Military life lessons that you need to pay attention! /business/military-life-lessons-that-you-need-to-pay-attention Aug 13, 2017 24 views Written by Pedro Campos
Author Pedro Campos
Articles written: 12 Joined: 22 July 2017 Niche: Health and Fitness Internet and Businesses Online Self Improvement
My journey through the army proved to be an experience that completely transformed my way of approaching life in every aspect, knowing that it would be a challenging experience, but I did not expect it to be something that made me become the man I am today. I will share here some lessons that I have learned that you need to pay attention to and hopefully I can inspire you. Discipline is the foundation for success This value was implanted since the day one, and soon we realized that it would not be a place of complaint but an environment of obedience and rigor. Discipline taught us to wake up well before the sun, to make sure that our image was preserved every day, that our facilities were immaculate, and above all that our rule of thumb was not broken. Many of us have lost some of the self-discipline along the way and not all have followed the same path. We didn`t want to wake up at 5 am to workout, but we woke up, we did not want to spend a month in the bush, but we spent two months, we did not like the roommate, but we trained together, we did not like the food, but we repeated the dish, we did not like lots of things, but we did it all no matter what.
Mission failed was unacceptable Getting only half-way was shameful, whether it was on long walks through the bush at cold freezing temperatures with the rifle and the backpack or whether it was the assignment of a simple task. There was a sense of duty, honor, and obligation that was always present every day that forced us to do what was needed, without looking back, without hesitation and very often indifferent to our will. There was no such thing as just finishing one soldier, our mind directed our thinking to the whole and not to individualism. The duty to fulfill a task or mission led us to give up our interests and conveniences to serve a greater asset, and this was reflected in our personal lives as well. There was no weekend planned with the family, there was only the satisfaction of the mission accomplished. This experience was enriching, led me to know different realities, different people, different cultures, to realize that life is worth much more than what it seems, has led me to implement the values I learned into my personal life. It made a huge difference in my life and in the lives of my comrades, and what each one took from the experience was different, but the capacity we all gain in facing life and business in a decided, disciplined, fearless way is something that is worth more than any money can pay. Let me know what is in your mind about the military life lessons, make sure to follow me on social media, and if you have anything you want to discuss feel free to message me at any time. Have a great day!