dœ◊d◊ul Ns’
Nd◊ä¡◊˙~Í◊ à N˙¡◊–d◊˛u ~◊–¡◊’˙÷Í◊ @≤◊Näπh@h Ä˙N– Äd◊ud◊@ ¡◊–N<œd◊-N…π÷◊’-Ä™ ¡≈◊’Ø˙~◊ ≠÷◊˙≠Î◊ Ø–Î◊–d◊ Ü ·h◊ÅÄ˙k˙ NØl@ π≠‹ > Ä¥◊@ s≤◊≠~◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ Ä˙k˙@ πh@hr ħ◊–™˙≠~◊ π@ª@ N≤◊N˙ N≠Q◊d◊, ‘hb– ‹≠@ ØShN_@ π˛‹Ø X◊˙÷◊@, ≠·◊]≥ ‹≠@ ¡◊–S≥@ ≠N ¡◊–≤◊–d◊ ¡◊·◊~◊ > N≈◊˙ ≠Δ≠¡◊ Åo◊–˛l@ Ä˙¡◊@b πøh X◊˙≠÷◊ Ä˙~◊ N≈◊˙ d◊˙í@ s§◊u@ π˛≠·◊‘h, Ä¥◊@@ π˛≠l˙©~◊ Áh◊Ë˙Å N@˙s¡◊Q◊≠~◊ ≠N π˙Å¡◊˙÷h◊ Q◊˙≠≤◊Ω ≠Δ≠¡◊ d◊˙í@ Ø@Ø@ Øhê◊– Ø», Ø˙~◊N Ä™˙~◊ Ä˙k˙·œ◊¸– Ä˙¡◊@Å, ©Ÿ-NuØ˙ ≠§◊·◊– ÷◊–G≥d◊ Ä˙NÅ Áh◊Ë– ¡◊˙≤◊˙≠@ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ > Ø˙≠≤◊o◊˛ ≠¡◊Î◊˙≠@ ·h◊≠≤◊Ω Ø–Î◊–d◊ ≠Nπ@–, π@–Q◊l Nh~◊–¡◊–Ÿ Ä¥◊@ Äd◊≠Î◊, N<œd◊– ÷◊–¥h◊ Ä¡◊`h◊D, Ø–Î◊~◊@ §◊˙¡◊ Ä~h◊§F◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Ø≠Ú ≠≤◊`◊˙ ÄπNœd◊ > N˙¡◊–d◊˛u≠@ `◊Oä ÷◊@– ÷◊≤◊–≠`◊ π˛‹≠Ø Nd◊ä¡◊˙~Í◊ : ëë·◊uC◊’÷◊@– ÷◊˙Î◊-~◊u@¡◊d◊˙ Ä˙N–Äø dh◊≠Ø, Ü÷◊ Ä™˙d◊ πh`◊≠÷◊ ©˙s–ø– ≤œ◊·◊l ≠Ø˙@ S_~◊–≠@ dh◊Ø@ > ÄØ@ ¡◊˙ Ø@ Δ·◊– ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ @Fπ≠@ (≠`◊˙≠÷◊˙≈◊@ ¡◊˙bu ≠Δbh ÷◊≠≤◊ Ä˙k˙ d◊¡◊ ≠`◊˙≠÷◊˙≈◊@ ≠©ä˙d◊–§◊≠@ ·œ◊¸–@ ¡◊Î◊l) 297
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298 How art thou named among the sons of men? Whence hast thou dawned filling my spirit’s days, Brighter than summer, brighter than my flowers, Into the lonely borders of my life, O sunlight moulded like a golden maid? I know that mighty gods are friends of earth. Amid the pageantries of day and dusk, Long have I travelled with my pilgrim soul Moved by the marvel of familiar things. Earth could not hide from me the powers she veils: Even though moving mid an earthly scene And the common surfaces of terrestrial things, My vision saw unblinded by her forms; The Godhead looked at me from familiar scenes. I witnessed the virgin bridals of the dawn Behind the glowing curtains of the sky Or vying in joy with the bright morning’s steps I paced along the slumbrous coasts of noon, Or the gold desert of the sunlight crossed Traversing great wastes of splendour and of fire, Or met the moon gliding amazed through heaven In the uncertain wideness of the night, Or the stars marched on their long sentinel routes Pointing their spears through the infinitudes: The day and dusk revealed to me hidden shapes;
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÷◊≤◊ ≠÷◊ÉΩ ~◊˙≠Ø dh◊≠Ø π@–Q◊–d◊ ≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ? NFΔ’ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊Nh÷h◊Ø˙@u, ÷◊~◊÷◊π–dh◊Î◊˙ ~◊–·◊˙ˆh ÉEÎ◊d◊@˙, NhØ~h◊ ÄS≥÷◊ ‘h§◊˛d◊@˙, ÷◊≤◊ ÷◊˙≤h◊Ω Ä˙k˙@ ·◊–¡◊≠N ¡◊–©~◊ Éπ˙≠¥◊ ≠Ø˙@ d◊˙πN ©u¡◊≠~◊ ≠≤◊`◊ Ä˙N– π˛d◊–§◊˙d◊, ©˙≠b Øh≤◊y N]˙ Ø≈◊’äØ˙~◊¡◊@ ≠÷◊≠d◊ Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ > π˛§◊˙d◊ π˛≠·◊˙r ~◊–d◊ä ≠‘˙§◊˙ NØ˙≠@˙≠≤◊ π–˛l π@–Q◊–d◊ ¡◊gh ~◊–≠@]≥ ¡◊–N<≠l Nd◊äNÕ◊ ¡h◊`◊–ø– ØhΩ ¡◊≤h◊·◊uˆ’π‹ > πœ‹≥¡◊u@ Ä˙¡◊@b ≠§◊·◊– ≠Ø˙ ~◊l~◊ ≠·◊]≥ø– @Fπ@ π≠ø ‘ê◊–@ ¡◊–Î◊˙N > ˆF@– ˆF@– ØÚ Ü≤◊– Ø≈◊’ä ØGπ≠@ ¡◊≤◊–@ú◊ Q◊–d◊˛π≠Ë π˙‹≥’¡ ¡◊gh@ Ä~◊˙≤◊d◊ ·œ◊¸– ≠Ø˙@ ≠·◊]≥ø– s§◊u≠@ > π@–Q◊–d◊ ·œ◊‘ä π≠ø ≠·◊]≥ø– ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ > Ä˙÷◊˙‘@ π˛§◊˙N_@ Δ¡◊~◊–÷◊˙ π≠ø N_l¯@ ≠·◊]≥ø– ØhΩ Ér˙÷h◊Ø˙@u@ > π˛d◊–·◊_J◊u ≠≤◊˙Å ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ‘h§◊˛ π˛§◊˙d◊@, ˆF@–ø– ØhΩ ·◊´d◊π≠·◊ NhD≠¡◊Î◊˙§F◊Ø– > ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ ÉEÎ◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ Ñr@ π˛≠·◊≠‘ ≤◊–@b<l NFΔ’ä˙≠`˙≠÷◊ §◊˛Ø–ø– ¡◊≤h◊d◊, ≠·◊]≥ø– Q◊÷◊–d◊ Q◊o◊˛ Δ˙Ü §◊˙N–§◊˙N– ~◊§◊≠÷◊˙≠Î◊ Ä~◊–¢◊–d◊ d◊–˛Δ˙Ø˙ π˛N˙≠@ > ÄNuØ ss≠~◊ ·◊uˆ’ π˛≤◊@u π‹≠@ ≠·◊]≥ø– ¡◊`◊∑ØS˙@u d◊˙@÷◊˙¡◊˙≤◊–~◊u > N÷˙Î◊ NÕ◊ä˙≠@ ≠Ø˙@ N®h≠] π˛÷◊Ë ≠≤◊˙ÅÄø– Ä˙N– ≠÷◊≠d◊ π˛è◊¤ Ä˙÷◊˙@ >
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300 Figures have come to me from secret shores And happy faces looked from ray and flame. I have heard strange voices cross the ether’s waves, The Centaur’s wizard song has thrilled my ear; I have glimpsed the Apsaras bathing in the pools, I have seen the wood-nymphs peering through the leaves; The winds have shown to me their trampling lords, I have beheld the princes of the Sun Burning in thousand-pillared homes of light. So now my mind could dream and my heart fear That from some wonder-couch beyond our air Risen in a wide morning of the gods Thou drov’st thy horses from the Thunderer’s worlds. Although to heaven thy beauty seems allied, Much rather would my thoughts rejoice to know That mortal sweetness smiles between thy lids And thy heart can beat beneath a human gaze And thy aureate bosom quiver with a look And its tumult answer to an earth-born voice. If our time-vexed affections thou canst feel, Earth’s ease of simple things can satisfy, If thy glance can dwell content on earthly soil, And this celestial summary of delight, Thy golden body, dally with fatigue
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Nh·F◊@ s≤◊~◊ πh@h π˛÷◊˙‘–ø– @Fπ @‘<– à Ä~◊Î◊ πøh @hQ◊–@ ¡◊·◊~◊ > ≠¡◊ä˙Ø@ d◊@ú◊ d◊˙≠Î◊ ‘´d◊–πh@ ≠Ø˙@ S_~◊–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø– ≠÷◊≠d◊ ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ ‘¡◊≠·◊, ÷◊≠C◊’ π‘– ‘–≤◊@–d◊ ÷◊@–Äø– ≠÷◊≠d◊ sÕ◊¡◊’@ Åo◊˛©˙`◊ sud◊– ØSh@–Ø˙ > N∂˙~◊@d◊˙ ÄπÍN@˙ ØhΩ ≠·◊]≥ø– π`◊_≠Î◊ π`◊∑¡◊ s≤◊Îh◊ ¡◊~◊π@u@ Äπ˙ú◊ > ¡◊˙lh≠@ ≠·◊]≥ø– @h·◊˛ Ø@hd◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ > ≠·◊]≥ø– N≤◊N˛-g} ≠©ä˙d◊–@ Ä˙Î◊≠l §◊˙N_@ ÷h◊Ø˙@ ·◊–¡◊ä ¡◊–§◊˙¡◊Nh πh≠@ > ≠N‹≥π˙ÅΩ Ø~◊ ≠Ø˙@ N_π≠~◊ ¡◊–≠§◊˙@, ≤œ◊·◊l ≠Ø˙ ‹≠@ §◊˙¡◊– Åo◊˛≠`◊˙÷h◊ dh◊≠Ø Ä˙N–ø ÷◊– Ä‘_Q◊˙Î◊–, ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ d◊Î◊πh ©˙s– ÷◊˙≤◊y ¡◊≤h◊ Ñ≠Z◊’ Ø≈◊’äØ˙~◊¡◊@ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ π–˛l ÜÅ É·◊˙@ π˛§◊˙≠d◊ > N_s’ul NhrØ˙ d◊¡◊, Ø≠~◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ ≠Ø˙@ πh`◊÷◊–d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊– Δ·◊– ©˙≠b à≠B d◊¡◊ N<–d◊≤◊˙≠Nä ¡◊–÷◊‘–d◊ Ø≈◊’ä@ Ø˙Sh@u, ÇO≠b ≠¡◊π‹h ©˙≠s ÷◊~◊÷◊ É@≠N Éè◊Î◊ É≈◊@ Ä˙≠N ‘hb– ~◊@÷◊£ > dh◊≠Ø Δ·◊– ÷◊˙Î◊÷◊m–¸ Ä˙Ø@ N@˙s ÷◊@–π˙@ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊, N≤◊© N@Î◊ Nh≠] π@–dœ◊D Ü≤◊– π˙‹≥’¡◊ ¡◊gh@, S@˙@ Ü Ø˙Ë–π≠@ Nh≠] Δ·◊– d◊¡◊ ~◊l~◊ @≤◊–¡◊ ⁄–@, N_s’ul Ä˙~◊o◊N˙@-Q◊˙Øu÷◊@-d◊~h◊ ‘˛˙¥◊ ≠N˙≤◊˙s≠@ `◊˙¡◊≠bä d◊˙ ~◊–πuŸ–d◊ ÷◊@– Ü π˛≠·◊‘
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302 Oppressing with its grace our terrain, while The frail sweet passing taste of earthly food Delays thee and the torrent’s leaping wine, Descend. Let thy journey cease, come down to us. Close is my father’s creepered hermitage Screened by the tall ranks of these silent kings, Sung to by voices of the hue-robed choirs Whose chants repeat transcribed in music’s notes The passionate coloured lettering of the boughs And fill the hours with their melodious cry. Amid the welcome-hum of many bees Invade our honied kingdom of the woods; There let me lead thee into an opulent life. Bare, simple is the sylvan hermit-life; Yet is it clad with the jewelry of earth. Wild winds run—visitors midst the swaying tops, Through the calm days heaven’s sentinels of peace Couched on a purple robe of sky above Look down on a rich secrecy and hush And the chambered nuptial waters chant within. Enormous, whispering, many-formed around High forest gods have taken in their arms The human hour, a guest of their centuried pomps. Apparelled are the morns in gold and green, Sunlight and shadow tapestry the walls To make a resting chamber fit for thee.” Awhile she paused as if hearing still his voice,
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@≤◊–π˙≠@ Δ·◊–, Ü‹≥ Ø≈◊’ä@ ≠§◊˙©~◊ N_À◊ N_˙·h◊, ~◊–n’@–bu ÉdÍ◊πm¡◊ Ø·◊–@˙ ¡◊–Î◊¯–d◊ ÷◊≠@ Δ·◊–, Ä˙N Ä¡◊d◊@–, N˙ú◊ ≠≤◊É Δ˙d◊˛˙ d◊¡◊, Ä˙N Ä˙Ø π˙≠‘ > Ä·F◊≠@ ≠Ø˙ π–d◊˙‘˛Ø `◊d◊˙¡◊–Ø—–d◊, Ä˙è◊˙·◊–d◊ ÷◊≠@ Δ˙≠@ ~◊u@¡◊ ɤd◊ ¡◊~◊ªd◊–, ~◊–~◊˙·◊–d◊ ÷◊≠@ ¡◊˙@ ¡◊˙@ @hQ◊–@ Nú◊ud◊-d◊˙≠~◊ ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ ¡◊–≤◊s ØSh@ ØFè◊’~◊˙ˆ~◊ ¡◊–Ëπ s≤◊≠Î◊ > ∫◊˙¡◊ ≠N @≤◊Å §◊@– `◊Î◊–d◊ ÷F◊©≠~◊ > ØShπ@ N_˙sd◊–÷◊˙ shz≠~◊ Øh]@ ≤h◊Ü Ä˙Ø ¡◊~◊@˙©ä Nh]@ ~◊–Î◊l > NØœM ©u¡◊≠~◊ d◊≤◊y Ä˙N Ä~h◊N@– > N@Î◊, N˙Ø˙~◊ä ¡◊~◊ d◊˙πN ©u¡◊~◊ > Ø—–d◊ Ü πh@u ÷◊–¥h◊ Ø≈◊’ä Ä˙§◊@≠b > ≠·◊˙Î◊˙l–d◊ ¡œ◊O‘u≠r’ ¡◊–Q◊≠@ Ø@hd◊ > π˛‘˙¥◊ ·◊–¡◊≠N N_s’ ‘˙¥◊–@ π˛≤◊@u į≠@ Ä˙@ê◊ ‘Δä˙ π≠@ ≠‘˙Å @≤◊– ≠·◊]h‹˙í¥◊– ¡◊~◊˙~◊u@ s≤◊~◊ ¡◊–§◊¡◊ > ÷h◊≠z ¡◊≠≤◊ Ø–Î◊~◊@ S˙@˙ ÷h◊Îh◊~◊˙≠·◊ > ¡◊–‘˙Î◊, shz~◊@d◊, ¡◊≤h◊@Fπu ≠÷◊≠d◊ Ä@bä ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ~◊–© ¡◊˙≤h◊≠@ Äd◊–‹≥Øb–r÷h◊ NØ˙≠@˙≠≤◊ ¡◊@–ø¥◊– d◊≤◊y > π˛§◊˙d◊ Ø—~◊ ÷◊≠@ N_C◊’ N¡h◊©–Ø˙, dh◊Ø π˙ÅΩ @Q◊– ≠Δ˙sä ¡◊–‘˛˙Ø~◊–Î◊l π˛˙Q◊u≠@ π@·◊˙ ≠‘˙≠≤◊ ø˙l˙ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊@ >íí ~◊u@¡◊ @≤◊–≠`◊ O≠b ≠N @˙©÷h◊Ø˙@u, N≠d◊ ¡◊˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ¡◊– ‘hbh‹≥≠`◊ ≠N ¡◊Q◊~◊ >
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304 Unwilling to break the charm, then slowly spoke. Musing she answered, “I am Savitri, Princess of Madra. Who art thou? What name Musical on earth expresses thee to men? What trunk of kings watered by fortunate streams Has flowered at last upon one happy branch? Why is thy dwelling in the pathless wood Far from the deeds thy glorious youth demands, Haunt of the anchorites and earth’s wilder broods, Where only with thy witness self thou roamst In Nature’s green unhuman loneliness Surrounded by enormous silences And the blind murmur of primaeval calms?” And Satyavan replied to Savitri: “In days when yet his sight looked clear on life, King Dyumatsena once, the Shalwa, reigned Through all the tract which from behind these tops Passing its days of emerald delight In trusting converse with the traveller winds Turns, looking back towards the southern heavens, And leans its flank upon the musing hills. But equal Fate removed her covering hand. A living night enclosed the strong man’s paths, Heaven’s brilliant gods recalled their careless gifts, Took from blank eyes their glad and helping ray And led the uncertain goddess from his side. Outcast from empire of the outer light, Lost to the comradeship of seeing men,
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Ø˙Sh@u d◊˙ §◊˙ú◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ ÷h◊£◊–d◊˙, NSu≠@ ÷◊≤◊–≠`◊ ØzhÎ◊ N_≠@ : ëëN˙¡◊–˛d◊u ≠Ø˙ ~◊˙Ø Ø·◊˛@˙©÷h◊Ø˙@u ØhΩ, ÷◊≤◊ dh◊≠Ø ÷◊–Ü ÷◊– @hQ◊–@ ~◊˙≠Ø ]ä˙d◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊NØ˙≠© ? Nɧ◊˙su S@˙ πh¸ ≠÷◊ÉΩ @˙©¡◊…≠‘ Ä˙~◊o◊ ‘˙]˙≠@ d◊¡◊ NhØ~◊ ¡◊–÷◊˙‘ ? ÷◊≤◊, ÷◊˙≤◊y sÉ@¡◊ Δh¡◊©≠~◊˙Q◊–d◊÷◊Ø’∫◊˙@h ·F◊≠@ Ü≤◊– s≤◊~◊¡◊~◊≠@ ÷◊@ ¡◊˙N d◊˙πN à ‘_˙π·◊πh@u≠@ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ ÄØ˙~h◊r ≤◊@–d◊ ¡◊–©≠~◊, Ä~◊˙·◊– ‘˙¥◊–@ ÄÕ◊ ØØ’@ ¡◊–d◊˙≠~◊ ˆ~◊≠ˆ˙@ ~◊u@¡◊d◊˙ ≠ˆ@˙ Ü π˛≠·◊≠‘ Ü÷◊˙÷◊u ¡◊–Q◊@ N˙Ou Ä˙k˙ N˙≠‹ d◊¡◊ ?íí É≈◊@–≠`◊ Nd◊ä¡◊˙~Í◊ : ëë@˙©˙ ·h◊äØdÍ◊≠N~◊ ‘˙`◊_@ ÄS≥π, πF≠¡◊’ ÄÕ◊≠≤◊¡◊˙ Ä˙sh ÷◊@h‹≥≠`◊ @˙©πb Ü N˙@˙ π˛≠·◊≠‘ π˛N˙@–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Δ˙≤◊˙ Ä@bä É≤◊˙Xh◊ πh`◊÷◊ Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘ @Q◊– ¡◊–‘_˙≠N Ä˙Î◊˙π ¡◊˙lh N≠ú, ˆF@– ·F◊≠@ π≠ø @]≥ d◊˙@ ·◊O–b˙‘˙, Ø–‘–Äø– s}u@ ‘Å≠Î◊ > Nh·F◊≠@ ˆhG˙Å≠~◊`◊˙ ¡◊–S≥ ÷◊–¥h◊ ·◊–≠~◊ ÷◊`◊ä˙b@ ÷◊@ d◊˙@, ¡◊u@π‹ ≠ˆ@– ©u¡◊≠~◊ Ä˙N–`◊˙ Ø˙Ÿ– ·◊˙@hb @©~◊u > Ä~◊˙l˙≠N ≠~◊≠`◊ ·F◊≠@ Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ Ä~h◊s˛≤◊, π˛d◊ä˙≤◊˙@ ÷◊@– Nh]@‘<– @˙©˙@ ~◊l~◊ ÷◊≠`◊ ~◊–w˛§◊ É·◊˙N > Q◊GÎ◊˙ `◊O<u÷h◊ ≠~◊≠`◊ ·F◊≠@ d◊˙ π˙‘@h > ¡◊≤◊– œd◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ~œ◊π Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊@˙Å©h ≤◊@˙Å ¡◊Õh◊d◊˙ Q◊Ohr<˙~Í◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊@ 305
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306 He sojourns in two solitudes, within And in the solemn rustle of the woods. Son of that king, I, Satyavan, have lived Contented, for not yet of thee aware, In my high-peopled loneliness of spirit And this huge vital murmur kin to me, Nursed by the vastness, pupil of solitude. Great Nature came to her recovered child; I reigned in a kingdom of a nobler kind Than men can build upon dull Matter’s soil; I met the frankness of the primal earth, I enjoyed the intimacy of infant God. In the great tapestried chambers of her state, Free in her boundless palace I have dwelt Indulged by the warm mother of us all, Reared with my natural brothers in her house. I lay in the wide bare embrace of heaven, The sunlight’s radiant blessing clasped my brow, The moonbeams’ silver ecstasy at night Kissed my dim lids to sleep. Earth’s morns were mine; Lured by faint murmurings with the green-robed hours I wandered lost in woods, prone to the voice Of winds and waters, partner of the sun’s joy, A listener to the universal speech:
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·h◊Å ¡◊–©~◊d◊˙ Ø≠Ú ¡◊–Q◊@¥◊– Ä˙©– Ä¥◊≠@ à ØØ’@–d◊ s}u@ ¡◊~◊≠@ > ≠N §F◊πd◊~◊l Nd◊ä¡◊˙~Í◊ ØhΩ Ü∫◊˙≠¡◊ Nh≠] ‹≥`◊– ÜΔ˙¡◊d◊ ~◊ ©˙b– dh◊Ø÷h◊ NØh¤d◊ π@–πFC◊’ Ä˙k˙πh≠@ Ü÷◊˙ π@–Q◊–d◊ Ü ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ π˛˙b@ Ä˙@≠¡◊, §F◊Ø˙πh¸, Ä≠¥◊¡◊˙Nu ¡◊–©~◊ ¡◊~◊@ > ÉM˙@ ÷◊@–≠`◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ N≤◊˙l ‘÷◊d◊– π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ Ø≤◊˙≠·◊¡◊u; ~◊–≠¡◊’˙S ©Ÿ≠@ Øb–r Δ˙í π˙≠@ @Q◊– d◊≤h◊Ω Ø≤◊≈◊@ @˙Å≠© ØhΩ @˙©πb ÷◊@–Äø– Ü‹≥ > ≠·◊]≥ø– ØhΩ N@Î◊d◊˙ Ä˙·◊–Ø S@˙@; ≠≤◊`◊– N]˙ Ä¥◊@ú◊ ‘–‘h ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ > π@·◊˙ ]Q◊–d◊ d◊˙@ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ÷◊O≠@ Øhê◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ÷◊≠@ ¡◊˙N ÄNuØ π˛˙N˙≠·◊, Ä¡◊˙≠S ØhΩ dœ◊D π–˛l ©~◊~◊u ≠N˙≤◊˙≠s, π˛˙÷œ◊d◊ ≠N˙·◊@ N˙≠‹ πh≠@ d◊˙í π˙Î◊–d◊, ≠‘˙Åø– É·◊˙@ Øhê◊ Ä˙÷◊˙‘ Ä˙≠‘m≠r, ÷◊π˙≠Î◊ `◊˙s–ø– ≠Ø˙@ NFΔ’ä ÷◊–@b@ ÉEÎ◊ Ä˙‘–r, ‘˙¥◊ Ä˙]≥πd◊˙ ≠Ø˙@ `◊§◊– ‘h§◊ Q◊o◊–˛÷◊˙@ Qh◊¯~◊ Ä˙≠¡◊‘ @˙d◊–≠@ πŸ–ø– Y◊Î◊– s≤◊~◊ ~◊–·◊˛˙≠@ > Ü÷◊˙÷◊u π˛§◊˙≠d◊ Øœ·h◊ ØØ’@ S_~◊–@ Ä˙÷◊r’≠b ¡◊–≠§◊˙@ ØhΩ N¡h◊©¡◊N~◊˙¡◊~◊≠÷◊˙≠Î◊ ¡◊–Q◊@–ø–, N@–d◊˙, NØu@ØFè◊’~◊˙π˛¡◊b, NFΔ’äNh]-N≤◊§◊˙su, ‘hb–ø– d◊~◊<l ≠≤◊˙Å ¡◊–‘_ Ø≤◊˙¡◊˙bu >
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308 My spirit satisfied within me knew Godlike our birthright, luxuried our life Whose close belongings are the earth and skies. Before Fate led me into this emerald world, Aroused by some foreshadowing touch within, An early prescience in my mind approached The great dumb animal consciousness of earth Now grown so close to me who have left old pomps To live in this grandiose murmur dim and vast. Already I met her in my spirit’s dream. As if to a deeper country of the soul Transposing the vivid imagery of earth, Through an inner seeing and sense a wakening came. A visioned spell pursued my boyhood’s hours, All things the eye had caught in coloured lines Were seen anew through the interpreting mind And in the shape it sought to seize the soul. An early child-god took my hand that held, Moved, guided by the seeking of his touch, Bright forms and hues which fled across his sight; Limned upon page and stone they spoke to men. High beauty’s visitants my intimates were. The neighing pride of rapid life that roams Wind-maned through our pastures, on my seeing mood
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dœ◊D ≠≤◊˙Å Ä˙k˙ ≠Ø˙@ ©˙b–ø– Ä¥◊≠@ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ NØ˙~◊ ≠Ø˙@ ©~◊< ÄS≥÷◊˙@, S@bu à Ä˙÷◊˙‘@ ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ N…π≠·◊ ≠·◊]≥ø– ØhΩ ©u¡◊~◊@ πh Î◊ ¡◊–Î◊˙N > ¡◊–S≥¡◊≠‘ Ü N¡h◊© ©sd◊ §◊–d◊≠@ Ä˙N–¡◊˙ Ä˙s@h `◊§◊– πF¡◊’˙§◊˙N ÷◊˙í@ ¡h◊nh‹≥`◊˙ Ø~◊ ≠Ø˙@ ¡◊˙Î◊hd◊ ¡◊lNh S@˙@ ØÉ~◊ π‘h ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ Δ˙≤◊˙@ π–˛l π@–Q◊–d◊ Äd◊– Ä˙πb˙@ ≠Ø˙@ πF¡◊’ ¡◊ŧ◊¡◊Qh◊äd, g–Ø–d◊ s}u@ ñ ≠÷◊˙Î◊˙≤◊Î◊Øl-¡◊~◊¡◊˙Nu@ ©u¡◊≠~◊ > Ä¥◊@ Åo◊–˛l ≠¡◊˙≠S, Ä¥◊@ ~◊l~ ◊ñ ©˙s@≠b ≠·◊]≥`◊– ØhΩ Ä˙k˙@ s§◊u≠@ @Fπ˙l–d◊ S@bu@ ·œ◊‘ä Ø≠~◊˙≤◊@ > ·◊–¡◊ä@Fπ˙≠¡◊≠‘ ≠≤◊`◊– ≠÷◊Ê≠‘˙≠@ ≠Ø˙≤◊–d◊ > ¡◊≠C◊’ Δ˙≤◊˙ π˛÷◊˙‘–d◊ ≠·◊]≥`◊– ~◊l≠~◊ d◊j·◊˛¸˙Ø≠~◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ≠~◊Å ~◊¡◊@Fπ ¡◊–≠§◊˙@ ÷◊@–`◊˙ Ü≤◊– d◊@hb@ π˛˙b > ≤◊˙d◊ ≠Ø˙@ ≠~◊≠`◊ ≠d◊˙Î◊– ¡◊˙Î◊÷◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ØShª≠‘’ π˛≠b˙·◊–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ØhΩ Δ˙≤◊˙@ S@h‹≥`◊– NØhEÎ @Fπ @ú◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ §◊˙N–§◊˙N– Δ˙É‹≥`◊˙ N®h≠] d◊_@–≠d◊ > πd◊˛ à π˙r˙b s˙≠d◊˛ ≠≤◊˙Å @Fπ˙l–d◊ Øb–r÷h◊ ÷◊≤h◊‹≥≠`◊ ÷◊‹˙ ≠N @Q◊~◊˙ > N≠ú◊ ≠Ø˙ Ü÷◊d◊˛ ¡◊˙N ÷◊@h‹≥≠`◊ Ü‹≥ ÑZ◊’≠`◊˙÷◊ ·◊–¡◊äπh@h Ä˙N– ħ◊ä˙sd◊ > ≠·◊]≥ø– ØhΩ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ Ä˙¡◊–¸ ~◊l≠~◊ dh◊@s dh◊@–≠d◊ øh≠Ë s≠¡◊’ ≠≤◊˛r˙@≠¡◊ ¡◊˙lhNØ ØF≈◊’-@Fπ π˛]@ π˛˙b@ > 309
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310 Cast shapes of swiftness; trooping spotted deer Against the vesper sky became a song Of evening to the silence of my soul. I caught for some eternal eye the sudden King-fisher flashing to a darkling pool; A slow swan silvering the azure lake, A shape of magic whiteness, sailed through dream; Leaves trembling with the passion of the wind, Pranked butterflies, the conscious flowers of air, And wandering wings in blue infinity Lived on the tablets of my inner sight; Mountains and trees stood there like thoughts from God. The brilliant long-bills in their vivid dress, The peacock scattering on the breeze his moons Painted my memory like a frescoed wall. I carved my vision out of wood and stone; I caught the echoes of a word supreme And metred the rhythm-beats of infinity And listened through music for the eternal Voice. I felt a covert touch, I heard a call, But could not clasp the body of my God Or hold between my hands the World-Mother’s feet. In men I met strange portions of a Self That sought for fragments and in fragments lived: Each lived in himself and for himself alone And with the rest joined only fleeting ties;
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~◊u@¡◊ Ä˙k˙≠@ ≠Ø˙@ ≠≤◊≠`◊ π˛d◊–§◊˙d◊ NÕ◊ä˙@˙≠s S˙¡◊Ø˙~◊ ÷œ◊ÃN˙@ΔF‹ π˛≠·◊˙r Nú◊ud◊ NØ; ~◊–w˛§◊ π`◊_≠Î◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ ~◊l~◊NØ ≠·◊]≥ø– X◊˙≤h◊÷◊ N≤◊N˙ Δ˙Åø– øhË–, ~◊uÎ◊ N≠@˙¡◊@ @©d◊ S¡◊Î◊ ÷◊@– ØA◊@ Ø@˙Î◊ Åo◊˛©˙`◊ @Q◊– §◊˙≠N Nπ≠~◊ ≠Ø˙≤◊@ > NØu@≠b ¡◊–÷◊fi–d◊ ‘ä˙ØÎ◊ π`◊∑¡◊, Nh·F◊@ ÄNuØh ÷◊˙≤◊y Ä˙sd◊ ¡◊–≤◊s ·œ◊¸–@ Á◊Î◊≠÷◊ ≠Ø˙@ @≤◊–≠`◊ n`◊÷◊– > ·◊–¡◊äQ◊–¥◊˙ π@– @˙≠© s–@– Ø≤◊u@h≤◊ > ¡◊˙lh@ N≠Q◊d◊ πhwNØ π˛©˙πd◊–, Q◊πÎ◊, @hQ◊–@¡◊C◊’ ·◊uˆ’Q◊Gh πOu, ØlF@ ¡◊–g˙@– NØu@b d◊˙≠Î◊ d◊˙≠Î◊ πhè◊@ Q◊o◊–˛÷◊˙ ≠‘˙§◊˙ ÷◊≠`◊ Ä˙`◊–]~◊ Q◊–d◊–˛d◊ π˛˙÷◊˙@ π@– N<dœ ◊–πË ≠Ø˙@ > ÷◊À◊~◊˙@ ·œ◊¸– ≠Ø˙@ π˛÷◊˙‘–`◊– ÷◊˙Ë– ·◊˙@h à π˛g@, ‘hb– π@Ø ¡◊˙bu@ π˛d◊–@¡◊ π˛÷◊˙‘–`◊– øo◊ Ø˙Sh@u≠@ ÄNuØ@ d◊˙Î◊, πhb– sud◊– ØFè◊’~◊˙≠@ ‘hb–ø– ÉeC◊’ ≠≤◊˙Å S_~◊– ‘˙‘_d◊@ > `◊§◊–ø– ØhΩ shD ª≠‘’, ‘hb–ø– Ä˙≤◊_˙~◊ S@– ÷◊–¥h◊ π˙@– ~◊˙≤◊y π˛§h◊@ ‘@u@ Ä¡◊˙ ≤◊≠g ¡◊–‘_Ø˙d◊˙ Q◊@b-N≠@˙© > ¡◊˛≤◊<Ä…‘ ~◊@, ÷◊–¥h◊ ÄÒh◊d◊ d◊˙í @Fπ ~◊l≠~◊ §◊˙N–ø– ≠Ø˙@, πœ‹÷◊ ©u¡◊≠~◊ ≠]˙©–ø– ≠Δ @≤◊Å N·◊˙ ]—–d◊ ¡◊–§◊¡◊ > ~◊–©Ø≠Ú @≠≤◊ ~◊@ ]˙`◊– ~◊–© π˙ÅΩ N…π÷◊’ d◊˙ Ä˙~◊N˙≠‹ Äd◊– N˙Øl–÷◊ > 311
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312 Each passioned over his surface joy and grief, Nor saw the Eternal in his secret house. I conversed with Nature, mused with the changeless stars, God’s watch-fires burning in the ignorant Night, And saw upon her mighty visage fall A ray prophetic of the Eternal’s sun. I sat with the forest sages in their trance: There poured awakening streams of diamond light, I glimpsed the presence of the One in all. But still there lacked the last transcendent power And Matter still slept empty of its Lord. The Spirit was saved, the body lost and mute Lived still with Death and ancient Ignorance; The Inconscient was its base, the Void its fate. But thou hast come and all will surely change: I shall feel the World-Mother in thy golden limbs And hear her wisdom in thy sacred voice. The child of the Void shall be reborn in God, My Matter shall evade the Inconscient’s trance. My body like my spirit shall be free. It shall escape from Death and Ignorance.” And Savitri, musing still, replied to him: “Speak more to me, speak more, O Satyavan, Speak of thyself and all thou art within;
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~◊–© Nh]·h◊º≠] N·◊˙ Ä˙Nê◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ ~◊ ≠·◊≠] ≠s˙π~◊ sœ≠≤◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ πh@hr > ØhΩ ÷◊`◊– π˛÷œ◊d◊– N˙≠‹ Ä˙Î◊˙π ØSh@ > d◊Ø–N˛@©~◊u ≠÷◊˙≠Î◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙-©˙s@ ñ π˛·◊uπ-~◊–ld◊ d◊˙@˙ N˙≠‹ Ú˙~◊˙≠¡◊≠‘ ≠·◊]≥ø– π˛÷œ◊d◊– Ø≤◊˙ Ä˙~◊~◊ Ø—≠Î◊ π≠Ÿ Q◊–@¥◊~◊ @¡◊– §◊˙¡◊u-@‘<– ≠@]˙ > NØ˙S≥⁄ Ör–≠Ø≠Î◊ ¡◊N–ø– ØhΩ ¡◊≠~◊ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ ©˙s˛d◊ ÷◊@– ≤◊u@÷◊-ÉEÎ◊ ñ ≠©ä˙d◊–@ Ä˙N˛¡◊ Δ≤◊y πXh◊‹≥`◊˙ n@– > Nd◊ä Ü÷◊ ≠·◊]≥ø– ØhΩ N÷◊Î◊ N≈◊˙≠@; π˛§h◊‘F~◊ä ©Ÿ ÷◊–¥h◊ NhD–-¡◊–©Ÿ–d◊ πŸ–ø– π@Ø˙‘ê◊– π˛§◊˙¡◊ ¡◊–≤◊u≠~ > Ä˙k˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Øhê◊, ≠·◊≤◊ ØF÷◊ Äπ≤◊d◊ ñ π˛˙l @≠≤◊ Øœdh◊ä ØFÎ◊˙ Ä¡◊–‡˙ ÷◊¡◊≠Î◊ > ÄQ◊–d◊– Ä˙S˙@ d◊˙@, ‘F~◊äd◊˙ ~◊–ld◊– > dh◊≠Ø ≠Δ Ä˙N–ø N¡h◊ `◊§◊–¡◊ ~◊–¢◊l @Fπ˙¥◊@ ~◊¡◊, dh◊Ø ≠≤◊Ø Ä¡◊l≠¡◊ ØhΩ ÷◊@–¡◊– Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ¡◊–‘_-Ø≤◊˙≠·◊¡◊u, ‘hb–¡◊– d◊˙í π˛™˙ dh◊Ø π˙¡◊~◊ ¡◊Q◊≠~◊ > ‘F~◊ä@ ØhΩ ‘–‘h πhb– ≠~◊¡◊– ©~◊< ~◊¡◊ π@Ø N≈◊˙@h, ≠Ø˙@ πGØ≤◊˙§F◊d◊ `◊ù◊–Δ–≠¡◊ ÄQ◊–d◊–@ `◊l, N≠®˙≤◊~◊ > Ä˙k˙ NØ Øhê◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ⁄FÎ-d◊~h◊ ≠Ø˙@, @O˙ ≠N π˙Å¡◊ Øœdh◊ä Ä¡◊–‡˙ ÷◊¡◊Îh◊ >íí Ä˙¡◊–¸˙ N˙¡◊–d◊˛u πhb– É≈◊@–≠`◊, ëë÷◊≤◊, ÷◊≤◊ Nd◊ä¡◊˙~Í◊ dh◊≠Ø ÷◊–Ü, Ä˙k˙ πh≠@ N…Q◊–d◊ @]≥ø ≠Δ≠d◊ Ä~h◊§F◊d◊–@˙©–;
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314 I would know thee as if we had ever lived Together in the chamber of our souls. Speak till a light shall come into my heart And my moved mortal mind shall understand What all the deathless being in me feels. It knows that thou art he my spirit has sought Amidst earth’s thronging visages and forms Across the golden spaces of my life.” And Satyavan like a replying harp To the insistent calling of a flute Answered her questioning and let stream to her His heart in many-coloured waves of speech: “O golden princess, perfect Savitri, More I would tell than failing words can speak, Of all that thou hast meant to me, unknown, All that the lightning-flash of love reveals In one great hour of the unveiling gods. Even a brief nearness has reshaped my life. For now I know that all I lived and was Moved towards this moment of my heart’s rebirth; I look back on the meaning of myself, A soul made ready on earth’s soil for thee. Once were my days like days of other men: To think and act was all, to enjoy and breathe;
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©˙≠b ØhΩ dh◊Ø÷h◊ Ä˙Ø Ä˙k˙@ ~◊–Î◊≠l ΔhsÎ◊ ©u¡◊≠~◊ ≠Δ≠≤◊∂ @≤◊–‹≥≠`◊ N·◊˙, ¡◊@– dh◊≠Ø, Ä¥◊@ ≠Ø˙ ≠≤◊É É·Í◊§◊˙N–d◊, ØSh@ Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘ ¡h◊nh ⁄FÎ◊Ø~◊ ≠Ø˙@ Ä~h◊§◊≠¡◊ Øœdh◊äzlu N≈◊˙ Δ˙ s§◊u≠@ > Ä¥◊@ ≠Ø˙ ©˙≠b dh◊≠Ø ≠N≤◊– N≈◊˙ Δ˙í≠@ Ä˙k˙ ≠Ø˙ Ä˙N–ø– ≠]˙©– ¡◊–πhÎ◊ S@˙@ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ©~◊d◊˙ ≠Ø≠Î◊ ¡◊≤h◊Î◊ @Fπ≠@ ÷◊~◊÷-ÉEÎ-ØSh ©u¡◊~◊@ π≠‹ >íí ¡◊˙@…¡◊˙@ ‘hb– X◊˙÷◊ ¡◊ä˙÷h◊Î◊ ≠¡◊bh@ π˛dh◊ä≈◊≠@ shz@–d◊ ≤h◊Ü Δ‹˙ ¡◊ub˙; Y◊˙Î◊–≠·◊Å ≤œ◊·◊l@ ØSh @N˙l~◊ ¡◊Q◊~◊@ ¡◊≤h◊¡◊C◊’-¡◊uQ◊– d◊˙≠Î◊ d◊˙≠Î◊ É≈◊≠@ ÷◊≤◊–≠`◊ Nd◊ä¡◊˙~Í◊ ëë≠s˙, ÷◊~◊÷◊π–dh◊Î◊˙-π@Ø˙ @˙©÷h◊Ø˙@– N˙¡◊–d◊˛– ! ÷◊≤◊–¡◊– dh◊Ø÷h◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ pÎ◊–d◊ ¡◊Q◊~◊ Áh◊Ë˙Å ~◊ π˙≠@ ≠Ø˙@, ÷◊≤◊–¡◊– Ä™˙≠d◊ Ä˙b–ø ©u¡◊≠~◊ ¡◊≤◊– ≠ΔÉΩ N˙‹’÷◊d◊˙, π˛÷◊˙≠‘ N÷◊Î◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ π˛ud◊–-Obπ˛§◊˙ > Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ Øh≤F◊≠≈◊’ Ü≤◊– ·◊–¡◊ä π˛÷◊˙‘@ O≠b Ø˙d◊˛ `◊§◊– ≠·◊¡◊– N˙¤–Ú dh◊Ø@ ©u¡◊~◊ `◊§◊–ø– ≠Ø˙@ ~◊¡◊-@Fπ˙l~◊ > ©˙bhø– ØhΩ ¡◊≈◊’Ø˙~◊ ‹≥`◊– Δ˙ Äd◊u≠d◊ Ä˙Nh‹≥`◊˙ `◊Oä NØ ¡◊≤◊– ≤œ◊·◊l@ ~◊¡◊©~◊< Ä˙©– Ü≤◊– Ø˙≠≤◊o◊˛ `◊s≠~◊ > π≠ø Q◊˙≤◊y ≠·◊≠] Ü≤◊– `◊Oä ©u¡◊~◊@ Ä˙k˙ ØhΩ dh◊Ø@– π˙ÅΩ s˜˙ Ü Ø@≠d◊ > ·◊–≠~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ©u¡◊~◊ ≠Ø˙ sd◊˙~h◊sd◊–÷◊, Q◊–¥◊˙ à ÷◊Ø’≠@ Nh≠] ÷◊˙Ëh‹≥`◊– ÷◊˙Î◊ > 315
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316 This was the width and height of mortal hope: Yet there came glimpses of a deeper self That lives behind Life and makes her act its scene. A truth was felt that screened its shape from mind, A Greatness working towards a hidden end, And vaguely through the forms of earth there looked Something that life is not and yet must be. I groped for the Mystery with the lantern, Thought. Its glimmerings lighted with the abstract word A half-visible ground and travelling yard by yard It mapped a system of the Self and God. I could not live the truth it spoke and thought. I turned to seize its form in visible things, Hoping to fix its rule by mortal mind, Imposed a narrow structure of world-law Upon the freedom of the Infinite, A hard firm skeleton of outward Truth, A mental scheme of a mechanic Power. This light showed more the darknesses unsearched; It made the original Secrecy more occult; It could not analyse its cosmic Veil
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ÜÅ ‹≥`◊˙ Éé◊ Ä˙‘˙ Ø≈◊’ä π@–N≠@ > ©u¡◊~◊@ ~◊–l˙Ø÷◊ ≠Δ s§◊u@ Ä˙k˙ `h◊Q◊–@≠≤◊ Ä¥◊@˙≠Î◊ Ä˙§◊˙N d◊˙≤◊˙@ π˙Åø– ØhΩ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ Ø~◊ Ä≠s˙Q◊@ Nd◊ä ØÚ N˙Øl–÷◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ä~h◊§F◊d◊ ~◊–@¥◊@ ÷◊˙Δ’ä@d◊ Ø≤◊–Ø˙ Δ˙≤◊˙@ Q◊Î◊˙Ü Nœ¸–÷h◊ Ü÷◊ shπd◊ Ä˙‘≠l > Ī¸ Ä˙§◊˙N d◊˙í@ π˙‹≥’¡◊ @Fπ@ π¢◊˙≠d◊ π˙Åø– Ü≠¡◊ ¡◊–÷◊˙‘ Δ˙≤◊˙@ ˆË– ¡◊– ~◊ ‹≥≠`◊ ·◊–≠~◊ ˆË–¡◊ ~◊–¢◊l > @≤◊Nä ≠]˙©–ø– Q◊–¥◊˙π˛·◊uπ Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ > ~◊u@N ‘¡◊≠·◊ d◊˙í@ Øo◊π˛§-·h◊äd◊– Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊–d◊ ÷◊`◊˙ ·◊@π˛÷◊Ë–d◊ §F◊Ø–, Su≠@ Su≠@ Q◊˙`◊– Ø˙π– ÷◊`◊˙ ≠N Äö◊~◊ Ç‘_@ π@Ø Ä˙k˙ @ud◊– Ø˙~◊Q◊–d◊˛ > ©u¡◊~◊ ≠Ø˙ Ä~h◊N@– ~◊ π˙@–`◊˙ Ø~◊ d◊j Δ˙ ÷◊≤◊–`◊˙ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ Q◊–¥◊˙ à ‘¡◊≠·◊ > Nd◊ä@Fπ ·◊@‘~◊ Ä˙‘˙≠~◊Å ≠÷◊≠d◊ ·œ◊‘äØ˙~◊ ¡◊ghN¡h◊ ≠·◊]≥ø– S@˙@ Ø~◊ ≠·◊Å ⁄˙π–¡◊˙÷h◊ Nd◊ä@ ~◊–lØ ÄÚ˙N ÷◊@–ø– ØhΩ ≠Δ ¡◊–Øhê◊ ÄNu≠Ø N…÷h◊Q◊–d◊-¡◊–‘_¡◊–S≥-÷◊À◊–d◊-Ä˙÷◊˙@, ©ŸΔ»-‘÷◊d◊–@ Ø˙~◊N ≠Δ˙©~◊˙ ⁄FÎ◊Nd◊ä-Nh÷◊∫◊–~◊-ÄQ◊Î◊ ÷◊ö◊˙Î◊ > Q◊–¥◊˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ≠·◊]≥`◊– ØhΩ ÄS≥÷h◊ ÄS≥÷◊ NÕ◊˙~◊-Äd◊ud◊-ˆ~◊-d◊–Ø–@-πËÎ◊; sF˜d◊@ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠d◊bh Ä˙·◊–Ø @≤◊Nä > ~◊ π˙@–`◊˙ ¡◊–≠‘mr– d◊˙í ¡◊–‘_ Ä˙¡◊@b
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318 Or glimpse the Wonder-worker’s hidden hand And trace the pattern of his magic plans. I plunged into an inner seeing Mind And knew the secret laws and sorceries That make of Matter mind’s bewildered slave: The mystery was not solved but deepened more. I strove to find its hints through Beauty and Art, But Form cannot unveil the indwelling Power; Only it throws its symbols at our hearts. It evoked a mood of self, invoked a sign Of all the brooding glory hidden in sense: I lived in the ray but faced not to the sun. I looked upon the world and missed the Self, And when I found the Self, I lost the world, My other selves I lost and the body of God, The link of the finite with the Infinite, The bridge between the appearance and the Truth, The mystic aim for which the world was made, The human sense of Immortality. But now the gold link comes to me with thy feet And His gold sun has shone on me from thy face. For now another realm draws near with thee And now diviner voices fill my ear,
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¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ ÷◊Ø’@ shD-÷◊@ ¡◊˙ ~◊–≠@]≥ ~◊Øh~◊˙ π˙@–`◊˙ Ä˙ö◊– Ø˙l˙ ≠Δ˙©~◊˙@ > Ä¡◊s˙≤◊– Ä¥◊ºπh≠@ ·◊˛¸˙Ø˙~◊N@ ©˙b–`◊– ØhΩ Åo◊˛©˙`◊, ≠s˙π~◊ ~◊–lØ ©Ÿ÷h◊ ÷◊≠@ Δ˙ Ø~◊ ¡◊–ØF˜ ÷◊–ö◊@ > @≤◊Nä ©Ë–Î◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ~◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ¡◊–‘·◊ > Q◊˙@hd◊j÷◊Î◊˙ Ø≠Ú @≤◊Nä N≠ö◊d◊ ≠]˙©–ø– ØhΩ @Fπ ÷◊–¥h◊ ÷◊˙Ë– Ä˙¡◊@b π˛÷◊˙‘– ~◊π˙≠@ s§◊’sœ≤◊ Ø≤◊˙≠·◊¡◊u > ≤œ◊≠·◊ d◊˙í π˛≠Oπ ÷◊≠@ ]˙`◊– π˛d◊–@Fπ > @N@ Ä˙≠¡◊‘ @Q◊– ÷◊`◊˙ d◊˙í É≠·◊˛÷◊ Åo◊˛–≠l ~◊–≤◊–d◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ ~◊–¡◊–¸ Ø≤◊–Ø˙ > ≠¡◊˙S≥-@‘<–©˙≠Î◊ N–~◊˙ ÷◊`◊– ØhΩ ~◊–¡◊˙N ™˙~◊ˆ~◊ NFΔ’ä Ä˙≠s ≠·◊]≥ ØhΩ ~◊ π˙≠@ > ¡◊–≠N˙@˙ Ç‘_≠@ ≠d◊≠b ~◊–≠@]≥ ©s≠d◊, π@Ø˙k˙ `◊§◊– ≠·◊≠] ≤◊@˙Ü ©sd◊, ≤◊@˙Ü ¡◊–¡◊–S ⁄–d◊– Ä˙k-πh@hr@, ≤◊@˙Ü π˛÷œ◊d◊ d◊~h◊ π@Ø N≈◊˙@, §h◊≠`◊ ≠Δ˙sNFd◊˛ NuØ˙ N˙≠‹ ÄNuØ@, Nd◊ä π˛d◊–§◊˙N Ø≠Ú ≠Ndh◊ Ø–Î◊~◊@; ¡◊–≠N˙≠@ s≤◊~◊ `◊Oä Ø≈◊’ä ©u¡◊~◊@, Ø˙~h◊ru Ä‘~◊ ·◊–¡◊ä ÄØœd◊ @N@ > Ü≠¡◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ π˙≠‘ Ä˙≠N ÄØœd◊ N…≠Δ˙s d◊¡◊ ‘h§◊ Ä˙sØ≠~◊, Nd◊ä ≠≤◊Ø @¡◊– Y◊˙≠Î◊ ≠Ø˙ Éπ≠@ @‘<– Ä˙~◊~◊@h d◊¡◊ > dh◊Ø N˙≠‹ Ä˙≠N Ü‹≥ ÷◊˙≤h◊Ω Ä˙~◊≠`◊˙÷, ‘´d◊– ≠Ø˙ É∫◊Å πF@– ·◊–¡◊äd◊@ ~◊˙≠·◊,
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320 A strange new world swims to me in thy gaze Approaching like a star from unknown heavens; A cry of spheres comes with thee and a song Of flaming gods. I draw a wealthier breath And in a fierier march of moments move. My mind transfigures to a rapturous seer. A foam-leap travelling from the waves of bliss Has changed my heart and changed the earth around: All with thy coming fills. Air, soil and stream Wear bridal raiment to be fit for thee And sunlight grows a shadow of thy hue Because of change within me by thy look. Come nearer to me from thy car of light On this green sward disdaining not our soil. For here are secret spaces made for thee Whose caves of emerald long to screen thy form. Wilt thou not make this mortal bliss thy sphere? Descend, O happiness, with thy moon-gold feet Enrich earth’s floors upon whose sleep we lie. O my bright beauty’s princess Savitri, By my delight and thy own joy compelled Enter my life, thy chamber and thy shrine.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Q◊˙≤◊˙bu≠@ ≠·◊≠] d◊¡◊ Ä˙≠N §◊˙N– §◊˙N– Ä˙N¤ d◊˙@÷◊˙NØ Ä™˙d◊ Ä˙÷◊˙‘h π˙≠‘ ≠Ø˙ ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ ~◊¡◊ §h◊¡◊~◊Ø—Î◊ > dh◊Ø N˙≠‹ Ä˙≠N Ü‹≥ ≠`◊˙÷◊≠`◊˙÷◊˙¥◊@h ≠¡◊ä˙Ø~◊˙·◊, ØShs˙~◊ ·◊uD ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ > π˛˙b ≠Ø˙@ ÖM–Ø¥◊, ©u¡◊~◊@ S˙@˙ ¡◊≠≤◊ π≠Î◊ π≠Î◊ Äs∂– ħ◊–Δ˙~◊ π≠‹ > Ø~◊ `◊≠§◊ ~◊¡◊@Fπ π˛Ø≈◊ Ör–@ > Ä˙~◊o◊-`◊≤◊@u-≠Á◊~◊-Éè◊_˙N-~◊–≠r÷◊ ¡◊·◊Î◊˙Ü Ø@Ø ≠Ø˙, S@˙ Q◊Éπ˙‘ > N¡h◊ É≠∫◊ πF@– d◊¡◊ ‘h§◊ Ä˙sØ≠~◊ ≠‘˙≠≤◊ N¡h◊ dh◊Ø ≠Δ˙sä ¡◊SF@ ¡◊N≠~◊ Ø@hd◊ N@–d◊˙ O–d◊–, @¡◊–@‘<– ·◊–≠‘ dh◊Ø ¡◊C◊’ø˙l˙ π@–, ÷◊˙ÉΩ@– π@‘ `◊˙s– ≠Ø˙ N≈◊˙≠@ dh◊Ø ≠π˛Ø~◊l~◊@ > Q◊o◊˛@‹h Ä¡◊d◊@– ~◊–÷◊≠Ë ‘˙·Í◊¡◊≠Î◊ Ä˙N Ü‹≥ Ä¡◊≠≤◊Î◊˙ ~◊ ÷◊@– ÜØ˙Ë– > dh◊Ø π˙ÅΩ Äø– Ü‹≥ ≠s˙π~◊ π˛≠·◊‘ Ø@÷◊d◊ sh≤◊˙ Δ≤◊y Ä˙÷h◊Î◊ π˛d◊uO˙ ÷◊≠@ N·◊˙ @Fπ d◊¡◊ Ä˙¡◊@–¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ > ÷◊≤◊, Ø≈◊’äNh≠] d◊¡◊ ¡◊–Î◊˙N-¡◊–d◊˙~◊ ÷◊@–¡◊ ÷◊– ? Ä˙N ≠d◊≠¡◊ ‘ud◊˙…‘h-÷◊~◊÷◊ π≠·◊ Ü‹≥ Ä¡◊d◊@–, ≠≤◊ Nh] π˛d◊–Ø˙ ! ¡◊–‘˛˙Ø@ ∫◊˙¡◊ Ä˙Ø Ü S@bu d◊Î◊ ÷◊@ πFC◊’ ÖM–Ø¥◊ π·◊ª≠‘’ d◊¡◊ > ≠≤◊ N˙¡◊–d◊˛– ! ≠Ø˙ ≤œ◊·◊l ¡◊–ØÎ◊˙Nho◊@– @˙©÷◊~◊ä˙ ! Nh≠] d◊¡◊, πh`◊≠÷◊ ≠Ø˙≤◊@ π˛≠b˙·◊–d◊ Ä˙ld◊~◊ π˛ud◊–@ ~◊–Î◊≠l >
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322 In the great quietness where spirits meet, Led by my hushed desire into my woods Let the dim rustling arches over thee lean; One with the breath of things eternal live, Thy heart-beats near to mine, till there shall leap Enchanted from the fragrance of the flowers A moment which all murmurs shall recall And every bird remember in its cry.” Allured to her lashes by his passionate words Her fathomless soul looked out at him from her eyes; Passing her lips in liquid sounds it spoke. This word alone she uttered and said all: “O Satyavan, I have heard thee and I know; I know that thou and only thou art he.” Then down she came from her high carven car Descending with a soft and faltering haste; Her many-hued raiment glistening in the light Hovered a moment over the wind-stirred grass, Mixed with a glimmer of her body’s ray Like lovely plumage of a settling bird. Her gleaming feet upon the green-gold sward Scattered a memory of wandering beams And lightly pressed the unspoken desire of earth Cherished in her too brief passing by the soil. Then flitting like pale-brilliant moths her hands Took from the sylvan verge’s sunlit arms A load of their jewel-faces’ clustering swarms, Companions of the spring-time and the breeze.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Ä˙k˙@ Ø–Î◊~◊πh@u ~◊u@¡◊ π˛≠·◊≠‘ ‘˙¥◊ ≠Ø˙ ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙¡◊≠‘ Ä˙N Ü ¡◊~◊@ g–Ø–d◊ ØØ’@ @¡◊ ≠d◊˙@b@ d◊≠Î◊ > ≤◊–Ä˙ N˙≠‹ @]≥ ≤◊–Ä˙, ‘˙‘_d◊ ©u¡◊~◊S˙@˙ N≠ú◊ Ü÷◊˙÷◊˙@, Ä˙N ~◊–¡◊N–¡◊˙ NhØ~◊ Nh@§◊– ≠Ø˙≠≤◊ Q◊÷◊–≠d◊ N≤◊N˙ π˛d◊–§◊˙d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ Δ˙ÜΩ ‘h§◊ ≠N `◊s~◊ NhØ@–¡◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ N·◊˙ S@˙@ ØØ’@ Ä˙¡◊@ ÷F◊©≠~◊ d◊˙í@ ÷h◊`◊˙≠l ¡◊–≤◊s >íí @˙©÷◊~◊ä˙ ©@ ©@ N@˙s ¡◊Q◊≠~◊ Ä˙k˙@ Äd◊Îh◊ Q◊˙≤◊y ≠π˛Ø@ ~◊l≠~◊ ÷◊≤◊–≠`◊ ÄS@ πh≠Ë N@N ¡◊Q◊~◊ Üd◊–÷◊– ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ëëN¡h◊ ‘hb– ØhΩ ©˙b–ø– dh◊≠Ø≤◊y ≠N π–˛ld◊Ø ©u¡◊~◊ ≠·◊˙N@íí ·◊_–S˙-¡◊–©Ÿ–d◊ O–π˛ Øœ·h◊π≠·◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ Ä˙N–≠`◊ ≠N ~◊u≠Q◊ dh◊ú◊ ≠]˙·◊–d◊ ¡◊–Ø˙~h◊ > NØu@-÷◊fi–d◊-dœ◊b Ä˙g@b π≠@ ‘˛uØlu ‘@u@÷◊˙¥◊– É©Î◊–Ø˙ N˙≠‹ ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ ¡◊N~◊ §◊˙N– nË÷◊–`◊˙ O≠b Nh≠‘˙§◊~◊ πO NØ ‘˛˙¥◊ ¡◊–≤◊s@ > @hQ◊–@ Q◊@bπ˙≠d◊ ÷◊~◊÷◊ ‘˙·Í◊¡◊≠Î◊ N…Q◊˙@–bu @‘<–©˙Î◊ N<œd◊– π≠Ÿ Á◊˙Ë–, Ä˙¡◊@ ~◊–º‘≠›◊ ©˙≠s Øœ·h◊ ≠N π@≠‘ ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙ S@bu ¡h◊≠÷◊ ≠π˙r–d◊ Δ˙ O≠b ‘h§◊ Ä˙sØ≠~◊ d◊≤◊y @˙©÷h◊Ø˙@u@ > ≠‘_d◊˙§◊ πd◊ú◊ NØ Q◊Î◊˙Å Q◊G≠Î◊ ÷◊@ ·h◊íË– ≠~◊≠`◊ ≠d◊˙Î◊– Ø~◊@ Éπ˙¥◊ ¡◊–Ëπ-ÉEÎ◊-÷◊@h @d◊~◊ N…§◊˙@ πhw, N≤◊Q◊@ ØShÖdh◊ ØÎ◊l@ > 323
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324 A candid garland set with simple forms Her rapid fingers taught a flower song, The stanzaed movement of a marriage hymn. Profound in perfume and immersed in hue They mixed their yearning’s coloured signs and made The bloom of their purity and passion one. A sacrament of joy in treasuring palms She brought, flower-symbol of her offered life, Then with raised hands that trembled a little now At the very closeness that her soul desired, This bond of sweetness, their bright union’s sign, She laid on the bosom coveted by her love. As if inclined before some gracious god Who has out of his mist of greatness shone To fill with beauty his adorer’s hours, She bowed and touched his feet with worshipping hands; She made her life his world for him to tread And made her body the room of his delight, Her beating heart a remembrancer of bliss. He bent to her and took into his own Their married yearning joined like folded hopes; As if a whole rich world suddenly possessed, Wedded to all he had been, became himself, An inexhaustible joy made his alone, He gathered all Savitri into his clasp.
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shbh shbh s˙Å Q◊˙@h øo◊ Ø˙Sh@u≠@ π@–bl sud◊–, Q◊˙Î◊– Äúh◊Î◊– dh◊@–≠d◊ @Q◊~◊˙ ≠N ÷◊≠`◊ Ø˙Î◊˙ N@Î◊ ¡◊–ØÎ > Nh@§◊– ¡◊–πhÎ◊¡◊C◊’ NØ˙≠@˙≠≤◊ Xh◊¡◊–, N…≠÷◊d◊@ @ú◊ ≠s˙Î◊– d◊u¡◊˛ Ä˙÷F◊d◊–@ ÷◊≠`◊ π˛ud◊– π¡◊–d◊˛d◊˙ @˙s Ü÷◊˙÷◊˙@ > Ä@π–d◊ ©u¡◊~◊@ NhØ~◊-π˛d◊u÷◊ Ä…©Î◊– πhË≠@ ¡◊≤◊– Nh] ~◊–≠¡◊·◊~◊ Ä˙k˙ π–˛ld◊Ø π˙≠‘ Ä˙N– ‹@ ‹@ ≤◊˙d◊ ≠Ë÷◊– sÎ◊˙Å≠`◊ ¡h◊÷h◊≠@ @hQ◊–@ Ø–Î◊~◊ π˛d◊u÷◊, π˙‘ ØSh π˛bl@ > Ø≤◊–Ø˙ ÷h◊≠≤◊Î◊– ÷◊˙Ë– ÷œ◊π˙Î◊h ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ N≠d◊ ¡◊˙ Ä˙s≠@ ɧ◊˙ π˛bd◊ N˙S÷◊ π˛˙≠b ‘–@u §◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊, π–˛ld◊Ø Ä˙≠s àÎ◊s– ≠d◊N~◊ d◊≤◊y @˙©˙@ ·h◊≤◊–d◊˙ §◊ê◊–§◊≠@ ·h◊Å ÷◊≠@ øhÅΩ≠`◊ Q◊@b > ©u¡◊~◊÷h◊ ≠·◊≠`◊ Y◊˙Î◊– ¡◊–πhÎ◊ π˛N˙≠@ π–˛ld◊Ø `◊uÎ◊˙ Ä˙≠‘, Ø…©hÎ◊‘@u@ ÷◊≠`◊ d◊˙í π˛≠Ø˙·◊‘˙Î◊˙, ≤◊–Ä˙@ ªo◊~◊ ÷◊≠`◊ π˛ud◊–-@§◊N@ ~◊–@d◊ N<˙@÷◊ > ~◊ÅΩ πŸ– Nd◊ä¡◊˙~Í◊ ¡◊@–≠`◊ N˙·◊≠@ N…πhË–d◊ Ä˙‘˙ NØ ªœ≤◊˙ Ø–Î◊~◊@ > N≤◊N˙ ¡◊˙ Ä˙N– ÷◊˙≤h◊Ω ~◊–© ÄS≥÷◊˙≠@ πh Î◊ ©sd◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊–º≠‘≠r Ø–Î◊–d◊ NØs˛ ©u¡◊≠~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Δhê◊ Ü÷◊˙÷◊˙@ > ¡◊˙≤h◊ π˙≠‘ ≠~◊≠`◊ ≠d◊˙Î◊– ÄNuØ Nh]@ π–dh◊Î◊˙ N˙¡◊–d◊˛u ~◊–S≥ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ d◊˙ö◊@ >
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326 Around her his embrace became the sign Of a locked closeness through slow intimate years, A first sweet summary of delight to come, One brevity intense of all long life. In a wide moment of two souls that meet She felt her being flow into him as in waves A river pours into a mighty sea. As when a soul is merging into God To live in Him for ever and know His joy, Her consciousness grew aware of him alone And all her separate self was lost in his. As a starry heaven encircles happy earth, He shut her into himself in a circle of bliss And shut the world into himself and her. A boundless isolation made them one; He was aware of her enveloping him And let her penetrate his very soul As is a world by the world’s spirit filled, As the mortal wakes into Eternity, As the finite opens to the Infinite. Thus were they in each other lost awhile, Then drawing back from their long ecstasy’s trance Came into a new self and a new world.
