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Scout Programs
Our trained BSA certified counselors will provide Boy Scouts the opportunity to earn merit badges. Our trained scout instructors also help your Girl Scouts complete their badges and journeys, complete with Take Action projects. Looking for a SERVICE PROJECT? Look no further than the PWC Dept. of Parks, Recreation & Tourism. We have a list of available project ideas within the parks. For more information or to schedule a program for your troop contact: Chris Eckart at CEckart@pwcgov.org
Join us in earning your Boy Scout Archery Merit Badge. This class meets twice. Before the first class, do requirements 1 (all), 2 (a - c), 3 (a & b), 4 (all), & 5 (a - e). Be prepared for a written test on the material. Please bring your merit badge workbook, writing utensil, lots of water, and snacks to the class. Wear sunscreen, bug spray, and dress for the weather as class is all outside. 413006 KA Sun,Sat Jun 26-27 / 9a-12p $72
Join us in earning your Boy Scout Personal Fitness Merit Badge. This is the first class in the series. In advance of class, complete and bring requirements 1a (current physical) & 3 (answer and be prepared to discuss the questions). Dress to work out. The second class will be 90 days later. 413007 DA F Jul 30 / 6p-8p $25
Join us in earning your Boy Scout Personal Fitness Merit Badge. This is the final class in the series. In advance of class, complete requirement 1b (dental exam with statement from dentist), 8 (keep 12 week log of physical fitness program), and 9 (explore 3 careers in personal fitness). Dress to work out. 413007 DB F Jul 16 / 6p-8p $25
For Citizenship in the World - Do all of requirement 3, do (2) of requirement 4 and do (2) of requirement 7. For Citizenship in the Nation - Do all of requirement 2, 3, 6 & 8. 413008 BA Sat Aug 14 / 3p-7p $41
CENTER 14730 Birchdale Avenue,
LOMOND 10501 Copeland Drive
Minnieville Road, Dale City ■ SILVER LAKE REGIONAL
PARK 15800 Silver Lake Road,
• Remember your blue card. • Please bring and plan to wear a mask and prepare to be outdoors to aid in social distancing. •Dress for the weather.
Join us in earning your Boy Scout Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge. Complete all of requirements 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 (be prepared to present to the class) before the class. 413006 BA Sat Jun 5 / 5p-7p $25
Join us in earning your Boy Scout Communication Merit Badge. Class meets twice. In advance of the first class, complete requirements 1, 2, 3 (speech will be given during class). For the 2nd class, complete requirements 4, 5, 7, 8 & 9. 413007 IA T Jul 13-20 / 6p-8p $49
Join us in earning your Cooking merit badge. This class will meet 3 times at Birchdale and Brentsville Courthouse. Please note the times and locations for each class (7/11, 2p-4p; 7/18, 2p-4p; 7/25, 1p-4p). In advance of the first class, complete requirements 1, 2, 3, & 4 (make meals at home). Boys will be responsible for purchasing food. 413007 IB Sun Jul 11-25 / 2p-4p $83
Join us in earning the Boy Scout Personal Management Merit Badge. This is the first class in the series. Before the class, complete requirement 1(a, b1, c), 2a (prepare budget), 5 (all), & 8 (a & b). 413008 IA F Aug 6 / 6p-8p $25
Join us in earning the Boy Scout Sustainability Merit Badge. In advance of class, complete requirements 1 (all); the following of requirement 2: Water-A, Food-A, Community-A, Energy-B or C, Stuff-A; requirement 4 (all); and 5 (all). Be prepared to share what you learned. 413008 IB Sun Aug 22 / 5p-7p $25
Join us in earning your Family Life merit badge. This is the first class in the series. In advance of class, complete all of requirements 1 & 2, prepare list of chores for requirement 3, decide on a project for 4, and plans for requirements 5 & 6. The second class will be 90 days later. Please prepare to be outdoors to aid in social distancing. Dress for the weather. 413006 IA T Jun 22 / 6p-8p $25
Join us in earning your Family Life merit badge. This is the final class in the series. Complete requirements 3 (carry out 90 days of chores & record), 4 (submit report of project done around home for family), 5 (submit results on project done with family) and 6 (report back on family meeting). 413005 IC F May 21 / 6p-8p $25
Join us in this two day class to earn the Golf Merit Badge. In advance of the first class, prepare requirements 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5. Be able to explain them to the class. Class two (5/15, 3p-6p) will meet at Lake Ridge Golf Course. 413005 ID Th,Sat May 13-15 / 6p-8p $62

Chinn Before & After School Camp
Grades K-8 | 2021-22 School Year
Providing a safe, supervised environment with structured activities for your child, before & after school. • Daily BUS TRANSPORTATION to/from select schools included. • Call (703) 792-8600 for a list of elementary and middle schools we are currently serving. • Access to unique amenities - swimming, gymnasium, library visits, outdoor play and nature trail. • Activities include - camper electives, homework time, art/crafts, special events, community projects. • Full Day options available on teacher workdays and inclement weather days. • Enthusiastic staff.
Monthly Fee: $200: Before school care only (starting at 6a) $315: After school care only (ending at 7p) $370: Before & After school care A $45 non-refundable registration fee is due when registering. Monthly payments are due the first of the month. Automatic Draft Payments are now available. All registrations must be completed in-person at Chinn Aquatics & Fitness Center. For more information or questions please email: Adam Desoto at adesoto@pwcgov.org