Primary Times is independently published and distributed free through Infant and Junior Schools throughout Surrey. It is also available by subscription at £50 per year. Its aims are to inform families and children of current educational issues, forthcoming events, courses and attractions and to give teachers, pupils and parents the opportunity to participate in the magazine by adding to its contents or joining in the competitions which we run. It is not our intention to publish any racist, sexist or politically based material whatsoever. We also undertake not to carry any advertising which we would consider to be offensive to young families or harmful to the best interests of young children. Primary Times would like to thank all the schools for their assistance in distributing the magazine and for their contributions to its contents. We would also like to thank all the advertisers who have supported this publication and therefore made it possible. Please support their endeavours when and where you can. The copyright on all written material, logos and advertising artwork produced by our studio remains with Primary Times or the relevant contributor.
Primary Times is currently publishing over 2,672,883 copies per issue throughout the counties of: Avon, Bedfordshire & Luton, Berkshire, Birmingham & Black Country, Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes, Cambridgeshire, Cardiff & The Vale, South West Wales, Newport & Monmouthshire, Cheshire & The Wirral, Cornwall, Cumbria, Derbyshire, Devon, Dorset, Edinburgh & The Lothians, Fife, Tayside & Central Scotland, Glasgow & West of Scotland, Essex (North & Mid, South & West), Gloucestershire, Greater Manchester, Hampshire, Hereford & Worcester, Hertfordshire, Ireland (Dublin, Leinster, South and West), Kent (East, North & West), Lancashire, Leicestershire & Rutland, Lincolnshire, London (East, North, South East, South West, South, West), Merseyside, Newcastle, Gateshead and Northumberland, Newport & Monmouthshire, Norfolk, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Plymouth, Somerset, Staffordshire & Stoke on Trent, Sunderland & Durham, Surrey, Sussex (East & West), Tees Valley, Warwickshire and Solihull, Wiltshire, Yorkshire (North & East, South and West). further details contact The Times on 01905 723011. 30,000sqft of ultimate bouncing and big kids at Surrey’s top trampoline park with loads of attractions to keep the whole open to everyone aged 4+. Younger trampolining enthusiasts (6 months - 6 years) can explore the park in a safe and fun environment during dedicated MiniHopper Takeovers. These sessions include extra toys, ride-ons, a visit of a special guest and the ever-so popular bubble time at the end of each session. Fridays & Saturday evening you can experience the park in a cool club atmosphere during 2-hour bargain Sunset Sessions at £15.95 only. Back to school, back to party! Give them a party to remember with one of AirHop’s zero-stress party packages. Choose from Classic, Premium, Extreme UV and MiniHopper parties, select the date and time, invite your guests –leave the rest to the AirHop party team. Party planning couldn’t be easier. Zero Stress, 100% Fun. Groups welcome! Thanks to its size, AirHop Guildford can cater to large groups of up to 140 people. They can host school trips, end of year trips, youth groups, and more. Organised youth groups can even have a sleepover and earn badges. The experienced staff on site are fully trained and always on hand to engage, enthuse and supervise any group size. There is always at least one member of staff on site who is fully qualified in first aid. The AirHop team will happily create bespoke sessions around your needs including bounce time as well as catering options afterwards. Find out more airhop-guildford.comon and #jumpintohappy. BACK TO SCHOOL 2022 3 16 W.O.W. 22 BOX OFFICE
INSIDE Surrey FREE Back to 2022SchoolSALES JO PRODUCTION DAWN DESIGN PAUL BLYTH PUBLISHED BY PW MEDIA & PUBLISHING LTD Tel: 01905 723011 Total Average Qualified Circulation: 44,932 BPA March Statement 2018 06 OPEN EVENTS 04 RainEDUCATIONorshine, skies are always blue at AirHop! E njoy over
fun for kids
gang Standardhappy! jump sessions are

The first port of call for a prospective parent is to check the websites of the local Schools – and you’ll find a wealth of information online regarding their ethos, school values, and even reports on their performance, funding and statistics.
Is a secondary school ethos really that important? Well, yes - it is! And here’s why. The ethos gives a direct insight into the culture that the staff at a school have worked towards creating. It will be the basis of the learning environment that they’ve aimed to provide, and what they refer back to when faced with challenges in the classroom. So, it is important when choosing a school for your child to pick one that has an ethos and a value system that you resonate with.
It’s beneficial to do your homework on this and learn some key facts on the schools that are local to you. But, it’s widely agreed that to really have an accurate view of a school it is essential to visit their open days and see it for yourself. What to Look for When Attending Open Days;
What Makes a Good Secondary School Ethos?
As parents, choosing a Secondary School for your child can be quite an overwhelming and emotional time. Whether it’s that you can’t quite believe how fast your little one has grown up, you’re concerned about making the right choice out of many, or you’re simply confused about your options – it can be difficult to know where to start with making a decision. Where to Start?