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s˙˜ ≠N Ä˙≠‘m≠r Áh◊Ë– É∫◊–`◊˙ π˛d◊u÷◊ ØA◊@ ØSh@ ¡◊≤h◊ Δhs¡◊ä˙πu @hM Ä¥◊@ú◊ ©u¡◊~◊@, π˛‹Ø π˛÷◊˙‘ Ø…©hÎ◊ N…O–D N˙@ §◊˙¡◊u É`◊∑˙N@, Ä˙N_˙·◊ Ob–÷◊ d◊u¡◊˛ ·◊uˆ’ ©u¡◊~◊@ > π˛‘g`◊s≠~◊ ·h◊Å Ä˙k˙ Ø–Î◊~◊@ N˙¡◊–d◊˛u ©u¡◊~◊ s`◊˙ Ø–‘– π–˛ld◊Ø ©u¡◊~◊≠@, Ø–≠‘ Δ‹˙ ¡◊uQ◊– d◊˙≠Î◊ d◊˙≠Î◊ d◊Ë–~◊u π˛¡◊˙≤◊ ≠÷◊ÉΩ Ø≤◊˙ N˙s@≠@ > Ä˙k˙ Δ‹˙ Δ˙Ü Xh◊¡◊– π@Øπ·◊≠@ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ ¡◊˛≠≤◊< ¡◊˙N > `◊§◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ ¡◊˛≤◊<Ä˙N_˙·◊ ØSh@ ™˙~◊, π–˛l ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ d◊˙í ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ü÷◊ ¡◊uQ◊–@ ¡◊–Î◊˙N ≤◊©˙Å N_d◊» ⁄–d◊– ~◊–º≠‘≠r d◊˙≤◊˙@ > d◊˙@÷◊˙ ]Q◊–d◊~◊§◊ ≠ˆ@– @≠≤◊ Δ‹˙ É`◊∑N–d◊ S@˙, d◊‹˙ @N@ ¡◊Î◊≠l Ä¡◊@hM ÷◊@– π–˛l˙ ≠π˛Ø–÷◊ d◊@hb ~◊–© Ø≠Ú ≠·◊≠`◊ ÷◊–Î◊– ~◊–]≥Î◊ ©sd◊ > Ü÷◊˙÷◊˙@ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ·h◊≠≤◊Ω ÄNuØ ¡◊–©≠~◊ > ≠ˆ@– @≠≤◊ Q◊Éπ˙≠‘ ©˙b– π–˛ld◊Ø˙ Ä˙k˙ N≤◊ ]≥Î◊ N≈◊˙ ≠]˙`◊– Nd◊ä¡◊˙~Í◊ ≠·◊≠`◊ ≠N Ä˙≠¡◊‘ π˙ÅΩ, ¡◊–‘_ §◊@– Δ‹˙ @≠≤◊ ¡◊–‘_ Ø≤◊˙≠·◊¡◊u, ©˙≠s ¡◊˙ ≠ΔN~◊ ‘˙‘_≠d◊ ~◊‘_@ ~◊@, ÄNu≠Ø ¡◊˙ Δ‹˙ NuØ˙ S≠@ ≠]˙`◊– d◊˙í@ Ä˙÷h◊Î◊ ≤œ◊·◊l > π@ª@ Ä˙k≤◊@˙ §◊˙≠¡◊ Ü≤◊–π@– @≤◊– ÷◊–ø– ÷◊˙Î◊ ·◊uˆ’ π˛bl-Ä˙≠¡◊‘h ≠Á◊@–≠`◊ ~F◊d◊~◊ Ä˙k˙ ~F◊d◊~◊ ©s≠d◊ >
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328 Each now was a part of the other’s unity, The world was but their twin self-finding’s scene Or their own wedded being’s vaster frame. On the high glowing cupola of the day Fate tied a knot with morning’s halo threads While by the ministry of an auspice-hour Heart-bound before the sun, their marriage fire, The wedding of the eternal Lord and Spouse Took place again on earth in human forms: In a new act of the drama of the world The united Two began a greater age. In the silence and murmur of that emerald world And the mutter of the priest-wind’s sacred verse, Amid the choral whispering of the leaves Love’s twain had joined together and grew one. The natural miracle was wrought once more: In the immutable ideal world One human moment was eternal made. Then down the narrow path where their lives had met He led and showed to her her future world, Love’s refuge and corner of happy solitude. At the path’s end through a green cleft in the trees She saw a clustering line of hermit-roofs
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Ä…‘ Ä…‘u ·h◊≠≤◊Ω Ü≠¡◊ Ü÷◊ Äπ@@ > ~◊–]≥Î◊ ©sd◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ΔhsÎ◊ Ä˙k˙@ Ä˙¡◊– ˙@ `◊uÎ◊˙§F◊Ø–, Δhê◊ ©u¡◊~◊@ π˛bl π˛N˙≠@ ¡◊ä˙D ¡◊–‘˙Î Ä˙÷◊˙@ > ·◊–¡◊N ‘–]≠@ ·◊uD ¡◊–ØÎ◊ ¡◊–d◊˙≠~◊ π˛§◊˙d◊@ π˛§◊˙ NF≠d◊˛ s£◊– ¡◊–¡◊˙≤◊@ @Q◊–≠`◊ ~◊–ld◊– d◊≤◊y, π˙¡◊~◊ ≠¡◊Î◊˙@ ≠π˝≠@˙≤◊–≠d◊ä, π@–bl-N˙Ou-≤h◊d◊˙‘~◊NFΔ’ä Ä˙≠s, ≠π˛Ø π˙≠‘ ΔhsÎ◊ Ø–Î◊~◊@≠N ≠Δ˙Ÿ˙ Q◊–@¥◊~◊ ©˙l˙ à πd◊–@ ~◊@ ≠·◊≠≤◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ πhb– S@˙≠@ ¡◊–¡◊˙≤◊ > ħ◊–~◊¡◊ Ä≠ö◊ Ü÷◊ ¡◊–‘_ ~◊˙Ë÷◊@ NFd◊˛π˙d◊ ÷◊≠`◊ ·h◊≠≤◊Ω Ø≤◊≈◊@ Δhs > Ø@÷◊d◊ ©sd◊@ ~◊u@¡◊ ØØ’@@≠¡◊, πhb– Øo◊˛~◊˙·◊ Ø»-Éé◊˙@≠bñ Ø@hd◊-Öd◊_–÷Í◊ Øh≠], ‘ä˙ØÎ◊ π`◊∑¡◊ñ N~◊N~◊-N®–Î◊–d◊-N˙Øs˙≠~◊ d◊≤◊y ≠π˛Ø@ Δ˙ØÎ◊ N≈◊˙ ≠≤◊≠`◊ Ü÷◊˙÷◊˙@ > N≤◊© ¡◊–N<l πhb– ˆË–`◊˙ S@˙≠@ > ÄOl ÄQh◊äd◊ Q◊˙@h Q◊–~◊<l ©s≠d◊ Q◊–@¥◊~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ü÷◊ Ø˙~h◊ru `◊s~◊ > N…÷◊uC◊’ N@bu π≠@ Ø–Î◊~◊πu∫◊@h Nd◊ä¡◊˙~Í◊ π≠ø π≠ø @˙©˙@ ·h◊≤◊–d◊˙ ≠~◊Å ≠d◊≠¡◊ ≠·◊]˙Å≠`◊ §◊˙¡◊u-`◊uÎ◊˙§F◊Ø– ≠π˛Ø@ Ä˙‘˛l Nh] ¡◊–©~◊ Ä˙s˙@ > π‹π˛˙≠¥◊ N¡h◊© ≠N π˙·◊π s≤◊Îh◊ ≠@]˙≠@ Nû–d◊ ·◊–≠‘ d◊˙πN ÷h◊Ë–@,
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330 And looked now first on her heart’s future home, The thatch that covered the life of Satyavan. Adorned with creepers and red climbing flowers It seemed a sylvan beauty in her dreams Slumbering with brown body and tumbled hair In her chamber inviolate of emerald peace. Around it stretched the forest’s anchorite mood Lost in the depths of its own solitude. Then moved by the deep joy she could not speak, A little depth of it quivering in her words, Her happy voice cried out to Satyavan: “My heart will stay here on this forest verge And close to this thatched roof while I am far: Now of more wandering it has no need. But I must haste back to my father’s house Which soon will lose one loved accustomed tread And listen in vain for a once cherished voice. For soon I shall return nor ever again Oneness must sever its recovered bliss Or fate sunder our lives while life is ours.”
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≠·◊]≥≠`◊ π˛‹Ø¡◊˙@ ≤œ◊·◊l-¡◊˙L–d◊§◊¡◊–räd◊ πh@u @≤◊– @˙©˙@ d◊~◊l˙, ÉË© d◊˙ Nd◊ä¡◊˙~Í◊ Ör–@ Ä˙¡◊˙N > ¡◊˛d◊d◊u Ä≠‘˙÷◊ πh≠w Ø—–d◊˙ ≠N πh@u ·◊–≠‘ Δ‹˙ Øhê◊≠÷◊‘u ÷◊π–Î◊ ¡◊@b˙ ¡◊~◊ `◊O<u ≠‘˙Å @≤◊– ÄQ◊Î◊˙ ‘˙¥◊–@ ‘ä˙ØÎ◊ ~◊–Î◊≠l Nh] Nπ≠~◊ ¡◊–≠§◊˙@ > Q◊Éπ˙≠‘ ≠ˆ@– d◊˙@ Δ·◊– π@–≠¡◊‘ s≤◊~◊ ¡◊–©≠~◊ `◊u~◊ ~◊u@¡◊ S≥Ä˙≠~◊ > ¡◊Q◊~◊ Äd◊ud◊ Nh] Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘ ≠π˛Ø–÷◊˙ ÷◊–G≥d◊ Ø@Ø d◊˙í@ ÷◊fi–d◊ §◊˙r˙≠@ π˛÷◊˙‘– Éd◊Î◊˙ ÷◊≠£◊ ÷◊≤◊–≠`◊ π–˛l≠@ ëë¡◊~◊@ Éπ˙≠¥◊ Ü≤◊– ÉË© NØu≠π ·F◊≠@ ØhΩ s≠`◊ ¡◊– ≤◊–Ä˙ @≤◊–¡◊ Ü∫◊˙≠@ > Ä≠~◊_rb π≠‹ Δ˙d◊˛˙ N@–ø– ≠Ø˙≤◊@ > Nd◊_@ ØhΩ Δ˙Ü Ü≠¡◊ π–d◊˙@ N·◊≠~◊ ≤◊@˙Å ¡◊N–¡◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ÄQ◊–≠@ d◊˙≤◊˙@ π–˛l π@–Q◊–d◊ π·◊, Ü÷◊·◊˙ ¡◊˙L–d◊ ~◊ ‘h§◊–¡◊ Ä˙É Δ≤◊y ÷◊£◊ Nh`◊Î◊–d◊ > ‘uˆ˛ ØhΩ Ä˙N–¡◊– ≠Á◊@–, Ä]— ©u¡◊≠~◊ ¡◊–Qh◊äd◊ ~◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ `◊§◊–≠ø ≠Δ Nh], ©u¡◊~◊ ¡◊˙ ‹≥¡◊˙ Δ˙ÜΩ ‘@u≠@ Ä˙Ø@ ¡◊–≠è◊·◊ π˙@–¡◊ ÷◊@– ~◊–ld◊– Ä˙Ø÷h◊ >íí
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332 Once more she mounted on the carven car And under the ardour of a fiery noon Less bright than the splendour of her thoughts and dreams She sped swift-reined, swift-hearted but still saw In still lucidities of sight’s inner world Through the cool-scented wood’s luxurious gloom On shadowy paths between great rugged trunks Pace towards a tranquil clearing Satyavan. A nave of trees enshrined the hermit thatch, The new deep covert of her felicity, Preferred to heaven her soul’s temple and home. This now remained with her, her heart’s constant scene. END OF CANTO THREE END OF BOOK FIVE
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≠]˙·◊–d◊ ]Q◊–d◊ Δ˙≠~◊ πhb– ≠N Ä˙≠@˙≤◊– ØÚ˙≤◊∂ π˛]@ d◊˙≠π (É©Î◊–Ø˙ Δ˙@ π@˙§F◊d◊ d◊˙ Nπ~◊ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ NØu≠π) ·◊´d◊≠¡◊≠s ·◊´d◊¡h◊≠÷◊ ≠Á◊@– Δ˙Å Δ˙Šĥ◊@ ©s≠d◊ ⁄–@ ¡◊–‘·◊ ~◊l≠~◊ ≠·◊]h‹≥≠`◊ ¡◊~◊˙~◊u@ ‘˙¥◊ Nh@§◊–d◊ Nh]·◊ d◊–Ø–@ ≠÷◊˙≠Î◊, ¡◊Õh◊@ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ¡◊~◊ªd◊– d◊≠Î◊ ·F◊≠@ π˛è◊˙l π‹≠@ Nd◊ä¡◊˙~Í◊ Q◊Îh◊‹≥≠`◊ ‘˙¥◊ π@–N≠@ > d◊˙πN@ πC◊’‘˙Î◊˙ Ø≤◊u@h≤◊ ≠ˆ@˙ > ≠·◊¡◊˙Î◊l NØ ~◊¡◊ ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ ~◊–§œ◊d◊ Ä˙k˙@ @§◊Nπh@u, N_sh’ Ω s@ulNu > @˙≠© Ü≠¡◊ ≤œ◊≠·◊ N·◊˙ Ü≤◊– ·œ◊‘äπË > (NØ˙D)
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rB π¡◊’ : ~◊–ld◊–@ π¡◊’
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336 Canto One
The Word of Fate IN SILENT bounds bordering the mortal’s plane Crossing a wide expanse of brilliant peace Narad the heavenly sage from Paradise Came chanting through the large and lustrous air. Attracted by the golden summer-earth That lay beneath him like a glowing bowl Tilted upon a table of the Gods, Turning as if moved round by an unseen hand To catch the warmth and blaze of a small sun, He passed from the immortals’ happy paths To a world of toil and quest and grief and hope, To these rooms of the see-saw game of death with life. Across an intangible border of soul-space He passed from Mind into material things Amid the inventions of the inconscient Self And the workings of a blind somnambulist Force. Below him circling burned the myriad suns: He bore the ripples of the etheric sea; A primal Air brought the first joy of touch; A secret Spirit drew its mighty breath Contracting and expanding this huge world
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π˛‹Ø Ns’
~◊–ld◊–@ ¡˙bu Ø≈◊’ä≠`˙÷◊ NuØ˙π˛˙≠¥◊ ~◊u@¡◊d◊˙ Ø≠Ú π˛§◊˙N_@ π˛‘˙¥◊–@ π˛‘g Ä˙÷˙‘ π˙@ ≠≤◊˙Å N_s’≠`˙÷◊÷h◊ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ÉEÎ◊ ≠¡◊ä˙Ø ØÚh s˙~◊ s˙Å ≠·◊¡◊r–’ ~◊˙@·◊ Ä˙N–≠`◊ ≠≤◊Ø˙§◊ s˛ur<-S@˙ Ä˙÷◊r’≠b d◊≠Î◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠·◊¡d◊˙ö◊ ≠§◊˙©~◊ Á◊Î◊÷◊ Éπ≠@ Nû–d◊ ‹≥`˙ Ä≠S˙Øh≠] ·◊uD π˙~◊π˙d◊˛ NØ, ÷◊˙í@ Ä·œ◊‘ä ≤◊≠g ¡◊˙ Q◊˙Î◊–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ≠N Ü÷◊ Oh·◊˛ d◊π~◊@ ©˙b–¡˙÷h◊ ≠Á◊@–‹≥≠`◊ d˙π à Ä˙≠`˙÷◊ > Äd◊–÷◊˛Ø– ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ö◊ Nh]Øl π‹ Ä˙N–≠`◊ ≠N π@–‘˛Ø Ä≠~◊_rb ·h◊º] Ä˙‘˙@ ©s≠d◊ Ü‹≥ ©u¡◊~◊-Ø@b Ä˙≠@˙≤◊b, Ä¡◊≠@˙≤◊ `uÎ◊˙@ Äú◊≠~◊ > Ī¸ ≠N Ä¥◊≠`◊’˙÷◊ NuØ˙ π˙@ ≠≤◊˙Å π˛≠¡◊‘–≠`◊ ©Ÿ@˙≠©ä ø˙Ÿ– Ø≠~◊˙§F◊Ø– ~◊–≠¢◊d◊~◊ Ä˙k˙@ Ü Nœ¸– Ø≠Ú Δ≤◊y d◊o◊˛˙dh◊@ ÄÕ◊‘ê◊– ÷◊˙Δ’ä@d◊ N·◊˙ > d◊≠Î◊ d◊˙ö◊ ˆF@– ˆF@– N…]ä˙≤◊u~◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ©Îh◊‹≥≠`◊ NFΔ’ä, Äd◊– NFO< Ä˙÷˙‘@ d◊@ú◊ §˙ú◊–`◊˙ ≠·◊≠≤◊, Ä˙≠b Ä˙·◊– ¡˙lh ª‘’@ π˛‹Ø Nh]; ~◊–sF˜ Q◊–~◊<l N≈◊˙ Ü÷◊ ≠~◊`◊˙ d◊˙í@ ¡–πhÎ◊ π˛‘_˙N N…≠÷◊˙Q◊ π˛N˙@ ÷◊@– ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ©sd◊ >
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338 In its formidable circuit through the Void; The secret might of the creative Fire Displayed its triple power to build and form, Its infinitesimal wave-sparks’ weaving dance, Its nebulous units grounding shape and mass, Magic foundation and pattern of a world, Its radiance bursting into the light of stars; He felt a sap of life, a sap of death; Into solid Matter’s dense communion Plunging and its obscure oneness of forms He shared with a dumb Spirit identity. He beheld the cosmic Being at his task, His eyes measured the spaces, gauged the depths, His inner gaze the movements of the soul, He saw the eternal labour of the Gods, And looked upon the life of beasts and men. A change now fell upon the singer’s mood, A rapture and a pathos moved his voice; He sang no more of Light that never wanes, And oneness and pure everlasting bliss, He sang no more the deathless heart of Love, His chant was a hymn of Ignorance and Fate. He sang the name of Vishnu and the birth And joy and passion of the mystic world, And how the stars were made and life began And the mute regions stirred with the throb of a Soul.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
É‚˙·÷◊ π˙¡◊÷◊@ sF˜ Ø≤◊˙¡◊Î◊ π˛÷˙‘–`◊˙ d◊˛–S˙‘ê◊– ~◊–Ø’˙b@, @Fπ ñ N©’~◊˙@ Oh·◊˛d◊Ø Äbh d◊@ú◊@ Äs∂–÷◊b˙ ¡◊≤h◊ §ú◊ ~œ◊d◊ä, Ä˙·◊–Ø˙d◊˛˙ Ī¸ Ä˙S˙@ Δ˙≤◊˙ π–—-Ä˙÷œ◊d◊–@ ©sd◊@ π˛d◊–Ø˙~◊, π˛d◊–B˙@ Δ˙·h◊ ·◊uD– Δ˙@ ¡◊–èh◊@–d◊ ~◊Od◊˛ ·h◊äd◊–≠@ > ©u¡◊~◊-Ø@b @N ÷◊@– Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ N≤◊N˙ Xh◊¡◊–≠`◊ Ör– ˆ~◊ ©Ÿ Ø≠Ú d◊˙@ N˙o◊˛ N…Ø–Î◊≠~◊, @Fπ@ Ī¸ Ü÷◊d◊_≠@ N≤◊§◊˙su ≠≤◊≠`◊ ØF÷◊Ä˙k˙ d◊˙·◊˙kä≠@, ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ≠N ÷◊˙Δ’ä≠@ ~◊–@d◊ ¡◊˛≤◊<˙—-πh@hr; ·œ◊¸– ÷◊`˙ d◊˙ö◊ Ø˙π Ä˙÷˙‘ ¡◊–g˙@ πhb– d◊Î◊ s§◊u@d◊˙ > Ä¥◊@˙k˙ sd◊–¡◊–S≥ Ä˙¥◊@ ·œ◊¸–≠@ ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ≠N, ¡◊–≠`◊˙÷◊–≠`◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ π˛l˙N ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ö◊, πhb– π‘h, Ø˙~◊¡◊ ©u¡◊~◊ > s˙l÷◊ö◊ Q◊–≠≈◊ Ü≠¡◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ §◊˙¡◊˙¥◊@, ÷◊˙@hbä Ä˙≠¡◊‘ ÷◊£◊ ÷◊`◊˙ Ä˙≠`◊˙Ÿ–d◊, ~◊ π˙@–≠`◊ s˙Å Ä˙É Q◊–@ ÄØÎ◊–~◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊@ s˙‹˙; Ü÷◊d◊_@ ¡◊˙≈◊’˙ Ä¡◊˙ ~◊–d◊ä ¡◊–ØÎ◊ Nh]@, @≤◊Nä@ ÷◊‹˙ Ä¡◊˙ ÄØ@ ≠π˛Ø@, s˙~◊ ≠N ÷◊@–≠`◊ Ä™˙~◊ à ~◊–ld◊–@, ¡◊–Ãhö◊@ ~◊˙Ø, ©~◊<, Ä~h◊@˙s, ≤◊r’ s≤◊~◊≠`◊˙÷◊@ > s˙Å≠`◊ ÷◊–π@– ≠≤◊`◊˙ d◊˙@˙ö◊ @Q◊~◊˙, NFd◊˛π˙d◊ ©u¡◊~◊@, ~◊–¡◊’˙÷Í◊ ÄGÎ◊ Œh◊@–d◊ ÷◊–π@– ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ä˙k˙@ ªo◊≠~◊ >
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340 He sang the Inconscient and its secret self, Its power omnipotent knowing not what it does, All-shaping without will or thought or sense, Its blind unerring occult mystery, And darkness yearning towards the eternal Light, And Love that broods within the dim abyss And waits the answer of the human heart, And death that climbs to immortality. He sang of the Truth that cries from Night’s blind deeps, And the Mother-Wisdom hid in Nature’s breast And the Idea that through her dumbness works And the miracle of her transforming hands, Of life that slumbers in the stone and sun And Mind subliminal in mindless life, And the Consciousness that wakes in beasts and men. He sang of the glory and marvel still to be born, Of Godhead throwing off at last its veil, Of bodies made divine and life made bliss, Immortal sweetness clasping immortal might, Heart sensing heart, thought looking straight at thought,
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s˙Å≠`◊ ≠N ÄQ◊–d◊–@, πhb– d◊˙í@ sF˜ N≈◊˙@, π˛§◊˙¡◊ Δ˙í@ N¡◊’‘ê◊–Øl, ÷◊@Å Δ˙í N¡h◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ ©˙≠b ~◊˙ ÷◊– ÷◊≠@ > Åè◊˙, Q◊–¥◊˙, Åo◊–˛l@ ≠¡◊˙S‘ê◊– ¡◊–~◊˙ @≠Q◊ N¡h◊; d◊˙í@ ÄÕ◊, ħ◊˛˙¥◊, ~◊–sF˜ @≤◊Nä@; d◊Ø–N˛˙@ Ée£◊˙ Δ˙≤◊˙@ ‘˙‘_d◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷; ≠π˛Ø@ Δ˙ Ú˙~◊Øs∂ ~◊–w˛§◊ Äd◊≠Î◊, Ä≠πO˙≠@ @≠≤◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ Ø–Î◊–¡◊ É≈◊@ d◊˙÷h◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊-Ä¥◊@h; s˙Å≠`◊ Øœdh◊ä@ s˙~◊ Ä˙≠@˙≤◊b ÷◊@– Δ˙Ü ≠Δ ÄØœd◊ S˙≠Ø; π@Ø Nd◊ä@ s˙~◊ ÷◊≠`◊ @©~◊u@ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@ s§h◊’ ÷◊≠@ Δ˙ ~◊–~◊˙·◊; π˛™˙Ølu ©~◊~◊u@ π˛è◊¤ @≤◊–ø– Δ˙≤◊˙ π˛÷œ◊d◊–-≤œ◊·◊≠l > §◊˙¡◊~◊˙@ ØF÷◊§◊˙≠¡◊ ÷◊≠@ Δ˙≤◊˙N¡h◊; @Fπ˙¥◊@÷◊˙@u d◊˙í@ ≤◊g Ä˙¢◊Δ’ä@ > s˙Å≠`◊ ≠N π˛˙b@ Δ˙ NhD NF≠Δ’ä πhb– ‘–Î◊˙Ø≠Ú, Ø~◊@ Δ˙ @≠≤◊ Ä¡◊≠Q◊d◊ Ø~◊‘F~◊ä π˛˙b Ø≠Ú; ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@ Δ˙≤◊˙ ©˙s–É≠∫◊ π‘h Ä˙É Ø˙~◊¡◊ ØÚ≠@ > §◊˙¡◊u Q◊Øe˙@, Äπ@Fπ Ø≤◊–Ø˙@ > π˛§h◊ö◊@ ≠‘r≠@ ≠Δ ≠·◊≠¡◊ ÄπN˙@– Ä˙¡◊@b d◊˙ö◊, d◊~h◊@ Δ˙ ≠≤◊¡◊ ·◊–¡◊ä, π˛˙b@ Δ˙ ≠≤◊¡◊ πFC◊’ Ä˙~◊o◊@ @≠N > s˙Å≠`◊ ≠N Ör– πhb– ÄØ@ Ø˙ShΔ’ä Ä˙≠‘mr ÷◊@–¡◊ Øœdh◊äzlu Ø≤◊˙‘ê◊–, N≤◊≠© ÷◊@–¡◊ Ü÷◊ ≤œ◊·◊l Ä˙‘l Ä~◊ä≤œ◊·◊ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊, ≠·◊]≥¡◊ N@Î◊ Q◊–¥◊˙ Ü÷◊ Ä~◊äQ◊–¥◊˙, ≠≤◊¡◊ Éf˙@–d◊ 341
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342 And the delight when every barrier falls, And the transfiguration and the ecstasy. And as he sang the demons wept with joy Foreseeing the end of their long dreadful task And the defeat for which they hoped in vain, And glad release from their self-chosen doom And return into the One from whom they came. He who has conquered the Immortals’ seats, Came down to men on earth the Man divine. As darts a lightning streak, a glory fell Nearing until the rapt eyes of the sage Looked out from luminous cloud and, strangely limned, His face, a beautiful mask of antique joy, Appearing in light descended where arose King Aswapati’s palace to the winds In Madra, flowering up in delicate stone. There welcomed him the sage and thoughtful king, At his side a creature beautiful, passionate, wise, Aspiring like a sacrificial flame Skyward from its earth-seat through luminous air, Queen-browed, the human mother of Savitri. There for an hour untouched by the earth’s siege They ceased from common life and care and sat
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Ä˙~◊o◊ N÷◊Î◊ ¡◊˙S˙ ≤h◊Ü ≠Δ≠¡◊ ·F◊@ > π˛÷◊˙‘–¡◊ @Fπ˙¥◊@, π@Ø É`◊∑˙N > ≠·◊¡◊r–’ s˙Å¡◊˙ N≠ú◊ πh`◊≠÷◊ ·◊˙~◊¡◊ ÷◊≠`◊ Ä‘´π˙d◊ ©˙b– ·◊uˆ’ §◊l˙~◊÷◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä ≠‘r ≠≤◊¡◊ ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊, π@˙§◊¡◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ Δ˙ ¡œ◊‹˙≠@ Ä˙‘˙ ÷◊@–‹≥≠`◊ πhb– Ä˙~◊≠o◊ Ø–Î◊–¡◊ Øhê◊– ≠N_è◊˙¡œ◊d◊ π˙‘h ~◊–ld◊–@, Δ–≠¡◊ ≠Á◊@– ≠ΔÉΩ∫◊˙@h Ä˙≠s Ä˙N–‹≥≠`◊ ≠N≤◊– Ü÷◊ Ä·◊_–d◊ul s≠§◊’ > ©l ÷◊`◊˙ ≠Δ Ø˙~◊¡◊ ÄØ@@ π·◊ > Ä¡◊d◊@– Ä˙N–`◊˙ ≠N ·◊–¡◊ä~◊@ πœ‹_uØ˙~◊¡◊ ØÚ≠@; ~◊–πd◊–d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ü÷◊ ÉEÎ◊ Ø≤◊–Ø˙ ¡◊–·h◊ä≠`◊∑]˙ NØ π˙≠‘, Ä˙¡◊–¸ ~◊l≠~◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ≠·◊¡◊r–’ §◊˙N_@ ¡◊˙@–·◊ ØÚh; ÄπF¡◊’, Q◊–d◊–˛d◊ Øh] d◊˙ö◊ @Øbul ÄÎ◊…÷œ◊d◊ @Fπ πh@˙d◊~◊ Ä˙~◊o◊@, π˛÷◊˙‘– Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ Ä¡◊d◊uC◊’ ≠≤◊`◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙ Δ≤◊y Ø·◊˛@˙© Ä‘_πd◊–ö◊@ π˛˙N˙·◊ ≠d◊˙Î◊–ø– ‘–@ ¡◊–÷◊Q◊ ÷h◊NhØ NØ ≠÷◊˙ØÎ◊ ‘–Î◊˙≠@ > Q◊–¥◊˙‘uÎ◊ @˙©˙÷◊≠`◊ Ör–öh◊ N_˙sd◊, π˙≠‘ ‹≥≠`◊ ≠‘˙§◊~◊ul˙ Ä~h◊@˙sØlu ¡◊–™~◊˙@u, d◊u¡◊˛ Ä˙ªœ≤◊˙@ ØF≈◊–’ Δ‹˙ Δ™@ Ä~◊Î◊‘–]˙ ·◊uD Ä¥◊@uO ≠§◊·◊– É≠∫◊ ss~◊≠@ πœ‹_u-≠¡◊·◊–÷◊˙@h > @˙™u ≠N ~◊˙@u@ @F≠π N˙¡◊–d◊˛u ©~◊~◊u > Øh≤F◊≈◊’÷◊ π˙ÅΩ d◊≤◊y π˙‹≥’¡◊ ¡◊gh@ ¡◊ägd◊˙@h Øhê◊ N¡h◊, N˙Ø˙~◊ä ©u¡◊~◊ Q◊–¥◊˙@h ¡◊–@d◊ @≤◊– ‘hbh‹≥≠`◊ ¡◊N– 343
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344 Inclining to the high and rhythmic voice, While in his measured chant the heavenly seer Spoke of the toils of men and what the gods Strive for on earth, and joy that throbs behind The marvel and the mystery of pain. He sang to them of the lotus-heart of love With all its thousand luminous buds of truth, Which quivering sleeps veiled by apparent things. It trembles at each touch, it strives to wake And one day it shall hear a blissful voice And in the garden of the Spouse shall bloom When she is seized by her discovered lord. A mighty shuddering coil of ecstasy Crept through the deep heart of the universe. Out of her Matter’s stupor, her mind’s dreams, She woke, she looked upon God’s unveiled face. Even as he sang and rapture stole through earth-time And caught the heavens, came with a call of hooves, As of her swift heart hastening, Savitri; Her radiant tread glimmered across the floor. A happy wonder in her fathomless gaze,
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ÉdÍ◊÷◊C◊’ É·◊˙≈◊ øo◊ ØSh@ N_@≠@ `◊l d◊˙≠Î◊ s˙É‹≥≠`◊ ≠·◊¡◊r–’ ~◊˙@·◊ Ø~h◊rä@ ‘˛Ø ÷◊‹˙, πhb– S@˙π≠@ Ä˙l˙N ÷◊@¥◊– Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ N÷◊Î◊, Δ»b˙@ Q◊Øe˙@ @≤◊Nä πø≠@ ªo◊–d◊ ≤h◊Ü ≠Δ s˙‹˙ ≠N≤◊– πh`◊÷◊@ > s˙Å≠` ≠N Ör– πhb– ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊ Ä˙≠s Nd◊ä@ N≤◊N˛ ÉEÎ◊ ÷◊Î◊–÷◊˙ N≤◊ ≠π˛Ø Ä@¡◊–o◊-≤œ◊·◊ NhØSh@ s˙‹˙, ÷◊fi–d◊ ≠‘˙Åø– Δ˙≤◊˙ Ä˙π˙d◊ ¡◊gh@ Ä˙¡◊@b Ä¥◊@˙≠Î◊; ‹@– É≠∫◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ π˛d◊–ª≠‘’, ©˙s–¡◊˙÷h◊ ÷◊≠@ d◊˙ π˛l˙N > ‘hb–¡◊ ≠N ·◊–≠~◊ Ü÷◊ Ä˙~◊o◊@ N_@, π˛Œh◊Ë–d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ π–˛l@ ɇ˙≠~◊ S@–≠¡◊ d◊˙≤◊˙÷h◊ ≠Δ≠¡◊ π˛÷◊Ë–d◊ d◊˙í@ π˛§h◊ Ä˙`◊–ú◊~◊ π˙≠‘; π@Ø˙~◊o◊@ d◊u¡◊˛ ‘–≤◊@b Ü÷◊ ¡◊–‘_@ s§◊u@ Ä¥◊≠@ π˛N@–s`◊˙ Ä`◊O–≠d◊ Su≠@ > ©Ÿ@ NhrhD– ≠§◊·◊–, ≠§◊·◊– Ø~◊N_π∂ ©˙s˛d◊ ~◊l≠~◊ d◊˙í@ ÷◊`◊˙ ¡◊–≠`◊˙÷◊~◊ Ä~◊˙¡œ◊d◊ Øh]≠‘˙§◊˙ π@Ø π˛§h◊ö◊ > ≠·◊¡◊r–’ s˙Å≠`◊ ≠Δ≠¡◊ Ä˙≤◊∑˙·◊@ S˙@˙ Su≠@ Su≠@ s`◊˙ ¡◊≤◊– Ob ÷◊˙Î◊ π˙ÅΩ S@bu≠@, Ä¥◊@u≠O; π˛≠¡◊‘–≠`◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ d◊_@–d◊ ≤œ◊·◊≠l Ä˙N– N≤◊N˙ N˙¡◊–d◊˛u dh◊@s@ Oh@ S_~◊– N≤◊; ÷◊Od◊Î n`◊÷◊– É∫◊–`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ Q◊@b ÷◊˙¥◊–≠@ > Äs˙S ·œ◊¸–≠@ d◊˙ö◊ §◊@–‹≥`◊˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊ 345
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Changed by the halo of her love she came; Her eyes rich with a shining mist of joy As one who comes from a heavenly embassy Discharging the proud mission of her heart, One carrying the sanction of the gods To her love and its luminous eternity, She stood before her mighty father’s throne And, eager for beauty on discovered earth Transformed and new in her heart’s miracle-light, Saw like a rose of marvel, worshipping, The fire-tinged sweetness of the son of Heaven. He flung on her his vast immortal look; His inner gaze surrounded her with its light And reining back knowledge from his immortal lips He cried to her, “Who is this that comes, the bride, The flame-born, and round her illumined head Pouring their lights her hymeneal pomps Move flashing about her? From what green glimmer of glades Retreating into dewy silences Or half-seen verge of waters moon-betrayed Bringst thou this glory of enchanted eyes? Earth has gold-hued expanses, shadowy hills That cowl their dreaming phantom heads in night,
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N˙~◊o◊ ¡◊–N<l; Ä˙N–≠`◊ ≠N ≠π˛Øπ˛§◊˙Ø—Î◊≠@ ¡◊≤◊– ~◊¡◊ @Fπ; Q◊Oh·◊_l πh`◊÷◊@ NØhEÎ◊ Ä‘´≠@ ‘˛uØl > N_s’≠`◊˙÷h◊ ≠Á◊@– Δ‹˙ Ä˙≠N @˙©·F◊d◊ Ä¥◊@@ Ø≤◊˙¡◊˛d◊ ÷◊@– É·Í◊Δ˙π~◊ ‘˙‘_d◊, ÉEÎ◊ d◊˙ö◊ ≠π˛Ø π˙ÅΩ d◊‹˙ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ö◊ Ä~h◊Ød◊– ≠~◊Å ≠N ≠Nπ@– ≠Á◊@– Ä˙N– ≠≤◊≠`◊ ∫◊–Ä˙ N–…≤◊˙N~◊ Ä˙≠s Ø≤◊˙¡◊u@ π–d◊˙ö◊@; ≤œ◊·◊l@ d◊˙ö Q◊Øe˙@ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊≠@ πœ‹_u ~◊¡◊@Fπ ≠‘˙§◊˙@ ·◊‘’~◊ π˙ÅΩ Éfh÷◊ ~◊l≠~◊ ÄÒh◊d◊ ≠s˙`◊˙π NØ ©_Î◊¥◊ Ø˙ShΔ’ä, ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ≠N ≠·◊¡◊r–’öh, ÷◊≠`◊ Ä˙@˙S~◊˙ > N˙¡◊–d◊˛uö◊ Éπ≠@ ≠N π÷◊˙Å≠` d◊˙ö◊ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊, ÄØ@ ·œ◊¸–; Ä˙¥◊@ ~◊l~◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ≠ˆ@–≠`◊ d◊˙öh◊; ÷◊@– N¯@b ÄØ@ ÄS@ àBh πFC◊’™˙~◊ d◊˙ö◊ Éé◊÷◊≠£◊ ÷◊≤◊–≠`◊ ≠N ëë÷◊–Ü Ü÷◊ Ä˙≠N π˙¡◊÷◊-N…§◊¡◊˙ ¡◊SF, ·◊uD ‘–@ d◊˙í@ ≠ˆ@– n@–π≠Ÿ ≠©ä˙d◊–, π@–bl ≠‘˙§◊˙ N≤◊N˙ Q◊Ø÷◊– É≠∫◊ Q◊Éπ˙≠‘ d◊˙í@ ? ‘–‘–@-~◊–r–ê◊ ≠÷◊ÉΩ ≤◊@–dÍ◊ ¡◊C◊’@ Ü÷◊˙¥◊ ~◊u@¡◊ ¡◊~◊ Ī¸ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷h◊, Q◊o◊–˛÷◊˙ ≠‘˙§◊–d◊ Ä¡◊˙ ÄM’-·œ◊¸ ≠÷◊ÉΩ ©Î◊˙‘l d◊Ëh dh◊≠Ø Øhç~◊l~◊@ Ä˙b– ÷◊– Ä˙N–ø Ü≤◊– @hQ◊–@ Ø≤◊–Ø˙ ? S@˙@ @≤◊–ø– ≠÷◊≠d◊ Nh¡◊C◊’ ¡◊C◊’@ π˛N˙@–d◊ §F◊Ø–, ≠÷◊≠d◊ π˛è◊˙l˙ π¡◊’d◊ N_π∂`◊u~◊ ø˙l˙ØF≈◊–’ NØ Δ˙ Ä˙¡œ◊d◊ 347
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348 And, guarded in a cloistral joy of woods, Screened banks sink down into felicity...” *
“My will is part of the eternal Will,* My fate is what my spirit’s strength can make,** My fate is what my spirit’s strength can bear; My strength is not the Titan’s; it is God’s. I have discovered my glad reality Beyond my body in another’s being: I have found the deep unchanging soul of love. Then how shall I desire a lonely good, Or slay, aspiring to white vacant peace, The endless hope that made my soul spring forth Out of its infinite solitude and sleep? My spirit has glimpsed the glory for which it came, The beating of one vast heart in the flame of things, My eternity clasped by his eternity And, tireless of the sweet abysms of Time, Deep possibility always to love. This, this is first, last joy and to its throb The riches of a thousand fortunate years
* ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ πœB˙ 435, πGØ π˙·◊@h Ä˙@} > ** Ü≤◊˙@ π@¡≈◊’u S˙Ÿ–Ë– Ä~F◊·◊–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊˙≤◊y >
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÷◊@¥◊– ~◊–©@ ‘–@ @≤◊– Nh@O–d◊, ¡◊~◊˙~◊u Ä˙‘˛l πh`◊÷◊ Ø≠Ú π˛è◊¤ d◊Ë–~◊u d◊u@ ≠÷◊≠d◊Δ˙Ü Xh◊¡◊– Ä˙~◊o◊Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘ ©Î◊Ø≠Ú,...íí * * * ëëN…÷◊À◊ ≠Ø˙ Ä…‘ Ü÷◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ Åè◊˙@, ~◊–ld◊– ≠Ø˙ Ä˙k‘ê◊– Nœ¸–÷◊≠@ Δ˙≤◊˙; ¡◊uΔ’ä ≠Ø˙@ Ç‘_@ö◊, ~h◊≠≤◊Ω ·◊˙~◊¡◊@ > ≠·◊]≥ø– N˙~◊o◊ Nd◊ä ©u¡◊~◊@ ≠Ø˙@ ‘@u@ ¡◊˙≤◊˙≠@ Ä˙~◊©~◊@ N≈◊˙≠@; Ä˙¡◊– ˙@ ÷◊@–ø– ØhΩ ÄQh◊äd◊ s§◊u@ ≠π˛Ø Ä¥◊@˙k˙; ≠d◊≠¡◊ ÷◊@–¡◊– ÷◊–π@– Ä˙÷◊˙^Í◊O˙ ~◊–ºNú◊ ‘h§◊, Ä‹¡◊˙ Ä˙ªœ≤◊˙ ÷◊@– Ü÷◊ ‘h§◊˛, @–ê◊ π˛‘˙¥◊– π˙ÅΩ ØhΩ ÷◊–π@– ÷◊@–¡◊– ~◊˙‘ Ä¥◊≤◊u~◊ ≠Ø˙@ ~◊–@¡◊S≥ ¡◊–©~◊d◊˙ NhrhD– ØÚ@h ? Ä˙k˙ ≠Ø˙@ Ø≤◊–Ø˙@ π˙Åø– Ä˙§◊˙N Δ˙≤◊˙ π˙ÅΩ Ä˙N–ø– ≠N S@bu-¡◊O≠@, N÷◊Î◊¡◊gh@ ØØ’⁄≠Î◊ π˛©_Î◊–d◊ Ä~h◊@˙s Äs∂–‘–]˙ Ø≠Ú π˛ªo◊~◊ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ≤◊–Ä˙@ Ü÷◊, Ä˙≠‘mr ΔhsÎ◊ Ä~◊¥◊ N≈◊˙@, ‘˛˙¥◊–≤◊u~◊, NhØSh@ Äd◊Î◊ ÷◊˙Î◊≠@, N…§◊˙¡◊~◊˙ Ä¡◊–@d◊ ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ ≠π˛Ø@ ñ Ü≤◊˙, Ü≤◊˙ ≠Δ π˛‹Ø, Q◊@Ø πh`◊÷◊, Δ˙í@ N@N ÷◊fi~◊ dh◊è◊ Ø≠b N≤◊N˛˙›◊ Nh§◊s N…Q◊–d◊
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350 Are poverty. Nothing to me are death and grief Or ordinary lives and happy days. And what to me are common souls of men Or eyes and lips that are not Satyavan’s? I have no need to draw back from his arms And the discovered paradise of his love And journey into a still infinity. Only now for my soul in Satyavan I treasure the rich occasion of my birth: In sunlight and a dream of emerald ways I shall walk with him like gods in Paradise. If for a year, that year is all my life. And yet I know this is not all my fate Only to live and love awhile and die. For I know now why my spirit came on earth And who I am and who he is I love. I have looked at him from my immortal Self, I have seen God smile at me in Satyavan; I have seen the Eternal in a human face.” Then none could answer to her words. Silent They sat and looked into the eyes of Fate. END OF CANTO ONE
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N…π·◊; ≠Ø˙ π˙ÅΩ ÷◊–ø– ~h◊≠≤◊Ω Øœdh◊ä, ≠‘˙÷◊ N˙S˙@b ©u¡◊~◊ ¡◊˙ Nh]Øl ·◊–~◊; ≠Ø˙ π˙ÅΩ ÷◊– ≠`◊˙Ÿ˙ πhb– N˙S˙@b ~◊@ Ä¥◊@˙k˙, ÄS≠@˙B ~◊l~◊ ¡◊˙ Δ˙≤◊˙ ~h◊≠≤◊Ω Nd◊ä¡◊˙~◊ö◊@ ? ~◊˙≤◊y π˛≠l˙©~◊ ¡◊˙≤h◊@ ¡◊Õ◊~h◊ d◊˙ö, πhb– Ä˙¡◊– œd◊ π˛bl N_≠`◊’˙÷h◊ d◊˙ö◊ ≠Á◊@– ÷◊˙≤◊y Ü÷◊ ~◊–¢◊Î◊ ~◊–ºNuØ @˙≠©ä Δ˙d◊˛˙ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ > N…Q◊–d◊ ÷◊@– ØhΩ Ü≠¡◊ @≠] ≠Ø˙ ©u¡◊~◊ Ø≤◊˙ˆ’ Nh≠Δ˙s ≠Ø˙@ Ä¥◊@˙k˙ π˙ÅΩ Nd◊ä¡◊˙~◊ö◊@ N≈◊˙ Ø≠Ú; NFΔ’ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ¡◊–Q◊@b ÷◊@–¡◊– ØhΩ d◊˙ö◊ N≠ú◊ N_π∂Ø@÷◊d◊ π≠‹ N_≠s’ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ NØ˙~◊ > Ü÷◊ ¡◊r’ π˙ÅΩ Δ·◊– Ü≤◊– Nh] ≠d◊≠¡◊ πFC◊’ ≠Ø˙ ©u¡◊~◊ ≠≤◊É ≠N≤◊– N…¡◊f@ ©˙≠b ØhΩ d◊‹˙π– ~h◊≠≤◊Ω Ü≤◊˙ ≠Ø˙ NØs˛ ~◊–ld◊–, ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ¡◊G≥ Ø@–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠‘≠r ≠π˛Ø ÷◊@– Ob ÷◊˙Î; ©˙≠b ≠ΔÉΩ ≠≤◊dh◊ S@˙d◊≠Î◊ Ä˙k˙ ≠Ø˙@ Ä˙N–ø– ÷◊˙≤◊y÷◊– ÷◊–Ü ØhΩ, ÷◊–Ü ≠N ≠Ø˙@ π˛bl Ä˙ª·◊ > d◊˙öh◊ ØhΩ ≠·◊]≥ø– ≠Ø˙@ ÄØ@ Ä˙k˙@h, ≠·◊]≥ø– ØhΩ N<–d◊≤◊˙Nä π@Ø˙k˙ö◊@ Nd◊ä¡◊˙~Í◊ @F≠π; Ü÷◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ ¡◊·◊≠~◊ ·◊‘’~◊ ÷◊@–ø– ~◊–d◊ä ‘˙‘_d◊ π˛§h◊öh◊ >íí ~◊–@h≈◊@ ≠d◊≠¡◊ N¡h◊; ~◊–¡◊’˙÷Í◊ ~◊–wo ¡◊N– ÷◊≠`◊ ~◊–@uOb ~◊–ld◊– ≠~◊d◊˛÷h◊ > (NØ˙D)
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3rd Final : 24/10/2009
·◊_–d◊ul Ns’
~◊–ld◊–@ @ud◊– à ≠÷◊m‘@ NØNä˙ ÌÄ‘_πd◊–ö◊ @˙bu ~◊–© ÷◊~◊ä˙ N˙¡◊–d◊˛uö◊ ~◊–ld◊– ØÚ≠@ NØs˛ Ø˙~◊¡◊©˙d◊–@ ·h◊@¥◊ ~◊–ld◊–÷h◊ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊@–ø¥◊– à d◊–˛÷◊˙Î◊™ ≠·◊¡◊r–’ö◊ ·◊–¡◊ä™˙~◊ ·◊_˙@˙ Ø~h◊rä@ ·h◊º] Δ»b˙@ @≤◊Nä É·Í◊ˆ˙Ë~◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ π˛l˙N ÷◊@–ø¥◊– > d◊˙ö◊@ ¡◊–gœd◊ ©–™˙N˙ ØÚ≠@ π˙‹≥’¡◊ ©u¡◊~◊@ π˛˙l N¡h◊ sh@hd◊_πFC◊’ NØNä˙ ⁄˙~◊ `◊˙§◊ ÷◊@–ø– > Ü≤◊– rBπ¡◊’≤◊y ‘˛uÄ@¡◊–o◊ö◊@ N˙¡◊–d◊˛u@ Ä¥◊–Ø N…≠‘˙S~◊ > ¡◊≤h◊ @≤◊NäπFC◊’ π^ÍÍê◊– Ü‹≥≠@ @≤◊–ø– > ¡–◊‘_÷h◊ N÷◊Î◊ π˛÷◊˙@◊ ·h◊º]≠÷m◊ ‘@h◊ ÉM◊˙@◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ¡–◊‘_ÉM◊˙@◊÷◊ ÷– ·h◊@F◊≤◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä ÷◊@h◊ø◊¥–◊, d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ NFQ◊~◊˙ ≠N Ü‹≥≠@ ≠·◊Åø◊¥–◊ > ≠SÊΔ’ä@◊ N≤◊ ≠÷m◊‘÷h◊ N≤◊ä ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙, Ç‘_@ö◊ Ä˙‘˛l ≠~◊¡◊˙ à ~–◊@◊¥◊@◊ ·–◊¡◊äNd◊ä, ≠π˛Ø à ‘˙¥–◊÷◊h π˙Å¡◊˙ `◊˙s– Ä˙ªœ≤◊˙ ÷◊@◊–¡◊˙ d◊‹˙ N≠¡’◊˙π@–◊ Ä˙Nh@◊–÷◊ Ø˙s’÷◊h ¡◊©◊’~◊ ÷◊@◊–¡◊˙ à ·◊˙~◊¡◊@◊ ·h◊~’◊ud–◊, ¡–◊÷œ◊d◊ N…÷◊À◊ à Ä≤◊…÷◊˙@N¡’◊N_ ·h◊s’d◊ à s≤–’◊d◊÷◊@◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä@◊ ¡◊C’~◊˙ ÷◊@–◊ Øb–r ©◊˙d–◊÷h◊ N¡’◊‹˙ d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ Ø˙s’÷h◊ d◊ä˙s ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠N Éπ≠·◊‘ ≠·◊Åø◊¥–◊ > ‘hb˙Δ˙Ü ‘˛uÄ@¡◊–o◊ ~◊–©@ ~◊–§œ◊d◊ ÷◊O@h ·◊_–d◊ul Ø≤◊˙NØ@ NØl≠@ ¡◊–`◊˙d◊@ π˛S˙~◊ Ø»u d◊‹˙ Ø–d◊˛-‘ê◊–ö◊ πO@ Ü÷◊ π˛S˙~◊ ≠~◊d◊˙ Q◊é◊–’`◊öh◊ Ä¥◊@˙Î◊@h π@–Q◊˙Î◊–d◊ ÷◊@h‹≥≠`◊ > ¡◊–`◊˙d◊@ ©~◊Ø˙~◊N d◊‹˙ πœ‹≥¡◊u¡◊˙Nuö◊ N˙≤◊N÷h◊ Ädh◊Ë @]≥¡◊˙≠@ Q◊é◊–’`◊ö◊ à©N_–~◊u ≠¡◊d◊˙@-¡◊êœ◊d◊˙ Ø»‘ê◊– π@– ÷◊˙Δ’ä ÷◊@–‹≥`◊˙ > d◊˙ö◊@ Ü÷◊ ¡◊êœ◊d◊˙@ π˛N–M π^Í◊ê◊≠– @ ‘‘blood, sweat, toil and tears’’ ‹≥`◊˙; ≠N d◊˙ö◊@ ≠·◊‘¡◊˙Nuöh◊ N≠¯˙S~◊ ÷◊@– ÷◊≤◊–‹≥≠`◊, ëëÄ˙πbØ˙~◊öh◊ ≠Ø˙@ ≠N_·◊, @ê◊, ‘˛Ø à ≠`◊˙d◊÷◊ ≠·◊¡◊˙ ¡◊äd◊ud◊ Ä~◊ä ÷◊–ø– ~◊˙≤◊yíí > d◊˙ö◊@ ÜÅ ÷◊‹˙Ë– ¡◊–˛Ë–‘ ©˙d◊–÷h◊ ¡◊≤h◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@ É·Í◊¡h◊M ÷◊@–‹≥`◊˙ > ∫◊–÷Í◊ ≠N≤◊– ‘›◊N…§◊˙@ ‘˛uÄ@¡◊–o◊ö◊ ‘‘A doom of blood and sweat and toil and tears.’’ π^Í◊ê◊–Ë– Ü‹≥≠@ @≤◊–ø– > ÜÅ ≠÷◊≠d◊˙Ë– N¡◊’©~◊≠¡◊˙Ú N@Î◊‘›◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ π˛‹≠Ø π@Ø≠¡◊ä˙Ø≠@ ‘˛uÄ@¡◊–o◊ö◊ ÷◊£◊≠@ Éé◊˙@–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥`◊˙; d◊˙≤◊˙@ Ä~h◊@b~◊ Q◊é◊–’`◊ S@–π˙@–‹≥≠`◊ à Ä˙πb˙ ¡◊ê◊¡◊ä ØÚ≠@ π˛≠l˙s ÷◊@–‹≥≠`◊ > ⁄FÎ◊ ©sd◊≠@ ©Ÿ@ π˛d◊–¡◊Õ◊÷◊ ‹˙Åπ˙≠@, Ø˙d◊˛ Q◊–≈◊˙÷◊˙‘ à Q◊–·◊˙÷◊˙‘≠@ §◊˙¡◊ à §◊˙r˙ N…Q◊˙@ ÷◊@–¡◊˙≠@ ÷◊–ø– Ä¥◊@˙l ~◊˙≤◊y > Ü÷◊‹˙ ≠Δ˙suØ˙≠~◊ ©˙b¥◊– à Ü≤◊˙@ ª¸ π˛Ø˙b Q◊é◊–’`◊ö◊ ¡◊êœ◊d◊˙ > ñ Ä~h◊¡◊˙·◊÷◊± 353
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The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain “...Is it thy God who made this cruel law?* Or some disastrous Power has marred his work And he stands helpless to defend or save? A fatal seed was sown in life’s false start When evil twinned with good on earthly soil. Then first appeared the malady of mind, Its pang of thought, its quest for the aim of life. It twisted into forms of good and ill The frank simplicity of the animal’s acts; It turned the straight path hewn by the body’s gods, Followed the zigzag of the uncertain course Of life that wanders seeking for its aim In the pale starlight falling from thought’s skies, Its guides the unsure idea, the wavering will. Lost was the instinct’s safe identity With the arrow-point of being’s inmost sight, Marred the sure steps of Nature’s simple walk And truth and freedom in the growing soul.
* ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ πœB˙ 438, rB π˙·◊@h Ä˙@} > 3rd Final : 24/10/2009
·◊_–d◊ul Ns’
~◊–ld◊–@ @ud◊– à ≠÷◊m‘@ NØNä˙ ëë...dh◊Ø π@Ø˙k˙ ÷◊íb @Q◊–ø¥◊– Ü≤◊– ~◊–Bh@ ~◊–lØ ? Ä¡◊˙ ¡◊–~◊˙‘÷◊˙@–bu ‘ê◊– ≠÷◊ÉΩ ÷◊Ø’ d◊˙ö◊ ÷◊@–ø– ¡◊–÷œ◊d◊, N≤◊˙l‘F~◊ä ≠N πhb– ≠≤◊˙Åø¥◊– ∫◊–Ä˙ @O˙ Ä¡◊˙ π@–d◊˛˙b ~◊ ÷◊@– d◊˙ö◊@ N©’~◊˙÷h◊ ? ¡◊–ˆ˙d◊÷◊ ¡◊u© ≠≤◊`◊˙ ÉD ©u¡◊~◊@ Ø–‹ä˙@≠} ≠Δ≠¡◊ S@bu@ Ø˙Ë–≠@ Ä‘h§◊ N≠ú◊ Δhê◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ‘h§◊, π˛‹≠Ø π˛÷◊Ë ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊ Ø˙~◊N–÷◊ ¡◊ä˙S≥, πuŸ˙ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙@; `◊Oä Ä≠~◊_rb ©u¡◊~◊@; ÷◊·◊‹’ Ü ÷◊@–`◊˙ π‘h@ Ä¡◊ä˙©, N@Î◊ ÷◊Ø’ §◊`◊ Øo◊ @F≠π > ¡◊·◊Î◊˙Å ≠·◊`◊˙ Ü≤◊˙ ‘@u@ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ÷◊˙Ë– @Q◊–‹≥≠`◊ ≠ΔÉΩ NÎ◊] N@bu > Ä~h◊N@– s`◊˙ Ü≤◊˙ Nπ–’Î◊ sd◊–≠@ ©u¡◊~◊@ Ä~◊–¢◊–d◊ Ø˙s’ Δ˙≤◊˙ ˆF@– ≠]˙©– ¡h◊≠`◊ `◊Oä d◊˙í@ Øm˙~◊ d◊˙@˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ Œh◊@–d◊ ≤h◊Ü Δ˙ ·F◊@ Q◊–¥◊˙@ Ä˙÷◊˙‘h > Ø˙s’-π˛·◊‘’÷◊ d◊˙í@ No◊–ç §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ πhb– Ä⁄–@ N…÷◊À◊; `h◊Q◊–s`◊˙ ÷◊˙≤◊y N≤◊© ¡œ◊≈◊–@ ~◊–@˙π·◊ á÷◊ä≠¡◊˙S `◊Oä≠§◊·◊u ·œ◊¸– N≠ú◊ s§◊u@ N≈◊˙@ > ~◊¸ ≠≤◊`◊˙ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ N@Î◊ sd◊–@ Nh~◊–¢◊–d◊ π·◊≠Oπ, ¡◊M–’Ãh Ä˙k˙@ Nd◊äN_è◊o◊d◊˙; Q◊–@ ‘˙¥◊– ~◊–≠·◊’˙rd◊˙ 355
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356 Out of some ageless innocence and peace, Privilege of souls not yet betrayed to birth, Cast down to suffer on this hard dangerous earth Our life was born in pain and with a cry. Although earth-nature welcomes heaven’s breath Inspiring Matter with the will to live, A thousand ills assail the mortal’s hours And wear away the natural joy of life; Our bodies are an engine cunningly made, But for all its parts as cunningly are planned, Contrived ingeniously with demon skill, Its apt inevitable heritage Of mortal danger and peculiar pain, Its payment of the tax of Time and Fate, Its way to suffer and its way to die. This is the ransom of our high estate, The sign and stamp of our humanity. A grisly company of maladies Come, licensed lodgers, into man’s bodily house, Purveyors of death and torturers of life. In the malignant hollows of the world, In its subconscient cavern-passages
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N_˙S≥÷◊˙@ ·◊–¡◊ä ≠N≤◊– N≈◊˙ N÷◊Î◊@ Ä©˙d◊ ≠Δ Ä‡˙¡◊S≥ ≠~◊˙≤◊– π˛≠`◊˙§◊–d◊ > ~◊–O–D ≠≤◊˙Å ≠N S˙Øh ©u¡◊~◊ Ä˙Ø@ ©~◊< ≠~◊`◊˙ §◊urb Ü ÷◊∫◊–~◊ S@˙≠@ ≠§◊˙s–¡◊˙÷h◊ Δ˙d◊~◊˙≠@ ÷◊@– Ä˙≈◊’~◊˙·◊ > Δ‡π– N_˙sd◊ ÷◊≠@ π˙‹≥’¡◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊– ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊ π˛‘_˙N ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ π˛≠Q◊˙·◊–d◊ ©–©u¡◊–r˙ ©Ÿ Ø≠Ú, N≤◊N˛ Ä~◊–¸ Ø~h◊rä ©u¡◊~◊÷◊˙Î◊ ÷◊@– Ä˙÷◊˛Øb Ol ÷◊≠@ ©u¡◊~◊@ N≤◊© πh`◊÷◊ > Q◊˙dh◊≠Δ’ä ~◊–Ø–’d◊ Ä˙Ø ‘@u@@ Δ», ÷◊–¥h◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ ÷◊É‘≠Î◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ¡◊– ¡◊–~◊äg Äú◊N¡h◊, ≠`◊˙≠÷◊˙≈◊@ ·◊Od◊˙@ N≤◊ ÷◊À◊–d◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ¡◊– d◊˙≤◊˙ πËhd◊˙≠@, d◊˙í@ Δ≠‹˙Q◊–d◊ Ä~◊–¡◊˙Δ’ä ·◊˙l@F≠π @≠≤◊ Øœdh◊ä@ ¡◊–π·◊ πhb– ¡◊–≠‘r N…d◊˙π, Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊, ~◊–ld◊–÷h◊ ‘h¶◊·◊˙~◊ d◊˙í@, ≠÷◊m‘ ≠§◊˙s ÷◊@–¡◊˙@, Ø@–¡◊˙@ @ud◊– > Ü Ä˙Ø ~◊–g˙@S~◊ ɤd◊ ·◊–‘˙@ > `◊Ob Ü Q◊–≤◊∂ Ä˙Ø Ø~h◊rä ©˙d◊–@ > ≠@˙s@ ÷◊@˙Î◊ ·◊Î◊ π˙Å Ä~h◊Ød◊– ~◊–¡◊˙N ÷◊@¥◊– Ä˙N– ~◊@d◊~h◊-sœ≠≤◊, ≠Δ˙s˙Å ·◊–Ä¥◊– ≠Δ≠d◊ Ø@bN˙Øs˛u ©u¡◊~◊÷h◊ Δ˙d◊~◊˙≠@ ÷◊@¥◊– πuŸ–d◊ > ¡◊–r˙ê◊ ¡◊–¡◊≠@ N¡h◊ Ü≤◊– ©sd◊@ ÷◊o◊@ π‹≠@ d◊˙í@ Ä¡◊≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@ π˛è◊¤ @≤◊¥◊– d◊≤◊y π˛d◊uO˙≠@ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ `◊Ó◊ π˙ÅΩ ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊ Ä˙N–¡◊ NØl ¡◊–π≠·◊ ≠ˆ@–¡◊˙ Ä˙≠‘ Ä¡◊@hM πh@u 357
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358 Ambushed they lie waiting their hour to leap, Surrounding with danger the sieged city of life: Admitted into the citadel of man’s days They mine his force and maim or suddenly kill. Ourselves within us lethal forces nurse; We make of our own enemies our guests: Out of their holes like beasts they creep and gnaw The chords of the divine musician’s lyre Till frayed and thin the music dies away Or crashing snaps with a last tragic note. All that we are is like a fort beset: All that we strive to be alters like a dream In the grey sleep of Matter’s ignorance. Mind suffers lamed by the world’s disharmony And the unloveliness of human things. A treasure misspent or cheaply, fruitlessly sold In the bazaar of a blind destiny, A gift of priceless value from Time’s gods Lost or mislaid in an uncaring world, Life is a marvel missed, an art gone wry; A seeker in a dark and obscure place, An ill-armed warrior facing dreadful odds,
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©u¡◊~◊@; ÄS≥÷◊˙@ π˙Å π˛≠¡◊‘@ Ø~h◊rä Äg–d◊_ ·h◊≠s’, ÷◊@¥◊– ≠s˙π≠~◊ S_…N d◊˙í@ ‘ê◊– Ä¡◊˙ ¡◊–÷◊Î◊˙ú◊ d◊˙÷h◊, N≤◊N˙ ¡◊–~◊˙‘ Ä¡◊˙ ÷◊@¥◊– d◊˙≤◊˙@ > π˛˙b≤◊@ ‘ê◊– Ä˙≠Ø ÷◊≠@ Ä˙Ø Ø≠Ú ≠π˙rb, ‘d◊´÷h◊ Ä˙Ø ÷◊≠@ ħ◊ä˙sd◊ > π‘h π@– ¡◊–Î◊ ØÚh Ä˙N– Ä`◊O–≠d◊ Q◊¡◊’b ÷◊@¥◊– ·◊–¡◊ä s˙l÷◊ ¡◊–πGud◊»u÷h◊ ≠NØ˙≠~◊, ≤h◊Ü ©uC◊’ ø–¤ d◊˙≤◊˙, Su≠@ Su≠@ ≠`◊˙π π˙Ü N…sud◊ ØFè◊’~◊˙, Ä÷◊N<˙dÍ◊ Ä¡◊˙ §◊˙ú◊– π≠Ÿ ‘›◊ ÷◊@– Ä¥◊–Ø d◊˙í N÷◊@hb N_@d◊˙~◊ N≤◊ > Ä˙≠¡◊¸–d◊ ·h◊s’ NØ Ä¡◊⁄–d◊– Ä˙Ø, Ä˙l˙N ÷◊@h Δ˙ Ä˙≠Ø ≠·◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ N¡h◊ @Fπ˙¥◊@ ≤h◊Ü d◊˙í@ N_π∂ π@– Ü÷◊ ©Ÿ@ Ä™˙~◊ ≠ˆ˙@ SFN@ ~◊–·◊˛˙≠@ > ¡◊–‘_@ ≠¡◊Êr≠Øä, ~◊@ ÷h◊f–d◊ ¡◊–r≠l Δ»b˙ ≠§◊˙sÅ d◊˙í@ ¡◊–÷◊Î◊ Ø˙~◊N > ÄΔ‹˙ ¡◊äl–d◊ Ü÷◊ ÄØF`◊ä N…π·◊ ÄÀ◊ØF≠`◊ä Δ˙≤◊˙ Ä¡◊˙ ¡œ◊‹˙≠@ ¡◊–÷◊–˛d◊ ¡◊–πbu ØÚ≠@ Ü÷◊ ÄÕ-~◊–ld◊–@, Ä~◊ˆ’ Δ˙ Éπ˙l~◊ ÷◊˙Î◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ö◊ `h◊D ¡◊˙ ÄN˙¡◊S˙≠~◊ ©sd◊≠@ ÷◊˙≤◊y Ä⁄˙≠~◊ ⁄˙π–d◊, Ü≤◊– ©u¡◊~◊ Ä˙Ø@ Äπ˛˙D, ¡◊–~◊¸ Ü÷◊ ÄÒh◊d◊ Nh≠Δ˙s, ¡◊–÷œ◊d◊, `◊˙Î◊–d◊ä≤◊u~◊, ÷◊˙@h÷◊˙Δ’ä Ü÷◊ > Ä~h◊NÕ◊–fh ≠N Ü÷◊ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@ πhb– Ä™˙d◊ ⁄˙~◊≠@; ≠Δ˙M˙ ÄNû–d◊ Ü÷◊ N®h≠] ¡◊–π·◊ Δ˙í@ ¡◊–§◊ur–÷◊˙Øl, 359
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360 An imperfect worker given a baffling task, An ignorant judge of problems Ignorance made, Its heavenward flights reach closed and keyless gates, Its glorious outbursts peter out in mire. On Nature’s gifts to man a curse was laid: All walks inarmed by its own opposites, Error is the comrade of our mortal thought And falsehood lurks in the deep bosom of truth, Sin poisons with its vivid flowers of joy Or leaves a red scar burnt across the soul; Virtue is a grey bondage and a gaol. At every step is laid for us a snare. Alien to reason and the spirit’s light, Our fount of action from a darkness wells; In ignorance and nescience are our roots. A growing register of calamities Is the past’s account, the future’s book of Fate: The centuries pile man’s follies and man’s crimes Upon the countless crowd of Nature’s ills; As if the world’s stone load was not enough, A crop of miseries obstinately is sown By his own hand in the furrows of the gods,
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Ä~◊–πhb ÷◊Ø’u Ü÷◊ N˙Ú Δ˙ ©Ë–Î◊ > Ä™¡◊–Q◊˙@÷◊ Ü÷◊ Ä™˙~◊-π˛NFd◊ NØNä˙@˙©–@; N_s’Øh]u Δ˙d◊˛˙ d◊˙í@ π≤◊≠G ÷h◊…Q◊–÷◊˙≤◊u~◊ ~◊–@hM ≠d◊˙@≠b, π≠ö◊ ≤h◊Ü `◊u~◊ d◊˙í@ ŒF◊≈◊–’ Ø≤◊–Ø˙@ > ~◊@ π˙ÅΩ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ Ä¡◊·◊˙~◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ ħ◊–‘D ≠≤◊˙Åø– d◊˙; Ø˙s’N¡h◊ d◊˙í@ π˛d◊–÷F◊Î◊ Ø˙s’ N≠ú◊ @≤◊–ø– ©Ÿ–d◊ > §◊˛˙¥◊– N≤◊Q◊@ Ä˙Ø Ø˙~◊¡◊ Q◊–¥◊˙@, Ä~œ◊d◊ @≤◊–ø– `h◊Q◊– Nd◊ä@ s§◊u@ ħ◊ä¥≠@; ÷◊Îh◊r–d◊ ÷◊@Å ÷◊Î◊<r ≠π˛˙©_Î◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@ πh`◊÷◊ π˛NF~◊ ·◊_˙@˙, Ä¡◊˙ ø˙Ÿ–Δ˙Ü ·◊ç @ê◊ Od◊Q◊–≤◊∂ Ä¥◊@˙k˙ π≠@; πhbä ·h◊º]@ ¡◊Õ◊~◊, ÷◊˙@˙s˙@ Ü÷◊; Ä˙Ø π˙ÅΩ π≠·◊ π≠·◊ ¡◊Õ◊˙ Äø– π˙‘ Ü÷◊; Q◊–·◊˙≠`◊˙÷◊ ‘F~◊ä, ¡◊–Q◊˙@ ¡◊–@hM ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@h Éf˙@–d◊ ÷◊Ø’@ π˛¡◊˙≤◊ Ä˙Ø; Ä™˙~◊ ØÚ≠@ ~◊–≠¢◊d◊~◊˙ s≠§◊’ Ä˙Ø ©u¡◊~◊@ ØFÎ◊ > ¡◊–π≈◊– @˙‘–@ Ü÷◊ ¡◊M–’Ãh π…©–÷◊˙, Äd◊ud◊ sb~◊˙, §◊˙¡◊u ≠`◊]˙ ~◊–ld◊–@ > ‘d◊‘d◊ ¡◊r’ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ÷◊≠@ gFπu÷œ◊d◊ Ø~h◊rä ØF]’d◊˙ πhb– d◊˙í@ Äπ@˙S ÄN…]ä Ä‘h§◊ ÷F◊Ë π˛÷œ◊d◊– Éπ≠@ > ÷◊∫◊–~◊ ÷◊≠∫◊˙@ §◊˙@ ©sd◊@ N≠d◊ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ πΔ’ä˙D Ä¡◊˙, ~◊–© ≤◊≠g d◊˙í@ ·h◊@˙s˛≠≤◊ ÷◊≠@ ~◊@ ¡◊π~◊ ·h◊·◊’‘˙ñ ¡◊uππhz ≠·◊¡◊÷œ◊d◊ ÄÎ◊≠@]˙ π≠@ >
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362 The vast increasing tragic harvest reaped From old misdeeds buried by oblivious Time. He walks by his own choice into Hell’s trap; This mortal creature is his own worst foe. His science is an artificer of doom; He ransacks earth for means to harm his kind; He slays his happiness and others’ good. Nothing has he learned from Time and its history; Even as of old in the raw youth of Time, When Earth ignorant ran on the highways of Fate, Old forms of evil cling to the world’s soul: War making nought the sweet smiling calm of life, Battle and rapine, ruin and massacre Are still the fierce pastimes of man’s warring tribes; An idiot hour destroys what centuries made, His wanton rage or frenzied hate lays low The beauty and greatness by his genius wrought And the mighty output of a nation’s toil. All he has achieved he drags to the precipice. His grandeur he turns to an epic of doom and fall;
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
N…sœ≤◊ud◊ ≤h◊Ü ÷◊˛≠Ø ¡◊–‘˙Î◊, ·h◊@¥◊ ¡◊M’Ø˙~◊ ‘Nä@˙‘– πh@˙d◊~◊ Øo◊ ÷◊Ø’@h ≠π˛˙‹≥d◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ¡◊–N<dœ ◊ ÷◊˙Î◊≠@ > ≠N_è◊˙≠@ Q◊Î◊Å ~◊@ ~◊–@l π˙‘÷h◊ > ~◊–≠©≤◊y ~◊–©@ Äd◊– ·h◊¸@–πh Ü≤◊– ~◊‘_@ Ø˙~◊¡◊, Ä˙¡◊– ˙@ ¡◊–~◊˙‘@ ¡◊–™˙≠~◊ ≠N ÷◊≠@ d◊˙í@; ≠]˙≠© d◊¤d◊¤ πœ‹_u ≠N Éπ˙l π˙ÅΩ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≤◊˙~◊– N_©˙d◊–@; ~◊–© Nh], ÷◊`◊ä˙b Ä~◊ä@ ÷◊≠@ ≠N ~◊–S~◊; `◊˙§◊ ÷◊@– ~◊˙≤◊y ‘–O˙ ÷◊–ø– ≠N ÷◊˙Î◊@h πhb– Åd◊–≤◊˙Nh d◊˙í@ > ÷◊˙≤◊y ≠N Äd◊ud◊ Δhs Äπ÷◊_ ≠Δ˝¡◊≠~◊ Ä™ Ü S@bu d◊˙í@ d◊_@–d◊ sd◊–≠@ ~◊–ld◊–@ @˙©Ø˙≠s’ Q◊Îh◊‹≥`◊˙ ≠Δ≠¡◊, ≠N·◊–~h◊ π˛˙Q◊u~◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ Ä‘h§◊@ @Fπ @≤◊–ø– ©Ÿ–d◊ ¡◊–‘_ Ä¥◊@˙k˙ N≠ú◊ > N…s˛˙Ø ¡◊–≠`◊˙π ÷◊≠@ N<–d◊ ≤◊˙NäØl NhØSh@ ‘˙¥◊– ©u¡◊~◊@; ¡◊–`h◊£◊~◊ ¡◊–s˛≤◊, ¡◊–S_…N, ÷◊ı@, ©u¡◊~◊ N…≤◊˙@ Ü≠¡◊ ¡◊– ¡◊–≠~◊˙·◊ ≠ˆ˙@ Ø˙~◊¡◊©˙d◊–@ ΔhM@d◊ NØ˙©@; ÷◊≠@ É~Í◊ØFÎ◊~◊ ‘d◊˙›◊u@ ÷œ◊d◊– Ü÷◊ Øh≤F◊≈◊’ ØF˜d◊˙ > ÄN…Δd◊ ≠÷◊˛˙S d◊˙í@ É~◊<≈◊ ¡◊–≠·◊_r SFÎ◊–N˙dÍ◊ ÷◊≠@ d◊˙í@ π˛d◊–§◊˙@ Nœ¸–, NhrØ˙, ≠s˝@¡◊, Ü÷◊ ©˙d◊– Ä˙l˙N@ Ñ©’N_Î◊ Á◊Î◊; d◊˙í@ N÷◊Î◊ ÷œ◊d◊–d◊_ Ä˙÷◊r’b ÷◊@Å ≠N ¡◊–~◊˙‘ ‘–]≠@ > Ø≤◊–Ø˙ ≠N π@–bd◊ ÷◊@Å d◊˙≤◊˙@ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙≠¡◊ä Ü÷◊ S_…N, Ä≠S˙sØ~◊@ > 363
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364 His littleness crawls content through squalor and mud, He calls heaven’s retribution on his head And wallows in his self-made misery. A part author of the cosmic tragedy, His will conspires with death and time and fate. His brief appearance on the enigmaed earth Ever recurs but brings no high result To this wanderer through the aeon-rings of God That shut his life in their vast longevity. His soul’s wide search and ever returning hopes Pursue the useless orbit of their course In a vain repetition of lost toils Across a track of soon forgotten lives. All is an episode in a meaningless tale. Why is it all and wherefore are we here? If to some being of eternal bliss It is our spirit’s destiny to return Or some still impersonal height of endless calm, Since That we are and out of That we came, Whence rose the strange and sterile interlude Lasting in vain through interminable Time?
