Learning Pymble’s Middle School provides each
Students can also select the ‘Design
girl in Years 7 and 8 with tailored and
Thinking’ elective which covers a range of
challenging learning experiences while
20-hour subjects such as Entrepreneurship,
nurturing their abilities and interests in
robotics, coding and more.
a caring and supportive community. Co-curricular and Mind-Body-Spirit
programs every girl has the tools she
Our Student Support Services team is
needs to develop her intellectual,
dedicated to ensuring that the learning
emotional, social, physical and spiritual
environment at Pymble is fully inclusive
growth during these formative years.
and that every girl can access what she
Through our comprehensive Academic,
Our Middle School program focuses on mastering subject specific skills, while developing competency in communication, collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving and creativity. Learning is designed to be social, learner-centred and perspective-rich so girls are challenged
needs, from a broad range of learning experiences. Our targeted programs ensure that students with a physical learning or English language difficulty can participate in the education and choices provided by the College on the same basis as all students.
enough to grow while confident enough
Pymble’s targeted English as an
to become independent.
Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D)
In Year 7, all girls study English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, Religion and Ethics, PDHPE (Personal Development, Health and Physical
programs for students from Kindergarten to Year 12 will help girls develop and consolidate their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.
Education), Music, Visual Arts and
Meanwhile our Literacy and Learning
Technology, and select one language
program underpins core programs to
from French, Japanese, German or
provide additional support for girls with
Mandarin (Beginner or Heritage level).
identified learning needs.
In Year 8, students add History as a
Gifted and talented students at Pymble
learning area and are given the choice
also have the opportunity to extend
to continue their Year 7 language choice
their learning and to embrace academic
along with an additional elective; or they
excellence through inter-school
can select two electives. Year 8 elective
academic competitions such as the
subjects are: Financial Literacy, Latin,
da Vinci Challenge, through the Hypatia
Visual Arts, Music, and – by invitation only
program, and via Challenge Café and our
– Literacy and Learning.
Sokratis program.