2 minute read
Mastering Consistency
By: Michele Badie
Mastering consistency is an adventure that sharpens our purview and confidence. We can experience a range of emotions while strengthening our consistency muscle. Being consistent is a choice that requires stamina. Consistency gifts valuable lessons. Those lessons often reveal the need to upgrade our accountability to our goals. They showcase the growth and evolution of improvement. Most importantly, consistency validates our abilities to be a tangible example of the success of our choosing.
If we want to be taken seriously in the workplace, we must be consistent in our timely actions of support and follow through. Lack of consistency breeds distractions, defeat, doubt, and outcomes that are subpar. Consistency establishes credibility, builds trust, and can fortify our professional voice as an industry expert. Our reliability, impact, and communication with colleagues, business partners, and vendors strengthen in value and receptiveness when consistency is the foundation for seeking and sharing quality vetted knowledge and professional resources appropriately.
When leaning in and bringing the chairs that we boldly constructed ourselves to decision making tables and engaging in governing conversations, we have to remember that the consistency of our efforts was the foundation of the invite to be heard. We must keep the focus on understanding and mastering processes. In time the progress of our results will strongly speak for themselves. Sometimes the victory only being visible to ourselves needs to be sufficient. It is our actions of consistency that will keep us leading and positioning us to win on our terms.
Our daily rituals of setting intentional wellness (ex. healthy eating and exercising) and self-care (ex. thoughts, self-talk, and time management) will impact how we carry out consistency routines in our professional work as well. Properly caring for your mind, body, and spirit daily through reading or listening to words of faith and empowerment will keep you fueled along the way. No matter your place on your consistency journey, remember to write down your consistency goals. Post complimentary consistency reminders on stickie notes. Set calendar alerts on your phone. Display affirmation artwork throughout your home or office. Allowing consistency to dwell in our lives as a temperamental mood will not serve us well in any area of our lives. Consistency demands us to honor and practice patience with ourselves.
Try practicing these four consistency reminders.
Focus on mastering the process versus the outcome. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the business strategy of your employer versus seeking accolades for the work that you produce. The reward and recognition will come. Stay the course.
Affirm your consistent steps by saying, "I am..."(ex. I am a process master). Choose your words wisely, whatever you say after, "I am" will shape your reality. Plus, increases productivity and improves your self-esteem. Try "I am a worthy hire "during a job search. "I am thriving" works as you navigate a challenging situation.

Be fully present when reviewing and retaining content. Dismiss distractions. Refrain from gossip and unproductive communication that deters you from being solution-orientated. Being fully present is being respectful to others and ourselves. Every moment personally and professionally leaves us with next steps clarity, a lesson, or a confirmation, don't miss it.
Set tracking dates to celebrate the progress made. Consider starting with seven days and lead up to 100 days of consistency. Never forget how wildly capable you are. Learn to celebrate your wins without needing or seeking validation from others.