Prince William Living April 2017

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prince william living April 2017

The premier lifestyle magazine of Prince William and Greater Manassas

Farming in Your Subdivision PAGE 4

Carrying It Forward PAGE 16 JROTC Is Alive and Well in Prince William PAGE 19

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Prince William Living is a lifestyle magazine, whose mission is to build a better community by promoting quality-of-life issues; including solid economic development, strong education and workforce development; supporting the arts community and encouraging volunteerism through our local not-for-profits.


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table of contents April 2017 | Vol. 7 | No. 4







ON A HIGH NOTE For Electronic Dance Music, RJ Delivers the Goodz


DESTINATIONS Escape Room: The Hottest Trend in Entertainment


GIVING BACK WestRash Charities: Carrying It Forward


LIFELONG LEARNING JROTC Is Alive and Well in Prince William


TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS Wise Ways Consulting: Developing Strong Leaders for the 21st Century


FAMILY FUN Trash to Treasure


LOCAL FLAVOR Zabb Thai Worth a Try – Authentic Traditional Thai Cuisine Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary in Manassas CALENDAR ADVERTISER INDEX

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prince william living April 2017

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prince william living Rebecca Barnes

Kim Howard, CAE




CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Amanda Causey Baity, Melissa Davies, Delia Engstrom, Kim Howard, CAE, Helena Kennedy, Peter Lineberry, Roxy Rowton, Tracy Shevlin, Dan Verner, Emma Young

ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Your Name Here! email GRAPHIC DESIGN AND PRODUCTION Alison Dixon/Image Prep Studio

COPY EDITORS Apryl Motley, CAE, Peter Lineberry and Ashleigh Balsamo PHOTO EDITOR Amanda Causey Baity


PHOTOGRAPHERS Amanda Causey Baity, Amy Falkofske, Mark Gilvey and Rob Jinks

Prince William Living, the premier lifestyle magazine of Prince William and Greater Manassas, is published monthly by Prince William Living, Inc. The opinions expressed in the magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Prince William Living. Š Copyright 2017 by Prince William Living, Inc. All rights reserved. Materials may not be reproduced or translated without written permission. Visit the Prince William Living website at for reprint permission.

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April 2017 prince william living

from the publisher The Spring Thaw


hat a beautiful time of year for #pwliving! Longer days and milder temps (finally!) make this a season of renewal. We took that literally, and the team decided to cover suburban farming in the April issue. Growing up in the suburbs of Prince William, we had an annual garden as did many of our neighbors. Some neighbors even had a chicken or two for eggs. How do today’s residents become a bit self-sustaining? Emma Young shares the stories of beekeepers, gardening, chicken coops and more in “Farming in your Subdivision” on page 4. “Family Fun,” on page 18, has spring fever as well. Get step-bystep instructions from Amanda Baity, on creating trash to treasure projects with Mason jars, just in time for Earth Month!

In our unique “Destinations,” on page 14, Delia Engstrom pays a visit to a real-life game of “Clue”® by way of The Escape Room in Woodbridge. Find out how to channel your inner Sherlock Holmes to solve the mystery and “get out” before your time is up!

This issue also introduces you to Melissa Davies, author of “How Not to Be a *Bleep* at Work” and owner of Wise Ways Consulting, featured in “Taking Care of Business” on page 20. Plus, our fashion writer Roxy Rowton shares with us valuable laundry tips to help take care of that spring wardrobe in “The Fashion Folder” on page 12. It’s a beautiful time of year to be #pwliving.

Sincerely, Rebecca Barnes Prince William Living Publisher

prince william living April 2017


Farming in Your Subdivision By Emma Young

“I had rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world.” – George Washington

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ees are simply amazing,” said John Klapperich, a former Green Beret and founder of Lake Ridge-based Sweet Sophia, which, with the help of over 1,000,000 honey bees, produces honey and other products from the hive harvest. “You can keep bees anywhere. Bees thrive in urban environments. You can put bees in a really small area. I live in a neighborhood, with neighbors around me, not on a farm.” Sweet Sophia has grown each year since its founding, finding success in offering a variety of products: “Honey, soaps, balms, lotions, candies, candles, jams–basically anything we can make with honey or beeswax,” said Klapperich. Sales are online at, or patrons can stop by and get products without paying the shipping costs. Klapperich isn’t the only one enjoying success with a subdivision backyard farming project. “In the summer, we’ll have eggs like crazy,” said Debi Woolfrey, a homeowner in Nokesville and Manassas teacher. She currently has nine hens, but has had as many as 30. “We can have as many as 9-10 dozen eggs in our refrigerator. We make a lot of omelets and quiches,” said Woolfrey. Another Nokesville resident, Carla Valentino, a Damsel in Defense mentor, has six hens on her subdivision plot. “People see how easy it is to get fresh eggs, and the next thing you know, they’re hatching their own hens,” Valentino said.

“They’re super fun to watch,” Valentino said. “It is not uncommon for my husband and me to sit outside with a glass of wine and watch them. It’s a nice pastime because they’re so funny.” Woolfrey enjoys the chickens as well: “They are really funny. They follow me everywhere. They come when I call them. They’re very social.” Woolfrey and Valentino each have large garden plots as well where they grow vegetables and flowers. “It is the most satisfying feeling, growing a vegetable from seed. Some sun, rain, and a little love, and I’m eating food I grew,” said Valentino. “I love all of it,” added Woolfrey. “You get used to the cycle of nature, the fresh air, and the reason to be outside. You eat something that hasn’t been processed or treated. It is about as fresh as can be.”

Photo provided by Sweet Sophia

“I find the act of making a product from scratch that other people love enough to buy again and write five-star reviews is about the most rewarding thing I can ever do. It’s incredibly satisfying to provide quality products and build customer loyalty,” Klapperich said. Beyond purchasing products, what could encourage the growth of the beekeeping industry in the county? “Prince William County is very bee-friendly,” said Klapperich. “I think making it easier for beekeepers to keep bees on public areas (or even on government buildings) would be great. It’s often difficult to find space for an apiary,” he said.

Farming on a Large Scale in Prince William “Agriculture is a difficult industry,” said Peter Callan, the Northern District Virginia Cooperative Extension Agent specializing in farm business management. “Farming has high operating costs and slim margins. It’s tough work, and you are dependent on the weather. You can do everything right, but if it doesn’t rain at the right time, you are out of luck. As much as it is a science, it is an art too. There is no easy answer in agriculture. The people that are left farming [now] are astute business people. Anybody farming has to be a good manager,” he said. John Klapperich, founder of Lake Ridge-based Sweet Sophia.

And to the challenge of high operating costs, weather(continues on page 6) prince william living April 2017


(continued from page 5) Photo by Amanda Baity

dependency, continual hard work, low profit, and the difficulties of ensuring a consistent, quality product, add an increasing human population. Prince William is one of the fastest growing counties in the region, according to its Department of Economic Development. Yet, Prince William remains tied to and enriched by rural roots with local farmers finding new ways to adapt to an increasingly urban environment.

Hydroponics: TrueFarms “We have approximately half an acre of greenhouse area, capable of producing about 25,000 heads of lettuce per month and providing employment to six people on a year-round basis,” said Vishnu Agarwal, owner and operator of TrueFarms, based in Bristow. Established in 2010, TrueFarms grows Bibb lettuce, spring mix, and arugula year-round for local grocery retailers, such as Whole Foods and Giant, local markets, and restaurants in Northern Virginia and Washington, D.C.

Non-CSA-members can visit the Yankey Farms roadside stand for “healthy, locally produced, food,” according to Jay Yankey, founder and farmer at the over 100-acre Yankey Farms.

Prince William was a natural fit for the operation due to its “proximity to the Washington, D.C. metro area, good water quality, and availability of land.”

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA): Yankey Farms In Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), members of the public purchase a farm “share” and are entitled to a portion of what is produced on the farm. The public support helps to ameliorate the risk to the farmer and enables the public to enjoy the continual harvest. Generally, farmers provide a variety of produce on a weekly basis over the primary harvest months.

