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Prince William Living is a lifesty le magazine, whose m ission is to build a better commun ity by promotin g quality-of-life issues; incl uding solid eco nomic development, strong education and workforce development ; supportin g the arts community and encourag ing volunteerism t hrough our loca l not-for-profts.
Of th e 12,000 copies printed monthly, Prince William Living is mailed directly to more than 9,000 homes and businesses in Northern Virginia. Our mailing list includes 5,000 corporate decision makers in Prin ce William and Greater Manassas, along w ith households earning more t han $150,000 annually. Another 3,000 cop ies are distributed at more than 200 high -traffic locati ons throughout Prince William and Greater Manassas. 5,000 BUSINESSES
TARGET DEMOf;RAPHJC Our average reader is 25-45, fema le, educated and ma rried w ith chi l dren. Her househo ld earns $150,000+, is engaged in t he community and is like ly to act on information read in Pri nce Willia m Living. Her fam ily enjoys f indin g activities and services ava il ab le loca lly, and her husband often f li ps throug h th e m agazin e as well .
table of contents Art .......................................... 4 Dance & Drama ........................... 5 Educational ............................... 11 Multi-Category .......................... 11 Music ..................................... 16 Science ..................................... 16 Sports ...................................... 20
Great American Backyard Campout ... 6 Presta Valley Christian School. ......... 9 Outdoor Movie Night ................. 12 Prince William Ice Center.............. 15 Sparkles! Summer Camp .............. 17 Camp Invention ........................ 18 0 mniLink MyLink ....................... 21
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Arts & Culture Camps Camp Creation Fresta Valley Marshall, VA Summer day camps at Fresta Valley Christian School are a great way to spend the summer! Campers have the opportunity to learn something new, exercise their creativity, invent, make new friends, and have tons of fun, all in a Christ centered loving environment. Each week is built around a theme and includes Bible stories, field trips, and all kinds of projects and activities! The kids are so busy having fun they do not realize that they are learning. Our week-long camps are held throughout the summer for kids ages 4 - 12. Camp is held from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Monday through Friday at Fresta Valley Christian School. Before/After Care is available from 7 – 9 a.m. and 3 – 5 p.m. Transportation is offered from Marshall, Haymarket, and Warrenton. Ages 6-12 June 15-19 $175-$200
Crazy Creations Fresta Valley Marshall, VA Summer day camps at Fresta Valley Christian School are a great way to spend the summer! Campers have the opportunity to learn something new, exercise their creativity, invent, make new friends, and have tons of fun, all in a Christ centered loving environment. Each week is built around a theme and includes Bible stories, field trips, and all kinds of projects and activities! Our week-long camps are held throughout the summer for kids ages 4 - 12. Camp is held from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Monday through Friday at Fresta Valley Christian School. Before/After Care is available from 7 – 9 a.m. and 3 – 5 p.m. Transportation is offered from Marshall, Haymarket, and Warrenton. Ages 4-5 June 15-19 $175-$200
Edgemoor Art Studio Woodbridge, VA Art Rocks! 2015 is a summer of pure creativity, for children and teens. Camps are half-day, and pricing includes all instruction, materials, canvasses and a daily snack. Kids will learn about multiple art processes using a variety of mediums, in an educational and FUN environment! Kids will enjoy both indoor and outdoor art activities, and individual expression and creativity will be nurtured in a non-competitive environment. Ages 3-6 9:00am-12:00pm Ages 7 & up 1:00pm-4:00pm $195
Maker Camp Manassas, VA Calling all rising 7th, 8th and 9th graders that want to hang out with your friends. Our local chapter will be joining young inventors and artists from around the world on Google+ to make awesome projects, go on epic virtual field trips, and meet the world's coolest makers. Maker Camp inspires young people to embrace their inner makers, get their hands dirty, fix some things, break others, and have a lot of fun. Ben Lomond Community Center August 3-7 1:00pm-4:00pm $130
Trash to Treasures Fresta Valley Marshall, VA Summer day camps at Fresta Valley Christian School are a great way to spend the summer! Campers have the opportunity to learn something new, exercise their creativity, invent, make new friends, and have tons of fun, all in a Christ centered loving environment. Each week is built around a theme and includes Bible stories, field trips, and all kinds of projects and activities! The kids are so busy having fun they do not realize that they are learning.
