18 minute read
Four women share their story of how having a relationship with God changed their life.

I am a woman of purpose. Having purpose will lead you in the right direction. Purpose helps you to reach your goals. When you are walking in purpose, there are certain characteristics that you must possess.
You must be committed to the task that has been assigned to you. Commitment shows that you are willing to follow through.
Having compassion enables you to focus on other people’s needs. In doing this, you are being selfless which can make a difference in someone’s life.
When you are a confident woman, you can excel in your purpose. You can be a positive example to others.
Being courageous will allow you to view your setbacks as opportunities to grow and make a comeback. You will use your challenges as opportunities to learn and you will grow and flourish from these experiences.
A key characteristic is to be consistent. This will bring stability in your life and enable you to be more grounded. Even when you do not feel like it, be consistent, focus and take responsibility.
Having aclear mind helps you to focus and take the appropriate action. It allows you to have the right perspective and think in a different way.
On my journey there have been numerous lessons that I have learned. The most valuable lesson is to appreciate life and believe in yourself. I have faced
The most valuable lesson I have learned is to appreciate life and value yourself.
many challenges and obstacles and fear has been an enormous stumbling block. I also believed the negative words that were spoken to me while I was growing up. I was afraid of failing, and I felt that I was not good enough. I did not want to let people down. I got caught up with what other people thought of me.
Going through these struggles has enabled me to learn that there are choices in life. You can choose to let fear cripple you and not move forward. I chose to listen to those negative voices. These damaging words would play over and over in my head; I was unable to think clearly. I pressed the repeat button, not sure how to press stop. For years, I didn’t know who I was. I assumed the identity that other people gave me. I was walking around as an imposter.
I had to make life-changing choices in order for me to see positive changes in my life. I decided to get up from that place which was destroying my mindset and giving me a sense of worthlessness. I had to make a decision that I wasn’t going to believe the lies anymore.
There were particular tools that enabled me to move from a place of fear, to a place of freedom. I continually repeated the words from the Bible, 2 Timothy 1:7 clearly states, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love and of sound mind. Therefore, if you are operating in fear your mindset is clouded. You will make incorrect judgments and your choices will be based on your intellect. This is in direct opposition to trusting in the Lord with all your heart, and not leaning on
your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
God will order your steps; you have to put your trust and faith in Him. You will experience an abundance of joy when you eradicate fear from your life. When fear creeps upon you and tries to stifle you, speak those positive words of affirmation. Go back to the word of God, there are many promise Scriptures which you can speak and believe. When you know the truth, the truth will set you free.
My challenges have allowed me to be a stronger woman. Knowing that I can face anything has allowed me to conquer many situations. I went on a journey of healing, and through the process I found my true worth and identity.
Remember that life is a beautiful journey. You must enjoy the process and the results will come.
Tarnya is the bestselling author of Open Doors which is rated ‘an inspirational book’ by many readers. She is regarded as a respected and influential speaker. She has over 15 years of experience speaking on many platforms. Mostly gained working in the educational establishment and church arenas. Tarnya is also a personal development coach & motivational speaker. She’s distinguished for her down to earth approach to empowering women and for helping individuals live a life of purpose.
Vicky is a wife to Paul Lloyd who is the Senior Pastor of Victory Outreach Manchester. One year after our wedding we relocated to Manchester where we have been pastoring in the city of Salford for 15 years.