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dh◊è◊d◊˙≠@ dh◊¸ ~◊–©, ·◊u~◊≤◊u~◊, Øo◊sd◊–≠@ ≠N Q◊≠Î◊ ˆœbä ©ˆ~◊ä ©u¡◊≠~◊ > Ø‹˙π≠@ ~◊–© X◊˙÷◊– Ä˙≠b ≠N ¡◊–S≥@ π˛d◊–≠‘˙S; ≠`◊˙≠Ë ~◊–©-÷œ◊d◊ ·h◊·◊’‘˙≠@ > Ä˙…‘–÷◊ π˛≠bd◊˙ ¡◊–‘_ ·h◊@¥◊ ~◊˙Ëä@ Åè◊˙ d◊˙í@ rŸΔ» ÷◊@Å @Q◊~◊˙ N≤◊≠Δ˙≠s Øœdh◊ä, ÷◊˙Î◊, πhb– ~◊–ld◊–@ > Nh·◊uˆ’ NØl ¡◊ä˙πu ¡◊≤h◊ ΔhsQ◊≠÷◊˛ π˛§h◊ö◊@, @hM Δ˙d◊˛˙ ~◊@ ©u¡◊~◊@, Ob–÷◊ π˛÷◊˙‘ Δ˙í@ @≤◊NäN…÷h◊Î◊ πœ‹≥¡◊u Éπ≠@ ≤h◊Ü N·◊˙ Ä˙¡◊≈◊–’d; Éeœ¸ ≤h◊Ü ~◊˙ ÷◊–¥h◊ π@–b˙Ø d◊˙í@ > ¡◊–gœd◊ Ä≠~◊_r d◊˙í@ Ä˙k˙@, Nd◊d◊ π˛d◊ä˙¡œ◊≈◊ Ä˙‘˙ N¡h◊ Q◊≠Î◊ Ä~h◊N@– ~◊–@‹’÷◊ ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊ π@–÷◊˛Ø˙-π≠‹ ¡◊ä‹’ ≠÷◊≠d◊ `h◊D ‘˛Ø πh~◊@˙¡◊≈◊’≠~◊ d◊_@–d◊ ¡◊–N<dœ ◊ ¡◊≤h◊ ©u¡◊~◊ Äl≠~◊ > N¡h◊ Ü÷◊ Éπ÷◊‹˙ ~◊–@‹’÷◊ Ü÷◊ Ä˙]ä˙~◊@; ÷◊˙≤◊y÷◊– Ü ≤h◊Ü N¡h◊ πhb– ÷◊– É≠P≠‘ä Ä˙≠Ø N¡h◊ @≤◊–≠ø Ü∫◊˙≠@ ? ≠÷◊ÉΩ Ü÷◊ N≈◊˙ Ø≠Ú ‘˙‘_d◊ Nh]@ ≠Á◊@–Δ–¡◊˙ Δ·◊– Ä˙Ø Ä˙k˙@ ~◊–ld◊–, Ä¡◊˙ Δ˙≤◊˙ Éf Ä˙Ø, N_@Fπ Ä˙Ø@ ~◊–ºNuØ ‘˙¥◊–@ ≠N≤◊– shb˙d◊ud◊ ≠÷◊ÉΩ ~◊–wo◊ ‘–]≠@, ≠d◊≠¡◊ ©˙d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ÷◊˙≤h◊Ω ~◊–ßÎ◊, ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ ØÚ-@ú◊ ©u¡◊~◊@ Ä¥◊≤◊u~◊ ÷◊˙Î◊¡◊≠O @≤◊–ø– Δ˙ ¡œ◊‹˙ ?
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366 Who willed to form or feign a universe In the cold and endless emptiness of Space? Or if these beings must be and their brief lives, What need had the soul of ignorance and tears? Whence rose the call for sorrow and for pain? Or all came helplessly without a cause? What power forced the immortal spirit to birth? The eternal witness once of eternity, A deathless sojourner mid transient scenes, He camps in life’s half-lit obscurity Amid the debris of his thoughts and dreams. Or who persuaded it to fall from bliss And forfeit its immortal privilege? Who laid on it the ceaseless will to live A wanderer in this beautiful, sorrowful world, And bear its load of joy and grief and love?...” *
“Was then the sun a dream because there is night?* Hidden in the mortal’s heart the Eternal lives: He lives secret in the chamber of thy soul, A Light shines there nor pain nor grief can cross.
* ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ πœB˙ 442, d◊˛≠l˙·◊‘ π˙·◊@h Ä˙@} > 3rd Final : 24/10/2009
÷◊–Ü ≠N N…÷◊À◊ ÷◊`◊˙ @Q◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä¡◊˙ ÷F◊Ë@F≠π @Fπ˙l–d◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ ¡◊–‘_ NuØ˙≤◊u~◊ Nh‘ud◊Î◊ ‘F~◊ä Ä˙÷◊˙‘≠@ Ä‹¡◊˙ ~◊–¢◊–d◊ Δ·◊– Ü≤◊– N¡h◊ N≈◊˙ @≤◊–¡◊˙ Ob–÷◊ ~◊–© ©u¡◊~◊÷◊˙Î◊≠@ Ä˙k˙@ ÷◊– ‹≥`◊˙ ≠`◊˙Ÿ˙ Ä™˙~◊, Ä‘´@ ? ÷◊˙≤h◊Ω Ä˙N–`˙ Ü X◊˙÷◊ ·h◊º], Δ»b˙@ ? Ä÷◊˙@b, ÄN≤◊˙l §◊˙≠¡◊ ÷◊íb N¡h◊ Ä˙N–≠`◊ ©s≠d◊ ? ¡◊˙Ú ÷◊`◊˙ ‘ê◊– ≠÷◊ÉΩ ÄØ@ Ä˙k˙÷h◊ ©~◊< s˛≤◊b N÷◊˙≠‘ ? Ü÷◊·◊˙ ≠Δ ~◊–d◊äN˙Ou ‘˙‘_d◊ N≈◊˙@, ~◊‘_@ ·œ◊‘ä@ Ø≠Ú ÄØ@ π˛¡◊˙Nu ‘–¡◊–≠@ ≠N @≠≤◊ ~◊–© N_π∂ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙@ S_…N Ä¡◊≠‘r Ø≠Ú; ÄM’Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊–d◊ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙≠@ ©u¡◊~◊@; Ä¡◊˙ Ä˙~◊o◊@h πd◊–d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ÷◊–Ü π˛≠@˙Q◊–d◊ d◊˙÷h◊ ÷◊`◊˙ πhb– ÄØ@ d◊˙ ~◊–© ÄS≥÷◊˙@h ≠≤◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ¡◊G≥d ? ÷◊–Ü Ä¡◊˙ Éπ≠@ d◊˙ ÷◊`◊˙ Ä˙≠@˙π–d◊ Åè◊˙ N·◊˙ ¡◊G≥¡◊˙÷h◊ Δ˙d◊˛u @F≠π Nho◊@ Ü N…d◊D ©s≠d◊ ¡◊≤◊– d◊˙í@ Nh]·h◊º], π˛bl@ §◊˙@ ?...íí * * * ëëNFΔ’ä ÷◊íb N_π∂ Ü÷◊ ‹≥¡◊˙@h @©~◊u ? Ø≈◊’ä~◊@ ≤œ◊·◊l≠@ ÷◊@¥◊– ~◊–¡◊˙N ≠s˙π~◊≠@ ~◊–d◊ä-π˛§h◊; ~◊–§œ◊d◊ ~◊–Î◊l dh◊Ø Ä¥◊@˙k˙ sF˜ ÷◊O≠@ d◊˙ö◊@; ≠‘˙÷◊-≠¡◊·◊~◊˙@h Øhê◊ ≠©ä˙d◊– É·Í◊§◊˙N–d◊
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368 A darkness stands between thyself and him, Thou canst not hear or feel the marvellous Guest, Thou canst not see the beatific sun. O queen, thy thought is a light of the Ignorance, Its brilliant curtain hides from thee God’s face. It illumes a world born from the Inconscience But hides the Immortal’s meaning in the world. Thy mind’s light hides from thee the Eternal’s thought, Thy heart’s hopes hide from thee the Eternal’s will, Earth’s joys shut from thee the Immortal’s bliss. Thence rose the need of a dark intruding god, The world’s dread teacher, the creator, pain. Where Ignorance is, there suffering too must come; Thy grief is a cry of darkness to the Light; Pain was the first-born of the Inconscience Which was thy body’s dumb original base; Already slept there pain’s subconscient shape: A shadow in a shadowy tenebrous womb, Till life shall move, it waits to wake and be.
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≤h◊Ü d◊≤◊y; dh◊≠Ø πhb– d◊˙ö◊ Ø≠Ú É§◊˙ Ä™˙~◊@ Δ¡◊~◊–÷◊˙, Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ dh◊≠Ø π˙@ ~◊˙≤◊y ÷◊@– Ä¡◊˙ ‘hb–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠N≤◊– ÄÒh◊d◊ Äd◊–‹≥, ≠·◊]≥π˙@ ~◊˙≤◊y ≠N≤◊– Nh]·◊ NFΔ’ä÷h◊; @˙b– ! dh◊Ø Q◊–¥◊˙ Ü÷◊ Ä™˙~◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊; d◊˙í@ ·◊uD Δ¡◊~◊–÷◊˙ `h◊Q◊˙Å dh◊Ø∫h◊ @≠] π˛§h◊ö◊ ¡◊·◊~◊ > Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊–d◊ ÷◊≠@ d◊˙≤◊˙ ÄQ◊–d◊– s§◊’@h ©˙d◊ ≠Δ ©sd◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ ÷◊≠@ `h◊÷Í◊÷◊˙l–d◊ ÄØœd◊@ d◊˙‚Δ’ä Ü ©sd◊ ØÚ≠@ > Ø~◊@ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ dh◊Ø @]≥ø– ≠s˙π~◊ dh◊Ø∫◊˙@h ‘˙‘_d◊ö◊ Q◊–¥◊˙; ≤œ◊·◊l@ Ä˙‘˙ dh◊Ø shD@≠] dh◊Ø∫◊˙@h Åè◊˙ Q◊–@¥◊~◊ π˛§h◊ö◊@; πœ‹≥¡◊u@ Nh] @hM @≠] dh◊Ø∫◊˙@h ÄØ@ Ä˙~◊o◊ > ≠`◊˙Ÿ˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠d◊bh Ü÷◊ Ä~◊˙≤F◊d◊ ≠ˆ˙@ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ ¡◊–÷◊@˙Î◊ ¡◊–‘_-‘–O÷◊@, N˛¸˙ πuŸ~◊@; Δ≤◊y ⁄–d◊– Ä™˙~◊@ Ä¡◊‘ä Ä˙NÅ d◊≤◊y ≠¡◊·◊~◊˙ Δ˙d◊~◊˙ > ≠‘˙÷◊ dh◊Ø ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@ Ä˙dh◊@ Q◊–e˙@ π@Ø Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ π˙ÅΩ; πuŸ~◊ π˛‹Ø N…§F◊d◊ N¥◊˙~◊ @F≠π ÄQ◊–d◊– s§◊’@h > ØF÷◊ Ä˙·◊–-Ä˙S˙@ Δ˙ ‘@u@@ dh◊Ø; π˛NhD Ä˙s@h ‹≥`◊˙ d◊≤◊y Δ»b˙@ Ä¡◊≠Q◊d◊ @Fπ; ø˙l˙ Ü÷◊ ø˙l˙è◊¤ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@ s≠§◊’; Äø– π˛d◊uO˙≠@ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ©u¡◊~◊ N÷◊–˛l ≠≤◊≠`◊ ©˙s@–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ©˙b–¡◊ Äg–d◊_-~◊–©; ≠≤◊`◊˙ ©˙d◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊
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370 In one caul with joy came forth the dreadful Power. In life’s breast it was born hiding its twin; But pain came first, then only joy could be. Pain ploughed the first hard ground of the world-drowse. By pain a spirit started from the clod, By pain Life stirred in the subliminal deep. Interned, submerged, hidden in Matter’s trance Awoke to itself the dreamer, sleeping Mind; It made a visible realm out of its dreams, It drew its shapes from the subconscient depths, Then turned to look upon the world it had made. By pain and joy, the bright and tenebrous twins, The inanimate world perceived its sentient soul, Else had the Inconscient never suffered change. Pain is the hammer of the Gods to break A dead resistance in the mortal’s heart, His slow inertia as of living stone. If the heart were not forced to want and weep, His soul would have lain down content, at ease, And never thought to exceed the human start And never learned to climb towards the Sun.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Nh] N≤◊ s§◊’˙‘lh ‘ê◊– §◊l˙~◊÷◊; ΔØ© `h◊Q◊˙Å ~◊–© ©u¡◊≠~◊ N…§F◊d◊ > πuŸ~◊ Äs˛©, π≠@ Nh] ≠≤◊`◊˙ ©˙d◊ Δ»b˙ ÷◊r’b ÷◊`◊˙ π˛‹≠Ø ÷◊∫◊–~◊ d◊o◊˛˙Øs∂ §F◊Ø–d◊Î◊ ¡◊–‘_§h◊¡◊~◊@ > ©Ÿπ–—h Δ˙d◊˛˙≠≤◊`◊˙ Δ˙d◊~◊˙≠@ Ü÷◊ Q◊–~◊<l N≈◊˙@; ÄS≥≠Q◊d◊~◊ s§◊’≠@ ≠÷◊m‘ ·◊_˙@˙ ¡◊–‘_π˛˙b ≠≤◊`◊˙ ¡◊–≠`◊˙Ÿ–d◊; ħ◊ä¥◊≠@ @hM ~◊–Øû–d◊, `h◊ü˙l–d◊ ©Ÿ@ NØ˙S≥ s§h◊’ N_l… ©˙s@F÷◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ü÷◊ N_π∂·◊‘’u ~◊–·◊–˛d◊ Ø˙~◊N > ÷◊À◊~◊˙≠@ @Q◊–`◊˙ ≠N ·œ◊‘äØ˙~◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊, Ä¡◊≠Q◊d◊ s≤◊_@h ≠N ÷◊`◊˙ Ä˙÷◊r’b @Fπ@˙©–, ~◊–≠@]≥`◊˙ d◊‚≠@ d◊˙≤◊˙@ N_π∂@ π˛÷◊˙‘ ~◊–©, Nœ¸ §h◊¡◊~◊÷h◊ > Nh]·h◊º] ‘h÷◊m÷œ◊à ΔØ©ö◊ ·◊_˙@˙ ~◊–w˛˙b ©sd◊ ÷◊`◊˙ Ä~h◊§◊¡ d◊˙í@ π˛˙b¡◊¥◊ πh@hr÷h◊; Ä~◊ä‹˙ ÄQ◊–d◊– ~◊ ‹˙¥◊˙ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ¡◊– `◊§◊– @Fπ˙¥◊@ d◊˙í@ > πuŸ~◊ ≤◊˙dh◊Ÿ– ·◊–¡◊ä‘ê◊–Ø˙~◊ö◊@ §◊˙ú◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ ~◊@≤œ◊·◊ ÷◊≠∫◊˙@ ¡◊–≠@˙S, Øo◊ ~◊– –˛ld◊˙ Δ‹˙ ©u¡◊¥◊‘–Î◊˙@ > ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙, ÷◊˛o◊~◊ Δ·◊– ≤œ◊·◊l ¡◊äê◊–@ ¡◊˙Ú ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊ ÷◊@¥◊˙, Ä¥◊@˙k˙ d◊˙í@ d◊o◊˛˙è◊¤ @≤◊–‹˙¥◊˙ dœ◊D–≠@ Ä˙@˙≠Ø > ≠÷◊≠¡◊≠≤◊Ω ≠N Q◊–¥◊˙ ÷◊@– ~◊ ‹˙¥◊˙ Δ–¡◊˙÷h◊ Äd◊–÷◊˛Ø– Ø~h◊rä@ Ä˙@} Ä¡◊⁄˙, ≠÷◊≠¡◊≠≤◊Ω ≠N ‘–O˙ ÷◊@– ~◊ ‹˙¥◊˙ ÑZ◊’≠@ Ä˙≠@˙≤◊b ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ NFΔ’ä ħ◊–Øh≠] > 371
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372 This earth is full of labour, packed with pain; Throes of an endless birth coerce her still; The centuries end, the ages vainly pass And yet the Godhead in her is not born. The ancient Mother faces all with joy, Calls for the ardent pang, the grandiose thrill; For with pain and labour all creation comes. This earth is full of the anguish of the gods; Ever they travail driven by Time’s goad, And strive to work out the eternal Will And shape the life divine in mortal forms. His will must be worked out in human breasts Against the Evil that rises from the gulfs, Against the world’s Ignorance and its obstinate strength, Against the stumblings of man’s pervert will, Against the deep folly of his human mind, Against the blind reluctance of his heart. The spirit is doomed to pain till man is free. There is a clamour of battle, a tramp, a march: A cry arises like a moaning sea, A desperate laughter under the blows of death, A doom of blood and sweat and toil and tears.
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≠¡◊·◊~◊˙≠@ §◊@˙ S@˙, ‘˛Ø≠@ N…÷h◊Î◊ > π˛πuŸ–d◊ ÷◊≠@ d◊˙÷h◊ Ü≠¡◊ ¡◊– d◊‹˙π– π˛NFd◊–@ ≠÷◊m‘ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ÄN…]ä ©~◊<@ > ‘d◊˙›◊u ≤h◊ÄÅ ≠‘r, ¡œ◊‹˙ ¡◊–≠d◊ Δhs, d◊‹˙π– d◊˙í s≠§◊’ ~h◊≠≤◊Ω ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ π˛÷◊Ë > N®h]u~◊ ≠≤◊Éø¥◊– NØ˙~◊ πh`◊≠÷◊ Ü N¡h◊@ Q◊–@¥◊~◊u πh@˙bu ©~◊~◊u, Q◊˙≤◊˙¥◊– ≠N És˛¡◊ä‹˙, π˛Q◊— ≠@˙Ø˙G ≠¡◊·◊~◊˙ ‘˛Ø≠@ ≤h◊Ü Nœ¸– N÷◊Î◊@ > πœ‹_u≠@ @≤◊–ø– §◊@– ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ö◊ πuŸ˙ > ~◊–@¥◊@ ‘˛Ø@d◊ ≠NØ˙≠~◊ Äd◊o◊˛ π˛≠Q◊˙·◊–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ÷◊˙Î◊-Äöh◊‘ Ä˙ˆ˙≠d◊, @Fπ˙l–d◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ ‘˙‘_d◊-N…÷◊À◊, ÷◊@¥◊– π˛l˙N, Ø≈◊’ä ~◊@ Ä˙÷œ◊d◊–≠@ N˙÷◊˙@ ÷◊@–¡◊˙ `◊˙s– ·◊–¡◊ä©u¡◊~◊÷h◊ > N–M ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ Ä¡◊‘ä Ø˙~◊¡◊ ≤œ◊·◊≠l π˛§h◊ö◊ Åè◊˙, Ä‘h§◊ ¡◊–≠@˙≠S ÄQ◊–d◊– Äd◊Îh◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ≤h◊Ü NØhT–d◊, ~◊@@ Ä™˙~◊ d◊˙í@ ·h◊·◊’Ø ‘ê◊–@ ¡◊–π≠O; Ø~h◊rä Ø~◊s≤◊~◊ ØF]’d◊˙ ¡◊–≠@˙≠S; Ä™˙~◊-ÄÕ◊ ¡◊–Øh]d◊˙ ~◊@ ≤œ◊·◊@ ¡◊–≠@˙≠S; ~◊@ ≠Δ≠d◊÷◊˙Î◊ Δ˙Ü N_˙@˙©ä d◊˙í ÷◊@– ~◊˙≤◊y `◊˙§◊ ≠N≠d◊·◊–~◊ ≠÷◊m‘≠§◊˙s ~◊–ld◊– d◊˙í Ä¥◊ºπh@hr@ > ‘h≠§◊ ΔhM≠ˆ˙r, Δ˙d◊˛˙ π·◊˙ˆ˙d◊ S_~◊–; Q◊–e˙@ É∫◊Å ≠Δ≠≤◊∂ ¡◊–Î◊≠π ©Î◊S≥, Ø@b Ä˙ˆ˙≠d◊ Ü÷◊ ≤◊˙Nä ≠~◊Ê@˙‘ä@, ≠N_·◊, @ê◊, Ä‘´ ‘˛Ø §◊@–ø– ~◊–ld◊– >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
374 Men die that man may live and God be born. An awful Silence watches tragic Time....” *
“...He must face the fight, the pang who would conquer Hell.* A dark concealed hostility is lodged In the human depths, in the hidden heart of Time That claims the right to change and mar God’s work. A secret enmity ambushes the world’s march; It leaves a mark on thought and speech and act: It stamps stain and defect on all things done; Till it is slain peace is forbidden on earth. There is no visible foe, but the unseen Is round us, forces intangible besiege, Touches from alien realms, thoughts not our own Overtake us and compel the erring heart; Our lives are caught in an ambiguous net. An adversary Force was born of old: Invader of the life of mortal man, It hides from him the straight immortal path.
* ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ πœB˙ 447, ĸ˙·◊‘ π˙·◊@h Ä˙@} > 3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Ø~h◊rä @≤◊–¡◊ d◊–B– π˛§h◊ π˛÷◊Ë–d◊ ≠≤◊≠¡◊ Ü‹≥π˙ÅΩ ~◊@ ¡◊@Å Ø@b > ·h◊@¥◊ ÷◊˙Î◊÷h◊ ≠·◊≠] ≠ˆ˙@ ~◊u@¡◊d◊˙ >...íí * * * ëë...~◊–@l ≠Δ π@˙§F◊d◊ ÷◊@–¡◊ ~◊–¢◊l N®h]u~◊ ≠≤◊˙Å¡◊ ≠N ΔhM, Δ»b˙@ > Ø˙~◊¡◊@ Ä¥◊º⁄≠Î, ÷◊˙Î◊@ ~◊–sF˜ ≤◊–Ä˙≠@ ~◊–¡◊˙N ÷◊≠@ ~◊–§œ◊d◊, d◊˙ØN ≠¡◊Ê@–d◊˙ ≠Δ ·◊˙¡◊– d◊˙í@ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ ~◊˙‘ ¡◊–÷œ◊d◊, ¡◊–@Fπ ÷◊@– ·◊–¡◊ä N©’~◊˙÷h◊ > ¡◊–‘_@ π˛sd◊–π≠‹ @≠≤◊ `h◊÷Í◊÷◊˙l–d◊ π˛d◊–πO, π˛§◊˙¡◊ ≠Δ @]≥Δ˙Ü d◊˙í@ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙, ¡◊Q◊~◊, ÷◊Ø’ Éπ≠@ Ä˙Ø@, N˙S≥d◊ ÷œ◊d◊–≠@ ø˙π ≠·◊˙r, ÷◊Î◊ö◊@ > Δ˙¡◊d◊ ≠N ‘d◊´ ~◊˙‘ ≠~◊˙≤◊–ø– S@˙≠@ π˛d◊–N–M ≠N≠d◊·◊–~◊ π˛d◊–B˙ ‘˙¥◊–@ > ·œ◊‘ä-Ä@– ~◊˙≤◊y ≠÷◊≤◊–, Q◊Éπ˙≠‘ ÷◊–¥h◊ Ä·œ◊‘ä @≤◊–ø– ≠ˆ@–; Äd◊–NFO<‘ê◊– ÷◊≠@ Ä¡◊≠@˙S, Ä~◊ä©sd◊ N…N˛¡◊, Åd◊@ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ π‘– Ä˙NÅ N≤◊N˙ Ä¡◊‘ ÷◊@Å Ä˙Ø §◊˛Ø–d◊ ≤œ◊·◊l > ©u¡◊~◊ ≤h◊ÄÅ ¡◊o◊u N…‘l-π˙‘≠@, π˛d◊–÷F◊Î◊-‘ê◊– Ü÷◊ ©~◊<– πh@˙÷◊˙≠Î◊, Ä˙÷◊˛Øb ÷◊@– Ø≈◊’äØ˙~◊¡◊ ©u¡◊~h◊ shD ÷◊@– @≠] Öd◊ ÄØœd◊ N@bu >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
376 A power came in to veil the eternal Light, A power opposed to the eternal will Diverts the messages of the infallible Word, Contorts the contours of the cosmic plan: A whisper lures to evil the human heart, It seals up wisdom’s eyes, the soul’s regard, It is the origin of our suffering here, It binds earth to calamity and pain. This all must conquer who would bring down God’s peace. This hidden foe lodged in the human breast Man must overcome or miss his higher fate. This is the inner war without escape. “Hard is the world-redeemer’s heavy task; The world itself becomes his adversary, Those he would save are his antagonists: This world is in love with its own ignorance, Its darkness turns away from the saviour light, It gives the cross in payment for the crown. His work is a trickle of splendour in a long night; He sees the long march of Time, the little won;
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
‘ê◊– Ü÷◊ π‘– ÷◊`◊˙ N…¡œ◊d◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ ™˙~◊˙≠`◊˙÷◊; Q◊–@¥◊~◊ N…÷◊À◊@ Ü÷◊ π˛d◊–≠@˙Su ‘ê◊– ·F◊≠@ ~◊–Ü Ä˙Ø∫◊˙@h ¡◊–÷◊r’b ÷◊@– ¡◊˙≈◊’˙ Ä≠Ø˙ˆ ¡◊˙bu@ > ¡◊–÷œ◊d◊ ÷◊≠@ ≠N @Fπ ¡◊–‘_≠Δ˙©~◊˙@ > Éπ˙…‘h Ø»b˙ Ü÷◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ ≤œ◊·◊l π˛≠`◊˙§◊–d◊ ÷◊@– ~◊–Ü ·F◊@–d◊@ ¡◊≠‘ Øh·◊–˛d◊ ÷◊≠@ d◊˙í π˛™˙≠`◊˙Q◊~◊, Ä˙k˙@ ≠π˛Ob; ~◊–·◊˙~◊ Ü≤◊˙ Ä˙Ø ÷◊rb@, ¡◊–π≈◊–, ≠¡◊·◊~◊˙π˙≠‘ ¡◊˙Õ◊–ø– Ü S@˙ > ÜN¡h◊ ≠N ©l ÷◊@– Ä˙N–≠¡◊ Ä¡◊‘ä πœ‹_uπ≠@ Ä˙b–≠¡◊ ≠Δ §◊˙s¡◊d◊u ‘˙¥◊– > Ø~h◊rä É@≠N Ü ≠Δ ≠s˙π~◊ Ä@˙d◊– ¡◊˙N ÷◊≠@ d◊˙í Éπ≠@ ~◊–¢◊–d◊ ¡◊–©l `◊§◊–¡◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ Ä¡◊˙ ≤◊@˙Å¡◊ d◊˙í@ ɤd◊ ~◊–ld◊–, Ü≤◊– Ä˙¥◊@ NØ@ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ d◊˙÷h◊; ~◊˙≤◊y Ä~◊ä π‹ > ëë¡◊–‘_d◊˛˙d◊˙ö◊@ ÷◊Ø’§◊˙@ Nh÷◊∫◊–~◊; ©sd◊ ≤h◊ÄÅ ~◊–≠© ¡◊–≠@˙Su d◊˙ö◊@, ¡◊–≠·◊_ru ≠NØ˙≠~◊ Δ˙í@ Nh@O˙ N÷◊˙≠‘ Ä˙sd◊ ≠N; π@–πA◊u N÷◊Î◊ d◊˙ö◊@ ÉM˙@ Δ˙≤◊˙öh◊ ÷◊@–≠¡◊ ≠N; Ü ©sd◊ Ä~h◊@˙≠s ~◊–Øû–d◊ ~◊–© Ä™˙~◊@ > d◊ØN˙ d◊˙í π@˙^Í◊Øh] d◊˙@÷◊ ≠©ä˙d◊–@, ÷◊´‘ d◊˙í@ π˛d◊–·◊˙~◊ @˙©-÷◊–@uË@, ÷œ◊d◊– d◊˙ö◊ Ob·◊uD– ·◊uˆ’ Δ˙Ø–~◊u≠@, ≠·◊]¥◊– ≠N ·◊uˆ’÷◊˙Î◊ Δ˙d◊˛˙@ π˛N˙@, N˙Ø˙~◊ä ¡◊–©l πhb–; ÄÀ◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊©b 377
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378 A few are saved, the rest strive on and fail: A Sun has passed, on earth Night’s shadow falls. Yes, there are happy ways near to God’s sun; But few are they who tread the sunlit path; Only the pure in soul can walk in light. An exit is shown, a road of hard escape From the sorrow and the darkness and the chain; But how shall a few escaped release the world? The human mass lingers beneath the yoke. Escape, however high, redeems not life, Life that is left behind on a fallen earth. Escape cannot uplift the abandoned race Or bring to it victory and the reign of God. A greater power must come, a larger light. Although Light grows on earth and Night recedes, Yet till the evil is slain in its own home And Light invades the world’s inconscient base And perished has the adversary Force, He still must labour on, his work half done.
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`◊§◊¥◊– ÉM˙@, ¡◊˙÷◊– π˛l˙N-~◊–@d◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ ≤h◊Ä¥◊– ~◊–ßÎ◊; Äd◊–÷◊˛˙¥◊ Ü≠¡◊ §◊˙N_@ N¡◊–d◊˙ Ü÷◊; ø˙l˙ @©~◊u@ π≠Ÿ πœ‹_uπ≠@; Nh]-N@bu d◊‹˙π– @≤◊–ø– π@Ø≠·◊¡◊ NFΔ’äö◊ ~◊–÷◊≠Ë > ÷◊d◊–πl ÷◊–¥h◊ ≠N˝@-÷◊≠@˙EÎ◊ π≠‹ sØ~◊ ÷◊@¥◊–; Ä˙k˙ ~◊–w˙π, ~◊–Ø’Î◊ π˙@¥◊– ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ Q◊˙`◊– Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊Ø˙s’≠@ > ~◊–s’Ø@ π‹ ·◊–≠‘; Ä™˙~◊ ¡◊Õ◊~◊≠‘˙÷h◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ ~◊–g˙@@ @˙g˙ Nh÷◊∫◊–~◊ > Øh¸–≠Øl ≠÷◊≠d◊©b Øhê◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ¡◊–‘_ÉM˙@ ÷◊–π@– ≠≤◊¡◊ ? ·◊˙Nd◊_-¡◊Õ◊≠~◊ ·◊uˆ’÷◊˙Î◊ ~◊– –˛l Ü Ø˙~◊¡◊ NØF≤◊ > πÎ◊˙l~◊-π‹ ≠Δ≠d◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ¡◊– ɤd◊ π@–d◊˛˙b ÷◊≠@ ~◊˙≤◊y ©sd◊ ©u¡◊~◊, π¢◊˙≠d◊ Δ˙ πŸ–@≠≤◊ πd◊–d◊ S@˙≠@ > ~◊– œd◊– π˙≠@ ~◊˙ ÷◊@– NØh·◊–d◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ π@–d◊äê◊ ©˙d◊–, πhb– Ä˙b– ≠N ~◊ π˙≠@ ¡◊–©l-¡◊–§◊¡◊, Ø≠≈◊’ä §◊˙s¡◊d◊ @˙©ä > Ø≤◊≈◊@ ‘ê◊– Ü÷◊, ÄS≥÷◊ ¡◊–πhÎ◊ ≠©ä˙d◊– Ü‹≥ Ä¡◊d◊@– Ä˙N–¡◊ Ä¡◊‘ä > π˛§◊˙@ ¡◊–÷◊˙‘ ≤h◊Ü Ä¡◊~◊u Éπ≠@, ÄπN≠@ ~◊–‘˙ ÷◊–¥h◊ ~◊–© ~◊–≠÷◊d◊≠~◊ Δ˙¡◊d◊ ≠~◊˙≤◊–ø– ~◊˙‘ ·h◊@–d◊@, πhb– É@h≠©ä˙d◊– ~◊ ÷◊@–ø– Ä˙÷◊˛˙¥◊ ©sd◊~◊–≠¢◊d◊~◊ ÄS≥B˙~◊, ≠~◊˙≤◊–ø– Δ˙¡◊d◊ ~◊–≤◊d◊ ¡◊≠@˙Su ‘ê◊–, ≠N≠d◊·◊–~◊ Δ˙Ü π˛l˙N-~◊–@d◊ ≠≤◊≠¡◊ ¡◊–‘_ π@–d◊˛˙d◊˙ ÄM’-É·Í◊Δ˙π–d◊ ≠Δbh ·◊–¡◊ä¡◊˛d◊ d◊˙ö◊ > 379
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380 One yet may come armoured, invincible; His will immobile meets the mobile hour; The world’s blows cannot bend that victor head; Calm and sure are his steps in the growing Night; The goal recedes, he hurries not his pace, He turns not to high voices in the night; He asks no aid from the inferior gods; His eyes are fixed on his immutable aim. Man turns aside or chooses easier paths; He keeps to the one high and difficult road That sole can climb to the Eternal’s peaks; The ineffable planes already have felt his tread; He has made heaven and earth his instruments, But the limits fall from him of earth and heaven; Their law he transcends but uses as his means. He has seized life’s hands, he has mastered his own heart.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
N¤M, ·h◊©’l, ·◊–¡◊ä πh@hr-π˛¡◊@ Ä¡◊d◊@– Ü≠¡◊ Ä˙N– π˙@¥◊– §F◊d◊≠Î◊ > ÄËÎ◊ N…÷◊≠À◊ d◊˙ö◊ Q◊GÎ◊ Q◊πÎ◊ ÷◊˙Î◊-NØNä˙@ ¡◊u@ ≠≤◊≠¡◊ N®h]u~◊ > ¡◊–‘_ ħ◊–ˆ˙d◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ π˙@–¡◊~◊– ÷◊@– Ä¡◊~◊d◊ ·h◊M’r’ ≠N ¡◊–©lu Øg÷◊ > ˆ~◊≠ˆ˙@ Ø≤◊˙~◊–‘˙ NØ≠l π˛‘˙¥◊ Nh~◊–¢◊–d◊ π·◊π˙≠d◊ Q◊Î◊–≠¡◊ ≠N π≠‹ > `◊OäΔ˙Ü ÄπN@–, Q◊Î◊~◊@ ≠¡◊s Nd◊_@ ≠N ~◊ ÷◊@¥◊–, πhb– ÷◊C◊’π˙d◊ ~◊ ÷◊@¥◊– d◊u¡◊˛ ~◊˙≠·◊ ÷◊@˙Î◊ @˙d◊–˛@ > N≤◊˙ld◊˙ ~◊ Q◊˙≤◊˙¥◊– ~◊uQ◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@, ~◊l~◊ ~◊–¡◊–¸ d◊˙ö◊ ÄQh◊äd◊ `◊Oä≠@ > ~◊@ ≤h◊Ü ·◊–sͧ◊˛¸, Ä¡◊˙ ~◊–Ü ¡◊@– ÄS≥÷◊ Nh÷◊@ π‹; ¡◊–‘_-ÉM˙@÷◊ Q◊Î◊¥◊– ·h◊s’Ø, dh◊ú◊ ≠N≤◊– Ü÷◊ Ø˙≠s’ Ä˙≠@˙≤◊@ π‹ Δ˙≤◊˙ ‘˙‘_d◊N˙~h◊≠@, πF¡◊’@h ‘h§◊Å d◊˙ö◊ Ä˙sØ~◊u-S_~◊– Ä~◊–¡◊’Q◊~◊ul ≠÷◊≠d◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊-≠`◊˙÷◊˙¥◊≠@ > ~◊–Ø–≈◊ ≠N ÷◊@–ø¥◊– ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊ S@bu, NuØ˙@ ¡◊Õ◊~◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ N_≠`◊’˙÷◊ πœ‹_u@ dh◊Ë– π≠Ÿ d◊˙ö◊∫◊˙@h, `◊ù◊– ≠N ~◊–lØ d◊˙≤◊˙@ ÷◊@¥◊– d◊˙÷h◊ Éπ˙l N_÷◊ul > ©u¡◊~◊ ¡◊–Sœd◊ d◊˙ö◊ ‘ê◊–@ ÷◊¡◊≠Î◊ π˛§h◊ ≠N ~◊–l¥◊˙ ~◊–© ≤œ◊·◊©sd◊@ >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
382 “The feints of Nature mislead not his sight, Inflexible his look towards Truth’s far end; Fate’s deaf resistance cannot break his will. In the dreadful passages, the fatal paths, Invulnerable his soul, his heart unslain, He lives through the opposition of earth’s Powers And Nature’s ambushes and the world’s attacks. His spirit’s stature transcending pain and bliss, He fronts evil and good with calm and equal eyes. He too must grapple with the riddling Sphinx And plunge into her long obscurity. He has broken into the Inconscient’s depths That veil themselves even from their own regard: He has seen God’s slumber shape these magic worlds. He has watched the dumb God fashioning Matter’s frame, Dreaming the dreams of its unknowing sleep, And watched the unconscious Force that built the stars. He has learned the Inconscient’s workings and its law, Its incoherent thoughts and rigid acts, Its hazard wastes of impulse and idea, The chaos of its mechanic frequencies, Its random calls, its whispers falsely true, Misleaders of the hooded listening soul. All things come to its ear but nothing abides;
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ëë·œ◊¸– d◊˙ö◊ §˛◊¸ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ π˛÷œ◊d–◊ ÷◊π≠Ë◊ > `◊Oä d◊˙í N…≤◊d◊ ·F◊@◊ Nd◊ä@◊ Éπ˙≠¥◊ > ¡–◊S≥@◊ ¡◊S≥@◊ ¡◊˙S˙ π˙≠@◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ §◊˙ú– N…÷◊À◊ d◊˙ö◊@◊; §◊lö◊@◊ Ø˙≠s’ πhb– π˛˙b≤◊@◊ π≠‹, d◊˙ö◊ ≤◊–Ä˙ ~◊˙‘≤◊u~◊ Ä¥◊ºπh@h◊r Ä≠§◊·◊ä; π˙‹–’¡◊ ‘ê–◊@◊ π˛d–◊≠@◊˙S Ø≠Ú, `◊ù– π˛÷œ◊d–◊ ~–◊§œ◊d◊ ˆ˙d◊⁄˙~◊, `◊ù– πhb– ¡–◊‘_-Ä˙÷˛◊Øb ©◊u¡–◊d◊ ≠N; NhØ≤◊˙~Í◊ Ä¥◊@◊˙k˙ d◊˙ö◊ Äd–◊÷˛◊Ø ÷◊@–◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ πuŸ◊˙ à πh`◊÷◊ N®h]u~◊ ≤h◊Ü ‘h§◊, Ä‘h§◊ ˆË◊b◊˙ Ä¡–◊Q◊Î◊, Su@◊, ‘˙¥◊ NØ˙~◊ ·œ◊¸–≠@◊ > ¡◊˙≤h◊ΔhM◊ ÷◊@–◊≠¡ ≠N Ä¡◊‘ä ¡–◊‘_@◊ NØNä˙-π˛≠≤◊Î◊u ~◊@◊N–…≤◊u ØF≈–’◊ N˙≠‹, ~–◊Øû–◊d◊ ≠≤◊≠¡◊ d◊˙í@◊ ·◊uˆ’ d◊Ø–N˛˙≠@◊, ¡◊≠Î◊ ≠N π˛¡–◊¸ Δ˙Å ÄQ–◊d–◊ Äd◊≠Î◊ N…¡œ◊≈◊ Δ˙ N¡h◊ ~–◊©◊ ~–◊©◊ ·œ◊¸–π‹h > ·◊‘’~◊ ≠N ÷◊@–◊ø◊¥–◊ Ø˙l˙@◊ ©◊sd◊ @◊Q◊~◊˙ ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ NhD– ¡–◊‘_¡◊–S˙d◊˙@◊ ≠·◊]≥ø◊¥–◊ ØF÷◊ π˛§h◊ s˜◊¥–◊ ©◊Ÿ◊÷h◊ N_π∂@◊ Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘ d◊˙ö◊ Ä™◊˙d◊ ~–◊·˛◊˙@◊, Ä≠Q◊d◊~◊ ‘ê–◊ @◊≠Q◊ ~◊Od˛◊@˙©–◊÷h◊ > ©◊˙b¥–◊ ≠N ~–◊≠¢d◊~◊ ÷◊Ø’ à ~–◊lØ, ÄN…sd◊ Q–◊¥◊˙@◊˙©–◊ ·œ◊˜◊ ÷–˛◊l˙¡◊Ζ◊, Ä˙≠¡◊s, §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ Ä~–◊¢–d◊ ÄπQ◊l; Ä¡◊ä¡◊⁄˙ ¡◊˙@◊…¡◊˙@◊ Δ˙»◊–÷◊ §◊˙¡◊@◊ > `◊Oä≤◊u~◊ Ä˙≤_◊˙~◊ d◊˙í, Éπ˙…‘h π˛÷◊˙‘ Ø–‹ä˙@F◊≠π Nd◊äd◊˙@, ‘˛¡◊b~–◊@◊d◊ Ä˙~◊~◊ Ä˙¡œ◊d◊ Ä¥◊ºπh@h◊r §˛◊˙Ø÷◊ > 383
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
384 All rose from the silence, all goes back to its hush. Its somnolence founded the universe, Its obscure waking makes the world seem vain. Arisen from Nothingness and towards Nothingness turned, Its dark and potent nescience was earth’s start; It is the waste stuff from which all was made; Into its deeps creation can collapse. Its opposition clogs the march of the soul, It is the mother of our ignorance. He must call light into its dark abysms, Else never can Truth conquer Matter’s sleep And all earth look into the eyes of God. All things obscure his knowledge must relume, All things perverse his power must unknot: He must pass to the other shore of falsehood’s sea, He must enter the world’s dark to bring there light. The heart of evil must be bared to his eyes, He must learn its cosmic dark necessity, Its right and its dire roots in Nature’s soil.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
‘h≠b ≠N N÷◊Î◊, ÷–◊ø–◊ ~◊ @◊≤Å ⁄˙lu > ~◊u@◊¡◊d◊˙-s§h’◊ N¡h◊ ≤h◊Ü Éf˙@–◊d◊ N¡h◊ ÷–◊¥h◊ Δ˙Ü ≠Á@–◊ ≠~Ê◊‘›◊ä≠@◊ d◊˙í@◊ > d◊o˛◊˙ d◊˙í Ä˙S˙@◊ ÜÅ ¡–◊‘_§h◊¡◊~◊@,◊ g–Ø–d◊ d◊˙í ©◊˙s@◊≠b `◊˙sÅ ©◊sd◊ ~–◊@◊‹’÷◊; ‘F~◊äd◊˙@h◊ ©◊˙d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Ü≤◊˙ ≤h◊Ü ‘F~◊ä ħ–◊Øh]u; d◊≠Ø˙s˛g d◊˙í@◊ ~–◊≠¢d◊~◊ ‘ê–◊@h◊ Ü S@◊˙@◊ Ä˙@◊} > Äπ‘–¸ ¡◊gh Ü≤◊˙ ¡–◊‘_-@◊Q◊~◊˙@◊ > S_g ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙≠@◊ Nœ¸–-s≤_◊≠@◊ Ü≤◊˙@◊ > ¡–◊≠@◊˙S d◊˙í π˛d–◊¡Õ◊ Ä˙k˙-Δ˙d˛◊˙π≠‹, ©◊~◊l–d˛◊u Ä˙Ø@◊ ÜN¡h◊ Ä™◊˙~◊@◊ > d◊Ø–N˛◊˙ Äd◊≠Î◊ d◊˙ö◊h Ä˙Ø»◊b ÷◊@–◊ Ä˙b–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊, Ä~◊ä‹˙ ©◊Ÿ◊@◊ NhrhD– ≠÷◊≠¡◊≠≤Ω◊ §◊˙ú– ~◊ π˙@–◊¡◊ Nd◊ä, S@◊bu≠@◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ ©◊u¡◊◊ ~◊ π˙@–◊≠¡◊ ÷◊@–◊ ·◊‘’~◊ π@◊Øπ˛§h◊-·–◊¡◊ä-~◊l~◊÷h◊; d◊˙@◊÷◊ö◊ ™◊˙≠~◊ πhb– Ä¡◊‘ä §◊˙N_@◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ Ä™◊˙~◊≠@◊ ~–◊Øû–◊d◊ N¡h◊ > ÷h◊Ë–◊Î◊ Δ˙í Äø–◊ N¡h◊ s˛A–◊ ¡–◊≠Ø˙Q◊~◊ ÷◊@–◊≠¡◊ ~–◊¢–d◊ d◊˙í@◊ ‘ê–◊≠@◊ d◊˙ö◊@◊ > Äd–◊÷˛◊Ø– Ä¡◊‘ä ≠N Ä~œ◊d◊ įhS≥ Δ–≠¡◊ d◊˙í@◊ π@◊π˙≠@◊; ¡–◊‘_-ÄÕ◊÷◊˙≠@◊ π˛≠¡◊‘– ≠N ™◊˙~◊˙≠`◊˙÷◊ ≠~◊≠¡◊ d◊≤y◊ ¡◊≤–◊, ÷◊Î<◊r@◊ ØØ’ ≠≤◊¡◊ Ä~◊˙¡œ◊d◊ d◊˙ö◊ ·œ◊¸–@◊ πh@◊≠d◊; ≠≤◊¡◊ d◊˙öh◊ ©◊˙b–¡◊˙÷h◊ sF˜◊ ÷–◊N π˛≠l˙©◊~◊ ¡–◊‘_-d◊Ø–N˛˙@◊, ÄS≥÷◊˙@◊ πhb– d◊˙í@◊ ~–◊·◊˙@h◊b ØFÎ◊ π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ Ø˙Ë–◊d◊≠Î◊ > ÷–◊N ¡◊˙ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ 385
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386 He must know the thought that moves the demon act And justifies the Titan’s erring pride And the falsehood lurking in earth’s crooked dreams: He must enter the eternity of Night And know God’s darkness as he knows his Sun. For this he must go down into the pit, For this he must invade the dolorous Vasts. Imperishable and wise and infinite, He still must travel Hell the world to save. Into the eternal Light he shall emerge On borders of the meeting of all worlds; There on the verge of Nature’s summit steps The secret Law of each thing is fulfilled, All contraries heal their long dissidence. There meet and clasp the eternal opposites, There pain becomes a violent fiery joy; Evil turns back to its original good, And sorrow lies upon the breasts of Bliss: She has learned to weep glad tears of happiness; Her gaze is charged with a wistful ecstasy. Then shall be ended here the Law of Pain. Earth shall be made a home of Heaven’s light,
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
π˛≠@◊˙Q–◊d◊ ÷◊≠@◊ ~◊@◊ ÷◊≠Ø’ ÄNh@◊@◊, π˛d–◊π¤◊ ÷◊≠@◊ d◊˙í@◊ §˛◊˙¥◊ ħ–◊Ø˙~◊, Ø–‹ä˙ Δ˙ π˛è◊¤◊ πœ‹_u ÷h◊Ë–◊Î◊ N_π∂≠@◊; π‘–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ d◊˙öh◊ Ä~◊¥◊ ~–◊‘˙≠@◊, ©◊˙b–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@◊ Ç‘_@◊ö ¡–◊§◊˙¡◊Nh ·◊uD– Δ‹˙ ©◊˙b¥–◊ ≠N d◊˙ö◊ > à≤∑◊˙Å Δ–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠d◊bh ≠≤◊¡◊ d◊˙öh◊ ≠ˆ˙@◊ Ä™◊˙~◊-¡–◊¡◊≠@◊, Ä˙÷˛◊Øb ÷◊@◊–¡◊˙÷h ≠≤◊¡◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ≠‘˙÷◊˙÷h◊Î◊ ¡–◊‘˙Î◊-π˛≠·◊‘ > ÄØ@◊, ÄNuØ, ¡–◊™◊ Δ˙d˛◊˙ ≠N ÷◊@–◊≠¡◊ ~◊@◊≠÷◊ ~–◊¢–d◊ ¡–◊‘_ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ d˛◊˙b É·–◊d◊ ≠≤◊≠¡◊ ≠N d◊≤hΩ◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ > ~–◊]≥Î◊ ¡–◊‘_@◊ Ø≤◊˙Ø–Î◊~◊ NuØ˙≠@◊; π˛˙≠¥◊ d◊≤y◊ π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ ‘–]@◊ ≠N˙π˙≠~◊ πFC’ ≤h◊Ü sF˜◊ ¡–◊S≥ N÷◊Î◊ ¡◊gh@◊; π@◊ª@◊ π˛d◊uπ ≠Δ ÷◊@◊¥–◊ ≠N∫◊˙≠@◊ NØ˙S˙~◊ ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊ ·◊uˆ’ Ød◊≠§◊·◊ > Ø–Î◊¥◊– ≠N∫◊˙≠@◊ πhb– ¡◊˙≤◊h@◊ ¡◊Õ◊≠~◊ Ä˙‘m–¸ ≤h◊Ä¥–◊ Q–◊@◊¥◊~◊ π˛d–◊·_◊J◊u > πuŸ◊˙ ≤h◊Ü d◊≤y◊ d◊u¡˛◊ π˛Q◊— πh`◊÷◊ > π˙π Δ˙Ü ≠Á@–◊ d◊˙í@◊ Ä˙·–◊ §◊·˛◊@F◊≠π > ≠‘˙÷◊@◊ ‘l~◊ ≤h◊Ü Ä˙~◊o◊ É◊@◊≠N > N˙~◊≠o◊ π˛÷œ◊d–◊ Ü≠¡◊ ‘–]≥ø–◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ ÷˛o◊≠~◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ Nh]˙‘´≠Ø˙Q◊~◊ ~◊l~◊ §◊@–◊ø–◊ d◊˙í@◊ @§◊N π˛≠Ø˙≠· > NØ˙D ≠≤◊˙Å¡◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ¡◊ä‹˙@◊ ¡–◊S˙~◊ > πœ‹≥¡◊u ~–◊Î◊l ≠≤◊¡◊ ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊@◊ >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
388 A seer heaven-born shall lodge in human breasts; The superconscient beam shall touch men’s eyes And the truth-conscious world come down to earth Invading Matter with the Spirit’s ray, Awaking its silence to immortal thoughts, Awaking the dumb heart to the living Word. This mortal life shall house Eternity’s bliss, The body’s self taste immortality. Then shall the world-redeemer’s task be done.
“Till then must life carry its seed of death And sorrow’s plaint be heard in the slow Night. O mortal, bear this great world’s law of pain, In thy hard passage through a suffering world Lean for thy soul’s support on Heaven’s strength, Turn towards high Truth, aspire to love and peace. A little bliss is lent thee from above, A touch divine upon thy human days. Make of thy daily way a pilgrimage, For through small joys and griefs thou mov’st towards God.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
~–◊¡◊˙N ÷◊@–◊≠¡◊ ~◊@◊-≤œ◊·◊≠l ·–◊¡–◊©◊ ·˛◊¸˙ Ü÷◊, Ä…‘h≠@◊]˙ Äd–◊≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@◊ ª≠‘’ d◊˙í@◊ ~◊@◊≠~◊d˛◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊ §◊˙N_@◊ > Ä¡◊d◊@–◊ Ä˙N–¡◊ Ü Ä¡◊~◊u Éπ≠@ Öd◊}@◊ ≠QÊ◊d◊~◊ä@◊ ÉE◊Î◊ ©◊sd◊ Ä˙÷˛◊˙¥◊ ÷◊@–◊ Ü ©◊Ÿ◊ Ä˙k˙@◊ ØlF≠] ~◊u@◊¡◊d◊˙ ©◊˙s@–◊d◊ ÷◊@–◊ Øœdh◊ä≤◊u~◊ Q–◊¥◊˙≠@◊, π˛¡h◊M◊ ÷◊@–◊ ©◊u¡◊¥◊ Ø»◊≠@◊ ØF÷◊ ≤œ◊·◊; ≠≤◊¡◊ Ü≤–◊ ~◊‘_@◊ ©◊u¡◊~~–◊≠÷◊d◊~◊ Q–◊@◊¥◊~◊ ·–◊¡◊ä Ä˙~◊o◊@◊ > ÄØ@◊d_◊ ≠§◊˙s N_d◊º ÷◊@–◊¡◊ ‘@◊u@◊ N–M◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ¡˛◊d◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ¡–◊‘_d◊˙@◊÷◊@◊ > ëë≠N≠d◊·–~◊ Øœdh◊ä¡◊u©◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ¡◊≤–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä¡◊‘ä Ü ©◊u¡◊~◊≠@◊; ≠‘˙÷◊@◊ ¡–◊Î◊˙π ‘hb˙Δ˙É‹≥¡◊ Øo◊ ≠ˆ˙@◊ @◊©◊~◊u≠@◊ > ≠≤◊ ~◊‘_@◊ ~◊@◊ ! N≤◊ Ø≤◊˙ Ü ¡–◊S˙~◊ ≠¡◊·◊~◊˙@◊; ¡◊ä‹˙÷m–◊¸ ©◊sd◊≠@◊ dh◊Ø ÷◊≠∫◊˙@◊ Δ˙d˛◊˙@◊ π≠‹ Ç‘_@◊-Ä˙‘˛l ~–◊Ä dh◊Ø Ä¥◊@◊˙k˙-N≤◊˙ld◊˙ π˙ÅΩ > ħ–◊Øh] ≤h◊Ä ÑZ’◊ Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ Nd◊ä@◊, π˛ud–◊, ‘˙¥–◊ π˙ÅΩ ÷◊@◊ ≠π˙rb Ä˙ªœ≤◊˙ > ÑZ◊’≠`◊˙÷h◊ dh◊Ø π˙ÅΩ ÷–◊G≥d◊ Ä˙~◊o◊ Ä~h◊s˛≤◊ @F◊≠π Ä˙≠N; §◊˙s¡◊d◊ ª‘’ π˛N˙@–◊d◊ @◊≠≤◊ dh◊Ø ©◊u¡◊~◊ Éπ≠@◊ > ≠·Ê◊~–◊÷◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊ ÷◊@◊ d◊u‹’˙Ë◊~◊ NØ N˙Ø˙~◊ä πh`◊÷◊ πuŸ◊˙ ÷◊@–◊ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ Äs˛N@◊ ≤h◊Ä dh◊≠Ø Ç‘_@◊˙§–◊Øh≠] >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
390 Haste not towards Godhead on a dangerous road, Open not thy doorways to a nameless Power, Climb not to Godhead by the Titan’s road. Against the Law he pits his single will, Across its way he throws his pride of might. Heavenward he clambers on a stair of storms Aspiring to live near the deathless sun. He strives with a giant strength to wrest by force From life and Nature the immortals’ right; He takes by storm the world and fate and heaven. He comes not to the high World-maker’s seat, He waits not for the outstretched hand of God To raise him out of his mortality. All he would make his own, leave nothing free, Stretching his small self to cope with the infinite. Obstructing the gods’ open ways he makes His own estate of the earth’s air and light; A monopolist of the world-energy, He dominates the life of common men. His pain and others’ pain he makes his means:
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
¡–◊π·◊-N…÷h◊Î◊ π≠‹ d_◊@–◊d◊ sd–◊≠@◊ π·◊ dh◊Ø ~◊ Q◊Î◊˙Ä π@◊Ø S˙Ø÷h◊ > Ä~◊˙Ø Ä™◊˙d◊ ≠÷◊ÉΩ ‘ê–◊ π˙ÅΩ dh◊≠Ø É~Í◊Øhê◊ ~◊ @◊] dh◊Ø π˛≠¡◊‘@◊ π‹ > Ä˙≠@◊˙≤◊b ÷◊@◊ ~◊˙≤y◊ π@◊Ø˙k˙ π˙≠‘ Ø˙≠s’ ·◊˙~◊¡◊@ >◊ ·–◊¡◊ä ~–◊lØ¡–◊@h◊≠M◊ ~–◊©◊ Åè◊˙¡◊≠Î◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ≤h◊Ü π˛d–◊·_◊J◊u, ‘ê–◊·◊≠π’ ÷◊≠@◊ @h◊M◊ ·–◊¡◊ä ≠Δ N@◊bu > ¡◊˙d◊ä˙@◊ ~–◊º≠‘˛bu π≠@◊ É∫–◊ É∫–◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ Äd–◊÷◊≠¸ Δ˙Ü ·F◊@◊ N_s’-ħ–◊Øh≠] Ä˙‘˙ @◊]≥ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊S˙@◊b Ñ≠Z’◊ Ä¡–◊~◊˙‘u ·–◊¡◊ä N¡–◊d◊˙ NØu≠π > π˛l˙N ≠N ÷◊≠@◊ ¡◊≠Î◊ ≠~◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙÷◊r–’ ÄØ@◊@◊ ÄS≥÷◊˙@◊ π˛÷œ◊d–◊-Nœ¸–@h◊ π˛˙b≠`◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙Nh@–◊÷◊ ≠‘˝Δ’ä≠@◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ > ÷◊¡◊Ζ◊d◊ ÷◊≠@◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ π˛Q◊— ¡◊˙d◊ä˙@◊ π˛≠¡◊≠s N_≠`◊˙’÷◊, ¡–◊S≥, ~–◊]≥Î◊ ©◊sd◊ > ~◊ Ä˙≠N ≠N ¡–◊‘_N˛¸˙ Éé◊πu∫◊ π˙≠‘, π˛d◊uO˙ ~◊ ÷◊≠@◊ π˛§h◊ π˛N˙@–◊d◊ ÷◊≠@◊ ÉM◊˙@◊ ÷◊@–◊≠¡◊ d◊˙÷h◊ ~◊‘_@◊ ©◊sdh◊ > N_d◊»◊ ~◊ @◊]≥ ÷–◊ø–◊ ¡–◊‘_@◊ N÷◊Î◊¡◊gh ≠N ÷◊@◊Å ~–◊©; ¡–◊g˙@–◊ ~–◊©◊@◊ Oh·˛◊N≈◊˙ ÄNuØ@◊ ≤h◊Ü π˛d–◊·_◊J◊u > @h◊M◊ ÷◊@–◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ö◊ É~<&h◊ê◊ N@◊bu N_Nfi≈–◊ ÷◊≠@◊ S@◊˙ NØu@◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ > Ü÷è◊d˛◊ ÄS≥÷◊˙@◊u ©◊sd◊ ‘ê–◊@◊ π˛§h◊ ≤h◊Ü N˙S˙@◊b ©◊~◊-©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ > ~–◊©◊ ≠÷m◊‘, ≠÷m◊‘ πhb– Åd◊@◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊@◊ Éπ˙l ≠N ÷◊≠@◊ d◊˙í@◊ É≠P◊‘ä N–M–◊@◊ > 391
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392 On death and suffering he builds his throne. In the hurry and clangour of his acts of might, In a riot and excess of fame and shame, By his magnitudes of hate and violence, By the quaking of the world beneath his tread He matches himself against the Eternal’s calm And feels in himself the greatness of a god: Power is his image of celestial self. The Titan’s heart is a sea of fire and force; He exults in the death of things and ruin and fall, He feeds his strength with his own and others’ pain; In the world’s pathos and passion he takes delight, His pride, his might call for the struggle and pang. He glories in the sufferings of the flesh And covers the stigmata with the Stoic’s name. His eyes blinded and visionless stare at the sun, The seeker’s Sight receding from his heart Can find no more the light of eternity; He sees the beyond as an emptiness void of soul And takes his night for a dark infinite. His nature magnifies the unreal’s blank And sees in Nought the sole reality: He would stamp his single figure on the world, Obsess the world’s rumours with his single name.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
N–…≤◊˙N~◊ @◊≠Q◊ Øœdh◊ä, Δ»◊b˙ Éπ≠@◊, π@◊˙÷˛◊Ø ÷◊Ø’@◊ d◊˙ N…§˛◊≠Ø, dh◊ØhÎ◊ ~◊˙≠·◊, Ø˙~◊ ÄπØ˙~◊ Äd–◊Q◊˙≠@◊ πhb– Ä˙d–◊‘≠Δä, ≤–◊…N˙≠·_◊r π˛¡◊Î◊ π˛§◊˙≠¡◊ π·◊π˙≠d◊ ~◊d◊ d◊˙í@◊ πœ‹_u@◊ π˛÷◊≠fi π˛d–◊ªM◊˙’ ÷◊≠@◊ d◊˙≤◊˙◊ Q–◊@◊¥◊~◊ π˛§h◊ π˛‘˙¥–◊ ¡–◊≠@◊˙≠S; ÷◊≠@◊ Ä¥◊≠@◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ N_≠`’◊˙÷◊@◊ ÄØ@◊ Ø≤–◊Ø˙ > ‘ê–◊≤y◊ d◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ·–◊¡◊ä Ä˙k˙@◊ π˛d–◊Ø˙ > ·◊˙~◊¡◊-≤œ◊·◊l Ü÷◊ ¡–◊‘˙Î◊ N˙s@◊ ¡◊uΔ’ä à Äs∂–@◊; ≤h◊Ü π˛Øh·–◊d◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ¡–◊≠`◊˙π, πd◊~◊, S_…≠N ¡◊ghN÷◊Î◊@◊ > ¡◊Î◊ d◊˙í@◊ πh¸ ~–◊©◊ d◊‹˙ Ä~◊ä ≠÷m◊≠‘ > ¡–◊‘_@◊ ÷◊˙@h◊bä @◊˙≠s É`∑◊˙N d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ > ≠‘˝Δ’ä, ·◊π’ Q◊˙≠≤Ω◊ d◊˙í@◊ ΔhM◊ à Δ˙d◊~◊˙ > s¡’◊ ≠N ÷◊@◊Å ~–◊©◊ ‘@◊u@◊πuŸ◊≠~◊, ≠·◊≤◊ ≠N ÷◊@◊Å Od◊ d◊πNä˙@◊ ~◊˙≠Ø > ~–◊~–’◊≠Ø≠r @◊≠≤◊ Q◊˙≤y◊ NFΔ’ä÷h◊ ≠N ÄÕ◊ ·œ◊¸–≤◊u~◊; ~◊ π˙@◊Å ≠·◊]≥ πhb– d◊˙≤◊˙ Q–◊@◊¥◊~◊ ≠©◊ä˙d–◊ ≠Δbh ≤œ◊·◊lh d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ ÄπNœd◊ ·–◊¡◊ä·œ◊¸– Nd◊äNÕ◊˙~◊u@◊ > Ä~◊˙k@–◊ê◊d◊˙ d◊˙÷h◊ ·–◊≠‘ π@◊≠`◊˙÷◊, d◊˙ØN ÄNuØ@F◊π §◊˙≠¡◊ ≠N ~–◊‘˙÷h◊ > N_§◊˙¡◊ d◊˙í ¡–◊¡◊M◊–’ d◊ ÷◊≠@◊ Ä¡◊˙g¡◊ ‘F~◊äd◊˙÷h◊, Ü÷◊Ø˙d˛◊ ¡◊gh ≠·◊≠] ‘F≠~◊ä > Ü÷◊Ø˙d˛◊ ØF≈–’◊ d◊˙í@◊ Q◊˙≠≤Ω◊ ≠N Äö–◊d◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ¡–◊‘_@F◊≠π, ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ d◊˙í ~◊˙≠Ø s˛g ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ©◊~◊‘´d–◊ ©◊sd◊@◊ >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
394 His moments centre the vast universe. He sees his little self as very God. His little ‘I’ has swallowed the whole world, His ego has stretched into infinity. His mind, a beat in original Nothingness, Ciphers his thought on a slate of hourless Time...” * * * Then Aswapati answered to the seer:* “Is then the spirit ruled by an outward world? O seer, is there no remedy within? But what is Fate if not the spirit’s will After long time fulfilled by cosmic Force? I deemed a mighty Power had come with her; Is not that Power the high compeer of Fate?” But Narad answered covering truth with truth: “O Aswapati, random seem the ways Along whose banks your footsteps stray or run In casual hours or moments of the gods, Yet your least stumblings are foreseen above. Infallibly the curves of life are drawn Following the stream of Time through the unknown; They are led by a clue the calm immortals keep.
* ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ πœB˙ 456, ·◊_–d◊ul Ä~h◊≠è◊·◊@h Ä˙@} >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
¡–◊‘˙Î◊ ¡–◊‘_@◊ ≠÷◊≠o˛◊ Ü÷◊˙ d◊˙í sh@h◊d_◊ ÷◊¡◊Î◊ ÷◊@–◊ø–◊ N˙@◊˙ ©◊sd◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@◊ Ä≤◊…÷◊˙@◊ ÄNuØ÷h◊ ≠≤◊˙Å π˛N˙@–◊d◊ > Ø~◊ d◊˙í@◊ ªo◊ Ü÷◊ Ä˙·–◊ Ä¡◊gh≠@◊ ‘F~◊ä@◊ Q–◊d˛◊b ÷◊≠@◊ Q–◊¥◊˙@F◊π ≠·◊Å ÁÎ◊≤◊u~◊ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊ ÁÎ◊÷◊ Éπ≠@...íí * * * Ä‘_πd–◊ ≠·◊≠`◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ É≈◊@◊ ·˛◊¸˙öh◊ ëë¡◊≤–◊©’◊sd◊ ÷–◊ ÷◊≠@◊ ‘˙N~◊ Ä˙k˙÷h◊ ? ≠≤◊ ·˛◊¸˙ ! Ä¥◊≠@◊ ÷◊íb ~◊˙≤y◊ ÉπQ◊˙@◊ ? ~–◊ld–◊ ~h◊≤◊Å ÷◊íb N…÷◊À◊ Ä˙k˙@◊ Q◊@–◊d◊˙‹’ ≤h◊Ü Δ˙≤◊˙ ·◊uˆ’ ÷◊˙Î◊ π≠@◊ ¡–◊‘_‘ê–◊ ¡◊≠Î◊ ? §◊˙≠¡◊ ·h◊≤–◊d◊˙ ≠Ø˙≤◊@◊ Ø≤◊˙‘ê–◊ ≠~◊Å Ü÷◊ Ä˙N–ø–◊ ©◊s≠d◊ π@◊˙÷˛≠Ø NØdh◊`◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ~–◊ld–◊@◊ >íí Nd◊ä ·_◊˙@◊˙ Äπ–≤–◊d◊ ÷◊@–◊ Nd◊ä ≠d◊≠¡◊ ~◊˙@◊·◊ É≈◊@◊ ≠·◊≠`◊ ëëØ˙s’ Ä~–◊ld◊ Ø≠~◊≤h◊Ü Ä‘_πd–◊ d◊≠Ë◊ Δ˙í@◊ dh◊≠Ø π‹§˛◊¸ ≠≤◊˙Å Q◊Î◊ Ä‹¡◊˙ S˙¡–◊d◊ ≤h◊Ä Ä˙÷◊N<–÷◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ≠·◊¡◊-Øh≤F◊≈’◊≠@◊ d◊‹˙π– dh◊Ø@◊ dh◊è◊ π·◊@◊ pÎ◊~◊ ‹˙Ü πF¡’◊·◊œ¸; Ë◊b˙ ħ˛◊˙¥◊ §◊˙¡◊≠@◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊ ¡◊÷˛◊≠@◊]˙ Ä™◊˙d◊ ØÚ≠@◊ Ä~h◊N@–◊ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊-≠N˛˙d◊N_–~◊u-S˙@◊˙ > Q◊˙Ζ◊d◊ ≠NØ˙≠~◊ Ü÷◊ NFd˛◊ ·_◊˙@◊˙ ‘˙¥◊ ÄØ@◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ Δ˙≤◊˙ @◊]¥–◊ ≠s˙π≠~◊ >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
396 This blazoned hieroglyph of prophet morns A meaning more sublime in symbols writes Than sealed Thought wakes to, but of this high script How shall my voice convince the mind of earth? Heaven’s wiser love rejects the mortal’s prayer; Unblinded by the breath of his desire, Unclouded by the mists of fear and hope, It bends above the strife of love with death; It keeps for her her privilege of pain. A greatness in thy daughter’s soul resides That can transform herself and all around But must cross on stones of suffering to its goal. Although designed like a nectar cup of heaven, Of heavenly ether made she sought this air, She too must share the human need of grief And all her cause of joy transmute to pain. The mind of mortal man is led by words, His sight retires behind the walls of Thought And looks out only through half-opened doors. He cuts the boundless Truth into sky-strips
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Q◊˙@h◊Q◊o˛◊ Q–◊d˛◊˙O@◊ §◊˙¡◊u π˛÷◊˙‘@◊ Äö–◊d◊ ÷◊≠@◊ Δ˙ Ä‹’ π˛d◊u÷◊ Ø˙Ú≠Ø Ø≤◊≈◊@◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ Ä˙Ø π˛÷◊˙‘ ÄOØ Øh·–˛◊d◊ Q–◊¥◊˙@h◊ : ≠N≤–◊ ɤ◊d◊ `–◊π–@◊ π˛d◊äl ÷–◊π@–◊ ≠Ø˙@◊ ÷◊≠£ ©◊˙s@–◊d◊ ÷◊@–◊ ØhΩ π˙@–◊¡–◊ Ø≈’◊ä Ø˙~◊¡◊ Ø˙~◊≠N ? π˛§h◊ö◊@◊ NØS≥÷◊ π˛™◊˙Øl ≠π˛Ø π˛˙‹’~◊˙ Äs˛˙≤◊ä ÷◊≠@◊ ~◊‘_@◊ ~◊@◊@◊, ≤h◊Ü ~◊˙≤y◊ ÄÕ◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙ ~–◊º‘_˙≠N ø◊˙·–◊d◊ d◊˙í ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ §◊l Ä˙‘˙-÷h◊≠≤◊Ζ◊≠@◊ > ~◊d◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ·_◊J◊ Ñ≠Z’◊ ≠π˛Ø, Ø@◊b@◊ > ¡–◊≠‘r d◊˙í ÄS≥÷◊˙@◊ @◊]≥ø–◊ dh◊Ø@◊ ÷◊~◊ä˙ π˙ÅΩ πuŸ◊~◊@◊; Ø≤–◊Ø˙ Äø–◊ Δ˙ Ä¥◊@◊˙k˙ Ø≠Ú d◊˙í@◊ ~◊¡◊@F◊π d◊˙≤◊˙ ≠·◊Åπ˙≠@◊ N_l… d◊˙÷h◊, Ä~◊äN÷◊Î◊öh◊ > `◊Oä π˛˙D– π˙ÅΩ ÷–◊¥h◊ Äd–◊÷˛◊Ø d◊˙öh◊ ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ÷m–◊¸ π˛g@◊@◊ π‹ > N_s’NhS˙-π˙~◊π˙d˛◊ NØ d◊˙í Ä˙÷◊˙@◊ > ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊@◊ ≠¡◊ä˙Ø d◊≠j◊ d◊~h◊ d◊˙ @◊Q–◊d◊ Ä˙N–ø–◊ ≠N ÷◊@–◊ ÷–◊¥h◊ N_l… Ä≠~_◊rb ¡◊˙lh π@–◊Ø—≠Î◊ Ü Ø≈’◊ä ©◊sd◊@◊ > §◊˙s–~◊u ≠N ≠≤◊≠¡◊ ≠d◊bh Ø˙~◊¡◊ ©◊u¡◊≠~◊ ≠§◊˙s@◊ Δ˙ π˛≠l˙©◊~◊ ‹˙Ü ¡–◊r˙·◊@◊ > ÷◊@–◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ d◊˙öh◊ ≠÷m◊≠‘ π@–◊bd◊ N÷◊Î◊ ÷◊˙@◊b Δ˙≤◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ πh`◊÷◊@◊ > ¡◊Q◊≠~◊ Q◊˙Ζ◊d◊ Ø~◊ Ø≈’◊äØ˙~◊¡◊@◊ ≤◊≠Ë◊ d◊˙í@◊ ·œ◊¸– Q–◊¥◊˙ π˛˙Q◊u@◊ π¢˙≠d◊ > ÄM’◊-Øhê◊ ·_◊˙@◊ ØÚh ≠·◊≠] ≠N ¡◊˙≤◊˙@◊ ]— ]— ÷◊@–◊ ÷◊˙Ë–◊ Ä~◊¥◊ Nd◊ä@◊ 397
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
398 And every strip he takes for all the heavens. He stares at infinite possibility And gives to the plastic Vast the name of Chance; He sees the long results of an all-wise Force Planning a sequence of steps in endless Time But in its links imagines a senseless chain Or the dead hand of cold Necessity; He answers not to the mystic Mother’s heart, Misses the ardent heavings of her breast And feels cold rigid limbs of lifeless Law. The will of the Timeless working out in Time In the free absolute steps of cosmic Truth He thinks a dead machine or unconscious Fate. A Magician’s formulas have made Matter’s laws And while they last, all things by them are bound; But the spirit’s consent is needed for each act And Freedom walks in the same pace with Law. All here can change if the Magician choose. If human will could be made one with God’s, If human thought could echo the thoughts of God,
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≠¡◊ä˙Ø÷h◊ ≠N §◊˙≠¡◊ d˙í@◊ π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ ¡–◊§◊˙s ÄNuØ ¡–◊‘˙Î◊ @F◊π NØs˛ ~◊§◊@◊ > NuØ˙≤◊u~◊ N…§◊˙¡◊~◊˙ ≠·◊]≥ Äπ`◊÷◊ Nh~◊Øä §F◊Ø˙÷h◊ ·–◊Ü ~◊˙Ø Δ·œ◊è◊˙@◊ > ≠·◊]≥ πFC’ π˛™◊˙Ølu ‘ê–◊÷◊Ø’S˙@◊˙ ·F◊@◊ π@–◊b˙Ø@◊ Δ˙ Ä~h◊÷˛◊ØS˙@◊˙ πF¡’◊ ~–◊M’◊˙@–◊d◊ ÷◊˙Î◊ Ä~◊¥◊ π˛¡◊˙≠≤◊ ÷◊À◊~◊˙ ÷◊≠@◊ ≠N d◊˙≤◊˙ ~–◊@◊‹’÷◊ Ü÷◊ N…≠Δ˙s ‘œõÎ◊˙ Ä¡◊˙ É·◊˙N, ‘ud◊Î◊ §¡–◊d◊¡◊ä π˛˙b≤◊u~◊ ≤◊g@◊ ≠Δ˙©◊~◊˙ > ≤œ◊·◊l@◊ ª‘’ π˙Å sF˜◊ ©◊~◊~◊u@◊ É≈◊@◊ ~◊ ·–◊Ü d◊˙≤◊˙, ¡◊G≥d◊ ≤h◊Ü d◊˙ ©◊~◊~◊u É@◊N Ér< ≠N∂≤◊@◊ ªo◊~h◊ > Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊≠@◊ ]˙`–◊ π@◊‘ ÷◊∫–◊~◊ ‘ud◊Î◊ Äú@◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ~–◊©’◊u¡◊ ¡–◊S≥@◊ > ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ N…÷◊À◊ Δ˙ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊-¡◊≠O ~–◊d◊äØhê◊ Éπ˙≠l d◊˙ ÷◊≠@ @F◊π˙l–d◊ ¡–◊‘_¡◊ä˙πu Nd◊ä d◊˙≤◊˙ Ø˙~◊¡◊ ·œ◊¸–≠@◊ Nh÷◊∫–◊~◊ Δ»◊ Ä¡◊˙ ~–◊@◊‹’÷◊ ¡–◊S≥ > Ø˙l˙¡◊u@◊ Ø≠»◊ s˜◊˙ ©◊Ÿ◊@◊ ~–◊lØ ≠Δ≠d◊·–◊~◊ Äø–◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ≠N≠d◊·–◊~◊ Δ˙Ü ~–◊l»◊≠b ~–◊¡◊M d◊˙ N÷◊Î◊ ¡–◊rl > π˛d–◊÷◊Ø’ π˙ÅΩ ÷–◊¥h◊ ≠`◊˙Ÿ◊˙ Ä~h◊Ød–◊ Q–◊~<◊l N≈◊˙@◊; ¡–◊S≥¡–◊S˙~◊@◊ N≠ú NØd◊˙≠Î◊ Q◊≠Î◊ Åè◊˙ N_d◊»◊ Ä˙k˙@◊ > ~◊¡◊@F◊≠π π@–◊bd◊ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙≠@◊ Ü‹≥ N¡h◊ Δ·–◊ Åè◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙ Ø≤◊˙Ø˙l˙¡◊u@◊ > π˛§h◊ö◊@◊ Åè◊˙ N≤◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ N…÷◊À◊ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙≠@◊ Δ◊·–◊ Ü÷◊, §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ ~◊@◊@◊, 399
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400 Man might be all-knowing and omnipotent; But now he walks in Nature’s doubtful ray. Yet can the mind of man receive God’s light, The force of man can be driven by God’s force, Then is he a miracle doing miracles. For only so can he be Nature’s king. It is decreed and Satyavan must die; The hour is fixed, chosen the fatal stroke. What else shall be is written in her soul But till the hour reveals the fateful script, The writing waits illegible and mute. Fate is Truth working out in Ignorance. O King, thy fate is a transaction done At every hour between Nature and thy soul With God for its foreseeing arbiter. Fate is a balance drawn in Destiny’s book. Man can accept his fate, he can refuse. Even if the One maintains the unseen decree He writes thy refusal in thy credit page:
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
π˛d–◊S_~–◊ ≤h◊Ü Δ·–◊ ·–◊¡◊ä §◊˙¡◊~◊˙@◊ N¡’◊™◊˙~◊Øl, N¡’◊‘ê–◊ ÄS≥÷◊˙@◊u Ø˙~◊¡◊ ¡–◊ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙≠@◊ Ü Ø@◊ ©◊s≠d◊ > No–◊ç ™◊˙~◊@◊ @◊‘<–≠@◊]˙ Ä~h◊N@–◊ π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊, Q◊≠Î◊ Ü≠¡◊ Ø˙≠s’ d◊˙í Ø˙~◊¡◊ > ~◊@◊ Ø~◊ `◊§–◊π˙≠@◊ ™◊˙~◊ Ç‘_@◊ö◊ á‘u ‘ê–◊ π˙≠@◊ d◊˙í@◊ ‘ê–÷h◊ Q◊Î◊˙Å > Q◊Øe◊˙@◊ ØF≈’◊@F◊π ≠≤◊˙Å ≠d◊≠¡◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ Ä≠`◊˝÷–◊÷◊ ÷◊Ø’ ÷◊@–◊ π˙≠@◊ Ü Ø˙~◊¡◊ > Ü≤–◊π@–◊ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ≠N ¡–◊‘_π˛÷œ◊d–◊@◊ ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙≠@◊ ÄS≥πd–◊; Øœdh◊ä-÷◊¡◊Ζ◊d◊ Nd◊ä¡◊˙~Í◊ ≠≤◊≠¡◊ Ü≤◊˙ ¡–◊S≥@◊ Ä˙≠·◊‘ > ⁄–@◊ d◊˙í@◊ `◊s∂, ⁄–@◊ Ø˙@◊÷◊ Ä˙ˆ˙d◊ > Ä~◊ä N¡h◊ Δ˙≤◊˙÷–◊ø–◊ ˆË–◊¡◊ Äö–◊d◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø–◊ d◊˙í N˙¡–◊d˛◊uö◊ Ä¥◊@◊˙k˙ π≠Ë◊ > ÷◊˙Î◊ ≠Δ≠d◊·–◊~◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ~◊ ÷◊≠@◊ π˛÷◊Ë◊ ≠N≠d◊·–◊~◊ ~–◊ld–◊@◊ `–◊π– ‹≥¡◊ @◊≤–◊ Ī¸, ~◊u@◊¡◊; ¡–◊S≥ Nd◊ä ~–◊@◊¥◊@◊ ~–◊©◊÷h◊ π˛÷◊˙‘ ÷≠@◊ Ä™◊˙~◊ ØÚ≠@◊ > ≠≤◊ @◊˙©◊˙, ~–◊ld–◊ dh◊Ø π˛d–◊Øh≤F◊≈’◊@◊ ÷◊˙Δ’ä@◊ ¡–◊S˙~◊ Ä˙k˙ π˛÷œ◊d–◊ ØÚ≠@◊ > ·F◊@◊·◊‘’u ¡–◊S˙d◊˙ d◊˙ π@◊Ø πh@h◊r > ~–◊ld–◊@◊ Ä˙l¡◊äl ≤–◊N˙¡◊ ]˙d◊˙≠@◊ §◊˙sä Ü÷◊ N…dh◊Î◊~◊; ≠N_è◊˙≠@◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ N_u÷◊˙@◊ Δ˙ π˙≠@◊ ÷◊@–◊ Ä¡◊˙ π˛d◊ä˙]ä˙~◊ > Ä·œ◊‘ä Ä˙≠·◊‘ Δ·–◊ π@◊Ø˙k˙ N_l… @◊]¥–◊ ≤◊˙d◊≠@◊ ~–◊©◊, d◊‹˙π– dh◊Ø@◊ ÄN_u÷œ◊d–◊ ≠`◊]¥–◊ ≠N Ä˙lπ≠O dh◊Ø ≤–◊N˙¡◊ ]˙d◊˙≠@◊ d◊˙ö◊; ~–◊ld–◊ Q◊@◊Ø 401
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402 For doom is not a close, a mystic seal. Arisen from the tragic crash of life, Arisen from the body’s torture and death, The spirit rises mightier by defeat; Its godlike wings grow wider with each fall. Its splendid failures sum to victory. O man, the events that meet thee on thy road, Though they smite thy body and soul with joy and grief, Are not thy fate,—they touch thee awhile and pass; Even death can cut not short thy spirit’s walk: Thy goal, the road thou choosest are thy fate.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Ä¥◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊, ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ sF˜◊ Øh·˛–◊d◊ Ä˙≠·◊‘ > ·h◊@◊¥◊ ¡–◊~◊˙‘ ØÚh É∫–◊ ©◊u¡◊~◊@◊, Δ»◊b˙ Ø@◊b ØÚh É∫–◊ ‘@◊u@◊@◊ π@◊˙©◊l N≠j◊ ØÚ ÄS≥÷◊ ¡–◊÷˛◊≠Ø É∫–◊ Q◊≠Î◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊˙k˙; π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ πd◊≠~◊ ·–◊¡◊ä πO ≤h◊Ü d◊˙í@◊ ÄS≥÷◊ ¡–◊‘˙Î◊ > §◊¡◊ä d◊˙í@◊ ¡–◊ÁÎ◊d◊˙ ≤h◊Ü π@–◊bd◊ ¡–◊©◊l ≠s˝@◊≠¡◊; dh◊Ø ©◊u¡◊~◊-π‹≠@◊ ≠≤◊◊ Ø˙~◊¡ ! ˆË◊b˙ Δ˙ ÷◊@◊Å Ä˙≤◊d◊ dh◊Ø ≠·◊≤◊, Ä¥◊@◊˙k˙ ≠‘˙≠÷◊ à πh`◊≠÷◊ ~h◊≠≤Ω◊ d◊˙í ~–◊ld–◊ dh◊Ø; Ob÷◊˙Î◊ π˙ÅΩ ª‘’ ÷◊@–◊ dh◊Ø÷h◊ d◊˙í Δ˙Ü ÄπN@–◊ > ¡◊ä˙≤◊d◊ ~◊ ÷◊@–◊π˙≠@◊ Ø@◊b ¡–◊ dh◊Ø Ä¥◊@◊˙k˙ sd–◊π‹; ~–◊ld–◊ dh◊Ø@◊ ≠Δ π‹ ¡◊@–◊ø◊ dh◊≠Ø `◊Oä ħ–◊Øh≠] >...íí (ÄNØ˙D)
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
NDØ π¡◊’ : ≠Δ˙s π¡◊’
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
The Joy of Union; the Ordeal of the Foreknowledge of Death and the Heart’s Grief and Pain FATE followed her foreseen immutable road. Man’s hopes and longings build the journeying wheels That bear the body of his destiny And lead his blind will towards an unknown goal. His fate within him shapes his acts and rules; Its face and form already are born in him, Its parentage is in his secret soul: Here Matter seems to mould the body’s life And the soul follows where its nature drives. Nature and Fate compel his free-will’s choice. But greater spirits this balance can reverse And make the soul the artist of its fate. This is the mystic truth our ignorance hides: Doom is a passage for our inborn force, Our ordeal is the hidden spirit’s choice, Ananke is our being’s own decree. All was fulfilled the heart of Savitri Flower-sweet and adamant, passionate and calm,
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
π˛‹Ø Ns’
Ø–Î◊~◊@ Ä˙~◊o, ÷◊≠∫◊˙@ π@uO˙ ñ Øœdh◊ä@ §◊¡◊–rädÍ◊ ™˙~◊ à ≤œ◊·◊l@ ≠‘˙÷ ⁄–@ d◊˙í@ πF¡◊’·œ◊¸ π‹ Ä~h◊N@– Q◊Î◊–`◊˙ ~◊–ld◊– > ~◊@ Ä˙‘˙ ħ◊–Î◊˙r §◊˙sä ¡◊≤◊– Q◊˙≠`◊ d◊˙í@ @‹ Q◊÷◊˛ NØ > N≠ú◊ N≠ú◊ π≠ø π≠ø Δ˙Ü Ø˙~◊¡◊@ ØF˜ Åè◊˙ ÷◊˙≤◊y ≠÷◊ÉΩ Ä™˙d◊ Ä˙‘≠l > Ä¥◊≠@ ~◊–≤◊–d◊ ¡◊–S≥ @≠Q◊ Øb–r@ Δ˙¡◊d◊ul ÷◊Ø’ πhb– ‘˙NÅ d◊˙≤◊˙≠@ > πF¡◊’@h N≈◊˙≠@ d◊˙í@ `◊§◊–ø– ©~◊Ø Ø˙~◊¡◊@ §◊¡◊–d◊¡◊ä Ä˙÷◊˙@, Ä˙~◊~◊ > Éf d◊˙ s§◊u≠@ ~◊@ sF˜ Ä˙k πh≠@ > Ä˙π˙d◊·œ◊¸–≠@ Áh◊≠Ë ©Ÿ Ü §h◊¡◊≠~◊ @≠Q◊ Ü ‘@u@ π˛˙b Ä~h◊N@– Δ˙í@ N_§◊˙¡◊ Äl≠~◊ Q◊≠Î◊ Ä˙k˙ Ø˙~◊¡◊@ > π˛÷œ◊d◊–, ¡◊–S≥@ ¡◊‘ ≠N_è◊˙ π˛≠b˙·◊–d◊ ¡◊≠@ Δ˙ Øb–r, ÷◊–¥h◊ Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ πh@hr à`◊Ë˙Å Ü≤◊–π@– @ud◊– ≠d◊˙Î◊~◊@ Ä˙k˙÷h◊ π˙@Å ÷◊@– ~◊–ld◊– ~◊–Ø’˙d◊˙ > sF˜ Ü≤◊– d◊j `h◊Q◊– @≤◊–ø– Ä™˙≠~◊ > Ø@b N@bu Ä˙Ø Ä¥◊@ ‘ê◊–@ > Ä˙π·◊ π˛è◊¤ sF˜ Ä˙k˙@ ¡◊@b > Ä·œ◊¸ Δ˙ Ä˙≠·◊‘ d◊˙ N_l… Ü Ä˙k˙@ > NhØ~◊N@N, ¡◊©˛÷◊≠∫◊˙@, π˛‘˙¥◊, π˛Q◊— N˙¡◊–d◊˛u ≤◊–Ä˙ ¡◊@–‹≥`◊˙ Δ˙≤◊˙
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
408 Had chosen and on her strength’s unbending road Forced to its issue the long cosmic curve. Once more she sat behind loud hastening hooves; A speed of armoured squadrons and a voice Far-heard of chariots bore her from her home. A couchant earth wakened in its dumb muse Looked up at her from a vast indolence: Hills wallowing in a bright haze, large lands That lolled at ease beneath the summer heavens, Region on region spacious in the sun, Cities like chrysolites in the wide blaze And yellow rivers pacing lion-maned Led to the Shalwa marches’ emerald line, A happy front to iron vastnesses And austere peaks and titan solitudes. Once more was near the fair and fated place, The borders gleaming with the groves’ delight Where first she met the face of Satyavan And he saw like one waking into a dream Some timeless beauty and reality, The moon-gold sweetness of heaven’s earth-born child. The past receded and the future neared:
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
πFC◊’ N¡h◊, ¡◊˙Ú Ü≠¡◊ ¡◊–‘_ ¡◊–¡◊≈◊’~ ◊ñ π˛N˙@–d◊ ¡◊÷◊˛≠@]˙ π@–bd◊– `◊˙≠§◊ ·h◊©’l ≠N Ø≤◊˙‘ê◊– ÷◊≠∫◊˙@ Äl≠~◊ > πhb– ‹≠@ Øo◊˛≠ˆ˙r dh◊@s π¢◊˙≠d◊ ¡◊N–≠`◊ ÷h◊Ø˙@u, ≠~◊≠`◊ Ä˙Î◊lh Nh·F◊≠@ d◊_@–≠d◊ Nû–d◊ ≠N~◊˙, ˆˆ’@ Näo◊~◊ > ØF÷◊ d◊˙ S≥Ä˙~h◊ É∫◊– ‘˙l–d◊˙ S@bu ≠·◊]h‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙÷h◊ ·◊uˆ’ d◊o◊˛˙@ Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘ > π≠‹ ≠÷◊≠d◊ s–@– N∂˙d◊ ‘h§◊˛ ÷h◊©ÍnË–≠@, ~◊–·◊˙ˆ Ä˙÷◊˙‘ d◊≠Î◊ Ä˙@˙≠Ø ÄÎ◊≠N ‘˙l–d◊ ¡◊–gœd◊ §F◊Ø–, Øhê◊ @¡◊– d◊≠Î◊ ≠·◊‘ π≠@ ≠·◊‘ πhb– πhw@˙s NØ π˛‘g Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ≠‘˙≠≤◊ πh@u, ¡◊≠≤◊ ≠¡◊≠s πud◊ ~◊·◊u, π‘hπd◊– ≠÷◊‘@ Ø—–d◊; Ä˙≠N ≠d◊≠¡◊ ‘˙`◊_‘ä˙Ø ÄË¡◊u@ NuØ˙ ñ ÖO s–@– N˙~h◊, Ø≤◊˙ ¡◊–©~◊ π˛≠·◊‘ Ä˙lNu ¡◊–πhÎ◊˙ §F◊Ø– @Øä πh≠@˙§◊˙s > π˙≠‘ πhb– Éπsd◊ ~◊–ld◊– ¡◊–≤◊–d◊ @hQ◊–@ π˛≠·◊‘, ¡œ◊O ¡◊˙Ë–÷◊˙ π˛≠Ø˙≠·◊ ¡◊–Î◊NÅ π˛˙¥◊ §F◊Ø– Δ≤◊y ≠N π˛‹≠Ø ≠·◊]≥‹≥≠`◊ Nd◊ä¡◊˙~Í◊ d◊˙πN Ä˙~◊~◊, Ör–πhd◊˛ Δ≤◊y N≠d◊ ©˙s–¡◊˙ Nπ≠~◊ ≠·◊]≥‹≥≠`◊ ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ Nd◊ä à NhrØ˙, ‘ud◊˙…‘h ¡◊–ØÎ◊ Ø≤◊˙@©d◊ ÉEÎ◊ ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊@ Ø≈◊’ä©˙d◊ ‘–‘h ØSh@d◊˙ > ~◊– ˛˙¥◊ Äd◊ud◊ Ü≠¡◊ π˙≠‘ Ä~◊˙sd◊ >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
410 Far now behind lay Madra’s spacious halls, The white carved pillars, the cool dim alcoves, The tinged mosaic of the crystal floors, The towered pavilions, the wind-rippled pools And gardens humming with the murmur of bees, Forgotten soon or a pale memory The fountain’s plash in the white stone-bound pool, The thoughtful noontide’s brooding solemn trance, The colonnade’s dream grey in the quiet eve, The slow moonrise gliding in front of Night. Left far behind were now the faces known, The happy silken babble on laughter’s lips And the close-clinging clasp of intimate hands And adoration’s light in cherished eyes Offered to the one sovereign of their life. Nature’s primaeval loneliness was here: Here only was the voice of bird and beast,— The ascetic’s exile in the dim-souled huge Inhuman forest far from cheerful sound Of man’s blithe converse and his crowded days. In a broad eve with one red eye of cloud, Through a narrow opening, a green flowered cleft,
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Nh·F◊≠@ @≤◊–`◊˙ π≠ø Ø·◊˛@˙©πh@u π˛‘g ÄÏ˙Î◊–, ‘h§◊˛, ≠]˙·◊–d◊, Ø—–d◊ g}@˙©–, Q◊˙@h÷h◊z π˛è◊˙l ‘ud◊Î◊, N–≠d◊˙πÎ◊ N_è◊ §F◊Ø–d◊Î◊ ¡◊–Ø—–d◊ ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ π˛g≠@, dh◊ú◊ Ø—π@ Ø˙Î◊˙, NØu@ π˛¡◊˙≠≤◊ ¡◊uQ◊– Q◊GÎ◊ N@Nu, Éπ¡◊~◊ Øh]@–d◊ ØShπ shz≠~◊, N≤◊N˙ ¡◊–N<œd◊ Ä¡◊˙ Oub N<œd◊–≠@]˙ ñ π˛‘g π˙r˙b ¡◊M d◊Ÿ˙≠s ~◊–n’@ ñ Ä˙Œ◊˙Î◊~, Ú˙~◊Øs∂ Q◊–¥◊˙§◊˙@~◊d◊ ØÚ˙≤◊∂ NØ˙S≥, g} SFN@ Nπ~◊ ‘˙¥◊ N˙l¥◊≠~◊, Ø≤◊˙d◊–˛Δ˙Ø˙@ Ä˙≠s Øœ·h◊ Øœ·h◊ Q◊≠o◊˛˙·◊l ~◊–§œ◊d◊ N…Q◊˙@ > @≠≤◊ Ü≠¡◊ ¡◊≤h◊ π≠ø π@–Q◊–d◊ Øh], ≤◊N ≤◊N Øh≠] Nh] ≠÷◊˙ØÎ◊ Ä˙Î◊˙π, Ä¥◊@ú◊ §h◊≠© s˙˜ ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ Ä˙≠‘mr Ø·◊˛©~◊ ÄSu‘_@u Ä˙≠‘ ~◊–≠¡◊·◊–d◊ Éπ˙N~◊˙·h◊äd◊– π˛ud◊–≠π˙r–d◊ ~◊l≠~◊ > ‹≥`◊˙ Ü‹≥ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ Ä˙·◊– ¡◊–©~◊d◊˙, ‹≥`◊˙ ]˙`◊– @¡◊ Ü‹≥ π‘h ¡◊–≤◊s@ ñ Øb–r@ Nh]˙Î◊˙π ÷◊Ø’ NØ˙÷h◊Î◊ N@N ©u¡◊~◊ ≠÷◊˙Î◊˙≤◊Îh◊ ¡◊≤h◊·F◊≠@ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ¡◊–©~◊ ≠ˆ˙@ g–Ø–d◊ ≠Q◊d◊~◊ d◊˙πN@ ¡◊–¡◊˙N~◊ ÄØ˙~h◊ru ¡◊~◊ > É·◊˙@ π˛≠·◊˙≠r ~◊≠§◊ Ä@hb ~◊l~◊ ≠‘˙≤h◊‹≥`◊˙ ħ◊˛ ≠Δ≠¡◊ ø˙Ÿ– ≠N NØ≠l Ä~◊–≠Ør ·◊œ¸– S@˙, Øhê◊ Ä˙÷◊˙‘@ ‘ä˙ØÎ◊ πhw–d◊ Ü÷◊ Oh·◊˛ N@bu≠@
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
412 Out of the stare of sky and soil they came Into a mighty home of emerald dusk. There onward led by a faint brooding path Which toiled through the shadow of enormous trunks And under arches misers of sunshine, They saw low thatched roofs of a hermitage Huddled beneath a patch of azure hue In a sunlit clearing that seemed the outbreak Of a glad smile in the forest’s monstrous heart, A rude refuge of the thought and will of man Watched by the crowding giants of the wood. Arrived in that rough-hewn homestead they gave, Questioning no more the strangeness of her fate, Their pride and loved one to the great blind king, A regal pillar of fallen mightiness And the stately care-worn woman once a queen Who now hoped nothing for herself from life, But all things only hoped for her one child, Calling on that single head from partial Fate All joy of earth, all heaven’s beatitude. Adoring wisdom and beauty like a young god’s, She saw him loved by heaven as by herself, She rejoiced in his brightness and believed in his fate And knew not of the evil drawing near.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
π@–©~◊ N≤◊ d◊≤◊y π˛≠¡◊‘–≠`◊ Ä˙N– Ø@÷◊d◊ NÕ◊ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ Ä˙Î◊≠l > π˛è◊˙l˙ ¡◊–@˙Ë ·◊´Ø, π˛§◊˙÷◊@-÷◊@ ñ ÷œ◊πb ≠d◊˙@b d◊≠Î◊, g–Ø–d◊ s}u@ Ä~h◊N@– π‹ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ≠NØ˙≠~◊ ~◊uÎ◊~◊§◊]— d◊≠Î◊ ≠ˆ˙@ ÄË¡◊u@ Ø@≠Ø ¡◊–÷◊Q◊ Nh] N<–d◊ ≤◊˙N NØ @¡◊–@‘<– Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊–d◊ ¡◊–‘·◊ π˛≠·◊≠‘, Q◊Éπ˙≠‘ Nh@O–d◊ Ø≤◊Ø≤◊u@h≠≤◊ ~◊@Q◊–¥◊˙ Åè◊˙@ ≠N ÷◊≠∫◊˙@ Ä˙‘˛≠l Ä˙~◊d◊ ø˙·◊–d◊ ˆG d◊˙πN ÉË© > @hO ≠N Ä˙¡◊˙≠N Ä˙N– ≠d◊˙Î◊– ≠·◊≠`◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ~◊ ¡◊–Q◊˙@– Ä˙É d◊˙í@ ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ ~◊–ld◊– π˛ud◊–@ π–dh◊Î◊˙ Ø·◊˛ ≠·◊‘@ s@¡◊ §F◊`h◊£◊–d◊ ÄgØ–d◊ Ø≤◊–Ø˙@ g} ñ ÄÕ◊ Ø≤◊˙@˙©˙ πhb– Ø≤◊ulNu ~◊˙@u Q◊–¥◊˙ ©©’@–d◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ Ø≤◊˙@˙bu ≤◊˙≠d◊, ~◊–© π˙ÅΩ ÷◊–ø– ≠≤◊≠`◊ π˙Å¡◊˙@ Ä˙‘˙ ~◊‹≥`◊˙ ©u¡◊≠~◊ Δ˙í@ N¡h◊÷◊–ø– Ä˙‘˙ ‹≥`◊˙ Δ˙í@ Ü÷◊Ø˙d◊˛ d◊~◊l N÷◊˙≠‘, πOπ˙d◊u ~◊–ld◊–@ Ä˙‘–r, π˛N˙·◊ §F◊≠`◊˙÷◊@ ≠Δ≠d◊ Nh], N_s’@ @§◊N Ø˙sh‹≥≠`◊ N·◊˙ Δ–Ü ·h◊`◊˙Î◊@ ‘–≠@ > @F≠π ™˙≠~◊ Nd◊ä¡◊˙~◊ @˙©h‹≥≠`◊ d◊≤◊y d◊@hb ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ NØ, Nh@≠`◊˙÷◊ π˛ud◊–Ä˙ª·◊ ≠N πd◊– π≠·◊ ÷◊@– Ä˙@˙S~◊˙ @˙©÷◊~◊ä˙ ≠≤◊≠`◊ Nh]u, ≠·◊]≥ ≠N ÉEÎ◊ N_˙Øu@ Ø≤◊–Ø˙, ÷◊≠`◊ §◊˙≠sä d◊˙ ¡◊–‘_˙N, ~◊ ©˙b–≠`◊ ·h◊@¥◊ ≠N Ä˙N¤ ¡◊–π·◊ > 413
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
414 Lingering some days upon the forest verge Like men who lengthen out departure’s pain, Unwilling to separate sorrowful clinging hands, Unwilling to see for the last time a face, Heavy with the sorrow of a coming day And wondering at the carelessness of Fate Who breaks with idle hands her supreme works, They parted from her with pain-fraught burdened hearts As forced by inescapable fate we part From one whom we shall never see again; Driven by the singularity of her fate, Helpless against the choice of Savitri’s heart They left her to her rapture and her doom In the tremendous forest’s savage charge. All put behind her that was once her life, All welcomed that henceforth was his and hers, She abode with Satyavan in the wild woods: Priceless she deemed her joy so close to death; Apart with love she lived for love alone. As if self-poised above the march of days, Her immobile spirit watched the haste of Time, A statue of passion and invincible force, An absolutism of sweet imperious will, A tranquillity and a violence of the gods Indomitable and immutable.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
NØl π˛N˙@– Δ‹˙ ÷◊@–‹˙¥◊– ©≠~◊ Ä˙N¤ ¡◊–≠è◊·◊ ¡◊ä‹˙ `◊ˆh, ≠N≤◊–π@– ¡◊~◊@ Éπ˙≠¥◊ d◊≤◊y ÷◊@– ÷◊–ø–·◊–~◊ ÷◊˙Î◊≠Oπ π–dœ◊÷h◊Î◊ π–˛l π@–©~◊ ≠‘˙÷◊§◊˙@~◊d◊ ≤œ◊≠·◊ ≠N∫◊˙@h ¡◊–·◊˙l ≠~◊≠`◊ Δ‹˙ Ä~◊–¡◊˙Δ’ä ~◊–ld◊–@ ¡◊≠‘ ¡◊˙Ú ≠≤◊˙Å π˙‘h ÷◊˙í@ ≠~◊Å‹˙É Ä˙≠Ø ¡◊–·◊˙l Δ˙í N≠ú◊ πhb– ~◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ N˙O˙dÍ◊ > ÷◊~◊ä˙@ ≠N Ä·◊_–d◊ul ~◊–ld◊–@ ¡◊≠‘ ≤œ◊·◊l ¡◊@b d◊˙í@ ©˙b– ~◊–@hπ˙≠l Ä@π– d◊˙í §◊˙@ Äd◊– ≠ˆ˙@ ≠N ÷◊˙~◊≠~◊ ø˙Ÿ– d◊≤◊y s≠`◊ N¡h◊ ≠§◊˙s–¡◊˙÷h◊ d◊˙í@ π@Ø Ä˙~◊o◊ πhb– ·h◊@¥◊ ~◊–ld◊– > π≠ø ø˙Ÿ– ‹≥`◊˙ Δ˙≤◊˙ Äd◊ud◊ ©u¡◊~◊ N_˙sd◊ ©b˙Å Δ˙≤◊˙ ~◊¡◊ ·◊fid◊–@ ‘_˙π·◊ N…÷h◊Î◊ ¡◊≠~◊ ÷◊≠`◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ¡◊˙N Nd◊ä¡◊˙~◊ N≠ú◊ ¡◊SF @˙©˙@ ·h◊≤◊–d◊˙ > Ø≤◊˙ˆ’ Øb–≠`◊ ≠·◊¡◊u Ø@b@ Äd◊– ~◊–÷◊≠Ë π˙Å≠`◊ ≠ΔÉΩ Nh] Ä~h◊§F◊d◊– > ≠π˛Ø N≠ú◊ @≤◊–≠`◊ ≠N πœ‹÷◊ ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ ≠π˛Ø ≠≤◊`◊˙ ©u¡◊~◊@ Ü÷◊Ø˙d◊˛ ≠≤◊dh◊ > Ä≠©l π˛d◊˙π, Ä~h◊@˙s@ π˛d◊–Ø˙ ØSh ·œ◊D N…÷◊À◊@ Q◊@Ø π˛÷◊˙‘, Ä·◊Øä ÄQh◊äd◊ ~◊–¡◊–’÷◊˙@ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ π˛¡◊Î◊ π˛Q◊— ≠¡◊s, ‘˙¥◊–@ ØF@d◊– Ä¡◊–Q◊Î◊ N≈◊˙ d◊˙í@ ÷◊˙Î◊ ·◊´d◊ sd◊– N˙Ou NØ ~◊–≠@]≥`◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Å NØ˙≤◊–d◊ NØl N…Q◊˙@ Ñ≠Z◊’ sF˜ Ä˙k§◊˙≠¡◊ >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
416 At first to her beneath the sapphire heavens The sylvan solitude was a gorgeous dream, An altar of the summer’s splendour and fire, A sky-topped flower-hung palace of the gods And all its scenes a smile on rapture’s lips And all its voices bards of happiness. There was a chanting in the casual wind, There was a glory in the least sunbeam; Night was a chrysoprase on velvet cloth, A nestling darkness or a moonlit deep; Day was a purple pageant and a hymn, A wave of the laughter of light from morn to eve. His absence was a dream of memory, His presence was the empire of a god. A fusing of the joys of earth and heaven, A tremulous blaze of nuptial rapture passed, A rushing of two spirits to be one, A burning of two bodies in one flame. Opened were gates of unforgettable bliss: Two lives were locked within an earthly heaven And fate and grief fled from that fiery hour.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
π˛‹≠Ø ≠N ~◊¡◊¡◊SF ©u¡◊≠~◊, Nh~◊uÎ◊ ~◊§◊d◊≠Î◊ ‹≥`◊˙ Äd◊– ≠‘˙§◊~◊ Nπ~◊ ©~◊≤◊u~◊ ¡◊~◊≠·◊‘, ~◊–·◊˙ˆ @hQ◊–@ Äs∂–πFd◊ πF©˙≠¡◊·◊u, Ä˙÷◊˙‘-‘–]@ πhw-π@–è◊·◊ ≤◊Ø’ä ÄØ@ ≠`◊˙÷◊@ > ·œ◊‘ä d◊˙í@ Δ˙¡◊d◊ul Ä˙~◊o◊ ÄS≠@ N<–d◊≤◊˙Nä, N_@ Nh] ÷◊¡◊–@ @Q◊~◊˙ > N˙Øl–÷◊ NØu@b π˛¡◊˙≤◊≠@ d◊≤◊y Áh◊Ë– É∫h◊‹≥`◊˙ sud◊–, ÉEÎ◊ Ø≤◊–Ø˙ ≠‘˙≤h◊‹≥`◊˙ Äd◊– Oub d◊π~◊ ÷◊–@≠b > @˙d◊– ‹≥`◊˙ Ø]Ø`◊ ≠Ø·h◊@ ¡◊N≠~◊ Øb–@ ¡◊–~ä˙N, Nh≠] ÷h◊`◊˙≠l ‘˙l–d◊ N_è◊o◊ d◊–Ø–@ Ä¡◊˙ Q◊o◊–˛÷◊˙-~◊–¡◊–Ÿ > ·◊–~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠‘˙§◊˙Øl, Nh~◊uÎ◊≠`◊˙≤◊–d◊ sud◊–@ ØFè◊’~◊˙, Ä¡◊˙ π˛§◊˙dh◊ π˛≠·◊˙≠r Ä~h◊Ob Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊@ ¡◊–≠`◊˙Î◊ Nh≤◊˙N > N<œd◊–@ Nπ~◊ d◊≤◊y N_˙Øu@ ¡◊–@≤◊, ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ Ä˙S≥πd◊ä Éπ⁄–d◊– d◊˙í@ > ‡˙¡◊˙πœ‹≥¡◊u@ Nh] N…≠Δ˙s NØ˙~◊ N…Q◊˙@–d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ @N ~◊¡◊·◊fid◊–@ d◊@Î◊ Q◊πÎ◊ ·◊uD, ΔhsÎ◊ Ä˙k˙@ Ø–Î◊~◊@ Ø≤◊˙≠¡◊s, N@˙s ·◊≤◊~◊ ÷œ◊‘˙~h◊ ‘–]˙≠@ Ü÷◊ ΔhsÎ◊ d◊~h◊@ > ≠]˙`◊–s`◊˙ Äπ˙≠N˙@˙ Nh]@ ·h◊Ä˙@, @hM ≠≤◊`◊˙ π˛˙b ·h◊Å π˙‹≥’¡◊ ·h◊ä≠`◊˙≠÷◊ > ·œ◊D ≠N Ø–Î◊~◊ ≠¡◊Î◊˙ ø˙Ÿ– ÷◊˙≤◊y ·F◊≠@ ÄπN@– s`◊˙ ¡◊–S≥, ©u¡◊~◊@ ≠‘˙÷◊ >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
418 But soon now failed the summer’s ardent breath And throngs of blue-black clouds crept through the sky And rain fled sobbing over the dripping leaves And storm became the forest’s titan voice. Then listening to the thunder’s fatal crash And the fugitive pattering footsteps of the showers And the long unsatisfied panting of the wind And sorrow muttering in the sound-vexed night, The grief of all the world came near to her. Night’s darkness seemed her future’s ominous face. The shadow of her lover’s doom arose And fear laid hands upon her mortal heart. The moments swift and ruthless raced; alarmed Her thoughts, her mind remembered Narad’s date. A trembling moved accountant of her riches, She reckoned the insufficient days between: A dire expectancy knocked at her breast; Dreadful to her were the footsteps of the hours: Grief came, a passionate stranger to her gate: Banished when in his arms, out of her sleep It rose at morn to look into her face. Vainly she fled into abysms of bliss From her pursuing foresight of the end.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Nd◊_@ ØÉ≠Î◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ π˛Q◊— ~◊–·◊˙ˆπ˛˙b@ π˛d◊˙π, ~◊uÎ◊ ‘ä˙Ø ≠؈Ø˙Î◊˙ §◊˙N–≠`◊ Ä˙÷◊˙≠‘, ©Î◊n@˙·◊Î◊ π≠@ ˆ~◊N˙@ s`◊˙ øhË– s·Í◊s·◊ ≠@˙·◊≠~◊, ¡◊˙d◊ä˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ¡◊~◊˙~◊u@ π˛Q◊— ~◊–~◊˙·◊ > ÷◊≠C◊’ ≠d◊≠¡◊ Ä˙≠N §◊˙N– Ä‘~◊– Ä¥◊÷◊ ≠ˆ˙@ @¡◊, Ëπ Ëπ Q◊πÎ◊ ©Î◊·◊ñ Q◊@b N…Q◊˙@, πhb– dœ◊D–-¡◊–@≤◊–d◊ ·◊uˆ’ ¡◊–Î◊¯–d◊ ¡◊˙lh-Éè◊_˙N ªo◊~◊, ~◊˙·◊÷◊m–¸ ~◊–‘˙ ¡h◊≠÷◊ ¡◊ä‹˙@ Éπ˙…‘h, Ø~◊g˙π N˙≠‹ d◊˙í@ ~◊–]≥Î◊ ¡◊–‘_@ > d◊–˛Δ˙Ø˙ d◊–Ø–@ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ·h◊º]≥~◊u ¡◊SF@ ·h◊`◊’Ob §◊¡◊–räd◊ ÷◊@˙Î◊ ¡◊·◊~◊ > ·◊l–d◊ ·h◊@¥◊ ø˙l˙ §◊˙N–`◊˙ Ä˙s≠@, ~◊˙@u@ É@N ≠≤◊`◊˙ §◊ud◊– ÷◊¡◊Î◊–d◊ > ~◊–Ø–≠r ~◊–Ø–≠r ÷◊˙Î◊ ·◊´d◊ ~◊– @hb s`◊˙ ¡◊≤◊–; ≠·◊¡◊ Ör– ~◊˙@·◊-NFQ◊–d◊ ·◊–¡◊N π˛÷◊˙≠‘ d◊˛g Ø~◊N<œd◊–π≠Ë > Nh]@ N…§◊˙@ sb– ©˙s–`◊˙ ≠¡◊π‹h > Ä¡◊‘–¸ ·◊–~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ÄÎ◊π, NuØ–d◊ > ÷◊@˙Î◊ Ä˙≠¡◊s ÷◊`◊˙ ≤◊–Ä˙≠@ Ä˙ˆ˙d◊ ¡◊–§◊ur–÷◊˙Øl ≠≤◊`◊˙ NØl N…Q◊˙@ > ©˙l˙@ ≠d◊˙@≠b Ä˙N– ≠≤◊`◊˙ Éπsd◊ N@˙s Äd◊–‹≥ NØ sh@h π@–d◊˙π > π@–r_ê◊˙ ¡◊SF π˙‘h πÎ◊˙Å ≠N ·F◊≠@ ~◊–‘˙≠¥◊ ‘l~◊ ≠‘≠r ≠·◊]≥`◊˙ d◊˙ Øh] > ·h◊@¥◊ ≠N ~◊–ld◊–@ πh≠@˙·œ◊¸– d◊˙í@ π≠ø π≠ø S˙ÜΩ; ¡œ◊‹˙ πÎ◊˙Å ≠N π≠‘ ·◊˙fid◊ä Ä˙~◊o◊ @N Äs˙S s≤◊≠~◊ > 419
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
420 The more she plunged into love that anguish grew; Her deepest grief from sweetest gulfs arose. Remembrance was a poignant pang, she felt Each day a golden leaf torn cruelly out From her too slender book of love and joy. Thus swaying in strong gusts of happiness And swimming in foreboding’s sombre waves And feeding sorrow and terror with her heart,— For now they sat among her bosom’s guests Or in her inner chamber paced apart,— Her eyes stared blind into the future’s night. Out of her separate self she looked and saw, Moving amid the unconscious faces loved, In mind a stranger though in heart so near, The ignorant smiling world go happily by Upon its way towards an unknown doom And wondered at the careless lives of men. As if in different worlds they walked, though close, They confident of the returning sun, They wrapped in little hourly hopes and tasks,— She in her dreadful knowledge was alone.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
≠π˛≠Ø ≠N Xh◊¡◊–≠`◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ ≠N≠d◊ ≠N ≠¡◊·◊~◊˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ÉπQ◊–d◊, Äd◊– ·◊˙@hb Δ»b˙ ©˙d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ØShd◊Ø @N@ Äd◊Îh◊ > N<œd◊– ≠≤◊`◊˙ d◊u¡◊˛ ¡◊ä‹˙, π˛ud◊– πh`◊÷◊@ π˛d◊~h◊ πhg–÷◊˙ π@h N≠d◊ ≠Δ≠≤◊∂ d◊˙í@ ~◊– @hb ≠~◊`◊˙ ÷◊–Ü ÷◊@– ÉdÍ◊π˙Ë~◊ Ä~h◊·◊–~◊ ©˙¯h~◊·◊ πd◊˛ ≠s˙Ë– ≠s˙Ë– > Nh]@ π˛¡◊Î◊ ¡◊˙lh π˛¡◊˙≠≤◊ ≠N ≠·◊˙Î◊–, §◊˙N– §◊˙N– ¡◊–πΔ’älN…‘u ¡◊–ØÎ◊–~◊ ¡◊uQ◊– π≠@, π@–πh¸ ÷◊@– ≤œ◊·◊@≠N §◊ud◊–, ≠‘˙÷◊ (≠Δbh d◊˙í@ Ä¥◊≠@ Ä˙Nu~◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ·h◊Å Äd◊–‹≥ Ü, πhb– d◊˙ É@N Ä¥◊@ ~◊–Î◊≠l ÷◊≠`◊ ~◊–§œ◊≠d◊ ¡◊–≤◊˙@) ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ É·◊˙N ≠~◊≠d◊˛ §◊˙¡◊u ¡◊–§◊˙¡◊@u > Ø˙~◊≠N Äπ@–Q◊–d◊˙ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ≠≤◊Ω §◊˙¡◊≠@ ‹≥≠`◊ ≠N N¡h◊@– π˙≠‘; ¡◊–ØF˜, Ä™˙~◊ ≠π˛Ø˙ª·◊ ¡◊Õh◊ ≠Ø≠Î◊ ¡◊–Q◊@–, ~◊l≠~◊ N_d◊» N≈◊˙@h d◊˙ö◊ ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ≠÷◊N~◊ Øœ·h◊ Øœ·h◊ ≤◊N– Nh≠] Ä≠Q◊d◊ ©sd◊ Ä™˙d◊ ~◊–ld◊– ·◊–≠s Δ˙Ü d◊˙í@ π≠‹ > π˙≠‘ π˙≠‘ @≤◊–≠`◊≠≤◊Ω ¡◊–§◊–¤ ©s≠d◊ ¡h◊`h◊‹≥≠`◊ Ä˙~◊©≠~◊ Ä˙¡◊@ ≠N ¡◊SF > Åd◊@ ©~◊@ Ä˙⁄˙, ~◊–d◊– ~◊–‘˙ ≠‘≠r Ä¡◊‘ä ÉÅΩ¡◊ @¡◊–, ·œ◊˜ Ü π˛d◊ä≠l dh◊è◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ≠π˙r– Ä˙‘˙, ¡◊–‘_@ Ø˙~◊¡◊ ÄN…]ä ÷◊≈◊’¡◊ä ÷◊≠Ø’ ≠Δ≠¡◊ ~◊–Øs~◊, §◊urb d◊˙ ™˙≠~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ©˙l˙ Ü÷◊˙÷◊–~◊u >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
422 The rich and happy secrecy that once Enshrined her as if in a silver bower Apart in a bright nest of thoughts and dreams Made room for tragic hours of solitude And lonely grief that none could share or know, A body seeing the end too soon of joy And the fragile happiness of its mortal love. Her quiet visage still and sweet and calm, Her graceful daily acts were now a mask; In vain she looked upon her depths to find A ground of stillness and the spirit’s peace. Still veiled from her was the silent Being within Who sees life’s drama pass with unmoved eyes, Supports the sorrow of the mind and heart And bears in human breasts the world and fate. A glimpse or flashes came, the Presence was hid. Only her violent heart and passionate will Were pushed in front to meet the immutable doom; Defenceless, nude, bound to her human lot They had no means to act, no way to save. These she controlled, nothing was shown outside:
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
πh Î◊ πh`◊÷◊Øl ≠Δ≠d◊ sF˜ §◊˙¡◊ ≠·◊¡◊u NØ ·◊–≠~◊ d◊˙í≠@ @©d◊ ~◊–÷h◊≠z Ü÷◊˙≠¥◊ @hQ◊–@ §◊˙¡◊ Nπ~◊ ÷h◊`◊˙≠l ≠ˆ@–‹≥`◊˙ Ü≠¡◊ d◊≤◊y π˛≠¡◊‘–`◊˙ Ä˙N– ØØ’¥h◊·◊ ¡◊–©~◊d◊˙, ~◊–ºNú◊ ©u¡◊~◊ ñ ·h◊º≠] Δ˙í@ N≤◊§◊˙su ~◊ ‹≥≠`◊ ≠÷◊ ©≠b, Ä≠s˙Q◊@ πhb– Δ˙≤◊˙ ‹≥`◊˙ N÷◊Î◊@ > ≠·◊≤◊ ≠·◊≠] s`◊˙ N@– Äd◊– ‘uˆ˛ Nh] ~◊‘_@ ≠π˛Ø@ Ob §◊úh◊@ ¡◊–Î◊˙N > π˛‘˙¥◊ ØSh@ ⁄–@ ØÉ~◊ ¡◊·◊~◊ @hQ◊–@ d◊˙ ~◊–d◊ä÷◊Ø’ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ä˙¡◊@b > ¡œ◊‹˙≠@ ≠N ≠]˙©h‹≥≠`◊ ¡◊–≠`◊˙÷◊– Ä¥◊≠@ π˙Å¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙k˙ ‘˙¥◊– ~◊–¢◊Î◊ Ä˙S˙@ > Ä˙¡œ◊d◊ d◊‹˙π– ‹≥`◊˙ N≈◊˙ Ä¥◊@˙≠Î◊ ÷F◊Ë⁄ πh@hr Δ˙í@ ~◊– fi ~◊l~◊ Ä˙≠s ≤h◊Ü Ä§◊–~◊ud◊ ©u¡◊~◊ ~◊˙Ë–÷◊˙, ¡◊≠≤◊ ≠Δ N…d◊˙π ~◊@ ≤œ◊·◊l, Ø~◊@ πhb– d◊˙ É@N π≠@ ©sd◊, ~◊–ld◊– > ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ Ä˙N–≠`◊ ≠≤◊Ω Ä˙§◊˙N, n`◊÷◊ d◊‹˙π– ~◊–sF˜ ‹≥`◊˙ ·◊–¡◊ä Éπ⁄–d◊– > ]˙`◊– d◊˙ π˛Q◊— ≤◊–Ä˙, d◊u¡◊˛ Ø≠~◊˙@‹ N≠©˙≠@ ≠π˛@–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Ä˙Nh‹≥`◊˙ Ä˙≠s ≠§◊Ë–¡˙÷h◊ Ä¡◊–÷◊fi ÄQ◊Î◊˙ ~◊–ld◊– > Ä@O–d◊, Ä~◊˙¡œ◊d◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊@ §◊˙≠sä ¡◊Õ◊˙ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙í@ ≤œ◊·◊ N…÷◊À◊ ‘÷◊d◊– > Éπ˙l ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠d◊bh ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ ÷◊–ø– πA◊˙ ¡◊– ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ÷◊–ø– π@–d◊˛˙b π˙ÅΩ > N…ΔØ@ ¡◊‘ d◊˙í@ §◊˙¡◊@˙©– ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ¡◊˙≤◊˙≠@ ÷◊˙≤◊˙@– Ä˙≠s ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ π˛÷◊Ë > 423
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424 She was still to them the child they knew and loved; The sorrowing woman they saw not within. No change was in her beautiful motions seen: A worshipped empress all once vied to serve, She made herself the diligent serf of all, Nor spared the labour of broom and jar and well, Or close gentle tending or to heap the fire Of altar and kitchen, no slight task allowed To others that her woman’s strength might do. In all her acts a strange divinity shone:* Into a simplest movement she could bring A oneness with earth's glowing robe of light, A lifting up of common acts by love. All-love was hers and its one heavenly cord Bound all to all with her as golden tie. But when her grief to the surface pressed too close, These things, once gracious adjuncts of her joy, Seemed meaningless to her, a gleaming shell, Or were a round mechanical and void, Her body’s actions shared not by her will. Always behind this strange divided life Her spirit like a sea of living fire
* π@¡◊≈◊’u d◊–~◊– S˙Ÿ– Ä~F◊·◊–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊˙≤◊y > 3rd Final : 24/10/2009
π–˛l π@–©~◊ Ä˙≠s ‹≥≠`◊ ≠N d◊‹˙π– πF¡◊’ π@–Q◊–d◊˙ π˛ud◊– π˛d◊–Ø˙ ¡◊˙Î◊–÷◊˙ > ≠‘˙÷◊˙dh◊@˙ ~◊˙@u d◊˙í@ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠Δ Ä¥◊≠@ ~◊ ·◊–‘–`◊˙ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ÷◊˙≤◊˙@– ~◊l≠~◊ > Nh‘˛u sd◊– ÷◊–¥h◊ d◊˙í@ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊·◊Î◊– > Éπ˙N–d◊˙ Ø≤◊˙@˙bu π≠·◊ Δ˙í@ ·◊–≠~◊ π@–Q◊Δ’ä˙ Ä˙≠‘ ‹≥≠`◊ N¡h◊ π˛d◊–≠Δ˙su ≠N_è◊˙ ≠N ≠≤◊˙Å`◊˙ Ü≠¡◊ N÷◊Î◊ ©~◊@ ‘˛Ø‘uÎ◊˙ ≠N¡◊˙·◊˙Nu, d◊–≠Î◊ Ä¡◊≠≤◊Î◊˙ ~◊ ÷◊@– ≠Δ ≠≤◊`◊˙ @d◊ sœ≤◊ NØ˙©’≠~◊ ÷F◊πF ©Î◊ Ä˙~◊l≠~◊, ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ ≠÷◊˙ØÎ◊ π‘h@ π˙Î◊≠~◊ Ä¡◊˙ @Õ◊~◊ ‘˙Î◊˙≠@, Δ™≠¡◊·◊uπ≠@ πFd◊ Äs∂– ⁄˙π~◊˙≠@ > Ä˙~◊©~◊ π≠@ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ÷◊–ø– ¡◊– ~◊ ø˙Ÿ– ~◊˙@u ‘ê◊– N˙Ú Δ˙≤◊˙ ÷◊≠`◊ ≠N N÷◊Î◊ > Δ˙¡◊d◊ul ÷◊≠Ø’ d◊˙ö◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ π˛÷◊Ë–d◊ Ä™˙d◊ ħF◊d◊πF¡◊’ §◊˙s¡◊d◊ §◊˙¡◊ > ~◊–]≥Î◊ πu@d◊– d◊˙í@, ≠N≤◊– Ü÷◊ ≠π˛Ø ñ N_s’ul π˙‘≠@ ‹≥≠`◊ N¡h◊ d◊˙í@ N˙≠‹ π˛d◊–¡◊M Δ‹˙ Ü÷◊ ÷◊~◊÷◊ @ûh≠@ > Ä¥◊@@ ≠‘˙÷◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ Ä˙Nh‹`◊˙ ≠Δ≠¡◊ Q◊–≈◊Q◊˙π– Nh~◊–¡◊–≠Ÿ Éπ≠@, ÜN¡h◊ Ü÷◊·◊˙ Δ˙ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙í@ Nh]@ ≠‘˙§◊~◊ N≤◊˙l÷◊, `◊˙sh‹≥`◊˙ Ä‹’≤◊u~◊ Ü÷◊ ·◊uD–Øl Ä˙¡◊@b, Ä¡◊˙ Ä˙¡◊≈◊’~◊ Δ»N…Q◊˙Î◊–d◊ ‘F~◊ä, Åè◊˙-N≤◊≠Δ˙s@≤◊–d◊ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ⁄FÎ◊ ÷◊–˛l˙ ‘˙@u@–÷◊ > ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ ¡◊–§◊ê◊ Ü≤◊– ©u¡◊~◊≠@ N·◊˙ Ä¥◊@˙≠Î◊ Ä˙k˙ d◊˙í@ ©u¡◊¥◊ Ä˙≠s∂l 425
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426 Possessed her lover and to his body clung, One locked embrace to guard its threatened mate. At night she woke through the slow silent hours Brooding on the treasure of his bosom and face, Hung o’er the sleep-bound beauty of his brow Or laid her burning cheek upon his feet. Waking at morn her lips endlessly clung to his, Unwilling ever to separate again Or lose that honeyed drain of lingering joy, Unwilling to loose his body from her breast, The warm inadequate signs that love must use. Intolerant of the poverty of Time Her passion catching at the fugitive hours Willed the expense of centuries in one day Of prodigal love and the surf of ecstasy; Or else she strove even in mortal time To build a little room for timelessness By the deep union of two human lives, Her soul secluded shut into his soul.