Our week-long camps are held throughout the summer for kids ages 4 - 12. Camp is held from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Monday through Friday at Fresta Valley Christian School. Before/After Care is available from 7 – 9 a.m. and 3 – 5 p.m. Transportation is offered from Marshall, Haymarket, and Warrenton. Ages 4-12 July 6-10 $175-$200
Dance & Drama Camps Gainesville Ballet Summer Classes Gainesville, VA Gainesville Ballet offers weekly classes for a 6 week summer session, ballet intensives, musical theater week, and Tiny Ballerina camp. Week long classes begin July 6th with various day camps and intensives. $100 and up
Showtime Camp Tringle, VA Focusing on the production of a full-length play from the ground up. Aspects of the production from costumes to scenery to choreography. Friends and family invited to a full evening stage production. Locust Shade Park Ages 8-14 July 27-August 7 9:00am-12:00 pm $130
Stage Door Dance Studio Manassas, VA We will be hosting a Princess dance camp studying Jazz tap ballet lyrical tumbling. We will be having a visit from a disney princess as well as arts and crafts. We are also hosting a Diva Camp. That'll include tap jazz ballet tumbling and modeling. As well as arts and crafts and learning dances from popular music videos July 6-17 M-F 9am-12pm Ages 4-12 $150
Getting Your Kids Outside, and around Nature By Amanda Causey Baity Unplug and head outside. That's the idea behind the National Wildlife Federation's popular, nationwide Great American POUT~ NATIONAL WILDLIFE Backyard Campout.'M In conjunction with FEDERATION• Great Outdoors Month, this annual June family event encourages people of all ages to camp in their backyards, neighborhoods, parks and campgrounds, as a way to reconnect with nature.
This year's event is Sarurday, June 27. "Kids need to experience camping, especially in their youth when the wonders of the outdoors can influence their future love for nature and wildlife," said Maureen Smith, chief marketing officer for the National Wildlife Federation"', America's largest conservation organization. National Wildlife Federation programs educate and inspire Americans to protect wildlife and its habitat for our children's future. There are a lot of benefits to taking your kids camping. "In addition to developing a deeper appreciation for the outdoors and the wildlife around them, through camping in their backyard or at a local park, being in natUre helps to burn off energy, stay fit and be mentally focused for school, homework and aU activities in their busy day," Smith said. For its Great American Backyard Campout, the National Wildlife Federation provides nearly everything you need to head out into the great outdoors. The event website ( has packing lists, recipes, noctUrnal wildlife guides, exploration activities, nature games and more.
Now in its lOth year, the event is pan of the organization's 10 Million Kids Outdoors campaign, a three-year initiative to get kids outside regularly, connecting to nature. According to the National
Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), which supports the National Wildlife Federation campaign, increasingly fewer American children are playing outside, from 75 percent a generation ago to only 25 percent today. The goal of the federation's initiative is "creating a generation of happier and healthier children with more awareness and connection to the narural world," according to the NRPA ( The National Wildlife Federation has worked to connect youth with nature for decades, inspiring children through its Ranger Rick and Ranger Rick Jr. magazines, working with educators to get kids learning outdoors and helping parents find new ways to engage their children outside. For the past two years, my son and I have participated in the National Wildlife Federation's camping event. Prior to moving to Prince William, we lived in a small town in rural Alabama. So camping in our backyard was very much like being in the middle of the woods. Instead of just throwing up a tent and heading to the backyard, I like to try to make things as exciting as possible. We work on crafts the week before and get
our grocery list for the things we will want to cook on our campfire. Of course, no campout can be complete without making s'mores. Here are simple steps to creating your own custom marshmallow roasters. I spent a total of $3 in supplies for this affordable craft, and kids will
in the fire for a few minutes to burn off any residue. Also, lighting is always important when camping. You can Mason create this jar solar lantern '•"'1..:::.~ ~· 1111 with a basic Mason jar and a $1 solar light. Uncap the solar light from its stand. Remove the inner ~R!..- portion of the jar lid and secure the solar light to the top. I used hot glue and twine on this one. Use some heavy wire to wrap around the edge of the jar and create your hanger. Your new lantern will now easily hang from inside your tent. You could also skip hanging it and just set it out on the ground or your camp table. 1
love being able to use their creativity to design their own. Materials Long round wooden dowel 1 inch in diameter
Metal skewers
Industrial-strength glue
Sponge brushes
Clear wood sealer spray paint
Twine, buttons, scrapbook papers and other supplies to decorate (optional)
Directions Cut the wooden dowel into about 6-inch lengths. Drill a hole in the bottom for skewers and, if making a string handle, also through the top for the twine or yarn. Sand the edges.
For more information about the National Wildlife Federation, visit To learn more about its campout event, go
Decorate your dowels as desired and allow them to dry. Use clear wood sealer spray paint to coat the dowels and let that dry completely.
Clip the end of your metal skewers and add adhesive to the end. Insert the skewer into the bottom of your dowel.
Add your twine for the handle along with any buttons or other decor items you want to use.
Before roasting food, burn the end of the metal stick
Located in Manassas Park, just off of Old Centreville Road, nestled in Costello Park, our 80,000 sq.ft. mi!iii);i;J~m facility provides the perfect environment for all of your recreational needs.