When I hear the word purpose, I would define it as something that we have been prepared for. It is our reason for living, the reason for which we were born. Purpose is what propels us forward when situations are difficult. It’s what enables us to see differently. Purpose enables us to go beyond. Vision and purpose go hand in hand. When you are purpose-driven, consistency is a foundational quality. It is important to set goals, so you are aiming at something. Self-motivation is key, being able to keep going regardless of your circumstances. A purpose driven woman thinks beyond her needs but recognizes that there is a bigger picture. She knows how to hold her peace.
I find it difficult to focus on just one thing that Christ has done in my life. However, the first that comes to mind is transformation. Having come from a broken family and abused in many ways, I was a product of fear and insecurity, which was part of the reason I ended up with years of addiction under my belt. I have been on a journey in my personal relationship with Jesus Christ to transform the patterns in my life, in my mind, in marriage and in parenting. He’s still changing me daily. Nothing else worked for me— rehab, prison, family, relocating, money or relationships. Only God, and that’s a miracle!
Transformation is one of God's greatest miracles. I’ve learnt that it’s not all about me. When you live a life of addiction you think the world revolves around you, because of what had happened to you, you fall prey to the belief that the world and the people in it owe you a favor. It’s almost like a childlike viewpoint, and you get stuck emotionally.
I had gone through fifteen years of addiction and abuse before I began my relationship with Jesus Christ and a five-year battle with bone cancer in my journey with Christ. The addiction caused me to have compassion and mercy which has enabled me to work with women and some men consistently for nineteen years. It is not easy to work with people who are addicted to something. Hurting people hurt people. However, having gone through a lot in life, I will not give up on them, because of this I have seen hundreds of men and women changed through Christ and discipleship.
Bone cancer seemed to be one of my biggest obstacles. It is common knowledge to those who know me that I had a 23-cm tumor removed from my body. It then returned which was something I did not make known publicly. I was told that my leg needed to be amputated so as not to endanger my life and prevent the tumor from spreading. During that season, I was faced with the possibility of dying which brought all kinds of thoughts and questions with it. I had a choice of how I responded to the sickness. I had to choose not to be bitter because of the months in hospital, the medication, being bed bound, being in a wheelchair, having half of my leg removed and learning to walk again.
In the midst of these challenging times, I was taking care of my two young children and pastoring. Still pastoring a church takes its toll. My husband and I began to search ourselves to see if there were any hidden sin or wrongdoing in our lives that caused the struggles we were facing. Nevertheless, I became convinced that I should just stand in faith, believe His word and wait for a miracle. I sought wisdom from my pastors, and they reminded me that God could do this through the doctors. God had healed me once from
Hepatitis and I knew He could heal me again. It was clear God wanted me to go through this process and that He was able to sustain and restore me.
If I could inspire anyone in just a few words I would say that the Lord never promised that we wouldn’t have trouble, but He reminded us that He had overcome. We can take courage that He will meet us right at the point of our need. Sometimes, He removes things. Sometimes, He allows us to go through it. Whatever it is, find Him in your situation and ask Him for a word to stand on.
Vicky Lloyd is the wife of Paul Lloyd, Senior Pastor of Victory Outreach, Manchester, England. A year after getting married, they relocated to Manchester where they have been pastoring in the city of Salford for 15 years. Vicky works alongside her husband in leading the church in Manchester and also overseeing the work of churches across Europe.
Vicky is a woman who believes in seeing other people fulfill their potential in life. She works closely with many of the women in the church to help them develop their identities and purpose in Jesus Christ. One of her biggest passions in life is family. She is the mother of two wonderful children whom she loves parenting even with the challenges of adolescence. Being a wife to her husband and mother to her children is one of her greatest achievements. Vicky also feels very strongly about leadership and desire to help raise up Godly leadership in this generation— people of all ages and backgrounds. She’s a champion of believing the best in anyone regardless of where they have come from and honestly believe that God can transform anyone who is willing.
Lisa has a politics and law degree. She has attended bible college and completed the Mission Shaped Ministry Course. She is a prophetic intercessor with the Ask Prayer Network. She works part time for the Neighborhood Prayer Network. She is a member of the Maranatha Community and Aglow International. She has a passion to mobilize prayer for London.

My life’s purpose is to follow Jesus. “
I have been a Christian for thirty years. I thank God for everything that he has done. In 2011, I established a blog because I felt an urgency to share my faith as I was going to have brain surgery. Afterwards, I continued to add to what I had written. It has been anonymous up to now so I’m trusting God as I step into this new season.
My life purpose is to follow Jesus.
Who do you follow?
We all have things we follow. It may be a football team or a pop band. It may be an author or a political party. It maybe someone on twitter or social media. It maybe people we aspire to be like.
When I was about fifteen years old, my parents had a guest from America who was a businessman. He looked at me and then asked me, ‘are you a leader or a follower, a winner or a loser?’ I was quite thrown by this question and did not know how to respond. He then shared a story about how he had worked for a company and one day he was told his boss was in the building. His boss found him in his office with his feet on his desk. His boss said to him, “I don’t pay for you to put your feet up on your desk.” He replied, “No, you pay me to increase sales and this is what I have done.” Our guest then said after that incident he realised he could not work for anyone else.
I have often pondered over this conversation. As a Christian, I love how Jesus turned everything upside down and the right way up. Yes, He said, “follow me”
www.signatureloungetally.com but he also washed his disciples’ feet. He came to serve but yet had authority. He said the least would be the greatest in heaven. People followed Him because they had questions, they had pain, they were tormented, they had heard good reports about Him, they were burdened by their sins and He met them where they were and ministered to their needs. He was concerned about the condition of their hearts. He addressed their need for forgiveness and the importance of having a relationship with the Father, but He also dealt with their physical, intellectual and emotional needs. He came not to condemn but to save.
I have followed many things and people in my life but the one thing that continues to draw me and move me, change me and challenge me, turn everything upside down and the right way up, exposing my hidden motives and bringing me into unchartered waters of faith and dependence on him in all the shakings of life, has been my faith in Jesus. He has never let me down. There have been times when people have but He has never let me down. As I have been honest with Him, He has both carried me and helped me follow His ways and apply the counsel of His word into my life and this has kept me in the storms. I have found myself meeting people I would never have met and learning so much from them. People may come and go but the love of God remains. His love never fails.
What’s the point? I had asked that question, years ago. During that season, I felt so alone. I was frustrated by my own failures and the failures of others. Into that vacuum of disillusionment, Jesus revealed himself and I encountered His love and word. I knew that this love was everything I had
ever wanted or looked for and this was who I wanted to follow. It is good to have many interests but there is the danger of putting things or people we follow on a pedestal and when they are not able to maintain our expectations, we find ourselves disappointed.
The thing about following Jesus is, it is not a selfish thing. It is something that leads you to care for others and share what He has done for you. It has a cost but in it there is the sweetness of knowing you are loved, and that God has a plan and a purpose for you with all the giftings, experience and positions you have. To live a life of integrity and service that prefers others. I leave you with the question, “who do you follow?”
Lisa Hutt has a politics and law degree. She has attended bible college and completed the Mission Shaped Ministry Course. She is a prophetic intercessor with the Ask Prayer Network. She works part time for the Neighbourhood Prayer Network. She is a member of the Maranatha Community and Aglow International. She has a passion to organize prayer for London.
Theresa is a part of a fantastic ministry who specialize in working with people from broken backgrounds such as crime and drug addiction.

