4 H and Youth Development Resume Fact Sheet Template

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4-H and Youth Development Fact Sheet | March 2016


Tools used in one’s job search will help distinguish one individual from other job applicants. A resume is a compelling, neatly organized, summary of one’s skills, abilities, and achievements. It’s a primary tool used in helping persons with their career search. Five basic categories are included on a basic resume: Full name, Personal contact information, Work experience, Educational qualifications, Training and Special skills. Your future employer will look at this snapshot of your resume and determine whether you are a good fit for their company. Make a good impression the first time. “On an average, 250 resumes are received for each corporate job opening.” John Sullivan

“Recruiters spend 80% of their time reviewing: Name, Current title/company, Previous title/company, Previous position start and end dates, Current position start and end dates and education.” The Ladder

“Three common resume mistakes that automatically disqualify a candidate are: 1. Typos (58%) 2. Resumes not personalized to position, and 3. Resumes that don’t include a list of skills (35%).” CareerBuilder

TheCooperativeExtensionProgramservespeopleofallagesregardlessofrace,color,nationalorigin,sex,religion,disability,politicalbeliefs,and maritalorfamilystatus(Notallclassesareprotectedbylegalstatues).IssuedinthefurtheranceofCooperativeExtensionWork,ActofSeptember29, 1977incooperationwiththeU.S.DepartmentofAgricultureandTexasAgrilifeExtension.Dr.JamesPalmer,InterimDeanandDirectorofLand-Grant Programs, College of Agriculture and Human Sciences, Prairie View A & M University.

Published by 4-H Program Specialist, Joice A. Jeffries, Ph.D. 936.261.5148 | jojeffries@pvamu.edu

Resume Guide: General Information to consider when creating your resume

For further information:


The Cooperative Extension Program serves people of all ages regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, disability, political beliefs, and marital or family status (Not all classes are protected by legal statues). Issued in the furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work, Act of September 29, 1977 in cooperation with the U. S. Department of Agriculture and Texas Agrilife Extension. Dr. James Palmer, Interim Dean and Director of Land-Grant Programs, College of Agriculture and Human Sciences, Prairie View A & M University.

Published by 4-H Program Specialist, Joice A. Jeffries, Ph.D. 936.261.5148 | jojeffries@pvamu.edu

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