Call or Visit Us Today!
Take One Tringle, VA Focusing on the production of a full-length play from the ground up. Aspects of the production from costumes to scenery to choreography. Friends and family invited to a full evening stage production. Locust Shade Park Ages 7-12 July 20-24 9:00am-12:00 pm $100
Tiny Dancers Mouseling Gainesville, VA Mouseling Camp--Age 3-5: Join everyone’s favorite mouse as she dances her way into your heart with a selection of her wonderful stories. Each day brings an exciting new adventure with Angelina and her family and friends as we interpret the story through dance. Ballet instruction, snack and a theme related craft will be included each day, with a recital on the last day of camp. Jun 22–Jun 26 10:00am-1:00pm $225
Tiny Dancers Once Upon A Time Gainesville, VA Once Upon A Time Camp--Age 3-5: Our favorite ballerinas join with our most loved princesses for a week filled with sparkle and delight. Each day a new story will be read and performed, and a snack and theme related craft will be offered. Join us on the last day of camp for a recital with friends and family. Jul 6-Jul 10 10:00am-1:00pm $225
Tiny Dancers Fancy Dance-y Gainesville, VA Fancy Dance-y Camp--Age 3-5: Fun, fabulous and fantastic--Fancy Nancy is NEVER plain! Each day an exciting new story will be read and performed in marvelous costumes, a delicious snack will be served and a creative craft will be constructed. Friends and family are invited to join us for a recital on the last day of camp.
Jul 13-Jul 17 10:00am-1:00pm $225
Tiny Dancers Frozen Gainesville, VA Frozen Camp--Age 3-5 in am, age 5-7 in pm: Step into the wonderful land of Arendelle with our Frozen Camp! For five days, we will learn ballet, read everyone’s favorite cold weather fairy tale and dance our hearts out in custom costumes. Each day will include snacks and Frozen-themed crafts. By Friday, we will have prepared a dance to perform in front of friends and family. Jul 13-Jul 17 10:00am-1:00pm & 1:30pm-4:30pm $225
Tiny Dancers Make Some Noise Tap Gainesville, VA Make Some Noise Tap Camp--Age 4-8: Bring your dancer to come make some NOISE with us in our only tap camp this summer! The five-day tap intensive will focus on breaking down each step to get the moves and sounds just right before putting them back together for some show-stopping choreography that we’ll perform on Friday for friends and family. Somewhere each day between the stomps, shuffles, cramp rolls and hops, we’ll have a snack and make a theme-related craft. Jul 27-Jul 31 10:00am-1:00pm $225
Tiny Dancers Princess Dreams Gainesville, VA Princess Dreams Camp--Age 3-5: All of our beloved princesses will dance the day away with Rapunzel, Jasmine and friends as we learn ballet. Each day a new princess story will be explored through movement and a snack and theme related craft will be offered. Join us on the last day of camp for a recital with friends and family. Aug 3-Aug 7 10:00am-1:00pm $225
Fresta Valley Christian School Fresta Valley Christian School Summer Camps are located at and operated by Fresta Valley Christian School. This summer we will offer 8 weeks of camps. Each camp has different age ranges. We are located 6428 Wilson Road in Marshall, Virginia. All of our camps run from 9:00am through 3:00pm. Extended care is offered as needed for an extra fee. Each week is a different camp and campers can choose to come for the whole summer or can sign up for the weeks that interest them. Each day begins with a devotional time and then campers do one activity after another all built around the camp theme for that week. Campers complete tons of projects, participate in recreational activities, and go on at least one field trip each week. Our goal is that the campers will have fun, learn something new, exercise their creativity, and make new friends all in a Christ centered and loving environment. Our camps are built around different themes each
week and consist of a variety of hands on projects that, use creativity, problem solving, imagination, and team work. While we have some camp leaders who work in our camps all summer, we have different leaders that come in each week giving fresh energy and providing a new approach to each camp. Each camp will take a field trip around the area to expand their knowledge of the theme for the week or to just have fun. Some field trips that we have taken in past summers include the Steven F.Udvar-Hazy Air and Space Museum, The Bug Box, the Discovery Museum, Domino's Pizza, Sweet Frog, Safeway, the W ARF in Warrenton, the Luray Zoo, and the Skyline Drive to name a few.