Choosing a Secondary School
While a website can give you figures, a visit will reveal the school’s true atmosphere. How contented do the students look? An open day is an excellent opportunity to see if a schools’ students are happy and relaxed, if they seem to have a good relationship with their teachers and if behaviour is on a level that you would expect. Where you can, it’s always useful to find out the head teacher’s ethos and how they currently implement the school values – as well as what plans they have for the improvement of the school in the future. If there’s a Head teacher’s talk scheduled, make sure to attend it! Or if the Head is present at the open event, don’t be afraid to approach them with a few of your questions. When you get the chance, you should also always ask some students what they think of the school, if they like it, and how they feel about their teachers. Although the students you’ll come across will probably have been hand-picked by the staff, it’s likely that you can still get a good insight from themthere’s little more honest than a teenager’s opinion! BACK TO SCHOOL 2022 5 Surrey

Ewell Castle School
T his has been an exciting year for the Tennis Academy with Ewell Castle School being awarded ‘Surrey LTA School of the Year’, an acknowledgement of the incredibly hard work in establishing the tennis academy as one of the top five tennis schools in the UK. Much of our success lies in the high level of coaching from the Director of Tennis resulting in us securing some of the best players in Surrey and Middlesex. This is also thanks to the vision and support of the Principal, Silas Edmonds and the importance he places the performance Theprogramme.TennisAcademy programme is unique in that the tennis is funded by the school, including strength and conditioning, nutrition and tournament planning from LTA referee, Alison Battista. Understandably, the places for the tennis academy are very competitive and we have a high number of applicants for the scholarship day in November. With Ewell Castle School being small, many of the staff are on board in supporting the players when they travel for tournaments. They also support players with their preparation for the SATs and US college applications, in partnership with Sarah Borwell from Tennis Smart. The most important element to our success is the care and attention for our performance players and the connection we have with the parents in helping them achieve their goals. This season the Tennis Academy has already won five tournaments including the 12U Surrey Schools’ Festival and the Open Surrey Schools’ Festival, the 15U Surrey League, scoring 9-0 in the final. Our next big win came with the Open boys winning the prestigious Rootham Shield, a competition that is over 70 years old. In terms of the big national competitions, we competed in the Independent Schools Tennis championships [ISTA] where 74 schools across the UK compete over four days. Ewell Castle already held the 15U trophy and this year we reached the final of the boys’ Open event, narrowly losing in the one set decider having drawn 3-3. This year, the Tennis Academy qualified for the Schools’ National Finals in Nottingham, where the UK’s top 16 schools come together and compete for the Glanville Cup. The players came up against the Scottish number one school in the quarter finals, drawing 3-3 at full time. It went down to a championship tiebreak which is similar to a penalty shootout. Unfortunately, we lost this particular match which would have eventually taken us into the final. It is our job to ensure they are fully prepared for the challenge of school tennis and also their own ambitions in playing at the highest level. The Tennis Academy strives to strike a balance between performance and well-being and, so far, we have been very successful.

Future Ready lessons take place each week from Reception to Upper Sixth - focusing on those skills our pupils need to hone to help them succeed in our rapidly changing world. At the Prep School, there is an emphasis on equipping the children with technological and practical skills, social and emotional intelligence, plus self-confidence and resilience. The programme opens the children’s eyes to the world beyond the school gates and equips them with skills for the future. The best way to experience the uniqueness of our offering is to come and visit us in person.
We are committed to developing responsible, independent and happy young people who have a strong moral code and contribute to society both economically and socially. Students should have the self-belief to take a ‘no-limits’ approach to their learning and be the best that they can be. In all aspects of College life, they can be proud of who they are, develop a growth mindset and become well-equipped to meet the challenges of the future. core values of integrity,
aspiration, opportunitiesdevelopmentAandreviewedinnovativeandcoresubjectsTechnology,chooseimpressive.andacademiclearningaplaceCollingwoodguideachievementperseverance,andinclusivenessourapproachandmakeahappyanduniquetostudy.WeprovidedynamicandenthusiasticenvironmentwhereperformanceatGCSEALevelisconsistentlyEverystudentcantostudyawiderangeofArtsandHumanitiesalongsideastrongofEnglish,Maths,SciencesLanguages.Ourbroadandcurriculumisregularlytomeettheaspirationsinterestsofstudents.widerangeofpersonalandleadershipareavailable
An exceptional early education is the foundation for future success
he formative years (0 - 8 years) are critical in a child’s life; a period of rapid cognitive, emotional, social, and physical development. There is no other stage in a child’s life when they will develop so quickly. Research suggests a #StrongStart sets four- and five-year-olds on the path to a childhood of successful learning, and beyond. Small classes, close attention, and rapid personalised progress, lead to confident learners and high achievers at The Royal Prep School. Couple this with extensive extra-curricular opportunities, enriched learning experiences, exceptional pastoral care, and a unique Future Ready Programme. At The Royal School we are looking to the future, with the re-location of the Prep School to the magnificent Stoatley Hall on the 26-acre Senior School Haslemere site in September 2023, the introduction of iPads or Surface Gos for every Prep pupil and the launch of a dedicated STEAM room for children to explore and stretch their imagination.
Our vision and values!