“People recognize the benefits of locally grown, sustainably grown, and safe food,” said Agarwal. “We are able to deliver our products to our customers within hours from harvest, in comparison to several days for produce grown in and coming from California or Florida [for example],” said Agarwal. The benefits of hydroponic farming are many according to Agarwal: “Less land use, less water use, no pesticides, and no chemical run-off to natural water streams.” Hydroponic farming is the method of growing plants without soil, using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent. Photo by Mark Gilvey

Nokesville-based Yankey Farms offers a 16-week subscription program, by the bushel or half-bushel, where members receive a share of whatever is being harvested each week, starting in May. Spring’s greens, carrots, and zucchini are followed by summer’s tomatoes, green beans, and peppers, with the CSA concluding in fall with perhaps potatoes, squashes, and apples. Members pick up their own produce on site. Non-members can visit the Yankey Farms roadside stand for “healthy, locally produced, food,” as well, according to Jay Yankey, founder and farmer at the over 100-acre Yankey Farms. Diversification is another key to Yankey Farms’ success. In addition to the innovative CSA and the roadside stand, Yankey Farms offers pick-your-own strawberries and pumpkin patches, grows corn, soybean and hay for feed and cash sales, and raises Black Angus beef cattle that is marketed directly to the consumer as freezer beef. In the latter, a person “can order a half a steer for their freezer and enjoy top-quality beef all year,” said Yankey. “We now farm over 100 acres. We grow about 10 acres of pumpkins, two acres of strawberries, 10 acres of vegetables, and finish around 15 steers per year,” he said.

TrueFarms grows Bibb lettuce, spring mix, and arugula yearround for local grocery retailers, such as Whole Foods and Giant, local markets, and restaurants in Northern Virginia and Washington, D.C.

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Prince William has been good for business. “The proximity to the large customer base is great for marketing our products directly to consumers,” said Yankey.

Harvest-Your-Own & Diversification: Evergreen Acres Photo by Amy Falkofske

Jim Gehlsen, founder of Nokesville-based Evergreen Acres, has seen many changes on his farm over the years. He started with a niche market: Christmas trees. “It’s a unique product, it’s not too equipment intensive, so I planted about 8,000 tree seedlings,” said Gehlsen. He opened up his tree farm in the 1990s, and the first year sold about 150 choose-and-cutyour-own trees. Last year he sold about 1,000, and has 25,000 trees planted Jim Gehlsen, founder of on 97 acres.

Nokesville-based Evergreen Acres.

Gehlsen quickly saw the value in not only expanding but in offering a variety of products. “There are several advantages to diversifying,” he said. “If you have a crop failure in one area, you’ve got the other area to carry you along. Another plus is agritourism. Someone might come in for one item, then notice the other item and purchase that as well,” said Gehlsen.

Backyard gardeners also encourage growing your own vegetables. When Woolfrey lived on a small plot, “I grew lettuce in short, wide pots like bowls. I grew tomatoes, peppers and herbs in a pot. As long as it gets water and sunshine, you can harvest,” she said. “You can grow vegetables in your kitchen window,” said Valentino, who recommended starting with hardier vegetables, such as potatoes, onions, and tomatoes if you are concerned about lacking a green thumb. “You just have to try it, whether it is a container, a windowsill, or patio gardening,” she said. “We all could do a lot more. It would make us all self-sufficient, with fewer trips to the grocery store and less use of roads. I love my chickens and my garden.” That love of farming, whether it be hives, hens, hydroponics, or hay, drives Prince William farmers through all the challenges, and we all benefit. Farmers feed the world.

Emma Young ( is a mother and freelance writer living in Montclair. She is excited to visit these farms and enjoy their offerings throughout the year, as well as harvesting her own peppers and tomatoes.

Evergreen Acres now offers a pumpkin patch starting in late September (selling about 20,000 pounds of pumpkins in an open season), raw honey year-round (200 pounds sold this past harvest, which starts in July), high-quality hay for horse-feed (with about 75 acres planted), vegetable and fruit products for local grocery retailers, such as Whole Foods, and Christmas-tree harvesting starting the day after Thanksgiving. “Prince William is rather ideal. The people have built right out to me. I enjoy showcasing the farm and talking to people,” said Gehlsen. The build-out, though, has come with difficulties. “The Rural Crescent is really not working because developers buy up farms, and you’ve got to have 10 acres to build one home on. If [the county] wants to preserve farms, talk about clustering the houses and buying development rights…If the public wants to have farms, they’ve got to support and patronize the farms,” said Gehlsen.

A Pot and a Spot is All You Need Even with the proverbial postage-stamp sized yard, you can get started on urban farming. Beyond the small space needed for a beehive that Klapperich noted, “You can have two chickens in a small coop, and they’re pretty self-sufficient. Some food and water. It is a whole lot easier than I thought it was going to be,” Woolfrey said. prince william living April 2017


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prince william living April 2017


on a high note For Electronic Dance Music,

RJ Delivers the Goodz By Peter Lineberry | Photo by Rob Jinks


eet Richard John Gough. A 13-year veteran of the Arlington County Fire Department, he now serves as tournament director at a Prince William-area golf course. He lives in Montclair with his wife Tiffany and two sons, 12 and 10. But when Gough descends into his basement studio, often late at night, perhaps wearing his Yankees cap befitting his Long Island roots, he transforms into......RJ Goodz, creator and producer of electronic dance music (EDM) songs designed to get your toes tapping, your head nodding, and your booty shaking. In a little over a year, Gough (pronounced “Goff”) has produced more than 40 tunes that have been distributed to multiple websites and attracted well over 100,000 listens. If his song titles don’t pique your interest – “Waffleizer,” “Nexterday,” “Sleep Deprived,” “Worlds Collide” – the combination of synthesized melodies, thumping beats, basslines and interwoven samples will. And another milestone, his first public performance, is less than two months away.

A Rising Star Is Born The inspiration behind Gough’s newfound passion began around Halloween 2015 when his older son decided he wanted to dress up as Deadmau5. For those not in the know, Deadmau5 is a successful Canadian EDM artist, who wears his distinctive headpiece in concert and essentially makes it his calling card. Gough accepted the challenge, creating a replica mask from a large rubber ball, paper maché and spray paint over several days. While doing so, he was often listening to Deadmau5’s music. In his early 20s, he went “clubbing all the time,” developing an affinity for techno, house and related musical genres. “So after I

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finished this project,” he said, “I thought, ‘You know what, I can do that.’ Maybe not like he can, but I would love to learn how, and my kids were like, ‘Yeah, that’s so cool!’” Online tutorials proved to be a valuable resource, and Gough credits a supportive internet community of like-minded music makers: “A lot of people like helping each other. If somebody learns something new or someone figures something out, they put it on YouTube and thousands of people see it....I get a tip here, a tip there, and just like a sponge I’m soaking it all in.” Coming up with a suitable pseudonym was the next step, as is commonplace among EDM artists (for example, Deadmau5 = Joel Zimmerman). Gough and a work colleague decided on the moniker, and then a visit to resulted in an inexpensive, futuristic logo. From the beginning, his sons provided critiques on his tracks, and he’s given them “featuring” credits on many of them, naturally using their handpicked names: Hidd3n Tr33z and Apollo 12. Before long Gough was spending several nights each week behind his downstairs computer, turning it into a “digital audio workstation” and finding that his creativity peaked after 10 p.m. A major shoulder injury in 2014 had forced early retirement from the fire department and kept him from the golfing he enjoyed, so his musical pursuits came as a blessing. “It’s great that he’s found this outlet,” said Tiffany, who works for the federal government. “He’s taken to it, and he’s great at it. It’s become a new adventure, and I’m thankful for that.”

Music Making 101 Watching RJ Goodz at work is like taking a master class in doit-yourself recording. He creates the music in layers: always a

steady drumbeat, to which he adds electronic bass and synths that can mimic various instruments, as well as studio tricks, such as reverb. Layers can be added or subtracted, and although there is often repetition within a song, it’s not overly apparent because of the different combinations of sounds. A high point of the song–in EDM lingo, the “drop”– occurs when all the layers play simultaneously, and according to Gough, “everyone just starts going crazy.” The use of samples is also integral to the music, and like most budding EDM producers, Gough downloads them for free or inexpensively from various online sites. Samples might include bits and pieces of instrumental or percussive sounds that he weaves into his songs, or sometimes more offbeat items like dialogue from old movies. “What You’re Thinking,” for instance, uses lines from a 1963 Mexican film, and “Locked In” even samples the voice of Vincent Price from “House on Haunted Hill.” (Hey, it worked for “Thriller,” right?) “My Soul” might be Goodz’ most well-rounded song as it’s the only one featuring female vocals. It’s also the only track that he has “officially released,” meaning it can be downloaded for free from iTunes® or Google Play®. “My soul is the sky!” the singer known only as Maryam jubilantly belts out. Amazingly, though, her voice is but a sample that Gough fuses perfectly into the song, and so far he remains unaware of her full identity. And then there’s “Panda.” “Someone told me ‘If you want to get famous, the fastest way is to do a remix of a famous song’,” Gough said. The one he picked was “Panda,” a popular 2016 track by the rapper Desiigner, whose video has been viewed more than 200 million times. When the publishers (and their lawyers) learned of it, Goodz’ mostly instrumental remix was banned in multiple countries, though not the U.S., and he had to agree not to profit

from it. “I got noticed for it, but in the wrong way,” he said. “Needless to say, I’ve never done that again.”

