Renegade to businessman!

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Renegade to businessman! /business/renegade-to-businessman Aug 19, 2017 15 views Written by Pedro Campos

Author Pedro Campos

Articles written: 18 Joined: 22 July 2017 Niche: Health and Fitness Internet and Businesses Online Self Improvement

Going from a renegade to a businessman doesn't sound like a big deal, but I will share my story so that you can understand what I am talking about. Growing up as a little skinny kid, who enjoyed video games and liked to play soccer, in a small town in Portugal, I was terrifying to go to school and to be around so many other people. When I turned 12, this fear of living started to install itself in me, it was a fear that pursued me until I went to the military. That feeling stopped me to enjoy life around other teenagers, and sent me to the worse period of my life, when I was a complete renegade, always alone, nobody liked to be around me, because I had a different way of thinking. I was very disciplined for a 12-year-old, I was the best in my class, didn`t want to get a bad grade, I simply wanted to be the best and I was obsessed with it, more than anything else.


While my colleagues were enjoying the youth I was studying, so I was very discriminated for that. People can be cruel, and I felt that in my skin, I was mentally broken and completely lost at that time. My colleagues used to ask me: "What do you want to be in the future?" My answer was always "I want to be a businessman!" Everybody in the class laughed about it, each time I would say that all of them thought I was crazy. The shift in my life started in 2014 when I joined the military and realized that life isn`t all sunshine and rainbows, and there I learned to appreciate the small things in life, the precious things, like hugging my mom or having a good meal at home. That experience got me to realize after 2 years, that I was feeling like I didn`t belong there, I needed something bigger and I decided to leave, although everybody was saying that I should stay, that I was making a mistake and that I wouldn`t succeed in the civil world. I didn`t listen... and followed my heart. Then, I went to college, thinking that it would be a stepping-stone for me to start my business, by gaining some knowledge. I was dead wrong... once again I failed, I didn`t see myself in that environment, studying economics, which I thought it was my passion. Meanwhile, I got a job as a real estate agent, which I liked doing, probably the only job that I felt some connection with. I learned a lot about sales and I thought it could be a career, back then, I was in college and in the real estate job, but it got to a certain point where I couldn`t do both, and I quitted the job to dedicate myself to college. After the first year, I saw that my future wasn`t in economics and once again, I dropped out. The other major shift occurred in the begging of 2017 when I would wake up every morning thinking that I needed to take action. I thought to myself: "Man, you`ve got through so many mistakes... something is wrong here." I started to listen to the top achievers, being obsessed about learning and changing my mindset, and one day I came across with this guy, Stuart Ross, on Youtube. The ad was about "The advice to give someone who wants to make their first million." I was hooked. I got on board with his program and I thought to myself, "this is it, finally".


I discovered a passion for marketing and being able to have a business, today, remembering what the naysayers and haters said a couple years ago, gives me such a joy... because, if you have a dream, no matter how many times you fail, there is always a chance to get back up. Thank you, Six Figure Mentors. Make sure to follow me o social media, meanwhile click on the image below to know how I went from a renegade to having a purpose in life, a business, a reason to wake up every day. My name is Pedro and it was a pleasure having you as a reader.


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