Collingwood College – Believe Succeed
including an extensive performing arts programme, a wide variety of sports activities, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme and a wide-ranging educational visits programme, which includes ski trips to Europe and the USA and other overseas visits. We have an excellent Sixth Form based in a purpose-built teaching centre. A significant number of our students progress into our Sixth Form and ultimately into higher education. We offer extensive academic and vocational programmes of study. 2022 Examination Success In the Sixth Form, 60% of A level qualifications were at A*-B and our ALPS (progress) score was ‘3’ for A level (Excellent, top 25% nationally) and ‘4’ for BTEC (‘very good’, top 40% nationally). At GCSE, almost 80% of our students gained 5+ GCSEs graded 9-4. 72% of our students also achieved 9-4 grades in both English and Maths. Our ALPS progress measure was 3 (Excellent, top 25% nationally). Most importantly, nearly all our students in Year 13 and Year 11 gained the necessary grades to progress on to their next destination. BACK TO SCHOOL 2022 9 Surrey

St George’s Junior School
St George’s Junior School’s mission is ‘learning to love and live to the full’ and their staff and pupils embody this wholeheartedly. When pupils leave for senior school at 11, they are polite, kind and considerate; ready to continue their learning journey so that they can be citizens for tomorrow’s world.
t George’s Junior School is a wonderful co-educational, catholic independent school in the heart of Weybridge, Surrey for
St George’s is an academically selective school, and their pupils are achieving above the National and surrounding Surrey area average. They were delighted to have achieved an “Excellent” rating by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) in their latest report, which included the following quote: “The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.”
Pupils at St George’s Junior School experience a perfectly balanced curriculum and can choose from an extensive range of co-curricular activities, spanning creative, sporting, and academic disciplines. And as the only Josephite catholic school in the UK, they are unique in their educational offering, which is built around core Josephite values that infuse pastoral care with academic and charitable achievement. The Josephites have a phrase ‘coming home to school’, and you’ll find St George’s to be a thoroughly happy school full of smiles and laughter. Pupils learn each day to be compassionate and respectful to all around them.
Perhaps the best test of any school is how parents feel about them, and there are an abundance of parents extolling the merits of St George’s. One such parent commented: “We looked at many of the local schools for comparison and could not find any that came even remotely close to the great environment, people, opportunity, and results at St. Georges, and it’s somewhere that will clearly give our children the best possible start in life.”
children rising 3 all the way to 11. Brimming with a wonderful family spirit, it has exceptional indoor and outdoor learning and sports facilities on a 60 acre site. Facilities include a purpose built Early Years building called ‘The Ark’, Performing Arts Centre, swimming pool, and Forest School.
You can visit St George’s Junior School’s next Open Morning on Saturday 17th September. Pre booking is encouraged, and can be

A fantastic day out at Guildford Spectrum
Femi Fadugba, said: “The incredible quality of each submission made the selection process as painful as it was rewarding! Ambitious, imaginative, and beautiful, this stuff - the future of physics is bright.”
Surrey student wins big in national physics competition
Runner-up Isadora, said: “When I was notified about this competition, I decided to enter since I wanted to share the significance of physics through myself, through music. I hoped that I could use music to arouse people’s interest in physics; it is not simply tedious maths, but instead a fun way to explore the world.
Isadora’s Physics teacher, said: “Congratulations to Isadora for her spectacular musical composition on the uses and dangers of electromagnetic waves! It is very catchy, and I will definitely be using it in future lessons. It is vital that the importance of physics is communicated to the next generation. Isadora has done this using the medium of music. I look forward to her future Rachelcompositions!Youngman, Deputy Chief Executive, Institute of Physics, said: “We were all incredibly impressed by the quality of entries submitted for this first year of The Eurekas. It was amazing to see how the young people tapped into their passions and produced such thoughtful work. We wanted this competition to be a celebration of creativity, culture, collaboration, diversity and activity –all underpinned by physics themes – and it has certainly achieved this. Our thanks go to every single young person that took part, and I’m already excited to see what next year’s competition brings!”
“I am delighted to be announced as one of the runners-up. I would like to thank the Institute of Physics for providing an opportunity for me to deepen my understanding. I would also like to thank my teacher and parents who have supported me through the process.”
The judging panel included journalist, broadcaster and physicist Shivani Dave, author and physicist Femi Fadugba and Rachel Youngman, Deputy Chief Executive at the WhetherIOP.
ASurrey schoolgirl has been announced as a runner-up in a national competition from the Institute of Physics – scooping £250 for equipment for Woldingham School, Marden Park, Woldingham, Surrey. Isadora Lee (15), has been named a runnerup in the first annual Eurekas – a competition that saw students aged 11-16 across the UK and Ireland take up the challenge to answer the question: what’s the point of physics?
A t Guildford Spectrum there is a great choice of activities, including both sport and play. With something for every member of the family, you can enjoy the complete leisure experience! Tenpin Bowling is a fantastic game that anyone can play, suitable for all abilities. If you fancy doing something different with the family, Spectrum Bowl has 32 lanes of guaranteed fun and excitement. The Spectrum also houses an indoor Olympic sized ice skating rink, which is open all year round. For smaller skaters you can hire some fun penguin or snowman skating aids to help you round the rink. If it is swimming you are after, Guildford Spectrum has four pools including a leisure pool, a 25m competition pool, teaching pool and diving pool. The Leisure Pool is an exciting area with fun features including flumes, a tyre ride, bubble beds, sprays, and a wave machine. You can also race your friends and family down Surf, the 3 lane slide. Other facilities include a fun soft play ‘Specky’s Pirate Ship’, health and fitness facilities, a sports arena, outdoor football pitch with athletics stadium and you will also find The Rock Box our indoor climbing Childrencentre! have a great selection of birthday party packages to choose from, as well as holiday activity camps. There is a choice of catering outlets on site for everyone to enjoy after a fun filled day! Guildford Spectrum also hosts professional Ice Hockey team, the Guildford Flames.
arty, sporty, musical or into literature, languages or sciences, the judges were looking for submissions from students with a range of interests – not just those already interested in physics. The Eurekas is an initiative by Limit Less – an Institute of Physics campaign designed to broaden and diversify the range of young people going on to study physics after the age of 16 by getting students to see physics differently.