Hitting the Stage in May BungaWIZ Music and Arts Festival, billed as a “multi-genre music and camping experience,” will spread its good vibes over the Arizona Event Center in Mesa, Arizona, from May 26 to 28. Gough expects several thousand in attendance, and it is there that he will put on his first show. He’ll be performing alongside Paxton Lepage, his longtime friend, fellow firefighter, and occasional collaborator, who brings with him DJ skills. Together, among the dozens of acts, they are the only D.C.-area representatives. “I am very excited for his first public performance,” said Lepage. “His music is so well produced that I truly think he just needs exposure for his career to take off. Musically he has all the tools, and his passion to learn and expand is infectious. Once he gets his music heard, it is going to be a tidal wave, and I am just happy I get to see it happen.” In the meantime, Gough/Goodz continues to upload new EDM tracks every week, spreading them over YouTube, Instagram, SoundCloud, and specialized websites like EDM Nations, whose operators are among his growing fan base. “I want people to hear that I’m getting better,” he says. “For me, that’s awesome. To me, that’s the whole point of doing it.” Peter Lineberry ( double dares you to listen to RJ’s “Waffleizer” (Google it, I’ll wait) without bouncing around the room. He lives in Dale City, and his bedroom walls are now slightly dented. prince william living April 2017

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the fashion folder Fresh from the Wash By Roxy Rowton


ike many rooms in today’s modern home, the laundry room has undergone a dramatic makeover. Not so long ago this pragmatic but vital household task was consigned to a small room or shared a compact space with other routine domestic chores. Today’s modern laundry room with its bright, airy space and equipment designed with up-to-the-minute conveniences, makes the task of clothes-keeping simpler and more enjoyable. Many of the clothing items in our wardrobes are machine washable and dryer safe. However, there isn’t anything more disappointing to a fashionista than to pull from the washing machine or dryer a favorite piece of clothing that has been ruined because of improper laundering. For clothing sold within the U.S., manufacturers are required to include a care tag that provides general information about the method of care. But is this the only method or the safest way to care for our garments? A good grasp of basic clothes-keeping practices is a fashionista’s first line of protection against laundry mishaps. The fine art of laundry includes familiarity with fabric identification, colorfastness, stain treatment, laundry detergent, water temperature and machine agitation. The fabric and color of a garment are key factors to determine the desirable or appropriate laundering method. Begin the laundry by sorting the wardrobe into color categories of whites, brights, and darks; followed by separation into categories of heavy, light and delicate before washing. While sorting, empty pockets, unroll cuffs, button buttons, zip zippers, tie drawstrings, and snap snaps to prevent garments from twisting or tangling during the wash process or other mishaps. Tackle any spots, spills or stains before laundering. There is no one product or technique that’s ideal for the treatment of stains. Keep a fabric care glossary close at hand for a reference to pre-treating stains. Finally, clothes are ready for washing. Reference the fabric and color to determine the correct water temperature and agitation for the wash/spin cycle. When the wash cycle is completed, tumble dry or air dry garments. Shrinkage, color fading and fiber breakdown are caused by heat—whether the heat source is from hot water during washing or the dryer. Clothes should tumble dry on a medium to low setting in the dryer. Delicate garments are better served by air drying or at minimum using a “cool air only” cycle on the dryer. Any garment that can be tumble-dried can also be hung to dry on a clothesline outdoors or a drying rack in the laundry room. This is a kinder, gentler method of clothes-keeping. A few words about hand-washing versus dry cleaning: According to, 90 percent of garments labeled “dry clean only” can be washed at home. Many garment manufacturers

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label the care tag “dry clean only” because it reduces the risk of a ruined or damaged clothing item because of improper at-home laundering methods. Contrary to care tags that recommend “dry care only,” many fabrics from gauzy linens to delicate silks and woolens can be laundered by hand washing or machine washing on a delicate or woolen cycle. However, there are a small quantity of garments that should not washed by machine or hand. (Suiting, leather, suede, acetate, and fur are better left in the care of professional dry cleaners.) Mastery in the fine art of laundry ensures garments smell fresher, retain color better, and hold shape longer. Good practices of clothes-keeping help ensure the wardrobe of the fashionista or pragmatist looking and wearing at its best. Wardrobe and style consultant Roxy L. Rowton (rlrowton@ spends much of her workweek in the closet or the fitting room helping women look and feel their very best. She has two-plus decades in the fashion, apparel, and beauty industries.



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ESCAPE ROOM The Hottest Trend in Entertainment By Delia Engstrom


he year is 1966. You’ve entered the living room of a friend’s dimly lit New York City apartment, determined to find clues to solve her recent mysterious death. The door shuts behind you, and a clock immediately starts counting down. 60 minutes… You fumble around for a wall switch that will hopefully shed some light on both the apartment and the case. 59 minutes... Click! Finally, there’s that overhead light! Hmm, where to begin? You glance around the space, noticing a pile of Life magazines on the coffee table, an ashtray holding a cigarette, and a map on the wall. 58 minutes… Your teammates scour the room for clues that will help you solve the mystery together. Drawers are opened; photographs are examined. Names and numbers are being yelled back and forth. Tick tock, it’s a race against the clock! You haven’t actually stepped back in time in Manhattan, but through the doors of Escape Room Woodbridge. The hottest trend in entertainment, escape rooms are interactive adventure games held within differently themed rooms.

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A Unique Local Entertainment Experience The first of its kind in Prince William, Escape Room Woodbridge is owned by county residents and friends Angie Curtis and Birgit Campana. Curtis brings knowledge gained through a degree in set and costume design and comments, “I traveled along the East Coast participating in various escape rooms and fell in love with them.” Campana adds her business savvy acquired by owning the nearby Dansk Day Spa in Occoquan. Together they are the masterminds behind the operation of a 1,700 square-foot space that holds a world of adventure. Visitors to Escape Room Woodbridge are greeted by theatrical décor in the waiting room. Dark, dramatic walls and bold velvet couches offer escape room enthusiasts a few calming minutes to relax, sign waivers, and choose a team name before the Game Master appears. Responsible for reviewing game play and answering questions, Game Masters usher guests through a curtained opening and down a hallway flanked by three doors. Each one leads to a different escape room option, chosen in advance by the clientele when they’ve booked online. No matter their selection, inside each room visitors will find an attention to detail in both the clues and décor. “I am always inspired by visits to the thrift store,” said Curtis, “and think of ways to incorporate items into the rooms!” Armed with her resale finds, escape room experience, and handyman

All participants at Escape Room Woodbridge, win or lose, have their team photo taken after their mission.

You can schedule birthday parties and special events Monday-Thursday.

skills, she has transformed empty spaces into opportunities for patrons to work as archeologists in Egypt, slide down the rabbit hole with Alice or solve a metropolitan murder.

Montclair, observed after a successful attempt with her husband and friends on Team CSI-Manassas that “it helped to have more than a couple of people working together.”

How It Works The race to escape is on once the group is “locked” inside their chosen room by the Game Master, and the clock has started its countdown. In their rush to decode ciphers and solve puzzles, patrons have been known to accidentally break items in their fervor and dismantle entire rooms. Gentle reminders are placed throughout the rooms: “Do not remove” and “Do not force open locks.” And beware the red herrings! Montclair resident Tammy Darrah visited recently with her family and cautions, “There is so much info to weed through. They have props that are meaningless, just put there to confuse you! It worked!” Several Game Masters monitor game progress via closed circuit TV and are available via speaker to deliver a maximum of three clues throughout the hour. Darrah enjoyed her first escape room experience and thinks it’s a great option for all age ranges: “The age range in our group was 8 to 60-something.” Although her team, The Griswolds, was not successful in escaping the room, she can’t wait to return for another try and encourages fellow newcomers by saying, “I would recommend this to families and groups of friends. It would be a great team-building exercise for coworkers too!” Rooms have a maximum capacity for safety reasons and are usually full during operating hours. As the clock is winding down, both noise and anxiety levels raise. Sarah Basler, also of

