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Affordable fees | Performing opportunities | Standardized curriculum | Experienced & professionally trained instructors Prince William County Parks, Recreation & Tourism
has instructional dance programs for ages 2 through adult. Ballet, tap, hip hop, and jazz are offered, with opportunities to perform learned skills. Our program runs from Sept to June and is based on a curriculum for a progression of learned skills. Payment is divided into five sessions from Sept. to June. It is not required to register for the year-long classes. Program fees per class are due prior to start dates of each session. Registration closes after the second class during each session. Classes that do not meet the minimum requirement may be cancelled or combined. Dance classes may not be prorated. Uniforms are not required for the first two classes. No Classes: Oct. 12, Nov. 25 through Nov. 28 Students must be registered in Sessions 1 & 2 to participate in the Holiday presentation. SAVE $10
When you register and pay in full for dance classes by Sat Sept 4th for Session 1 and by Oct 24 for Session 2.

(Ballroom; Intro to Dance; Mommy/Daddy & Me; Music, Art & Dance; Adapted; Beg Tumbling/Jazz; Homeschool Musical Theatre do not qualify for the discount.)