PWAPM E-Gazette, March 2022

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March 2022 Edition

March 2022 Edition

Presidents Report Welcome back! Hoping all our PWAPM sponsors and members have had a happy and healthy new year so far. Who would have thought that Covid-19 would still be impacting us? As we have begun making plans for the next 12 months and continue to navigate through the challenges in 2022, it has become apparent that flexibility is the key! The PWAPM Leadership Conference has now been postponed to March 2023, however we are looking forward to our very first National Networking Breakfast at Pesticon in June this year. I encourage you all to attend this national two-day pest conference facilitated by AEPMA. One of the biggest benefits of attending a conference is getting know other people in your field, and it’s a key opportunity for networking. This is a time where you can meet people who you admire and make some “pestie besties”. It can be both inspiring and educational. Finally, it shouldn’t be overlooked that attending a conference is good fun! Although a conference is unequivocally a work event, it can still be enjoyable. I am looking forward to catching up and meeting many women at the conference. I am excited that nominations for all the PWAPM

recognition awards are now open. Details on each award, nomination forms, and the networking breakfast, can be found in this edition of the gazette and via the PWAPM website. I have been very saddened by the devastation caused from the flooding in Queensland and NSW. My thoughts are with all those pest companies affected and those working around the clock to keep people safe. Like so many others, I am in awe of the resilience and courage shown in the face of such hardship, and sincerely hope that you and your loved ones remain safe during this crisis. I hope you enjoy this edition of the e-gazette and find some useful content. I am looking forward to continuing as President and working with the rest of the PWAPM board members in 2022.

Nicky Turner

PWAPM Gazette


PWAPM 2022 Don’t Just Say Your Nominee is outstanding – Prove It! Proudly sponsored by BASF, the 2022 PWAPM Excellence Award seeks to recognise and highlight the achievement of a women who has advanced in the pest management industry. Nominations are now open for inspiring women within the industry who embody leadership qualities and embrace the principals of corporate responsibility. The PWAPM Excellence Award winner will be recognised as a woman in the pest control industry that has not only shown outstanding leadership but has dedicated her time and energy in making notable contributions to the development and growth of others within the industry. Nominations are open to women working in upper management, sales representatives, manufacturers, technicians, insurance, and research organisations within Australia.

For more information and to nominate please click here.


PWAPM Gazette

March 2022 Edition

PWAPM 2022

Excellence Award Winners Panel with - Kylee Enwright - Michelle Downs - Kuyan Rider

PWAPM Gazette



Female Administration

OF THE YEAR AWARD 2022 NOMINATIONS ARE NOW OPEN! Proudly sponsored by PCT International, the PWAPM Female Administrator of the Year Award recognises an outstanding Administrator working in the Pest Control Industry. For many Pest Control businesses, the Administrator is the backbone; the hub that keeps it together; the cog that keeps the wheels turning. Do you know of an outstanding female Administrator that has gone above and beyond in their role? Your nomination should include examples of how the Administrator has shown excellence in her work, as an individual and as a member of a team, as well as how she has contributed to our industry in a broader sense.

For more information and to nominate please click here.


PWAPM Gazette

March 2022 Edition


Female Trainee

OF THE YEAR AWARD 2022 NOMINATIONS ARE NOW OPEN! Proudly sponsored by BAYER, the PWAPM Female Trainee of the Year Award recognises an outstanding Trainee working in the Pest Control Industry. Trainees are the future of our industry. We want to recognise a female that has strived for and achieved success, best practice, and innovation in training. Do you know of an outstanding female Trainee that has gone above and beyond in their role? Your nomination should include examples of how the Trainee has shown excellence in her work, as an individual and as a member of a team, as well as how she has contributed to our industry in a broader sense. NOMINATIONS FOR ALL AWARDS CLOSE FRIDAY 29th APRIL 5pm.

For more information and to nominate please click here.

