3 Tips to be more disciplined

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3 Tips to be more disciplined digitalbloggers.com /self-improvement/3-tips-to-be-more-disciplined Aug 23, 2017 12 views Written by Pedro Campos

Author Pedro Campos

Articles written: 22 Joined: 22 July 2017 Niche: Health and Fitness Internet and Businesses Online Self Improvement

Being disciplined is not something that everybody is doing, but is something that anybody can do. I can`t stress enough about this topic since it`s a key, a must, an essential to climb the ladder of success, effectively. Without discipline, you just end up cruising around through life and you never get anywhere, never get anything done, never unleash your true potential. In an attempt to help you create the necessary discipline to succeed, I`m gonna give 3 tips to become more disciplined.


#1 Force yourself It`s in those moments when the clock rings and you don`t feel like going out of bed, when you get lazy and don`t want to get to the gym or when you can`t control what you are eating, it`s in these moments that you have to force yourself to do it. When you force yourself in a consistent manner it becomes a routine, something that you have to do to feel good. #2 Control your circle of influence It`s undeniable that we are the reflexion of the people we hang with. Being successful requires saying "no" to a lot of things, like not going out and possibly get yourself drunk. It`s important for you to be able to own your life, your dreams, your goals, and not be influenced by the people that don`t help you in your path, people that don't provide you value, that are not like-minded. It happened to me, all the sudden, I was hanging out with the wrong people in the wrong places and I had to make a decision. #3 Make the right decisions I also fell in this trap by making short term decisions that didn`t help me at all. Seeing the long term decisions as a benefit is important to build your discipline, it allows you to stay focus on the goals and not doing it just for the quick enjoyment. Investing in yourself is the best decision you can make, it is the first route that you can take in order to succeed. Instead of going out and party, spending money on drinks, why not buy a book or a course that can help you make more money or give up a great idea to start a business? By the way, don`t miss the opportunity to discover what was the missing piece, that allowed me to start a profitable business. Discipline is one of the biggest assets you can have as a human being, don`t waste more time and start taking action on your goals by developing this crucial asset. If you have anything I can help you with, feel free to drop a comment. As always, was a pleasure having you as a reader. Take care!


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