥Ä˙≠~◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ‹≥`◊˙ NØ˙≤◊–d◊ ≠¡◊ä˙Ø ≠¡◊˙S Øhê◊ §F◊Ø˙, ÷◊˙Î◊@ π˛¡◊˙≤h◊ ¡◊–Δhê◊ N_d◊» Ø≤◊˙ N~◊˙d◊~◊ N≈◊˙ > Ä¡◊–÷œ◊d◊, NhØ≤◊˙~◊, ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛, ~◊u@¡◊ ‘˙¥◊– ÷◊`◊˙ ~◊–@˙÷œ◊d◊ ©u¡◊˙k˙, ©sd◊ > Ä¡◊≠‘≠r Ä‘_πd◊– Ä˙k˙@ N@˙s


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104 Answered at last to his soul’s passionate search: Passionless, wordless, absorbed in its fathomless hush, Keeping the mystery none would ever pierce, It brooded inscrutable and intangible Facing him with its dumb tremendous calm. It had no kinship with the universe: There was no act, no movement in its Vast: Life’s question met by its silence died on her lips, The world’s effort ceased convicted of ignorance Finding no sanction of supernal Light: There was no mind there with its need to know, There was no heart there with its need to love. All person perished in its namelessness. There was no second, it had no partner or peer; Only itself was real to itself. A pure existence safe from thought and mood, A consciousness of unshared immortal bliss, It dwelt aloof in its bare infinite, One and unique, unutterably sole. A Being formless, featureless and mute That knew itself by its own timeless self, Aware for ever in its motionless depths,

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




Ä≠~◊_r≠b π˛dh◊ä≈◊@ ≠·◊`◊˙ Ä~◊˙¡œ◊d, ~◊–ºNú◊, ¡◊–¡◊–ê◊, @–ê◊, Ø≤◊˙Nd◊ä Ü÷◊ > ~◊–¡◊’˙÷Í◊, ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ ‘˙¥◊§◊˙≠¡◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ɧ◊˙ Ä‘_πd◊– N®h≠] s≤◊~◊ ·h◊@˙N·◊ Ú˙~◊Øs∂, ~◊–Øû–d◊ d◊˙@ ~◊–º‘›◊ Äd◊≠Î◊, dh◊Ãu, ¡◊ud◊@˙s, ¡◊≤◊– ¡◊≠O d◊˙@ ÷◊˙Î◊ ÷◊˙Î◊ ·h◊≠§◊’‡ @≤◊Nä > ¡◊–‘_ N˙≠‹ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙ ÷◊–ø–≤◊y N…π÷◊’ > Nh¡◊–‘˙Î◊ N≈◊˙≠@ d◊˙ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ÷◊–ø–≤◊y ÷◊Ø’ Q◊GÎ◊d◊˙ Ä¡◊˙ sd◊–@ ªo◊~◊ > ~◊–@h≈◊@, ~◊u@¡◊ ≠N; ©u¡◊~◊@ π˛‘∂ àBπh≠Ë `◊u~◊ ≠d◊bh π˛÷◊˙‘ Ä˙s@h > Éπ@d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ N¡h◊ ¡◊–‘_@ π˛l˙N Ä¡◊–‡˙@ ħ◊–≠Δ˙≠s ~◊ `◊§◊– Ä~h◊™˙ ‘˙‘_d◊ ≠N §◊˙s¡◊d◊ ™˙~◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊@ > ©–™˙Nh Ø˙~◊N d◊≤◊y ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙, ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ π˛bl@ π˛≠l˙©~◊ @]≥ d◊≤◊y ≤◊–Ä˙ > πh@hr@ N≈◊˙N¡h◊ ≤◊©–s`◊˙ ÷◊˙≤◊y Ä~◊–¡◊’˙Q◊ä §F◊Ø˙@ ≠N ~◊˙Ø≤◊u~◊d◊˙≠@ > Ä·◊_–d◊ul, Ä~h◊πØ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠N ~◊–ºNú◊ N_l…Nd◊ä, N_d◊ºN–M, Ä˙kπ˛d◊–B–d◊ > Q◊–¥◊˙-§◊˙¡◊ Ä≠s˙Q◊@, ‘hM N≈◊˙ Ø˙d◊˛ Ä]— ÄØœd◊ Nh] N@N N≠Q◊d◊ @–ê◊ ≠N ÄNuØ ‹≥`◊˙ Ü÷◊˙, Ä·◊_–d◊ul É·◊˙Nu~◊, ¡◊–¡◊–ê◊ Δ˙ §◊˙r˙@ Äd◊ud◊ > Ä˙÷◊˙@, Ä˙~◊~◊≤◊u~◊ ~◊–¡◊’˙÷Í◊ ≠N N≈◊˙ N~◊˙d◊~◊ Ä˙k˙ ·◊_˙@˙ N·◊˙ Ä˙kπ˛™ > N≠Q◊d◊ Nd◊d◊ d◊˙í@ ~◊–¢◊Î◊ Äd◊≠Î◊


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


106 Uncreating, uncreated and unborn, The One by whom all live, who lives by none, An immeasurable luminous secrecy Guarded by the veils of the Unmanifest, Above the changing cosmic interlude Abode supreme, immutably the same, A silent Cause occult, impenetrable,— Infinite, eternal, unthinkable, alone. END OF CANTO ONE

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Ü÷◊ Ä·◊_–d◊ul ≠N ≠Δ Ä©, Ä¡◊–÷◊˙@u Nœ¸– Éπ@d◊ N≈◊˙, Δ˙í@ ‘ê◊– ¡◊≠Î◊ π˛˙b¡◊¥◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊N¡h◊, ÷◊–¥h◊ ≠Δ ÷◊˙≤◊˙@ Éπ≠@ Ä˙‘–˛d◊ ~h◊≠≤◊Ω ~◊–© ⁄–d◊– π˙ÅΩ > Ä¡◊äê◊@ Δ¡◊~◊–÷◊˙ Ä¥◊@˙≠Î◊ ≠N ≠Δ Äπ˛≠Øl, Ä˙k§◊˙N @≤◊Nä s≤◊~◊ > ¡◊–‘_@ ~◊‘_@ ≠`◊˙÷◊ ¡◊– } Éπ≠@ π@˙‚@ S˙Ø Q◊–@ ÄQh◊äd◊ N_@Fπ, ·h◊w˛≠¡◊‘ä Ä˙·◊– ≠≤◊dh◊, ~◊–º‘›, ~◊–sF˜ Ä~◊¥◊, ħ◊˙¡◊~◊ul, Ü÷◊˙÷◊u, ‘˙‘_d◊ > (NØ˙D)


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108 Canto Two

The Adoration of the Divine Mother A STILLNESS absolute, incommunicable, Meets the sheer self-discovery of the soul; A wall of stillness shuts it from the world, A gulf of stillness swallows up the sense And makes unreal all that mind has known, All that the labouring senses still would weave Prolonging an imaged unreality. Self’s vast spiritual silence occupies Space; Only the Inconceivable is left, Only the Nameless without space and time: Abolished is the burdening need of life: * * * A black veil has been lifted; we have seen* The mighty shadow of the omniscient Lord; But who has lifted up the veil of light And who has seen the body of the King? The mystery of God’s birth and acts remains Leaving unbroken the last chapter’s seal, Unsolved the riddle of the unfinished Play; The cosmic Player laughs within his mask,

* ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ πœB˙ 311, rB π˙·◊@h Ä˙@} >

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·◊_–d◊ul Ns’

·◊–¡◊ä©~◊~◊uö◊ Ä˙@˙S~◊˙ ‘hM Ä˙k˙ Ä˙¡◊– ˙@ π≠‹ π˛÷◊Ë–d◊ ≤h◊Ü ‘˙¥◊ Ä~◊–¡◊’˙Q◊ä Q◊@Ø ⁄–@d◊˙ > ©˙sd◊–÷◊ π@–≠¡◊‘h @≠≤◊ d◊˙ ¡◊–è◊–¤ Ä¡◊@hM Nh~◊–¡◊–Ÿ gÛd◊˙ π˛˙Q◊u≠@, Åo◊˛–l ~◊–÷◊@ ÷◊≠@ ÷◊¡◊Î◊–d◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ~◊u@¡◊d◊˙ ~◊–¢◊Î◊d◊˙ Äs˙S Äd◊Î◊ Ä¡◊˙g¡◊ ÷◊≠@ d◊˙≤◊˙ Ø˙~◊N≠¡◊·◊~◊, Ä˙¡◊@ N÷◊Î◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ @Q◊Å Åo◊˛–l π˛`◊¯–d◊ π˛d◊–§◊˙N π˛d◊ud◊– π˛N˙≠@ > Ä˙÷◊˙‘ Ä˙è◊¤ ÷◊≠@ Ä˙k˙@ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ Ä˙Ú˙k–÷◊ ~u@¡◊d◊˙, @≠≤◊ Ä¡◊‘–¸ ÄQ◊–¥◊ä ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊, ≠·◊‘÷˙Î◊ ¡◊–@≤◊–d◊ ~◊˙Ø≤◊u~◊ Äb˙÷◊˙@, ≤h◊Ü ÄπNœd◊ ©u¡◊~◊@ π˛≠l˙©~◊ sh@h§˙@ ≠Δ≠d : * * * É≠~◊<˙Q◊–d◊ Ø˙d◊˛ Ü÷◊ ÷œ◊Ã Δ¡◊~◊–÷◊˙, ~◊l≠~◊ ≠·◊]≥≠ø Ä˙≠Ø N¡◊’™ π˛§h◊@ Ø≤◊˙ø˙l˙ Ø˙d◊˛, ÷◊–¥h◊ É≠≈◊˙Î◊~◊ ÷◊–Ü ÷◊@– ≠©ä˙d◊– Δ¡◊~◊–÷◊˙ @˙©˙S≥@˙©@ ≠·◊]≥ø– ‘@u@ d◊˙í@; π˛§h◊ ©~◊<÷◊Ø’ @≤◊Nä Ä˙¡œ◊d◊ @≠≤◊, ~◊ ≠]˙`◊– ≠Nπ@– Øh·◊˛˙ö◊–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å @≠≤◊ Ä¥◊–Ø ÄÚ˙l > ØuØ˙…N–d◊ ≤h◊Ü ~◊˙≤◊y ÄπFC◊’ ~◊˙Ë÷◊ π˛≠≤◊Î◊–÷◊˙, ≤◊Nh‹˙Ü ¡◊–‘_ ~◊Ë¡◊@ Øh] Ä˙¡◊@b π≠ø > @≠≤◊ ≠N≤◊–π@– 109

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110 And still the last inviolate secret hides Behind the human glory of a Form, Behind the gold eidolon of a Name. A large white line has figured as a goal, But far beyond the ineffable suntracks blaze: What seemed the source and end was a wide gate, A last bare step into eternity. An eye has opened upon timelessness, Infinity takes back the forms it gave, And through God’s darkness or his naked light His million rays return into the Sun. There is a zero sign of the Supreme; Nature left nude and still uncovers God. But in her grandiose nothingness all is there: When her strong garbs are torn away from us, The soul’s ignorance is slain but not the soul: The zero covers an immortal face. A high and blank negation is not all, A huge extinction is not God’s last word, Life’s ultimate sense, the close of being’s course, The meaning of this great mysterious world. In absolute silence sleeps an absolute Power. Awaking, it can wake the trance-bound soul And in the ray reveal the parent sun:

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`h◊ü˙l–d◊ ·h◊≠§◊’‡ ≠N Ä¥◊–Ø @≤◊Nä Ø˙~h◊ru-Ø≤◊–Ø˙ π≠ø Ø≤◊˙ Ä˙÷œ◊d◊–@ Ä¥◊@˙≠Î◊ Ø≤◊˙~◊˙Ø N_C◊’ π˛d◊u÷◊@ > ·◊uˆ’ Ü÷◊ ‘h§◊˛≠@]˙ π˛÷◊Ë–d◊ ]˙`◊– `◊Oä@F≠π, ©≠Î◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ ¡◊≤h◊ π≠ø d◊˙í@ NFΔ’ä@ N@bu; Éf Ä¥◊@F≠π Δ˙≤◊˙ Ä˙π˙d◊ ·œ◊¸–≠@ Ä˙Ø Ø≠~◊≤h◊Ü d◊˙≤◊˙ π˛‘g π˛≠¡◊‘π‹; ~◊s∂ @–ê◊ ≠‘r π·◊~◊ä˙N Ø˙d◊˛ Q◊–@ ‘˙‘_d◊ @˙Å≠© > ~◊l~◊ Äl≠~◊ ·◊–¡◊ä ÷◊˙Î◊≤◊u~◊ N≈◊˙ ≠Δ≠d◊ @Fπ ≠·◊Å‹≥≠`◊ π˛d◊ä˙≤◊˙@ d◊˙≤◊˙ ÷◊@¥◊– Ä~◊¥◊, ≠§◊·◊– π˛§h◊@ d◊–Ø–@ Ä¡◊˙ d◊˙í@ Ä~◊˙¡œ◊d◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ ≠Á◊@@ Ä˙·◊–NFΔ’ä s≠§◊’ d◊˙í@ Ä~◊¥◊ ÷◊–@b ‘F~◊ä@ N…≠÷◊d◊ Äø– π@Ø π˛§h◊@ > Ä~◊˙¡œ◊d◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊–≠@ π˛÷◊˙≠‘ π@Ø Ø≤◊˙‘F~◊ä s≠§◊’ d◊˙í@ S@Å N÷◊Î > ·◊‘’≠~◊ Ä˙Ø@ ≠Δ≠¡◊ ]N–π≠Ÿ d◊˙í@ Nh·œ◊˜ ¡◊N~◊, ≤h◊Ü ¡◊–~◊¸ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ Ä˙k˙@ Ä™˙~◊ ≠Ø˙≤◊, ~h◊≠≤◊Ω Ä˙k @Fπ > ‘F~◊ä ÷◊≠@ NØ˙¡œ◊d◊ ÄØ@ Øh]‘˛u > É≈h◊ú◊ d◊Ø–N˛ ≠~◊d◊– ~h◊≠≤◊Ω N¡h◊÷◊–ø– ≠‘r ÷◊‹˙ ~h◊≠≤◊Ω Ü÷◊ Ø≤◊˙~◊ ~◊–¡◊’˙b, ©u¡◊~◊ Ä¥◊–Ø≠¡◊˙S, ©u¡◊~◊ S˙@˙@ πFC◊’≠è◊·◊, d◊˙‚Δ’ä ¡◊˙ @≤◊Nä Ä˙¡œ◊d ¡◊–@˙Ë ¡◊–‘_@; NhD˙ π@˙-‘ê◊– Ü÷◊ Q◊@Ø ØÉ≠~◊, ÷◊@–π˙≠@ ©˙s@–d◊ ©˙s˛d◊˙ ≠N NhD–¡◊M Ä˙k˙÷h◊ Ä˙Ø@, ÷◊–@≠b π˛÷◊˙‘–π˙≠@ NFΔ’ä N¡◊–d◊˙÷h◊; 111

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112 It can make the world a vessel of Spirit’s force, It can fashion in the clay God’s perfect shape. To free the self is but one radiant pace; Here to fulfil himself was God’s desire. Even while he stood on being’s naked edge And all the passion and seeking of his soul Faced their extinction in some featureless Vast, The Presence he yearned for suddenly drew close. Across the silence of the ultimate Calm, Out of a marvellous Transcendence’ core, A body of wonder and translucency As if a sweet mystic summary of her self Escaping into the original Bliss Had come enlarged out of eternity, Someone came infinite and absolute. A being of wisdom, power and delight, Even as a mother draws her child to her arms, Took to her breast Nature and world and soul. Abolishing the signless emptiness, Breaking the vacancy and voiceless hush, Piercing the limitless Unknowable, Into the liberty of the motionless depths A beautiful and felicitous lustre stole.

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




¡◊˛˙≤◊<u‘ê◊– Ä˙S˙@ Ü ¡◊–@˙Ë ¡◊–‘_÷h◊ Ø˙Ë–≠@ π˙@Å @Q◊– π˛§h◊ πFC◊’@Fπ > Ä˙k˙Øhê◊– Ø˙d◊˛ Ü÷◊ ·◊uD π·◊≠Oπ πFC◊’@F≠π ÷◊@– N≈◊˙ πFC◊’˙ú◊ π˛÷◊˙‘ πFC◊’N–M– π˛˙D– ‹≥`◊˙ π˛§h◊ö◊ ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙ > Ä~◊˙¡œ◊≈◊ N≈◊˙π˛˙≠¥◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ≠Δ≠¡◊ ∫◊–Ä˙ Ä˙÷œ◊d◊– ¡◊–≤◊u~◊ ≠÷◊ÉΩ sh≤˙@ s@≠§ `u~◊ ≠≤◊¡˙ π˛˙l ≠Δ≠¡◊ Ä˙@} Ürb˙ §˙¡◊˙≠¡◊s ≠≤◊`˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊ N≤◊N˙ ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ N˙¤–Ú ≠·◊¡◊u@ ¡◊≤h◊ Ée£◊˙ ≠π˙r–d◊ ≠§◊·◊ ÷◊@– ~◊u@¡◊d◊˙ Q◊@Ø ‘˙¥◊–@ Q◊Øe˙@ π@˙‚@ s≤◊~◊ Ø@Øh π@˙§˙N ¡◊Î◊l–d◊ ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ ‘@u@ N≠d¡◊˙ d◊˙ N≈◊˙N˙@ @≤◊Nä ØSh@ Ä˙N–‹≥`˙ ¡◊–g˙@–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ‘˙‘_d◊@h πÎ◊˙l~◊ ÷◊@– ØFÎ◊ Ä˙~◊o◊ @§◊≠N > NØ˙sd◊˙ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ≠÷◊≤◊– ÄNuØ˙, π@Ø˙ π˛™˙Ølu, ¡◊uΔ’äØlu Ä˙~◊o◊@Fπ–bu, Ë˙b– ~◊–Ü ‘–‘h Δ‹˙ ¡◊˙≤h◊≠@ ©~◊~◊u ≠d◊˙Î◊–≠~◊≠`◊ ≠Nπ@– ≠N ~◊–© ¡◊Oπ≠@ N÷◊Î◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊–, ¡◊–‘_, ©u¡◊ Ä˙k˙ ≠Δ≠d◊ > ~◊˙‘÷◊@– ~◊–¡◊–’÷◊À◊ @–ê◊d◊˙@ §◊˙¡◊, ~◊–¡◊’˙÷Í◊ gÛd◊˙ §◊˙ú◊–, §◊˙ú◊– ≠N ‘F~◊äd◊˙, ¡◊–M÷◊@– NuØ˙≤◊u~◊ π@Ø Ä≠™l N_è◊≠o◊ Ä˙N–`◊˙ n@– ~◊–wo◊, s§◊u@ ≠N˝o◊Δ’ä Ø˙ShΔ’äØl Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ π˛¡◊˙≤◊ >


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114 The Power, the Light, the Bliss no word can speak Imaged itself in a surprising beam And built a golden passage to his heart Touching through him all longing sentient things. A moment’s sweetness of the All-Beautiful Cancelled the vanity of the cosmic whirl. A Nature throbbing with a Heart divine Was felt in the unconscious universe; It made the breath a happy mystery. A love that bore the cross of pain with joy Eudaemonised the sorrow of the world, Made happy the weight of long unending Time, The secret caught of God’s felicity. Affirming in life a hidden ecstasy It held the spirit to its miraculous course; Carrying immortal values to the hours It justified the labour of the suns. For one was there supreme behind the God. A Mother Might brooded upon the world; A Consciousness revealed its marvellous front Transcending all that is, denying none: Imperishable above our fallen heads He felt a rapturous and unstumbling Force. The undying Truth appeared, the enduring Power

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Q◊÷◊–d◊ ≠N @‘<– ≠@]˙ ≠≤◊˙Å @Fπ˙l–d◊ ≤◊–@b<l π≠‹ ≠·◊`◊˙ ≠Δ˙Ÿ– d◊˙ö◊ ≤◊–Ä˙, π@‘– d◊˙ö◊@– Ø≠Ú ©sd◊@ ≠Δ≠d◊ Éfh÷◊ N©u¡◊ N≈◊˙ > N¡◊’Nho◊@u@ Ob–÷◊ Ø˙Sh@u ≠d◊≠¡◊ ÷◊`◊˙ ~◊–@N~◊ ħ◊–Ø˙~◊, ÄN˙@d◊˙ N…N˙@-Q◊÷◊˛@ > Ä~h◊§F◊d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ü≤◊– Ä≠Q◊d◊ ¡◊–‘_@ π˛÷œ◊d◊–≠@ §◊˙s¡◊d◊ ≤œ◊·◊l-ªo◊~◊; π˛˙b@ π˛¡◊˙≤◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ @≤◊Nä N@N; ¡◊≤◊– d◊˙í Ä˙b–`◊˙ ≠π˛Ø ÷◊≠@ Δ˙ N≤◊~◊ πh`÷ Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘ πuŸ˙, Nh≠] ≠÷◊m‘÷◊´‘; ¡◊–‘_≠‘˙÷◊ ÷◊`◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙ Ä˙kNh]π˛·◊, ØShØl ÷◊`◊˙ ·◊uˆ’ Ä¡◊S≥ ¡◊–≤◊u~◊ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊§◊˙@; πhb– ÷◊`◊˙ d◊˙í S˙@b ¡◊˛≤◊<˙~◊o◊ sF˜d◊j, ÷◊@– π@–πh¸ > ~◊–§œ◊d◊ π@Ø˙~◊o◊ ©u¡◊~◊ S˙@˙≠@ Ä˙k˙≠@ Q◊˙`◊–`◊˙ S@– ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ Äl≠~◊; NØ≠l d◊˙ ÷◊@– ·◊˙~◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ ≠s˝@¡◊ Ä˙l˙N N˙‹’÷◊ ÷◊`◊˙ Ä˙·◊–d◊ä@˙©–@, π˛§h◊@ π¢◊˙≠d◊ ≠Δbh π˛÷◊˙≠‘ π@Ø˙ > Ø≤◊˙‘ê◊– Ú˙~◊˙~◊d◊˙ ©sd◊ Éπ≠@ > Q◊–dÍ◊‘ê◊– π˛÷◊˙‘– d◊˙í@ ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ N˙®h]ä @≤◊–`◊˙ N÷◊Î◊ Ñ≠Z◊’, π˛d◊ä˙]ä˙~◊ ÷◊˙í≠@ ~◊ ÷◊@– ≠N; Ä≠S˙sd◊ ‘–@π≠@ Ä˙Ø Ø≤◊˙‘ê◊–, ÄpÎ◊–d◊˙, Ø≤◊˙~◊o◊Ølu Øœdh◊äzlu π˛÷◊˙‘–d◊˙ Ä~h◊§◊≠¡◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ >


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116 Of all that here is made and then destroyed, The Mother of all godheads and all strengths Who, mediatrix, binds earth to the Supreme. The Enigma ceased that rules our nature’s night, The covering Nescience was unmasked and slain; Its mind of error was stripped off from things And the dull moods of its perverting will.




At the head she stands of birth and toil and fate,* In their slow round the cycles turn to her call; Alone her hands can change Time’s dragon base. Hers is the mystery the Night conceals; The spirit’s alchemist energy is hers; She is the golden bridge, the wonderful fire. The luminous heart of the Unknown is she, A power of silence in the depths of God; She is the Force, the inevitable Word, The magnet of our difficult ascent, The Sun from which we kindle all our suns, The Light that leans from the unrealised Vasts,

* ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ πœB˙ 314, π˙·◊ 13@h Ä˙@} > 3rd Final : 24/10/2009




Nœ¸ Δ˙ Ü∫◊˙≠@ ≤h◊Ü, πhb– Δ˙ ¡◊–~◊¸ ≤h◊Ü d◊˙í@ Ä¡◊–~◊˙‘u Nd◊ä π˛÷◊Ë–d◊, Ä˙¡◊@ d◊˙í ‘ê◊– Δ˙≤◊˙ @≠≤◊ Q◊–@÷◊˙Î◊ > ~◊–º≠‘r ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ‘ê◊–, Ä˙·◊–Ø˙d◊˙ ≠N ≠Δ ØÚ⁄˙@Fπ–bu ≠Δ˙≠Ÿ πœ‹≥¡◊u÷h◊ Ä˙Ø π@˙‚@ d◊jN≠ú; ÄπNœd◊˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊ π˛≠≤◊Î◊–÷◊˙ ‘˙NÅ Δ˙ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ ~◊–‘˙ > Ä¡◊–‡˙@ Ä˙¡◊@b ≠≤◊`◊˙ Äπ˙¡œ◊d◊, ¡◊–~◊¸; N÷◊Î◊¡◊gh∫◊˙@h ~◊–≠Ø˙’Q◊–d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ §◊˛˙¥◊ Ø~◊, πhb– ~◊–@˙~◊o◊Øl ¡œ◊≈◊– ≠Δ≠d◊ ¡◊–πΔ’ä˙N÷◊˙@–bu Åè◊˙@ > * * * ‘–≠@˙§◊˙≠s ɧ◊˙ ≠N ≠Δ ©~◊Ø, π˛˛l˙N ~◊–ld◊– S˙@˙@; ˆF≠@ ØA◊@ sd◊–≠@, ΔhsQ◊÷◊˛ X◊˙≠÷◊ d◊˙í≠@; ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ d◊˙í ÷◊@ @Fπ˙¥◊@ ÷◊@–π˙≠@ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊-÷h◊Î◊÷h◊—Î◊–~◊u ØFÎ◊˙S˙@; Ø≤◊˙~◊–‘˙ d◊˙í@ NØ˙¡œ◊d◊ ÷◊@– @≠] @≤◊Nä N÷◊Î◊; ‘ê◊– d◊˙í¡◊≤◊~◊ ÷◊≠@ ¡◊˛≤◊<@N˙l~◊; ≤◊–@b<l ≠Ndh◊ ≠N ≠Δ, ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ Ä~◊Î◊ > §◊˙N_@ ≤œ◊·◊l ≠N ≠Δ Ä™˙d◊ d◊j@ > ~◊u@¡◊d◊˙ ‘ê◊– Ü÷◊ π@Ø N≈◊˙@ s≤◊~◊ s§◊u≠@; Ø≤◊˙¡◊uΔ’ä Ø»Ølu, Äl◊˙¥◊ Nh÷◊∫◊–~◊ Ä˙≠@˙≤◊b π≠‹, Ä˙·◊–NFΔ’ä π˛§◊˙≠@ Δ˙ ≤h◊Ü Ä~h◊§◊˙d◊ Äπ@ N÷◊Î◊ @¡◊–, π@Ø Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ Ä˙~◊d◊ Δ˙ Äπ˛÷◊Ë ·F◊@ É@h≠`◊˙÷h◊


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


118 The joy that beckons from the impossible, The Might of all that never yet came down. All Nature dumbly calls to her alone To heal with her feet the aching throb of life And break the seals on the dim soul of man And kindle her fire in the closed heart of things. All here shall be one day her sweetness’ home, All contraries prepare her harmony; Towards her our knowledge climbs, our passion gropes; In her miraculous rapture we shall dwell, Her clasp shall turn to ecstasy our pain. Our self shall be one self with all through her. In her confirmed because transformed in her, Our life shall find in its fulfilled response Above, the boundless hushed beatitudes, Below, the wonder of the embrace divine. This known as in a thunder-flash of God, The rapture of things eternal filled his limbs; Amazement fell upon his ravished sense; His spirit was caught in her intolerant flame. Once seen, his heart acknowledged only her.

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Ä˙~◊o◊ ≠N Ä˙≠b ¡◊≤◊– N≠ö◊d◊ Δ˙ ÷◊˙≤◊y ·F◊@ ÄN}¡◊ S˙Øh, Ø≤◊˙‘ê◊– ≠N ≠Δ Ä¡◊d◊uC◊’˙ Ü Δ˙¡◊d◊ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠Δ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ > ~◊–¡◊’˙≠÷◊ X◊˙÷◊Å d◊˙í≠@ ~◊–]≥Î◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊– π˛‘Ø–d◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ π·◊ª≠‘’ d◊˙í@ π˛˙bπuŸ˙ π@–wo◊; ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ §◊ú◊ ≠Ø˙≤◊Øh·◊˛˙ π@–rhD Ø˙~◊¡◊-Ä˙k˙@ > π˛©_Î◊–d◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ N÷◊Î◊ ¡◊gh@ Ä¡◊@hM ≤œ◊·◊≠l d◊˙í ·◊–¡◊ä Äs∂–‘–]˙ > Ü ©s≠d◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ÷◊–ø– ≠≤◊¡◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ·◊–≠~◊ Ø˙ShΔ’ä-~◊–Î◊l d◊˙í@; ¡◊–≠@˙S N÷◊Î◊ π˛ghd◊ ÷◊@Å d◊˙í@ Nh≠ØÎ◊ Nú◊d◊– > ™˙~◊ ÷◊≠@ Ä˙≠@˙≤◊b ħ◊–Øh≠] d◊˙í@, Ä™˙≠~◊ ≠]˙©Å d◊˙í≠@ Ä~h◊@˙s Ä˙Ø > Q◊Øe˙@ πh`◊≠÷◊ d◊˙í ÷◊@–¡◊˙ ~◊–¡◊˙N Ä˙≠Ø N¡h◊; ©u¡◊~◊@ N÷◊Î◊ Δ»b˙ ·◊–¡◊ä@≠N π@–bd◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ d◊˙í Ä˙≠‘m≠r > N¡◊’˙k÷◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ Ä˙≠Ø N≈◊˙≠@ d◊˙≤◊˙@ > d◊˙í@ Ø≠Ú @Fπ˙¥◊@ `◊§◊–, ≠N≤◊– ≠≤◊dh◊ ·◊–¡◊ä ·œ◊˜ Nd◊ä-N≈◊˙, ≠≤◊¡◊˙ Ä˙D÷◊˙Ø Éπ≠@ Δ˙ Ä¥◊≤◊u~◊ π˛‘˙¥◊ ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ Ä˙~◊o◊ π˛N˙@, ~◊–≠Ø∂ π@Ø Nd◊ä@ ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ ¡◊–N<l ˆ~◊ ·◊–¡◊ä Ä˙`◊–ú◊~◊ > Ü π@Ø ¡◊–‡˙¡◊©˛ ¡◊–·h◊ädÍ◊ Q◊Ø÷◊ ≠·◊`◊˙ §◊@– Ä≠ú◊ Ä≠ú◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ @§◊N > ¡◊–N<≠l Ä˙¡◊–¸ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ¡◊–ØhsÍS Åo◊–˛l > ÄN≤◊–Ãh ¡◊≤◊∂–‘–]˙ ·◊–¡◊ä ©~◊~◊u@ ÷◊`◊˙ N≈◊˙ Äs∂–N˙dÍ◊; Ø˙d◊˛ Ü÷◊¡◊˙@ ≠·◊]≥ d◊˙í@ ·◊–¡◊äØF≈◊–’ ≤œ◊·◊l ¡◊@–`◊˙ 119

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120 Only a hunger of infinite bliss was left. All aims in her were lost, then found in her; His base was gathered to one pointing spire. This was a seed cast into endless Time. A Word is spoken or a Light is shown, A moment sees, the ages toil to express. So flashing out of the Timeless leaped the worlds; An eternal instant is the cause of the years. All he had done was to prepare a field; His small beginnings asked for a mighty end: For all that he had been must now new-shape In him her joy to embody, to enshrine Her beauty and greatness in his house of life. But now his being was too wide for self; His heart’s demand had grown immeasurable: His single freedom could not satisfy, Her light, her bliss he asked for earth and men. But vain are human power and human love To break earth’s seal of ignorance and death; His nature’s might seemed now an infant’s grasp; Heaven is too high for outstretched hands to seize.

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≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ d◊˙≤◊˙÷h◊; @≠≤◊ Ä~◊¥◊ Ä˙~◊o◊ ¡h◊§h◊O˙ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊; N¡h◊ Î◊Oä d◊˙í s@≠§◊ `◊u~◊ ≠≤◊˙Å π˛÷◊Ë–d◊ πhb– d◊˙í ØÚ≠@ > ÑZ◊’Øh]u N≈◊˙‘œú◊-‘–]@-Äs˛≠@ Ü÷◊⁄ N…≤◊d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ N˙S÷◊ Ä˙S˙@ > Ä~◊¥◊ ÷◊˙Î◊@h ≠≤◊`˙ ~◊–O–D Üπ@– ¡◊u© Ü÷◊ Éé◊˙@–d◊ ≤h◊Ü Ø≤◊˙¡◊˙bu ·◊–¡◊ä≠©ä˙d◊– π˛÷◊Ë–d◊ ~◊–≠Ør ·◊‘’~◊ π˛÷˙‘ π˛l˙N ÷◊–¥h◊ ΔhsΔhs S@– N≤◊N˙ Œh◊@–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Ä™˙~◊ s@§h◊ Üπ@– π˛÷◊Ë ≠÷◊≠d◊ ≠`˙÷◊ ≠`˙÷◊˙¥◊@ Nœ¸– ÷◊≠@ ÷˙Î◊ Ü÷◊ Q◊–@¥◊~◊ Ob N˙S≥‹≥`◊˙ N÷◊Î◊ Δ˙ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙ ]˙`◊– ≠Od◊˛@ π˛ghd◊– Ü÷◊, Ü Δ˙¡◊d◊ Δ˙≤˙ ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥≠`◊, `◊§◊–¡◊ d◊˙ ~◊¡◊@Fπ˙l~◊ π˛ØF≈◊’ ÷◊@–¡˙ Ä˙≠‘ πh`◊÷◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@ π˛d◊–B–d◊ ÷◊@–¡˙÷h◊ ©u¡◊~◊ ~◊–Î◊≠l s§◊’sœ≠≤◊ d◊˙í NhrØ˙ Ø≤◊–Ø˙@ ·uD– ~◊–©∫h◊ ÄS≥÷◊ Ü≠¡◊ N≈˙@ π˛N˙@ ÄØ–d◊ Äπ@–≠Øl ≤œ◊·◊l@ ·˙¡◊– > dœ◊D– ~◊˙≤y `◊§◊–¡◊˙≠@ Ü÷˙÷◊u ≠÷◊Ê¡◊`◊ä π˛˙‹’~◊˙ d◊˙ §◊s¡◊d◊u ≠©ä˙d◊– à @§◊N πœ‹_u à Ø˙~◊¡◊ π˙ÅΩ; Ø˙~h◊ru π˛bl ñ ‘ê◊– ÷◊–¥h◊ ÄNØ‹’ ¡◊ä‹’ §˙ú–¡◊˙≠@ Ø≈◊’ä¡˙Nu ≠Ø˙≤◊-Øh·◊˛˙ Ä™˙~◊ Ø@b > π˛÷œ◊d◊–≠@ d◊˙ö◊@ Δ˙ ‘ê◊– ‹≥`◊˙ Ü≠¡◊ ·h◊¡◊’Î◊ d◊˙í ≠¡◊˙S≠≤◊`˙ ‘–‘h-Nœ¸– NØ, É·Í◊¡◊˙≤h◊ ~◊ π˙≠@ S@– ·F◊@ ≠·¡◊≠`˙÷◊ > 121

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122 This Light comes not by struggle or by thought; In the mind’s silence the Transcendent acts And the hushed heart hears the unuttered Word. A vast surrender was his only strength. A Power that lives upon the heights must act, Bring into life’s closed room the Immortal’s air And fill the finite with the Infinite. All that denies must be torn out and slain And crushed the many longings for whose sake We lose the One for whom our lives were made. Now other claims had hushed in him their cry: Only he longed to draw her presence and power Into his heart and mind and breathing frame; Only he yearned to call for ever down Her healing touch of love and truth and joy Into the darkness of the suffering world. His soul was freed and given to her alone. END OF CANTO TWO

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≠Δ π@Ø ≠©ä˙d◊– ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ~h◊≠≤◊Ω π˛÷◊Ë–d◊ Ä˙l˙N Q◊–¥◊˙@ Á◊≠Î◊, NØ˙≤◊–d◊ Ø≠~◊ ¡◊–‘_˙d◊ud◊ ÷◊≠@ ÷◊˛–l˙, ~◊–º‘›◊ ≤œ◊·◊l ‘h≠b Ø» Ä~h◊è◊–¸ Éè◊_˙N ¡◊–≤◊u~◊ Ü÷◊Ø˙d◊˛ ‘ê◊– ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ø≤◊d◊u π˛π≈◊– > ÑZ◊’⁄˙ Ø≤◊d◊u‘ê◊– ÷◊@–≠¡◊ N˙S~◊ ·◊–¡◊ä÷◊Ø’, ©u¡◊~◊@ Ä¡◊@hM ÷◊≠O Ä˙b–≠¡◊ ÄØœd◊ π˛˙b Ä~◊¥◊ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ Nd◊ä ≠·◊≠¡◊ §◊@– Oh·◊˛ NuØ–d◊ N≈◊˙≠@ ÄN_u÷◊˙@ ÷◊≠@ Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠≤◊¡◊ d◊˙ ¡◊–~◊¸ ¡◊–·◊uC◊’ ~◊–w–¸ ¡◊≤h◊ ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙-¡◊˙N~◊˙ Δ˙ Ä˙≠‘ ≤◊@˙É Ä˙≠Ø ©u¡◊-@Q◊~◊˙@ É≠P‘ä π@Ø Ndä Ü÷◊ Ä·◊_–d◊ul > ≠Δ≠d◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ·◊˙¡◊– Ä~ä Ä˙@¡◊ d◊˙ Ü≠¡◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ‘˙¥◊ NØ@d◊; Ä~◊~◊ä Ä˙ªœ≤◊˙ Ä˙÷◊r–’ Ä˙b–¡◊˙ Ä˙≠‘ ÷◊≠`◊ ≠N ≠π˙rb ≠·◊¡◊u@ N˙¤–Ú ‘ê◊– ≤œ◊·◊≠l Ø~◊≠@ π˛˙b≠÷◊˙≠r; π˛÷◊Ë–d◊˙ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ Ä˙÷F◊d◊– Ä˙b–¡◊˙÷h◊ Q◊–@÷◊˙Î◊ Éd◊˙@– Ø≈◊’ä≠@ d◊˙ö◊ Nd◊ä ≠π˛Ø˙~◊o◊ π˛‘Ø π@‘ Ä¡◊–‡˙ d◊Ø–N˛˙ ≠‘˙÷◊ πuŸ–d◊ ©u¡◊≠~◊ > Øhê◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ä˙k˙ d◊˙ö◊, ≠≤◊`◊˙ ~◊–≠¡◊·◊–d◊ NØπ–’d◊ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ≠N ≠·◊¡◊u ‘˛uQ◊@≠b > (NØ˙D )


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124 Canto three

The House of the Spirit and the New Creation A MIGHTIER task remained than all he had done. To That he turned from which all being comes, A sign attending from the Secrecy Which knows the Truth ungrasped behind our thoughts And guards the world with its all-seeing gaze. In the unapproachable stillness of his soul, Intense, one-pointed, monumental, lone, Patient he sat like an incarnate hope Motionless on a pedestal of prayer. A strength he sought that was not yet on earth, Help from a Power too great for mortal will, The light of a Truth now only seen afar, A sanction from his high omnipotent Source. But from the appalling heights there stooped no voice; The timeless lids were closed; no opening came. A neutral helpless void oppressed the years.

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dœ◊d◊ul Ns’

¡◊˛≤◊<˙ld◊~◊ à ~◊¡◊Nœ¸– N˙S≥d◊ Δ˙ d◊˙≤◊˙∫◊˙@h Ø≤◊≈◊@ ÷◊Ø’ Ä¡◊‘–¸ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊, Ä‘_πd◊– ≠d◊bh ≠Á◊@˙Å≠`◊ Ú˙~◊ ~◊–© Ä]≥Î◊ N≈◊˙@ Ä˙·◊– É≠f, Éf˙@–d◊ ~◊–≠@]≥ N…≠÷◊d◊ @≤◊Nä π@Ø S˙Øh, Q◊–¥◊˙ Ä≠s˙Q◊@ Nd◊ä Δ≤◊y π˛d◊–§◊˙d◊, @O˙ ≠Δ ÷◊@Å N¡◊’-Ä¡◊s˙≤◊u ≠~◊≠d◊˛ ~◊–]≥Î◊ ©sd◊ > ·h◊@˙N·◊, Ä¡◊–÷◊fi Ä˙k˙ πh≠@ Ör– ¡◊–¡◊–ê◊, NØ˙S≥`◊u~◊, Ü÷◊˙s˛, ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ ~◊–¢◊Î◊ NhSu@, ⁄–@ ‹≥≠`◊ NØ˙Nu~◊ Éπ˙N~◊˙ πu∫◊π≠@ ØF≈◊’ Ä˙‘˙ NØ > `◊Oä d◊˙ö◊ Ürb˙@, Ø≤◊˙¡◊uΔ’ä Ü÷◊ πœ‹_uπ≠@ Ü≠¡◊ ØÚ Δ˙≤◊˙ Äπ˛÷◊Ë, Ø≤◊˙‘ê◊– N≤◊˙ld◊˙, Ø˙~◊¡◊ Åè◊˙@ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ Δ˙ N˙Ú ≠÷◊≠¡◊, Nd◊ä Ø≤◊˙≠©ä˙d◊– ·◊‘’~◊ Δ˙ Ø–≠Î◊ Ü≠¡◊ ÷◊˙≤◊y ·F◊@≠`◊˙÷h◊, Éé◊ ~◊–© N≈◊˙ ØFÎh◊ ~◊–]≥Î◊ N˙S~◊πËulNu π@˙‘ê◊– d◊‹˙gh, Ä~h◊™˙ > d◊˛˙N·◊ ≠N dh◊ú◊§F◊Ø–π@h ÷◊–¥h◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ O@–d◊ ~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ¡◊˙bu, ‘˙‘_d◊ πËÎ◊ @≤◊–`◊˙ ≠Nπ@– @hM, ≠~◊˙≤◊– Äπ˙¡œ◊d◊ > N≤◊˙l¡◊–≤◊u~◊ ‘F~◊ä É·◊˙Nu~◊§◊˙≠¡◊ ¡◊r’ ¡◊r’ s`◊˙ ¡◊–d◊– ~◊–·◊˙@hb d◊˙≠π >


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126 In the texture of our bound humanity He felt the stark resistance huge and dumb Of our inconscient and unseeing base, The stubborn mute rejection in life’s depths, The ignorant No in the origin of things. A veiled collaboration with the Night Even in himself survived and hid from his view: Still something in his earthly being kept Its kinship with the Inconscient whence it came. A shadowy unity with a vanished past Treasured in an old-world frame was lurking there, Secret, unnoted by the illumined mind, And in subconscious whispers and in dream Still murmured at the mind’s and spirit’s choice. Its treacherous elements spread like slippery grains Hoping the incoming Truth might stumble and fall, And old ideal voices wandering moaned And pleaded for a heavenly leniency To the gracious imperfections of our earth And the sweet weaknesses of our mortal state. This now he willed to discover and exile, The element in him betraying God.