PWAPM Gazette


CANCELLATION OF THE 2022 PWAPM NATIONAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE We regret to inform you that the PWAPM Leadership Conference scheduled for March 2022 has been cancelled. The PWAPM Board of Directors made the difficult decision to cancel due to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases throughout Australia, as well as the continuing closures of businesses, restaurants, clubs, bars and venues in QLD. While it is predicted that case numbers would settle by the end of February, many of our delegates and speakers would be travelling from interstate to attend the Conference and may be reluctant to do so given the fluidity of the pandemic situation. We believe it is in everyone’s best interest that we cancel the conference. We understand that this decision is disappointing for many of you, and we are sincerely sorry. The PWAPM Leadership Conference Committee is already working on our March 2023 Event. This has been booked in for the 9th of March – 11th March 2023. Make sure you save the date. On a happy note, the 2022 PWAPM Female Administrator and Female Trainee of the Year Awards will still proceed. The winners will be announced at the National PWAPM Networking Breakfast, held at Pesticon, The Star, Gold Coast, on the 7th of June 2022. 2023 Leadership Major Conference Sponsors Gold Sponsor Gala Dinner Reception – Rapid Solutions Welcome Reception Sponsor – Ensystex Closing Party Sponsor – Syngenta Big Breakfast Sponsor - TBC


PWAPM Gazette

March 2022 Edition


The 2022 PWAPM Networking Breakfast sponsored by Ecolab will host a variety of speakers and panels from women who have advanced in the pest management industry. The breakfast will be held at The Star, Gold Coast – AEPMA (Pesticon) Conference on Tuesday 7th June. Breakfast guests will present on industry trends, business learnings and opportunities. This event aims to connect and foster constructive conversation between women in the pest management industry. The winners of the Trainee and Administrator of the Year Award will be announced at the breakfast. This will be an opportunity to be in a room with like-minded people and meeting experts and leaders face to face. This is an opportunity for women to meet some of their business influences, having the opportunity to be in the same room as them and listen to how they approach business. This breakfast is open to PWAPM Members and women delegates attending the Pesticon conference. There is limited seating so you will need to register, and it will be on a first in basis. Please click here to book. Thank you to our major sponsor Ecolab.

PWAPM Gazette


Planning is again underway and AEPMA is looking forward to hosting Pesticon 2022 at The Star Gold Coast on the 6th – 8th June. The change in dates has allowed us the opportunity to freshen up the program and expand our Social program. We would urge all members of the pest control community to attend this important event. The topics and speakers will provide an important insight into the future of pest control. We are thrilled to have “Technology Futurist”, Shara Evans as our Keynote presenter. Regarded as a leading expert on emerging technologies, cyber security, digital privacy and the future of health, humanity and work, Shara is regularly featured on television. She’s appeared on Sky News, ABC’s Q&A, The Project, Weekend Sunrise, Lateline, and more! Shara shows organisations how to take advantage of the opportunities underpinned by emerging technologies. As one of the world’s top female futurists, Shara is one of those rare individuals who merges incredible technical skills with an innate understanding of the social and economic impact of new technologies. The rest of the program is exciting and full of outstanding and interesting topics and presenters, such as a panel session on “Going Digital”; Dr Don enlightening us on Termites and the “Ask an Expert” Workshop run by a panel of AEPMA pest managers, with a wealth of experience in all things Pest Management. Other presentations include topics such as Digital Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, Training, Employment and Insurance – a must attend for any business owners or managers. Keep an eye out on the conference website –


PWAPM Gazette

March 2022 Edition The Exhibition Hall will once again be a hub of activity at the conference. Key manufacturers and suppliers will be showcasing the latest products and services for all aspects of your business. The conference will offer some fantastic networking opportunities, with the change in dates allowing us to expand the social networking program. The conference will kick-off with the Welcome Reception on the Monday evening. Tuesday morning will see the women come together at the PWAPM Networking Breakfast and on the Tuesday afternoon we will be introducing a new social opportunity with “Happy Hour” Pub Night being held in the Exhibition Hall following the day’s presentations. Finally we will end the conference with a bang with the Conference Gala Dinner. New to this year’s program will be the talents of comedian Andrew Nason at the Gala Dinner Awards Ceremony!!! We’d like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors – Agserv, BASF, Bayer, Ensystex, FMC, Rapid Solutions, Sentricon & Syngenta. Attractive early bird rates are available until 29th April 2022. Full delegate packages start at $450 for members and $475 for non-members with further savings for 2 or more delegates. Take advantage of the special discounted accommodation rates at The Star Gold Coast. These can be found on the conference website. To book, click on the link on the Accommodation page of the conference website. But don’t delay - places are filling fast! For further details regarding the conference and to register online, simply visit the conference website at – https://

