An Unexpected Hot Spot for Hauntings
Dumfries, Virginia By Mia Brabham
he Haunting of Hill House. Paranormal Activity. The Blair Witch Project. American Horror Story. If you’re intrigued by all things spooky and spirited, you’ve come to — or live in — the right place. In Prince William, particularly in the town of Dumfries, there is a fascinating history of haunted folklore. So much so, that the small, beloved town is on the map nationally for those looking for a ghostly place to visit. “Many people visit us after watching Travel Channel and other shows filmed here around 2012,” said Lisa Timmerman, Executive Director of Historic Dumfries Virginia, Inc. and The Weems-Botts Museum.
Paranormal Activity in Dumfries The team has been informed by paranormal researchers that the area of Dumfries is extremely active when it comes to unearthly activity. “Guests and residents have informed us of events that have happened to them, both day and night. I am skeptical of their observations, but it does make for some interesting folklore,” Timmerman confessed. Many members of the local community have shared stories with Timmerman about paranormal events they claimed to have witnessed in their homes or at local businesses, including Dumfries Cemetery and Dumfries Elementary School.
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October 2021 prince william living