All participants at Escape Room Woodbridge, win or lose, have their team photos taken after their mission. The mix of excitement and dismay varies, but everyone excitedly discusses what went wrong or what led to their success as the Game Master snaps a picture for use on social media. Top performers have their team name added to the leaderboard located outside of each escape room. The employees all agree with Game Master Hannah, who smiles and says that Escape Room Woodbridge is a fun place to work. “It’s so interesting getting to meet all of these different types of people!” she exclaims as she rushes off at the 59 minute mark to greet their newest batch of successful detectives, riddle masters and thrill seekers. All-new escape rooms will be coming soon, giving enthusiasts a reason to venture back. Find your way to Escape Room Woodbridge at 12668 Darby Brook Court, off of Old Bridge Road, in Woodbridge. Hours of operation are Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4-9:30 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays from 12-11:30 p.m., and Sundays from 12-5:30 p.m. Birthday parties and special events can be scheduled Monday-Thursday between the hours of 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Book your adventure online at escaperoomwoodbridgeva. com or call 703-910-6015. Delia Engstrom ( is a writer and photographer who enjoys new adventures with her husband and teenagers. prince william living April 2017

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giving back

WestRash Charities: Carrying It Forward

By Dan Verner | Photos by Rob Jinks


n a sense, WestRash Charities was established long before Deena Westenhofer’s son Owen was diagnosed with cancer in 2010. “Part of Owen’s legacy is the amount of volunteering and fundraising he did for others, and his brothers and cousins have followed in his footsteps,” she said. Westenhofer speaks freely about her experience with Owen, although losing a child has to be one of the hardest things any parent could ever face. Owen lost his battle with osteosarcoma (bone cancer) in April 2012 at the age of 16. After months of multiple surgeries, multiple chemotherapies and trial drugs, the doctors told the family there were no more options. “Nearly 50 families in this country received the very same news today that I did back then: Your child has cancer–the disease that kills more children in this country than any other,” Westenhofer explained. “Tomorrow, about 50 more will get that same news; and in an instant, those families will learn what is impossible to accept. Cancer can impact any child. It happens every day.” WestRash Charities had been in place since May 2002 as a casual golf gathering of family and friends to raise money for family friends in need of financial support for their child’s fight with leukemia. Over the next two years, the foundation evolved to a yearly golf event to raise funds to support the families’ shared goal of helping others within the community, which included

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providing resources and funding to organizations, such as the Boys & Girls Club, CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates), local schools, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, suicide prevention, and other individuals in need of help. “In 2004, we decided to formalize our efforts, and so we formed WestRash Charities from our two family names, West from Westenhofer, and Rash, my father’s name. We became tax exempt in 2005 and received our final certification in 2008,” Westenhofer said. Westenhofer’s parents, her family and her brother’s family manage the charity. Chris Rash (her father) acts as president and CEO. More recently, WestRash Charities has taken on the challenge of raising funds for local cancer support and recovery programs. “We are trying to do our part to both help find a cure and also support the families of children with cancer,” she said. “We hold Owen’s Walk to Remember in Owen’s honor each fall, which raises tens of thousands of dollars for the Children’s National Medical Center’s pediatric oncology research.” Since its beginning, WestRash Charities has grown and currently contributes between $50,000 and $99,999 annually to organizations and individuals. Volunteer-run events last year included the 13th Annual WestRash Charity Golf Tournament in April, the Fifth Annual Owen’s Walk/Run 5k in October, and

The 14th Annual WestRash Charities Golf Tournament will take place April 22nd at Bristow Manor Golf Club.

the First Annual WestRash/GMBL Wiffle Ball Tournament in November. The 14th Annual Golf Tournament will take place April 22 at Bristow Manor Golf Club. Westenhofer plans to publish a novel this year based on her experiences. The idea came to her, as she says, “from a moment of pure love and friendship during the last few days of Owen’s life. I was seated in a hallway outside his room–not wanting to be too far away in case an alarm went off but wanting to give him some privacy with his friends. Five or six of them had come over to spend time with him.” “I should set the scene by saying I can only compare the way Owen physically looked to videos I had seen of the emaciated bodies of concentration camp prisoners in WWII,” she said. “He had a nasal tube for oxygen and a morphine drip for pain. He floated in and out of consciousness.” “I was worried that his friends wouldn’t be able to emotionally handle it since they were only 15 years old. I was wrong. At one point, sitting in that hallway, all I could hear was laughter flowing out of his room. They told stories, they joked around, they held his hand, they kissed his cheek goodbye when they left and said they’d be back the next day. And they did. They kept showing up until the day he died. And then they were brave enough to stand up and speak at his funeral. “And so, I have coped. I have gotten through this by remembering Owen had these amazing friends, who were brave enough to show up during a difficult time, and I believe they will continue to do so all their lives.” She has also watched Owen’s younger brothers experience tragedy at such a young age. Thirteen-year-old Zach speaks to groups about pediatric cancer.

And then, of course, there is the charity, which provides funding to support innovative research at Children’s National Medical Center for cellular immunotherapy. The organization also provides family support services, such as helping buy an allterrain wheelchair for a local pediatric cancer patient. “It’s important to know where your donations are going. If you want to support breast cancer–great. But the best way probably isn’t buying a breast cancer pink shirt,” Westenhofer said. “Instead, anyone who wants to help should figure out what nonprofit donates the highest percentage of its proceeds to the cause. I highly recommend the site to help people with this.” And what has Westenhofer learned from all of this? “I’ve learned that you can be walking through hell and still be surrounded by the most love you’ve ever experienced in life,” she said. “The most common reaction I heard during all this was, ‘Oh, you are so strong. I wouldn’t have been able to do that.’” “When they said this, I always thought, it’s amazing what you are capable of doing when it’s the only option you have.” Dan Verner ( is the author of several books and was named “Best Writer in Prince William County (Virginia)” for 2014 and 2015 by readers in a “Best of Prince William” poll taken by Prince William Today newspaper. Find out more about him at prince william living April 2017

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health & wellness Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): the Silent Workforce Illness By Melissa Davies


he Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) estimates there are close to one million veterans living and working in Northern Virginia. These highly trained men and women leave their service branch and join Virginia’s vibrant economy. The VA reports that nationally, the majority of veterans enter management and other professional and technical roles. And for good reasons—they are skilled, have solid leadership training, and are disciplined. Along with skills they learned during their service, some of them also have depression and PTSD. A Rand Corporation study shows that 20 percent of service members returning from the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from depression, PTSD or both. As they re-enter the workforce, service men and women need employers to be patient. PTSD is a serious mental health problem, but it can be managed with training and understanding. Here are some suggestions for coping with PTSD in the workplace: n Create a safe place to ask questions and work together. n Bring in a trained facilitator/consultant to work with both management and veterans to better understand issues and then develop solutions. n Develop written procedures, meeting notes, and training manuals, so employees can refer back to them if they missed something at a session or need additional refreshers. n Have published calendars for team tasks so individuals can refer to these privately. n Provide access to alternate/softer lighting in work spaces. n Initiate organization-wide strategies for managing stress. n Set aside money for additional training for new members. n Provide disability training to all team members. A solid relationship between employees and managers is critical for a productive workplace. If the manager exhibits a lack of empathy for the individual’s situation, it becomes more difficult for the employee to be successful. This is magnified for someone struggling with PTSD. Transitioning into a new workplace is difficult for anyone, but for those who bear the biggest burden for our freedoms, the task can seem impossible. If everyone did their part to ease this transition, the difference would be immeasurable. Melissa Davies (, author of “How Not to Act Like a BLEEP at Work,” resides in Prince William County and runs Wise Ways Consulting, which specializes in executive coaching, group facilitation and high-engagement training.

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April 2017 prince william living

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lifelong learning JROTC Is Alive and Well in Prince William By Kim Howard, CAE


rince William County Public Schools offer Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) programs for the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines at nine high schools. Students can enter the program in the ninth grade to receive the full benefits of the four-year program. There is no military obligation upon graduation. However, students who participate in the JROTC program can gain advanced military pay grades should they decide to enlist. Each year, more than 51,000 high school students from across the country enter to win a share of the $2.2 million in educational scholarships and incentives awarded through the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Voice of Democracy audioessay competition. Reserve Officer Training Corps and military academy scholarships may be available for qualified students.

Beyond the Boys Club “Our “Profile for PWCS for 2015-2016” tells us that the school system had approximately 25,803 high school students. Nearly 1,500 are participating in JROTC this academic year. If that pattern is typical, we have a 5.7 percent participation rate with nine JROTC programs in the county,” said Mary Beth Dobbins, career and technical education coordinator in the Office of Student Learning for Prince William County Public Schools. Woodbridge Senior High School (WSHS) established the first unit in Prince William County in 1993 and estimates that it has had almost 4,000 cadets enrolled in the 24-year program. And, if you think that JROTC is for young men only, think again. Cadets are often diverse in gender and ethnicity just as the military is. Of the 1,481 JROTC students in the school system, 575 are young women. A sense of accomplishment helps to improve the confidence of these students. Two female cadets provide insight into how JROTC has changed them. C/CPL Jasmine Chambers, a sophomore, said, “My greatest sense of accomplishment about participating in JROTC is going to practices (JLAB and color guard) and taking charge of the team for the practices and solving problems within the team.” C/PFC Sarai Rodriguez, a freshman, also echoed the sense of accomplishment the cadets feel while they participate in the program: “My greatest sense of accomplishment while being in JROTC was when I was selected for the S-4 shop as well as being selected for the cadet leadership camp JCLC.”