Writing and singing a song about the role electromagnetic waves play in our lives, Isadora impressed the expert judges by delving into the physics of electromagnetic waves, scoring top marks for originality and creativity, quality, relevance and spirit.
12 BACK TO SCHOOL 2022 Surrey
Shivani Dave, said: “The standard of entries was incredibly high, it was wonderful to see so many people find their interpretation of the starting question ‘what’s the point of physics’ and really let their creativity flow. If these entries are anything to go by, the next generation of physicists are going to achieve some incredible things. I was so honoured to a judge, everyone should be incredibly proud of what they submitted.”
The Eurekas was launched after it was revealed parents who did not enjoy physics at school may be unwittingly putting their children off the subject and could be contributing to the diversity problem faced by the profession. 46% of parents describe physics at school as ‘complicated’, a third say it’s ‘difficult’ and only 17% say it’s ‘creative’, according to results of a survey* of 3,000 parents, commissioned by the Institute of Physics (IOP). With nearly 9,000 physics-related job vacancies in the UK in mid-2021†, there are significant skills gaps at all levels. Women are particularly underrepresented in the physics community – but their talent, insights and perspectives are badly needed if society is to solve the challenges facing healthcare, the environment and the economy.

14 BACK TO SCHOOL 2022 01483 722611 • WWW.HOEBRIDGEGC.CO.UK HOEBRIDGE GOLF CENTRE, OLD WOKING ROAD, OLD WOKING, SURREY, GU22 8JHTODAY!GAMEYOURBOOK Festooned with obstacles, Mr Mulligan’s Pirate Golf is an 18 hole fun and exciting game. You will have to navigate your way around a huge pirate ship, lakes, waterfalls, rafts, cannons and even our resident crocodile! A great attraction for all ages, Mr Mulligan’s Pirate Golf is perfect for a day’s outing and ideal for family time. BEWARE: If you make it back alive, (High majority of explorers do) mouth-watering food and drink is available to you from the Hoebridge Café Bar & Grill just a long-horn away from the final hole! You can book your game online at,WokingRoad,Woking,Surrey,GU22 8JH Tel: 01483 722611 GOLF!PIRATE A irHop Trampoline Park Guildford is the ideal spot for family days out, group outings and kids’ parties. With over 30,000 square feet of exciting and unique activities we have something for Answereveryone!the following question at for the chance to win an AirHop Family Pass for four. How big is AirHop Guildford? a. 10,000 sqft b. 20,000 sqft c. 30,000 sqft Closing date 30.09.2022 WIN AN AIRHOP FAMILY PASS BACK TO SCHOOL 2022 Here at Baby Steps Nannies, we cover a range of childcare needs including part-time Nannies for the after-school routine, full-time Nannies live in & live out, as well as a range of domestic staff including housekeepers, drivers & house managers! Established in 2017, Baby Steps Nannies is a trusted childcare agency with a friendly, down-to-earth approach to supporting families. Our independent, family-run company specialises in finding the ideal nannies for clients throughout Surrey and London. We are happy to chat through any families needs, with a no-obligation chat to find out what you’re looking for, likewise, we are always on the end of the phone for fantastic Nannies looking for their next role! In search of the perfect childcare solution? Give us a call: 0208 652 9949/ 07879 557329 Email us: Baby Steps Nannies @babystepsnanniesltd

RHS Garden Wisley, Wisley, Woking, Surrey, GU23 6QB. The spectacular RHS Wisley Flower Show is back with gardening inspiration, expert advice, vibrant floral displays and fabulous shopping opportunities. The show will welcome over 50 award winning floral exhibitors and 20 trade stands along with the fabulous National Dahlia Society National Show Surrey
ENJOY THE VICTORIA PLACE FREE FAMILY TRAIL Pick up a free Family Trail guide at Victoria Place and discover everything the centre has on offer. The trail will reveal some of the unexpected features around Victoria Place as well as providing a route around Woking to discover the amazing art and curiosities the town has to offer. In addition to the fantastic shopping experience at Victoria Place, there is plenty to keep families entertained including movies at the cinema, theatre shows, and free kids play activities. The trail will take families on a leisurely walk. The trail is suitable for wheelchair users and pushchairs. As part of the trail, Victoria Place will be running a monthly prize draw to win a £20 voucher of the winner’s choice to spend at the centre. To enter, families simply need to take a photo with one of the sculptures along the trail and then post their photo on either their Facebook or Instagram account along with the hashtag #WokingTrail. For the competition T&C’s visit
1ST TUES OF EVERY MONTH GUILDFORD FARMERS’ MARKET Guildford High Street. Take a trip to the Farmer’s Market which takes place on the first Tuesday of every month. Buy High quality fresh local produce directly from over 50 local farmers and producers at Guildford’s monthly Farmers’ Market, held in the historic cobbled High Street. From 10.30am to 3.30pm.
