Jane Turbes Shares on the Joys of Travelling As a young girl growing up on a farm in southern Minnesota, Jane Turbes appreciated the value of hard work from a young age. It was through her strong work ethic she was able to put herself through college and make a name for herself in the financial sector. The journey has not been easy, and she has taken on every challenge with determination and confidence. The work hours might be long on numerous occasions, but Jane Turbes has become accustomed to them. But she’s not all about work. Now and then, Jane Turbes loves to unwind through various activities, one of which is travel. Over the years, she has taken holidays to exciting destinations, and with each trip has come to appreciate what travel can do for the mind and soul. According to her, people should aim to travel at least twice in their lifetime. To back up this claim, she shares on what travel means to her. First, travel offers the opportunity to visit and explore new locations. It is akin to stepping out of your comfort zone and exploring unfamiliar lands. This is quite important Jane Turbes says, as it becomes easier to take in new experiences. You can focus your undivided attention on a particular scene or object that you previously might have taken for granted, like a sunset or a beautiful beach. Taking in such scenes from new locations is always exhilarating, she continues, and it makes you appreciate what may have been staring you in the face all along. Travel offers you the opportunity to appreciate other cultures. Seeing other cultures goes beyond just being an observer. Very often, it involves being part of the culture, even if for a week or so. Taking the extra step to learn greetings in a new language or sample local cuisine allows you to appreciate other ways of life. As Jane Turbes knows, it allows you to gain respect for people you may not have previously understood. Sampling the way of life of another culture gives you a deeper appreciation of the life you live. For the most part, travel offers you the chance to relax, unwind, and think about nothing but fun for the entirety of your trip. If you work late hours or have to rise early, you can forget about that on your trip. It’s mentally invigorating to take a step back every once in a while, so travel while you can, encourages Jane Turbes. To get more information about Jane Turbes visit at http://janeturbes.livejournal.com/