Nurturing Cadets to Succeed Neuroscientists now suggest that the brain does not mature until age 25. The decision-making part of the teenage brain is still

developing while students are in high school, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Along with proper parental guidance, teachers and mentors can help to positively impact teenagers. “Assisting young children in becoming young adults through hands-on training, life lessons and informing them to make quality decisions based on the “Army’s Seven Core Values”; and having former JROTC cadets return after graduating or reading on social media about how they were able to use the JROTC program to chart a path to success or are on the road to finding success provides me with a tremendous sense of accomplishment,” said LTC Ret. Vic Burnette, Senior Army Instructor for the WSHS Army JROTC. 1SG Ret. Dan Jackson has also seen the cadets’ self-esteem improve over the course of four years in the JROTC program. “Seeing the cadets grow from ninth grade to their senior year is amazing. You get to see this person with low self-esteem and zero confidence grow into a person with high self-esteem and motivation to go out and tackle the world. When they come back after graduation thanking us (cadre) for what we do and how JROTC has prepared them for life even if they don’t join the military or go off to college, they still have that positive character of better citizens. I get a tremendous sense of accomplishment from helping to shape these future adults,” he said. JROTC consists of education programs designed to teach leadership skills, character development, self-discipline and citizenship. C/CPT Noah Kirk, a junior, said that supporting the community is crucial in his role. “As a cadet leader in JROTC, my greatest sense of accomplishment comes from assisting those in need in our community through community service and service learning activities,” he said. C/SSG Tyler Donovan, a sophomore, echoed Kirk’s experience. “As a cadet leader in JROTC, the greatest sense of accomplishment is completing difficult missions and tasks and participating in community service or service learning projects,” he said. For questions related to JROTC programs, please call Career and Technical Education/Student Learning at 703-791-7297 or visit Kim Howard, CAE ( is the editor in chief of Prince William Living and a military brat who is married to an Air Force veteran. She is also a publishing and communications consultant. Learn more about her at prince william living April 2017

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taking care of business

Wise Ways Consulting Developing Strong Leaders for the 21st Century By Tracy Shevlin | Photos by Rob Jinks


elissa Davies, owner of Wise Ways Consulting, has always been interested in diversity and inclusivity. After spending a decade living and working overseas, she now devotes her time to helping her clients harness and embrace diversity, build leadership skills, and develop happier, stronger teams. These are important concepts because research has shown that companies that embrace a diversified workforce are more innovative than those that do not. It is also expensive to lose talent. The loss of a valuable employee creates a vacancy, which affects productivity and also sets the company up for subsequent personnel losses in addition to new recruiting and training expenses. In cases where employees feel disempowered or unappreciated, losses can be avoided if management were trained to make the most of their teams.


April 2017 prince william living


Emotional Intelligence and MBTI in the Workplace

making, and stress management. These measures affect workplace relationships and performance.

Traditionally, leaders were promoted based on their technical skills as opposed to team building, communication, or other behavioral skills. In the past, this had less of an effect on companies because the employees of previous generations were more loyal to their companies than their more modern counterparts. In today’s work environment, workers of generations X and Y are found to be more loyal to people than companies. Soft skills, such as emotional intelligence and team understanding through Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), are important to developing that loyalty and retaining talent.

For management and team leaders, Wise Ways provides the EQ360 assessment, which gives a more detailed analysis of the team based on the aggregation of team members’ EQI results. It gives managers a snapshot of the team, its strengths, and areas that could be an impediment to the group’s success.

When it comes to understanding the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-I), there is a business case to be made in terms of dollars and cents beyond the value of retaining talent. According to the EQ-I Consortium, employers, such as the U.S. Air Force, have been able to predict success of potential recruiters based on how they scored in certain competencies, such as assertiveness, empathy, happiness, and emotional self-awareness. As a result of implementing this assessment, they save $3 million annually. Many other branches of the military have been asked to adopt this assessment as well. The Consortium noted EQ-I was a good indicator of success among other business sectors as well, finding positive results from executives to sales people and even collection agency employees. Some leaders still don’t understand that these skills are a professional requirement or that these skills would lead to further success. Leaders can become so mission-focused that they forget how their behavior affects their team. They don’t realize the value of being in touch and connecting with their employees or that the characteristics that make a great leader are based on “emotional” behavior. Emotional intelligence does not mean that managers have to be best friends with their employees. It can be shown through empathy, respect, and caring. When leaders do not take advantage of opportunities to maximize their team’s potential, a gap in performance versus potential occurs. Leaders who are trained in emotional intelligence build trust, and trust is a critical requirement for successful teams.

Consulting, Training, and Coaching Wise Ways Consulting helps bridge the gap in management training and team building. Davies is an MBTI Master Practitioner and teaches the importance of types in teams. In the same way that someone who is shy could be perceived as standoffish, co-workers and team members can have incorrect perceptions of one another. Perceptions filtered through the lens of MBTI give greater understanding and respect to another’s preferences or work style. In addition to MBTI training, Davies and her staff offer the EQIEmotional Intelligence Assessment- 2.0 as one way to measure emotional intelligence. This instrument measures 15 elements of emotional intelligence and shows how emotions affect one’s selfperception, self-expression, interpersonal relationships, decision

Professional coaching is available for individuals seeking personal and professional growth. Davies told Prince William Living that coaching is for people from all walks of life and all professional levels: “People often act in certain ways because of fear. Sometimes it is fear of movement, fear of change, or fear of feeling stupid. Having a coach helps people push through these issues.” She added that many highly successful people seek coaching because they realize that a coach or facilitator can bring additional skills and perspective. She noted that she has coached many clients through significant work changes, including promotions, by helping them to uncover their subconscious fears and work through them. Davies said that she typically works with clients for six months to a year. She meets with them individually and also visits work sites. She believes it is important to see her clients in action and to witness how others react to them. There is an ebb and flow to her clients’ coaching schedules. Sometimes they will meet for two or three sessions per month and then back off for a bit and reconnect in a month or two. It takes time to work on behaviors and see results.

How Not to Be a “Bleep” at Work For those who prefer a more hands-off approach, Davies wrote a book in 2016 titled “How Not to Act Like a Bleep at Work; Seven Simple Reminders of How to Be Who You Really Want to Be at Work and in Life.” Davies’ book is both a story and a business parable based on her coaching and facilitating experiences. The boss in the story is technically competent, but emotionally a mess. (Think of the boss you never want to work for again in your life!) People can relate to the characters and see their own experiences through them. By observing the actions of the employees and following this failing manager through a successful mentorship program, readers can see how common workplace issues can be resolved with great results. According to Davies, “Bad managers leave a trail of destruction in their wake.” Wise Ways Consulting helps businesses avoid that. For additional information on services offered by Wise Ways Consulting, visit or contact Melissa Davies at 703-763-3823 or

Tracy Shevlin ( is a native Virginian and long-time Manassas area resident. She is a graduate of George Mason University where she is also an office manager. Follow her on Twitter @nvalady1. prince william living April 2017

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family fun

Trash to Story and Photos By Amanda Causey Baity

Treasure A

s summer is rapidly approaching and this month is Earth month, I have a trash-to-treasure craft and recipe option for you. Do one or both! The mason jar solar lights craft is the most popular post on my blog, and I am always trying to find ways to reinvent it. I hope you enjoy making this or a variation of it with your family, and always remember, make every day Earth Day! Mason Jar Solar Lights

I could eat a pickle at every meal! What is super cool is when you are done eating your pickles, you are left with a nice canning jar. With an abundance of empty pickle jars, I started to think about how I can recycle them into an awesome craft. Here is what I came up with. After thinking of several different ideas, I was shopping one day and saw some simple solar lights. This project cost a total of $6 and that was for the solar lights; no additional purchases were needed. Other tools I used were a hammer, a Phillips head screwdriver and wire cutters. Use a pencil, or eyeball the space needed on the jar lid, to slide up the length of the solar light base. Use screwdriver and hammer to cut your opening. Clip excess metal from the jar with the wire cutters to make it smooth. Slide the lid on the base and screw the jar on top! It’s that simple. Change things up by coloring your jars, adding colored tissue paper inside, or tying a ribbon around the lid. (continues on page 24)

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April 2017 prince william living

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TREASURE (continued from page 22)