3RD FRI OF EVERY MONTH WATTS TOTS Watts Gallery, Down Lane, Compton, GU3 1DQ. A multi-sensory Early Years programme. Join us to explore art and nature through storytelling, music, movement and making, inspired by a different artwork each month. £5 per child | Friends £4.50 per child Booking required
EVERY THURSDAY ACTIVITY THURSDAYS Rural Life Vintage Revival. Rural Life Living Museum Reeds Road, Tilford, Farnham, Surrey GU10 2DL. Our Activity Thursdays offer a fun-filled whole day out for the family. There are plenty of activities to take part in and demonstrations to see. We like to take you back in time when enjoying family fun together didn’t involve a screen. Activities vary each week, However, our favourites remain constant – such as spinning and weaving demonstrations, wood turning demonstrations, making air propelled rockets, learning about Victorian schooling in our ‘tin hut’ classroom, doing the laundry with our hand pump and wooden dollies, free guided walks with our RSPB friends on the reserve next door, and ceramic painting with Glazy days (addition costs apply for Glazy days painting) to name a few. BACK TO SCHOOL 2022 17 Surrey FLEECY FROLICSSAT 22 AND SUN 23 APRIL 2023 01483 44 87 02

Bournehall Park, Spring Street, Epsom, Surrey, KT17 1UF. Discover the history of this historic village from the Stone Age to WWII. Meet Ewell’s Neolithic residents, who lived at the river’s mouth (which is what the name Ewell means). See how they used the materials around them in their daily lives, such as knapping stone tools, weaving cordage from nettles, and grinding grain to make bread - they were the area’s first farmers. Watch as Iron Age folk throw offerings to their gods into Bourne Hall’s sacred waters, perhaps to halt the Roman army’s advance, but this fails and the Romans arrive, themselves making spring offerings to the old gods. Roman Ewell was a rest stop on this road where travellers could rest, eat, and stay the night. Visit Ewell’s own spaceship at Bourne Hall, drop into the library, try Celtic children’s activities, and discover the fascinating past of Epsom and Ewell at Bourne Hall Museum. Also, try brass rubbing!
10 SEPTEMBER REIGATE CAVES OPEN DAY Barons’ Cave, Castle Grounds, Reigate, RH2 9PX. The Surrey town of Reigate is well known for its ‘caves’ which riddle the town centre, although these are in fact largely old sand mines. The castle mound overlooking Reigate town centre is composed of soft sandstone and has been mined over several centuries. The castle has long gone but the mound and many of its excavations remain. Known locally as the “Reigate Caves”, tours include the Barons’ Cave in the Castle Grounds and the East and West Caverns in Tunnel Road.
17 SEPTEMBER THE RIVER WEY FESTIVAL RETURNS TO DAPDUNE WHARF 11am to 8.30pm the popular River Wey Festival returns to Dapdune Wharf in Guildford from 11am culminating in the magical illuminated pageant at dusk. Free to enter, everyone is invited to come along and soak up the atmosphere of this colourful annual festival by the river. There will be local food and craft stalls to browse and craftsman such as the Surrey Wood Turners will be demonstrating their skills. There’s plenty for the children to do too - families can have fun exploring Adventure Island and take part in a variety of activities such as willow weaving, den building, bug hunting plus the opportunity to play with the River Wey Trust’s interactive augmented reality sand box, and discover more about the features of the River Wey. There’ll also be music and dancing - after a two-year break the Horsham Black Dragon Morris dancers.
MUSEUM OF FARNHAM Willmer House, 38 West Street, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 7DX. On Saturday 17 September the museum will run a family open day full of activities relating to this year’s HODs theme of invention, industry and innovation. There will be an exhibition of vintage photographs of coach building at Abbotts of Farnham in Wrecclesham where bespoke car bodies were made between 1920 and 1972, and there will be science experiments for children and crafts. Behind the house is a sheltered walled garden, secluded and quiet, well planted with trees and flowers, and a portrait bust of William Cobbett. The Garden Gallery is a teaching and exhibition space which can be hired for private events.
18 BACK TO SCHOOL 2022 The Surrey Area of NAFAS Show. The Talks Theatre at Hilltop our new home of gardening science will welcome guest speakers from a range of topics to share their expert knowledge. Pre booking time slots is essential for everyone attending this show.
10 & 11 SEPTEMBER SURREY HILLS WOOD FAIR 2022 Fish Pond Copse, Cranleigh GU6 7DW. The Wood Fair is full of traditional rural charm celebrating all that is ‘Good about Wood’ in the outstanding beautiful Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Guide Prices £7.50 in advance (advance tickets closes at 12 noon on Friday 9th September) or £10 on the gate. Free for children under 12! Tickets are for one day only. Tickets can be used for either the Saturday or Sunday.
National Trust boat trips will be running from 11am – 6pm. At dusk, with boats travelling from the centre of Guildford to Dapdune Wharf, brilliantly lit up with fairy lights and serenaded by the Croydon Steel Orchestra as they arrive at Dapdune Wharf. There is no parking at the Wharf although drop off is available
STARMAKERZ GO ‘BACK TO THE FUTURE’ Leatherhead Community Association, Letherhead Institute, 67 High Street, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 8AH.