Tiny Dancers Dance-A-Licious Gainesville, VA Dance-A-Licious Camp--Age 3-5: Come join us for a week of dancing with beautiful costumes and Pinkalicious stories! Each exciting day of camp will be filled with dancing out the story of a different Pinkalicious book, making a themed craft and eating a delicious snack. At the end of the week, the dancers will perform a choreographed dance for friends and family. Aug 17-Aug 21 10:00am-1:00pm $225
Tiny Dancers Popstar Choreography Gainesville, VA Popstar Choreography Camp--Age 6-9: Step into the spotlight with our brand new Pop Star Camp! Dancers will learn how to move like their favorite performers with choreography pulled from traditional jazz technique. Camp will include a daily snack and craft with a final pop star show on the last day of camp for friends and family. Aug 17-Aug 21 1:30pmâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4:30pm $225
Tiny Dancers Beach Party Gainesville, VA Beach Party Camp--Age 3-5: Join us for five fun days on the beach with stories such as The Little Mermaid, Rainbow Fish and Fancy Nancy Mermaid! After getting our feet wet with some dancing and movement games, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll take a break for a refreshing snack and to make a souvenir craft. Each day, we will wear handmade costumes and use props to perform the story that was read. The camp week will culminate in a performance for friends and family. Aug 17-Aug 21 10:00am-1:00pm $225
Educational Camps Game Time Fresta Valley Marshall, VA Summer day camps at Fresta Valley Christian School are a great way to spend the summer! Campers have the opportunity to learn something new, exercise their creativity, invent, make new friends, and have tons of fun, all in a Christ centered loving environment. Each week is built around a theme and includes Bible stories, field trips, and all kinds of projects and activities! The kids are so busy having fun they do not realize that they are learning. Our week-long camps are held throughout the summer for kids ages 4 - 12. Camp is held from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Monday through Friday at Fresta Valley Christian School. Before/After Care is available from 7 – 9 a.m. and 3 – 5 p.m. Transportation is offered from Marshall, Haymarket, and Warrenton. Ages 4-11 July 20-24 $175-$200
Minnieland Camp ED-Venture "Globe Trotters" Montclair, VA Kids can make a difference in the world! Sign up to be a "Globe Trotter" and go on an EDucational adVENTURE through countries like Haiti, Niger, Ecuador and Guyana while brainstorming ways to use Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) to help these countries. Our 8 week School Age Camp also includes exciting field trips, weekly trips to a private pool, and fun in-house events. (Preschool and PreK Camp also available!) (703) 580-1200
Minnieland Camp ED-Venture Occoquan, VA Our facility has a pool and a wonderful playground. We have a fun filled camp listed for this summer. Some of the activities the children will enjoy include, Mystics Basketball Game, Potomac Nationals, Camp Highroads, Signal Hill Water Park just to name a few. (703) 580-1200
Multi-Category Camps Become a Jr. Chef Fresta Valley Marshall, VA Summer day camps at Fresta Valley Christian School are a great way to spend the summer! Campers have the opportunity to learn something new, exercise their creativity, invent, make new friends, and have tons of fun, all in a Christ centered loving environment. Each week is built around a theme and includes Bible stories, field trips, and all kinds of projects and activities! The kids are so busy having fun they do not realize that they are learning. Our week-long camps are held throughout the summer for kids ages 4 - 12. Camp is held from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Monday through Friday at Fresta Valley Christian School. Before/After Care is available from 7 – 9 a.m. and 3 – 5 p.m. Transportation is offered from Marshall, Haymarket, and Warrenton. Ages 8-12 July 13-17 $175-$200
Birchdale Adventures Dale City, VA Campers will enjoy age-appropriate activities in a camp setting. Four our young adventures who love to play hand have fun. Campers will also enjoy swimming field trips. Birchdale Recreation Center Ages 4-7 Various Dates. 7:00am-6:00pm $155
Movie Night, Outdoors By Amanda Causey Baity
Each summer I go crazy thinking of all the fun activities I want to do with my family. Warmer months are the perfect time for casual parties, afternoons with backyard water slides, water balloons and homemade popsicles. When the weather starts to warm up, I always think of my family's movie nights, which my family loves. Movie nights are even more fun when you bring them outdoors. My family only does this a few times a year since it takes a little extra effort, but the results and memories are worth it. On the day of movie night we prepare the yard and start setting up. First, you need a projector. Prices for