PWAPM Gazette


Helpful Information

Workplace Policies – Why Employers Should Have Them Workplace policies are essential as they help reinforce and clarify the standards expected of employees and help employers manage staff more effectively. Top 3 tips in relation to employment policies. 1.

Avoid incorporating policies into the employment contract. Policies should be expressed in the contract as reasonable management directions. That is an obligation owed by the employee to follow directions of the employer. It is otherwise not necessary or advisable in incorporate policies into the employment contracts. Doing so can reduce the employer’s flexibility to change and remove policies that are no longer suited for your business, as this would require the agreement of both parties.


Ensure you have policies for those issues for which you can be held vicariously liable. For example, policies in relation to sexual harassment, discrimination and work health and safety. The existence of these policies, training on them, can help demonstrate the steps you have taken to meet your legal obligations.


Ensure you notify employees when you introduce or change policies. It is a good idea to maintain a register confirming which employees received a copy of the policy. If the policy is a key document, such as a Code of Conduct, you should consider whether training is required. It may also be helpful to keep a signed copy on each employee’s personnel profile so that it can be relied on in performance appraisals or disciplinary proceedings. You should be mindful that consultation requirements normally apply when implementing or changing work, health, and safety policies.

It is a good idea to obtain advice from a professional employment legal firm to review your policies for legal compliance, or to undertake training for you. Contact your local legal firm and speak to an experienced employment lawyer if you are unsure if you have the correct workplace policies in place.


PWAPM Gazette

March 2022 Edition

Position Descriptions A position description is a written statement that describes the purpose or objective of a role, the list of tasks performed by the role holder, and the description of how, and under what conditions the person performs the job. Position descriptions are a valuable tool that are underrated by many businesses. There are four key reasons that position descriptions are vital for your business. 1.

Position descriptions ensure you are recruiting the most suitable candidates for your business, can be used to easily create job advertisements and can be a useful reference tool when interviewing candidates.


Position descriptions ensure your expectations are established and met. They clearly set out what is required of an employee and can include Key Performance Indicators. In this way, position descriptions can form the basis of performance appraisal and performance improvement discussions.


Position descriptions can assist with the correct classification of employees under Award coverage.


Position descriptions can assist your business to tackle unexpected or complex events, for example: •

They can be sent to WorkCover in the case of a workers’ compensation claim and can form the basis of any return to work plan.

They can be relied upon to plan business restructures, and to justify the basis for any redundancies.

They can be produced as part of any bundle of material you supply to interested parties if you are tendering for work, or if you seek to sell your business.

Ultimately, when position descriptions are kept accurate and up to date, they can help to streamline your operation, mitigate risk, and go some way to limiting your liability.

PWAPM Gazette


Techniques on How to Deal with Stress in the Office There are some effective ways to deal with stress at work in the office environment. •

The first thing you want to do if you are feeling stress at work is to just start to breathe. So often when we feel stressed, we either completely stop breathing or we breathe shallowly. So, you want to start to take some nice deep breaths, hands on your lower belly. Really let yourself have Buddha belly, and really make sure that you are inhaling into the bottom of your lungs, using the full capacity of your lungs. This will help you feel calm and centred. This will help you clear your mind and just make you feel better.

Next thing you want to do is treat the body. When we are stressed, we have the stressed hormones adrenaline and cortisol running through our system, and they can create chronic tension and tightness. So, what you want to do is get up from your desk and literally just start to use your muscles in a different way. Shake your arms, shake out your hands, shake out your legs. If you can, do a little bouncing. Bounce up and down, loosen your shoulders and just let the movement of your body start to release some of this holding. Start to get blood, start to get oxygen flowing through your system. You’ll start to feel better quickly.