17 & 18 SEPTEMBER THE SURREY CHILLI FESTIVAL Walton Cricket Club, Ashley Park Ave, Walton-on-Thames, KT12 1ET. Prepare to feel a little hot under the collar at our Surrey Chilli Festival. A departure from the mundane, this festival is packed with chilli!
Farnham’s Food and Drink Festival is now one of the biggest one-day food festivals in the south east of England and also one of the most anticipated events in the Farnham calendar of events. Over 100 food and drink traders will be tempting shoppers with a range of delectable delights including baked treats, street food and unique cuisine. Visitors will have the opportunity to indulge in gourmet samples and discover new delicacies, washed down with freshly made cocktails and mocktails. There will be a live music stage with performances by local bands.Learn some top tips from the professionals who will be demonstrating and talking about a variety of skills at the cookery demo theatre, located on The Borough. 10am-4pm. Farnham Farmers’ Market will also take place in Central Car Park from 10am - 1pm.
IT’S ALL ABOUT HOT. Don’t worry if hot’s not your thing, we have a huge selection of ‘non chilified’ eats as well. We haven’t forgotten entertainment either. Just to keep things rocking along we have live music pumping on the stage all day. as usual, our Kids Zone is making its normal appearance for our younger foodies waiting to fill their day. Live on stage at 4pm on both days get involved and enjoy a live chilli eating competition brought to you by the league of fire. 11am-7pm. KIDS ARE FREE.
Starmakerz Theatre School Leatherhead would like to invite you to join us for our ‘Back To The Future’ day on Saturday 17th September 2022 at The Leatherhead Institute. Remember Dr. Emmett Brown and his crazy inventions? We want to take you back to the ‘80s for some fun! Children will learn routines and scenes from the new hit musical ‘Back To The Future’, which is currently in the west end. Our classes are open to all children 3 - 13 years, in all genres throughout the day so please email for the timetable to select the class your child will enjoy the most. Let’s reach 88mph and we will see you in Hill Valley! Please email lisa@starmakerz. to sign up.
The Town Bridge, Bridge Street, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 8BZ A selfguided trail of the River Mole through Leatherhead unearthing the secrets of its hidden nature of birds, mammals, butterflies and dragonflies. ‘Trace then with me the devious wanderings, Of the gliding River Mole’. So begins the 19th Century poem by Drinkwater Bethune. Heritage Open Days provides an opportunity to trace the Leatherhead section of the river with Conor Morrow of the Lower Mole Partnership who has worked and studied the River for many years. Find the elusive shell bridge, spot fish from the Thorncroft Bridge and watch for kingfishers. If you are lucky you will see the intertwining red coloured stems of Greater Dodder, a rare plant that can be found along the river bank. Follow the trail of historic bridges whilst watching the darting movements of dragonflies and damselflies. Pre-booking: Required Bookings via the Dorking Halls Box Office, Regiate Road, Dorking RH4 1SG. Tel: 01306 881717
Merrist Wood College, Holly Lane, Worplesdon, Guildford, GU3 3PE. If you love meerkats then what better experience than to get up close and personal to our Merrist Wood meerkat family. Our meet the meerkat experiences are available to anyone aged eightyears-old plus. During the experience you will control feed the meerkats and learn all about them from one of our Animal Keepers. Our meerkats are very friendly and will happily play near you during the experience. The experience takes place inside the meerkat enclosure within the walled garden. The ground is a sand-based substrate and is therefore not suitable for wheelchair users. Meet the Meerkats is £30 per person for a 20 minute encounter, and is available at weekends and during school holidays. Those participating in Meet the Meerkats must be aged 8+ and wear closed-toe shoes and long trousers or they will be unable to take part. £30 per person.
25 SEPTEMBER FARNHAM FOOD FESTIVAL 2022 Castle Street, Farnham Surrey GU9 7PT.

Theatre 020 7206 1174 11 MINISTRYOctober
families on
A musical play adapted and directed by David Wood, based on the book by Judith Kerr direct from a smash-hit West End season. Following a smash-hit West End season, the tea-guzzling tiger is back on the road in this delightful family show; packed with oodles of magic, sing-a-long songs and clumsy chaos! A stunning stage adaptation of the classic tale of teatime mayhem... expect to be surprised! Tickets available from £14.50 Guildford’s Yvonne Arnaud Theatre 44 00 00 5 AMY’SOctoberROCKET AN INTERACTIVE STORYTELLING PERFORMANCE FOR 0 - 4 YEAR OLDS. An original tale, written and told by Hannah Summers, illustrations by Miranda Summers Amy lives in a loud town. Amy lives in a loud house. Amy’s life. IS. LOUD. So she builds a rocket and flies to Mars for some peace. Amy finds the quiet and finds quiet friends. Now she has everything she ever wanted.... but will she miss the noise? Hannah energetically weaves this brand new original tale with inventive and creative interaction for 0-4’s, enchanting an adventure to DELIGHTFUL SHOW. Dive into Eric Carle’s bright and colourful world as his beloved stories are transformed from page to stage using a menagerie of 75 lovable puppets and charming music. Featuring your favourite titles: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, 10 Little Rubber Ducks, The Very Lonely Firefly and of course, the star of the show, The Very Hungry Caterpillar which celebrated its 50th Birthday in 2019. Created by Jonathan Rockefeller, the critically acclaimed The Very Hungry Caterpillar Show is a vibrant celebration of Eric Carle’s adored classics and the perfect introduction to live theatre. Adult: £18 Child: £15.50 Family Ticket of 4*: £62 Camberley Theatre 01276 707600 25 September I
13 DAVIDOctoberHARPER’S STAND-UP HISTORY TOUR: A ROMP WITH THE GEORGIANS David Harper is a well known BBC TV antiques presenter. He’s been presenting on shows like Bargain Hunt, Flog It and Antiques Road Trip for 20 years. He’s also an artist, a public / after dinner speaker / auctioneer and a writer. His recently published book ‘A Romp With The Georgians’ is a humorous, light hearted look at life in Britain during the Georgian period 1714 - 1830. The book is packed with funny, outrageous and dastardly historical stories our history teaches didn’t tell us!… and it’s now been turned into 1.5 hour stand up comedy, family friendly history show (45 minutes x 2) Stories range from strange Georgian pets, binge drinking, Georgian cosmetic surgery, electrified beds, smugglers, money launderers, fashion disasters, dodgy politicians and how to sell your spouse in auction…amongst many other very unusual, but true tales! Lots of audience participation in the form of questions. No two shows are the same, as it’s unscripted and reactive (depending on the questions) Book sales, book signings and meet and greet on the evening. 7:30pm £19.50