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¡◊M Ø≈◊’ä Ø˙~◊¡◊@ @Q◊~◊˙ ¡◊–~◊ä˙≠N Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊≠`◊ Ör– π˛Q◊—, ~◊–¡◊’˙÷Í◊ ≠ˆ˙@ π˛d◊–≠@˙S Ä™ Ä≠Q◊d◊ Ä˙S˙@h, π˛˙b@ s§◊u@, ØF÷◊ ·h◊·◊’˙¥◊ ~◊–≠rS, ~◊–]≥Î◊ ¡◊–rl ØF≠Î◊ Ä™ ~◊˙g– ~◊˙·◊ > ~◊–© Ø≠Ú ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ≠N ‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊– ©˙s˛d◊ ·œ◊¸– Ä¥◊@˙≠Î◊ `h◊Q◊– d◊˙ØNu d◊–˛Δ˙Ø˙ N≠ú◊ ÷◊–ø– N≤◊≠Δ˙s Δ¡◊~◊–÷◊˙ π≠ø > ~◊–© Éf ~◊–≠¢◊d◊~◊˙ N≠ú◊ ¡◊– d◊‹˙π– Δhê◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ≠N π˙‹≥’¡◊ ‘@u@ > Ü÷◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ÄπNœd◊ Äd◊ud◊@ N˙≠‹, ·◊uDØ~◊ Ä`◊O–≠d◊, π˛è◊¤ ~◊–sF˜ πh@˙d◊~◊ ¡◊–‘_˙S˙≠@ @≤◊– Nh@O–d◊ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@ Ä¡◊≠Q◊d◊ Øœ·h◊§◊˙≠r πhb– N_π∂≠@ π˛÷◊˙‘h ‹≥`◊˙ ÄN≠¥◊˙r d◊˙í@ Ä˙k˙ Ø~◊ ¡◊@h‹≥≠`◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ d◊˙ ¡◊–@h≠M > π˛N˙@–d◊ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊≤◊y π–è◊–Î◊ N–÷◊d◊˙÷◊b˙ NØ ÷œ◊d◊ˆ∂d◊˙ ØFÎ◊ Éπ˙·◊˙~◊ Ä˙‘˙ @]≥ Ä˙s¥h◊÷◊ Nd◊ä ≠N Äl≠~◊ Nd◊_@ pÎ◊~◊ π≠@ ≠≤◊¡◊ §F◊`h◊£◊–d◊ > πh@˙d◊~◊ Ä˙·◊‘’@ S_~◊– ≠÷◊≠d◊ ˆF@– ¡◊–Î◊˙π shz≠~◊ ÷◊≠`◊ Ä~h◊≠Δ˙s ≠d◊≠¡◊ ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊ É·◊˙@ §◊˙≠¡◊ N≤◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙Ø S@bu@ Ø≠~◊˙≤◊@ Ä¡◊shb, πhb– ~◊‘_@ Ø˙~◊¡◊-π–˛l ≠·◊˙r ·h◊¡◊’Î◊d◊˙ > N…÷◊À◊ ≠N ÷◊≠`◊ ≠d◊bh Éπ˙·◊˙~◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ π@Ø˙k˙≠·◊˛˙≤◊u N¡h◊ ÷◊@– Ä˙¡◊– ˙@ ~◊–º≠‘≠r N≈◊˙@h ~◊–© ≠·◊≠¡◊ ¡◊–N©’~ >


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128 All Nature’s recondite spaces were stripped bare, All her dim crypts and corners searched with fire Where refugee instincts and unshaped revolts Could shelter find in darkness’ sanctuary Against the white purity of heaven’s cleansing flame. All seemed to have perished that was undivine: Yet some minutest dissident might escape And still a centre lurk of the blind force. For the Inconscient too is infinite; The more its abysses we insist to sound, The more it stretches, stretches endlessly. Then lest a human cry should spoil the Truth He tore desire up from its bleeding roots And offered to the gods the vacant place. Thus could he bear the touch immaculate. A last and mightiest transformation came. His soul was all in front like a great sea Flooding the mind and body with its waves; His being, spread to embrace the universe, United the within and the without To make of life a cosmic harmony, An empire of the immanent Divine. In this tremendous universality Not only his soul-nature and mind-sense Included every soul and mind in his,

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π˛÷œ◊d◊– ~◊–sF˜ πh≠@ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠Δ≠d◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ d◊–˛·◊–¡◊ π˙¡◊~◊ ‘h§◊˛ ‘–]˙ π˛d◊–÷F◊Î◊ ÷◊@–N¡h◊ Ä~◊˙¡œ◊d◊, ≠]˙©–≠`◊ N˙S÷◊ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@ ≠÷◊˙≠b ≠÷◊˙≠b ‘@b-Ä˙sd◊ N≤◊© π˛¡œ◊≈◊–, NFO<, Ä‘@u@u ≠·◊˛˙≤◊ñ Ä˙‘˛l-Ä˙÷◊@ ·◊uD Ä˙ªœ≤◊˙ Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ > Ä·◊–¡◊ä Δ˙ Ä¡◊`h◊D `˙sh‹≥`◊˙ N¡h◊, Ä`◊O–≠d◊ @≤◊–¡◊˙@ ‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊– d◊‹˙π– N…§◊˙¡◊~◊˙ ¡◊–≠·◊˛˙≤◊, ÄØ–d◊ ÄNuØ π˛è◊¤ ~◊–sF˜ ≠÷◊o◊˛ ÄQ◊–d◊– ‘ê◊–@ > ~◊–≠¢◊d◊~◊˙ s≤◊~◊d◊˙ Äs˙S, Äd◊Î◊ > π@–Ø˙π ≠Δ≠d◊ d◊˙÷h◊ dh◊≤◊˙Å dh◊≤◊˙Å ÷◊≠`◊ ¡◊– d◊˙í π@–¡◊ä˙D– ≤h◊Ü ~◊˙≤◊y ≠‘r > Ø˙~h◊ru Q◊–e˙≠@ Nd◊ä ¡◊–~◊˙‘@ §◊≠l @ê◊N˛˙¡◊u ¡◊˙N~◊˙@ ØFÎ◊ ≠N Éπ˙Ÿ– ~◊–≠¡◊·◊–≠`◊ ·◊–¡◊–r≠·◊ ‘F~◊ä π@–N@ > ÜN~◊ N˙S~◊˙ ÷◊@– π˙@–≠`◊ ≠N ¡◊≤◊– ~◊– Î◊ö◊ Nh¡◊–ØÎ◊ §F◊Ø˙@ π@‘ > Ör– Ä≠ú◊ Ä≠ú◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ @˙©–`◊˙ @hQ◊–@ Q◊@Ø ¡◊–πhÎ◊d◊Ø ~◊¡◊ π@–b˙Ø > d◊@≠ú◊ Ä˙πmhd◊ ÷◊@– d◊~h◊ à Ø˙~◊N Ø≠≤◊˙·◊S≥ NØ ‹≥`◊˙ Ä˙k˙ πh≠@˙§◊˙≠s > Ä¥◊≠@ ¡◊˙≤◊˙≠@ ≠≤◊˙Å N®–Î◊–d◊ Ü÷◊ N≈◊˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ¡◊–‘_¡◊ä˙πu ¡◊–πhÎ◊ π˛N˙≠@ ¡◊–‘_˙~h◊s π@Ø˙k˙ πFC◊’ Ä˙S≥πd◊ä > ¡◊–‘_Øl Ü ¡◊–@˙Ë ⁄–d◊–≠@ d◊˙≤◊˙@ ~◊–]≥Î◊ Ø˙~◊N Ä˙k˙ ]˙`◊– ≠Δ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ~◊ ‹≥≠`◊ Ä≠§◊·◊ d◊˙í@ Ä˙k˙@ N_§◊˙¡◊ Ø~◊≠¡◊˙S N˙≠‹, d◊˙í@ ~◊¡◊ @Fπ˙l–d◊ 129

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130 But even the life of flesh and nerve was changed And grew one flesh and nerve with all that lives; He felt the joy of others as his joy, He bore the grief of others as his grief; His universal sympathy upbore, Immense like ocean, the creation’s load As earth upbears all beings’ sacrifice, Thrilled with the hidden Transcendent’s joy and peace. There was no more division’s endless scroll; One grew the Spirit’s secret unity, All Nature felt again the single bliss. There was no cleavage between soul and soul, There was no barrier between world and God. Overpowered were form and memory’s limiting line; The covering mind was seized and torn apart; It was dissolved and now no more could be, The one Consciousness that made the world was seen; All now was luminosity and force. Abolished in its last thin fainting trace The circle of the little self was gone; The separate being could no more be felt; It disappeared and knew itself no more, Lost in the spirit’s wide identity.

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~◊˙Ÿ–d◊», ĤØl ≠÷◊˙r ¡◊– ~◊–]≥Î◊ ©u¡◊@ ‘@u@ N∂˙lh N≠ú ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ü÷◊ > Åd◊@ ©~◊@ Nh] ≠≤◊`◊˙ Nh] d◊˙í@, Ä~◊ä ≠‘˙÷◊ ≠§◊˙s–≠`◊ ≠N ~◊–© ≠‘˙÷◊ NØ > sF˜ π˛@˙‚@ π˛§h◊ π˛‘˙¥◊– πh`◊≠÷◊ É`◊∑N–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Ör– ¡◊≤◊–≠`◊ É≠≈◊˙Î◊– É·◊S≥-¡◊–πhÎ◊ ~◊–© N≤◊˙~h◊§F◊d◊–≠@ ¡◊–‘_Nœ¸– sh@h§◊˙@, ¡◊≤◊–‹˙Ü Δ‹˙ Ü S@bu ~◊Å≠¡◊‡ ~◊–]≥Î◊ ©~◊@ > Äsb~◊ §◊˙s §◊˙s ]— πËN¡h◊ ÄπN@– s`◊˙, sF˜ Ä¡◊–§◊ê◊ Ü÷◊ π@Ø˙k˙@F≠π ¡◊–‘_ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ü÷◊˙÷◊˙@ > ~◊–]≥Î◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊– ¡h◊≠÷◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ä~h◊§F◊d◊ πhb–‹≠@ Ø–Î◊~◊@ Ä]— @§◊N > ~◊ @≤◊–`◊˙ ≠§◊·◊ Ä˙É Ä˙k˙≠@ Ä˙k˙≠@, Ä¡◊˙ NuØ˙ π@Ø˙k˙ ©sd◊ ØÚ≠@ > Äd◊–÷◊˛˙¥◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ @Fπ N<œd◊–NuØ˙≠@]˙ > ·◊uC◊’ ≠≤◊˙Å ÄS≥÷œ◊d◊ Ø~◊ Ä˙¡◊@b ~◊–º≠‘≠r ¡◊–`◊u~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙, ~◊l~◊ Äl≠~◊ @˙©–≠`◊ Q◊–~◊<lu ≠·◊¡◊u ¡◊–‘_ ¡◊–S˙l–~◊u > N¡h◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ‘ê◊–Øl, ≠©ä˙d◊–≠@ §◊˙N_@ > ≤◊@˙Šĥ◊–Ø Oub NFO< Ä¡◊≠‘r Ä¡◊`h◊D ≠≤◊`◊˙ Oh·◊˛ N≈◊˙@ ¡◊Î◊l > N_d◊» N≈◊˙@ ≠¡◊˙S ~◊ @≤◊–`◊˙ Ä˙É, ÄπN@– s`◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙ π˛‘g, π@Ø Nd◊ä@ Ä≠§◊≠·◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ¡◊–sÎ◊–d◊, `◊u~◊, ~◊ @]≥ π˙@–`◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙ ÄN<–d◊˙≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ >


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132 His nature grew a movement of the All, Exploring itself to find that all was He, His soul was a delegation of the All That turned from itself to join the one Supreme. Transcended was the human formula; Man’s heart that had obscured the Inviolable Assumed the mighty beating of a god’s; His seeking mind ceased in the Truth that knows; His life was a flow of the universal life. He stood fulfilled on the world’s highest line Awaiting the ascent beyond the world, Awaiting the descent the world to save. A Splendour and a Symbol wrapped the earth, Serene epiphanies looked and hallowed vasts Surrounded, wise infinitudes were close And bright remotenesses leaned near and kin. Sense failed in that tremendous lucency; Ephemeral voices from his hearing fell And Thought potent no more sank large and pale Like a tired god into mysterious seas.

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




π˛÷œ◊d◊–≠@ ≠≤◊`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ π@–bd◊ N˙@˙ ©sd◊©~◊@ sd◊–, Ä˙≠`˙Ÿ– Ä¥◊≠@ ©˙b–≠`◊ ≠N π@Ø˙k˙ N˙@˙ ¡◊–‘_Øl > ~◊–]≥Î◊@ π˛d◊–~◊–S≥ Ä˙k˙ d◊˙ö◊ ~◊–© π@–N@h ≠Á◊@–‹≥`◊˙ ≠≤◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Ø–Î◊–d◊ N¡◊’˙S˙@ Ä·◊_–d◊ul π@Ø˙k˙ N˙≠‹ > Äd◊–÷◊˛˙¥◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ~◊@-~◊–lØ ¡◊ä¡◊⁄˙, ~◊@-≤◊–Ä˙ `h◊÷Í◊÷◊˙l–d◊ ÷◊@–‹≥`◊˙ Δ˙≤◊˙ π¡◊–d◊˛ π@Ø N≈◊˙, ÷◊`◊˙ d◊˙ S˙@b ÄØ@ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ≤œ◊·◊ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ªo◊~◊ > Ä≠~◊_rb÷◊˙@u Ø~◊ ≤◊©–s`◊˙ ÷◊˙≤◊y N¡◊’™ π@Ø Ü÷◊ §◊˙s¡◊d◊ N≠d◊ä > ©u¡◊~◊ π˛¡◊˙≤◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ¡◊–‘_©u¡◊~◊@; ¡◊–‘_@ N≠¡◊’˙é◊ ≠@]˙ π≠@ ≠≤◊˙Šɧ◊˙ Ä≠πO– @≤◊–≠`◊ N–M ¡◊–‘_ Äd◊–÷◊˛Ø– Δ–¡◊˙÷h◊ π@Ø ≠`◊˙≠÷◊, Ä˙b–¡◊˙÷h◊ d◊≤h◊Ω ¡◊–‘_d◊˛˙b π˙ÅΩ Nd◊ä≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ Éd◊˙@– > ·◊–¡◊äπ˛§◊˙ §◊˙s¡◊d◊ π˛d◊u÷◊ Ä˙¡◊@– @≤◊–`◊˙ πœ‹≥¡◊uN˙@˙, ‘˙¥◊, NØ˙≤◊–d◊ ·◊–¡◊ä Ä˙¡◊–§◊’˙¡◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ @˙©–≠`◊; ©sd◊ π¡◊–d◊˛ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ N≈◊˙ ÷◊≠`◊ Ä˙≠¡◊¸~◊; π˛™˙@ ÄNuØ ‘ê◊– Ä˙N–≠`◊ ~◊–÷◊≠Ë, Nh·F◊@@ ≠·◊¡◊u ≠÷◊≠d◊ ÉEÎ◊ ¡◊@b˙ ~◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ≠≤◊≠`◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ~◊–÷◊Ë Ä˙kul˙ > π˛Q◊— ≠π˛˙EÎ◊ ≠N≤◊– ·◊–¡◊ä π@–≠¡◊≠‘ Åo◊–˛l@ ≠¡◊˙S‘ê◊– ≠≤◊˙Å`◊˙ ÄQ◊Î◊ ÷◊≠C◊’ Ä˙É ~◊ ‘h§◊–`◊˙ ~◊‘_@ ‘¡◊·◊ > ÄNØ‹’ Q◊–¥◊˙ ·◊uˆ’ ØÎ◊–~◊ Xh◊¡◊–`˙ ‘˛˙¥◊ ÷◊m˙¥◊ ≠·◊¡◊ NØ @≤◊Nä N˙s≠@ > 133

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134 The robes of mortal thinking were cast down Leaving his knowledge bare to absolute sight; Fate’s driving ceased and Nature’s sleepless spur: The athlete heavings of the will were stilled In the Omnipotent’s unmoving peace. Life in his members lay down vast and mute; Naked, unwalled, unterrified it bore The immense regard of Immortality. The last movement died and all at once grew still. A weight that was the unseen Transcendent’s hand Laid on his limbs the Spirit’s measureless seal, Infinity swallowed him into shoreless trance. As one who sets his sail towards mysteried shores Driven through huge oceans by the breath of God, The fathomless below, the unknown around, His soul abandoned the blind star-field, Space. Afar from all that makes the measured world, Plunging to hidden eternities it withdrew Back from mind’s foaming surface to the Vasts

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




~◊–O–D ≠≤◊˙Å`◊˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊Q◊–¥◊˙@ Ä˙è◊˙·◊~◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ N¡h◊, Øhê◊, Ä~◊˙¡œ◊d◊ ™˙~◊ ø˙Ÿ– Nh~◊–¢◊–d◊ ·œ◊¸–@ N®h≠] > §◊˙sä@ Q◊˙Î◊~◊˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ‘˙¥◊, Éπ@d◊ N˙≠‹ d◊˙@ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ Äd◊o◊˛ d◊˙Ÿ~◊˙ > N¡◊’‘ê◊–Ø˙~◊ π˛§h◊ ÄQ◊Î◊˙ ‘˙¥◊–≠@ Ø`◊∑~◊–§◊-Åè◊˙‘ê◊–-Œ◊ud◊– ≠≤◊`◊˙ ⁄–@ > ~◊–º‘›◊ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ØF÷◊ π˛˙b@ π˛¡◊˙≤◊ NhD–≠@ @≤◊–`◊˙ πŸ– π˛d◊– Ä¡◊l≠¡◊ > ~◊–§◊’l, ~◊–ºNuØ ~◊s∂ ÷◊≠`◊ ≠N N≤◊~◊ Øœdh◊äzl Ø≤◊˙π˛§h◊ Nh¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ·œ◊¸– > Éπ‘˙¥◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠‘r ≠Q◊¸˙, sd◊–¡œ◊≈◊–, N≤◊N˙ ≠≤◊˙Å`◊˙ N¡h◊ ~◊–wo, ÄQ◊Î◊ > ·œ◊¸– Ä≠s˙Q◊@ π˛§h◊ π@˙‚@ ÷◊@§◊˙@ ≠·◊`◊˙ ⁄˙π– Ör– π˛d◊– Ä¡◊l≠¡◊ Q◊–~◊<l N≈◊˙@ Øh·◊˛˙ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊, ÄØ–d◊ > ÷◊¡◊Î◊–d◊ ÷◊`◊˙ d◊˙öh◊ Ä~◊¥◊, ÄNuØ, Äd◊Î◊, Ä÷F◊Î◊ ˆ~◊ s§◊u@ NØ˙S≥ > Ä˙k˙ d◊˙ö◊ s`◊˙ ø˙Ÿ– d◊Ø–N˛˙ d◊˙@÷◊˙≠Od◊˛ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙‘ Δ‹˙ @≤◊Nä Ä˙¡œ◊d◊≠¡◊Î◊˙ ·◊–≠s d◊@u ÷◊–Ü ≠·◊`◊˙ ¡◊˙ §◊N˙Å > ~◊–º‘_˙≠N Q◊˙Î◊–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å π@Ø N≈◊˙@ ¡◊–@˙Ë N˙s@¡◊≠O, Äs˙S N`◊–Î◊ d◊≠Î◊ Δ˙@, Q◊É·◊–≠s Ä™˙d◊ Äπ˙@ > π@–Ø–d◊ ©sd◊@ π˛πG@h ·F◊≠@ ~◊–Øû–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å sF˜ ‘˙‘_d◊ s@≠§◊ π˛d◊ä˙≤◊˙@ ÷◊@– ≠~◊`◊˙ ~◊–©÷h◊ ≠N Ø~ ◊≠Á◊~◊–Î◊ Éπ@ g@h, Ä¥◊@˙k˙ πh≠@ 135

3rd Final : 24/10/2009


136 Voiceless within us in omniscient sleep. Above the imperfect reach of word and thought, Beyond the sight that seeks support of form, Lost in deep tracts of superconscient Light, Or voyaging in blank featureless Nothingness, Sole in the trackless Incommensurable, Or past not-self and self and selflessness, Transgressing the dream-shores of conscious mind He reached at last his sempiternal base. On sorrowless heights no winging cry disturbs, Pure and untouched above this mortal play Is spread the spirit’s hushed immobile air. There no beginning is and there no end; There is the stable force of all that moves; There the aeonic labourer is at rest. There turns no keyed creation in the void, No giant mechanism watched by a soul; There creaks no fate-turned huge machinery; The marriage of evil with good within one breast, The clash of strife in the very clasp of love, The dangerous pain of life’s experiment

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




N¡◊’™˙~◊Øl NhD– ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘ ~◊–º‘›◊ ~◊–¡◊’˙÷Í◊ ⁄–@ §F◊Ø˙@ π˛N˙≠@ > ÄπFC◊’ Ü ©sd◊@, Ä˙¡◊@ Q◊–¥◊˙@ ≠s˙Q◊@ Äd◊ud◊, @Fπ Ä¥◊–Ø N≤◊˙l ·œ◊¸–@ ¡◊Î◊l Ñ≠Z◊’ ≤◊©˙Å ~◊–©÷h◊ π@˙Q◊–d◊–Øl ≠©ä˙d◊– s§◊u@ π˛≠·◊≠‘, §◊˙N– §◊˙N– ~◊s∂ ‘F~◊ä ~◊–sh’b ≠~◊d◊–≠@ ~◊–ºNú◊ Äπ‹ Ø≤◊˙ ÄNuØ N≈◊˙≠@, π˙@ ≠≤◊˙Å Ä˙k˙~◊˙k˙ Ä˙k˙‘F~◊ä §◊˙¡◊, Äd◊–÷◊˛Ø– N_π∂-≠¡◊Î◊˙ N≠Q◊d◊ Ø~◊@ Ä¡◊≠‘≠r Éπ~◊ud◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ Ör–¡◊@ ~◊–© N≈◊˙ N~◊˙d◊~◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ ØFÎ◊≠@ > Q◊–e˙@ ÷◊@hb ~◊˙·◊ §◊˙N– §◊˙N– ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ≠‘˙÷◊≤◊u~◊ ÑZ◊’≠`◊˙÷◊ ~◊ ÷◊≠@ Ä˙÷h◊Î◊ > ~◊‘_@ Ü ¡◊–‘_`◊uÎ◊˙ Éπ≠@ ¡◊–d◊d◊ ¡◊–‘hM Īœ¸ Ä˙k˙ ⁄–@ ‘˙¥◊ ~◊§◊ > Ä˙·◊– ~◊˙≤◊y, πhb– d◊≤◊y ~◊˙≤◊y Ä¡◊N˙~◊ ⁄–@ d◊≤◊y ⁄˙lu ‘ê◊– N˙@˙ ©sd◊@ ¡◊–‘˛˙¥◊ ÄQ◊Î◊ d◊≤◊y ÷◊À◊‘˛Øu ≠·◊¡◊ > ‘F~◊ä¡◊≠O Ä˙¡◊≈◊–’d◊ ≤h◊Ü ~◊˙≤◊y d◊≤◊y ‘ê◊–≠@ Q◊˙Î◊–d◊ ≠÷◊ÉΩ ¡◊–‘_@ N©’~◊˙, Ä¡◊˙ Ä˙k˙ π@–·œ◊¸ Äd◊–÷◊˙l, §◊uØ Δ» ÷◊–˛l˙¡◊–S≥, ÷◊–…¡◊˙ ÷◊÷◊’‘ ‘¡◊≠·◊ ~◊–ld◊–ˆFC◊–’d◊ ≠÷◊ÉΩ ÷◊Î◊ Nh¡◊–‘˙Î◊ > Ü÷◊¡◊≠O π@–bl ‘h§◊ Ä‘h§◊@, ·◊_J◊@ N…ˆr’ Ü÷◊ π˛ud◊– π@–@≠}, Δ·œ◊è◊˙, dh◊è◊d◊˙, ÷◊˛ØQh◊äd◊– Ø˙~◊≠¡◊˙≠S ©u¡◊~◊ π˛≠l˙s‘˙Î◊˙ §◊urb Δ»b˙,


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


138 In the values of Inconsequence and Chance, The peril of mind’s gamble, throwing our lives As stake in a wager of indifferent gods And the shifting lights and shadows of the idea Falling upon the surface consciousness, And in the dream of a mute witness soul Creating the error of a half-seen world Where knowledge is a seeking ignorance, Life’s steps a stumbling series without suit, Its aspect of fortuitous design, Its equal measure of the true and false In that immobile and immutable realm Find no access, no cause, no right to live: There only reigns the spirit’s motionless power Poised in itself through still eternity And its omniscient and omnipotent peace. Thought clashes not with thought and truth with truth, There is no war of right with rival right; There are no stumbling and half-seeing lives Passing from chance to unexpected chance, No suffering of hearts compelled to beat In bodies of the inert Inconscient’s make.

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¡◊–π·◊N…÷h◊Î◊ Ø~◊ ·h◊äd◊ ÷◊˛uŸ˙ Δ≤◊y É·◊˙Nu~◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ ¡◊˙©–@F≠π O–D Ä˙Ø@ ©u¡◊~◊πb–; §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ O@–d◊ Ä⁄–@ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ø˙l˙ ⁄FÎ◊≠Q◊d◊~◊˙≠@ Ä˙¡◊@ ~◊u@¡◊·◊˛¸˙ Ä˙k˙@ Nπ≠~◊ πŸ– Δ˙ @Q◊Å §◊˛Ø ÄM’¡◊–≠`◊˙÷◊–d◊ ©sd◊@, ™˙~◊ Δ≤◊y Ä≠~◊_ru Ä™˙~◊, ©u¡◊~◊@ π·◊~◊ä˙N ‘œõ◊Î◊˙¡◊–≤◊u~◊ pÎ◊–d◊˙~h◊÷◊˛Ø, πhb– ¡◊–§◊˙¡◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@ Ä˙÷◊N<–÷◊ ≠Δ˙©~◊˙@, NØ π@–Ø˙π Nd◊ä Ø–‹ä˙ Ø–‹h~◊@ñ ÜN¡h◊@ ÷◊–ø– ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ π˛≠¡◊‘ d◊≤◊y, ≠≤◊dh◊, ÄS≥÷◊˙@ ¡◊G≥¡◊˙@ ⁄–@ ‘˙¥◊ ⁄˙bh ≠N ©s≠d◊ > ‘˙‘_d◊u, ÄQ◊Î◊˙, ⁄–@˙, N¡◊’™˙~◊Ølu, N¡◊’‘ê◊–Ød◊u ‘˙¥◊– Ø≠Ú NØ˙≤◊–d◊˙ Ä˙k⁄˙ π@≠Ø‘_@u ~◊–¢◊Î◊˙ ‘÷◊d◊– @˙≠© d◊≤◊y N˙¡◊’≠§◊˝Ø Ä˙S≥π≠d◊ä d◊˙í@ > Ä¡◊÷◊˙‘ ~◊˙≤◊y d◊≤◊y ·◊–¡◊ä ≠N Ø—≠Î◊ Q◊–¥◊˙@ ¡◊–≠@˙S π˙ÅΩ Q◊–¥◊˙ N˙≠‹, Ä¡◊˙ Ü÷◊ Nd◊ä N˙≠‹ Ä˙~◊ Nd◊ä ·◊‘’~◊@; ~◊ ≤h◊Ü ¡◊–≠@˙S, ΔhM, ÄS≥÷◊˙@ N≠ú◊ Ä~◊ä Ü÷◊ π˛d◊–·◊_J◊u N≈◊˙ ¡◊˙ Nd◊_@ > ÄM’™˙~◊u ©u¡◊ d◊≤◊y ~◊˙≤◊˙¥◊– ≠N ≠`◊˙≠÷◊ N…≠Δ˙s Nfi˙dh◊ Ü÷◊ Äd◊÷◊–’d Ä˙~◊ ≠·◊Ê¡◊≠Δ˙≠s sd◊– Δ˙í@ pÎ◊–d◊ Q◊@b d≠Ø˙s˛g Ä¡◊–‡˙@ ~◊–Ø–’d◊ ‘@u≠@ πuŸ˙ d◊≤◊y ~◊˙≤◊y ¡◊˙Ú ªo◊–d◊ ≤◊–Ä˙@ >


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


140 Armed with the immune occult unsinking Fire The guardians of Eternity keep its law For ever fixed upon Truth’s giant base In her magnificent and termless home. There Nature on her dumb spiritual couch Immutably transcendent knows her source And to the stir of multitudinous worlds Assents unmoved in a perpetual calm. All-causing, all-sustaining and aloof, The Witness looks from his unshaken poise, An Eye immense regarding all things done. Apart, at peace above creation’s stir, Immersed in the eternal altitudes, He abode defended in his shoreless self, Companioned only by the all-seeing One. A Mind too mighty to be bound by Thought, A Life too boundless for the play in Space, A Soul without borders unconvinced of Time, He felt the extinction of the world’s long pain, He became the unborn Self that never dies, He joined the sessions of Infinity.

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




≠‘˙§◊~◊ ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ Nd◊ä ÄNuØ N·◊≠~◊ ~◊–@d◊ ÷◊@¥◊– @O˙ Ä≠Ø˙ˆ ~◊–lØ ØF÷◊, sF˜, Ä¡◊–÷◊fi, Ä~◊–¡◊’˙b Äs∂–‘ê◊–Δhê◊ ‘˙‘_d◊@ π˛d◊–§F◊ π˙Î◊÷◊ > π˛d◊–B–d◊ Q◊–@÷◊˙Î◊ ¡◊˛≤◊<Ø≤◊˙S˙≠@ Q◊–~◊<l d◊Î◊≠π d◊˙í@ ‘˙l–d◊˙ π˛÷œ◊d◊– ~◊–© Éf ©˙≠b ¡◊–‘_Äd◊ud◊, Ä¡◊äl > ‘˙‘_d◊ ‘˙¥◊–≠@ ⁄–@ ·◊–Ü d◊˙ N_u÷œ◊d◊– ≠÷◊˙Ë– ≠÷◊˙Ë– ©sd◊@ Nœ©~◊ N…≠O˙≠§◊ > N¡◊’≠≤◊dh◊, É·◊˙Nu~◊, ~◊–]≥Î◊ π˙Î◊÷◊ ~◊– fi d◊˙ NØ˙≤◊–d◊ N˙O–≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@h ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ¡◊–πhÎ◊ d◊˙í@ Ä˙d◊d◊ ~◊l≠~◊ ~◊–w˙·◊–d◊ Δ˙≤◊˙N¡h◊ ≠·◊≠] Ü ¡◊–‘_≠@ > ÄNú◊, ¡◊–¡◊–ê◊, ‘˙¥◊ @≤◊– Ü ©sd◊ ñ Nœ¸–@ ªo◊~◊ Ñ≠Z◊’, Nd◊ädh◊ú◊‘–≠@ ~◊–Øû–d◊ ~◊–@˙π≠·◊ ¡◊˙N ÷◊≠`◊ Ör– Ä÷F◊Î◊ Äπ˙@ Ä˙k˙ įhS≥ π˛N˙≠@ N]˙ Δ≤◊y Ü÷◊Ø˙d◊˛ N¡◊’·◊˛¸˙ π˛§h◊ > ‘ê◊– à N˙Ø≠‹’ä §◊@˙ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ Ø˙~◊N Äd◊–÷◊˛Ø– s`◊˙ N¡h◊ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙@ NuØ˙ > π˛˙b d◊˙í@ Ä~◊–¡◊˙S ¡◊–πhÎ◊ π˛N˙≠@ `◊uÎ◊˙ Ä˙≠‘ ~◊ π˙Å`◊˙ πΔ’ä˙D Ä˙÷◊˙‘ > NØl π˛d◊ud◊–Øhê◊, ÄNuØ, Ä÷F◊Î◊ Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ ≠N Ä˙k˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ÷◊≠`◊ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ¡◊–‘_@ Nh·◊uˆ’ ¡◊ä‹˙ πuŸ˙ ~◊–@N~◊ > ≠≤◊≠`◊ ≠N ¡œ◊≤◊dÍ◊ Nd◊ä Ä© Ä¡◊–~◊˙‘u, N®–Î◊–d◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ Ör– ‘˙‘_d◊ N…N≠·◊ >


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142 On the cosmic murmur primal loneliness fell, Annulled was the contact formed with time-born things, Empty grew Nature’s wide community. All things were brought back to their formless seed, The world was silent for a cyclic hour. Although the afflicted Nature he had left Maintained beneath him her broad numberless fields, Her enormous act, receding, failed remote As if a soulless dream at last had ceased. No voice came down from the high Silences, None answered from her desolate solitudes. A stillness of cessation reigned, the wide Immortal hush before the gods are born; A universal Force awaited, mute, The veiled Transcendent’s ultimate decree. Then suddenly there came a downward look. As if a sea exploring its own depths, A living Oneness widened at its core And joined him to unnumbered multitudes.

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




Éπ‘˙¥◊ ÷◊@– ¡◊–‘_ ØØ’@ Ä˙@¡◊ Ä˙è◊¤ ÷◊@–`◊˙ N¡h◊ Ä˙·◊– ¡◊–©~◊d◊˙ > N…N˙@ ¡◊–rl ª‘’ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ~◊–@˙÷œ◊d◊ > @–ê◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ π˛‘g NØ˙© > π˛d◊ä˙¡œ◊≈◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ¡◊–‘_ ¡◊gh@˙©– d◊˙í@ Ä˙÷◊˙@¡◊–≤◊u~◊ Äd◊–NFO< Ä˙·◊– ¡◊u≠© > ΔhsQ◊÷◊˛ π˛N˙@–d◊ ˆË–÷◊˙ Δ˙¡◊d◊ ~◊u@¡◊ ~◊–gÛ ‘˙¥◊ @≤◊–`◊˙ ©sd◊ > π¢◊˙≠d◊ @≤◊–`◊˙ Ü÷◊ πuŸ–d◊˙ π˛÷œ◊d◊– @]≥ d◊≠Î◊ Äsb–d◊ ≠Od◊˛ π˛N˙@–d◊ > ÄπN@– @F≠π d◊˙í@ Nh¡◊–‘˙Î ÷◊–˛l˙ ~◊–ßÎ◊ ~◊–`◊u~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ä˙k¡◊–@≤◊–d◊ N_π∂ Ä¡◊˙ ≠‘≠r ≠Δ≠≤◊∂ §◊©–`◊˙ ¡◊–`◊l > É≈h◊ú◊ ØÉ~◊ gÛ ÑZ◊’§F◊Ø– π@h ~◊ Ä˙N–`◊˙ n@– ~◊u≠Q◊ ÷◊˙í@ ÷◊£◊S_~◊– > ¡◊–¡◊–ê◊ ¡◊–©~◊ ‘F~◊ä ~◊–@˙`◊¯ S˙Øh ≠·◊≠`◊ ~◊˙≤◊y ≠÷◊≤◊– ≠d◊≠¡◊ π≠·◊ ¡◊– É≈◊@ > π˛‘˙¥◊– @˙©–`◊˙ Ü÷◊ Ø≤◊˙ ¡◊–@d◊–@ ≠·◊¡◊©~◊< πF≠¡◊’ Δ‹˙ ¡◊–÷◊˙≠‘ ¡◊–ØÎ◊ Ä~◊˙≤◊d◊, Ä¡◊–OhÛ ÄØ@ gÛd◊˙ > NØ˙¡œ◊d◊ π@˙‚@ π@Ø Q◊@Ø NØ˙≠·◊‘ Ä≠πO˙≠@ @≤◊–‹≥≠`◊ Ü÷◊ ¡◊–‘_Ølu Ø≤◊˙‘ê◊– ~◊–ªo◊ ~◊–¡◊’˙÷Í◊ > π@–Œh◊Ë ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊ N≤◊N˙ ≠N÷◊˙≠Î◊ Ä≠S˙·œ◊¸– N≠d◊ ≠Δ≠≤◊∂ ~◊–© s§◊u@d◊˙ Ä≠~◊_rb ÷◊≠@ Ü÷◊ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ N˙s@ > Ä¥◊⁄≠Î◊ ¡◊–©œ}–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å d◊˙ ©u¡◊¥◊ Ü÷◊ Ä·◊_–d◊ul ≠¡◊˙S ÷◊`◊˙ N®–Î◊–d◊ ÄN…]ä N≈◊˙@ N˙≠‹ @˙©˙ Ä‘_πd◊– > 143

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144 A Bliss, a Light, a Power, a flame-white Love Caught all into a sole immense embrace; Existence found its truth on Oneness’ breast And each became the self and space of all. The great world-rhythms were heart-beats of one Soul, To feel was a flame-discovery of God, All mind was a single harp of many strings, All life a song of many meeting lives; For worlds were many, but the Self was one. This knowledge now was made a cosmos’ seed: This seed was cased in the safety of the Light, It needed not a sheath of Ignorance. Then from the trance of that tremendous clasp And from the throbbings of that single Heart And from the naked Spirit’s victory A new and marvellous creation rose. Incalculable outflowing infinitudes Laughing out an unmeasured happiness Lived their innumerable unity; Worlds where the being is unbound and wide Bodied unthinkably the egoless Self;

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




Ä˙~◊o◊, Ä˙≠`˙÷◊, ‘ê◊–, ¡◊≤◊∂–‘h§◊˛ π˛ud◊– ¡◊–πhÎ◊ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ d◊˙í@ ¡◊˙≤h◊@ ¡◊Õ◊≠~◊ ~◊–¡◊–≠Ÿ @]≥`◊˙ S@– ~◊–]≥Î◊ ©sd◊ > Ü÷◊ Ä·◊_–d◊ul ‘ê◊– Ä~◊¥◊ É@≠N ¡◊–‘_N≈◊˙ ÷◊`◊˙ `◊˙§◊ Ÿ Nd◊ä d◊˙í@ > π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ ≠≤◊˙Å≠`◊ Ä˙k˙, Ä˙÷◊˙‘ N¡h◊@ > Ü÷◊ Ä˙k˙≤◊–Ä˙ ø≠o◊ ≠≤◊˙Å≠`◊ NQ◊Î◊ ¡◊–‘_Øl NhØ≤◊˙~Í◊ øo◊@ π˛¡◊˙≤◊ > §◊˙¡◊˙≠¡◊s ≠≤◊`◊˙ ·◊uD ≠·◊¡◊ Ä˙¡◊– ˙@, ~◊–]≥Î◊Ø˙~◊N Ü÷◊ ¡◊≤h◊d◊»u ¡◊ub˙, ¡◊–‘_@ ©u¡◊~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ¡◊≤h◊ ©u¡◊~◊@ NØ˙≠¡◊‘ NØ˙≠@˙≤◊ N…sud◊ØFè◊’~◊˙, ¡◊≤h◊S˙ ¡◊–d◊d◊ ¡◊–‘_ ¡◊–r≠l ¡◊–@˙≠© ≠Δbh Ü÷◊ Ä·◊_–d◊ul Ä¡◊–§◊ê◊ Ä˙k˙ > Ü≤◊– ™˙~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ü÷◊ ¡◊–‘_ ¡◊–~◊ä˙N@ NFO<¡◊u©; Nh@O–d◊ ≠©ä˙d◊–@ N…πh≠Ë > ~ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ≠`◊˙Ÿ˙ Ä™˙~◊ ø˙·◊~◊ > d◊˙íπ≠@ ≠N NØ˙S≥@ π˛Q◊— Ä˙≠‘mrÄ˙≠¡◊‘h, ≠N Ü÷◊Ø˙d◊˛ ≤◊–Ä˙@ ªo◊~h◊, Ä˙¡◊@ Äπ@–≤◊–d◊ Ä˙k˙@ ¡◊–©lh ¡◊–÷◊‘– É∫◊–`◊˙ ~◊¡◊ ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ N©’~◊˙ > ≤◊˙≠Nä ÷◊@– ¡◊–÷◊‘–d◊ ÄØ–d◊ π˛≠Ø˙· π˛Nœd◊ ÄN…]ä ©u¡◊ ÷◊≠`◊ d◊≤◊y ¡◊˙N ¡◊≤h◊S˙ ¡◊–d◊d◊ Ü÷◊ ¡◊–πhÎ◊ Ü÷◊≠d◊_ > Ä≠~◊÷◊ ©sd◊ ¡◊≤◊– ÄNuØ É·◊˙@ N≈◊˙ Ü÷◊ ≠·◊≠≤◊ d◊˙í@ ÷◊`◊˙ π˛÷◊Ë–d◊ Ä≤◊Ø–÷◊˙‘F~◊ä Ä˙k˙ Q◊–¥◊˙ Ä≠s˙Q◊@ >


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


146 Rapture of beatific energies Joined Time to the Timeless, poles of a single joy; White vasts were seen where all is wrapped in all. There were no contraries, no sundered parts, All by spiritual links were joined to all And bound indissolubly to the One: Each was unique, but took all lives as his own, And, following out these tones of the Infinite, Recognised in himself the universe. A splendid centre of infinity’s whirl Pushed to its zenith’s height, its last expanse, Felt the divinity of its own self-bliss Repeated in its numberless other selves: It took up tirelessly into its scope Persons and figures of the Impersonal, As if prolonging in a ceaseless count, In a rapturous multiplication’s sum, The recurring decimals of eternity. None was apart, none lived for himself alone, Each lived for God in him and God in all,

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




~◊–º≠‘˛lN ¡◊–S˙l–~◊u ‘ê◊–@ πh`◊÷◊ ¡◊Î◊l–d◊ Ü≠÷◊˙`◊∑˙N ≠Ø@hh@ Ø–‹h~◊ ÷◊˙Î◊ ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ Ø≠Ú @Q◊–`◊˙ Ø–Î◊~◊ > ‘h≠§◊˛˙EÎ◊ §F◊Ø˙N≈◊˙ §◊˙N–≠`◊ ~◊l≠~◊ N¡◊’ Δ≤◊y N¡◊’ Ø≠Ú Ä˙¡œ◊d◊, ~◊–≤◊–d◊ > ~◊˙≤◊y d◊≤◊y ·◊_J◊, ~◊˙≤◊y ¡◊–è◊–¤ ¡◊–§◊˙s > N¡◊’ N≈◊˙ Δhê◊ d◊≤◊y N¡◊’ N≈◊˙ N≤◊, ÄÚ˙k ‘œõ◊≠Î◊ πhb– N¡h◊ NØ~◊_–d◊ Ädh◊Ë ¡◊Õ◊≠~◊ Ü÷◊ π@Ø Nd◊ä≠@ > π˛≠d◊ä≠÷◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊≠≤◊Ω d◊≤◊y ©u¡◊ Ä~h◊πØ, Ä÷h◊£◊–≠d◊ ≠~◊É‹≥≠`◊ ~◊–© Ø≠Ú ¡◊@– Ä˙k˙@ ÉπØ˙§◊˙≠¡◊ ~◊–]≥Î◊ ©u¡◊~◊; Ä~h◊N@– ÄNuØ@ §◊˙¡◊ à ØFè◊’~◊˙ ~◊–© Ø≠Ú ≠·◊]h‹≥≠`◊ ~◊–]≥Î◊ ©sd◊ > NØh¤d◊ ≠÷◊o◊˛ Ü÷◊ ÄNuØ˙¡◊≈◊’@ ‘ur’ ¡◊–oh◊ π≠@ É∫◊–, Q◊˙π@ π˛§◊˙≠¡◊ Ä¥◊–Ø π˛N˙≠@ d◊˙í@ ÷◊`◊˙ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ Ä˙N_˙·◊–d◊ ¡◊˙@¡◊˙@ ÄN…]ä N≈◊˙≠@ §◊˙s¡◊d◊ Ä˙k˙~◊o◊ Nh]·◊ π@Ø > Ä¡◊–‘˛˙¥◊ ≠~◊`◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙ ~◊–© π@–N≠@ πh@hr, Ä˙÷œ◊d◊– ≠Δ≠d◊ Ä÷◊˙l ¡◊˛≤◊<@, N≠d◊ Ä¡◊˙ ·◊–¡◊ä Ü÷◊ @˙‘–@ sb~◊˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ·◊uˆ’ ¡◊–Î◊¯–d◊ N…]ä˙~◊ π˛≠Ø˙≠·◊ ‘˙‘_d◊@ Ä˙¡◊≈◊–’d◊ ·◊‘Ø Ä…‘≠@ > πœ‹÷◊ ~◊ ‹≥≠`◊ ≠÷◊≤◊–, ~◊ ‹≥≠`◊ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ~◊–© π˙ÅΩ ≠÷◊≤◊– ÷◊@– ©u¡◊~◊ S˙@b > π@Ø N÷◊˙≠‘ πhb– π@Ø ØÚ≠@ ¡◊G≥‹≥≠`◊ ≠N Nœ¸–≠@ π˛d◊– ©u¡◊ N≈◊˙ >


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


148 Each soleness inexpressibly held the whole. There Oneness was not tied to monotone; It showed a thousand aspects of itself, Its calm immutable stability Upbore on a changeless ground for ever safe, Compelled to a spontaneous servitude, The ever-changing incalculable steps, The seeming-reckless dance’s subtle plan Of immense world-forces in their perfect play. Appearance looked back to its hidden truth And made of difference oneness’ smiling play; It made all persons fractions of the Unique, Yet all were being’s secret integers. All struggle was turned to a sweet strife of love In the harmonised circle of a sure embrace. Identity’s reconciling happiness gave A rich security to difference. On a meeting line of hazardous extremes The game of games was played to its breaking-point, Where through self-finding by divine self-loss There leaps out unity’s supreme delight

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




Ä~◊–¡◊’˙Q◊ä §◊˙≠¡◊ ‹≥`◊˙ N÷◊Î◊ ¡◊–Sœd◊ Ü÷◊˙¥◊ ≠÷◊Ê¡◊≠`◊ä d◊≤◊y π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ ©u¡◊@ > ≠¡◊ÊQ◊–d◊˛ä¡◊–≤◊u~◊ ‘h Ü÷◊d◊˙~◊≠¡◊˙≠S ~◊–¡◊M ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊≤◊y π@Ø Ä≠·◊_Êd◊ > @˙©h‹≥`◊˙ Ü÷◊ d◊≤◊y N≤◊N˛ ¡◊–§◊˙≠¡, ÷F◊Ë⁄, ÉEÎ◊ d◊˙í@ ·œ◊˜ ⁄–@d◊˙≠@ ¡◊≤◊–‹≥`◊˙ ÷◊˙Î◊÷◊˙Î◊ ~◊–@˙π·◊ §◊˙≠¡◊ Ä¡◊–÷◊˙@u ÄS≥B˙≠~◊ Ä¡◊≠‘ Ä˙‘–˛d◊ N_d◊ºŒF◊≈◊’ ·◊˙Nä§◊˙≠¡◊ ~◊–d◊ä π@–b˙Øu ÷◊Î◊~◊˙ Äd◊ud◊ ~◊–d◊ä ~◊¡◊ π·◊≠Oπ Ä˙π˙d◊ ‘œõ◊Î◊˙≤◊u~◊, ~◊–≠·◊’˙r `◊uÎ◊˙≠@ @d◊ ¡◊–‘_©sd◊@ Ø≤◊˙‘ê◊– `˙Näñ @hQ◊–@ ¡◊–Î◊˙N NFO< ~◊–sF˜ ≠Δ˙©~◊˙ > π˛d◊–§◊˙N Q◊˙≤◊y π≠ø π˛è◊¤ Nd◊ä÷h◊ ≠§◊·◊§◊˙≠¡◊ π˛÷◊˙‘–`◊˙ Ä≠·◊_Êd◊≠¡◊˙S@ Ä≠§◊·◊ ¡◊–÷◊Q◊ @Øä NN<–d◊ ¡◊–Î◊˙N > π˛d◊–@Fπ≤◊u~◊ Ü÷◊ π@Ø Nd◊ä@ §◊s∂ Ä…‘@F≠π d◊˙≤◊˙ ÷◊≠`◊≠≤◊Ω N÷◊Î◊ ‹≥≠`◊ N¡h◊ ©u¡◊ Ü÷◊ Ä]— Nd◊ä@ π˛è◊¤ ~◊–sF˜§◊˙≠¡◊ π@–πFC◊’ @˙‘– > N÷◊Î◊ N…ˆr’ d◊≤◊y Nh~◊–¢◊–d◊ Ü÷◊ NØ@N Ä˙`◊–ú◊≠~◊ @hQ◊–@ ¡◊Î◊≠l ØSh@ π˛bl ·◊_≠J◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ π@–bd◊ > N…sd◊–÷◊˙@–bu Ü÷◊ Ä≠§◊·◊ Ø˙Sh@u ¡◊–≠§◊·◊@ §◊˙≠¡◊ ≠·◊`◊˙ ≠OØ@ ¡◊–§◊¡◊ > N…÷◊Ë N…÷h◊Î◊ ≠‘r Ø–Î◊~◊ ≠@]˙≠@ Ä¥◊–Ø ¡◊–@d◊– Δ˙ÜΩ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ¡◊–Î◊N–d◊ N≠¡◊’˙≈◊Ø ÷◊˛uŸ˙ Δ≤◊y ·◊–¡◊ä Ä˙k`◊lñ Ä˙S˙@–d◊ Ä˙k`◊˙≠§◊ ≤h◊Ü Éf˙@–d◊ 149

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150 Whose blissful undivided sweetness feels A communality of the Absolute. There was no sob of suffering anywhere; Experience ran from point to point of joy: Bliss was the pure undying truth of things. All Nature was a conscious front of God: A wisdom worked in all, self-moved, self-sure, A plenitude of illimitable Light, An authenticity of intuitive Truth, A glory and passion of creative Force. Infallible, leaping from eternity, The moment’s thought inspired the passing act. A word, a laughter, sprang from Silence’ breast, A rhythm of Beauty in the calm of Space, A knowledge in the fathomless heart of Time. All turned to all without reserve’s recoil: A single ecstasy without a break, Love was a close and thrilled identity In the throbbing heart of all that luminous life.

