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Historic Preservation
Locations: ■ Ben Lomond Historic Site: 10321 Sudley Manor Dr, Manassas, VA (703) 367-7872 ■ Brentsville Courthouse Historic Centre: 12229 Bristow Rd, Bristow, VA (703) 365-7895 ■ Bristoe Station Battlefield Heritage Park: Corner of Iron Brigade Unit
Ave and Tenth Alabama Way, Bristow, VA (703) 366-3049 ■ Bushy Park Historic Site, Gainesville Community Library: 4870 Lightner Rd, Haymarket, VA (703) 792-4754 ■ Lucasville School: 10516 Godwin Drive, Manassas, VA (703) 365-7895 ■ Neabsco Regional Park and Boardwalk: 15125 Blackburn Rd, Woodbridge, VA 22191 (703) 499-9812 ■ Rippon Lodge Historic Site: 15520 Blackburn Rd, Woodbridge, VA 703-792-4754 ■ Leesylvania State Park: 2001 Daniel K. Ludwig Drive, Woodbridge,Va
EVERYDAY FULL OF WORK: THE AFRICAN AMERICAN EXPERIENCE AT BEN LOMOND ALL AGES BEN LOMOND HISTORIC SITE Ben Lomond Historic Site is proud to present special guided tours focusing on the historic African American occupants of the site. Visitors can explore the historic home and the original slave quarter to learn about the enslaved population living at Ben Lomond in the years before the Civil War. Visit spaces not ordinarily open to the public. Additionally, visitors can experience the new and interactive virtual reality exhibit in the Ben Lomond Slave Quarters. Masks are required indoors during the tour. 380001 MA Sat Sep 5 / 12p-1p $5 380001 MB Sat Sep 5 / 2p-3p $5 380001 MC Sun Sep 6 / 12p-1p $5 380001 MD Sun Sep 6 / 2p-3p $5 VIRGINIA IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR ALL AGES RIPPON LODGE HISTORIC SITE Explore the history of the Spanish-American War. Speak with living history interpreters about the war and what the soldiers encountered. Self-guided tours limited to 7 people at a time. Masks are required indoors. Sat Sep 12 / 11a-3p $5 LUCASVILLE SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE AGES 6+ LUCASVILLE SCHOOL Visit the reconstructed 19th century school used by the community of Lucasville and learn about African American history in Prince William County and Northern Virginia region. No more than five people will be allowed in the school at one time and masks are required. Sat Sep 12 / 11a-4p FREE HISTORY BY CAMPFIRE: TEDDY TRAVELS TO BEN LOMOND ALL AGES BEN LOMOND HISTORIC SITE Enjoy a warm campfire at Ben Lomond Historic Site while you learn about Teddy Roosevelt’s time at Ben Lomond, a place he visited for hunting and history. 380001 MF F Sep 25 / 7:30p-9p $5 per person; children 2 and under are free. THE POTOMAC RIVER: HUB OF TRANSPORTATION AND HISTORY RIVER TOUR ALL AGES LEESYLVANIA STATE PARK Enjoy a guided 3 hour history tour of the Potomac River onboard the Miss Rivershore. Topics covered include 17th century Native American history, War of 1812 and Civil War battles, and the river’s diverse natural history. Registration includes lunch. After the tour, visitors can hike to Freestone Point in Leesylvania State Park. Masks are required on the boat. Tours are limited to 15 people per tour in accordance with the most recent COVID-19 Guidelines. 380001 UD Sat Sep 26 / 10a-1p $50
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT AT BRENTSVILLE COURTHOUSE AGES 6+ BRENTSVILLE COURTHOUSE HISTORIC CENTRE As Prince William County’s seat for 70 years, Brentsville’s courthouse and jail was the focus of law and order in the community. Take a tour of the Brentsville’s public lot and learn about the laws, crime, and punishment of the 19th century while you hear about some of the high-profile cases that were tried on-site. Tours are limited to seven people, masks are required. Reservations are required. 380001 TG Sat Sep 26 / 11a-12p $5 380001 TH Sat Sep 26 / 1p-2p $5
HISTORY WALK ON THE BOARDWALK AGES 7+ POTOMAC HERITAGE NATIONAL SCENIC TRAIL NEABSCO CREEK BOARDWALK This history walk, “Humanity and the Environment in Neabsco Creek” explores how people affected this natural creek over the centuries. Leashed pets are welcome to join, but not all parts of the hike are accessible for wheelchairs. Limited social distancing space; masks strongly suggested. Reservations required.