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Ø≠≤◊˙·◊S≥ NØ ÷◊@– Ä˙¡◊–¸ ≠π˛Ø–÷◊ ·œ◊≠˜ S@– @≤◊–‹≥`◊˙ ‘@u@ d◊˙≤◊˙@ > Ä¡◊@hM Ä˙`◊–ú◊~◊ Nh@O˙ ¡◊Î◊≠l @]≥‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊–π¤ d◊˙ ©u¡◊~◊ ·◊l–d◊ > NØs˛ @©~◊u ©˙s–, ØA◊@ ~◊u@¡◊ NØl π˛N˙≠@ Ú˙l– N_˙Øu@ ¡◊·◊~◊ ≤œ◊·◊l N…π·◊ ‘–@u, @≤◊–≠`◊ ≠N ©Ÿ– N@˙≠s N_˙Øu@ NhD ≠‘˙§◊~◊ ``˙≠Ë > ≠÷◊≠¡◊ Ä¡◊˙ Ä~h◊@˙s Ä~◊Î◊ d◊˙π–d◊÷◊≠π˙Î◊ ~◊–≠¡◊‘h‹≥≠`◊ πd◊–π·◊ π≠@ > π˛§◊˙≠d◊ ≠N ©˙s– πhb– ¡◊–@≤◊-¡◊–Sh@˙ ¡◊–≠è◊·◊ ~◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ Ä˙≠‘ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ πhb– Ä˙É ¡◊G≥d◊ ~◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ¡◊–Î◊¯–d◊ Nh] ñ ØSh@ ~◊–räoh◊, πhb– É@N Ä˙≠‘mrh Ä~◊–èh◊÷◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊, ‘–‹≥Î◊, Nho◊@ N_˙Øu@ ‘@u@, d◊˙í@ à≠B Nh~◊–¡◊–Ÿ Ä¡◊–@˙Ø @]h‹≥≠`◊ ~◊–©@ ÄS@ > π˛ud◊–@ π˛÷◊˙‘ π˙ÅΩ ‹≥`◊˙ Ü ~◊–¢◊–d◊ Åú◊–d◊ ÄÎ◊π Ér< N@˙s@z–d◊ > NØl NuØ–d◊, ÷◊–¥h◊ ÄSu@ d◊˙ π˛˙b Ä˙÷h◊≠Î◊ Q◊πÎ◊ `◊s∂ S@– @≤h◊‹≥`◊˙ ]@Q◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ≠s˙Ë–Ü ·◊–~◊≠@ ~◊–º≠‘≠r ÄØ–d◊¡◊ä≠l ‘d◊ ¡◊@r@ É·◊s˛ πu@d◊– S~◊, Éè◊Î◊ @§◊N > ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ¡◊˙ ≠N ÷◊@h‹≥≠`◊ N˙S~◊˙ ~◊–©@ Ä˙k˙ ÷◊@– Ä¡◊@hM ¡◊–©≠~◊ N_˙Øu@ Ä˙k˙ N≠ú◊, ·h◊Å π˛˙b s§◊u@ π˛b≠l @Q◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ §◊úh◊@ Ü Ø≈◊’ä@ ©u¡◊≠~◊ NuØ–d◊ π˛≠÷◊˙B Ü÷◊ Q◊–@÷◊˙Î◊ π˙ÅΩ > 427
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428 After all was given she demanded still; Even by his strong embrace unsatisfied, She longed to cry, “O tender Satyavan, O lover of my soul, give more, give more Of love while yet thou canst, to her thou lov’st. Imprint thyself for every nerve to keep That thrills to thee the message of my heart. For soon we part and who shall know how long Before the great wheel in its monstrous round Restore us to each other and our love?” Too well she loved to speak a fateful word And lay her burden on his happy head; She pressed the outsurging grief back into her breast To dwell within silent, unhelped, alone. But Satyavan sometimes half understood, Or felt at least with the uncertain answer Of our thought-blinded hearts the unuttered need, The unplumbed abyss of her deep passionate want. All of his speeding days that he could spare From labour in the forest hewing wood And hunting food in the wild sylvan glades And service to his father’s sightless life He gave to her and helped to increase the hours
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
·◊˙¡◊– d◊˙í@ ~h◊≠≤◊Ω πFC◊’ π˙Å≠`◊≠≤◊Ω N¡h◊ > ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ Ä˙≠‘mr `◊§◊– πd◊–@ d◊‹˙π– Éd◊Î◊˙ ≤œ◊·◊l d◊˙í@ πXh◊‹≥`◊˙ Á◊˙Ë– ÷◊≤◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ ëë÷◊˙¥◊ ≠Ø˙@ ! ÷◊@hb˙ ≠÷◊˙ØÎ◊ Ä˙k˙@ ≠π˛Ø–÷◊ ! Y◊˙Î◊–·◊–Ä ¡◊˙@¡◊˙@ ≠Δ≠d◊ π˙@ π˛ud◊–@N ≠π˛Ø–÷◊˙≠@ d◊¡◊ > ·◊–Ä Ä˙ö◊– ~◊–≠© ≠Ø˙@ ≤◊–Ä˙@ ¡◊˙@d◊˙ @]≥¡◊ Δ˙ É`◊∑N–d◊ N∂˙lhd◊» ≠Ø˙@ > ¡◊–≠è◊·◊ ≠Δ ≠≤◊¡◊ ‘uˆ˛, ¡◊–S≥ Ø≤◊˙Q◊÷◊˛ ñ π˛Q◊— ˆFC◊’~◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ÷◊–Ü ©˙≠b πhb– ≠·◊¡◊ ≠Δ˙Ÿ– ·h◊Å N≈◊˙ ΔhsÎ◊ π˛b≠l ?íí Ü≠d◊ d◊˙ s§◊u@ ≠π˛Ø ~◊π˙≠@ π˛÷◊˙‘– ©˙l˙ ≠N ~◊–ld◊– ¡◊˙bu, ·h◊¡◊’≤◊ d◊˙ §◊˙@ ‹˙π– ≠N ~◊π˙≠@ N_˙Øu Nh]Øl ‘–≠@ > Éè◊Î◊ ≠¡◊·◊~◊˙ d◊˙í@ É@N s≤◊≠~◊ ≠·◊≠`◊ πhb– Q◊˙π– d◊≤◊y ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ ¡◊˙N Ä˙‘˛l N≤◊˙l≤◊u~◊ Ü÷◊˙÷◊u ~◊–¡◊’˙÷Í◊ > Nd◊ä¡◊˙~◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ N˙Øl–÷◊ ÷◊–ø– π˙@h‹≥≠`◊ ¡h◊n– Ä¡◊˙ Q◊–¥◊˙d◊–Ø–@–d◊ ≤◊–Ä˙@ Ī¸ π˛d◊–S_~◊–≠@ ©˙l˙@ ¡h◊nh‹≥≠`◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ÷◊–N Ä¡◊äê◊ ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙ ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ π˛bl Åè◊˙ ·h◊s’Ø Äd◊Î◊ > ·◊´d◊ π˛¡◊˙≤◊–d◊ ~◊–© ©u¡◊~◊ π˛¡◊˙≠≤◊ ‘_˙π·◊N…÷h◊Î◊ s–@– Éπd◊ä÷◊˙ ˆF@– ]˙‡ Ä≠~◊_rb, ÷◊˙B ÷◊≈◊’~◊@ ‘˛Ø, ÄÕ◊ ¡œ◊M π–d◊˙ ≠N¡◊˙ π≠@ Ä¡◊N@ Ø–Îh◊‹≥`◊˙ Δ˙≤◊˙N¡h◊ ≠·◊É‹≥≠`◊ ¡◊SF ©u¡◊~◊@ Nh] π˙ÅΩ, @≤◊– π˙≠‘ π˙≠‘
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
430 By the nearness of his presence and his clasp, And lavish softness of heart-seeking words And the close beating felt of heart on heart. All was too little for her bottomless need. If in his presence she forgot awhile, Grief filled his absence with its aching touch; She saw the desert of her coming days Imaged in every solitary hour. Although with a vain imaginary bliss Of fiery union through death’s door of escape She dreamed of her body robed in funeral flame, She knew she must not clutch that happiness To die with him and follow, seizing his robe Across our other countries, travellers glad Into the sweet or terrible Beyond. For those sad parents still would need her here To help the empty remnant of their day. Often it seemed to her the ages’ pain Had pressed their quintessence into her single woe, Concentrating in her a tortured world. Thus in the silent chamber of her soul Cloistering her love to live with secret grief She dwelt like a dumb priest with hidden gods
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≠·◊Å Ä˙`◊–ú◊~◊ Nh], Y◊˙Î◊– Ä÷h◊£◊–d◊ ≤◊–Ä˙ π–π˙N–d◊ @N ¡◊˙bu Nh≠÷◊˙ØÎ◊ π@wo◊ ≤œ◊·◊ª‘’ ≠·◊Å d◊˙ É@≠N Ø–Î◊~◊ ØSh@ ÷◊˙Î◊ ÷◊≠`◊ π˛N˙@–d◊ > Äd◊Î◊ Äs˙S π–˛l˙ π˛≠l˙©~◊ π˙ÅΩ Äd◊ä¥◊ ÄÎ◊π ‹≥`◊˙ π–˛l@ Ü ·◊˙~◊ > N_˙Øu π˙≠‘ @≤◊– ≠Δ≠¡◊ ÷◊–ø– ÷◊˙Î◊ π˙ÅΩ §h◊`◊– Δ˙É‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊SF, ¡◊–≠è◊·◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@ ≠¡◊·◊~◊˙ Ä˙ˆ˙≠d◊ §◊@– ≠·◊É‹≥`◊˙ π˛˙b > Ü÷◊˙÷◊–~◊u Ä˙]≥ Ä˙≠s ¡◊–@≤◊ ¡◊–Sh@˙ ≠·◊]h‹≥≠`◊ ©u¡◊~◊@ §◊˙¡◊u Ø@h§F◊Ø– > ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ¡◊˙ ¡◊œ‹˙≠@ Δ·◊– Ä˙Nh‹≥`◊˙ §◊˙N– N_π∂π≠Ë ÷◊À◊~◊˙≠@ ©_Î◊¥◊ Ø–Î◊~◊ Ø@b Øh÷◊d◊– ·◊_˙≠@, Q◊–d◊˙~◊Î◊ ‘–]˙ ñ ≠‘˙§◊~◊˙ Nd◊u@ d◊~h◊, ©˙b–‹≥≠`◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ N_˙Øu N≠ú◊ ¡◊@– Øœdh◊ä, S@– d◊˙ ¡◊N~◊ π˙@–≠≤◊˙Å π@≠`◊˙÷◊ Nh]Δ˙d◊˛u NØ π˛≠¡◊‘ ÷◊@–¡◊˙ ≠÷◊ÉΩ ØSh ¡◊˙ ÷◊@˙Î◊ ·F◊@ ≠`◊˙≠÷◊ñ≠÷◊≠¡◊ d◊˙í@ ~h◊≠≤◊Ω ≠N≤◊– Nh] > N_˙Øu Øœdh◊ä π≠@ d◊˙@ ≠‘˙÷◊s˛g ‘˙‘F ‘_‘h@ ≠`◊˙Ÿ–≠¡◊ ≠N¡◊˙ Ä¡◊‘–¸ ÷◊˙Î◊ > Ä≠~◊÷◊ NØl d◊˙÷h◊ `◊˙sh‹≥`◊˙ Ü÷◊ ·h◊º≠] d◊˙í@ ≠≤◊˙Å π–¸ ¡◊≤h◊d◊ Δhs@ Δ»b˙ ~◊–Δ’ä˙N ‹≥`◊˙, N≈◊˙≠@ d◊˙≤◊˙@ ˆ~◊u§F◊d◊ ‹≥`◊˙ N˙@˙ πuŸ–d◊ ©sd◊ > ~◊u@≠¡◊ ÜN~◊ ©˙l˙ Ä˙k˙@ π˛≠÷◊˙B~◊–§œ◊≠d◊ @]≥ d◊˙ π˛ud◊– shD ≠‘˙÷◊ N˙≠‹ @≤◊–‹≥≠`◊ Δ‹˙ Ü÷◊ ØF÷◊ πF©˙@–bu π˛è◊¤ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ N≠ú◊, Ädœ◊D ≠Δ N·◊˙ 431
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432 Unappeased by the wordless offering of her days, Lifting to them her sorrow like frankincense, Her life the altar, herself the sacrifice. Yet ever they grew into each other more Until it seemed no power could rend apart, Since even the body’s walls could not divide. For when he wandered in the forest, oft Her conscious spirit walked with him and knew His actions as if in herself he moved; He, less aware, thrilled with her from afar. Always the stature of her passion grew; Grief, fear became the food of mighty love. Increased by its torment it filled the whole world; It was all her life, became her whole earth and heaven. Although life-born, an infant of the hours, Immortal it walked unslayable as the gods: Her spirit stretched measureless in strength divine, An anvil for the blows of Fate and Time: Or tired of sorrow’s passionate luxury,
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‘›◊≤◊u~◊ ~◊u@˙©~◊˙ `◊§◊– ≠N ¡◊SF@, Nh@§◊–d◊ SFπ NØ Ä˙≠s Δ˙í@ ≠d◊˙Î◊– S@–‹≥≠`◊ ~◊–© ≠‘˙÷◊, ©u¡◊~◊@ ≠¡◊·◊uπu∫◊ π≠@ ‹≥≠`◊ N_l… ¡◊Î◊– ≠N Δ˙≤◊˙@ > d◊‹˙π– ≠N ·◊fid◊–@ π˛ud◊– π@ª@ ≠≤◊`◊˙ N·◊˙ ¡◊–÷◊‘–d◊ ÄS≥÷h◊ ÄS≥÷◊ > N˙Ú ÷◊˙@ ~◊˙≤◊y ‹≥`◊˙ ÷◊@–¡◊˙ ¡◊–≠è◊·◊ ΔhsÎ◊ ≠N ≠π˛Ø N≈◊˙, Üπ@–÷◊– ≠·◊≤◊ π˛˙Q◊u@ ~◊π˙@h‹≥`◊˙ ÷◊@– ¡◊–§◊˙©~◊ > Ä≠~◊÷◊ NØl ≠Δ≠¡◊ ¡◊≠~◊ ¡◊–Q◊@b ÷◊@h‹≥≠`◊ N_˙Øu d◊˙í@ ‹≥`◊˙ N˙≠‹ N˙≠‹ ÷◊˙¥◊˙@ Q◊–~◊<lu N≈◊˙, ©˙bh‹≥≠`◊ πd◊– Ä¥◊≠@ @≤◊– ≠N Ä¡◊˙ ÷◊@h‹≥≠`◊ N¡h◊ > ÄÎ◊π N≠Q◊d◊ N_˙Øu π–˛ld◊Ø˙ N˙≠‹ ≠≤◊É‹≥≠`◊ É`◊∑N–d◊ ‹˙Å ¡◊– Nh·F◊≠@ > ÷◊˙¥◊˙≠π˛Ø ·◊–~h◊·◊–~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ÉπQ◊–d◊ > §◊ud◊–, ≠‘˙÷◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ]˙‡ Ø≤◊˙π˛bl@ > ≠¡◊·◊~◊˙≠@ ¡◊˜– d◊˙≤◊˙ §◊@–≠·◊`◊˙ ¡◊–‘_ > π˛ud◊– d◊˙ ©u¡◊~◊, N˙@˙ ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊ πœ‹≥¡◊u > π˛˙bh d◊˙ ©u¡◊~◊ `◊§◊–, ≠÷◊≠d◊ ˆË–÷◊˙@ ≠≤◊≠`◊≠≤◊Ω ≠N ‘–‘h ÷◊–¥h◊ ÷◊`◊˙ ¡◊–Q◊@b Øœdh◊äzl NØ Δ‹˙ Ä¡◊Ú ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ > ≠·◊¡◊‘ê◊– π@–πh¸ ≠≤◊`◊˙ d◊˙í@ Ä˙k˙ π˛N˙@≠b Äπ˛Ø–d◊, ≠≤◊`˙ d◊˙ ≤◊˙dh◊Ÿ– π˛Q◊— Ä˙ˆ˙d◊ π˙ÅΩ ÷◊˙Î◊, ~◊–ld◊–@ > ≠÷◊≠¡◊ Ä¡◊˙ ≠‘˙÷◊@ ≠N Ä˙≠¡◊s ¡◊–Î◊˙≠N ‘˛˙¥◊ d◊˙ ¡◊–r˙·◊ N≈◊˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ⁄–@ ‘˙¥◊,
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
434 Grief’s self became calm, dull-eyed, resolute, Awaiting some issue of its fiery struggle, Some deed in which it might for ever cease, Victorious over itself and death and tears. The year now paused upon the brink of change. No more the storms sailed with stupendous wings And thunder strode in wrath across the world, But still was heard a muttering in the sky And rain dripped wearily through the mournful air And grey slow-drifting clouds shut in the earth. So her grief’s heavy sky shut in her heart. A still self hid behind but gave no light: No voice came down from the forgotten heights; Only in the privacy of its brooding pain Her human heart spoke to the body’s fate. END OF CANTO ONE
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É·◊˙N ~◊l~◊, ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ·œ◊D N…÷◊À◊≠@ Ä≠πO– ≠N @≤◊–‹≥`˙ ©_Î◊¥◊ §◊urb N…s˛˙Ø@ π@–b˙Ø, Ü÷◊ Ø≤◊˙÷◊Ø’ Δ≤◊y≠@ d◊˙ Q◊–@÷◊˙Î◊ `◊§◊– Ä¡◊N˙~◊ ©lu ≠≤◊¡◊ Øœdh◊ä, Ä‘´, N_l… d◊˙ Éπ≠@ > Ödh◊Q◊÷◊˛ Ä˙¡◊≈◊’≠~◊ @Fπ˙¥◊@ d◊≠Ë ¡◊r’ Ü≠¡◊ Ä˙N– ⁄–@, π˛Q◊— ≠¡◊s≠@ ¡◊≠≤◊ ~◊˙≤◊y nŸnz˙, ÷◊´M ¡◊Î◊˙≤◊÷◊ ÷◊@˙Î◊ s©’≠~◊ Ä˙É ~◊ øh≠Ë N≠©˙≠@ > ~◊≠§◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ ‘h§h◊‹≥`◊˙ Ī¸ shz~◊, Ä¡◊N¤ n@h‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊–rC◊ Ä˙÷◊˙‘h ¡◊˙@–¡◊–oh◊; Øo◊≠¡◊s SFN@ ©Î◊·◊ ≠ˆ@–‹≥`◊˙ S@˙, ≠‘˙÷◊ Nˆ~◊ Ä˙÷◊˙‘ Ä¡◊@hM ÷◊@–‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊SF@ ≤œ◊·◊l > π¢◊˙≠d◊ π˛è◊¤ ‹≥`◊˙ ‘˙¥◊ Ä˙k˙ d◊˙í@ ~◊ ¡◊–d◊@– ≠©ä˙d◊– ÷◊–ø–; Q◊–·◊˙÷◊˙‘ ¡◊–N<œd◊ ‘–]@h ÷◊–ø– ~◊ Ä˙N–`◊˙ ¡◊˙bu > ‘@u@ ~◊–ld◊– N˙≠‹ ~◊˙@u≤œ◊·◊ ]˙`◊– ≠‘˙÷◊Øs∂ Ä¥◊@˙≠Î◊ ÷≤h◊‹≥`◊˙ ÷◊‹˙ > (NØ˙D)
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
The Parable of the Search for the Soul Our summits in the superconscient’s blaze* Are glorious with the very face of God: There is our aspect of eternity, There is the figure of the god we are, His young unaging look on deathless things, His joy in our escape from death and Time, His immortality and light and bliss. Our larger being sits behind cryptic walls: There are greatnesses hidden in our unseen parts That wait their hour to step into life’s front: *
Our soul from its mysterious chamber acts;** Its influence pressing on our heart and mind Pushes them to exceed their mortal selves. It seeks for Good and Beauty and for God; *
* ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ πœB˙ 484, ·◊_–d◊ul Ä~h◊≠è◊·◊ Ü÷◊˙·◊‘ π˙·◊@h
Ä˙@} > ** ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ πœB˙ 485, rB π˙·◊@h Ä˙@} > 3rd Final : 24/10/2009
·◊_–d◊ul Ns’
Ä˙k˙≠~◊_rb@ s˙‹˙ Ä˙Ø N≈◊˙ π@˙Q◊–dÍ◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊Ø—≠Î◊ N˙O˙dÍ◊ Ç‘_@Øh] ‘–@u ·◊_˙@˙ Ø≤◊–Ø˙ Ø—–d :◊ π˛d◊–B–d◊ d◊≤◊y Ä˙Ø ‘˙‘_d◊ ¡◊–§◊˙¡◊, @Fπ d◊≤◊y ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ @Fπ, ÄØ@ ¡◊gh≠@ d◊˙í@ ©@˙≤◊u~◊ d◊@hb@ ·œ◊¸–, Nh] d◊˙í Ä˙Ø Øhê◊–≠@ ÷◊˙Î◊, Ø@b ÷◊¡◊Îh◊; ¡◊–@˙©Å d◊≤◊y d◊˙í@ Ä˙~◊o◊ ÄØœd◊ ≠©ä˙d◊– > Ä˙Ø@ Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ N≈◊˙ ÄS≥B–d◊ @≤◊Näs≤◊~◊ π˛˙Q◊u@@ Ä¥◊@˙≠Î◊; `◊hQ◊– @≠≤◊ Ä·œ◊‘ä Äú◊≠@ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ≠Δ Ø≤◊–Ø˙, ‘h§◊÷◊˙Î◊ Ä≠πO– @≤◊–ø– Δ˙ Áh◊Ë–¡◊˙÷h◊ Ü ©u¡◊≠~◊ > * * * Ä¥◊@˙k˙ Ä˙Ø d◊˙í@ s≤◊~◊ ÷◊O@h ÷◊≠@ ÷˙Ø; π˛§˙¡◊ d◊˙í Ø~◊ ≤œ·◊l≠@ ≠·◊Å Q◊˙π, π˛≠Q˙·◊–d◊ ÷◊≠@ Äd◊–÷◊˛Ø– É∫◊–¡˙÷h◊ Éπ≠@ d◊˙ ~◊‘_@ @Fπ@ > ≠]˙≠© d◊˙ π@Ø Nd◊ä ‘–¡◊ Nho◊@÷h◊ > * * *
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
438 Earth must transform herself and equal Heaven* Or Heaven descend into earth’s mortal state. *
Out of the mystic cavern in man’s heart** The heavenly Psyche must put off her veil And step into common nature’s crowded rooms And stand uncovered in that nature’s front And rule its thoughts and fill the body and life.
* ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ πœB˙ 486, ≠d◊d◊˛–‘ π˙·◊@h Ä˙@} > ** ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
@Fπ˙¥◊@ ÷◊@– ~◊–© π˛÷œ◊d◊–÷h◊, S@˙ ·h◊ä≠`˙÷◊ NØ˙~◊ ≠≤◊¡◊, Ä¡◊˙ Ä¡◊d◊@– Ä˙N–¡◊ πœ‹≥¡◊u π≠@ ·◊–¡◊ä-≠·◊¡◊-πh@u > * * * Ø˙~◊¡◊ ≤œ◊·◊l sh≤◊˙ sF˜ ħ◊ä¥◊@h ÄπN˙@– Ä˙¡◊@b ·◊–¡◊ä ≠Q◊Êd◊äN≈˙ Ä˙N–¡◊ Q◊@bQ◊˙Î◊– N¡◊’N˙S˙@b π@–Q◊–d◊ π˛÷œd◊–@ ©~◊˙÷◊uC◊’ πh≠@, ÄN…¡œ◊d◊ @≤◊– d◊≤◊y Ä˙≠s π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ ‘˙N~ ÷◊@–¡◊ Q◊–¥◊˙, §◊@– ≠·◊≤◊ π˛˙b > (ÄNØ˙D)
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
The Entry into the Inner Countries AT FIRST out of the busy hum of mind As if from a loud thronged market into a cave By an inward moment’s magic she had come. A stark hushed emptiness became her self: Her mind unvisited by the voice of thought Stared at a void deep’s dumb infinity. Her heights receded, her depths behind her closed; All fled away from her and left her blank. But when she came back to her self of thought, Once more she was a human thing on earth, A lump of Matter, a house of closed sight, A mind compelled to think out ignorance, A life-force pressed into a camp of works And the material world her limiting field. Amazed like one unknowing she sought her way Out of the tangle of man’s ignorant past That took the surface person for the soul. Then a Voice spoke that dwelt on secret heights: “For man thou seekst, not for thyself alone.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
dœ◊d◊ul Ns’
Ä¥◊≠·◊’‘≠@ π˛≠¡◊‘ π˛‹≠Ø ≠N Q◊Î◊Q◊–≈-shz@b@d◊ π@–≠¡◊‘h π˛≠¡◊‘–≠`◊ Ú˙~◊Δ˙·h◊¡◊≠Î◊ N≤◊N˙ N≠d◊ ¡◊˙ ≠ˆ˙@ ≠÷◊˙Î◊˙≤◊Î◊Øl ¡◊–πb–@h Ä˙N– Ü÷◊ s–@–sh≤◊˙πh≠@ > ~◊–º≠‘≠r ~◊–gÛ ‘F~◊ä ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ä¥◊@˙k˙ > Q◊–¥◊˙N_@ N…Q◊@b Øhê◊ d◊˙ö◊ Ø~◊ ~◊–~◊–’≠Ør NØ˙≤◊–d◊ ¡◊–≠`◊˙÷◊–`◊˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ‘F~◊äd◊˙@ Ø≠≤◊˙·◊S≥ ~◊–¡◊’˙÷Í◊, ~◊–ºNuØ > ÄπN@– s`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ N≈◊˙@ dh◊ú◊–Ø˙, s§◊u≠@ ≠¡◊¸–d◊, @hM ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ä˙k˙πh@ > @–ê◊ ÷◊@– ·F◊≠@ d◊˙ö◊h πÎ◊˙Å≠`◊ N¡h◊ > ÷◊–¥h◊ ≠N ≠Á◊@–≠`◊ ≠Δ≠¡◊ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙N≈◊˙≠@ Ä˙¡◊@ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ≠N Ø≈◊’äØ˙~◊¡◊u ¡◊–≠‘r, ©Ÿπ–—, ·œ◊¸–≤◊u~◊ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@πh@u Ø≠~◊˙Øl N≈◊˙ Ü÷◊ ÷◊≠@ Δ˙ π˛÷◊˙‘ Ä¡◊≠‘ Ä™˙~◊ ≠ˆ˙@ ÷◊Ø’@ ~◊–≠¡◊≠‘ π˛˙b‘ê◊– ~◊–wuŸ–d◊, Q◊˙π-÷◊¡◊Î◊–d◊ π@–è◊–¤ ≠O≠d◊˛ Ü≤◊– ©Ÿ@ ©s≠d◊ > ¡◊–N<–d◊˙ ≠N Ä™ NØ Ä≠~◊_r–≠`◊ π‹ ©Ë–Î◊ Nöh◊Î◊ ~◊@ Ä™˙~◊ Äd◊u≠d◊ ⁄FÎ◊N≈◊˙ S≠@ Δ≤◊y Ä¥◊@˙k˙@Fπ > ~◊–§œ◊d◊ ‘–]@¡◊˙Nu ·◊–¡◊ä÷◊£◊ ÷◊˙í@ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊ π˛Œh◊@–d◊ ëëNÕ◊˙~◊ dh◊Ø@ ~◊@ π˙ÅΩ, ~h◊≠≤◊ ]˙`◊– dh◊Ø@– N÷◊˙≠‘ >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
442 Only if God assumes the human mind And puts on mortal ignorance for his cloak And makes himself the Dwarf with triple stride, Can he help man to grow into the God. As man disguised the cosmic Greatness works And finds the mystic inaccessible gate And opens the Immortal’s golden door. Man, human, follows in God’s human steps. Accepting his darkness thou must bring to him light, Accepting his sorrow thou must bring to him bliss. In Matter’s body find thy heaven-born soul.” Then Savitri surged out of her body’s wall And stood a little span outside herself And looked into her subtle being’s depths And in its heart as in a lotus-bud Divined her secret and mysterious soul. At the dim portal of the inner life That bars out from our depths the body’s mind And all that lives but by the body’s breath, She knocked and pressed against the ebony gate. The living portal groaned with sullen hinge: Heavily reluctant it complained inert Against the tyranny of the spirit’s touch.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
π@˙‚@ π˛§h◊ ≠Δ≠¡◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ Ø˙~◊N S@–, ¡◊≤◊– Ä˙¡◊@b@F≠π Ü ~◊@@ Ä™˙~◊d◊˙ S@˙π≠@ Ä˙N–≠¡◊ ¡◊˙Ø~◊ d◊–˛¡◊–÷◊˛Ø π˙@–≠¡◊ ≠N ÷◊@– N≤◊˙ld◊˙ ·◊–¡◊ä@Fπ É≈◊@≠b Ø˙~◊¡◊©˙d◊–@ ¡◊–‘_Øl Ø≤◊˙N≈◊˙ Ø˙~◊¡◊ N_@F≠π π˛è◊¤ ÷◊≠@ d◊˙ ÷◊˙Δ’ä, ÷◊≠@ Ä˙¡◊– ˙@ ·h◊s’Ø ≠d◊˙@b sF˜, ÷◊≠@ Øh÷h◊Î◊–d◊ @hQ◊–@ ÄØ@πh@u ≤◊–@b<l ·◊_˙@ > Ø˙~◊¡◊N_§◊˙≠¡◊ d◊˙í@ Ä~h◊N≠@ ~◊@ π@Ø˙k˙ Ø˙~◊¡◊ul Q◊@b Nfi˙d◊ > ™˙~◊˙≠`◊˙÷◊ Ä˙b– ~◊–≠¢◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊@ π˙≠‘ N_u÷◊˙@ ÷◊@– d◊˙ ≠ˆ˙@ Ä™˙~◊ d◊–Ø–@, ≠‘˙÷◊ d◊˙ N_u÷◊˙@ ÷◊@– Ä˙b– ·◊–¡◊äNh], Øœb<l ‘@u≠@ d◊¡◊ ÷◊@ Ä˙¡◊– ˙@ ÄØ@ Ä¥◊@ Ä˙k˙ Nh@≠`◊˙÷◊©˙d◊ >íí ‘@u@ π˛˙Q◊u@ ≠§◊·◊– Nd◊_@ N˙¡◊–d◊˛u ¡◊˙≤◊˙@– ÷◊–G≥d◊ ·F◊≠@ ≠≤◊≠`◊ Ä˙N– ∫◊–Ä˙, NFO<N≈◊˙ Nhs§◊u@ ≤œ◊·◊≠l ¡◊–≠`◊˙÷◊– ÷◊ØÎ◊ ÷◊Î◊–÷◊˙≠÷◊˙≠r ÷◊≠`◊ Ä˙¡◊– ˙@ s≤◊~◊ @≤◊NäØl Ä˙k˙@ N_@Fπ > ~◊–w˛§◊ π˛≠¡◊‘ ·◊_˙≠@ Ä¥◊@ πh@u@ Äs’Î◊ Δ˙ ⁄FÎ◊Ø~◊, ⁄FÎ◊π˛˙bπh¸ N≈◊˙ à ¡◊Î◊l Ø≠Ú s§◊u@ Ä˙k˙@ ÷◊≠`◊ ≠N Ä˙ˆ˙d◊ ≤◊≠g; ‘ê◊ Nh÷◊∫◊–~◊ ÷œ◊á◊C◊’ ≠÷◊˙¡◊–·◊˙@ Q◊˙π–≠`◊ ≠d◊˙@b > ©u¡◊¥◊ π˛≠¡◊‘·◊_˙@ @h¸ s˛A◊– ≠§◊·◊– É∫◊–`◊˙ Q◊–e˙@ @¡◊, d◊˙ØN, π˛¡◊Î◊ π˛d◊–¡◊˙·◊ Ä˙k˙ª‘’u πuŸ~◊ ¡◊–@h≠M > 443
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
444 A formidable voice cried from within: “Back, creature of earth, lest tortured and torn thou die.” A dreadful murmur rose like a dim sea; The Serpent of the threshold hissing rose, A fatal guardian hood with monstrous coils, The hounds of darkness growled with jaws agape, And trolls and gnomes and goblins scowled and stared And wild beast roarings thrilled the blood with fear And menace muttered in a dangerous tongue. Unshaken her will pressed on the rigid bars: The gate swung wide with a protesting jar, The opponent Powers withdrew their dreadful guard; Her being entered into the inner worlds. In a narrow passage, the subconscient’s gate, She breathed with difficulty and pain and strove To find the inner self concealed in sense. Into a dense of subtle Matter packed, A cavity filled with a blind mass of power, An opposition of misleading gleams, A heavy barrier of unseeing sight,
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Ä¥◊@h ÷◊@˙Î◊ ÷◊≠£◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ~◊–~◊˙·◊–d◊ ëëΔ˙Ä ≠Á◊@– Ø≈◊’ä©u¡◊, ~◊≠Q◊d◊ πuŸ–d◊ ¡◊–·◊˙@–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Ü‹≥ `◊§◊–¡◊ Ø@b >íí g–Ø–d◊ ©Î◊S≥ NØ ≠≤◊`◊˙ shz@–d◊ ÄN≠¥◊˙r É≠≈◊©~◊˙ §◊urb ØØ’@ > π˛˙bˆ˙d◊u Á◊b˙≠Ë÷◊– ÷◊@˙Î◊-÷h◊—Î◊ ≠·◊≤◊Î◊u @O÷◊ Nπ’ É∫◊–`◊˙ Áh◊dÍ◊÷◊˙@–; s@©–≠`◊ ¡◊ä˙≈◊˙~◊~◊ S_˙¥◊ N˙@≠Øl > §◊ı÷h◊Ë– ÷h◊Ë–Î◊ ÷◊@– π–‘˙Q◊ ≠¡◊d◊˙Î◊ §F◊d◊≠π˛d◊ ÷◊ËØË Q◊˙≤◊y≠`◊ d◊@˙Ë– s©–’≠`◊ §◊urb ¡◊~◊ä ‘_˙π·◊ NØF≤◊ ‘–≤◊@–d◊ ÷◊@– d◊˛˙≠N @hS≥@ π˛¡◊˙≤◊ > ¡◊–π·◊ S_~◊–d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ¡◊–÷◊Ë ‘¡◊≠·◊ > Ä¡◊–Q◊Î◊˙ Åè◊˙‘ê◊– ÷◊@– ≠N π˛≠l˙s Q◊˙π–≠`◊ π˛≠¡◊‘ π‹ ÷◊π˙Ë Á◊Î◊÷◊ > π˛d◊–¡◊˙·◊ ‘›◊ ÷◊@– ≠≤◊`◊˙ É·Í◊ˆ˙Ë–d◊ π˛‘g ≠d◊˙@b ·◊_˙@; π˛d◊–≠@˙Su ‘ê◊– ≤◊Ë˙Å≠`◊ §◊lö◊@ π˛d◊–@Ou ·◊Î◊ > π˛≠¡◊‘–≠`◊ ≠·◊¡◊u ≠d◊≠¡◊ Ä¥◊@ ©s≠d◊ > Nö◊uC◊’ Äl≠~◊ Ü÷◊ Ä¡◊≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@ ·◊_˙@≠·◊≠‘ ~◊–wuŸ–d◊˙ ÷◊≠`◊ ≠N Ä˙l˙N @hM‘_˙≠N ≠]˙©–¡◊˙≠@ Åo◊–˛l s≤◊≠~◊ ·h◊@˙N·◊ Ä˙è◊˙·◊–d◊ ·◊–¡◊ä Ä¥◊@˙k˙ > N…≤◊d◊ ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ NFO< ©≠Ÿ Δ≤◊y Ü÷◊ s≈◊’ Ä˙πF@–d◊ ÄÕ◊ ‘ê◊– NØ˙≠¡◊≠‘, π˛d◊–≠@˙S Δ≤◊y ≠÷◊≠d◊ ¡◊–§◊˛˙¥◊÷◊˙@–bu Obπ˛§◊˙ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊@, Δ≤◊y sh@h§◊˙@ Ä¥◊@˙l ™˙~◊≤◊u~◊ Ä≠¡◊˙S ·œ◊¸–@,
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
446 She forced her way through body to the soul. Across a perilous border line she passed Where Life dips into the subconscient dusk Or struggles from Matter into chaos of mind, Aswarm with elemental entities And fluttering shapes of vague half-bodied thought And crude beginnings of incontinent force. At first a difficult narrowness was there, A press of uncertain powers and drifting wills; For all was there but nothing in its place. At times an opening came, a door was forced; She crossed through spaces of a secret self And trod in passages of inner Time. At last she broke into a form of things, A start of finiteness, a world of sense: But all was still confused, nothing self-found. Soul was not there but only cries of life. A thronged and clamorous air environed her. A horde of sounds defied significance, A dissonant clash of cries and contrary calls;
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
≠§◊·◊– ≠N π˛≠·◊≠‘ ¡◊≠Î◊, ‘@u@ §◊–d◊≠@ Ä˙k˙@ Äl≠~◊ ≠·◊¡◊u ≠≤◊≠`◊ Éπ~◊ud◊˙ > Äd◊–÷◊˛Ø–s≠`◊ ≠·¡◊u ¡◊–π·◊N…÷h◊Î◊ NuØ˙≠@]˙, π˛˙b Δ≤◊y ≤h◊Ü ~◊–Øû–d◊ Ä¡◊≠Q◊d◊ NÕ◊ä˙≠`˙≠÷◊ Ä¡◊˙ ©Ÿs§h◊’ ¡◊–‘œõ◊Î◊ Ø~◊@˙≠©ä π˛≠¡◊≠‘ Ä˙l˙≠N; πF@–d◊ d◊˙ Äsb–d◊ ‘@u@u N≈◊˙≠@, Q◊Î◊πO Ä~◊–¢◊–d◊, ÄM’-¡◊–÷◊‘–d◊ Q◊–¥◊˙@ Ä˙÷˙≠@ πhb– N…◊˙@-¡◊–≤◊u~◊ ÄØ˙©–’d◊ ÄN…Δd◊ ‘ê◊–@ Äöh◊≠@ > ·h◊s’Ø N…÷uC◊’ ÷◊–ø– π˛‹≠Ø ≠N∫◊˙≠@ ≠≤◊`˙ Ä~h◊§F◊d◊, πhb– Ä~◊–¢◊–d◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ‘ê◊–@ N…ˆ˙d◊, ≠÷◊≠d◊ Åè◊˙@ π˛¡˙≤◊ > N¡h◊÷◊–ø– ¡◊–πΔ’äg ‹≥`˙ ≠N ⁄˙~◊≠@, ≠©˙≠@ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ Äπ˙¡œ◊d◊ ≠≤◊¡˙@h ·h◊Ä˙@ É·Í◊ˆ˙Ë–d◊ ≠≤◊`˙ ÷◊–ø– Ä¥◊@©s≠d◊, π˙@– ≠≤◊˙Å ≠d◊≠¡◊ ≠·◊¡u ~◊–¢◊–d◊ Ä˙k˙@ π˛≠¡◊‘ ÷◊@–≠`◊ Ä˙N– ¡◊–Q◊@b d◊≤◊y ~◊–§œ◊d◊ N@buπ≠@ Ä˙¥◊@-÷˙Î◊@, N≤◊N˙ ≠N π˛≠¡◊‘–≠`◊ π@–≠‘≠r Δ˙Å Åo◊˛–l π˛d◊äO Ü÷◊ N˙÷◊˙@ ©s≠d◊ Ä˙@} d˙ ‹≥`˙ @Fπ π@–Ø–d◊d◊˙@ d◊‹˙π– N÷◊Î◊ ‹≥`˙ Äg¡◊äg d◊≤◊y Ä˙k≠©ä˙d◊–, Ä˙k-N≈◊˙ ¡◊–≤◊u~◊, π˛˙b@ π–π˙N˙ Ä‘~◊˙@≠¡◊ Ädœ◊DÄ˙÷h◊Î◊ ≠÷˙Î˙≤◊Î◊ ~˙·◊ N˙o◊˛ N…÷h◊Î◊ Ä˙÷˙‘ NØ˙¡œ◊d◊ ÷◊@– @≠≤◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ Q◊Éπ˙‘ > N˙≠‹ d˙ ·h◊≠¡◊’˙Ú ‘›◊ N…ˆ˙d◊, Ä˙¡◊@ ÷◊÷◊’‘ Q◊–e˙@, ≠÷◊≠d◊ ¡◊–@hM Ä˙≤◊_˙~◊ > 447
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448 A mob of visions broke across the sight, A jostled sequence lacking sense and suite, Feelings pushed through a packed and burdened heart, Each forced its separate inconsequent way But cared for nothing but its ego’s drive. A rally without key of common will, Thought stared at thought and pulled at the taut brain As if to pluck the reason from its seat And cast its corpse into life’s wayside drain; So might forgotten lie in Nature’s mud Abandoned the slain sentinel of the soul. So could life’s power shake from it mind’s rule, Nature renounce the spirit’s government
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
É·Í◊§˙N–d◊ ≠≤◊`˙ ·œ◊¸– N®h≠] N≤◊N˙ @Fπ@ N…§◊˙@, Ä‹’-N…≠Δ˙s ħ˙¡h◊ Ä≠~ä˙~◊ä N…ªœ¸ Ü÷◊ ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ Ø˙Î◊–÷◊˙ > §˙@s˛g ≤◊–Ä˙ Ø≠Ú ≤œ◊·◊l-πË≠Î◊ π˛N@–`˙ d◊u¡◊˛≠¡◊≠s §˙¡◊@ Ä˙≠¡◊s > Ä≤◊Ø–÷◊˙ π˛≠b˙·◊–d◊ ÄN…`◊s∂ ~◊–© πœ‹÷Í◊ π‹≠@ ≠d◊≠¡◊ Q◊Î◊–≠`◊ π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ > N˙S˙@b Åè◊˙‘ê◊– ÷h◊G≥÷◊˙-¡◊–≤◊u~◊ Ü NØg ‹≥`˙ Ü÷◊ NØ˙≠¡◊‘ Ø˙d◊˛ > Q◊–¥◊˙ ≠·◊]≥ Ä˙~◊ Q◊–¥◊˙ ÉMd◊ ·œ◊¸–≠@ Ä˙÷◊r’b ÷◊`˙ ‘ê◊– Øg– N≠d◊¡◊˙ É·Í◊ˆ˙Ë–d◊ ÷◊@– ~◊–© Ä˙N~h◊ ¡◊–Q˙@ ~P◊’Ø˙≠@ ~◊–≠Oπ–¡◊ Øœd◊ ≠·◊≤◊ d◊˙@, ~◊–≤◊d◊ ¡◊–N<œd◊ d◊äê◊ πŸ–¡◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊– ÷◊P’Ø≠@ ≠d◊≠¡◊ Δ˙Å Ä˙k˙@ π˛≤◊@u > ¡◊–Q◊Î◊–d◊ ÷◊@– ≠d◊≠¡◊ Ø~◊@ ‘˙N~◊ π˛˙b‘ê◊– ≠·◊¡◊ d˙÷h◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ÄπN˙@–; π˛÷œ◊d◊– d◊ä©–¡◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ Ä˙k˙@ @˙©d◊_ > (ÄNØ˙D)
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
The Triple Soul-Forces “Madonna of might, Mother of works and force,* Thou art a portion of my soul put forth To help mankind and help the travail of Time. Because thou art in him, man hopes and dares; Because thou art, men’s souls can climb the heavens And walk like gods in the presence of the Supreme. But without wisdom power is like a wind, It can breathe upon the heights and kiss the sky, It cannot build the extreme eternal things. Thou hast given men strength, wisdom thou couldst not give. One day I will return, a bringer of light; Then will I give to thee the mirror of God; Thou shalt see self and world as by him they are seen Reflected in the bright pool of thy soul. Thy wisdom shall be vast as vast thy power. Then hate shall dwell no more in human hearts, And fear and weakness shall desert men’s lives,
* ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ πœB˙ 513, ≠d◊d◊˛–‘ π˙·◊@h Ä˙@} > 3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Q◊dh◊‹’ Ns’
Ä¥◊@˙k˙@ ‘ê◊–d◊˛l ëë‘ê◊–Øl– Ø˙d◊º ! ≠‘˝Δ’ä, ÷◊Ø’@ ©~◊~◊– ! ≠Ø˙ Ä¥◊@ Ä˙k˙ Ä…‘ dh◊≠Ø ≠Δ π˛÷◊Ë N≤◊˙ld◊˙ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊-©˙d◊–÷h◊, N˙≤◊˙Δä ÷◊@–¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊-¡◊≠O ≤h◊Ü ≠Δ Ä˙l˙N ‘˛Ø; ~◊@ Ø≠Ú dh◊≠Ø Äø ≠Δbh ≠π˙rb ≠N ÷◊≠@ ≠÷◊≠d◊ Ä˙‘˙, N˙≤◊N ÷◊@Å ≠÷◊≠d◊; dh◊Ø Éπ⁄–d◊– ¡◊≠Î◊ d◊˙í@ Ä¥◊@˙k˙ ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊-‘–]@ π˙≠@ ÷◊@– Ä˙≠@˙≤◊b, π@Ø π˛§h◊ö◊ N®h≠] ¡◊–Q◊@– π˙≠@ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ö◊ π@– > π˛™˙ ¡◊–~◊˙ ¡◊Î◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ π¡◊~◊ NØ˙~◊ dh◊ú◊–Ø˙≠@ N…Q◊˙@b ≠≤◊˙Åπ˙≠@ d◊˙í@ π˙≠@ d◊˙í ss~◊ Qh◊¯–, ~◊ π˙@Å ÷◊@– ~◊–Ø’˙b ©s≠d◊ ÷◊–ø– ‘˙‘_d◊, QF◊Ÿ˙¥◊ > ‘ê◊– ≠·◊`◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊÷h◊, ™˙~◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ ≠·Å ~◊˙≤◊Ω π˙@– ≠Á◊@– ØhΩ Ä˙N–¡◊– ·◊–≠~◊ ¡◊≤◊– π˛™˙ ≠©ä˙d◊– dh◊Ø÷h◊ ØhΩ ≠·◊¡◊– ≠d◊≠¡◊ π˛§h◊ö◊ Øh÷h◊@, ·◊‘’~◊ ÷◊@–¡◊ dh◊≠Ø π˛§h◊ö◊ NØ˙~◊ Ä¥◊@˙k˙ Ø≠Ú Δ‹˙ N_è◊ ©Î◊˙‘≠l π˛d◊–¡◊–¯ ©sd◊@, Ä˙k˙@ dh◊Ø@ > dh◊Ø ™˙~◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ dh◊Ø ¡◊uΔ’äNØ Nh¡◊–‘˙Î◊, ≠·◊_r Ä˙É Ø~h◊rä ≤œ◊·◊≠l ~◊ @≤◊–¡◊, ÄπN@– ≠d◊≠¡◊ Δ–¡◊ ·F◊≠@ Ø~h◊rä ©u¡◊~h◊ N¡h◊ §◊l ·h◊¡◊’Î◊d◊˙,
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
452 The cry of the ego shall be hushed within, Its lion roar that claims the world as food, All shall be might and bliss and happy force.” Ascending still her spirit’s upward route She came into a high and happy space, A wide tower of vision whence all could be seen And all was centred in a single view As when by distance separate scenes grow one And a harmony is made of hues at war. The wind was still and fragrance packed the air. There was a carol of birds and murmur of bees, And all that is common and natural and sweet, Yet intimately divine to heart and soul. A nearness thrilled of the spirit to its source And deepest things seemed obvious, close and true. Here, living centre of that vision of peace, A Woman sat in clear and crystal light: Heaven had unveiled its lustre in her eyes, Her feet were moonbeams, her face was a bright sun, Her smile could persuade a dead lacerated heart To live again and feel the hands of calm.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Ä¥◊≠@ ≠≤◊˙Å¡◊ ‘˙¥◊ Ä≤◊Ø–÷◊˙ S_~◊–, ©sd◊ §◊Ob π˙ÅΩ ÷◊≠@ Δ˙≤◊˙ ·◊˙¡◊– ≠÷◊‘@u s©’~◊ NØ; §◊@–¡◊ ©s≠d◊ Nh]Øl ≠‘˝Δ’ä, ¡◊uΔ’ä, Ä˙~◊o◊ ¡◊–Î◊˙N >íí Ä˙k˙-É≈◊@b π≠‹ Ä˙≠@˙≤◊– d◊‹˙π– Ä˙N–≠`◊ ≠N Éé◊ Ü÷◊ Nh]Øl ⁄˙≠~◊, π˛‘g ·œ◊¸–@ Ü÷◊ ¡h◊@h≠© ≠Δ ∫◊˙¡h◊ N¡h◊ ‹≥`◊˙ N®–Î◊–d◊ Ü÷◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊≠~◊, ·F◊@h Δ‹˙ ·◊–≠‘ Ü÷◊ §◊–¤ §◊–¤ ·œ◊‘ä, ¡◊–≠@˙Su ¡◊–¡◊–S ¡◊≠C◊’ Δ‹˙ NØ~◊_l > ¡◊˙lh ‹≥`◊˙ ⁄–@, s≠Õ◊ §◊@˙ NØu@b > ‹≥`◊˙ πOu ÷◊Î◊@¡◊, §◊˛Ø@ shz~◊ > N¡h◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ N˙S˙@b, π˛˙÷œ◊d◊, ØSh@ ≤œ◊·◊l, Ä˙k˙÷h◊ d◊˙≤◊˙ ·◊–¡◊ä Ä¥◊@ú◊ > É`◊∑N–d◊ Ä˙k˙ d◊˙í@ Éf@ ~◊–÷◊≠Ë, s}u@d◊Ø Δ˙ Œh◊Ë, Nd◊ä, Nh~◊–¡◊–Ÿ > ©u¡◊~◊ ≠÷◊o◊˛ ≠Δ Ü≤◊– π˛‘˙¥◊ ·œ◊¸–@ ~◊˙@u ≠N Ä˙Nu~◊˙ ª¸ Œ◊Ë–÷◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ > ~◊l~◊ d◊˙ ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊@ ·h◊äd◊– É~Í◊≠Ø˙Q◊–d◊ > Q◊@≠b Q◊o◊–˛÷◊˙ ≠‘˙≠≤◊, Øh≠] ·◊uD§◊˙~h◊ > N<–d◊ ≤◊˙≠Nä ‹≥`◊˙ §◊@– π˛≠¡◊˙S~◊‘ê◊– πhb– Δ˙≤◊˙ Éûu¡◊–d◊ ÷◊@–π˙≠@ ·◊uC◊’ ~◊–©’u¡◊ ≤œ◊·◊l, πhb– ≠·◊Å π˙≠@ Ä˙b– Nh] ª‘’ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊, π˛‘˙¥◊ ≤◊g@ >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
454 A low music heard became her floating voice: “O Savitri, I am thy secret soul. I have come down to the wounded desolate earth To heal her pangs and lull her heart to rest And lay her head upon the Mother’s lap That she may dream of God and know his peace...’’
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
÷◊≠£◊ Ä˙≠N §◊˙N– ≠d◊≠¡◊ ØA◊@ N…sud◊ ëë≠≤◊ N˙¡◊–d◊˛– ! ØhΩ dh◊Ø@ shD Ä¥◊@˙k˙ Ä¡◊d◊@– Ä˙N–ø– ØhΩ Ä˙≤◊d◊, É·◊˙N πœ‹_uπ≠@ π˛‘Ø–d◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ πuŸ˙ ‘˙¥◊÷◊@– d◊˙í ≤œ◊·◊l, ≠·◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ‘hÄ˙Å Ø˙dœ◊≠÷◊˛˙≠Ÿ Ø‹˙@]≥ ≠·◊]≥¡◊ ≠Δπ@– N_≠π∂ ≠N π˛§h◊öh◊, πhb– ©˙b–¡◊ π˛‘˙¥◊– >...íí (ÄNØ˙D)
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
456 Canto Five
The Finding of the Soul ONWARD she passed seeking the soul’s mystic cave. At first she stepped into a night of God. The light was quenched that helps the labouring world, The power that struggles and stumbles in our life; This inefficient mind gave up its thoughts, The striving heart its unavailing hopes. All knowledge failed and the Idea’s forms And Wisdom screened in awe her lowly head Feeling a Truth too great for thought or speech, Formless, ineffable, for ever the same. An innocent and holy Ignorance Adored like one who worships formless God The unseen Light she could not claim nor own. In a simple purity of emptiness Her mind knelt down before the unknowable. All was abolished save her naked self And the prostrate yearning of her surrendered heart: There was no strength in her, no pride of force; The lofty burning of desire had sunk Ashamed, a vanity of separate self, The hope of spiritual greatness fled,
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
πGØ Ns’
Ä¥◊@˙k˙@ Ä˙¡◊– ˙@ Ä˙k˙@ ≠N sF˜ sh≤◊˙ Ä≠~◊_rb π≠‹ Q◊Î◊– Ä˙≠s π˛≠¡◊‘–≠`◊ π˛‹≠Ø π˛§h◊@ @˙d◊˛–-ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@ ≠Δ≠¡◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ~◊–¡◊’˙π–d◊ ≠©ä˙d◊– Δ˙ N˙≤◊˙Δä ÷◊≠@ Ä˙l˙Nu-©sd◊ ‘ê◊– Δ˙ N…ˆr’ ÷◊@– πŸÅ pÎ◊–d◊> Q◊–¥◊˙ ÷◊`◊˙ d◊ä˙s d◊˙@ ÄπËh Ø˙~◊N π˛l˙Nu ≤œ◊·◊l d◊˙@ ¡œ◊‹˙ Ä˙‘˙@˙©– > ™˙~N¡h◊ ÄNÁ◊Î◊ N˙≠‹ d◊˙@ πhb– π˛d◊äl ¡◊–¡◊–S @Fπ, Ä˙~◊d◊ Øg÷◊ `h◊Q◊˙Å`◊˙ π˛™˙ d◊˙í@ ÷◊@– Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ Nd◊ä Ü÷◊ Äb˙÷◊˙@ Ä~◊–¡◊’Q◊ul N·◊˙ Ü÷◊@N, ¡◊˙bu Q◊–¥◊˙ Ä≠s˙Q◊@ > ~◊–≠·◊’˙r ~◊–Ø’Î◊ ~◊˙Q◊–≠÷◊d◊ Ä™˙~◊d◊˙ ~◊–sh’b πF©÷◊ NØ ÷◊`◊˙ Ä˙@˙S~◊˙ Äd◊uo◊˛l ≠©ä˙d◊– Ü÷◊ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ Δ˙í π≠@ ÄS≥÷◊˙@ ·◊˙¡◊– d◊˙ö◊, N@Î◊ ¡◊–ØÎ◊ ‘F~◊äØ~◊ ~◊d◊©˙~h◊ ÷◊`◊˙ d◊˙ π˛b˙Ø Ä≠™l d◊j@ Ä˙≠s, Ä¡◊`h◊D N¡h◊ ø˙Ÿ– d◊˙@ ~◊s∂ Ä˙k˙, Ä˙§F◊Ø– π˛bd◊ π˛π¤ ≤œ◊·◊l§◊˙¡◊ Ä˙÷F◊d◊– Ée£◊˙ ‘@u≠@ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊Î◊, ¡◊uΔ’ä ħ◊–Ø˙~◊, ‘˙¥◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ÑZ◊’‘–] ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙@ ¡◊≤◊∂– N`◊∑≠© ¡◊≤◊~◊ ÷◊@– N≈◊˙@ ÄN˙@ N_d◊» πœ‹÷Í◊ §◊˙¡◊, ·F◊≠@ ÄπNœd◊ ÄÚ˙k-s@–Ø˙ Ä˙‘˙; ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙ 457
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
458 Salvation she asked not nor a heavenly crown: Humility seemed now too proud a state. Her self was nothing, God alone was all, Yet God she knew not but only knew he was. A sacred darkness brooded now within, The world was a deep darkness great and nude. This void held more than all the teeming worlds, This blank felt more than all that Time has borne, This dark knew dumbly, immensely the Unknown. But all was formless, voiceless, infinite. As might a shadow walk in a shadowy scene, A small nought passing through a mightier Nought, A night of person in a bare outline Crossing a fathomless impersonal Night, Silent she moved, empty and absolute. In endless Time her soul reached a wide end, The spaceless Vast became her spirit’s place. At last a change approached, the emptiness broke; A wave rippled within, the world had stirred; Once more her inner self became her space.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Øhê◊–@ Ä‹¡◊˙ N_s’ á‘_Δ’ä `◊˙Î◊N˙ Äd◊– s¡◊’ Ø≠~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ø˙~◊¡◊ ~◊Ø˛d◊˙ > ~◊– –G~◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ≠·◊¡◊u, @≤◊–≠`◊ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ Ü÷◊Ø˙d◊˛ N¡h◊ ≠≤◊˙Å π˛§h◊ π@Ø˙k˙, Äg–d◊_ π˛d◊äl øŸ˙ ~◊ ‹≥≠`◊ ≠N ©˙b– ÷◊–Ü ≠NÅ π@˙‚@ π@Ø Ç‘_@ > Ä˙è◊¤ Ä˙¥◊@N≈◊˙ πFd◊ Ä™d◊˙≠@ > ¡◊–‘_ Ø≠~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ü÷◊ Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ ¡◊–©~◊ ˆ~◊ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@, Ø≤◊˙‘F~◊ä ‹≥`◊˙ S@– ¡◊≤h◊π˛© ¡◊–‘_@˙©–∫◊˙@h ≠¡◊‘– ÷◊–ø– > ÷◊˙Î◊ Δ˙ ¡◊≤◊~◊ ÷◊≠@ d◊˙í∫◊˙@h ÄS≥÷◊ S˙@b˙ ÷◊@–¡◊˙ ≠¡◊˙S ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ü ‘F~◊äd◊˙ Ü Ä™˙≠~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ™˙~◊ ~◊–¡◊’˙÷Í◊ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ §◊˙≠¡◊ Äd◊uo◊˛–l Ø≤◊˙ Ä™˙d◊ d◊j@ N¡h◊ ‹≥`◊˙ @Fπ≤◊u~◊, ~◊–º‘›◊, ÄNuØ > Ü÷◊˙÷◊–~◊u ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ≠N N¡◊’‘F~◊ä˙ ≠≤◊˙Å Q◊Î◊–≠`◊, π˛è◊˙l Ü÷◊ ·œ◊‘äπ≠Ë Δ‹˙ Q◊≠Î◊ Ü÷◊ ø˙l˙@Fπ, Oh·◊˛ Ü÷◊ ‘F~◊ä Q◊≠Î◊ Δ‹˙ Ø≤◊˙‘F≠~◊ä, Äd◊Î◊, Ä@Fπ Ø≤◊˙@˙d◊–˛ π˙@ ≠≤◊˙Å Q◊≠Î◊ ¡◊˙ ≠ΔN~◊ @Fπ≠@]˙ ]˙`◊– Ü÷◊ d◊–Ø–@-ØF≈◊–’@ > Ä¥◊≤◊u~◊ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙≠Î◊ Éπsd◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ Ä˙k˙ Ü÷◊ π˛‘g Éπ˙≠¥◊; ≠¡◊ä˙Ø‘F~◊ä §F◊Ø˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@ S˙Ø > Ä˙≠N ≠d◊≠¡◊ π@–≠‘≠r @Fπ˙¥◊@ Ü÷◊, §◊˙≠ú◊ ≠¡◊˙S ‘F~◊äd◊˙@, ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≤◊–≠`◊∑˙Î◊–d◊ Ä¥◊≠@ `◊≤◊@u Ü÷◊; ªo◊–d◊ ©sd◊ > Ä¥◊@ s§◊u@ N≈◊˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ πhb– ‹≠@
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
460 There was felt a blissful nearness to the goal; Heaven leaned low to kiss the sacred hill, The air trembled with passion and delight. A rose of splendour on a tree of dreams, The face of Dawn out of mooned twilight grew. Day came, priest of a sacrifice of joy Into the worshipping silence of her world; He carried immortal lustre as his robe, Trailed heaven like a purple scarf and wore As his vermilion caste-mark a red sun. As if an old remembered dream come true, She recognised in her prophetic mind The imperishable lustre of that sky, The tremulous sweetness of that happy air And, covered from mind’s view and life’s approach, The mystic cavern in the sacred hill And knew the dwelling of her secret soul. As if in some Elysian occult depth, Truth’s last retreat from thought’s profaning touch, As if in a rock-temple’s solitude hid, God’s refuge from an ignorant worshipping world, It lay withdrawn even from life’s inner sense, Receding from the entangled heart’s desire.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
ÄS≥B˙~◊, Ä~h◊§F◊d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ~◊–÷◊Ëd◊˙ N@N Ä˙~◊o◊Øl π@Ø `◊Oä@ > Ä˙~◊d◊ ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊ ÷◊`◊˙ Qh◊¯~◊ π˙¡◊~◊ s–@–N˙~h◊, §◊˙¡◊˙≠¡◊≠s N@˙≠s πh`◊≠÷◊ π˛÷◊fi–d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ¡◊˙lh, Q◊o◊–˛÷◊˙-Qh◊¯–d◊ NÕ◊ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ π˛÷◊˙‘–`◊˙ Ér˙@ Ä˙~◊~◊, N_π∂Øl d◊@h π≠@ Nhπ˛§◊ ≠s˙`◊˙π > ~◊u@˙©~◊˙Øl d◊˙í@ ~◊u@¡◊ ©s≠d◊ ·◊–¡◊N Ä˙N–`◊˙ Ü÷◊ πh≠@˙≤◊–d◊ NØ Ä˙~◊o◊-ÄS_@-πu≠∫◊; π@–è◊·◊ d◊˙í@ Øœdh◊äzl ≠©ä˙d◊–, Äú◊¡◊˙N Nh≠`◊˙≤◊–d◊ Ä~h◊Nπ’u ·◊–¡◊·h◊äd◊–; ·◊_–©˙d◊–-`◊˙L~◊ ÷◊π˙≠Î◊ N–oF◊@Ë–÷◊˙ @ê◊ ¡◊–§◊˙¡◊Nh > N≠d◊ ¡◊˙ ©˙s˛d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ¡◊≤h◊-πh@˙d◊~◊ N<œd◊–@ Nπ~◊ Ü÷◊ ≠≤◊˙Å`◊˙ N˙÷◊˙@ > πh≠@˙·œ◊¸–Øl d◊˙í@ π˛§◊˙N Ø˙~◊≠N π˛d◊ä§◊–™˙ ©˙s–`◊˙ ≠N π@Ø ≠¡◊ä˙Ø@, π˛ªo◊ Ø˙ShΔ’ä ≠N≤◊– Nh]-Ä~◊–Î◊@, Ø~◊@ ·◊‘’~◊ πhb– ©u¡◊~◊-S˙@˙@h `h◊÷Í◊÷◊˙l–d◊ πFd◊ Ä·◊–˛-s≤◊~◊-sh≤◊˙@ > ©˙b–≠`◊ ≠N ¡◊˙N ~◊–© ~◊–sF˜ Ä˙k˙@ > N≠d◊¡◊˙ N_s’@ ≠÷◊ÉΩ s≤◊~◊ s§◊u≠@ Q◊–¥◊˙@ Ä‘hQ◊– ª‘’∫◊˙@h ·F◊≠@ ÷◊˙≤◊y Nd◊ä@ Ä¥◊–Ø˙‘˛≠l N≠d◊ `h◊ü˙l–d◊ ~◊–©’~◊ ‘Å≠Î◊ Ü÷◊ ≠·◊¡◊ Ä˙ld◊≠~◊ Ä™˙~◊ πF©~◊@d◊ ©sd◊@h ·F◊≠@ ~◊–¡◊≈◊–’d◊ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙ π˛˙b@h Ä¥◊@ Åo◊˛–l ≠¡◊˙S@h ØÚ ·F◊≠@ ÄπN@– ≤◊œ·◊l ÷◊˙Ø~◊˙ dœ◊Ã˙ ©Ë–Î◊ ©z˙Îh◊ 461
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
462 A marvellous brooding twilight met the eyes And a holy stillness held that voiceless space. An awful dimness wrapped the great rock-doors Carved in the massive stone of Matter’s trance. Two golden serpents round the lintel curled, Enveloping it with their pure and dreadful strength, Looked out with wisdom’s deep and luminous eyes. An eagle covered it with wide conquering wings: Flames of self-lost immobile reverie, Doves crowded the grey musing cornices Like sculptured postures of white-bosomed peace. Across the threshold’s sleep she entered in And found herself amid great figures of gods Conscious in stone and living without breath, Watching with fixed regard the soul of man, Executive figures of the cosmic self, World-symbols of immutable potency. On the walls covered with significant shapes Looked at her the life-scene of man and beast And the high meaning of the life of gods, The power and necessity of these numberless worlds, And faces of beings and stretches of world-space
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
~◊l~◊ Äl≠~◊ @˙≠© ~◊–·◊–Ú˙N @d◊ NÕ◊ä˙@ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ πhb– ‘hQ◊– N∂–ç ‘˙¥◊– Ä˙¡◊@bh > ~◊–¡◊’˙÷Í◊ ≠N ss~◊Ø—Î ≠ˆ˙@ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@ d◊≤◊y ÷◊`◊˙ Ä˙è◊˙·◊–d◊ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ‘ÅÎ◊·◊_˙@ ≠]˙·◊–d◊ Δ˙ NhD ©Ÿ@ π˙r˙≠b; N_C◊’ §h◊©s-ΔhsÎ◊ ·◊_˙@ Äs˛ ÷˙≠B @≠≤◊ ≠≤◊˙Å ÷h◊—Î◊–d◊ ¡◊–ØÎ◊ §◊urb ¡◊u≠Δ’ä ≠ˆ@– d◊˙≤◊˙ ·h◊Å ≠·◊]h‹≥≠`◊ ™˙~◊s§◊’ ·◊uD ~◊l~◊≠@ > Ä˙è◊˙·◊–d◊ ÷◊@–‹≥`◊˙ Ø≤◊˙≠‘ä~◊ Ü÷◊ π˛‘g ¡◊–©lu d◊˙@ πO ·h◊ÅË–≠@ > N_π∂‘–]˙ Ä¡◊–÷◊fi Ä˙k˙ NØ˙≤◊–d◊ ÷◊≠π˙d◊@ ΔF‹ ‹≥≠`◊ SFN@ s}u@ §◊–≈◊– ‘_ú◊ π≠@ Δ‹˙ Äú◊≠@ §◊ú◊–Ø ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙ ≠s˝@-¡◊O ‘˙¥◊– π˛d◊–Ø˙@ > Äd◊–÷˛Ø– NhrhD–@ ≠·◊≤◊Î◊u ≠N Δ˙Å §◊–d◊≠@ π˛≠¡◊‘ ÷◊@– ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ @˙©Å ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ Ä˙÷◊˙@ ≠÷◊≠d◊ Q◊–~◊<l π˙r˙≠b ~◊–º‘_˙N-π˛‘_˙N≤◊u~◊ d◊‹˙π– ©u¡◊¥ ⁄–@·œ¸– ~◊–¡◊M Δ˙ ~◊@Ä˙k˙π≠@ ÷◊˙Δ’ä÷◊˙@u ‘ê◊–@Fπ ¡◊–‘_πh@hr@ ¡◊–‘_Øl π˛d◊u÷◊ Δ˙, ÄQhäd◊ ¡◊uΔ’ä@ > ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ π˛˙Q◊u@ s˙≠d◊˛ §◊@– @≠≤◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ Ä‹’s§◊’ @Fπ ÷◊@– π˛÷◊˙‘ N®h≠] Ø˙~◊¡◊ Ä˙¡◊@ π‘h©u¡◊~◊@ ·œ◊‘ä; Ø≤◊dÍ◊ É≠P‘ä, Ä‹’ ≠·◊¡◊-©u¡◊~◊@, ‘ê◊– π˛≠l˙©~ Ü≤◊– ÄN…]ä ¡◊–‘_@, ≠÷◊≠d◊ π˛˙bu Øh], ¡◊–‘_≠Od˛@ π˛N˙@ ñ
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
464 Spoke the succinct and inexhaustible Hieratic message of the climbing planes. In their immensitude signing infinity They were the extension of the self of God And housed, impassively receiving all, His figures and his small and mighty acts And his passion and his birth and life and death And his return to immortality. To the abiding and eternal is their climb, To the pure existence everywhere the same, To the sheer consciousness and the absolute force And the unimaginable and formless bliss, To the mirth in Time and the timeless mystery Of the triune being who is all and one And yet is no one but himself apart. There was no step of breathing men, no sound, Only the living nearness of the soul. Yet all the worlds and God himself were there, For every symbol was a reality And brought the presence which had given it life. All this she saw and inly felt and knew Not by some thought of mind but by the self. A light not born of sun or moon or fire, A light that dwelt within and saw within Shedding an intimate visibility Made secrecy more revealing than the word:
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
÷◊≤◊–≠`◊ ≠N N¡h◊ d◊˙öh◊ Ä˙≠@˙≤◊u ≠`◊˙÷◊@ N…O–D Ä¡◊äl ¡◊˙≈◊’˙ π˙¡◊~◊ ≠‘˙§◊~◊ > §F◊Ø˙@ N_˙O@ @Fπ ≠N≤◊– ¡◊–‘˙Î◊d◊˙ ¡◊–d◊d◊ ¡◊–g˙@ ‹≥`◊˙ π@Ø Ä˙k˙@, ~◊–@≠πO ~◊–¡◊–’≠‘r ÷◊@– Δ˙ s˛≤◊b N¡h◊÷◊–ø– ¡◊≠≤◊ d◊˙ö◊ @Fπ dh◊è◊ ¡◊Ÿ ÷◊Ø’d◊˙@, Ä˙≠¡◊≠s d◊˙í ©~◊Ø ©u¡◊~◊ Ø@b, ÄØ@ S˙≠Ø πh~◊º Ä˙¡◊≈◊’≠~◊ Q◊–@⁄˙lu Q◊–@¥◊~◊ S˙≠Ø ≠NN¡h◊@ Ä˙≠@˙≤◊b, Δ˙d◊˛˙ ≠N≤◊– N¡◊’¡◊ä˙πu ‘hM N¡◊’d◊˛ NØ˙~◊ N≈◊˙, Q◊–dÍ◊‘ê◊– π@Ø ÷◊À◊~◊˙ Äd◊ud◊ ~◊–@˙÷◊˙@ Nh]S˙≠Ø N¡◊’Øl ~◊–¡◊–’≠‘r ¡◊–¡–ê◊ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ d◊˛–πhË–d◊ Ä·◊_–d◊ul Ü÷◊ Ø≤◊˙N≈◊˙ Ä÷◊˙Î◊ @≤◊≠Nä d◊˙í@ ÷◊˙Î◊@ ¡◊–Î◊˙≠N > ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠N∫◊˙≠@ ≠÷◊ÉΩ π˛˙b¡◊¥◊ ~◊@ π·◊≠Oπ Ä¡◊˙ S_~◊–, ‹≥`◊˙ ]˙`◊– d◊≤◊y ©u¡◊¥◊ N˙¤–Ú d◊˙@ Ä¥◊@ Ä˙k˙@ > d◊‹˙π– ≠N∫◊˙≠@ ‹≥`◊˙ ~◊–]≥Î◊ ©sd◊ πhb– N_l… π@Ø˙k˙; π˛d◊u÷◊ π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊≤◊y Nd◊ä@Fπ ÷◊@– π˛÷◊Ë–d◊ ©u¡◊~◊@ Éf d◊˙í@ ·◊–¡ä Éπ⁄–d◊– > Ø˙~◊N Q◊–¥◊˙≠@ ~h◊≠≤◊Ω, Ä˙k˙≠@ π˛÷◊Ë ‹≥`◊˙ Ü ·◊‘’~◊ sF˜ ≠¡◊˙S ħ◊–™˙~◊ > ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙í NFΔ’ä, Q◊o◊˛, Äs∂–@ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊; Ä¥◊≠@ ≠Δ @≠≤◊ ≠©ä˙d◊–, ≠·◊≠] ≠Δ Ä¥◊@ ¡◊–èh◊@–d◊ ÷◊@– d◊˙í@ Ä¥◊@ú◊ ·œ◊¸–, ‘›◊ Δ˙ π˛÷◊˙‘ ÷◊≠@ d◊˙í∫◊˙@h ÄS≥÷◊ ¡◊–‘·◊ d◊˙í ÷◊`◊˙ ¡◊äê◊ s≤◊~◊ d◊˙‚Δ’ä > 465
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Our sight and sense are a fallible gaze and touch And only the spirit’s vision is wholly true. As thus she passed in that mysterious place Through room and room, through door and rock-hewn door, She felt herself made one with all she saw. A sealed identity within her woke; She knew herself the Beloved of the Supreme: These Gods and Goddesses were he and she: The Mother was she of Beauty and Delight, The Word in Brahma’s vast creating clasp, The World-Puissance on almighty Shiva’s lap,— The Master and the Mother of all lives Watching the worlds their twin regard had made, And Krishna and Radha for ever entwined in bliss, The Adorer and Adored self-lost and one. In the last chamber on a golden seat One sat whose shape no vision could define; Only one felt the world’s unattainable fount, A Power of which she was a straying Force, An invisible Beauty, goal of the world’s desire, A Sun of which all knowledge is a beam, A Greatness without whom no life could be. Thence all departed into silent self, And all became formless and pure and bare.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Ä˙Ø ·œ◊¸–, Ä˙Ø@ Δ˙ Åo◊–˛l© ≠¡◊˙S N¡h◊ §◊˛˙¥◊, πFC◊’ Nd◊ä Ä˙k˙@ ·◊‘’~◊ > π˙@ ≠≤◊˙Å ·◊_˙@ ≠÷◊≠d◊ π˙r˙b-≠]˙·◊–d◊ ÷◊Oh ÷◊O˙¥◊≠@ Q◊Î◊– d◊≤◊y ≠N s≤◊~◊∫◊˙¡◊≠@ ≠N Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊≠`◊ Δ˙≤◊˙N¡h◊ π˛÷◊Ë–d◊ Q◊Éπ˙≠‘ d◊˙≤◊˙ ≠Δ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ Ü÷◊˙k ~◊–©@, ~◊–© N≈◊˙@ ¡◊–g˙@ > ~◊–@hM Ä≠§◊·◊ ™˙~◊ ©˙s–`◊˙ Ä¥◊≠@ π@˙‚@˙ ·◊l–d◊˙ ≠N ©˙b–≠`◊ ~◊–©÷h◊ > ©˙b–≠`◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ≠Δ≠d◊, ≠·◊¡◊‘ê◊– ≠Δ≠d◊ N¡h◊ ~◊–©@Fπ, @Fπ πh@hrd◊j@ > ©~◊~◊u ≠N NhrØ˙@ πhb– Ä˙~◊o◊@, π@–r_ê◊˙ Ø≤◊˙¡◊˙bu ¡◊˛≤◊<˙ Nh¡◊–‘˙Î◊ Nœ©~◊ Ä˙≠‘m≠r, N¡◊’‘ê◊–Ø˙~Í◊ ‘–¡◊ Ä≠ö◊ ≠N Ä˙Nu~◊˙ ¡◊–≠‘_‘_@u; ©s~◊<˙d◊˙ ©s¤˙‹ ¡◊–≠`◊˙÷◊¥◊– ≠`◊˙÷◊ ≠`◊˙÷◊˙¥◊@ Δhs~◊M ·œ◊¸–@ Δ˙ Nœ©~◊-¡◊–Î◊˙N, @˙S˙÷œ◊à ~◊–d◊äΔhê◊ N@N Ä˙≠‘m≠r Ä˙@˙S≥÷◊˙ Ä˙@˙S≥d◊ Ä˙k≤◊@˙, Ü÷◊ > N_C◊’ N–…≤◊˙N~◊ π≠@, Ä¥◊–Ø ÷◊O≠@ NØ˙Nu~◊˙ ‹≥≠`◊ ≠÷◊≤◊– @Fπ≠@] Δ˙í@ ~◊–¢◊–d◊ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ ·œ◊¸–¡◊Î◊l≠@ > ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠¡◊˙S ]˙`◊– ¡◊–‘_ Éf ·h◊@˙N·◊ Ø≤◊˙‘ê◊– Δ˙í@ ≠N ≠Δ ¡◊–÷◊uC◊’ Œh◊`◊–ú◊, Ä·œ◊‘ä NhrØ˙ ¡◊–‘_-÷◊˙Ø~◊˙@ `◊Oä, N¡◊–d◊˙ N÷◊Î◊ ™˙~◊ @‘<– ≠@]˙ Δ˙í@, Ø≤◊–Ø˙, N…§◊¡◊ ~h◊≠≤◊Ω Δ˙í ¡◊–~h◊ ©u¡◊~◊ > ~◊–`◊u~◊ ≠N∫◊˙@h N¡h◊ ~◊–º‘›◊ Ä˙k˙≠@, Ä˙÷◊˙@¡◊–≤◊u~◊ N¡h◊, @–ê◊, Nh¡◊–ØÎ◊ > 467
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
468 Then through a tunnel dug in the last rock She came out where there shone a deathless sun. A house was there all made of flame and light And crossing a wall of doorless living fire There suddenly she met her secret soul. A being stood immortal in transience, Deathless dallying with momentary things, In whose wide eyes of tranquil happiness Which pity and sorrow could not abrogate Infinity turned its gaze on finite shapes: Observer of the silent steps of the hours, Eternity upheld the minute’s acts And the passing scenes of the Everlasting’s play. In the mystery of its selecting will, In the Divine Comedy a participant, The Spirit’s conscious representative, God’s delegate in our humanity, Comrade of the universe, the Transcendent’s ray, She had come into the mortal body’s room *
Here in this chamber of flame and light they met;* They looked upon each other, knew themselves, The secret deity and its human part, The calm immortal and the struggling soul. * ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ πœB˙ 527@ ·◊_–¡–◊…‘d◊Ø π˙·◊@h Ä˙@} >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
d◊˙íπ≠@ Ä¥◊–Ø ‘–Î◊˙ ≠]˙·◊–d◊ NhŸú◊ π˙@ ≠≤◊˙Å Ä˙N–≠`◊ ≠N ¡◊˙≤◊˙≠@ ≠Δ∫◊˙≠@ ÉÒ◊˙N–d◊ ‹≥≠`◊ Ü÷◊ ÄØ@ §◊˙◊@ > sœ≤◊ d◊≤◊y ≠‘˙≠≤◊ Ü÷◊ ¡◊≤◊∂– Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊@ π˙@ ≠≤◊˙Å ·◊uD Äs∂– ·◊_˙@≤◊u~◊ §◊–≈◊– N≤◊N˙ N˙O˙d◊ ÷◊≠`◊ sF˜ Ä˙k˙ ~◊–© > ~◊‘_@d◊˙ Ø≠Ú d◊≤◊y ɧ◊˙ ‹≥≠`◊ Ü÷◊ Øœdh◊äzlu N≈◊˙, Ob§◊úh◊@ ¡◊–r≠l ≠π˛Ø@ ¡◊–Î◊˙N Δ˙í@; π˛N¤ Ä˙ld◊ π˛‘˙¥◊, ÷◊˙@hbä ≠‘˙÷◊ Äd◊ud◊ ~◊l~h◊ N˙¥◊˙÷◊˙≠@ ~◊–¡◊M Δ˙í Ä~◊¥◊≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ > ≠·◊≠] ≠N ~◊–º‘›◊ ÷◊˙Î◊ Q◊@b N…Q◊˙@ Ä˙¡◊@ Ü ~◊–d◊ä`◊uÎ◊˙ Q◊Î◊Ø˙~◊ ·œ◊‘ä > N_l… ~◊–¡◊’˙Q◊–d◊ Åè◊˙ @≤◊Nä ØÚ≠@ ħ◊–≠~◊d◊˛u §◊˙s¡◊d◊ Nh]˙¥◊ ~◊˙Ë≠÷◊, N≠Q◊d◊~◊ π˛d◊–ØF≈◊–’ π@Ø ¡◊˛≤◊<@ π˛d◊–§F◊ Ü ~◊@≠`◊˙≠÷◊ π@Ø π˛§h◊@, ¡◊–‘_Ø–d◊˛, π@˙‚@ ≠©ä˙d◊– @‘<– ≠@]˙ Ä˙N–‹≥≠`◊ Ä¡◊d◊@– Ø≈◊’ä ‘@u@≠@ > * * * ©_Î◊¥◊ Ü ≠©ä˙d◊–Ø’l π˛≠÷◊˙B≠@ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ·h◊≠≤◊Ω N®h]u~◊; ~◊–sF˜ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ Ø˙~h◊ru ¡◊–§◊˙¡◊ d◊˙í@; π@ª@ ·h◊≠≤◊Ω No◊‘’≠~◊ π@ª@ ©˙b–≠`◊ ·h◊≤◊–öh◊ > ÄØ@ π˛‘˙¥◊ Ä˙k˙, ‘˛Ø@d◊ ©u¡◊ >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
470 Then with a magic transformation’s speed They rushed into each other and grew one. Once more she was human upon earthly soil In the muttering night amid the rain-swept woods And the rude cottage where she sat in trance: That subtle world withdrew deeply within Behind the sun-veil of the inner sight. But now the half-opened lotus bud of her heart Had bloomed and stood disclosed to the earthly ray; In an image shone revealed her secret soul. There was no wall severing the soul and mind, No mystic fence guarding from the claims of life. In its deep lotus home her being sat As if on concentration’s marble seat, Calling the mighty Mother of the worlds To make this earthly tenement her house. As in a flash from a supernal light, A living image of the original Power, A face, a form came down into her heart And made of it its temple and pure abode. But when its feet had touched the quivering bloom, A mighty movement rocked the inner space As if a world were shaken and found its soul:
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Δ˙·h◊÷◊@u @Fπ˙¥◊@-Nd◊_@-sd◊–≠@ π@ª@ π˛d◊– S˙ÅΩ ≠≤◊≠`◊ Ü÷◊˙÷◊˙@ > πhb– ≠N Ä˙N–≠`◊ ≠Á◊@– Ø˙~h◊ru §◊˙¡◊≠@ S@˙@ Ü Ø˙Ë–π≠@ > ¡œ◊¸–-≠S˝d◊-¡◊≠~◊ shz@–d◊ ~◊–‘–≠÷◊˙≠Î◊ @hO ≠N ÷h◊Ë–≠@ Ä˙Nu~◊˙ ≠N ‹≥≠`◊ Δ≤◊y ≠Δ˙s-NØ˙S≥≠@ > NhO< ≠N ©sd◊ s`◊˙ ÄπN@– ÷◊˙≤◊y s≤◊~◊ s§◊u≠@ NFΔ’ä-Δ¡◊~◊–÷◊˙ π≠ø > Ä¥◊@ ·œ◊¸–≠@ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ÄM’¡◊–÷◊‘–d◊ ≤œ◊dÍ◊π·◊<-≠÷◊˙@÷◊ d◊˙ö◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Øh÷h◊Î◊–d◊ É·Í◊ˆ˙Ë–d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ø≈◊’ä ÷◊–@b-≠@]˙≠@ > π˛÷◊˙‘–`◊˙ sF˜ Ä˙k˙ ≠π˛˙EÎ◊ π˛d◊–Ø˙ > ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ π˛˙Q◊u@ d◊≤◊y ÷◊@– ¡◊–§◊˙©–d◊ Ä˙k˙ à Ø~◊÷h◊, d◊≤◊y ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ s≤◊~◊ π˛˙÷◊˙@ Nh@O˙ ÷◊@– π˛˙b@ ·◊˙¡◊–@h > N≈◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ Éπ¡◊–¸ s§◊u@ πh @~◊–Î◊≠l N≠d◊ ¡◊˙ ‘õ◊ØØ’@ Ä˙N≠~◊ NØ˙S≥@, Ä˙¡◊˙≤◊~◊ ÷◊@– ¡◊–≠‘_‘_@u Ø≤◊˙‘ê◊– Ä¡◊d◊@– @Q◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ d◊˙í@ ·◊–¡◊ä ÄS≥¡◊˙N Ü≤◊– Ø≈◊’ä ~◊uŸ π≠@ > N_s’≠©ä˙d◊– ·h◊äd◊–NØ Ä˙·◊– Ø≤◊˙‘ê◊–©u¡◊¥◊ π˛d◊–Ø˙ Ü÷◊, Ä˙~◊~◊, Ä˙÷◊˙@ Ä¡◊d◊@– ≤œ◊·◊≠l d◊˙í ÷◊`◊˙ d◊≤◊y d◊˙í@ ~◊–¡◊˙N, ≠·◊¡◊˙ld◊~◊, Nhπ¡◊–d◊˛ πu∫◊ > π·◊ d◊˙í@ ª‘’÷`◊˙ ≠Δ≠¡◊ ≠N ÷◊fi–d◊ Øh÷h◊Î◊ Ä¥◊@˙÷◊˙‘ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ¡◊–SF~◊–d◊ Ø≤◊˙≠¡◊≠s N≠d◊ Ü÷◊ N…OhÛ ©sd◊ Ä˙¡◊– ˙@ ÷◊`◊˙ d◊˙í@ Ä¥◊@ Ä˙k˙÷h◊ > 471
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
472 Out of the Inconscient’s soulless mindless night A flaming Serpent rose released from sleep. It rose billowing its coils and stood erect And climbing mightily, stormily on its way It touched her centres with its flaming mouth; As if a fiery kiss had broken their sleep, They bloomed and laughed surcharged with light and bliss. Then at the crown it joined the Eternal’s space. In the flower of the head, in the flower of Matter’s base, In each divine stronghold and Nature-knot It held together the mystic stream which joins The viewless summits with the unseen depths, *
An image sat of the original Power Wearing the mighty Mother’s form and face. Armed, bearer of the weapon and the sign Whose occult might no magic can imitate, Manifold yet one she sat, a guardian force: A saviour gesture stretched her lifted arm, And symbol of some native cosmic strength, A sacred beast lay prone below her feet, A silent flame-eyed mass of living force.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
ÄQ◊–d◊–@ Ä˙k˙≤◊u~◊ Äπ˛≠÷◊d◊ @˙d◊–˛s§h◊’ ~◊–·◊˛˙§◊˙ú–◊ d◊˙í@ Äs∂– ·◊uD–Ølu ©˙s˛d◊ Nπ–’bu Ü÷◊, ÷◊@– d◊@ú◊–d◊ ÷h◊—Î◊u d◊˙í, ɧ◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Å ÉdÍ◊Á◊b NÎ◊], nË–÷◊˙@ Ø≤◊˙≠¡◊≠s É∫◊– ≠N Éπ≠@ ÷◊`◊˙ ª‘’ ≠÷◊o◊˛ N¡h◊ ©_Î◊¥◊ Øh]≠@, ~◊–·◊˛˙ N≠d◊ ≠·◊`◊˙ §◊˙ú◊– É≈◊D Qh◊¯~◊; rXÍ◊Q◊÷◊˛ ≠÷◊˙@÷◊ §◊@– Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊, Ä˙~◊o◊@≠N ≠≤◊≠`◊ ¡◊–÷◊‘–d◊ NhN<–d◊ ≠‘˙§◊–d◊ > N≈◊˙ ‘–≠@˙§◊˙≠s ≠d◊≠¡◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ≠N Ø–Î◊–d◊ π@Ø πu∫◊≠@; N≤◊N˛˙≠@ > ØFÎ◊˙S˙@÷◊ØÎ◊ ~◊–Î◊≠l ·◊–¡◊ä π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ ·h◊s’≠@ π˛÷œ◊d◊–-s˛A◊–≠@ d◊˙≤◊˙ Ü÷◊d◊˛ S˙@b ÷◊`◊˙ ≠N @≤◊Nä S˙@˙ ≠Δ˙Ÿ–·◊–Ü Δ˙≤◊˙ Ä·œ◊‘ä ‘–]@ N≠ú◊ Ä·œ◊‘ä Äd◊Î◊ > *
* *
Ä˙·◊–‘ê◊–N_@Fπ–bu π˛d◊–Ø˙ ¡◊–≠‘r Ä˙Nu~◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Å≠`◊ Ä˙N–, ¡◊≤◊– Ø≠≤◊‘_@uÄ˙÷◊˙@, Ä˙~◊~◊ > ¡◊≤◊– `◊–ú◊ π˛≤◊@b sF˜‘ê◊– Ädh◊Î◊ Δ˙í Δ˙·h◊@ Äd◊ud◊ > Ä≠~◊÷◊ @Fπ–bu Ü÷◊, @O˙-‘ê◊–Ølu Éπ¡◊–¸˙ : d◊˛˙bØh·◊˛˙ §h◊© ≠d◊˙Î◊– d◊˙í@, π·◊π˛˙≠¥◊ §F◊`h◊£◊–d◊ π˙¡◊~◊ ≠÷◊‘@u, N≤◊©˙d◊ ≠÷◊ÉΩ ¡◊–‘_ ‘ê◊–@ π˛d◊u÷◊, ©u¡◊¥◊ ≠N ‘ê◊–÷F◊Ë, ~◊–º‘›◊ ~◊u@¡◊ ~◊l≠~◊ d◊˙í π˛©_Î◊–d◊ ·◊uD Äs∂–‘–]˙ >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
474 All underwent a high celestial change: Breaking the black Inconscient’s blind mute wall, Effacing the circles of the Ignorance, Powers and divinities burst flaming forth; Each part of the being trembling with delight Lay overwhelmed with tides of happiness And saw her hand in every circumstance And felt her touch in every limb and cell. In the country of the lotus of the head Which thinking mind has made its busy space, In the castle of the lotus twixt the brows Whence it shoots the arrows of its sight and will, In the passage of the lotus of the throat Where speech must rise and the expressing mind And the heart’s impulse run towards word and act, A glad uplift and a new working came. The immortal’s thoughts displaced our bounded view, The immortal’s thoughts earth’s drab idea and sense; All things now bore a deeper heavenlier sense. A glad clear harmony marked their truth’s outline, Reset the balance and measures of the world. *
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
N÷◊Î◊ `◊§◊–≠`◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊, Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ N_s’ul @Fπ˙¥◊@ : §◊˙≠ú◊ ≠Ø˝~◊ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@ §◊–≈◊–, d◊غ÷œ◊à ÄQ◊–d◊–@ Ä™˙~◊Ø—Î◊ ¡◊–·F◊@–d◊ ÷◊@–, ¡◊≤◊∂–≠¡◊≠s ¡◊–Œ◊˙@–d◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ‘ê◊–@˙©–, ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ ΔF‹ > N≈◊˙@ π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ Äú◊ Ä˙~◊o◊-Ä˙≠¡◊‘‘–≤◊@≠b ¡◊–≤◊_Î◊–d◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊, Nh]-ÑØ–’ Ä˙πm˙¡◊≠~◊; ≤◊g≠Oπ ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ≠·◊¡◊u@ π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ ˆË~◊˙ Ø≠Ú; ÷◊≠`◊ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ª‘’ d◊˙í@ Ä≠ú◊ Ä≠ú◊ π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ ≠÷◊˙r≠@ > É≈◊Ø˙≠ú◊ N≤◊N˛˙@ ÷◊ØÎ◊-π˛≠·◊≠‘ Q◊–¥◊˙Øl Ø˙~◊N@ ¡◊äg π@–N≠@, §◊ıΔhsÎ◊ ØÚ¡◊≈◊’u Ä˙™˙Q◊÷◊˛ π·◊<·h◊≠s’ ≠N ~◊–≠Oπ ÷◊≠@ ‘@ ≠ΔÉΩ∫◊˙÷h◊ ·œ◊¸– N…÷◊À◊@; s˛u¡◊ ¡◊–‘hM ÷◊Ø≠Î◊ ¡◊˙bu Δ≤◊y π˛Œh◊@–d◊, Ø~◊ π˛÷◊˙‘–d◊ ≤œ◊·◊l Ä˙≠¡◊s Δ≤◊y ≤h◊Ü π˛S˙¡◊–d◊ ¡◊˙≠÷◊ä, ÷◊˙≠Δ’ä ≠≤◊`◊˙ d◊≤◊y Ä˙~◊≠o◊ π˛÷◊Ë NØh¤d◊ §◊˙¡◊ πhb– ÷◊Ø’S˙@˙ ~◊¡◊ > ·F◊≠@ s`◊˙ ÄπN@– NuØ–d◊ ·◊‘’~◊ Ø≈◊’ä@ ~◊u@N §◊˙¡◊, ≠¡◊˙S, ⁄˙≠~◊ d◊˙í@ π˛÷◊˙‘–`◊˙ §◊˙s¡◊d◊ ÄØ@@ Q◊–¥◊˙ > ¡◊≤◊~◊ ÷◊@–`◊˙ N¡h◊ ÄS≥÷◊ s}u@ N_s’ul d◊˙‚Δ’ä, Nd◊ä@Fπ≠@]˙ d◊˙í@ NFQ◊–d◊ ÷◊@–`◊˙ N_è◊ N@N NhrØ˙ > *
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
476 A secret soul behind supporting all* Is master and witness of our ignorant life, Admits the Person’s look and Nature’s role. But once the hidden doors are flung apart Then the veiled king steps out in Nature’s front; A Light comes down into the Ignorance, Its heavy painful knot loosens its grasp: The mind becomes a mastered instrument And life a hue and figure of the soul. All happily grows towards knowledge and towards bliss. A divine Puissance then takes Nature’s place And pushes the movements of our body and mind; Possessor of our passionate hopes and dreams, The beloved despot of our thoughts and acts, She streams into us with her unbound force, Into mortal limbs the Immortal’s rapture and power. An inner law of beauty shapes our lives; Our words become the natural speech of Truth, Each thought is a ripple on a sea of Light. Then sin and virtue leave the cosmic lists; They struggle no more in our delivered hearts: Our acts chime with God’s simple natural good Or serve the rule of a supernal Right.
* ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ πœB˙ 530@ ¡◊–◊…‘d◊Ø π˙·◊@h Ä˙@} >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
sF˜ Ä˙k˙ Ü÷◊ Ä˙Ø §◊≈◊’˙ Ä~h◊Ø¥◊˙ N¡h◊@ π¢◊˙≠d◊; π˛§h◊, ·◊˛¸˙ ≠N Ä˙Ø@ Ä™ ©u¡◊~◊@, ÷◊≠@ N_u÷◊˙@ ©u¡◊≠~◊ πh@hr@ ·œ◊¸– πhb– π˛÷œ◊d◊– §F◊Ø–÷◊˙ > ÷◊–¥h◊ Δ·◊– ≤h◊Ü ‹≠@ π˛è◊¤ ÷◊π˙Ë É·Í◊ˆ˙Ë–d◊, N…¡œ◊d◊ ≠N ÄS≥π Ä˙NÅ ¡◊˙≤◊˙@– d◊˙í π·◊Q◊˙Î◊– π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ Ä˙≠s; Ä¡◊d◊≠@ Ø≤◊˙≠©ä˙d◊– Ä™˙~◊ §◊–d◊≠@ > πuŸ˙·◊˙lu §◊˙@u s˛A◊– ÷◊@Å ‘–‹≥Î◊ Øh¸– d◊˙í@ > Ø~◊ ≤h◊Ü ¡◊‘u§F◊d◊ Δ» > ©u¡◊~◊≠@ É≠∫◊ Áh◊Ë– Ä¥◊@ Ä˙k˙@ @hQ◊–@ Ä˙÷◊˙@, ¡◊C◊’; ™˙~◊ Ä˙~◊o◊≠@ π˛N¤ ¡◊–÷◊˙‘ ≤h◊Ü NØs˛ N≈◊˙@ > π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ ⁄˙~◊ ≠~◊Å §◊˙s¡◊d◊u ‘ê◊– N…Q◊˙Î◊–d◊ ÷◊≠@ sd◊– ‘@u@, Ø~◊@ > ÷◊¡◊Î◊–d◊ ÷◊@– Ä˙Ø N@˙s Nπ~◊ Ä˙‘˙, ≠N ·◊l–d◊˙, Ü÷◊è◊d◊˛-ÄSu‘_@u Q◊–¥◊˙ à ÷◊˙Δ’ä@ Ä˙Ø Ä˙N¥◊– π˛¡◊˙≠≤◊ Ä˙Ø Ø≠Ú ¡◊≤◊– d◊˙ö◊ ÄNuØ ‘÷◊d◊– ~◊‘_@ Äú◊≠@ §◊@– ~◊–©@ É`◊∑˙N N˙Ø‹’ä; ©u¡◊~◊ Ä˙Ø ÷◊@Å s∫◊~◊ Ä˙¥◊@ ~◊–lØ Ü÷◊ ·◊–¡◊ä NhrØ˙@ > ‘›◊ ≤h◊Ü Ä˙Ø Nd◊ä N≤◊© π˛÷◊˙‘, Q◊–¥◊˙ ≠©ä˙d◊–-¡◊˙@–S≥@ ¡◊uQ◊–@ ¡◊–§◊ú◊ > π˙π-πhbä Δ˙Ü ø˙Ÿ– ¡◊–‘_-@b˙ú◊~◊, ·◊_J◊ Ä˙É ~◊˙≤◊y @≠≤◊ N_è◊o◊ ≤œ◊·◊≠l > ÷◊≠Ø’ Áh◊≠Ë NØd◊˙≠Î◊ N≤◊© N@Î◊ §◊˙s¡◊d◊ ≠‘˛lº, ≤h◊Ü ‘˙‘_d◊ Nd◊ä@ Öd◊ ¡◊–S˙~◊@ ·◊–¡◊ä Ä~h◊sd◊ ≠N¡◊˙ > 477
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478 All moods unlovely, evil and untrue Forsake their stations in fierce disarray And hide their shame in the subconscient’s dusk. Then lifts the mind a cry of victory: “O soul, my soul, we have created Heaven, Within we have found the kingdom here of God, His fortress built in a loud ignorant world. Our life is entrenched between two rivers of Light, We have turned space into a gulf of peace And made the body a Capitol of bliss. What more, what more, if more must still be done?” In the slow process of the evolving spirit, In the brief stade between a death and birth A first perfection’s stage is reached at last; Out of the wood and stone of our nature’s stuff A temple is shaped where the high gods could live. Even if the struggling world is left outside One man’s perfection still can save the world. There is won a new proximity to the skies, A first betrothal of the Earth to Heaven, A deep concordat between Truth and Life: A camp of God is pitched in human time. END OF CANTO FIVE
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
¡◊–‘˛u §◊˙¡◊·◊‘˙ ≠Δ≠d◊ Ä‘h§◊ Ä~œ◊d◊ ≠ˆ˙@ ¡◊–‘œõ◊Î◊˙ Ø≠Ú Δ˙Ü ø˙Ÿ– ~◊–© Ä¡◊≠Q◊d◊-ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@-Δ¡◊~◊–÷◊˙ π≠ø > Ø~◊ ≠d◊˙≠Î◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ S_~◊– ¡◊–©l ≠ˆ˙r@ : ëëÄ˙k˙, ≠Ø˙@ π–˛l Ä˙k˙, ÷◊@–≠ø @Q◊~◊˙ N_≠`◊’˙÷◊ Ü∫◊˙≠@ Ä˙≠Ø, π˙Å≠ø Ä¥◊≠@ §◊˙s¡◊d◊ ·◊–¡◊ä @˙©ä, ≠÷◊˙Î◊˙≤◊Î◊Øl Ä™ Ü ©s≠d◊ Ä˙≠Ø s˜–≠ø d◊˙í sŸ > ©u¡◊~◊ @≤◊Å Ä˙Ø ≠©ä˙d◊–@ ΔhsÎ◊ ~◊·◊u Ø≠Ú, @Fπ˙¥◊@ ÷◊@–≠ø Ä˙÷◊˙‘ ‘˙¥◊–@ Ä˙]˙d◊ @F≠π, ÷◊@–≠ø ≠·◊≤◊÷h◊ Ä˙~◊o◊ ≠·◊¡◊˙ld◊~◊ Øú◊Î◊ N·◊~◊ > ÄS≥÷◊ ¡◊˙ Ä˙É ÷◊íb, Ä˙É ÷◊–¡◊˙ ≠¡◊‘–, Ä¡◊‘ä @≤◊Å N˙Ú Ä˙É ÷◊– ÄS≥÷◊ ?íí Ä˙k˙@ ØA◊@ Su@ ÷◊˛Ø-π@–b˙ØS˙@˙≠@ ©u¡◊~◊ Øœdh◊ä Ob Ä¥◊@˙≠Î◊ Éπsd◊ ≠‘≠r N–M– π˛‹Ø ≠N˙π˙~◊ > Ä˙Ø S˙dh◊ ·◊˙@h ‘–Î◊˙ ÷◊˙Ë– ≠≤◊`◊˙ s˜˙ Ø≤◊˙~Í◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ≠Δ˙sä ·◊–¡◊ä ‘˛uØo◊–@ > ¡◊˙≤◊˙≠@ @≤◊Å πŸ–, N…ˆr’-N…÷h◊Î◊ ©sd◊ Δ·◊– ¡◊˙ Ä˙Ø, ¡◊äê◊– ¡◊–≠‘r@ N–M– π˙≠@ π@–d◊˛˙b ÷◊@– Ü N…N˙@ > `◊˙§◊ ≤h◊Ü Ä§◊–~◊¡◊ N_s’@ N˙Øuπä, ¡◊˙sÍ·◊˙~◊-¡◊Õ◊~◊ Ä˙·◊– ‡˙¡◊˙πœ‹≥¡◊u@, ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ N…sd◊– NÕ◊– Nd◊ä, ©u¡◊~◊@ : π˛d◊–B–d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ü≠¡◊ π@Ø π˛§h◊@ ‘–¡◊–@ Ü÷◊ Ø≠≈◊’ä ~◊@-÷◊˙Î◊-π@–N≠@ > (NØ˙D) 479
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
NDØ Ns’ : ¡◊–‘_˙k˙ à ¡◊–‘_ ≠Q◊Êd◊~◊ä ÌØ≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä N˙¡◊–d◊˛u@ NDØ π¡◊’ ≠Δ˙sπ¡◊’ > Ü≤◊– π¡◊’≠@ N˙¡◊–d◊˛uö◊ ·◊–¡◊äN˙S~◊˙ à N–M– ¡◊C◊–’d◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø– > Ø≤◊˙§◊˙@d◊@ ¡◊~◊π¡◊’≠@ N˙¡◊–d◊˛uö◊ N˙S~◊˙@ Äd◊– N…O–D @Fπ ≠·◊]≥¡◊˙÷h◊ Ø–≠Î◊ Ø˙d◊˛ ·h◊ÅË– π^Í◊ê◊–≠@; ñ ëë¡◊˛d◊… d◊–˛@˙d◊˛ØhP–‘ä ·◊–¡◊˙@˙d◊˛… ⁄–d◊˙ §◊¡◊dÍ◊íí Ä‹’˙dÍ◊, N˙¡◊–d◊˛u d◊–˛@˙d◊˛ ¡◊˛d◊ ÷◊≠`◊ à ≠N≤◊– N˙S~◊˙≠@ Ä≤◊~◊–’‘ ·◊—˙lØ˙~◊˙ @≤◊–≠`◊ > πhb– ëëd◊–B¥◊– ≠Q◊Ê¡◊ N˙¡◊–d◊˛u ÷◊˙B §F◊≠d◊¡◊ `◊Oä≠d◊íí Ä‹’˙dÍ◊, ·◊—˙lØ˙~◊˙ N˙¡◊–d◊˛u ÷◊˙B ]— π@– ≠·◊]˙Δ˙É‹≥≠` > N˙¡◊–d◊˛u d◊–~◊– ·◊–~◊ d◊–~◊– @˙d◊– Éπ¡◊˙N ÷◊@– N¡h◊ NØl s§◊u@ Ú˙~◊≠@ ~◊–¢◊Î◊, NØ˙≤◊–d◊ @≤◊– ÷◊˙∫◊ ]≠— π@– ≠·◊]˙ Δ˙É‹≥≠`◊ > Ü≤◊˙ ¡◊äd◊ud◊ π˙d◊–¡◊˛d◊ä à d◊πN_uö◊ Ä˙‘˛Ø≠@ ‘hM d◊πN_–~◊u@ ©u¡◊~◊ Δ˙π~◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙ d◊˙ö N˙S~◊˙@ ¡◊–‘–¸ ¡◊–§◊˙¡◊ ‹≥`◊˙, Ü≤◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ π˛d◊– ΔØö◊ Éê◊–@h ª¸ ≤h◊Ü, ñ ëëπd◊–¡◊˛d◊˙N– N˙¡◊–d◊˛– d◊≠‹Ê¡◊ Q◊ d◊≠π˙$~◊_–d◊˙íí Ä‹’˙dÍ◊, ≠≤◊ N˙¡◊–d◊˛– ! dh◊≠Ø πd◊–¡◊˛d◊˙ à d◊πN_–~◊u > ÷◊–¥h◊ N˙¡◊–d◊˛u Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä≠@ ·◊uˆ’ N˙d◊Ë– Ns’≠@ ‘˛uÄ@¡◊–o N˙¡◊–d◊˛uö◊ ÄπF¡◊’ N˙S~◊˙@ ¡◊–‘·◊ ¡◊C◊’~◊˙ ÷◊@–ø¥◊– > ≠N≤◊– ¡◊C◊’~◊˙ ØÚ≠@ d◊˙ö◊@ ¡◊–r˙·◊ ≠Δ˙s, Ä¥◊@˙k˙@ Ä~h◊NÕ◊˙~◊ à Ä¥◊©’sd◊≠@ π˛≠¡◊‘, Ä¥◊@˙k˙@ ‘ê◊–d◊˛lö◊@ Ä˙¡◊– ˙@, Ä¥◊@˙k˙@ ·◊‘’~◊, ~◊–¡◊’˙b à N¡◊’~◊˙g–@ Q◊@Ø Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ à N≠¡◊’˙π@– ¡◊–‘_˙k˙ à ¡◊–‘_≠Q◊Êd◊~◊ä π˛˙D–@ É≠`◊∑] @≤◊–ø– > Ä~F◊·◊–d◊ Ä…‘≠@ N˙S~◊˙ ·◊_˙@˙ N˙¡◊–d◊˛u ÷◊–π@– ~◊–© N≈◊˙÷h◊ π˛N˙@–d◊ ÷◊@– ÄNuØ˙ @Fπ–bu ≠≤◊˙Åø¥◊– à ~◊–© ØÚ≠@ ÷◊˙Î◊sd◊ à ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊, N˙÷◊˙@ à ~◊–@˙÷◊˙@@ ⁄–d◊–÷h◊ à ~◊–]≥Î◊ ≠π˛Ø§◊˙¡◊÷h◊ S˙@b ÷◊@–ø¥◊– d◊˙≤◊˙@ ¡◊C◊’~◊˙ @≤◊–ø– > Ü Nœ¸–≠@ Δ˙≤◊˙÷◊–ø– Äø– à ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@ ÷◊˛≠Ø˙≠~◊<r S˙@˙≠@ ÄS≥÷◊@h ÄS≥÷◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ¡◊–÷◊‘–d◊ ≠≤◊Éø– d◊˙≤◊˙ N˙¡◊–d◊˛uö◊ N≈◊˙≠@ ¡◊–πhÎ◊ d◊˙·◊˙kä ØÚ≠@ π˛÷◊Ë–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Åø– > N˙¡◊–d◊˛u ¡◊–‘_Ølu ≠≤◊˙Åø¥◊– à ≠·◊‘-÷◊˙Î◊÷h◊ Äd◊–÷◊˛Ø ÷◊@– ¡◊–‘_˙dud◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Åø¥◊– > π@˙π˛÷œ◊d◊– à π@˙≠Q◊d◊~◊˙÷h◊ S˙@b ÷◊@– N˙¡◊–d◊˛u ≠≤◊˙Åø¥◊– Ä~◊¥◊-@Fπ–bu à ‘˙‘_d-@Fπ–bu à Ü≤◊– N≠¡◊’˙≈◊Ø˙ N–M–≠@ π˛d◊–B–d◊˙ @≤◊– ≠N Øœdh◊ä@˙©ä≠@ π˛≠¡◊‘ ÷◊@– ≠Δ˙sN˙S~◊˙`◊Û ·◊–¡◊ä‘ê◊– ·◊_˙@˙ Øœdh◊ä@ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙öh◊ N…πFC◊’§◊˙≠¡◊ π@˙§F◊d◊ ÷◊@–ø¥◊– Δ˙≤◊˙@ ¡◊C◊’~◊˙ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ ~◊¡◊Ø à ·◊‘Ø π¡◊’≠@ @≤◊–ø– > ñ Ä~h◊¡◊˙·◊÷◊±
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
482 Canto Seven
The Discovery of the Cosmic Spirit and the Cosmic Consciousness IN THE little hermitage in the forest’s heart, In the sunlight and the moonlight and the dark The daily human life went plodding on Even as before with its small unchanging works And its spare outward body of routine And happy quiet of ascetic peace. The old beauty smiled of the terrestrial scene; She too was her old gracious self to men. The Ancient Mother clutched her child to her breast Pressing her close in her environing arms, As if earth ever the same could for ever keep The living spirit and body in her clasp, As if death were not there nor end nor change. Accustomed only to read outward signs None saw aught new in her, none divined her state; They saw a person where was only God’s vast, A still being or a mighty nothingness. To all she was the same perfect Savitri:
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
¡◊–‘_˙k˙ à ¡◊–‘_≠Q◊Êd◊~◊ä Ä@bä@ ≠÷◊o◊˛⁄≠Î◊ Oh·◊˛ d◊≠π˙¡◊≠~◊ NFΔ’ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ Q◊o◊˛˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ πhb– ÄÕ◊÷◊˙≠@ ≠·◊Ê~◊o◊–~◊ Q◊Î◊–`◊˙ d◊˙ ØA◊@ sd◊–≠@ Ø~h◊rä ©u¡◊~◊ N_À◊ ~◊–d◊ä ≠~◊ÊØ–≈◊–÷◊ N˙S˙@b ÷◊Ø’ Ø≠Ú πF¡◊’π@– Ü÷◊ S˙@˙≠@ Nh]·◊ ‘˙¥◊ d◊˙πN Ä˙‘˛Ø π@–≠¡◊‘; πh@˙d◊~◊ ≠‘˙§◊˙ N<–d◊≤◊˙Nä π˙‹≥’¡◊ ·œ◊‘ä≠@ d◊≤◊y ‹≥`◊˙ π˛÷◊˙‘–d◊ > N˙¡◊–d◊˛u ¡◊– ‹≥≠`◊ d◊≤◊y N÷◊Î◊ö◊ π˙ÅΩ ÷◊@hb˙ ÷◊`◊ä˙bØlu πF¡◊’-π@–Q◊–d◊˙ > πh@˙d◊~◊ ©~◊~◊u d◊˙í N¥◊˙~◊÷h◊ ¡h◊≠÷◊ ·◊œ˜ Ä˙`◊–ú◊≠~◊ d◊˙ö◊ ¡◊˙≤◊h@ ¡◊Î◊≠l S@–‹≥≠`◊ N≠d◊ ≠Δ≠≤◊∂ S@bu d◊˙≤◊˙@ Ä˙≠‘m≠r π˙@–¡◊ @]≥ ©u¡◊¥◊ ‘@u@ N≈◊˙÷h◊ d◊˙ö◊@ ≠N≤◊–π@–, N≠d◊ ≠Δ≠≤◊∂ ~◊˙≤◊y Øœdhä, ~◊˙≤◊y ≠‘r, ~◊˙≤◊y @Fπ˙¥◊@ > ¡◊˙≤◊ä Q◊–≤◊∂ ≠·◊]≥ ]˙`◊– ©˙b–¡◊˙ ħ◊ä˙N ¡◊≠‘ d◊˙ö◊ Ø≠Ú ≠÷◊≤◊– ~◊ ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ÷◊–ø– ~F◊d◊~◊, Δ‹˙‹’ ⁄–d◊– ~◊ π˙@–≠`◊ ©˙b–, ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ≠NØ˙≠~◊ ]˙`◊– ¡◊äê◊– Ü÷◊ Δ≤◊y ¡œ◊≤◊dÍ◊ π˛N˙@ ‹≥`◊˙ π@Ø˙k˙ö◊@, ⁄–@ N≈◊˙ Ü÷◊ Ä¡◊˙ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ‘F~◊äd◊˙ > NØgö◊ ·œ◊¸–≠@ ≠N ‹≥≠` πF¡◊’π@– N¡◊’shb-ÄÎ◊…÷œ◊d◊˙ Ä~◊–o◊ä˙ N˙¡◊–d◊˛u >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
484 A greatness and a sweetness and a light Poured out from her upon her little world. Life showed to all the same familiar face, Her acts followed the old unaltered round, She spoke the words that she was wont to speak And did the things that she had always done. Her eyes looked out on earth’s unchanging face, Around her soul’s muteness all moved as of old; A vacant consciousness watched from within, Empty of all but bare Reality. There was no will behind the word and act, No thought formed in her brain to guide the speech: An impersonal emptiness walked and spoke in her, Something perhaps unfelt, unseen, unknown Guarded the body for its future work, Or Nature moved in her old stream of force. Perhaps she bore made conscious in her breast The miraculous Nihil, origin of our souls And source and sum of the vast world’s events, The womb and grave of thought, a cipher of God,
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
d◊˙ö◊ ØÚh Oh·◊˛ d◊˙ö◊ ©sd◊ Éπ≠@ Ø˙ShΔ’ä Ø≤◊–Ø˙ πhb– Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊@ S˙@˙ π˛¡◊˙≤◊–d◊ ≠≤◊É‹≥`◊˙ π˛¡◊Î◊ ≠¡◊s≠@ ·◊–‘h‹≥`◊˙ N÷◊Î◊öh◊ ©u¡◊~◊≠@ d◊˙ö◊ N¡h◊ π@–≠¡◊≠‘ Ü÷◊ π@–Q◊–d◊ Øh]; ÷◊Ø’ d◊˙ö◊ Ä~h◊N@– Q◊≠Î◊ ≠N≤◊– Ü÷◊ πh@˙d◊~◊ S˙@˙, πF¡◊’ ħ◊äg ÷◊‹˙ ≠N ÷◊≤h◊‹≥≠`◊, ÷◊@h‹≥≠`◊ N¡h◊·◊–≠~◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ÷◊@– Ä˙Nh‹≥≠`◊, Ü÷◊ Äπ@–¡◊≈◊–’d◊ S@˙@ Ä˙~◊~◊ ≠·◊]h‹≥≠`◊ ~◊l~◊≠@ > ØF÷◊ d◊˙ö◊ Ä¥◊@˙k˙ Q◊Éπ˙≠‘ N¡h◊ Q◊˙`h◊‹≥`◊˙ πF¡◊’π@–, Ä¥◊@h d◊˙ö◊@ ≠·◊]h‹≥`◊˙ N¡h◊ Ü÷◊ ‘F~◊ä@ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ N¡◊’@–ê◊ π@Ø˙‹’ Nd◊ä Δ˙ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ > ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ N÷◊Î◊ ÷◊Ø’ ¡◊Q◊~◊@ π≠ø, Øg–≠ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ÷◊–ø– Q◊–¥◊˙@ Œh◊@b ¡◊˙÷◊ä N…Q◊˙Î◊~◊ π˙ÅΩ, Ä¥◊≠@ d◊˙ö◊@ ¡◊äê◊–d◊_ ¡◊–≤◊u~◊ Ü÷◊ ‘F~◊ä@ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ Q◊˙`h◊‹≥`◊˙, ÷◊@h‹≥`◊˙ π˛÷◊˙‘ ¡◊Q◊~◊ N…§◊¡◊d◊º ÷◊–ø– d◊≤◊y ≠~◊˙≤◊– Ä~h◊§F◊d◊, ·œ¸ ¡◊˙ ¡◊–·◊–d◊ @O˙ ÷◊@h‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ ‘@u@÷h◊ §◊¡◊–räd◊ ÷◊Ø’ π˙ÅΩ d◊˙í@ > Ä‹¡◊˙ π˛÷œ◊d◊– d◊˙í@ πh@˙d◊~◊ ‘ê◊– ñ ≠N˛˙≠d◊ Q◊Îh◊‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ N≈◊˙@ ØÚ≠@ N}¡◊d◊º S˙@b ≠N ÷◊@–‹≥≠`◊ d◊˙ö◊ ¡◊OØ≠Ú N≠Q◊d◊~◊ Q◊Øe˙@ Ä˙Ø Ä˙k˙ ØFÎ◊⁄˙~◊, ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ©sd◊ ˆËb˙¡◊Î◊–@ Éf, Nظ–; Q◊–¥◊˙@ s§◊’ à NØ˙S≥, ‘F~◊ä π@Ø˙k˙ö◊@ 485
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
486 A zero circle of being’s totality. It used her speech and acted in her acts, It was beauty in her limbs, life in her breath; The original Mystery wore her human face. Thus was she lost within to separate self; Her mortal ego perished in God’s night. Only a body was left, the ego’s shell Afloat mid drift and foam of the world-sea, A sea of dream watched by a motionless sense In a figure of unreal reality. An impersonal foresight could already see,— In the unthinking knowledge of the spirit Even now it seemed nigh done, inevitable,— The individual die, the cosmos pass; These gone, the transcendental grew a myth, The Holy Ghost without the Father and Son, Or, a substratum of what once had been, Being that never willed to bear a world Restored to its original loneliness, Impassive, sole, silent, intangible. Yet all was not extinct in this deep loss; The being travelled not towards nothingness.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
‘F~◊äØ—Î◊ ≠N Ü÷◊ N≈◊˙ Nظ–@ > ¡◊ä¡◊≤◊˙@ ÷◊`◊˙ Ü≤◊˙ ¡◊Q◊~◊ d◊˙ö◊@ ÷◊`◊˙ ÷◊Ø’ d◊˙ö◊@ Ü÷◊ ÷◊Ø’˙¡◊Î◊– Ø≠Ú ‹≥`◊˙ Ü NhrØ˙ d◊˙ö◊ Äú◊ π˛d◊äú◊@; π˛˙b¡◊˙lh ~◊–º‘_˙N@; Ä˙·◊–Ø @≤◊Nä S˙@b ÷◊@–`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ Ø˙~h◊ru Øh]‘˛u > ≤◊@˙Å ≠N ‹≥≠`◊ d◊˙ö◊ N_d◊» N≈◊˙÷h◊ Ä¥◊≠@ Üπ@–; d◊˙ö◊ Ø≈◊’ä Ä≤◊…÷◊˙@ ~◊¸ ≠≤◊`◊˙ π˛§h◊ö◊@ ~◊–‘˙ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙≠@ > ]˙`◊– ‹≥`◊˙ ≠·◊≤◊ Ä≤◊…÷◊˙@ Ä˙¡◊@b, §◊˙NØ˙~◊ ≠Á◊~◊˙l–d◊ N…N˙@ N˙s@ π˛¡◊˙≤◊@ Ø≠Ú; N_π∂@ É·◊S≥ Ü÷◊ `◊Oä Δ˙≤◊˙ ÷◊@h‹≥`◊˙ ~◊–¢◊Î◊ Åo◊˛–l Ä¡◊˙g¡◊ @Fπ˙l–d◊ ¡◊˙g¡◊ Ä˙÷◊˙≠@ > ≠~◊Ê¡◊’äê◊–÷◊ ·F◊@·œ◊¸– ≠·◊]h‹≥`◊˙ Ä˙sh ¡◊–Q◊˙@¡◊–≤◊u~◊ ™˙≠~◊ Ä¥◊º≠¢◊d◊~◊˙@ N–M– ≠Δ Ä˙N¤ Ü≠¡◊, `◊˙≠s Ä~◊–¡◊˙Δ’ä, ¡◊äê◊– Δ˙Ü Ø@–, ¡◊–‘_ ≤h◊Ü d◊–≠@˙≤◊–d◊ > ÄπN@– Δ–¡◊˙@h Ü, ¡◊–‘_˙d◊ud◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ÷◊˙À◊~◊–÷◊ ¡◊gh Ü÷◊, ©~◊÷◊ Ç‘_@ πhd◊˛ ©u¡◊ ¡◊–~◊˙ ]˙`◊– π@¡◊˛≤◊< N≈◊˙ Ä‹¡◊˙ Δ·◊– ≠~◊Å‹≥`◊˙ ÄS≥B˙~◊ d◊˙í@, N≈◊˙ Ü÷◊ ¡◊≤◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ ¡◊–‘_ Δ˙ N…÷◊À◊ ÷◊@– ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ Δ˙ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ πhb– Δ˙≤◊˙ d◊˙í@ ≠Á◊@–ø– ¡◊–¡◊–ê◊ ØFÎ◊ ~◊–ºNú◊d◊˙ Ø≠Ú > É·◊˙Nu~◊ Ü÷◊˙ ≠Ø˝~◊ ª‘’-Ä≠s˙Q◊@ > d◊‹˙π– ¡◊–`h◊D ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ N÷◊Î◊ s§◊u@ Ü Ol Ø≠Ú, ~◊˙g– ħ◊–Øh≠] ~◊ Q◊Î◊–`◊˙ N≈◊˙; ‹≥`◊˙ N≠¡◊˙’≈◊Ø d◊≤y 487
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
488 There was some high surpassing Secrecy, And when she sat alone with Satyavan, Her moveless mind with his that searched and strove, In the hush of the profound and intimate night She turned to the face of a veiled voiceless Truth Hid in the dumb recesses of the heart Or waiting beyond the last peak climbed by Thought,— Unseen itself it sees the struggling world And prompts our quest, but cares not to be found,— Out of that distant Vast came a reply. Something unknown, unreached, inscrutable Sent down the messages of its bodiless Light, Cast lightning flashes of a thought not ours Crossing the immobile silence of her mind: In its might of irresponsible sovereignty It seized on speech to give those flamings shape, Made beat the heart of wisdom in a word And spoke immortal things through mortal lips. Or, listening to the sages of the woods, In question and in answer broke from her High strange revealings impossible to men,
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
@≤◊Nä ¡◊–rl ÷◊–ø–; N_˙Øu N≠ú◊ ≠Δ≠¡◊ Ü÷◊˙÷◊–~◊u ¡◊Nh‹≥≠`◊ N˙¡◊–d◊˛uö◊ Ø~◊ π˛l˙Nu Ä≠~◊_ru Ø~◊ N≠ú◊ @≤◊– d◊≤◊y s§◊u@ ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ @˙d◊˛– ~◊u@¡◊d◊˙ Ø≠Ú Ú˙~◊ d◊˙ö◊ ≠Á◊@˙Å≠`◊ π˛è◊¤ ~◊–¡◊’˙÷Í◊ Nd◊ä@ Ä˙~◊~ Δ˙≤◊˙ ‹≥`◊˙ `h◊ü˙l–d◊ ØF÷◊ d◊˙ö◊ ≤œ◊·◊l@ ~◊–§œ◊d◊ sh≤◊˙≠@ Ä‹¡◊˙ Ä≠πO˙ ÷◊@– Q◊–¥◊˙@ Ä¥◊–Ø ‘–]@@ π@π˙≠@, ñ Ä·œ◊‘ä @≤◊– d◊˙í ¡◊–≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ɇØ@d◊ ©sd◊÷h◊ πhb– ÷◊≠@ π˛≠b˙·◊–d◊ Ä˙Ø Ä≠~◊_rb ÷◊–¥h◊ ~◊ ÷◊≠@ π˛l˙N S@˙ d◊˙í ≠·◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ~◊–© ñ É≈◊@ Ä˙N–`◊˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ·F◊@ ≠N §F◊Ø˙@h, Ä™˙d◊ ·h◊@S≥sØä ≠¡◊˙S˙d◊ud◊ ≠÷◊≤◊– π∫◊˙Å≠`◊ ¡◊˙≈◊’˙ d◊˙ö◊ Äd◊~h◊ ≠©ä˙d◊–@, Ä˙Ø@ Δ˙ Q◊–¥◊˙ ~h◊≠≤◊Ω ≠N Q◊–¥◊˙ Q◊πÎ◊˙ Œh◊@b ~◊–≠Oπ ÷◊@h‹≥≠`◊ Äd◊–÷◊˛Ø– Ä˙Nh‹≥`◊˙ Δ˙≤◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ ~◊u@¡◊ ~◊–¢◊Î◊ Ø˙~◊N≠Q◊d◊~◊˙; ~◊–@h·Í◊¡◊–s∂ Ü÷◊ød◊˛ N˙Ø≠‹’ä d◊˙≤◊˙@ ¡◊˙bu÷h◊ ≠N ÄS≥÷◊˙@ ÷◊@– N˙¡◊–d◊˛uö◊ ¡◊˙bu≠@ ≠·◊≠`◊ ~◊¡◊ @Fπ > ·◊uD–÷h◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@, ÷◊`◊˙ π˛™˙@ ≤œ◊·◊l ªo◊–d◊ Ü÷◊≤◊y ‘≠›◊, Ø≈◊’ä ÄS@≠@ π˛÷◊˙‘ ÷◊≠`◊ ≠N ≠÷◊≠d◊ ÄØ@ ¡◊–rl > Ä¡◊˙ ‘hb– ¡◊~◊@ ≠N d◊πN_uö◊ ÷◊‹˙ π˛≠‘∂˙≈◊@ ø≠Î◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ≤œ◊·◊lh d◊˙ö◊@ Éf˙@–d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ·◊–¡◊ä ɤd◊ ÄπF¡◊’ ¡◊–rl Δ˙ ~◊@ π˙ÅΩ ‹≥`◊˙ ÄN}¡◊ >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
490 Something or someone secret and remote Took hold of her body for his mystic use, Her mouth was seized to channel ineffable truths, Knowledge unthinkable found an utterance. Astonished by a new enlightenment, Invaded by a streak of the Absolute, They marvelled at her, for she seemed to know What they had only glimpsed at times afar. These thoughts were formed not in her listening brain, Her vacant heart was like a stringless harp; Impassive the body claimed not its own voice, But let the luminous greatness through it pass. A dual Power at being’s occult poles Still acted, nameless and invisible: Her divine emptiness was their instrument. Inconscient Nature dealt with the world it had made, And using still the body’s instruments Slipped through the conscious void she had become; The superconscient Mystery through that Void Missioned its word to touch the thoughts of men.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
·F◊@ ≠÷◊ÉΩ shD ≠`◊˙÷h◊ Ä™˙d◊ ≠÷◊ Ü÷◊ ÄS≥÷◊˙@ ÷◊`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ ‘@u@÷h◊ d◊˙í@ shD π˛≠l˙©~◊ Ä˙≠‘; ÷◊`◊˙ ÷◊¡◊Î◊–d◊ Øh]@ N@b– Ä~◊–¡◊’Q◊~◊ul Nd◊ä π˛÷Ë~◊ π˙ÅΩ, ≠≤◊`◊˙ ™˙~◊ Éé◊˙@–d◊ ÄQ◊–¥◊ä Δ˙; ħ◊–~◊¡◊ ™˙~◊ Q◊Øeœd◊, π@Ø π˛™˙@ @‘<–≠@]˙@ Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘ N˙¡◊–d◊˛uöh◊ ≠·◊]≥ Ör– ¡h◊Ÿ–≠`◊ ¡◊–N<≠l, ≠Δ d◊j n`◊÷◊ Ø˙d◊˛ ·F◊@ Q◊–·◊˙÷◊˙≠‘ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ≠·◊]≥‹≥≠`◊ ≠NØ˙≠~◊ ≠N d◊˙≤◊˙ ©˙b–‹≥≠`◊; Ü N÷◊Î◊ Q◊–¥◊˙ ¡–◊@Q◊–d ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ¡◊– ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Å ‘˛¡◊b ~◊–@d◊ Øg– ≠@, d◊»u≤◊u~◊ ¡◊ub˙ NØ ‹≥`◊˙ ≤œ◊·◊l d◊˙ö◊@; ~◊–© Åè◊˙ π˛÷◊˙‘@ ·◊˙¡◊– ø˙Ÿ– NØ˙≤◊–d◊ ‘@u@÷h◊ ÷◊≠`◊ ≠©ä˙d◊–Ø’l Ø≤◊–Ø˙@ N…Q◊@b π‹ > ÷◊@h‹≥`◊˙ ÷◊˙Δ’ä d◊≤◊y Ä·œ◊‘ä Ä~◊˙Ø ·◊_–S˙‘ê◊– N≈◊˙ sF˜ S´¡◊ ¡◊–oh◊ π≠@ > ~◊–Ø–≈◊ d◊˙í ‹≥`◊˙ ·◊–¡◊ä @–ê◊d◊˙ d◊˙ö◊@ Ä≠Q◊d◊~◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊– ¡◊– Δ˙É‹≥`◊˙ ÷◊@– ÷◊˙Δ’ä d◊˙í@ N_@Q◊–d◊ ©sd◊ §◊–d◊≠@, ¡◊ä¡◊≤◊˙@ ÷◊@– d◊˙ö◊ ‘@u@@ Δ», N≠Q◊d◊ ‘F~◊äd◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ N≈◊˙ ØÚ ≠·◊Å Ä`◊O–≠d◊ ÄπN@– Δ˙É‹≥`◊˙ ÷◊˙≤◊y > ‘F~◊äd◊˙ ØÚ≠@ d◊˙ö◊ π@˙≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@ @≤◊Nä ≠π˛@–d◊ ÷◊@h‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊˙÷Í◊ d◊˙í@ ª‘’ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ Q◊–¥◊˙ Ø˙~◊¡◊ Ø~◊@ >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
492 As yet this great impersonal speech was rare. But now the unmoving wide spiritual space In which her mind survived tranquil and bare, Admitted a traveller from the cosmic breadths: A thought came through draped as an outer voice. It called not for the witness of the mind, It spoke not to the hushed receiving heart; It came direct to the pure perception’s seat, An only centre now of consciousness, If centre could be where all seemed only space; No more shut in by body’s walls and gates Her being, a circle without circumference, Already now surpassed all cosmic bounds And more and more spread into infinity. This being was its own unbounded world, A world without form or feature or circumstance; It had no ground, no wall, no roof of thought, Yet saw itself and looked on all around In a silence motionless and illimitable. There was no person there, no centred mind, No seat of feeling on which beat events Or objects wrought and shaped reaction’s stress. There was no motion in this inner world,
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Ä≠π˝@h≠rl ≠N ¡◊˙bu Ü≠¡◊ ¡◊– ¡◊–@Î◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ Ä¡◊–Q◊Î◊–d◊ ≠N π˛‘g Ä˙k˙@ ≠¡◊ä˙Ø Δ≤◊y N…©u¡◊–d◊ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ Ø~◊ ‘˙¥◊, Ä~◊˙¡œ◊d◊ ≠·◊`◊˙ π˛≠¡◊‘@ π‹◊ π‹≥÷◊÷h◊, Ä˙sd◊ ≠Δ ¡◊–‘_¡◊–d◊˙~◊@h > ¡◊˙≤◊˙@ ÷◊˙í ÷◊£◊S_~◊– ØÚ ≠·◊Å Ü÷◊ Q◊–¥◊˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ N…Q◊˙@–d◊ ~◊ ÷◊@– Ä˙≤◊_˙~◊ Ø~◊÷h◊ d◊˙ N˙Ou@F≠π ~◊ ÷◊≤◊– ¡◊˙ ÷◊–ø– π˛‘˙¥◊ s≤◊b‘uÎ◊ ≤œ◊·◊l÷h◊ d◊˙ö◊, NÎ◊] Ä˙N–`◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙ π˛d◊äO≠¡◊˙S@ ÄS≥B˙~◊ π≠@ ‹≥`◊˙ Ü÷◊Ø˙d◊˛ Ü≠¡◊ ≠÷o◊˛ Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@, @≤◊–π˙≠@ Δ·◊– ≠÷◊o◊˛ Δ≤◊y N¡h◊ ]˙`◊– ≠¡◊ä˙Ø@ ¡◊–g˙@ > Ä¡◊@hM ≠~◊˙≤◊– ≠·◊≤◊ π˛˙Q◊u@, ≠d◊˙@b Ø≠Ú d◊˙ö◊ N≈◊˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ π@–S≥¡◊–≤◊u~◊ ¡œ◊≈◊ Ü÷◊, Äd◊–÷◊˛Ø– ¡◊–‘_@ N÷◊Î◊ NuØ˙ Δ˙ ¡◊–gœd◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ÄS≥÷h◊ ÄS≥÷◊ Ä~◊¥◊ ØÚ÷h◊ Ü≠¡◊; ~◊–@¡◊S≥ ~◊–© ¡◊–‘_ ≠≤◊`◊˙ N≈◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ Δ˙≤◊˙@ Ä¡◊⁄˙ ¡◊–≠‘r ÷◊–…¡◊˙ @Fπ ¡◊˙ Ä˙÷◊˙@ Ä˙S˙@, π˛˙÷◊˙@ Ä¡◊˙ ø˙·◊~◊ Q◊–¥◊˙@ > d◊‹˙π– ≠N ≠·◊]h‹≥≠`◊ ~◊–©÷h◊ à d◊˙í@ Q◊Éπ˙≠‘ Ä¡◊–Q◊Î◊ ÄNuØ–d◊ Ü÷◊ ~◊u@¡◊d◊˙ Ø≠Ú; d◊≤◊y ~◊ ‹≥≠`◊ ≠÷◊ ¡◊äê◊–, ≠÷◊o◊–˛d◊ Ø˙~◊N πhb– ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ §◊˙¡◊@ Ä˙‘l Ä˙ˆ˙d◊ π˙ÅΩ ˆËb˙@˙©–@, ¡◊–rl ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ Ä¡◊˙ ÷◊–˛l˙ π˛d◊–÷◊–˛l˙ Q◊˙π Nœ¸–÷◊@– d◊≤◊y ≠·◊¡◊˙÷h◊ d◊˙í @Fπ, sd◊–‘F~◊ä ‹≥`◊˙ Ü≤◊– Ä˙¥◊@ ©sd◊, 493
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
494 All was a still and even infinity. In her the Unseen, the Unknown waited his hour. But now she sat by sleeping Satyavan, Awake within, and the enormous Night Surrounded her with the Unknowable’s vast. A voice began to speak from her own heart That was not hers, yet mastered thought and sense. As it spoke all changed within her and without; All was, all lived; she felt all being one; The world of unreality ceased to be: There was no more a universe built by mind, Convicted as a structure or a sign; A spirit, a being saw created things And cast itself into unnumbered forms And was what it saw and made; all now became An evidence of one stupendous truth, A Truth in which negation had no place, A being and a living consciousness, A stark and absolute Reality. There the unreal could not find a place, The sense of unreality was slain: There all was conscious, made of the Infinite,
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
N¡h◊ ‹≥`◊˙ Ä¡◊–÷◊fi, NØ ÄNuØd◊˙ > d◊˙ö◊ Ø≠Ú ‹≥≠`◊ ≠÷◊≤◊– ·œ◊¸– Ä¥◊@˙≠Î◊ Ä™˙d◊ π˛d◊uO˙ ÷◊@– ÷◊˙Î◊÷h◊ ~◊–©@ > ~◊–·◊–˛d◊ N_˙Øuö◊ π˙≠‘ Ü≠¡◊ ≠N Ä˙Nu~◊˙, Ä¥◊≠@ ©˙s˛d◊˙ ÷◊–¥h◊, §◊urb d◊–˛Δ˙Ø˙ ≠ˆ@– @≤◊–‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙öh◊ Ä≠™l N≈◊˙@ Äd◊–÷◊˙l @F≠π; ≠d◊≠¡◊ ≤œ◊·◊l@h d◊˙ö◊ ÷◊≤◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ Éπ÷◊˛Ø ÷◊`◊˙ ÷◊£◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ~◊ ≠≤◊˙Å d◊˙ö◊@ ØÚ ÷◊`◊˙ ~◊–l»b Q◊–¥◊˙ à Åo◊–˛l d◊˙ö◊, Ä¥◊≠@ ¡◊˙≤◊˙≠@ N¡h◊÷◊–ø– ¡◊·◊Î◊–`◊˙ ¡◊Q◊≠~◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@ > N¡h◊ ‹≥`◊˙, N¡h◊÷◊–ø– N©u¡◊; N÷◊Î◊ N≈◊˙ ≠N ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ Ü÷◊; Ø–‹ä˙@ ©sd◊ `h◊D ≠≤◊`◊˙; ~◊ @≤◊–`◊˙ Ø˙~◊N π˛NFd◊ ¡◊–‘_ Ä˙É ¡◊≤◊– ≠·◊˙r Ä˙÷◊˙@, N…™˙@ > Ä˙k˙ Ü÷◊, N≈◊˙ Ü÷◊ ≠·◊]≥`◊˙ @Q◊–d◊ ¡◊gh@˙©–, N…]ä˙≤◊u~◊ @F≠π ≠N ~◊–©÷h◊ ÷◊`◊˙ @Fπ˙l–d◊, ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ü÷◊˙÷◊˙@ d◊˙í@ N_l…·œ◊¸ ¡◊–@Q◊–d◊ ¡◊–rl@ N≠ú◊ > N¡h◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ N˙Oä Ü÷◊ ¡◊–πhÎ◊ Nd◊ä@ > Ø≤◊˙ d◊j d◊˙≤◊˙ Ü÷◊ ~◊˙g– π˙ÅΩ Δ≤◊y ÷◊–ø– ¡◊– ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ⁄˙~◊, N≈◊˙ ≠N ©u¡◊¥◊ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@, ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ ≠N N·Í◊¡◊gh π@Ø > Ä¡◊gh@ Ä¡◊÷◊˙‘ ÷◊–ø– ¡◊– ≠N∫◊˙≠@ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙, Ø–‹ä˙@ §◊˙¡◊ ‹≥`◊˙ Äπ≤◊d◊ > ‹≥`◊˙ N¡h◊ N≠Q◊d◊~◊, ~◊–Ø–’d◊ ÄNu≠Ø >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
496 All had a substance of Eternity. Yet this was the same Indecipherable; It seemed to cast from it universe like a dream Vanishing for ever into an original Void. But this was no more some vague ubiquitous point Or a cipher of vastness in unreal Nought. It was the same but now no more seemed far To the living clasp of her recovered soul. It was her self, it was the self of all, It was the reality of existing things, It was the consciousness of all that lived And felt and saw; it was Timelessness and Time, It was the Bliss of formlessness and form. It was all Love and the one Beloved’s arms, It was sight and thought in one all-seeing Mind, It was joy of Being on the peaks of God. She passed beyond Time into eternity, Slipped out of space and became the Infinite; Her being rose into unreachable heights And found no end of its journey in the Self. It plunged into the unfathomable deeps And found no end to the silent mystery That held all world within one lonely breast, Yet harboured all creation’s multitudes.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
N¡h◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ~◊–d◊ä¡◊gh, d◊‹˙π– Ü ‹≥`◊˙ Ü÷◊≤◊y ·h◊≠¡◊’˙Ú d◊j; ~◊–©ØÚh d◊˙≤◊˙ N_π∂ NØ ¡◊–≠Œ◊˙@b ÷◊@h‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊–‘_ ¡◊–`◊u~◊ Δ˙ ≠≤◊É‹≥`◊˙ Q◊–@÷◊˙Î◊ π˙ÅΩ Ä˙·◊– ‘F~◊äs≠§◊’; ÷◊–¥h◊ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ Ü Ä˙É Ä~◊–¢◊–d◊ N¡◊’sd◊ ¡◊–oh◊Ø˙d◊˛, Ä¡◊˙ Ä¡◊˙g¡◊ Ø≤◊˙‘F≠~◊ä §F◊Ø˙@ ‘F~◊äd◊˙ > π˛d◊–`◊Û Ä¥◊@˙k˙ ©u¡◊¥◊ Ä˙≠‘m≠r Ü≤◊˙ ≠N≤◊–, ÷◊–¥h◊ Ü≠¡◊ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ·F◊@@ > Ü≤◊˙ ‹≥`◊˙ Ä˙k˙ d◊˙ö◊, Ä˙k˙ N÷◊Î◊@ > Nd◊ä Ü≤◊˙ ¡◊–‡Ø˙~◊ N÷◊Î◊ ¡◊gh@ > ≠Q◊Êd◊~◊ä Ü ‹≥`◊˙ ≠N≤◊– ©u¡◊NØF≤◊@ ·◊‘’~◊ ≠Δ ÷◊@h‹≥≠`◊, πhb– Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ > Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊ ‹≥`◊˙ Ü≤◊˙ πhb– ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ > Ä@Fπ@, Ä˙÷◊˙@@ ‹≥`◊˙ Ü Ä˙~◊o◊ > ≠π˛ØØl ‹≥`◊˙ Ü≤◊˙ πhb– Ü÷◊ ≠π˛B ¡◊˙≤h◊·◊_l; N¡◊’·◊‘’u Ø˙~◊N≠@ Ü≤◊˙ ·œ◊¸– à §◊˙¡◊~◊˙; §◊˙s¡◊d◊ N˙~h◊π≠@ π˛≠Ø˙·◊ πh Î◊ ‹≥`◊˙ π@Ø N≈◊˙@ > N˙¡◊–d◊˛u π˛≠¡◊‘ ÷◊≠`◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ S˙Ø≠@ Äd◊–÷◊˛Ø– ÷◊˙Î◊ NuØ˙; ≠·◊‘@ Ä¡◊S≥ π˙@ ≠≤◊˙Å ≠·◊¡◊u ≠≤◊≠`◊ Ä~◊¥◊ @Fπ–bu > Ñ≠Z◊’ É∫◊– N≈◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ ·h◊w˛≠¡◊‘ä ‘ur’π≠@ Ä¥◊ ~◊ π˙Å`◊˙ Δ˙d◊˛˙÷◊@– Ä˙k˙ ©sd◊≠@ > π˙@ ÷◊˙≤◊y ~◊ π˙Å`◊˙ Xh◊¡◊– Äd◊Î◊ s§◊u≠@ ØF÷◊ @≤◊Nä@ Δ˙≤◊˙ ~◊–ºNú◊ ¡h◊÷h◊≠@ S≠@ NØs˛ ©sd◊, Nœ¸–@ Δ˙ ¡◊≤h◊¡◊–S ©u¡◊@ ‘@b > ÄØ–d◊ ¡◊–oh◊ ≠N Ü÷◊, N¡◊’¡◊–πhÎ◊d◊˙ > 497
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
498 She was all vastness and one measureless point, She was a height beyond heights, a depth beyond depths, She lived in the everlasting and was all That harbours death and bears the wheeling hours. All contraries were true in one huge spirit Surpassing measure, change and circumstance. An individual, one with cosmic self In the heart of the Transcendent’s miracle And the secret of World-personality Was the creator and the lord of all. Mind was a single innumerable look Upon himself and all that he became. Life was his drama and the Vast a stage, The universe was his body, God its soul. All was one single immense reality, All its innumerable phenomenon. Her spirit saw the world as living God; It saw the One and knew that all was He. She knew him as the Absolute’s self-space, One with her self and ground of all things here In which the world wanders seeking for the Truth Guarded behind its face of ignorance:
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
≠N ‹≥≠`◊ dh◊ú◊–Ø˙ dh◊ú◊ ‘–]@@ π˙≠@, Ä‹Î◊ s§◊u@˙ N¡h◊ s§◊u@d◊˙ d◊≠Î◊ > Q◊–@¥◊~◊u N≈◊˙ Ø≠Ú ÷◊@– ≠N ~◊–¡◊˙N ≠≤◊≠`◊ N¡◊’Ølu, Δ˙≤◊˙ Øœdh◊ä@ Ä˙‘˛l, ¡◊≠≤◊ Δ˙ ˆFC◊’~◊sd◊– NØl Q◊÷◊˛@ > N÷◊Î◊ ¡◊–≠@˙Su d◊j Nd◊ä ≠≤◊≠`◊ Ü÷◊ Nh¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙≠@, Ñ≠Z◊’ Δ˙ @≤◊–ø– π@–b˙Ø, π@–⁄–d◊–, π@–¡◊≈◊’~◊@ > ¡◊äê– ≠N ħ◊–¤ Ü÷◊ ¡◊–‘_˙k˙@ N≠ú◊, ≠`◊˙≠÷◊˙≈◊@ Q◊Øe˙@ Nd◊ä@ ≤œ◊·◊≠l @≤◊– ≠N, @≤◊Nä@Fπ ¡◊–‘_-πh@hr@, ≠≤◊≠`◊ N˛¸˙ ~◊–]≥Î◊@, π˛§h◊ N÷◊Î◊@ > Ø~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Äsb–d◊ Ü÷◊Øh]u ·œ◊¸– d◊˙ö◊ π≠@, πhb– Δ˙≤◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥≠`◊ ≠N≤◊– N÷◊Î◊ Éπ≠@ > §F◊Ø˙ @ú◊ØG π≠@ ©u¡◊~◊ d◊˙ö◊@ ‹≥`◊˙ ~◊˙Ëä@ ¡◊–Î◊˙N > ¡◊–‘_ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊~h◊ d◊˙ö◊, π˛§h◊ Ä¥◊@˙k˙ > N¡h◊ ‹≥`◊˙ Nd◊ä Ü÷◊ Ä]— ¡◊–‘˙Î◊, Äsb~◊ N¡h◊ d◊˙í@ ·œ◊‘ä π˛d◊–§˙N > ©u¡◊¥◊ ¡◊–‘_@ @F≠π ©sd◊÷h◊ d◊˙ö◊ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ ≠·◊]≥`◊˙; ≠·◊]≥ π˛§h◊ Ä·◊_–d◊ul N÷◊Î◊ ≠Δ ≠N≤◊– Ü÷◊ ÷◊≠`◊ Ä~h◊§◊¡ > π@˙‚@ Q◊–·◊˙÷◊˙‘ @F≠π ≠N d◊˙≤◊˙öh◊ ©˙b–≠`◊ ≠Δ Ü÷◊ ‹≥≠`◊ Ä˙k˙ N≠ú◊ d◊˙ö◊, N÷◊Î◊ ¡◊gh@ πhb– ‹≥≠`◊ ÄS≥B˙~◊, §◊˛Øb ÷◊@Å Δ˙@ Ø≠Ú Ü ©sd◊ Ä≠~◊_rb ÷◊@– Nd◊ä Nh@O–d◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ⁄FÎ◊ @Fπ π¢◊˙d◊≠@ Ä™˙~◊ ·œ◊¸–@ > 499
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500 She followed him through the march of endless Time. All Nature’s happenings were events in her, The heart-beats of the cosmos were her own, All beings thought and felt and moved in her; She inhabited the vastness of the world, Its distances were her nature’s boundaries, Its closenesses her own life’s intimacies. Her mind became familiar with its mind, Its body was her body’s larger frame In which she lived and knew herself in it One, multitudinous in its multitudes. She was a single being, yet all things; The world was her spirit’s wide circumference, The thoughts of others were her intimates, Their feelings close to her universal heart, Their bodies her many bodies kin to her; She was no more herself but all the world. Out of the infinitudes all came to her, Into the infinitudes sentient she spread, Infinity was her own natural home. Nowhere she dwelt, her spirit was everywhere, The distant constellations wheeled round her;
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Ä~h◊N@b ≠N d◊˙öh◊ ÷◊@–s≠`◊ ÷◊˙Î◊ ~◊–@¡◊S≥ Δ˙d◊˛˙ Ø≠Ú; π˛÷œ◊d◊–≠@ N¡h◊ ˆ≠Ë Δ˙ ¡◊–rl ‹≥`˙ d◊˙ö◊ ©u¡◊~◊@ > ¡◊–‘_ ≤œ◊dÍ◊-ªo◊~◊ Δ˙ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ ≤œ◊·◊l ÷◊…π~◊; d◊˙ö◊ Ø≠Ú ≠≤◊É‹≥`◊˙ N÷◊Î◊ π˛˙buö◊, Q◊–¥◊˙, sd◊– Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ > ÄS≥¡◊˙N ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ §h◊¡◊~◊ > ·F◊@d◊_ d◊˙ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ NuØ˙ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ > N˙Øuπ d◊˙í ˆ~◊–Bd◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ ©u¡◊~◊@ > d◊˙ö◊ Ø~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊–‘_Ø˙~◊N@ Äd◊– Ä¥◊@ú◊; ¡œ◊≤◊≈◊@ @Fπ≠@] ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ ‘@u@@ ¡◊–‘_ ¡◊˛≤◊<˙—@ ≠·◊≤◊ ~◊–¡◊˙N ≠N ÷◊@– Δ≤◊y ©˙b–‹≥≠`◊ ~◊–© Ü÷◊˙≠~◊÷◊ @Fπ ¡◊–‘_ ¡◊≤h◊¡◊–S @F≠π > Ü÷◊÷◊ N≈◊˙ ≠N ‹≥≠`◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ N¡◊’Ølu > π˛‘g π@–S≥ ‹≥`◊˙ ©sd◊ d◊˙ö◊@ Ä˙k ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@; ‹≥`◊˙ Ä~◊ä@ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ d◊˙ö◊@ ˆ~◊–B Q◊–¥◊˙; ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊ §◊˙¡◊ N¤–≤◊–d◊ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ ¡◊–‘_≤œ◊·◊l@ > N©˙d◊ul ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ ¡◊≤h◊ ‘@u@@ ≠NØ˙~◊ö◊ ≠·◊≤◊ N¡h◊; ~◊ ‹≥≠`◊ ≠N N_l… NuØ–d◊ N≈◊˙≠@ ~◊–©, ‹≥≠`◊ ©s~Í◊Ølu > ÄNuØ s§◊’@h N¡h◊ ~◊–÷◊Ë÷h◊ d◊˙ö◊ Ä˙Nh‹≥`◊˙ πhb– ≠N≤◊– Ä~◊¥◊ ØÚ÷h◊ ¡◊–g˙@–d◊ ≠≤◊É‹≥`◊˙ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ d◊˙ö◊@ > Δ‹˙‹’ Ä˙¡◊˙N d◊˙ö◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ÄNuØd◊˙ > ⁄–@ ≠÷◊ÉΩ ~◊–≠÷◊d◊≠~◊ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊@ ~◊–Î◊l, N¡◊’d◊˛ ‹≥≠`◊ ¡◊ä˙π– ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙≠@ > ˆF@h‹≥≠`◊ ≠ˆ@– d◊˙öh◊ ·F◊@ d◊˙@˙πhz > 501
