Doug Goodale Morristown: SEEDS Teacher Doug Goodale of Morristown is committed to helping those who need it the most. He was a fifth and sixth grade teacher of underprivileged students in the Newark, New Jersey area as part of the Scholars, Educators, Excellence, Dedication, Success (SEEDS) program during the summer of 2013.
Doug Goodale Morristown: Wrestling Coach
Doug Goodale of Morristown has been an assistant coach at the high school level for wrestling, cross-country, and rugby. At the Canterbury School in Connecticut, he coached three AllAmerican wrestlers and led the wrestling team to a third place finish in the New England Preparatory Championships in 2006. At the Delbarton School, Doug Goodale of Morristown was an English teacher, an assistant wrestling coach for four years before entering grad school in 2010, and a rugby and cross country coach for four years.
Doug Goodale Morristown: Cross Country and Wrestling
Doug Goodale of Morristown has been active in education as a teacher and as a multi-sport coach. He taught high school English courses at the Delbarton School in New Jersey, where he also served as the head Middle School Cross Country and Wrestling Coach, and Rugby Club Advisor. Doug Goodale of Morristown was a teacher, residential advisor and Assistant Coach at the Canterbury School in Connecticut, where he taught United States and World History and American Literature courses. He is a graduate of Franklin and Marshall College, and also attended Seton Hall and Wesleyan University.
Doug Goodale Morristown: Master in Education
Doug Goodale of Morristown earned his Master in Education from Seton Hall University. He has also taken graduate courses at Wesleyan University and the Bard Institute of Writing and Thinking. He earned his B.A. from Franklin and Marshall College. In the summer of 2013, Doug Goodale of Morristown was an English instructor in the New Jersey SEEDS program, which prepares motivated low-income students for admission to private schools.
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