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




Ü÷◊d◊_ π@Ø˙~◊o◊ Nh]˙¡◊≤◊ Δ˙í@ Ä¡◊–è◊–¤ ØSh@d◊˙ ÷◊≠@ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ πh Î◊ π˛N˙@ Ü÷◊ π@Ø N≈◊˙@ > Δ»b˙, ¡◊–Î◊˙π ÷◊˙≤◊y ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠N ∫◊˙≠¡◊ > ‘–]@h ‘–]≠@ d◊≤◊y ≤◊r’ π˛≠Ø˙·◊@ π˛S˙¡◊–d◊ ≠≤◊É‹≥`◊˙ ·◊–¡◊ä Ä~h◊§F◊d◊– > Ä˙~◊o◊≤◊y ‹≥`◊˙ d◊≤◊y N¡h◊ ¡◊–rl@ Ä¡◊–÷œ◊d◊, Ä¡◊–~◊˙‘u N˙@d◊j Nd◊ä > ~◊–]≥Î◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊– ‹≥`◊˙ π@Øπh@hr ñ πh≠@˙§◊˙s N≠Q◊d◊~◊ N®h] ¡◊–§◊˙¡◊ > N÷◊Î◊ N≈◊˙≠@ @≤◊– ‹≥`◊˙ ÷◊–˛l˙@d◊˙ N_l…Q◊Î◊˙ π˛™˙ Ä˙k-π˛d◊äl-π˛d◊–B˙, Ä©N˛, ÄNuØ, É@h≠©ä˙d◊–@ πFC◊’d◊˙, ≠¡◊˙S≥© π@Ø Nd◊ä ¡◊˙g¡◊ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙, @Q◊l–d◊˛u Ø≤◊˙‘ê◊– N…≠¡◊s, Ø≤◊–Ø˙ > ħ◊˛˙¥◊ Ä≠Ø˙ˆ Q◊–¥◊˙ Ob¡◊–≠‘r@ ≠·◊Å `◊Ó◊ Q◊–@¥◊~◊ Nd◊ä@ ¡◊O@h ~◊‘_@ Ä⁄˙lu ÷◊Ø’ ÷◊`◊˙ π˛≠Q◊˙·◊–d◊ > ·◊–¡◊ä ~◊u@¡◊d◊˙ s§h◊’ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Éf˙@–d◊ ≤◊˙Nä à ‘¡◊·◊, ‘˙¥◊ į@ π˛N˙≠@ d◊˙≠Î◊ d◊˙≠Î◊ ØSh øo◊ ·◊–¡◊ä NhrØ˙@, ™˙~◊·◊uD– Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊ Äd◊Î◊ Ø@≠Ø > ©hshπÍN˙ ¡◊–@˙s‘F~◊ä ‹≥≠`◊ d◊≤◊y N¡h◊ N÷◊Î◊@ ħ◊–Øh]; ¡◊–@d◊–¡◊–≤◊u~◊ @N@ Ø≈◊d◊˙@F≠π ÉEÎ◊ ©u¡◊≠~◊ ªo◊–d◊ ≤œ◊·◊l Ø≠Ú ‹≥`◊˙ Nh~◊–¡◊–Ÿ ≠@˙Ø˙G≥d◊ Ä~◊~◊äd◊˙, N˙Δh©ä π˛bl >


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


152 A universal vision that unites, A sympathy of nerve replying to nerve, Hearing that listens to thought’s inner sound And follows the rhythmic meanings of the heart, A touch that needs not hands to feel, to clasp, Were there the native means of consciousness And heightened the intimacy of soul with soul. A grand orchestra of spiritual powers, A diapason of soul-interchange Harmonised a Oneness deep, immeasurable. In these new worlds projected he became A portion of the universal gaze, A station of the all-inhabiting light, A ripple on a single sea of peace.

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




¡◊–‘_Øl ·œ◊¸– Ü÷◊ N…≠Δ˙s÷◊˙@–bu, N…≠¡◊·◊~◊˙ π@ª@ ~◊˙Ÿu@ ªo◊≠~◊, ª‘’ Δ˙í@ π˛≠l˙©~◊ ~◊˙≤◊y ≤◊g ÷◊˙í@ Ä˙`◊–ú◊~◊ ≠¡◊˙S π˙ÅΩ ñ ÜN¡h◊ ≠N∫◊˙≠@ N≤◊©-÷◊@b@F≠π ©u¡◊ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@ ÷◊@h‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊–÷◊‘–d◊, ɤd◊, Éè◊–˛d◊ π@ª@ Ä˙k˙ Ø≠Ú N]ä ~◊–¡◊–Ÿd◊˙ > N®–Î◊–d◊ Ä˙k‘ê◊– N…sud◊ ØFè◊’~◊˙, π@ª@ Ä˙k·◊˙~◊ ‘˛¡◊bNh§◊sN_@s˛˙Ø @Qh◊‹≥`◊˙ ·◊–¡◊ä NØ~◊_≠l Äπ˛≠Øl Nhs§◊u@ ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ Ü÷◊d◊˙ > ħ◊–~◊¡◊ ≠N ©s≠d◊ π˛¡◊–¸ @˙©r–’ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ Ä…‘ Ü÷◊ ¡◊–‘_ Ä¡◊s˙≤◊u Ä˙d◊d◊ ·œ◊¸–@; N¡◊’ Ä˙S˙≠@ ~◊–≤◊–d◊ ≠©ä˙d◊–@ Ä˙ª·◊, Ü÷◊ ¡◊uQ◊–@ ¡◊–§◊ú Ü÷◊˙¥◊ π˛‘˙¥◊ ⁄–@ ©Î◊S≥ É@≠N > (ÄNØ˙D)


3rd Final : 24/10/2009



3rd Final : 24/10/2009




Q◊dh◊‹’ Ns’ :

·◊–¡◊ä·◊‘’~◊ à ¡◊@`◊˙§◊

ÌÄ‘_πd◊– ¡◊–‘_©u¡◊~◊Δ™@ πh≠@˙S˙, N<@b˙d◊ud◊ ÷◊˙Î◊@h Q◊˙`◊–Ä˙Nh‹≥¡◊˙ Ä˙Ú˙k–÷◊ Ürb˙@ Äs˛bu ≠~◊d◊˙, ‘˛uÄ@¡◊–o◊ö◊ §◊˙r˙≠@, ‘One in the front of the immemorial quest’ > d◊˙ö◊@ `◊Oä ©Ÿ÷h◊ ©l ÷◊@– d◊˙í Éπ≠@ Ä˙Ú˙k–÷◊ N˙Ø˛˙©ä@ ·œ◊˜π˛d◊–B˙ (...the empire of the soul on matter.) ≠N Ü≤◊– Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä Nfi˙·◊~◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙≠@ ¡◊˛d◊u ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊–©÷h◊ Ü÷◊ ·◊uˆ’ ·h◊¢◊@ d◊πNä˙ §◊–d◊≠@ ~◊–Øû–d◊ ÷◊@– @]≥‹≥≠`◊ > Ü≤◊– d◊–˛π¡◊’˙ N˙S~◊˙@ π˛‹Ø πΔ’ä˙l≠@ ≠N Ä˙k–÷◊ Øhê◊– `◊˙§◊ ÷◊@–ø¥◊–, ·◊_–d◊ul πΔ’ä˙l≠@ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@ NFO< ≠`◊˙÷◊-≠`◊˙÷˙¥◊@≠@ ¡◊–Q◊@b ÷◊@– ≠NN¡h◊@ d◊j≠@ Ä¡◊s˙≤◊~◊ ÷◊@– N–M ≠≤◊˙Åø¥◊– > dœ◊d◊ul π¡◊’≠@ ≠N d◊˙ö◊@ Nh÷◊∫◊–~◊, Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ `◊Oä N˙S~◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ¡◊–‘_π˛N¡◊–d◊˛u Ä˙‡˙‘ê◊– π@≠Ø‘_@u N˙¡◊–d◊˛uöh◊ N˙O˙dÍ◊÷◊˙@ ÷◊@– ¡◊@`◊˙§◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙ªœ≤◊˙ ≠π˙rb ÷◊@–ø¥◊– > ≠N≤◊– Ä˙ªœ≤◊˙ d◊–≠~◊˙Ë– Ns’≠@ ¡◊C◊–’d◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø– > 4‹’ Ns’≠@ ≠N≤◊– ¡◊ä˙÷h◊Î◊ π˛˙‹’~◊˙@ É≈◊@ Ø–Î◊–ø– > Ä‘_πd◊– ©sû~◊~◊uö◊@ N˙O˙dÍ◊ Ä¡◊d◊@b@ N_u÷œ◊d◊– π@Ø π˛N˙·◊@F≠π `◊˙§◊ ÷◊@–ø¥◊– > Ü≤◊– ¡◊@ `◊˙§◊@ Á◊Î◊N_@Fπ Δ‹˙ NØl≠@ ≠N ÷◊~◊ä˙@F≠π Ä¡◊d◊uC◊’˙ Ä˙‡˙‘ê◊–öh◊ `◊˙§◊ ÷◊@–ø¥◊– à Ü≤◊– N˙¡◊–d◊˛u≤◊y π@¡◊≈◊’u ÷◊˙Î◊≠@ Nd◊ä¡◊˙~Í◊ö◊ N≤◊ Ø–Î◊–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ÄQ◊–d◊–@ ‘ê◊– Éπ≠@ Q◊@Ø ¡◊–©l `◊˙§◊ ÷◊@– Nd◊ä@˙©ä π˛d◊–B˙ ÷◊@–ø¥◊– > - Ä~h◊¡◊˙·◊÷◊±


3rd Final : 24/10/2009



The Vision and the Boon THEN suddenly there rose a sacred stir. Amid the lifeless silence of the Void In a solitude and an immensity A sound came quivering like a loved footfall Heard in the listening spaces of the soul; A touch perturbed his fibres with delight. An Influence had approached the mortal range, A boundless Heart was near his longing heart, A mystic Form enveloped his earthly shape. All at her contact broke from silence’ seal; Spirit and body thrilled identified, Linked in the grasp of an unspoken joy; Mind, members, life were merged in ecstasy. Intoxicated as with nectarous rain His nature’s passioning stretches flowed to her, Flashing with lightnings, mad with luminous wine. All was a limitless sea that heaved to the moon. A divinising stream possessed his veins, His body’s cells awoke to spirit sense, Each nerve became a burning thread of joy: Tissue and flesh partook beatitude.

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




Q◊dh◊‹’ Ns’

·◊–¡◊ä·◊‘’~◊ à ¡◊@`◊˙§◊ d◊˙íπ≠@ N≤◊N˙ d◊≤◊y π¡◊–d◊˛ ªo◊~◊ ©˙s–`◊˙ ≠N π˛˙b≤◊u~◊ ‘F~◊ä ~◊u@¡◊d◊˙ ≠§◊·◊÷◊@– Nh¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ¡◊–©~◊ ¡◊–d◊˙≠~◊ π˛≠¡◊‘–`◊˙ ‹@– ~◊˙·◊ π–˛l π·◊S_~◊– ‘h≠§◊ Δ‹˙ NØ˙≤◊–d◊ Ä¥◊@ ‘˛¡◊≠b ª≠‘’ Ü÷◊ d◊»u N¡h◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ä˙≠`◊˙Ÿ–d◊ Ä˙~◊o◊ Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘, ÷◊˙≤◊y ·F◊@h ·◊–¡◊ä≠`◊˙÷h◊ π˛§◊˙¡◊ Áh◊Ë–`◊˙ d◊≤◊y Ø≈◊’ä π@–N≠@ > ÄNuØ ≤œ◊·◊l Ü÷◊ Ä˙÷h◊Î◊ Ø@Ø π˙≠‘ Ä˙N– ≠≤◊`◊˙ ɧ◊˙, π˙‹≥’¡◊ Ä˙÷◊˙@ Q◊Éπ˙≠‘ ≠ˆ@– @≠≤◊ Ä‘@u@u @Fπ; ~◊u@¡◊d◊˙ Øh·◊˛˙ s`◊˙ §◊˙©– ≠N π@≠‘ > Ä¡◊äê◊ É`◊∑˙N ¡◊˙≤h◊π˙≠‘ ≠≤◊˙Å ≠Δ˙Ÿ˙ Ü÷◊˙÷◊˙@ Ä˙k˙d◊~h◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ‘–≤◊@–d◊ > Ø~◊π˛˙b Ä¡◊l¡◊ Øû–≠`◊ @§◊≠N > ¡◊–·h◊ä≠d◊ n`◊÷◊–, Ø≈◊ ≠©ä˙d◊–@ Ä˙N≠¡◊ ≠·◊¡◊u Ø≠Ú s≠`◊ ¡◊≤◊– ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙π˛¡◊˙≤◊ ÄØœd◊ ¡◊r’≠b Ä¡◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Å ÉPuπ–d◊ > Q◊≠o◊˛ Q◊˙≤◊y Ø≤◊˙N–Õh◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ÷◊– Éè◊Î ? ‘–@˙ π˛‘–@˙≠@ ¡◊≠≤◊ Øo◊˙÷◊–~◊u S˙@˙ > ‘@u@@ ≠÷◊˙≠r ©˙≠s Ä˙k˙@ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ N∂˙lh NF≠d◊˛ É≠∫◊ ©Î◊– πh`◊÷◊@ ‘–]˙ Ø˙…N≠π‘u Ø≤◊˙~◊o◊ ÷◊≠@ Ä˙N_˙·◊~◊


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


158 Alight, the dun unplumbed subconscient caves Thrilled with the prescience of her longed-for tread And filled with flickering crests and praying tongues. Even lost in slumber, mute, inanimate His very body answered to her power. The One he worshipped was within him now: Flame-pure, ethereal-tressed, a mighty Face Appeared and lips moved by immortal words; Lids, Wisdom’s leaves, drooped over rapture’s orbs. A marble monument of ponderings, shone A forehead, sight’s crypt, and large like ocean’s gaze Towards Heaven, two tranquil eyes of boundless thought Looked into man’s and saw the god to come. A Shape was seen on threshold Mind, a Voice Absolute and wise in the heart’s chambers spoke: “O Son of Strength who climbst creation’s peaks, No soul is thy companion in the light; Alone thou standest at the eternal doors. What thou hast won is thine, but ask no more. O Spirit aspiring in an ignorant frame, O Voice arisen from the Inconscient’s world, How shalt thou speak for men whose hearts are dumb,

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




g¡◊~◊˙≠·◊ §◊@– πhb– ÷◊fi–d◊ ‘–]˙≠@ Ä˙S˙@ Äd◊Î◊ ·◊@– Ä¡◊≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@ Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ É∫◊–≠`◊ ‹@– `◊§◊– πF¡◊’˙§◊˙N π˛d◊ä˙‘–d◊ §◊s¡◊d◊u ‘h§◊ Ä˙sØ~◊ > NhD–≠@ ©Ÿ–d◊, ØF÷◊, ~◊–©’u¡◊ ‘@u@ ‘ê◊–@ Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘ ØÚ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ©˙s@–d◊ > Ä˙@˙S≥d◊˙ ≠·◊¡◊u Ü≠¡◊ Ä¥◊≠@ Ä˙Nu~◊˙ > Äs∂–‘h§◊˛˙ ≠¡◊ä˙Ø≠÷◊‘u, Ø≠≤◊‘_@u-Øh] Ä˙s≠@ É∫◊–`◊˙ Áh◊Ë–, ÄØ@ ¡◊˙bu≠@ ÄS@ ÷◊fi–d◊, Nh]ˆ~◊-≠X◊˙Î◊˙ π≠@ π˛™˙πd◊˛ π@– Y◊≠Î◊ Ä˙]≥πd◊˙ ·h◊Å ≠‘˙≠≤◊ §◊˙`◊, NØ˙≤◊–d◊ Ú˙~◊@ π˛d◊u÷◊ ≠]˙·◊–d◊ ØØ’@ ‘–Î◊˙, ·œ◊¸– Nhs§◊u@ N–Õh◊ NØ N_s’Øh]u, ‘˙¥◊ Nh¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ÄNuØ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙Î◊~◊* ~◊–≠@]≥ Ø˙~◊¡◊ ~◊l≠~◊ ≠·◊]≥`◊˙ d◊≤◊y ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ Ä˙sd◊ > Ø~◊@ ≠·◊≤◊Î◊u π≠@ ØF≈◊–’ ¡◊–@˙©–d◊˙ ≠·◊¡◊u÷◊£h◊ π˛Œh◊@–d◊ ≤œ◊·◊l ÷◊o◊≠@ Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ π@ØNd◊ä π˛™˙@ ¡◊Q◊~◊ ëëNœ¸– ‘–≠] Ä˙≠@˙≤◊u ≠≤◊ ‘ê◊–@ N¥◊˙~◊ ≠©ä˙d◊–π≠‹ dh◊Ø@ ≠÷◊ ~◊˙≤◊y N≤◊Δ˙d◊˛u ‘˙‘_d◊ ·h◊Ä˙@ Ä˙≠s dh◊≠Ø É§◊˙ Ü÷◊˙ `◊§◊–ø Δ˙, ≠N dh◊Ø@, Ø˙s ~◊˙≤◊y ≠¡◊‘– > ≠≤◊ Ä˙k˙ ! Ä˙‘˙lu Ñ≠Z◊’ Ä™˙~◊ Ä˙S˙≠@ ≠≤◊ É·Í◊s˙d◊˙ ! É∫◊–ø ≠Δ ÄQ◊–d◊– ©sdh◊ ÷◊≤◊–¡◊ ≠÷◊N≠~◊ dh◊≠Ø Ø˙~◊¡◊ N÷◊˙≠‘ ≤œ◊≠·◊ Δ˙@ Áh◊≠Ë ~◊˙≤◊y Ä˙ªœ≤◊˙@ §◊˙r˙ * §◊˙¡◊~◊˙Î◊~◊ : §◊˙¡◊~◊˙@ π@˙÷◊˙B˙, Q◊@Ø NØ‹’ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ > 159

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160 Make purblind earth the soul’s seer-vision’s home Or lighten the burden of the senseless globe? I am the Mystery beyond reach of mind, I am the goal of the travail of the suns; My fire and sweetness are the cause of life. But too immense my danger and my joy. Awake not the immeasurable descent, Speak not my secret name to hostile Time; Man is too weak to bear the Infinite’s weight. Truth born too soon might break the imperfect earth. Leave the all-seeing Power to hew its way: In thy single vast achievement reign apart Helping the world with thy great lonely days. I ask thee not to merge thy heart of flame In the Immobile’s wide uncaring bliss, Turned from the fruitless motion of the years, Deserting the fierce labour of the worlds, Aloof from beings, lost in the Alone. How shall thy mighty spirit brook repose While Death is still unconquered on the earth And Time a field of suffering and pain? Thy soul was born to share the laden Force; Obey thy nature and fulfil thy fate: Accept the difficulty and godlike toil,

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




÷◊@–¡◊ ÷◊–π@– πœ‹_u ·◊–¡◊ä·◊˛¸˙ πh@u ~◊–≠¡◊’˙S ©sd◊§◊˙@ ≠÷◊N≠~◊ `◊˙ˆ¡◊ ? Ø~◊@ ÄsØä ØhΩ ≠Δ @≤◊Nä-s≤◊~◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ `◊Oä ÷◊@– ˆF≠@ Ä˙·◊–d◊äØ—Î◊ ¡◊–‘_©u¡◊~◊@ ≠≤◊dh◊ ≠Ø˙ d◊˙π Ø˙Sh@u Ø≤◊˙§◊lö◊@u ØhΩ ≠Δ Ø≤◊˙Nh]Ølu > ÷◊@ ~◊˙≤◊y ©˙s@–d◊ Ø≤◊˙‘ê◊–-π˙d◊ ~◊ ‘hb˙Ä sF˜~◊˙Ø π˛d◊–÷F◊Î◊ ÷◊˙≠Î◊ ·h◊¡◊’Î◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ Äd◊–, ¡◊≤◊– ≠N ~◊ π˙≠@ ≠÷◊≠¡◊≠≤◊≠`◊ §F◊Ø˙§◊˙@, Ä÷◊˙Î◊ N…§F◊d◊ Nd◊ä‘ê◊– §◊˙ú◊–≠·◊¡◊ Ä‘hM S@bu > N¡◊’™˙ ‘÷◊d◊– Δ˙É d◊˙ π≠‹ ¡◊–Q◊@– Ø≤◊˙N–M– `◊§◊– dh◊ ≠d◊˙ ¡◊–¡◊–ê◊ ©u¡◊≠~◊ N˙¡◊’≠§◊˝Ø ≠≤◊˙Å ÷◊@ ¡◊–‘_÷h◊ N˙≤◊˙Δä > ØhΩ Q◊˙≠≤◊Ω ~◊– ≠≤◊˙Å dh◊ Ü ©sdh◊ É·◊˙N ÷◊˙Î◊@ ~◊–ßÎ◊ sd◊–π‹h ~◊–≠© ≤◊Ë– ©sd◊@ @h·◊˛‘˛Ø ø˙Ÿ–, Äs∂–≤◊–Ä˙ Ø–‘˙Å dh◊ ≠·◊¡h◊ ≠d◊˙@ ≠÷◊Ê¡◊≠`◊ä ¡◊–Î◊N– ~◊– fi É·◊˙@ ‘˙¥◊ ~◊–¢–¥◊ πh`◊≠÷◊ > πœ‹_uπ≠@ Ü≠¡◊ ØÚ Ä©–d◊ Ø@b Δhs Δhs S@– Q◊˙≠`◊ πuŸ˙ à N…d◊˙π ¡◊–@˙Ë ≠d◊˙ Ä˙k˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊ π˙@–¡◊ ÷◊– ‹Ø– ? sh@h‘ê◊–§◊˙su @F≠π `◊§◊–ø– ©~◊Ø Ä˙k˙ ≠d◊˙@, Ä~h◊N@– N_§◊˙¡◊ ≠d◊˙≤◊@ π@–πFC◊’ ÷◊@ ≠d◊˙@ ©u¡◊~◊ ~◊–ld◊– > ÷◊∫◊–~◊d◊˙ ¡◊@, ¡◊@ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ N˙S~◊˙ > N¡◊’÷◊˙Î◊ ~◊l≠~◊ Δ˙ N·◊˙ π˛d◊–§◊˙d◊ ¡◊G≥@≤◊ ≠N ØA◊@ ¡◊–S≥@ É≠P≠‘ä >


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


162 For the slow-paced omniscient purpose live. The Enigma’s knot is tied in humankind. A lightning from the heights that think and plan, Ploughing the air of life with vanishing trails, Man, sole awake in an unconscious world, Aspires in vain to change the cosmic dream. Arrived from some half-luminous Beyond He is a stranger in the mindless vasts; A traveller in his oft-shifting home Amid the tread of many infinities, He has pitched a tent of life in desert Space. Heaven’s fixed regard beholds him from above, In the house of Nature a perturbing guest, A voyager twixt Thought’s inconstant shores, A hunter of unknown and beautiful Powers, A nomad of the far mysterious Light, In the wide ways a little spark of God. Against his spirit all is in dire league, A Titan influence stops his Godward gaze. Around him hungers the unpitying Void, The eternal Darkness seeks him with her hands, Inscrutable Energies drive him and deceive, Immense implacable deities oppose. An inert Soul and a somnambulist Force Have made a world estranged from life and thought;

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π@Ø @≤◊Nä s˛A◊– Ø˙~◊≠¡◊ s˛‹≥d◊ > §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ ÷◊À◊~◊˙ ≠`◊˙÷h◊ ÑZ◊’ ©sd◊@h ÄπNœlØ˙b ≠@]˙ π≠ø @]≥ d◊˙í@ π˛˙b÷h◊ ÷◊r–’d◊ ÷◊@– Obπ˛§◊˙ NØ Ä≠¡◊˙S ©s≠d◊ Ü÷◊˙ ©˙s˛d◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ Ü ¡◊–‘_ ©sd◊ N_π∂ Ø≤◊˙ π˛≠≤◊Î◊–÷◊˙ ¡◊·◊Î◊˙Å¡◊˙÷h◊ ÷◊≠@ ¡œ◊‹˙ d◊˙í Ä˙ªœ≤◊˙ > Ä˙N– ÷◊˙≤h◊Ω ÄM’·◊uD ≠N π˙@ ©sdh◊ Äπ˛≠÷◊d◊ Ø≤◊˙¡◊–≠‘_ Ø˙~◊¡◊ ¡◊–≠·◊‘u > Ä⁄–@ Ä˙Î◊l d◊˙í@, ÄNuØ π˛N˙≠@ ©u¡◊~◊@ d◊¯h d◊˙í@ ≠π˙d◊–ø– Ø˙~◊¡◊ Ø≤◊˙ Ø@h§F◊Ø– π≠@, Nh·F◊@ Ä˙÷◊˙‘h N_s’⁄–@ ·œ◊¸– d◊˙í≠@ ~◊–≠@≠] ~◊–@d◊ > ¡◊–πm¡◊u Äd◊–‹≥ ≠N ≠Δ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ πh≠@; Q◊–¥◊˙@ Q◊GÎ◊ ≠¡◊Î◊˙ §F◊Ø– ·h◊Å π˙≠‘ Øn–≠@ ≠N Δ˙Ü §◊˙N–, Ä™˙d◊ Nho◊@ ‘ê◊–@ NÕ◊˙~◊u ~◊@, @≤◊Nä s≤◊~◊ ·F◊@ ≠©ä˙d◊– Ä˙≠‘ øh≠Ë Δ˙Δ˙¡◊@ π@– ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ Œh◊`◊–ú◊ ≠N ¡◊–‘_ Ø≤◊˙π≠‹ Ä˙k˙@ ¡◊–@h≠M d◊˙í@ @Q◊– rŸΔ» Ø–Î◊–d◊ N÷◊≠Î◊, Ø≤◊˙ ·◊˙~◊¡◊ π˛§◊˙¡◊ π˛d◊–≤◊d◊ ÷◊≠@ d◊˙í@ ≠·◊¡◊Øh]u ·œ◊¸– > Øh] d◊˙í ¡◊ä˙·◊˙~◊ ÷◊@– @≠≤◊ Q◊Éπ˙≠‘ ~◊– @hb Ø≤◊˙‘F~◊ä OhS˙≠@ Ä˙dh◊@ ≤◊g@ ÷◊¡◊≠Î◊ Q◊˙≤◊y Q◊–@ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@; sF˜‘ê◊– Q◊˙Î◊– d◊˙í≠@ ÷◊≠@ π˛¡◊G≥d◊ π˛d◊–≠@˙S ÷◊≠@ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ És˛ ≠·◊¡◊‘ê◊– > ~◊– –˛l πh@hr ÄÕ◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊– ɧ◊l π˛˙b à Ø~◊÷h◊ ~◊–Ü ©sd◊@h ·F◊≠@ > 163

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164 The Dragon of the dark foundations keeps Unalterable the law of Chance and Death; On his long way through Time and Circumstance The grey-hued riddling nether shadow-Sphinx, Her dreadful paws upon the swallowing sands, Awaits him armed with the soul-slaying word: Across his path sits the dim camp of Night. His day is a moment in perpetual Time; He is the prey of the minutes and the hours. Assailed on earth and unassured of heaven, Descended here unhappy and sublime, A link between the demigod and the beast, He knows not his own greatness nor his aim; He has forgotten why he has come and whence. His spirit and his members are at war; His heights break off too low to reach the skies, His mass is buried in the animal mire. A strange antinomy is his nature’s rule. A riddle of opposites is made his field: Freedom he asks but needs to live in bonds, He has need of darkness to perceive some light And need of grief to feel a little bliss; He has need of death to find a greater life. All sides he sees and turns to every call; He has no certain light by which to walk; His life is a blind-man’s-buff, a hide-and-seek; He seeks himself and from himself he runs;

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ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@ §◊–≈◊–ØF≠Î◊ @≠≤◊ Ø≤◊˙Nh@ ÄËÎ◊ @]≥ d◊˙í Øœdh◊ä ~◊–ld◊– ~◊–lØ > ÷◊˙Î◊ π@–≠¡◊‘ Ø≠Ú ·◊uˆ’ π‹ π≠@ Ä˙k~◊˙‘÷◊˙@u ¡◊˙≠÷◊ä ‘‰–bu ÷◊@˙Î◊ π·◊@]≥ N¡◊’s˛˙Nu Ø@h¡h◊÷h◊ π≠@ Ä≠πO˙ ÷◊@–ø– d◊˙÷h◊ SFN@ π˛≠≤◊Î◊u π˙d◊˙Î◊ π˛d◊–Ø˙ ÄM’-~◊˙@u ≠÷◊‘@–bu > π‹π≠@ ¡◊N–@≠≤◊ ÷◊Î◊˙@˙d◊–˛ ≠N~◊˙ > ©u¡◊~◊ d◊˙í ·◊≠— Ø˙d◊˛ Ä~◊¥◊ ÷◊˙Î◊≠@ > NØl-‘–÷◊˙@u ≠N ≠Δ Ø≠@ π≠Î◊ π≠Î◊ > Ä˙÷◊˛˙¥◊ πœ‹≥¡◊uπ≠@ N_s’ Ä~◊–¢◊–d◊ Ä˙N–ø– ≠N Ä¡◊d◊@– ·h◊º]u NhØ≤◊˙~◊ ÄM’≠·◊¡◊ π‘h Ø≠Ú ≠Δ˙sNFd◊˛ ~◊@ ©˙≠b ~◊– ≠N `◊Oä d◊˙í@ Ä¡◊˙ d◊˙í Ø≤◊–Ø˙ > ©~◊Ø@ É≠P‘ä d◊˙í Éf πhb– d◊˙í@ §h◊`◊–ø– ≠N, ΔhM@d◊ Ä˙k˙ Ä¡◊l¡◊ > Ñ≠Z◊’ Δ˙É Δ˙É Ü≠d◊ ~◊u≠Q◊ ≠N πŸÅ ~◊§◊ª‘’ ÷◊@–¡◊˙ d◊˙í π≠O ÄN}¡◊ N≈◊˙ d◊˙í@ Xh◊¡◊–@≠≤◊ π˙‘¡◊ ÷◊·◊’≠Ø π˛÷œ◊d◊–≠@ @≠≤◊ N·◊˙ ÄÒh◊d◊ ¡◊–≠@˙S > ©u¡◊~◊@ ≠Od◊˛ d◊˙í@ ·◊_J◊@ π˛≠≤◊Î◊u Δ˙≠Q◊ ≠N Øh÷◊d◊– ÷◊–¥h◊ π˙≠‘ @≠≤◊ πŸ– Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ ≠·◊]≥¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ≠`◊˙≠Ÿ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@ Ë–÷◊–Ü É`◊∑˙N π˙ÅΩ ≠`◊˙Ÿ˙ d◊˙í ¡◊–r˙·◊ Ø≤◊≈◊@ π˛˙b π˙ÅΩ ≠`◊˙Ÿ˙ d◊˙í Ø@b ≠·◊]≥ ≠N N÷◊Î◊ ·◊–s ©˙≠s π˛d◊– X◊˙≠÷◊ ~◊–¢–◊d◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ ~◊˙≤◊y Q◊˙`◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ d◊˙í@ ©u¡◊~◊Ë˙ ÄÕ◊≠]Î◊ S÷Í◊÷◊˙ `h◊Q◊÷◊˙Î◊– ~◊–©÷h◊ Q◊˙≠≤◊Ω ≠N ÷◊–¥h◊ øh≠Ë ~◊–©∫◊˙@h 165

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166 Meeting himself, he thinks it other than he. Always he builds, but finds no constant ground, Always he journeys, but nowhere arrives; He would guide the world, himself he cannot guide; He would save his soul, his life he cannot save. The light his soul had brought his mind has lost; All he has learned is soon again in doubt; A sun to him seems the shadow of his thoughts, Then all is shadow again and nothing true: Unknowing what he does or whither he tends He fabricates signs of the Real in Ignorance. He has hitched his mortal error to Truth’s star. Wisdom attracts him with her luminous masks, But never has he seen the face behind: A giant Ignorance surrounds his lore. Assigned to meet the cosmic mystery In the dumb figure of a material world, His passport of entry false and his personage, He is compelled to be what he is not; He obeys the Inconscience he had come to rule And sinks in Matter to fulfil his soul. Awakened from her lower driven forms The Earth-Mother gave her forces to his hands And painfully he guards the heavy trust; His mind is a lost torch-bearer on her roads.

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N˙O˙dÍ◊ ~◊–©÷h◊ ÷◊@– ¡◊–Q◊˙@Å π@ @Q◊– N·◊˙ ~◊ π˙Ü ≠N ⁄–@ §◊–≈◊– ÷◊˙≤◊y ~◊ π≤◊≠G ÷◊˙≤◊y ≠≤◊≠`◊ Q◊˙`◊– Ä¡◊–@d◊ Q◊˙≠≤◊ ≠N ≠≤◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ]≥Ä π‹π˛·◊‘’÷◊ ~◊–≠© ÷◊–¥h◊ π˙≠@ ~◊˙≤◊y ~◊–©÷h◊ Q◊Î◊˙Å Ä˙k˙÷h◊ d◊˙@–¡◊ Q◊˙≠≤◊ ©u¡◊~◊÷h◊ @]≥ π˙≠@ ~◊˙≤◊y, Ø~◊ d◊˙í@ §h◊≠`◊ Ä˙k˙≠©ä˙d◊– N¡h◊ ≠N ‘–]Å Δ˙≤◊˙ ≤◊≠© π@O≠b N…‘l≠@, @¡◊– ≠·◊]≥ §◊˙≠¡◊ §◊˙¡◊ø˙l˙ N¡h◊]˙`◊– ø˙l˙ ø˙l˙ Nd◊ä ~h◊≠≤◊Ω ÷◊–ø– ~◊ ©˙b– ≠N ÷◊Ø’ d◊˙í@ Ä¡◊˙ Ä˙§◊–Øh]ä ≠ˆ˙@ Ä™˙~◊≠@ @≠Q◊ Nd◊ä@ π˛d◊u÷◊ ≠Δ˙Ÿ–ø– ≠N §◊˛Ø d◊˙í@ Nd◊ä d◊˙@˙ N≤◊ `h◊¡Í◊S ≠N π˛™˙@ ≠·◊]≥ ·◊uD Ä˙¡◊@b Ä¥◊@˙Î◊ Øh] ÷◊–¥h◊ ≠·◊]≥ ~◊˙≤◊y ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ¡◊–‡˙ d◊˙í@ ≠ˆ@– @≠≤◊ ¡◊–@˙Ë Ä™˙~◊ §◊˙sä d◊˙í@ ≠·◊]≥¡◊ ≠N ~◊–]≥Î◊ @≤◊Nä Ü ©Ÿ πœ‹≥¡◊u ØF÷◊ Ä˙÷◊˙@ §◊–d◊≠@ π˛≠¡◊‘ π˛Ø˙b πd◊˛ Ø–‹ä˙ d◊˙í@ @Fπ ÄNd◊ä, ≠N ¡◊˙Ú ≠≤◊¡◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠N ~◊h≤◊ΩÅ ÄQ◊–d◊–÷h◊ ‘˙N–¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙N– ≠N Ø˙~◊Å Ä˙≠·◊‘ d◊˙í, Xh◊¡◊–@≠≤◊ ©Ÿ@ Äd◊≠Î◊ π@–πFC◊’ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙k˙@ ~◊–ld◊– > ©˙s– d◊˙í Ä¡◊@ @Fπh ©~◊~◊u S@bu ≠·◊`◊˙ d◊˙í@ ≤◊˙≠d◊ §◊@– ≠Δ ‘ê◊– ¡◊–§◊¡◊ @≠] ≠N N…d◊˙≠π ≠N≤◊– Äd◊– sh@h§◊˙@ ·◊–÷Í◊§◊˛˙¥◊ Ø‘˙`◊S˙@u Ø~◊ d◊˙í π‹≠@ >


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168 Illumining breath to think and plasm to feel, He labours with his slow and sceptic brain Helped by the reason’s vacillating fires, To make his thought and will a magic door For knowledge to enter the darkness of the world And love to rule a realm of strife and hate. A mind impotent to reconcile heaven and earth And tied to Matter with a thousand bonds, He lifts himself to be a conscious god. Even when a glory of wisdom crowns his brow, When mind and spirit shed a grandiose ray To exalt this product of the sperm and gene, This alchemist’s miracle from plasm and gas, And he who shared the animal’s run and crawl Lifts his thought-stature to the Immortal’s heights, His life still keeps the human middle way; His body he resigns to death and pain, Abandoning Matter, his too heavy charge. A thaumaturge sceptic of miracles, A spirit left sterile of its occult power By an unbelieving brain and credulous heart, He leaves the world to end where it began: His work unfinished he claims a heavenly prize. Thus has he missed creation’s absolute. Half-way he stops his star of destiny:

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π˛˙≠b ÷◊@– π˛≠Q◊˙·◊–d◊ ≠÷◊˙≠r Ä˙b– ≠¡◊˙S Ä⁄–@ ¡◊–Q◊˙@, ≠d◊© N≤◊˙ld◊˙ ≠~◊Å No◊–sÍS ØA◊@ Ø≠~◊ ÷◊≠@ ≠N Ä˙l˙N Ø˙l˙@ ·h◊Ä˙@ @Q◊– §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ N…÷◊≠À◊ ™˙~◊ ≠N Ä˙b–¡◊ ¡◊≤◊– d◊Ø–N˛ ©s≠d◊ ˆœb˙ ·◊_J◊@˙≠©ä ≠π˛Øπ˛§h◊@ ‘˙N~◊ > N_s’Ø≈◊’ä ≠Δ˙Ÿ–¡◊˙≠@ Ø~◊ ÄNØ‹’ N≤◊N˛ ¡◊Õ◊≠~◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ¡◊Õ◊˙ ≠N ©Ÿ≠@ ~◊–©÷h◊ É∫◊˙Å ≠≤◊¡◊ Q◊–~◊<l ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ > §◊˙`◊π≠Ë ØÚ ≠Δ≠¡◊ π˛™˙@ Ø≤◊–Ø˙ ħ◊–r–ê◊ ÷◊≠@ d◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙k˙ à Ø~◊@ Ñ©’N_˙~Í◊ @‘<–≠@]˙ ÷◊≠@ Ø≤◊ul˙~Í◊ @©¡◊u≠Δ’ä s˜˙ ÜÅ Ø˙~◊¡◊ ©u¡◊~◊, @N˙l~◊ Q◊Øe˙@ ¡◊˙w ≠‘˙b–d◊@h π‘hsd◊– Ä~h◊N@– ¡◊˜–ø– ≠Δ πhb– §◊˙¡◊~◊˙≠@ ØÚ Δ·◊– É≠∫◊ ≠·◊¡◊≠`◊˙≠÷◊ d◊‹˙π– Ü Ø˙~◊¡◊@ ØÚØ πA◊˙≠@ ©u¡◊~◊@ S˙@˙ d◊˙í@ ¡◊≠≤◊ ~◊ ¡◊·◊Î◊– > ø˙Ÿ– d◊˙í@ sh@h§◊˙@ Øœb<l Ä˙S˙@ Äsd◊ä˙ Ä≠π’ d◊˙ d◊~h◊ Øœdh◊ä Δ»b˙÷h◊ Δ˙·h◊÷◊@ No◊–sÍS ≠N Q◊Øe˙@–d◊˙≠@ Ä¡◊–‘_˙Nu Ø≠~◊ ÄÕ◊-¡◊–‘_˙Nu ≤œ◊·◊≠l §h◊`◊– d◊˙í@ sF˜‘ê◊– ¡◊uΔ’ä≤◊u~◊ Ä˙k˙ ©sd◊÷h◊ ~◊–©π≠‹ ø˙Ÿ–ø– ≠‘r≠@ ¡◊–`◊u~◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙÷h◊ d◊˙í@ Ä˙·◊– Ä¡◊⁄˙≠@ > ÷◊˙Δ’ä d◊˙í@ ÄNfiFC◊’, N_s’πh@◊˙@ ·◊˙¡◊– d◊˙í@, Ü≤◊–π@– ≤◊@˙Åø– ~◊@ Nd◊ä π@Ø˙‹’ Ü≤◊– ¡◊–‘_ N©’~◊˙@ > ÄS˙-÷◊˙≤◊y-π‹ Ø≠Ú @hM d◊˙ ~◊–ld◊– > 169

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170 A vast and vain long-tried experiment, An ill-served high conception doubtfully done, The world’s life falters on not seeing its goal,— A zigzag towards unknown dangerous ground Ever repeating its habitual walk, Ever retreating after marches long And hardiest victories without sure result, Drawn endlessly an inconclusive game. In an ill-fitting and voluminous robe A radiant purpose still conceals its face, A mighty blindness stumbles hoping on, Feeding its strength on gifts of luminous Chance. Because the human instrument has failed, The Godhead frustrate sleeps within its seed, A spirit entangled in the forms it made. His failure is not failure whom God leads; Through all the slow mysterious march goes on: An immutable Power has made this mutable world; A self-fulfilling transcendence treads man’s road; The driver of the soul upon its path, It knows its steps, its way is inevitable, And how shall the end be vain when God is guide? However man’s mind may tire or fail his flesh,

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




¡◊–‘_@ ©u¡◊~◊ ¡œ◊‹˙ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ π@uO˙ ¡◊≤h◊÷◊˙Îh◊ Q◊˙`◊–ø– d◊˙ ¡◊–@˙Ë ÷◊À◊~◊˙ ~◊–¢◊–d◊ Δ‹˙‹’ §◊˙¡◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊– N˙S≥d◊ > π@–bd◊– ~◊ ≠·◊]≥ d◊˙ Q◊˙≠`◊ ËÎ◊–ËÎ◊– > Ä™˙d◊ ¡◊–π·◊πFC◊’ ≠Od◊˛ ·◊–≠s ¡◊÷◊˛ π‹ π≠@ Q◊˙≠`◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ¡◊˙@…¡◊˙@ ≠N≤◊– ħ◊äg π‹≠@ πhb– ≤◊≠Ë ¡◊˙@¡◊˙@ ·◊uˆ’π‹ Δ–¡◊˙π≠@, Äd◊– Nh÷◊∫◊–~◊ ¡◊–©≠l d◊˙ ~◊˙≤◊y ÷◊–¥h◊ Nh~◊–¢◊–d◊ Á◊Î◊ > ØuØ˙…N˙ ~◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ÷◊–ø– N≠@ ÜÅ ≠]Î◊ > ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ Ä~h◊πΔhê◊ ¡◊N~◊ §◊–d◊≠@ ÉEÎ◊ É≠P‘ä d◊˙í@ `h◊Q◊˙Åø– Øh] nhμ–É∫◊– Ä˙‘˙÷◊@– Äd◊–÷◊˙l ÄÕ◊ Q◊˙`◊–ø– d◊‹˙π– d◊˙÷h◊ Ø–≠Î◊ Δ˙ N≤◊N˙ ‘ê◊–@ N¯Î◊ @F≠π ≠~◊Å π‹π≠@ ~◊–ßÎ◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø– ≠Δbh ~◊–Ø–≈◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ ~◊–@˙≠‘ ≠‘˙Åø– ¡◊u≠© §◊˙s¡◊d◊ N≈◊˙ > Ä˙k˙ ≠N ≠≤◊˙Åø– ¡◊M ~◊–©@ Ä˙÷◊˙≠@ > Ç‘_@ ~◊˙l÷◊ Δ˙@ ¡◊–Á◊Î◊d◊˙ d◊˙í@ ¡◊–Á◊Î◊d◊˙ ~h◊≠≤◊Ω ≠÷◊≠¡◊, N¡h◊@– §◊–d◊≠@ ØA◊@ sd◊–≠@ Q◊˙≠`◊ @≤◊Nä@ Δ˙d◊˛˙ > ÄO@˙ ‘÷◊d◊– Ü÷◊ O@ ©sd◊÷h◊ ÷◊@–ø– @Q◊~◊˙, ¡◊–‘_ Äd◊–s˙ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ πFC◊’ ÷◊@– Ä˙πb˙≠@ ~◊@≠`◊˙≠÷◊ Ä˙k˙@ Q◊˙Î◊÷◊ d◊˙í@ @≤◊– π‹π≠@ Nh~◊–¢◊–d◊ Äl≠~◊ d◊˙ ©˙≠b π·◊≠Oπ, §◊s¡◊˙~Í◊ ≠~◊d◊˙ ≠Δbh ¡œ◊‹˙ ≠÷◊≠¡◊≠≤◊≠`◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ÷◊– d◊˙ π@–bd◊– ? Ø~◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ ‘˛˙¥◊ ≠≤◊É Ä¡◊˙ ≠≤◊É d◊˙í@ ≠·◊≤◊ Äπ˙@s, 171

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172 A will prevails cancelling his conscious choice: The goal recedes, a bourneless vastness calls Retreating into an immense Unknown; There is no end to the world’s stupendous march, There is no rest for the embodied soul. It must live on, describe all Time’s huge curve. An Influx presses from the closed Beyond Forbidding to him rest and earthly ease, Till he has found himself he cannot pause. A Light there is that leads, a Power that aids; Unmarked, unfelt it sees in him and acts: Ignorant, he forms the All-Conscient in his depths, Human, looks up to superhuman peaks: A borrower of Super nature’s gold, He paves his road to Immortality. The high gods look on man and watch and choose Today’s impossibles for the future’s base. His transience trembles with the Eternal’s touch, His barriers cede beneath the Infinite’s tread; The Immortals have their entries in his life: The Ambassadors of the Unseen draw near. A splendour sullied by the mortal air, Love passes through his heart, a wandering guest. Beauty surrounds him for a magic hour, He has visits of a large revealing joy,

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Øb–r@ ~◊–¡◊’˙Q◊~◊ ÷◊˙Ë– Ä¡◊≠‘≠r ©l`˙§◊ ÷◊≠@ Nd◊ä Ä≠Ø˙ˆ N…÷◊À◊ `◊Oä Δ˙Ü ≤◊Ë–, N≈◊˙ ÄNuØ Äπ˙@ ÄπN@– X◊˙÷◊ ·◊–Ü Ä™˙d◊ §F◊Ø˙@h > ¡◊–‘_@ ¡◊–@˙Ë Δ˙d◊˛˙ ~◊ N@Å ≠÷◊≠¡ ‘˛˙¥◊– ~◊˙≤◊y ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ØÚ ‘@u@u Ä˙k˙@ > ¡◊G≥ ≠N @≤◊–¡◊ ~◊–≠¢◊ Q◊˙`◊– Ä¡◊–@d◊ ÷◊˙Î◊@ ¡◊ö◊–Ø Ø≤◊˙ Äl~◊ Éπ≠@ > ¡◊–‘˛˙Ø ¡◊˙@b ÷◊@– πhb– Å≤◊ Nh] S˙@˙ Ä˙≠N Q◊˙π≠·◊Å Øh·◊–d◊ ≠Nπ˙@h > ~◊ π˙Å ~◊–©÷h◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ‹÷◊– ≠N ~◊ π˙≠@ ‘ê◊– Ü÷◊ Äø– Δ˙≤◊˙ ÷◊≠@ N≤◊˙ld◊˙ ≠©ä˙d◊– Ü÷◊ Äø– Δ˙≤◊˙ ~◊–Ü d◊˙÷h◊ Q◊˙Î◊– > ·◊˛¸˙ ≠N ≠Δ Ä`◊O–≠d◊ ÷◊≈◊’˙ Ä©˙b≠d◊ Ä™ ≠N s˜Å ÷◊–¥h◊ N¡◊’™s§◊u≠@ Ø˙~◊¡◊ ≠N ·œ◊¸– Äd◊–Ø˙~◊¡◊ N˙~h◊≠@ > Ä˙b– ≠N ÉS˙@ π@˙π˛÷œ◊d◊– ÷◊~◊÷◊ ÄØœd◊d◊_ π‹ d◊˙í@ ÷◊@Å π–≤◊–d◊ > ~◊@π≠@ ⁄–@ ·œ◊¸– @]≥ ≠·◊¡◊sb `◊Oä @]≥ d◊˙í Éπ≠@ ¡◊˙ø¥◊– d◊˙í π˙ÅΩ §◊¡◊–räd◊ §◊–≈◊–@F≠π Ä˙©–@ ÄN˙Ú > Q◊–@¥◊~ ª≠‘’ d◊˙í@ ‹≠@ ~◊‘_@d◊˙ §F◊Ø˙ π˙·◊π˙≠d◊ ]N– s≠Ÿ d◊˙í Äs’Î◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ π˛≠¡◊‘ π‹ Ø˙~◊¡◊ ©u¡◊~◊ Ä·œ◊¸ ÄØ@ ·Fd◊ Ä˙N¥◊– ~◊–÷◊≠Ë Äd◊–‹≥ NØ˙~◊ d◊˙í@ Ä¥◊≠@ Ä˙NÅ π˛ud◊–@ Ø≤◊–Ø˙ ≠≤◊˙Å Ø≠≈◊’ä ÷◊Îh◊r–d◊ Øh≤F◊≈◊’÷◊ π˙ÅΩ d◊˙÷h◊ ≠ˆ≠@ Ø˙l˙ ‘–@u ≠÷◊≠¡◊≠÷◊≠¡◊ Ä˙≠N Nh] §◊˙N_@ ¡◊–πhÎ◊ > 173

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174 Brief widenesses release him from himself, Enticing towards a glory ever in front Hopes of a deathless sweetness lure and leave. His mind is crossed by strange discovering fires, Rare intimations lift his stumbling speech To a moment’s kinship with the eternal Word; A masque of Wisdom circles through his brain Perturbing him with glimpses half divine. He lays his hands sometimes on the Unknown; He communes sometimes with Eternity. A strange and grandiose symbol was his birth And immortality and spirit-room And pure perfection and a shadowless bliss Are this afflicted creature’s mighty fate. In him the Earth-Mother sees draw near the change Foreshadowed in her dumb and fiery depths, A godhead drawn from her transmuted limbs, An alchemy of Heaven on Nature’s base. Adept of the self-born unfailing line, Leave not the light to die the ages bore, Help still humanity’s blind and suffering life: Obey thy spirit’s wide omnipotent urge.