Dorking Halls 01306 881717 28 & 29 September PEPPA PIG’S BEST DAY EVER Peppa Pig is excited to be going on a special day out with George, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig - it’s going to be her best day ever! Get ready for a road-trip full of fun adventures. From castles to caves, dragons to dinosaurs and ice-creams to muddy puddles – there is something for all of the family and their friends to
Join Baby Bear as she explores nature and wildlife in an uplifting, beautiful and comical theatre production. Baby Bear doesn’t want to venture outside her cosy cave. But she is too curious about the sights, sounds and smells outside to stay indoors. Tempted by the creatures that wander into her home, Baby Bear learns the beauty of nature and how returning home is even better after an adventure. Combining stunning visuals, an exploration of the senses and sung to a mesmerising soundtrack, Baby Bear is a playful, interactive puppetry adventure for babies, toddlers and their families. The perfect first theatre experience. 0-3 years & their families
Join us for unravel... autumn as we welcome sweater weather and celebrate making all things yarn. Held over two days, unravel... autumn festival welcomes makers and creatives of all abilities for an intimate community craft experience. We invite you to discover new makers, hand dyed yarns, local and made in the UK traders and yarn brands in our curated marketplace. Learn from the experts and advance your skills by taking part in a bookable workshop or attend a free talk from our programme of inspiring speakers. Plus, experience live giant knitting with the theatrical production of She Seeks Out Wool and join our stitch social on Friday afternoon. Venue: throughout the building Price One-day £10, Two-day £12, Combination ticket (under 15s go free) age guidance All ages welcome! duration. Fri 9am - 5pm & Sat 9am - 4pm 16
the stars. Adult + Child: £10.50 Additional Child: £7.00 22 & 23 October THE VERY CATERPILLARHUNGRYSHOW FOUR TIMELESS STORIES BROUGHT TO LIFE IN ONE
25 SUNFLOWERSSeptember AND SHEDS BY M6 THEATRE With Frank’s family so far away, he passes the time on his beloved allotment. When the plot next door becomes empty, he really looks forward to meeting his new neighbour. Until she arrives that is! Isabella and her cheeky chickens soon disrupt Frank’s peaceful routine. She grows flowers, he grows vegetables. She loves to sing and chat and he loves nothing more than a quiet cup of tea. Things come to a head when Frank discovers Isabella in his shed, but he misunderstands the reason why. Staged on lovingly recreated life-size allotments, this story about two lonely people, an old man and a young Ukrainian woman, who both understand the heartache of missing their families, reminds us that with the breaking down of barriers, friendship can grow in the most unlikely conditions. venue. (group discount available) Victoria OF SCIENCE LIVESCIENCE SAVED THE WORLD Join our presenters as they dive deep into the world of science and look at how science shapes the modern world we live in with a few loud bangs along the way! They’ll take an anarchic approach to science communication whilst looking at the scientists, engineers and inventors who have shaped the modern world that we live in whilst proving that each and everyone of you have the ability to change our world for the better! 20ft LIQUID NITROGEN clouds, exploding OXYGEN & HYDROGEN balloons, FIRE TORNADOS, HYDROGEN bottle rockets, ignited METHANE and even a self-built Hovercraft! Tickets available £13.00 & 18 October
Now that all this lockdown malarkey is finally over, Molly and Bingo the Puppy-Dog are absolutely delighted to invite you and your family to join them for Molly’s sensational sixth birthday party! There’ll be a terrific treasure hunt, all your favourite sing-along songs and lots of fantastic games to play, including the one that Molly loves best, “I Spy With My Little Eye!” So put on your party clothes and come join Molly and Bingo for what promises to be a magical (and much needed) day of fun and laughter. Based on the brand new picture book by Steven Lee (Don’t Dribble On The Dragon, How the Koala Learnt To Hug) and brought to you by the creators of There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly, this adorable family musical celebrates everything great about being a kid - and everything great about having one.60 mins, no interval Tickets: Full £11, Under 16s £9, Family of 4 £36 22 RISEOctoberANDFALL
Join award-winning local storyteller
Danyah Miller (I Believe in Unicorns, Meet Pippi Longstocking, Perfectly Imperfect Women) for another interactive, fun and educational Storytelling Session. Each session is fresh and new, with no script or set story, only a connection between you, the story games and Danyah. This is theatre happening in the moment! Watch or join in with a range of spontaneous storytelling games which will make you laugh out loud! £5.00
In Rise And Fall you’ll meet all manner of balloons from small floating moons to vast bouncing orbs. Forever expanding and contracting, balloons are free to float, fly and sway. Hold your breath and go sailing away. Rise and Fall is a poetic and intriguing performance for young audiences about holding on and letting go. Unreserved seating. Post Show Stay and Play Full £11, Under 16s £6.50 2780000 24
Cranleigh Arts 01483

Prices from: £10.50 Child £9.50 g-live
For Molly’s sixth birthday her parents and Bingo the dog are going to throw her the best party ever, complete with a terrific treasure hunt, sensational sing-along songs and lots of fantastic games, including Molly’s favourite game, “I Spy With My Little Eye!” So put on your party clothes and consider yourself cordially invited to join Molly and Bingo for what promises to be a truly magical day of fun and laughter. A sweet surprise and photos with Bingo and the birthday girl will be available at the end of the show so adults should bring along their cameras to capture the smiles.