Next thing you want to do is get organised. If you don’t have a to do list, create one! I know this sounds so simple, but trust that it really works. Write down everything that you must do, get it on a piece of paper, and have everything that you need to do in front of you. If you have simple or smaller things to do that are easy to take care of, do those first, get them out of the way, cross them off the list. Then tackle the harder things.

Another great little tip is to limit your emails. If you can, check your emails every ten, every fifteen minutes. This will limit distractions from your emails, and this will help you to stay focused on your task at hand.

And finally, if you can, try to identify the source of your stress. What at work is stressing you out? Is it a person? Can you sit down with them and have a conversation? Is it a certain task or quotation? Is it not as organised as it should be, or do you need to map it out with greater precision? Identifying your source at work can help you figure out what, if anything, you can change.

Work is stressful, there is no doubt about it. But there are little things you can do, little steps you can take to help you feel better throughout the day.


PWAPM Gazette

March 2022 Edition

We want to hear from you The PWAPM’s mission is to attract, develop and support women in the pest management industry. We aim to do this through ensuring our members are supported, connected and best able to make a positive impact in pest management. As the PWAPM continues to grow and evolve, we want to make sure we keep checking in with our valuable members to ask about their needs in business and what benefits and services they see as valuable for us to offer, support or champion. We’ve developed a short phone survey to ask these questions and gather some valuable data on women in the pest management industry. Our board members Nicky Turner, Tara Kiker, Belinda Smith and Rhiannon Brown will be contacting our members over the coming weeks. We’d love if you’d have the time to answer our survey questions – should only take 5-10 minutes!



Belinda Mae Smith

PWAPM Gazette

Rhiannon Brown


Carolyn Beddoes


Where do you work & what area?

What is the one skill you think everyone should have in pest control?

Propest Pest Control & TermitesRus - Melbourne.

Knowledge and understanding of the environment and how it effects our industry.

What is your role/position?

Customer Relations Manager.

What was your first paying job?

What led you to pest control?

The man in my life and his commitment and dedication to the Pest Control Industry.

What is one thing that most people don’t know about you?

Our staff and there dedication and commitment.

Who inspired you? Who do you aspire to be like?

My grandfather the world is your oyster and you goals are achievable with patients and understanding. Growing and establishing a family business.

Shark diving.

What motivates you to work hard?

Knowing we are providing our clients with the best pest control solutions.

What is something you find challenging about your work? Juggling work / technicians work schedules to maximize productivity.


For me first impression doesn’t matter people are different if you get to know them.

What would you prefer: Shark diving, bungee jumping or sky diving?

What’s the greatest risk you have ever taken?

Staff and customer satisfaction.

What advice would you give your teenage self?

Live life and don’t be frighten to step outside your comfort zone.

What do you like about where you work?

What is the most exciting part of your job?

Apprenticeship: Graphic Reproduction.

Which of your accomplishments are you most proud of? My children and the fine young adults they have become.

What’s the weirdest Wikipedia rabbit hole you’ve stumbled down? I don’t use Wikipedia.

Friday Night do you: Stay home or go out?

Go out.

PWAPM Gazette

March 2022 Edition

Do you believe in Ghosts?

What’s your most prized possession & why?

What’s the single best piece of advice you have ever received?

What is one totally irrational fear that you have?


Australian mint hand painted bird on a tree stem which is from my grandparents that can be passed down through the generations.

To be happy and content in your life.

Ophidiophobia a kind of phobia where you have a fear of snakes.

Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies?

What is one thing you are really bad at?

Ceramics, Swimming laps at the pool and walking.

Standing on my two feet.

If you had to spend $10,000 today, how would you spend it?

Have you ever met someone who is famous?

Take the family on an all expenses paid holiday.

Bert Newton and John Farnham the year they were crowned King of Moomba.

Who is your least favourite celebrity?

How would your friends describe you?

The Kardashians.

Fun loving grumpy bear.

If you could redo one day in your life, what would it be and why?

Which historical figure would you most like to meet?

Having my grandparents come over at 2pm every Saturday.

Joan of Arc

What three items would you take with you to a deserted island?

What would be the title of your autobiography? If I only knew.