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~◊–©∫◊˙@h ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ `◊≠§◊ ≠N Øh÷◊d◊– Ob π˙ÅΩ ÷◊@– d◊˙í@ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ É·◊˙@ > N®h≠] Nd◊d◊ Ü÷◊ Ø≤◊–Ø˙ ~◊Q◊˙Å Ä˙‘˙ ≠÷◊≠d◊ π˙Å¡◊˙@ ÄØœd◊ Ø˙Sh@u `h◊¡Í◊S ÷◊@– π@O≠b Δ˙Ü ÄπN@– > Ø≠~◊ Áh◊≠Ë ≠÷◊≠d◊ ≠¡◊˙S≥ ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊; ¡◊–@Î◊-¡◊˙@d◊˙ d◊˙í@ ·h◊¡◊’Î◊ ¡◊Q◊~◊ É∫◊˙Å Éπ≠@ ≠Δ˙≠Ÿ Øh≤F◊≈◊’÷ π˙ÅΩ Q◊–@¥◊~◊ ~◊˙·◊ N≤◊, ˆF@Å Øg≠÷◊ n`◊÷◊ ≠·◊]˙Å ÄM’ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ @Fπ@ É~◊<˙·◊÷◊˙@–bu π˛™˙ ~◊≈◊’÷◊u Ø—Î◊u > ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ π˙Ü ~◊@ ª‘’ Ä™˙d◊@ Nd◊ä N≤◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ≤h◊Ü ≠N Ø–Î◊–d◊ > ©~◊< d◊˙í@ NhØ≤◊˙~Í◊ ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ π˛d◊u÷◊; NhS˙@N Ä˙N_˙·◊~◊, Nd◊äπh≠@ ¡◊˙N Ä¡◊–Ø–‘˛ Nh]≠§◊˙s, ¡◊–‘hM πFC◊’d◊˙ d◊–˛d◊˙ππuŸ–d◊ π˛˙bu Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ ~◊–ld◊– > ~◊@ Ø≠Ú ≠·◊≠] πœ‹_u Ä˙N¤ ~◊¡◊u~◊ ©_Î◊¥◊ ~◊u@¡◊ d◊˙í@ Äd◊Î◊ É·◊≠@ πF¡◊’˙§◊˙N ‹≥`◊˙ Δ˙í@,ñ π@–bd◊ ≠≤◊Ø Ä¡◊l¡h◊ ¡◊–@Q◊–d◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ @Fπ π˛˙÷œ◊d◊ §F◊Ø–≠@ N_s’@N@ ~◊–Δ’˙N > ≠≤◊ N–M, N_l}F Nd◊ä¡◊…‘@ ·◊˙l˙·◊ ! ·◊–Ä ~◊˙≤◊y `◊–§◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ Δhs Δhs S@– ©Î◊–@≠≤◊ ≠Δ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊, ÷◊@ N≤◊˙ld◊˙ Ä™˙~◊ d◊–˛d◊˙πs˛g Ø˙~◊¡◊ ©u¡◊≠~◊ > N¡◊’‘ê◊–Ød◊u πhb– ·F◊@π˛N˙@–bu Ä˙k˙@ ≠Q◊˙·◊~◊˙ ≠d◊˙@, Ä~h◊N@ d◊˙÷h◊ >


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176 A witness to God’s parley with the Night, It leaned compassionate from immortal calm And housed desire, the troubled seed of things. Assent to thy high self, create, endure. Cease not from knowledge, let thy toil be vast. No more can earthly limits pen thy force; Equal thy work with long unending Time’s. Traveller upon the bare eternal heights, Tread still the difficult and dateless path Joining the cycles with its austere curve Measured for man by the initiate Gods. My light shall be in thee, my strength thy force. Let not the impatient Titan drive thy heart, Ask not the imperfect fruit, the partial prize. Only one boon, to greaten thy spirit, demand; Only one joy, to raise thy kind, desire. Above blind fate and the antagonist powers Moveless there stands a high unchanging Will; To its omnipotence leave thy work’s result. All things shall change in God’s transfiguring hour.”

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




π@˙Ø‘’ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ ≠·◊]≥ @˙d◊–˛N≤◊ Ä~h◊÷◊fi˙ ¡◊–sÎ◊–d◊˙, ÄOl ‘˙¥◊–@h Y◊Î◊–Ä˙N– N≈◊˙π≠@ ÷◊`◊˙Ü S˙@b ¡◊–‘_@ ¡◊–Oh¡Í◊S ¡◊u© Ä˙·◊–Ø ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙ > Ø˙~◊– ≠d◊˙ Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ Ä˙k˙ ~◊–≠·◊’‘ Nd◊d◊ N≤◊– ÷◊¸ Nœ¸–÷◊@ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ @Fπ > ‘˛Ø ≠d◊˙í ¡◊–πhÎ◊ ≠≤◊É, ™˙~◊ Ä¡◊–‘˛˙¥◊, π˙‹≥’¡◊ NuØ˙≠@ ‘ê◊– ~◊ @≤h◊ ÄË÷◊– > Ä¡◊–@d◊ ÷◊@ ÷◊Ø’ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊ π@– > ≠≤◊ Δ˙d◊˛–, ¡◊–Q◊@– dh◊ú◊ ~◊s∂ §F◊Ø–π≠@ Q◊˙`◊– Q◊˙`◊– Nh÷◊∫◊–~◊ ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ π≠‹, ≠Δ ÷œ◊è◊˛ ÷h◊Ë–Î◊S˙@˙ Ä˙·◊– ≠·◊¡◊sb ¡◊–@Q◊–≠`◊ ~◊@ π˙ÅΩ ÷◊@–b N…≠Δ˙s ≠Δ˙s-N˙S~◊˙≠@ ≠d◊˙@ ΔhsQ◊÷◊˛N≤◊ > @≤◊–≠¡◊ ≠d◊˙ Ø≠Ú ≠Ø˙@ ≠©ä˙d◊– à ‘÷◊d◊–, ÄN≤◊–Ãh Ø≤◊˙Nh@ Ä˙≠¡◊s π˛§◊˙¡◊ ~◊ Q◊Î˙É ≤œ◊·◊l ≠d◊˙, ~◊ ÷◊@ Δ˙Q◊~◊˙ Äπ÷◊_ Ä‘hM Á◊Î◊, ]— πh@◊˙@ > Ø˙d◊˛ Ü÷◊ ¡◊@Ø˙s Ä˙k˙ Ø≤◊ul˙~Í◊ ÷◊@–¡◊ ≠d◊˙≤◊@ Δ˙≤◊˙, Ü÷◊Ø˙d◊˛ Nh] Ø˙s Δ˙≤◊˙ É∫◊˙Å¡◊ Ñ≠Z◊’ ~◊@ ©˙d◊– > ¡◊–≠@˙Su ‘÷◊d◊– ÄÕ◊ ~◊–ld◊– Éπ≠@ ÄQ◊Î◊ @≤◊–ø– ɧ◊˙ Ø≤◊˙Åè◊˙‘ê◊– ÄËÎ◊ N…÷◊≠À◊, d◊˙í@ ≤◊˙≠d◊ ·◊–Ä ø˙Ÿ– N˙S~◊˙@ Á◊Î◊ ≠d◊˙@, ~◊–]≥Î◊ ©sd◊ ¡◊·◊Î◊–¡◊ §◊˙s¡◊d◊ @Fπ˙¥◊@ ÷◊˙≠Î◊ >íí


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178 August and sweet sank hushed that mighty Voice. Nothing now moved in the vast brooding space: A stillness came upon the listening world, A mute immensity of the Eternal’s peace. But Aswapati’s heart replied to her, A cry amid the silence of the Vasts: “How shall I rest content with mortal days And the dull measure of terrestrial things, I who have seen behind the cosmic mask The glory and the beauty of thy face? Hard is the doom to which thou bindst thy sons! How long shall our spirits battle with the Night And bear defeat and the brute yoke of Death, We who are vessels of a deathless Force And builders of the godhead of the race? Or if it is thy work I do below Amid the error and waste of human life In the vague light of man’s half-conscious mind, Why breaks not in some distant gleam of thee? Ever the centuries and millenniums pass. Where in the greyness is thy coming’s ray? Where is the thunder of thy victory’s wings? Only we hear the feet of passing gods. A plan in the occult eternal Mind Mapped out to backward and prophetic sight, The aeons ever repeat their changeless round, The cycles all rebuild and ever aspire.

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




g¡Í◊S ≠≤◊`◊˙ Øo◊˛ØSh-Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ ≠N ÷◊£ NØ˙≤◊–d◊ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙‘ ~◊– fi ÄQ◊Î, ÉdÍ◊÷◊C◊’ ©s≠d◊ @˙≠© ≠ˆ˙@ ~◊u@¡◊d◊˙, ‘˙‘_d◊ ‘˙¥◊–@ ØF÷◊ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ π˛N˙@ §F◊Ø˙@ ≠N ~◊u@¡◊d◊˙ Ø≠Ú Ä‘_πd◊– ≤œ◊·◊l Q◊–e˙@ ÷◊@– ≠·◊≠`◊ Ü É≈◊@ ëëØ˙~◊¡◊ ©u¡◊≠~◊ πhb– π˙‹≥’¡◊ ¡◊gh@ ~◊u@N s—–≠@ ÷◊≤◊ ≠≤◊˙Å π@–dh◊¸ ≠÷◊N≠~◊ @≤◊–¡◊– ¡◊–‘_ Ä˙¡◊@b π≠ø ≠·◊]≥N˙@– d◊¡◊ Øh] Ø≤◊–Ø˙ Ø˙Sh@u ? ÷◊∫◊–~◊ ~◊–ld◊– π˙≠‘ ¡◊˙Õ◊–ø N¥◊˙≠~◊, ≠·◊¡◊©˙d◊–-@Q◊l–d◊˙, ÄØœd◊ ‘ê◊–@ Ä˙S˙@ ≠Δ Ä˙≠Ø ÷h◊≤◊ Ä˙É ≠÷◊≠d◊ ÷◊˙Î◊ ΔhM ÷◊@– @˙d◊–˛ N≠ú◊ ≠≤◊˙Å π@˙§F◊d◊ N≤◊–¡h◊ ÷◊@˙Î◊ Øœdh◊ä π˙‘¡◊–÷◊ π˙‘ ? ØhΩ Δ·◊– Ü S@˙d◊≠Î◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ ©u¡◊~◊ ñ ÄπQ◊l §◊˛˙¥◊– Ø≠Ú, Ø≈◊’ä Ø˙~◊¡◊@ ÄM’©˙s@–d◊ Ø~◊ Ī¸ Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ÷◊@h‹˙Ü ÷◊Ø’ d◊¡◊ Áh◊≠Ë ~◊˙≤◊y ÷◊˙≤◊y ·F◊@@h ¡◊– ÷◊–ø– d◊¡◊ π˛§◊˙@ n`◊÷◊ ? ‘d◊ ‘d◊ N≤◊N˛ Ü ¡◊r’@ π˛¡◊˙≤◊d◊–Ø–≠@ ¡◊˙ ÷◊˙≤◊y d◊¡◊ Ä˙sØ~◊u @‘<– ? ¡◊©˛≠ˆ˙r ÷◊˙≤◊y d◊¡◊ ¡◊–©l πO@ ? ‘hbh]˙`◊– N˙Øl–÷◊ ≠·◊¡◊ π·◊S_~◊– > s≤◊~◊ ‘˙‘_d◊Ø~◊-≠Δ˙©~◊˙≠@ N¡h◊ Äd◊ud◊ à §◊¡◊–räd◊ ≠≤◊˙Å π˛÷◊Ë–d◊, ~◊ ¡◊·◊Î◊– ÷◊À◊@˙‘– ˆF≠@ Ü÷◊§◊˙≠¡◊, Δhs Δhs s˜– ÷◊˙Î◊, d◊‹˙π– Ä˙‘˙lu >


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


180 All we have done is ever still to do. All breaks and all renews and is the same. Huge revolutions of life’s fruitless gyre, The new-born ages perish like the old, As if the sad Enigma kept its right Till all is done for which this scene was made. Too little the strength that now with us is born, Too faint the light that steals through Nature’s lids, Too scant the joy with which she buys our pain. In a brute world that knows not its own sense, Thought-racked upon the wheel of birth we live, The instruments of an impulse not our own Moved to achieve with our heart’s blood for price Half-knowledge, half-creations that soon tire. A foiled immortal soul in perishing limbs, Baffled and beaten back we labour still; Annulled, frustrated, spent, we still survive. In anguish we labour that from us may rise A larger-seeing man with nobler heart, A golden vessel of the incarnate Truth, The executor of the divine attempt Equipped to wear the earthly body of God, Communicant and prophet and lover and king. I know that thy creation cannot fail: For even through the mists of mortal thought Infallible are thy mysterious steps,

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




÷◊@–øh Δ˙ N·◊˙ πhb– ‹˙Ü ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ > N¡h◊ §◊˙≠ú◊, ~F◊Ä˙ ≤h◊Ü, @≠≤◊ πF¡◊’π@– > ~◊–ßÎ◊ ©u¡◊~◊S˙@˙ Ø≤◊˙ Ä˙¡◊≈◊’≠~◊ Y◊Î◊–π≠Ÿ ~◊¡◊Δhs πh@˙d◊~◊ NØ > `◊uÎ◊˙@ É≠P‘ä Δ˙≤◊˙ πFC◊’@F≠π d◊˙≤◊˙ N˙S≥d◊ ~◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙Δ˙Ü π˛≠≤◊Î◊–÷◊˙Ølu Øm˙~◊Øh]u N≠d◊ Ä¡◊˙ @≠] ÄS≥÷◊˙@ > Äd◊ä¥◊ NuØ–d◊ Ä˙Ø N≤◊©˙d◊ ‘ê◊–, Äd◊– Oub ≠Δ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊– πËÎ◊ ≠§◊·◊÷◊@– Su≠@ Su≠@ Ä˙≠N, Äd◊– ÄÀ◊ Nh] Δ˙≤◊˙ Ø–≠Î◊ ~◊–Δ’˙d◊~◊˙ ¡◊–~◊–Ø≠l > Ä‹’™˙~◊≤◊u~◊ ÜÅ ~◊–≠¡◊’˙S ©s≠d @≤h◊ Ä˙≠Ø ©~◊<Q◊≠÷◊˛ Q◊–¥◊˙-~◊–πuŸ–d◊ > π˛≠b˙·◊–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Ä˙≠Ø Ä~◊ä ≠π˛@b˙≠@ ≤œ◊·◊l@ @ê◊ ≠·◊Å N˙S≥¡◊˙≠@ Q◊˙≤h◊ ÄM’¡◊–‡˙, ÄM’Nœ¸–, ≤h◊Ü Δ˙ ‘–‹≥Î◊ ¡◊–Á◊Î◊ ÄØ@ Ä˙k˙ ~◊‘_@ ‘@u≠@ > π@˙§F◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ØÚ Ä˙≠Ø ‘˛Ø@d◊ > ≤◊d◊˙‘ ~◊–@g @–ê◊ ©–Åøh d◊‹˙π–, N¥◊˙≠π ÷◊@høh ‘˛Ø Ä˙Ø ©u¡◊~◊@h ¡◊–÷◊‘–d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ≠~◊Å Ø≤◊≈◊@ ≤◊–Ä˙ ·F◊@·œ◊¸– ~◊@ ØF≈◊’ Nd◊ä ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@ N_C◊’π˛§◊ Ø≤◊˙S˙@, ·◊–¡◊ä N˙S~◊˙@ É≈◊@ N˙S÷◊, ≠≤◊¡◊ NØ‹’ ©s≠d◊ ¡◊≤◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ ~◊¡◊÷◊≠Î◊¡◊@ > ·◊–¡◊ä≠§◊˙©u, ·F◊@·◊˛¸˙, ≠π˛Ø–÷◊, §F◊πd◊– > ©˙≠b ØhΩ ≠~◊˙≤◊–¡◊ ¡◊ä‹’ dh◊Ø@ N©’~◊˙ > ÷h◊≠≤◊Î◊–÷◊˙ ≠§◊·◊– ØÚ Ø˙~◊¡◊ Q◊–¥◊˙@ ħ◊˛˙¥◊ @≤◊NäØl d◊¡◊ π·◊π˙d◊ > 181

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182 And, though Necessity dons the garb of Chance, Hidden in the blind shifts of Fate she keeps The slow calm logic of Infinity’s pace And the inviolate sequence of its will. All life is fixed in an ascending scale And adamantine is the evolving Law; In the beginning is prepared the close. This strange irrational product of the mire, This compromise between the beast and god, Is not the crown of thy miraculous world. I know there shall inform the inconscient cells, At one with Nature and at height with heaven, A spirit vast as the containing sky And swept with ecstasy from invisible founts, A god come down and greater by the fall. A Power arose out of my slumber’s cell. Abandoning the tardy limp of the hours And the inconstant blink of mortal sight, There where the Thinker sleeps in too much light And intolerant flames the lone all-witnessing Eye Hearing the word of Fate from Silence’ heart In the endless moment of Eternity, It saw from timelessness the works of Time. Overpassed were the leaden formulas of the Mind, Overpowered the obstacle of mortal Space: The unfolding Image showed the things to come. A giant dance of Shiva tore the past; There was a thunder as of worlds that fall;

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Δ·œ◊è◊˙ @Fπ≠@ Δ·◊– Ä˙NÅ ~◊–ld◊– ≠d◊≠¡◊ ¡◊– ≠s˙π≠~◊ §◊˙sä ÄÕ◊ d◊˙ Q◊Î◊≠~◊ @≠] §F◊Ø˙-sd◊–-Su@-π˛‘˙¥◊ ¡◊–Q◊˙@, ÄpÎ◊–d◊ N…÷◊À◊@ @≠] Ä~h◊÷◊˛Ø > Ä˙≠@˙≤◊-π˛Ø˙≠b s˜˙ Ä]≥Î◊©u¡◊~◊ ÷◊˛Øπ@–b˙Ø ~◊ud◊– ¡◊©˛ Nh÷◊≠∫◊˙@, ØFÎ◊@h π˛ghd◊ ‹˙Ü ≠‘r π@–bd◊–, ÄÒh◊d◊ Ü πö◊©˙d◊ π˙‘¡◊ π·◊˙‹’ ©¥h◊ à π@Ø≠·◊¡◊ Ø≠Ú Δ˙í Ä˙≠π˙r ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ ¡◊–‘_@ ~h◊≠≤◊Ω ≠‘r π@–bd◊– > ØhΩ ©˙≠b Ä™˙~◊ ≠÷◊˙≠r π˛÷◊˙‘–¡◊ Ä˙N– π˛÷œ◊d◊– à dh◊ú◊ N_≠s’ @]≥ NØd◊˙Î◊ Nd◊ä Ü÷◊ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙‘ NØ Nh¡◊–‘˙Î◊ > Ä·œ◊‘ä ~◊–n’@ @≠N ≠≤◊˙Å π˛≠Q◊˙·◊–d◊ Ø≤◊≈◊@ ≠≤◊¡◊ ≠·◊¡◊ Ø≈◊’ä Ä˙sØ≠~◊ > NhD ≠Ø˙ ‘@u@h ‹≠@ ©˙s–`◊˙ ‘÷◊d◊– > NØl ØA◊@ sd◊–, Ø˙~◊¡◊ ·œ◊¸–@ Ä⁄–@ ~◊–≠Ør ø˙Ÿ–, Ø≤◊˙≠©ä˙d◊– πh≠@ §◊˙¡h◊÷◊ NhrhD– Δ≤◊y, ©≠Î◊ ÄN≤◊–Ãh ¡◊–‘_N˙Ou Ä˙]≥ Δ≤◊y, ~◊u@¡◊d◊˙πh@h ‘˙‘_d◊ Øh≤F◊≠≈◊’ ‘hb– ¡◊–S≥@ ¡◊Q◊~◊ ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ ≠~◊≠d◊˛ d◊≤h◊Ω ≠·◊]≥`◊˙ ©sd◊ > Ø~◊¡◊–S≥ sh@h§◊˙@ ÷◊`◊– Äd◊–÷◊˛Ø π@˙©–d◊ ÷◊`◊– Ø≈◊’ä ©sd◊@ ¡◊˙S˙ > §◊¡◊–räd◊ Ä˙]≥Ä˙≠s É∫◊–`◊˙ π˛÷◊˙‘– > Äd◊ud◊ πŸ–`◊˙ ø–Ÿ– d◊˙—¡◊ ~◊˙·◊≠@ > ÷h◊Î◊u‘ πŸ–`◊˙ Ä˙N–, ≠`◊˙÷◊≠`◊˙÷◊˙¥◊@ QF◊C◊’ ≤h◊Ü N≠d◊ Ä¡◊˙, πœ‹≥¡◊u Éπ≠@


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


184 Earth was o’errun with fire and the roar of Death Clamouring to slay a world his hunger had made; There was a clangour of Destruction’s wings: The Titan’s battle-cry was in my ears, Alarm and rumour shook the armoured Night. I saw the Omnipotent’s flaming pioneers Over the heavenly verge which turns towards life Come crowding down the amber stairs of birth; Forerunners of a divine multitude, Out of the paths of the morning star they came Into the little room of mortal life. I saw them cross the twilight of an age, The sun-eyed children of a marvellous dawn, The great creators with wide brows of calm, The massive barrier-breakers of the world And wrestlers with destiny in her lists of will, The labourers in the quarries of the gods, The messengers of the Incommunicable, The architects of immortality. Into the fallen human sphere they came, Faces that wore the Immortal’s glory still, Voices that communed still with the thoughts of God, Bodies made beautiful by the spirit’s light, Carrying the magic word, the mystic fire, Carrying the Dionysian cup of joy, Approaching eyes of a diviner man, Lips chanting an unknown anthem of the soul,

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Ä~◊Î◊ É∫◊–`◊˙ ©Î◊–, ·◊˙@hb Ø@b OhS˙ ≠·◊Å s˜–`◊˙ ≠Δ ~◊‘_@ ©sd◊ S_…N Ä˙≠‘ ÷◊`◊˙ d◊˙@ §◊urb Q◊–e˙@, ¡◊–~◊˙‘ dh◊ØhÎ◊ @≠¡◊ πF@–`◊˙ ©sd◊ > Ø≤◊˙Nh@ @b@¡◊ π‘–`◊˙ ≠Ø˙ ÷◊˙≠~◊ > ©~◊‘´d◊–, d◊˛˙≠N ‹≠@ Nû–d◊˙ @©~◊u > N_s’@ Éπ˙¥◊ Δ≤◊y ¡◊÷◊˛≠≤◊˙Å Ø–≠‘ ©u¡◊~◊ S˙@˙≠@, ≠N≤◊– π‹ Ä~h◊N@– ØhΩ ≠·◊]≥`◊– ©~◊Ø@ πud◊˙§◊ ≠N˙π˙~◊ñ Éπ≠@ Ä˙N–≠`◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ¡◊–πhÎ◊ N…]ä˙≠@ π@Ø ‘ê◊–@ ·◊uD Äs˛Δ˙lu ·◊Î◊ > ·◊–¡◊ä©˙d◊– πh≠@˙s˙Øu π˛§◊˙d◊d◊˙@÷◊˙Äl~h◊ Ä˙N–≠`◊ Oh·◊˛ ~◊‘_@ ©u¡◊≠~◊ > Δhs N…Ú˙ π˙@≠≤◊˙Å Ä˙N–≠`◊ ≠·◊]≥`◊– ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ Ér˙@ ·◊uD-~◊l~◊ N¥◊˙~◊ > π˛N˙@–d◊, ‘˙¥◊§◊˙`◊, Ø≤◊˙N˛¸˙sb, ¡◊–‘_@ ¡◊–@˙Ë Ä¡◊≠@˙S §◊s∂÷◊˙@u, ÷◊˙Î◊Åè◊˙ π˛d◊–·◊_J◊u Ø`◊∑≠Δ˙M˙ ¡◊u@, ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ Ä˙÷◊≠@ @d◊ ‘˛Ø–÷◊ N˙S÷, Äπ˛÷◊Ë Ø≤◊˙d◊j ¡◊˙≈◊’˙¡◊≤◊ sb, ÄØ@ Nœ¸–@ Ø≤◊˙ ⁄πd◊–@ ·◊Î◊ > Øh≠] ¡◊≤◊– §◊˙s¡◊d◊ ÄØm˙~◊ Ø≤◊–Ø˙, ·◊–¡◊ä÷◊≠£◊ π˛§h◊ N≠ú◊ ÷◊@– N…§◊˙rb Q◊–·◊˙≠`◊˙÷◊-≠S˝d◊‘h§◊˛-Nho◊@ ‘@u≠@ N≠ú◊ Ä˙b– Ø»‘ê◊–, ·◊–¡◊ä©˙d◊≠¡◊·◊, ≠N˙Ø≠N¡◊u N˙S÷◊@ @Nπ˙~◊π˙d◊˛, ~◊l≠~◊ Áh◊Ë˙Å ≠©ä˙d◊– ·◊–¡◊äØ˙~◊¡◊@ ÄS≠@ Ä‘´d◊πF¡◊’ Ä˙k˙@ Nú◊ud◊,


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Feet echoing in the corridors of Time. High priests of wisdom, sweetness, might and bliss, Discoverers of beauty’s sunlit ways And swimmers of Love’s laughing fiery floods And dancers within rapture’s golden doors, Their tread one day shall change the suffering earth And justify the light on Nature’s face. Although Fate lingers in the high Beyond And the work seems vain on which our heart’s force was spent, All shall be done for which our pain was borne. Even as of old man came behind the beast This high divine successor surely shall come Behind man’s inefficient mortal pace, Behind his vain labour, sweat and blood and tears: He shall know what mortal mind barely durst think, He shall do what the heart of the mortal could not dare. Inheritor of the toil of human time, He shall take on him the burden of the gods; All heavenly light shall visit the earth’s thoughts, The might of heaven shall fortify earthly hearts; Earth’s deeds shall touch the superhuman’s height, Earth’s seeing widen into the infinite.

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Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊ sF˜π≠‹ ≠d◊˙Î◊– π˛d◊–S_~◊– Ä˙N–≠`◊ ≠NØ˙≠~◊ Ø≈◊’ä·h◊s’d◊ ©u¡◊≠~◊ > Nh]-‘ê◊–-™˙~◊-ØSh-Ø≤◊˙ πh≠@˙≤◊–d◊, NhrØ˙@ ≠N˝@·◊uD π‹ ~◊–@Fπ÷◊, ·◊–¡◊ä≠π˛Ø ÷◊Î◊~◊˙·◊ ÉEÎ◊ πm˙¡◊≠~◊ N…d◊@b÷◊˙@u, ~◊Ë N_C◊’ ØShπh≠@, Ä˙b–≠¡◊ ~◊–¢◊l Ü≤◊– d◊˙π–d◊ S@˙≠@ @Fπ˙¥◊@, π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ Ä˙~◊~◊ Ø—≠Î◊ N˙‹’÷◊ ÷◊@–≠¡◊ ~◊¡◊ §◊˙s¡◊d◊ ≠©ä˙d◊– > ·F◊≠@ Ñ≠Z◊’ ÷◊≠@ Δ·◊– ¡◊–S≥÷◊˙Î◊≠Oπ, ≤œ◊·◊lh ~◊–s˙Ÿ– ‘ê◊– ÷◊≠`◊ ≠Δ N˙S~◊˙ ¡œ◊‹˙ Δ·◊– Ø≠~◊≤h◊Ü, d◊‹˙π– ~◊–¢◊l NÁ◊Î◊ ≠≤◊˙Å¡◊ N¡h◊ ‘˛Ø à Δ»b˙ > Äd◊u≠d◊ ≠Δπ@– ~◊@ π‘h Nœ¸–π≠@ Ä˙N–`◊˙ Ü S@˙π≠@, ≠Nπ@– d◊˙≤◊˙@ Ä~h◊N@– ÄNØ‹’ ~◊‘_@ Q◊@b, ÄN˙@ Ä˙l˙N ≠N_·◊ @ê◊ Ä‘´π˙d◊ Ä˙N–¡◊ Ä¡◊‘ä Ø≤◊˙≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ·◊˙l˙·◊ > ÄS≥sd◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ d◊˙í@ Äd◊– ·h◊ºN˙≤◊≠N ÷◊_Q◊–dÍ◊ Øb–r Q◊–¥◊˙÷◊≠@ ≠ΔÉΩ d◊j, N˙S≥¡◊ ≠N Ä~◊˙l˙≠N Øb–r ≤œ◊·◊≠l ©˙s–~◊– N˙≤◊N Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ > É≈◊@˙S≥÷◊˙@u ≠≤◊˙Å Ø˙~◊¡◊ Nœ¸–@ ‘–≠@ d◊˙í@ ¡◊≤◊–¡◊ ≠N ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ §◊˙@ > π˙‹≥’¡◊ Q◊–¥◊˙≠@ Ä˙N– Ø–‘–¡◊ N_s’@ ™˙~◊˙≠`◊˙÷◊, ~◊@-≤◊–Ä˙ §◊˙s¡◊d◊u ‘ê◊– ñ π˛§◊˙≠¡◊ ≠≤◊˙Å¡◊ ·œ◊˜, Ø˙~◊¡◊@ ÷œ◊d◊– øhÅΩ¡◊ ¡◊–÷◊‘– Ñ≠Z◊’ N_s’ul dh◊ú◊–Ø˙ > π˛N˙@–d◊ ~◊@·œ◊¸– Ø–‘–¡◊ ÄNu≠Ø > 187

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188 Heavy unchanged weighs still the imperfect world; The splendid youth of Time has passed and failed; Heavy and long are the years our labour counts And still the seals are firm upon man’s soul And weary is the ancient Mother’s heart. O Truth defended in thy secret sun, Voice of her mighty musings in shut heavens On things withdrawn within her luminous depths, O Wisdom-Splendour, Mother of the universe, Creatrix, the Eternal’s artist Bride, Linger not long with thy transmuting hand Pressed vainly on one golden bar of Time, As if Time dare not open its heart to God. O radiant fountain of the world’s delight World-free and unattainable above, O Bliss who ever dwellst deep-hid within While men seek thee outside and never find, Mystery and Muse with hieratic tongue, Incarnate the white passion of thy force, Mission to earth some living form of thee. One moment fill with thy eternity, Let thy infinity in one body live, All-Knowledge wrap one mind in seas of light, All-Love throb single in one human heart.

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




ÄπFC◊’ ©sd◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ @≤◊– πF¡◊’π@– sh@h§◊˙≠@ ·◊–Ü πuŸ˙, ¡◊ä‹’ ≠≤◊˙Å ÷◊˙≤◊y Äd◊–÷◊˛˙¥◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Nœ¸– @hQ◊–@ ≠Δ˝¡◊~◊ > ·◊uˆ’÷◊˙Î◊S@– Ä˙≠Ø N˙S~◊ ~◊–@d◊ > d◊‹˙π– Ø˙~◊¡◊ Ä˙k˙ Øh·◊–˛d◊ N≠©˙≠@, π@–‘˛˙¥◊ πh@˙d◊~◊ ©~◊~◊u@ ≤◊–Ä˙ > ≠≤◊ Nd◊ä, @O–d◊ d◊¡◊ Ø–≤◊–@ Ø—≠Î◊ ! ·◊uDs≠§◊’ π@˙¡œ◊d◊ d◊jÚ˙~◊Ø»ñ É·◊˙≈◊ Ø≤◊d◊u ¡◊˙bu ÖM Nh@≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ! π˛™˙ π˛§◊˙Øl– ! ¡◊–‘_©~◊~◊u N˙¡◊–d◊˛– ! ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ π@≠Ø‘ ÷◊Î◊˙¡◊d◊u ¡◊SF ! ¡◊–Î◊¯ ~◊ ÷◊@ π@–b˙Ø-¡◊–S˙l–~◊uñ π˙b– d◊¡◊ ¡œ◊‹˙ Q◊˙π– ÷◊˙Î◊·◊_˙≠@, N≠d◊ NØl ~◊ π˙≠@ ≠]˙`◊– ¡◊–‘_≠@ d◊˙í ≤◊–Ä˙ > ≠≤◊ ¡◊–‘_@§◊N-÷◊˙¥◊–Øl– Ä˙·◊–≠≤◊dh◊ ! ©sd◊@ Ñ≠Z◊’ Øhê◊ N_d◊» ·h◊`◊’∑§◊˙ ! ≠≤◊ Ä˙~◊o◊Øl– ! N·◊˙ Äd◊Î◊¡◊˙N–~◊– ! ¡◊˙≤◊˙≠@ ~◊ π˙Ü ~◊@ NÕ◊˙~◊ dh◊Ø@ > ‘˛u≠·◊¡◊– @≤◊NäØl– ! ·◊–¡◊ä ¡◊˙bu ØF≈◊–’ ! @Fπ˙l–d◊ ÷◊@ d◊¡◊ ‘hM ‘ê◊–-¡œ◊≈◊–, π∫◊˙Ä πœ‹≥¡◊uπ≠@ Ä¡◊d◊˙@ d◊¡◊, ‘˙‘_d◊ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ N≈◊˙ Ob–÷◊ Øh≤F◊≈◊’ πFC◊’ ÷◊@h, ÷◊@h ¡◊˙N ≠s˙Ë–Ü Ä˙S˙≠@ ≠≤◊ ¡◊–‘_©~◊~◊u d◊¡◊ Ä~◊¥◊ Ø≤◊–Ø˙ > πFC◊’ ™˙~◊, Nh¡◊–πhÎ◊ ≠©ä˙d◊– Ø≠≤◊˙·◊S≥ Ä˙¡◊–¸ Ä˙è◊¤ ÷◊@h ≠s˙Ë–Ü Ø˙~◊N > π@–wo◊ ≠≤◊É Ü÷◊ Ø˙~h◊ru ≤◊–Ä˙≠@ ~◊–º≠‘r π@Øπ˛ud◊– NhS˙@N S˙@˙ >


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190 Immortal, treading the earth with mortal feet All heaven’s beauty crowd in earthly limbs! Omnipotence, girdle with the power of God Movements and moments of a mortal will, Pack with the eternal might one human hour And with one gesture change all future time. Let a great word be spoken from the heights And one great act unlock the doors of Fate.” His prayer sank down in the resisting Night Oppressed by the thousand forces that deny, As if too weak to climb to the Supreme. But there arose a wide consenting Voice; The spirit of beauty was revealed in sound: Light floated round the marvellous Vision’s brow And on her lips the Immortal’s joy took shape. “O strong forerunner, I have heard thy cry. One shall descend and break the iron Law, Change Nature’s doom by the lone spirit’s power. A limitless Mind that can contain the world, A sweet and violent heart of ardent calms Moved by the passions of the gods shall come. All mights and greatnesses shall join in her; Beauty shall walk celestial on the earth, Delight shall sleep in the cloud-net of her hair,

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ÄØ@ S@˙≠@ Ä˙Nh ~◊‘_@ Q◊@≠b Ä≠ú◊ Ä≠ú◊ ¡◊≤◊– N_s’ ~◊–]≥Î◊ NhrØ˙ > N¡◊’‘ê◊– §◊˙s¡◊d◊ π˛d◊˙π ¡◊Î◊l ≠ˆ@–@≤h◊ sd◊–¡œ◊≈◊– Ø˙~h◊ru Åè◊˙@ > Ø≈◊’ä@ ≠s˙Ë–Ü `◊s∂ π@Ø˙ ‘ê◊–≠@ ·◊–Ä §◊@–, ¡◊·◊Î◊˙Ä Ä~◊˙sd◊ ÷◊˙Î◊ ~◊–º≠‘≠r ≠s˙Ë–Ü Ø˙d◊˛ ÷◊@hb˙ Åú◊–≠d◊ > ÑZ◊’≠`◊˙÷h◊ Ø≤◊˙¡◊˙bu ≠≤◊É Éé◊˙@–d◊ Ø≤◊˙÷◊≠Ø’ ≠·◊É ≠]˙`◊– ¡◊–S≥@ ÷◊π˙Ë >íí ‘d◊ ‘d◊ π˛d◊–÷F◊Î◊ ‘ê◊–@ πuŸ≠~◊, π˛d◊–≠@˙Su ~◊–‘˙≠÷◊˙≠Î◊ ~◊–@g π˛˙‹’~◊˙ s`◊˙ Xh◊¡◊–, N≠d◊ ≠Δ≠≤◊∂ ≤◊@˙Å ‘÷◊d◊– Ñ≠Z◊’ ≠N ~◊ π˙≠@ É∫◊– π@≠Ø‘u π˙≠‘ ‘h§◊–`◊˙ ≠N ÷◊˙≠Î◊ ÷◊£◊ É·◊˙@ Ä˙g–÷◊ > ‘›◊≠@ É∫◊–`◊˙ Áh◊Ë– Q◊–~◊<lu NhrØ˙ > ≠·◊¡◊u@ @hQ◊–@ §◊˙≠`◊ §◊˙N–`◊˙ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊, à≠B ≠≤◊`◊˙ @Fπ˙l–d◊ ÄØ@ πh`◊÷◊, ëë‘hb–ø– π˛˙‹’~◊˙ d◊¡◊ ≠≤◊ ¡◊u@ Äs˛b– ! ≠≤◊¡◊ ©≠b Ä¡◊d◊uC◊’˙, ~◊–sŸ ~◊–lØ §◊˙ú◊– ≠N Ü÷◊˙÷◊u d◊˙í@ ¡◊˛˙≤◊<u ‘÷◊d◊–≠@ π˛÷œ◊d◊– ~◊–ld◊– ≠·◊¡◊ ‘uˆ˛ ¡◊·◊Î◊˙Å > ©sd◊ S˙@bOØ Ä~◊¥◊ Ø˙~◊N, π˛‘˙¥◊ Éfh÷◊ @h·◊˛ ØSh@ Ø@Ø, Ä˙N–¡◊ ÄØ@ @˙≠s ≠≤◊˙Å π˛≠b˙·◊–d◊ > Ä˙S˙@ ≠N ≠≤◊¡◊ N¡h◊ ‘ê◊– Ø≤◊–Ø˙@, S@˙π≠@ ¡–Q◊@–¡◊ ·hä≠`◊˙÷◊ NhrØ˙, Ä˙~◊o◊ ≠`◊˙Ë–¡◊ d◊˙í@ ~◊u@·◊ ÷h◊¥◊≠Î◊ >


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


192 And in her body as on his homing tree Immortal Love shall beat his glorious wings. A music of griefless things shall weave her charm; The harps of the Perfect shall attune her voice, The streams of Heaven shall murmur in her laugh, Her lips shall be the honeycombs of God, Her limbs his golden jars of ecstasy, Her breasts the rapture-flowers of Paradise. She shall bear Wisdom in her voiceless bosom, Strength shall be with her like a conqueror’s sword And from her eyes the Eternal’s bliss shall gaze. A seed shall be sown in Death’s tremendous hour, A branch of heaven transplant to human soil; Nature shall overleap her mortal step; Fate shall be changed by an unchanging will.” As a flame disappears in endless Light Immortally extinguished in its source, Vanished the splendour and was stilled the word. An echo of delight that once was close, The harmony journeyed towards some distant hush, A music failing in the ear of trance, A cadence called by distant cadences, A voice that trembled into strains withdrawn. Her form retreated from the longing earth Forsaking nearness to the abandoned sense, Ascending to her unattainable home. Lone, brilliant, vacant lay the inner fields;

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‘@u≠@ d◊˙í ~◊uŸS˙@u ¡œ◊O≠@ ≠ΔN~◊ Ø≤◊˙πO Ä˙≠`◊˙Ÿ–¡◊ Øœdh◊äzl ≠π˛Ø, Ä≠‘˙÷◊ N…sud◊d◊» ≠≤◊¡◊ d◊˙í Ø˙Sh@u, N_@ ≠≤◊¡◊ NØd◊˙Î◊ π@Ø ¡◊ub˙@ > ≤◊˙≠Nä d◊˙í@ ÷◊Î◊ ÷◊Î◊ Nh@ ≠N˛˙d◊N_–~◊u, ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ ØShQ◊÷◊˛ ÄS@ ΔhsÎ◊, Ä¡◊l¡◊ πh`◊÷◊@ ÷◊~◊÷◊ ÷◊Î◊N, É@≠© Áh◊Ë–¡◊ N_s’Nh] π˙@–©˙d◊, π˛™˙ ≠N ¡◊≤◊–¡◊ d◊˙í@ ~◊–wo◊ ¡h◊÷h◊≠@, ¡◊–©lu÷œ◊π˙b NØ N≠ú◊ Ø≤◊˙‘ê◊–, ÇO≠b Q◊˙≤◊y¡◊ §◊@– π@Ø Ä˙~◊o◊, ÉD ≠≤◊¡◊ ¡◊u© ÷◊˙Î◊÷◊@˙Î◊ s@≠§◊, N_s’‘˙]˙ Ø≈◊’ä≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ Nh≠@˙π–d◊, π˛÷œ◊d◊– É∫◊–¡◊ ≠X◊ÅΩ Øœdh◊ä@ ≠N˙π˙~◊ ¡◊·◊Î◊–¡◊ ¡◊–S≥ d◊˙í@ ÄËÎ◊ Åè◊˙≠@ >íí π˛§◊˙ s`◊˙ ÄπN@–, ¡◊Q◊~◊ ~◊u@¡◊ Ä~◊˙·◊– ≠©ä˙d◊–≠@ Δ‹˙ ≤◊©–Δ˙Ü ‘–]˙ ~◊–¡◊’˙π–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å d◊˙í@ ÄØœd◊ ~◊–Î◊≠l > NØ˙≤◊–d◊ ‘´d◊–π≠‹ ≠‘r sud◊– π@–, ·F◊@ N_~◊ Ä˙÷◊r’≠b ØFè◊’~◊˙ NØ˙~◊ NØuπ πh`◊÷◊ s`◊˙ ≠d◊˙Î◊– π˛d◊–S_~◊– Δ˙d◊˛˙π≠‹ ·F◊≠@ ≠÷◊ÉΩ ~◊–º‘›◊ Ä˙÷◊˙≠‘ > S_~◊– Ø–≠‘ ‹@– ‹@– ¡◊–@d◊ d◊˙~◊≠@ > Ndœ◊à S@bu NuØ˙ π˙@ ≠≤◊˙Å ≠·◊¡◊u ≠Á◊@–s≠`◊ ·h◊@˙N·◊ Äd◊uo◊–˛l S˙≠Ø > πø≠@ @≤◊–`◊˙ πŸ– Ä¥◊@ ©sd◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ ¡◊–‘·◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ É·◊˙N, ¡◊–©~◊ >


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


194 All was unfilled inordinate spirit space, Indifferent, waste, a desert of bright peace. Then a line moved on the far edge of calm: The warm-lipped sentient soft terrestrial wave, A quick and many-murmured moan and laugh, Came gliding in upon white feet of sound. Unlocked was the deep glory of Silence’ heart; The absolute unmoving stillnesses Surrendered to the breath of mortal air, Dissolving boundlessly the heavens of trance Collapsed to waking mind. Eternity Cast down its incommunicable lids Over its solitudes remote from ken Behind the voiceless mystery of sleep. The grandiose respite failed, the wide release. Across the light of fast-receding planes That fled from him as from a falling star, Compelled to fill its human house in Time His soul drew back into the speed and noise Of the vast business of created things. A chariot of the marvels of the heavens Broad-based to bear the gods on fiery wheels, Flaming he swept through the spiritual gates. The mortal stir received him in its midst. Once more he moved amid material scenes,

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Q◊–·◊˙÷◊˙‘ §◊@–@≠≤◊ Ø≤◊˙ ÄπFC◊’d◊˙, ‘h§◊˛ ‘˙¥◊ Ø@h¡h◊÷h◊ ~◊–ºªœ≤◊ Ñr@ > ‹@– É≠∫◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ·F◊@ ~◊–º‘›◊ NuØ˙≠@ ÉÃàB Øœ·h◊-¡◊uQ◊– Ø≈◊’ä≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@ > ≠‘_d◊~◊˙·◊ π·◊π˙≠d◊ Ä˙≠N §◊˙N– §◊˙N– ‘uˆ˛ ‘uˆ˛ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ≤◊˙Nä ¡◊–Î◊˙π shz~◊ > s}u@ Ø≤◊–Ø˙ ≠]˙≠`◊ ~◊u@¡◊πh@u@ > ~◊–ªo◊, ~◊u@¡◊, πFC◊’ ‘˙¥◊ ~◊–¢◊Î◊d◊˙ ≤◊©˙Å`◊˙ N≈◊˙ d◊˙í@ S@˙@ ªo◊≠~◊ > ¡◊–sÎ◊–d◊ Ä¥◊≤◊u~◊ NØ˙S≥ Ä˙÷◊˙‘ ËÎ◊–π≠Ÿ Ø≈◊’ä@ Ü ©˙s˛d◊ Ø˙~◊≠N > ~◊u@¡◊ @≤◊NäØl NhD–@ π¢◊˙dh◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ Q◊˙≤◊y≠`◊ ~◊u≠Q◊ ~◊d◊≠~◊d◊˛πh≠Ë ·œ◊¸–@ Äd◊ud◊ ·F◊@ ¡◊–©~◊ π˛N˙≠@ > ~◊–≠@˙S ¡◊–@˙Ø ≠‘≠r π˛÷◊Ë–d◊ N¡h◊ > ‘uˆ˛ s`◊˙ ÄπN@– ≠`◊˙÷◊≠`◊˙÷◊˙¥◊@ Ä‘_πd◊– π˙‘hΩ Δ‹˙ É`Í◊÷◊˙@ ~◊–÷◊Ëh > Nœ¸–@ Ü Ø≤◊˙÷◊Ø’-≠÷◊˙Î◊˙≤◊≠Î◊ πhb– ¡◊˙Ú≠≤◊˙Å Ä˙k˙ d◊˙ö◊ ≠Á◊@–`◊˙ ©s≠d◊, Ø—–¡◊˙÷h◊ ÷◊˙Î◊¡◊≠O Ø˙~h◊ru N·◊~◊ > ¡◊–πhÎ◊, ©_Î◊¥◊Q◊÷◊˛ ·◊–¡◊ä Ä˙ld◊~◊ ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊¡◊–N<l Ø≤◊˙Näo◊~◊ NØ˙~◊ ≠·◊¡◊u·◊_˙@ π˙@≠≤◊˙Å Ä˙N–≠`◊ ≠N ≠¡◊≠s > N_˙sd◊–÷◊˙ ©b˙Å`◊˙ Ø˙~◊¡◊©sd◊ > ·◊–¡◊äS˙Ø Ø»≠‘˛˙d◊˙ Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ πh@hr ¡◊–Q◊@–≠`◊ Ä˙N– πhb– Ø≈◊’ä§F◊Ø–π≠@ >


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


196 Lifted by intimations from the heights And in the pauses of the building brain Touched by the thoughts that skim the fathomless surge Of Nature and wing back to hidden shores. The eternal seeker in the aeonic field Besieged by the intolerant press of hours Again was strong for great swift-footed deeds. Awake beneath the ignorant vault of Night, He saw the unnumbered people of the stars And heard the questioning of the unsatisfied flood And toiled with the form-maker, measuring Mind. A wanderer from the occult invisible suns Accomplishing the fate of transient things, A god in the figure of the arisen beast, He raised his brow of conquest to the heavens Establishing the empire of the soul On Matter and its bounded universe As on a solid rock in infinite seas. The Lord of Life resumed his mighty rounds In the scant field of the ambiguous globe.


