The Lazy Person's Way to Success

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The Lazy Person's Way to Success /business/the-lazy-person-s-way-to-success Sep 16, 2017 62 views Written by Pedro Campos

Author Pedro Campos

Articles written: 42 Joined: 22 July 2017 Niche: Business Internet and Businesses Online Self Improvement

We live in a world where people are getting stuck in careers they don`t enjoy, thinking that there is no way to get out of that trap... but you are only fooling yourself with negative thoughts and wrong beliefs that were implemented by our society that keeps you from achieving the success you desire. This is not 1975 anymore, the old thinking that you need to get an education, find a good job, buy a house, save for the long term and be happy forever no longer works. Jobs are being replaced by technology, careers are being handed to robots, people are getting trapped in college debts, mortgages they regret themselves about in the future.


I was an example of this mindset, caged in beliefs that didn`t make sense, chasing a career I wasn`t passionate about, that didn`t even see myself doing in 30 years time to eventually realize that the successful people were taking a completely different approach to education, debt and money. At some point, I started to ask myself: "What am I doing in this world, what is my purpose?" "Why am I doing this and why should I be stuck in a job or career I don`t enjoy?" You should ask those questions to yourself, pause for a minute and think about it. Our decisions are determined by our beliefs, the rules we create, our values, references and emotional states, as Tony Robbins says. If you are making decisions based on the wrong values, you are missing the highway to your lifetime happiness and inner motivation. Someone who is not motivated to go to work ends up being stressful, beaten down, starts getting old faster, tries to come up with excuses for not going to work. Is this emotional condition you want to spend the rest of your life in? I don`t think so, society is saturated with unfulfilled people, it is stated in America that about 70% of the employees hate their jobs and would like to change. This is an impressive fact and it really shows that there is something wrong with our mindsets, beliefs, values... as a matter of fact, today it is easier than ever for someone to stand out, to think differently and to succeed. Why? Because there are so many average thinking people in the world that I would risk to say that the world needs more visionaries, entrepreneurs, big thinkers, revolutionaries and self-made individuals. Why couldn`t you be one of those? I became one and you are no different from me, I was the biggest small thinker you could ever meet, I wouldn't spend a dime on anything just to save money. I`m glad I made the decision to cross to the other side, otherwise, I would live an unfulfilling and out direction life, saving money just to save, staying small, not taking risks and being miserable. Get rid of your money problems, stresses, worries, work anxieties once and for all, realize that there are solutions that enable you to live your life on your own terms, you dictating the rules, writing your own paycheck and truly enjoying life for the first time. I want to share with you a mentorship program that I found that absolutely changed my life, it was an eye-opener and a true discovery. Thousands now enjoy their lifestyle in a way they never thought they could. If you want to check it out I`m gonna mention the program at the end of this article. It`s your life, nobody is gonna make the decision for you, god ain`t gonna solve your problems and certainly not even the government, so rely on the only person you should count on and that is you. I hope this article can help you in any shape or form. Join my mentor, Stuart Ross, in a Free Webcast, as he explains the program that changed my life and the lives of thousands of people all over the world. 2/3

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