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Diamy B Camara

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Numerical Experimentation of Bio-physicochemical Interaction of Airborne Species in the Pulmonary Circulation Diamy B Camara

Mentor: Kazeem Olanrewaju Chemical Engineering Department

Introduction: The human physiology is a complex network of systems and units meticulously design to function in unison and perpetuate innumerable operations needed to maintain body systems homeostasis[1-5]. These physiological operations are initiated and sustained by proper functioning of the delivery system (circulatory) system.The deliverables include nutrients, electrolytes, gaseous species, hormones, cells, wastes are transported by blood, a complex fluid, and transformed by interacting with one another and various organs, tissues, and cells of interest along the pathway of flow[6-8]. Cardiovascular/Circulatory system mainly addresses the systemic, portal, and pulmonary circulations of blood to organs of the body and the lungs respectively[7, 9] . Vital species needed for proper physiological functioning and homeostatically stability of the body systems are received at various sites, transported, and deliver via the bloodstream to the site of utilization (mostly cells) and disposal. Life-supporting gaseous molecules (O2 and CO2) and other airborne species (antigen) or gases access the physiological system through the respiratory tracts and are transported downstream to the alveoli where exchange via diffusion into the bloodstream occur[10-13]. The oxygenated blood is subsequently convey through the pulmonary vein and received into the cardiac unit (heart) via the left atrium. Preceding description succinctly delineate pulmonary circulation. This project will systematically explore various mechanisms associated with physiological and pathophysiological implications of biophysicochemical interaction of airborne species in the cardiopulmonary circulation system. Materials and Methods: Highlighting Species Transport and Transformation in the Pulmonary Circulation LoopA schematic flow process of species in the pulmonary circulation loop will be developed to have a clear perspective of species transport and transformation from one stage to another. Species transport begins at the respiratory system entrance, traverses and transformed through the various organs, tissues, and cells germane to the cardiopulmonary systems, and afterwards disperse to all other systems of the body via the systemic and portal circulation flow vessel for metabolisms and other physiological functionality. Defining Transport and Transformation Mechanism at each Stage of flow process Transport mechanism at each stage of the process was defined, and transformational mechanism was equally elucidated as the flow progresses within the pulmonary circulation loop. Specific mechanism was allotted to each stage in the flow process. Numerical Experimentation: Numerical experimentation involve the use computer and modeling software to perform experiments. This study will adopt two computational modelling platforms to conduct the numerical experimentation of biophysicochemical interaction of species delivery and disposal at the various sites in the pulmonary circulation system. The two computational platforms, which include Simpleware (Synopsys) and Comsol Multiphysics softwares, will be utilized sequentially for complex geometry development[14, 15]. Results and Discussion: The flow chart portraying step-by-step processes involve in the pulmonary circulation loop within the cardiovascular and respiratory systems was developed. The essence of the flow chart is to lucidly depict the different stages where transport and transformation of species occur within the pulmonary circulation. Organs within the loop are arranged in sequential order in the red borderline rectangular block flow diagram, while transport and transformation of species at different stages in the pulmonary circulation are highlighted in blue borderline rectangular block. The rationale behind the flow chart is the development of a platform that will assist in expressing explicitly the various physiological mechanisms underscoring the different specie transport and transformation processes involve in the pulmonary circulation. The next step is to expound qualitatively these mechanisms and develop/adopt various numerical model to quantitatively describe and characterize these physiological processes. Conclusion(s) or Summary: Development of the schematic flow chart advanced the research task a significant step forward and set a plausible platform for a qualitative depiction of the physiological mechanisms needed to clearly understand species transport and transformation within the pulmonary circulation loop. A clear view of where species transport and transformation apply within the pulmonary blood circulation circuit are made evident. Numerical quantification of species transport and transformation processes characterize by detail physiological mechanisms will be subsequently explored through modeling. Insight gained will be utilized to understand range of pathophysiological conditions associated with cardiopulmonary circulation and the pertinent diagnostic procedures and therapeutic measures needed to remedy the disease of interest. The next step is to expound qualitatively these mechanisms and develop/adopt various numerical model to

quantitatively describe and characterize these physiological processes.Numerical experimentation involving the use of computer and modeling software to perform experiments will be conducted. A systematic study of both the vascular transportation and cellular transformation mechanisms will be numerically explored to quantify concentration of airborne species and the three canonical variables (pressure, temperature, and volume) consider as measurable physiological status predictors of the human system at any given time. Others derived variables such as resistance, flow velocity and viscosity will be equally assess to better understand mechanism of pathogenesis of disease such as pulmonary embolism and thromboembolism. Major challenges are software acquisition bureaucracy and bottleneck with remote software accessibility cause by the recent cyber attack.


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Awardee and Student:

Dr. Kazeem Olanrewaju is an Assistant Professor with research interests in Fluid-Structure in Human Systems, Biorenewable and Supercritical Fluid Reactions, Energy and Environmental Systems Sustainability Diamy Bekale Camara is a senior majoring in Chemical

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