Why it is Important to Take Risks?

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Why it is Important to Take Risks? digitalbloggers.com /business/why-it-is-important-to-take-risks Aug 30, 2017 8 views Written by Pedro Campos

Author Pedro Campos

Articles written: 29 Joined: 22 July 2017 Niche: Business Internet and Businesses Online Self Improvement

Most of us were brought up watching the news everyday, listening to our parents that we should stay small, not to make noise or brag about ourselves, to not take any risks, staying away from danger. This was important to our parents because they didn`t want us to get hurt or to get disappointed, but the fact is that this actions forced us to grow up with a risk adverse mindset. This is a big problem for most of the world`s population, it`s almost like a disease, something contagious. We know that negative energy creates more negative thoughts, that the world we live in today is dominated by fear and certainly the media is a big contributor to that fear.


What happens when most of the people see bad news on the TV or when they pass through a road when there is an accident? They get so distracted with their surroundings that there is no space to focus on their own lives. This is a reality, that`s why most people don`t even make a move in life, they are so scared of the bad things that can happen that the decision is to stay small, play it safe and coasting through an unfulfilling life. No wonder why there are so many couples who hate themselves, but still insist in not getting divorced because they are scared of what the neighbors are gonna say or think. Even the guy who is so terrifying with the idea of what his family and friends are gonna say if he quits his job, that we actually decide to be unhappy in his work place for the rest of his life. This is ridiculous. We are not in 1985 anymore, today, taking risks is the new approach, because it`s less risky to take risks that not to take them. It ain`t no progression is the comfort zone, taking the safer route no longer works in today`s economy. You have to stay on the attack, not on defense, especially when it comes to saving money only to save, buying houses to live in and not standing out from the crowd. What makes you think that is safer to save money in the bank that it is to invest it? Estagnated money only gets bored, depreciated, loses value, interest, and when you lose interest in your finances, your money is gonna disappear and look for someone who takes more care about it. Life is a risk by itself and the biggest mistake you can make is not taking risks. I invite you to share the article if you find it useful, make sure to follow me on social media for more content and I waiting for you in the next blog post. Take care!


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