380001 UB Sat Sep 26 / 8a-10a $10 BATTLE OF BRISTOE STATION ANNIVERSARY WEEKEND ALL AGES Join Battlefield Park staff for the 157th Anniversary of the Battle of Bristoe Station. Tour the site of the third and final battle that took place in Prince William County and learn from living history demonstrations on the battlefield. Sat Oct 10 / 11a-4p FREE Sun Oct 11 / 11a-4p FREE
HISTORY BY CAMPFIRE: STORIES OF BRISTOE STATION ALL AGES BRISTOE STATION BATTLEFIELD HERITAGE PARK Join Battlefield Park staff for the 157th Anniversary of the Battle of Bristoe Station. On Saturday evening, staff will share stories about Bristoe Station in the Civil War from a campfire overlooking the battlefield. Bring your own chair and flashlight. 380001 XD Sat Oct 10 / 7:30p-9p FREE
BATTLE OF BRISTOE STATION REAL-TIME WALKING TOUR ALL AGES BRISTOE STATION BATTLEFIELD HERITAGE PARK Walk in the footsteps of the Battle of Bristoe Station’s participants on the battle’s anniversary. This walking tour will cover events as they transpired at Bristoe Station 157 years ago, the last major battle fought in Prince William County during the Civil War. 380001 XC W Oct 14 / 6p-7:30p FREE

ALL HALLOW’S EVE AT BRENTSVILLE CANDLELIGHT TOURS AGES 6+ BRENTSVILLE COURTHOUSE HISTORIC CENTRE Brentsville has a diverse and dramatic history as it served as the county seat for nearly 100 years. During this time, many strange and scary events have happened here, and many say that ghosts of long dead men and women still haunt the area. Come experience a spirited night as you explore the grounds by candlelight and hear tales of sadness and triumph at Brentsville. Reservations are required for space is limited. 380001 TA F Oct 16 / 6:30p-7:30p $10 380001 TB F Oct 16 / 8:30p-9:30p $10 380001 TC Sat Oct 17 / 6:30p-7:30p $10 380001 TD Sat Oct 17 / 8:30p-9:30p $10
THE POTOMAC RIVER: HUB OF TRANSPORTATION AND HISTORY RIVER TOUR ALL AGES LEESYLVANIA STATE PARK Enjoy a guided 3-hour history tour of the Potomac River onboard the Miss Rivershore. Topics covered include 17th century Native American history, War of 1812 and Civil War battles, and the river’s diverse natural history. Registration includes lunch. After the tour, visitors can hike to Freestone Point in Leesylvania State Park. Masks are required on the boat. Tours are limited to 15 people per tour in accordance with the most recent COVID-19 Guidelines. 380001 UE Sat Oct 17 / 10a-1p $50
MURDER AT RIPPON LODGE! AGES 13+ What could possibly go wrong during a Roaring 20s party? Murder, you say? Do you have the detective skills to solve this mystery? For one performance only, link to this virtual experience will be emailed to registrants. Online event only. Advanced registration for access to performance; link to performance will be emailed once payment is received. FOR MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. THE SUBJECT MATTER IS NOT APPROPRIATE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. 380001 NF Sat Oct 3 / 7p-9p $10 AGES 2+ BRENTSVILLE COURTHOUSE HISTORIC CENTRE Brentsville has a diverse and dramatic history as it served as the county seat for nearly 100 years. During this time, many strange and scary events have happened here, and many say that ghosts of long dead men and women still haunt the area. Join us for an exciting and eerie evening around the campfire to hear some of the ghost stories associated with the historic site. 380001 TF F Oct 23 / 7p-8p $5 BRENTSVILLE BLUEGRASS CONCERT ALL AGES BRENTSVILLE COURTHOUSE HISTORIC CENTRE Bring your chairs, kick up your heels and enjoy some Bluegrass at the Brentsville Courthouse public lot! Before the concert starts, self-guided tours of the grounds will be available. The lawn will be marked to help maintain social distancing and face masks are required when indoors. Registration is required for space is limited. Gates open at 4:00 p.m. Food and beverages available for purchase. Sat Oct 3 / 5p-6:30p $10
THROUGH THE EYES OF ELLIS AGES 10+ RIPPON LODGE HISTORIC SITE Have a guided experience with Rippon Lodge’s Site Manager and author of the upcoming book, “Memory of Time”, of the buildings and grounds using photographic images taken during the time of Wade and Dessie Ellis compared to present day. Masks are suggested with required social distancing space. Reservations only. 380001 NG Sat Oct 24 / 11a-12p $10 380001 NH Sat Oct 24 / 1p-2p $10
FIRESIDE GHOST STORIES OF BEN LOMOND ALL AGES BEN LOMOND HISTORIC SITE Ben Lomond has a diverse and grim history as a Civil War hospital, a farm, and a private home. Over the years, many local residents have claimed to see ghosts and other spooky happenings at the site. Is Ben Lomond haunted or not? Join us for an exciting and eerie evening around the campfire to hear some of the ghost stories associated with the historic site.
HISTORIC CEMETERIES OF BRENTSVILLE WALKING TOUR AGES 6+ BRENTSVILLE COURTHOUSE HISTORIC CENTRE In the nearly 200-year history of the community of Brentsville, many cemeteries have sprung up in the area. Unfortunately, some of these burial grounds are now lost to history. However, others are still marked today. Join local historians for a special walking tour of historic Brentsville as we explore some of these little-known spots. 380001 TI Sat Oct 31 / 11a-12p $5 380001 TJ Sat Oct 31 / 1p-2p $5 35 | Prince William County Parks, Recreation & Tourism | Register Online: www.pwcparks.org