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π˛÷œ◊d◊– ·h◊@¡◊s˙≤◊u Äd◊Î◊ π˛¡◊˙≤◊ π˙@≠≤◊˙Å ≠Δ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ ~◊–sF˜ πhÎ◊–≠~◊ §◊˙N– §◊˙N– Δ˙Ü d◊˙≤◊˙ @˙©r–’Ø˙~◊N ª‘’ ÷◊@h‹≥`◊˙ Ä˙N– Ú˙~◊˙≠¡◊‘π≠@ > Δh≠s Δh≠s Nd◊äNÕ◊, ‘˙‘_d◊N˙S÷◊ π@–¡œ◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ÷◊Ø’¡◊≤h◊Î◊ ©u¡◊≠~◊ ɧ◊˙ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ¡◊u@ ·◊´d◊ ÷◊Ø’ Nfi˙·◊≠~◊ > ©˙s– ≠N Ä™˙~◊~◊–‘˙ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙‘ d◊≠Î◊ ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ¡◊–¡◊–S ≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ≠÷◊˙Ë– ≠÷◊˙Ë– π˛©˙ > ‘hb–≠`◊ Ä≠~◊÷◊ Øh]hΩ Ädœ◊D ©–™˙N˙, ÷◊≠Ø’ ÷◊@– N≤◊≠Δ˙s π˛©˙πd◊– N˙≠‹ π˛÷◊˙‘–≠`◊ ·◊–¡◊äØ~◊ Ø≈◊’ä ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙≠@ > Ä·œ◊‘ä s≤◊~◊ Nd◊ä-N¡◊–d◊˙πh@u@h ¡◊–÷◊‘–d◊ π‘h≠·◊≠≤◊ Ä˙N– Δ˙d◊˛uπ@– ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ @Q◊–≠`◊ ¡◊–S≥ ~◊‘_@ ~◊@@, ·h◊ä≠`◊˙≠÷◊ Q◊˙≤◊y≠`◊ ·œ◊D ¡◊–©lu ~◊l≠~◊ > ÄÚ˙k N˙Ø˛˙©ä ⁄˙π– ©Ÿ ©sd◊≠@ Nh·œ◊˜ ‘Å≠Î◊ Δ‹˙ ÄNuØ N˙s≠@ Ä‘_-πd◊– ≠≤◊≠`◊ @d◊ Ø≤◊˙÷◊≠Ø’ πhb– Oh·◊˛ π@–N≠@ Ü≤◊– Ø˙l˙@ N…N˙≠@ > (NØ˙D)


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·◊_–d◊ul §◊˙s (Q◊dh◊‹’ π¡◊’∫◊˙@h Ä¸Ø π¡◊’)


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Q◊dh◊‹’ π¡◊’ : ¡◊≤◊∂–‘–]˙@ ©~◊< à Ä≠~◊_rb@ π¡◊’


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


202 Canto One

The Birth and Childhood of the Flame A lamp was lit, a sacred image made.* A mediating ray had touched the earth Bridging the gulf between man’s mind and God’s; Its brightness linked our transience to the Unknown. A spirit of its celestial source aware Translating heaven into a human shape Descended into earth’s imperfect mould And wept not fallen to mortality, But looked on all with large and tranquil eyes. One had returned from the transcendent planes And bore anew the load of mortal breath, Who had striven of old with our darkness and our pain; She took again her divine unfinished task: Survivor of death and the aeonic years, Once more with her fathomless heart she fronted Time. Again there was renewed, again revealed The ancient closeness by earth-vision veiled,

* ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ πœB˙ 353, NDØ π˙·◊@h Ä˙@} >

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π˛‹Ø Ns’

¡◊≤◊∂–‘–]˙@ ©~◊< à ≠‘Ê‘¡◊ ·◊uD ≠≤◊`◊˙ ·◊uπË–Ü, ≠≤◊`◊˙ ¡◊–@Q◊–d◊ π¡◊–d◊˛ π˛d◊–Ø˙ Ü÷◊; ª‘’÷◊`◊˙ S@˙ N…≠Δ˙s÷◊˙@–bu Ü÷◊ @‘<–≠@]˙ Ä˙N– ≠Ndh◊NØ ~◊@Ø~◊ πhb– ·◊–¡◊äØ~◊ ¡◊ä¡◊S˙~◊ π≠@; ≠©ä˙d◊– ≠·◊`◊˙ d◊˙í@ ≠Δ˙Ÿ– Ä™˙d◊ d◊j@ N≠ú◊ Ä˙Ø ~◊‘_@d◊˙ > N≠Q◊d◊~◊ ~◊–© ·◊–¡◊ä Éf@ ¡◊–r≠l, Ä˙k˙ Ü÷◊ Ä¡◊d◊uC◊’ ≠≤◊`◊˙ πœ‹≥¡◊u@ ÄπFC◊’ Ä˙S˙≠@ ÷◊@– N_s’ul NhrØ˙ @Fπ˙¥◊@ Ø˙~◊¡◊@ Ä˙÷œ◊d◊– ØÚ≠@ > ÷◊˛o◊~◊ ~◊ ÷◊@– d◊˙≤◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊–πd◊–d◊ ~◊‘_@ ©s≠d◊, ~◊–© ‘˙¥◊ π˛N˙@–d◊ ~◊l≠~◊ ≠·◊]≥`◊˙ N¡h◊; ≠Á◊@– Ä˙N– Ü÷◊ ≠`◊˙≠÷◊˙≈◊@ ©sd◊@h, πhb– ~◊¡◊@F≠π ¡◊≤◊~◊ ÷◊@–`◊˙ Ø≈◊’ä ©u¡◊~◊@ §◊˙@ > d◊Ø–N˛, Δ˙d◊~◊˙ N≠ú◊ ©u¡◊~◊@ Ä˙Ø N…ˆr’ ÷◊≠`◊ ≠Δ ≠÷◊≠d◊ πh@˙d◊~◊ ÷◊˙Îh◊, πh~◊@˙l s˛≤◊b ≠N ÷◊≠`◊ §◊˙s¡◊d◊ ÄN…πFC◊’ ÷◊˙Δ’ä ~◊–©; Äd◊–÷◊˛Ø– Øœdh◊ä, Äd◊–÷◊˛Ø– ÷◊À◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ πhb– ≠≤◊≠`◊ ∫◊–Ä˙ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊ Ä˙≠s ~◊–© Äs˙S, Äd◊Î◊ ≤œ◊·◊l@ ‘ê◊– ≠~◊Å; πhb– ~◊¡◊@F≠π ≠≤◊`◊˙ Éπ÷◊˛Ø, πhb– ≠≤◊`◊˙ π˛÷◊Ë–d◊ πh@˙d◊~◊ ~◊–¡◊–Ÿd◊˙ π˙‹≥’¡◊ ·œ◊¸–@ Ä˙¡◊@b d◊≠Î◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ‹≥`◊˙ `h◊ü˙l–d◊, 203

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204 The secret contact broken off in Time, A consanguinity of earth and heaven, Between the human portion toiling here And an as yet unborn and limitless Force. Again the mystic deep attempt began, The daring wager of the cosmic game. For since upon this blind and whirling globe Earth-plasm first quivered with the illumining mind And life invaded the material sheath Afflicting Inconscience with the need to feel, Since in Infinity’s silence woke a word, A Mother-wisdom works in Nature’s breast To pour delight on the heart of toil and want And press perfection on life’s stumbling powers, Impose heaven-sentience on the obscure abyss And make dumb Matter conscious of its God. Although our fallen minds forget to climb, Although our human stuff resists or breaks, She keeps her will that hopes to divinise clay;

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π˛è◊¤ N…≠Δ˙s Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥`◊˙ ø–¤ ÷◊˙Î◊@ π˛¡◊˙≠≤◊, πœ‹_u N_≠`◊’˙÷◊ ØÚ≠@ @ê◊@ N…π÷◊’, ‘˛Ø@d◊ Ü≤◊–∫◊˙≠@ Ø˙~◊¡◊ul Ä…‘ πhb– Ü Δ˙¡◊d◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ > Ä©˙d◊ ÄNuØ Ø≤◊˙‘ê◊– d◊˙í@ Ø≠Ú > Ä˙@} ≠≤◊˙Å`◊˙ πhb– s≤◊~◊ s§◊u@ π˛l˙N, ~◊–§◊’u÷◊ Äd◊– N˙≤◊N–÷◊ ¡◊˙©– ¡◊–‘_Øl `◊uÎ◊˙@ Δ˙; ˆFC◊’Ø˙~◊, ÄÕ◊ Ø—≠Î◊ ≠Δ ·◊–~h◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ π˛‹≠Ø ªo◊–d◊ ©u¡◊≠÷◊˙r πœ‹≥¡◊u@ π˛§◊˙N Ø˙~◊N ª‘’`§◊–, Ä˙÷◊˛Øb ÷◊@– ≠Δ≠¡◊ π˛˙b ĤØl ≠÷◊˙r ≠·◊`◊˙ Ä˙ˆ˙≠d◊ ©s˙Å Ä~h◊§F◊d◊– π˛≠l˙©~◊ ÄQ◊–d◊– ØÚ≠@, Ä¥◊≤◊u~◊ ~◊u@¡◊d◊˙ Ø≠Ú ≠ΔÉΩ·◊–~h◊ ¡◊˙÷Í◊‘ê◊– É∫◊–`◊˙ ©˙s–, ≠N≤◊– ·◊–~h◊ Ü÷◊ π˛™˙Ølu Ø˙d◊˙ ÷◊@hø¥◊– ÷◊˙Δ’ä d◊˙ö◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ ¡h◊≠÷◊, Y◊˙Î◊– ≠·◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙~◊o◊ ≤œ◊·◊l≠@ ‘˛˙¥◊, ħ◊˙¡◊u@; π˛pÎ◊¥◊ π˛˙b‘ê◊– π≠@ π˛≠Q◊˙·◊–d◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ πFC◊’d◊˙@ ¡◊Î◊; ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙≠@˙π–d◊ N_≠`◊’˙÷◊@ N…≠¡◊·◊~◊ ~◊–w˛§◊ Äd◊≠Î◊, ØF÷◊ ©≠Ÿ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ N≠Q◊d◊~◊ d◊˙í@ π˛§h◊@ ¡◊–r≠l; Ä˙Ø Ä≠S˙sd Ø~◊ Ä˙≠@˙≤◊b ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ Δ·◊– ¡◊˙ π˙≠N˙≠@, ¡◊˙S˙ ·◊–Ü Ä¡◊˙ §◊˙ú◊–π≠Ÿ Øb–r@ π˛÷œ◊d◊– Δ‡π–, N…÷◊À◊ ÄËÎ◊ d◊˙ö◊ @]¥◊– ©~◊~◊u, Ä˙‘˙ @]≥ §◊˙s¡◊d◊u d◊~h◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙Ø Øœb<l ‘@u@ >


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


206 Failure cannot repress, defeat o’erthrow; Time cannot weary her nor the Void subdue, The ages have not made her passion less; No victory she admits of Death or Fate. Always she drives the soul to new attempt; Always her magical infinitude Forces to aspire the inert brute elements; As one who has all infinity to waste, She scatters the seed of the Eternal’s strength On a half-animate and crumbling mould, Plants heaven’s delight in the heart’s passionate mire, Pours godhead’s seekings into a bare beast frame, Hides immortality in a mask of death. Once more that Will put on an earthly shape. A Mind empowered from Truth’s immutable seat Was framed for vision and interpreting act And instruments were sovereignly designed To express divinity in terrestrial signs.

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¡◊ä‹’d◊˙ π˙≠@~◊˙ ÷◊@– ~◊–≠@˙S d◊˙≤◊˙öh◊, π@˙©l ¡◊–πΔ’äg, ÷◊˙Î◊ π@–‘˛˙¥◊, ·◊Ø~◊ π˙≠@~◊˙ ÷◊@– Ä¡◊˙ Ø≤◊˙‘F~◊ä > ÷◊À◊ d◊˙ π˙≠@~◊˙ ÷◊@– ≤◊˛˙N Ä~h◊@˙s > N_u÷◊˙@ ≠N ÷◊≠@ ~◊˙≤◊y ¡◊–©l Øœdh◊ä@ Ä¡◊˙ ~◊–ld◊–@; ÷◊≠@ π˛≠b˙·◊–d◊ N·◊˙ ©u¡◊˙k˙÷h◊ ~◊¡◊ ~◊¡◊ π˛l˙N≠@ d◊˙≤◊˙ > Δ˙·h◊÷◊@u NuØ˙≤◊u~◊ ‘ê◊– d◊˙í@ N·◊˙ Ä˙ªœ≤◊˙ ÷◊@–¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ¡◊˙Ú ÷◊≠@ ©Ÿ Ä≠Q◊d◊~◊ Éπ˙·◊˙~◊; Ä~◊¥◊ N…§◊˙@ N¡h◊ Äø– Äπ¡◊äl ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ Δ˙í@ d◊˙≤◊˙π@– ‘˙‘_d◊@ N˙Ø‹’ä ¡◊u© ≠N ~◊–≠Oπ ÷◊@¥◊– ÄM’≠Q◊d◊~◊, §◊úh◊@ Ä˙÷œ◊d◊– Éπ≠@; N_s’ Ä˙~◊o◊ ≠@˙πb ÷◊@¥◊– ≠N ≤œ◊·◊l@ N÷◊˙Ø ÷◊P’≠Ø > Y◊˙Î◊– ≠N ·◊–Ä¥◊– ~◊s∂ π‘h@ Ä˙S˙≠@ ≠·◊¡◊d◊_@ Ä≠~◊_rb @N; ÄØ@d◊_ `h◊ü˙l–d◊ @]¥◊– ≠N Øœdh◊ä ø·◊<≠¡◊≠‘ > ≠N Ø≤◊˙ N…÷◊À◊ πhb– ÷◊@–`◊˙ S˙@b π˙‹≥’¡◊ Ä˙÷◊˙@ Ü÷◊; Nd◊ä≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@ π–∫h◊ π˙Å ÄS≥÷◊˙@ ·◊–¡◊äØ~◊ Ü÷◊ ~◊–Ø–’d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å`◊˙ Nd◊ä ·œ◊¸– à ÷◊Ø’@ d◊˙‚Δ’ä π˛÷◊˙‘ π˙ÅΩ; Éeœ¸ @F≠π d◊˙ ÷◊@b ÷◊À◊–d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙, ħ◊–¡◊äê◊– π˙ÅΩ π˙‹≥’¡◊ N…™˙@ Ø≠Ú ·◊–¡◊ä Ø≤◊–Ø˙@ >


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


208 Outlined by the pressure of this new descent A lovelier body formed than earth had known. As yet a prophecy only and a hint, The glowing arc of a charmed unseen whole, It came into the sky of mortal life Bright like the crescent horn of a gold moon Returning in a faint illumined eve.

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@Fπ≠@] `◊§◊– ~◊¡◊ Ä¡◊d◊@b@ π˛§◊˙≠¡◊ s∫◊–d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ S@˙≠@ ¡◊–·◊–d◊ d◊~h◊ Δ˙ d◊˙í∫◊˙@h Ü÷◊ ÄS≥÷◊ Nh∫◊˙Ø, Nh÷◊˙¥◊ ‘@u@; §◊¡◊–d◊¡◊ä ¡◊˙bu Ü÷◊ Ø˙d◊˛ Ü Δ˙¡◊d◊, Ü÷◊ N…≠÷◊d◊ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊, Ä·œ◊‘ä ≠Ø˙≤◊~◊ ¡œ◊≈◊ ·◊uD Q◊˙π Ü÷◊, į≠@ d◊˙ ≠·◊`◊˙ ≠·◊]˙ Ø≈◊’ä ©u¡◊~◊@, ≤◊–@b<lu Q◊o◊˛≠`◊]˙ NØ ·h◊äd◊–Ød◊u Øo◊π˛§ NÕ◊ä˙≠@ Δ˙ Ä˙N–ø– ¡◊˙≤h◊Ÿ– > (ÄNØ˙D)


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3rd Final : 24/10/2009




·◊_–d◊ul Ns’ : ¡◊≤◊∂–‘–]˙@ ¡◊–÷◊˙‘

ÌÜ≤◊– Ns’≠@ Ø≤◊˙÷◊¡◊– N˙¡◊–d◊˛uö◊@ ¡◊˙`◊ä©u¡◊~◊, ‘–O˙, Ø·◊˛≠·◊‘@ ©~◊N…œ◊d◊– à π@–≠¡◊‘ ¡◊C◊’~◊˙ ÷◊@–ø¥◊– > ÷◊Î◊˙, ·◊‘’~◊, Ø»N˙S~◊˙ Ä˙·◊– ‘–O˙@ ¡◊≤h◊ ¡◊–§◊˙¡◊ ØÚ≠@ @˙©÷h◊Ø˙@uö◊@ Ä¥◊©’u¡◊~◊ ¡◊–÷◊‘–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø– > d◊˙öh◊ ≠ˆ@– s˜–É∫◊–ø– Ü÷◊ Ä~h◊@˙su Ä~h◊sd◊ d◊@hb NØ˙© > NØ≠g d◊˙ö◊ N]ä@N `◊˙§◊ ÷◊@– S~◊ä ≠≤◊˙Åø¥◊– ÷◊–¥h◊ ≠÷◊≤◊– ≠≤◊≠`◊ ¡◊– d◊˙ö◊@ Ä˙k˙@ Ü÷◊˙¥◊ N≤◊Q◊@ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙@– ~◊˙≤◊y > ≠N d◊˙ö◊ ·◊–¡◊ä Ø≤◊–Ø˙≠@ ·h◊@˙N·, ÄsØä˙ ≠≤◊˙Å @≤◊–≠`◊ñ ‘A glory unapproachably divine’ ¡◊≤h◊§◊˙≠¡◊ ¡◊–÷◊‘–d◊˙ N˙¡◊–d◊˛u ~◊–©@ ¡◊äê◊–d◊_@ N÷◊Î◊ ‘ê◊–, Ø˙Sh@u à á‘_Δ’ä÷h◊ ©~◊≠N¡◊˙≠@ ~◊–≠l˙©–d◊ ÷◊@–ø¥◊– > Ü≤◊– ≠`◊˙÷◊≠@ ·◊–¡◊ä©u¡◊~◊ π˛d◊–B˙ π˙ÅΩ ‘ê◊–N…Q◊˙@ ÷◊@–¡◊˙ d◊˙ö◊@ Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ É≠P‘ä (That a diviner Force might enter life) > d◊˙ö◊ N≤◊–d◊ @≤◊–, d◊˙ö◊@ ¡◊äê◊–d◊_@ ª‘’ π˙Å Øb–r ØÚ≠@ ÷◊˙Î◊÷◊˛≠Ø ~F◊d◊~◊ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ Ä˙N–ø– > NØ≠g d◊˙öh◊ ·◊–¡◊ä©u¡◊~◊@ ≠~◊d◊˛u@F≠π N_u÷◊˙@ ÷◊@–ø¥◊– > Üπ@–÷◊– ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ü≤◊– ~◊˙Ø÷h◊ ≠NØ˙≠~◊ Ü÷◊ É≈◊Ø Ø»@F≠π s˛≤◊b ÷◊@–ø¥◊– > ≠d◊≠¡◊ ·◊–¡◊䑲u≠@ §◊˙N_@˙ ≠NÅ d◊@hbuöh◊ d◊˙ö◊@ á‘uπ˛§◊˙¡◊ ·◊_˙@˙ π˛d◊–≤◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ≠÷◊≤◊– ¡◊– ¡◊@b ÷◊≠`◊ ~◊˙≤◊y, ¡◊ä˙Nö◊ §◊˙r˙≠@ : d◊˙… dh◊ π·◊< πÎ◊˙‘˙Ou… ©_Î◊¥◊uØ–¡◊ ≠d◊©N˙ ~◊ ÷◊¢◊–·Í◊ ¡◊@l˙Ø˙N ≠d◊©N˙ π˛d◊–¡◊˙@–d◊º > (Ø≤◊˙§◊˙@d◊, ¡◊~◊π¡◊’) ñ Ä~h◊¡◊˙·◊÷◊±


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


212 Canto Two

The Growth of the Flame A LAND of mountains and wide sun-beat plains And giant rivers pacing to vast seas, A field of creation and spiritual hush, Silence swallowing life’s acts into the deeps, Of thought’s transcendent climb and heavenward leap, A brooding world of reverie and trance, Filled with the mightiest works of God and man, Where Nature seemed a dream of the Divine And beauty and grace and grandeur had their home, Harboured the childhood of the incarnate Flame. Over her watched millennial influences And the deep godheads of a grandiose past Looked on her and saw the future’s godheads come As if this magnet drew their powers unseen. Earth’s brooding wisdom spoke to her still breast; Mounting from mind’s last peaks to mate with gods, Making earth’s brilliant thoughts a springing-board To dive into the cosmic vastnesses,

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




·◊_–d◊ul Ns’

¡◊≤◊∂–‘–]˙@ ¡◊–÷◊˙‘ ‘–]@u ≠‘˙§◊–d◊ ≠·◊≠‘ ]@ @¡◊–÷◊@d◊˙π–d◊ ¡◊–gœd◊ ¡◊≤h◊ §F◊Ø– NØd◊Î◊, Ø≤◊˙~◊·◊u S˙@˙ Δ≤◊y ¡◊≠≤◊ ·◊´d◊≠¡◊≠s ·F◊@ ≠÷◊ÉΩ Nh¡◊–πhÎ◊ Ø≠≤◊˙·◊S≥ ·◊–≠s > Nœ©~◊u π˛d◊–§◊˙πh@u, Ä˙k NØ˙≤◊–d◊ ÷◊Ø’ ≠÷◊˙Î◊˙≤◊Î◊ Δ≤◊y ØÉ≠~◊ Ø@≠Ø Xh◊¡◊Å Äd◊≠Î◊, ÷◊˙≤◊y dh◊@ul π˛≠·◊≠‘ Ä˙≠@˙≠≤◊ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙, øh≠Ë N_s’ ħ◊–N˙≠@ > Ú˙~◊`u~◊ ©sd◊ d◊˙í N_π∂ NØ˙S≥@, πF@–d◊ d◊˙í Ø˙~◊¡◊@ Ä˙¡◊@ ¡◊–S≥@ ≠‘˛B ÷◊˙@h÷◊˙≠Δ’ä, d◊≤◊y @˙©Å π˛÷œ◊d◊– §◊˙s¡◊d◊ N_π∂ NØ, Ø≤◊˙ N·◊~◊ d◊˙í NhrØ˙ `◊˙¡◊bä @Fπ ·◊–¡◊ä Ø≤◊–Ø˙@ > ≠‘Ê‘¡◊ ¡◊–d◊–`◊˙ d◊≤◊y π˛§◊˙-π˛d◊–Ø˙@ > ÷œ◊d◊ Δhs ‘ê◊– ≠÷◊≠d◊ ©s–≠`◊ Ü ‘–‘h, s≤◊~◊≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ·◊uD Äd◊ud◊ Δhs@ ¡◊–≠`◊˙÷◊–≠`◊ @F≠π d◊˙í@ §◊˙¡◊u ≠·◊¡◊ΔF‹ ‘h§◊ Ä˙sØ~◊ N≠d◊ ≠Δπ@– Ü ‘–‘h Äl◊˙¥◊ NØ Ë˙≠b ≠s˙π~◊ ‘÷◊d◊– > Su@ π˛˙™ S@bu@ ⁄–@ ≤œ◊≠·◊ d◊˙@ ÷◊≤◊–≠`◊ s≤◊~◊ d◊j, ·◊˛¸˙ §◊˙¡h◊÷◊@ ™˙~◊ ≠X◊ÅΩ Ø~◊ ≠‘r ‘–]@ Éπ@h Ø–‘–`◊˙ ·h◊ä≠`◊˙≠÷◊, S@˙ @hQ◊–@ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ ØG ≠≤◊`◊˙ X◊h¡◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ §F◊Ø˙@ N˙s≠@ >


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


214 The knowledge of the thinker and the seer Saw the unseen and thought the unthinkable, Opened the enormous doors of the unknown, Rent man’s horizons into infinity. A shoreless sweep was lent to the mortal’s acts, And art and beauty sprang from the human depths; Nature and soul vied in nobility. Ethics the human keyed to imitate heaven; The harmony of a rich culture’s tones Refined the sense and magnified its reach To hear the unheard and glimpse the invisible And taught the soul to soar beyond things known, Inspiring life to greaten and break its bounds, Aspiring to the Immortals’ unseen world. Leaving earth’s safety daring wings of Mind Bore her above the trodden fields of thought Crossing the mystic seas of the Beyond To live on eagle heights near to the Sun. There Wisdom sits on her eternal throne. All her life’s turns led her to symbol doors Admitting to secret Powers that were her kin; Adept of truth, initiate of bliss, A mystic acolyte trained in Nature’s school,

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≠·◊]≥`◊˙ ≠N sF˜ Nd◊ä, ÄQ◊–¥◊ä ¡◊–rl §◊˙¡◊– ≠N ≠]˙`◊–`◊˙ Ø≤◊˙-·◊_˙@ Ä©b˙@ > ·◊uC◊’ ÷◊@– Q◊÷◊˛¡◊˙Î◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ Q◊–≈◊@ Q◊Éπ˙≠‘ π˛N˙@–d◊ ÷◊`◊˙ d◊˙ ÄNu≠Ø > ~◊@÷◊Ø’ S˙@˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ π˛¡◊Î◊ Äπ˙@, ÷◊Î◊˙‘˛u É∫◊–`◊˙ Áh◊Ë– s§◊u@ ≤◊–Ä˙@h > Ä˙k˙ à π˛÷œ◊d◊– ·h◊≠≤◊Ω π˛d◊–≠Δ˙su d◊≤◊y ≠÷◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ d◊˙ ‘uÎ◊sh≠b Ø≤◊d◊ ÄS≥÷◊ > Ä~h◊@Fπ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ Ä˙≠‘ ·◊–¡◊ä ¡◊–S˙~◊@ Ø˙~◊¡◊@ ~◊ud◊– d◊» d◊≤◊y π˛≠Q◊˙·◊–d◊ > Nh‘uÎ◊–d◊ N…sud◊@ Ø˙Sh@u π˛§◊˙≠¡◊ Åo◊–˛l Ø˙©–’d◊, d◊˙@ ‘ê◊– π˛N˙@–d◊ ≠·◊]≥¡◊˙÷h◊ ‘hb–¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä·œ◊¸ Ä‘´d◊ > Ä˙k˙ `◊≠§◊ ‘–O˙ NuØ˙ ÷◊˙Ë– ÉŸ–¡◊˙÷h◊ ·F◊≠@ Ñ≠Z◊’ ÄS≥sd◊ Ä˙÷◊˙‘ Éπ≠@ > §◊@–≠·◊`◊˙ ≠π˛@b˙ d◊˙ ©u¡◊≠~◊ ©u¡◊≠~◊ NuØ˙ ø˙Ÿ– ¡◊˜–¡◊˙÷h◊ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ π˛N˙≠@, Ä·œ◊‘ä ÄØ@ ≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ·◊–¡◊ä Ä˙÷F◊d◊–≠@ > π˛™˙ Δ≤◊y NØ˙Nu~◊˙ ‘˙‘_d◊ Ä˙N≠~◊ N¡◊–d◊˙ ~◊–÷◊≠Ë ·F◊≠@ π@Ø ≠¡◊ä˙Ø≠@ ~◊–¡◊N–¡◊˙ Ä˙≠N d◊≤◊y s≤◊~◊ N˙s@ π˙@–÷◊@– ≠~◊≠`◊ d◊˙÷h◊ ·◊–¡◊äØ˙~◊N@ N˙≤◊Nu ¡◊–≤◊sπO ¡◊@©– Ø˙~◊¡◊ ħ◊äg §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ §F◊Ø– ~◊–@˙π·◊ §◊˙¡◊, ≠·◊¡◊u·◊_˙@ ≠·◊Å d◊˙÷h◊ ≠~◊≠`◊ ©u¡◊~◊@ N÷◊Î◊ ˆËb˙ Δ≤◊y ~◊–§œ◊d◊ ~◊–Î◊≠l ¡◊–@˙©–d◊˙ ‹≥≠`◊ d◊˙í@ ‘ê◊– N©˙d◊ul˙ > d◊j¡◊–‘˙@·◊˙, ØShØ≠» ≠N ·◊uO–d◊˙, π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ π˙∫◊‘˙≠Î◊ ≠π˛Ø@ ≠Δ˙s–~◊u 215

3rd Final : 24/10/2009


216 Aware of the marvel of created things She laid the secrecies of her heart’s deep muse Upon the altar of the Wonderful; Her hours were a ritual in a timeless fane; Her acts became gestures of sacrifice. Invested with a rhythm of higher spheres The word was used as a hieratic means For the release of the imprisoned spirit Into communion with its comrade gods. Or it helped to beat out new expressive forms Of that which labours in the heart of life, Some immemorial Soul in men and things, Seeker of the unknown and the unborn Carrying a light from the Ineffable To rend the veil of the last mysteries. Intense philosophies pointed earth to heaven Or on foundations broad as cosmic Space Upraised the earth-mind to superhuman heights. Overpassing lines that please the outward eyes But hide the sight of that which lives within Sculpture and painting concentrated sense Upon an inner vision’s motionless verge, Revealed a figure of the invisible, Unveiled all Nature’s meaning in a form, Or caught into a body the Divine. The architecture of the Infinite Discovered here its inward-musing shapes Captured into wide breadths of soaring stone:

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




Nœ¸– @Fπ‘–@u ≠¡◊˙≠S Ä˙~◊≠o◊ ¡◊–N<≠l Y◊˙Î◊–≠`◊ ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ ≠·◊¡◊ πF©˙ ≠¡◊·◊u π≠@ ≤œ◊·◊l s§◊u@ §◊˙¡◊ sF˜ ÉπQ◊˙@ > ‘˙‘_d◊@ ≠·◊¡◊˙Î◊≠l NØl d◊˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Éπ˙N~◊˙Øl ÷◊Ø’ §◊˙¡◊ ~◊–≠¡◊·◊~◊ > ‘›◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ÑZ◊’≠`◊˙÷◊ øo◊ Ø˙Sh@u≠@ Ø»@ N˙S~◊˙ Ä˙k˙ ÷◊˙@˙s˙@h Δ˙≤◊˙ Øhê◊ ÷◊@– ≠·◊`◊˙ ≠Δ˙Ÿ– Ø–d◊˛≠·◊¡◊ N˙≠‹ > Ä¡◊˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ N≤◊˙l d◊˙í ~◊¡◊ ~◊¡◊ @F≠π π@–Œh◊Ë ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä™˙d◊, Ä~◊˙·◊– Nd◊ä÷◊˙Ø N~◊˙d◊~◊ ¡◊–‘_@ πh@hr π@˙‚@ ≠©ä˙d◊–¡◊≤◊ π˛˙b@ s§◊u≠@ π˛l˙N ≠Δ ÷◊≠@ N·◊˙ @≤◊Nä Q◊@Ø Ä˙¡◊@b ≠·◊¡◊ Q◊–@– @hQ◊–@ π˛÷◊˙≠‘ > s≤◊~◊ ·◊‘’~◊ ¡◊≤h◊ d◊j ©–™˙N˙@ ·h◊ä≠`˙≠÷◊ N≠Q◊d◊ ÷◊`◊˙ S@˙@ Ø˙~◊¡◊, Ä¡◊˙ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙‘-~◊–§◊ ¡◊–πhÎ◊ Ä˙S˙≠@ ≠`◊˙≠÷◊˙≈◊@ π≠·◊ ≠d◊˙Î◊– S@–`◊˙ d◊˙ Ø~◊ > ≠@]˙@≠ú◊ Q◊–d◊˛÷◊@ πhb– ‘–À◊–sb π˛÷◊˙‘ ~◊÷◊@– Δ˙≤◊˙ ¡◊˙≤◊˙@ ~◊l≠~◊ @hQ◊–@ ≠≤◊≠`◊≠≤◊Ω N·◊˙ `h◊Q◊˙Ü Ø@Ø, Ú˙~◊ NØ˙≤◊–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊–≠¡◊‘–≠`◊ Ø~◊ @Fπ@ ~◊–¢◊Î◊ d◊≠Ë Ä¥◊@ ©s≠d◊, Áh◊Ë˙Å≠`◊ Ä·œ◊‘ä@ @hQ◊–@ Ä˙÷◊˙@ @F≠π ≠·◊≠`◊ ≠]˙`◊– §◊˙¡◊ N˙@˙ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ > π˛d◊–Ø˙≠@ Áh◊Ë˙Å≠`◊ π@Ø ØF@d◊– > ÉdÍ◊Nπ’u ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ‘–Î◊˙ Éπ≠@ ≠]˙·◊–d◊ Ä˙k`◊u~◊ @Fπ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ~◊–© Ä~h◊@Fπ ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ÄNuØ ‘–À◊ ÄØ–d◊ Ø≤◊–Ø˙ > 217

3rd Final : 24/10/2009


218 Music brought down celestial yearnings, song Held the merged heart absorbed in rapturous depths, Linking the human with the cosmic cry; The world-interpreting movements of the dance Moulded idea and mood to a rhythmic sway And posture; crafts minute in subtle lines Eternised a swift moment’s memory Or showed in a carving’s sweep, a cup’s design The underlying patterns of the unseen: Poems in largeness cast like moving worlds And metres surging with the ocean’s voice Translated by grandeurs locked in Nature’s heart But thrown now into a crowded glory of speech The beauty and sublimity of her forms, The passion of her moments and her moods Lifting the human word nearer to the god’s. Man’s eyes could look into the inner realms; His scrutiny discovered number’s law And organised the motions of the stars, Mapped out the visible fashioning of the world, Questioned the process of his thoughts or made A theorised diagram of mind and life. These things she took in as her nature’s food, But these alone could fill not her wide Self:

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




Nú◊ud◊ Ä˙b–`◊˙ ¡◊≤◊– N_s’ul Ä˙÷F◊d◊–, Øs∂≤◊–Ä˙ ‘hb– s˙~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ NØ˙≤◊–d◊ s≤◊~◊ Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘, Q◊˙@h sud◊ ØFè◊’~◊˙≠@ Ø–‘–`◊˙ Ø˙~◊¡◊ S_~◊– ¡◊–‘_ ÷◊Î◊@≠¡◊ > ~◊Ë@˙© ~œ◊≠d◊ä d◊≤◊y øo◊ d◊˙≠Î◊ d◊˙≠Î◊ §◊ú◊–≠@ Áh◊Ë–`◊˙ ≠÷◊≠d◊ §◊˙¡◊ Ä~h◊§◊˙¡◊ > Nh~◊–πhb ÷◊˙@h÷◊˙≠Δ’ä NFO< π@–π˙Ëu Q◊–@¥◊~◊ ÷◊`◊˙ N<œd◊– ·◊´d◊ ~◊–≠Ør@, Ä·œ◊¸ @Fπ@ Ä¡◊˙ @hQ◊–@ ~◊Øh~◊˙ π˛÷◊˙‘–`◊˙ π˙~◊π˙d◊˛ @Q◊~◊˙ π˙Ë≠¡◊ > NQ◊Î◊ ©sd◊ NØ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ÷◊¡◊–d◊˙ É≈◊˙Î◊ ©Î◊S≥ Øo◊˛ øo◊ `◊≤◊@u≠@ ≠·◊¡◊¡◊˙bu Ä~h◊@Fπ Ø˙~◊¡◊ §◊˙r˙≠@ ≠·◊≠`◊ ≠]˙`◊– NhØ≤◊˙~Í◊ ‘¡◊·◊ N…§◊˙@, π˛÷œ◊d◊– ≤œ◊·◊≠l @hM ¡◊–πhÎ◊ ¡◊–§◊¡◊ π˛÷◊˙‘– d◊˙ Ø≤◊˙@Fπ ÄØ–d◊ NhrØ˙ ~◊–≠Ø≠r ~◊–≠Ø≠r @N §◊˙¡◊@ Éè◊_˙N > Ø˙~◊¡◊ ≠·◊]≥`◊˙ d◊˙@ Ä¥◊@ ©sd◊ > sb–d◊ ~◊–lØ ©˙b– s≤◊~◊ ¡◊–Q◊˙≠@ ¡◊–™ d◊≤◊y NF≠d◊˛ ‹≥≠`◊ ¡◊˙Õ◊– d◊˙@÷◊˙@ sd◊–π‹, Ä˙÷◊˙@ Ü ⁄FÎ◊©sd◊@ Ä˙ö◊–‹≥≠`◊ Ø˙~◊Q◊–≠d◊˛, d◊÷◊’ ©–™˙N˙≠@ ÷◊@–‹≥≠`◊ ¡◊–≠‘mrb §◊˙¡◊~◊˙@ S˙@˙, Q◊–d◊˛ @Q◊–‹≥≠`◊ Ä¡◊˙ d◊j Ä~h◊Ø˙≠~◊ π˛˙bØl, Ø≠~◊˙Øl N˙@˙ ©sd◊@ > Ü N÷◊Î◊ ‹≥`◊˙ N–~◊˙ @˙©÷h◊Ø˙@u@ π˛˙÷œ◊d◊ dœ◊D–@ ≠≤◊dh◊, É·◊˙@ Ä¥◊@Ä˙k˙ d◊˙@ ~◊ §◊@–`◊˙ Ü‹≥≠@ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ >


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


220 A human seeking limited by its gains, To her they seemed the great and early steps Hazardous of a young discovering spirit Which saw not yet by its own native light; It tapped the universe with testing knocks Or stretched to find truth mind’s divining rod; There was a growing out to numberless sides, But not the widest seeing of the soul, Not yet the vast direct immediate touch, Nor yet the art and wisdom of the Gods. A boundless knowledge greater than man’s thought, A happiness too high for heart and sense Locked in the world and yearning for release She felt in her; waiting as yet for form, It asked for objects around which to grow And natures strong to bear without recoil The splendour of her native royalty, Her greatness and her sweetness and her bliss, Her might to possess and her vast power to love: Earth made a stepping-stone to conquer heaven, The soul saw beyond heaven’s limiting boundaries, Met a great light from the Unknowable And dreamed of a transcendent action’s sphere. Aware of the universal Self in all

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Ü÷◊˙¥◊ Ø˙~h◊ru N¡h◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ø≠~◊ d◊˙í@ N–M–≠@ NuØ–d◊ ~◊@ Ürb˙ ≠N÷◊˙≠Î◊ Ä˙k˙≠`◊˙÷◊ Ä~◊§◊–™ NÕ◊˙~◊u d◊@hbu N…÷◊Ë Nöh◊Î◊ Ø≤◊˙N˙S~◊˙@ π≠‹ ‹≥`◊˙ N≠d◊ Ä¡◊˙ Ä˙·◊– sh@h π·◊≠Oπ > π@uO˙ ~◊–@uO˙ ÷◊@– ⁄FÎ◊ ª≠‘’ Ø~◊ ≠]˙©h‹≥`◊˙ d◊j d◊≤◊y ¡◊–‘_ §h◊¡◊~◊@, π˛N˙@–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å πhb– Nd◊äØ˙~◊N@ π≠‹ π≠‹ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠]˙©– NÕ◊˙~◊ ‘Î◊˙÷◊˙ > Äsb~◊ ·◊–≠s d◊≤◊y ‹≥≠`◊≠≤◊Ω ¡◊–÷◊˙‘ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ Ä˙k˙@ Ø≤◊˙ π˛N˙@–d◊ ·œ◊¸– N≤◊© N˙O˙dÍ◊ ª‘’ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ Ä¡◊˙S π@Ø ¡◊–™˙~◊ ÷◊Î◊˙ Ø≤◊˙ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ > ÷h◊Ø˙@u Ä¥◊≠@ ‹≥`◊˙ ÄNuØ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ Ø˙~◊¡◊ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙∫◊˙@h Äd◊– s@ulNu, Ä˙¡◊@ Ø˙~◊¡◊≤◊–Ä˙ ≠¡◊˙S@ Äd◊ud◊ Ø≤◊˙Nh], Ä¡◊@hM ¡◊–‘_ ÷◊˙@˙s˙≠@ Éd◊Î◊˙ ≠Δ ≠≤◊¡◊ Øhê◊ ¡◊–πhÎ◊ S˙@˙≠@ > @Fπ˙l≠~◊ Ä˙≠‘ d◊˙≤◊˙ ≠]˙©h‹≥`◊˙ d◊≤◊y ¡◊–÷◊˙‘-Ä˙‘˛l ‘hQ◊– N¡◊Î◊ Ä˙S˙@ ¡◊u@§◊˙≠¡◊ N≤◊–¡◊ Δ˙ N≤◊©˙d◊ d◊˙@ @˙≠©‘_@u π˛§◊˙, Nh], Ø≤◊–Ø˙, Ø˙Sh@u Nh¡◊–πhÎ◊ ≠π˛Ø‘ê◊– ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ Ä˙≠¡◊‘ > N_s’©l Ä˙≠‘ S@˙ ÷◊`◊˙ d◊˙ π˛ghd◊– > ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊@ NuØ˙ ≠X◊ÅΩ Ä˙k˙@ ~◊l~◊ ≠·◊]≥`◊˙ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ≠©ä˙d◊– Ä™˙d◊ ≠`˙÷◊@ > dh◊@ul@ ÷◊Ø’§F◊Ø– §◊˙N–`◊˙ Nπ≠~◊ N¡◊’sd◊-¡◊–‘_ Ä˙k˙-N≠Q◊d◊ ÷h◊Ø˙@u


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


222 She turned to living hearts and human forms, Her soul’s reflections, complements, counterparts, The close outlying portions of her being Divided from her by walls of body and mind Yet to her spirit bound by ties divine. Overcoming invisible hedge and masked defence And the loneliness that separates soul from soul, She wished to make all one immense embrace That she might house in it all living things Raised into a splendid point of seeing light Out of division’s dense inconscient cleft, And make them one with God and world and her. Only a few responded to her call: Still fewer felt the screened divinity And strove to mate its godhead with their own, Approaching with some kinship to her heights. Uplifted towards luminous secrecies Or conscious of some splendour hidden above They leaped to find her in a moment’s flash, Glimpsing a light in a celestial vast,

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




≠Á◊@˙Å≠`◊ ·œ◊¸– Ü‹≥ ~◊‘_@ ©s≠d◊ π˛˙bu@ ≤œ◊·◊l πh≠@, Ø˙~◊¡◊@ @F≠π > N÷◊Î◊ d◊˙í Ä˙k˙ π˛d◊–¡◊–¯, π˛d◊–@Fπ πF@÷◊, ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ, ·F◊@ Ä…‘ d◊˙ N≈◊˙@ ¡◊–è◊–¤ ≠≤◊≠`◊≠≤◊Ω d◊~h◊ Ø~◊@ π˛˙Q◊u≠@ Ä˙k˙ N≠ú◊ Δhê◊ d◊˙@ Nd◊ä@ ¡◊Õ◊≠~◊ > Ä˙≠¡◊¸~◊u ‹≥`◊˙ ≠Δ≠d◊ ©u¡◊≠~◊ ©u¡◊≠~◊ shD ¡◊ä¡◊S˙~◊ πhb–, ¡◊–©~◊d◊˙ Δ˙≤◊˙ Ü÷◊ Ä˙k˙∫◊˙@h Ä˙~◊ ÷◊@Å πœ‹÷◊ Äd◊–÷◊˛Ø ÷◊@– N¡h◊ @˙©˙@ ·h◊≤◊–d◊˙ Q◊˙≤◊y≠`◊ ÷◊@–≠¡◊ Ü÷◊ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ Ä˙≠‘m≠r Ø≈◊’ä@ ~◊–]≥Î◊ ©~◊; ≠π˛Ø Ä˙ld◊≠~◊ Ä˙‘˛l ≠N ≠·◊≠¡◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ ©sd◊@ ©u¡◊, ≠§◊·◊ ¡h◊M– ÄQ◊–d◊–@ s≤◊~◊ s@§h◊ π‘ä¥◊u π˛§◊˙@ ≠d◊˙Î◊– ≠‘˙§◊~◊ N˙~h◊≠@ ÷◊@–≠¡◊ ≠N Ü÷◊˙÷◊˙@ N¡h◊@– ©u¡◊~◊ ~◊–© N˙≠‹ πhb– ¡◊–‘_ π@≠Ø‘ N˙≠‹ > ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ÄÎ◊π ≠`◊˙÷◊ X◊˙÷◊ ÷h◊Ø˙@u@ ‹≥≠`◊ ‘hb–, d◊˙≤◊˙∫◊˙@h Ä˙É ¡◊– ÄÎ◊π ≠s˙π~◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ≠·◊]≥ N≈◊˙≠@ d◊˙≤◊˙@ ≠ØÊd◊˛u N≤◊ Ä˙N– d◊˙í@ Ø≤◊–Ø˙@ π˙≠‘ N˙S≥‹≥≠`◊ ≠Δ˙Ÿ–¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä¥◊@ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ≤◊–Ä˙≠@ Ä˙Nu~◊˙ d◊˙í@ §◊s¡◊d◊u N˙≠‹ > Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘ É~◊h<] ≠≤◊˙Å s≤◊~◊ ≠©ä˙d◊–@, N≠Q◊d◊ ¡◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Å ≠÷◊ÉΩ s≤◊~◊ @hQ◊–@ π˛§◊˙@ ¡◊Î◊≠l Ñ≠Z◊’, ¡◊–πhÎ◊ ≠¡◊ä˙Ø@ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ ¡◊–≠`◊˙÷◊– N¡h◊ É∫◊–≠`◊ Q◊Ø÷◊– ≠·◊]≥≠¡◊ ≠N ≠·◊¡◊÷◊~◊ä˙ ~◊–≠Ør Ä˙§◊˙≠N >


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224 But could not keep the vision and the power And fell back to life’s dull ordinary tone. A mind daring heavenly experiment, Growing towards some largeness they felt near, Testing the unknown’s bound with eager touch They still were prisoned by their human grain: They could not keep up with her tireless step; Too small and eager for her large-paced will, Too narrow to look with the unborn Infinite’s gaze Their nature weary grew of things too great. For even the close partners of her thoughts Who could have walked the nearest to her ray, Worshipped the power and light they felt in her But could not match the measure of her soul. A friend and yet too great wholly to know, She walked in their front towards a greater light, Their leader and queen over their hearts and souls, One close to their bosoms, yet divine and far.

