4 minute read
By: Damien Jones
Branding is probably the most overlooked element in small business but can lucrative affects. In this article, I will share 10 keys to consider when branding or re-branding your company. Everything your business does, says and writes must be done with a purpose because your brand is at stake.
Identify Yourself –You must first clearly identify who are you in your industry or what do you what to be? Research your competition and know what they are doing that works. Take out the time to find out who they are catering to and use that information to identify your sweet spot or target niche. Study the market to avoid making the same mistakes others have made before you.
Name and Logo –Protect your name and logo at all cost. Artistic work as well as names and logos should be registered through federal copywrite and or trademark offices. Don’t be afraid to be creative with when designing your logo. It does not have to be boring. When conBranding is probably the most overlooked element in small business but can
sidering the design create a logo that will look great on anything and has nothing to do with
what your business actually does. Biography -Have a professional high-resolution photo and a well written bio illustrating some background information that led you to being inspired or compelled to start your business venture. It should be written in a way that connects to your customers/audience. The goal is for them to be able to read your bio and WHO ARE YOU believe in your vision. –Identify who are you in your industry or what do you what to be. What is your competition in this industry doing that Mission Statement –Every company should works? Who are they doing have a mission statement. This statement tells catering to? It’s important to know your sweet spot or target niche. It’ also just as important to avoid consumers who your company is, your target audience, what your company will accomplish, s making the same mistakes others and what your product has to offer. have made before you. Company Ethics -This is the philosophy, guidance and values you will instill in your employees. It is the standard of how they will treat others and you will treat them. Your company ethics is usually an internal message.
Consistency –Your product and message should come with a quality stamp of approval or standard that your customers can always look forward to. This lets your viewers, followers and customers know what to expect from you.
Packaging –There have been millions made on packaging of a product alone. For example, it is not uncommon for a book to sell because of its cover or a t-shirt to sell based on how it is folded, all of which can be that little things that separate you from your competitors.
Merchandise –No matter what you sell, never be afraid to create a logo that stands out. You can be a BBQ place that sells bumper stickers and T-shirts because you have an awesome logo and product. Do not limit yourself.
Social Media –Dates and times of your post should be the same time each time you post. Connect with your followers, interact with them, and comment as much as possible. If you have a disruptive person never argue or entertain them. Stay classy and block them! ALWAYS be mindful of how you speak, being aware of things that may be taken as offensive to the people that keep you in business. Remember you are building a brand. Everything you do matters.
Customer Service –Many small business owners are great at what they do, but severely lack communication skills, not knowing how to interact with customers. If this is you be honest with yourself and hire someone who has the skills you lack. If you give a product turn around date keep to that date. If you are unable to meet the deadline, draft correspondence making the customer aware immediately. (NOT the day before) Remember your customer would rather say “They said they would have my project finished in 30 days but it took 2 weeks.” than saying “They said they would have it ready in 2 weeks and it took them 30 days.”
The customer is not always right! Take the time to resolve issues and make a go to list of offers you use to settle tension with disgruntled customers. Most of the time all they want is to be heard and validated. This also keeps you from having to think of ways to disarm and appease them. Always isolate the irate customer, never allow them to make a scene. For example, simply say “Can we talk over here.” If its online, publicly invite them to contact you another way and reassure them publicly, and resolve it elsewhere. Never let customers insult or mistreat staff or other customers. It is ok to refuse money from a large client if they are being rude to smaller customers and staff. Sometimes you have to stand on principle and truth.
In short branding is everything that shapes the public opinion of who you and your company is. It is the foundation of your business and who you are. The one thing that must be created before your business is even known and talked about when it’s gone. That is why we must be purposeful about our message, our content and Brand with a purpose!