Homemade 10-Minute Pickles

If you don’t want to use your leftover jars for a craft, consider using them to make your own pickles! Am I the only one that sneaks pickles straight from the jar while no one is looking? I can’t be, right? Well, if you are a pickle lover like me or one who only partakes a spear on the side of a sandwich, this recipe is for you. Most of the pickles you find in the grocery store aisle contain a variety of preservatives and colors to give them their distinct flavor and color. Here is a healthier alternative and a great way to get the kids involved in making their own pickles. Pickles can be made with less than ten ingredients in about ten minutes, and you don’t even need to pressure can them. Since we’re bypassing the canning process, these pickles are sometimes called quick or refrigerator pickles. Make them in small batches since they don’t last as long as if you were to can them. Ingredients • 3/4 cup + 2 tablespoons vinegar • 3 cloves garlic, peeled and lightly crushed • 4 tablespoons cane sugar, rounded • 2 teaspoons salt • 1 cucumber • 1 1/2 teaspoons whole peppercorns • 1/2 teaspoons whole mustard seed • 1/4 cup loosely packed fresh dill

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Instructions In a small pot, combine vinegar, garlic, sugar and salt. Bring to just under a simmer. Meanwhile, cut the cucumber in half and then into spears. In a 32 oz. wide-mouthed mason jar (or other heat proof 32 oz. jar with a lid), put the peppercorns, mustard seed, and dill. Stuff cucumbers in on top of the other ingredients. After the vinegar is just under a simmer and the sugar/ salt have dissolved, pour directly into the mason jar. Fill the remainder of the jar with cool water until the cucumbers are just covered. Allow to cool uncovered. Cover and refrigerate or serve. Please share your favorite pickle recipes and your thoughts on this one through our Facebook page. I would love to see your crafts as well! Amanda Causey Baity ( is Prince William Living’s director of operations and photo editor. You can find her recipes, crafts and more at To see more of Amanda’s eco-friendly crafts, visit and look under Family Fun.

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home & hearth PART 2: Four Easy Steps to an Exceptional Laundry Room By Douglas Martz


s we discussed in the March issue, the first two steps to an exceptional laundry room are assessing your needs and maximizing your space with cabinets. Here are the final two steps. Step Three: Allocate sufficient space for drying everything. Laundry Tip: Customize your laundry room with helpful accessories like fold-up wall hangers, pull-out ironing boards, valet rods, and pull-down racks. Fabrics today require different handling. Some are dryer safe, some are air-dry only, others take a spin in the dryer and then hang to finish drying, and some items should dry flat to hold their shape. n Air-drying prevents shrinkage and saves on energy costs (the dryer), but some fabrics, like cotton and linen, may require ironing. n Polyester and polyester/cotton blends are dryer safe or will air-dry wrinkle-free. n Silk, wool, rayon, cashmere, spandex and Lycra (any elasticity) should be air-dried, including bathing suits, bras, and sweaters. n Don’t crowd wet hanging items; they need space for air to circulate. Laundry Tip: Never return any laundry to drawers or closets if even slightly damp; it will mildew. Step Four: Personalize your laundry room. Laundry Tip: Fixed hanging rods or fold-away racks can handle loads of laundry, and if space is limited, use the shower curtain rods for air drying. Specialty accessories that integrate with custom cabinets for ultimate functionality will help to make laundry day more efficient. n A pull-out ironing board makes touch-ups quick and easy. n Pull-down rods give lots of space for hanging and then fold up out of the way. n Retractable and fold-up valet rods provide additional hanging space. Doing laundry is rarely anyone’s favorite thing, but the end result is so satisfying. And since you have to do laundry, why not do it in a beautiful, custom laundry room designed just for you?

Douglas Martz is the president of Tailored Living featuring Premier Garage. Details can be found at fredericksburg/.

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April 2017 prince william living

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local flavor

Zabb Thai Worth a Try – Authentic Traditional Thai Cuisine Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary in Manassas By Helena Tavares Kennedy


Photos provided by Zabb Thai

here are plenty of Thai restaurants in the Prince William area to choose from, but some are a combination of Chinese or other Asian cuisine in addition to Thai food, resulting in not that many truly authentic Thai restaurants. That’s where Zabb Thai steps in and serves up a delicious and diverse menu of Thai cuisine, including popular favorites like Pad Thai. Zabb Thai, located at 11010 Sudley Manor Drive just a few doors down from the Shoppers grocery store, is owned by local resident TK Chin. Chin also owns Mum Mum, the restaurant he just opened in 2015 across the street from the Hylton Performing Arts Center, and which we covered in our August 2016 issue.

Delicious Thai Cuisine The most popular dish is Pad Thai, rice noodles stir fried with chicken, shrimp, bean sprouts, and eggs and then topped with peanuts. “Pad Thai is often the most popular item at Thai restaurants,” said Chin. “But I encourage customers to try some of our other amazing traditional Thai dishes like the salt chili pork, Kua-Kling chicken, and chili basil flounder filet.” Salt chili pork is mildly spicy and consists of crispy pork stir fried with dry spices and crispy fried green beans. Topped with Thai chili basil sauce and served with steamed rice, the chili basil flounder filet is also mildly spicy. If you want to try something with a bit more heat and some serious kick, Kua-Kling chicken fits the bill with its bold and hot spicy combination of Thai herbs used to season ground chicken and served with steamed vegetables and jasmine rice.

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Shumai: steamed homemade shrimp and chicken dumplings with house soy sauce.

10 Years in Business Means Big Changes Zabb Thai will celebrate its 10th anniversary this year with some exciting changes. While the restaurant hasn’t had a menu change in 10 years and has only increased its prices once in its history, even as food prices increased over the years, Chin was excited to announce the restaurant is completely revamping its menu. To do so, Chin is welcoming Kassara Intarapanich, also known as Chef Sarah, into the kitchen. Intarapanich is a Northern Virginia Thai cuisine chef, who has cooked for the Thai Embassy and ambassadors, giving credence to her authenticity. Intarapanich will not just bring a new menu and fresh changes to Zabb Thai. She is creating new Thai dishes that no one else in the

Zabb Thai offers happy hour, live music, free delivery, catering and private event hosting.

needed, the restaurant can also provide everything you require for your catered event, including buffet servers and warmers to keep the food hot, plates, utensils, drinks, and more. area offers, which are currently in the works and expected to be available later this spring. Chin said he also plans on renovating the kitchen and redecorating the restaurant to give it a fresh new look. Another 10th anniversary change is that the restaurant will start offering two new discounts for customers - a senior citizen discount and a military/police force discount. The official policy is still in the works, so stay tuned for details or inquire about it on your next visit.

Perhaps the most surprising feature of this restaurant is that the space can be rented out for special events like weddings, birthday parties, showers, corporate parties, and other events. Zabb Thai can host up to 120 people for private functions, even sometimes extending closing hours for your private event. The best part? You won’t be charged a separate venue fee for your event. Chin said, “We have a lot of experience with weddings and parties even helping people decorate the space, getting them DJs, and taking care of everything for them. We get rid of headaches especially for the brides, who often are the ones doing all the wedding planning.”

More Than Just a Restaurant The delicious food isn’t the only reason to come to Zabb Thai. Stop by Monday through Friday between 4 and 7 p.m. to enjoy $3 imported draft beer during their Happy Hour specials. “Customers say it’s the best happy hour in town,” Chin said. On Thursdays from 6:30 p.m. until closing at 10 p.m., you can enjoy local live music as you dine in the restaurant. Anyone can bring their instruments and play music to show their artistic talents, and there is no need to sign up beforehand. If you are in a rush and can’t visit Zabb Thai in person, their delivery and catering services are a convenient option. With a $15 minimum lunch order or $20 minimum dinner order, the restaurant offers free delivery in the Manassas and Bristow areas.

Support Local Owned Business Next time you are looking for a traditional and authentic Thai restaurant, consider Zabb Thai. In doing so, you will support a locally owned business as it celebrates its 10th anniversary, so Chin can continue employing 15 locals and serving delicious food in the region. Zabb Thai’s hours and full menu can be found on its website: Helena Tavares Kennedy (, a longtime Prince William County resident who is always on the search for new authentic restaurants in the area, is a freelance writer and communications consultant and can also be reached at and

There also is no fee for catering delivery, which makes Zabb Thai a cost-effective option for catering your next event or meeting. If prince william living April 2017

| 29

your finances 5 Questions to Consider Before Downsizing Your Home By Bennett Whitlock, CRPC® Private Wealth Advisor


any retirees are looking for convenience, simplicity and accommodations more suited to their needs as “empty nesters.” Here are five questions to consider as you decide whether downsizing is right for you:



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1. Does your home still have the right feel? It may be time to consider a change if you find that there are under-used rooms in your home or if you’re ready for a new environment. However, if you are enjoying the freedom more space brings, then your current house may be just the right fit. This might also be the case if your home is a gathering place for extended family and friends. 2. Is the upkeep sustainable? As you move into retirement, you may want to reduce the stress of cleaning and home projects. If working around the house and yard is something you enjoy, it may make sense to stay put. However, a smaller home will likely be less of a burden, especially if it’s move-in ready.

