Audrey Culipher’s ’26 Adventures Living in
Germany I moved to Germany during the summer between sixth and seventh grade, during the height of Covid. We had to move because my father had been deployed over to Ramstein, Germany in December; my mother wanted to keep our family together, so we moved over the summer. This would be my second time traveling outside of the US, but my first time to Germany. The day we left the US was a nerve-racking day; in the morning we were cleaning the house, and in the afternoon we were saying our goodbyes to our cousins and our dog, Tucker. Leaving everything we knew and were accustomed to was hard, but leaving behind all our family and our dog was really hard, especially for my two younger sisters.
After arriving in Ramstein, Germany, we moved into a small bachelor apartment where our dad was staying. Our mother had to go back to the US for work so it was just us four kids and our dad in a two bedroom, one-bathroom home. We lived in that apartment for the majority of the summer until our dad found a house for rent. We soon started school at at the DODEA school on base, thatisiswhere whereII met base, that some of the best friends som I had ever had. We never visited the US at all during those two years, but we had our grandparents on both bothsides come to visit. The best part of living in Germany was that we could Germany travel travel to three different countries in about an hour or two.