Are We Living In A Modern Day Slavery?

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Are We Living In A Modern Day Slavery? /business/are-we-living-in-a-modern-day-slavery Nov 28, 2017 - 09:56 70 views Written by Pedro Campos

Author Pedro Campos

Articles written: 71 Joined: 22 July 2017 Niche: Business Internet and Businesses Online Self Improvement

The definition of the modern day slavery may sound a little different from what you can expect out of this article... and no, this is not a human right, protect the children in Africa type of article, I leave that for the media, this is an authentic point of view of today`s normal life, the same life where people go through the motions, like a boat without fuel on the ocean! Being forced to go to college, to find a job that pays you well, put your money in a 401K, or to give it way to a "specialist" on Wall Street in hopes that you don`t lose the money, is a common practice among society, today, it almost became mandatory if you want to look normal and supposedly live a comfortable life. At least, growing up and accordingly to what my parents told me, I thought I was on the right track by doing all of this things, the purse for the comfortable lifestyle started to make sense, at some point, but I woke up one day for the harsh reality... being forced to get a degree by society`s standards, I found myself with no interest in the classes whatsoever, in a full... full-time real estate job, working 60 plus hours a week and having miserable performances in both endeavours, not to mention the little time to dedicate to my self-improvement, family and health condition.

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself." Harvey Fierstein 1/2

One day, I thought to myself, is this the dream lifestyle that my parents and society wanted me to chase? If it is, I`m must be living a nightmare... and what about the lifestyle I truly dreamed of as a kid? The modern-day slavery is not what you think, it`s a condition forced by the masses to make you believe that being normal is good, that following the conventional path is the best idea, that working long hours on job that you hate is acceptable, that being one paycheck away from bankruptcy is the way to go and that dreaming too big is just an illusion. I truly believe as Tony Robbins says about the immutable law of life, that our lives are guided by 80% mindset, 20% mechanics, and the problem is that society, in general, spends too much time on the lower-end and that was exactly what happened to me. When you grow up, used to someone dictating your path and telling you what to do, you tend to lose your sense of self-actualization over time, you get used by the regulations, the normal laws of society, you become a slave to a boss, a mindset, an advice, someone else`s dream or even worse, not finding the man or women you could`ve become. Ask yourself, am I being a slave in someone else`s world and if so what am I gonna do to get to know the person I was meant to be? Thank you for reading!

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