How to raise your income exponentially?

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How to raise your income exponentially? /business/how-to-raise-your-income-exponentially Aug 17, 2017 6 views Written by Pedro Campos

Author Pedro Campos

Articles written: 16 Joined: 22 July 2017 Niche: Health and Fitness Internet and Businesses Online Self Improvement

We live in an economy dominated by fear, where the uncertainty of a new recession is present, but not as present as it was in the year of 2008 when everyone was scared. To give you an idea, the household saving rate for 2008 was 3%, but after 6 months that rate was already set at 11%. Savings establish a link to income, so I'll explain how to raise your income exponentially. By doing some simple math, we figure out that the average American employee works 1640 hours per year at an average hourly rate of $29.00. Now, ask yourself, how the hell he is gonna make more money? It's simple, what this employee has to do is instead of working 1640 hours, he gets to work 5 200, which is about 100 a week multiplied by 52 weeks. Working 5 200 hours at $29.00, the estimated income is $150 800, per year, and the rest time will be 3 536 hours, available to sleep, be with the family, whatever you want to do, so stop complaining about the lack of time. This is the simplest way to increase your income exponentially.


Today there is only two veins of society that are growing, the millionaires and the poor, so you have to decide where you want to position yourself. Do you know how easy it is to go from $150 800 a year to $1 000 000, or to start from nothing? Imagine that you find 1 000 000 people giving you $1, for a product for example, and do the math. The average American makes $54 000 a year, there is a lot of companies making $250 000 and there are fewer people that are making $1 000 000. Now, where is the point? What is your chance of saving if you are a top earner in your country? A good change. You don`t need to invent the wheel, have the most miraculous business plan, you just need to get out of the comfort zone, and ask yourself, where is the money and who`s got it. In today`s society, people who want to make more money and have a better life, simply throw themselves into college, getting in debt... for what? Do you think college is gonna give you the solution? They don`t teach how to make money there, that`s a fact. Look... if you don`t like the direction where your life is going, if you having trouble feeding your kids, you are stuck in debt or you are constantly worried about your bills... I can totally relate and understand, but you got to get off the couch, forget the TV, the nights out, and start to work for a life you want and deserve, by raising your income exponentially. Make sure to follow me on social media for more great content and don`t forget to hit the image below to know how can you have an extra vein of income, and get to know more about my work and my mentors. Have a great day!



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