with your television. Follow your projector's instruction manual if you have any difficulties. You will also need sound since the projector will not provide that. If you don't have stereo speakers, you may find them at yard sales or thrift stores. Now onto the screen. You can show your movies on anything from a purchased or rented screen to a smooth outdoor wall. I use my photography backdrop stand with a thick white sheet. You could also secure the sheet along the fence or clothes lines. Then, of course, atmosphere is vital. There are so many ways to create the perfect movie theater feel. I hang string lights for a soft glow. Candles and lanterns will
new top-of-the-line projectors can start well into the
do this as well. For seating, my family uses beanbag and lounge chairs, blankets and even tents. If you are
thousands of dollars. However, along with newer
feeling really ambitious, you can pull the couch or a
models, many electronics stores carry a range of
futon outside like my dad used to do. Another important component is food. No movie
cheaper, refurbished projectors, and you can find used models starting at around $200. There are also several websites that will rent a projector to you for less than $100. Or you may be able to borrow one from a friend. Next, you will need a DVD player. Laptops or popular game consoles, such as Xbox or Wii, can serve this purpose, too. You will need A/V cables to hook your player to the projector just like you would
night is complete without snacks. Popcorn, candy and soda are requirements. I also like to get creative. "Buttered Popcorn Cupcakes" is one of our favorite outdoor movie treats. Buttered Popcorn Cupcakes I have created a special #pwliving version, which includes the "Yellow Butter Cake" recipe by Jason Shriner, The Aubergine Chef and Prince William Living's "What's Cooking" writer and monthly recipe
speed until all ingredients are moistened. 5. Increase to medium speed and beat for 1 ];2 minutes. Scrape down the sides. 6. Gradually add the egg mixture in three batches, mixing for about 20 seconds and scraping between each addition. 7. Fill cupcake liners halfWay and bake for about 25 to 35 minutes until finished. Let cool before decorating. Simple Buttercream Icing This easy-to-make, egg-free frosting recipe has been in my family for generations. It's not only great on cupcakes, but also for decorating cookies for holidays, birthdays and parties. To add coloring to the icing, use color paste. INGREDIENTS ];2 cup shortening ];2 cup butter, softened 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 4 cups confectioners' sugar 2 tablespoons milk DIRECTIONS 1. In a large bowl, cream together the butter, shortening and vanilla.
contributor. (Look for his recipes at under "Food and Drink.") INGREDIENTS About 8 egg yolks or 6 ounces (room temperature) 8 ];2 ounces milk 1/8 ounces vanilla extract 10 ];2 ounces all-purpose flour 10 ];2 ounces granulated sugar 19.5 grams (1 tablespoon+ 1 teaspoon) baking powder Pinch of salt 6 ounces unsalted butter (room temperature) DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and place liners in cupcake pan. 2. Combine the yolks, vanilla and 2 ounces of milk in a bowl and whisk lightly. 3. Place all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl and combine on low speed. 4. Add the butter and remaining milk. Mix on low
2. Blend in the sugar, one cup at a time, beating well after each addition. 3. Beat in the milk, and continue mixing until light and fluffy. 4. Keep icing covered until ready to decorate. Marshmallow "Popcorn" For cupcake topping, you can get creative with marshmallow "popcorn." You will need regular-size marshmallows, yellow food coloring and a little powdered sugar. Wait! I forgot about the movie! Picking the perfect movie is key. Keep your audience in mind. Depending on the quality of the equipment you have, picking a family favorite may be better than choosing a new release as it could be hard to hear and the projector quality may not be up to movie theater standards. The Prince William Public Library System has a large selection of DVDs you can check out for free. Visit
Boys & Girls Club of Greater Washingotn Prince William, VA Our camp is staffed with caring adult professionals who aim to provide a fun, safe and educational experience for your child. Programs include: Arts & Crafts, Education, Sports, Technology and Field Trips. Ages 5-16 June 22nd to August 28th. Monday-Friday 6am –6pm $130-$1250 per week.
Dining Etiquette for YouthThe Pope Institute for Polish, Poise & Etiquette Woodbridge, VA Join us for some etiquette fun and a delicious 4course meal! This class is for YOUTH (ages 12-18) only. If you’re interested in our child class (ages 711), contact us for details. Lesson topics include: Place Settings, Napkin Etiquette, Table Manners, & Eating Difficult Foods. Our gracious host, Travinia Italian Kitchen, has offered their private dining room for this special class. Seating is limited, so don’t delay! July 18 11:30am-1:30pm $60 for 1; $50 for 2 or more.
Freedom Aquatic & Fitness Center Summer Camp Program Manassas, VA The Freedom Aquatic & Fitness Center provides a broad range of year-round recreational, educational, social and cultural programs and activities. The facility is designed to attract and serve a variety of individuals and groups, including, but not limited to, the general public, youth, school and community groups, the elderly and persons with disabilities. don’t delay! Camp dates, times and prices vary. Visit website for more details.