Gainesville Branch Sudley Manor 14385 McGraws Corner Dr. 8400 Chatsworth Dr. Rt. 29, next to CVS

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3. Are you ready to de-clutter? Moving to a smaller space is a reality check for many people. All of the things you’ve been accumulating and storing for years probably won’t fit in a smaller home. That means you need to spend time going through your personal belongings to determine what’s of real value and what can go. This can take time, so get started well before it is time to move. 4. Are there cost savings? In many situations, a larger house can be sold for a price that is higher than the cost of a smaller home. This could result in a smaller (or no) mortgage and potentially some extra money in the bank. But it is not always so simple. There are costs associated with buying, selling and moving. Evaluate how downsizing would affect your budget and review your situation with a financial professional before taking action. 5. Where are you spending your time? If your retirement dreams include traveling, visiting family or owning a vacation property, you may be away from home more often in retirement than you were in your working years. Having a smaller home that is easier to maintain could make sense in these situations. Alternatively, you may be looking forward to staying put and finally having time to enjoy the home you worked so hard to maintain over the years. Downsizing doesn’t need to be rushed. Consider your priorities, and if you decide to downsize, give yourself plenty of time to do it right. Bennett Whitlock, CRPC , is a private wealth advisor and managing director with Whitlock Wealth Management, a franchise of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Learn more at or call 703-492-7732. ®

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April 2017 prince william living

Take charge of your financial future. Since 1894 Ameriprise Financial has helped millions of Americans feel more confident about their financial future. As an Ameriprise financial advisor, I remain true to our vision of always putting clients first. Discover the one-to-one attention you deserve, call me today at 703.492.7732. Bennett C. Whitlock III, CPRC® ® Private Wealth Advisor Whitlock Wealth Management A private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. 12848 Harbor Dr, Ste 101 Lake Ridge, VA 22192 703.492.7732 Toll Free: 877-WHITLOCK CA Insurance #OF32105

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prince william living April 2017

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calendar Civil War Trust Park Clean Up Day—Bristoe Station Battlefield

Sat. Apr. 1 | 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. Bristoe Station Battlefield Heritage Park 10708 Bristow Rd., Bristow Join the staff at Bristoe Station Battlefield and the Civil War Preservation Trust at History for Park Day 2017. Park Day is a nationwide event that encourages Civil War enthusiasts to help maintain, restore and preserve Civil War sites through volunteerism. 703-366-3049.

Prince William Living Presents Breakfast with an Expert Thurs. Apr. 6 | 8 a.m. PWAR 4545 Daisy Reid Ave., Suite 150, Woodbridge Join us for a cup of coffee, a bagel and information from an expert who will give you actionable advice you can put to work immediately in your business. RSVP breakfastwithanexpert.


Haymarket Quilt Auction

Thurs. Apr. 6 | 6 p.m. Alvey Elementary School 5300 Waverly Farm Dr., Haymarket Haymarket Quilters Unlimited will be hosting its annual auction. This is your chance to purchase quilts, wall hangings, bags, and quilting related items, such as fabric, notions, patterns, services, etc.

First Friday

Fri. Apr. 7 | 6 – 9 p.m. Historic Downtown Manassas Enjoy the variety of shops and restaurants in Historic Downtown Manassas for First Friday! Streets will be open to traffic this month.

Festival of Spring: Holland in Haymarket Sat. Apr 8 – Sun. Apr. 30 | 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Burnside Farms 15441 Haymarket Dr., Haymarket

Holland comes to Haymarket as we kick off the annual Festival of Spring at Burnside Farms. The farm’s fields are an amazing location for spring photos or a peaceful picnic lunch. Families, schools and groups are invited to visit the farm to enjoy a festival that’s fun for all ages. Ticket information:

Easter Egg Hunt

Sat. Apr. 8 | 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Manassas Park Community Center 99 Adams St., Manassas Park Bring your children up to age 7, family and friends to the Community Center for some springtime fun. Bring your camera for pictures with the Easter Bunny! Preregistration strongly encouraged. $5;

Eggstravaganza at Ben Lomond Historic Site

Sat. Apr. 8 | 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Ben Lomond Historic Site & Old Rose Garden 10321 Sudley Manor Dr., Manassas Egg Hunts will be at 11:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. at the historic site and each hunt will be separated by age groups. $5; 703-367-7872.

Popovich Comedy Pet Theater

Sat. Apr. 8 | 7 p.m. Hylton Performing Arts Center 10960 George Mason Circle, Manassas The whole family will be amused and amazed by the juggling skills of Gregory Popovich and the antics of his furry and feathered friends. Tickets:

Hop Around Downtown

Sun. Apr. 9 – Sat. Apr. 15 | 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Historic Downtown Manassas Hop around from store to store for sweet surprises! For each purchase from a participating merchant, customers get to select an egg from the merchant’s basket and win a prize. Three of the eggs will contain Grand Prizes!

Prince William Living Network – After Hours Tues. Apr. 11 | 5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. Travinia Italian Kitchen & Wine Bar 15001 Potomac Branch Dr. #100, Woodbridge Join our Network! Meet the people behind the award-winning magazine, Prince William Living. Enjoy non-alcoholic beverages and light appetizers. Start a tab and make plans to stay for dinner! RSVP

The Pentagon Quilts

Thurs. Apr. 13 | 10 a.m. Hylton Performing Arts Center 10960 George Mason Circle, Manassas Inspired by the events of September 11, 2001, both seasoned and first-time quilters fashioned quilts to honor the people who died and were injured in the attack and in appreciation for the heroic efforts of rescue workers. Presented by the Lifelong Learning Institute, Manassas and the Hylton Performing Arts Center. This event is free and open to the public.

Easter Egg Hunt at Rippon Lodge

Sat. Apr. 15 | 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Rippon Lodge 15500 Blackburn Rd., Woodbridge Eggs have been hidden among the trees, bushes and vines at Rippon Lodge. Crafts, games and tours of the historic house make this a day the whole family can enjoy. Egg hunts are at 11:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m., and will be separated by age groups. Bring your own basket for eggs and a picnic lunch. House tours are on the hour. $5 per child, $2 per adult. 703-499-9812.

Prince William Living’s Lunch with the Publisher

Wed. Apr. 19 | 11:30 a.m. Prince William Chamber of Commerce 9720 Capital Ct., #203, Manassas Are you an advertiser with Prince William Living or interested in becoming one? Meet the people behind greater Prince William’s premier lifestyle magazine, as you learn about: Getting your press releases published, tying into the power of our social media presence, visibility

Have an event? Visit to submit details to our online calendar.

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April 2017 prince william living

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packages that increase your reach to targeted consumers, tips on how to focus on your message. Lunch provided by Okra’s. RSVP at princewilliamliving. com/lunchwiththepublisher

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Music by

Brews and Brains at BadWolf Brewery

Thurs. Apr. 20 | 6 – 8 p.m. Bad Wolf Brewery 8420 Kao Circle, Manassas Join the Historic Preservation Division and BadWolf Brewery as we examine the role of beer throughout American History in this three-part series of lectures, artifacts, and activities. Free; donations accepted.

11th Annual Live Well Festival

Sat. Apr. 22 | 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Harris Pavilion 9201 Center St., Manassas Head over to the Harris Pavilion for free health screenings, fitness classes, kid activities, entertainment and more. Recycle those gently used household items or clothes to a worthy cause, visit with the recycling and environmental exhibitors, and help the kids make earth-friendly art.

National Junior Ranger Day Sat. Apr. 22 | 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Prince William Forest Park State Route 619 West, Triangle

Alan Menken

Book by

Linda Woolverton

Lyrics by

Howard Ashman & Tim Rice Originally Directed by

Robert Jess Roth Originally Produced by

Disney Theatrical Productions

April 29 & 30, 2017

at the Hylton Performing Arts Center Purchase tickets at Disney’s BEAUTY AND THE BEAST is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.

Join us for Tea with Belle on April 23! Visit for more information and to purchase tickets.

Prince William Forest Park will have Junior Ranger Day activities for all ages. Youth can participate in a variety of programs and work to earn their Junior Ranger badge.

