Why you shouldn`t buy a house in 2017?

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Why you shouldn't buy a house in 2017? digitalbloggers.com /business/why-you-shouldn-t-buy-a-house-in-2017 Aug 16, 2017 6 views Written by Pedro Campos

Author Pedro Campos

Articles written: 15 Joined: 22 July 2017 Niche: Health and Fitness Internet and Businesses Online Self Improvement

The traditional way of approaching life no longer works, as I have dated in other articles. We have been carried away by the ideals of our parents who always thought us that buying a home is a good investment. Today, I come to you through this article to tell you why buying a house is the biggest mistake you can make. My experience as a real estate agent leads me to dissect this misconception that has penetrated society. The fact that a house entails expenses, taxes and maintenance leading many individuals to opt for the lease, however, most people still stick to the idea that buying a home is the best investment they can make. This is not true ... the fact that we get a house means that we intend to stay in that same place for a long period of time and this can be a problem since comfort will not bring us advantages because of the opportunities not staying all in the same place.


Leasing is a good option, although in some cities it is more expensive than long-term purchase, there is the freedom to change at any time, and this freedom is priceless, apart from that it is easier to get out of a lease than to get out of a 40-year mortgage. So, why is buying a house such a bad deal? Well, our parents did it and they did not become rich, actually, they got stuck in a cage instead. Imagine like this: you have 10 months of obligation in a rental vs. 30 years in a house. You can not predict the future, do you?

No one can predict what will happen to the market, the jobs, or the evolution of cities. The point is that you spend $400 000 on a decent house, with nice location, good comfort, and you have to care for it all the time, gardens, painting or plumbing, and in a rental you don`t have to do any of that, plus you don`t get yourself in debt. It is even easier to get a loan for a multi family deal that is for a home, regardless of your financial situation. Another point is that you don`t include a house in your net worth, simply because a house is not an asset. Owning a house is not an investment, it`s a trap, it doesn`t give you freedom. The thing is, realities change, and you don`t want to be stuck in a house that probably some day you don`t feel good about. That`s why to want to rent because you can leave when you feel like. These are the main reasons why you shouldn't buy a house. Make sure to follow me on social media for more great content and feel free to message me at any time if you have anything that I can help you with, meanwhile click the image below to know more about my work and my mentors. My name is Pedro Campos, and it was a pleasure having you as a reader. Have a great day!



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