Kid’s Choice Sports Center Summer: Fully Loaded Camp Woodbridge, VA The ‘SUMMER: FULLY-LOADED’ VARIETY CAMP will keep boys and girls thoroughly entertained through a mixture of sports—basketball, soccer, football, and more—and arts and sciences, as well as LEGO® engineering. The busy day also allows campers outdoor swimming time...and even high-flying fun in the inflatables room! Campers will be in age appropriate groups. Everyday is packed with lots of learning and exercise, giving our campers a fully-loaded summer experience! Campers will be in age appropriate groups. Various Dates. 9:00am-3:00pm $199
Leadership Prince William Summer Youth Academy Bristow, VA The Leadership Prince William Summer Youth Academy is a two-week program to help students develop lifelong leadership skills, connect with other young leaders and learn about their community. The program provides hands-on learning, community field trips, connection with adult leaders and leadership skill development. If you are a rising 6th through 9th grader in Prince William County, Manassas or Manassas Park, apply today for this amazing leadership experience! If you are a high school student, contact us about internship opportunities for the Academy. July 13-24 8:30am-4:00pm $400
Little Acorns Woodbridge, VA Outdoor fun along with air condition indoor activities including trail hikes, creative games and crafts to encourage imagination and development skills and more. Weekly themes will keep the excitement up all summer long. Lake Ridge Park Ages 4-6 Various Dates 9:00am-12:00 pm $70-88
Prince William Ice Center Prince William Ice offers these camps to all skill levels, not just those who have experience. Lunch and snacks will be available for purchase in the cafe.
OrinceWilliam ~~=-ICE CENTER
We offer two main summer camps, Ice Skating Fun Camp and Learn to Play Hockey Camp.
Space is limited. Register at Guest Services or on-line at Full payment is due at the time of registration. Emergency and media release form are required. There are no refunds or rink credir. Children must be picked up by 5:00pm, there will be no adult supervision after 5:00pm.
The camps are for ages 5-11 year olds. They are offered four times this summer; July 6-July 10, July 20-July 24, August 3-August 7 or August 17-August 21. The Ice Skating Fun Camp is for ice skaters will little to no skating experience up through those who have begun to work on single jumps and basic spins. Participants will learn how to skate and improve their skills in a fun-filled environment. In the Learn to Play Hockey Camp players will focus on individual skills in a fun environment during the three hours of ice time each day. Off the ice they will play games and other sports while incorporating basic off-ice practice techniques to help improve their game.
Vi))tollr ~-tD librax~ -tD brotN~, Jar~ ~ fllrck~ f~D~ frow.. ~ ~~iM ~ ror~ttr ~Vel\~ -iro~klltollr wWcWcW\i-Dt. prince william
liv ng
Sizzling Chefs Fresta Valley Marshall, VA Summer day camps at Fresta Valley Christian School are a great way to spend the summer! Campers have the opportunity to learn something new, exercise their creativity, invent, make new friends, and have tons of fun, all in a Christ centered loving environment. Each week is built around a theme and includes Bible stories, field trips, and all kinds of projects and activities! The kids are so busy having fun they do not realize that they are learning. Our week-long camps are held throughout the summer for kids ages 4 - 12. Camp is held from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Monday through Friday at Fresta Valley Christian School. Before/After Care is available from 7 – 9 a.m. and 3 – 5 p.m. Transportation is offered from Marshall, Haymarket, and Warrenton. Ages 4-7 July 13-17 $175-$200
Music Camps Magnificent Musical Puppets Fresta Valley Marshall, VA Summer day camps at Fresta Valley Christian School are a great way to spend the summer! Campers have the opportunity to learn something new, exercise their creativity, invent, make new friends, and have tons of fun, all in a Christ centered loving environment. Each week is built around a theme and includes Bible stories, field trips, and all kinds of projects and activities! The kids are so busy having fun they do not realize that they are learning. Our week-long camps are held throughout the summer for kids ages 4 - 12. Camp is held from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Monday through Friday at Fresta Valley Christian School. Before/After Care is available from 7 – 9 a.m. and 3 – 5 p.m.
Transportation is offered from Marshall, Haymarket, and Warrenton. Ages 4-11 June 29July 3 $175-$200
Science Camps Creeping Crawling Critters Fresta Valley Marshall, VA Summer day camps at Fresta Valley Christian School are a great way to spend the summer! Campers have the opportunity to learn something new, exercise their creativity, invent, make new friends, and have tons of fun, all in a Christ centered loving environment. Each week is built around a theme and includes Bible stories, field trips, and all kinds of projects and activities! The kids are so busy having fun they do not realize that they are learning. Our week-long camps are held throughout the summer for kids ages 4 - 12. Camp is held from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Monday through Friday at Fresta Valley Christian School. Before/After Care is available from 7 – 9 a.m. and 3 – 5 p.m. Transportation is offered from Marshall, Haymarket, and Warrenton. Ages 4-11 June 22-26 $175-$200
iD Tech Various Locations Code, game, create! iD Tech Camps is the leading summer technology camp in the country. At these weeklong, day and overnight programs, kids and teens ages 7-17 learn to program, mod Minecraft, design video games, code apps, engineer robots, produce films, and more. Beginner or advanced, students will meet new friends and gain a competitive advantage for school and future STEM careers. More than 200,000 students have attended iD Tech programs since 1999. Summer camps are held at over 100 prestigious campuses nationwide,
Sparkles! Child Care Center Our Summer Camp is open to Pre-school aged kids to 4 years and School Aged kids. Sparkles! Has two locations 12001 Lee Highway Fairfax, VA 22030 4229 Lafayette Center Drive Suite 1600 Chantilly, Sparkles! was founded in 1991 in Fairfax, Virginia by
VA 20151
Sonia V aldizan as a home-based daycare. In 1999, Sparkles! opened its first child care center and then in 2005 expanded to a capacity of 158 children. Over the years, Sparkles! has evolved from a small county-
Our camps are designed to be fun and educational, making sure that kids do not fall behind for the following year. Kids explore outside the center on
regulated daycare operation to multiple early childhood education centers regulated by the Commonwealth ofVirginia.