Genie in a bottle, a never ending case of gin and a hammock.

What one thing you saw recently that made you smile?

If you could pick one age to be permanently, which age would you choose?

My girlfriend had a little too much to drink and slipped off the boat and slid down the mud when trying to get back up.

22, care free and living life to the fullest.

What song would you sing at a karaoke night?

If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?

Moving Pictures - What About Me.

Time travel.

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

What’s the top destination on your must-visit list?

Roast lamb.

What animal would you consider your animal spirit?

Santorini island, Greece.

What’s your most hated house chore? Cleaning the shower.


PWAPM Gazette



Sue Higgins

Where do you work & what area?

What would you prefer: Shark, diving, bungee jumping or sky diving?

CDI Pest Management in Toowoomba.


What is your role/position?

Friday Night do you: Stay home or go out?

Service Manager.

Stay Home.

What led you to pest control?

Do you believe in Ghosts?

I was looking for something different.


What do you like about where you work?

No day is exactly the same. My role covers many aspects of administration.

What’s the single best piece of advice you have ever received?

Don’t sweat the small stuff.

What motivates you to work hard? Pride in my work.

What is something you find challenging about your work? Getting the scheduling just right.

If you had to spend $10,000 today, how would you spend it? A new bathroom.

Who is your least favourite celebrity?

What is the most exciting part of your job? Learning new things.

The Kardashians.

What is the one skill you think everyone should have in pest control?

If you could redo one day in your life, what would it be and why?


What was your first paying job?

What would be the title of your autobiography?


What advice would you give your teenage self?

I shouldn’t have said that.

Do what you think is right for you. Don’t worry about what others think.


My wedding day - would have eloped instead. I let everyone else tell me what I should be doing and didn’t enjoy the day.

What one thing you saw recently that made you smile? Cat video.

PWAPM Gazette

March 2022 Edition

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Roast pork.

Which historical figure would you most like to meet? Jesus.

What animal would you consider your animal spirit?

What three items would you take with you to a deserted island?

What’s your most prized possession & why?

If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?

What is one totally irrational fear that you have?

What’s the top destination on your must-visit list?

What is one thing you are really bad at?

What’s your most hated house chore?


Photos of my children. I don’t see them very often. Failing.


Books, music and food. Invisibility.



How would your friends describe you? Funny.

PWAPM Gazette


Wilara Turner


Where do you work & what area?

From taking this risk, I’ve learnt that if we want a new pet, you just need to buy it and bring it home. Don’t give Mum any warning. Just do it.

Laguna Pest Control - Noosa, QLD.

What is your role/position?

What motivates you to work hard?

Office & Accounts Manager.

My French bulldog, Gloria. Her vet bills are pretty expensive.

What led you to pest control?

Whilst I was studying a Bachelor of Criminology and Justice at uni, I was desperate for money and I needed a job. Something that was casual and flexible with my hours. My parents offered me a parttime position in admin, just answering the phone and scheduling in jobs. However, one thing led to another and I decided to stay on board full time.

What is something you find challenging about your work?

What do you like about where you work?

Pay day, probably. Aside from that though, I’ve just enrolled to do a Diploma of Business and I’m excited to learn new things and apply them to the business.

I like nearly everything, it’s hard to pinpoint just one thing. We have a great team and despite the age difference between them and myself, I’ve never felt out of place. I like breaking down our systems and trying to work out how I can improve them and make our jobs easier. I like how there’s always something to learn and work on. I also like that I can bring my dog to work.

What is the most exciting part of your job?

What is the one skill you think everyone should have in pest control? Communication!

What was your first paying job?

Who inspired you? Who do you aspire to be like?

This is going to sound cheesy, but I think we all saw it coming: my parents. They’re the most hardworking and driven people that I know. They put 110% effort into everything they do. I was also inspired by so many of the amazing women I met at the Leadership Conference in 2021. They really made me believe that my job is more than just a job.

What’s the greatest risk you have ever taken?

The networking! I struggle talking to new people and I feel like I’ve got some big shoes to fill in that department. Because no one can network like Nicky can.

I worked at a baby clothes shop over the summer school holidays.