My name is Theresa and I love what I get to do. I am a part of a fantastic ministry who specialize in working with people from broken backgrounds such as crime and drug addiction. I have the privilege of working as a personal assistant to my pastor, Paul Lloyd and his wife, Vicky Lloyd. I have three wonderful children, a daughter and twin boys. Although my children do not live with me, I have regular contact with them and am grateful for our relationship. I grew up in the east end of London and relocated to Manchester in 2013. I moved to Salford to attend a Christian Sober Living Facility called Victory Homes, where God set me free from drug addiction. Aside from my role as personal assistant, I also help with the Victory Homes in the U.K.

When I hear the word purpose, it brings to mind identity, goals and targets. When you know who you are and have a goal or a target there is something to aim at, that for me defines purpose. It is knowing what you are aiming for, it’s what drives you. Purpose is more than something you do, it's who you are, what you were created for. When you know what you are called to do and when you understand what your purpose is, it’s like a bow in an arrow, you pull back, aim for the target and send the arrow towards your purpose. For example, I have a desire to inspire and encourage others about the transforming power of Christ, it’s what gets me out of bed in the mornings, it’s more than a job, it’s what makes me tick, it’s not about getting an income but seeing an outcome.
The characteristics of a purpose-driven woman is someone who is determined, reliable and able to move towards her goals regardless of emotions,
A woman driven by purpose will find it extremely difficult to quit because she understands that her aims are bigger than and beyond herself.
hormones or what her kids are doing. In good or bad situations, she is someone who remains steadfast and faithful. A woman driven by purpose will find it extremely difficult to quit because she understands that her assignments are bigger than the current situation. She is someone who has learned to be content whatever her circumstances because she sees the bigger picture. A woman with purpose will set goals and will not stop until she gets there regardless of timescales and hiccups along the way. She is flexible enough to readjust the route when life throws up inevitable challenges.
It’s so hard to testify about just one thing that the Lord has done for me but right now something that I believe was a big challenge was being set free from shame. For many years, I was addicted to crack cocaine and heroin. This lifestyle led to crime and prostitution. In 2013, I was in prison when I was diagnosed with HIV. It was a shock but honestly not a great surprise as I hadn’t been careful out on the streets and had shared needles with other intravenous drug users. God set me free almost instantly of drug addiction but coming to terms with the HIV diagnosis was a longer process. I came to the understanding through prayer that I didn’t want to talk about it because I was so ashamed and considered myself dirty and unlovable.
One evening in prayer, God said that He wanted me to start to break the stigma and begin to bring awareness about HIV. To do this, it meant being completely open about it so I started a blog. It was both scary and exciting but through the blog God has not only healed me but is using what was considered a death sentence to communicate life
to others who feel hidden in shame. A valuable lesson I have learned is that after my diagnosis, I had actually stigmatized myself. God showed me so much love and care through other people when I started blogging that I learned I was my biggest enemy; I was my biggest critic. My mind had become so consumed with assuming other people’s thoughts about HIV that I became bound by a lie I had created. I learned that speaking up and being honest and vulnerable was a key to my freedom.
This may sound strange to some, but I am grateful for the obstacles in my life. I am grateful for challenges because without them I wouldn’t be who I am today. God never gave me HIV, but I truly believe without that diagnosis it’s doubtful that I would have turned my life around. One of my biggest obstacles became my biggest blessing because I became aware of my responsibility to others. I couldn’t sleep around and share needles knowing I could pass this on. I always struggled with not knowing exactly how or where I had caught it. So much so, I became determined I wouldn’t be the reason someone else would go through the same situation I was facing.
If I could inspire anyone today, I want to keep it simple. God specializes in taking a people who were not a people to portray His glory. I am nothing special, but I have a revelation of God's transforming power. There were many people who would have had me believe I had no purpose, but through Christ, I know that we all have a purpose in knowing Him and walking in His ways. There is nothing too hard for the Lord so be encouraged, delight in Him and trust Him to order your steps.