fantastic field trips to places like WolfTrap, The Spy Museum, Luray Caverns, and much more! Visit their website at
Sparkles! opened a second location in Chantilly, Virginia in 2007 with the capacity for 148 children and in 2010 was awarded a contract by Fairfax County to provide an Extended Care Program at White Oaks Elementary School in Burke, Virginia. In August of 2011, Sparkles! at Crystal City opened
Water Ballet? No h ... b ut o ur sum m er progra m llli?""'is making a pretty b ig splash!
in Arlington, Virginia with a capacity of 108 children. The Sparkles! philosophy is that children thrive in an environment where they can explore new opportunities, experiment with ideas, and build on their skills. We believe children learn through handson experiences guided by committed educators. Summer Camps at Sparkles! at Fair Oaks and Chantilly is a new adventure every week with fun
Register today for summer classes or fabulous week-long camps• • Frozen, Beach Party, Danc e-a-Lic ious, Fancy Dance -y, Princ ess Dreams, Pops! or Choreography and more
tiny dancers®
themes, events, and field trips! With weeks themed to
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explore different topics, we make education exciting and fun as they continue to learn even after school is out!
Camp Invention Camp Invention, the nation's premier summer enrichment day camp program that is supported by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the National Inventors Hall ofFame (NIHF), is coming here. The weeklong day camp for students entering grades one through six fosters innovation and creativity while also building self-esteem, teamwork, persistence and goal-setting skills.
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Selection of the right summer camp for children can be intimidating and overwhelming as the options continue to grow and become more niche. Camp Invention not only encourages inventive young minds through Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in a fun and creative atmosphere, it also incorporates outdoor activities as part of its curriculum. Camp Invention students experience winning, success and victory, along with an adrenaline rush that comes with competition among students and successful completion of challenging projects. Camp Invention provides a great opportunity for inventive young minds to exercise their creativity and use their imagination in ways they don't normally get to through real-world problem-solving challenges, they build things, take things apart, explore different types of technology and so much more. Many times, the students are having so much fun, they don't even realize they are learning and developing new skills. "We are thrilled to be offering Camp Invention to students in our community and developing skills that ensure bright futures for our participants," said Nancy Lenihan, Camp Invention Director in Sumner, Washington and Highly Capable Classroom Teacher. "We are molding inventors, innovators and
entrepreneurs and instilling creative problem-solving, which sets this camp apart from the rest." This year's Camp Invention curriculum is called Illuminate' Mand was inspired by some of our nation's most brilliant minds including experienced educators, Inductees of the National Inventors Hall of Fame and members of the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Illuminate'Mwill encourage children to explore their inventiveness in the Design Studio: Illuminate module, investigating circuits and taking on a natureinspired design challenge. As they dream, build and make discoveries, children will have a chance to build a prototype from scratch and explore math from a new angle when they create origami flight models during team-building exercises. Local programs are facilitated and taught by educators who reside and teach in the community. Camp Invention serves more than 87,000 students every year through more than 1,300 camps across the nation. For additional information, or to find the nearest location for registration, visit
including the University of Virginia, College of William & Mary, MIT, Princeton, Stanford, and many more. Various Dates. $899-$1498
Kid’s Choice Sports Center: Science/Art/Lego Focus Camp Woodbridge, VA The SCIENCE/ART/LEGO®-FOCUSED camp will have boys and girls using their brains and imagination with stimulating arts and crafts activities, science experiments, and LEGO® engineering. Campers will also have outdoor swimming time three days a week, and daily bouncing time in the inflatables room! Campers will be in age appropriate groups. Various Dates. 9:00am-3:00pm $199
