Updating Your Self Image

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Updating Your Self Image digitalbloggers.com /business/updating-your-self-image Oct 31, 2017 - 01:34 48 views Written by Pedro Campos

Author Pedro Campos

Articles written: 59 Joined: 22 July 2017 Niche: Business Internet and Businesses Online Self Improvement The perception of our self-image and the way it affects our choices, our successes and failures is one of the most important discoveries when it comes to human psychology... the thinking that a situation outside of your inner being needs to change in order for you to change it`s just a fairy tale, it`s not real and I`ll explain why... probably you will discover in this article why every time you make a change in life it seems like after some time you find yourself stuck again in the initial "rut" and that has an explanation... the way you see yourself! Let`s say that someone is committed to losing weight, they avoid every unhealthy food, they sign up for a gym membership and they actually lose weight. What happens when that person goes on a scale and sees that the fat is gone... the subconscious mind goes like "But that`s not who I am!" Then that person will eventually gain weight again because they haven`t changed their self-image of a fat person and it`s not the bad foods or the sedentary lifestyle that makes them fat is their perception of themselves.

You see, the same thing applies to every aspect of our lives, we are so focused on changing our external conditions that there is almost no space for us to change the only last longing force... ourselves. Our perception of who we are it`s like an identity. The ultimate motivation to live for every human being is to stay true to how they see themselves, is doing things that are aligned with their self-image, consistently keeping the decisions they make congruent with that image. Do you know anybody who is trying to stop smoking but they can`t? People eventually even go back to the old habit after they stop smoking because they have the self-image of a smoker... their subconscious mind delivers thoughts like this one: "But I`ve been a smoker all my life!" A person who works out every day does it, no matter the conditions because they want to be consistent and to stay true to their self-image, the image of a fit person. 1/2

It is true that in order for us to help others, we need to help ourselves, but the same is true when you trying to change the world without changing yourself first, your self-image is the reflection of the choices you make and the person you become... think about it, how do you want people to remember you? Are you really becoming who you want to be? Thanks for reading! For more on Pedro, visit: pedro-campos.com


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