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
502 Earth saw her born, all worlds were her colonies, The greater worlds of life and mind were hers; All Nature reproduced her in its lines, Its movements were large copies of her own. She was the single self of all these selves, She was in them and they were all in her. This first was an immense identity In which her own identity was lost: What seemed herself was an image of the Whole. She was a subconscient life of tree and flower, The outbreak of the honied buds of spring; She burned in the passion and splendour of the rose, She was the red heart of the passion-flower, The dream-white of the lotus in its pool. Out of subconscient life she climbed to mind, She was thought and the passion of the world’s heart, She was the godhead hid in the heart of man, She was the climbing of his soul to God.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
πœ‹≥¡◊u≠@ ©~◊< d◊˙ö◊, ≠`◊˙÷◊-≠`◊˙÷◊˙¥◊@ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ÷◊–¥h◊ ⁄˙~◊ d◊˙ö◊ Éπ~◊–≠¡◊‘@ > ¡œ◊≤◊≈◊@ ©sd◊ Δ˙ π˛˙b@, Ø~◊@ ≠NN¡h◊ d◊˙ö◊@ ‹≥`◊˙, ~◊–]≥Î◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊– @F≠π @F≠π π˛÷◊˙‘–`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ π˛d◊–@Fπ > sd◊–¡◊–S≥ ≠≤◊`◊˙ d◊˙í@ ⁄FÎ◊ π˛d◊–÷œ◊d◊– Q◊Î◊~◊@ d◊˙ö◊, ‹≥≠`◊ N_@Fπ N≈◊˙ ≠N ¡◊–‘_@ ÄN…]ä Ü≤◊– N≈◊˙ NØF≤◊@ > N÷◊Î◊ Ø≠Ú ≠N ‹≥≠`◊, N§◊–ÜΩ d◊˙ö◊@ Ä¥◊@ ©sd◊Ø≠Ú ÷◊@h‹≥≠` ¡◊˙N > π˛‹≠Ø Ü ‹≥`◊˙ Ü÷◊ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ Ä≠§◊·◊§◊˙¡◊ Δ≤◊y `◊u~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊@ N˙@Fπä > ·œ◊‘äØ˙~◊ @F≠π Δ˙≤◊˙ ‹≥≠`◊ ≠N π˛d◊–Ø˙ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙ NØh·◊˙l ¡◊–‘_¡◊˛≤◊<˙—@ Ä¡◊≠Q◊d◊ ©u¡◊~◊ ≠N ‹≥≠`◊ π˙·◊π@, πhw@; É·Í◊sØ ‹≥≠`◊ ¡◊N¥◊ Ödh◊@ ØSh§◊@˙ ≠÷◊˙@÷◊@; ‹≥≠`◊ ©Î◊©Î◊ ≠s˙`◊˙π@ N@˙s≠@, ‘˛uØl @Fπ≠@ > ‹≥≠`◊ ≠N ≠`◊˙≤◊–d◊ ≤œ◊·◊l Ø·◊~◊Ø≈◊* π˛NF~◊@; N_π∂˙¡◊–¸ S¡◊Î◊–Ø˙ ‹≥≠`◊ ©Î◊˙‘≠l ÷◊ØÎ◊@; Ä¡◊≠Q◊d◊ π˛˙bh É∫◊– ≠N π˛≠¡◊‘ ÷◊≠`◊ Ø~◊≠Q◊d◊~◊˙≠@ > ≠N ≠≤◊≠`◊ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ πhb– ¡◊–‘_-≤œ◊·◊l@ Ä~h◊@˙s; `h◊ü˙l–d◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ Ä¥◊≠@ ≠N ‹≥≠`◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊_ πhb– Ä¥◊@˙k˙@ d◊˙í É≈◊@b ‹≥≠`◊ π@Ø˙k˙ ħ◊–Øh≠] > *
Passion-flower πhw@ àŸ–Ä˙ ~◊˙Ø ≠Δ≠d◊·F◊@ Ø≠~◊≤h◊Ü ≠÷◊˝bN– àŸ–Ä˙ ħ◊–S˙~◊≠@ ~◊˙≤◊y > ≠N‹≥π˙ÅΩ Ü≤◊˙@ π@–§◊˙r˙ Chambers English-Hindi Dictionary ≠@
ëëØ·◊~◊ØgÍ ÁF`Í◊íí÷h◊ ëëØ·◊~◊Ø≈◊-π˛NF~◊íí @F≠π Ä~h◊¡◊˙·◊ ÷◊@˙Δ˙Åø– > 503
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
504 The cosmos flowered in her, she was its bed. She was Time and the dreams of God in Time; She was Space and the wideness of his days. From this she rose where Time and Space were not; The superconscient was her native air, Infinity was her movement’s natural space; Eternity looked out from her on Time. END OF CANTO SEVEN
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¡◊–‘_ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ÷h◊NhØ–d◊ Ä˙S˙≠@ d◊˙ö◊@ > ≠·◊¡◊u ≠≤◊≠`◊ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊, ÷◊˙Î◊¡◊≠O πhb– N_π∂@ ¡◊–Î◊˙N ‹≥≠`◊ π@Ø π˛§h◊ö◊ > ≠N ‹≥≠`◊ Ä˙÷◊˙‘, πhb– π˛‘g π˛÷◊˙‘ ‹≥≠`◊ Ç‘_@ö◊ ·◊–¡◊ä ·◊–¡◊N@˙©–@ > Äd◊–÷◊˛Ø– N–M– Ü≤◊–, ÷◊@– Ä˙≠@˙≤◊b π˛≠¡◊‘ ≠N ÷◊≠`◊ Δ≤◊y ~◊˙≤◊y ≠·◊‘, ÷◊˙Î◊ > π@˙≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@ π@–≠¡◊¸~◊u≠@ d◊˙ö◊ ‹≥`◊˙ N≤◊©˙d◊ ⁄–d◊–, Q◊Î◊~◊@ d◊˙ö◊ ≠~◊ÊNs–’÷◊ ≠Od◊˛ ‹≥`◊˙ NuØ˙d◊ud◊ S˙Ø > ≠·◊]h‹≥≠`◊ d◊˙ö◊ ØÚh N~◊˙d◊~◊ N≈◊˙ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊ ¡◊≠O `◊uÎ◊˙ ¡◊–‘_©sd◊@ > (NØ˙D)
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3rd Final : 24/10/2009
dœ◊d◊ul §◊˙s (~◊¡◊Ø π¡◊’ ∫◊˙@h ·◊_˙·◊‘ π¡◊’)
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3rd Final : 24/10/2009
~◊¡◊Ø π¡◊’ : Q◊–@¥◊~◊u @˙d◊–˛@ π¡◊’
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510 Canto One
Towards the Black Void SOWAS she left alone in the huge wood, Surrounded by a dim unthinking world, Her husband’s corpse on her forsaken breast. In her vast silent spirit motionless She measured not her loss with helpless thoughts, Nor rent with tears the marble seals of pain: She rose not yet to face the dreadful god. Over the body she loved her soul leaned out In a great stillness without stir or voice, As if her mind had died with Satyavan. But still the human heart in her beat on. Aware still of his being near to hers, Closely she clasped to her the mute lifeless form As though to guard the oneness they had been And keep the spirit still within its frame. Then suddenly there came on her the change Which in tremendous moments of our lives Can overtake sometimes the human soul And hold it up towards its luminous source. The veil is torn, the thinker is no more: Only the spirit sees and all is known.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
π˛‹Ø Ns’
‘F~◊ä s˙˜@˙d◊–˛ ħ◊–Øh≠] ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ Ä@bä Ø≠Ú ÜÅπ@– Ü÷˙ @≤◊–≠`◊ ≠N, Q◊Éπ˙≠‘ ≠ˆ@–‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ Q◊–¥◊˙≤◊u~◊ Ī¸ ©sd◊ Ü÷◊; Øœd◊ πd◊–@ ‘@u@ π@–d◊äê◊ ¡h◊÷h◊π≠@ > ÄN≤◊˙l §◊˙¡◊~◊˙≠@ ÷◊@h ≠N ~◊ ‹≥≠`◊ Od◊–@ ÷◊Î◊~◊˙ Ä¡◊˙ Ä‘´π˙≠d◊ ·◊uC◊’ ÷◊@h ≠N ~◊ ‹≥≠`◊ ‘–Î◊˙-@hM §◊˙¡◊~◊˙÷h◊; É∫◊– ≠N ~◊ ‹≥≠`◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ≠·◊]≥¡◊˙÷h◊ Ä˙≠s §◊urb ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙, π–˛l πd◊–@ ‘@u@ Éπ≠@ Ä˙N–`◊˙ ~◊ÅΩ ~◊–¡◊’˙÷Í◊ ~◊–ªo◊ ¡◊–πhÎ◊ ⁄–@d◊˙ Ø≠Ú Ä¥◊@˙k˙ d◊˙ö◊ > N_˙Øu@ Ø@b N≠ú◊ ~◊–w˛˙b N≠d◊ ¡◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥`◊˙ Ø~◊ d◊˙ö◊, Ø˙~h◊ru ≤œ◊·◊l d◊‹˙π– ªo◊~◊ @d◊ ‹≥`◊˙ Ä¥◊@≠@ > N_˙Øu N≈◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ N≈◊˙ NØu≠π ©˙b– ≠N ≠·◊≤◊÷h◊ @]≥≠`◊ S@– Nh@O–d◊ N≠d◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ Q◊˙≤h◊Ω‹≥≠`◊ ·◊˙fid◊ä-©u¡◊~◊ Ø–Î◊~◊@ Ä~◊~◊äd◊˙, ‘@u@ π–z≠@ Ä˙k˙÷h◊ d◊‹˙π– S@– @]≥¡◊˙ Ä˙‘˙≠@ > N≤◊N˙ ˆË–`˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊ §◊˙¡◊˙¥◊@ d◊˙ö◊ ©u¡◊≠~◊ Δ˙ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ Nö◊Ë NØ≠l Ä˙¡◊–¸ ÷◊@Å Ä˙N– Ä˙k˙÷h◊ Ä˙Ø@ É≠≈◊˙Î◊–d◊ ÷◊≠@ d◊˙í@ ≠©ä˙d◊–Ø’l ØF≠Î◊ ø–¤ ≤h◊Ü Ä˙¡◊@b, ~◊@≠≤◊ Q◊–¥◊÷◊ ≠·◊]Å ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ Ä˙k˙, ™˙d◊ ≤h◊Ü N¡h◊ > 511
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
512 Then a calm Power seated above our brows Is seen, unshaken by our thoughts and deeds, Its stillness bears the voices of the world: Immobile, it moves Nature, looks on life. It shapes immutably its far-seen ends; Untouched and tranquil amid error and tears And measureless above our striving wills, Its gaze controls the turbulent whirl of things. To mate with the Glory it sees, the spirit grows: The voice of life is tuned to infinite sounds, The moments on great wings of lightning come And godlike thoughts surprise the mind of earth. Into the soul’s splendour and intensity A crescent of miraculous birth is tossed, Whose horn of mystery floats in a bright void.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Ä˙™˙-Q◊÷◊˛ π≠@ Ü÷◊ ‘˙¥◊ Ø≤◊˙‘ê◊– ÄS≥B–d◊ Δ˙Ü ≠·◊]˙, Ä¡◊–Q◊Î◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ @≠≤◊ N·◊˙ Ä˙Ø Q◊–¥◊˙ ÷◊Ø’@ π¢◊˙≠d◊ ¡◊≤◊~◊ ÷◊≠@ ≠N d◊˙@ ⁄–@d◊˙ ØÚ≠@ S_~◊– ≠Δ≠d◊ ©sd◊@, ~◊–¢◊Î◊ @≤◊– d◊˙ Q◊Î◊˙Ü π˛÷œ◊d◊–, ≠·◊≠] ©sd◊@ `◊uÎ◊˙ > ÄQh◊äd◊ ≠N s≠˜ d◊˙@ ·F◊@·œ◊¸ `◊Oä > Ä‘´, §◊˛Ø Ø≠Ú d◊˙≤◊˙ ‘˙¥ ~◊–¡◊–’÷◊˙@, π˛l˙N ~◊–@d◊ Ä˙Ø N…÷◊À◊@ Ñ≠Z◊’ @≠≤◊ d◊˙ Äπ@–≠Øl, ÷◊≠@ ~◊–l»b ·œ◊¸–≠@ ≠N Ä‘˙¥◊ Ü ¡◊–‘_@ ˆFC◊’~◊ > ·œ◊¸–π≠‹ Ä˙≠N ≠Δ Ø≤◊–Ø˙, Ä¥◊@˙k˙ Ä~h◊N@– ¡◊≠˜ NØdh◊`◊ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ `◊˙s– Δ˙@ > ÄNuØ ~◊˙·◊@ N≠ú◊ ≤h◊Ü Ü÷◊d◊˙~ ©u¡◊~◊@ S_~◊–, Ä˙≠N Øh≤F◊≈◊’ ¡◊–g˙@– ¡◊–·h◊ädÍ◊ ¡◊–‘˙Î πO, ≠·◊≠¡◊˙Q◊–d◊ Q◊–¥◊˙ Ä˙¢◊Δ’ä Q◊÷◊–d◊ ÷◊≠@ π˙‹≥’¡◊ Ø˙~◊N > ≠‘˙§◊~◊ s≤◊~◊ ~◊≠§◊ Ä¥◊@ Ä˙k˙@ Q◊Øe˙@ Q◊o◊˛≠`◊]˙ π˛÷◊˙≠‘ N≤◊N˙ @≤◊NäØl Δ˙í‘œú◊ §◊˙NÅ ÉEÎ◊ ‘F~◊ä Ø≠Ú > (ÄNØ˙D)
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
The Journey in Eternal Night AWHILE on the chill dreadful edge of Night All stood as if a world were doomed to die And waited on the eternal silence’ brink. Heaven leaned towards them like a cloudy brow Of menace through the dim and voiceless hush. As thoughts stand mute on a despairing verge Where the last depths plunge into nothingness And the last dreams must end, they paused; in their front Were glooms like shadowy wings, behind them, pale, The lifeless evening was a dead man’s gaze. Hungry beyond, the night desired her soul. But still in its lone niche of templed strength Motionless, her flame-bright spirit, mute, erect, Burned like a torch-fire from a windowed room Pointing against the darkness’ sombre breast. The Woman first affronted the Abyss Daring to journey through the eternal Night. Armoured with light she advanced her foot to plunge
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
·◊_–d◊ul Ns’
Q◊–@¥◊~◊u @˙d◊–˛≠@ Δ˙d◊˛˙ à ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@@ ÷◊£◊S_~◊– Ob÷◊˙Î◊ @˙d◊–˛ ≠ˆ˙@ ≤◊–ØÎ◊ Éπ˙≠¥◊ ∫◊–Ä˙≠≤◊≠`◊ N¡h◊ N≠d◊ ¡◊–~◊˙‘-~◊–¢◊–d◊ ©sd◊ Ä≠πO˙ ÷◊≠@ ‘˙‘_d◊ ≠~◊Ê‘›◊ä ÷F◊Î◊π≠@; ~◊d◊≠≤◊`◊˙ Ä˙÷◊˙‘ ≠ΔN~◊ ~◊–w˛§◊ ~◊–º‘›◊ gÛd◊˙≠@ ≠؈˙¡œ◊d◊ §◊ud◊–§◊˙`◊πË; Ä¡◊˙ ÄË≠÷◊ ≠Δπ@– ~◊–¡◊’˙÷Í◊ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ Ü÷◊ ≠~◊Ê@˙‘ä@ d◊≠Ë Xh◊≠¡◊ Δ≤◊y ‘F~◊äs≠§◊’ ~◊–º≠‘r Äd◊Î◊, ‘˙¥◊ Δ≤◊y ≠‘r N_π∂ ≠Nπ@– ≠NØ˙≠~◊ ÄË÷◊–≠`◊; ø˙l˙è◊¤ πONØ Ä˙≠s ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@; Øœd◊¡◊äê◊– ·œ◊¸–NØ @≠≤◊ π¢◊˙≠d◊ π˙—h@¡◊C◊’ sd◊˙Nh ≠s˙SFÎ◊– > OhS˙≈◊’ d◊–˛Δ˙Ø˙ ·F◊≠@ Q◊˙≠≤◊Ω d◊˙ö◊ Ä˙k˙ > ‘ê◊–@ ≠·◊¡◊˙ld◊≠~◊ ¡◊–©~◊ π˛d◊–Ø˙Ä˙S˙≠@ d◊‹˙π– d◊˙ö◊ Ä~◊Î◊-ÉEÎ◊ É·◊s˛, ~◊u@¡◊, Ä¡◊–÷◊fi Ä¥◊@˙k˙ Ø‘˙`◊@ ‘–]˙ NØ ©Î◊– ¡◊˙d◊˙l~h◊ ~◊–≠Oπb ÷◊@h‹≥`◊˙ @‘<–≠@]˙ d◊˙í@ Øo◊π˛§◊ ¡◊Oπ≠@ ˆ~◊d◊–Ø–@@ > N˙≤◊≠N ≠N N®h]u~◊ ≠≤◊≠`◊ ·◊–¡◊ä~◊˙@u Äd◊Î◊N≈◊˙@, ΔhMΔ˙d◊˛˙ Ä˙≠‘ d◊≤◊y Q◊–@¥◊~◊u Ø≤◊˙~◊–‘˙ ˆ~◊ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙≠@ ¡◊C◊’≤◊u~◊ §◊lö◊@ @–ê◊d◊˙ s≤◊_≠@ ~◊–Øû–d◊˙ ≠≤◊¡◊˙ Ä˙≠‘ ¡◊˜˙Å≠`◊ π˙·◊ Nh@O–d◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Å ~◊–© ≠©ä˙d◊–-÷◊¡◊Q◊≠@ > 515
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516 Into the dread and hueless vacancy; Immortal, unappalled, her spirit faced The danger of the ruthless eyeless waste. Against night’s inky ground they stirred, moulding Mysterious motion on her human tread, A swimming action and a drifting march Like figures moving before eyelids closed: All as in dreams went slipping, gliding on. The rock-gate’s heavy walls were left behind; As if through passages of receding time Present and past into the Timeless lapsed; Arrested upon dim adventure’s brink, The future ended drowned in nothingness. Amid collapsing shapes they wound obscure; The fading vestibules of a tenebrous world Received them, where they seemed to move and yet Be still, nowhere advancing yet to pass, A dumb procession a dim picture bounds, Not conscious forms threading a real scene. A mystery of terror’s boundlessness, Gathering its hungry strength the huge pitiless void Surrounded slowly with its soundless depths, And monstrous, cavernous, a shapeless throat
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
ÄØ@, Ä÷h◊≠d◊˙§◊l Ä¥◊@˙k˙ d◊˙ö◊ ¡◊–π·◊@ N®h]u~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠N ~◊–º‘ö◊ ~◊–Bh@, ~◊l~◊≤◊u~◊ Ñr@ ≠`◊˙÷◊@ > Q◊Î◊–≠`◊ ≠NØ˙≠~◊ ØNud◊–Ø–@–d◊ @˙d◊–˛¡◊≠O Ä~h◊N@– ~◊˙@u-Q◊@b@ sF˜ sd◊– Δ‹˙ N¥◊@≠b, Åd◊gd◊º πhb– §◊˙N–¡◊˙≠@ ¡◊M·œ◊¸– NQ◊Î◊ ØF≈◊–’@ > N_≠π∂ Δ‹˙ s`◊˙ N¡h◊ ·F◊≠@ Su≠@ Su≠@ Q◊πÎ◊ Q◊@≠b, π≠ø @≤◊–s`◊˙ ÷◊˙≤◊y sh@h§◊˙@ §◊–≈◊– N¡h◊ ‘–Î◊˙≠d◊˙@b@ > ÄπNœlØ˙b Ä¡◊˙ ÷◊˙Î◊@ π˛¡◊˙≠≤◊ Äd◊ud◊ à ¡◊≈◊’Ø˙~◊ `h◊D ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊u≠d◊ > ·h◊ºN˙≤◊N Δ˙d◊˛˙≠@ ≠N g–Ø–d◊ NuØ˙≠@ @hM ≠≤◊˙Å ≠≤◊`˙ ≠‘r Xh◊¡◊– ‘F~◊äd◊˙≠@ §◊¡◊–räd; ÄÕ◊÷◊˙≠@ ˆF@–≠`◊ ≠NØ˙≠~◊ Y◊Î◊– πXh◊‹≥¡◊˙ ≠÷◊≠d◊ Ä˙÷œ◊d◊– ØÚ≠@ > ħ◊ä‹’~◊˙ ÷◊`◊˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ÄπNœlØ˙b ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@ ©sd◊@ π˛≠¡◊‘ Äl~◊ > Ø≠~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Q◊Îh◊ø¥◊–, d◊‹˙π– ~◊–¢◊Î◊, Äs˛sd◊– ~◊˙≤◊y ÷◊˙≤◊y, Δ˙Ä˙¥◊– d◊‹˙π– π˙@ ≠≤◊˙Å, ØF÷◊ Ü÷◊ ≠‘˙§◊˙Δ˙d◊˛˙ N≠d◊ ¡◊Õ◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Å @≤◊–Äø– Ī¸ Ä˙≠`◊≠]ä > ¡◊˙g¡◊@ ·œ◊‘äπ≠Ë sd◊– ~◊˙≤◊y d◊≤◊y N≠Q◊d◊ @Fπ@; Ü ≠Δ ÄNuØ d◊˛˙N@ @≤◊Nä N…s˛≤◊ ÷◊@– OhS˙≈◊’ Δ˙í d◊˙í@ N˙Ø‹’ä ≠ˆ@–`◊˙ Su≠@ Äs˙S s§◊’≠@ ~◊– @hb ‘F~◊ä, πhb– Ä˙÷◊˙@ ¡◊–≤◊u~◊ ¡◊–÷◊Ë ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ s–@–-÷◊o◊@ NØ˙~◊ sÎ◊˙ Ü÷◊ ≠·◊`◊˙ s–Î◊– N˙¡◊–d◊˛uöh◊ d◊˙í@ 517
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518 Devoured her into its shadowy strangling mass, The fierce spiritual agony of a dream. A curtain of impenetrable dread, The darkness hung around her cage of sense As, when the trees have turned to blotted shades And the last friendly glimmer fades away, Around a bullock in the forest tied By hunters closes in no empty night. The thought that strives in the world was here unmade; Its effort it renounced to live and know, Convinced at last that it had never been; It perished, all its dream of action done: This clotted cypher was its dark result. In the smothering stress of this stupendous Nought Mind could not think, breath could not breathe, the soul Could not remember or feel itself; it seemed A hollow gulf of sterile emptiness, A zero oblivious of the sum it closed, An abnegation of the Maker’s joy Saved by no wide repose, no depth of peace. On all that claims here to be Truth and God And conscious self and the revealing Word And the creative rapture of the Mind And Love and Knowledge and heart’s delight, there fell The immense refusal of the eternal No. *
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
‘_˙N≠@˙Su Ø˙@˙k÷◊ π˛è◊˙l π–—≠@ > ÄÚ˙k Δ»b˙ ≠ˆ˙@ N_π∂@ ≠ΔN~◊ > ·h◊≠§◊’‡ §◊ud◊–@ Ü÷◊ Δ¡◊~◊–÷◊˙ NØ Åo◊–˛l-π–z@˙ ≠ˆ@–‹≥`◊˙ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@ ¡œ◊O Δ‹˙ π@–bd◊ ØÎ◊–~◊ ø˙l˙≠@ ·F◊≠@ ≠Δ≠¡◊ Δ˙Ü `–§◊– π–˛l π@––Q◊–d◊ ≠‘r Oub˙≠`◊˙÷◊, ¡◊≠~◊ ¡◊ä˙Sπ˙‘¡◊M ¡◊Î◊–¡◊·◊’ ≠ˆ@– Δ‹˙ ˆ~◊≠ˆ˙@ ~◊–‘˙ > ©s≠d◊ ≠Δ Q◊–¥◊˙ @d◊ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙í ¡◊–~◊¸, ©–©u¡◊–r˙, ©–™˙N˙@ ø˙≠Ÿ d◊˙í π˛l˙N ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ≠N ≠÷◊≠¡◊ Ü≤◊– ≠‘r π˛d◊äl≠@ > ÷◊@–¡◊˙@ N_π∂ N¡h◊ N@–ø–, ≠N Øœd◊ > ˆ~◊u§F◊d◊ ‘F~◊ä d◊˙í@ d◊˙ØN–÷◊ Á◊Î◊ > ‘_˙Ng}÷◊˙@u-Q◊˙≠π ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ‘F~◊ä@ NØ‹’ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ Ø~◊ Q◊–¥◊≠~◊, Q◊Î◊≠~◊ π˛˙b¡◊˙lh, N<œd◊– ÷◊–…¡◊˙ ~◊ ‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊˙ ≠¡◊˙S Ä¥◊ºπh@hr@; N¡h◊ Ø≠~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Ü÷◊ ÄN˙@ s≤◊_@ @–ê◊ ~◊–ßÎ◊ ‘F~◊ä@; ‘F~◊äd◊˙ Ü §h◊`◊–ø– Δ˙í ~◊–≤◊–d◊ @˙‘–÷h◊ > É·◊˙@ ¡◊–‘˛˙¥◊–≤◊u~◊, s≤◊~◊π˛‘˙¥◊–ñ ≤◊u~◊ ≠N ÷◊@–ø– d◊ä˙s N˛¸˙@ Ä˙~◊o◊ > Nd◊ä, π@Ø˙k˙ ≠¡◊˙`◊– Ü∫◊˙≠@ N÷◊Î◊ ÷◊≠@ Δ˙≤◊˙ ·◊˙¡◊–, πhb– N≠Q◊d◊~◊ Ä˙k˙, π˛÷◊˙‘–÷◊˙ Ø≤◊˙¡◊˙bu, ·◊–¡◊äØ˙~◊N@ Nœ©~◊ @§◊N, πhb– ≤œ◊·◊l Ä˙~◊o◊, ™˙~◊, ≠π˛Ø, N¡◊’π≠@ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ~◊–πd◊–d◊ π˛d◊ä˙]ä˙~◊ Ø≤◊˙S_~◊– ‘˙‘_d◊ ≠~◊d◊–@ > *
* 519
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520 “When I have loved for ever, I shall know.* Love in me knows the truth all changings mask. I know that knowledge is a vast embrace:
* ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ πœB˙ 594, Q◊dh◊¡◊–’…‘ π˙·◊@h Ä˙@} > 3rd Final : 24/10/2009
ëë©˙b–¡◊– ØhΩ Q◊–@÷˙Î◊ §◊`◊ π˙ÅN˙@– ≠π˛Ø ≠Ø˙ ©˙bÅ Nd◊ä π¢◊˙≠d◊ ‹˙Ü Δ˙≤◊˙ Øh]˙ @F≠π N¡h◊ π@–¡◊≈◊’~◊@ > ™˙~◊÷h◊ ©˙bÅ Ü÷◊ Ø≤◊˙ Ä˙`◊–ú◊~◊ >íí (ÄNØ˙D)
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
·◊‘Ø π¡◊’ : ≠·◊_Êd◊ ≠s˙SFÎ◊–@ π¡◊’
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
The Debate of Love and Death “...The heart that loved man thrills to the love of God,* A body is his chamber and his shrine. Then is our being rescued from separateness; *
A Lover leaning from his cloister’s door Gathers the whole world into his single breast. Then shall the business fail of Night and Death: *
Love must not cease to live upon the earth; For Love is the bright link twixt earth and heaven, Love is the far Transcendent’s angel here; Love is man’s lien on the Absolute.” *
“...For now at last I know beyond all doubt, The great stars burn with my unceasing fire And life and death are both its fuel made. Life only was my blind attempt to love: Earth saw my struggle, heaven my victory; All shall be seized, transcended; there shall kiss
* ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ πœB˙ 632, ¡◊d◊˛–‘ π˙·◊@h Ä~F·◊–d◊ >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
dœ◊d◊ul Ns’
≠π˛Ø à Øœdh◊ä@ ¡◊˙sÍΔhM ëë...Ø˙~◊¡◊ ≠π˛Ø–÷◊ ~◊@ ≤h◊Ü É`◊∑N–d◊ §˙s¡◊d◊ ≠π˛≠Ø; ≤h◊Ü ‘@u@ d◊˙≤◊˙@ Ä˙ld◊~◊ π˛§h◊ö◊@, π˛§h◊ö◊ ¡◊–s˛≤◊ ÉM˙@ π˙Ü ≠N ≠d◊≠¡◊ πœ‹÷Í◊ §˙¡◊@h > *
÷h◊Ëu@h ÷◊@hb˙~◊d◊ ≠π˛Ø–÷◊ πh@hr Ü÷ ≠d◊˙Î◊– ≠~◊≠`◊ N˙@˙ ¡◊–‘_ ¡◊≠O d◊˙@ ¡◊ä‹’ ≠≤◊¡◊ ÷˙Δ’ä Øœdh◊ä, Ä¡◊–‡˙ @˙d◊˛–@ >íí *
Ä¡‘ä ~◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ `h◊D ≠π˛Ø@ ©u¡◊~◊ πœ‹_uπ@h, ≠π˛Ø ≠Δbh Éû_Î◊ N…≠Δ˙s S@˙ à N_s’@ Ø≠Ú; ≠π˛Ø ≠·◊¡◊·F◊d◊ S@bu≠@ π@˙‚@ ·F◊@-π˛§h◊ö◊@ >íí *
ëë...π@–≠‘≠r ©˙bÅ ØhΩ Ü≠¡◊ Nh~◊–¢◊–d◊ NØ–M Nh·F◊≠@ Ø≤◊˙d◊˙@÷◊˙@ Ø˙Î◊˙ Ä~◊–¡◊’˙b ¡◊≤◊∂–≠@ ≠Ø˙, ÅÕ◊~◊ Δ˙≤◊˙@ ©~◊<Øœdh◊ä; ÄÕ◊ ≠Ø˙@ ≠π˛Ø@ π˛l˙N π˛‹Ø Œh◊@b ‹≥`◊˙ ¡◊–‘_-©u¡◊~◊@ > πœ‹_u ≠Ø˙ ≠·◊]≥ø– ΔhM, ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊@ ·œ◊¸– ≠·◊]≥ø– ¡◊–©l; ≠≤◊¡◊ π@–b˙≠Ø N¡h◊ ÷◊¡◊Î◊–d◊, Äd◊–÷◊˛˙¥◊; Δ¡◊~◊–÷◊˙ ≠]˙`◊– 525
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526 Casting their veils before the marriage fire The eternal bridegroom and eternal bride. The heavens accept our broken flights at last. On our life’s prow that breaks the waves of Time No signal light of hope has gleamed in vain.” She spoke; the boundless members of the god As if by secret ecstasy assailed, Shuddered in silence as obscurely stir Ocean’s dim fields delivered to the moon. Then lifted up as by a sudden wind Around her in that vague and glimmering world The twilight trembled like a bursting veil. Thus with armed speech the great opponents strove. Around those spirits in the glittering mist A deepening half-light fled with pearly wings As if to reach some far ideal Morn. Outlined her thoughts flew through the gleaming haze Mingling bright-pinioned with its lights and veils And all her words like dazzling jewels were caught Into the glow of a mysterious world, Or tricked in the rainbow shifting of its hues
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
π@–bl N˙Ou πFd◊ π˙¡◊÷◊ N®h≠] ‘˙‘_d◊ ¡◊@ à ¡◊SF ÷◊@–≠¡◊ Ä˙≠‘mr > §◊s∂πO ‘˛˙¥◊Δ˙d◊˛˙ N_≠`◊’˙÷◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ N_u÷◊˙@ ÷◊@¥◊– ≠‘≠r; ÷◊˙Î◊@ N˙s@ ¡◊uQ◊–@ ¡◊–§◊ú◊ ÷◊≠@ ≠Δ ©u¡◊~◊d◊@u Ä˙≠s d◊˙@ ©Î◊– ~◊˙≤◊y ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ~◊–@‹’÷◊ s¥◊¡◊ä π˛≠¡◊‘ Ä˙‘˙ N…≠÷◊d◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ >íí N˙¡◊–d◊˛u ÷◊≤◊–≠`◊, ‘hb– Øœdh◊ä-≠·◊¡◊d◊˙@ NuØ˙≤◊u~◊ Äú◊ Äú◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ‘–≤◊@–d◊ ~◊u@≠¡◊ N≠d◊ ¡◊˙ sF˜ Ä˙~◊o◊-Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘ Q◊≠o◊˛˙·◊≠l ≤h◊Ü Δ‹˙ Ä™˙d◊ ªo◊≠~◊ É~◊<êh ◊ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ~◊uÎ◊ ¡◊O ¡◊˙@–S≥@ > Ī¸ ≠N n–`◊–Ø–`◊– ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ ©s≠d◊ Q◊Éπ˙‘h Ñ≠Z◊’ d◊˙ö◊ ÉdÍ◊‹≥d◊ N≤◊N˙ ¡◊˙lh@ ¡◊–≠O˙≠§◊ ·◊uC◊’ Δ¡◊~◊–÷◊˙ π˛˙l ¡◊–÷◊fi–d◊ ≠s˙SFÎ◊–@ SFN@ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ > ¡◊˙÷Í◊‘≠‰ Nû–d◊ ·h◊Å Ø≤◊˙@‹u ≠d◊≠¡◊ ÷◊@–≠`◊ N…s˛˙Ø, Q◊Éπ˙≠‘ Øo◊˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ÷h◊≠≤◊Î◊–÷◊˙ Ø≠Ú, ]@≠¡◊≠s ‘hê◊–‘h§◊˛π≠O d◊˙í@ ÷◊˙≤◊y ·F◊≠@ øhË–`◊˙ N≤◊N˙ ÷◊˛Ø¡◊M’Ø˙~◊ ÄM’-Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊@ ≠@]˙ π˛≠¡◊‘–¡◊˙ Ä˙≠‘ Ä¡◊˙ Ä˙·◊‘’ π˛dh◊ä≠r > Q◊–¥◊˙@ d◊˙í @Fπ≠@]˙ ÉŸ–s`◊˙ ÷◊˙≤◊y ÷h◊≠≤◊Î◊– n`◊≠÷◊ Ø–‘– ‘h§◊˛πO ¡◊≤◊– Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ à Ä˙¡◊@≠b; ¡◊Q◊~◊ d◊˙í N¡h◊ Ä˙§◊˙≠@ π˛÷◊˙≠‘ Ü÷◊ sF˜ ©sd◊@ n÷◊Ø÷◊ Øb– NØ, Ä‹¡◊˙ N≤◊N˙ ¡◊o◊u ≠≤◊˙Å Åo◊˛S~h◊ Ä⁄–@ Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ 527
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528 Like echoes swam fainting into far sound. All utterance, all mood must there become An unenduring tissue sewn by mind To make a gossamer robe of beautiful change. Intent upon her silent will she walked On the dim grass of vague unreal plains, A floating veil of visions in her front, A trailing robe of dreams behind her feet. But now her spirit’s flame of conscient force Retiring from a sweetness without fruit Called back her thoughts from speech to sit within In a deep room in meditation’s house. For only there could dwell the soul’s firm truth: Imperishable, a tongue of sacrifice, It flamed unquenched upon the central hearth Where burns for the high houselord and his mate The homestead’s sentinel and witness fire From which the altars of the gods are lit.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
§◊˙N–s`◊˙ Su≠@ Su≠@ ≤◊@˙Å d◊˙í ‘›◊ Nh·F◊@ S_~◊–≠@ d◊≤◊y π˛d◊–~◊˙·◊ π@– > ¡◊˙bu@ π˛÷◊˙‘ ≠Δ≠d◊, §◊˙¡◊ ≠Δ≠d◊ d◊≤◊y Ø~◊@ ¡◊l~◊ ©˙`◊ ÄÀ◊÷◊˙Î◊ ⁄˙lu ~◊¡◊@Fπ Ø—~◊@ n–~◊ π@–S˙~◊ > Ü÷◊~◊–B Q◊˙`◊–≠`◊ ≠N ØÉ~◊ N…÷◊≠À◊ Ī¸ SFN@ ≠÷◊ÉΩ NØd◊Î◊ π≠@ π˛è◊˙l dœ◊b@ π≠‹, Ä≠s˛ §◊˙NØ˙~◊ ·œ◊‘ä˙¡◊Î◊– Δ¡◊~◊–÷◊˙, ÄπNœlØ˙b N_π∂@ ¡◊N~◊ d◊˙ö◊ Q◊@b π¢◊˙≠d◊ > Q◊–·◊s∂– N…÷◊À◊ ‘ê◊– Ä˙k˙@ N≤◊N˙ ~◊–ßÎ◊ Ø˙ShΔ’ä ø˙Ÿ– ÷◊`◊˙ π˛d◊ä˙≤◊˙@ Q◊–¥◊˙ d◊˙í ¡◊Q◊~h◊ ~◊–·◊–Ú˙N~◊ ~◊–Î◊≠l ~◊–¡◊–¸ ≠≤◊¡◊˙÷h◊ Ú˙~◊s…§◊u@ ÷◊O≠@ > ·œ◊˜Nd◊ä ~◊–¡◊˙N d◊˙í Ä¥◊@ Ä˙k˙@ > Ä¡◊–~◊˙‘u Δ™ Äs∂– ≠`◊`◊–≤◊˙~◊ ©–≤◊_˙ Ä~◊–¡◊’˙b ·◊uD d◊≤◊y ≠÷◊o◊˛ ≠¡◊·◊–÷◊˙≠@ ©≠Î◊ Δ≤◊y sœ≤◊N_˙Øu*, N≤◊SØ–’bu@** s˙≤◊’πd◊ä ¡◊≤◊∂– > ·◊˛¸˙, @O÷◊ π˙¡◊÷◊, Äs∂–@ Ä˙S˙~◊ π˙ÅΩ ≤◊¡◊~◊πu∫◊≠@ > (ÄNØ˙D)
* ©u¡◊N≈◊˙@ N_˙Øu Ä‹’˙dÍ◊ Ä¥◊@˙k˙ > ** d◊˙ö◊@ ‘ê–, ‘˛M˙ >
Ü N…π÷◊’≠@ Éπ~◊–r·Í◊@ Ü÷◊ Éê◊– N<@bul : ëëΔ™Nä˙k˙ l©Ø˙~◊º ‘˛M˙ πRuíí (Ø≤◊˙~◊˙@˙lb Éπ~◊–r·Í◊, Ä‘ud◊–dØ$~h◊¡◊˙÷º)
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
530 Canto IV
The Dream Twilight of the Earthly Real And Savitri looked on Death and answered not.* Almost it seemed as if in his symbol shape The world’s darkness had consented to Heaven-light And God needed no more the Inconscient’s screen. A mighty transformation came on her. A halo of the indwelling Deity, The Immortal’s lustre that had lit her face And tented its radiance in her body’s house, Overflowing made the air a luminous sea. In a flaming moment of apocalypse The Incarnation thrust aside its veil. A little figure in infinity Yet stood and seemed the Eternal’s very house, As if the world’s centre was her very soul And all wide space was but its outer robe. A curve of the calm hauteur of far heaven Descending into earth’s humility, Her forehead’s span vaulted the Omniscient’s gaze, Her eyes were two stars that watched the universe. The Power that from her being’s summit reigned, The Presence chambered in lotus secrecy,
* ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ πœB˙ 664, ·◊_–d◊ul Ä~h◊≠è◊·◊@h Ä˙@} > 3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Q◊dh◊‹’ Ns’
π˙‹≥’¡◊ Nd◊ä@ N_π∂NÕ◊ä˙ N˙¡◊–d◊˛u Øœdh◊ä÷h◊ Q◊˙≤◊y ~◊ ≠·◊≠`◊ É≈◊@; Ø≠~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ π˛˙l ÷◊– ≠N π˛d◊u÷◊ Ä˙÷◊˙≠@ ©sd◊@ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙@ ÷◊@–¡◊˙ N_u÷◊˙@ ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊; πhb– π@˙‚@ π˛§h◊ ~◊ ≠`◊˙Ÿ–≠`◊ Ä˙¡◊@b ˆ~◊ ÄQ◊–d◊–@ > ≠·◊¡◊uö◊ ‘@u≠@ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ π˛÷◊˙‘–d◊ Ø≤◊˙@Fπ˙¥◊@, π˛§h◊ Ä¥◊Δ’˙Øu π˛§◊˙, ÄØ@ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ ÷◊@– Ä˙~◊~◊ §◊˙N_@ ·◊uD–≠@ Δ˙ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ ‘@u≠@ Ä˙‘˛–d◊ ÉøhÎ◊– ÷◊@–`◊˙ ≠¡◊ä˙Ø ÉEÎ◊ N˙s@ > É·Í◊ˆ˙Ë–d◊ @≤◊Nä@ ÉPuD ~◊–≠Ø≠r Ä˙¡◊@b ÄπN˙@– ≠·◊≠`◊ Ä¡◊d◊˙@ > Oh·◊˛ Ü÷◊ ØF≈◊–’Ë–Ü ÄNuØ ¡◊–d◊˙≠~◊ ɧ◊˙≠≤◊≠`◊ N≠d◊ Ä¡◊˙ N˙O˙dÍ◊ N·◊~◊ ‘˙‘_d◊@, N≠d◊ Ä¡◊˙ ©sd◊@ ≠÷◊o◊˛ Ä¥◊@˙k˙ d◊˙ö◊, πhb– π˛N˙@–d◊ ≠¡◊ä˙Ø ¡◊≤◊–¡◊’˙N d◊˙ö◊; ·F◊@ ·œ◊D ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊@ π˛‘˙¥◊– ¡◊˙ Ä¡◊d◊uC◊’˙ S@˙@ ¡◊–~◊≠l > ¡◊–g˙@–d◊ §◊˙`◊πË ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠Ø≠≤◊@˙¡◊– N¡◊’™ ·œ◊¸–@, ≠·◊≠] ~◊l~◊ ΔhsÎ◊ d◊˙@÷◊˙ ·h◊ÅË– π@– ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ©sd◊ > ‘ê◊– Δ˙ ‘˙N~◊ ÷◊≠@ N≈◊˙@ ‘–]@h, N≤◊N˛ ÷◊ØÎ◊πh≠@ shD ≠Δ N¤–S≥,
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
532 Came down and held the centre in her brow Where the mind’s Lord in his control-room sits; There throned on concentration’s native seat He opens that third mysterious eye in man, The Unseen’s eye that looks at the unseen, When Light with a golden ecstasy fills his brain And the Eternal’s wisdom drives his choice And eternal Will seizes the mortal’s will. It stirred in the lotus of her throat of song, And in her speech throbbed the immortal Word, Her life sounded with the steps of the world-soul Moving in harmony with the cosmic Thought. As glides God’s sun into the mystic cave Where hides his light from the pursuing gods, It glided into the lotus of her heart And woke in it the Force that alters Fate. It poured into her navel’s lotus depth, Lodged in the little life-nature’s narrow home, On the body’s longings grew heaven-rapture’s flower And made desire a pure celestial flame,
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Ä¡◊d◊@– Ä˙N–≠`◊ ≠N Ä˙™˙Q◊÷◊˛ Δ≤◊y Ø~◊π˛§h◊ NØ˙Nu~◊ ~◊–l»b-÷◊≠O, NØ˙S≥≠@ ÄS≥B–d◊ N≤◊© Ä˙N~h◊ ‘–¡◊≠~◊d◊˛ É~Í◊ØuÎ◊–d◊ ÷◊@–·◊–Ü d◊˙≤◊˙, Ä·œ◊¸ ~◊l~◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ≠·◊≠] Δ˙ Ä·œ◊‘ä, Øg– ÷h◊ ·◊–Ü §◊@– §◊˙s¡◊d◊ ≠©ä˙d◊– ≠≤◊Ø˙§◊ π@Ø˙~◊≠o◊, ÷◊≠@ π˛≠Q◊˙·◊–d◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ π@Ø π˛™˙ Åè◊˙, ~◊–¡◊’˙Q◊~◊ > ‘˙‘_d◊ N…÷◊À◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ÷◊≠@ ÄS≥÷◊˙@ Ø˙~◊¡◊@ Åè◊˙‘ê◊–; ÷◊`◊˙ ¡◊–≠`◊˙Ÿ~◊ d◊˙≤◊˙π≠@ d◊˙≤◊˙ s˛u¡◊˙ s˙~◊@ ÷◊ØÎ◊; ¡◊Q◊~◊≠@ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ÄØ@ ‘¡◊·◊ π@–wo◊, ¡◊–‘_˙k˙@ Q◊@bN…π˙≠d◊ ¡◊–‘_ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙@ NØd◊˙≠Î◊ N…Q◊˙@–d◊ ©u¡◊~◊ øo◊@ S˙@˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Øh]@–d◊ > d◊˙íπ≠@ d◊˙ π˛≠¡◊‘–`◊˙ ≤œ◊·◊l-÷◊Ø≠Î◊ Ä~◊˙≤◊d◊ N≠·◊< Δ‹˙ π≠‘ Ä`◊O–d◊ `h◊÷Í◊÷◊˙l–d◊ @]≥ d◊˙ö◊ ÷◊–@b-~◊–÷◊@ S˙¡◊Ø˙~◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ö◊ ÷◊¡◊Îh◊ ≠s˙π≠~◊ π@Ø π˛§h◊ö◊ NFΔ’ä @≤◊Nä÷◊o◊≠@ > Ø≤◊˙‘ê◊– ÷◊`◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙ d◊≤◊y ©˙s@–d◊ ¡◊·◊Î◊˙Ü Δ˙≤◊˙ Ä˙Ø ©u¡◊~◊ ~◊–ld◊– > d◊˙íπ≠@ π˛¡◊Î◊≠¡◊≠s ‘ê◊–@ π˛¡◊˙≤◊ π˛≠¡◊‘–`◊˙ ~◊˙§◊–π≠·◊< Øb–πh@ s≠§◊’ > Äπ˛‘g Oh·◊˛ π˛˙b-π˛÷œ◊d◊–-Ä˙‘˛–d◊ ‘@u@-Ée£◊˙-`◊–πÍN˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ¡◊–÷◊‘–d◊ ~◊o◊~◊-NhØ~◊ NØ, π˛˙b@ ¡◊˙N~◊˙ π˛©_Î◊–d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ‘hM N_s’ Äs∂–π@– >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
534 Broke into the cave where coiled World-Energy sleeps And smote the thousand-hooded serpent Force That blazing towered and clasped the World-Self above, Joined Matter’s dumbness to the Spirit’s hush And filled earth’s acts with the Spirit’s silent power. Thus changed she waited for the Word to speak. Eternity looked into the eyes of Death
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
N≠©˙≠@ d◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙π≠@ π˛≠¡◊‘–`◊˙ Δ˙Å ØFÎ◊˙S˙@-sh≤◊˙ Ø≠Ú, NhD˙ ≠ΔÉΩ ∫◊˙≠¡◊ ÷h◊—Î◊–d◊˙ ¡◊–‘_‘ê◊–; ÷◊`◊˙ d◊˙ Ä˙ˆ˙d◊ N≤◊N˙ N≤◊N˛Á◊b ÷h◊Î◊ ÷h◊—Î◊–~◊u, ≠π˛˙EÎ◊ Ø–~◊˙@ NØ É∫◊– Δ˙≤◊˙ Ñ≠Z◊’ Ä˙`◊–ú◊≠~◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Δhê◊ ¡◊–‘_-Ä˙k˙ N≠ú◊, ≠·◊`◊˙ ≠Δ˙Ÿ– π@Ø˙k˙ ~◊u@¡◊d◊˙ N˙≠‹ ©Ÿ@ ØÉ~◊ §◊˙¡◊, ÷◊`◊˙ Ä˙πF@–d◊ πœ‹≥¡◊u@ ÷◊Ø’ ¡◊˛≤◊<-~◊u@¡◊-‘ê◊–≠@ > @Fπ˙¥◊@ `◊§◊– ≠d◊≠¡◊ Üπ@– ≠N d◊≤◊y d◊˙ö◊ ØÚh π@˙¡◊˙÷Í◊ π˛÷◊˙‘@ Ä˙≠‘ @≤◊–≠`◊ Ä≠πO˙ ÷◊@–; ØF≈◊–’Ø¥◊ Øœdh◊äQ◊Oh÷h◊ Q◊˙≤◊y≠`◊ ≠·◊¡◊u Ä~◊˙·◊– Ä~◊¥◊˙ > (ÄNØ˙D)
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Ü÷◊˙·◊‘ π¡◊’ : Q◊–@¥◊~◊ ·◊–¡◊N@ π¡◊’
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
538 Canto One
The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation But Savitri answered to the radiant God:* “In vain thou temptst with solitary bliss Two spirits saved out of a suffering world; My soul and his indissolubly linked In the one task for which our lives were born, To raise the world to God in deathless Light, To bring God down to the world on earth we came, To change the earthly life to life divine. I keep my will to save the world and man; Even the charm of thy alluring voice, O blissful Godhead, cannot seize and snare. I sacrifice not earth to happier worlds. Because there dwelt the Eternal’s vast Idea And his dynamic will in men and things, So only could the enormous scene begin. Whence came this profitless wilderness of stars, This mighty barren wheeling of the suns?
* ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ πœB˙ 692, ·◊_–d◊ul Ä~h◊≠è◊·◊@h ◊@h Ä˙@} > 3rd Final : 24/10/2009
π˛‹Ø Ns’
Ä¥◊@˙k˙@ ¡◊@b à π@Ø˙ N…N–M– N˙¡◊–d◊˛u É≈◊@ ≠·◊≠`◊ ≠π˛˙EÎ◊ π˛§h◊öh◊ :ñ ëë¡œ◊‹˙ dh◊≠Ø ÷◊@ π˛§h◊ ~◊–ºNú◊ Ä˙~◊≠o◊ π˛`h◊¡Í◊S ·h◊ÅË– Ä˙k˙, πuŸ˙@ ©sdh◊ ~◊–g˙@ ≠Δ π˙Åø¥◊–; ©~◊Ø Ä˙Ø@ N˙S≥¡◊˙÷h◊ ÷◊Ø’ Ü÷◊; Ä≠è◊‡ ¡◊Õ◊≠~◊ ¡◊Õ◊˙ ≠d◊bh ·h◊Å Ä˙k˙, ¡◊–‘_§h◊¡◊~◊÷h◊ π@Ø π˛§h◊ö◊ π˙≠‘ ÄØ@ Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ≠d◊˙Î◊– ≠~◊Å, Ä˙b–¡◊˙÷h◊ ~◊u≠Q◊ d◊˙öh◊ πhb– Ü ©s≠d◊ S@˙π≠@; Ä˙N–Äøh Ä˙≠Ø ·◊–¡◊ä@Fπ ≠·◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ Ø≈◊’ä©u¡◊~◊÷h◊ > N…÷◊À◊ @]≥ø– ≠Ø˙@ ÄQ◊Î◊ ÄËÎ◊ ÉM˙@ ÷◊@–¡◊– ¡◊–‘_, Ø˙~◊¡◊©˙d◊–÷h◊ > ≠≤◊ Ä˙~◊o◊Øl ≠·◊¡◊ ! ¡◊‘ ÷◊@– ≠Ø˙≠d◊ ~◊ π˙@–¡◊ ¡◊˙Õ◊– dh◊Ø ≠Ø˙≤◊~◊ ØSh@ ¡◊˙bu@ ØFè◊’~◊˙; ¡◊Î◊– ~◊ ·◊–Ü ØhΩ π˛§h◊ S@˙ ≠÷◊ÉΩ Nh]d◊@ ≠`◊˙÷◊˙¥◊@ Ä˙≠‘ > ~◊–¡◊˙N ÷◊@Å ≠Δbh ‘˙‘_d◊ Nd◊ä@ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ §◊˙¡◊~◊˙ πhb– NQ◊Î◊ N…÷◊À◊ ¡◊gh Ø≠Ú, ~◊@ Ø≠Ú, ≠d◊bh ≠Δ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ Éπ÷◊˛Ø ≠≤◊`◊˙ ¡◊–‘_-¡◊–‘˙Î◊ `◊uÎ◊˙@ > π˛÷◊˙‘–`◊˙ Ä˙N– ÷◊˙≤h◊Ω s≤◊~◊ ss≠~◊ ~◊–@‹’ ~◊Od◊˛ Ø˙Î◊˙, ~◊–ßÎ◊ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ ˆFC◊’~◊ ÷◊˙≤h◊Ω ¡◊˙ πhb– ÄN…]ä NFΔ’ä@ ?