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Ú˙~◊≠~◊≠d◊˛ @Fπ d◊˙í@ Ä¡◊˙ d◊˙í ‘÷◊d◊– @]≥ ~◊ π˙@–≠`◊ S@–, S@˙@ ~◊u@N©u¡◊~◊ S˙@˙≠@ ≠d◊bh πŸ–`◊˙ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ > ≠`◊˙≠÷◊˙≈◊@ π@uO˙≠@ N˙≤◊Nu Ø˙~◊N ‹≥`◊˙ d◊≤◊y @d, π˛˙b π˛N˙@d◊˙ ÷◊˙í@ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ sYh◊‹≥`◊˙; Éfh÷◊ π@‘ ≠]˙©h‹≥`◊˙ Ä¡◊–@d◊ Ä≠s˙Q◊@ NuØ˙ > ¡◊o◊u‹≥≠`◊ N¡h◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊N_§◊˙≠¡◊ > ¡◊–@˙Ø ¡◊–≤◊u~◊ π≠·◊ @˙©÷h◊Ø˙@u@ NØd◊˙≠Î◊ ≠÷◊≤◊– d◊≤◊y ~◊ π˙@–≠`◊ Q◊˙`◊– > Ø˙~◊¡◊@ Åè◊˙ Äd◊– NuØ–d◊, Éfh÷◊ > ~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ d◊˙ NØdh◊`◊ Nh·F◊@ π˛N˙@u¡◊˙Î◊˙ Åè◊˙ ‘÷◊d◊–@, Ä¡◊˙ Ä~h◊·◊˙@ ·œ◊¸–≠@ π˙@–≠`◊ Q◊˙≤◊y Ä≠Δ˙~◊– ÄNuØ˙ ¡◊˙Î◊˙ N≠ú◊ ¡◊≤h◊·F◊≠@ π˛©˙ ≠N ≠·◊‘@ > ‘˛˙¥◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊N¡h◊ ~◊ π˙@– Ø≤◊d◊u÷œ◊d◊u d◊˙í@ Ä~h◊N@– NuØ–d◊ N_§◊˙≠¡◊ > Ä¥◊@ú◊ N≤◊Q◊@ §◊˙¡◊ ©sd◊@ N_§◊˙≠¡◊ ≠Δ d◊˙í@ π˛§◊˙ NØu≠π ¡◊–Q◊@– π˙@–‹˙≠¥◊ ÷◊≠`◊ Ø˙d◊˛ Éπ˙N~◊˙ ≠·◊]≥ @˙©÷h◊Ø˙@u@ Ø≤◊˙ ≠©ä˙d◊– à ‘÷◊d◊– > Ä˙k˙ ø≠o◊ d◊˙í@ ≠÷◊≤◊– ~◊ π˙@–≠`◊ Q◊˙`◊– > Ø–d◊˛ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ØÚ ≠N ≠Δ Ü≠d◊ Ø≤◊ulNu ·h◊ @ `◊§◊–¡◊˙ d◊˙í@ πFC◊’ π@–Q◊l > Ä~h◊N@– Ø≤◊≈◊@ ≠©ä˙d◊– ≠N ÷h◊Ø˙@u Q◊Îh◊‹≥≠`◊ ≠~◊d◊˛u@F≠π ©~◊d◊˙@ Ä˙≠s, N÷◊Î◊ Ä˙k˙≠@ ≤œ◊≠·◊ @˙bu, π˛–ld◊Ø˙ Ä¥◊@@, d◊‹˙π– ≠N ·F◊@ Ø≤◊˙≠·◊¡◊u >


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226 Admiring and amazed they saw her stride Attempting with a godlike rush and leap Heights for their human stature too remote Or with a slow great many-sided toil Pushing towards aims they hardly could conceive; Yet forced to be the satellites of her sun They moved unable to forego her light, Desiring they clutched at her with outstretched hands Or followed stumbling in the paths she made. Or longing with their self of life and flesh They clung to her for heart’s nourishment and support: The rest they could not see in visible light; Vaguely they bore her inner mightiness. Or bound by the senses and the longing heart, Adoring with a turbid human love, They could not grasp the mighty spirit she was Or change by closeness to be even as she. Some felt her with their souls and thrilled with her, A greatness felt near yet beyond mind’s grasp; To see her was a summons to adore,

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




¡◊–N<≠l π˛‘…N– N¡h◊ ≠·◊]h‹≥≠`◊ d◊˙≠@ ≠·◊¡◊u@F≠π ÷◊–π@– ≠N ·F◊≠@ ·◊´d◊π≠·◊ ~◊@ ·h◊@˙N·◊ dh◊ú◊-≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ ‘–]≠@ øhËh‹≥≠`◊ ≠·◊Å `◊Ó◊ Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ π˛l˙≠N, ≠·◊]h‹≥≠`◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ Ä¡◊˙ ÷◊–π@– ≠N ≠·◊¡◊u ¡◊≤h◊π¡◊’˙ N˙S~◊˙≠@ s≤◊~◊ Ä˙‘≠l É∫h◊‹≥≠`◊ Su≠@ Su≠@ ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ Ä˙l˙≠N > ÷h◊Ø˙@u Ø–≤◊–@ ≠÷◊≠o◊˛ Éπs˛≤◊NØ ˆF@–≠`◊ Ä¡◊≠‘ N¡h◊, ~◊ π˙@–≠`◊ ≠÷◊≤◊– ≠©ä˙d◊–@ π@–S≥ ø˙Ÿ– @≤◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ ·F◊≠@, ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙@ ¡◊≠‘ ÷◊@– ÷◊@ π˛N˙@–d◊ S@h‹≥≠`◊ ÄGÎ◊ d◊˙í, pÎ◊–d◊ Q◊@≠b d◊@hbu N@bu π≠@ Q◊Îh◊‹≥≠`◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ > ≠·◊≤◊ π˛˙b-πh@hr@ Ä˙‘˙ Nh~◊–¡◊–Ÿ ≠π˙r– ≠N ©~◊d◊˙ N¡h◊ ¡◊ä˙÷h◊≠Î◊ N≠©˙≠@ @N à Ä˙‘˛l Ä˙≠‘ S@–‹≥≠`◊ d◊˙í≠@ > ·◊˙É ·◊˙É π˛÷◊Ë–d◊ π˛§◊˙≠@ d◊˙≤◊˙@ Ä¡◊‘–¸ ‹≥`◊˙ ©~◊~◊l~◊ Äd◊ud◊ > Ī¸ N≤◊–≠`◊ N¡h◊ @˙©÷h◊Ø˙@u@ Ä¥◊@ ©sd◊ Ä˙k˙ π˛§◊˙¡◊ π˛]@ > πö◊–Î◊ Ø˙~h◊ru ≠π˛≠Ø, N÷◊˙Ø ≤œ◊·◊≠l Åo◊–˛≠l NuØ–d◊ ©~◊ ~◊ π˙@–≠`◊ ©˙b– ≠÷◊≠Ÿ ≠N Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ Ä˙k˙ @˙©˙@ d◊~◊l˙ > ¡◊Õh◊§◊˙≠¡◊ ≠÷◊≤◊– ©~◊ ~◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ d◊˙í π@– > Ä~h◊§◊¡◊– ≠÷◊≤◊– d◊˙≠@ Ä˙k˙@ s≤◊≠~◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ É`◊∑N–d◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ d◊˙í@ N˙≠‹ > §˙≠¡◊ π˙≠‘ Ø≤◊ulNu, Ø~h◊ ≠N Nh·F◊≠@ > N®h≠] ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ d◊˙÷h◊ Ä¥◊@ Äd◊Îh◊ Ä˙¡◊˙≤◊~◊ Ä˙Nh‹≥`◊˙ Ä˙@˙S~◊˙ Ä˙≠‘ > 227

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228 To be near her drew a high communion’s force. So men worship a god too great to know, Too high, too vast to wear a limiting shape; They feel a Presence and obey a might, Adore a love whose rapture invades their breasts; To a divine ardour quickening the heart-beats, A law they follow greatening heart and life. Opened to the breath is a new diviner air, Opened to man is a freer, happier world: He sees high steps climbing to Self and Light. Her divine parts the soul’s allegiance called: It saw, it felt, it knew the deity. Her will was puissant on their nature’s acts, Her heart’s inexhaustible sweetness lured their hearts, A being they loved whose bounds exceeded theirs; Her measure they could not reach but bore her touch,

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




~◊–÷◊≠Ë Ä˙N–≠`◊ d◊˙í@ Ä˙Nh‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊≤◊– ≠Δ˙s‘ê◊– ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@ dh◊ú◊§FØ– π@h > Øb–r Üπ@– N–~◊˙ ÷◊≠@ ~◊u@˙©~◊˙ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ @Fπ Δ˙í@ Ø≤◊–Ø˙ Ø—–d◊ Ø~◊ ¡h◊M– Ä≠s˙Q◊@ Ü≠d◊ NhØ≤◊˙~◊ ≠·◊≠≤◊ d◊˙ Áh◊Ë–¡◊ ÷◊˙≤h◊Ω NuØ–d◊ Ä˙÷◊˙≠@ > Éπ⁄–d◊– `◊§◊– d◊˙@ Ø˙~◊– d◊˙ ‘÷◊d◊– @N˙πmhd◊ ≤œ◊≠·◊ πF≠© ≠π˛Ø@ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙, Ø@Ø Éd◊Î◊˙ §◊˙¡◊ Ä˙≠¡◊≠s πF©˙@ Ä~h◊N≠@ ~◊ud◊– Δ˙@ π˛§◊˙≠¡◊ ©u¡◊~◊ Ä˙¡◊@ ≤œ◊·◊l πh@ ≤h◊Ü NhØ≤◊˙~Í◊ > Øhê◊ ≤h◊Ü ©~◊sb ©u¡◊~◊ π˛¡◊˙≠≤◊ ·◊–¡◊äd◊@ ~◊¡◊ π˛˙b ¡◊˙lh@ N…Q◊˙@ > ~◊@ Ä˙≠‘ Δ˙Ü ≠]˙`◊– @hQ◊–@ ¡◊–÷◊˙≠‘ ÄS≥÷◊ Nh]·◊ Øhê◊ ~◊¡◊u~◊ ©sd◊ > ~◊l≠~◊ πhËÅ dh◊ú◊ ≠N˙π˙~◊@ Ø˙Î◊˙ Ñ≠Z◊’ É≠∫◊ ·F◊≠@ ¡◊˛≤◊< ≠©ä˙d◊–@ N·◊≠~◊ > ÷h◊Ø˙@u Ç‘_@ushb π˛§◊˙≠¡◊ N÷◊Î◊ Ä˙k˙≠@ ©˙s–`◊˙ ~◊–B˙ §◊ê◊– Ä~h◊@˙s > Ä˙k˙ ≠·◊]≥, Ä~h◊§◊¡◊–, ©˙b–`˙ ≠N ≠·◊¡◊u > N…÷◊À◊ π˛§◊˙¡◊ ¡◊≠Î◊ @˙©d◊~◊l˙@ N_§◊˙¡◊© ÷◊Ø’N¡h◊ N˙Sh‹≥≠`◊ ©≠~◊ > N÷◊Î◊ ≤œ◊·◊l Ë˙b– Ä˙bh‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙@ Ä≠‘r ≤œ◊·◊l@N NhS˙ ØSh@–Ø˙ > ≠π˛Ø˙ª·◊˙ N¡h◊@ ≠N, Äd◊–÷◊˛Ø– NuØ˙ N÷◊Î◊@ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙í@ N≈◊˙ π˛N˙@–d◊ > N≤◊–≠`◊≠≤◊Ω N¡h◊ d◊˙í@ ¡◊–ØÎ◊ π@‘ NØd◊˙≠Î◊ ≠÷◊≤◊– d◊˙í@ ~◊ π˙@–≠`◊ Q◊˙`◊– >


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


230 Answering with the flower’s answer to the sun They gave themselves to her and asked no more. One greater than themselves, too wide for their ken, Their minds could not understand nor wholly know, Their lives replied to hers, moved at her words: They felt a godhead and obeyed a call, Answered to her lead and did her work in the world; Their lives, their natures moved compelled by hers As if the truth of their own larger selves Put on an aspect of divinity To exalt them to a pitch beyond their earth’s. They felt a larger future meet their walk; She held their hands, she chose for them their paths: They were moved by her towards great unknown things, Faith drew them and the joy to feel themselves hers; They lived in her, they saw the world with her eyes. Some turned to her against their nature’s bent; Divided between wonder and revolt, Drawn by her charm and mastered by her will, Possessed by her, her striving to possess, Impatient subjects, their tied longing hearts

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π˛§◊˙÷◊@ ª≠‘’ ·◊–Ü É≈◊@ ≠ΔN~◊ NhØ~◊ N@˙≠s d◊˙í@, ≠·◊¡◊÷◊~◊ä˙ π≠·◊ Ä@π– N÷◊Î◊ ÷◊–ø– ~◊ Ø˙s–≠`◊ ≠`˙≠÷◊ > Ø≤◊ulNu @˙©÷◊~◊ä˙ É·◊˙@ ¡◊–÷◊˙≠‘ ÄØ–d◊˙ ≠N ‹≥`◊˙ ©~◊·œ◊¸–@ ¡◊Î◊≠l > Ø~◊@ ≠s˙Q◊≠@ πF@˙ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠N ÷◊˙í@ > d◊˙í ©u¡◊~◊ π˛d◊–§◊˙r˙ N÷◊Î◊ ©u¡◊~◊, N÷◊≠Î◊ Q◊Î◊–≠`◊ d◊˙í@ ¡◊˙bu Ä~h◊N@– > N÷◊≠Î◊ ©˙b– ≠N ≠·◊¡◊u Ø˙~◊–≠`◊ d◊˙ X◊˙÷◊ > ≠~◊d◊˛u@F≠π Ø˙~◊– ÷◊˙Δ’ä N˙S≥≠`◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@ > N÷◊Î◊ N_§◊˙¡◊ πhb– ©u¡◊~◊@ S˙@˙ ¡◊˙Ú≠≤◊˙Å Q◊≠Î◊ d◊˙í@ ≠π˛@b˙@ ¡◊≠‘, N≠d◊ ¡◊˙ É≈◊@≠`˙÷◊ ©u¡◊~◊ ‘–]≠@ ≠d◊˙Î◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ ©~◊sb ØF≈◊’ ≠≤◊`◊˙ d◊≤◊y ≠·◊¡◊u@F≠π Nd◊ä Ø≤◊˙ Ä˙k˙ N÷◊Î◊@ > ©u¡◊~◊ Äl≠~◊ Áh◊≠Ë Ø≤◊˙ §◊¡◊–räd◊ ≤◊˙d◊S@– N÷◊Î◊@ ¡◊@–≠`◊ ≠N π‹ > N÷◊≠Î◊ Q◊˙`◊–≠`◊ d◊˙í@ ≠π˛@b˙@ ¡◊≠‘, Ä™˙d◊ ©s≠d◊ Ø≤◊˙ ˆËb˙@ ·◊–≠s > ‘˛M˙≠@ N÷◊≠Î◊ Ëb˙, Nh≠] É`◊∑N–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å d◊˙í@ Ä~h◊sd◊, Äd◊– Ä˙πb˙@ > ¡◊˙N ÷◊@– d◊˙í N≈◊˙≠@ ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ©~◊d◊˙ ~◊l~◊ Ä˙≠`◊≠÷◊ d◊˙í@ Ü N˙@˙ ©sd◊ > ≠÷◊≠d◊ πhb– Ä~h◊sd◊ N_§◊˙¡◊ ¡◊–≠`◊˙≠Ø > ¡◊–≠·◊˛˙≤◊, ¡◊–N<l, ·◊_–S˙ §◊˙≠¡◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ¡◊‘ Åè◊˙ ‘ê◊– ¡◊≠Î◊ d◊˙í@, ØSh@–Ø˙ Ë˙≠b > ÄS≥÷◊˙≠@ @≤◊– d◊˙í@ Q◊˙≤◊y≠`◊ ÷◊¡◊Î◊ ÷◊@–≠¡◊ ÷h◊Ø˙@u N≈◊˙ ÄSu@ ≠N π˛©˙ >


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232 Hugging the bonds close of which they most complained, Murmured at a yoke they would have wept to lose, The splendid yoke of her beauty and her love: Others pursued her with life’s blind desires And claiming all of her as their lonely own, Hastened to engross her sweetness meant for all. As earth claims light for its lone separate need Demanding her for their sole jealous clasp, They asked from her movements bounded like their own And to their smallness craved a like response. Or they repined that she surpassed their grip, And hoped to bind her close with longing’s cords. Or finding her touch desired too strong to bear They blamed her for a tyranny they loved, Shrank into themselves as from too bright a sun, Yet hankered for the splendour they refused. Angrily enamoured of her sweet passionate ray The weakness of their earth could hardly bear,

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≠N≠~◊≤◊ N@˙s ≠X◊˙≠@ ≠Δ˙Ÿ˙ ≠≤◊˙Å ≠÷◊≠d◊ ÷◊@h‹≥≠`◊ ħ◊–≠Δ˙s ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ ¡◊Õ◊≠~◊ > π˛ud◊– NhrØ˙@ ØShπ˙‘ Δ˙í ≤◊@˙Å nh@–‹˙≠¥◊ ¡◊–Q◊Î◊–d◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ π˙Å d◊˙≤◊˙ > Ä~h◊N@h ‹≥≠`◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ @˙©÷h◊Ø˙@u÷h◊ π˛˙b@ Ä‘hQ◊– ÄÕ◊ ¡◊˙N~◊˙@ ¡◊≠‘ ÷◊¡◊≠Î◊ @]≥¡◊˙ Ä˙≠‘ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ~◊–©@ > N¡◊’©~◊-Nh]÷◊@u ØSh@–Ø˙ d◊˙í@ øhËh‹≥≠`◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ NuØ–d◊, πö◊–Î◊ > S@˙ Ø˙≠s ~◊–© Ä˙≠‘ ≠ΔN~◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ ÄNFl˙ Ä˙≠‘m≠r Ø˙s– ~◊–© ÄS≥÷◊˙≠@ Q◊˙≤◊–≠`◊ ≠d◊N~◊ ©≠~◊ @˙©˙@ d◊~◊l˙ Q◊Îh◊ NuØ˙l–d◊ NØd◊˙≠Î◊ ©~◊d◊˙@ > nh@h‹≥≠`◊ Ä¡◊˙ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ≠Δbh ≠N ÷h◊Ø˙@u Äd◊–÷◊˛Ø ÷◊@h‹≥≠`◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊ π@–N@ > d◊‹˙π– ≠π˙r–≠`◊ Ä˙‘˙ ¡◊˙Õ◊–≠¡◊ d◊˙≤◊˙÷h◊ ~◊–¡◊–≠Ÿ @ûh≠@ ~◊–© d◊u¡◊˛ ¡◊˙N~◊˙@ > ¡◊˙L–d◊ π@‘ d◊˙í@ ©˙b– ·h◊¡◊–’r≤ N@˙≠s Q◊˙≤◊– ¡◊– ≠÷◊≠d◊ ≠·◊É‹≥≠`◊ ≠·◊˙r π˛§◊˙¡◊ πuŸ~◊ π˙ÅΩ @˙©÷h◊Ø˙@u÷h◊ > ~◊–© Ø≠Ú ÄπN@– Ä˙Nh‹≥≠`◊ ≠`◊˙≠÷◊ N˙¡◊–d◊˛u ~◊–÷◊Ëh Δ‹˙ ·◊uD@¡◊– Ä˙sh > π˛§◊˙ d◊˙í@ π˛d◊ä˙]ä˙~◊ ÷◊≠`◊≠≤◊Ω ≠N ©≠~ ≠©ä˙d◊– Ä˙≠‘ ‹≥≠`◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ N÷◊≠Î◊ ≠`◊˙`h◊π > π˛bl π˛¡◊b, ≠@˙≠r Q◊˙≤h◊‹≥≠`◊ N¡h◊ N@˙s ØSh@ d◊˙í@ Q◊–~◊<l ØlF] ·h◊ºN≤◊ Δ˙ Ø˙Ë–@ Ü ·h◊¡◊’Î◊ Ä˙S˙≠@ >


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234 They longed but cried out at the touch desired Inapt to meet divinity so close, Intolerant of a Force they could not house. Some drawn unwillingly by her divine sway Endured it like a sweet but alien spell; Unable to mount to levels too sublime, They yearned to draw her down to their own earth. Or forced to centre round her their passionate lives, They hoped to bind to their heart’s human needs Her glory and grace that had enslaved their souls. But mid this world, these hearts that answered her call, None could stand up her equal and her mate. In vain she stooped to equal them with her heights, Too pure that air was for small souls to breathe. These comrade selves to raise to her own wide breadths Her heart desired and fill with her own power That a diviner Force might enter life, A breath of Godhead greaten human time. Although she leaned down to their littleness Covering their lives with her strong passionate hands

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ħ◊˙©~◊ ≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ≠·◊]≥ ≠·◊¡◊u Ü≠d◊ π˙≠‘ Ä˙S˙≠@ ~◊ π˙@– @]≥ ≠N Ø≤◊˙‘÷◊d◊– ÄN≤◊–Ãh §◊˙≠¡◊ d◊˙í@ Nh]·◊ ¡◊˙L–d◊ ª≠‘’ É∫h◊‹≥≠`◊ ÷◊@– Q◊–e˙@ ‘¡◊·◊ > Ä¡◊≠‘ ¡◊˙ Ä˙N– ≠÷◊≤◊– ·◊–¡◊ä Ä˙÷◊r’≠b N≤h◊‹≥≠`◊ ¡◊–©˙d◊ul N≠®˙≤◊ Ø˙Sh@u, ~◊ π˙@– Ä˙≠@˙≤◊– Äd◊– dh◊ú◊ §F◊Ø– π≠@ ≠π˙r–‹≥≠`◊ ħ◊–Î◊˙r ÷◊@– Ä˙÷◊r’b Ä˙b–≠¡◊ d◊˙≤◊˙÷h◊ Ü‹≥ Ø˙Ë–@ ©s≠d◊ > Ä¡◊≠‘ ¡◊˙ ÷◊˙Ø˙dh◊≠@ ≠÷◊o◊˛ Q◊Éπ˙≠‘ ≠ˆ@– d◊˙í@ ÷◊≠`◊ Ä˙‘˙ Ü÷◊˙¥◊ Ø˙~h◊ru≤◊–Ä˙ π˛≠l˙©~◊ Ä˙≠‘ ¡◊˙Õ◊–≠¡◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@ ©~◊-Ä˙k˙ ¡◊‘÷◊@u `◊˙¡◊bä Ø≤◊–Ø˙ > Ü ©s≠d◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ X◊˙÷◊ ‘hb– d◊˙í@ ©˙s–‹≥≠`◊ ≠÷◊≤◊–≠≤◊≠`◊ ~◊ ‹≥≠`◊ ¡◊– ©≠b ≠≤◊¡◊ ≠Δ d◊˙í N≤◊≠Δ˙su NØ˙~◊ ≠N˙·◊@ > ¡œ◊‹˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠Q◊¸˙ d◊˙í@ ~◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊–≠© ≠≤◊¡◊˙÷h◊ NØ˙~◊ ≠Δbh ‘hM d◊˙ ©s≠d◊ @hM‘_˙≠N Oh·◊˛ ©≠~◊ ~ π˙@–≠`◊ @≤◊– > Ä˙‘˙ ‹≥≠`◊ ≠π˙r– ≠·◊¡◊u Øhê◊ Ä˙ld◊≠~◊ ≠d◊˙Î◊–≠~◊Å N]˙ ≠Δ≠d◊ §◊@–≠·◊≠¡◊ ~◊–© ‘ê◊– NhS˙ ¡◊≠Î◊ Δ˙í@ §◊˙s¡◊d◊ ੺ π‘–¡◊ π˛˙b≠@, ≠≤◊¡◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊©u¡◊~◊ É·◊˙@ Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ `◊§◊– π@Ø ≠π˛@b˙ > ·◊l˙≠@ Y◊Î◊– ≠N d◊≤◊y N÷◊Î◊ ©~◊@ NuØ–d◊ ¡◊–r≠l ~◊–© N¡◊Î◊ N@˙s≤◊˙≠d◊ ÷◊≠`◊ Nh@O–d◊ N÷◊Î◊ ©u¡◊~◊;


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236 And knew by sympathy their needs and wants And dived in the shallow wave-depths of their lives And met and shared their heart-beats of grief and joy And bent to heal their sorrow and their pride, Lavishing the might that was hers on her lone peak To lift to it their aspiration’s cry, And though she drew their souls into her vast And surrounded with the silence of her deeps And held as the great Mother holds her own, Only her earthly surface bore their charge And mixed its fire with their mortality: Her greater self lived sole, unclaimed, within. Oftener in dumb Nature’s stir and peace A nearness she could feel serenely one; The Force in her drew earth’s subhuman broods; And to her spirit’s large and free delight She joined the ardent-hued magnificent lives Of animal and bird and flower and tree. They answered to her with the simple heart.

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




Nا◊˙≠¡◊ N÷◊Î◊@ ©˙b–≠`◊ ħ◊˙¡◊, π˛≠l˙©~◊, Xh◊¡◊– πhb– N¡h◊@– ©u¡◊~◊ Äs§◊u@ §◊˙¡◊˙≠¡◊≠s ≠≤◊≠`◊ N≤◊§◊˙su Nh]·h◊º≠] N÷◊Î◊@ ≤œ◊·◊l ªo◊≠~◊ > ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ Éπ‘Ø Q◊˙≤◊y≠`◊ N·◊≠l π@–©~◊ ·h◊º]≠‘˙÷ s¡◊’ ħ◊–Ø˙~◊; Ä÷h◊£◊–d◊ Ä÷◊˙d◊@ ÷◊≠`◊ ¡◊–d◊@b ‘ê◊–@ π˛¡◊˙≤◊ ~◊–© dh◊ú◊ ‘–]@u@h Ñ≠Z◊’ ≠d◊˙Î◊–≠~◊¡◊˙ Ä˙≠‘ N¡h◊@– Ä˙÷F◊d◊– > N÷◊Î◊@ Ä˙k˙ ≠·◊¡◊u ÷◊@– Ä˙÷◊r’b Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ Ä˙k˙≠@ ~◊–© s§◊u@ ~◊u@¡◊ §◊˙¡◊@ ¡◊Î◊≠l ‹≥≠`◊ ≠ˆ@– ≠N N÷◊Î◊, S@–‹≥≠`◊ N¡h◊ Δ‹˙ N·◊l ©~◊~◊u Ø≠≤◊‘_@u ©sM˙d◊˛u S≠@ d◊˙í N¥◊˙~◊ > ¡◊≤◊–≠`◊≠≤◊Ω N÷◊Î◊@ §◊˙@ ≠N ÷h◊Ø˙@u ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ¡◊˙≤◊˙@ N≈◊˙ Ä˙≠¡◊s Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘ Ø–‘h‹≥`◊˙ Ø≈◊’ä¡◊˙Nu Ä~h◊Q◊@ N˙≠‹ > Ø≤◊ulNu N≈◊˙ d◊˙í@ Ü÷◊˙÷◊u ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ÄΔ˙Q◊–d◊ ‹≥`◊˙ @≤◊– s§◊u@ ©u¡◊≠~◊ > ØF÷◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ ≠÷◊˙≠Î◊ ‘˙¥◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙Ÿ≠~◊ ÷h◊Ø˙@u d◊˙í NØ˙≤◊–d◊ NØuπ π@‘ `◊§◊–‹≥≠`◊ ¡◊≤h◊¡◊˙@ ~◊–@˙÷h◊Î◊ Ø≠~◊ > ‘ê◊–¡◊≠‘ π˙≠‘ d◊˙í@ Ä˙Nh‹≥≠`◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ Ü S@˙@ π‘hπOu ‘˙¡◊÷◊ NØF≤◊ > Ä¡◊˙S ¡◊–πhÎ◊ d◊˙í@ Ä˙k˙@ πh`≠÷◊ ≠·◊≠`◊ ≠Δ˙Ÿ– π‘h πOu d◊@h ÷h◊NhØ@ Éf˙≤◊ @…©–d◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ≠‘˙§◊~◊ ©u¡◊~◊ > Ö©h§◊˙≠¡◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ N¡h◊ Ä~h◊÷F◊Î◊ d◊˙í@ >


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In man a dim disturbing somewhat lives; It knows but turns away from divine Light Preferring the dark ignorance of the fall. Among the many who came drawn to her Nowhere she found her partner of high tasks, The comrade of her soul, her other self Who was made with her, like God and Nature, one. Some near approached, were touched, caught fire, then failed, Too great was her demand, too pure her force. Thus lighting earth around her like a sun, Yet in her inmost sky an orb aloof, A distance severed her from those most close. Puissant, apart her soul as the gods live. As yet unlinked with the broad human scene, In a small circle of young eager hearts, Her being’s early school and closed domain, Apprentice in the business of earth-life, She schooled her heavenly strain to bear its touch, Content in her little garden of the gods As blooms a flower in an unvisited place.

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Øb–r ©u¡◊≠~◊ ≠÷◊ÉΩ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@ ≠÷◊˙≠b `h◊Q◊–@≠≤◊ ÷◊–ø– Ü÷◊ ¡◊u© ¡◊–≠O˙§◊@ Ä≠S˙sd◊ ©u¡◊~◊@ d◊Ø–N˛ Ä™˙~◊ ÄS≥÷◊ Øb– Δ˙í Δ˙Ü ·F◊≠@ ÄπN@– ©˙bh ©˙bh §◊˙s¡◊d◊ π˛§◊˙@ NØuπh > Ä˙÷◊r’≠b ≠Δ≠d◊ d◊˙í@ Ä˙N–‹≥≠`◊ π˙≠‘ ~◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ¡◊– ©≠b ≠÷◊≤◊– N≤◊≠Δ˙su d◊˙í@ Ø≤◊˙N˙S~◊˙≠@, Ä˙k˙≠·◊˙N@, ~◊–©@ Äd◊– Ä˙πb˙@ s˜˙ N˙≠‹ ≠Δ d◊˙≤◊˙@ Ç‘_@, π˛÷œ◊d◊– NØ Ü÷◊ à Ä≠§◊·◊ > π˙≠‘ Ä˙N– ≠÷◊≤◊– ≠÷◊≤◊– `◊§◊– d◊˙ π@‘ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ·◊uD π≠@ ÷◊–¥h◊ Ä≠Δ˙sä ¡◊–Á◊Î◊ > Äd◊– ¡◊Ÿ ·◊˙¡◊– d◊˙í@ Äd◊– ‘hM ≠d◊© > NFΔ’äNØ Ü≤◊–π@– Q◊Éπ˙≠‘ d◊˙í@ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊–d◊ ÷◊@– S@˙ s§◊u@ Ä˙÷◊˙≠‘ @≤◊–`◊˙ ≠N Nh÷h◊Ø˙@u ¡◊–©~◊ Ø—≠Î◊ > N¡h◊∫◊˙@h ~◊–÷◊Ë ≠Δ ‹≥≠`◊ ¡◊– ≠N ·F◊≠@ > ≠‘˙≤◊–`◊˙ Ü÷◊˙÷◊u ¡◊˙Î◊˙ ‘ê◊– Ø≤◊–Ø˙≠@ Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ Δ‹˙ ÄØ@ πh@u≠@ > ≠d◊≠¡◊ ¡◊– N…≠Δ˙s d◊˙í@ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊–@˙Ë Ø˙~◊¡◊ N…N˙≠@, Oh·◊˛ Éfh÷◊ d◊@hb Ø—Î◊u≠@, ©u¡◊~◊@ ~◊–§œ◊d◊ π˛≠·◊≠‘ π˛‹Ø ‘–O˙ld◊≠~◊ ‘–]≥ Ü ©sd◊¡◊–rl ≠N ¡◊≤◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ ¡◊–‘_@ ≠¡◊·◊~◊˙ N_s’ul ‘ÅÎ◊u ~◊–© ÷◊≠`◊ Ä~h◊÷F◊Î◊ > ≠d◊˙≠r ≠N @≤◊–≠`◊ Oh·◊˛ ≠·◊¡◊ Éπ¡◊≠~◊ ¡◊–÷◊Q◊ NhØ~◊ NØ ¡◊–@Î◊ π˛≠·◊≠‘ >


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240 Earth nursed, unconscious still, the inhabiting flame, Yet something deeply stirred and dimly knew; There was a movement and a passionate call, A rainbow dream, a hope of golden change; Some secret wing of expectation beat, A growing sense of something new and rare And beautiful stole across the heart of Time. Then a faint whisper of her touched the soil, Breathed like a hidden need the soul divines; The eye of the great world discovered her And wonder lifted up its bardic voice. A key to a Light still kept in being’s cave, The sun-word of an ancient mystery’s sense, Her name ran murmuring on the lips of men Exalted and sweet like an inspired verse Struck from the epic lyre of rumour’s winds Or sung like a chanted thought by the poet Fame. But like a sacred symbol’s was that cult. Admired, unsought, intangible to the grasp Her beauty and flaming strength were seen afar Like lightning playing with the fallen day, A glory unapproachably divine. No equal heart came close to join her heart, No transient earthly love assailed her calm,

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Ä™˙≠d◊ @≤◊–`◊˙ ‘–]˙ ¡◊–@˙Ë ©s≠d◊ > d◊‹˙π– s§◊u≠@ ÷◊–ø– ©˙s– Ä˙≠`◊˙Ÿ≠~◊ ©˙b–`◊˙ Ī¸; Ä˙≠N X◊˙÷◊ N@˙s@, Q◊–≈◊˙÷◊˙≠‘ É≠∫◊ Áh◊Ë– N_π∂-‘÷◊˛ Q◊˙π Ä˙¡◊@ ÷◊~◊÷◊÷◊˙¥◊ @Fπ˙¥◊@ Ä˙‘˙ > ≠≤◊`◊˙ π@–wo◊ πO sF˜ π˛d◊ä˙‘˙@ > @hQ◊–@ ¡◊–@Î◊ ~◊¡◊ §◊˙¡◊ Su≠@ Su≠@ ÄS≥÷h◊ ÄS≥÷◊ Áh◊≠Ë ÷◊˙Î◊@ É@≠N > Ø≤◊ulNu Øœ·h◊@¡◊ π˛≠¡◊≠‘ Ø˙Ë–≠@ > Ä˙k˙@ ≠s˙Q◊@ shD π˛≠l˙©~◊ NØ É∫◊–`◊˙ ≠N Áh◊Ë–, ¡◊˙Î◊˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ π˛d◊–§◊˙d◊ N≤◊N˙ ~◊l~◊π≠‹ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ¡◊–‘_@ > ¡◊o◊u@ ¡◊–N<l÷◊≠£◊ Áh◊Ë–`◊˙ ¡◊o◊~◊˙ > N≈◊˙@ s≤◊≠~◊ `h◊Q◊– @≠≤◊ ≠Δ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ ÷h◊G≥÷◊˙ d◊˙í πh@˙d◊~◊ ¡◊–‡˙@-¡◊äz~◊˙ N˙¡◊–d◊˛u-ħ◊–S˙ d◊˙í@ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ØØ’@–d◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊Øh≠] π˛≠Q◊˙·◊–d◊ ØShØ» NØ ©~◊‘´d◊– ¡◊ub˙ d◊˙≠Î◊ s˙‹˙@ shz≠~◊, Δ‘ØF≈◊–’ ÷◊¡◊–÷◊≠£◊ Ú˙~◊@ ØFè◊’~◊˙ > π¡◊–d◊˛ π˛d◊u÷◊ πF©˙ NØ ≠N N˙S~◊˙ > ·◊–~◊˙≠¥◊ į≠@ Δ‹˙ ≠]≠Î◊ Å@®·◊ ·◊–¡◊ä ·h◊@˙N·◊ ·F◊@ π˛§◊˙@ Ø≤◊–Ø˙ ≠d◊N~◊ ~◊l~◊ π≠‹ @˙©–`◊˙ Nh·F◊≠@ ¡◊≤h◊©~◊ π˛‘…N–d◊ ÄΔ˙Q◊–d◊ d◊˙í@ ·h◊ª‘’ NhrØ˙ ·◊uD §◊˙N_@ ‘÷◊d◊– > N]˙ ≠÷◊≤◊– NØdh◊`◊ ≠≤◊˙Å d◊˙ ≤◊–Ä˙≠@ ~◊–¡◊–≠Ÿ Ø–‘–¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ~◊ π˙@–≠`◊ Ä˙N–, §◊úh◊@ ÄN˙@ ÷◊˙í@ π˙‹≥’¡◊ πu@d◊– ~◊ ÷◊`◊˙ Ä˙÷h◊Î◊ d◊˙í@ NØ‘˙¥◊ §◊˙¡ > 241

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242 No hero passion had the strength to seize; No eyes demanded her replying eyes. A Power within her awed the imperfect flesh; The self-protecting genius in our clay Divined the goddess in the woman’s shape And drew back from a touch beyond its kind The earth-nature bound in sense-life’s narrow make. The hearts of men are amorous of clay-kin And bear not spirits lone and high who bring Fire-intimations from the deathless planes Too vast for souls not born to mate with heaven. Whoever is too great must lonely live. Adored he walks in mighty solitude; Vain is his labour to create his kind, His only comrade is the Strength within. Thus was it for a while with Savitri. All worshipped marvellingly, none dared to claim. Her mind sat high pouring its golden beams, Her heart was a crowded temple of delight.

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¡◊u@ §◊˙≠¡◊ ≠÷◊≤◊– d◊˙÷h◊ ~◊ π˙@–≠`◊ S@– ~◊–© ੺ ¡◊uΔ’ä ¡◊≠Î◊, ~◊l~◊ ÷◊˙≤◊˙@ ~◊ π˙@–`◊˙ ÷◊@– ·◊˙¡◊– ≠π˛Ø·œ◊¸– d◊˙í@ > Ä¥◊≠@ Ä˙Nu~◊˙ d◊˙í@ Ø≤◊˙‘ê◊– Ü÷◊ ÷◊`◊˙ d◊˛g NQ◊÷◊–d◊ Ä‘hM Ä˙S˙@ > ~◊@d◊~h◊ N_l… @O˙÷◊˙@–bu ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ≠·◊]≥`◊˙ Ø˙~◊¡◊u ≠·◊≠≤◊ ØF≈◊’ Ø≤◊˙≠·◊¡◊u > Åo◊–˛l ©u¡◊~◊ Oh·◊˛-π@–N@ ≠ˆ@˙ñ Ø˙Ë–@ π˛÷œ◊d◊– Ä˙Ø, ÄπN@– ≠d◊bh s`◊˙ d◊˙ ÷h◊Ø˙@u ·◊–¡◊ä Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ π@‘h > N@˙≠s Éd◊Î◊˙ ~◊@ ≠]˙≠© N©˙d◊ul Ø˙Ë–@ Øb–r ]˙`◊–, ÄN≤◊ä d◊˙í π˙ÅΩ É¤d◊ ¡◊–¡◊–ê◊ Ä˙k˙ ¡◊≤◊– Ä˙≠b Δ˙≤◊˙ ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊-Ø–Î◊~◊-·◊–¡◊ä-~◊–ld◊–-¡◊–≤◊u~◊©~◊ π˙ÅΩ Nh¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ·◊uD ©_˙Î◊˙Ølu Äs∂–s§◊’ ¡◊˙≈◊’˙ ·F◊@ ÄØœd◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊@h > Ü÷◊˙¥◊ ©u¡◊~◊ d◊˙í@ ¡◊–@˙Ë ≠Δ Äd◊– > ¡◊o◊–d◊ ≠N ¡◊–Q◊@Å ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ¡◊–©≠~◊ > ¡œ◊‹˙ d◊˙í@ ≠Q◊¸˙ ÷◊˙í≠@ ÷◊@–¡◊˙ ≠·◊˙N@, Ä˙k‘ê◊– Ü÷◊˙ d◊˙í@ ©u¡◊~◊@ N˙‹u > @˙©÷◊~◊ä˙ ÷◊–ø–÷◊˙Î◊ ‹≥≠`◊ Ü≤◊–π@– > ~◊–@˙©~◊˙ ÷◊≠`◊ N¡h◊ ¡◊–N<–d◊ ~◊l≠~◊ N˙≤◊N ÷◊˙≤◊˙@ ~◊˙≤◊y ÷◊@–¡◊ ≠Δ ·◊˙¡◊– > d◊π~◊ul Ä˙§◊˙ Y◊˙Î◊– dh◊≠ú◊ NØ˙Nu~◊ Ø˙~◊N Ø–≤◊–@ d◊˙í@, ˆ~◊ NØ˙≠¡◊≠‘ @N@ ≠·◊¡◊˙ld◊~◊ ØSh@ Ø@Ø >


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244 A single lamp lit in perfection’s house, A bright pure image in a priestless shrine, Midst those encircling lives her spirit dwelt, Apart in herself until her hour of fate. END OF CANTO TWO

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≠©ä˙d◊–@ π˛·◊uπ d◊≤◊y ©Î◊– Ü÷◊˙÷◊–~◊u ¡◊–ØÎ◊ @hQ◊–@ sœ≠≤◊, πh≠@˙S˙ ¡◊–≤◊u~◊ ≠·◊¡◊πu≠∫◊ ‘hQ◊–‘h§◊˛˙ > π˛d◊–Ø˙ NØ˙~◊ ¡◊˙N ÷◊@–‹≥`˙ ¡◊˙Î◊˙, ~◊ Ä˙N–¡◊˙ Δ˙ÜΩ ¡◊–S≥@ ¡◊–≤◊–d◊-`s∂, π–˛l π@–©~◊π@–≠¡◊≠‘ Ü÷◊˙÷◊–~◊u Ä¥◊≠@ ~◊–©@ > (NØ˙D)


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246 Canto Three

The Call to the Quest “O Force-compelled, Fate-driven earth-born race,* O petty adventurers in an infinite world And prisoners of a dwarf humanity, How long will you tread the circling tracks of mind Around your little self and petty things? But not for a changeless littleness were you meant, Not for vain repetition were you built; Out of the Immortal’s substance you were made; Your actions can be swift revealing steps, Your life a changeful mould for growing gods. A Seer, a strong Creator, is within, The immaculate Grandeur broods upon your days, Almighty powers are shut in Nature’s cells. A greater destiny waits you in your front: This transient earthly being if he wills Can fit his acts to a transcendent scheme. He who now stares at the world with ignorant eyes Hardly from the Inconscient’s night aroused, That look at images and not at Truth, Can fill those orbs with an immortal’s sight.

* ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ πœB˙ 370, Q◊dh◊‹’ π˙·◊@h Ä˙@} >

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dœ◊d◊ul Ns’

Ä≠~◊_rb π˙ÅΩ Ä˙≤◊_˙~◊ ëë≠≤◊ ‘ê◊–-¡◊–¡◊‘, ¡◊–S≥-Q◊˙Î◊–d◊ Ø≈◊’ä@ Ø˙~◊¡◊ ! ÄNuØ ≠`◊˙≠÷◊ `◊ˆh N˙≤◊N–÷◊ ! ¡◊o◊u, @hM N…÷h◊Q◊–d◊ ~◊@ π@–N≠@, ≠÷◊≠d◊ ÷◊˙Î◊ dh◊≠Ø Ä˙É ˆF@–¡◊ Ø~◊@ ¡œ◊≈◊˙÷◊˙@ N@bu≠@ ≠ˆ@– Q◊Éπ˙≠‘ Oh·◊˛ dh◊Ø N≈◊˙, dh◊è◊ ~◊sbä ¡◊–rl > dh◊≠Ø ÷◊–¥h◊ ħ◊–≠π˛d◊ ~◊ ‹≥`◊ NuØ–d◊ ÄQ◊Î◊ ©u¡◊~◊ π˙ÅΩ, ≠~◊˙≤◊–‹≥`◊ s˜˙ ¡◊˙@ ¡◊˙@ ~◊–@‹’÷◊ Ä˙¡◊≈◊’~◊ π˙ÅΩ > s˜˙ dh◊≠Ø ÄØœd◊@ ·◊–¡◊ä Éπ˙·◊˙≠~◊, ÷◊Ø’ dh◊Ø π˙≠@ ≠≤◊˙Å ·◊´d◊, π˛÷◊˙‘÷◊ π·◊≠Oπ, ©u¡◊~◊ ¡◊– π˙≠@ ≠≤◊˙Å d◊¡◊ ¡◊M’Ø˙~◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ ¡◊–÷◊Q◊ Ä˙S˙@ > ‘ê◊ N˛¸˙, ÷◊¡◊– Ü÷◊ Ä¥◊≠@ Ä˙Nu~◊, ~◊–¡◊–¸ @≤◊–ø– dh◊Ø ©u¡◊~◊ Éπ≠@ ¡◊–ØÎ◊ Ø≤◊–Ø˙ ‘–¡◊ ·œ◊¸– NØ˙≤◊–d◊ > π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ ≠÷◊˙≠r ≠÷◊˙≠r @≠≤◊ Ä¡◊@hM N¡◊’NØ@‹˙ ‘ê◊–, ÄØ–d◊ π˛§◊˙¡◊ > Ä≠πO– @≤◊–ø– Ä≠ú◊ ¡◊–πhÎ◊˙ ~◊–ld◊– > Åè◊˙¡◊≠Î◊ π˙≠@ ≠Δ˙Ÿ– ~◊‘_@ Ø˙~◊¡◊ ÷◊Ø’ d◊˙@ π@˙‚@ Ø≤◊˙ ≠Δ˙©~◊˙≠@ > ÄQ◊–d◊–@ ~◊–‘˙≠÷◊˙Îh◊ É∫◊– ≠Δ d◊o◊˛˙Îh◊ ¡◊–ØF˜ ~◊l≠~◊ ≠·◊≠] Ü ¡◊–‘_ ©s≠d◊ π@Ø˙‹’ §h◊`◊– ]˙`◊– π˛d◊–Ø˙ d◊˙≤◊˙@, π˙≠@ ≠N ≠`◊˙Q◊≠~◊ §◊@– ≠·◊¡◊·◊@‘~◊ > 247

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248 Yet shall the godhead grow within your hearts, You shall awake into the spirit’s air And feel the breaking walls of mortal mind And hear the message which left life’s heart dumb And look through Nature with sun-gazing lids And blow your conch-shells at the Eternal’s gate. Authors of earth’s high change, to you it is given To cross the dangerous spaces of the soul And touch the mighty Mother stark awake And meet the Omnipotent in this house of flesh And make of life the million-bodied One.” *



But like a shining answer from the gods* Approached through sun-bright spaces Savitri. Advancing amid tall heaven-pillaring trees, Apparelled in her flickering-coloured robe She seemed, burning towards the eternal realms, A bright moved torch of incense and of flame That from the sky-roofed temple-soil of earth A pilgrim hand lifts in an invisible shrine. There came the gift of a revealing hour: He saw through depths that reinterpret all,

* ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ πœB˙ 372, NDØ π˙·◊@h Ä˙@} > 3rd Final : 24/10/2009




`◊§◊–¡◊ ¡◊–÷◊˙‘ d◊¡◊ Ä¥◊≠@ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙, Q◊–~◊<l ©u¡◊≠~◊ dh◊≠Ø ©˙s–¡◊ N÷◊Î◊, ≠·◊]≥¡◊ πŸ–¡◊ §◊˙©– Ø~◊@ π˛˙Q◊u@ ‘hb–¡◊ ≠N ¡◊˙≈◊’˙ Δ˙≤◊˙ ~◊ π˙Å π˛˙b@ ØØ’πh@ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ØF÷◊, ©Ÿd◊˙ ·F◊r–d◊, NFΔ’äØh]u ™˙~◊≠~◊≠d◊˛ ≠·◊]≥¡◊ ©sd◊, ‘õ◊ d◊¡◊ ¡◊©˙Å¡◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ ·h◊Ä˙≠@ > S@˙@ ¡◊–πhÎ◊ dh◊ú◊ ¡◊–÷◊˙‘ π˛≠bd◊˙ ! N˙Ú dh◊Ø Äd◊–÷◊˛Ø– ¡◊–π·◊-N…÷h◊Î◊ Ä˙k˙@ @˙Å© dh◊≠Ø πFC◊’ ©˙s@–d◊ Ø≠≤◊‘_@u Ø≤◊˙N≈◊˙ øhÅΩ¡◊ N_÷◊≠@ > N¡◊’‘ê◊–Øl π˛§h◊ ≠·◊]≥¡◊ Ü ≠·◊≠≤◊, Áh◊Ë˙Å¡◊ N˙S~◊˙≠@ Ü ¡◊–‘_©u¡◊≠~◊ ≠÷◊˙Ë–-÷◊≠Î◊¡◊@ Ü÷◊ π@Ø ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ >...íí *



÷◊–¥h◊ d◊≤◊y ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ö◊ ÉEÎ◊ É≈◊@π˛˙l Ä˙N– π˛≠¡◊‘–≠`◊ N≤◊N˙ N˙¡◊–d◊˛u π˙@ ≠≤◊˙Å, ≠N˝@-π˛§◊˙-·◊uD Ä¥◊@˙Îh◊ ~◊§◊¢h◊¯u d◊@h@˙©–, ≠≤◊˙Å π@–≤◊–d◊˙ Q◊GÎ◊ ≠π˛˙EÎ◊ ¡◊˙≠N, ©Î◊– ©Î◊– N≠d◊ NG˙@–bu NhsÕ◊–d◊˙ ·◊uπ–÷◊˙ NØ˙~◊ ≠d◊˙Î◊–S≠@ d◊u‹’Δ˙d◊˛u ≠·◊¡◊-Ä˙ld◊≠~◊ ·F◊@ ≠÷◊ÉΩ ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ ·◊–¡◊äS˙≠Ø Δ˙≤◊˙ Ä˙÷◊˙‘-πËÎ◊ πhbä S@bu ¡◊O@h > Éπ˙l~◊ Ä˙≠N ≠d◊≠¡◊ π˛÷◊˙‘ `◊s∂@ > @˙©r–’ö◊ ØØ’≠§◊·◊u ·œ◊¸–@ N®h≠] N¡h◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ π˛÷◊Ë–d◊ ~◊¡◊ ¡◊äz~◊˙≠@ >


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250 Limited not now by the dull body’s eyes, New-found through an arch of clear discovery, This intimation of the world’s delight, This wonder of the divine Artist’s make Carved like a nectar-cup for thirsty gods, This breathing Scripture of the Eternal’s joy, This net of sweetness woven of aureate fire. Transformed the delicate image-face became A deeper Nature’s self-revealing sign, A gold-leaf palimpsest of sacred births, A grave world-symbol chiselled out of life. Her brow, a copy of clear unstained heavens, Was meditation’s pedestal and defence, The very room and smile of musing Space, Its brooding line infinity’s symbol curve. Amid her tresses’ cloudy multitude Her long eyes shadowed as by wings of Night Under that moon-gold forehead’s dreaming breadth Were seas of love and thought that held the world; Marvelling at life and earth they saw truths far. A deathless meaning filled her mortal limbs; As in a golden vase’s poignant line They seemed to carry the rhythmic sob of bliss Of earth’s mute adoration towards heaven

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NuØ–d◊ ~◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ØF˜ ⁄FÎ◊ ~◊l~◊≠@ ~◊¡◊`◊Û ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊ N_è◊ Ä˙¡◊– ˙@ ñ ≠d◊˙@b ØÚ≠@ ¡◊–‘_-Ä˙~◊o◊-N…≠·◊‘, ·◊–¡◊ä ÷◊Î◊˙÷◊˙@-÷œ◊d◊– Ü≤◊– Q◊Øe˙@, π–π˙N–d◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ NhS˙π˙~◊-π˙d◊˛ ≠]˙·◊–d◊ NØ Δ˙, ·◊–¡◊ä ‘˙‘_d◊ Nh]@ ©u¡◊¥◊ ‘´d◊–@ ØF≈◊–’, ØSh@–Ø˙ ©˙`◊ Nd◊ä-N_C◊’-Ä~◊Î◊@ ¡◊l~◊-¡◊–N<l > @Fπ˙¥◊@ `◊§◊– d◊~◊_u `◊Î◊–d◊ π˛d◊–Ø˙ñ Ä˙~◊~◊ π˛÷◊˙≠‘ sF˜ ¡◊–‘_-π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ Ä˙k-ħ◊–™˙~◊ NØ, Nh¡◊C◊’ Á◊Î◊÷◊ N≠d◊ ¡◊˙ d◊˙í ¡◊≠≤◊ N<dœ ◊– π˙¡◊~◊ ©~◊<@, ©u¡◊~◊@ Éπ˙·◊˙~h◊ ÉeuC◊’ s…§◊u@ ¡◊–‘_ Nœ¸–@ π˛d◊u÷◊; §◊˙`◊πË d◊˙í@ π˛d◊–@Fπ Nh~◊–Ø’Î◊ N_è◊ Ä˙÷◊˙‘@ > Ä˙N~◊ d◊˙í, Nh@O˙ d◊˙í ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ Ú˙~◊@ Ú˙~◊~◊–B Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙‘ ÷◊O, N<–d◊ ≤◊˙Nä Q◊–¥◊˙@ Ä˙≠¡◊‘ ≠@]˙ ÄNuØ Ä~◊¥◊ ¡◊Î◊l π˛d◊u÷◊; ˆ~◊ ~◊u@¡◊ ÷h◊¥◊≠Î◊ Ä˙ld◊ ≠`◊˙Q◊~◊ ≠‘˙≠≤◊, N≠d◊ Ä¡◊˙ ~◊–‘˙ π˛è◊˙l πd◊d◊˛ d◊≠Î◊; Q◊o◊–˛÷◊˙ Q◊é◊–’d◊ ≠≤◊Ø˙§◊ ÷◊π˙Î◊ N_π∂ N∂–ç π@–N≠@ ≠N ÷◊– ¡◊–‘_˙S˙@ Q◊–¥◊˙, ≠π˛Ø@ N˙s@ > Nh·F◊@ Nd◊ä d◊˙ ≠·◊≠] ¡◊–N<l-Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘ ≠·◊]≥ Ü πœ‹≥¡◊u πhb– ©u¡◊~◊@ d◊j > Ä≠ú◊ Ä≠ú◊ @≠≤◊ §◊@– ÄØœd◊ d◊˙‚Δ’ä Ø≈◊’ä ‘@u@≠@ d◊˙í@, ¡◊≤◊~◊ Δ˙í ÷◊≠@ Ä˙~◊o◊ Ä‘´Î◊ ø≠o◊ N_s’ ħ◊–Øh≠], ‘˙‘_d◊ Nd◊ä@ ·◊–¡◊ä πFC◊’d◊˙@ ·◊–≠s 251

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252 Released in beauty’s cry of living form Towards the perfection of eternal things. Transparent grown the ephemeral living dress Bared the expressive deity to his view. Escaped from surface sight and mortal sense The seizing harmony of its shapes became The strange significant icon of a Power Renewing its inscrutable descent Into a human figure of its works That stood out in life’s bold abrupt relief On the soil of the evolving universe, A godhead sculptured on a wall of thought, Mirrored in the flowing hours and dimly shrined In Matter as in a cathedral cave.

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Éf˙@–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Ä¡◊˙ ©u¡◊¥◊ ‘˛uØlu @hQ◊–@ S_~◊–≠@ Δ‹˙ ≤◊–@b<l π˙d◊˛ ØØ’ª‘’u d◊u« d◊u¡◊˛ ≠@]˙ Äö◊~◊≠@ > ~◊‘_@ ©u¡◊¥◊ d◊˙í@ ≠·◊≤◊ π@–S˙≠~◊ π@–Œh◊Ë ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊ @˙©r–’ ~◊l≠~◊ ÷◊~◊ä˙-Øzhd◊~h◊ ·◊–¡◊ä-π˛÷◊˙‘-Ä˙S˙@ > ⁄FÎ◊ ·œ◊¸–, ⁄FÎ◊ ≠¡◊˙S Ø≈◊’ä Ø˙~◊¡◊@ NuØ˙@h ≠≤◊˙Å d◊˙í Øhê◊, ØSh Ø≠~◊˙≤◊@ @Fπ d◊˙ ¡◊–@˙≠© Δ‹˙ d◊˙‚Δ’ä-Ø—–d◊ ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ ¡◊–s˛≤◊ Ü÷◊ Ø≤◊d◊u ‘ê◊–@ ~◊¡◊@F≠π Ä¡◊d◊uC◊’ ÄQ◊–¥◊ä Ä≠™l N≈◊˙ Δ˙í@ ~◊˙@u@F≠π, d◊˙í@ ÷œ◊d◊– @F≠π > ¡◊–`◊Ob ¡◊–@˙≠© d◊˙í Ü ©u¡◊©s≠d◊ Nhª¸ NhY◊Î◊ @F≠π, ÷◊˛Øπ@–b˙Øu ¡◊–‘_@ Øœ≈◊–÷◊˙ π≠@ > ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ ØF≈◊–’ ≠]˙·◊–d◊ Δ˙í `◊˙≠s ≠Δ≠≤◊∂ Q◊–¥◊˙@ π˛˙Q◊u≠@ > π˛d◊–¡◊–¯ ≠‘˙≠≤◊ d◊˙í@ ÷◊˙Î◊@ π˛¡◊˙≠≤◊ ©Ÿ Ø≠Ú Δ‹˙ ÷◊˙≤◊y Ī¸ Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ‘˛uØo◊–≠@ Ä˙Nu~◊˙ ≠N ÷◊o◊@ ØÚ≠@ > (ÄNØ˙D)


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254 Canto Four

The Quest THE WORLD-WAYS opened before Savitri. At first a strangeness of new brilliant scenes Peopled her mind and kept her body’s gaze. But as she moved across the changing earth A deeper consciousness welled up in her: A citizen of many scenes and climes, Each soil and country it had made its home; It took all clans and peoples for her own, Till the whole destiny of mankind was hers. * * * As floats a sunbeam through a shady place, The golden virgin in her carven car Came gliding among meditation’s seats. Often in twilight mid returning troops Of cattle thickening with their dust the shades When the loud day had slipped below the verge, Arriving in a peaceful hermit grove

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Q◊dh◊‹’ Ns’

Ä≠~◊_rb ©sd◊ N@bu N¡h◊ N˙¡◊–d◊˛uö◊ Ä˙≠s s`◊˙ ≠]˙`◊–; NØEÎ◊ ÄÒh◊d◊ ~F◊d◊~◊ ·œ◊≠‘ä s`◊˙ Ø~◊ §◊@–, ·œ◊¸– ≠≤◊`◊˙ ⁄–@ > ÷◊–¥h◊ ~◊¡◊~◊¡◊ @Fπ ≠·◊]≥ πœ‹≥¡◊u@ Q◊Î◊–≠`◊ ≠N ≠Δ≠¡◊, Ü÷◊ ÄS≥÷◊ s§◊u@ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ Ä¥◊≠@ d◊˙ö◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Éf˙@–d◊ > ≠÷◊≠d◊ ⁄˙≠~◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ≠·◊≠‘ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊˙s@–÷◊ π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ §F◊]— πhb– π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ π˛≠·◊‘ ÷◊@–ø– ≠N ~◊–© ~◊–≠÷◊d◊~◊; N¡h◊ ©˙d◊– π˛©˙sb ≠≤◊≠`◊ Ä˙πb˙@, π@–≠‘≠r Ø˙~◊¡◊ ©˙d◊–@ NØs˛ ~◊–ld◊– ≠≤◊`◊˙ ~◊–©@ ~◊–ld◊–; * * * NFΔ’ä˙…‘h Ä˙NÅ Δ‹˙ π˛è◊˙l π˛≠·◊≠‘ §◊˙N– §◊˙N– ≠d◊N≠~◊ ≠N ÷◊~◊÷-÷◊hØ˙@u Ú˙~◊˙N~◊ π^Í◊ê◊– Ø≠Ú Ä˙N–≠`◊ N…Q◊@– ≠]˙·◊–d◊ Näo◊≠~◊ Su≠@; ≠s˙SFÎ◊– Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ≠s˙÷h◊Î◊ ≠Á◊@Å ≠Δ≠¡◊ π˙…‘h≠@ d◊˙≤◊˙@ N˙o◊˛ ÷◊@– N˙Õ◊äø˙l˙, ·◊–s¥◊@ d◊≠Î◊ ÄπNœd◊ ≤h◊Ü ≠Δ≠¡◊ ≠÷◊˙Î◊˙≤◊Î◊Øl ·◊–~◊, ¡◊≤h◊¡◊˙@ ≠d◊≠¡◊ Ä˙N– ≠N π˛≠¡◊‘ ÷◊@h‹≥≠`◊ d◊πN_u@ π˛‘˙¥◊ ~◊–÷h◊…≠© > ¡◊–‘˛˙Ø ≠N ÷◊@h‹≥≠`◊ d◊≤◊y Ä˙‘˛Ø@


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256 She rested drawing round her like a cloak Its spirit of patient muse and potent prayer. Or near to a lion river’s tawny mane And trees that worshipped on a praying shore, A domed and templed air’s serene repose Beckoned to her hurrying wheels to stay their speed. In the solemnity of a space that seemed A mind remembering ancient silences, Where to the heart great bygone voices called And the large liberty of brooding seers Had left the long impress of their soul’s scene, Awake in candid dawn or darkness mooned, To the still touch inclined the daughter of Flame Drank in hushed splendour between tranquil lids And felt the kinship of eternal calm. But morn broke in reminding her of her quest And from low rustic couch or mat she rose And went impelled on her unfinished way And followed the fateful orbit of her life

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‘ê◊–‘˙Î◊u π˛˙‹’~◊˙ à Su@ Ú˙~◊˙≠¡◊≠‘ Ä˙è◊˙·◊–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Δ‹˙ Ä¡◊sh£◊~◊≠@ > Ä¡◊˙ π‘hπd◊–NØ π˛]@ ~◊·◊@ π–ú◊Î◊ d◊@ú◊ NË˙, Ä˙@˙S~◊˙@d◊ ·◊´Ø@ NØu≠π Ü÷◊ Éπ˙N~◊˙Øl d◊≠Ë ÄM’≠s˙`˙÷◊˙@ ‘œú◊-Nh≠‘˙§◊–d◊ ≠·◊¡◊˙Î◊l Ä¡◊–OhÛ ‘˙¥◊ π@–≠¡◊‘ Åú◊–≠d◊ ©b˙É‹≥`◊˙ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ d◊˙ö◊ gÛ d◊≤◊y ‘uˆ˛s˙Øu @‹Q◊÷◊˛ sd◊– > s}u@ π˛≠·◊≠‘ Ü÷◊ Δ≤◊y N≠d◊ Ø~◊ Ä~h◊Q◊–¥◊˙ ÷◊@h‹≥`◊˙ π˛˙Q◊u~◊ ÷◊˙Î◊@ ~◊u@¡◊ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙@˙©–, Δ≤◊y ≤œ◊·◊l÷h◊ Ä˙Ø»b ÷◊@h‹≥≠`◊ Äd◊ud◊ Δhs@ Ø≤◊ul˙~Í◊ ÷◊£◊~◊˙·◊, Ú˙~◊˙¡◊–¸ Δ≤◊y É·◊˙@ N_d◊» Ör–¡œ◊o◊ Ä¥◊@˙k˙ ñ ¡◊–gœd◊ `◊uÎ◊˙@ ·œ◊‘ä Äö◊–d◊ N≠d◊ ¡◊˙ πË π≠@ ÷◊@–‹≥≠`◊, d◊≤◊y ¡◊≤◊∂–÷◊~◊ä˙ ª¸ Ér˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ Ä¡◊˙ Q◊o◊–˛÷◊˙ ≠‘˙§◊–d◊ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙≠@ ©˙s–, ‘˙¥◊π@‘-π˛¡◊b˙ π˙~◊ ÷◊@h‹≥≠`◊ ⁄–@ ~◊l~◊≠@ d◊˙ö gÛ π˛dh◊är@ ≠‘˙§◊˙; N≤◊©˙d◊ §◊˙¡◊ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊@h‹≥≠`◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ ‘˙¥◊–@ > N<@b ÷◊@– ≠N d◊˙ö◊ Ä≠~◊_rb `◊Oä Ä˙~◊d◊ N@Î◊ ‘Δä˙ Ä¡◊˙ Ä˙g@b ø˙Ÿ– É∫h◊‹≥≠`◊ ·◊–¡◊˙@} ≠≤◊¡◊˙ N≠ú◊; ≠π˛@–d◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Å ≠N d◊˙ö◊ ÄNØ˙D π≠‹ Q◊Îh◊‹≥≠`◊ Ä~h◊N@– ©u¡◊~◊ ~◊–ld◊–~◊–l»b÷◊˙@u ÷◊≠O ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙ NØ˙~◊


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258 Like a desire that questions silent gods Then passes starlike to some bright Beyond. Thence to great solitary tracts she came, Where man was a passer-by towards human scenes Or sole in Nature’s vastness strove to live And called for help to ensouled invisible Powers, Overwhelmed by the immensity of his world And unaware of his own infinity. The earth multiplied to her a changing brow And called her with a far and nameless voice. The mountains in their anchorite solitude, The forests with their multitudinous chant Disclosed to her the masked divinity’s doors. On dreaming plains, an indolent expanse, The death-bed of a pale enchanted eve Under the glamour of a sunken sky, Impassive she lay as at an age’s end, Or crossed an eager pack of huddled hills Lifting their heads to hunt a lairlike sky,

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π˛‘∂ ÷◊@– Δ˙≤◊˙ ØF÷◊ ≠·◊¡◊s≠b πhb– d◊˙@˙ π@– Δ˙Ü Q◊Î◊– ·◊uD π˙@˙¥◊≠@ > π˛≠¡◊‘ ÷◊≠`◊ ≠N ≠d◊≠¡◊ ¡◊–©~◊ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ §F◊]—≠@ Δ˙Å Δ≤◊y π‹≥÷◊ NØ˙~◊ ~◊@ ≠·◊]h‹≥`◊˙ ·œ◊‘ä Ø˙~◊¡◊ `◊uÎ◊˙@, Ü÷◊˙÷◊u ¡◊˙ ÷◊@h‹≥`◊˙ π˛l˙N d◊˙≤◊˙@ ¡◊G≥¡◊˙÷h◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ ¡◊–guC◊’ π˛N˙≠@ X◊˙÷◊– ≠÷◊≠d◊ ‘ê◊–S@ Ä·œ◊‘ä ©u¡◊öh◊ N≤◊˙ld◊˙ Ä˙≠‘ d◊˙í@, ≠≤◊˙Šħ◊–§F◊d◊ ¡◊–πhÎ◊ ©sd◊ Ø≠Ú, Ä™˙~◊ @≤◊– ≠N N˙Ø‹’ä ¡◊–r≠l ~◊–© Ä~◊¥◊ Ä˙k˙@ > ¡◊≤h◊¡◊–S @F≠π ≠d◊≠¡◊ S@˙ d◊˙ö◊ Ä˙≠s ≠·◊]˙Å`◊˙ Øh] d◊˙í@, ÷◊@–`◊˙ Ä˙≤◊_˙~◊ ~◊˙Ø≤◊u~◊ ÷◊≠£◊ ÷◊˙≤◊y ≠÷◊ÉΩ ·F◊@ ≠·◊‘h > ¡◊–¡◊–ê◊ d◊πN_uÚ˙≠~◊ s}u@ §F◊S@ ¡◊≤h◊÷◊≠£◊ ¡◊–SF~◊–d◊ Øh]@ ¡◊~◊˙~◊u É·Í◊ˆ˙Ë–d◊ ÷◊`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ ~◊l~◊ N®h≠] Äπ–≤◊–d◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊_@ @hM ≠÷◊≠d◊ ·◊_˙@ > N_π∂˙¡◊–¸ NاF◊Ø– ÄÎ◊N π˛N˙≠@ ØÎ◊–~◊ ≠Ø˙≤◊~◊ NÕ◊ä˙ ≠‘r‘Δä˙π≠@ Ø≠~◊˙≤◊@ ÄgØ–d◊ π˛≠·◊˙r Ä˙÷◊˙‘ d◊≠Î◊ ≠‘˙É‹≥≠`◊ ≠·◊¡◊u ~◊–¢Î◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@ Δhs π˛˙¥◊ §◊˙≠s Δ‹˙, Ä¡◊˙ π˙@≠≤◊˙Å Δ˙É‹≥≠`◊ Nöh◊Î◊–d◊ ¡◊äs˛ s–@–@˙©– Ø‹˙ Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠Ë÷h◊‹≥≠`◊ Øœsl˙N÷◊˙≠‘ ‘_˙π· ~◊–Î◊l NØ Ä˙÷◊˙‘@ ·◊–≠s > ÷◊@h‹≥≠`◊ Δ˙d◊˛˙ Ä¡◊˙ ÄN˙@ ÄÒh◊d◊ §F◊Ø–π≠@ Δ≤◊y ‘F~◊ä π¡◊’d◊ ‘–]@ ≠ˆ@–‹≥`◊˙ Ä≠`◊˝÷◊–÷◊ Ä˙÷◊˙‘Ø—Î◊ 259

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260 Or travelled in a strange and empty land Where desolate summits camped in a weird heaven, Mute sentinels beneath a drifting moon, Or wandered in some lone tremendous wood Ringing for ever with the crickets’ cry Or followed a long glistening serpent road Through fields and pastures lapped in moveless light Or reached the wild beauty of a desert space Where never plough was driven nor herd had grazed And slumbered upon stripped and thirsty sands Amid the savage wild-beast night’s appeal. Still unaccomplished was the fateful quest; Still she found not the one predestined face For which she sought amid the sons of men. A grandiose silence wrapped the regal day:

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‘–¡◊–@ NØ˙~◊, ~◊–º‘›◊ π˛≤◊@u π@– §◊˙NØ˙~◊ Q◊o◊˛d◊≠Î◊ Ä¡◊˙ ¡◊–Q◊@b ÷◊@h‹≥≠`◊ §◊lö◊@ n–`◊∑–÷◊˙-~◊˙·◊–d◊ ≠÷◊ÉΩ Ä@bä≠@, ÷◊–…¡◊˙ Q◊Îh◊‹≥≠`◊ ·◊uˆ’ n–`◊–Ø–`◊– Nπ–’Î◊ π‹≠@, Äd◊–÷◊˛Ø– ⁄–@˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ Ä˙è◊˙·◊–d◊ π˛˙¥◊@, Q◊˙@b §F◊Ø– ≠÷◊≠d◊; NØ˙sd◊ ≠≤◊É‹≥≠`◊ Ä¡◊˙ π˛Q◊— Nho◊@ Ø@h⁄≠Î◊ §F◊Ø– Δ≤◊y ÷◊r–’d◊ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠÷◊≠¡◊, π‘hΔF‹ Δ≤◊y ≠÷◊≠¡◊≠≤◊Ω ~◊ ‹≥≠`◊ Q@–; Ä~◊˙¡œ◊d◊ d◊≤◊y dœ◊r˙≈◊’ N–÷◊d◊˙π≠@ ≤◊–…N˛ ¡◊~◊ä π‘h ~◊–‘˙@ Ä˙≤◊_˙~◊ Ø≠Ú πXh◊‹≥≠`◊ ≠‘˙Å > d◊‹˙π– ~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ N–M Ä≠~◊_rb d◊˙ö◊ ~◊–ld◊–@; ≠·◊`◊˙ ~◊˙≤◊y ≠·◊]˙ ¡◊– d◊‹˙π– Ä·œ◊¸ ¡◊–≤◊–d◊ ≠N≤◊– Ü÷◊≤◊y Ä˙~◊~◊ ≠]˙©h‹≥≠`◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠·◊¡◊u Ø˙~◊¡◊ N¥◊˙≠~◊ > ¡◊–πhÎ◊ gÛd◊˙ Ü÷◊ Ä˙è◊˙·◊–d◊ ÷◊@– @≤◊–‹≥`◊˙ ·◊–¡◊N@ @˙©÷◊ul ≠‘˙§◊˙ > (ÄNØ˙D)


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πGØ π¡◊’ : ≠π˛Ø π¡◊’


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The Destined Meeting-Place BUT NOW the destined spot and hour were close; Unknowing she had neared her nameless goal. For though a dress of blind and devious chance Is laid upon the work of all-wise Fate, Our acts interpret an omniscient Force That dwells in the compelling stuff of things, And nothing happens in the cosmic play But at its time and in its foreseen place. To a space she came of soft and delicate air That seemed a sanctuary of youth and joy, A highland world of free and green delight Where spring and summer lay together and strove In indolent and amicable debate, Inarmed, disputing with laughter who should rule. There expectation beat wide sudden wings As if a soul had looked out from earth’s face, And all that was in her felt a coming change And forgetting obvious joys and common dreams, Obedient to Time’s call, to the spirit’s fate, Was lifted to a beauty calm and pure That lived under the eyes of Eternity.

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π˛‹Ø Ns’

¡◊–S≥-~◊–·◊–’¸ ħ◊–N˙@ ¡◊–S≥~◊–@Fπ–d◊ ⁄Î◊u, ħ◊–N˙@ `◊s∂ NØu≠π Ä˙N–ø– Ü≠¡◊, Ä™˙d◊N˙≠@ ≠N Éπ⁄–d◊ Ä~◊˙Ø–÷◊˙ `◊Oä π˙≠‘ Ä˙N– > N¡◊’·◊‘’u ¡◊–S≥÷◊˙Δ’ä ≠≤◊≠`◊≠≤◊Ω Ä˙¡œ◊d◊ ÄÕ◊, Ä≠≤◊dh◊÷◊, ¡◊÷◊˛ ≠·◊Ê¡◊ ˆËb˙≠@, Ä˙Ø ÷◊Ø’ ≠·◊Å N·◊˙ ≤h◊Ü π˛÷◊Ë–d◊ Öd◊‘ê◊–, ¡◊ghsd◊ ·h◊¡◊’˙@ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ > ¡◊–‘_ @ú◊Ø≠G N¡h◊ ¡◊–S≥Nh¡◊–≤◊–d◊ ˆ≠Ë Δ‹˙ ⁄˙≠~◊ ÷◊˙≠Î◊ ≠~◊˙≤◊– ¡◊äd◊–÷◊˛Ø > ˆF@– ˆF@– Δ˙d◊˛˙π≠‹ Ä˙N–≠`◊ ÷h◊Ø˙@u d◊˙@hbä@ Nh]d◊u≠‹’, Øœ·h◊ØSh¡◊˙lh¡◊–SF~◊–d◊ Ø≠~◊˙≤◊@, Øhê◊ ‘ä˙Ø‘–@u ɤd◊ π˛≠·◊≠‘ Δ≤◊y s˛ur< ØShÖdh◊ Ø–d◊˛§◊˙≠¡◊, Ä˙`◊–ú◊≠~◊, ÄÎ◊N¡◊–d◊≠÷◊’ N≤◊˙≠Nä ÷◊Î◊≤◊@d◊ π˛§h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ > π˛N˙@–d◊ πO ≠]˙`◊– Ä˙‘˙@ ¡◊–≤◊s N≤◊N˙ É∫◊–`◊˙ ÷◊fi–, N≠d◊ ¡◊˙ S@bu Ä˙~◊~h◊ s§◊u≠@ Ä˙k˙ ~◊–≠@]Å ÷◊˙í≠@ > Ä¥◊@ Ä˙è◊¤ §◊˙¡◊u-@Fπ˙¥◊@ ≠¡◊˙≠S > ¡◊–≠N˙@– π˛˙÷œ◊d◊ Nh], N˙S˙@b N_π∂ Ä˙k˙@ ~◊–ld◊–, Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊ sh@h X◊˙÷◊ Ä~h◊N@– É≠∫◊ N¡h◊ ‘˙¥◊ @Øbul ¡◊–‘hM ©s≠d◊ Ø≤◊˙ Nd◊ä@ N®h≠] >


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266 A crowd of mountainous heads assailed the sky Pushing towards rival shoulders nearer heaven, The armoured leaders of an iron line; Earth prostrate lay beneath their feet of stone. Below them crouched a dream of emerald woods And gleaming borders solitary as sleep: Pale waters ran like glimmering threads of pearl. A sigh was straying among happy leaves; Cool-perfumed with slow pleasure-burdened feet Faint stumbling breezes faltered among flowers. The white crane stood, a vivid motionless streak, Peacock and parrot jewelled soil and tree, The dove’s soft moan enriched the enamoured air And fire-winged wild-drakes swam in silvery pools. Earth couched alone with her great lover Heaven, Uncovered to her consort’s azure eye. In a luxurious ecstasy of joy She squandered the love-music of her notes, Wasting the passionate pattern of her blooms And festival riot of her scents and hues. A cry and leap and hurry was around, The stealthy footfalls of her chasing things, The shaggy emerald of her centaur mane, The gold and sapphire of her warmth and blaze.

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÷◊¡◊Q◊u ~◊˙l÷◊ π@– ·h◊≠§◊’·◊ä ≠N~◊˙@ ◊Õ◊Q◊˙π– π@ª@ ªM’˙≠@ ·h◊ä≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ħ◊˛ö◊r s–@–@˙©– ≠d◊˙Î◊–ø– Øg÷◊ > π˛bd◊˙ S@bu d◊˙@ π˙r˙b Q◊@≠b > ≠`◊˙≠Ë d◊≠Î◊ Ø@÷◊d◊ ¡◊~◊@ Nπ~◊, ¡◊–¡◊–ê◊ NhrhD– NØ ÉEÎ◊ Éπ˙¥◊ > ØÎ◊–~◊˙ N@–d◊˙ S˙ÜΩ Øo◊π˛§◊˙Øhê◊˙Ø˙Î◊˙π@–, πh`◊÷◊–d◊ π`◊∑≠¡◊ ¡◊–Q◊≠@ ·◊uˆ’‘_˙N, ‘ud◊sÕ◊ ÷◊fi–d◊ NØu@ ÷h◊Nh≠Ø ¡◊–Q◊≠@ Oub ÄÎ◊N ¡◊–Î◊˙≠N > ¡◊–‘·◊ ~◊–¢◊Î◊ ≠@]˙ NØ ≠‘˙≠§◊ ÷◊˙≤◊y S¡◊Î◊ N˙@N, ÷◊˙≤◊y O–d◊– ¡◊~◊ªd◊– @d◊~◊ ]Q◊–d◊ ‘h÷◊ ‘–]≥Ø˙Î◊˙ ¡◊≤◊– > N∂–sÍS π@–≠¡◊‘ Øœ·h◊÷◊≠π˙d◊ ¡◊–Î◊˙≠π ÄS≥÷◊ ØzhÎ◊, ≠@˝πä S¡◊Î◊ π`◊_≠Î◊ N¥◊@b ÷◊≠@ ·◊uDπO ¡◊~◊≤◊…N > S@˙ d◊˙ ¡◊–@˙Ë ≠π˛Øu Nh~◊uÎ◊ ≠`◊˙≤◊–d◊ ~◊§◊d◊≠Î◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠‘˙Å ~◊s∂˙ Ü÷◊˙÷◊–~◊u > ~◊–º≠‘≠r ≠N π˛bl@ Nú◊ud◊ ØFè◊’~◊˙ ≠d◊˙Îh◊‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊–Î◊˙N≠@ πh`◊÷◊ Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘ > Nh@§◊–, ¡◊C◊’@ Ø≈◊ Éf≠¡◊ Ä©˙Ÿ– ≠·◊É‹≥`◊˙ N@˙s@ NhØ~◊ N}˙@ Q◊É·◊–≠s ‹≥`◊˙ @¡◊, `◊Ó◊ à @§◊N, ‘–÷◊˙@u ‘_˙π·◊ N…≠s˙π~◊ π·◊π˙d◊, ≠`◊˙Ø‘ Ø÷◊’d◊ ≠‘˙§◊˙ ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ NË˙@ > ≠≤◊Ø~◊uÎ◊ ·h◊äd◊– d◊˙í@ ·◊uD– ÉÃd◊˙@ >


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268 Magician of her rapt felicities, Blithe, sensuous-hearted, careless and divine, Life ran or hid in her delightful rooms; Behind all brooded Nature’s grandiose calm. Primaeval peace was there and in its bosom Held undisturbed the strife of bird and beast. Man the deep-browed artificer had not come To lay his hand on happy inconscient things, Thought was not there nor the measurer, strong-eyed toil, Life had not learned its discord with its aim. The Mighty Mother lay outstretched at ease. All was in line with her first satisfied plan; Moved by a universal will of joy The trees bloomed in their green felicity And the wild children brooded not on pain. At the end reclined a stern and giant tract Of tangled depths and solemn questioning hills, Peaks like a bare austerity of the soul, Armoured, remote and desolately grand Like the thought-screened infinities that lie Behind the rapt smile of the Almighty’s dance. A matted forest-head invaded heaven As if a blue-throated ascetic peered From the stone fastness of his mountain cell Regarding the brief gladness of the days;

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Ø~◊@ ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ ØSh Åo◊˛©˙`◊ @Q◊– ·◊ÉŸ– ¡◊˙ `h◊Q◊– ≠÷◊≠¡◊ Nh]·◊ ~◊–Î◊≠l π˛˙b ‹≥`◊˙ ·◊–¡◊ä§◊˙≠¡◊ ≤◊r’ π˛Øh·◊–d◊ ~◊–¢◊–¥◊, Åo◊–˛l Nh]≠§◊˙su, Nh@N–÷◊ > π¢◊˙≠d◊ N¡h◊@ ‹≥`◊˙ Ú˙~◊ NØ˙≤◊–d◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ Ø≤◊˙‘˙¥◊– s}u@, ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ > Ä~◊˙·◊– ‘˙¥◊– d◊˙ ¡h◊≠÷◊ @≤◊–‹≥`◊˙ d◊≤◊y Ä¡◊–Oh¡Í◊S π‘hπOu ·◊_J◊ ≠÷◊˙Î◊˙≤◊Î◊ > Q◊–¥◊˙Øs∂ Δ»u ~◊@ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠N ∫◊˙≠¡◊ ÷◊¡◊Î◊–d◊ ÷◊@– Nh]u ©Ÿ ¡◊gh@˙©–, ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙, Ø˙π, ÷◊∫◊–~◊ Ä˙l˙N > ©u¡◊~◊ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ©˙b– `◊≠Oä d◊˙ ¡◊–≠@˙S > Nh]≠@ É≈◊˙≠~◊ ‹≥≠`◊ Ø≤◊˙Ø˙l˙ ≠‘˙Å, π@–dœ◊D π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ π˛‹Ø ≠Δ˙©~◊˙ Ä~h◊@Fπ ‹≥`◊˙ N¡h◊, §F◊Ø˙ Åè◊˙~◊≠o◊ ¡œ◊O‹≥≠`◊ ¡◊–÷◊‘–d◊ ≤◊@–d◊ ≤◊@≠r, πuŸ˙‘F~◊ä ‹≥≠`◊ N¡h◊ ¡◊~◊@ ‘˙¡◊÷◊ > ≠‘≠r ‹≥`◊˙ π˛N˙@–d◊ ·h◊s’Ø, ¡◊–@˙Ë π˛≠·◊‘ ©Ë–Î◊ s§◊’, s}u@ π¡◊’d◊ π˛‘∂¡◊˙Q◊u π@–πFC◊’, d◊πNä˙ ÷◊≠∫◊˙@ NØ ≠÷◊≠d◊ s–@–N˙~h◊, ·F◊@, Nh@O–d◊ ¡◊–©≠~◊ Ø≤◊˙~◊ Δ‹˙ d◊˙—¡◊ ~◊–@d◊ ~◊Ë@˙© N<–d◊ ≤◊˙≠Nä π≠ø π˛N˙@–d◊ ÄNuØ@ ≠‘˙§◊˙‹˙Ü §◊˙¡◊ Ä≠s˙Q◊@ > Ä¡◊≠@˙S ÷◊@– ~◊§◊ ‹≥`◊˙ NØh¤d◊ ©Ë˙©FË ¡◊–Ø—–d◊ Ä@bä ‘–]@ N≠d◊ ¡◊˙ π˙r˙b ¡◊M s–@– sh≤◊˙πh@h, ~◊uÎ◊÷◊£◊ Øh~◊–¡◊@ ¡◊–≠`◊˙÷◊Å ~◊u≠Q◊ ÷◊˙Î◊@ π˛¡◊˙≠≤◊ Ø≈◊’ä §◊úh◊@ π˛≠Ø˙·◊ > 269

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270 His vast extended spirit couched behind. A mighty murmur of immense retreat Besieged the ear, a sad and limitless call As of a soul retiring from the world. This was the scene which the ambiguous Mother Had chosen for her brief felicitous hour; Here in this solitude far from the world Her part she began in the world’s joy and strife. Here were disclosed to her the mystic courts, The lurking doors of beauty and surprise, The wings that murmur in the golden house, The temple of sweetness and the fiery aisle. A stranger on the sorrowful roads of Time, Immortal under the yoke of death and fate, A sacrificant of the bliss and pain of the spheres, Love in the wilderness met Savitri. END OF CANTO ONE

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π≠ø ‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ d◊˙ Ä˙k˙@ ¡◊–g˙@ > ‘´d◊–πFC◊’ ÷◊@– ·F◊@h Ä˙Nh‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊≤◊– ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ¡◊–©~h◊ Ø≤◊˙ ØØ’@ ‘¡◊·◊ ÄπNœlØ˙b ≠÷◊ÉΩ Ä˙k˙ Ä¡◊˙ ·◊–Ü X◊˙÷◊ d◊˙í@ ~◊–¡œ◊≈◊–@ ¡◊–r˙·◊, ¡◊–Sh@ > N_À◊ Nh] π˙ÅΩ d◊≤◊y @˙©÷h◊Ø˙@u@ Üπ@– ÄGÎ◊ ¡◊˙ø–‹≥≠`◊ Ø˙í π˛÷œ◊d◊– > ≠`◊˙÷◊˙Î◊l∫◊˙@h ¡◊≤h◊·F◊≠@ ≠N≤◊–∫◊˙≠¡◊ ©sd◊@ Nh] ·h◊º] `◊uÎ◊˙≠@ ~◊–©@ §F◊Ø–÷◊˙ ≠N Ä˙@}–≠`◊ ¡◊–©~◊ ¡◊–π–≠~◊ > ~◊l≠~◊ É∫◊–`◊˙ Áh◊Ë– Ü≤◊–∫◊˙≠@ ≠÷◊≠d◊ @≤◊Nä Äú◊~◊, ≠÷◊≠d◊ ~◊–§œ◊d◊ @hQ◊–@ Q◊Øe˙@ ·◊_˙@, πhb– ÷◊~◊÷◊ πh@u@ shz~◊ ~◊–@d◊ πOu, ØSh ≠·◊¡◊˙Î◊l π˛≠¡◊‘ Äl~◊ Δ˙í@ Ä~◊≠Î◊ §◊˙N_@ > ÷◊˙Î◊@ ¡◊–r˙·◊Øl π≠‹ Ä˙s¥h◊÷◊, Øœdh◊ä à ~◊–ld◊– π˙≠‘ ÄØ@ d◊@hb, ~◊–]≥Î◊ §h◊¡◊~◊ Nh]·h◊º]@ Ä˙≤h◊d◊– ≠π˛ØØF≈◊–’ ˆ~◊¡◊≠~◊ ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ N˙¡◊–d◊˛u > (NØ˙D)


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Satyavan ALL SHE remembered on this day of Fate, The road that hazarded not the solemn depths But turned away to flee to human homes, The wilderness with its mighty monotone, The morning like a lustrous seer above, The passion of the summits lost in heaven, The titan murmur of the endless woods. As if a wicket gate to joy were there Ringed in with voiceless hint and magic sign, Upon the margin of an unknown world Reclined the curve of a sun-held recess; Groves with strange flowers like eyes of gazing nymphs Peered from their secrecy into open space, Boughs whispering to a constancy of light Sheltered a dim and screened felicity, And slowly a supine inconstant breeze Ran like a fleeting sigh of happiness Over slumbrous grasses pranked with green and gold. Hidden in the forest’s bosom of loneliness Amid the leaves the inmate voices called, Sweet like desires enamoured and unseen, Cry answering to low insistent cry.

