Albert Cyprys - Basic Skateboard Tricks Albert Cyprys is a skateboarder who loves to practice his favorite sport all throughout his hometown of New York City. As someone who has been skating for a long time, Cyprys has a long list of tricks that he has mastered, and an even longer list of ones that he has yet to land. When it comes down to learning tricks there are generally a few starter tricks that skaters pick up within the first year or so of skating. Below are some examples of those basic tricks. Ollie and Nollie Perhaps the most basic of all skateboard tricks, the ollie is how skaters pop the board into the air, which then enables them to do other tricks while levitated. Skaters ollie by pressing down hard with their back foot on the tail of the board to pop the board upwards. As the front of the board comes up, the skater then drags the front foot upwards, and pushes down to bring the back of the board into the air. A nollie is when the same is done, but reversed so that the front foot is first to push down on the nose of the board. Kick flip and Heel flip One of the first tricks that skaters try after learning to ollie is the kick flip. A kick flip is when a skater ollies and then kicks out the front foot while using the toe part of his or her shoe to flip the board sideways. Once the board has completed a full rotation, the skater places both feet back into a landing position. The heel flip is very similar to the kickflip, except the skater kicks the board using the heel side of his or her shoe against the opposite side of the board. Rotations Rotations can be pulled off without having to ollie, however the ollie allows for more time to further progress these tricks. When doing a rotation the skater will literally rotate the board and his or her body in 180 degree increments. Rotations, when performed on the ground, form a screeching sound from the wheels of the skateboard. In the air, rotations that go beyond 360 degrees are usually paired with a grab in order to maintain control of the board. Albert Cyprys loves to ride his skateboard and develop his skills with these tricks and more.