Geography Day

Thurs. Apr. 27 | 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. National Museum of the Marine Corps 18900 Jefferson Davis Highway, Quantico Celebrate all things Geography at the Museum of the Marine Corps. Homeschool students and their families

are welcome. Larger public or private schools can make reservations at teacher@

5th Annual Kite Festival

Sat. Apr. 29 | 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Signal Hill Park 9300 Signal View Dr., Manassas Park Join us as we launch our kites into the sky at Signal Hill Park. All kites are welcomed. You may purchase a kite for $5 if you do not have one. Please register at if you are purchasing a kite.

All events listed on Prince William Living’s online and print calendars are subject to change. Check with the venue to verify dates, times and locations. prince william living April 2017

| 33


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April 2017 prince william living

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Advertiser Index ACTS..............................................................................................36 Ameriprise–Whitlock Wealth Management....................................30 Apple FCU......................................................................................30 Arbor Terrace.................................................................................27 Artisan Skin Care Center................................................................13 Beautiful Moments by Amy............................................................36 Beth Schomp-Life on Your Own Terms..........................................35 Brennan’s .........................................................................................8 Brides and Weddings.......................................................................3 British Swim School........................................................................34 CASA..............................................................................................36 Center for the Arts..........................................................................33 City of Manassas Parks and Recreation..........................................13 Competitive Edge..........................................................................18 Compton & Duling...........................................................................9 Core Chiropractic...........................................................................27 Dance Etc.......................................................................................33 Everest College..............................................................................35 Furr Roofing....................................................................................33 Give Back Prince William................................................................36 Habitat for Humanity......................................................................33 Hometown Estate Planning............................................................23 Imagewerks....................................................................................36 Imagine...........................................................................................25 Leadership Prince William................................................................9

36 |

April 2017 prince william living

LuLaRoe..........................................................................................36 Mark Gilvey Creative......................................................................36 Northern Virginia Community College...........................................31 Okra’s ..............................................................................................9 Pampered Chef..............................................................................36 Patriot Scuba..................................................................................34 Peggy and Bill Burke, Virginia Realty Partners, LLC.......................26 Prince William Chamber of Commerce..........................................27 Prince William County Parks and Recreation..................................25 Prince William Ice Center...............................................................35 Prince William SPCA.......................................................................36 Realty Exchange Corporation.........................................................18 Robert Jinks Photography..............................................................34 Rotary Club-Lake Ridge....................................................................9 Semper K9......................................................................................36 Saint Benedict Monastery..............................................................31 Stonebridge at Potomac Town Center...........................................12 Tackett’s Mill..................................................................................13 TODOS Super Market....................................................................34 Tribute at Heritage Village............................................................ C4 Vintage Moving & Storage.......................................................13, 36 Westminster at Lake Ridge.............................................................23 Wise Ways Consulting....................................................................18 WineStyles......................................................................................34 Women’s Wedding Network..........................................................34 Workhouse Plumbing.....................................................................36 Yellow Cab.....................................................................................36

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Pick up a free copy of Prince William Living at one of the following fine locations: Chairman At-Large Appliance Connection Pick up a 13851 free copy of Prince William Living at one of the following fine locations: Corey A. Stewart Telegraph Road, Suite 101, Woodbridge McCoartAt-Large Administration Building Chairman Appliance Connection City of Manassas 1 County Complex Court, Prince William Corey A. Stewart 13851 Telegraph Road, Suite 101, Woodbridge 9027 Center Street, Manassas Brentsville District McCoart Administration Building City of Manassas Park City of Manassas Jeanine Complex Lawson Court, Prince William 1 County OneStreet, Park Center Court 9027 Center Manassas 9440 Innovation Drive, Manassas Manassas Park Brentsville District City of Manassas Park ColesLawson District Jeanine Prince William & Manassas One ParkDiscover Center Court Martin E. Nohe 10611 Balls Ford Road, Suite 110, Manassas 9440 Innovation Drive, Manassas 13476 Dumfries Road, Manassas Manassas Park Edward Kelly Leadership Center Coles District Potomac District Discover14715 Prince William &Manassas Manassas Bristow Road, Martin E. Nohe Maureen S. Caddigan, Vice Chair 10611 Balls Ford Road, Suite 110, Manassas 13476 Road, Manassas Dr. Dumfries A.J. Ferlazzo Building Historic Manassas Inc Edward Kelly Leadership Center 15941 Donald Curtis Drive, Suite 145, Woodbridge Visitor’s Center at the Train Depot Potomac District 9431 West Street, Manassas 14715 Bristow Road, Manassas Gainesville District Vice Chair Maureen S. Caddigan, Manassas Park Dr.Pete A.J.Candland Ferlazzo Building Historic Manassas Inc City Schools 7001 Heritage VillageDrive, Plaza, Suite Suite 210, One Park Center Court, Suite A, Manassas Park 15941 Donald Curtis 145, Gainesville Woodbridge Visitor’s Center at the Train Depot

9431 West Street, Manassas Manassas Park – Parks and Recreation 99 Adams Street, Manassas

Manassas Park City Schools Center One ParkMason CenterEnterprise Court, Suite A, Manassas Park

10890 George Mason Cir., Bull Run Hall, Rm 147, Manassas

Manassas Park – Parks and Recreation Virginia Community College 99 AdamsNorthern Street, Manassas Manassas Campus, 6901 Sudley Road

Campus, 15200 Neabsco Mills Road NorthernWoodbridge Virginia Community College Manassas Prince Campus, 6901 Association Sudley Roadof Realtors William Woodbridge 15200 Neabsco Mills Road 4545Campus, Daisy Reid Avenue, Woodbridge

Prince William Association of Realtors Prince William County McCoart Administration Building 4545 Daisy Reid Avenue, Woodbridge

1 County Complex Court, Prince William

Prince William County McCoart Administration Building 1 County Complex Court, Prince William

Neabsco District Gainesville District John D. Jenkins Pete4361 Candland Ridgewood Center Drive, Prince William

7001 Heritage Village Plaza, Suite 210, Gainesville Occoquan District

Neabsco District Ruth Anderson John D. Jenkins 2241-K Tackett’s Mill Drive, Woodbridge 4361 RidgewoodDistrict Center Drive, Prince William Woodbridge Frank J. Principi Occoquan District Dr.Anderson A.J. Ferlazzo Building Ruth 15941 Donald Drive, Suite 140, Woodbridge 2241-K Tackett’sCurtis Mill Drive, Woodbridge Prince William Ice Center

Woodbridge District Dale City 5180 Dale Boulevard, Frank J. Principi Dr. A.J. Ferlazzo Building 15941 Donald Curtis Drive, Suite 140, Woodbridge Prince William Ice Center 5180 Dale Boulevard, Dale City

Prince William Parks and Recreation Prince William Public Library System Prince William and Recreation 14418 Bristow Road, Parks Manassas 12964 Harbor Drive, Lake Ridge Prince William Public Library System 12993 Fitzwater Drive, Nokesville 14418 Bristow Road, Manassas 8051 Ashton Avenue, Manassas 12964 Harbor Drive, Lake Ridge 8601 Mathis Avenue, Manassas 12993 Fitzwater Drive, Nokesville 13065 Chinn Park Drive, Woodbridge 8051 Avenue, 4249 DaleAshton Boulevard, Dale Manassas City 18007 Dumfries Dumfries 8601 MathisShopping Avenue, Plaza, Manassas 4603 JamesChinn Madison Highway, 13065 Park Drive, Haymarket Woodbridge 2201 Opitz Boulevard, Woodbridge 4249 Dale Boulevard, Dale City

18007 Dumfries Shopping Dumfries Prince William County TouristPlaza, Information Center Waterway Drive, Montclair 2005049 Mill Street, Occoquan 4603 James Madison Highway, Haymarket

The Sign Shop 2201 Opitz Boulevard, Woodbridge 2603 Morse Lane, Woodbridge

Prince William County Tourist Information Center Town of Dumfries 200Main Mill Street, Street,Dumfries Occoquan 17755 Town Haymarket TheofSign Shop 15000 Washington Street, Haymarket 2603 Morse Lane, Woodbridge Town of Occoquan Town of Dumfries Town Hall,Main 314 Mill Street, Occoquan 17755 Street, Dumfries Town of Quantico of Haymarket 337Town 5th Avenue, Quantico

15000 Washington Street, Haymarket

Virginia Realty Partners Town of Occoquan 4004 Genessee Place #209, Woodbridge

Town Hall, 314 Mill Street, Occoquan Town of Quantico 337 5th Avenue, Quantico Virginia Realty Partners 4004 Genessee Place #209, Woodbridge

prince william living April 2016 | 37

prince william living April 2017

| 37

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