Average Is A Failing Formula

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Average Is A Failing Formula digitalbloggers.com /business/average-is-a-failing-formula Nov 23, 2017 - 09:15 64 views Written by Pedro Campos

Author Pedro Campos

Articles written: 69 Joined: 22 July 2017 Niche: Business Internet and Businesses Online Self Improvement

Has someone ever told you to be comfortable, happy and settle down? Probably you`ve been hearing this all your life like I was and realizing that this thinking is not taking you anywhere... I know what that is, growing up as a middle-class kid, my parents had a business, we were living comfortably and all I`ve heard was: "we are better off than most people, be grateful, son." As an adult, I wasn't grateful, never satisfied with any job or activity, going to college to listen to some teachers talking about "pie in the sky" concepts that didn`t make any sense to me, hanging around the wrong people and always feeling like my potential was being shadowed by this average mentality... and average is a fancy word to describe the middle-class.

“Average is a failing plan! Average doesn’t work in any area of life. Anything that you give only average amounts of attention to will start to subside and will eventually cease to exist.” – Grant Cardone

Let me ask you, do you want to go on a marathon and be in the middle and have an average result, going out to see an average movie or be in an average relationship with your spouse? I know your answer, but unfortunately, there is more of average on this planet than you can handle, there is so much supply of average people, average thinking, average businesses... just because someone told them to be 1/2

comfortable, don`t stand out and be grateful, that they should be reasonable and have just enough to go through life.

One of the meanings of the word average is "an amount, standard, level, or rate regarded as usual or ordinary."

There is no payoff in aiming to be ordinary, the world is full of ordinary people, the ones who complain about their jobs, their marriages, the economy, the boss, the customers... and by the way, I used to be one of those, until assuming responsibility for my actions and my goals. The fact is, that shooting to be average and comfortable was leading me to a path of poverty, financially and emotionally... thinking that I could do better, be a better person however always ending up in the same hole. The point is, nobody values average except the average, tell me the name of one successful business owner that wants an average sales manager? Look, you probably noticed that this thinking didn`t work out for me, all I was doing at the age of 22, after dropping out of college was intensely studying the successful people... they have one thing in common, that 95% of the population don`t have, they are obsessed with their goals, they do not tolerate average, knowing that it`s a failing formula. Think about it, are you being blocked by this thinking, feeling like going backward, every time you make a move in life? Thanks for reading! More On Pedro! -----------------Related Articles The 4 Levels Of Action Millionaire Is The New Middle Class! Live to Your Potential Now!


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