How to Deal with Rejection when Selling?

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How to Deal with Rejection when Selling? /business/how-to-deal-with-rejection-when-selling Aug 29, 2017 23 views Written by Pedro Campos

Author Pedro Campos

Articles written: 28 Joined: 22 July 2017 Niche: Business Internet and Businesses Online Self Improvement

We know that selling can be a daunting task for a lot of people, it is often a bad reputation game, not a profession, some say. The fact is that dealing with rejection is a part of life and I learned that when I was in the Real Estate company, through experiences and training. Most of the population don`t even have the courage to apply to a sales job, they get scared, full of uncertainty, which leads me to the point of understanding that people don`t like selling because they don`t know how to deal with rejection. Like anything in life, you have the control to tackle this fear and overcoming it, but first, you need to adjust your mindset, focusing on your potential and not on the quotas of the managements.


All my life, I`ve been just trying to please everybody, to be accepted, not bothering anyone, trying to fit in. At 22 years old is decided it was enough, I made the decision to stand out. Looking back and understanding why I wasn't succeeding at anything I did, I got a clear answer at that point... I wasn't making noise, getting attention, caring what others thought and I was taking rejection personally. In my experience in the Real Estate, I realized that rejection is an emotion that I felt when I didn`t have enough quality prospects in my pipeline. The fact is that the problem is not the customer telling "no", it`s not the saturated market or your product that ain`t good, it comes down to you. When your pipeline is so full that you start to refuse taking actions on deals, that`s when you know you can handle rejection. Handling rejection on sales is more of a personal blockage that anything else. I had no experience in sales when I started in the Real Estate business, but I soon realized that if I wanted to succeed, I shouldn't take client's rejections personally. I remember, in the beginning, having so many numbers to call and being frightened with the answers I could receive from the other side. Not taking rejections personally and filling your pipeline with quality leads is the answer to handing the fear towards selling. I invite you to share this article and to follow me on social media for some amazing content. It was a pleasure having you as a reader, take care!


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