Lego Robotics Fresta Valley Marshall, VA Summer day camps at Fresta Valley Christian School are a great way to spend the summer! Campers have the opportunity to learn something new, exercise their creativity, invent, make new friends, and have tons of fun, all in a Christ centered loving environment. Each week is built around a theme and includes Bible stories, field trips, and all kinds of projects and activities! The kids are so busy having fun they do not realize that they are learning. Our week-long camps are held throughout the summer for kids ages 4 - 12. Camp is held from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Monday through Friday at Fresta Valley Christian School. Before/After Care is available from 7 – 9 a.m. and 3 – 5 p.m. Transportation is offered from Marshall, Haymarket, and Warrenton. Ages 8-12 Aug 3-7 $175-$200
Super Structures Fresta Valley Marshall, VA Summer day camps at Fresta Valley Christian School are a great way to spend the summer! Campers have the opportunity to learn something new, exercise their creativity, invent, make new friends, and have tons of fun, all in a Christ centered loving environment. Each week is built around a theme and includes Bible stories, field trips, and all kinds of projects and activities! The kids are so busy having fun they do not realize that they are learning. Our week-long camps are held throughout the summer for kids ages 4 - 12. Camp is held from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Monday through Friday at Fresta Valley Christian School. Before/After Care is available from 7 – 9 a.m. and 3 – 5 p.m. Transportation is offered from Marshall, Haymarket, and Warrenton. Ages 4-7 Aug 3-7 $175-$200
Sports Camps Basketball Camp Dale City, VA A beginner's skills camp full of fun for the motivated young player. Sharron Baucom Dale City Recreation Center Ages 7-11 Various Dates. 9:30am-12:30pm $125
Beginner Volleyball Camp Woodbridge, VA An introduction to the basic skills, games and the fundamentals. Chinn Aquatics & Fitness Center Ages 7-10 August 4-7 6:30pm-8:30pm $65
Junior Lifeguard Camp Woodbridge, VA Training program for youth who desire the skills to become a lifeguard. Students will gain valuable on the job training in the areas of recognizing
emergencies, introductory lifeguard skills (certification no included) including First Aid and CPR, and effective communication with guests. Veterans Memorial Park. Two week camp. Ages 11 -14 Various Dates 10:30am-2:30pm $155
Kid’s Choice Sports Center: Sports Focus Camp Woodbridge, VA The SPORTS-FOCUSED camp will keep boys and girls thoroughly entertained through a mixture of sports—basketball, soccer, football, and more. Campers also have outdoor swimming time three days a week, and daily bouncing time in the inflatables room! Campers will be in age appropriate groups. Various Dates. 9:00am-3:00pm $199
Prince William Ice Center Woodbridge, VA The Ice Skating Fun Camp is for ice skaters with little to no skating experience up through those who have begun to work on single jumps and basic spins. Participants will learn how to skate and improve their skills in a fun filled environment.. The Learn to Play Hockey Camp will focus on individual skills in a fun environment. Off the ice they will play games and other sports while incorporating basic off-ice practice techniques to help improve their game. 9:00am - 5:00pm July 6 - July 10 July 20 - July 24 August 3 - August 7 August 17 - August 21 $269 per week
Skateboard Camp Woodbridge, VA Designed for skaters of all abilities. Skateboard, helmet, and safety gear are required. Veterans Memorial Park. Ages 8-14 Various Dates. 9:30am-12:30pm $85
Need help getting your child to and from summer camp or just around town this summer? The MyLink Teen Summer Bus Pass is here to help! With a MyLink Pass, teens ages 13-19 can get unlimited local bus rides all summer long for $30! The MyLink Pass is valid on OmniLink and Cross County Connector buses from June 1 - September 5, 2015. OmniLink and Cross County Connector buses serve many routes in Prince William County, Manassas and Manassas Park. Parents won't need to drive their teens around town this summer! With the MyLink Teen Summer Bus Pass, teens can get to the Mall, movies, parks, libraries, summer jobs and so much more!
When boarding the bus, teens simply show their MyLink Teen Summer Pass Card to the bus operator and find a seat. It's that simple! BONUS! Get discounts from our Teen Pass Partners between June 1 and September 5, 2015. Just show your MyLink Pass and you'll get discounts at: Potomac Nationals Prince William Ice Center Bowl America City of Manassas Stonewall Pool You can buy you pass between June 1 and August 1 at the PRTC Transit Center, Chinn Aquatics Fitness Center, Sharron Baucom-Dale City Recreation Center, Manassas City Hall Treasurer’s Office and the Ben Lomond Community Center. The MyLink Pass will be sold at multiple locations from June 1 August 1, 2015. For more information about MyLink and the local bus routes, call (703) 730-6664 or visit
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It's the desire to celebrate the positive things in our community. To affect and inspire our neighbors to improve the quality of life here in Prince William County, Manassas and Manassas Park.
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