Take a tour of the world’s most bewildering building with comedy heavyweights The Noise Next Door. Who knows what lurks in the curious corridors and bizarre boudoirs of this ancient manor house? You do! What you say goes in this hour of anarchic entertainment that is fun for literally everyone. A little bit spooky, a little bit stupid and a whole lot of funny. The Noise Next Door are twelve-time sellout veterans of The Edinburgh Fringe and have appeared on ‘The One Show’ (BBC One) and ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ (ITV1). They have also appeared alongside the likes of Michael McIntyre, Katherine Ryan, Romesh Ranganathan and Harry Hill.
A fantastical ballet for the whole family! Let’s All Dance Ballet Company is delighted to present this fabulous family favourite. Stunning dancing, much loved characters and superb music brings the famous tale to life in this magical ballet production. Don’t be late for this very important date! Come and join Alice as she enters the curiouser and curiouser world of the White Rabbit, Queen of Hearts and Mad Hatter. Suitable for all, especially 2 – 14 year olds, including children with special needs. Photo opportunity with dancers after every show! 1:00 pm Adult: £12.00 Concession: £10.00
£10.00 Epsom Playhouse 01372 742555 10 September I SPY WITH MY LITTLE EYE Based on the brand new picture book by Steven Lee (Don’t Dribble On The Dragon,
How the Koala Learnt To Hug) and brought to you by the creators of There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly, this adorable family musical celebrates everything great about being a kid – and everything great about having one. Molly and Bingo the Puppy-Dog are absolutely delighted to invite you and your family to join them for Molly’s sensational sixth birthday party! There’ll be a terrific treasure hunt, all your favourite sing-along songs and lots of fantastic games to play, including the game Molly loves best, “I Spy With My Little Eye!” A sweet surprise and photos with the birthday girl will be available at the end of the party so adults should bring along their cameras to capture the smiles.
We all want to meet people from history. The trouble is everyone is dead! So it’s time to prepare yourselves for Terrible Tudors live on stage! From the horrible Henrys’ to the end of evil Elizabeth, hear the legends (and the lies!) about the torturing Tudors. Find out the fate of Henry’s headless wives and his punch up with the Pope. Meet Bloody Mary and see Ed fall dead in his bed. Survive the Spanish Armada as they launch their attack! It’s history with the nasty bits left in! Standard £19.50, Concession £17.50, Family £68 (four people, max two adults) Leatherhead Theatre
08447701797 22 FAMILYOctoberFUN DAY Come on down for another of G Live’s FREE family events. With face painting, crafts, participatory workshops, games and much more, there’s something for little kids and big kids alike! No need to book in advance just turn up on the day! 10AM - 3PM Harlequin Theatre Tel 01737 276500 8 & 9 TERRIBLEHORRIBLEOctoberHISTORIES:TUDORS
01372 365141 26 ALICEOctoberINWONDERLAND BACK TO SCHOOL 2022 23 Surrey For What’smoreOn enjoy, including Miss Rabbit, Mr Bull, Suzy Sheep, Gerald Giraffe and more! Prepare for the brand new Peppa Pig live show packed full of songs, games and laughter, it really is the best day ever for Peppa Pig fans! Tickets: £17-£19 | Children: £15-£17 | Family Ticket (2 adults x 2 Children in premium seating): £68 | Groups of 10 or more: £13.70-£17.30 24 DINOSAUROctober ADVENTURE LIVE 65 million years in the making... Are you ready for the adventure? Join our intrepid rangers on a quest to recover the data crystal, restore power to the island and save the Dinosaurs! Stomp, Roar and Swish your tail as we introduce you to some of the most incredible species ever to have lived on planet Earth. An unforgettable jurassic experience for all the family to enjoy. Learn their history with our amazing dino facts, meet our beautiful baby dinosaurs and even feed them, but watch out…. You could be on the menu. Tickets: £14.50 | Groups of 10 or more: £13.30 Electric Theatre Tel 01483 444789 10 THESeptemberNOISENEXT DOOR: THE MYSTERIOUS MANSION OF MYSTERY