family fun
Take Family Fun Night Outdoors By Jennifer Halter
arm weather is upon us and for many families, that means finding more ways to enjoy time outdoors. Here are some ways to take your next family fun night outside under the stars — and do it on a budget!
Backyard Camping Adventure
Camping is a favorite activity for many families, but it can take a lot of time to pack, prepare, and travel, especially if it’s a last-minute decision. But you can have your own backyard camping night at home whenever the urge strikes. If you have a tent, set it up, or, if not, you can do all the other camping activities and just plan to sleep inside. This is a great option for those who are new to camping and may not quite be ready to brave the outdoors for a full night. If you can safely start a campfire (fire pits would be a great option for this), use it for cooking and added light and warmth. Grab your sticks or skewers to roast hot dogs or marshmallows for s’mores. Not able to cook outside? No problem! You can always prepare your food inside and take it out for a dinnertime picnic. For entertainment, sing your favorite songs, tell stories, or play yard games. You can easily make this a night to be screen-free and unplugged, which we all need from time to time.
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Glow Party
Glow sticks are inexpensive and can provide hours of fun on warm spring and summer nights. Check your local dollar store for sticks, bracelets, necklaces, wands, and headbands. Dress in dark-colored clothing to maximize the awesome glowing effect from the items your family chooses to wear, carry, or even attach to their outfits. Bring out the music for a fun glow dance party, or play a game of tag or hide and seek. You can also have a glow stick hunt (similar to an Easter egg hunt). Want to take it up a notch? Try your hand at your own glow bubbles! You will need standard size bottles of bubbles, glowsticks (approximately five to six per bottle of bubbles), scissors and protective gloves. To begin, open your bottle of bubbles. Select five to six glowsticks of the same color. If you want a brighter, more vibrant color, use more glow sticks. While wearing protective gloves, snip the end of each stick and squeeze the liquid into the bottle of bubbles. (Please note that since the glowsticks do contain chemicals, only adults should be handling them once they have been snipped open.) Replace the lid on the bubble bottle and shake gently to combine the liquids. Blow bubbles just as you normally would and watch them glow! The bubbles will glow for approximately 10 to 15 minutes, so you may want to have several extra