3 minute read
Marriage on a Mission
By Chinedu Agwu
What do I see when I think of my marriage? What does the Lord envision for me?
Those are questions that I ask myself, even as a single person. It seems bizarre that I’m thinking about this in such depth when my ‘Boaz’ has not arrived …yet. As I pondered over these questions, they highlight the importance of the partner we choose to yoke ourselves with. In a microwave generation, it is easy to compromise and settle. To yield to cultural or societal pressures at the expense of our souls. Our impatience and restlessness should not overshadow the will of God for our lives. You are worth the wait. And so is he. What is marriage?
Secular: According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, “…it is a legally and socially sanctioned union, usually between a manand a woman, that is regulated by laws, rules, customs, beliefs, and attitudes that prescribe the rights and duties of the partners and accords status to their offspring (if any).”
Biblical: An intimate and complementing union between a man and a woman in which the two become one physically, in the whole of life. The purpose of marriage is to reflect the relationship of the Godhead and to serve him (Bible Study Tools).
It’s funny because whilst marriage is between a man and woman who love one another, in the grand scheme of things, it’s not just about them. The kingdom mind set must remain. The race still needs to be set except you have a partner running alongside you, cheering you on and supporting you when you grow weary. “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become
one flesh,” Genesis 2:24 (NKJV)
Marriage on Mission –what does that look like?
A key example in the Bible is that of Priscilla and Aquila, who are mentioned first in the book of Acts and in later parts of the New Testament. Key points about them include:
They were one in marital bliss: fully devoted to one another and often seen together when mentioned in Scripture.
They were one in the Lord: they were both firmly established in the Christian faith.
They were one in secular occupation: both were tent makers and toiled together whilst honoring the Lord.
They were one in their friendship with the Apostle Paul: with a united mindset, they supported him selflessly.
They were one in profound knowledge of Scripture: together they humbly yet directly corrected Apollos (privately) in his teaching of the gospel (Acts 18:25-46).
They were one in their service to the church: opening their home for prayer and gathering of believers.
The story of Priscilla and Aquila really challenged me to ask myself, what do I expect from my marriage? What will I expect of my husband? What will he expect of me? What will God expect of us?
Therefore, I ask you… what is the calling on your life and how will your husband complement you? When you’re dating, it is important to remember your husband will not only be a life companion but also a partner in building the
kingdom of heaven. Whilst individually your light will shine bright, together, you want to be luminous. We can avoid a lot of pain and disappointment by asking these questions early and avoid being trapped in relationships or marriages that God never intended for us.
BUT you may ask…
What if I choose wrongly?
It is possible to choose a husband that God didn’t assign to you –but He can still bless you like He blessed Abraham despite Abraham acting out of God’s will.
What if I choose correctly? A fruitful marriage, aka the Priscilla and Aquila life
But how will I know?
Sincere prayer and discernment through the Holy Spirit
Wise counsel from trusted friends and mentors
Knowing the Word of God and knowing the calling on your life
So what now? Sit and reflect …
If single,what do you want your marriage to look like? Are you opening yourself to the right people for this?
If engaged,what do you want your marriage to look like? Are you both heading in the same direction?
If married, how does your marriage look now and how do you want it to look in the future?
Finally, this cannot be done by flesh but by the grace of God throughout. “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lordof hosts,”Zechariah 4:6 (NKJV)