The AI-Based Career Coach

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The AI-Based Career Coach When I asked attendees to think strategically about the role that HR plays in determining how AI affects HR, and how people have the right skills to thrive in this changing workplace, many wanted to know what AI could provide strategic support for what they do. Do it already.

Suffice it to say, there are such services on the market and more are emerging all the time. While many offer very traditional services with bells and whistles, here are a few that are interesting enough to mention. One of them is Kronos, a startup, and they started working with IBM to develop an AI-driven career coach called AIMEE.

The contribution is to provide career support to hourly workers by helping them learn their habits and norms and helping them with their work and overall growth. The ultimate goal is to ensure that the workforce has the necessary skills, but also to ensure that they are engaged enough to remain in a particular organization.

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In addition to supporting individuals, the platform promises to deliver valuable data to HR managers, as well as information on everything from employee fatigue to succession planning. What's more, the platform helps workers maintain a good work-life balance and can also identify potential conflicts with their employer. The ultimate goal is to reduce the churn rate, which can be very harmful for most companies, but especially for those who hire hourly workers.

And is a major commitment of our two companies, "IBM said. Suffice it to say that other tools can help I wrote last year about a new tool launched by the MOOC network Coursera, aimed at providing an audit of any company's skills before recommending courses to help plug it in. Shortcomings. If this is a fascinating tool, AIMEE will probably go one step further.

Could this be a career coach at work in the future? It's a fascinating idea and I would love to see it put into practice. We have already seen machine learning technology take over some of the job of career counselors. There is also a chatbots trying to be a career coach (hope they are better than LinkedIn's mediocre job recommendation algorithm.) IBM uses AI to guide job seekers through their search.

A good career coach will listen to you, help you formulate ideas, guide you through a vague process, mentally support you, and reflect to you on your terms. The answer to my clickbait title is that machine learning technology can't do this yet.

But there are no good career coaches. And some can even get a good career coach. Furthermore, not every company offers career coaching, which helps employees navigate their next steps. Tools that help people navigate a world filled with increasingly vague career paths can be very helpful.

Like many jobs, career coaches are never replaced by robots or artificial intelligence. There are always people who like to work with people on machines. With the emergence of new tools and technologies, the role of career coaches is changing. Career coaches need to be aware of these changes. Office and available roles are changing fast. Career coaches should be able to train their clients through these changes. They need to rethink old career advice, especially when our job search is becoming less human. University career departments especially need upskill.

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