The Two Ancient Concepts

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The Two Ancient Concepts /business/the-two-ancient-concepts Sep 28, 2017 45 views Written by Pedro Campos

Author Pedro Campos

Articles written: 46 Joined: 22 July 2017 Niche: Business Internet and Businesses Online Self Improvement

This title is a bit deceptive when you look at it. There are two ancient, but still very current money concepts from a 90-year-old classic book, "The Richest Man In Babylon", which will be explained in the next paragraphs. We know for sure that money is a taboo topic to talk about for the majority of people and I keep saying that it`s important to bring this subject to the table because if you don`t give attention to something, that thing will eventually slip away from you as we see so many times when it comes to money. The two concepts written by George Samuel Clason are very simple.


Pay yourself first The book refers that every man should pay themselves first each time they receive a paycheck, a salary or a commission in order to save 1/10 of what they earn before going out and spend anything. A very simple technique that most of the people neglect, whether is because they spend all their earnings on cars, bills, jewelry, houses or vacations, it is also easier than most predict to be, after all, we have a tendency to spend on things we don`t even need, which could mean money put aside for our future. It is better to retire without financial worries, right? Money gets bored... use it! Ok, now you are thinking that this doesn`t make any sense. Should I use it or not, wasn't supposed to save? You are not saving to save like the middle-class idea preaches, you`re actually putting money aside so that you can use it to make more, it`s going to be rented to grow. The best practices or not to hand your hard earned money to someone who you don`t even know what is gonna do with your cash, but instead, the best strategy should be investing your money in what you know, where there are no hidden fees or schemes behind. Using the power of compounding could be an option or renting a property, these are just some examples which are far better than spending all your earnings on things that don`t matter, investing in stocks, playing in the Casino or being constantly worried that your luxury car loan payment is taking you more than half of what you earn. A very simple overview of using the money, instead of letting it use you, that`s when things get dangerous, you need control of your finances, you don`t need worries, you need financial freedom. Thanks for reading!


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