What advice would you give your teenage self?

I was only a teenager a few years ago, so I’ve still got a lot to learn in life. But there are few things I need to tell my younger self. Don’t move out of home, it’s expensive. Stop using Pantene shampoo and conditioner, it’s bad for your hair. Stop wishing you can change things about you and your body, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.

I really wanted a dog but Mum said I wasn’t allowed to buy one. But I bought one. It’s still a shock that I wasn’t kicked out of home.


PWAPM Gazette

March 2022 Edition What is one thing that most people don’t know about you?

Before deciding to follow a career in pest control, I completed a Bachelor in Criminology and Justice. I also worked for Crime Stoppers as a hotline girl for a while. So if anyone ever wants to have a chat about serial killers or how to get away with murder, I’m your girl.

What would you prefer: Shark diving, bungee jumping or sky diving? Sky Diving.

Which of your accomplishments are you most proud of?

I’m not the brightest person, so I’m pretty proud of myself for sticking out uni and finishing my degree.

What’s the weirdest Wikipedia rabbit hole you’ve stumbled down?

I don’t really use Wikipedia. But I once watched an hour worth of TikToks of people air frying different types of food. If you don’t have an air fryer, please go and invest in one. Right now. It’s worth it.

Friday Night do you: Stay home or go out?

Probably my 18th birthday party. And my 19th. And my 20th. 21st. 22nd. I have no recollection those nights. Obviously drank too much soda water.

What would be the title of your autobiography? A Few of my Favourite Things.

What one thing you saw recently that made you smile?

My pet chickens. One day I’m also going to have ducks, goats, llamas, etc. I’m still deciding whether I should wait until I can buy a farm, or if I should buy the animals and bring them home and face the wraith of Nicky.

What song would you sing at a karaoke night? WAP by Cardi B.

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Pizza. Pizza. Pizza.

What animal would you consider your animal spirit?

I took three different quizzes on Google and they all told me a bear.

What’s your most prized possession & why?

Stay Home.

Definitely my $799 Dyson Hair-Dryer. It’s changed my life.

Do you believe in Ghosts?

What is one totally irrational fear that you have?


Open water.

What’s the single best piece of advice you have ever received?

It’s not really a piece of advice, but this was a turning point for me. The first time I met Tara Grohs, which was at the Leadership Conference 2021, I was telling her about how I was studying a criminology degree and working for my parents, and how I was undecided about which career path I wanted to take. I told her I was leaning towards staying at Laguna Pest Control and she replied, “you don’t think you’re just taking the easy route?”. Well then. This question was on my mind for months. And Tara, I finally have an answer for it. No, I don’t think I’ve taken the easy route, because this job is HARD. It’s long hours, it’s stressful and I never feel like I’m on top of things. But for some bizarre reason, I love it.

Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies?

On average, I can type 75 words a minute. That’s my only talent. But a few of my hobbies include hanging out with my favourite things in life: my little sister Yindi, my best friend Rachie, Gloria, and our pet chickens.

If you had to spend $10,000 today, how would you spend it? I guess the right answer would be using it to pay off some of my hecs debt. But I’ve been eyeing off a Louis Vuitton handbag for a while now. And I really want to buy a pony.

Who is your least favourite celebrity?

If you could redo one day in your life, what would it be and why?

I really can’t stand Andrew in this year’s season of Married at First Sight.

What is one thing you are really bad at?

I’m bad a lot of things. Sport. Cooking. Answering these questions.

Have you ever met someone who is famous? Does the Jay & Nicky Turner count?

How would your friends describe you?

According to the message I just sent them asking this: A ray of sunshine, kind, caring, determined, focused, thoughtful, and passionate. But my best friend knows me the best and she said, “a crackhead with beautiful hair.”

Which historical figure would you most like to meet? Steve Irwin.

What three items would you take with you to a deserted island? Sun tanning oil. A good book. A juice bar.

If you could pick one age to be permanently, which age would you choose? I like my age now, 23. Free of wrinkles and grey hairs.

If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? I wish I could freeze time.

What’s the top destination on your must-visit list? I want to travel the whole wide world.

