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Children’s Programs
Parent/Child Together Programs
■ ANIMATION USING MINECRAFT In this class, older students will be introduced to basic animation techniques using Minecraft characters and stages. Kids will expand their observation skills and imagination by studying motion in reality and how it influences motion in animation. Older students learn about advanced tools and techniques. Students will learn how animators work by completing a variety of short animation exercises and projects and applying basic acting theories and animation principles to scenes they create. Does your child aspire to become an animator? Sign up for this class today! Note: Returning students will learn how to use new tools in the updated 2.0 software. Mar 5-Apr 9 / 9a-10a Mar 5-Apr 9 / 10:15a-11:15a Sat $150 Ages 6-8 110301 BA
Sat $150 Ages 9-14 110125 BA
■ ARTISTIC SCIENTIST! Ages 8-10 When you combine science and art, there is no doubt you will have a good time. Let your creativity explode with tin foil crafts, bubble painting, lava lamps and rock art. Science and art go hand in hand! Join us for creative crafts and loads of fun.
Feb 5-26 / 10:30a-12p Sat $85 110301 BB ■ BUG DETECTORS W/PARENT Ages 4-7 What do bees, spiders, millipedes, pill bugs, etc. have in common? They all belong to the phylum Arthropoda! Join us and learn what Arthropods are and where to find them in our parks. We will explore and learn all about some of our smallest neighbors. Sponsored by PWC Mosquito & Pest Control. Apr 30 / 9a-11a Sat $10 110301 JA ■ CARTOONING & COMIC BOOK WRITING R egistrationLink Become a comic book writer & illustrator in this fun and creative class. Young artists will learn a variety of skills - creating characters, writing stories, and creating comics. This is a great introduction to cartooning and perfect for fans of manga, anime, graphic novels, and comics. Apr 28-May 19 / 6:30p-8p Th $75 Ages 6-9 110302 DC Jan 13-Feb 3 / 6:30p-8p Th $75 Ages 8-11 110302 DA Mar 3-24 / 6:30p-8p Th $75 Ages 10-15 110302 DB
■ DADDY DAUGHTER DANCE Ages 3-12 Join us for our Daddy Daughter Dance. It’s the perfect opportunity for fathers and daughters to dress up and spend some time together. Enjoy music, games, activities, and light refreshments. This event sells out every year, so register early! Fee is $40/couple, $12 each additional daughter. Feb 5 / 4:30p-6p Sat $40 110301 DA Feb 5 / 7p-8:30p Sat $40 110301 DB
■ ELEMENTARY ART EXTRAVAGANZA Ages 6-12 Young artists will explore the works of famous artists while expanding art vocabulary, exploring new techniques, and experimenting with different art media. Jan 11-Feb 1 / 6:30p-8p T $75 110302 DD Mar 1-22 / 6:30p-8p T $75 110302 DE Apr 26-May 17 / 6:30p-8p T $75 110302 DF
■ FUN WITH PETE THE CAT Ages 3-5 Join us for some Pete the Cat Fun – stories, songs, and crafts. “It’s all good” when you are hanging with Pete. This is a drop off program; child must be able to separate from guardian. Feb 1-22 / 1p-2p T $70 110301 DC
■ KIDDIE TYME Ages 1-5 Children can romp and play in our gymnasium with fun toys and gym equipment. Join us anytime, no preregistration is required, and guardians are free. Guardian must attend with their children. Kiddie Tyme follows PWCS closures. $3/visit or $30/10 visit punch pass. Sep 20-May 26 / 10:30a-12p M-Th $3 Sep 24-May 27 / 10:30a-12p F $3