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·◊_–d◊ul Ns’

Nd◊ä¡◊˙~Í◊ ~◊–ld◊–-~◊–·◊–’¸ Ü≤◊– ‘h§◊ ·◊–¡◊N≠@ @˙©÷◊~◊ä˙-N<dœ ◊–π≠Ë @≤◊–‹≥≠`◊ ≠ˆ@– ‘ö◊–d◊˙ N@bu Ü÷◊ ¡◊~◊@ s≤◊≠~◊ ~◊ Δ˙Å øhË–ø– ÷◊˙≤◊y ·F◊@ ©~◊π≠·◊ > Ü÷◊@N ≠ˆ˙@¡◊~◊ ¡◊ä˙≠π Q◊É·◊–≠s > π˛§◊˙d◊ @˙©Å Ñ≠Z◊’ ·◊uD Ör– NØ, Ä˙÷◊˙≠‘ Ä˙‘˙lu @˙≠s ≤◊©–ø– ‘–]@, ÄNuØ ÄË¡◊u πFC◊’ ¡◊–πhÎ◊ ØØ’≠@ > ~◊–º‘›◊ Åú◊–≠d◊ Δ˙·h◊-N≠ö◊d◊-¡◊Î◊≠l ≠ˆ@˙ ≠÷◊ÉΩ ØShπh@u ≠d◊˙@b NØ˙~◊ Nh≠] Ä˙`◊¯–d◊ ≠‘˙≠≤◊ Ä™˙d◊ ©sd◊d◊≠Ë NFΔ’äØh]u ¡◊÷◊˛ ¡◊–©~◊ ¡◊–d◊˙~◊ > ÷◊–¤@u ~◊l~◊ NØ ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ ÷h◊Nh≠Ø π@–πFC◊’ ÷h◊z d◊≤◊y Øhê◊ π@–N≠@ Éö◊–Ø˙@h‹≥≠`◊ ~◊–© ≠s˙π~◊ ~◊–Î◊lh > Øœ·h◊ Øœ·h◊ X◊˙÷◊– d◊≤◊y ~◊–@≠d◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ≠ˆ@– @≤◊–‹≥≠`◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ d◊@h ‘˙]˙@˙©– ~◊–w˛§◊ ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ πh≠@ Ä˙¡œ◊d◊ πh`◊÷◊ > Su≠@ Su≠@ @≤◊– @≤◊– ¡◊≤h◊‹≥`◊˙ d◊≤◊y ‘l~◊ ¡◊–≠§◊˙@ ‘ä˙Ø-≠≤◊Ø‘ª π≠@ NØu@ Q◊GÎ◊ Nh] Éè◊˙_ N NØ˙~◊ > ¡◊~◊@ ¡◊–©~◊ ¡h◊≠÷◊ π`◊∑¡◊ s≤◊≠Î◊ @¡◊ ‘hb– X◊˙÷h◊‹≥≠`◊ dh◊≤◊˙Å dh◊≤◊˙Å ÷h◊`◊˙≠l ¡◊–≤◊s÷h◊Î◊ π˛bl@…©–d◊~◊–§œ◊d◊ ¡◊˙N~◊˙ NØ ØSh@ ~◊–ºN_≠~◊ > 273

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274 Behind slept emerald dumb remotenesses, Haunt of a Nature passionate, veiled, denied To all but her own vision lost and wild. Earth in this beautiful refuge free from cares Murmured to the soul a song of strength and peace. Only one sign was there of a human tread: A single path, shot thin and arrowlike Into this bosom of vast and secret life, Pierced its enormous dream of solitude. Here first she met on the uncertain earth The one for whom her heart had come so far. As might a soul on Nature’s background limned Stand out for a moment in a house of dream Created by the ardent breath of life, So he appeared against the forest verge Inset twixt green relief and golden ray. As if a weapon of the living Light, Erect and lofty like a spear of God His figure led the splendour of the morn. Noble and clear as the broad peaceful heavens A tablet of young wisdom was his brow; Freedom’s imperious beauty curved his limbs, The joy of life was on his open face. His look was a wide daybreak of the gods, His head was a youthful Rishi’s touched with light, His body was a lover’s and a king’s.

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π≠ø ‹≥`◊˙ ≠‘˙Å ØF÷◊, Ø@÷◊d◊ ·F◊@π˛N˙@–d◊ ¡◊~◊§F◊Ø–, Ø≈◊ Ä˙k≤◊@˙·h◊s’Ø-π˛÷œ◊d◊–-≠ˆ˙@-¡◊–Î◊˙N Ø—Î◊ > S@bu ~◊–¢◊–¥◊ Q◊˙@h π@–≠¡◊≠‘ Ü‹≥ s˙É‹≥`◊˙ Ä˙k˙ Ä˙≠s Ø@Ø@ ~◊˙≠·◊ NhØSh@ s˙~◊ ‘˙¥◊– d◊‹˙ ‘÷◊d◊–@ > Q◊–≤◊∂ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊≤◊y Ü÷◊ Øb–r π·◊@; ¡◊–M ÷◊@– ≠ˆ˙@ N_π∂ ¡◊–©~◊ ¡◊~◊@ s≤◊~◊ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ d◊˙í@ ©u¡◊~◊ §◊–d◊≠@ ‘@ NØ ‹≥`◊˙ π‘– ‘uC◊’π‹ Ü÷◊ > Ä~◊–¢◊–d◊ π≠‹ Ü‹≥ @˙©˙@ d◊~◊l˙ ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ π˛‹Ø ¡◊˙@ ≠]˙©– ≠]˙©– Δ˙í≠@ ≤◊–Ä˙ d◊˙@ Ä˙N–‹≥`◊˙ Ü≠d◊ ·F◊@ ≠·◊≠‘ > Éfh÷◊ Ä˙÷h◊Î◊ π˛˙b Ä˙≠¡◊≠s @Q◊–d◊ N_π∂πh≠@ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ πœB§F◊Ø– π≠@ Ä˙k˙@ Ä˙≠`◊]ä Δ‹˙ ≠‘˙≠≤◊ ≠N d◊@hb ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ≠‘˙§◊~◊ d◊≤◊y ‘ä˙ØÎ◊ πh`◊÷◊ ≠≤◊Ø@‘<–-©˙Î◊Ø≠Ú d◊≠Ë ÷◊˙~◊~◊@ > ©u¡◊¥◊-π@Ø ≠©ä˙d◊– ĉ ¡◊˙ ≠N N≠d◊, @Fπ d◊˙í@ Q◊Îh◊‹≥`◊˙ π˛§◊˙d◊ π˛§◊˙@ πh≠@˙§◊˙≠s, Ø≤◊˙¡◊u@ π@Ø π˛§h◊@ N@Î◊ ɤd◊ ·◊–¡◊ä ≠d◊˙Ø@ NØ˙~◊ > ‘˙¥◊ ‘h§◊˛, NØh¤d◊ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙‘ NØ ÷◊π˙Î◊ ~◊¡◊u~◊ π˛™˙ Á◊Î◊÷◊ ≠‘˙§◊~◊ > Ä≠ú◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ·œ◊D Øhê◊ ‘–@u@ N…ΔØ, π˛˙b@ πh`◊÷◊ @˙≠© ¡◊–÷◊Q◊ Ä˙~◊≠~◊, ·œ◊¸– ·◊–¡◊ä≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@ É·◊˙@ π˛§◊˙d◊, §◊˙N_@ d◊@hb Ör– ‘–@ π@– ‘–@ > ‘@u@ N@N ÷◊˙¥◊ ≠π˛Ø–÷◊ @˙©˙@ > 275

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276 In the magnificent dawning of his force Built like a moving statue of delight He illumined the border of the forest page. Out of the ignorant eager toil of the years Abandoning man’s loud drama he had come Led by the wisdom of an adverse Fate To meet the ancient Mother in her groves. In her divine communion he had grown A foster-child of beauty and solitude, Heir to the centuries of the lonely wise, A brother of the sunshine and the sky, A wanderer communing with depth and marge. A Veda-knower of the unwritten book Perusing the mystic scripture of her forms, He had caught her hierophant significances, Her sphered immense imaginations learned, Taught by sublimities of stream and wood And voices of the sun and star and flame And chant of the magic singers on the boughs And the dumb teaching of four-footed things. Helping with confident steps her slow great hands He leaned to her influence like a flower to rain And, like the flower and tree a natural growth, Widened with the touches of her shaping hours.

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Nh]@ NQ◊Î◊ ØF≈◊–’, Ø≤◊˙·h◊äd◊– d◊˙í@ N≤◊N˙ π˛§◊˙d◊– ÷◊`◊˙ ‘ê◊–≠@ ÉEÎ◊ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@ π˛˙¥◊§F◊Ø– Nˆ~◊ ¡◊~◊@ > ¡◊–ØF˜, ¡◊ä˙÷h◊Î◊ Δhs ‘˛Ø π@–S≥@h ¡◊@©– ≠N Ø˙~◊¡◊@ ≠÷◊˙Î◊˙≤◊Î◊Øl Øh]@ ~◊˙Ë÷◊, d◊≤◊y π˛d◊–÷F◊Î◊ ¡◊–S≥ ñ π˛™˙¡◊≠‘ Ä˙N–‹≥≠`◊ ¡◊˙Ë–÷◊˙≠@ d◊˙í@ N˙O˙d◊ `◊§◊–¡◊˙ Ä˙≠N πh@˙bu Ø˙d◊˙@ > π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ ≠÷◊˙≠Î◊ π˛d◊–π˙Î◊–d◊ ≠N N·◊˙ @Øbul ©~◊≤◊u~◊ ·h◊s’Ø ÷◊˙~◊≠~◊ > ·◊˙l˙·◊ ~◊–ºNú◊-Ör–-Δhs-N…œ◊d◊–@, N≠≤◊˙·◊@ @¡◊–@‘<–, Øhê◊ Ä˙÷◊˙‘@ > Ä¡◊˙S π˛≠¡◊‘ d◊˙í@ d◊≠Ë à s≤◊≠~◊, @Fπ@ @≤◊Nä-‘˙‰ π˜– π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ Ä`◊–]≥d◊ ~◊–sØ@ ≠¡◊·◊™ ÷h◊‘Î◊ Ø»@ ¡◊äz~◊˙ ¡h◊n–‹≥≠`◊ ≠N d◊@hb > π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ Nh¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ÷◊À◊~◊˙ π˛÷◊˙‘ d◊˙@˙ d◊j ‹≥≠`◊ ©˙b– ~◊–≠@]≥ Ä˙÷◊˙≠‘ > @hQ◊–@˙ d◊Ë–~◊u πhb– dh◊ú◊ ¡◊~◊§F◊Ø–, Ä~◊Î◊, §◊˙◊@, d◊˙@˙ ¡◊˙bu ≠¡◊ä˙Øπ≠‹, ¡◊–Ë≠π ¡◊–≤◊s-÷◊£-÷F◊©~◊ ÷h◊≤h◊÷◊, Ä@bä¡◊–≤◊˙@u ØF÷◊ ‘_˙π·◊ Åú◊–d◊, N¡h◊Ø–Î◊– ≠·◊≠`◊ ‘–O˙ d◊˙πN ÷h◊Ø˙≠@ > π≠·◊ π≠·◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ ØA◊@ Ø≤◊˙~◊ Ä˙‘–≠r Ø–‘˙Å ·œ◊˜ Ä˙k˙@ π˛d◊äl Ä˙‘˛l ¡◊@–≠`◊ d◊˙í@ π˛§◊˙≠¡◊ ≠ΔN~◊ π˛NF~◊ ≠`◊˙ŸÅ ¡h◊≠÷◊ ¡◊˙@–¡◊@rb > d◊@h à ÷h◊NhØ NØ N≤◊© ¡◊–÷◊˙≠‘ ¡◊˜–‹≥≠`◊ `◊§◊– Ø˙d◊˙ π˛÷œ◊d◊– π@‘ > 277

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278 The mastery free natures have was his And their assent to joy and spacious calm; One with the single Spirit inhabiting all, He laid experience at the Godhead’s feet; His mind was open to her infinite mind, His acts were rhythmic with her primal force; He had subdued his mortal thought to hers. That day he had turned from his accustomed paths; For One who, knowing every moment’s load, Can move in all our studied or careless steps, Had laid the spell of destiny on his feet And drawn him to the forest’s flowering verge. At first her glance that took life’s million shapes Impartially to people its treasure-house Along with sky and flower and hill and star, Dwelt rather on the bright harmonious scene. It saw the green-gold of the slumbrous sward, The grasses quivering with the slow wind’s tread, The branches haunted by the wild bird’s call. Awake to Nature, vague as yet to life, The eager prisoner from the Infinite, The immortal wrestler in its mortal house,

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N_˙Su~◊ πh@hr π@– ~◊–© π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ ‹≥≠`◊ ≠N Ç‘_@, ~◊–≠© ÷◊@h‹≥≠`◊ ≠§◊˙s Øhê◊ Ä˙k˙ π@– Nh] ‘˙¥◊– Nh¡◊–πhÎ◊ > N¡◊’sd◊ Ä·◊_–d◊ul ¡◊˛≠≤◊< Ü÷◊˙÷◊˙@, ≠·◊¡◊u@ Äé◊’~◊˙ d◊˙í@ Ä~h◊§F◊d◊– @˙©– > Ø~◊Øhê◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠·◊¡◊u ÄNuØ Ø˙~◊≠N, ‘ê◊– d◊˙í@ Ä˙·◊–‘ê◊– N˙≠‹ NØd◊˙Î◊, Q◊–¥◊˙N¡h◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠·◊¡◊u §◊˙¡◊~◊˙@ ¡◊‘ > ≠N·◊–~◊ ≠N Ör–πhd◊˛ π–˛l π@–Q◊–d◊π‹ø˙Ÿ– Ä˙N–‹≥≠`◊ Ä˙~◊ N@bu≠@ > π@Ø˙ ~◊–ld◊– π˛d◊– π≠Î◊ π≠Î◊ ~◊@©u¡◊~◊sh@hd◊_ ¡h◊n– π˙@– ≠Δ Nd◊d◊ ¡◊–Q◊@Å N˙≠‹ Ä˙Ø, N˙¡◊S˙~◊ Ä¡◊˙ π˛l˙N¡◊–≤◊u~◊ π˛d◊–π≠·◊, ≠N ≠N·◊–~◊ ¡◊–S≥-Ø»-¡◊‘ ÷◊@– d◊@hb Q◊@b ÷h◊NhØ–d◊ ¡◊~◊S˙≠@ ≠~◊Å‹≥≠`◊ Ë˙b– > @˙©÷◊~◊ä˙ Ä˙N– Ü≠b π˛‹≠Ø Ü∫◊˙≠¡◊ ¡◊–≠`◊˙÷◊–≠`◊ ¡◊~◊·œ◊‘ä @hQ◊–@, NhrØ > ~◊–@≠πO ·œ◊¸– d◊˙@, N<œd◊–≠@ N˙Åd◊– @]h‹≥`◊˙ ~◊§, d◊˙@˙, s–@–, πhw N˙≠‹ S@bu@ Äsb~◊ ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ Ä˙÷◊˙@, ≠·◊]h‹≥`◊˙ ‘ä˙Ø ≠≤◊Ø Nπ~◊¡◊–≠§◊˙@‘˙·Í◊¡◊≠Î◊ ªo◊–d◊ ·◊§◊’ Su@ NØu@≠b, Ä˙¡◊@ ¡◊–≤◊s@≠¡◊ ≠N¡◊–d◊ ¡◊–Ëπ > ·œ◊¸– Ä˙≠s §◊˙≠N πhb– Ä˙¡œ◊d◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙π˛d◊–Ø˙ πh@hr ¡◊–‘_π˛÷œ◊d◊– N≠Q◊d◊, Ä~◊–¢◊–d◊ π˛˙b, ÷◊˙≤◊y ÄNuØh Ä˙sd◊, Ø˙l˙π˙≠‘ ¡◊äs˛¡◊o◊u, ~◊‘_@ ~◊–Î◊≠l Øœdh◊ä≤◊u~◊ Ø`◊∑¡◊u@, N˙S~◊ ~◊–@d◊279

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280 Its pride, power, passion of a striving God, It saw this image of veiled deity, This thinking master creature of the earth, This last result of the beauty of the stars, But only saw like fair and common forms The artist spirit needs not for its work And puts aside in memory’s shadowy rooms. A look, a turn decides our ill-poised fate. Thus in the hour that most concerned her all, Wandering unwarned by the slow surface mind, The heedless scout beneath her tenting lids Admired indifferent beauty and cared not To wake her body’s spirit to its king. So might she have passed by on chance ignorant roads Missing the call of Heaven, losing life’s aim, But the god touched in time her conscious soul. Her vision settled, caught and all was changed. Her mind at first dwelt in ideal dreams, Those intimate transmuters of earth’s signs That make known things a hint of unseen spheres, And saw in him the genius of the spot, A symbol figure standing mid earth’s scenes, A king of life outlined in delicate air. Yet this was but a moment’s reverie;

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≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ Ä˙≠Ë˙π¡◊uΔ’ä @˙s@ π˛÷◊˙‘ S@˙π≠@ Q◊–¥◊˙ ¡◊u@ π˛˙bu-≠‘˛B ~◊@, ¡◊–÷◊Q◊ Q◊@Ø @Fπ ¡◊–‘_ §h◊¡◊~◊@ > ‘–À◊u d◊˙ ~◊l~◊π≠‹ N≤◊© ØÚØ @Fπ÷h◊ ~◊ ≠`◊˙Ÿ– Δ‹˙ N<œd◊– Nd◊–Ø–@π˛≠·◊≠‘ ¡◊@©–Δ˙Ü, É·◊˙Nu~◊§◊˙≠¡◊ ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ≠Nπ@– Δh¡◊˙ @˙©˙@ ·h◊≤◊–d◊˙ > ËÎ◊ ËÎ◊ ~◊@ §◊˙sä Q◊@Ø ~◊–w≈◊– ÷◊≠@ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ π@–¡œ◊≈◊–, ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ¡◊˙ ÇOb > ©u¡◊~◊@ Ü≤◊–π@– π@Ø `◊s≠~◊ ØA◊@ π`◊∑¡◊s˛˙≤◊u Ø≠~◊ ≠N d◊@hbu ˆF@– ¡h◊`h◊‹≥≠`◊ ≠Δ≠¡◊, Nd◊÷◊’¡◊–≤◊u~◊ π`◊÷h◊ ÄN˙¡◊S˙~◊ ~◊l~◊d◊˙@÷◊˙ π˛‘…N– É·◊˙N§◊˙≠¡◊ ~◊ ÷◊`◊˙ ©˙s˛d◊ ‘@u@-≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ d◊˙í@ ÄS≥π ¡◊–r≠l > Ä~◊–¢◊–d◊, ØF˜ π≠‹ ≤◊@˙Å ÜN~◊ ©u¡◊~◊@ `◊Oä, X◊˙÷◊ ·◊–¡◊ä ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊@ ¡◊ä‹’ ≠N ¡◊˙≤h◊Ÿ–‹˙í≠¥◊ Ø·◊˛ @˙©πh≠@ > Δ‹˙÷◊˙≠Î◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ d◊˙í@ N≠Q◊d◊ Ä¥◊@ øhÅΩ≠`◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙, ⁄–@ ~◊l≠~◊ ÷h◊Ø˙@u ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ÷h◊Ø˙@, N¡h◊ ¡◊·◊Î◊–`◊˙ O≠b > Ä˙·◊‘’@ N_π∂˙≠`˙≠÷◊ Ø~◊ s`◊˙ §◊˙N– πœ‹≥¡◊u@ ¡◊gh Δ≤◊y Nh~◊–¡◊–Ÿ §◊˙≠¡◊ ¡◊–¡◊≈◊–’d◊ ≤h◊Ü, Áh◊≠Ë ¡◊–·◊–d◊ ¡◊–r≠l NFQ◊~◊˙ Ä~◊S≥sd◊ ·F◊@ ©sd◊@ > d◊@h≠b ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ¡◊˙Î◊˙ ¡◊~◊@ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙π˛d◊u÷◊ ØF@d◊– ɧ◊˙ S@˙·œ◊‘ä π≠Ë, @˙©˙@ ¡◊˙ ≠@]˙Q◊–d◊˛ Äö◊–d◊ Nh≠¡◊‘ > ~◊–≠Ø≠r Nπ~◊ NØ Áh◊Ë–`◊˙ ÜN¡h◊ > 281

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282 For suddenly her heart looked out at him, The passionate seeing used thought cannot match, And knew one nearer than its own close strings. All in a moment was surprised and seized, All in inconscient ecstasy lain wrapped Or under imagination’s coloured lids Held up in a large mirror-air of dream, Broke forth in flame to recreate the world, And in that flame to new things she was born. A mystic tumult from her depths arose; Haled, smitten erect like one who dreamed at ease, Life ran to gaze from every gate of sense: Thoughts indistinct and glad in moon-mist heavens, Feelings as when a universe takes birth, Swept through the turmoil of her bosom’s space Invaded by a swarm of golden gods: Arising to a hymn of wonder’s priests Her soul flung wide its doors to this new sun. An alchemy worked, the transmutation came; The missioned face had wrought the Master’s spell. In the nameless light of two approaching eyes A swift and fated turning of her days Appeared and stretched to a gleam of unknown worlds.

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N≤◊N˙ ≤œ◊·◊lh ¡◊˙Î◊˙ ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ d◊@hb, Q◊–¥◊˙∫h◊ ≠N s@ulNu N@˙s Q◊˙≤◊˙b– Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠·◊Å ©˙b–≠`◊ ≠N Ä™˙d◊ ÷h◊Ø˙@ ≤œ◊·◊l@ d◊»u∫◊˙@h ÄS≥÷◊ ~◊–÷◊Ë > ~◊–Ø–≠r ¡◊–N<≠l N≈◊˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ħ◊–§F◊d◊ > NhD–≠@ Xh◊¡◊–`◊˙ N¡h◊ ©Ÿ NØ˙S≥≠@ Ä¡◊˙ ØSh-÷◊Î◊π~◊˙-@…©–d◊ ~◊l~◊ Ä˙≠s §◊˙N– Nh¡◊–‘˙Î◊-Nπ~◊ Øh÷h◊≠@ N≤◊N˙ πŸ–`◊˙ Á◊˙Ë– π˙¡◊÷◊‘–]˙≠@ s˜–¡◊˙÷h◊ ~◊¡◊@Fπ Ø≈◊’ä ©sd◊@ > ~F◊d◊~◊ ©s≠d◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ π˛blπ˙¡◊~◊‘–]˙≠@ ©~◊Ø ≠~◊≠`◊ @˙©˙@ d◊~h◊©˙ > Äd◊Îh◊ ©˙s–`˙ Ü÷◊ ·◊–¡◊ä Ä˙≠`◊˙Ÿ~◊, N≤◊© Nπ≠~◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ¡◊–M, ©©’@–d◊ Åo◊–˛l@ ·◊_˙@ π≠‹ øhË–`◊˙ ©u¡◊~◊ d◊˙í@ ·◊@‘~◊ Ä˙≠‘; ÷h◊≠≤◊Î◊–÷◊˙ ≠ˆ@˙Q◊o◊–˛÷◊˙ Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘ Q◊–¥◊˙ Ī¸, Nh]·◊, §◊˙¡◊ Δ‹˙ Ä˙·◊–`≠s∂ ¡◊–‘_ π˛÷◊˙‘@ π˛N@–`◊˙ Ä˙≠`◊˙Ÿ–d◊ ÷h◊Ø˙@u É@≠N Nh¡◊C◊’ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ΔF‹ Ä˙÷◊˛Øb Á◊≠Î◊ > Ä˙k˙ d◊˙ Ä˙¢◊Δ’ä ≠≤◊˙d◊˙ π˛§◊˙d◊u Ä˙@≠¡◊ ©˙s–Ü ~◊¡◊u~◊ NFΔ’ä Ä˙≠s ·◊_˙@N¡h◊ N≠©˙≠@ S@–`◊˙ ≠]˙`◊– ≠π˛@b˙ Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘ > N≈◊˙ ≠~◊`◊˙ ~◊¡◊@Fπ ≠π˛Ø@ N˙l≠~◊, ≠π˛@–d◊ ≠N Øh] ÷◊`◊˙ π@Ø ÷h◊≤h◊÷◊ > Ä˙N¤ ΔhsÎ◊ Ä˙]≥ Ä~◊˙Ø Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ÷h◊Ø˙@u ·◊´d◊ ¡◊–S≥ Nh¡◊–≤◊–d◊π≠‹ ˆF@– ©u¡◊~◊ d◊˙í ≤h◊Ü π˛N˙@–d◊ Ä™˙d◊ ©sd◊ ·F◊@ ≠©ä˙d◊–@ ¡◊Î◊≠l > 283

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284 Then trembling with the mystic shock her heart Moved in her breast and cried out like a bird Who hears his mate upon a neighbouring bough. Hooves trampling fast, wheels largely stumbling ceased; The chariot stood like an arrested wind. And Satyavan looked out from his soul’s doors And felt the enchantment of her liquid voice Fill his youth’s purple ambience and endured The haunting miracle of a perfect face. Mastered by the honey of a strange flower-mouth, Drawn to soul-spaces opening round a brow, He turned to the vision like a sea to the moon And suffered a dream of beauty and of change, Discovered the aureole round a mortal’s head, Adored a new divinity in things. His self-bound nature foundered as in fire; His life was taken into another’s life. The splendid lonely idols of his brain Fell prostrate from their bright sufficiencies, As at the touch of a new infinite, To worship a godhead greater than their own. An unknown imperious force drew him to her.

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s≤◊~◊ ≠N ħ◊–ˆ˙≠d◊ ¡h◊÷h◊≠@ ≤œ◊·◊l ÷◊fi–≠d◊ X◊˙÷◊–`◊˙ Δ‹˙ Ä˙÷h◊≠Î◊ πO–bu X◊˙≠÷◊ ‘hb– N˙‹u@¡◊ ~◊–÷◊Ë ‘˙]˙≠@ > dh◊@s@ ]h@˙ˆ˙d◊, Q◊÷◊˛@ ˆFC◊’~◊, ‹@– ‹@– s`◊˙ ‹Ø–, ]@≠¡◊s¡◊˙lh ≤◊∫◊˙dÍ◊ ÄË≠÷◊ Δ‹˙ @‹ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ∫◊–Ä˙ > Ä˙k˙@ s¡◊˙Oh ≠d◊≠¡◊ Q◊˙≤◊y Nd◊ä¡◊˙~◊ ©˙b–≠`◊ ÷h◊Ø˙@u÷◊£◊ ≠÷◊˙ØÎ◊ ÷h◊≤h◊÷◊ §◊@–≠·◊`◊˙ d◊@hb@ ØSh π@–≠¡◊‘ > ¡◊˙@¡◊˙@ Áh◊Ë– @Fπ ¡◊–Sh-¡◊·◊~◊@ ¡◊–N<≠l Xh◊¡◊˙Å ≠·◊`◊˙ ÷◊–≠‘˙@ Ø˙~◊N > Äπ@Fπ Øh]-πhw ØSh@N ¡◊≠‘ Ä˙÷œ◊¸ ≠N ≠≤◊≠`◊ ¡◊˙Î◊˙ Q◊ËhÎ◊ ÷◊π˙≠Î◊ Áh◊Ë– É∫h◊‹≥`◊˙ Δ≤◊y Ä˙k˙@ Ä˙÷◊˙‘ > @Fπ ≠N ¡◊–≠`◊˙÷◊– Δ‹˙ Œ◊ud◊©Î◊~◊–S≥ ≤◊–Ø÷◊@ Ø≠~◊˙≤◊@, Øû– ≠N Nπ≠~◊ @Fπ˙¥◊@ NhrØ˙@, Ø≈◊’ä ÷h◊Ø˙@u@ ‘–≠@ ÷◊≠`◊ Ä˙¡◊– ˙@ ≠©ä˙d◊–@ ¡◊Î◊l, ~◊u@˙©~◊˙ ÷◊≠`◊ Ü÷◊ ~◊¡◊u~◊˙ ≠·◊¡◊u@ > Ä~◊≠Î◊ ¡◊˙ ¡◊–sÎ◊–d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠N ÷h◊Ø˙@Ä˙k-NuØ˙l–d◊ §◊˙¡◊, ©u¡◊~◊@ S˙@˙ Ø–‘–s`◊˙ Δ˙Å Ä˙~◊ ©u¡◊~◊ π˛¡◊˙≠≤◊ > πΔ’ä˙D, §◊˙N_@ ~◊–© π˛d◊–B˙ ¡◊@©– Ø~◊@ ¡◊–©~◊ ÷◊˙¥◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ π˛d◊–Ø˙ ª≠‘’ Ä¡◊˙ ~◊¡◊ ≠÷◊ÉΩ ÄNuØ N≈◊˙@ N˙¸˙ú◊ π˛bd◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ Ä˙k ~◊–≠¡◊·◊≠~◊ Ä˙@˙S~◊˙ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠·◊¡◊u s@ulNu Ä™˙d◊, ÄπF¡◊’ ·œ◊D Ø≤◊˙‘ê◊– Ü÷◊ Ë˙b– ≠~◊`◊˙ d◊@hb÷h◊ d◊@hbu ~◊–÷◊≠Ë > 285

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286 Marvelling he came across the golden sward: Gaze met close gaze and clung in sight’s embrace. A visage was there, noble and great and calm, As if encircled by a halo of thought, A span, an arch of meditating light, As though some secret nimbus half was seen; Her inner vision still remembering knew A forehead that wore the crown of all her past, Two eyes her constant and eternal stars, Comrade and sovereign eyes that claimed her soul, Lids known through many lives, large frames of love. He met in her regard his future’s gaze, A promise and a presence and a fire, Saw an embodiment of aeonic dreams, A mystery of the rapture for which all Yearns in this world of brief mortality Made in material shape his very own. This golden figure given to his grasp Hid in its breast the key of all his aims, A spell to bring the Immortal’s bliss on earth, To mate with heaven’s truth our mortal thought, To lift earth-hearts nearer the Eternal’s sun.

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≠≤◊Øπ˛§◊ dœ◊b §F◊Ø– π˙@– ≠≤◊˙Å Δh¡◊˙ Ä˙N–≠`◊ ¡◊–N<≠l, Q◊Oh ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ ~◊l≠~◊ Ø–‘– s`◊˙ `◊˙]≥ π˛ud◊–-·œ◊¸–@ Ä˙≠‘m≠r > N®h≠] Ä˙~◊~◊ ‘˙¥◊ ɤd◊ Ø≤◊˙~◊ ¡◊Î◊l–d◊ Ä¡◊˙ N≠d◊ ·◊uD §◊˙¡◊~◊˙≠@, π˛N˙@–d◊, Ú˙~◊ˆ~◊ ≠©ä˙d◊–@ ≠d◊˙@b, ÄM’ ¡◊˙ ·◊–‘Å sF˜ π˛§◊˙@ Ø—Î◊ > Ä¥◊≠@ ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ N<œd◊– Á◊Î◊≠÷◊ d◊‹˙π– @≤◊–ø– ≠N §◊˙`◊πË Øh÷h◊ËØ—–d◊ ¡◊≤◊– N˙@˙ Äd◊ud◊@ N˙S~◊˙ ~◊–Δ’˙N > Q◊–@¥◊~◊ d◊˙@˙ NØ Nd◊d◊ N®h≠] ~◊l~◊ ΔhsÎ◊ d◊˙í@, Ø˙≠s Ä˙k˙πh≠@ NØ˛˙ËÍ π@Ø N]˙§◊˙≠¡◊ ÄS≥÷◊˙@ > ©≠~◊< ©≠~◊< π@–Q◊–d◊ Q◊Oh@ πËÎ◊ Ä]— π˛ud◊–@ ·◊–¡◊ä ¡◊–@˙Ë N…πhË > d◊@hbu@ Q◊˙≤◊˙b–≠@ ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ d◊@hb §◊¡◊–räd◊ ·œ◊¸– d◊˙@, Ä˙‘˙ Äs∂–‘–]˙, ·◊–¡◊ä Éπ⁄–d◊–, ¡◊≤h◊ Δhs Nπ~◊@ ØF≈◊’@Fπ, §◊úh◊@ Ü ©s≠d◊ ~◊–]≥Î◊©~◊@ dœ◊r–d◊ @N-s≤◊~◊-¡◊–N<l Ü÷◊˙¥◊ ~◊–©@ d◊˙í@ Ø˙~◊¡◊‘@u≠@ > π˙≠‘ ∫◊–Ä˙ d◊˙í@ Ü≤◊– ÷◊~◊÷◊ π˛d◊–Ø˙ ¡◊≤◊–‹≥`◊˙ N…≠s˙π≠~◊ ≤œ◊≠·◊ Ä˙πb˙@ ÷h◊G≥÷◊˙ Ä˙‘˙lu Δh¡◊˙ `◊Oä N÷◊Î◊@, sF˜Ø» Ä˙b–¡◊˙÷h◊ ¡◊≤◊– S@˙π≠@ ÄØ@ πh`◊÷◊, N_s’ Öd◊ ≠Δ˙Ÿ–¡◊˙÷h◊ Ø˙~h◊ru §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ N˙≠‹, Q◊–@¥◊~◊ @¡◊–≠©ä˙d◊– π˙≠‘ ≠d◊˙Î◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊≤œ◊·◊l >


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


288 In these great spirits now incarnate here Love brought down power out of eternity To make of life his new undying base. His passion surged a wave from fathomless deeps; It leaped to earth from far forgotten heights, But kept its nature of infinity. On the dumb bosom of this oblivious globe Although as unknown beings we seem to meet, Our lives are not aliens nor as strangers join, Moved to each other by a causeless force. The soul can recognise its answering soul Across dividing Time and, on life’s roads Absorbed wrapped traveller, turning it recovers Familiar splendours in an unknown face And touched by the warning finger of swift love It thrills again to an immortal joy Wearing a mortal body for delight. There is a Power within that knows beyond Our knowings; we are greater than our thoughts, And sometimes earth unveils that vision here. To live, to love are signs of infinite things, Love is a glory from eternity’s spheres. Abased, disfigured, mocked by baser mights That steal his name and shape and ecstasy, He is still the godhead by which all can change.

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




π˛ud◊– ≠·◊`◊˙ Y◊˙Î◊– ‘ê◊– ‘˙‘_d◊ N˙s@h ¡◊~◊≠·◊≠‘ ØF≈◊’ ·h◊Å Ø≤◊˙ Ä˙k˙π≠@ ©u¡◊≠~◊ ÄØ@ §◊–≈◊– @Q◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ d◊˙í@ > N@˙s@ Œ◊ud◊ ¡◊uQ◊– Äd◊Î◊ N˙s@h ¡◊–N<œd◊ Nh·F◊@ ~◊§h◊ πŸ–`◊˙ ÉøhÎ◊– πœ‹≥¡◊u≠@ ~◊ ≤◊@˙Å ÄNuØ N_§◊˙¡◊ > N<œd◊–≤◊@˙ Ä¡◊~◊u@ ØF÷◊ ¡h◊÷h◊π≠@ πF¡◊’π@–Q◊l≤◊u~◊ ©~◊π@– Ä˙≠Ø Ø–‘–≠`≠≤◊Ω π@≠·◊‘u ≠~◊˙≤h◊ Ä˙≠Ø ≠÷◊≠¡◊, Ä¡◊˙ Q◊Î◊– Ä÷◊˙@b ‘÷◊d◊–@ ¡◊≠‘ Ä˙s¥h◊÷◊ Ø–‘h Ä˙≠Ø π‹≠@ N≤◊N˙ > ¡◊–è◊–¤ ≠≤◊≠`◊≠≤◊Ω ¡◊≤h◊÷◊˙Î◊ π≠@ Ä˙k˙ Q◊–≠≤◊∂ d◊˙ ≠·◊˙N@ @Fπ, ©u¡◊~◊@ π≠‹ Ä˙k≠§◊˙Î◊˙ π˙A◊ d◊˙í@ ≠Ë÷◊– Ä˙¡◊@b Ä™˙d◊ Ä˙~◊≠~◊ ≠·◊≠] ≠©ä˙d◊– π@–Q◊–d◊ > Nd◊_@ π˛bl ª≠‘’ ≠≤◊˙Å ≠N N≠Q◊d◊ É`◊∑N–d◊ ≠·◊≠] d◊˙í@ @˙©Å πh@≠d◊ N~◊˙d◊~◊ Nh]ØF≈◊–’ Ø˙~◊¡◊‘@u≠@ > §◊–d◊≠@ @≤◊–ø– Ä˙Ø ⁄FÎ ™˙~◊∫◊˙@h ™˙~◊‘ê◊– s@ulNu, Q◊–¥◊˙∫◊˙@h Ä˙≠Ø Ø≤◊≈◊@, ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ Ø≈◊’ä Ä˙¡◊@b Á◊˙Ë– ·◊–≠‘ Ä˙≠s Ä˙Ø ·◊–¡◊ä ≠N≤◊– @Fπ > ÄNuØ NFQ◊÷◊ N¡h◊ ©u¡◊~◊, π˛bl > πu@d◊– ≠Δ N~◊˙d◊~◊ Nd◊ä@ Ø≤◊–Ø˙ > @Fπ, @N ~◊˙Ø d◊˙í@ ≠Q◊˙@–÷◊@– ≠Δ≠d◊ ~◊uQ◊ ‘ê◊– ÷◊≠`◊≠≤◊Ω d◊˙ πd◊–d◊, ¡◊–÷œ◊d◊, ¡◊˙L–d◊ d◊‹˙π– ≠π˛Ø π@Ø ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ¡◊·◊Î◊–¡◊ ¡◊≠Î◊ Δ˙í@ ~◊–]≥Î ◊©sd >


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


290 A mystery wakes in our inconscient stuff, A bliss is born that can remake our life. Love dwells in us like an unopened flower Awaiting a rapid moment of the soul, Or he roams in his charmed sleep mid thoughts and things; The child-god is at play, he seeks himself In many hearts and minds and living forms: He lingers for a sign that he can know And, when it comes, wakes blindly to a voice, A look, a touch, the meaning of a face. His instrument the dim corporeal mind, Of celestial insight now forgetful grown, He seizes on some sign of outward charm To guide him mid the throng of Nature’s hints, Reads heavenly truths into earth’s semblances, Desires the image for the godhead’s sake, Divines the immortalities of form And takes the body for the sculptured soul. Love’s adoration like a mystic seer Through vision looks at the invisible, In earth’s alphabet finds a godlike sense; But the mind only thinks, “Behold the one For whom my life has waited long unfilled, Behold the sudden sovereign of my days.”

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




≠π˛≠Ø ©˙≠s ©Ÿ≠÷◊˙≠r @≤◊Nä π@Ø, NhS˙@N ~◊¡◊@Fπ ≠·◊¡◊ Δ˙ ©u¡◊≠~◊ > ÷h◊NhØ ≠÷◊˙@÷◊ NØ ≤œ◊·◊≠l Ä˙Ø@ ≠π˛Ø ‹˙Ü Ä˙‘˙ ÷◊@– Ä˙k˙@ @§◊N > ¡◊–Q◊≠@ ≠N ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ¡◊–ØhsÍS Nπ≠~◊ ¡◊–rl s≤◊≠Î◊ d◊˙í@ §◊˙¡◊©sd◊≠@ > ‘–‘h≠·◊¡◊ ÷◊˛uŸ˙@d◊ ≠]˙≠© ≠N ~◊–©÷h◊ ¡◊≤h◊Ø≠~◊, ≤œ◊≠·◊ πhb– N©u¡◊ Ä˙S˙≠@ > ·◊uˆ’÷◊˙Î◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ≠N @≠≤◊ ¡◊≤◊– Ä˙‘˙ ≠s˙Q◊≠@ Ä˙N–¡◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ π˛bl NFQ◊~◊˙ > ‹≠@ d◊˙ Ä˙N–≠`◊ ©˙≠s Ä¡◊–Q◊˙≠@ ‘hb– S_~◊– d◊˙í@, π˙Å d◊˙í@ π@‘, Q◊˙≤◊˙b– ≠·◊]≥ Ä¡◊˙ ·◊–¡◊ä§◊˙¡◊ ≠‘˙§◊~◊ Ä˙~◊≠~◊ > ≠π˛Ø@ ÷◊@b ~◊@ ~◊–w˛§◊ Ø˙~◊N N<œd◊–@h ≤◊©–ø– Δ˙í@ ™˙~◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ > ¡◊≤◊–@ú◊ Q◊˙@h Q◊–≤◊∂ Ä˙‘˛≠l ≠N ≠d◊bh π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ §◊˙¡◊@˙≠©ä Q◊Î◊˙Ü ~◊–©÷h◊, N_s’ Nd◊ä ≠·◊≠] Ü‹≥ Ø≈◊’ä π˛d◊–§◊˙≠N, π@Ø ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ Ä˙≠‘ ≠]˙≠© ≠N π˛d◊–Ø˙ > ≠·◊≠] Øœdh◊äzl@Fπ ≠π˛@b˙ Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘, ‘@u≠@ ≠]˙·◊–d◊ Ä˙k@Fπ ≠·◊¡◊˙Î◊l > π˛bl@ Ä˙@˙S~◊˙ ·◊˛¸˙Ör– NØ @Fπ@ π˛÷◊˙‘ π≠ø ≠·◊]Å Ä@Fπ, πœ‹≥¡◊u@ ¡◊≠C◊’ `◊≠§◊ π@Ø ¡◊äz~◊˙ > Ø~◊ ]˙`◊– §◊˙≠¡◊ ëë≠·◊] Ü≤◊– ≠N ¡◊˙L–d◊ ·◊uˆ’÷◊˙Î◊ S@– π˛˙b @≤◊–ø– Ä≠πO– Ä˙≠‘ Δ˙í@, Ü≤◊– ≠N≤◊– N≤◊N˙ π˛÷◊Ë ©u¡◊~◊ ·◊l–d◊ ≠Ø˙@ π@Ø Ç‘_@ >íí


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


292 Heart feels for heart, limb cries for answering limb; All strives to enforce the unity all is. Too far from the Divine, Love seeks his truth And Life is blind and the instruments deceive And Powers are there that labour to debase. Still can the vision come, the joy arrive. Rare is the cup fit for love’s nectar wine, As rare the vessel that can hold God’s birth; A soul made ready through a thousand years Is the living mould of a supreme Descent. These knew each other though in forms thus strange. Although to sight unknown, though life and mind Had altered to hold a new significance, These bodies summed the drift of numberless births, And the spirit to the spirit was the same. Amazed by a joy for which they had waited long, The lovers met upon their different paths, Travellers across the limitless plains of Time Together drawn from fate-led journeyings In the self-closed solitude of their human past, To a swift rapturous dream of future joy And the unexpected present of these eyes.

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




≤◊–Ä˙ Q◊˙≠≤ ≤◊–Ä˙, Äú◊ Q◊˙≠≤ π˛d◊–Äú N÷◊Î◊ Q◊˙≤◊Å ≠≤◊¡◊ ¡◊≠Î◊ Ü÷◊˙÷◊˙@ > π@Ø Nh·F◊≠@ Nd◊ä ≠]˙≠© d◊˙ π˛bl; π˛˙b ÷◊–¥h◊ ØF˜, ‘∫◊ ÷◊@b N÷◊Î◊, π˛ud◊–@ πd◊~◊ π˙ÅΩ Nd◊d◊ ~◊–@d◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊≠≤◊Ω ÄNh@ ‘ê◊–, ~◊l≠~◊ d◊‹˙π– Áh◊Ë–π˙≠@ ≠π˛Ø@Fπ, ©u¡◊≠~◊ πh`◊÷◊ > ©s≠d◊ ¡◊–@Î◊π˛ud◊– πulFr §◊˙©~◊ ¡◊–@Î◊ ≠ΔN~◊ π˙d◊˛ ·◊–¡◊ä π˛÷◊˙‘@ > N≤◊N˛ ¡◊@r sh@h N˙S~◊˙@ π≠@ Ä˙k˙π˙≠@ ¡◊≤◊– Ä≠ú◊ Ø≤◊˙ Ä¡◊d◊˙@ > Ä˙÷◊˙≠@ Äπ@–Q◊–d◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊≠≤◊Ω ΔhsÎ◊ ©˙b–≠`◊ Ä˙k˙≠@ ·h◊≠≤◊Ω ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ ≠·◊˙N@ ≠·◊]˙ ~◊˙≤◊y ¡◊≤h◊Δhs, ©u¡◊~◊ à Ø~◊ ¡◊·◊Î◊–ø– ¡◊≤◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ ~◊¡◊u~◊ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ > ©u¡◊~◊π˛¡◊˙≠≤◊ ·h◊≠≤◊Ω ¡◊≤h◊ ©~◊<π≠@ Ø–Î◊–d◊, d◊‹˙π– ·h◊≠≤◊Ω Ä˙k§◊˙≠¡◊ Ü÷◊ > ¡◊≤h◊÷◊˙Î◊ ~◊–© ~◊–© π‹ Ä~h◊N@– ¡◊–N<≠l Ø–Î◊–d◊ Ü‹≥ d◊@hb d◊@hbu `◊§◊– ¡◊≤h◊ π˛d◊uO–d◊ π˛bl πh`◊÷◊ > ÷◊˙Î◊@ ÄNuØ ¡h◊≠÷◊ π‹≥÷◊ΔhsÎ ¡◊–©≠~◊ ¡◊–Q◊@h‹≥≠`◊ Äd◊ud◊ ©u¡◊~ Ä¡◊@hM Ä˙k˙πh≠@ ¡◊≠‘ ~◊–ld◊–@ > Ä˙÷◊r–’d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Ü‹≥ Ä˙N–≠`◊ π˛blu §◊˙¡◊u Nh] Nπ~◊@ ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘, ~◊l≠~◊ π˛÷◊Ë Ä˙‘˙d◊ud◊ ¡◊≈◊’Ø˙≠~◊ >


3rd Final : 24/10/2009


294 By the revealing greatness of a look, Form-smitten the spirit’s memory woke in sense. The mist was torn that lay between two lives; Her heart unveiled and his to find her turned; Attracted as in heaven star by star, They wondered at each other and rejoiced And wove affinity in a silent gaze. A moment passed that was eternity’s ray, An hour began, the matrix of new Time. END OF CANTO TWO

3rd Final : 24/10/2009




Åo◊–˛l πh`◊≠÷◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ @Fπ-Éπ≤◊d◊ Ä˙kN<dœ ◊– ©˙s@–d◊, ≠π˛Ø–÷◊ ~◊l≠~◊÷◊Ë˙O Ø≤◊–Ø˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ·h◊Å ©u¡◊~◊@ ·◊uC◊’ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ä˙¡◊@÷◊ ÷h◊≠≤◊Î◊– πËÎ◊ > ÷h◊Ø˙@u Ø@Ø ≠]˙≠`◊ d◊@hb ≤œ◊·◊≠l, d◊@hbu@ ≤◊–Ä˙π≠Ë ÷h◊Ø˙@ É@N > d◊˙@˙≠@ Ë˙bÅ Δ‹˙ ~◊≠§◊ Ä˙~◊ d◊˙@˙, π@ª@ ≠·◊]≥ ·h◊≠≤◊Ω ¡◊–N<l πh`◊≠÷◊ N≈◊˙ ≠·◊≠`◊ ≠Δ˙Ÿ– d◊‹˙ ~◊u@¡◊ ~◊l≠~◊ > ¡◊–d◊–`◊˙ ~◊–≠Ør, ~◊–d◊ä÷◊˙Î◊@ Ä˙§◊˙N, ≠¡◊Î◊˙@} ©@˙lh Δ˙ ~◊¡◊u~◊ Δhs@ > (NØ˙D)


3rd Final : 24/10/2009



Satyavan and Savitri OUT OF the voiceless mystery of the past In a present ignorant of forgotten bonds These spirits met upon the roads of Time. Yet in the heart their secret conscious selves At once aware grew of each other warned By the first call of a delightful voice And a first vision of the destined face. As when being cries to being from its depths Behind the screen of the external sense And strives to find the heart-disclosing word, The passionate speech revealing the soul’s need, But the mind’s ignorance veils the inner sight, Only a little breaks through our earth-made bounds, So now they met in that momentous hour, So utter the recognition in the deeps, The remembrance lost, the oneness felt and missed. Thus Satyavan spoke first to Savitri: “O thou who com’st to me out of Time’s silences, Yet thy voice has wakened my heart to an unknown bliss, Immortal or mortal only in thy frame, For more than earth speaks to me from thy soul And more than earth surrounds me in thy gaze,

3rd Final : 24/10/2009


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