What’s your most hated house chore? Dishes are the worst.

PWAPM Gazette



Many of our readers may already be familiar with the name Doug Balsom, having appeared in the Professional Pest Manager Magazine, ‘Pesties Giving Back’ a new segment of the magazine, sharing stories of pest managers who give back to their communities. However, many may not be familiar with the work Doug has been doing in support of the pest control industry. In addition to being the Managing Director of the successful pest control company, Serial Pest Control, which services the greater Sydney area, Doug is the creator of the Australian Pest Managers Facebook group; a place where those in the industry can communicate, asking questions, sharing tips, their experiences and knowledge, in a safe and non-threatening online environment. The Australian Pest Managers Facebook page allows businesses, suppliers, producers, manufacturers and educators in the industry to connect with each other. In addition to the national page each state has its own Facebook page. Doug believes the use of social media is a great way to encourage conversation between those in the industry. In addition, Doug launched the NSW Pest Managers Awards to recognize pest managers of NSW and their achievements behind the scenes to promote the industry. Two new awards will be added in 2022 – “Pest Technician of the Year” and also a “Rising star’ award for technicians with less than 3 years’ experience. Australian Pest Managers Jobs & Traineeships, Mentorship a private group in each state open only to members have also been created providing opportunity for persons to express an interest in working in the industry; recruitment or connecting with a mentor in the pest control industry. Doug is keen for women in the industry to be a part of the conversation. The Facebook group and page is open to all persons in the pest control industry and all members should be able to confidently raise questions without discouragement by way of condescension, bullying, harassment or personal attack. Like the Professional Women in Australian Pest Management (PWAPM) association through The Australian Pest Managers Facebook group and page, Doug envisages opportunities for women to connect and engage online in a supported environment. It’s all about paying it forward.


PWAPM Gazette

March 2022 Edition


Bayer goes behind the scenes (whilst enjoying the smell of freshly baked bread) and learns how Eagle Pest keeps Bakers Delight pest-free and their reputation intact. Here’s the first three tips. •

Be available.

Service monthly.

Ask staff if they’ve seen any pest activity.

PWAPM Gazette



As summer business heats up, a strong focus on work, health and safety (WHS) in pest work becomes increasingly important. Especially when it comes to heat exhaustion and manual handling. Being called out to perform pest control work requires a certain degree of physical labour. As do most of the job activities in this sector. This opens up you and your crew to many risks, with the above-mentioned two are what you’ve told us are of greatest concern during these hotter months. Here is a guide as to when these may be a problem and how to avoid them. The Big Risks for WHS in Pest Jobs It’s not only hotter during this time of year, we’re working harder than we do at other times of year. Often without taking the breaks we should and unconsciously prioritising speed over safety. Which is why we need to pay special WHS attention to… Heat exhaustion Heat exhaustion is always a risk when conducting a


certain degree of physical labour, however the level of risk rises significantly during our peak season. Some tasks increase the likelihood further. For example, the personal protective equipment (PPE) required during pest control jobs can get very hot when worn for an extended period of time. Another activity that will increase the likelihood of heat exhaustion is a roof inspection. Climbing through a ceiling manhole or crawling under a property and then spending time inspecting for damage and pests in these high temperature areas can quickly become dangerous. There’s a reason why dogs in hot cars can perish quickly. Don’t over-stay your welcome in hot, tight-squeeze areas like this. Manual handling As for manual handling risks, we all know lifting heavy chemical containers poses the risk of dropping the container, straining your back or causing injury in another way. Manual handling of heavy tool belts and sprayers also poses a risk of straining muscles or causing