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
540 Who made the soul of futile life in Time, Planted a purpose and a hope in the heart, Set Nature to a huge and meaningless task Or planned her million-aeoned effort’s waste? What force condemned to birth and death and tears These conscious creatures crawling on the globe? If earth can look up to the light of heaven And hear an answer to her lonely cry, Not vain their meeting, nor heaven’s touch a snare. If thou and I are true, the world is true; Although thou hide thyself behind thy works, To be is not a senseless paradox; Since God has made earth, earth must make in her God; What hides within her breast she must reveal. I claim thee for the world that thou hast made. If man lives bound by his humanity, If he is tied for ever to his pain, Let a greater being then arise from man, The superhuman with the Eternal mate
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊ ¡◊≠O πhb– ÷◊≠`◊ ≠÷◊ @Q◊~◊˙ Ä¥◊@˙k˙ dh◊è◊ Ü≤◊– ÄN˙@ ©u¡◊≠~◊, Ä˙‘˙ à É≠P‘ä ≠·◊≠`◊ ≤œ◊·◊l≠@ ≠π˙d◊–, π˛÷œ◊d◊–÷h◊ ≠·◊≠`◊ Q◊˙`◊– N˙S≥¡◊˙÷h◊ Ü÷◊ Ä‹’≤◊u~◊ Ø≤◊˙÷◊Ø’, ÷◊≠` ¡◊˙ ≠Δ˙©~◊˙ ≠÷◊˙Ë–÷◊À◊ π˛N˙@–d◊ Ä˙l˙N Ñr@ ? ©~◊Ø, Ø@b πhb– Δ»b˙ ≠`◊˙d◊≠÷◊ ·◊—–d◊ ÷◊@–ø– ÷◊–Ü Ü S@bu π≠@ Øo◊sd◊– ‘d◊ ‘d◊ N≠Q◊d◊~◊ π˛˙bu ? É~◊<] h S@bu Δ·◊– ¡◊–≠`◊˙÷◊– ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷ ◊ñ Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ π˙Å¡◊ d◊˙í@ ~◊–ºNú◊ ¡◊ä˙÷h◊Î◊ Ä˙¡◊˙≤◊~◊ π˛dh◊ä≈◊@, ‡˙¡◊˙πœ‹≥¡◊u@ ~◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ Ø–Î◊~◊ ¡œ◊‹˙, π˛≠`◊˙§◊~◊ π˙‘ ~◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ N_s’@ ª‘’; Nd◊ä Δ·◊– dh◊≠Ø Nd◊ä Δ·◊– Øh≤◊y ≠d◊≠¡◊ Nd◊ä Ü ©sd◊ > ~◊–© ÷œ◊d◊– π≠ø π˛§h◊ Δ·◊–à dh◊Ø÷h◊ ≠s˙π≠~◊ @]≥ø dh◊≠Ø, ~h◊≤◊Å Äg–d◊_ ~◊–ºN™ ¡◊–≠@˙S˙§◊˙N, πœ‹≥¡◊u÷h◊ ≠Δbh @Q◊–ø¥◊– π˛§h◊ ≠d◊bh N≈◊˙≠@ ~◊–©@ ¡◊–@Q◊–¡◊ πœ‹_u ≠N≤◊– π@Ø π˛§h◊öh◊ > π˛÷◊˙‘–¡◊ Ä¡◊‘ä d◊˙ ¡◊≠O Δ˙í d◊˙≤◊˙@ @≤◊–Äø– `h◊÷Í◊÷◊˙l–d◊; ØhΩ ÷◊≠@ dh◊Ø÷h◊ ·◊˙¡◊– Ü ©sd◊ π˙ÅΩ @Q◊–ø Δ˙í dh◊≠Ø > ~◊@ Δ·◊– ¡◊Õ◊˙ d◊˙í@ ~◊@d◊_ ¡◊Õ◊≠~◊, Q◊–@÷◊˙Î◊ π˙ÅΩ Δ·◊– πuŸ˙@ ¡◊Õ◊≠~◊ ¡◊Õ◊˙ ≠N, Øb–r ØÚh ≠≤◊É ¡◊–÷◊‘–d◊ Ø≤◊≈◊@ N≈◊˙ Ü÷◊; ‘˙‘_d◊@ N≠ú◊ Δhê◊ ≠≤◊É ·◊–¡◊ä Äd◊–Ø˙~◊¡◊ Ä˙S˙@ >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
542 And the Immortal shine through earthly forms. Else were creation vain and this great world A nothing that in Time’s moments seems to be. But I have seen through the insentient mask; I have felt a secret spirit stir in things Carrying the body of the growing God: It looks through veiling forms at veilless truth; It pushes back the curtain of the gods; It climbs towards its own eternity.” *
“O beautiful body of the incarnate Word, Thy thoughts are mine, I have spoken with thy voice. My will is thine, what thou hast chosen I choose: All thou hast asked I give to earth and men. All shall be written out in destiny’s book By my trustee of thought and plan and act, The executor of my will, eternal Time. But since thou hast refused my maimless Calm And turned from my termless peace in which is expunged The visage of Space and the shape of Time is lost, And from happy extinction of thy separate self
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
ÄØ@ ÉEÎ◊– É∫h◊ Ø≈◊’ä Ä˙÷œ◊d◊–≠@ > Ä~◊ä‹˙ Ü Nœ¸– ¡œ◊‹˙, ¡◊–@˙Ë ©sd◊ ‘F~◊ä Ü÷◊, Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊ π˛¡◊˙≠≤◊ Ob–÷◊ π˛d◊–§◊˙N Ø˙d◊˛; ø·◊<Øh] Ä˙¡◊@b ≠§◊·◊– ØhΩ ≠·◊]≥ø–, ≠¡◊˙S ÷◊@–ø– ØhΩ πhb– Q◊–dÍ◊N≈◊˙ ≠s˙π≠~◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ π@–wo◊ N¡h◊ ¡◊gh Ø≠Ú, ÷◊≠@ Δ˙≤◊˙ ¡◊≤◊~◊ d◊˙í Ø≠Ú ‘@u@ ¡◊–¡◊M’Ø˙~◊ π@Ø π˛§h◊@ > Ä˙¡◊@b π≠ø Ü ≠Δ ≠·◊≠] Ä~◊˙¡œ◊d◊ Nd◊ä; ·◊–Ü ÄπN˙@– ≠·◊¡◊-Δ¡◊~◊–÷◊˙, Ñ≠Z◊’ É∫◊– Q◊≠Î◊ ~◊–© ‘˙‘_d◊ S˙Ø÷h◊ >íí *
ëëπ˛÷◊Ë–d◊˙ π@˙¡◊˙÷Í◊ Nho◊@ ¡◊–s˛≤◊ ! dh◊Ø@ Δ˙íQ◊–¥◊˙N¡h◊ ≠N N¡h◊ ≠Ø˙≤◊@, ØhΩ ÷◊≤◊–ø– dh◊Ø ÷◊≠£◊, dh◊Ø@ Δ˙íÅè◊˙ ≠Ø˙@ d◊˙≤◊˙, dh◊≠Ø Δ˙≤◊˙ ÷◊@–ø ¡◊@b ¡◊@–ø– ØhΩ, ·◊–Ü Øh≤◊y Ø˙s–ø Δ˙≤◊˙ d◊˙≤◊˙ πœ‹_u~◊@ π˙ÅΩ; É`◊∑–]≥d◊ @≤◊–¡◊ d◊˙í ~◊–ld◊– πhg≠÷◊, ≠Ø˙ Q◊–¥◊˙, ≠Δ˙©~◊˙ ÷◊Ø’ π˛d◊~◊–S≥ πhb– ≠Ø˙@ Åè◊˙ ~◊–w˙·◊÷◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ NØl ·◊_˙@˙; ÷◊–¥h◊ dh◊≠Ø ≠Δbh π˛d◊ä˙]ä˙~◊ ÷◊@– ≠Ø˙@ Ä¡◊–Od◊ ‘˙¥◊– ≠Á◊@˙Åø Øh] ≠N≤◊– ~◊–@¡◊S≥ ‘ØN_g– ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@h Δ≤◊y ≤h◊Ü ¡◊–≠`◊˙π–d◊ : Ø≤◊˙≠¡◊ä˙Ø@Fπ πhb– ≤◊©–Δ˙Ü ÷◊˙≤◊y ÷◊˙Î◊@ Ä˙÷œ◊d◊–, ≠Á◊@˙Åø Øh] ≠Δbh N_d◊» N≈◊˙@ Nh]·◊ ~◊–¡◊’˙b d◊¡◊
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
544 In my uncompanioned lone eternity,— For not for thee the nameless worldless Nought, Annihilation of thy living soul And the end of thought and hope and life and love In the blank measureless Unknowable,— I lay my hands upon thy soul of flame, I lay my hands upon thy heart of love, I yoke thee to my power of work in Time. Because thou hast obeyed my timeless will, Because thou hast chosen to share earth’s struggle and fate And leaned in pity over earth-bound men And turned aside to help and yearned to save, I bind by thy heart’s passion thy heart to mine And lay my splendid yoke upon thy soul. Now will I do in thee my marvellous works. I will fasten thy nature with my cords of strength, Subdue to my delight thy spirit’s limbs And make thee a vivid knot of all my bliss And build in thee my proud and crystal home. Thy days shall be my shafts of power and light, Thy nights my starry mysteries of joy And all my clouds lie tangled in thy hair
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
~◊–ºNú◊ ¡◊–©~◊ ≠Ø˙@ ‘˙‘_d◊ N≈◊˙≠@ ñ ÷◊˙@b ≠N Ø≤◊˙‘F~◊ä Ä~◊˙Ø Ä≠`◊˙÷◊ ~h◊≠≤◊Ω dh◊Ø π˙ÅΩ, ~h◊≠≤◊Ω ©u¡◊¥◊ Ä˙k˙@ ~◊–¡◊’˙b, NØ˙D– Q◊–¥◊˙ Ä˙‘˙ à π˛˙b@, ≠π˛Ø@, Ä≠Øl ‘F~◊ä Ä≠™l ØÚ≠@ ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ Åè◊˙ ≠Ø˙@ ÷◊@–ø π˙Î◊~◊ ≠Δbh dh◊≠Ø, ‹˙π–·◊–Ü ≤◊g ≠Ø˙ dh◊Ø@ π˛©_Î◊¥◊ Ä˙k˙π≠@, @]≥·◊–Ü ≤◊g ≠π˛Ø@ ≤œ◊·◊≠l d◊¡◊, ¡◊˙≠Õ◊ ØhΩ dh◊Ø÷h◊ ÷◊Ø’‘ê◊– N≠ú◊ ≠Ø˙@ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊-¡◊≠O > ÷◊˙Î◊˙d◊ud◊ Åè◊˙@ ≠Ø˙ ≠≤◊˙Å Ä~h◊sd◊ ¡◊@–≠~◊`◊ dh◊≠Ø ≠Δbh §◊˙su ≠≤◊¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ S@˙-N…ˆr’@ πhb– ~◊–ld◊–@ d◊˙í@, ÷◊@hb˙≠@ ≠≤◊`◊ ~◊d◊ Ø˙Ë–@ Øb–r Éπ≠@, d◊˙ N≤◊˙ld◊˙ π@–d◊˛˙b Ä˙≠‘ π˙≠‘’_ d◊˙í Ä˙N–`◊ ≠Á◊@– N˙~h◊÷◊fi, ≠d◊bh ≤œ◊·◊l@ §◊˙¡◊˙≠¡◊≠s ≤œ◊·◊l÷h◊ dh◊Ø ¡◊˙Õ◊–·◊–Ü ≤◊–Ä˙≠@ ≠Ø˙, ÉEÎ◊ ΔhÄ˙Î◊– Ë˙b–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠Ø˙≠d◊ @≠] Ä˙k˙≠@ dh◊Ø@ > Q◊Øe˙@ ÷◊Ø’ ≠÷◊≠d◊ ÷◊@–¡◊– ØhΩ Ü≠¡◊ dh◊Ø ØÚ ≠·◊Å, dh◊Ø π˛÷œ◊d◊–÷h◊ ≠Ø˙@ ¡◊uΔ’ä-π˙≠‘ ≠·◊¡◊– ¡◊˙Õ◊–, ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@ Äú◊ ¡◊‘u§F◊d◊ ÷◊@–¡◊– ØhΩ Ä˙~◊o◊≠@ ≠Ø˙@, π@Ø Nh]@ ≠Ø˙@ ©u¡◊¥◊ s˛A◊–÷◊˙ ÷◊@–≠·◊¡◊– dh◊Ø÷h◊ ØhΩ, dh◊Ø Ø≠Ú ≠Ø˙@ @Q◊–¡◊– ØhΩ s≠¡◊’˙¤d◊ Œ◊Ë–÷◊ ~◊–Î◊l > ·◊–¡◊N dh◊Ø@ ≠≤◊¡◊ ≠Ø˙ ≠©ä˙d◊– ‘ê◊–@ ‘@¡◊r’˙, d◊˙@÷◊–d◊ πh`◊÷◊@≤◊Nä d◊–˛Δ˙Ø˙ dh◊Ø@, ≠≤◊≠¡◊ ÷h◊¥◊≠Î◊ ©Ÿ–d◊ 545
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546 And all my springtides marry in thy mouth. O Sun-Word, thou shalt raise the earth-soul to Light And bring down God into the lives of men;...’’ *
“...There is a being beyond the being of mind,* An Immeasurable cast into many forms, A miracle of the multitudinous One, There is a consciousness mind cannot touch, Its speech cannot utter nor its thought reveal. It has no home on earth, no centre in man, Yet is the source of all things thought and done, The fount of the creation and its works, It is the origin of all truth here, The sun-orb of mind’s fragmentary rays, Infinity’s heaven that spills the rain of God, The Immense that calls to man to expand the Spirit, The wide Aim that justifies his narrow attempts, A channel for the little he tastes of bliss. Some shall be made the glory’s receptacles And vehicles of the Eternal’s luminous power. These are the high forerunners, the heads of Time,
* ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ πœB˙ 705, rB π˙·◊@h Ä˙@} > 3rd Final : 24/10/2009
≠؈Ø˙Î◊˙, N¡h◊ ≠Ø˙@ ¡◊˙N¥◊u NhrØ˙ π@–b≠l ≠≤◊≠¡◊ ¡◊Õ◊˙ Øh]‘˛u≠@ d◊¡◊ > ≠N˝@–¡◊˙÷Í◊ ≠≤◊ N˙¡◊–d◊˛– ! π@Ø Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ≠d◊˙Î◊– dh◊≠Ø S@–¡◊ Ü πœ‹≥¡◊u@ Ä˙k˙, π˛§h◊öh◊ Ä˙b–¡◊ ~◊u≠Q◊ Ø~h◊rä ©u¡◊≠~◊ >...íí *
ëë...N≈◊˙ Ü÷◊ Äø– Ñ≠Z◊’ Ø˙~◊N N≈◊˙@ > Äπ˛≠Øl ØF≈◊’ Δ˙≤◊˙ Ä≠~◊÷◊ @Fπ≠@, Ü÷◊˙≠~◊÷◊ π˛§h◊@ d◊˙í Nœ¸– Q◊Øe˙@ > ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ @≤◊–ø– Ü÷◊ Ø~◊-Ä≠s˙Q◊@ Ä~◊–¡◊’˙Q◊ä, ~h◊≠≤◊Ω d◊˙≤◊˙ Q◊–¥◊˙≠@ π˛÷◊Ë > S@˙≠@ d◊˙í ~◊˙≤◊y ¡◊˙N, ~h◊≠≤◊Ω ≠N ≠÷◊o◊–˛d◊ ~◊@Ø≠Ú; d◊‹˙π– ≠N Éf N÷◊Î◊@ Q◊–¥◊˙≠@ Δ˙í π˛÷◊˙‘–d◊, ÷◊Ø’≠@ N˙S≥d◊ > Ä˙·◊– ≠≤◊dh◊ Nœ¸–@ d◊˙í N÷◊Î◊ ÷œ◊d◊–@ > π˛§◊¡◊ d◊˙í πœ‹_uπ≠@ N÷◊Î◊ Nd◊ä@ ]—–d◊ Ø˙~◊N Ä…‘h NØF≤◊@ d◊˙≤◊˙ N¡◊–d◊˙Ø—Î◊ πFC◊’, ÷œ◊π˙-¡◊˙@–-S˙@˙ ¡◊r’b Δ˙í ÷◊≠@ ≠N≤◊– Ä~◊¥◊ d◊–˛·◊–¡◊ > §F◊Ø˙ ≠N Ä˙≤◊_˙~◊ ÷◊≠@ Øb–r÷h◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ Ä˙k˙@ π˛N˙@ π˙ÅΩ; É·◊˙@ π@Ø `◊Oä ≠N N˙‹’÷◊ ÷◊≠@ N…÷◊uC◊’ π˛l˙N > π˛b˙Î◊u @N@ d◊˙≤◊˙ Ø≈◊’ä©u¡◊~◊≠@ ~◊@ Δ˙í ÷◊–G≥d◊ ÷◊≠@ Ü‹≥ Ä˙N_˙·◊~◊ > ≠÷◊≤◊– ≠≤◊≠¡◊ Ä˙S˙@ ≠N ·◊–¡◊ä Ø≤◊–Ø˙@, ¡◊˙≤◊~◊ ≠N Q◊–@¥◊~◊ ≠π˛˙EÎ◊ ‘ê◊–@ > Äs˛bu ≠NØ˙≠~◊ ≠‘˛B, ÷◊˙Î◊@ π˛Øh] >
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548 The great deliverers of earth-bound mind, The high transfigurers of human clay, The first-born of a new supernal race. The incarnate dual Power shall open God’s door, Eternal supermind touch earthly Time. The superman shall wake in mortal man And manifest the hidden demigod Or grow into the God-Light and God-Force Revealing the secret deity in the cave. Then shall the earth be touched by the Supreme, His bright unveiled Transcendence shall illumine The mind and heart and force the life and act To interpret his inexpressible mystery In a heavenly alphabet of Divinity’s signs. His living cosmic spirit shall enring, Annulling the decree of death and pain, Erasing the formulas of the Ignorance, With the deep meaning of beauty and life’s hid sense, The being ready for immortality, His regard crossing infinity’s mystic waves Bring back to Nature her early joy to live, The metred heart-beats of a lost delight, The cry of a forgotten ecstasy, The dance of the first world-creating Bliss.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Ø≈◊’ä¡◊M Ø˙~◊N@ Ø≤◊˙ Øhê◊–·◊˙d◊˙, Ø≤◊˙@Fπ˙¥◊@÷◊˙@u Ø˙~h◊ruØ˙Ë–@ π˛‹Ø N¥◊d◊– ·◊–¡◊ä~◊¡◊ π˛©˙d◊–@ > É·Í◊ˆ˙Ë~◊ ≠·◊≠¡◊ ÷◊@– Δhs< Ä¡◊d◊˙@ π@Ø π˛§h◊ö◊ ·◊_˙@, Q◊–@¥◊~◊ Nd◊ä ñ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ ÷◊@–¡◊ ª‘’ π˙‹≥’¡◊ NØl > Ø≈◊’ä~◊@ Ø≠Ú ©˙s– Äd◊–Ø˙~◊¡◊@ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ ÷◊@–¡◊ Nœ¸– ~◊@≠·◊¡◊ N≈◊˙ > ¡◊–÷◊‘–d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å Ä¡◊˙ §◊˙s¡◊d◊ ≠©ä˙d◊– §◊˙s¡◊d◊ ‘ê◊– Ø≠Ú ÷◊@–¡◊ π˛÷◊˙‘ `h◊ü˙l–d◊ sh≤◊˙≤◊–d◊ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ N_@Fπ > πœ‹≥¡◊u π˙Å¡◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ π@Ø@ ª‘’ > Ä~◊¡◊sh£◊–d◊ Δ˙í@ ¡◊–‘_˙d◊–s ≠©ä˙d◊– §◊˙N_@ ÷◊@–¡◊ Ø~◊, ≤œ◊·◊l : π˛˙b÷h◊ Ø~◊÷h◊ ÷◊@–¡◊ ¡◊˙Ú Äπ˛÷◊˙‘ä d◊˙ö◊ @≤◊Nä÷h◊ §◊s¡◊d◊ N…™˙ N…≠÷◊d◊≠@ ·◊–¡◊ä ¡◊C◊’Ø˙Î◊˙ Ø≠Ú ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ ¡◊ä˙]ä˙ > ¡◊–‘_Øl Ä˙k˙ d◊˙ö◊ ÄØ@d◊_ ≠Δ˙sä N≈◊˙÷h◊ @]≥¡◊ d◊˙í@ ¡◊Î◊l §◊–d◊≠@ §◊@–≠·◊Å NhrØ˙@ ~◊–sF˜ d◊˙‚Δ’ä Ä˙¡◊@ Ü ©u¡◊~◊@ sh≤◊ä Ä‹’≠¡◊˙S, ~◊–@g ÷◊@– d◊˙í Øœdh◊ä-Δ»b˙ ~◊–ld◊– Ä¡◊`h◊D ÷◊@– ≠Δ≠d◊ Ä™˙~◊@ NFd◊˛ > `◊Oä d◊˙ö◊ Äd◊–÷◊˛Ø Ä~◊¥◊ @≤◊Nä ÑØ–’, πhb– π˛÷œ◊d◊–÷h◊ ≠Á◊@˙Å≠¡◊ Ä˙b– ©–©u¡◊–r˙ πh`◊÷◊ d◊˙í Ä˙·◊–-©u¡◊~◊@ øo◊–d◊ ≤œ◊dÍ◊ªo◊ Ü÷◊ `h◊D Ä˙≤◊_˙~◊@ Q◊–e˙@ ¡◊–N<dœ ◊ Ü÷◊ π@Ø˙~◊o◊@ É`◊∑˙N ~◊≈◊’~◊ Ä˙·◊–-¡◊–‘_N©’~◊˙@ > 549
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550 The Immanent shall be the witness God Watching on his many-petalled lotus-throne His actionless being and his silent might Ruling earth-nature by eternity’s law, A thinker waking the Inconscient’s world, An immobile centre of many infinitudes In his thousand-pillared temple by Time’s sea. Then shall the embodied being live as one Who is a thought, a will of the Divine, A mask or robe of his divinity, An instrument and partner of his Force, A point or line drawn in the infinite, A manifest of the Imperishable. “The supermind shall be his nature’s fount, The Eternal’s truth shall mould his thoughts and acts, The Eternal’s truth shall be his light and guide. All then shall change, a magic order come Overtopping this mechanical universe. A mightier race shall inhabit the mortal’s world. On Nature’s luminous tops, on the Spirit’s ground, The superman shall reign as king of life, Make earth almost the mate and peer of heaven,
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¡◊≤h◊πd◊˛-πö◊©@ N–…≤◊˙N≠~◊ ¡◊N– Ä¥◊Δ’ä˙Øu π˛§h◊ N˙Ou @F≠π ~◊–≠@]≥≠¡◊ ~◊– –˛l N≈◊˙÷h◊ d◊˙ö◊ ~◊u@¡◊ ‘ê◊–÷h◊ ‘˙‘_d◊ ¡◊–S˙≠~◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ ÷◊@Å ‘˙N~◊ π˙‹≥’¡◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊–; ©˙s– ÄQ◊–d◊–-©s≠d◊ @≠≤◊ ≠Δ Q◊–¥◊÷◊ Ü÷◊, ¡◊≤h◊ Ä˙~◊¥◊ä@ ≠÷◊≠o◊˛ ≠Δ ÄQ◊Î◊ Ü÷◊ ÷◊˙Î◊@ N˙s@ ÷F◊≠Î◊ d◊˙í N≤◊N˛ g} ·◊–¡◊ä Ä˙ld◊≠~◊ > §◊s¡◊d◊ N…÷◊À◊@, §◊˙¡◊~◊˙@ @Fπ ≠·◊≤◊S˙@u ©u¡◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ¡◊G≥¡◊ ©s≠d◊ ·◊–¡◊äd◊_@ Øh]˙ ¡◊≤◊–, ¡◊≤◊– Ä˙¡◊@b, N≤◊§◊˙su, Δ»@F≠π π@Ø ‘ê◊–@ Ä~◊≠¥◊ Äö◊–d◊ Ü÷◊ ¡◊–oh◊, ≠@]˙ NØ, Ä¡◊–~◊˙‘u πh@hr@ ħ◊–¡◊äê◊@Fπ > ëë¡◊–™˙~◊ ≠≤◊˙Å¡◊ ≠≤◊dh◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ d◊˙í@, Q◊–@¥◊~◊ Nd◊ä‘ê◊– ÷◊@–¡◊ N˙÷◊˙@ Q◊–¥◊˙ à ÷◊Ø’÷h◊ d◊˙í@, Q◊–@¥◊~◊ Nd◊ä ≠≤◊¡◊ d◊˙í@ ·◊–sÍ·◊‘’÷◊, π‹@ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ > ¡◊·◊Î◊–¡◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ N¡h◊, Åo◊˛©˙`◊ NØ Δ˙»–÷◊ ©sd◊ π≠@ @˙©–¡◊ N≤◊N˙ ~F◊d◊~◊ ¡◊ä¡◊⁄˙ Ü÷◊; Ø≈◊’ä ©sd◊≠@ ÄS≥÷◊ π˛d◊˙π‘˙Î◊u ·◊–¡◊ä©˙d◊– Ü÷◊ ÷◊@–≠¡◊ ~◊–¡◊˙N; ·◊uD π˛÷œ◊d◊–-‘–]≠@ Ä˙k˙@ Ä˙S˙@ Äd◊–Ø˙~◊¡◊ ‘˙N~◊ ÷◊@–¡◊ ©u¡◊~◊π≠@ ÄS≥πd◊– π@–, S@˙÷h◊ ÷◊@–≠¡◊ N_s’ N]˙ NØdh◊`◊,
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
552 And lead towards God and truth man’s ignorant heart And lift towards godhead his mortality. A power released from circumscribing bounds, Its height pushed up beyond death’s hungry reach, Life’s tops shall flame with the Immortal’s thoughts, Light shall invade the darkness of its base. Then in the process of evolving Time All shall be drawn into a single plan, A divine harmony shall be earth’s law, Beauty and joy remould her way to live: Even the body shall remember God, Nature shall draw back from mortality And Spirit’s fires shall guide the earth’s blind force; Knowledge shall bring into the aspirant Thought A high proximity to Truth and God. The supermind shall claim the world for Light And thrill with love of God the enamoured heart And place Light’s crown on Nature’s lifted head And found Light’s reign on her unshaking base. A greater truth than earth’s shall roof-in earth And shed its sunlight on the roads of mind;
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
≠~◊d◊˙@F≠π ≠~◊≠¡◊ Q◊˙Î◊– Nd◊ä π@Ø˙k˙ π˛§h◊ ħ◊–Øh≠] Ä™ ~◊@-©sd◊÷h◊, É≠≈◊˙Î◊–d◊ ÷◊@–≠¡◊ Ü ~◊‘_@ ©u¡◊~◊ ÄØ@ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙-Q◊–¥◊˙-ÉEÎ◊ Ä˙§◊˙≠@, Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ Ä˙÷◊˛˙¥◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ©u¡◊~◊@ N˙~h◊ ÄØ@ ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙-Q◊–¥◊˙-ÉEÎ◊ Ä˙§◊˙≠@, Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ Ä˙÷◊˛˙¥◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ Ä˙S˙@ d◊–Ø–@ > ≠d◊≠¡◊ Δ˙Å Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙Î◊-÷◊˛Øπ@–b˙ØS˙@˙≠@ N…≤◊d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ≠Δ˙©~◊˙≠@ Ü÷◊ ©sd◊@ N¡h◊ ÷◊–ø–; ·◊–¡◊ä N…sd◊–@ ¡◊–S≥ ≠≤◊¡◊ π˛Q◊Î◊–d◊ πœ‹≥¡◊u Éπ≠@, ·◊–¡◊䑲u π@Ø˙~◊o◊ ≠·◊¡◊ ~◊¡◊@Fπ ©u¡◊~◊÷h◊ πœ‹≥¡◊u@; Üπ@–÷◊– ≠·◊≤◊ N<@b ÷◊@–¡◊ N·◊˙ π˛§h◊ π@Ø˙k˙, Øœdh◊ä@ ÷◊¡◊Îh◊ Øhê◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ Ü π˛÷œ◊d◊–, Äs˛bu Ä˙k˙@ Äs∂– Q◊Î◊˙Å¡◊ π≠‹ πœ‹≥¡◊u@ ÄÕ◊‘ê◊–; ™˙~◊ ≠·◊¡◊ π˛§h◊ à Nd◊ä@ N˙Øuπä dh◊ú◊ Ä˙ªœ≤◊˙-Q◊–¥◊˙÷h◊, ÄS≥÷◊˙@ ÷◊@–¡◊ Ü ¡◊–‘_©sd◊÷h◊ ¡◊–™˙~◊ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙, πhb– ÷◊@–¡◊ ÷◊fi–d◊ π@Ø π˛§h◊@ ≠π˛≠Ø Ä~h◊@ê◊ ≤◊–Ä˙, ‹˙π–≠·◊¡◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ ɤd◊ Øg≠÷◊ π˛§◊˙@ ÷◊–@uË, d◊˙í@ ·œ◊˜ §◊–≈◊–π≠@ π˛d◊–B˙ ÷◊@–¡◊ ·◊–¡◊ä ≠©ä˙d◊–@ ‘˙N~◊ > π˙‹≥’¡◊ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙∫◊˙@h s@ulNu Ü÷◊ Nd◊ä@ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ ≠≤◊˙Å S@˙@ Ä˙‘˛l Y◊˙Î◊–¡◊ Ø–≤◊–@ @‘<– Ø˙~◊N-π‹≠@ >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
554 A power infallible shall lead the thought, A seeing Puissance govern life and act, In earthly hearts kindle the Immortal’s fire. A soul shall wake in the Inconscient’s house; The mind shall be God-vision’s tabernacle, The body intuition’s instrument, And life a channel for God’s visible power. All earth shall be the Spirit’s manifest home,... *
“...This world shall be God’s visible garden-house, The earth shall be a field and camp of God, Man shall forget consent to mortality And his embodied frail impermanence. This universe shall unseal its occult sense, Creation’s process change its antique front, An ignorant evolution’s hierarchy Release the Wisdom chained below its base. The Spirit shall be the master of his world Lurking no more in form’s obscurity And Nature shall reverse her action’s rule, The outward world disclose the Truth it veils;
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ħ◊˛˙¥◊ Ä≠Ø˙ˆ ‘ê◊– Q◊Î◊˙Å¡◊ Q◊–¥◊˙, π‘ä¥◊u π@Ø˙ ‘ê◊– ÷◊@–¡◊ ‘˙N~◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ ©u¡◊~◊ ÷◊Ø’, ÷◊@–¡◊ NØ–M Ø≈◊’ä@ Ø˙~◊¡◊-¡◊≠O ÄØ@@ ¡◊≤◊∂– > ÄQ◊–d◊–@ Ä˙ld◊≠~◊ Ä¥◊@˙k˙ Ü÷ ©˙s˛d◊ ≠≤◊˙Å¡◊, ·◊–¡◊ä ≠·◊¡◊ Nh·◊‘’~◊ ‘˛uØo◊–@ ≠≤◊¡◊ Ä˙Ø Ø˙~◊N ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙, ‘@u@ ÷◊@b ≠≤◊¡◊ Nd◊ä N…≠¡◊˙S≥@, ©u¡◊~◊-π˛b˙Î◊u π˛§h◊-π˛d◊äO-‘ê◊–@ > π˛è◊¤ ~◊ @≤◊– Ä˙É π˛˙≠b à ‘@u≠@ `h◊ü˙l–d◊ ≠~◊˙≤◊– Ä˙É Ø~◊@ Ä™˙≠~◊, Ø≈◊’ä ≠≤◊¡◊ π˛÷◊Ë–d◊ Nd◊ä@ N·◊~◊ >... * * * ëë...¡◊–‘_≠≤◊¡◊ π˛§h◊ö◊@ π@–·œ◊‘äØ˙~◊ ɇ˙~◊-~◊–Î◊l; πœ‹_u π@Ø˙k˙ö◊@ ≠Od◊˛ à ‘–¡◊–@; ~◊@ §h◊`◊–Δ–¡◊ d◊˙í@ Øœdh◊ä÷h◊ N_u÷œ◊d◊– ≠·◊¡◊˙, §◊úh◊@ d◊~h◊@ ~◊‘_@d◊˙; Ä~◊˙¡œ◊d◊ ÷◊@–≠·◊¡◊ ¡◊–‘_ sF˜ Ä‹’ d◊˙í@, Nœ¸– ≠·◊¡◊ ¡◊·◊Î◊˙Å πh@˙d◊~◊ S˙@˙@ d◊˙í N®h] Ä˙÷◊˙@; ™˙~◊≤◊u~◊ ¡◊–¡◊≈◊’~◊ ÷◊˛Ø π@fi@˙ ÷◊@–≠·◊¡◊ Øhê◊ d◊˙í@ Ä˙S˙@@ d◊≠Î◊ ‘œõ◊Î◊¡◊M ≠Δ π˛™˙; Q◊–~◊<l πh@hr ÄSu‘_@ ≠≤◊≠¡◊ d◊˙ö◊ ¡◊–‘_ ©sd◊@ π˛è◊¤ ~◊ @≤◊– Ä˙É @Fπ@ d◊–Ø–≠@ > ¡◊–π@ud◊ ÷◊@–≠·◊¡◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊– d◊˙≤◊˙@ ÷◊Ø’@ ~◊–lØ, Nd◊ä ÷◊@–¡◊ π˛÷◊˙‘ ¡◊≤◊–@ú◊ ©sd◊ Δ˙ ÷◊≠@ `h◊ü˙l–d◊ > 555
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
556 All things shall manifest the covert God, All shall reveal the Spirit’s light and might And move to its destiny of felicity. Even should a hostile force cling to its reign And claim its right’s perpetual sovereignty And man refuse his high spiritual fate, Yet shall the secret Truth in things prevail. For in the march of all-fulfilling Time The hour must come of the Transcendent’s will: All turns and winds towards his predestined ends In Nature’s fixed inevitable course Decreed since the beginning of the worlds In the deep essence of created things: Even there shall come as a high crown of all The end of Death, the death of Ignorance. But first high Truth must set her feet on earth And man aspire to the Eternal’s light And all his members feel the Spirit’s touch And all his life obey an inner Force. This too shall be; for a new life shall come,
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
π˛÷◊Ë ÷◊@–¡◊ N¡h◊ π˛è◊¤ π˛§h◊öh◊ > É·Í◊ˆ˙Ë–d◊ ÷◊@– N¡h◊ π@Ø˙k˙ö◊@ ≠©ä˙d◊–, ‘ê◊– Äs˛N@ ≠≤◊≠¡◊ ~◊–© ~◊–© Ä˙~◊o◊ É`◊∑˙NØl ~◊–ld◊–@ ·◊–≠s > Δ·◊– ¡◊˙ ¡◊–≠@˙Su ÷◊–ø– ‘ê◊– d◊˙í ‘˙N≠~◊ ÄS≥÷◊ Ä˙Nê◊ ≠≤◊˙Å N˙¡◊’≠§◊˝Ø d◊˙í@ ÄS≥÷◊˙@ ÷◊≠@ ·◊˙¡◊– Q◊–@÷◊˙Î◊ π˙ÅΩ, ɤd◊ ÄÚ˙k d◊˙í@ ~◊–ld◊– ¡◊˙ Δ·◊– ÄN_u÷◊˙@ ÷◊≠@ ~◊@, d◊‹˙π– ¡◊gh@ ~◊–≤◊–d◊ ~◊–sF˜ Nd◊ä `◊§◊–¡◊ ¡◊–©l > ÷◊˙@b, N÷◊Î◊ N–M–÷◊˙@u NØl@ Δ˙d◊˛˙π≠‹ π@˙‚@ ·◊–¡◊ä N…÷◊À◊@ Ä¡◊‘ä Ä˙N–¡◊ `◊s∂ π@Ø π˙¡◊~◊ > ¡◊–‘_Nœ¸– Ä˙@}@h ¡◊–S≥@ ¡◊–S˙≠~◊ ¡◊–≤◊–d◊ Δ˙ Nœ¸¡◊gh ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ Nj≠@, Ä~h◊N@– π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ Ä~◊–¡◊˙Δ’ä ≠N≤◊– ÄËÎ◊ S˙@˙≠@ ˆF@– Q◊Î◊¥◊– N÷◊≠Î◊ ~◊–© ~◊–© πF¡◊’·œ◊¸ `◊Oä ħ◊–Øh≠] > Üπ@–÷◊– ÜN¡h◊@ ≠‘˛B π@–bd◊–@F≠π ≠≤◊¡◊ Øœdh◊ä~◊˙‘, `◊l Ä™˙~◊@ > ÑZh◊’ Nd◊ä÷h◊ d◊˙ π˙·◊ πœ‹≥¡◊u Éπ≠@ ⁄˙π–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ÷◊–¥h◊ π˛‹≠Ø d◊˙ Ä˙sh, ‘˙‘_d◊ ≠©ä˙d◊–@ π˙ÅΩ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ Ä˙ªœ≤◊˙ Ü Ø˙~◊¡◊÷h◊, ·◊–¡◊ä ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@ ª‘’≠¡◊˙S ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ N¡◊’-Ä≠ú◊, NØs˛ ©u¡◊≠~◊ d◊˙@ ~◊–≠·◊’‘ π˙Î◊~◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ Ü÷◊ Ä˙¥◊@ ‘ê◊–@ > Ü≤◊˙ ¡◊– ˆË–¡◊ ~◊–≠¢◊, ÷◊˙@b ~F◊d◊~◊ ©u¡◊~◊ Ä˙N–¡◊ Ü‹≥, π@˙≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@ 557
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
558 A body of the Superconscient’s truth, A native field of Supernature’s mights: It shall make earth’s nescient ground Truth’s colony, Make even the Ignorance a transparent robe Through which shall shine the brilliant limbs of Truth And Truth shall be a sun on Nature’s head And Truth shall be the guide of Nature’s steps And Truth shall gaze out of her nether deeps. When superman is born as Nature’s king His presence shall transfigure Matter’s world: He shall light up Truth’s fire in Nature’s night, He shall lay upon the earth Truth’s greater law; Man too shall turn towards the Spirit’s call. Awake to his hidden possibility, Awake to all that slept within his heart And all that Nature meant when earth was formed And the Spirit made this ignorant world his home, He shall aspire to Truth and God and Bliss. Interpreter of a diviner law And instrument of a supreme design, The higher kind shall lean to lift up man.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
N˙÷◊˙@ ≠≤◊˙Å¡◊ d◊~h◊, ≠≤◊¡◊ π˛d◊–B–d ≠~◊ÊNs–’÷◊ ‘ê◊–≠Od◊˛ π@˙ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ > Nd◊ä Éπ~◊–≠¡◊‘ Ü ÷◊@–¡◊ πœ‹_u@ ~◊–≠¢◊d◊~◊ §F◊Ø–, Ü÷◊ N_è◊ Ä˙¡◊@b Ä™˙~◊÷h◊, Ø≠Ú Δ˙í@ É∫◊–¡◊ n`◊÷◊– Nd◊ä@ ÉEÎ◊ Äú◊; π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ ‘–≠@ Nd◊ä ≠≤◊¡◊ ¡◊–§◊˙¡◊Nh, Nd◊ä ≠·◊]˙Å¡◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊–÷h◊ π≠·◊ π≠·◊ N@bu d◊˙≤◊˙@ > π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ ~◊–Ø∂d◊@ s§◊u@ π˛≠·◊‘h ¡◊–≠`◊˙÷◊–¡◊ ·◊–¡◊ä Nd◊ä ⁄–@ ≠~◊≠d◊˛ d◊˙í@ > π˛÷œ◊d◊– ÄSu‘ @F≠π ©˙d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ≠Δ≠¡◊ Äd◊–-~◊@ N˙¤–Ú d◊˙í ≠·◊¡◊ ¡◊·◊Î◊˙Å ©Ÿ@ Ü ©sd◊÷h◊; Nd◊ä@ Ä~◊Î◊ π˛©_Î◊–d◊ ÷◊@–¡◊ ≠N π˛÷œ◊d◊– ~◊–‘˙≠@ > Ø≤◊≈◊@ ~◊–lØ ≠N Nd◊ä ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@ π˛d◊–B–d◊ ÷◊@–¡◊ Ü πœ‹≥¡◊u Éπ≠@ > Q◊–~◊<l Ä˙≤◊_˙~◊ ‘hb– Nd◊ä ħ◊–Øh] ≠≤◊¡◊ Ü Øb–r ØÚ; ©˙b–¡◊ ≠N ©˙s– shD d◊˙í@ N}˙¡◊~◊˙, ≤œ◊·◊≠l d◊˙≤◊˙@ NhD Δ˙ @≤◊–ø– ‘ê◊–, πœ‹≥¡◊u@ Nœ¸– ÷◊˙≠Î◊ Δ˙ É≠P≠‘ä N¡h◊ ‹≥`◊˙ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@, Ä˙¡◊˙N @Fπ≠@ d◊˙ö◊ Q◊–~◊<l πh@hr @Q◊~◊˙ ÷◊@–≠`◊ ≠Δ≠¡◊ Ä™˙~◊ ©sd◊; Nd◊ä,π@Ø˙k˙ πhb– Ä˙~◊o◊@ π˙ÅΩ Ä˙ªœ≤◊˙ d◊˙í ~◊@ ~◊–≠¢◊ ÷◊@–¡◊ ≠π˙rb > π˛÷◊˙‘÷◊ ·◊–¡◊äd◊@ ~◊–lØ@ Ü÷◊, ~◊–Ø–≈◊ π@Ø Ü÷◊ π@–÷◊À◊~◊˙@, Éé◊d◊@ ©˙d◊– ≠≤◊˙Å Éπ@h Ä˙~◊d◊ É≠≈◊˙Î◊–d◊ ÷◊@–¡◊ Ü Ø˙~◊¡◊-©˙d◊–÷h◊ > 559
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560 Man shall desire to climb to his own heights. The truth above shall wake a nether truth, Even the dumb earth become a sentient force. The Spirit’s tops and Nature’s base shall draw Near to the secret of their separate truth And know each other as one deity. The Spirit shall look out through Matter’s gaze And Matter shall reveal the Spirit’s face. Then man and superman shall be at one And all the earth become a single life. Even the multitude shall hear the Voice And turn to commune with the Spirit within And strive to obey the high spiritual law: This earth shall stir with impulses sublime, Humanity awake to deepest self, Nature the hidden godhead recognise. Even the many shall some answer make And bear the splendour of the Divine’s rush And his impetuous knock at unseen doors. A heavenlier passion shall upheave men’s lives, Their mind shall share in the ineffable gleam, Their heart shall feel the ecstasy and the fire.
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
ħ◊uƒ˙ ÷◊@–¡◊ ~◊@ ‘–]≠@ ~◊–©@ ·◊–¡◊ä S˙≠Ø Δ–¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ ÷◊@– Ä˙≠@˙≤◊b > ÉZ◊’Nd◊ä Ä¡◊d◊@– ÷◊@–¡◊ ©˙s˛d◊ ÄSg~◊ Nd◊ä Ü÷◊, ~◊–¡◊’˙÷Í◊ πœ‹≥¡◊u ≠O≠d◊˛ ≠≤◊¡◊ π@–bd◊ N≠Q◊d◊ ‘ê◊–@ > Q◊–dÍ◊N≈◊˙ ‘–]@ πhb– §◊–≈◊– π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ Ä˙N–≠¡◊ πœ‹÷Í◊ d◊˙ö◊ Nd◊ä@ @≤◊Nä ~◊–÷◊Ë≠@, π@ª@ ©˙b–≠¡◊ ~◊–©÷h◊ Ü÷◊ ·◊–¡◊ä d◊j@ ≠N ·◊_–¡◊–S π˛÷◊˙‘ > ©Ÿ ·œ◊¸– ØÚ ≠·◊Å ≠·◊]≥≠¡◊ Q◊–~◊<l > π˛÷◊˙‘ ÷◊@–¡◊ ©Ÿ Ä˙k˙@ N_@Fπ > Ü÷◊ ≠≤◊≠¡◊ ≠d◊≠¡◊ Äd◊–Ø˙~◊¡ à ~◊@ πœ‹_u π≠@ ¡◊–@˙©–¡◊ Ü÷◊≤◊y ©u¡◊~◊ > ·◊–¡◊ä÷◊£◊ S_~◊– ‘hb– ©~◊-N˙S˙@b @d◊ ≠≤◊≠¡◊ ⁄˙π–¡◊˙÷h◊ ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ N…≠Δ˙s Ä¥◊@ Ä˙k˙@ N≠ú◊, ÷◊@–≠¡◊ π˛l˙N π˙Î◊–¡◊˙÷h◊ NØh¤d◊ ÄÚ˙k ~◊–lØ > πœ‹_u ≠≤◊¡◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙Ÿ–d◊ É·◊˙≈◊ Ä˙≠¡◊≠s, s§◊u@d◊Ø d◊˙ Ä˙k-N≈◊˙ π˛d◊– ©˙s– É∫◊–¡◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ ©˙d◊–, Q◊–≤◊∂–¡◊ π˛÷œ◊d◊– π˛è◊¤ d◊˙í §◊–d◊≠@ Δ˙í §◊˙s¡◊d◊ N≈◊˙ > ÷◊–ø– ÷◊–ø– É≈◊@ ¡◊– ≠·◊≠¡◊ ¡◊≤h◊≠`◊˙÷◊, N≤◊–≠¡◊ ≠NØ˙≠~◊ ·◊–¡◊ä Ø≤◊–Ø˙@ ·◊´d◊ π˛÷◊˙‘@ ≠¡◊s πhb– π˛Q◊— Ä˙ˆ˙d◊ Ä·œ◊‘ä ·h◊Ä˙@ π≠@; Ø≤◊≈◊@ Ü÷◊ N_s’ul N@˙s ÷◊@–≠·◊¡◊ NØh¤d◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊©u¡◊~◊, Ø~◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ N≤◊§◊˙su Ä~◊¡◊‡ π˛÷◊˙‘@, π@Ø˙~◊o◊@, Ä~◊Î◊@ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ≤œ◊·◊l≠@; 561
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
562 Earth’s bodies shall be conscious of a soul; Mortality’s bondslaves shall unloose their bonds, Mere men into spiritual beings grow And see awake the dumb divinity. Intuitive beams shall touch the nature’s peaks, A revelation stir the nature’s depths; The Truth shall be the leader of their lives, Truth shall dictate their thought and speech and act, They shall feel themselves lifted nearer to the sky, As if a little lower than the gods. For knowledge shall pour down in radiant streams And even darkened mind quiver with new life And kindle and burn with the Ideal’s fire And turn to escape from mortal ignorance. The frontiers of the Ignorance shall recede, More and more souls shall enter into light, Minds lit, inspired, the occult summoner hear And lives blaze with a sudden inner flame And hearts grow enamoured of divine delight And human wills tune to the divine will, These separate selves the Spirit’s oneness feel,
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
π˙‹≥’¡◊ ‘@u≠@ ©˙s– É∫◊–¡◊ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙ Ä¥◊@ Ä˙k˙@; Øhê◊ ÷◊@–≠¡◊ ¡◊Õ◊~◊ Ø@b@ ÷◊˛ud◊·◊˙N; N˙S˙@b ~◊@ Ä˙Ú˙k–÷◊ ©u¡◊@F≠π ≠≤◊¡◊ ¡◊–÷◊‘–d◊, ≠·◊]≥¡◊ ©˙s˛d◊ d◊˙í@ ØF÷◊ §◊s¡◊˙~◊ > π˛÷œ◊d◊– ‘–]@ ª‘’ ÷◊@–¡◊ ≠¡◊˙S≥@ @‘<–@˙©–, ·◊–¡◊ä™˙~◊ ÷◊@–¡◊ ªo◊–d◊ s§◊u@ N≈◊˙÷h◊ d◊˙í@, ~◊@ ©u¡◊~◊@ Äs˛bu ≠≤◊˙Å¡◊ Nd◊ä, Nd◊ä@ ~◊–≠·◊’‘ Q◊Î◊˙Å¡◊ ~◊@ Q◊–¥◊˙, ÷◊Ø’ à ¡◊Q◊~◊ > Ø˙~◊¡◊ ÷◊@–¡◊ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ≠N Ä˙÷◊˙‘ ÄS≥÷◊ ~◊–÷◊≠Ë É∫◊– Δ˙Åø– N≠d◊ ¡◊˙ ÷◊–G≥d◊ ~◊–Ø∂≠@ ÑZ◊’≠·◊¡◊d◊˙ ≠`◊˙÷◊@ > ™˙~◊ ≠·◊¡◊ Y◊˙Î◊– ≠N˛˙d◊ ≠©ä˙d◊–Ø’l, d◊–Ø–@ Ä˙¡œ◊d◊ Ø~◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ¡◊– ªo◊–d◊ ~F◊d◊~◊ ©u¡◊~◊ ø≠o◊, Ä˙·◊‘’ Q◊–·◊s∂– ª≠‘’ ≠N NØ–M ≠≤◊˙Å ≠≤◊¡◊ π˛©_Î◊–d◊ > @d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ Øhê◊– π˙ÅΩ Ø≈◊’ä Ä™˙~◊@h > Ä¡◊–‡˙@ NuØ˙ Δ–¡◊ ·F◊≠@ ÄπN@– > ÄS≥÷◊ ÄS≥÷◊ Ä˙k˙ ÷◊@–≠¡◊ π˛≠¡◊‘ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊@ Ø≠Ú, ·◊uD π˛≠Q◊˙·◊–d◊ Ø~◊ s≤◊~◊ ≠≤◊˙d◊˙@ S_~◊– ‘hb–¡◊, ©u¡◊~◊ N≤◊N˙ É∫◊–¡◊ ©Î◊– Ä˙¥◊@ ·◊uD–≠@ > ·◊–¡◊ä˙~◊≠o◊ Ä~h◊@ê◊ ≠≤◊˙Å¡◊ ≤œ◊·◊l, Ø˙~◊¡◊ N…÷◊À◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ·◊–¡◊ä N…÷◊À◊@ NØzN; Ü÷◊˙kd◊˙ π@Ø Ä˙k˙@ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊@–≠¡◊ Ü ≠Δ≠d◊ ¡◊世 N≈◊˙ >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
564 These senses of heavenly sense grow capable, The flesh and nerves of a strange ethereal joy And mortal bodies of immortality. A divine force shall flow through tissue and cell And take the charge of breath and speech and act And all the thoughts shall be a glow of suns And every feeling a celestial thrill. Often a lustrous inner dawn shall come Lighting the chambers of the slumbering mind; A sudden bliss shall run through every limb And Nature with a mightier Presence fill. Thus shall the earth open to divinity And common natures feel the wide uplift, Illumine common acts with the Spirit’s ray And meet the deity in common things. Nature shall live to manifest secret God, The Spirit shall take up the human play, This earthly life become the life divine.”
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Åo◊–˛l NØ‹’ ≠≤◊¡◊ ·◊–¡◊ä N…≠¡◊·◊~◊ Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊, N∂˙lhd◊», Ø˙…N ≠§◊˙s–¡◊˙÷h◊ Äπ@Fπ N_s’ul πh`◊÷◊, ÄØ@ ≠≤◊¡◊˙÷h◊ ~◊@ ~◊‘_@ ‘@u@ > π˛¡◊˙≤◊–d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ≠÷◊˙≠r ≠π‘u≠@ π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ ·◊–¡◊ä‘ê◊–, ~◊–l»b ÷◊@–¡◊ d◊˙í ‘_˙N π˛‘_˙N, ¡◊Q◊~◊, ÷◊Ø’; Q◊–¥◊˙≠≤◊¡◊ ·◊uD– ‘d◊‘d◊ d◊π~◊@, π˛d◊– Ä~h◊§◊≠¡◊ N_s’ul ≠@˙Ø˙G Ü÷◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ ¡◊–Î◊N–d◊ > Q◊–≈◊˙÷◊˙≠‘ ¡◊≤h◊¡◊˙@ π˛÷◊˙‘–¡◊ Ä˙N– ≠©ä˙d◊–Ø’l Ér˙ Ü÷◊, NhDØ˙~◊N@ π˛≠÷◊˙B d◊˙í ÷◊@–≠·◊¡◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ ÉEÎ◊ > Ä≠ú◊ Ä≠ú◊ π˛N@–¡◊ N≤◊N˙ Ä˙~◊o◊, π˛÷œ◊d◊–÷h◊ ≠·◊¡◊ §◊@– Ø≤◊≈◊@ Ü÷◊ N≈◊˙@ N¤–S≥, ≠≤◊¡◊ πœ‹≥¡◊u Üπ@– É~◊<uÎ◊–d◊ §◊˙s¡◊d◊ ≠Q◊d◊~◊˙@ π˛d◊– > N˙S˙@b Ø˙~◊¡◊@ π˛÷œ◊d◊–≠@ ≠d◊≠¡◊ Ä~h◊§F◊d◊ ≠≤◊¡◊ Ü÷◊ π˛‘g ɤd◊– > N˙S˙@b ÷◊Ø’ ≠≤◊¡◊ Ä˙k˙@ Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ É·Í◊§◊˙N–d◊; §◊˙s¡◊d◊ N≈◊˙@ N˙O˙d◊ N˙S˙@b ¡◊gh Ø≠Ú π˙Å≠¡◊ N÷◊Î◊ > π˛÷œ◊d◊– ÷◊@–¡◊ d◊˙í@ ©u¡◊~◊ S˙@b π˛÷◊Ë ÷◊@–¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ shD π@Ø˙k˙ > Ø˙~◊¡◊ `◊uÎ◊˙@ §◊˙@ ÷◊@–≠¡◊ s˛≤◊b Q◊–~◊<l πh@hr, Ü≤◊– π˙‹≥’¡◊ ©u¡◊~◊ §˙s¡◊d◊ ©u¡◊~◊≠@ ≠≤◊¡◊ π@–bd◊ >íí
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
566 The measure of that subtle music ceased. Down with a hurried swimming floating lapse Through unseen worlds and bottomless spaces forced Sank like a star the soul of Savitri. Amidst a laughter of unearthly lyres She heard around her nameless voices cry Triumphing, an innumerable sound. A choir of rushing winds to meet her came. She bore the burden of infinity And felt the stir of all ethereal space. Pursuing her in her fall, implacably sweet, A face was over her which seemed a youth’s, Symbol of all the beauty eyes see not, Crowned as with peacock plumes of gorgeous hue Framing a sapphire, whose heart-disturbing smile Insatiably attracted to delight, Voluptuous to the embraces of her soul. Changed in its shape, yet rapturously the same, It grew a woman’s dark and beautiful Like a mooned night with drifting star-gemmed clouds,
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
¡◊–@d◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠N NFO< N…sud◊ ØFè◊’~◊˙, §◊˙N– §◊˙N– ≠÷◊≠d◊ ·F◊@ d◊˛g N…d◊@≠b Ä·œ◊‘ä ©sd◊ Ø≠Ú, Äd◊Î◊ Ä˙÷◊˙≠‘ Äsd◊ä˙ d◊˙@÷◊˙ NØ ~◊u≠Q◊ s`◊˙ Xh◊¡◊– N˙¡◊–d◊˛uö◊ Ä¥◊@˙k˙; Äπ˙‹≥’¡◊ ¡◊ub˙ ~◊–÷◊_b ≤◊˙Nä@ Ø≠Ú Q◊Éπ˙≠‘ d◊˙ö◊ ‘hb–≠`◊ ≠N ~◊˙Ø≤◊u~◊ ÷◊£h◊ Éf˙@–d ÄN…]ä ‘›◊@ S_~◊– ·◊–¡◊ä ¡◊–©l@ > NØu≠π Ä˙N–≠`◊ d◊˙öh◊ N_˙sd◊ ©b˙Å ≤◊N– ≤◊N– NØu@b N…sud◊ Ø—Î◊u > ¡◊≤◊~◊ ÷◊@–≠`◊ ≠·◊¡◊u ÄNuØ@ §◊˙@, Ä~h◊§◊¡◊ ÷◊≠`◊ Ø≤◊˙≠¡◊ä˙Ø@ ªo◊~◊ > Ä~h◊N@– d◊˙öh◊ d◊˙ö◊ Ä¡◊d◊@b≠@ ~◊d◊ ‹≥`◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ π≠@ Ä‘˙Øä* ØSh@ d◊˙@hbä@ Øh] Ü÷◊, ~◊l≠~◊ Δ˙ ≠÷◊≠¡◊ ≠·◊]˙Δ˙Ü ~◊˙≤◊y ≠N≤◊– NhrØ˙ N¡h◊@ π˛d◊u÷◊ d◊˙í, ≠‘˙≤h◊‹≥`◊˙ Ø‹˙≠@ d◊˙≤◊˙@ Øh÷h◊Ë ¡◊–Q◊–d◊˛ ¡◊C◊’ ‘–]u ÷◊Î◊˙π@ ≠ˆ@– Q◊Éπ˙≠‘ Δ‹˙ ~◊uÎ◊÷◊˙¥◊Øb–, ≤œ◊·◊l-ØA◊~◊÷◊˙@u N<–d◊≤◊˙Nä Δ˙@ Ä˙~◊≠o◊ Ä˙÷œ◊¸ ‹≥`◊˙ Ädœ◊D dœ◊r–d◊ Ä¥◊@˙k˙ Ä˙`◊–ú◊~◊ ~◊–¡◊–Ÿ ¡◊–Î◊˙≠N > @Fπ d◊˙í ¡◊·◊Î◊–s`◊˙, É`◊∑˙≠N d◊‹˙π– @≤◊– d◊˙í ħ◊–¤ Ü÷◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ π@–bd◊ NhrØ˙Ø—–d◊˙ ÷œ◊Ã˙ ~◊˙@u@F≠π Δ‹˙ ‘ud◊˙…‘h-≠‘˙§◊–d◊ ~◊–‘˙ d◊˙@÷◊˙ ]Q◊–d◊ §◊˙NØ˙~◊ ≠؈ Ø≠Ú; ø˙l˙è◊¤ Ü÷◊ * Ä‘˙Øä ñ Äπ˛‘Øä, π˛‘Ø~◊@ Äd◊ud◊ (Implacably) > 567
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
568 A shadowy glory and a stormy depth, Turbulent in will and terrible in love. Eyes in which Nature’s blind ecstatic life Sprang from some spirit’s passionate content, Missioned her to the whirling dance of earth. Amidst the headlong rapture of her fall Held like a bird in a child’s satisfied hands, In an enamoured grasp her spirit strove Admitting no release till Time should end, And, as the fruit of the mysterious joy, She kept within her strong embosoming soul Like a flower hidden in the heart of spring The soul of Satyavan drawn down by her Inextricably in that mighty lapse.
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Ø≤◊–Ø˙ d◊˙í, nz˙OhÛ Ü÷◊ s§◊u@d◊˙, N…÷◊≠À◊ ≠Δ És˛ πhb– ≠π˛≠Ø §◊l˙¡◊≤◊ > Q◊Oh≠@ Δ˙ π˛÷œ◊d◊–@ ÄÕ◊ É`◊∑N–d◊ ©u¡◊≠~◊ É∫◊–`◊˙ ©˙s– N≤◊N˙ ≠N ≠÷◊ÉΩ N@˙s ¡◊gh@ ØÚh Q◊–~◊<l N≈◊˙@ ≠π˛@–d◊ ÷◊@–`˙ d◊˙≤◊˙ Ä˙N–¡˙÷h◊ d◊˙öh◊ ˆFC◊’Ø˙~◊ ~œ◊d◊ä Ø≠Ú Ü≤◊– πœ‹≥¡◊u@ > Äd◊–·◊´d◊ πd◊~◊@ É`◊∑˙N Ø≠Ú ≠N S@–‹≥≠`◊ Ä¥◊@˙k˙ π˛–ld◊Øö◊@ ‘–‘h Δ‹˙ S@–@≠] π@–dh◊¸ d◊˙@ ≤◊≠g Ü÷◊ πOu, d◊˙ö◊ π˛bl Ä˙Nê◊ Øh¸– Ø≠Ú @]≥‹≥≠`◊ Ä˙k˙@ π˛l˙≠N, ~◊ ≠·◊¡˙÷h◊ Øhê◊– ÷˙Î◊ NØl Ä¡◊S≥ > @]≥‹≥≠`◊ Ä¥◊@˙k˙ ·œ◊˜ ≠¡◊¸~◊u≠@ Á◊Î◊ π@– d◊˙≤◊˙ d◊˙ö◊ ~◊–sF˜ Nh]@ > ¡◊N¥◊@ ÷◊O Ø≠Ú `h◊ü˙l–d◊ Ü÷◊˙ πhw NØ, Ä˙b–‹≥≠`◊ ÷◊@– Ä˙÷◊r’b Ä≠è◊‡ §˙≠¡◊ ≠N Ø≤◊˙Ä¡◊d◊@b≠@ Ä¥◊@˙k˙ Nd◊ä¡◊˙~ö◊@ > (ÄNØ˙D)
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3rd Final : 24/10/2009
·◊_˙·◊‘ π¡◊’ : ÉπN…≤◊˙@ ÌN˙¡◊–d◊˛u Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ Ä¥◊äπ¡◊’≠@ ‘˛uÄ@¡◊–o◊ Nd◊ä¡◊˙~Í◊-N˙¡◊–d◊˛uö◊ πœ‹≥¡◊u÷h◊ π˛d◊ä˙¡◊≈◊’~◊ ÷◊@–‹≥¡◊˙@ ·œ◊‘ä ¡◊C◊’~◊˙ ÷◊@–ø¥◊– > ≠s˙SFÎ◊–@ ÄπNœlØ˙b Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊≠@ πhd◊˛, πhd◊˛¡◊SFö◊ N≤◊ π–d◊˙Ø˙d◊˙ö◊ Ø–Î◊~◊@ ¡◊C◊’~◊˙ ØØ’ª‘’u ≠≤◊˙Åø– > Ü‹≥≠@ ≠÷◊˝bN– ÷◊≠π˙Î◊÷◊À◊~◊˙ ~◊˙≤◊y > Ü N…π÷◊’≠@ ‘˛uÄ@¡◊–o◊ö◊@ Éê◊– N<@bul : ëëØhΩ Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä≠@ N¡◊’d◊˛ Δ˙≤◊˙ ÷◊@–¡◊˙÷h◊ ≠Q◊¸˙ ÷◊@hø– d◊˙≤◊˙ ≠≤◊`◊˙ Δ˙≤◊˙ ØhΩ ·◊‘’~◊ ÷◊@–ø– d◊˙≤◊˙ Ä¡◊–÷◊Î◊ π˛÷◊˙‘ ÷◊@–¡◊˙íí (‘‘What I am trying to do every where in the poem is to express exactly something seen’’... N˙¡◊–d◊˛u @Q◊~◊˙ N…π÷◊’≠@ ‘˛uÄ@¡◊–o◊ö◊ πd◊˛) > N≠d◊ä˙ê◊–≠@ ‘ê◊–‹˙Ü > ≠d◊bh Δh≠s Δh≠s π˙∫◊÷◊Ø˙≠~◊ ≠N≤◊– ‘ê◊–@ N…π÷◊’≠@ Ä˙N–¡◊˙ π˙ÅΩ Ä˙r’÷˙¡◊ä π˙∫◊ ÷◊@–‹˙¥◊– > É·◊˙≤◊@bN_@Fπ Ä˙≠Ø ≠¡◊Ê·◊–÷◊ N…≤◊–d◊˙ à ≠`◊˝÷◊–÷◊ Åd◊–≤◊˙N πh@˙b÷h◊ ≠~◊Åπ˙@h > ≠¡◊·◊@ Ör–Ø˙≠~◊ π˛˙‹’~◊˙ ÷◊@–ø¥◊– ëëN˙ Ø˙ N≠d◊ä˙ê◊–º π@–π˙dh◊ ¡◊–‘_d◊ºíí (Ö.10/37/2) Ä‹’˙dÍ◊ ≠N≤◊– Nd◊ä¡◊Q◊~◊ ≠Ø˙≠d N¡h◊π˛÷◊˙≠@ @O˙÷◊@h > ¡◊˙`◊<u÷◊–ö◊ ÷◊¡◊–d◊˙ N…π÷◊’≠@ ¡◊– ©b˙Δ˙Ü Ü≤◊˙ ¡◊˛≤◊<˙ö◊ Ä˙‘u¡◊’˙·◊@h Öd◊}@˙ ≠≤◊˙Åø– ëë~◊ ≠d◊ ¡◊˙s~œ◊d◊˙ ÷◊˙≠¡◊ä ÷◊˙Q◊–·◊d◊˛ §◊¡◊–räd◊–íí (¡◊˙.@˙ 1/2/35) > ≠d◊bh N˙¡◊–d◊˛u@ π˛≠d◊ä÷◊ @N˙k÷◊ ¡◊˙÷◊ä≠@ Öd◊}@˙ π˛™˙@ π˛÷◊˙‘ ≠≤◊˙Å‹≥¡◊˙@h N˙¡◊–d◊˛u-N_˙Ú˙l Ä~◊ä ≠Δ ≠÷◊˝bN– ≠`◊˝÷◊–÷◊ ÷◊˙¡◊ä π∫◊~◊ dh◊Î◊~◊˙≠@ ÄS≥÷◊ Á◊Î◊π˛·◊ > ñ Ä~h◊¡◊˙·◊÷◊±
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
572 Epilogue
The Return to Earth OUT OF abysmal trance her spirit woke. Lain on the earth-mother’s calm inconscient breast She saw the green-clad branches lean above Guarding her sleep with their enchanted life, And overhead a blue-winged ecstasy Fluttered from bough to bough with high-pitched call. *
Now the dusk shadowy trees stood close around* Like dreaming spirits and, delaying night, The grey-eyed pensive evening heard their steps, And from all points the cries and movements came Of the four-footed wanderers of the night Approaching. Then a human rumour rose Long alien to their solitary days, Invading the charmed wilderness of leaves Once sacred to secluded loneliness With violent breaking of its virgin sleep. Through the screened dusk it deepened still and there neared
* ØFÎ◊ Å…@˙©u ëN˙¡◊–d◊˛uí Ø≤◊˙÷◊˙¡◊ä@ πœB˙ 721, ·◊_–d◊ul Ä~h◊≠è◊·◊@h Ä˙@} >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
πœ‹≥¡◊u÷h◊ π˛d◊ä˙¡◊≈◊’~◊ Äd◊Î◊ NØ˙S≥ s§h◊’ Ä˙k˙ d◊˙ö◊ É∫◊–`˙ N©˙s– ÄQ◊–d◊– ~◊u@¡◊ ¡◊≠O ≠‘˙Å @≤◊– Ø˙d◊˙ S@bu@ ‘ä˙ØÎ◊ ¡◊N~◊˙ ‘˙]˙ ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ ≠N Ñ≠Z◊’ πŸ– ~◊ÅΩ ¡◊–Øhç ©u¡≠~◊ @≠≤◊ @O˙÷◊@– d◊˙ö◊@ NhrhD–; ‘–≠@˙π@– ˆF@– ¡h◊≠`◊ Nh~◊uÎ◊–Ø ¡◊–≤◊s πh`◊÷◊ ‘˙]˙@h ‘˙]˙≠@ ≠X◊ÅΩ ·´d◊π≠O Éé◊ ÷◊Î◊@≠¡◊ > *
π˛è◊˙l ‘ä˙ØÎ◊d◊@h ɧ◊˙ Q◊Éπ˙≠‘ ~◊–÷◊Ë≠@, N_π∂˙¡◊–¸ ≠π˛d◊-Ä˙k˙NØ, d◊–˛Δ˙Ø˙ N…Q◊≠@ Su≠@; π˙—h@≠`◊˙Q◊~◊˙ Ú˙~◊Øs∂˙ NÕ◊ä˙ ‘h≠b π·◊π˙d◊ d◊˙ö◊, N÷◊Î◊ ∫◊˙¡◊@h Ä˙≠N @˙¡◊ Q◊Î◊~◊@ S_~◊– N¤–÷◊Ë @˙d◊–˛Q◊@ ‘_˙π·◊@; d◊˙íπ≠@ ‘h§◊–`◊˙ Ü÷◊ ≠÷◊˙Î◊˙≤◊Î◊ d◊≤◊y Ø˙~◊¡◊@, ·◊uˆ’÷◊˙Î◊ Äπ@–Q◊–d◊ Δ˙ ~◊–ºNú◊ Ü÷◊˙¥◊¡◊˙Nu d◊˙πN ©u¡◊≠~◊, Ä˙÷◊˛˙¥◊ ÷◊`◊˙ ≠N ‘›◊ πC◊’π@–πFC◊’ ≠Ø˙≤◊~◊ ÷◊˙~◊~◊, ‹≥`◊˙ Ü÷◊·◊˙ π˙¡◊~◊ ¡◊–¡◊–ê◊≠N¡◊u@ Δ˙≤◊˙ ¡◊–©~◊ Ä˙‘˛≠Ø > ¡◊≠Î◊ d◊˙ §◊˙ú◊–`◊˙ d◊˙í@ ¡◊–ØÎ◊ ‘l~◊ > s≤◊~◊ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ≠N ‘›◊ ·◊–~◊˙¥◊ d◊ØN˙ Ä˙g@b ≠§◊·◊÷◊@–; ~◊–÷◊≠Ë Ä˙N–`◊˙
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
Floating of many voices and the sound Of many feet, till on their sight broke in As if a coloured wave upon the eye The brilliant strenuous crowded days of man. Topped by a flaring multitude of lights A great resplendent company arrived. Life in its ordered tumult wavering came Bringing its stream of unknown faces, thronged With gold-fringed headdresses, gold-broidered robes, Glittering of ornaments, fluttering of hems, Hundreds of hands parted the forest-boughs, Hundreds of eyes searched the entangled glades. Calm white-clad priests their grave-eyed sweetness brought, Strong warriors in their glorious armour shone, The proud-hooved steeds came trampling through the wood. In front King Dyumatsena walked, no more Blind, faltering-limbed, but his far-questing eyes Restored to all their confidence in light Took seeingly this imaged outer world; Firmly he trod with monarch step the soil. By him that queen and mother’s anxious face
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
§◊˙N– ¡◊≤h◊÷◊£◊S_~◊–; ~◊l~◊ Äl≠~◊ N≤◊N˙ π˛÷◊Ë ≠≤◊`◊˙ N≠d◊ ¡◊˙ @…©–d◊ d◊@ú◊ NØ˙~◊ ≠‘˙§◊˙Øl NØ˙≠¡◊‘ ¡◊äs˛©~◊d◊˙@; @˙≠© Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ Ø˙Î◊˙@ N®h≠] Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ ©_˙Î◊˙, π¢◊˙≠d◊ Ä˙sd◊ ÉEÎ◊ ¡◊–‘˙Î◊ Ü÷◊ Ø˙~◊¡◊ Ø—Î◊u > ©u¡◊~◊@ ¡◊ä¡◊⁄–d◊ ≠÷◊˙Î◊˙≤◊Î◊ S˙@˙ > Ä˙≠o◊˙Î◊–d◊ π˛¡◊˙≠≤◊ d◊˙ Ä˙b–`◊˙ §◊N˙Å Ä™˙d◊ Ä˙~◊~◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊, Nh¡◊C◊’ ]Q◊–d◊ ÉÃur@ Ø˙Î◊˙, ‘˙d◊÷h◊}NFQ◊u÷◊Ø’≠‘˙§◊~◊ ¡◊N~◊ ≠÷◊≠d◊, Ä˙§◊@b Ä˙§◊˙, ÷◊fi–d◊ ¡◊N~◊˙GÎ◊; ¡◊~◊@ ¡◊–Ëπ ≠§◊·◊÷◊@– ≠·◊`◊˙ ≠·◊]˙ ≤◊g ‘d◊ ‘d◊; ‘d◊ ‘d◊ ≠~◊d◊˛ ≠d◊≠¡◊ ÷◊`◊˙ Ä≠~◊_rb N…÷h◊Î◊ π˛˙¥◊@, π‹ ÷◊˙~◊~◊ §F◊Ø–@ > ‘h÷◊m¡◊‰π@–≤◊–d◊ π˛‘˙¥◊ Δ˙©÷◊ Ä˙N–≠`◊ Ø˙ShΔ’ä ¡◊≤◊– Øo◊˛ ≠`◊˙Q◊~◊@ > N¤M, NØ‹’ ‘h@ ≠‘˙≤◊–≠`◊ π˛d◊˙≠π, Ø≈◊ Oh@˙ˆ˙≠d◊ ÷◊@– ¡◊~◊ ¡◊–·◊Î◊–d◊ Ä˙N–≠`◊ dh◊@s ΔF‹; Q◊Î◊¥◊– N®h≠] ÄS≥π ·h◊äØdÍ◊≠N~◊, ~h◊≤◊¥◊– ≠Δ Ä˙É pÎ◊–d◊˙ú◊, ·œ◊¸–≤◊u~◊, `◊§◊–ø¥◊– ≠Δbh ·F◊@s˙Øu ~◊l~◊@ ≠©ä˙d◊– Nh~◊–¢◊–d◊ > ¡◊–≠`◊˙÷◊~◊ ÷◊@¥◊– ≠N ¡◊˙≤◊ä¡◊–‘_@Fπ, Q◊Î◊¥◊– ≠N ·œ◊˜π≠·◊ ~œ◊πd◊– ∫◊˙b–≠@ > π˙≠‘’_ ‹≥≠`◊ @˙bu d◊˙ö◊ É·Í◊¡◊–s∂˙ ©~◊~◊u
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
576 Came changed from its habitual burdened look Which in its drooping strength of tired toil Had borne the fallen life of those she loved. Her patient paleness wore a pensive glow Like evening’s subdued gaze of gathered light Departing, which foresees sunrise her child. Sinking in quiet splendours of her sky, She lives awhile to muse upon that hope, The brilliance of her rich receding gleam A thoughtful prophecy of lyric dawn. Her eyes were first to find her children’s forms. But at the vision of the beautiful twain The air awoke perturbed with scaling cries, And the swift parents hurrying to their child,— Their cause of life now who had given him breath,— Possessed him with their arms. Then tenderly Cried Dyumatsena chiding Satyavan: “The fortunate gods have looked on me today, A kingdom seeking came and heaven’s rays. But where wast thou? Thou hast tormented gladness
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
ħ◊äg Q◊–¥◊˙@ §◊˙@h Øhê◊, Ä˙N–ø¥◊– π˛÷◊˙‘– ~F◊d◊~◊@Fπ ¡◊·◊~◊-Ø—≠Î◊, Ä¡◊N¤, ‘˛Ø÷◊m˙¥◊ N˙Ø≠‹’ä ≠Δ ·◊–≠~◊ ~◊¸‘˛u ©u¡◊~◊§◊˙@ N≤◊–‹≥≠`◊ π–˛l©~◊ö◊@; Su@ d◊˙ö◊ ~◊–w˛§◊ ©u¡◊≠~◊ Áh◊Ë–‹≥`◊˙ ·◊–¡◊ä·◊uD– Ú˙~◊Øs∂d◊˙@, N≠d◊ Ä¡◊˙ ħ◊–§F◊d◊ NÕ◊ä˙~◊l~◊@ N…Q◊–d◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ ÷◊˙≤◊y Δ˙Ü ÄπN@–, ·F◊@h ≠·◊]≥ NFΔ’ä˙≠`◊˙÷◊ N¥◊˙~◊ d◊˙≤◊˙@ > ¡◊–πhÎ◊ ≠N n`◊÷◊@ ~◊–¡◊≈◊’~◊ π˛§◊˙, s}u@ NFQ◊~◊˙ @N-~◊–räo◊u Ér˙@ > Ä˙‘˙l–~◊u ÷◊–ø– ÷◊˙Î◊ @≤◊– Q◊–¥◊˙Øs∂ Xh◊¡◊–‹≥≠`◊ Q◊–≈◊˙÷◊˙‘ π˛‘˙¥◊ ÷◊˙¥◊–≠@ > π˛‹≠Ø ≠·◊]≥≠`◊ @˙bu Ø≠~◊˙@Ø @Fπ N¥◊˙~◊ ·h◊≤◊–ö◊ d◊≤◊y ÷◊˛≠Ø ÷◊˛≠Ø ≠d◊≠¡◊ ÄS≥÷h◊ ÄS≥÷◊ ÷◊`◊˙ ¡◊–OhÛ Ä˙÷◊˙‘ ÷◊˛o◊~◊@ S_~◊–; ·◊´d◊ ©~◊÷◊ ©~◊~◊u Nd◊_@ Ø–Î◊–≠`◊ d◊˙ö◊ N¥◊˙~◊@ π˙≠‘ Ü≠¡◊ ≠Δ ©u¡◊~◊ ·◊˙d◊˙, ©u¡◊~◊@ Δ˙í@ ≠≤◊dh◊ ≠N≤◊– π–d◊˙Ø˙d◊˙; Ä˙≠‘m≠r ¡◊˙≤◊h@ ÄS≥÷◊˙@ ÷◊≠`◊ d◊˙÷h◊; ≠÷◊˙ØÎ◊ ÷◊£◊≠@ πhd◊˛÷h◊ §◊f’~◊˙ ÷◊@– ÷◊≤◊–≠`◊ ©~◊÷◊ ëëNh§◊s ≠·◊¡◊d◊˙¡œ◊o◊ Ä˙©– ≠Ø˙ Éπ≠@ ÷◊≠`◊ d◊˙ö◊ ·œ◊¸–π˙d◊, ≠]˙©– ≠]˙©– ≠Ø˙≠d◊ @˙©ä‘˛u Ä˙N–ø– πhb– ·h◊äd◊– ·h◊ä≠`◊˙÷◊@ > dh◊≠Ø ÷◊–¥h◊ ‹≥`◊ ÷◊˙≤◊y, ≠≤◊ ≠Ø˙@ Ä˙k©, ©u¡◊~◊ ≠Ø˙≤◊@ ? §◊ud◊– ~◊–w˛§◊ ø˙l˙≠@ ¡◊ä‹≥d◊ ÷◊@–ø dh◊≠Ø Nh]@ NØl >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
578 With fear’s dull shadow, O my child, my life. What danger kept thee for the darkening woods? Or how could pleasure in her ways forget That useless orbs without thee are my eyes Which only for thy sake rejoice at light? Not like thyself was this done, Savitri, Who ledst not back thy husband to our arms, Knowing with him beside me only is taste In food and for his touch evening and morn I live content with my remaining days.” But Satyavan replied with smiling lips, “Lay all on her; she is the cause of all. With her enchantments she has twined me round. Behold, at noon leaving this house of clay I wandered in far-off eternities, Yet still, a captive in her golden hands, I tread your little hillock called green earth And in the moments of your transient sun Live glad among the busy works of men.” Then all eyes turned their wondering looks where stood, A deepening redder gold upon her cheeks, With lowered lids the noble lovely child,
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
÷◊–¡◊˙ ≠N ¡◊–π·◊ Δ˙≤◊˙ @]≥`◊˙ ÄË÷◊– dh◊Ø÷h◊ ˆ~◊˙lØ˙~◊ ¡◊~◊ ÄÕ◊÷◊˙≠@ ? π˛≠Ø˙·◊ π≠‹ ¡◊˙ dh◊≠Ø §h◊`◊–`◊ ÷◊–π@– dh◊Ø¡◊–~◊˙ ≠~◊d◊˛ ≠Ø˙@ ~◊–ßÎ◊ ≠s˙`÷◊, dh◊Ø π˙ÅΩ ≠÷◊¡◊Î◊ Δ˙ Ä˙≤◊∑˙·◊ Ä˙≠`◊˙≠÷◊ > dh◊Ø Ä~h◊@Fπ ÷◊˙Δ’ä ~h◊≠≤◊Ω Ü, N˙¡◊–d◊˛– πd◊–÷h◊ dh◊Ø@ dh◊≠Ø ≠Á◊@˙Å ~◊ Ä˙b– ~◊ ≠·◊`◊ Ä˙Ø@ Ü≤◊– ¡◊˙≤h◊@ ¡◊Î◊≠l, ©˙b– ¡◊– ≠N ‹≥≠`◊ Ü÷◊˙ π˙‘’_≠@ ≠Ø˙≤◊@ ≠§◊˙©≠~◊ π˙Ü ØhΩ @N, ª‘’ π˙Å d◊˙í@ π˛§◊˙d◊, π˛≠·◊˙r ÷◊˙≠Ë π@–≠d◊˙≠r ≠Ø˙@ d◊˙πN Ü ©u¡◊~◊@ Ä¡◊‘–¸ ·◊–~◊ >íí N<–d◊˙S≠@ π˛dh◊ä≈◊@ ≠·◊≠`◊ Nd◊ä¡◊˙~◊ ëëN¡h◊≠·◊˙r ·◊–Ä d◊˙öh◊, N÷◊Î◊≠·◊˙r@ N˙¡◊–d◊˛u ÷◊˙@b ≠Δbh; ≠Ø˙@ Q◊Éπ˙‘ ¡◊˙Õ◊–ø¥◊– N≠®˙≤◊~◊ ¡◊≠Î◊ ≠N ≠Ø˙≤◊–~◊u > ≠·◊]¥h◊, ØÚ˙≠≤◊∂ ø˙Ÿ– Ø˙Ë–@ ˆ@ ØhΩ ¡◊–Q◊@b ÷◊`◊– ≠÷◊≠d◊ Nh·F◊@ Ä~◊¥◊ @˙©ä≠@ ≠≤◊Ø˙§◊ ≤◊≠g ¡◊o◊u ≠≤◊˙Å d◊˙ö◊ > ØhΩ Q◊˙≠`◊ dh◊Ø@ Oh·◊˛ s–@–@ Éπ≠@ N¡h◊© S@bu @F≠π Δ˙≤◊˙ ħ◊–≤◊–d◊ > ~◊‘_@ NFΔ’ä@ dh◊Ø π˛d◊– Øh≤F◊≈◊’ ØhΩ Nh]@ ©u¡◊~◊ ÷◊˙≠Ë, ‘˛Ø@d◊ ~◊@ ÷◊@b– ØÚ≠@,íí ·œ◊¸– N÷◊Î◊@ ≠d◊≠¡◊ Ä˙¢◊Δ’ä Ä˙≠¡◊≠‘ ≠≤◊`◊˙ ~◊–πd◊–d◊ Δ≤◊y Ä˙~◊d◊-~◊l~◊˙¡◊˙Î◊˙ Nh§◊·◊˛˙ ≠‘˙§◊~◊˙ ÷◊~◊÷◊ ÷◊≠π˙Î◊ ÷◊˙¥◊– nË≠÷◊ Δ˙≤◊˙@ ÄS≥÷h◊ ÄS≥÷◊ ≠≤◊˙Å @≠ú◊ Ä@hb–d◊ >
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
580 And one consenting thought moved every breast. “What gleaming marvel of the earth or skies Stands silently by human Satyavan To mark a brilliance in the dusk of eve? ...”
3rd Final : 24/10/2009
N÷◊Î◊@ ¡◊O ≠d◊≠¡◊ N¡◊’N≤◊Ød◊–NFQ◊÷◊ Ü÷◊≤◊y Q◊–¥◊˙ ÷◊`◊˙ Ä˙≠o◊˙Î◊–d◊ ëëÜ ≠÷◊ÉΩ ¡◊–N<l ·◊uD– ‡˙¡◊˙-πœ‹≥¡◊u@ ~◊–º‘≠›◊ ¡◊–@˙≠© ~◊@ Nd◊ä¡◊˙~◊ π˙≠‘, ≠©ä˙d◊–r<d◊u ÷◊–Ü Ü≤◊– NÕ◊ä˙@ d◊–Ø–≠@ ?...íí (ÄNØ˙D)
3rd Final : 24/10/2009