PWAPM Gazette

March 2022 Edition some other injury. And beware the twists and turns that need to be executed through inspecting nooks and crannies for structural faults and pests. Manoeuvring equipment and your body through the space takes concentration and dexterity. Remember: these two big WHS risks often co-occur, with one causing the other. For example, the heat of summer can cloud your focus quickly and reduce your strength. Especially when you’ve been working too long without a break or water. Tips to Avoid WHS dangers There are some practical WHS safety measures to take to make sure you and your team reduces their risk of injury or illness. Here are helpful pointers: Plan ahead Preparing for the job well will help you navigate WHS risks successfully. A key tool for doing so is asking your customer plenty of questions about the job site and completing a] WHS risk assessment ahead of commencing. A safe work method statement could also help you not only prepare well but provide evidence of detailed preparation if the job results in an injury or accident. Check heat ahead of time Check the weather forecast and, if possible, work during cooler times of the day such as in the early morning or late afternoon. Try to avoid working days when the heat will be unbearably high (easier said than done when you’re busy!). Although there’s no law around maximum working temperature, 40°C is considered by many to be the highest temperature workers can tolerate safely.

Keep it top of mind One way of doing this is making WHS a regular topic during staff meetings and emails. Check in with your people individually on a regular basis to ensure they’re not pushing themselves, especially during peak season. A healthy employee is a productive employee. Take more breaks During particularly hot days, make sure your team are able to take additional rest breaks and encourage them to do so. Slowing the pace is better than regretting it later and having to accommodate employee downtime accompanied by a workers’ compensation pay-out. Recognising Heat Exhaustion Dangers When it comes to WHS in pest jobs, good practice means recognising the signs of heat exhaustion before it becomes a problem. Heat exhaustion can range from mild discomfort to heat stroke. Look out for the following stresses as outlined by the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety: •

Discomfort – flushed skin, increased sweating, heat rashes (prickly heat)

Mild heat illness – feeling tired, weak or dizzy, cramps, reduced work capacity, reduced attention span, irritability

Heat exhaustion – fainting, headache, low blood pressure, nausea, clammy, pale or flushed skin, normal to high body temperature (up to 39c)

Heat stroke – irritability, confusion, speech problems, hot dry skin. Convulsions, unconsciousness, body temperature above 40C, cardiac arrest

The following actions should be taken if an employee has signs of heat exhaustion:

Hydrate Make sure you and your team are keeping their fluids up with plenty of water. If you’re working in a remote location without easy access to running water, make sure to bring lots along with you and keep it in as cool a spot as possible.


Immediately move them to a cooler environment with good air movement


Loosen their clothing and, where possible, remove PPE and unneeded layers of clothing


Allow them to drink cool (not ice cold) water

Educate Teach your team about heat exhaustion symptoms, correct lifting techniques and the signs of body strain. Talk to them about feeling comfortable with saying when they need a break. Ensure they keep their knowledge up to date on the safest ways of moving through a job. Lead by example – is it time for a Rapid Training refresh?


Sponge them down with cold water to lower their body temperature


Seek medical attention if the person does not recover quickly or vomits

All the best for a safe and productive peak season.

PWAPM Gazette


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Events Calendar

December 2021 Edition

SAVE THE DATE!! March Zoom Link: Friday 25th 7pm VIC Time April Zoom Link: Friday 29th 7pm VIC Time May Zoom Link: Friday 27th 7pm VIC Time June Zoom Link: Friday 24th 7pm VIC Time

Australian Events AEPMA Conference Pesticon - 6th - 8th June 2022 PWAPM Networking Breakfast - 7th June 2022, The Star Gold Coast (Pesticon Conference)

International Events FAOPMA-Pest Summit 2022 - Nagoya, Aichi, Japan

Future PestWorld Events 2022 Boston 11th - 14th October 2023 Honolulu 17th - 20th October 2024 Denver 22nd - 25th October 2025 Orlando 21st - 24th October 2026 Grapevine 20 - 23 October * Please note that some meetings may be cancelled or postponed due to Covid-19.

Newsletter Contributions PWAPM members and sponsors are welcome to contribute to our gazette. If you have an article or relevant resources that you feel would benefit women in pest management, please forward to Cut off dates to have your content and articles in by: May 2022 Edition - 26th April 2022 August 2022 Edition – 26th July 2022

Contact Us



PWAPM Office Unit 4/1 Selkirk Drive, Noosaville Qld 4566 | Po Box 1910, Noosaville DC Qld 4566 President – Nicky Turner  0409 217 328 |  Secretary – Tara Kiker  0499 903 637 | 


PWAPM Gazette


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